Native Landscape Plants for Harris County by Karen Breneman, Harris County Master Gardener, Master Naturalist Edited May 2009
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GARDENING FACT SHEET Texas AgriLife Extension Service • Harris County 3033 Bear Creek Drive • Houston, TX 77084 281.855.5600 • Native Landscape Plants for Harris County by Karen Breneman, Harris County Master Gardener, Master Naturalist edited May 2009 Vines Coralberry Symphoricarpos orbiculatus PS, SH Cross vine Bignonia capreloata S, PS, SH Spiderwort Tradescantia micrantha PS, SH Carolina jessamine Gelsemium sempervirens S, PS Frogfuit Phyla incisa S,PS, SH Coral honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens PS, SH Grasses Passionflower Inland seaoats Passiflora incarnata, P. incense (native cross) Chasmanthium latifolium PS, SH P. foetida S, PS, SH Big bluestem Cypress vine (annual) Andropogon gerardii S, PS, # Ipomoea quamoclit S Switch grass Mexican flame vine Panicum virgatum S, PS Senecio confusus (Northern Mexico native) S, PS Plains love grass Eragrostis intermedia S, PS, # Butterfly pea vine Centrosema virginianum PS, SH Little bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium S, PS, # Leatherflower Clematis pitcheri SH Annuals Dutchman’s pipe Aristolochia fimbriata S, PS, SH Lazy daisy Aphanostephus skirrhobasis S, PS Ground Covers Partridge pea Cassia fasciculata S, PS Horseherb Calyptocarpus vialis PS, SH, # Clasping-leaf coneflower Dracopis amplexicaulis S, PS Widow’s tears, dayflower Commelina sp. S,PS, SH Indian blanket Gaillardia pulchella S, PS Fleabane Erigeron sp. S, PS, # Bluebonnet Lupinus texensis S Pink evening primrose Oenothera speciosa S, PS Horsemint Monarda punctata S, PS Christmas fern Polystichum acrostichoides SH Plains horsemint or beebalm M. citriodora S, PS Wood fern Thelypteris kunthii SH Datura, thorn apple, angel’s trumpet Datura wrightii S, PS Pigeonberry Rivina humilis PS,SH Plains coreopsis Coreopsis tinctoria S, PS Native Landscape Plants • Page 2 of 3 Evening primrose Wild honeysuckle Oenothera sp. S Guara suffulta S, PS Dahlberg daisy Texas star hibiscus Thymophylla tenuiloba Hibiscus coccineus (Southern U. S. native not Texas) S Yellow cosmos-Klondyke mix Cosmos sulphureus S, PS, # (Mexico native) Shrubs Perennials Swamp rose Rosa palustris scandens S Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta S, PS, SH American beautyberry Callicarpa americana PS, SH Prairie verbena Verbena hipinnatifidaS Coralbean Erythrina herbacea S, PS Yellow columbine Aquilegia hinckleyana SH Texas lantana Lantana horrida S, PS Butterfly weed Asclepias sp. S, PS, SH Cenizo Leucophyllum frutescens S, # Lanceleaf Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceolata S, PS, SH Prickly pear Opuntia spp. S, PS, # Wild blue aster Aster sp. S, PS, SH Dwarf barbados cherry Malpighia glabra S, PS, SH Purple coneflower Echinacea purpurea S, PS, SH Turk’s cap Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii S, PS, Bonset, wild ageratum SH, # Eupatorium sp. PS, SH Rockrose Heartleaf hibiscus Pavonia lasiopetala S, PS, SH, # Hibiscus cardiophyllus S, PS, SH Mock orange Hallberd-leaf hibiscus Philadelphus spp. S, PS, SH Hibiscus militaris S, PS Palmetto, dwarf palmetto Gulf Coast penstemon Sabal minor S, PS, SH Penstemon tenuis S, PS, SH Flame acanthus Fall obedient plant Anisacanthus quadrifidusS, PS, SH Physostegia virginiana S, PS, SH Yellow bells Mealy blue sage Tecoma stans S, PS, # Salvia farinacea S, PS Sotol Indigo spires salvia Dasylirion leiphyllum S, PS, SH, # Salvia x ‘Indigo Spires’ S, PS Red yucca Mexican bush sage Hesperaloe parvifloraS, PS, SH, # S. lecucantha S, PS Lyre-leaf sage Medium Trees S. lyrata S, PS Anachacho orchid tree Autum sage Bauhinia congesta S, PS ,SH S. greggii S, PS Redbud Texas sage Cercis var. canadensis, var. texensis, var. S. coccinca S, PS, SH mexicana S, PS, SH Maximilian sunflower Desert willow Helianthus maximiliani S, PS Chilopsis linearis S, PS, # Cutleaf daisy Fringe tree Engelmannia pinnatifidaS, PS Chionanthus virginica PS, SH Giant cone flower Rudbeckia grandiflora S Native Landscape Plants • Page 3 of 3 Texas persimmon Large Trees Diospyros texana S, PS Eastern red cedar Two-winged silverbell Juniperus virginiana S, PS, SH Halesia diptera PS, SH Bald cypress Possumhaw Taxodium distichum S, PS Ilex decidua S, PS, SH, # Pecan Yaupon holly Carya illinoinensis S Ilex vomitoria S, PS, SH, # Hackberry Wax myrtle Celtis laevigata S, PS Myrcia cerifera S, PS, SH, # Sweetgum Mexican plum Liquidambar styracifluaS, PS Prunus mexicana S. PS, SH Southern magnolia Texas moutain laurel Magnolia granifloraS, PS Sophora secundifloraS, PS, SH, # Oak Mexican buckeye Quercus sp. Many different oaks do well in Ungnadia speciosa S, PS Houston area S, PS Rusty blackhaw vibernum Maple Viburnum rufidulumS, PS ,SH Acer sp. Several different maples do well in Buttonbush area, but check drainage requirements S, PS Cephalanthus occidentalis S, PS Elm Rough-leaf dogwood Ulmus sp. Cornus drummondii S, PS, SH winged elm - U. alata Texas ebony American elm - U. americana Pithecellobium flexicauleS, PS, # cedar elm - U. crassifolia slippery elm - U. rubra S S-sun; PS-sun/part shade; SH-shade tolerant; #-drought tolerant Extension programs serve people of all ages regardless of socioeconomic level, race, color, sex, religion, disability or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas cooperating..