Flora Checklist Institute for Coastal Research and Education University of Houston Donald Verser created this list by combining lists from studies by Grace and Siemann with the UHCC herbarium list Herbarium Collections Family Scientific Name Synonym Common Name Native Growth Accesion Dates Locality Comments Status Habit Numbers Acanthaceae Ruellia humilis fringeleaf wild petunia N forb 269 10/9/1973 Acanthaceae Ruellia nudiflora violet wild petunia N forb Agavaceae Manfreda virginica false aloe N forb Agavaceae Polianthes sp. polianthes ? forb 130 8/3/1971 2004 roadside Anacardiaceae Toxicodendron radicans eastern poison ivy N woody/vine Centella erecta Centella asiatica erect centella N forb 36 4/11/2000 Area 2 Apiaceae Daucus carota Queen Anne's lace I forb 139-142 1971 / 72 No collections by Dr. Brown. Perhaps Apiaceae Eryngium leavenworthii Leavenworth's eryngo N forb 144 7/20/1971 wooded area in pipeline ROW E. hookeri instead? Apiaceae Eryngium yuccifolium button eryngo N forb 77,143,145 71, 72, 2000 Apiaceae Polytaenia texana Texas prairie parsley N forb 32 6/6/2002 Apocynaceae Amsonia illustris Ozark bluestar N Forb 76 3/24/2000 Area 4 Apocynaceae Amsonia tabernaemontana eastern bluestar N Forb Aquifoliaceae Ilex vomitoria yaupon N woody Asclepiadaceae Asclepias lanceolata fewflower milkweed N Forb Not on Dr. Brown's list. Would be great record. Asclepiadaceae Asclepias longifolia longleaf milkweed N Forb 84 6/7/2000 Area 6 Asclepiadaceae Asclepias verticillata whorled milkweed N Forb 35 6/7/2002 Area 7 Asclepiadaceae Asclepias viridis green antelopehorn N Forb 63, 92 1974 & 2000 Acmella oppositifolia var. repens oppositeleaf spotflower N Forb

Asteraceae Ageratina altissima rugosum white snakeroot N forb 337, 340 9/1/1972, 73 Asteraceae Ambrosia artemisiifolia annual ragweed I Forb Asteraceae Ambrosia psilostachya Cuman ragweed N Forb 233, 234 7/8/1975 Asteraceae Ambrosia trifida great ragweed N Forb Asteraceae ovatum ovateleaf cacalia N Forb 86 8/17/2001 227, 326-328, 348- Asteraceae Baccharis halimifolia eastern baccharis N woody 1971 - 1973 350 Asteraceae diffusa smallhead doll's daisy N Forb Asteraceae ivifolia Eupatorium ivifolium ivyleaf thoroughwort N forb Asteraceae horridulum yellow thistle N forb 39, 329 4/11/2000, 4/16/71 Asteraceae Conoclinium coelestinum Eupatorium coelestinum blue mistflower N Forb 31, 232, 338, 339 8/1/2001, 73, 75

Asteraceae Dracopis amplexicaulis clasping coneflower N forb 72 7/28/2001 amplexicaulis Asteraceae philadelphicus Philadelphia fleabane N forb 66 3/27/2002 Not on Dr. Brown's list. Not in Asteraceae Erigeron pulchellus robin's plantain N forb 330 4/16/1971 Camp Wallace Houston area. Asteraceae Erigeron tenuis slenderleaf fleabane N forb 332-334 3/29/1974 Asteraceae hyssopleaf thoroughwort N forb

Asteraceae Eupatorium semiserratum smallflower thoroughwort N forb 73 10/6/2001

Asteraceae lateflowering N forb thoroughwort Asteraceae hemispherica southern prairie aster N forb 58 6/7/2000 Asteraceae caroliniana Euthamia tenuifolia slender goldentop N forb

Page 1 Flora Checklist Texas Institute for Coastal Prairie Research and Education University of Houston Donald Verser created this list by combining lists from studies by Grace and Siemann with the UHCC herbarium list Herbarium Collections Family Scientific Name Synonym Common Name Native Growth Accesion Dates Locality Comments Status Habit Numbers Asteraceae bushy goldentop N forb Asteraceae Gaillardia pulchella Indian blanket N forb 79,335,336,344,360 Asteraceae pensylvanica everlasting N forb 345 4/22/1971 Camp Wallace pensylvanicum Asteraceae Helenium amarum sneezeweed N forb Asteraceae angustifolius swamp sunflower N forb 49 7/17/2001 Asteraceae Helianthus annuus common sunflower N forb Asteraceae Helianthus maximiliani Maximilian sunflower N forb Asteraceae angustifolia narrowleaf marsh elder N forb

Asteraceae Iva annua annual marsh elder N forb 6/7/2000, 9/1/2001, Asteraceae Liatris acidota sharp blazing star N forb 56, 57, 369 8/3/71 Asteraceae Liatris bracteata bracted blazing star N forb 57 9/8/2001 This rare not known to occur in Asteraceae Liatris cymosa branched blazing star N forb 359 7/15/1971 Camp Wallace Harris or Galveston counties. Asteraceae Liatris pycnostachya prairie blazing star N forb 236 7/15/1971 Camp Wallace Asteraceae Oligoneuron nitidum nitida shiny goldenrod N forb Asteraceae glabella glabellus butterweed N forb 241 4/16/1971 Senecio globellus misspelled Asteraceae Packera tampicana Senecio imparipinnatus ragwort N forb 239, 240, 242, 352, 72, 74 367 Asteraceae Pluchea camphorata camphor pluchea N forb 362 7/1/1971 Asteraceae carolinianus Carolina desert-chicory N forb

Asteraceae Pyrrhopappus smallflower desert- N forb 250, 251, 353 1971, 1974 multicaulis chicory Asteraceae Ratibida columnaris upright prairie N forb coneflower 237-238, 243-244, Asteraceae Ratibida peduncularis naked Mexicanhat N forb 71, 74, 77 Area 7, between J & pipeline 363 85, 245-249, 324, Asteraceae Rudbeckia hirta blackeyed Susan N forb 71, 74, 2000 351, 354 Not known to occur in Houston area. Asteraceae Rudbeckia laciniata cutleaf coneflower N forb 48 7/24/2001 Area 6B Asteraceae Rudbeckia texana Rudbeckia nitida var. Texas coneflower N forb texana Asteraceae Silphium gracile slender rosinweed N forb Asteraceae Solidago altissima Solidago canadensis Canada goldenrod N forb C. canadense not on Dr. Brown's list. 91 10/5/2001 west side of road 10 var. scabra Asteraceae Solidago missouriensis N forb 325, 368 325,368 on and along 10 Asteraceae Solidago nemoralis gray goldenrod N forb Not on Dr. Brown's list. Not known for Houston area. Asteraceae Solidago petiolaris downy ragged goldenrod N forb Not on Dr. Brown's list. 65 10/10/2001 area 5A

Asteraceae Solidago rugosa wrinkleleaf goldenrod N forb Asteraceae Solidago sempervirens seaside goldenrod N forb Asteraceae Symphyotrichum ericoides Aster ericoides white heath aster N forb Asteraceae Symphyotrichum lateriflorum Aster lateriflorus calico aster N forb

Page 2 Flora Checklist Texas Institute for Coastal Prairie Research and Education University of Houston Donald Verser created this list by combining lists from studies by Grace and Siemann with the UHCC herbarium list Herbarium Collections Family Scientific Name Synonym Common Name Native Growth Accesion Dates Locality Comments Status Habit Numbers Asteraceae Symphyotrichum subulatum eastern annual N forb saltmarsh aster Asteraceae Symphyotrichum tenuifolium perennial saltmarsh N forb aster Asteraceae linearifolia Hymenoxis linearifolia fineleaf fournerved daisy N forb 235, 331, 341-343, 1971, 1973, 74, 75 346-347 Asteraceae Xanthium strumarium rough cocklebur N forb Asteraceae gigantea giant ironweed N forb Dr. Brown reports only V. missurica and V. texana for our area with missurica very common.

Asteraceae Vernonia texana Texas ironweed N forb Bignoniaceae Campsis radicans trumpet creeper N woody/vine 273 8/3/1971 corner of P & G, roadside in Boraginaceae Lithospermum incisum narrowleaf stoneseed N forb 270-272 3/12/1974 shell Lepidium sp. pepperweed N forb 267-268 3/1/72, 5/13/71 Campanulaceae Lobelia puberula downy lobelia N forb 64 10/12/2000 area 2D Campanulaceae Lobelia siphilitica var. ludoviciana great blue lobelia N forb Not known to occur anywhere near Houston.

Caprifoliaceae Lonicera japonica Japanese honeysuckle I woody/vine 263-264 4/26/1972 Caprifoliaceae Lonicera sempervirens trumpet honeysuckle N woody/vine 265-266 3/12/1974 Caprifoliaceae Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis black elderberry N woody 93 6/27/1971

Clusiaceae Hypericum crux-andreae St. Peterswort N woody Clusiaceae Hypericum hypericoides ssp. St. Andrew's cross N woody hypericoides Convolvulaceae Dichondra carolinensis Dichondra repens Carolina ponysfoot N forb Convolvulaceae Evolvulus sericeus silver dwarf morning- N forb glory Convolvulaceae Ipomoea cairica mile a minute vine I forb 255 7/7/1971 I. cairiea misspelled? Convolvulaceae Ipomoea cordatotriloba Ipomoea trichocarpa tievine N forb 256-258 7/20/71, 5/12/74 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea hederacea ivyleaf morning-glory N forb 253, 254, 259 10/4/73, 10/10/73 Convolvulaceae Ipomoea sagittata saltmarsh morning-glory N forb 62 6/7/2000

Cornaceae Cornus drummondii roughleaf dogwood N woody 377, 378 5/13/71, 4/25/72 Cornaceae Cornus foemina stiff dogwood N woody 376 3/17/1974 Cucurbitaceae Ibervillea lindheimeri Lindheimer's globeberry N forb/vine

Cyperaceae Carex amphibola eastern narrowleaf N 281 7/8/1975 sedge Cyperaceae Cyperus digitatus finger flatsedge N Graminoid 16 9/20/2001 Cyperaceae Cyperus elegans royal flatsedge N Graminoid 21 10/7/2001 Cyperaceae Cyperus haspan haspan flatsedge N Graminoid Cyperaceae Cyperus iria ricefield flatsedge I Graminoid Cyperaceae Cyperus lecontei Le Conte's flatsedge N Graminoid 22 10/7/2001 Does not occur in Texas. Cyperaceae Cyperus odoratus fragrant flatsedge N Graminoid 17 9/20/2001 Cyperaceae Eleocharis montana mountain spikerush N Graminoid 26 4/24/2001 area 3D

Page 3 Flora Checklist Texas Institute for Coastal Prairie Research and Education University of Houston Donald Verser created this list by combining lists from studies by Grace and Siemann with the UHCC herbarium list Herbarium Collections Family Scientific Name Synonym Common Name Native Growth Accesion Dates Locality Comments Status Habit Numbers Dr. Brown has it only for Liberty Co. Cyperaceae Eleocharis tenuis slender spikerush N Graminoid pipeline ROW west of transect 18 5/5/2002 5A, in a shaded depression

Cyperaceae Fimbristylis puberula hairy fimbry N Graminoid 24 3/17/2001 area 3D Cyperaceae Oxycaryum cubense Cuban bulrush N Graminoid 15 6/11/2001 ditch north side of area 7A Appears this is a rare plant in TX. Cyperaceae Rhynchospora caduca anglestem beaksedge N Graminoid Cyperaceae Rhynchospora colorata starrush whitetop N Graminoid 25 5/11/2001 along eastern tree line, 6B Cyperaceae Rhynchospora corniculata shortbristle horned N Graminoid 14 6/3/2001 edge of Aumann pond beaksedge Cyperaceae Rhynchospora elliottii Elliott's beaksedge N Graminoid 19, 20 4/24/01, 6/7/00 area 3D & 7 Cyperaceae Rhynchospora globularis globe beaksedge N Graminoid Cyperaceae Rhynchospora glomerata clustered beaksedge N Graminoid Dr. Brown reports no collections from Cyperaceae Rhynchospora latifolia Dichromena latifolia sandswamp whitetop N Graminoid 312-314 4/16/71, 4/26/72 our area. Cyperaceae Schoenoplectus americanus Scirpus americanus chairmaker's bulrush N Graminoid Cyperaceae Scleria baldwinii Baldwin's nutrush N Graminoid 23 6/12/2001 area 3D Cyperaceae Scleria ciliata fringed nutrush N Graminoid Cyperaceae Scleria pauciflora fewflower nutrush N Graminoid Euphorbiaceae Caperonia palustris sacatrapo I Forb Euphorbiaceae Croton capitatus hogwort N forb Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia bicolor snow on the prairie N forb 146 5/11/1973 Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia nutans eyebane N forb Euphorbiaceae Sapium sebiferum Chinese tallow I woody Fabaceae Baptisia bracteata Longbract wild indigo N Forb 161 4/6/1974 3/24/00, 3/17/74, Fabaceae Baptisia sphaerocarpa yellow wild indigo N Forb 74, 162-168 4/16/71, 4/5/72 Fabaceae Chamaecrista fasciculata partridge pea N forb 46, 156 7/21/091, 7/20/71 Fabaceae Dalea candida white prairie N forb Fabaceae Dalea compacta var. compacta compact prairie clover N forb 54 5/2/2002 Area 3

Fabaceae Desmanthus illinoensis bundleflower N forb Fabaceae Desmanthus tatuhyensis Desmanthus brevipes dwarf bundleflower N forb Fabaceae Lathyrus pusillus tiny pea N forb/vine 155 4/22/1971 Area 2 Fabaceae Melilotus indicus annual yellow I forb 60, 169 4/11/01, 4/4/74 sweetclover Fabaceae Mimosa hystricina porcupine mimosa N forb 80-82, 171-172 2000, 1974 Fabaceae Mimosa microphylla littleleaf sensitive-briar N forb Apparently doesn't occur in Texas. Dr. Brown only lists M. hystricina, 150, 173 7/8/75, 4/5/72 latidens, nuttallii, and strigillosa.

Fabaceae Mimosa strigillosa powderpuff N forb 159, 160, 170 71, 73 Fabaceae Neptunia lutea yellow puff N forb Fabaceae Neptunia pubescens tropical puff N forb 42,174 2000, 1971 Fabaceae Parkinsonia aculeata Jerusalem thorn N woody 157 7/7/1971 Fabaceae Sesbania drummondii poisonbean N forb 158 9/18/1973 Fabaceae Vicia minutiflora pygmyflower vetch N forb 151-153 3/12/1974 on A between 6 and 7 Fabaceae Vigna luteola hairypod cowpea N forb Fabaceae Wisteria sinensis Chinese wisteria I woody/vine 175, 176 3/12/1974

Page 4 Flora Checklist Texas Institute for Coastal Prairie Research and Education University of Houston Donald Verser created this list by combining lists from studies by Grace and Siemann with the UHCC herbarium list Herbarium Collections Family Scientific Name Synonym Common Name Native Growth Accesion Dates Locality Comments Status Habit Numbers Fabaceae Sesbania vesicaria Glottidium vesicarium bagpod N forb Gentianaceae Centaurium pulchellum Centaurium pulchella branched centaury I forb 55 4/11/2001 area 4 Gentianaceae Eustoma exaltatum catchfly prairie gentian N forb 44, 370-372 7/21/01 &1971 Gentianaceae Sabatia campestris Texas star N forb 373-375 1971 & 74 Geraniaceae Geranium carolinianum Carolina geranium N forb 379-382 1971 & 74 Hydrophyllaceae Hydrolea ovata ovate false fiddleleaf N forb Dr. Brown collection only from Iridaceae Sisyrinchium albidum white blue-eyed grass N forb 138 3/22/1972 Area B1 Montgomery Co. Iridaceae Sisyrinchium atlanticum eastern blue-eyed grass N forb 133 4/16/1971 Area 1

Iridaceae Sisyrinchium langloisii roadside blue-eyed N forb 78, 132 6/6/2000, 8/16/71 grass Juncaceae Juncus marginatus grassleaf rush N Graminoid Lamiaceae Hyptis alata clustered bushmint N forb Lamiaceae Monarda punctata spotted beebalm N forb 33 5/9/2002 Lamiaceae Physostegia angustiolia narrowleaf false N forb 211 10/9/1973 A between 7 & B - south side dragonhead

Lamiaceae Prunella vulgaris common selfheal N forb 75, 88 6/7/2000, 4/19/2002

Lamiaceae Salvia azurea azure blue sage N forb 201, 89 10/9/73, 10/12/01 Lamiaceae Salvia lyrata lyreleaf sage N forb 70, 207 3/4/2002, 3/12/74 Apparently misspelled as S. Lamiaceae Salvia tiliifolia lindenleaf sage I forb 208-210 9/4/1974 outside lab to east filiaefolia? Lamiaceae Scutellaria drummondii Drummond's skullcap N forb 50 8/9/2001 area 3A Lamiaceae Scutellaria parvula small skullcap N forb 53 4/11/2000 area 4 Lamiaceae Scutellaria potosina Mexican skullcap N forb Not known to occur anywhere near 3/29/74, 7/7/71, 202-206 corner of A & 7, roadside Houston. Not on Dr. Brown's list. 4/27/71

4/9/02, 4/6/74, Liliaceae Allium canadense garlic N Forb 52, 318-322 2/26/72 Liliaceae Cooperia drummondii evening rainlily N Forb 87 10/1/2001 Liliaceae Hymenocallis liriosme spring spiderlily N forb 129, 131 3/17/1974 Liliaceae Nothoscordum bivalve crowpoison N forb 321 2/16/1974 Liliaceae Hypoxis hirsuta common goldstar N forb Linaceae Linum medium var. texanum stiff yellow flax N forb Lythraceae Lythrum alatum var. lanceolatum winged lythrum N forb 47 7/9/2001

Lythraceae Lythrum lineare wand lythrum N forb Malvaceae Sida lindheimeri showy fanpetals N forb Moraceae Morus alba white mulberry I woody 148, 149 3/22/72, 7/20/71 Myricaceae Myrica cerifera wax myrtle N woody 30 6/7/2000 Oleaceae Ligustrum sinense Chinese privet I woody Onagraceae Oenothera elata ssp. hirsutissima Oenothera hookeri Hooker's evening N forb 215 3/29/1972 primrose Onagraceae Oenothera filiformis Gaura filiformis, Gaura longflower beeblossom N forb 212, 214, 231 71 - 73 longiflora Onagraceae Oenothera lindheimeri Gaura lindheimeri Lindheimer's N forb 45, 59, 69, 71, 229, 6/7/00, 8/3/01, beeblossom 230 7/7/71, 10/10/73

Page 5 Flora Checklist Texas Institute for Coastal Prairie Research and Education University of Houston Donald Verser created this list by combining lists from studies by Grace and Siemann with the UHCC herbarium list Herbarium Collections Family Scientific Name Synonym Common Name Native Growth Accesion Dates Locality Comments Status Habit Numbers Onagraceae Oenothera speciosa pinkladies N forb 67, 213, 225, 226 2000, 71, 72, 74 Onagraceae Oenothera suffulta Gaura suffulta kisses N forb 221, 223, 224 10/10/73, 10/10/74 Onagraceae Oenothera villosa Gaura villosa hairy evening primrose N forb 216, 217, 222 10/1/73, 7/15/71 Not on Dr. Brown's list. Onagraceae Ludwigia linearis narrowleaf primrose- N forb willow Should be S. vernalis considering Orchidaceae Spiranthes cernua lady's tresses N forb 28, 29 4/28/02, 5/6/02 when collected. Oxalidaceae Oxalis dillenii slender yellow N forb 261, 262 5/13/74, 2/16/74 woodsorrel Oxalidaceae Oxalis stricta Upright Yellow Wood- N forb Not on Dr. Brown's list. 260 4/27/1971 Sorrel Passifloraceae Passiflora incarnata purple passionflower N forb 34 5/14/2002 Pinaceae Pinus elliottii slash pine N woody lanceolata narrowleaf plantain I forb

Plantaginaceae Plantago virginica plantain N forb 4/11/2000, 2/26/72, 37, 383-385 3/17/72, 4/16/71

Platanaceae Platanus occidentalis American sycamore N woody 94 7/20/1971 Agrostis hyemalis winter bentgrass N Graminoid 294-295 1972 Poaceae Andropogon gerardii big bluestem N Graminoid Poaceae Andropogon glomeratus bushy bluestem N Graminoid 4, 190, 278, 296 1971, 1973, 2000 Poaceae Aristida longespica slimspike threeawn N Graminoid Poaceae Aristida oligantha prairie threeawn N Graminoid Poaceae Bothriochloa ischaemum Yellow (King Ranch) I Graminoid 297 4/25/1972 Bluestem Poaceae Bothriochloa laguroides ssp. silver beardgrass N Graminoid torreyana Poaceae Bothriochloa longipaniculata Bothriochloa longspike beardgrass N Graminoid 2, 9, 285 5/7/02, 6/7/00 saccharoides Poaceae Bromus catharticus Bromus unioloides rescuegrass I Graminoid 282 4/25/1972 Poaceae Chloris canterai Paraguayan windmill I Graminoid 1 5/11/2000 grass Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Bermudagrass I Graminoid 274, 275 5/13/1971 Poaceae Dichanthelium aciculare Panicum aciculare needleleaf rosette grass N Graminoid

Poaceae Dichanthelium acuminatum tapered rosette grass N Graminoid Poaceae Dichanthelium dichotomum var. Panicum dichotomum cypress panicgrass N Graminoid 186 7/8/1975 dichotomum Poaceae Dichanthelium oligosanthes Heller's rosette grass N Graminoid Poaceae Dichanthelium scoparium velvet panicum N Graminoid Poaceae Dichanthelium sphaerocarpon Panicum sphaerocarpon roundseed panicgrass N Graminoid 187, 188, 195 5/5/72, 3/29/72

Poaceae Digitaria ciliaris southern crabgrass N Graminoid 6 8/7/2001 Poaceae Eragrostis capillaris lace grass N Graminoid Dr. Brown reports no collections from our area. Poaceae Eragrostis hirsuta bigtop lovegrass N Graminoid Poaceae Eragrostis lugens mourning lovegrass N Graminoid 288 3/15/1972 area F1

Page 6 Flora Checklist Texas Institute for Coastal Prairie Research and Education University of Houston Donald Verser created this list by combining lists from studies by Grace and Siemann with the UHCC herbarium list Herbarium Collections Family Scientific Name Synonym Common Name Native Growth Accesion Dates Locality Comments Status Habit Numbers Poaceae Eragrostis refracta Eragrostis campestris coastal lovegrass N Graminoid Poaceae Eragrostis spectabilis purple lovegrass N Graminoid Poaceae Eustachys petraea pinewoods fingergrass N Graminoid 27 9/12/2001 along road 10, sandy soil Poaceae Hordeum pusillum little barley N Graminoid 196,197 4/27/71, 4/25/72 Poaceae Leersia hexandra southern cutgrass N grass Poaceae Muhlenbergia capillaris hairawn muhly N Graminoid 298, 299 9/1/1973 Poaceae Nassella leucotricha Stipa leucotricha Texas wintergrass N Graminoid 279 4/22/1971 Area 2 Poaceae Panicum capillare witchgrass N Graminoid Poaceae switchgrass N Graminoid Poaceae Paspalum dilatatum dallisgrass I Graminoid Poaceae Paspalum floridanum paspalum N Graminoid 181 8/3/1971 Poaceae Paspalum notatum bahiagrass I Graminoid 5, 7, 177, 179, 180, Poaceae Paspalum plicatulum brownseed paspalum N Graminoid 1971, 72, 2000 182, 183, 292 Poaceae Paspalum urvillei Vasey's grass I Graminoid 178, 198 4/27/71, 4/25/72 Poaceae Phalaris canariensis annual canarygrass I Graminoid 283 3/16/1972 Poaceae Poa annua annual bluegrass I Graminoid 300 2/26/1972 Poaceae Polypogon viridis Agrostis semiverticillata beardless rabbitsfoot I Graminoid 284 4/16/1971 Area 1 grass Poaceae Saccharum giganteum Erianthus giganteus sugarcane plumegrass N Graminoid

Poaceae Schizachyrium scoparium Andropogon scoparius little bluestem N Graminoid 191, 193, 289 7/8/73, 10/18/1971

Poaceae Setaria parviflora marsh bristlegrass N Graminoid 12, 13, 192 6/7/00, 5/11/00 Poaceae Setaria scheelei southwestern N Graminoid Not on Dr. Brown's list. bristlegrass Poaceae Sorghastrum nutans Indiangrass N Graminoid 290, 3 5/13/71, 12/3/01 Poaceae Sorghum halepense Johnsongrass I Graminoid 276 4/25/1972 Poaceae Spartina patens saltmeadow cordgrass N Graminoid 291, 8 1/1/71, 9/14/01 200 yds SE main gate bridge

Poaceae Spartina spartinae gulf cordgrass N Graminoid 293 8/3/1971 Poaceae Sporobolus indicus smut grass I Graminoid 277, 287 1972 Poaceae Stenotaphrum secundatum St. Augustine grass N Graminoid Poaceae Tridens strictus longspike tridens N Graminoid 301, 10, 11, 184, Poaceae Tripsacum dactyloides eastern gamagrass N Graminoid 1971, 72, 2000 185 Poaceae Steinchisma hians Panicum hians gaping grass N Graminoid 194 4/5/1972 Polygalaceae Polygala incarnata procession N forb Polygalaceae Polygala verticillata whorled milkwort N forb Primulaceae Samolus parviflorus seaside brookweed N forb Ranunculaceae Clematis crispa swamp leather flower N woody 252, 38 3/12/74, 3/27/2000 E of 2 on A Ranunculaceae Clematis pitcheri bluebill N woody Rhamnaceae Berchemia scandens supplejack N woody/vine Roseaceae Rubus argutus sawtooth blackberry N woody/vine Not known to occur in our area. Not Roseaceae Rubus oklahomus blackberry N woody/vine 135 7/8/1975 on Dr. Brown's list. Roseaceae Rubus trivialis southern dewberry N woody/vine 136, 137 3/22/72, 2/26/72

Page 7 Flora Checklist Texas Institute for Coastal Prairie Research and Education University of Houston Donald Verser created this list by combining lists from studies by Grace and Siemann with the UHCC herbarium list Herbarium Collections Family Scientific Name Synonym Common Name Native Growth Accesion Dates Locality Comments Status Habit Numbers Diodia teres poorjoe N forb Rubiaceae Diodia virginiana Virginia buttonweed N forb Rubiaceae Stenaria nigricans diamond- N forb 83 8/7/2000 Rubiaceae Galium tinctorium stiff marsh bedstraw N forb Rubiaceae Stenaria nigricans nigricans diamondflowers N forb Scrophulariaceae Agalinis fasciculata beach false foxglove N Forb Scrophulariaceae Agalinis heterophylla prairie false foxglove N Forb Scrophulariaceae Castilleja indivisa entireleaf Indian N forb 68 3/24/2000 paintbrush Scrophulariaceae Mecardonia acuminata axilflower N forb Typhaceae Typha domingensis southern cattail N forb 200 7/7/1971 200 yds NW of lab Typhaceae Typha latifolia broadleaf cattail N forb 199 7/20/1971 area J near area K 10/1/01, 10/1/74, Verbenaceae Lantana camara lantana I woody 90, 95, 109 5/13/71 northern frog fruit, 100 yds east Verbenaceae Phyla lanceolata lanceleaf fogfruit N forb 100 5/25/1971 of bridge near main gate

Verbenaceae Phyla nodiflora turkey tangle fogfruit N forb 40, 96-99, 101-104 Verbenaceae Verbena brasiliensis Brazilian vervain I forb 43, 105, 106, 110, 113-115 Verbenaceae Verbena halei Texas vervain N forb 51 3/12/74, 5/12/74, Dr. Brown reports no collections. Verbenaceae Verbena litoralis seashore vervain I forb 112,, 116-121 3/28/72, 4/22/72 Verbenaceae Verbena rigida tuberous vervain I forb 61, 107, 122, 125- 128 Verbenaceae Verbena xutha Gulf vervain N forb 108, 123, 124 5/12/1974 Nekemias arborea arborea peppervine N Forb Vitaceae Vitis mustangensis mustang grape N woody/vine Vitaceae Vitis rotundifolia muscadine N woody/vine

Native 239 Non Native 30 Total Species 269

Native Status N = Native I = Introduced

References A Checklist of the Vascular of the Houston Area by Dr. Larry E. Brown, 2014. Dr. Brown's herbarium records now at Mercer Arboretum.

Common Names As shown in USDA Plant Database

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