Bernardo Sorj Mark Cantley Karl Simpson Editors

Front Matter / Elementos Pré-textuais / Páginas Iniciales

SciELO Books / SciELO Livros / SciELO Libros

SORJ, B., CANTLEY, M., and SIMPSON, K., eds. Biotechnology in Europe and Latin America: prospects for co-operation [online]. Rio de Janeiro: Centro Edelstein de Pesquisas Sociais, 2010. pp. I- II. ISBN: 978-85-7582-036-6. Available from SciELO Books .

All the contents of this chapter, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.

Todo o conteúdo deste capítulo, exceto quando houver ressalva, é publicado sob a licença Creative Commons Atribuição - Uso Não Comercial - Partilha nos Mesmos Termos 3.0 Não adaptada.

Todo el contenido de este capítulo, excepto donde se indique lo contrario, está bajo licencia de la licencia Creative Commons Reconocimento-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 Unported. Bernardo Sorj Mark Cantley This publication is part of The Virtual Library of Social Sciences of The Edelstein Center for Social Research - Karl Simpson Editors Centro Edelstein de Pesquisas Sociais

Presidente: Joel Edelstein Diretor: Bernardo Sorj Coordenadora da coleção: Dayse de Marie Oliveira Biotechnology in Europe Copyright © 2010, Mark Cantley, Karl Simpson, Bernardo Sorj and Latin America Copyright © 2010 of this on-line edition: The Edelstein Center for Social Research Prospects for co-operation

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the copyright holder at the address below. Parts of this publication may be reproduced for non commercial purposes so long as the authors and publisher are duly acknowledged.

ISBN 978-85-7582-036-6

The Edelstein Center for Social Research Rua Visconde de Pirajá, 330/1205 Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro - RJ Rio de Janeiro CEP: 22410-000. 2010 Contact: [email protected]


Preface ...... III 1.10. Spain ...... 107 Armando Albert Welcoming Speech ...... 1 Karl-Heinz Narjes 1.11. The United Kingdom ...... 113 Roy Smither Remarks ...... 7 Phili Viehoff SECTION TWO – Biotechnology in Latin America ...... 124 Comments ...... 125 Introduction ...... 9 Luis Ramiro Alfonsin Karl Simpson 2.0. Overview of Latin American Activities in Biotechnology ...... 129 Karl Simpson SECTION ONE – Biotechnology in Europe ...... 21

1.0. Overview of European Activities in Biotechnology ...... 22 2.1. Argentina ...... 136 José La Torre and Sara B. de Rietti Karl Simpson 1.1. Belgium ...... 29 2.2. Brazil ...... 145 Antonio Paes de Carvalho Adapted from speech made by Mr C. de Wispelaere

1.2. Denmark ...... 37 2.3. Mexico ...... 150 Rodolfo Quintero Ramirez and Rosa Luz Gonzalez Aguirre Bruno Hansen

1.3. France ...... 46 2.4. The Andean Countries ...... 171 B. Carlos Aguirre Daniel Thomas

1.4. The Federal Republic of Germany ...... 53 Health in the Third World: The Role of International Co-operation .... 205 Luiz Pereira da Silva Helmut Zeittrager 1.5. Greece ...... 68 Conclusions and Analysis ...... 211 Presentations by Drs Tzotzos and Dourtouglou Bernardo Sorj 1.6. The Republic of Ireland ...... 73 Brendan Finucane and Staff of BioResearch Ireland, Dublin 1.7. Italy ...... 81 Carmello Iacobello 1.8. The Netherlands ...... 90 Henk C. van der Plas 1.9. Portugal ...... 100 Julio Novais