Gipe-Pune-000230 '
DhanallJayarao Gadgll Library , 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 GIPE-PUNE-000230 ' .. _, t f , ,\ , I '-.J 'v .2- 30 I 2:10 I I lrlTROp'CnOlt TO ;".,.:., PEISHW A'S DIARIES. f3'1 '1'l~ ~~ ~ During the. past· two or tlwee years, most of my leisure time bas been Jevoted to the perusal of the Selections from the Pelshwa.'s Diaries, commencing ~ith the accession of Raja. Shahu, lind endlDg with the close of the reign of Bajirao U. These Selec Lion., have been prepared by RaoBahadur Wa4- from the. origin'll l\larathi Hcord, and they make up id all about 21)000' folio pages, including the EnglrsJi summary prepared in the Daftar office. The Selections cover a period of over a hundred years (1708 to 1816·17) and they furnish most valuable materials for coL; .. t.::cting a true history of th; p~ople of Maharashtra during the most eventful period of their annals. Our ordinary BakharB, nnd the wOlks written by English historians like Grant Duff, content themselves chiefly ~ with the narration of political. events, and throw little or no Jight UpOl} the conditioli of the peoplt', how they lived and thrived, the pleasures which amused them, their superstitions and, their .beliefs, their ml)rals, their manners and their customs, Thef!a histories do not arso give II clear account of the way in which the work of Government· was carried on under native rule"how the ]an~ revenue was assessed and collected, how'the forts were guarded, how; the Sayer Revenues (consisting of Mohtnrfa, Abkarlr, Customs, and. 'tributes &c.) were administered~ how the armies were raised and" ~id for, bOW the navy was lI\anned, how the State borrowed its ')lio debt, how cinl and criminal justice was dispensed, how .
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