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3 18Kp2h05 20210130124617 HISIORy OF TNDIA FROM 1707 To1857 C-E COde No 18KP2Ho5 UNZT-I Later Muha1- Bahadur Shah L 707 - 1712) SuccesBoh Auran 3 zeb iad in 1707. A War of tarted amongsE hi's three Suving Sons VZ Muazzam - the overnor ot Kabul: A zam- tha goveyno of Gruarat omol Kam Baksh - Thefoveyhor Of Byaur MuaZzam deteated Azam amd Kam Baksk acen ded the Muzhal throne with the Eitle ot Bahadw shash JahamdaY Shahú712-13 He ascenodadl the thvene with the hefP ot zulfikar khah abolishes Jaziya Farrakhkiyar (713-1 He lo cka the ability andl Krowleaje to ule indefendehtly. His Teigh Sauw +he emargence of the ayyid B»othex8 Muhammed shah (I119 -48) Nodir Shah invadad Tndio ord tok aWay Peacock 1hone emd Kohun co duamond Ahme Shah ( 17A 8- 54) Abmed Shah abdola Cien eral ot Nadr shah) marcheol tow ardsDalh Omod the Mhal ceded Pn)ab omol Mutan Alamfir I754 5) Ahmas Shah occuPielDe/hi. Del Dalh Was Plundorad by Marathos Shah Alam I U757- 19 0) Could not eteretes Del he or 2 y2r8 Akbar 8ob 3D Pensioney ot Est Inla ComPeny a hadu shah T 1827-51) Last Mugha! Empero who made Pre mier duin tte 1857 Revslt Dec line gt Mughal In 173 durin the agion Moham med hah aerion King .Nadir hah inadas Ihda omd broke up the Muhal empre He Plundesed Dalh Omo took the ko hiner diahoha wit him to Aah mtah Peshwa touhded by Ba/aj yshwansth, Who Cohcluda reement with +he ayyid Brothers Cthe kin mak ers in hutory) by which Mhal EmperY Farukh siyyay vecojn'h Shahu as the King ot Swara) ya BaJi Ro I 720 40 Baji Rao the eldast on Bala viwarath ^ucceadad him a ashu at the ae ot 20 Considased a the Yetpst exponent ot Juarila tactics oftes hivaji Maratho Power reachad t Zehith omd YAt en Ot Con federocy beon defeated Aiddis ot Jonira Conuest o Basein mo alke tte o m Portug uese Ba la Baji Rao 0740 61) Popularl kown a Nana oheb. he butcadad hu fothes afte age o 20 Afes the dootn ot Ahahal1z49) te manage ment oall state a tHairs was lest in s hand In Om agreemert wth ate Mhal em Pevoama Ahoh e Pehwai75a) ias to P>etect +he mughal E Pire aom intenal and extevnal Ahmad ShahAs ehemul th ei un or te chauth d Battle o Pamifat CAD 176l) batweth Mavahaom Ahme hoh Abdali Jave a bi joH to the Mara tha empire Invabion o Nadi shah - shah In 1139 dunng he veJn of Muhammad a Pesian king Nadir hoh in mdlad India Muha mmasl Ahah the Battle of kamal oma ader mercissly masiacred the Peoplo ofDelk Nadir bhah however Teintated Muhamned shah wel Nadir shah gin vaAion md we bacK to Per sia a broKe the back o M ha Enpire. As relult in the DeCcon he Mav thas beCame Very powertul A amd AliyaydilF Sadot Ali KhomG1OveThoY of wadh Rohi llas GrovexnoY o Bengal Omal the Rohi as pe hd en in the Gonjes Valley also belama incda Muha mmad Ahahs The empire of 174 8 1754 ondy uctes Ahmad (skah emo es sor Delhi Comisted of The Loms adJoinu' hg Imalul-mulk in uttar Pradesh some utrict Ahmad sh»h's wazir oftes terroriking became Muhamnad ultim placel hu sonh hum md ately throhe as A uddau lah oh the amji - Azim murdored md ano ther He was ae oh Mhal Pince was hs ta lled oh the throhe he ir apare ht prhce Shah Am Sonh reduge with Na uwab waziT o4 a Was Con'sed A twadh Shah Alom re Adai the ultesbor the emPerov by moler tha Piotoctio Nad Bhah . He ve Jefeat at tho.iy of te Chl'ah asles h ihi'h 17417L4 the Battle of Bux honcls outot to Delh t the etwr heol 1171 he Marathaswho PloLe thHhe invita tioh of m- hro ne Shah h w oh he 18oL 1837) AbarARbar shah T Bahaduy da by as Succee amou ruler Mhal 837 moomol Last betweeh e ulod British Zatar the shah mder he titlar Kih a in hame 158 as rulas only 1858Muhal empero r& PoLiticalPowex The Teal a e ted mti hod shif nth y htee Ceht e h ig Kingolom to he w THIRD BATTLE QE PANTPAT : In Tune 1747 Ahama Shah D UYon OY Ahamad Shah Abdo robe to powef ih Omo e tab L'slas the Durom Empr2 AJhontan . He Crased Indus river i the 1148 mot onneXeol ahoreTh 1749 lost Aindh ond punjab. Ih Mughal EmP i I767 h era wa onster allack ond, he acked Del Agra : Mathina. Mandaten etc. The Mahals aeptrd thu formidable Alhons oh the uzLranty. He nsaleoto A bnsitpmzi I throhL oellDelh. The East Incdua Compahy albo accepted hu 8uzerant y Bt heMaratha d not actept Bala Bojra0 Ben Raghunath Rad tHem was t Courle the Afhpmt Razhmadh Rao aple to throw o Timur Shah (Son ofAhamad Ahah Abdal omo rovernor ofLahore Mu/ton am oshmur ano bro ught e Lahore Mun om Koshmir mdes the Marath Tle, nhe of th new Hindu kinzdom Was not accepfable Ho e Muglald Aghons le a hn heo rauted a Holy war annsE te Thfide omol Wamorg rom peshtun Botker tribes amkw ereod his Cal Ths Cl minaed in the Th'rd Ba ttle 0T Pom Pal whi ch paVeod Way for 2rtish Rule in Zndia Third Battle of_PaPatPatI761 Thurd BattleBa ttle of Panipal wad fouyk in 176 Thu wa the Lajest wav o he 1? # Cedurd Tle Maratka were lool by sodachivrad phau The bale ol/owed 7uo months Ovno Symhes Jhe Marathe werebadly defecteod h he War Judlevin o aomo bo 70 thowtomol Waiovd Le7 Iogt thei ablest Com mand.ers 2 alay, . o Rao mahle jo bear the hock dAftev dOd n June 7%1 A.D . UNIT Ad v of Europeo in 2ndiq. r2 Chocd te Port fovluguee Vasco-d- G1ama of Calscut in 1498 during the rah of King Zomor Hinu rwer of calicud) chaulard Settleme nts Daman. SaLsette Bombay Cwest Coast) Son Thomo (noa MaelD m al Hofhry AL tonko de Albuguarque the Secohd Gta VeYnor of Tri (first being 1onbibCO e A Imeida) arriyeol in 157 anol coftured CoanAlso Dtch Dtch Eest Ihda Confony was fomed in AD bo2 Dutch were de Heated by bguilh at # Batlle of Becdara in AD 1759 anol al Per afreemenl, the puth Jainad the Con/rol over Indonesia omol the Brilish oveY Thdia, Sn Lanka omo Malaya Settlement 3 They het-uf their irst factory alMalupattnon in 16o6 Their other Lactores were Pulhcat. chnsura, patna BalAore, Nogapottoran. Cochin burat. Kankal anol kosimbazar Engh'ak Tha EngL'sh tst India Company Walwa fomao th 1597 unoler a charter Jrontad by eeh Elizobetk in koo.Tahargir rontad a taman to cftan hlliam Hawkins Fermitting the Englkh to erect a Jactory at SuradCI3) In 1615 Si Tho mas Roe bucceelad in Jetting om imperia farmon to ta do omol establ feac tory in all Parts ef he Mughal Empire by Yuler Jahangir was establiskhad at h6go a factory Autlanati by Jab charnock in 1698 folla Wing the acuLition of Zamindan of threa villnje o Sutlanat Koukata and Grovindpur the ciiyot Calcutta was domola d Fort Will am was set opinlzu In 1717 AuTmam abtaincol O tarmen rom Farrukhiyar which gave are Con Cesbions to #e Com Pomy Ths farmam has beeh Colled te Magna Carta ofle Company Battle of plasbey 757 EnyL'sh de}aeofod Airadndoaula the na wab oBenga Ba ttle of B4 xav {76A) captair Mro de festeol Joint torces 0f Mir aasimBenga Ahauddaula A Hach amo Ahah Alam I mughal1 Dane The Domes E«st Indi a Compony was Om Dolish ColOhy Tra n uebas Wa e toabished on bouithein Corome nole! Coast of dio Sel le ment Bevom Pur Be ng ondl Tranntbor Tami I Nadu) old thei Bettdemeds to ha English in Ra 5 Prench Te Fhenh Fot Lndia company wad toYme by Colbert wroler Atade Patonage in 1664e Firat Fre nch fac tory wal tabli'sked at Sural Y Framcois Caron in 16b8 A actory at Maulpatanan was Set p in 169 French were dafaatrol by EngL'sh in Battle of wandi Wash (1760) - The Cay natic Waysanel its veswts- An instance of Anglo Fyonch Rivaly First (174 4R) The r ench Lekieg el Plads At St Thome batlle the Na Wab of camatic Amy was de faated by r en ch mlor Duflex. end The Fiv&t Carnatic War Came to n by the Trenty of Aix-La Chappe/]e th 1748 between LnyLA, AALttloment Wa eachod mo hench n the CaYnatic coakt The French ot and the Ei'sh JotE ack Madrs ix SecOSecond War (1749- 54) Duple a uJnaol With Muz aflar Jung (HYdorabod) amd chonola Sohib A ftir nstia Vic tonis rober clive emarfed Victorious Ln 1755 the econod Canalic War en ded with ths Treaty of Pondic herry 3Y thes treaty Nohammes ALBHa! de c larno the Na Wob Arcot co nt de hrd War 79- 63) French y Con Ptured Fort StDaviol coted andi pash Fremh wOre daf at Third CarnatIC War Ih763 thethe Se v2h years waY endool with the Treaty of parik Pon o Cherry A KaraiKa were veh to the Fre hc h ona Condi tioh that they Sholol not 4orti'fy tham Thus Anglo french Str gle Came to Un end in 1763 Battles et rlassey n Buxa : Battle o plasAeyL(175) Robert cLive Sirad the Compony8 HorCes ajcu ngt I757 anol Daulas amy oh June 23 do featad tem wth the helP df his conspirncy wrth Mir Jafar.
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