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EVALUATION OF THE KENYA NATIONAL RANGE AND RANCH DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (AID PROJECT NO. 615-0157) Devres, Inc. 2426 Ontario Road, N. W. Washington. D. C. 20009 (202) 797-9610 Cable: DEVRES EVALUATION OF THE KENYA NATIONAL RANGE AND RANCH DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (AID PROJECT NO. 615-0157) Prepared for: U.S. Agency for International Development Kenya Mission Nairobi, Kenya Prepared by: DEVRES George H. Axinn James W. Birkhead Allan W. Sudholt Contract No. AID/AFR-C-1558 September 10, 1979 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Table of Contents .... .............. .. .. ............. i List of Annexes .............................................. v Weights and Measures ......................................... vii Abbreviations ......................................................... vii List of Tables ............................................ .. ix EXECUTIVE SU LARY A. Brief Synopsis ....................................... 1 B. Conclusions and Recommendations ...................... 6 1. General project design and strategy .............. 6 2. Economic considerations .......................... 7 3. Ecological and social1 considerations ............. 8 4. Project Implementation ........................... 9 I. INTRODUCTION ........................................... 91 A. Purpose ........................ .. ... .............. 11 B. The Evaluation Assignment ............................ 11 C. History of Range and Ranch Development Project ....... 13 1. Description of the project....................... 13 2. Livestock Development Project Phase II........... 1-1 3. Ranch development................ ....... ........ 17 4. North Eastern Province Range development ......... 17 5. Meat Processing Study............................ 18 D. The Evaluation Strategy ................ 00........... 20 1. The Devres Team ................... 20 2. What the Team did................................ 20 Pase E. Acknowledgement ................ o........ 22 II. PROJECT DESIGN ......................... ............... 24 A. General ....................................... 24 1. Logical framework analysis...................... 24 2. Project purposes ............. ........ ..... .... 27 3. Output ......................................... 28 4. Input ................. o...................... -... 30 5. General assumptions in question.................. 30 6. Organization for operations ............-......... 34 7. Livestock and meat production increase assumption .............. ....... .........0 . ... 36 8. Rationale for the livestock development plan..... 38 9. Price assumptions and the effect of prices for bovine meat and cattle..................... 41 10. Lack of analysis and prior research for project design and implementation .............. 42 11. Assumptions of training ................... o...... 44 12. Marketing assumptions .............. ............ 45 B. The Range Program of the North Eastern Province ...... 47 1. Points of view of range management - officers and pastoralists itt NEP ........... o..........$ 49 2. Range monitoring and range trends ................ 50 3. Relation of block size to normal movement of pastoralists ................................... 52 4. Involvement of pastoralists in the project ....... 53 ii Pave 5. Training at the Griftu Center .................... 54 6. Maintenance of pans, reservoirs, borehole and tracks ..................................... 55 7. Equipment and conmodities....................... 56 8. North Eastern Province cattle numbers and the numbers of immature cattle available from range areas .............. a............. 58 9. NEP supplies of immature steers ..... ........ 59 10. Slaughter for family needs ............. 60 11. Marketing of livestock from North East Province.. 61 12. Percent sales in response to price increases ..... 63 13. Problems of Range Management Officers in NEP..... 65 14. Alternatives for income generation in the NEP.... 67 C. Services and Training Facilities.......o.............. 69 D. Ranch Programs............ ......... ... ...... .. 70 1. Company ranches. ..... ... .. .... .. .... ..... 70 2. Group ranches .................................... 70 3. Cattle as feeders .......... .... ....... ........ 71 4. Length of leases, loans and interest rates....... 73 5. Quarantive holdings grounds..................... 74 6. Concept of the private company ranches........... 74 7. Livestock health................................. 75 E. Further Observation of the Group Ranches of the Rift Valley Province ............................... 76 III Paste III. THE EFFECTIVENESS AND APPROPRIATENESS OF AID INPUTS ...... 80 A. U.S. Technical Personnel............ ... ... 0.0....... 80 1. PASA personnel ............................ ....... 80 2. OPEX personnel .. ............... .......... ..... 81 3. Counterparts ........................ ... ......... 81 B. Training of Kenyan Counterparts ...................... 81 C. Equipment and Commodities.......................o... 83 D. Administration and Project Management............... 83 1. Relationship of AFC to ranch development......... 88 2. Relationship of IBRD and AID to AFC............. 88 3. AFC influence on ranches..................... .. 89 4. The effect of livestock purchase loans on ranching ....................................... 89 5. AID funds for training versus cattle purchase loans ...o.... .. o.... o..... ..o.... .. ......... 89 IV. LIVESTOCK MARKETING. ............. ..... .... ... ... ....... 91 A. Marketing Systems .................................... 91 1. The Kenya Meat Commission........................ 91 2. Private butchers......... ..... .... ........... ... 91 3. LMD and AFC . .. ........... ........ 92 4. Incentives to producers to increase production... 95 5. Increasing the off take by muving young animals from range to ranch .... .. ............ ... 95 B. The Drought in Relation to Livestock Marketing....... 96 1. Sample NEP rainfall data and the drought risk factor ........... ................ .. 97 iv Page 2. Data on total pruchases of livestock and particularly immature cattle ................... 99 3. How many animals were consumed in NEP............ 101 V. ECOLOGICAL IMPACT OF PROJECT ............................. 102 A. Introduction ......................................... 102 B. Impact on Ecological Balance ..................... *... 102 C. Relationship with Wildlife .......................... 104 D. Implications for Desertification ..................... 105 E. Water - Projections for the Futur........e o......... 106 VI. SOCIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF THE PROJECT ...................... 109 VII. REVIEW OF CURRENT PLANNING AND THOUGHTS FOR THE FUTURE...114 A. Review of Current Planning ........................... 114 B. Some Thoughts for the Future ........................ 115 ANNEX 1 Itinerary of Internal Kenya Travel of the Devres Tean ........ .. .. .. ..... ...... .... .118 ANNEX 2 Names of Persons Interviewed........................ 119 ANNEX 3 List of AID Personnel Associated with Project ....... 124 ANNEX 4 Excerpts from USAID Area Auditor Gereral's Report...127 ANNEX 5 List of AID Participants...........................131 ANNEX 6 Edwin S. Horvatter's Letter.........................1 3 2 ANNEX 7 A Note on "The Logical Framework" ................... 13 3 ANNEX 8 Excerpt from Desertification Is More Than A New Word ....... o...... .. .........................138 v Paste ANNEX 9 Excerpts from Summary Consultancy Report - Fred H. Mass .......................... ........ 139 ANNEX 10 Excerpts from Trip Report - David R. Bishop ......... 141 ANNEX 11 Excerpts from Trip Report - Clinton Armstrong ....... 142 ANNEX 12 Excerpts from End of Tour Report - N.E. McClymonds..143 ANNEX 13 Excerpts from End of Tour Report - James L. Mower...147 ANNEX 14 Excerpts from End of Tour Report - Joe L. Frazer....150 ANNEX 15 Excerpts from End of Tour Report - Jack C. Gunther..155 ANNEX 16 End of Tour Report - Dayton D. Nelson..............160 ANNEX 17 End of Tour Report - Robert C. Kornegay ............. 166 ANNEX 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY ........ ..... ....... ........ 172 v1 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES* EXCHANGE RATES; ABBREVIATIONS WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 1 kilogram (kg.) 2.204 pounds 1 metric ton 1,000 kg 2,204 pounds 0.948 long ton 1.102 short ton 1 kilometer (km.) 0.621 mile 1 hectare (ha.) 2.471 acres EXCHANGE RATES U.S. $1.00 = Kenya Shillings 7.20 - 7.395 (during the time of this study) ABBREVIATIONS AFC - Agricultural Finance Corporation AHITI - Animal Health and Industry Trading Institute AID United States Agency for International Development CIDA Canadian International Development Agency FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization GOK - Government of Kenya IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IDA International Deveiopment Association (World Bank) lIE - Institute of International Education ILCA - International Livestock Center for Africa ILRAD International Laboratory of Research on Animal Diseases KLDL - Kenyan Livestock Development Loan KLDP - Kenyan Livestock Development Program KMC - Kenya Meat Commission KREMU - Kenya Range Ecology Monitoring Unit LDP - Livestock Development Program LMD - Livestock Marketing Division MLS - Ministry of Lands and Settlement MOA(RMD) - Ministry of Agriculture, Range Manage ment Division MOTW Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife MOWD(RWD) - Ministry of Water Development, Range Water Division MOW - Ministry of Works vii ABBREVIATIONS NEF Near East Foundation NRRD - National Range and Ranch Development ODM - Overseas Development Ministry (U.K.) PASA - Participating Agency Service Agreement PCU - Project Coordination