Final Evaluation of the Unconditional Cash and Voucher Response to the 2011–12 Crisis in Southern and Central Somalia
Final Evaluation of the Unconditional Cash and Voucher Response to the 2011–12 Crisis in Southern and Central Somalia Report Humanitarian Outcomes team comprised of: Kerren Hedlund, Nisar Majid, Dan Maxwell, and Nigel Nicholson This evaluation was commissioned by UNICEF. The evaluation process was guided by a steering committee that comprised representatives from: ACTED, DFID, ECHO, FAO, Oxfam, the Somalia Cash Consortium (ACF, Adeso, Danish Refugee Council, Save the Children) and UNICEF. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this report are those of the evaluation team and do not necessarily represent those of the agencies being evaluated or the evaluation steering committee. The evaluation team takes responsibility for any errors reported herein that are based on its own independent data collection. Final Evaluation of the Unconditional Cash and Voucher Response to the 2011–12 Crisis in Somalia Acknowledgments The evaluation team would like to thank all those who have provided their support and input to this evaluation. We are particularly grateful to the over 30 Somali enumerators, the Somali Women’s Study Centre, Horn Research and Development and Qoran Noor who facilitated interviews with hundreds of Somalis affected by the crisis. We are grateful for the constructive inputs and feedback from the evaluation steering committee; UNICEF, FAO, DFID, ECHO, the Somalia Cash Consortium Coordinator Olivia Collins, Oxfam, and ACTED; the wisdom and advice of Humanitarian Outcomes experts, Paul Harvey and Adele Harmer; and the very open collaboration with Mike Brewin, Sophie Dunn, and Catherine Longley of the ODI team. We are also grateful for the support from the UNICEF country office; Claire Mariani, particularly in her role as evaluation manager, and Jacinta Oluoch, as well as Adeso, the Danish Refugee Council, and Save the Children Somalia for their assistance in organising meetings, workshops and field trips in Nairobi, Mogadishu and Puntland.
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