Geologica Ultraiectina
GEOLOGICA ULTRAIECTINA Mededelingen van het Geologisch Instituut der Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht GRAVITY TECTONICS, GRAVITY FIELD, AND PALAEOMAGNETISM IN NE-ITALY. (With special reference to the Carnian Alps, north of the Val Fella-Val Canale area between Paularoand Tarvisio· Province of Udine-). t I. 34 No. 1 Boer, J.C. den, 1957: Etude g~ologique et paleomagn~tique des Montagnes du Coiron, Ardeche, France No. 2 Landewijk, J.E.J.M. van, 1957: Nomograms for geological pro- blems (with portfolio of plates) No. 3 Palm, Q.A., 1958: Les roches cristalline des C~vennes m~dianes a hauteur de Largentiere, Ardeche, France No. 4 Dietzel, G.F.L., 1960: Geology and permian palaeomagnetism of the Merano Region, province of Bolzano, N. Italy No. 5 Hilten, D. van, 1960: Geology and permian palaeomagnetism of the Val-di-Non Area, W. Dolomites, N. Italy No. 6 Kloosterman, 1960: Le VoIcanisme de la Region D'Agde (Herault France) No. 7 Loon, W. E. van, 1960: Petrographische und geochemische Unter- suchungen im Gebiet zwischen RemUs (Unterengadin) und Nauders (Tirol) Agterberg, F. P., 1961: Tectonics of the crystalline Bas'_ment of the Dolomites in North Italy Kruseman, G.P., 1962: Etude pal~omagn~tique et s~dimentolo- gique du bassin permien de Lodeve, H~rault, France Boer, J. de, 1963: Geology of the Vicentinian Alps (NE-Italy) (with special reference to their palaeomagnetic history) Linden,W.J.M. van der, 1963: Sedimentary structures and facies interpretation of some molasse deposits Sense -Schwarzwasser area- Canton Bern, Switzerland Engelen, G. B. 1963: Gravity tectonics of the N. Western Dolo- mites (NE Italy).
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