Congressional Record—Senate
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January 26, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S97 accord and the settlement of Tuolumne join family and friends in wishing Fa- The resolution (S. Res. 245) was River water rights with Turlock and ther Alphonse a healthy and happy 50th agreed to. Modesto Irrigation Districts. His ac- BirthdayÐone wonders what the next The preamble was agreed to. complishments have been widely recog- 50 years will bring!∑ The resolution, with its preamble, nized by his peers, and he has served on f reads as follows: numerous California water commit- S. RES. 245 DEATH OF FLOYD M. RIDDICK, tees, including a term as Chair of the Whereas Floyd M. Riddick served the Sen- PARLIAMENTARIAN EMERITUS Association of California Urban Water ate with honor and distinction as its second Agencies. Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I ask Parliamentarian from 1965 to 1975; unanimous consent that the Senate Whereas Floyd M. Riddick created the Mr. President, we do not know what Daily Digest of the Congressional Record and the future holds for Andy Moran, but proceed to the immediate consider- was its first editor from 1947 to 1951; we do know that his future will be met ation of S. Res. 245, which was sub- Whereas Floyd M. Riddick was Assistant with continued success. He has been a mitted earlier by Senators LOTT, Senate Parliamentarian from 1951 to 1964; mainstay of San Francisco's municipal DASCHLE, and others. Whereas Floyd M. Riddick complied thou- sands of Senate precedents into the official government and will be greatly missed. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. volume whose current edition bears his We owe Andy a tremendous debt of name; gratitude, and we wish him the very The clerk will report the resolution Whereas Floyd M. Riddick served the Sen- best in his life ahead. Andy Moran is a by title. ate for more than 40 years; The legislative clerk read as follows: true public servant.∑ Whereas Floyd M. Riddick upon his retire- A resolution (S. Res. 245) relative to the ment as Senate Parliamentarian served as a f death of Floyd M. Riddick, Parliamentarian consultant to the Senate Committee on A 50TH BIRTHDAY SALUTE TO THE Emeritus of the United States Senate. Rules and Administration; There being no objection, the Senate Whereas Floyd M. Riddick performed his REVEREND ALPHONSE STEPHEN- Senate duties in an impartial and profes- SON proceeded to consider the resolution. sional manner; ∑ Mr. MOYNIHAN. Mr. President, I rise Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, we Whereas Floyd M. Riddick was honored by today to recognize an important event just received word that Floyd M. the Senate with the title Parliamentarian Riddick, the Parliamentarian Emeritus Emeritus; Now therefore be it which occurred yesterday, January Resolved, That the Senate has heard with 25thÐthe 50th birthday of The Rev- of the Senate, passed away yesterday. As many of our colleagues may recall, profound sorrow and deep regret the an- erend Alphonse Stephenson. Father nouncement of the death of the Honorable Stephenson was recently feted by over Floyd M. Riddick was the Senate Par- Floyd M. Riddick, Parliamentarian Emeritus a hundred family members and friends liamentarian from 1964 to 1974. of the United States Senate. He was a parliamentarian of extraor- and his 50th birthday warrants a few Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate dinary depth and value. In 1954, under communicate these resolutions to the House moments of the Senate's attention. the supervision of then-Parliamen- of Representatives and transmit an enrolled Father Alphonse is a native son of tarian Charles L. Watkins, he began copy thereof to the family of the deceased. New Jersey, but he has shared his var- working on the first edition of ``Senate f ied talents with people of New York Procedure.'' The Senate procedure City. Priest at the Catholic Actor's DEATH OF CARL CURTIS, FORMER book that came as a result of his work Chapel in New York City, musical con- U.S. SENATOR FROM NEBRASKA now bears his name. ductor of ``A Chorus Line'' on Broad- I think that says everything about Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate way, and founder and conductor of St. the impact and the remarkable con- now proceed to the immediate consid- Peter's Orchestra by the Sea, are just a tribution Floyd Riddick has made to eration of S. Res. 246, submitted earlier few of the ``hats'' worn by Father Al- the Senate, to the way we continue to by Senators LOTT, DASCHLE, and oth- phonse. legislate, and certainly to the con- But Father Alphonse also assists in ers. tribution he made in his time in public providing for those less fortunate. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without life. Orchestra of St. Peter's by the Sea, objection, it is so ordered. Floyd Riddick received a Ph.D. from The clerk will report the resolution under the baton of Father Alphonse, Duke University in 1941. His disserta- has raised over two million dollars for by title. tion was on congressional procedure, The legislative clerk read as follows: various hospitals, such as our own St. and he began work for the Senate in Vincent's in New York City; edu- A resolution (S. Res. 246) relative to the 1947, being the very first to publish a death of Carl Curtis, former U.S. Senator for cational facilities, such as Mount Saint Daily Digest, which we all use every the State of Nebraska. Michael in the Bronx; and churches day from the back of the Congressional There being no objection, the Senate that assist the homeless, such as St. RECORD. proceeded to consider the resolution. John's near Pennsylvania Station. Ad- Doc Riddick, as he was often referred Mr. KERREY. Mr. President, I rise ditionally, and perhaps most impor- to, was born in Trotville, NC, on July today to express my sadness at the tantly, he has created the Cecilia 13, 1908. As Senator BYRD has noted in death of Senator Carl T. Curtis. Foundation which allows young school his foreword to the current edition of Senator Curtis was a lifelong public children to experience the classics and ``Senate Procedure,'' he was truly a servant best known for his untiring even get a chance to conduct. The unique scholar. work on behalf of the people of Ne- Cecilia Foundation provides musical His contributions to the Senate will braska. He began his public career in instruments to children who would not be utilized, as they have been utilized 1930 when he was elected Kearney get such an opportunity without the and valued, by future generations of County Attorney. After failing to be generosity of Father Alphonse. Senators and staff who have not yet re-elected as county attorneyÐthe Somehow, Father Alphonse has also even been born. only political defeat he would ever found time to create the ``Festival of Floyd Riddick made his mark on the faceÐhe was elected to the U.S. House the Atlantic,'' a series of free concerts Senate, on Congress, and on history for of Representatives in 1938. The people at Point Pleasant Beach and the larg- the publication of ``Riddick's Senate of Nebraska returned Carl Curtis to the est outdoor musical endeavor in the Procedure.'' House of Representatives for an addi- State of New Jersey. Crowds of 10,000 I know I speak for all of my col- tional seven terms. and more are not uncommon. leagues and all of our staff in express- In 1954, he chose to leave the House He is also a Major and the Chief ing heartfelt condolences to his wife and to return to private life. But when Chaplain of the 108th Refueling Wing at Margo, to his friends, and his family. then-Senator Dwight Griswold died in McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey Mr. HATCH. I ask unanimous consent office, Carl Curtis was coaxed into fur- with another change in rank soon to that the resolution be agreed to, the ther public service. He was overwhelm- occur! preamble be agreed to, and the motion ingly elected to the United States Sen- An amazing list of accomplishments to reconsider be laid upon the table. ate and served as a distinguished mem- for one so young. As the Senate begins The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ber of this body until his retirement the 2nd Session of the 106th Congress, I objection, it is so ordered. from public office in 1979. VerDate 04-JAN-2000 02:23 Jan 27, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G26JA6.020 pfrm01 PsN: S26PT1 S98 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE January 26, 2000 Mr. President, Senator Curtis Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns Senate, I ask unanimous consent that brought to the Senate the plain-spoken today, it stand adjourned as a further mark the Senate stand in adjournment under common sense of rural Nebraska. He of respect to the memory of the Honorable the previous order following the re- Carl Curtis. understood his roots and he cared deep- marks of Senators DODD, DURBIN, ly for the people he represented. While f DASCHLE, and REID of Nevada. his style did not lend itself to self-pro- ORDERS FOR THURSDAY, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without motion and banner headlines, his influ- JANUARY 27, 2000 objection, it is so ordered. ence in Congress was felt on a number Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I suggest of important issues. He was instru- Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I ask the absence of a quorum. mental in shaping tax and agricultural unanimous consent that when the Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The policy, he was a staunch advocate of ate completes its business today, it clerk will call the roll.