In Re Sears Holding Corporation, Et

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In Re Sears Holding Corporation, Et Case 7:19-cv-09140-CM Document 26 Filed 02/27/20 Page 1 of 43 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK In re: SEARS HOLDINGS CORPORATION, et al., Debtors. MOAC MALL HOLDINGS LLC, Appellant, No. 19 Civ. 09140 (CM) -against- TRANSFORM HOLDCO LLC and SEARS HOLDINGS CORPORATION, et al. Appellees. DECISION ON APPEAL McMahon, C.J.: Sears (f/k/a Sears, Roebuck and Co., collectively with Sears Holdings Corporation and its affiliated debtors, the “Debtors”), the iconic American retailer, is once again bankrupt. The instant appeal is taken from an order issued by The Hon. Robert Drain, U.S.B.J., approving the assignment and assumption of Sears’ lease at the equally iconic (if considerably newer) Minneapolis shopping mall cum amusement and entertainment venue known as the Mall of America. The approved assignor is not a business establishment – not a retail store, not a restaurant, not a hotel, not an amusement venue, not a waterpark (reputed to be the latest addition to the Mall of America’s ever-lengthening list of very un-shopping-mall-like tenants). Rather, it is an entity known as Transform Leaseco LLC (“Transform Leaseco”), an affiliate and wholly owned 1 Case 7:19-cv-09140-CM Document 26 Filed 02/27/20 Page 2 of 43 subsidiary of Transform Holdco LLC (collectively, “Transform”). Transform was formed and is headed by Sears’ final CEO, Eddie Lampert, and several other former Sears executives. Transform’s goal is to gain control of substantially all of Sears’ assets, including Sears’ many real estate holdings, through Sears’ bankruptcy proceedings. In this it has been largely successful; Transform provisionally acquired 660 Sears leases in a sale order entered by the Bankruptcy Court, 659 of which the court has approved for assignment to Transform. Transform plans to continue to operate approximately 400 of these 660 leases (i.e., Transform will continue to operate Sears stores at those locations) and to market the remaining 260 in order to find new tenants to occupy those premises. Mall of America is not interested in seeing Sears’ three-story building leased out by Transform. Mall of America’s owner, MOAC Mall Holdings LLC (“MOAC”), wants the lease to revert to it, the landlord, so that it can control who gets to occupy that very prestigious space. MOAC insists that, under certain provisions in the Bankruptcy Code that were passed to protect the owners and tenants of “shopping centers,” the lease may not be assigned to Transform and must revert to the landlord. The learned bankruptcy judge disagreed with MOAC’s argument that 11 U.S.C. §§ 365(b)(3)(A) and/or (b)(3)(D) prohibited the assignment of the Mall of America lease (the “Lease”) to Transform. He approved the assignment and assumption as proposed by Sears. But Judge Drain admitted that, at least insofar as his ruling addressed § 365(b)(3)(A), his ruling was one of first impression. MOAC has appealed from the Bankruptcy Court’s order. I agree with the bankruptcy judge that nothing in § 365(b)(3)(D) of the Code prohibits the transfer of the Lease to Transform. 2 Case 7:19-cv-09140-CM Document 26 Filed 02/27/20 Page 3 of 43 However, I am constrained to disagree with his conclusion that § 365(b)(3)(A) does not bar the proposed assignment. In § 365(b)(3)(A), Congress provided a rigorous standard that an assignee of a bankrupt’s shopping center lease must meet in order to give the landlord adequate assurance that the new tenant will not shortly end up in bankruptcy. In this case, the Bankruptcy Court found that the tenant did not meet that standard. The judge’s decision that an alternative provision in Sears’ Lease could be substituted for the statutory standard effectively read the congressionally-mandated standard out of the Bankruptcy Code. I do not believe that result can be justified. The proposed assignment is, therefore, disallowed. Statement of Relevant Facts Although Judge Drain held a hearing at which evidence was presented and witnesses were cross-examined, the facts salient to this appeal do not appear to be in dispute. Relevant Terms of the Lease Sears was one of the original anchor tenants at Mall of America. Its Lease – which, with extensions, runs for 100 years, or until 20911 – contains many terms that are most unusual, especially in a shopping center lease. Equally unusual are many of the terms of the Amended and Restated Reciprocal Easement and Operating Agreement (“REA”) between Sears, MOAC, and the other two original anchor retail tenants at the mall, Macy’s and Nordstrom, which are incorporated into and made a part of the Lease. The terms are highly favorable to Sears; the reasons for that, I am advised, are that (1) Sears constructed the demised premises at its own expense, while (2) MOAC bent over backward to get Sears into the shopping center as an anchor tenant. 1 One wonders whether there will be big box retailing in 2091. Unimaginable things can happen when leases last for a century. Just ask the people of Hong Kong. 3 Case 7:19-cv-09140-CM Document 26 Filed 02/27/20 Page 4 of 43 Under the Lease, Sears owes only $10 per year in rent, which it prepaid through 2021 at the time the Lease was signed. (APX2231).2 However, with taxes, common area payments, and insurance, Sears’ annual financial obligation to the mall amounted to approximately $1.1 million. (Transcript of August 23, 2019 Hearing (“Tr.”) at 53:21-25, 54:1-5, APX2048-49).3 Unlike most tenants at shopping centers and malls, Sears is not responsible for paying any “percentage rent,” which is an extraordinarily tenant-favorable term in any commercial lease. The REA, as incorporated into the Lease, required Sears to operate as a retail department store in its space for a term of 15 years, or until 2007. That 15-year term, the Major Operating Period of Sears (“Major Operating Period”), expired over a decade ago. In another unusual provision, per the REA, once the Major Operating Period expired, Sears had the right – without needing the approval of MOAC or the other parties to the REA – to vacate all or any part of the building, or to lease or sublease all or any portion of the building, or to assign the REA. (APX2438). In most shopping center leases, the landlord retains veto power over the assignment of tenant leases. See Retail Lease: Key Provisions, Practical Law Practice Note 4-507- 0793 (Westlaw 2020) (“Retail leases usually contain explicit restrictions on a tenant’s ability to assign its lease or sublease its premises to third parties. These provisions typically provide that the landlord’s consent is required before an assignment or sublease.”) The only constraint on Sears in this regard was found in Article XXII of the REA, the relevant portion of which – Article XXII(c)(1), which is applicable only to Sears and not to Macy’s or Nordstrom – provides that any Sears sublessee or assignee, for the remainder of the term of the Lease, was forbidden to use the leased premises, “for any use or purpose other than retail purposes 2 References to the record on appeal, which can be found at Docket Entry #17, are designated with the prefix APX. 3 The transcript for this hearing can also be found in the Bankruptcy Court docket, In re Sears Holdings Corporation, et al., No. 18-23538 (RDD) (Bankr. S.D.N.Y.), at Docket Entry #5393. 4 Case 7:19-cv-09140-CM Document 26 Filed 02/27/20 Page 5 of 43 customarily found in an enclosed mall shopping center and non-retail activities customarily incidental thereto or such other uses and purposes that are compatible and consistent with (and are not detrimental, injurious or inimical to) the operation of a first-class regional shopping center.” (APX2420-21) (emphasis added). Thus, Sears and its successors and assigns were not limited to running a retail establishment in the demised premises from and after 2007. No one – not MOAC and not any of its other tenants, even co-anchor tenants Macy’s and Nordstrom – could possibly have entertained any justifiable expectation that the Sears space would be used for retail purposes beyond the Major Operating Period. Rather, Sears could use the space for retail activities, or for non-retail activities that one might find in a mall, or even for non-retail activities that were “compatible . with [] and . not detrimental . to” a first-class mall – which Mall of America considers itself to be.4 The very broad “use restriction” applicable to Sears in Article XXII of the REA is, of course, virtually meaningless at Mall of America, since the phrase “compatible with and not detrimental to” a mall at that location includes practically any legal and non-industrial operation that might bring people into Mall of America, for any purpose. The “mall” currently houses hotels, a miniature golf course, an amusement park, a comedy club, an aquarium, a 2,500-square-foot Amazing Mirror Maze, and something called the “Crayola Experience,” which occupies an area larger than an NFL football field and boasts 25 hands-on attractions. Most recently, the Bloomington City Council approved the development of a waterpark that will be fully integrated into Mall of America. (See Ghermezian Decl. ¶ 3, APX1837). 4 The REA does prohibit public or private nuisances, warehouses, or establishments that are noisy (a standard that does not seem to mean what most of us think it means, since I have never been to a quiet amusement park) or hazardous.
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