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/ Designed for Arctic waters t his clear plastic habitat ca lled " Igloo" should be re ady for t esting this spring. It's the lates t project of Jose ph Macinnis. Ca nada's diving doctor. who in his spare time takes Pie rre Tru deau skin -diving. It's costing $15.000. includ ing donations from Chemacryl. who are providing the plastic. Alcoa- providing the aluminum spars. and Kin g Plastics. who are blowing the sphere and providing technical support. Th e underwater "house". Macinnis' second. will be used as a base for divers where they ca n remain sheltered for 8-10 hours. NEWSM AGAZINE Published every two weeks by RAIC/IRAC December 7, 1970 Expansion '70 - megastructure for an urban campus Winnipeg architects Moody Moore Duncan Rattray Peters Sea rl e and Christie are enlarg ing the accommodation at the University of Winnipeg's sma ll urban campus by fill ing in th e spaces between existing bui ldings. Their new "buildings" span over and grow between existing stru ctures. to create an integrated megastru cture. The project. which will cost $8 million. including renovations. will provide a multi-media library. plus aca demic and teaching space. Constru cti on began this summer and wil! be completed by September '71 . Exposed tubular steel trusses a full storey high are being used th roughout ; precast hollow-core slabs form the floor structure. Three double banks of escalators will rise through t he cen tral pedestrian street to a major student circulation an d activity are a on t he fourth level. For two other campus developments using a similar approach. see pages 4 and 5. LETTERS FRAIC, FRIBA, ARCA, former senior International steel aw ards Profit and loss partner in the architectural firm of Entry forms are now available for the "It may be pointless to lament the Nationality requirements and Page & Steele. 1970-71 Design in Steel Awards fact that the building industry maxi architectural registration Mr. Page was born in Toronto in Program sponsored by the American mums its profit and that it mini 1885. In 1911, in conjunction with Sirs: Iron and Steel Institute. A total of mizes its risks by providing tried and Stan Warrington, he formed Page We have just seen the articles 28 awards will be made for engineer true designs which sold in the past. & Warrington, Architects, with which (A /C 28/9 /70) about the possible ing, design and art. Some of the This is the nature of any commercial he was associated until 1 924. After introduction of a citizenship require product categories include educa enterprise," said Toronto architect being wounded in World War I, Mr. ment into the Ontario Registration tional equipment, furniture, trans Alex Benedek at a recent Ontario Page taught at Duke University in Act. If it helps to form a view, so far portation ; structural categories in conference on concrete building. North Carolina. From 1924 to 1926, as I know in the Commonwealth as clude high rise construction, hous He blamed instead the fact that Mr. Page had his own architectural a whole, Nigeria, Quebec and now ing, low rise construction and those responsible for the nation's practice. In 1926 he, with Harland possibly Ontario will be the only public works. housing policies do not have enough Steele, formed the firm Page & Acts with citizenship requirement. Entry forms, which must be post foresight. Steele, Architects, of which he was Some Acts stipulate residence, but marked no later than January 19, Mr. Benedek also questioned senior partner until his retirement in most confine themselves to the 1971 , are available from the Iron whether housing should be treated 1963. After that time, he continued qualities and qualifications required and Steel Institute, 201 East 42nd as a stock market commodity. With in an active capacity as a consultant. for professional service. St., New York, New York 10017. the value of shares directly related Mr. Page was past president of Some of the US State Registration to profits or the potential for future the OAA (1.934-35) ; past president, bodies have a US Citizenship re HOUSING profits, he pointed out, the market RAIC (1943-44) ; chancellor, Col quirement but when the reciprocity responds best to the short term lege of Fellows (1952-55) and an 20th century brick agreement between the UK Regis profit potential. tration Council and the US National academician of the Royal Canadian Council of Architectural Registration Academy. TRANSPORTATION Boards was negotiated, it was said that the tendency was to drop the COMPETITIONS Aero-trains for Ontario? practice where it occurred and that Contemporary arts centre. Ontario could become the first place it was only in a minority of US Paris in the world to have operational air States that it survived. cushioned trains for commuters. T. C. Colchester, Secretary, An international competition for the The provincial government has Commonwealth Association of design of a contemporary arts centre been watching the progress of aero Architects for Paris, France is to be launched train experiments in France for over Editors' note: by the end of the year. It will be a year now and, says Deputy High It's not "go" yet for Ontario. sponsored by the Municipal Council ways Minister A. T. McNab, the The situation is still under review of Paris and is a result of an idea by trains could be the answer to trans by the OAA and the Attorney George Pompidou when he was porting large numbers of people (up General's department of the pro Council President. Deadline for re to 20,000 an hour) over short dis vincial government. ceipt of completed entries is to be tances in highly populated areas in July, 1971 . Full details will be pub the province. PEOPLE lished when available. Japan as well as France is also considering aero trains but Ontario Vancouver architect Peter Ober AWARDS could still be first to have the new lander, director of the School of Design management type of railroad operational, says Community and Regional Planning McNab. at the University of British Columbia, The first National Design Council Aero trains, powered by either has been named secretary of the and Federal Department of Industry, turbo or electric engines, float along federal government's proposed min Trade and Commerce award for istry for urban affairs and housing. management contribution to good The ministry has not yet been estab design has gone to Standard Desk lished but legislation for its forma Ltd., of Montreal. tion, with several other ministries of The awards program instigated state, is expected to be introduced earlier this year (known as the in Parliament soon. The status of National Design secretary would be equivalent to Counci l Chair that of a deputy head of a govern man's Award for The idea of using mobile home units ment department. Dr. Oberlander is Design Manage as the basic element of housing has a native of Vienna. ment) is unique been toyed with by a number of Dr. Robert Legget, Ottawa, retired in that it recog architects and manufacturers re director of the Division of Building nizes the contri cently. Although many adaptations Research of the National Research bution of manage of the idea are being used for con Architecture Canada is published Council, is one of two Canadians to ment toward the struction today (A / C 28/ 9 / 70) the every tw o w eeks by the 5th Company cause of good de idea of using specially adapted (Greey de Pencier Publications Ltd.) for the be awarded medals this year by the Ro yal Architectural institute of Canada / Engineering Institute of Canada for sign practice. The production-line mobile home units l'lnstitut Royal d'Architecture du Canada . outstanding achievement. With only other award fabricated by a trailer manufacturer The Company al so publishes Architecture Francois Rousseau of Montreal, Dr. that is similar is the Royal Society of has never got past the conceptual Canada Directory. Legget was presented the EIC's Arts Presidential Awards for Design stage. Until now. RAIC / IRAC office 151 Slater Street, Julien Smith Medal for Achieve Management, administered by the Nearing completion in New Haven, Ottawa 4. William N. Greer, MRAIC, chairman RAIC pu blica tions board. ment in the Development of Canada. Council of Industrial Design in Conn. is a unique complex of 333 Mr. Rousseau was honored for his England. townhouse-apartments designed by Subscriptions are $10 a year. role in the construction of hydro Standard Desk was chosen as the Paul Rudolph and fabricated by Architecture Canada editorial, circulation electric plants in Quebec and his first recipient of the award by a Coastal Trailer Co. Apartments, each and ad vertising offices are at selection committee which judged 56 Esplanad e St. E. , Toronto 1 contribution to Expo 67; Dr. Legget, consisting of two to three modules 416-364-3333. a number of business enterprises (depending on the number of bed who earlier this year was similarly 5th Company editorial committee : honored by the American Society on the integration and application rooms), are clustered on a 15-acre Annabel Slaight, Patrick Hailstone, for Testing and Materials (A JC 201- of good design into their products, site so that each has its own per Ron Butler, Janeva Van Buren, 7 /70) , for his part in establishing a packaging, exhibitions, rolling stock, sonal outdoor space and individual Michael de Pencier. national building code for Canada. promotional material, and other entrance. Modules, constructed of Opinions published in Architecture Canada tangible aspects of management's wood, are 12 feet wide and 36 to 60 do not necessaril y represent the views DIED activity.