ROSE Family Bulletin Editors: Christine Rose, CG, CGL, FASG and Seymour T. Rose 761 Villa Teresa Way, San Jose, CA 95123 ©2013 website: email:
[email protected] MARCH 2013 Vol. XLVII Whole No. 189 Established 1966 Samuel Rose of Wilkes County, North Carolina Descendants Courtesy of Joe Smith 50th Wedding Anniversary of Bart and Arta Thompson in 1955 with all of their ten children. L. to r.: Arl, Eva, Morris, Fielder, Edwin, Bart, Arta, Raynard, Lava, Lula, Lena, and Lila (mother of Joe Smith) For more information on Joe Smith’s family see Rose Family Bulletin March 2012 XLVI No. 185 pp. 5701-5703. Joe is a descendant of Samuel1 and Lydia (Sizemore) Rose of Wilkes County, North Carolina through their son Isaiah2 Rose (m. Mary Baugus), their son Bryant3 Rose (m. Rosamond Wyatt), and their son Barton4 Rose, father of Barton Thompson. We encourage submissions from members of one to one and a half pages on your Rose family. These submissions should be on generations closer to the present day descendants - perhaps parents, grand- parents, or even remembered great-grandparents. These are not intended to be genealogical in nature but focused on the personalties, occupations, remembrances of holidays, etc. We all enjoy these personalized accounts. Rose Family Bulletin - Volume XLVII- Whole Number 189 March 2013 Samuel Rose and Lydia (Sizemore) Rose descendants with photo ...................................................................................5427 Dear Readers ..............................................................................................................................................................................5429