Congressional Record-House. 4499
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1904. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 4499 Mr. QUARLES. I move that the Senate proceed to the con- Second Lieut. JohnS. Chambe~s, Twelfth Infantry, February sideration of executive business. · . 26.1904. The -motion was agreed toj and the Senate proceeded to the con· Second Lieut. James Regan, jr., Fourteenth Infantry, March sideration of executive business. After five minutes spent in ex 2, 1904. .ecrrtive session the doors were reopened, and (at 6 o'clock p. m.) Second Lieut. Gilbert M. Allen, Nineteenth Infantry, March the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Saturday,April9, 1904,at 19, 1904. 12 o'clock meridian. Second Lieut. John Randolph, Twentieth Infantry, March 29, 1904. Second Lieut. Harry Graham, Twenty-second Infantry, March NOMINATIONS. 29, 1904. Executive nominations 1·eceived by the Senate AprilS, 190J, POSTMASTERS. KANSAS. PROMOTIONS IN THE NAVY, Henry C. Abbott to be postmaster at Le Roy, in the county of Lieut. (Junior Grade) Edward Woods to be a lieutenant in the Coffey and State of Kansas. - · Navy from the 1st day of January, 1904, to :fill a vacancy created in that grade by the act of Congress approved March 3, 1903. NEBRASKA. Ensigns Allen Buchanan and Frederick J. Home, jr., to be lien .A. D. MeNeer to be postmaster at Blue Hill, in the county of tenants (junior grade) in the Navy from the 28th day of January, Webster and State of Nebraska. 1904, having completed three years' service in their present grade. L. V. Styles to be postmaster at St. Edward, ·in the county of Lieut. Hilary P. Jones, jr., to be a lieutenant-commander in the Boone and State of Nebraska. Navy from the 19th day of March, 1904, vice Lieut. Commander Thomas J. Taylor to be postmaster ~t Wilber, in the county of · Harry H. Hosley, promoted. Saline and State of Nebraska.. Lieut. William R. Shoemaker to be a lieutenant-commander in Joseph G. Alden to be postmaster at Aurora, in the county of the Navy from the .18th day of March, 1904, vice Lieut. Com Hamilton and State of Nebraska. mander Frank E. Bea~, promoted. NEW YORK. Asst. Civil Engineer James V. Rookwell to be a civil engineer Richard H. Mcintyre to be postmaster at Saranac Lake, in the in the Navy from the 6th day-of March, 1904, vice Civil Engineer county of Franklin and State of New York. George Mackay, retired. OKLABOIU.. Jacob Puckett to be postmaster at Cushing, in the county of CONFIRMATIONS. Payne and Territory of Oklahoma. Executive nominations confirined by the Senate April 8, 1901,. PROMOTIONS L't THE ArurY. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. .ARTILLERY CORPS. To be major. FRIDAY, April 8, 1904. Capt. FrankS. Harlow, Artillery Corps, Aprll1, 1904, The House met at 12 o'clock m. To be captains. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. COUDEN, D. D. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap First Lieut. Arthur F. Cassels, Artillery Corps, November 23, proved. 1903. - . RELIEF OF TOBACCO GROWERS. First Lieut. Harry P. Wilbur, Artillery Corps, November 28, 1903. Mr. DALZELL. Mr. Speaker, I desire to submit a privileged To be first lieutenants. report from the Committee on Ways and Means, which I will send to the desk and ask to have read. Second Lieut. Frederick B. Hennessy, Artillery Corps, Novem- The Clerk read as follows: ber 23, 1903. The Committee on Ways and Means, U> whom was referred the bills l!. R. Second Lieut. Fred L. Perry, Artillery Corps, November 28, 1971,3374,4482,9810,10875, ll89,14D17,bavinghad them tlfiderconsideration, beg 1903. leave to report a substitute. INFANTRY ARM. The Clerk read the title of the bill, as follows: To be colonel. A bill (H. R. US96) for the relief of tobacco growers. Lieut. Col. Thomas C. Woodbury, Thirteenth Infantry, March The SPEAKER. The bill will be referred to the Committee of 29, 1904. the Whole House on the state of the Union and, with the accom To be lieutenant-colonels. panying report, printed. Maj. Alfred C. Sharpe, United States Infantry, assistant adju .SHIPPING BETWEEN PORTS OF THE UNITED STATES AND PORTS OF tant-general, 1\Iarch 29, 1904. THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, ETC. Maj. George H. Roach, Twenty-eighth Infantry, March29", 1904. Maj. William H. C. Bowen, Twelfth Infantry, March 29, 1904. Mr. GROSVENOR. Mr. Speaker, I call up the bill (S. 2259) to regulate shipping in trade between ports of the United States and To be 1najors. ports or places in the Philippine Archipelago, and for other pur Capt. Thomas W. Griffith, Twenty-seventh Infantry,March29, poses. I would ask the Speaker how much time there is remaining? 1904. The SPEAKER. There is seven minutes of time still remain Capt. George W. Mciver, Seventh Infantry, March 29,1904. .ing under the control of the gentleman from Ohio. To be captains. Mr. GROSVENOR. Mr. Speaker, the bill under consideration been fnlly .dis<?ussed,_and I merely want. to point out this First Lieut. Mark Wheeler, Twenty-seventh Infantry, January . smgle fact, which 1s pertinent to every question that is here in 20, 1904. ' vclved~ Whether or not, without any legislation, coastwise laws First Lieut. George D. Arrowsmith, Twenty-sixth Infantry, of the United States would go into operation on the 1st of the January 24, 1904. coming July there is doubt in my mind, and I believe doubt in First Lieut. G. Soulard Tnrner, Tenth Infantry, February 26, the mind of everybody; so that the failure of legislation will have 1904. one of two effects-either, first, it will make it possible for our First Lieut. Ivers W. Leonard, Twenty-second Infantry, March coastwise laws to envelope both the internal and external traffic 29, 1904. of the Philippine Islands, or there will be the same confusion First Lieut. Philip E. M. Walker, Third Infantry, March 29, ·:vhich ha_s e~ste~ d.uring the past tyvo years. The proposition 1904. mvolved m this bill1s to extend the time for the going into effect _ To be first lieutenants. of the coastwise legislation until a year from next July. There Second Lieut. Ned M. Green, Twenty-fifth Infantry, January will be an amendment offered by the gentleman from Iowa [Mr. 20, 1904. BIRDSALL] to extend the time until July 1, 1906, which will give Second Lieut. William C. Stone, Third Infantry; January 24, two years. and three mont~ fm· the adJ~stment of the traffic by 1904. the establishment of new lines and the gomg forward in the prep Second Lieut. J. Alfred Moss, Twenty-third Infantry, January aration for a complete control of that business. 28, 1904. For my own part, standing here as a representative of the com Second Lieut. Charles.F. Leonard, Twentieth Infantry, January mittee which brought in the bill fixing the time as 1905 I shall 28. 1904. not consent to the amendment placing the date at 1906; but if car Second Lieut. Franklin P. Jackson, Twenty-ninth Infantry1 ried, I shall not demand a division; but to a longer time than that February 15, 1904. I would object, fol' it would be in my judgment a defeat of the 4500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-. HOUSE. APRILs, - bill. I believe that if we have any legislation, and I think it is in NOT VOTING-122. the highest degree necessary, we can not go beyond the year 1906. Acheson, Foster, ill. -Lester, Shackleford, Mr. Speaker, I do not care to occupy any further time, and I Aiken, Fowler, Lewis, Shiras, Ames, French, Livingston, Shober, shall ask for a vote under the rules. Babcock, , Fuller, Lorimer~ Shull, Mr. BIRDSALL. · Mr. Speaker, I offer the following amend Bankhead, Gaines,Tenn. Londensmger, Slemp, ments, which I will send to the desk and ask to have read. B~e, • Gardner, Mass. McAndrews, Smith, Iowa · Beidler, Gardner, Mich. McCarthy!. Smith, N. Y: The Clerk read as follows: BelL Cal Gamer, McDermott;, Snapp, On page 1, after the word "first," in line 3, strike out the word "five" and Benton, Gillett, Cal. McLachlan, Southall, insert the word "six." Bingham, Goebel, McNary, Sparkman On page 2, after the word "first," in line 5, strike out the word "five" and Bowie, Goldfogle, Mahoney, Sullivan, N.Y. insert the word "six." • Broussard, Gooch, Maynard, Sulzer, On page 2, after the word "first," in line 23, strike out the word "five" and Brownlow, Goulden, Metcalf Talbott, insert the word " six." Burke, Hearst, - M~&yer, ta. Tate, On page 3, after the word "first," in line 7, strike out the word "five" and Burleigh, Hepburn, Mirior, Taylor, insert the word "six." Burnett, Hildebrant, Mondell, Thomas, Iowa Butler, Mo. Hill, Miss. Moon, Pa. Townsend, Mr. SPIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I move an amendment to the Cassel, Hinshaw, Morgan, Vandiver, Cochran. Mo. Holliday, Needham, Wachter, amendment whereby the word "nine" will be inserted wherever CooperiiTex. Houston, Nevin, Wallace,: the word '' six '' occurs. ' Darrag , Howard, Otis, Warner, The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Mississippi offers an Davis, Fla. Huff.,. Patterson, Tenn. Weisse, Davis, Minn. Hngnes,N.J. Pearre, Wiley, Ala. amendment to the amendment, which the Clerk will report. Dayton, Hunt, - Powers, Mass. Wiley, N.J. The Clerk read as follows: Dickerman, Hunter, Prince, Williams, ill. Dougherty, Jackson, Md. Rainey, , Williams, Miss. Strike out the word "six" w1terever it occurs in the amendment and in Douglas, Jackson, Ohio Rhea, Wilson, N.Y. sert in lieu thereof the word "nine." Dresser, Knapp, Richardson, Tenn. Woodyard, Fitzgerald, Knopf, Roberts, Wright. The SPEAKER. The question is on agreeing to the amend Flack, Lamar,Fla. Ruppert, ment to the amendment. Flood, Landis, Chas. B. Scudder, • The question was taken; and the Speaker announced that in the opinion of the Chair the amendment to the amendment was re- So the amendment was rejected.