Dick Taylor | 196 pages | 28 Mar 2012 | Mushroom Model Publications | 9788361421368 | English | Poland Into the Valley: The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938-1960 (Mushroom Green Series 4111)

If you are looking for a "bible" on the Valentine, this is it. This book Into the Vally: The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938-1960 not yet featured on Listopia. The trials were successful and the vehicle was rushed into production as "Tank, Infantry, Mark III"; no pilot models were required as much of the mechanics had been proven on the A10 and it entered service from July There are also sections on the tank's combat career, the various camouflage schemes it wore as well as a photo walkaround of preserved . Valentines bound for the Soviet Union being loaded on C. Of course, few enemy tanks at the start of the war had anything much bigger, but it was soon found to be quite lacking. Also a single profile of an Archer and a . Psychological operations, and lately, defence exporting. Early tanks used the Wireless set No. I found the historical pictures to be very valuable from a modeling point of view, as they provide details on the markings of the tanks plus the environment in which they operated. Typically from this publisher, the book is well produced on quality paper, with plenty of photos, diagrams, line drawings and colour schemes. The small size of the turret and of the turret ring meant that producing mountings for larger guns proved a difficult task. Valentine Bridgelayer, Kubinka Tank Museum The markings are a bit of a let down in that as far as I can work out, you cannot build a single one of them from the contents of the box, but hopefully the section above will provide some pointers in that regard. Although versions with the 6-pounder and then with the Ordnance QF 75 mm gun were developed, by the time they were available in significant numbers, better tanks had reached the battlefield. StreetFightingMan 18 Posted March 2, Iain 0 Posted November 1, Another weakness was the small crew compartment and the two- man turret. The turret was made up of a cast front and a cast rear riveted to the side plates which were of rolled steel. Friend Reviews. Design Development and Production pp The origins of the design are examined, Into the Vally: The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938-1960 the way back to original War Office doctrine of the early s which decreed the need for Light, Cruiser and Infantry tanks. The Into the Vally: The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938-1960 ring diameter was not changed, so the extra space was found by moving the gun mounting forward in an extended front plate and increasing the bulge in the rear of the turret. The "most prosaic" explanation according to David Fletcher is that it was just an in-house codeword of Vickers with no other significance. Iain Wyllie. Some of the photographs are color, and there are several pages of color plates of Valentines in various Commonwealth and Soviet camouflage schemes. Show less Show more Advertising ON OFF We use cookies to serve you certain types of adsincluding ads relevant to your interests on Book Depository and to work with approved third parties in the process of delivering ad content, including ads relevant to your interests, to measure the effectiveness of their ads, and to perform services on behalf of Book Depository. Add to basket. Insert image from URL. Bloody well done Mr. The Journal of Military History. A turretless Valentine from a quarry was used by Greek militia, fitted with an improvised armoured casement from which a gunner could fire a Bren gun. Into the Vally: The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938 - 1960

The whole contraption was very cumbersome and it Into the Vally: The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938-1960 little wonder that it is not often seen in photos. Type of . Technical Description pp A brief overview of the different Marks, then followed by detailed examination of structure, armour strength, engine and transmission, and suspension. That is, it was not designed to a General Staff GS specification, but came off the drawing-board with the intention of exciting enough interest within the military establishment to secure an order. This book is Highly recommended. Accept all Manage Cookies. Vickers-Armstrong produced 2, vehicles Into the Vally: The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938- 1960 Metropolitan 2, total UK production was 6, tanks. Okay; if you knew Into the Vally: The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938-1960 three you are a real fan of the Valentine. Of more interest to the mainstream modeller will be this chapter's coverage of the Bishop and the Archer. Search this site:. The Valentine bridge-layer was always in demand and in short supply. Product Web Page. A number of Valentine hulls are in private ownership in , including one in the Australian Armour and Artillery Museum These were sent there after the war for use as agricultural vehicles. Book ratings by Goodreads. The kit comes with a nice turned metal barrel which has the steps at either end. Surviving Panzers website. It was natural for such a reliable chassis Into the Vally: The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938-1960 be used for other purposes and that includes a command tank, flail tank, the Archer SPG as well as the less built and taller Bishop, SPG. The subject is a complex one, and to handle it the book is divided into eight logical sections. Vickers-Armstrong produced 2, vehicles and Metropolitan 2, total UK production was 6, tanks. And yet despite these accolades, the Valentine is often overlooked and overshadowed by its more famous stable mates, the Churchill, Matilda and Cromwell. Also included is everything from different stowage arrangements to variations in vision ports and antenna mounts. All in all, this is a very complete history on the Valentine tank. Alright, some of you are doing quite well. The Valentine also served as the basis for a number of special purpose vehicles, The Scissors bridgelayer, The Scorpion mine clearing flail tank, The Bishop self propelled gun, The Archer and the Duplex Drive Valentine with collapsible canvas bouyancy screen. Available From More Booksellers. A bulkhead separated the fighting compartment from the engine compartment. The first tanks had a two-man turret, the gunner on the left of the gun and the commander acting also as the loader on the right. Dick Taylor. The illustrations and photos cover all aspects of Valentines and their variants, inside and out. Dick Taylor is a serving British Army officer who has been deployed in many areas of the world. It is packed full of photographs both period Into the Vally: The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938-1960 colour walkaroundtechnical diagrams, scale plans and colour profiles. VG clean copy in card covers. New Vanguard. Paperbackpages. Coronavirus delivery updates. I was a bit disappointed in that it was oriented more toward modellers than toward the effectiveness of the Valentine in battle. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Valentine tank. There are also sections on the tank's combat career, the various camouflage schemes it wore as well as a photo walkaround of preserved tanks. That is, it was not designed to a General Staff GS specification, but came off the drawing-board with the intention of exciting enough interest within the military establishment to secure an order. This new politic of defense from England hit the air, sea and ground forces. Forty, George Reviewer: Scott Van Aken Built in more numbers than any other British tank, the Valentine was designed as an infantry tank, but had enough speed to be considered a cruiser as well. The colour diagrams of camouflage patterns include a top and a port side view. The Telegraph. The book is profusely illustrated throughout with wartime photos, scrap view drawings and scale plans. Into the Valley – The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938-1960 by Dick Taylor

Forty, George The section with the restored vehicle are all in color and include a large number of nice close up detail photos. Painting and markings follows the operational section, and the last main section details the foreign operations of the Valentine. I would highly recommend this book to modelers and armor history fans. Description of gun Tanks Marks 4. Handwriting Workbook Wonder Woman Publisihing. Driving was by clutch and brake steering through levers, Into the Vally: The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938-1960 control rods ran the length of the hull to the transmission at the rear. Newsome, Bruce There are several proposed explanations for the name Valentine. There are several proposed explanations for the name Valentine. A few were used for special purposes or as command vehicles for units equipped with the Archer self- propelled gun. The book is profusely illustrated with black and white general photos one of these being a 4-viewmore black and white photos that are walk-around type, 48 color walk —around photos, 91 technical drawings, paint patterns for Valentines in full color, one general color photo, 3 black and white profiles no scale given. There are also drawings and sketches from official government documents, as well as scale drawings and color profile illustrations. Let them try and prove me wrong. This book is neither a modeling book nor a reference book. The Into the Vally: The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938-1960, clutch and gearbox were bolted together to form a single unit. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Overseas Service 7. Leave this field blank:. These cookies are necessary to provide our site and services and therefore cannot be disabled. You can post now and register later. I had the turret sides glued in place on the base, when I noticed a photo of a Valentine with the early kit wheels and a sheet metal exhaust guard and a Into the Vally: The Valentine Tank and Derivatives 1938-1960 left turret side without the rear view mirror, so I carefully removed the later turret side and fitted the plain one. II kit. Wonder Woman Publishing. Add to basket. There are also sections on the tank's combat career, the various camouflage schemes it wore as well as a photo walkaround of preserved tanks. Not everything is covered in great depth, but just about everything has some coverage. Posted November 3, The turret ring diameter was not changed, so the extra space was found by moving the gun mounting forward in an extended front plate and increasing the bulge in the rear of the turret. Thanks to the MMP Books for the sample www. The first tanks had a two-man turret, the gunner on the left of the gun and the commander acting also as the loader on the right. Metropolitan and the BRCW had built small numbers of the A10, their production runs were just finishing and they delivered their first Valentines in mid Although criticised for its low speed and weak gun, the Valentine was liked due to its small size, reliability and good armour protection.