HARARE High levels of violence reported in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2013 . Several murders of activists in 2008. Possible Chitungwiza (All) Chitungwiza Inter- party violence Christopher Chigumba Zanu PF has history of sponsoring violence. High levels of violence in 2008. Rapes and murder in 2008 . Intimidation high in 2012, 2013. More cases of violence EPWORTH Epworth Epworth reported outside election time. Possible Inter -party violence in 2013, Amos Midzi Zanu PF candidate has a history of violence. High levels of violence in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 particularly in Mbare and Dzivaresekwa, South Constituencies in 2013. Possible Inter Party Violence in 2013, Never Kowo HARARE Harare (All) Harare (military) Dzivaresekwa, Munyaradzi Savanhu Mbare, Andrew Nkani (Military) Budiriro. Intra-party violence experienced around primary elections in Epworth and Dzivaresekwa.



BINDURA Bindura town, Matepatepa High levels of violence in 2008. Bindura North

Trojan mine, Nyava, Mupandira, High levels of violence in 2008 Bindura South

GURUVE Bakasa, Kazunga, Kachuta, High levels of violence in 2008 Guruve North Guruve. Guruve South Shinje, Mudindo, Jester High levels of violence in 2008 MAZOWE High levels of violence in 2008. Possible Inter-Party violence in 2013. The only 2008 MDC-T constituency in Nyakudya, Nzvimbo, Nyoka, Mazowe Central the area. Zanu –PF Tabetha Howard. Kanengoni related to deceased CIO deputy director , heavy involvement of state agents. High levels of violence in 2008. High Mazowe North Mvurwi, Madombwe, Bare number of murders of political activists in 2008. Mazowe, Jumbo mine, High levels in violence in 2008 Mazowe South Concession, Amandas, Glendale. MBIRE High levels of violence reported. Murder of activists and very high Hunyani, Chikafa, Angwa number of cases of arson perpetrated on Mbire Bridge, Masoka, St Cecelia, activists reported . Possible Inter – Kamuchikukundu, Muzeza, Party violence Zanu PF David Butau Chidodo, Musengezi. violence record not clear but heavy involvement of military ( Captain

2 Kamusengezi) and a very violent traditional chief (Kasekete) in the area. MT DARWIN Pachanda, Gunganyama, High levels of violence in 2008. Mt Darwin East Karanda.

Kaitano, Mavhuradonha, High levels of violence in 2008 Mt Darwin North Mukumbura, High levels of violence in 2008. Possible Inter-party violence 2013. Kapatamoyo, Chawanda, Mt Darwin South Zanu PF Saviour Kasukuwere (CIO), Chibara, Nyazizi. has history of violence since 2000. Is involved and sponsors violence. High levels of violence in 2008. Dotito, Kuhondo, Chakoma, Possible Inter - party Violence , heavy Kuwani, Nembire. Mt Darwin West involvement of state agents. Zanu PF

Joice Mujuru preaches peace but

alleged to sponsor violence. MUZARABANI Kingston Devirill, Matora, Muta, High levels of violence in 2008 Muzarabani North Westbury, Dunsberry Hill, Ashford, Chaona. Kingston Devrill, Matora, Muta, High levels of violence in 2008 Muzarabani South Westbury, Dunsberry Hill, Ashford, Chaona Farms. RUSHINGA Rushinga Nyamatikiti, Rushinga, High levels of violence in 2008 Chimhanda, Rusambo. SHAMVA High levels of violence in 2008. Madziva, Kasimba, Goora, Possible Inter-Party violence Zanu PF Shamva North Chindunduma, Bradley Institute. Nicholas Goche ( CIO) has a history of violence in Shamva.

3 Bushu, Jiti, Chindotwe, Rutope, High levels of violence in 2008 Gorwa. Shamva South


CHIKOMBA St Francis Assis, Daramombe, High levels of violence in 2008 Chikomba Central Zvamatobwe, Kwenda, Gandachibvuva. Chikomba West Range, Chivhu, Featherstone, High levels of violence in 2008 GOROMONZI Chishawasha, Juru, Bosha, High levels of violence in 2008. Many Acturus. Chinyika activists from other areas found murdered in this constituency. Possible Inter-Party violence in 2013 , Zanu PF Goromonzi North Paddy Zhanda sponsors violence . His young brother is directly involved in perpetrating violence. A very violent Army Captain Faustina Madhara involved. Ruwa, Melfort, Bromley, High levels of violence in 2008 Goromonzi South Goromonzi Centre, Rusike. UMP Mutawatawa, Borera, High levels of violence in 2008. Dindi,Kafura, Chitsungo, Possible Inter- Party violence in 2013, Zanu PF Washington Masvaire is a Maramba - Pfungwe very violent character, set up and sponsored militia bases in 2008.

4 Nhakiwa, Uzumba, Muswe, High levels of violence in 2008 and Nyadiri, Karimbika. murders of activists. Possible Inter-Party Violence Zanu PF Simbaneuta Uzumba Mudarikwa has been sponsoring violence in the area in all previous elections. High levels of violence in 2008 and murders of activists. Abductions and disappearances of activists. Heavy involvement of state agents. Zanu PF Marondera Central Marondera town Ray Kaukonde (CIO) has sponsored violence in Mutoko and Mudzi since 2000. Also involved is Peter Murwira (CIO) perpetrated violence in Marondera lost to MDC-T in 2008. Dhirihori, Waddilove, Eagle High levels of violence in 2008 and Tanning, Theydon, Marondera murder of activists. Possible Inter- Party Prison, Chiparawe. Violence Tracy Munhiri Former Zanu Marondera East PF used to sponsor violence in the area , now crossed the floor to MDC-T and is its candidate in 2013. Heavy state agents involvement. (Chihota Communal Area) , High levels of violence in 2008. Mahusekwa, Chiwanzamarara, Possible Inter-Party Violence , Zanu PF Marondera West Manyaira, Border Church, Ambrose Mutinhiri (Military) sponsors Mudzimurema, Chimbwanda. violence in all elections. MUDZI Kotwa, Kondo, Nyamanyora, High levels of violence reported through Mudzi North Goromonzi, Nyamapanda, out 2008, several murders of activists in kondo. 2008.another politically motivated

5 murder in 2012. Possible Inter-Party violence Zanu PF Newten Kachepa (War veteran) is a very violent character Involved in murder and torture of MDC- T activists. Personally buried his victim in 2008. Katsande, Nyamatawa, High levels of political violence in Chikwizo, Gozi, Makana. 2008. Possible Inter-Party Violence , Mudzi South Zanu PF Eric Navaya has been involved in organising violence in the past. Suswe, Masarakufa, Chiunye, High levels of political violence in Shinga. 2008. Intimidation reported in 2012, 2013. Possible Inter- Party Violence Mudzi West Zanu PF Aqualinah Katsande has a history of violence in the area. Is assisted by her son George Katsande in perpetrating violence. MUREHWA Murehwa Centre, Chitate, High levels of political violence in Murehwa North Madamombe. 2008. Murehwa South Macheke, Nhowe, Dombwe. Intimidation reported Musami Mission, Mushaninga, High levels of political violence in Murehwa West Kadenge. Nyamutumbu. 2008.

MUTOKO All Souls Mission, Mushimbo, Intimidation reported Mutoko East Kapondoro, Mudzonga, Makosa, Chidye. Charewa, Nyamuzuwe, High levels of political violence in Mutoko North Kanyonga,Kawere. 2008. Intimidation reported. Murder of

6 activiststs in 2008. Heavy involvement of the military Intimidation reported Bramwell Katsvairo ( Airforce) operating in Mudzi and Mutoko

Mutoko Centre, Hoyuyu. High levels of political violence in 2008. Murder of activists in 2008, Heavy involvement of the military Mutoko South Intimidation reported Bramwell Katsvairo ( Airforce) operating in Mudzi and Mutoko. WEDZA Makanda, Mt St Marys, St Annes High levels of political violence in Wedza South Goto, Sabi Bridge, Mutiweshiri, 2008. intimidation reported Chigondo, Sanganai.


BUHERA High levels of political violence in 2008. Heavy Military involvement. Nyashanu, Zvipipiri, High levels of political murders Buhera Central Muzokomba, Ruti reported in 2008. Possible Inter - Party

violence Zanu PF Ronald Muderedzwa is a senior Police officer. Chimumvuri, Bepe,Munyanya, High levels of political violence in Buhera North Dorowa Mine, 2008. military involvement common all over. High levels of political violence in Chitambo, Mutiusinazita, Buhera South 2008. Murder of activists reported in Birchenough Bridge, 2008. Possible Inter- Party violence ,

7 Zanu PF Joseph Chinotimba (war Veteran) has been directly involved in Political violence for a long time, has rape and murder allegations against him. High levels of political violence in 2008. Possible Inter-Party violence Chapwanya, Makumbe, Zanu PF Oliver Mandipaka ( ZRP) is Buhera West Mutambara, Mudanda a senior police officer who has

tormented MDC-T activists for a long time. CHIMANIMANI Mutambara, Nyahode, Mutigwe, High levels of political violence in Chimanimani East Muchira, Cashel, Chimanimani 2008.

Nyanyadzi, Biriwiri, Hot High levels of political violence in Chimanimani West Springs, Wengezi, St Patricks. 2008 CHIPINGE Rusitu, Junction Gate High levels of political violence in Chipinge Central 2008 Mount Selinda, Pfidza, Chikore, High levels of political violence in Chipinge East 2008,

High levels of political violence in Mahenye, Veneka, Checheche, 2008, Murder of activists in 2008 Chipinge South Chisumbanje.

Chipangayi, Tanganda, Ngaone. High levels of political violence in Chipinge West 2008. Military involvement reported in 2008, 2012. City Harassment of activists, arrests and Mutare Central detention of political leaders In 2012

8 and 2013. High levels of violence in 2008 involving military from 3 Brigade in Chikanga. High levels of political violence in 2008. Intimidation reported. More violence around the diamonds fields, Marange, Bambazonke, Zvipiriri, involving military, police and security Mutare West Bazely Bridge, Hot springs guards. Murders reported. Possible Inter-Party violence Zanu PF Christopher Mushowe has a history of violence in the area. Manjengwa, Pounsley, Makuni, High levels of political violence in Mutare North Chirinda 2008. Intimidation reported

Zimunya, Chitakatira, Mpudzi, High levels of political violence in Mutare South Wengezi. 2008. Intimidation reported .

MAKONI High levels of political violence in 2008. Intimidation reported. Several murders of activists in 2008. High levels of rape of activists reported. Violence and murder in 2013 around the Inyati, Eagles Nest, Headlands, referendum . Possible Inter-Party Headlands Monte Casino, Anoldine, violence Zanu PF Didymus Mutasa Chiendmbuya. ( CIO links) has used violence in the area for a long time, even against his own party members.

9 St Faiths, Epiphany, Rugoyi, St High levels of political violence in Killians. 2008. Intimidation reported. Shooting to Makoni Central death of activists in 2008. Rapes of activists in 2008.

Weya, St Benedict, St Mary High levels of political violence in Makoni North Magdalene, St george Nyautare. 2008. Intimidation reported

Chitenderano, Rukweza, High levels of political violence in Makoni South Nyazura, Gwasira. 2008. Intimidation reported in 2012, 2013. High levels of political violence in 2008. Intimidation reported. Military involvement high in 2008. Sodomy cases by members of the military higher than any other areas in 2008. Possible Matsika, Masvosva, Devedzo, St Inetr- Party violence Zanu PF Makoni West Theresa, Bwekura , Tsanzaguru. Kudzanayi Chipanga violence record not clear. But Tsanzaguru army barracks used as Zanu PF base in 2008. Cloud Gogo military officer who raped men in 2008 is now back in the area. Intimidation high and widespread in 2012, 2013. MUTASA High levels of political violence in St Mathias Mission, Watsomba, 2008. Intimidation reported in 2012, Nyakatsapa, Manyika Bridge, Mutasa Central 2013. Zanu PF Innocent Benza sponsors Tadyanemhandu, Mutasa, St violence. Has been transporting people Triashill, Stapleford. from outside constituency to register as

10 voters in the constituency.

Honde Valley, Taga, Zindi, High levels of political violence in Hauna Business Centre, Green 2008. Intimidation reported Mutasa North Valley.

Old Mutare, Penhalonga, St High levels of political violence in Mutasa South Augustine, Red wire. 2008. Intimidation reported.

High levels of political violence in 2008. Intimidation reported. 2010 higher number of cases of political violence reported. Possible inter-Party violence Zanu PF Hubert Nyanhongo Nyangombe, St George , ( Military) Candidate with military Nyanga North Nyaruwata, Nyamaropa, Elim, background and record of political Aula, Chimusasa, Fombe. violence including murder in Harare South. Set up militia training base in 2011. Heavy presence of the military in the constituency.

Juliasdale, Marist Brothers, S High levels of political violence in Marys Magadelene, Mt Mellery , 2008. Intimidation reported Nyamanda, Nyatate, Mapako, Rugare, Troutbeck, Nyanga , Nyanga South Sanyatwa.



DISTRICT AREAS COMMENTS CONSTITUIENCY CHEGUTU Musinami, Dombwe, Marshal High cases of violence reported in 2008 Chegutu East Hartley

Kadoma Town High cases of violence reported in 2008. KADOMA Kadoma Central

SANYATI Sanyati, Hozhe, Mime karirisi Military operations at and around Arda Sanyati Estate resulted in many victims of violence in 2008. SANYATI Sanyati, Hozhe, Mime karirisi Military operations at and around Arda Sanyati Estate resulted in many victims of violence in 2008. ZVIMBA Murombedzi, Madzorera, More cases of violence reported recently Zvimba West Mazezuru in 2012 but very low in 2008. MDC-T meetings stopped in 2012 Masiyarwa, Kutama, Banket Very high cases of violence in 2008 and 2009. Abductions and 2 political Murders reported . Possible Inter- Zvimba South Party violence , Zanu PF Walter Chidhakwa reportedly sponsors violence. Norton Norton town, Makwiro, Chigaro High levels of political violence in

12 2008, Bases set up at Zanu PF councillors house. Muriel Mine, Mutorashanga, High levels of political violence in Raffingora, Ferock. 2008. Possible Inter –Party violence , Zanu PF Ignatius Chombo has in the past sponsored violence in this area. In Zvimba North 2008 MDC activists were abducted and detained for a long time. Intra- Party violence in Zanu PF has resulted in one death during primary elections in 2013.

MHONDORO Mubaira growth point, High level of political violence in 2008, NGEZI Mhondoro - Marisamhuka, Watyoka, Denga, Grisly murder of an MDC-T activist’s Mubaira Chakara. wife in 2008.

Mamina, Chizinga, St Oswald High levels of violence in 2008. Mhondoro Ngezi Chirova. Intimidation intense in 2012 and 2013. High levels violence in 2008, Mhangura Intimidation levels high in 2012 and 2013 HURUNGWE Maumbe, Dora, Mwami Vuti More cases violence involving Military in 2008, several political murders Harangues Central reported. High levels intimidation in 2013 Tengwe, Chimusimbe, Marere, High cases of violence reported in 2008, Hurungwe East Military involvement widespread, murders and rapes reported in 2008 Zvipano, Nyamhunga, Masanga, High cases of violence reported in 2008, Hurungwe West Chivakanyama Military involvement widespread,

13 murders and rapes reported in 2008. Zanu PF Temba Mliswa has a history of violence since 2000. Terrorised MDC activists in 2008.

Hurungwe safari Area, Chiwore, High levels of violence in 2008, more Hurungwe North Mana pools, Marongora cases involving the military. Magunje, Mudzimu, Kapfunde, High levels of political violence in Chidamoyo, Chanetsa, Charles 2008, and murders of activists in 2008. Magunje Clark. High levels intimidation in 2013

MAKONDE Mapfungwe, Kenzamba, Alaska, High levels of violence in 2008, was Makonde Golden Kopje difficult for victims to seek treatment. Doma, Mhangura, Shackleton, High levels of violence in 2008. Mhangura Shamrock Intimidation high in 2012 and 2013

KARIBA town, Omay, Political violence was high in 2008 in Kariba Matusadonha, Gatshe Kariba town. One murder case in 2008.


CHIRUMHANZU Mvuma, Rukundo, Netherburn High levels of violence in 2008 reported. Possible Inter- Party Chirumhanzu - Violence Zanu PF Emmerson Zibagwe Munangagwa has a history of perpetrating violence since 2000 in . St Joseph, Holy Cross, Chamisa, High levels of violence in 2008 reported Chirumhanzu Chizhou

14 GOKWE Gokwe - Chireya Tshoda, Chireya, Rukura High levels of violence in 2008 reported High levels of violence in 2008 reported. Murders in 2008. Military , Gokwe - Nembudziya, Kuwirirana CIO and police involvement reported in Nembudziya 2008, 2010, 2012. Intimidation high in 2013. Sengwa Bridge, Matema High levels of violence reported in Gokwe - Sengwa 2008. Gokwe - Sesame Mutimutema, Sesame High levels of violence in 2008 reported Gokwe Njelele, Gokwe, Gwavava High levels of violence in 2008 reported Gokwe- Gumunyu Copper Queen, Msapakura, High levels of violence in 2008 reported Gokwe- Kabuyuni Zomba, Sengwa, Madzivazvido High levels of violence in 2008 reported KWEKWE Levels of violence mainly involving the police and army, Arrests and detention Kwekwe Central Kwekwe town , Globe Phoenix of Opposition activists and leaders in 2008. Empress mine, Dendera, Military operations by the army in 2008, Vulamatshena, Runyararo 2012 resulted in many victims of violence . Intense intimidation by members of the army in 2012 , 2013. harassment and arrests of MP of the Zhombe area. . Ntobe, Crossroads, Silobela, High levels of violence in 2008 Silobela Exchange, Donsa. reported. Brutal murder of a female activist in 2008. MBERENGWA Donbosco, Chidembeko, High levels of violence in 2008 Mupandashango, Mnene reported. Victims denied space to seek Mberengwa East treatment after assault Mberengwa North Mberengwa, Chidembeko, Danga High levels of violence in 2008

15 reported. Victims denied space to seek treatment after assault Makuva, Mataga, Nyala, usume, High levels of violence in 2008 Mutivi. reported. Victims denied space to seek Mberengwa South treatment after assault Musase, Humebeni High levels of violence in 2008 Mberengwa West reported. Victims denied space to seek treatment after assault.

MASVINGO PROVINCE BIKITA Mukore, Mashoko, Ngorima, High levels of violence in 2008 Nyahunda. reported. Military involvement wide Bikita East spread. Nyika, Bikita minerals, Silveira, High levels of violence in 2008 Makotore reported. Military involvement wide spread. Murder of activists in 2008. Bikita West High levels of intimidation reported in 2012, 2013.

Hippo Valley, Chiredzi Town, High levels of violence reported in Chiredzi West Triangle 2008, murder of an activist in 2008. GUTU Mutero, Rasa, Gonye, High levels of violence reported in Gutu Central Mupandawana 2008. Bhasera, Nemashakwe, High levels of violence reported in Gutu East Chimombe, Munyikwa. 2008. Mahombedze, Chitsa, Nyazvidzi, High levels of violence reported in Gutu North Tongogara, Donhodzo. 2008. Nerupiri, Makore, Chikwanda, High levels of violence reported in Gutu South Domborembavha 2008.

16 Serima, Chatsworth, Denhere, High levels of violence reported in Gutu West Mashaike 2008. ZAKA Zaka, Jerera, Nemauko, High levels of violence reported in Chipezeze 2008. Activists murder by the military Zaka Central in 2008. Jichidza, Ndanga, Mjkoyi, High levels of violence reported in Zaka North Gumbo. 2008. MWENEZI High levels of violence reported in 2008. Murder of activists in 2008. High levels oh intimidation in 2012, 2013. Mwenezi East Masvosva, Neshuro, Chizuba Possible Inter-Party violence, Zanu PF Kudakwashe Basikiti has been sponsoring violence in the area for a long time. Sandawana, Maranda, Rutenga, High levels of violence reported in Mwenezi West Mwenezi, 2008. Murder of activists in 2008.