Of Births Code 1 N 1 Surname T. Mother's Maiden Name Race

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Of Births Code 1 N 1 Surname T. Mother's Maiden Name Race INDEX OF BIRTHS 1 N MOTHER'S DATE OF BIRTH REGISTERED j CODE 1 MAIDEN NAME RACE SEX NUMBER SURNAME T. MO. DAY YR. F000 FEW EDWARD SMITH 2 1 1 31 60 3625 F000 FEW EDWARD SMITH 2 1 1 31 60 3626 FOuO FOY FRED RAYMOND KLOS 1 1 2 3 60 3233 FOOO FEW HOWARD ROBERTSON 1 1 11 9 60 32544 FOOO FAHEY JAMES AUGUST MC EVOY 1 2 2 27 60 6179 FOOO FAW JAMtS DAVID TYLER 2 1 4 3 60 9871 FOOO FAW JOHN EDWARD TURK 1 2 9 3 60 24980 FOOO FEE JUNIOR RAY ZYTSKI 1 2 9 14 60 26661 FOOO FOYE LENA MAE WHITE 2 1 11 13 60 32493 FOOO FOY THERLOW ALLM WALLACE 2 1 10 5 60 28499 FOOO FAY THOMAS FRANC WALLACE 1 2 6 24 60 16905 1 FOOO FAHEY WILLIAM GEOR DECKELMAN 1 2 7 4 60 18358 j FlOO FYFFE CLAUDE EARL PENNINGTON 1 1 5 8 60 12 8-tGL , FlOO FAVA JOHN ARMANDO SERIO 1 2 4 21 60 11353 1 FlOO FAVA JOHN ARMANDO SERIO 1 2 4 21 60 11354 /i FlOO FIFE ROY JACKSON WIGF I ELD 1 2 5 1 60 11856 F140 FOWBLE ARMOND LAMAR COOPER 1 1 2 25 60 9903 F140 FOWBLE CHARLES ELLS SEIPP 1 1 1 15 60 1324 F140 FAFAUL EUG^NE_FRA_NC A&ME TTA T 2 6 4 60 1548/l^g| 11 F140 FOWBLE GILBERT EVER MC COMAS 1 1 6 7 60 15630 F 140 FABULA JOSEPH MICHA NOWICKI 1 1 8 14 60 23040 F140 FABELLA NESTOR JOHNS FOWLER l 2 5 29 60 15472 F 150 FABIAN FREDERICK. AN PERSICH l 2 2 4 60 3243 F 150 FABIAN JOSEPH EDWAR CEFALONI l 1 12 27 60 37850 F 150 FABIAN ROBERT LEE HITCHENS 1 1 9 11 60 2^974 F160 FABER DONALD WALTE DUNSING 1 2 2 15 60 F160 FAUVER JOHN JACK OCHS 1 2 7 2 oO / M INDEX OF BIRTHS 1 1 N MOTHER'S DATE OF BIRTH REGISTERED CODE 1 RACE SEX NUMBER SURNAME T. MAIDEN NAME MO. DAY YR. F160 FAUVER PAUL HARRIS© R1TTER 1 1 5 24 60 14172 F160 FIFER RICHARD COST BURR 1 1 4 19 60 10894 F160 FAVRE WOODROW W FINN 1 2 7 22 60 21314 F162 FABRIZIANI ALBERT VINCE SNYDER, N 1 1 8 5 60 22022 PQOO £ <*r 60 F200 ANDREJ moulsdale i 1 4 11 60 10092 F200 FIGGS ANTIONETTE FIGGS 2 11 3 60 31603 F 200 FOX ARTHUR HENRY JOHNSON i 1 7 4 60 18326 F200 FASS10 ARTHUR JOSEP MOELLER i 2 3 22 60 8793 j • 9 m % 0 F200 FOWKE BENJAMIN GWY HEWELL i 2 5 5 60 12631 F200 FUCHS CHARLES ANTH BAUER i 2 3 5 60 7363 F200 FOOS CHARLES HENR ZULTY i 2 10 17 60 30337 j F200 FICK CHARLES MILT CLEMENT i 2 1 28 60 2561 J F200 FOX CHARLES NELS NICHELS i 1 5 7 60 13019 1 F200 FUCHS DONALD ALAN ROBERTS i 1 12 23 60 37572 J F200 FISH DONALD ELVEE BISHOP i 1 4 12 60 10253 (i F200 FAKE DONALD MORRI HOFFMAN i 1 2 5 60 5133 IM F200 FOX EARL PARROTT i 1 7 5 60 18460 ' ^ F200 FISH EARL WINSTOW REGBY i 2 1 60 2628 | F200 FOGG EDDIE YOUNG 1 4 2 60 9648 1 F200 FICK EDMUND JOHN JOSEPH i 1 4 22 60 11452 | F200 FICK ERNEST FREDE YOUNKINS i 1 5 29 60 14379 1 F2U0 FOGG ETHEL MAE GREEN 2 5 6 60 12298 j| F200 FOX EUGENE ALOYS sanyour i 2 6 30 60 18137 | F200 FOX FOREST JUNIO BAKER i 2 4 8 60 9786 J F 200 FOUSE GLENN MURRAY shellham i 2 7 28 60 21040 ^1 aSS^| INDEX OF BIRTHS 1 N DATE Of BIRTH REGISTERED CODE 1 MOTHER'S RACE SEX NUMBER SURNAME T. MAIDEN NAME MO. DAY YR. 1 1 sr • 'a r . ;• ii i '• - ".v CHEBU : -j'A Z'kJr-'-v - - - . j vr- F200 FOX HAROLD GILBE sanborn l 1 12 28 60 38331 F200 FEESE HARRISON CHA martin l 1 11 28 60 34596 F200 FOX HENRY PAUL bain 1 2 2 5 60 3569 F200 FOGG HOWARD FLEMI MASSEY 1 l 5 27 60 14951 F 200 FOX HOWARD LEON SESSA 1 1 9 30 60 28591 F200 FOX IRVIN LEE JOBES l t* 30 60 11802 F200 FAZIO JOHN HANSEN 1 1 5 11 60 12757 F200 FUCHS XNIGHTEN l i 6 27 So 18097 F200 FISH JOHN EARL JUDGE 1 i 8 17 60 23574 F200 FEAGA JOHN EMERSON HERSTINE 1 i 2 12 60 4280 F200 FOX JOHN GANNON HEIGER l i 3 4 60 6410 F200 FEAGA JOHN PHILIP MOXLEY l i 2 2 60 3278 F200 FOX LEONARD JONA GAINSBERG 1 1 6 13 60 15885 F200 FIGGS LILLIAN AUDR P1NDER 2 2 6 14 60 16270 F200 FIGGS LOUIS NELSON JOHNSON 2 2 4 25 60 11514 F 200 FUSCO LUCY ANN FUSCO 1 2 1 18 60 3892 F200 FUCHS MARVIN CHARL PADILLA 1 1 6 23 60 17669 F 200 FISH NILE A MADERA 1 2 10 16 60 29939 F200 FIGGS NORMAN HAROL THEISS 1 2 4 1 60 13712 - F200 FOX PAUL FREDERI VERNON 1 2 8 21 60 23421 F200 FEAGA PAUL JUSTIN MC MANUS 1 2 1 25 60 2529 F 200 FUCHS PAUL LEONARD WAKEFIELD 1 1 7 9 60 18793 F200 FOX PAUL LESTER KUYKENDALL 1 1 8 22 60 23722 F200 FOUSE PAULETTE CHR CARROLL 2 2 12 26 60 37611 F200 FOX RAY THOMAS MONTESANTO 1 1 10 31 60 31378 > F200 FOX regina eliza COOPER 2 2 4 24 60 11085 | I A INDEX OF BIRTHS MOTHER'S DATE OF BIRTH REGISTERED CODE MAIDEN NAME RACE SEX NUMBER SURNAME MO. YR. F200 FOX ROBERT BRADL CREAMER 2 11 26 60 32098 F200 FOX THOMAS FOLEY SCHARFF 1 1 18 60 1575 F200 FOHS TIMOTHY FRAN BELLOFF 2 7 14 60 19874 F200 FOX WILBUR CHEST HARRIS 1 2 26 60 5536 F200 FOX WILLIAM DELE LINDEMANN 1 12 16 60 36530 F200 FIEGE WILLIAM HENR MACK 2 3 23 60 8524 F210 FISHPAW GILBERT OSBO BARRON 1 6 13 60 15902 F210 FISHPAW JAMES MALCOL KASSAKATIS 2 8 31 60 24694 F212 FISHPAUGH ROBERT THOMA GLEESON 2 12 28 60 37864 F215 FISHBEIN WILLIAM NICH GREIF 2 1 18 60 2214 F220 FASICK GLEN WILSON MC SHANE 2 1 2 60 78 F220 FASICK ' glenn wilson MC SHANE 1 12 20 60 36316 F230^ FAUST BENJAMIN CLA GOOD 1 2 11 20 60 3348 3 F230 FAWCETT DONALD ARTHU HUFFINE 1 2 3 11 60 7204 F 230 FAUST EDWARD JOHN MILLS 1 1 12 60 22739 «» F230 FUGATE GEORGE FRANK WHEELER 1 1 1 5 60 855 F230 FAUST JACQUELINE E PINKNEY 2 2 1 60 2708 F230 FAWCETT JAMES FLETCH JARRETT 1 1 5 6 60 12858 F230 FUGET JAMES LEROY BARROW 1 1 12 22 60 37767 . F230 FOUST JAMES ROBERT EDWARDS 1 2 9 15 60 26469 F230 FESTO PASQULE F1NEGAN 1 1 2 16 60 5297 F230 FAUST ROBERT PAUL HEYING 24 60 8409 F230 FOCHT WILFRED JOHN WEINERT 2 6 22 60 17416 F232 FISTEK CHARLES FRED K. ILLMEYER 1 11 12 60 32531 F232 FOSTEK EUGENE ANTHO RENT 2 10 27 60 314*;, INDEX OF BIRTHS 1 N MOTHER'S DATE OF BIRTH REGISTERED CODE 1 RACE SEX NUMBER SURNAME T. MAIDEN NAME MO. DAY YR. F234 FEUSTLE EDWARD RICHA COFFMAN 1 2 7 12 60 19380 F234 FEUSTLE JOHN ROBERT MC FADDIN 1 2 9 11 60 26948 F236 FOSTER ALFRED FRED MISTER 1 2 11 26 60 34034 F236 FOSTER ANDREW JOHNSON 2 2 7 2 60 17741 F236 FOSTER ANDREW TURNER 2 1 7 22 60 19771 F236 FOSTER ANNIE LEWIS callahan 2 2 12 21 60 36648 F236 FOSTER ANNIE MAE LEACH 2 1 3 18 60 7546 F236 FOSTER ARCHIE DONAL COX 2 1 9 30 60 28393 F236 FOSTER AUBREY JACKS TAYLOR 1 5 9 60 12853 F236 FEASTER BERTHA DALLA JAMES 2 1 2 29 60 6240 F236 FOSTER CATHERINE VI JACKSON 2 1 3 3 60 6253 F236 FOSTER CHARLES EDWA MURPHY 1 1 11 29 60 35545 F236 FOSTER CHARLES GERA KISTNER 1 1 2 60 8 F236 FOSTER CHARLES RICH businsky 1 1 7 28 60 21839 F236 FOSTER CHARLES THOM MONROE 2 1 7 16 60 19662 F236 FEASTER CHARLIE GORE 2 2 22 60 5371 F236 FOSTER Clyde earnes HORNER 1 1 5 7 60 12585 F236 FOSTER EARL MARSHAL WOLF 1 1 2 19 60 5615 F236 FOSTER EDWARD LOVETT 2 10 23 60 30618 F236 FOSTER EDWARD LEWIS JENNINGS 2 1 11 16 60 33295 F236 FOSTER EDWARD WILLI KELLER ' 1 1 9 13 60 25671 F236 FOSTER ELVA COLBERT NICHOLSON 1 2 4 1 60 9344 F236 FOSTER EMMA LEE ALEXANDER 2 2 7 16 60 19174 F236 FOSTER ERNEST ROOSE HALL 2 2 12 26 60 37362 F236 FOSTER ETTA MAE gamble 2 1 9 27 60 27863 F236 FOSTER FRANK THOMAS LEE 1 1 12 29 60 37975 F236 FOSTER GEORGE RUSSE CHASE 2 1 8 1 60 21349 * INDEX OF BIRTHS J N MOTHER'S DATE OF BIRTH REGISTERED CODE RACE SEX NUMBER SURNAME T- MAIDEN NAME MO. DAY YR. F236 FOSTER GLORIA MARGA THORNTON 2 2 9 3 60 24834 F236 FOSTER HANS I CARROL MC DONALD 1 2 8 30 60 24473 F236 FOSTER HATTIE SHIRL statast 2 1 1 8 60 295 F236 FOSTER HATTIE SHIRL STATAST 2 1 1 8 60 296 F236 FOSTER JAMES EDWARD BROWN 2 1 10 15 60 30423 F236 FOSTER JAMES EDWARD NIXON 2 5 3 60 12656 F236 FEASTER JAMES HAROLD MC KEE 2 1 7 22 60 20603 F236 FOSTER JOHN EDWARD GILL 1 1 3 24 60 8591 F236 FOSTER JOHN RUFUS PINNER 1 1 12 6 60 35983 F236 FOSTER JOHN THOMAS, KELBAUGH 1 12 25 60 37822 , / FJZb 9- $ 30 fad IqO^ F236 FEASTER OOHNNIE MACK' CRANK 2 2 1 20 60 2006 F236 FOSTER JOYCE JOHNSON 2 2 2 20 60 4845 F236 FOSTER LESTER ANDER white 1 2 11 12 60 32521 F236 FICHTHORN LEWIS HERBER BOONE 1 2 6 25 60 21580 F236 FOSTER LINDA LOU darden 2 1 7 20 60 19602 F 236 FOSTER LOUISE VIRGI BATES 2 2 2 12 60 5995 F236 FEASTER LUCIAN MILTO FEASTER 2 2 7 25 60 23714 F236 FOSTER MACK WEEDEN 2 2 6 22 60 16868 F236 FOSTER MARGUERITE BARRETT 2 1 12 30 60 37511 F236 FOSTER MARTHA REGIN THOMPSON 2 2 8 23 60 23756 F236 FEASTER MARY ELIZABE JOHNSON 2 2 10 10 60 29145 F236 FOSTER MARY ELLA BIRD 2 2 4 26 60 12453 F236 FOSTER OCELIOUS 3ER LOUDON 2 1 6 17 60 16678 F236 FOSTER PAUL EDWARD MAGUIER 1 2 10 21 60 30898 F236 FOSTER PAUL KEVIN ^ WILLIAMS 2 1 8 60 23828 ¥ foSUd * £ (oO F236 FOSTER RAYMOND tsr/ 2 1 4 30 60 12057 F236 FEASTER RAYMOND EDWA JEWELL 1 1 7 8 60 18797 A INDEX OF BIRTHS 1 N MOTHER'S DATE OF BIRTH REGISTERED CODE 1 MAIDEN NAME RACE SEX NUMBER SURNAME T.
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