Metabolomics - Measuring Metabolic Adaptation

MERIT Skill Training 3 11. – 17.3.2013


Thomas Nägele, Ella Nukarinen and Wolfram Weckwerth Department Molecular Systems Biology University of Althanstr. 14 1090 Vienna, Austria

Contact information:

Tel. Office: 0043-1-4277-57702

Mobile (Thomas): 0043-680-4444590


The systematic description of living systems requires a substantial sample throughput in parallel with comprehensive and accurate analysis of as many constituents as possible. Metabolomics is currently one of the most promising techniques for such high-throughput analyses of biological systems. As a unique diagnostic technique to confirm rapid changes in metabolism it provides insights into gene function and plant metabolism. Metabolomics technology has nowadays a broad application range from plant sciences to biotechnology and microbiology to biomedical research. For metabolomics, GC/MS has evolved as an important technology. This workshop will provide insights into basic definitions of metabolomics technology, the various techniques used, and hands-on experience in the analysis of complex metabolomic samples with state-of-the-art GC/MS instruments, data mining strategies, statistics and biological interpretation. The attendees will analyze samples from a ‘day/night/extended night experiment’ on various bZip and SnRK mutant lines.


Hotel Alexander Wien Augasse 15, 1090 Wien T: +43 1 317 15 08 F: +43 1 317 15 08 82

1 How to Arrive & Transportation in Vienna

Arrival by Plane

The Vienna International Airport ( is connected via S-Bahn (, the City Airport Train ( and the Airport Bus ( to Vienna city center. The most convenient way is to take the S-Bahn S7 in direction of Wien Floridsdorf. Get out of the train at the station Landstraße Bahnhof Wien Mitte. Then take the metro line in direction of Heiligenstadt and get out at the station . Leave the metro station to the left and follow the plan to the hotel:,16.359394&spn=0. 008347,0.01929&sll=48.228475,16.355209&sspn=0.016696,0.038581&geocode=FVoD4AIdU535AA%3BFaDz3wId3JX5ACkpXNZlywdtRzEgAs 0utOlbqA&dirflg=w&mra=dme&mrsp=0&sz=15&t=m&z=16

Arrival by Train

You arrive at Wien Westbahnhof. Change to the metro line in direction of Floridsdorf and get out at the station Spittelau. Follow the plan to the hotel as described above.

Arrival by Car

Don’t do that – go back to “Arrival by Plane” or Arrival by Train”.

Otherwise, please take a look at Google Maps.

2 Program

Sunday, 10.03.2013

Time Description Details

Arrival and Registration Hotel Alexander Wien Augasse 15, 1090 Vienna

Monday, 11.03.2013

Time Description Details

09:00 Welcome and Introduction Department Molecular Systems Biology Althanstraße 14, 1090 Vienna

09:45 Coffee break

10:00 Extraction of samples

12:00 Lunch

14:00 Continue Extraction (if necessary)

15:00 Presentation: Techniques in Metabolomics

16:30 Coffee break

17:00 Presentation: Introduction to GC-MS

19:00 Dinner

Tuesday, 12.03.2013

Time Description Details

09:00 Building of 2 groups Group 1: GC-MS Introduction

Group 2: Derivatisation/Measurement

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Continue with GC-MS Introduction and Derivatisation

12:00 Lunch

3 14:00 GC-MS Introduction/Derivatisation Group 1: Derivatisation/Measurement

Group 2: GC-MS Introduction

16:00 Coffee break

17:00 Summary/Discussion/Questions

19:00 Dinner & Socializing

Wednesday, 13.03.2013

Time Description Details

09:00 Introduction to Data evaluation Xcalibur/Statistics…

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Continue introduction to data evaluation

12:00 Lunch

14:00 Data evaluation of measured samples

… Coffee break

19:00 Dinner & Socializing

Thursday, 14.03.2013

Time Description Details

09:00 Data evaluation Sample extraction/derivatisation/measurement

… Coffee break

12:00 Lunch

14:00 Data evaluation Sample extraction/derivatisation/measurement

15:30 Coffee break

4 16:00 Presentation: Introduction to statistics and modelling

17:00 Data preparation for statistics and modelling

19:00 Dinner

Friday, 15.03.2013

Time Description Details

09:00 Data evaluation/statistics/modelling

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Statistics/modelling

12:00 Lunch

14:00 Statistics/Modelling

15:30 Coffee break

16:00 Statistics/Modelling

Summary of results for short presentation

19:00 Dinner & Socializing

Saturday, 16.03.2013

Time Description Details

09:00 Summary of results for short presentation

10:00 Presentation of Results & Final Discussion

12:30 Lunch

End of the Course/Departure