HardisonInk.com It's Nature's Way Two deers' image is captured in a rearview mirror.

Spirit was an American rock band founded in 1967. It was based in Los Angeles, . The band's most commercially successful single in the United States was "." Another great song by the band was titled "Nature's Way" and it was written by part of the original lineup of the Los Angeles band that began as the Red Roosters. Like Spirit, the Red Roosters included (songwriter and guitarist). Randy California was named Randy Craig Wolfe at birth. played bass and Jay Ferguson was on vocals and percussion. With the addition of California's stepfather on drums, and keyboard player (yes, there was that famous theologian and poet by the same name centuries earlier), the new band went from being the Red Roosters to originally be named the Spirits Rebe. In the song, "Nature's Way," by the band Spirit, Randy California wrote at the outset of the song "It's nature's way of telling you something's wrong/ It's nature's way of telling you in a song/ It's nature's way of receiving you/ It's nature's way of retrieving you/ It's nature's way of telling you something's wrong." However, natural beauty abounds and sometimes, it's nature's way of telling you something's right from a subjective perspective, although some people do find more negative things and some people find more positive things.

Fog sits on a hayfield somewhere in the Tri-County Area of Levy County, Dixie County and Gilchrist County at sunrise.


The waxing Moon of Feb. 24 is seen from North Central Florida. The Full Snow Moon is one of the nicknames for February’s Full Moon, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. The Moon was full a few days later on Saturday (Feb.27).

Needles the Community Cat of Jemlands is seen just after dark on Feb. 24. Needles, named for his ability to blend into the pine needles, was the first Community Cat in the trap, spay, release program by Levy County Animal Services. Jemlands is among the unrecorded subdivisions in Levy County.


And finally, in this set of photos by Jeff Hardison and Sharon Hardison, with the Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatusof) photos by Jeff thanks to Sharon telling him to look out the window, The bird is seen first peeking over part of a tree, where Sharon has placed a gift from a friend (owl art) on property at The Ink Pad.


The woodpecker’s progress at finding bugs to eat is recorded in photographs here. Whether it’s nature’s way of telling us something is wrong, or it is nature’s way of telling us something is right is subjective. Here are some photos of nature, nonetheless, from around the Tri-County Area. Photos by Sharon and Jeff Hardison © March 4, 2021 at 8:11 a.m.