VOL. 3, NO. 10 JACKSONVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13,1972 Threatened Closing Of Dormitories Centers Dispute At Jax State

Dean lackson Is Opposed Salvatore Says "Air-Conditioned" Deans Explain "Problem" To To Closing Any Dorm Dorm Would Be A Hardship Weatherly And Rowan Coeds

When questioned about the possible On Wednesday, November 1, Deans On Monday evening, November 6, closing of Daugette dormitory, Dean Edwards and Schmit met with the Deans Jackson and Schrnitz met with Miriam Jackson, Jax State's Dean of residents of Logan Hall to discuss the the residents of Weatherly and Rowan Women, emphatically replied, "I'm forth coming closing of the dormitory. Halls to inform the coed residents of the against it." Dean Jackson also told the Dennis Salvatore, president of Logan current housing situation on the JSU CHANTICLLER that she has "not Hall told CHANTICLEER reporter, campus. heard anybody say for sure it's closing. John Turner, that Edwards and Schmit Dean Jackson began the meeting by In reference to a meeting held with gave the residents concerned "a list of stating, "We are not here to close you coeds from both Daugette and Curtis reviews that they came up with which dormitory ...We have asked for your dormitories last week, Dean Jackson amounted to the closing of Logan Hall help and that's why you're here." Dean said, "...the whole meeting got very either in December of this year or of Jackson also encouraged the girls to emotional... it became a contest to see April of nexi year. They said it would "p!ease listen," and to not "take who from Curtis could find the most According to Salvatore, the reason heresay." She told the students "if reasons to keep Curtis open and who for closing the dorm was' "that there you're not satisfied with our meeting from Daugette could find the most was going to be a police academy in- tonight, our office is always open to reasons to keep Daugette open." stituted into the university system, and your suggestions." Dean Jackson believes the girls got that the university would need to Dean Schmitz summed up the entire the idea that the outcome of the establish some means of housing these problem as: "Several dorms on meeting (that of possibly closing the persons." campus are already closed... many dorms) was predetermined from the Originally tine university had planned students are now comrnutmg , we have fact that each girl present was asked to to house the Academy in Glazner, but reduced some of the rules, and there fill out a card naming their first and Salvatore siad, "after havir,g a board to has been a decrease in undergraduate second choice of other dormitories in review the facilities at Glainer, it was enrollment." He said that as of three- which to live should their own be found to be inadequate due to the lack of and-onehalf week ago, "of the six closed. According to Dean Jackson, the air conditioning. The alternative was to dorms we have open now, there are 334 sole purpose of these cards was to move the academy into Luttrel Hall, empty beds ." Dean Schmitz stated that determine the most popular dorms on being Luttrel was fully facilitiated with there have been only ten applications campus. air-conditioning." (femalej filed for housing next "Weatherly Hall is the most popular According to Salvatore, plans of the semester. As far as is now known, the girls are still in women's dormitory on campus and is The solidarity of the Daugette Girls is university were to "move Logan Hall When asked directly "Which dorms also the only federally funded women's Protest evident as they seek to save their "home." doubt as to what will happen to their home. personnel into Luttrel and they are you going to close?", Dean Schmitz dormitory on the campus that is paid wouldn't charge the next semester (for said, "I have no idea." for ...we just can't see closing it. I am air-conditioning), but from then on we Dean Schmitz pointed out that it is definitely opposed to closing any would have to pay the extra thirty or necessary for it to cost more to live in dorm," Dean Jackson added, "it To Perform forty dollars to live in the air- Sparkman and that other Universities seems, however, we have to do conditioned dormitory." and colleges in Alabama charge con- something. " Jo Jo Gunne is a good old-fashioned name. This Jo Jo Gunne is no less went to art school $hen they got into Salvatore told the CHANTICLLER siderable higher for airconditioned rock-and-roll band that doesn't sound energetic, but a lot more creative. It's Spirit. that there is exactly onehundred and facilities. "Troy charges $100 more per According to Dean Jackson, "New like any good old-fashioned rock-and- Jay Ferguson, 24, piano and vocals; When the three got together to make forty-six people living in Logan now year, Florence $80, and Livingston Dorm ranks second in popularity, roll band you've ever heard It's a band , 23, bass; his brother, music once more, they used a plug-in who are "totally against this action, $100," he said. He stated that the price followed by Curtis and Rowan who are you can dance to, like they used to say, Matt, 22, lead ; and Curly Smith, Rocknate to keep time. Whilst looking reason being that we cannot understand ranges (for airconditioned dorms) tied for third place. Sparkman is in but it's also a band you can throb to, 19, drums. for a drummer who was really right. why these twenty people (the police from the lowest of $80 to the highest of fourth place and Daugette Hall is in last pulse to, smile to. It's even, if you feel Jay and Mark come out of another "Then," says Mark, "a friend in Texas academy), who will not function $108CCW~ more,,, at +,A,, the University&A LA..., of&LA Alabama. -1,- a " n nlnr~ lib- i+ hn-A xnlr* no- i.,at a;+ nnrl think 1. . - .J I-..-:C:-Ll- lI7--4 n-..-L rall~rimp and

Crow vs. Dixon? By Jim Harrington Chicago and New York had gang happened to have a pumpkin, a rather wars; Jacksonville has dorm wars. large one, with them, which they To truly understand and appreciate serves as a stimulant to the economic The week-long Crowe-Dixon dorm plopped on the Dixonite's head. When the essential message of Homecoming, growth of the college much in the same Time war began Halloween night with the they left, the pumpkin was supposedly one must fitbe aware of the historical way that involvement in warfare brings egging of someone's car. According to still sitting on the guy's shoulders, over precedent for this custom and the about all of desirable qualities of several of Crowe's residents, a Dixon his head, like a jacko'lantern." cause a student's education to suffer. underlying significance of tehsports naticmalisn, unity, and cooperation If CHICAGO had ever spent a day resident began the egging of a car Information from some of the guys at Not only do the academic buildings in general. that usually slacken somewhat during here at JSU , they would have surely belonging to a Crowe boy. Crowe (who asked that their names not dedicated the song "Does Anybody have their own time systems, but each Let us first consider college football peacetime (the off-season). be mentioned), revealed that the Homecoming is, of course, analagous Really Know What Time It Is" to this dormitory has a system of its own. in the extent to which it is analogous to The loyal Crowe guys just couldn't sit campus police, Dean of Men Gus Ed- warfare. The essential elements for the to the pervading sense of jubilation that university. Each dorm mother swears by her dorm around and let the Dixonites get away wards, Director of Student Affairs Dr. The clocks in the different buildings clock and warns her girls to set their compassion are certainly present. is traditibnally expressed nationally with that. A small retaliation from Schmidt, and Dorm (Crowe) Director when our armies return home from sometimes vary so widely that a watches by the dorm clock and no Football brings our natural inter- Crowe, more from Dixon, and a full- John Condor gathered behind Crowe to collegiate rivalries down to their most fareign wars. (This is how the custom student going to class sometimes has no other, so that they will avoid being late scale war was underway. The artillery disperse the small crowds of guys idea whether he is early or late. The for curfew and getting restriction. basic, brute level-to be resolved on the was originated.) All of the similarities included eggs, cherry bombs, between the warring dorms. football field much in the same way are present: the parade through the most extreme example of this that we firecrackers, and a pumpkin. There wasn't really a lot to the war town, have come across is the case of a What is the answer to the time con- that our natural international rivalries the celebration, the general One girl who was in Crowe-the night besides the facts listed above, ac- feeling of unitv and pride. student who neglected to wear a watch fusion? Well, one solution would be for are so often resolved on the battlefield. the university to see that the clocks after the war started related that one of cording to those Crowe men who sup- Football serves as a catharsis to You may have noticed that in the one day and who was caused to be late the Crowe men narrowly missed get- plied this information. Both Dean Gus for a test because a clock in the library (and the chimes) are, if not set to absolve the participants (an, indeed, above analogy, my references to ting blasted in the face with a rotten egg Edward and Officer Murray of the warfare were in the traditional sense was 35 minutes slow. standart time, at least synchronized to the spectators) of their pent-up a standard campus time. This would by closing a window. She also stated Police Department echoed the sen- agressive tendencies which arises as a that we had all come to know and love it Tardiness is annoying, both for that several cherry bombs were tossed. timent that there was nothing to it, In students and for teachers. Some necessitate periodic checks -on the natural result of the abrasive effects of before Viet Nam. The analogy fails clocks to see if they were running fast The girl added that the story of the fact last Thursday when Officer day-today living. This might help to miserably when applied to the Viet teachers fairly fly into a rage when pumpkin was told to her by a guy who Murray was questioned about "What's someone is late, and many students feel or slow, and, if so, to correct them. This point out the extent to which warfare Nam situation becuase the war has might prove tedious, but wouldn't the came to look out the window. going on between Crow and Dixon may possibly be considered and better been said to have failed miserably to so much embarrassment at having to "It seems that after several egging Halls?" he answered, "I don't know walk into class even a few minutes late, effort be worth it in the amount of understood in its macrocosmic result in any of the good things we annoyance it would save so many incidents, a couple of Crowe guys went anything about Crow Hall and Dixon ralatioxlship to sport. usually expect from a war. Rather than that they prefer just to cut the class. As to visit a Dixon resident. They just Hall." you can see, inaccurate clocks can people? FaJtbell (inter*ue@ah warfare) cleansing us of our natural agressions, it has reinforced them and allowed them to fester almost beyond repair. Rather than endangering national feelings of pride and unity in America, this war has engendered increased LEDITORS frustration with every aspect of this natlun which is expressed in racism, crime, suicide, and socioeconomic decay. $short, this war is no fun at all- Dear Editor: vegetable EVERY DAY was: whole boiled potatoes. Our salad EVERY and this is precisely the point. War is dysfunctional and obsolete. I read with great interest a letter to DAY was: grated cabbage with ab- Perhaps societies will realize that the Editor in the October 30 issue of solutely no dressing. Of course we had THE CHANTICLEER concerning the the usual hard rolls and butter, tea or warfare is no longer a viable means of coffee expressing nationalism and working type, quality and quantity of food . out agresssions. Perhaps the one served on the JSU campus. Perhaps an Dinner: Same as lunch - except a different "meat?" Oh yes, at dinner we tangible gain to be derrived from the exhange program in a foreign country whole Viet Nam fiasco is the realization might make a student at JSU realize did have dessert. No choice-we all had the same thing which was usually a that war is no fun anymore and that just how good the food really is. The one perhaps nations should learn some sentence that caught my eye and peach half, an apple, or ice cream. At one meal green beans were ser- other game to play with each other that prompted me to write this letter was will accomplish what war no longer the statement regarding the ham and ved, but they were so "undone" we could not eat them. Not one tiedid we seems to accomplish. Football roast beef on October 17. Imagine perhaps. having ham and roast beef the same have a piece of ice for water or tea. Several of us had upset stomachs but If the point I am trying to make in this meal ! Homecoming edition entry is a little This past summer I was a student at we contributed this to the fact that we were in a foreign country eating nebulous, let me clear it up before I the University of Lund, Lund, Sweden, close. My hope is that, as we welcome for four weeks. We stayed in Hotel strange food. We also realized that our dislike for the food was really a matter our gridiron warriors home on Spata (which is really a dormitory) November 18, somebody will be doing and ate the food that was included in of taste. Maybe, we in our country, are spoiled something to insure that we will soon be our room and board. ktme tell you welcming our battlefield warriors is what a great choice we had! by our affluent living. My trip was a delightful experience but I'm glad to be home in a similar fashion. My hope is Breakfast: Kelloggs Cornflakes back to my traditional southern way of that there will be two Homecomings (American), hard rolls or bread, cooking and eating. this fall instead of one. butter, jelly, yogurt or milk, tea or I have had the pleasure on several coffee. (Never bacon and eggs.) occassions of eating at the Jax T.IZ~C-h:One serving of meat (if you ,-c+--'"s -..A -"-- "rn^"T' pt the -- could call it that). A€ least three tunes quality and variety of food served a week the meat was boiled fish. Other there. I consider the people who eat ( a!@& By Robert Cotton tunes we had lamb, meat patties there to indeed charging a little more for those girls conditioned dorms on the Jax State (complete with filler) very, very rare who prefer to live by themselves, campus. "We are concerned," Dean roast beef. But always the meat was L. N. Moncus "Cinderella's Stepmotherf' taking a dormitory and doing away ,Jackson pointed out, "for the girls who completely inundated in gravy. Our An alumnus ------with all rules (curfew,'signing in and need a financially cheaper dorm. I J out), making Sparkman coed, and never never wish to put our girls in the Jacksonville is a stagnant university. opposite takes place in that the status closing a floor in presently open dor- position where we force a girl to live in It is generally conceeded that the quo is solidified. Thus, apathy is also mitories and utilizing the entire Sparkman." students are apathetic. However, it is solidified. building." Dean Jackson wishes to appeal to all Poetry more importantly true that the student, Actually, school spirit is not at all Dean Jackson says that she wishes to students who have suggestions as how academic, and administrative necessary. The university gives "leave it as is for right now. If it comes to solve this problem to bring them to leadership of the university is also athletic scholarships in quantity to closing one, I believe we could ac- her, "I would personally be delighted to LITTLE THINGS of the clock apathetic. Since I-by definition-am whereas other forms of scholastic aid comodate most girls with their friend- sit down and take as long as necessary Or maybe think apathetic, I consider myself par- (due to ecenomic restrictions) are s." Dean Jackson stated an awareness to discuss the matter.'' Time was hours meaning so dear How short Forever will be to ticularly well qualified to write on the given with reluctance. This, then, is of the student's desires to remain with those with someone Time was good when you were here subject. reason enough for students to have their friends. All the happiness that love brings And how long to me. Actually, it is very unfair to con- absolutely no responsibility in giving Dean Jackson has minted out to the Closing Basically just the little things tinuously blame students for their lack emotional support to the athletic the 'fact that when major problems in closing a dormitory The hours of the day are all 8Daugette is closed, it will mean that A smile at the right time of interest in the university or its ac- program. It, infact, should be the other involved the general welfare of the A kiss when there was time but impassable tivities. There is very little of true there are no longer any non air- Since I have no one way around. The athletic program is students. She stated a concern for the Soft words that meant so much interest at the university; and those being paid to put up a good show. It is, "moving of telephones and the Kind words that did so much To turn to for understanding things that are of interest have little or Except futhermore, to be expected that they be Hardship breaking up of friends." Time was when I was down no relationship to the educative purpose (as they are) reasonably good per- "You are required to live on cam- The little things that cam around In my private place where embittered of a university. perceptions cannot survive formers, and thus, help make up for the According to Salvatore, being moved pus," Dean Jackson said, "and you are Just the little things Let's take the University's football high expense of importing liquor to into Luttrel would be a hardship on the entitled to know what is going on... If it team. This is obviously of interest to a And my private place is Jacksonville. This would be the residents of Logan. He went on to say, dot?,become necessary to close a dorm, large number of students, vowever, to professional way of looking at things. "...we cannot afford this extra ex- it w~uldn'tbe fair to say, "hey, you're Miles Priest MINE be precise, a football team is at best To have Again let me say, apathy-in any pense." gonria have to move at the end of the only incidental to the primary purpose case-will remain because the majority Describing living conditions at semester." Forever of a university. The football team, if an Till I die. of students are paying to come to an Lagan, Salvatore commented, "I would Both Deans stated that several items accurate were to be taken would institution they don't really believe in rate them as very decent, as well as have been considered in addition to the POEM probably be shown to be the reason for or understand. That is, we live in a anything on campus. You know they A JSU Sophomore closing of dorms. Schmitz an- attracting only a minutely small, small society rich enough to send most of it's just don't build like they used to. Logan nouncement : "We have thought of coed Smothering in aloneness, percentage of students to Jacksonville. youth to the university and arrogand is a clean dohitory, it is run very dorms" brought a favorable response I stumble to my private place Furthermore, if accurate figures were enough to think that if a person doesn't efficiently. There are some rules, but from many of the coetB but was And to be made publically available, it go, he is automatically stupid. In a there has to be rules. I would consider quickly corrected by "not roomate Cry all the tears a solitary life brings, TERM PAPERS would probably be shown that the situation like this it is only natural that Logan one of the best." living." According to Schrnitz, "two And let comforting Darkness Send for your descriptive, up-to-date, football team produces, per- much bitterness and frustration should Salvatore also commented on the dorms on campus (Sparkman and Enfold me in his depths. 128-page, mail order catalog of 2,300 centagewise, only a very small portion quality termpapers. Enclose $1.00 to build up. installation fee of fourteen dollars Daugette) would accompany this idea Here : cover postage and handling. of the university's income; and when In other schools, there have been which is charged by the telephone quite effectively." shimmery images are excluded WE ALSO WRITE the university's indirect subsidies are violent demonstrations. At Jackson- company pointing out that all phones In closing, Dean Jackson named two and the endless rumble of the world is not. CUSTOM MADE PAPERS. considered, then there might actually ville, we have apathy. If the ad- must be taken out and re-installed. determining factors which would In this place of mournful quietude Termpaper Arsenal, Inc. be a negative economic profit. ministration were to consider this "We asked Dr. Schmit," he said, "if decide upon which dorms would be 1can imagine mystic bells The point of all this is that the athletic logically, then they would be overjoyed there was any way that the student 519 GLENROCK AVE., SUITE 203 closed if it became necessary to close tolling a death march as a program is unduly burdened in that the that-at least-here frustration (which is could be paid for in this capacity. He any of the dorms: "We would take into LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90024 University has no right to expect it to be said no, that we assumed the full sinister cloak of fog envelopes all. (213) 477.8474 477-5493 national in scope) is expressed consideration the convenience (to the n,."I either economically profitable, deficit. To be honest and sincere, we ,'We need a local salesman" passively rather than actively. students) and popularity of the dorm." ist ten to the plaintive forever-ticking academically productive, or in any cannot afford to pay this needless She also assured the students that in the L "practical" sense useful. To do so The important point behind all this is cost." According to Salvatore, ap- event a dorm was to be closed, iLy~~ would take away from the only real that for the last nine centuries, the proximately 30 students who now live in 5 ' universities have existed for the sole will be notified officially if the time justification for competetive sports, Logan have telephones. does come to close a dorm." i.e., their entertainment value. purpose of creating intellectual elites. This was reasonable, as the mass of GmANTXG&BER- Because of this alone, I advocate a good football team (seen in a narrow mankind (Americans included) did no The CHANTICLEER 111 is published every Monday by the students of Jacksonville sense, is a broader sense: a good (and still do not) have the intellectual State University. athletic program.) Any other discipline to become true members of Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Stone justification, though, is neither this elite. If it, therefore, that an in- cordially invite I nor desirable. stitution of the elite can not and should All statmnents or opinions expressed within are strictly those of individuals and are mt present itself as the mother of the alumni, their guests, faculty, staff and friends of mt to be construed as official positions of the University itself. All this brings us back to apathy. Apathy, though, is not the same as literate masses. To do so (as is being Jackson~r'lleState University unenthusiasm. It is something more attempted in America) is to play the to the annual Homecoming Reception As the student press, the CHANTICLEER I11 attempts to provide an open tom tor general. It is something more than part of Cinderella's Stepmother. Such a after the game, in the Student Union Building, unfettered expression of opinion within the boundaries set by law and good taste, in- general. It is this simple confusion of situation can never be a happy one and cluding those opinions differing from editorial policy. terminology which does the greatest can only be changed if our concept of adjacent to Snow Stadium disservice to both the football team as the university, itself, also changes. Editor, Ken Todd; Associate Editor Dotty LawrenceBusiness Manager, Clarence well as the students. As it stands now, if In America, we have only two Both floors of the President's Home will be open Mann ;Photographer, Joe Pierce; and Circulation Manager, Gollgalo Casares. the school football team were to win available choices. We ,must either during the morning for you to visit. STAFF: David Royal: . John C. Turner, Tim Atkinson, Rebecca Inmon, Lillian every game, it's true a certain en- completely re-fashion the University in You are invited to come by before the Turner, Marie Uwter, Jinl Owens, Mike Hopkins, Gail Beard, Harold Ragland, Earl thusiasm would be built up. However, the image of the masses ofriseprohibit Alumni Luncheon at 12:OO noon or between bows Matthis. Carl P%,lillips, Jim Selman, Tom Grant, Robert Cotton, Jim Harrington, apathy would be left totally untouched the masses from immatriculating. In the of 9:00 - 12:OO 111 Rarhara Turner. ~okaFlaahertv. Loyd Williams, and Jim Floyd. in that his enthusiasm is not the type Jacksonville, we lack both the courage that changes anything. In fact, the as well as the foresight to do either. Liason Committee ANOTHER BUST MELBOURNE, Australia We the student members of the which it was established. No one could - Enghsh singer Joe Liaison Committee of Jacksonville argue that the need for class at- Cocker and his band returned State University formally propose that tendance is seemingly obvious. One to their Chateau Commodore this committee take into consideration can say that in the greater sense of the hotel after a Wednesday night the cessation of the current University word, education is not being sewed by concert to find the manager regulation requiring a student to have the requirement to attend class for a set wanted them to leave. Scuffles "B" average to drop a course, amount of time. If one accepts the broke out and police eventually We readily concur with the original generalized idea of education as the dragged away the bare-chested, goal of this regulation, the maintenance provision of learning experiences, then barefoot rock singer. He was of high quality academic standards at the option of class participation is also charged with 10 counts ranging this institution. We do, however, feel an educational activity. A student who from assault to offensive that this rule places a discriminatory is spoon fed and coddled by language. element into the education process. requirements which force him to do the Last week, Cocker and six Many Jacksonville State University correct thing is a poor hope for the other members of his group of students must combine their quest for future. A student who instills within 30 were charged with drug higher education with jobs and families himself selfdiscipline and an possession and fined a total of which have a certain amount of in- automatic teleological attitude toward $2,880. Immigration Minister fluence on their activities and which his own self-betterment is much to be Alexander Forbes said after the serve to even further limit their time weferred. fines were paid that the seven for studying. The "B" average The system as it exists at Jackson- had to leave the country by requirement seems to be unduly harsh ville State University grants a 3:l ratio Friday-or be forced out. when one considers the virtual welter of of classes attended to classes missed. circumstances which could arise for a It is possible that in some classes to working student with average avail one's self of the present 25 percent capabilities and other impinging fac- of absences would cause the student Student admissions tors. some degree of difficulty in completing WORCESTER, Mass. - A do-it-yourself The ends of education will be served the course in a successful manner. admissions policy at Worcester just as effectively and perhaps more There are other courses here which Polytechnic Institute makes it justly if the average requirement is could be successfully negotiated by possible for an applicant to dropped to the pass-fail level. One can reading a required list of materials and enroll after a comprehensive be reasonably certain that some will references and arriving several times campus visit. abuse this new level, but these persons, in the semester to take an examination. He looks over the school, its rograms and requirements. we feel, are minute compared to the Who can take exception to either of fIe then figures his chances of current student body. these examples if the purposes of succeeding at the school. If it Dropping a course at the passing education are advanced and the pupil Pictured above is the Ib?Z HOEWOW year's Homecoming will be better than ever. Shown above are: looks as though he can survive, level will grant a latitude and flexibility has been supplied with learning ex- Workers c!ommittee. These students have spent (I-S) Jim Smith, Sharon MCCAMY, Mickey WiUams, DO- he admits himself. Such a to the educational process as it involves periences from which he cerebrally many 10% hours making sure that this Campbell, and Bill Smith, chairman. program is designed to fill the this particular area. We feel, contrary benefited? school with self-motivated to some educators in former A system offering unlimited absences students. generations, that resiliency and could better serve to illustrate the flexibility add strength to an lesson of commitment and par- educational program while strict ticipation as the tools of learning. RESPONDS TO NOTICE adhence to an unyielding format It is the feeling of the student portion Phi Alpha Theta Will Hold AUSTIN, Tex. -Amber tends to produce brittleness. of this committee that despite the Mist, a stripper from Balti- The "B" average requirement has abvious frailties -which seem inherent more, responded to a notice merit when one applies it to graduate in an unlimited class cut system, that that the Texas Memorial level activities, but can cause the the merits of the proposal must too be Fall lnitiation November 14 Museum was collecting bumper average student a degree of difficulty noted. The day when a real student stickers bv sending her uerson- which, we feel, will neither help him : ' stick;: "snuggle, - Don't MUST be told what to think, when to Membership in Phi Alpha Theta is through a rough spot or serve to further think it, and how many times a The newly organized chapter of Phi president, John R. Stewart, Jr.; htr ggle." She included pictures Alpha Theta, national history honorary, secretary-treasurer, Donna Self; and composed of those students and his education. I herself nude except for semester he must so think, is over, and professors who have been elected upon education will be greatly advanced in will hold its fall initiation November 14 historian, Mitiell Barron. The faculty rrings and shoes. If one must attain a "B" in a course to at 7:00 p.m. at the home of its faculty advisors are Dr. H. Calvin Wingo and the basis of excellence in the field of drop, it seems reasonable to assume the process. The question of "Why?" fie museum's corresponding advisor, Dr. Mary Martha Thomas. Dr. Mary Martha Thomas. history. The purpose of the secretary, Willena C. Adams, that he would be foolish to drop that with the quest for an answer is the most organization is to promote the study of intense form of the educational milieu. Invitations are being sent to students Phi Alpha Theta plans to meet wrote a note of thanks to Miss class. But what if the course SHOULD who have attained a 2.0 average in all history through research, teaching, be dropped? If the student is required To be sure the need for classroom at- monthly with a variety of programs Mist Monday. The sticker will courses and a 2.25 average in history. including student papers, panel publication, and exchange of ideas. Phi be added to the museum to devote himself exclusively to the tendance is inestirnatible, but the 25 Alpha Theta also awards several prizes attaining of this above average grade to percent level really contributes little to The Tau Theta chapter of Phi Alpha discussions, book reviews, faculty collection. The pictures will be Theta was installed May 27,1972 by Dr. papers, and tours of historic areas. and scholarships annually to deserving "filed." the detriment of other grades, perhaps learning that would have not evidenced students. :o+ equal or even greater importance, itself in an unlimited program. Wesley P. Newton, national councilman Phi Alpha Theta was founded at the then where is the educational process It is with utmost respect for the in- of Phi Alpha Theta and member of University of Arkansas in 1921 and sewed? The attaining of a "B" in one stitution and for the phenomena of Auburn University faculty. Officiers presently includes more than 70.000 for the academic year 1972-73 are I course in order to drop it, at the ex- education that we submit this proposal students and teachers of historv. --& 48-- 1 pense of "B"s in other courses, seems for this committee's consideration. president, Marilyn Ward; vice- states, Puerto Rico, ~anada,and the to obviate any gains. Philippine Islands. It has 458 active ( United Freight Sales ' We feel that academic standards can chapters, making it the largest of the be served as well as practical human accredited honor societies holding needs. We feel that the "B" Student hallenge membership in the Association of requirement unequally gives the College Honor Societies. Stereo Components for a few months. Before he knew Jesus I By BECKY WEEKS fulltime student, or the student with a Christ: he t.e,l?-us he lived a life of what superior back&~oundin a subject area. ~rr;rui, ~~wzruurryrur, up&&, uur wuras~ ;:Maybe- gsu have seen the slgns player Charlie Silcock gave his joyed at the expense of one's education. around campus which read "You Are seeking rebellion, rejecting God and his &urch. Then one day he realized how all in a celebration solo- I We respectfully submit that the pass- Invited to Student Challenge." But including his pants. fail level is an adequate plateau on perhaps you are like many other miserable he actually was, that he did not have any reason for living. He At a party celebrating his $299 which to allow a class to be dropped. students who see the signs but do not band's victory in the National Tapes We request the consideration of this kmw what actually takes place in the didn't find this purpose, either, until he I Brass Band Championship, the 1 committee in this question. Roundhouse every Sunday night at 9: 00 met God's son and allowed him to take control of his life. 6%year-old musician inhaled pm. Would you be interested in deeply to blast out the final PROPOSAL 3 knowing what all "Student Challenge" After a few brief testimonies, the Other Goodies speaker is introduced for the night. In note of "Bless This House." involves? If you are, then just relax as Down went his pants. MODIFICATION OF THE PRESENT we take you through the doors to a the past we have had coaches, teachers, I I DROP DATE FOR typical meeting of "Student businessmen and professional singers. DROPPING CLASSES WITHOUT Challenge ." Tonight's speaker is a former football PENALTY Some students have already arrived. player from the University of Alabama. They are talking about the events of the He quickly lets the audience know that We the student members of the weekend football game, a special date, Christ is number one in his life. He then Liaison Committee of Jacksonville and a sermon they've heard at church. relates some of his experiences as a State University formally propose that Most of them smile and say "hi" as you christian in the world of sports. The his committee take into consideration walk by. At nine o'clock, almost all of speaker concludes with a short prayer, the modification of the current the chairs are filled with students- invitw you to accept Christ as your university regulation regarding the some regular in attendance and some Lord and Saviour. After another song, drop date for classes. who just like you are here for the first the program is then concluded. It is the feeling of many that a more time. "Student Challenge" -4~0words equitable time allowance for those without much meaning until you add desiring to drop a class would be near The program begins with a welcome enthusiasm, singing, concern, sharing, the end of the semester, perhaps two kom one of the students. Then excitement, and love. weeks before the final examination everyone joins in the action as we sing If you would W t~ know some more date. songs varying from "The Assurance about this personal relationship with The present system really does not March" to "He's Everything to Me." God's son, then come over to Student allow the student to understand what A skit usually follows the singing. Challenge and join with the students may be required of him in a particular Tonight three blind-folded volunteers who have found what life is. course. The current drop date usually are instructed to blow a dime out of a canes before the first test; therefore, tin pan. The first two try un- the student has no way of equating his successfully. Then flour is substituted performance. Sice the grade point for the dime and the next volunteer average of a student has great in- blows. When he removes his blindfold I BRASS I fluence on his circumstance at he finds a white cloud surrounding him. Jacksonville State University, we feel Everyone laughs, and you get to feel that anything which further promotes more comfortable. BOWL poor grades is detrimental to the A cheerleader steps up to the student body and therefore to the microphone next. Very unashamedly, Open , university. she relates to the entire group just how We respectfully submit that the much Jesus Christ means to her. She 12 A.M. - 11 P.M. present date for dropping classes talks of a personal relationship with without penalty be modified, utilizing this man and the genuine smile on her Seven Days our suggested format of two weeks face lets you know that she is saying before the final as the beginning point exactly what she believes. A Week for discussion. A young man follows next. At first he Sea~sa bit nervous, but he relaxes with Surprise Band PROPOSAL 4 his audience and begins to speak. He THE ELIMINATION OF THE has only known this man named Christ Saturday Night CURRENT CLASS ABSENCE SYSTEM IN FAVOR OF AN UNLIMITED CUT SYSTEM We the student members of the Liaison Committee of Jacksonville State University respectfully submit You Are Invited this proposal for your perusal, con- sidera€ion, and we hope, subsequent acceptance. The subject of class absences has been a much discussed To Student Challenge and often considered question at this institution. It is the hope of those of us Step Up From Your Old Stereo System To who are submitting this proposal that we may avoid the snares and pitfalls 9:00 p.m. EVERY Sunday Night which have tended to be concomitant with this question of previous oc- One Of LaFayette's 4 Channel Systems. casions. We respectfully submit that the present regulation requiring 25 percent Church Street Plaza I of class attendance obviates the end to I I 4 Monday, November 13, 1972, CHANTICLEER

Schedules and permits for the 1972-73 second semester will be available in the Admissions Office on or about November 27. Returning students must file permits by December 1 if they wish a regular appointment time to register. Students who file after December 1 may have to register during the last part of the formal registration period on January 10.

JIM YOUNG Gu~desYourHead SIX N~ghtsaWeek Jo Jo Gunne, a "good old-fashioned rock-and-roll band that formaces, at 7:30 and 1U:uu p.m. ~n tne Leone Cole doesn't sound like any good old-fashioned band you've ever Auditorium. Admission to both concerts is free to Allied Arts J 0 J 0 GU N N E heard; ; will be-on campus on November I? to help celebrate Card holders, $2.50 with student ID, and $3.50 to non- the Homecoming Activities. The group will have two per- students.

Shoe Is $50 too much to pay for a ten-speed everybody working all night. SEMESTER AT SEA less than 7 months old? If not, Call 831- 5673 after 5:30 p.m. Everybody walking by and getting in Sails each September & February M0N.-WED FRI 9:30 PM-5AM +TIE-THUR 10PM-5AM + SATURDAY 9 PM-5AM the spirit." Combine accredited study with "The nostalgia of the infiite... all my educational stops in Africa, Aus- yesterdays right here for me in the tralasia and the Orient. Over 5000 present. Rah rah ziff boom bah." - students from 450 campuses have "The one game in the season you already experienced this interna- really get up in the air for. It's a good tional program. A wide range of way to wind up the football season." financial aid is available. Write "I think there is rather too much now for free catalog: emphasis on football. It seems some students care and worry about football games more than they do about education. Homecoming must be a worthwhile event for those who par- ticipate in it. I don't quite understand SHOTGUN SHELLS this. It's fine with me, though, as long as they don't force me to take part in *$$\\\ y ,\\ M Z M,,, ,,,x2 it." " "A good week to have a good time and 11 ' '~i~3-:2 99 continue our winning record. Floats and parades. A week students should - . i...;l I I . , . i.\& " I come out ana strive to maKe Jacksonville State the friendliest . q\.p*" -%\-. campus in the South." - < ;c;+yA"j: "Everybody getting caught up in the ,,. Q , - Gauge spirit of competition. Everybody * * DOVE C WAlh $4 3 h 8 In4 h k IY5 6 8 fw LOAD C broqe ca\e Burn\ 12 :o 18 working hard competing with hutrr\ \%itli on? hfllni 6%-96 everybody else. Even me who can't I stand football games." "Homecoming? If the shoe fits, wear it."

heard Curly, we knew. We've been together as a group ever since." Michael Ross of the L.A. Times wrote Egads, Miriam, Cousin Gus that they are "mean-looking and mesmerizing, and have much of the stuff pop legends are made of ..." Writes From Jacksonville That But when they talk about their work, they don't sound like legends at all. They certainly don't sound mean. They just sound enthusiastic, aware, alive to Grandpa Ernest Told Uncle the world. "This is it," Mark says of his playing. "It's the only thing that I can do that I Theron That The Emporium love, that gets me off - this pure energy." Jay adds "We aren't reviving fifties' rock at all. There's a lot of easy Has Moved From Anniston listening, laid-back music now. Cerebral rock. Then there's gut-level rock, that's us. We're doing something new. Of our music is a revival of To The Old Home Town. ANYTHING, it's of that really positive, UP emotional feeling rock used to have. We feel the need to play loud now. What Is The Town Coming That's how we are." Then someone says "This music is the most fulfillug thing. I need it. It satisfies my soul." And someone else To? nods and grins and says "It's great to combine what you like best with what you do best." They all look awfully happy. Jo Jo Gunne will be on campus for '"\LTRA SHOCKS two performances -on November 17. BRAKE SHOES For ~rtostcars. The performances, which will be at 7:30 I? hM)-l 670.7 699 and 10:OO p.m. will be held in the Leone ) 204 Church Street, Set of 8 for 4 wheels I Cole Auditorium. Admission is free to Allied Arts Card Holders, $2.50 to On The Hill students, and $3.50 to non-students. exchange most can


Srnix~thIrvrr a

64-'43 Z 9.97 I I INSTAlltD HYDRAULIC DUMPER CHANTICLEER, Monday, November 13, 1972 5

Nominees for Mr. Friendly are: (1-r) Standing are: JohnHolloway, Jerry Starnes, and Jimmy Snow. Seated: Ricky Leach, and Don Lewis. Not Shown is Bill Norton Nominees for Miss Friendly are: (1-r, Wilson, Remona Sharp, Joan Anderson, Trisha Hallmark, FriendIV seated) Sandra Tyson, Nan Casey, and Sandy Snead, Sharon McCamy, Katrina Lloyd, and Jane Rick. Nancie Ellis. standing are Charolette Not Shown is Bridget Oakes. Chanticleer ,, ,,

Gamecocks Crushed Samford 27-6

By JIM OWEN terception and 61 yard return of a Lynch, super sub, went wildly bounding read JSU 27 Samford 6. The Bulldogs Nipper pass. The Gamecocks had a Joe off course. The final score was an 11 tried one more vain attempt to dent the Hix attempted field goal sail wide with yard sweep around the right end with scoreboard but they failed as the horn The J.S.U. Gamecocks invaded seconds remaining on the clock to make Ralph Brock packing the mail. The soundmarking the end of a great Anniston Memorial Stadium last the score remain JSU 7 SAMFO_RD 3 at PAT was good and this made the score Gamecock victory. Saturday night as they went up against the half. a rough and tough Samford ball club from Birmingham. After two exciting band shows, the teams returned to the field for more The Bulldogs won the toss and elected rough and tough action and they wasted to receive the kickoff from Joe Hix. no time as the defensive units burried The Bulldogs took the.. kickaff.. . on their ... the offensive - strength.-- - .,-Until Hawkin",. The Gamecocks came alive in the first score was a 17 yard Brock pass that WITH THIS COUPON Shown above are nominees for Mr. Friendly: (I-r) second quarter as they mounted a 47 was tipped by amf ford's winchester George Porter, scotty Marcum, and Greg Pertree. ~~t Friendly yard drive in 3 plays with Callahan into the waiting arms of Randy shown is Bill Horton. swee~inathe end for the score with 1:04 Hallmark- for six with ll:53 left in the left & th; half. The Hix PAT was good game. The second score was a Bill as the score read J.S.U. 7 Samford 3. Lynch 1 yard reverse run for the goalline with 7:47 remaining on the The Bulldogs tried another drive only fourth quarter clock. The 2 point at- Butterfly Wins Big to be stopped by a Roger Hibb in- tempt was no good as the snap to Bill

The Iron Butterflies reminded people five touchdowns scored by the But- of the JSU vs.-Bluefield game as they terflies lightning fast and rugged of- demolished the Sigma Gammas by a fense. The scoring parade was led by score of 35-0. the Jackson brothers with a touch down each, and Doug Owens, and Steve The Butterflies had their usual stingy Shires scored three touchdowns bet- goes defense that is knowri far and wide as ween them as Mike Alexander being the coffin nairer for opposing booted the knife of a defeat even deeper defenses. The Butterflies have an of- into the backs of the Gamma as he to waist fense to equal this defense, and it is made five PAT'S. Another contributing centered around a brother duo named factor was the Gamma's bad physical Jackson. shape as most of their big-named The downfall of the Gammas was the players were on the bench. DX Eyes Championship Tuesday Nov.

Rusty Jessup of Delta Chi gave exactly the right time. Our secondary CHANTICLEER his idea of how his will play their receivers as tight as 85 team feels about the upcoming possible. The defensive line should championship game with Iron But- force a quick throw so we can afford to terfly. "Iron Butterfly will be tough to play them tight. beat. Delta Chi plays technically, not physically. If we let them bring us "Last year's game was excellent with down to their level, we will lose. But if two hardhitting physical teams. This Chat'em Inn we control the game and play it our way year will be quite different. we will win. Iron Butterfly's main thing Technicians against brute strength. We is their quarterback. He can put the think we have adapted to the type of ball exactly where he wants it at football that will win Monday night." lobby I 2120 Quintard Avenue--Anniston I I and ALL Birmingham Locations Student Government Students Who've Had Any Problems 0 Hospital Insurance At All With Their Rings (Especially $240° Per Year If You've Ordered And Your Ring FOR Designed Especially For Hasn't Come) Please Come And See The Students Of JSU The John Roberts Represenative WlTH THIS 6 Monday, November 13, 1972, CHANTICLEER

Nominees for Miss Jax State are (I-r, Kathy Greer. Standing are: Helen Loo, Sandy Snead, and seated): Dixie Minitra. Not shown is Pam Holmes. Mr. Jax Pictured above are nominees for Mr. Pat Henry, Rusty Russell, Scotty Marcum, Steve Levenson, Miss Jax -Musm, Becky Jackson, and Jax (1-r) (seated) Gene Preskett, George and Dick Spenser. Not shown is Richard Reid. Porter, and Joe Stahlkuppe. Standing are

A Rising Legend In IM Sports

Delta Chi started this season with no cellent hands and is a great threat at Already, he has made six interceptions hopes. They didn't think they had open field running. Shipman to Pat- this year, one of which he ran back for anything and neither did anybody else. terson is probably the team's strongest 42 yards and six points against KO. They didn't have the great material combination. Kinsaul is very fast. His position is one they had last year. Shipman kicks field goals, extra of the most important positions in this The phoenix was dead-down in points and kickoffs. Townley punts. type of football and he knows his flames. But, true to legend, it rose Russell returns kickoffs. position. Richard Reid again from its own ashes. Delta Chi Delta Chi's defensive team has only Delta Chi has plenty of depth. They SGA President practiced everyday. They became had 9 points scored on them this, will never be short of players. They Jacksnnvi' le State Lhiv unified. Each player seemed to know, season: 6 by KE and 3 by ATO. The have back-up men for every position. front four are the best they have evep The team is ably coached by head to be able to sense, what his teammates We regret to inform vou that the Chilites will he unable to were going to do. They played more as had. The left defensive end is Dennis coaches Rick Hopkins and Monty a team than anything else. This is why Pantazis, 180 lbs. and fast. The middle Wallace, and by Joe Snow and Ric 1 apDear at vour univ~rsitytonight due to the illness of their execution of plays is picture men are Tommy Britt, 6)4", 220 lbs. Stapleton, assistant coaches. three of the prom with the flu. We will be loolcing forward perfect. They found that flag football is and Joe Snow, 6 feet, 215 lbs. Right Delta Chi thinks the Intramural to a~oe~ringat vnur univ~rsitgin the very nepr future. more of a technical game than a defensive end is Tim Farley, 160 lbs. Program is tops. They believe it is physical game. This was a change that Farley is the quickest man tm the team. probably the best in Alabama. They they had to make because they had lost He is tough and lightning fast. He has are glad to see more students taking their big men. More than 90 per cent of grabbed more flags than anybody this part. Sincerely, Chilites the games they win are won on pure season. My deepest thanks to Rusty Jessup desire and their comeback has equaled Linebackers are Greg Benefield, 175 for his cooperation and assistance in that of George Blanda. Death and Ibs. and Larry Schimdtke, also 175 lbs. writing this article. Resurrection. Benefield is the defensive ca~tain.He - --- - the direction of iuarterback Bill more desire than the whole team. He Shipman, 190-lb. local boy from plays from the bottom of his heart. He IM Jacksonville High School. Bill's ac- never lets up. He plays every game like curacy in passing a football is it's his last. He's small, fast and tough. astounding-he can hit a dime at 50 He gives 2OOper cent, and he gives it 200 BASKETBALL yards. Also in his favor is a quick per cent of the time. Schrnidtke is very release. The running backs are tough and very consistent. Team entry forms for Intramural Richard R. Russell and Jerry The secondary has Rusty Jessup, 165 Basketball are now available. Anyone McQueen. Russell is an explosive lb. rlght half back; Louis Noto, 1Slb. wishing to have a team can obtain an player and a good blocker. M-en is left half back; and Sam Kinsad, 17Mb. entry form from the IM Director (Mr. easily the team's best runner. safety. Jessup is a very consistent Washington). Entry form must be The offensive line stars center Ric player. He has made six interceptions completed and turned in before Stapleton, 175 Ibs.; sight guard Rick this year, one for a touchdown against November 17. There will be an IM Jones, 180 lbs.; and left guard R. ATO. Noto is a freshman at JSU and Basketball Managers Meeting Mon. Barton. Jones and Barton are strong new to our flag football. Delta Chi has day, November 20, 690 in room 21 and both are good at lean-blocking great hopes for him in the future. PEB. which is very necessary in this type of football. Receivers are tight end Greg 'Fownley; split end Bill Woom, 165 lbs.: w flanker Eddie Patterson, 160 lbs. Toallley is tough. He is a very good esecutor of plays and he really Year. Before You're A Junior. knows his stuff. stuff. Wooten is fast and leads a charmed life. Lady luck runs for him every play. He has the Midas touch. Bill has scored over 50 , points this season. Patterson has ex- Rangers, I Pizza 8 Steak House I Southerners Public Square No. 1 Win Trophies

In the Annual Veterans' Day Parade in Birmingham on Oct. 23, two JSU Open 4 - 1 groups brought home first place trophies. One of the groups-was the Marching tf you will be a junior next fall ad for some ROTC Rangers. Capt. Williams of the ROTC ~epartmentwas contacted for more information on the Rangers' reason could not take the Basic Course of Army performance. He stated that there was no S~OWas Saturday ROTC, you may yalify b the Adva~edRON such, "they just marched." According to Williams, this is the second year in a \ row that the Rangers have won the I course by taking a special six week camp next tromy for "The -~ostOutstanding Senior ROTC Marching Unit." Williams also said that the unit 9 A. M. - 2 P.M. consists of 24 cadets commanded by Cadet Major Robert Rollins. The two suonsors of this unit of the 10th Gabama Volunteers are Jane Rice and Jana Pentecost. The other trophy-winning group is We Have Specials Every Day For more information about the two year none other than the JSU Marching Southerners. The Southerners played their entire repertoire of music in front ROTC Progrm contact Major Thomas Sims, of the reviewing stand prior to the parade. Mr. Walters could not be I reached to give the details of the I Southerners' performance during the parade. I Ext. 277 or come by the ROTC Building at JSU. Congratulations to both of these fine groups ! I