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Volume 59, No. 15 Statesboro, Georgia 30458 February 19, 1979 Outside funds 'unlikely'for Foy By KEN BUCHANAN president of the college, the major renovation funds should be made and what GSC is unlikely to receive vice president, the physical priorities list. According to repairs can wait. "Schools funds from the Board of plant director, and others to Cook, Foy problems have simply send their priority Regents to pay for construc- decide upon a list of priorities been included in this list. lists to us and we decide tion work on the improved which is sent to the board, "As I recall," Cook said, "Foy where the money goes. The ventilation system for the usually in April. is pretty high on our list of schools are not required to Foy building, William Cook, He said that there are priorities." spend the money they receive director of fiscal affairs, said actually three priority lists. Frank Dunham, vice on the priorities they send last week. One contains needed major chancellor of facilities with us." "As things look now, we'y construction projects such as the Board of Regents, said, On Jan. 10, Dunham sent probably have to pay fc* new buildings; another "Mr. Cook has not told us yet Richard Yancey, a mech- renovations out of our details needed renovations whether allocated money will anical engineer, to "make budget." such as is being done at go to Foy ventilation. He himself familiar with any Cook explained that each Sanford Hall now. does list food services as his mechanical problems which year he consults with the The third list is called the highest priority. It's been at may be encountered in the the top of the list for the last repair work at Foy." few years." Yancey said during his The state representatives visit to GSC that he was here Cook receives promotion must first allocate money to "to become acquainted with the Board of Regents before problems, make sure By CINDY STROZZO be in charge of all non- the board can allocate fundf; conditions are safe, and offer academic affairs, finance, The promotion of Bill to the various schools, See FOY, p. 5 Cook to the position of Vice accounting, employees that Dunham explained. Repre- President for Business and are non-faculty, including sentatives were scheduled to Finance at GSC was plant operations and meeet last week, he said. approved this week by the computer services. Then the request must be Lecture DR. THOMAS EISNER University System Board of "Other colleges have vice brought before the board, Regents on the recommend- presidents that serve in this Dunham said. "Once it ation of GSC President Dale capacity," Dr. Austin stated. reaches this stage, it will take cancelled Lick. He also said that Cook is only five minutes for the Insect studies increase ur. Charles Austin, vice already functioning as a vice board to decide whether The lecture featur- president of the college, said president. money can be allocated or ing State Senator that a request for the title The decision was made at not. However, I think we can Julian Bond has been man's nature knowledge change has been sent to the the University System Board expect the request to get to cancelled, according to Chancellor's office in meeting in Atlanta on Feb. 13 the board no sooner than a By BEATE ARNESTAD concerned with chemical Willie Collins, Afro- Atlanta. and 14. month or two from now." "Studies of insects have communication of insects. American Club presi- "He deserves it because he Cook thinks this new title Dunham said that it was universal interest because The defenses of two beetles dent. has been doing a fine job," will make his job easier and not the Regents' responsi- they increase our knowledge served as examples of this Bond will be addres- more definable. Cook said he bility to direct the various of nature and help us communication. said Austin. sing the NAACP in Cook's responsibilities will continue to do his job schools of the university achieve balance with living "Insects are among the Washington. will not change. He will still regardless of the title. system as to what repairs things around us," Dr. best adapted of all species," Thomas Eisner, a biology he said and explained how professor at Cornell Univer- the palmetto beetle can sity, said in the second withstand a pressure 40 annual Joseph LeConte times his own bodyweight lecture recently. when attacked. In his The LeConte series research he had discovered honors the LeConte family of Liberty County. Joseph that the beetle produces a LeConte founded the hydrocarbon oil which he University of California at secretes onto the bristles of Berkley. An anonymous his feet and by pressing donor contributed $15,000 to against a surface, the beetle serve as principal and the could "glue" himself to it. interest will fund the His second example program indefinitely. showed how the bombadier Dr. James Oliver, GSC beetle could withstand attack Callaway Professor of from predators, because the biology and chairman of the abdomen of the beetle can LeConte series committee, spray out a 100 degree C. said the series is designed to liquid. The beetle is capable bring outstanding scholars of orientating the spray from anywhere in the U.S. directly towards the attacker, and western Europe as and it seems like the beetle sources of information and himself is not affected by the stimulation for students and burning liquid. The football season may be over, but rugby faculty members here. which puts the rugby ball in action. The term gave games continue through the winter and spring. Bringing these people to The lecture was enriched rise to the American word "scrimmage." Kugoy The Southern Rugby Club, organized in campus, said Oliver, will by an outstanding slides- rules are quite different, from those of football, Statesboro last spring, was formed by two GSC serve to provide a better and-film presentation which and the English sport confuses many of its students, Pat Thornton and Skip Hansen, who image of GSC in the both illustrated his examples beginning participants, said Jim Atkinson, a played rugby in Brunswick prior to attending academic community nation- and showed the complex Southern rugby player. "Our team plays good and technological equipment Georgia Southern. hits hard, but we need more experience," he said. wide. The team is shown above in a scrummage play, Dr. Eisner is particularly used in his researchers. Page 2, February 19, 1979 Trisha Keadle I GEORGE-ANNE Procrastination: read this EDDIE DONATO TRISHA KEADLE Editor Managing Editor column at some later date Guess what I'm not going research on her term paper, is to remember the terror or to write about! HOMECOM- which is due tomorrow. hassle you let yourself in for the last time you decided to WAYNE ESTES NANCY ROBERTS ING! So...for an article that's Coffee and speed have kept her awake the past two nights put off something until the News Editor Business Manager totally different, read on... last minute. However, it is He rises from a full eight- while she crammed for her mid-term. Her landlord is easy to forget those memories hour sleep at 7 a.m. for his until it is too late, but by this 9:00 class so he will have about to evict her for not; Editorial views expressed in the George-Anne are not necessarily those ot the GSC administration or time, you discover that you plenty of time to prepare for paying last quarter's rent, faculty Signed columns are solely the viewpoint of the writer. are several days behind once it. He enjoys a hot shower and all iier utility bills are and long breakfast before stamped "final notice." She'd again. putting on his clean clothes, better borrow some more Why is it so hard to make ourselves do essential things which he laid out last night. cash from her roommate to His term paper was ready a cover her rubber checks and ahead of time? Many On Activities week before deadline, and he service charges. students procrastinate not studied for two weeks for his It's so easy to fall into the only studying, but paying that the spray was not a single blast mid-term test. His rent and habits of the second student, bills, doing projects, washing A recent Thursday night here was isn't it? Procrastination, that clothes and even setting their w« filled with activities, though many still but a pulsating action. Through some utility bills are paid on the alarm clocks. A few hardcore of the most unbelievable slow-motion first day of every month, and old familiar college disease, insist there's nothing to do here. seems to hit all of us, in put-it-offers have been photography ever displayed on this he is always on time for every known to leave dishes in their The campus crusade people meeting. His checkbook is epidemic proportions, about sponsored an illusionist in the Hanner campus, Eisner showed the pulsating this time every year. sinks for weeks and refuse to balanced to the penny 4> Complex. For music lovers there were effect. Maybe it is because mid- take out the garbage until it i everytime he writes a check, i many choices: Nina Kahle was in Foy Eisner was interesting to the and not once has he spent quarter slump is taking its turns the air inside their average student, not just the people in more than he allowed himself toll, or it just might be that house green. If you can Auditorium; Heart and Ftrefall were in identify with any of these Savannah; Tony Arata was at the the biology department. His every day. the dreary weather in Statesboro's winters gives situations, don't feel bad, you Bistro; Flame and Knights goers had photography demonstrations and She falls out of bed at 8:30 slides produced from electron everyone a good reason to like the rest of us, are only their usual evening. a.m. for an 8:00 class, after human, and putting the grabbing a two-hour nap. stay in bed, skip classes, and Perhaps the best entertainment microscope displays were as necessary ahead of the interesting from a technical Hell, missed it again, she shun their work. Any excuse was in the biology lecture hall. The for not doing something can, unnecessary just isn't a standpoint as well as scientific. grumbles. She pulls on a pair second annual Joseph LeConte of dirty jeans and frantically and often is, rationalized and quality that most average speaker, Dr. Thomas Eisner, addressed If you regret missing the Eisner justified to the point of students have. If you can lecture, all is not lost. The LeConte searches for a sweater in the a near full-house about chemical pile of dirty clothes in the outrageous extremities. identify with all these communication in insects through the series will bring at least one good corner. She yanks a comb If you are a person who is situations, you don't need to biologist each year. Dr. James Oliver prone to procrastination, a be reading this article. defenses of two beetles. through her hair, slaps on A perfectly organized This is a tough editorial to write said he hopes the series will continue to some make-up, and runs for simple, but usually unsuc- because defenses of beetles just doesn't appeal to general audiences as they the library to find some cessful method for avoiding it See Procrastination, p. 3 sound interesting. But these two have for the past two years. beetles are facinating! One, which is Not only are the lectures smaller than the capital "O" on this informative, they are healthy for the 1W Tw> tettn ?*j€±% a 3000 page, has six feet. Each foot has college. Dr. Oliver said many visitors many bristles and they adhere to a to GSC are surprised at the programs surface by secreting oil from glands at we have going on here. Both LeConte the base of the bristles. Dr. Eisner had scholars, Oliver said, have been pictures of these gland openings. One impressed with GSC. must remember how little the beetle is The LeConte series isn't costing us to appreciate the possibility of getting any money either. An anonymous donor gave $15,000 for the series and such a picture. The other beetle sprays his attacker that money serves as a principal. Only with a liquid 100° centigrade. His the interest is funding the program. This series is an example of a big accuracy is amazing. He sprays only Si the area where he is being attacked and league program at a South Georgia Sf it's all over in less than a half-second. College that is rapidly becoming big- ] league itself. What Dr. Eisner suspected though was SI C 3'i , P< Noise Vs. Noise I oi hm in Many students enter the library, destroy this concept by excessive noise BOP in hi laden with books, in order to get some should not be permitted to further 'ffel abuse their library privileges. l:lu m serious studying done. It's not hard to mi sc see why they go there—our library has Remember in grammar school when a straight-laced, hard-nose lit the best in books, magazines, research Pi materials, audio/visual, and woman walked around the library and "3fo equipment a student could hope for. took the names of those who spoke? Yet there is one complaint: too much Can it be that we need to return to this si noise. practice? We hardly think that this type of discipline would be acceptable It seems that the library has become to college-aged students, but it might the GSC social club for a large number help quiet down the library. Probably of students. Boisterous laughing, loud the best discipline will come from the talking, and other forms of students themselves when they realize inconsiderate behavior have become the problems they are causing their commonplace. Several times more classmates. studious students have been forced to This knowledge can only come from leave so that they may study in peace. the studying students themselves This is simply not fair. Our library voicing their complaints to the noisy should be a place of study, relaxation, ones and to the library staff. Students, and quiet work. The few students who speak up. It**. Page 3, February 19, 1979 Mark Murphy ~. Those seven !$? *&$!? words GEORGE - ANNE Mark Murphy Features Editor Our lives are defined by unfit for the rest of us to see, a capital crime. Hitler had Fred Bankston Sports Editor, Circulation the words we use. Of the more hear, or read? Many of these fun with that idea, too. than 600,000 words in the words are used in everyday George Carlin says, "we Keith Herndon & Ken Buchanan Copy Editors have thoughts, but thoughts English language, there are conversation by millions of Larry Miller Cartoonist seven which have been people. are fluid. We assign a word to designated as "dirty words." a thought and we're stuck John Tate Photographer Under no circumstances can Two of the "bad" words with that word for that Karen Paul Asst. News Editor, Subscriptions these notorious seven be are parts of the body, two are thought." Carlin does a mentioned on television or derogatory epithets, and the comedy routine in which he Carolyn Afshar Typist radio, and in most cases other three describe bodily says these seven words over cannot be printed in the functions. Granted, they are and over, making a valid The George-Anne is the official student newspaper of Georgia Southern College and is owned and less than congratulatory point in the process. Say any operated by GSC The office is located in Room 110. Frank I. Williams Center. Telephone 681-5246or newspaper. However, this is 681- 5418. Mailing address is Landrum Box 8001 left to the discretion of the expressions, but that's not word repeatedly and it individual editor. The the point. One day seven becomes meaningless; the remaining 599,993-plus words are banned, the next sound becomes dissociated words can be used whenever day seven more, and before from the connotation. and wherever the media so long we have Fahrenheit 451. As our lives are defined by less than whole lives. choose. This Ray Bradbury novel, the words we use, those who O.K., enough beating Why pick on seven? What subsequently made into a would like to purge certain around the bush. The seven is it about our lawmakers movie, depicts a book- words from our vocabulary, words are , , , burning society in the simply because they think we that makes them want to single out certain words as future(?) in which reading is they are "dirty," are leading Sorry. Dr. Judy Schomber Festival celebrated all over the world After New Year's day, customary pleasures- parties get grander and There are also masquer- there are few occasions for certain foods, (especially wilder. ade parties, and the usual celebration during the mid- meats) entertainments, On Rose Monday, two dancing, drinking and winter in the United States, drinking, for example—could days before the fun ends, a merry-making until Tuesday except perhaps for Valen- be more reverently celebrated giant parade is staged midnight. Although original- tine's Day (only for lovers!) if there was a period of through the middle of town. ly, the masks were horrifying and Washington's birthday foolishness, and fun preced- The Prince Carnival leads a and scary, today's masks are (only the government ing the season of Lent. group of floats, bands, fools more humorous and clever. workers get that off!). Thus the beginning of and clowns, as the towns- Mardi Gras in France, But in Catholic countries Carnival—or Fasching, or people throw confetti, sound according to Harbonnier, is of Europe and Latin Mardi Gras, or Carnaval. noisemakers and set off also the time when a great America, wintertime is In Germany, the season of fireworks. variety of crepes (French considerably brightened by Fasching actually begins in The parade marches to pancakes with varied the celebration of Carnival November with the appoint- city hall, where Prince fillings) are prepared for the (Carnaval in Spanish and ment of a Prince Carnival to Carnival steps up to receive festivities. Portuguese, Fasching in reign over the time of chaos. the key to the city from the The Brazilian Carnaval, German, and Mardi Gras in The real celebrations don't mayor, an act symbolizing however, is known through- French), an originally begin, however, until after that foolishness will rule the out the world for its colorful religious celebration now Jan. 6. town. parades and costumes.: completely over taken by At that time, big parties Everyone hurries home to According to Brazilian secular traditions. are held weekly; first, the don a costume and attend one student Selma Simoes, the The medieval Catholic Fireman's ball, the Pub's of the many masquerade Brazilians pack as much church recognized that the ball, the Policemen's ball. balls, where dancing, wildness and dancing as period of Lent, the 40 days Finally, as the date for Ash drinking, eating and possible into their four-day before Easter during which Wednesday (the first day of laughing continue until holiday. the faithful give up some Lent) moves closer, the midnight Tuesday. At that Each day of Carnaval time Prince Carnival is features a series of samba declared dead, as the Lenten lines—a parade of dancers Procrastination- season begins. who move and twist and Much the same format is dance to the beat of the Continued from p. 2 saving method there is, but it followed in France. Nicole samba, the Africian- is quite normal, and I have Harbonnier from Kijon, who inspiried rhythmical music person seems to me to be one yet to meet anyone, student is studying on the GSC typical of Brazil. These lines of the dullest, or at the least or professor, that is not guilty campus this year, admits are judged by a jury of samba -sn AMI- intimidating, dorks to come of it. Mentally kicking that the week-long national experts and daily winners are in contact with. Anyone who yourself for waiting until the holiday granted for Mardi declared. last second does no good, Gras is spent nowadays in has the time to arrange every In the afternoons, because you know ahead of skiing vacations, but that the minute of his day on a set masquerade balls are held for time that you will do this— one-day celebration of Mardi schedule must have very the children, and then from 8 little else to do and surely is you've always treated your Gras itself is still quite popular. p.m. to 5 a.m. balls for the pretty socially inactive. headache work this way. adults. "I'm so busy I just can't Procrastination is not Each town has a parade ^.remember everything I'm incurable; however, I've seen with floats, bands, and Finally, there are big supposed to to do, but I would very few cases of people who masked and costumed parades as Ash Wednesday really be bored if I wasn't so have shed the habit and characters. The parade at moves closer, w^j^jnfetti, busy," said one student. suddenly become symbols of Nice, in the south of France, snake dancers, huge floats "It means more to me to organization. And it's good is the best-known, because it and lots of music. The streets \ drop everything and relax thing, because the college is much like the Tournament are cluttered with confetti awhile with my buddies than atmoshpere would be pretty of Roses parade in Pasadena and costumed and masked 439NVH9 *to have all my work exactly monotonous and dull if on New Year's Day. All floats dancers, and parties are held as it should be all the time," everyone knew exactly what are made of flowers, until dawn of Wednesday. said another. "I'd go crazy if I he was supposed to do and especially of roses, but unlike Such is the stamina of the didn't put off doing was prepared in advance for the Pasadena Pageant, the Brazilian, says Simoes, that something I know I need to it. Remember, there are worse Nice parade features a flower a Brazilian worker will leave 3MMTJM do." vices to have, but I'll put off fight between the onlookers a party at 6 a.m. Wednesday Granted, procrastination writing about them until and the parade participants morning and report straight is not the most efficient time- another day. at the parade's conclusion. to work at 8 a.m. DOWNSTAIRS-WILLIAMS CENTER Page 4, February 19, 1979

dubious one. While you could they haveLETTERS a lot better things publicity on another great the most scrutinized in our No Thanks have been reviewing the to do than listen to it. Voting In sport, SOCCER. school's history, and that the people responsible were Heart concert or the new It is irresponsible to Laurie Miller 4 Numbers probably more careful than Sid Vicious Doobie Brothers' album, you rationalize the delinquent usual in making sure the wasted space to give serious behavior of the Sex Pistols as DEAR EDITOR: Thank You DEAR EDITOR: consideration to Sid Vicious! Wayne Estes' recent rules were followed. Your "alienation". Paul Simon's writer's intuition told you to So Sid Vicious is dead. Anyone who has listened "Sounds of Silence", article on the homecoming For Helping take advantage of ignorance Never to drool, vomit, spit, or to the Sex Pistols' album Leonard Cohen's "The election was almost too much DEAR EDITOR: wherever possible. spasm on stage again-what (without all the on-stage Stranger Song" and Judy to bear. First of all, the The Student Council for Your reason for the charge a pity! Sure he killed his theatrical pyrotechnics) Collin's "Albatross" are figures you used were Exceptional Children of illegitimacy, I believe, was girlfriend, but boys will be quickly becomes aware of examples of alienation completely wrong as well as (SCEC) would like to thank that Pat used the campus boys, n'est-ce pas? I simply what a vacuous lot they are: a irrelevant. Actually I expressed in music. Biting the following members: media for promotion. You cannot believe that the mindless bunch whose only heads off live chickens and couldn't figure out what facts Susan Files. Casey McKin- cleverly moved the reader to George-Anne would take up concept of music is simple piercing cheeks with safety you were using to support ney. Julie Jansce, Elaine assume these services were space for an epitaph on some chord progression, stale riffs, pins are examples of grossly those figures. If you were CoJeman, Debbie Whitson, denied to the other contest- vapid dunder-head whose and -when audible- inane abnormal behavior. If Sid assuming that students at Rita DeLoach, Christie ants. You and I know that the only claim to fame was a lyrics. Most people will find Vicious epitomized Rock n good old GSC vote blindly Giddend, and Wesley White "other girls", (I can't get over Roll, maybe it's time we gave without regard to race, creed or color, etc., then there are for their participation in the the phrasing. Perfect!) could Pat Boone one more chance. High Hope fund raising drive Deborah Harrison 1000 votes available to each have used them, if they had candidate regardless of the Dec. 2, 1978. Wesley White, thought of it, but, since Pat Independent number of ethnic background president of SCEC, presented did and they didn't, you of those candidates. The $221 to June DiPolito, made it look like they weren't Opinion number of votes a candidate director of Bulloch-Candler allowed to. Sheer wizardry! i,rets depends upon how well Co. Training Center, Feb. 8. I find it hard to believe you The money will be used haven't had some training in DEAR EDITOR: he or she gets out and secures toward financing a new this area. Your work smacks After reading all the those votes. However, if on of pure professionalism. Not articles recently about the other hand you are building. SCEC only were you able to make certain fraternities and the assuming that students do indeed vote along racial Fetter look bad, you managed letter from Mr. Moore, I felt to slap the radio station and like I must say something. lines, then the number of Editorial black candidates and the the George-Anne as well. Back in my freshman Interpretation These people at the paper year, I (like most other number of black students voting and vice versa. So if must really have egg on their freshmen) was stricken with 200 blacks vote and 800 DEAR EDITOR: faces now. the big decision on which An open letter to Steve The part near the end was fraternity to join. Actually, whites vote, it only reflects the lack of concern amongst Brunner. good. You wrote, "Pat Fetter, the one which associated white students. Hi, Steve! I'd like to say I because of his insatiable with the best-looking girls or Since 200 black votes enjoyed your article in last greed for attention, destroyed had the hottest little sisters constitute 40 percent of the week's George-Anne. I'd like the weekend by showing were the ones most have in black students on campus, to, but, I can't. Don't be alumni a divided campus Presents mind. while 800 white votes is only offended, though. My opinion that would resort as low (watch that sentence The only drawback to this 13 pecent of the white shouldn't matter, since I'm was that I had to flip the bill students. Black students do one of that very small structure) as the perennial THIS WEEK'S MOVIES for being a Greek, since Mom not wish to be punished for number of apathetic students egg toss to vent their (watch and Dad don't give me showing more concern and that gave Pat the crown. that, campus and that are WED. - 8:00 P.M. everything I want. But the they shouldn't be. However, I couldn't help singular, their is plural) price is no comparison to the No, Wayne, the election noticing a great potential in anger", was, despite the benefits, right? Well, that's was not manipulated, it was your article. The way you English, classic. You know, Free Movie where I went wrong. just made fair. For the first filled two whole columns you actually had me I thought to myself, why time since I've been here at with absolutely no argu- believing that Pat threw the should I spend that money Southern, the homecoming ment at all was beautiful! eggs at himself! Pure poetry! which will go toward court was representative of This talent should not go The best, though, were the building a house, buying the entire student body. untapped! If you consider quotes, "Why then, did he lie friends and kegs when I could One other thing, Wayne, I writing as a career, you may to the public, as to his reasons spend it for me. Hell, I can don't know what black be on to road to success! If you for running?" and "someone wear a derby hat, wash cars, students you are referring to didn't notice this literary had better tell Pat that throw eggs at presidents, when you say many don't ability, perhaps I can point it celebrities shouldn't lie to the t-x -—-^^^^^ gator, and get drunk without care, I'll tell you what, for out to you. mass media." That word, lie, spending all that money. The every one you show me who You wrote, quote "He ran, is a real barn burner. Even though not totally fair and though the only reason for A new Film by I iru Wtrlmilcr 3v W %^l 1 more I thought about it, the doesn't care, I'll show you ! smarter I got and decided to nine who definitely do care. square, against five 'other this accusation was that Pat Beauties 'forget the whole thing. The Bill Cary girls' in the final election." had several motives for ...that* wha! they cail him. " Great! You didn't actually running, you made it sound starring Gancaclo Gtarmini main reason that changed my mind was that I simply Reporting call him a queer, but, the like he was two-faced! Great don't have to buy friends. message was clear. Stuff! Really boffo! But, Another example. Your watch that "lie" business. In SUN. - 8:00 & 10:00 P.M. Sure I could be a brother Gets kicked quotes, "our new queen, like it a small campus newspaper and make lifelong relation- DEAR EDITOR: or not, is an egomaniac", you may be able to get away FRI. & SAT. - 9:00 P.M. ships with money, but I kinda What is SOCCER? "celebrities shouldn't show with it, but, out there, in that like to make lifelong friends Is it a sport at GSC or just .their conceit," and, "in- journalistic jungle, it can get by myself and have people another fraternity word? You stiable greed for atten- you in trouble. like or love me for what I am. won't know the answer if you tion" were superb! You have Your article was a But evidently, many people read the George-Anne. discovered, as many writers masterpiece! You built a would rather buy friends Correct me if I'm wrong, have, that character slurs credible argument partly on than make them, and if you but in the last two quarters of don't need a foundation in wit, and partly on assump- JL have to do that, then I can't issues, this newspaper has fact, but, boy, are they ever tion. Yep. Half wit and half "AND NOW FOR say much for your personal- failed to print one article great attention getters. assumption. ity. about Eagle Soccer or much The intricacy of your I'm going to do you a So, Mr. Moore, I tried it less the word. deduction was on par with favor. I'm sending youi SOMETHING and thank God it's not for me. I know the school has a the best. Your reference to the article to the John Birch And one more thing, it is team, I've seen them practice, "illegitimate campaign", and Society. I hear they use possible to have lifelong I've seen them play. But does when you wrote, "Fetter writers of your caliber. Better COMPLETELY brothers or sisters without the rest of the school know it? once again boo-boo-ed by get a big mailbox, though. I being a Greek. After all, the NO. breaking a few rules", would hear, once they get your human race has been around You print great articles on lead the readers to think that name, the junk mail never DIFFERENT?. a little longer than the Greek basketball, gymnastics, Pat had actually done that! stops. system. swimming, and baseball. All Many students don't realize See You at the Top, All Movies Shown In Biology Lecture Hal! Name Withheld I'm asking for is a little that this election was one of Jack Cone Pagfe 5, February 19, 1979 CCC nominations open By DEREK SMITH Nominations will open enrolled for at least five The Central Coordinating today and the campaigning quarter hours. Committee will hold its period will begin on Feb. 27 at general election of next 10:00 a.m. and last for one Polling booths will be year's officers on March 6. week. open on Mar. 6 in Landrum Positions open are To be eligible, a person and downstairs in the Williams Center. President, Vice-President, must not be a first quarter Coordinator of Academic student and have a minimum Applications for each of Affairs, Coordinator of 2.0 GPA on work completed the positions may be Budgetary Affairs and at GSC. A candidate cannot obtained at the CCC office, Coordinator of Auxiliary be on academic or discip- upstairs in the Williams Affairs. linary probation and must be Center. 'Day at Southern* attracts 200 By BRENDA TRENT Charles Austin, vice Carl Runyon said the Approximately 200 president; Lloyd Joyner, students and parents enjoyed students and their parents registrar and director of the day and many of them spent the day at Georgia admissions; Carl Runyon, wanted to know if they could Southern Feb. 3. These Jr., assistant director of come back to visit GSC students, who are consider- admissions; and Dr. Origen again. He said the group was ing enrolling at GSC after James, dean of the school of larger than expected, but graduation from high school business, talked with things went "pretty smooth- this spring, are from Georgia, students about what was ly." Mr. Runyon said another Florida, South Carolina, and offered at Georgia Southern "Visitation Day at Southern" Alabama. in both academic and social for new students and their Terri Webb and Stephane Morriss, copy of the 1978 yearbook to GSC Carl Runyon, Jr., assist- areas. Students were then parents is schedule for Reflector editors, presented the first President Dr. Dale Lick. ant director of admissions, entertained by the string and Saturday, March 3. Also, for said the day went very well. brass ensemble of GSC, the first time ever, a The day began with under the direction of Dr. visitation day for transfer registration in the Rosen- John Kolpitche. The parents students will be held. Reflector arrives... but late wald building. Registrations met with Don Coleman, Transfer Day is scheduled for costs of $1.85 per student and associate registrar and April 7, a Saturday. Students By LORA FEEBACK Webb and last year's editor usually refused to cooperate $2.35 per parent covered the associate director of graduating from a Junior The 1978 Reflector arrived Stephanie Morris finished with deadlines," she said. cost of the lunch at Landrum admissions; Larry Davis, College in June or August, or last week, behind schedule. the Reflector in October. "Under new contracts, the center. After registration, the housing director; Shelton considering transferring According to Editor Terri Reflector staff members will students reported to Foy Evans, financial aid director; from the college they are now The Reflector was moved Webb, the delay was caused be paid for exactly what they auditorium while their and Ford Bailey, director of attending, can contact Carl by staff and moving to a new office this summer. do." parents went to the biology the counseling center. At this Runyon or Gini Smith at 681- problems. "Many things were lost in "Progress on this year's lecture hall. Students met meeting, cost and financial 5531 for more information on Students enrolled here moving," according to Webb. Reflector is good, and the with Ric Mandes, who was aid, housing requirements, Transfer Day. last year may pick up the "Other organizations staff is willing to work." the emcee for this season. Dr. and other business aspects of books in the Reflector office putting a student through in Landrum Center across college at Georgia Southern CORRECTIONS from the message center. All Rising Junior Exam set for April 17 were discussed with the annuals to last year's seniors parents. By CINDY STROZZO The Graduate Record Parents and students then On page three of the Jan. have already been mailed. number of people who turned Exam is scheduled for The next Rising Junior met with faculty advisors in 29 George-Anne the „Qto»* "Last year's staff left 200 out for the last exam." Saturday, April 28, from 8:30 M Exam is scheduled for April the education building. After Student Art Moves m'correct- pages undone," Webb said. About 593 students turned a.m. to 12:30 a.m. To register 17. However, George Lynch lunch at Landrum, students ly stated that the Foy gallery "Staff members were paid a out for the last exam. Lynch for this exam, you must apply of Placement-Testing said, met with Pete Finney, is for professors here. flat rate rather than for said, "We had students all to a testing company in "We cannot handle the president of the Student Actually that gallery is used what they actually did." over the place." Princeton, New Jersey. For Union Board, and Don for many types of displays If over 400 students sign more information on the Akery, president of student including student and up for the next Rising Junior GRE and other senior exit Exam, they will be alphabeti- government, while theirl visiting art shows. exams, feel free to drop in the parents met with college On page three of the Feb. Foy cally divided and the test will Placement-Testing office in 'i be given on April 17 and 18. officials. Students and 12 George-Anne the story Continued from p. 1 mechanical problems," he Rosenwald. \ To sign up for the Rising parents were given a guided headed Deltas Chartered said. Since the last day to drop 1; advice or help in requesting Junior go to the Placement- tour of the Georgia Southern incorrectly stated that the Yancey explained that no classes has passed, many i financial aid." Testing in Rosenwald and campus following this Delta Sigma Theta sorority i formal report was made to students may need the However, in an interview put your name and Landrum meeting, and then returned to was the first black sorority. It on Feb. 6, Yancey said that he Dunham, and that none will services of a tutoring session. is actually GSC's second. Box on the sign-up sheet. Information can be obtained the Foy lobby where an was not qualified to inspect be made. "Mr. Dunham informal question and Alpha Kappa Alpha was knows that ventilation is Information will be sent to from the counselors located safety of buildings or to make you prior to the test. ancwer session was held GSC's first black sorority. price estimates. "I inspect needed," he said. in the Williams Center. ooooooooooooooooooooooeeo ECONO-WASH NATURAL - SAVE 5 A muffin with cheese, sprouts, tomatoes and ' ■ onions. MONDAY-FRIDAY

Comer of N. Zetterower 1/10 Mile From GSC Entrance ai oul/ fillman Rd. 764-9541 and Hwy. 80 MON-FRI, 11-8 SATURDAY, 11-6 MMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOf Page 6, February 1&, 1979. Fraternities participate in study aid program By DEREK SMITH each group was devoted to self-evaluation, Bailey said. At the suggestion of the organization of lecture The results were announced James Orr, advisor for the notes, and the participants and ways to correct study Interfraternity Council, two were also given a hand out on deficiencies were suggested fraternities are participating test preparation. Taking during the second session. { on a study aid program given proper class notes seems to be The two fraternities i by the Counseling Center. a problem encountered by involved, one on academic According to Ford Bailey many .students, BaiJey said. probation, discussed the of counseling, the fraternities The group was also encour- possibility of individual have met with him for two aged to keep ahead of class awards to be given to sessions, designed to improve assignments and to look at fraternity members who general study habits and leisure time as a reward for made improvements' acade- bring up the overall having completed proper mically, over a quarter. This fraternity grade point studies. would be to point out the average. Motivation is a key factor learning aspect of college life, The first session with for study, explained Bailey. stated Bailey. each group emphasized the Most students have the The participants were scheduling of time for study capability to make good encouraged to attend regular and an evaluation of the grades, but many do not tutorial sessions offered by individual's present study grasp the value of an the various departments with time as compared to his education or have a proper the Counseling Center to present grades. According to view of priorities to college furnish additional programs Bailey, the whole question is level work. if requested. The center plans a matter of priorities, and The participants were at least one more session this Ford Bailey, counseling head, Jennie Kissling (Zeta Tau Alpha) in given a study habits quarter with a follow-up directs student volunteers Sandra preparation for Heart Sunday Feb. whether or not a student is willing to sacrifice the time checklist which was a kind of program set for next quarter. Horton (Delta Sigma Theta), Barry 25. Ford (Sigma Phi Epsilon), and needed to improve grade production. The participants were encouraged to study as soon Program initiated Greeks to aid Heart Sunday after class as possible and to By LORA FEEBACK p.m. distributing educational Heart Sunday, sponsored spend time on harder By JAN CRAWFORD People II has small, Seven GSC fraternities materials and collecting by the Bulloch County Heart subjects first and the easier People II is a program, weekly meetings where and sororities will participate donations to the Heart Fund. Fund, is part of a nationwide subjects last. Weekends initiated at GSC by Jack informal discussion takes in Heart Sunday Feb. 25, "This is an encouraging program during February, should be used for research Nolen and Audrey Campbell, place among the partici- according to Counseling sign of concern among which is Heart Month. paper work and reviewing which is aimed at helping pants. Some of the specific Center Director Ford Bailey. students for other people. "We hope to have over 100 other work. others build better relation- problems that the talks Volunteers will go door-to- They are to be commended members of fraternities and The second session with ships. center around include door in Statesboro and the for participating," Bailey sororities participate this "overcoming shyness, immediate area from 2 to 5 said. year," Bailey said. building up one's self-image, Donations will be used for and becoming more asser- research, supplementing the tive," said Campbell. American Heart Association Festival to be held An attitude of optimism is program, education of stressed at the meetings by professionals, public health The Department of lessons will be offered to encouraging members to education, community Foreign Languages will host those interested, and the realize their good qualities service, fund raising and a midwinter festival—a "students" will have the and thereby their potential. management. combination Mardi Gras- opportunity later to show off In order to have a "relaxed Fasching-Carnaval—Satur- their talents in a polka- non-threateninsr atmos- day beginning at 8 p.m. at St. dancing contest. phere" the groups are limited * Matthews Catholic Church. Among the foods to be to ten people and no one is featured are French crepes, RELATED STORY p. 3 "forced to talk." DON'T BLOW japaene pepper dip, and open- Unfortunately, few people The gala costume party faced sandwiches with have shown interest in the_ will usher in the Lenten Pumpernickel and Rye program, and at present YOUR season on international breads. there are only two meetings style, featuring foods with a A limited number of held weekly. One is directed MIND... foreign flavor, polka-dancing tickets for the event are still by Maureen Peterson on and Brazilian snake-dancing available for $2 apiece from Wednesday, 7 p.m., at EXPAND with of course, a good dose of Dr. Jerry Weatherford, Williams in Room 102. The North American disco. Department of Foreign other meeting is headed by IT! During the evening, polka Languages, ext. 5278. Debbie Willis at 4 o'clock on Cliff's Notes pot you inside the Tuesday afternoons. heavy stuff., the novels, plays and poems that add real meaning to your life if A good haircut is the secret to great you really understand them. STAR'S looking hair. Visit our hair cutters soon for Cliff's Notes can help. Great Western a precision cut thaf s sure to please you. COIN LAUNDRY AND CLEANERS Precision Cut, Shampoo, — SAVES* — Blow-dry Style Ecology ..-we're working on it! During !he past 14 years Cliff's 30

practically incomparable." HOUSE of STYLES Stereo Repair And Now for Somethin Completely Different offers - vintage Monty Python with a full blast of zaniness not I 210 S. SUMM » OMT* Monk Of Htftw, tan) STATES80DO. GA found as much in their later films. This is pre-Holy Grail Student Discounts material which many people may not be as familiar with, § JIM'S ALSO CARRIES A FULL LINE OF 1 4 South Main Street but it offers the Englishmen at their hilarious best. REDKIN BEAUTY PRODUCTS i Downtown 764-4078 : All shows are in the Biology Lecture Hall. **+********+***t***~+******0***e*******»**************'*'' Page 9, February 19, 1979 f Consumer groups can help CCRS—At Oklahoma most campus consumer concentrated heavily on auto State University in Still- groups. repair —publishing two water, a student who never Most of them handle pamplets, sponsoring a had a telephone in her own consumer-business disputes seminar and surveying local name was told by Southwest- to some extent, following garages. ern Bell to pay a $110 deposit definite guidelines and For those who want more on her new phone because of procedures. information on the history her roommate's previous North Dakota State's and functions of CRBs, a delinquent bill. CRB in Fargo has a nine-step Consumer Protection Kit can Feeling discriminated plan. Steps range from be obtained for $3.50 by against becaue of her contacting the party writing to: Consumer roommate's actions, she went involved to economic Relations Board, Student to the Consumer Action sanctions (boycotts, etc.), Government Association, Council on campus for help. with phone calls, letters and Kansas State Union, Kansas A council member spoke with arbitration falling in State University, Manhat- Bell's assistant manager, between, says Charles R. tan, Kan. 66506. and the student got her phone Dannison, the group's The Collegiate Consumer without having to pay the faculty advisor. Reporting Service, Univer- deposit. The group also empha- sity of Arizona, is designed to At Kansas State Univer- sizes education, with help college newspapers sity (KSU) in Manhattan, a Dannison adding, "We don't report consumer news of student from the Republic of believe in (consumers) importance to students. If Members of the Rod Rogers Dance Campus Life Enrichment Commit- China felt his honor had been necessarily crying for help. you have information or Company. They will perform in the tee, the National Endowment for the insulted when he discovered It's much better if the ideas concerning a specific McCroan auditorium Feb. 27,28 and Arts, and the Southern Arts that the car he had just consumer can pre-empt the consumer issue, please write Mar. 1, through the cooperative Federation. bought was a year older than problem; keep it from the CCRS at 1070 North efforts of the Afro-American Club, the dealer had told him. happening all together." Campbell Avenue, Tucson, The Consumer Relations The Associated Students Ariz. 85719. Board (CRB) on campus set Consumer Protection Office up an arbitration hearing at Colorado State University where the dealership's in Fort Collins keeps a Humor with Derek Smith salesman admitted that the consumer resource library for student had been lied to. He students, and is presently apologized at the request of compiling surveys in such the student and gave him a areas as medical services, Fun in Iran continues as shah leaves full refund, offering to banking, generic foods and Due to a Nazi duck cult staff, this article failed to getting into full swing. This both want the czar-tour guide renegotiate the price of the photo-processing. appear in last week's is really too bad because of all job. car in line with the correct conspiracy among certain Oklahoma State has members of the George-Anne publication. This failure the fun and picnic activities Andy is a more religious model year. caused the information in Teheran that will be I fellow and many people in Although one student was contained within to become missed by out-of-town Iran follow him around angered over a matter of GSC trashman has been obsolete in view of recent Yankee krinzoupols. trying to get pictures honor and one over a hurting events in Iran. At this point Informed sources have autographed. Festival time pdcketbook, both students in time, Prime Minister told me that the head festival in Iran really warms sought help from the same on the job for 10 years Baktiar has resigned, and the chief is a position which everyone's blood. place—the consumer group government remains in its everyone seems to want in Throughout the festival on their campus. By BOB BURK include, a number of sick- usual state of bloody turmoil. this oil-rich bonanza world. season, the Iranian military Consumer groups forming Picking up trash may be a leave days, workman's This article may be outdated, Right now, the job is held by has been putting on various on campuses across the burdensome chore to some compensation, and hosptial but, what the hell, read it some sort of a czar-tour guide public demonstrations for the country have the same working folks, but to L. C. insurance. Another reason is anyway. character named Baktiar amusement and delight of thought in mind: to let Williams, "it's a pretty good that he likes having a clean (pronounced back-tire). This the populace. This includes students know their rights as job." job. "Some of these boys guy really loves his work and target practice and a special consumers, to educate them If his name is not familiar (factory workers), they come Yes, it's festival time in really hopes that he won't get display of riot control on proper buying techniques, maybe his face is. L. C. is the off work, they look like they Iran. The people are laid off. But there is another procedure. The military will and to help them fight back man who walks the Georgia been rolling in motor oil." constantly in the streets gentlemen that might want probably decide who gets the against businesses they feel Southern campus, with a L. C.'s attitude toward life, partying and a gala to get hired. His name is czar-tourist guide job. have not dealt fairly with green canvas sack strapped like his philosphy of work, is atmosphere has eveloped the "Andy" Khoumeini or Applications are now being them. over his shoulder, gathering simple. "I go to church country. The shah has been something like that. He and accepted. Two distinct types of various species of litter. No, regular," he says. "Some- presented a gold watch and Baktiar could get along, but Yes, it's festival time in consumer oriented groups it's not for his personal times, I'll go sit given a gracious trip abroad this is doubtful since they Iran. Bye bye, Yankee. are based on campuses. collection, he works for the with my friends. If there's a by his loving admirers. Yes, There are about 30 groups everyone is really caught up maintenance department lady there I'll get up and do a *•—+++**»+*—+++*++**■»—**»+********»*********+*•+• similar to the KSU, here. His route includes the dance or two, but if I see in the holiday season, according to a survey by the entire campus, from Zetter- somebody else dancin', and whatever it may be. 1 American Council on ower Avenue to Chandler they figure they can dance ■ Of course, in all of the International Cyclery Consumer Interests, a Road, and from highway 67 better than me, I get frenzied excitement, a few national organization of to interstate 301. embarrassed." people are bound to get Outdoor Sports, Ltd. consumer educators. Then The job appears as though Looking out over the vast burned alive, shot, knifed, or there are the Public Interest it would be tedious and acreage he had left to pick, L. ripped in half by grenades Research Groups (PIRGs) frustrating, but L..C- has a C. took a slow, deep, breath. and small arms fire. That's Men's & Women's which arose out of the work unique philosophy. Concern- "Yea, if I live to see May it'll only natural. It even happens and speeches of Ralph Nader ing the thankless task and be 10 years doing this same at the Mardi Gras. RUNNING & and are more issue-oriented endless mess he says, "when job." He continued, "the boss Strangely enough, many than the other groups. There I see how bad it's messed up, I must think I do a pretty good Americans in Iran felt the are 175 PIRGs on campuses don't worry about it. I just do job...he never tells me I'm need to leave the country jus■' TENNIS SHOES in the United States arid an honest day's work. If there not." as the holiday season was Canada, according to the wasn't anybody out here a* a* a*•«999999999*9 \0% Discount •National PIRG Clearing- messin' up, I don't reckon I 9 With 1.0. house in Washington, D.C. would have a job." 9 • Mac's Standard Oil 9 Campuses are "a micro- L. C. speaks from • n of the larger society," experience. He has worked SERVING THE GSC STUDENTS AND 9 says Melanie Stockdell, for the Georgia Southern FACULTY FOR OVER 2? YEARS director of KSU's and CRB. maintanence department QMWN With $•)( S»rv« t> Full S«rv!c» l>land> • She said her group fields 11 picking up trash almost 10 9 11 mostly the same types of 9 years. Williams has his 9 disputes as the local attorney reasons for staying on so 9 general's office: landlord- long. "There are places I Welcome 9