See Photo Caption on Back Cover Father Gruner speaks to the Parliament About the Message of Fatima for World Peace On Tuesday, October 23, Father and , accompanied by participants of the Procession and a statue of the Virgin Mary, were welcomed into the European Union Parliament at , France to explain the motion put forward for the and subsequent world peace. The Fatima Center’s presentation was sponsored by Members of the European Parliament Mario Borghezio and Lorenzo Fontana. Following are the addresses to the European Union Parliament. At the end of the addresses, questions were posed by Members of Parliament and by the Press.

Mr. Borghezio: written declaration along with would like to thank you all me. I would like to underline for your presence. We’re the importance of this initiative, Istarting the long awaited which ideally goes back to the Press Conference on the Message symbol of the European Union of Fatima and on the reasons for flag, those 12 stars which are this “resolution” of ours – a copy usually forgotten but are also a of which will be given to all of Marian traditional image and you – which has been signed by have a very important spiritual my colleague, Mr. Fontana, and and meta-political significance by myself, and to which various for those (like us) who have other colleagues have given their at heart the Christian roots of approval. [See the Motion on Europe. Today, this initiative is page 19 of this issue.] particularly significant in the light of the Message of Fatima, I would like to thank also the which will be better explained Vice President of the European by the two illustrious speakers Commission, Mr. Tajani, who we have here today. asked me this morning to convey his greetings to you. I will now I will now give the floor to my give the floor to my colleague, colleague, Mr. Fontana. Mr. Fontana, who signed this

2 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 From left, Members of European Parliament Lorenzo Fontana and Mario Borghezio, who sponsored Father Gruner’s motion to the European Parliament assembly for the Consecration of Russia; Father Gruner speaking and Christopher Ferrara, who also addressed the Parliament regarding the current dangers their countries are in and that Fatima is the ONLY solution. Vera Cecillon, one of our Paris volunteers, holds the statue of Jesus and Mary.

Mr. Fontana: our two Fatima experts, who I Thank you. Ladies and would like to thank for being gentlemen, I would like to thank with us today. By the way, I’ve Mr. Borghezio for involving me been in Fatima myself and I’m in this initiative. I believe that particularly devoted to Our Lady the Message of Fatima is one of of Fatima. the most important messages for Mr. Borghezio: all mankind. It is not by chance if I would like to welcome an all the last Popes were all strong Italian member of the House devotees of Our Lady of Fatima! of Parliament, Mr. Polledri of What we’re trying to achieve Piacenza, who authoritatively today is a very positive way to represents all the Catholics promote world peace, because of our political movement, the current crisis is linked to Lega Nord. the crisis of morality in Europe (because – let’s admit it – Europe Ladies and Gentlemen, please is affected by a widespread welcome Father Gruner who – atheism and immorality), and is as you all know – is the founder also partially due to the current of the Association Madonna di crisis of the Church, which has Fatima Onlus (Association of been so evident in the last years. Our Lady of Fatima). Thank you, Father Gruner, for the honor of I will now give the floor to

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 3 your presence here today with us. reverse it to the year 1917, you will see what Our Lady was Father Nicholas Gruner: talking about when She said I will let Chris Ferrara speak that the errors of Russia would first, since he has written several spread throughout the world, books on the Message of Fatima. unless Her requests at Fatima I will speak after Mr. Ferrara. were granted – in particular, Christopher Ferrara: Her request for the Consecration of Russia. My name is Christopher Ferrara. I’m a Civil Attorney in The prophecy of Fatima is of the United States in the field of consequence to the European Religious Liberty and I’m here Union because it was confirmed today to support this initiative in a way that anyone with any for a motion before the EU prudence can see that it verifies Parliament, expressing what I the authenticity of the Message. hope will be the sentiment of this In fact, She said to the three governing body that it would seers of Fatima that She would be a wise and prudent decision come to perform a miracle to ask the Pope to consecrate on October 13, 1917 so that Russia to the Immaculate Heart everyone, even non-believers, of Mary. would be able to place credence in the prophecies that She Why do I, as a Civil Attorney made during the apparitions, from the United States, come including the Message She gave before this body to make such on July 13, 1917, the great an unusual request? Of what Secret of Fatima, which is in possible concern could the three parts. Message of Fatima be to the European Parliament? Well, Our In the first two parts of the Lady appeared at Fatima in 1917 great Secret, the authenticity to explain precisely why Her was confirmed by the Miracle apparitions were of importance, of the Sun on October 13, 1917. not only to the Church, but to She prophesied precisely the the world. She came to ask in following events: particular for the Consecration 1. The coming end of World of Russia so that there would be War I; peace in the world. 2. The beginning of World War And why in the year 1917? If II. you take history as a film and 3. The spread of the errors

4 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 of Communism throughout Hollywood movie dedicated to the world. the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima 4. The raising up of wars and which is being sold to this day on persecutions against the This is recognized Church. as an authentic historical event by secular historians. 5. The suffering of the faithful and the Holy Father. Our Lady provided this miracle to authenticate Her prophecy Ultimately, She said that if Her which calls for the Consecration requests for the Consecration of Russia, and specifically of Russia and other things She Russia, to Her Immaculate requested were not granted Heart so that the events which then there would take place the came out of Russia, the errors annihilation of nations. And that have spread from Russia, these prophecies would come to will be rolled back in a most pass, one after the other, with miraculous fashion. complete accuracy. And we are here today to And, as I say, the prophetic ask that this body consider content of the Message was endorsing the motion to petition confirmed by a miracle and the Pope whose obligation it is to witnessed by 70,000 people in perform the ceremony together Portugal on October 13, 1917. with all the Catholic bishops The sun left its place in the sky, of the world to consecrate plunged toward the crowd of Russia to the Immaculate Heart 70,000 people, many of whom of Mary. converted on the spot, in terror The Message of Fatima is not at this spectacle. The event was just some private apparition. witnessed 20 miles distant from We have not only the Miracle of the Cova da Iria where the event the Sun, but the approval of one took place. People who were Pope after another, who have not even expecting the event attested to the authenticity of witnessed it. People who did this message. not believe – atheists, skeptics – who had come to mock the And what will happen if Apparitions, saw the Miracle of the Consecration of Russia the Sun. is not accomplished? Well, if the errors of Russia that have The Times reported spread throughout the world this miracle. There was even a since 1917 can be summed up

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 5 as the abandonment of God apostasy that Pope John Paul and His love; if, as John Paul II II lamented not long before said in his apostolic exhortation his death.” in 2003, Ecclesia in Europa – So we come here today to ask Europe now suffers from a silent this Parliament, as a matter of apostasy – then the miraculous prudence, whether you believe result which will follow from or not, to call upon the Pope this consecration will be a and the bishops to conduct this reversal of that situation. Consecration of Russia, which As Pope Benedict XVI said in would be a ceremony of public his Advent address to the Roman dedication of the nation of Curia in 2010 – by the way, this is Russia to the Immaculate Heart not me speaking, this is not some of Mary – involving perhaps 5 crazy group of traditionalist minutes of the Pope’s time and Catholics speaking, this is what the time of the bishops who the Pope, himself, said in 2010: would participate with him in “The very fate of the world this ceremony. is at stake, moral consensus We have a miracle confirming is collapsing, our institutions the authenticity – the Miracle are collapsing. We face an of the Sun. We have a prophecy economic, moral, social and that came true to the letter in a familiar crisis.” most miraculous way, after Our Everyone can see this – not just Lady appeared at Fatima. Even Catholics – and it was Our Lady if you are a non-believer, simple Who said that if Her requests proofs could indicate that were granted, if Russia was there is nothing to lose from consecrated to the Immaculate attempting this gesture. Heart, it would be a triumph for So we call upon the European Her Immaculate Heart. Parliament to declare its As Antonio Socci, the great conviction that the Pope and Italian writer and intellectual, the bishops – in obedience to has put it: the requests of the Madonna of Fatima for the salvation “There would be a radical transformation for the of Europe and the Western overthrow of the mentality world which is on the brink which has dominated the of an apocalypse – perform modern world and has this ceremony and that the produced this state of silent European Parliament should

6 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 1 2

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5 6 1. Some of the beautiful stained glass windows and the pipe organ in the gothic Cathedral of Strasbourg. 2. Father Gruner giving Holy Communion during his Traditional Mass at the Strasbourg Cathedral. 3. Three Members of the EU Parliament (MEP) and their assistants, together with Father Gruner and Christopher Ferrara in front of the Strasbourg Cathedral, before starting the Rosary procession to the Parliament building. 4. MEP Mario Borghezio, Father Gruner with the statue of the Virgin Mary and MEP Elisabetta Gardini. 5. (From left) MEP Lorenzo Fontana and MEP Mario Borghezio introducing Father Gruner and Christopher Ferrara to the Parliamentary Meeting. Note the EU flag with 12 stars (see page 61 about the flag.) 6. Dr. Bastori (left); Italian Parliament Deputy Massimo Polledri; and MEP Mario Borghezio alongside the posters advertising the arrival of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue to the Parliament assembly. indicate its strong request that promoting this Message of Our the Consecration of Russia Lady of Fatima for 35 years now, should be done. Thank you. and it is a very simple message. Father Nicholas Gruner: I spent before that 12 years in university and I understand that Good afternoon, ladies and intellectuals find it difficult to gentlemen, and thank you realize that sometimes these things for coming and thank you for which are so simple are in fact true. your attention. I have been

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 7 I have often wondered and way to give us these gifts and asked Our Lady why She doesn’t that way is through the merits find somebody else other than and the intercession of the me to do this work. There are saints. Thus God will give these 409,000 Catholic priests but I gifts only through the merits and am the only Catholic priest in the intercession of the saints. the world, as far as I know, who Now, to have some idea of how promotes the Fatima Message great a saint the Blessed Virgin full-time. I suspect it’s because is, St. Alphonsus Liguori tells God wishes to use the weak of us that it is a great thing for a this world in order to confound person to live a good enough life the strong, in order to show to be able to save his own soul forth the strength of God. This – he says that is what just men will be Our Lady’s victory, not do – but, he says, it is a greater Father Gruner’s. It is about Her thing for someone to live so well request for the Consecration that they have enough merits of Russia. to be able to save other souls St. Augustine tells us that besides themselves. And that, God, in His goodness and His he says, the canonized saints greatness, has great charity have done. towards each one of us and Then he says, the greatest of wants to give us great things. all things is for someone to have However, because we are lived so well as to have merited sinners, He finds it difficult to enough to save all souls – and give it to us because we will that human person to achieve become proud. this greatness is only the Blessed And so, St. Augustine tells Virgin Mary. us that God has a dilemma. God wants to establish in How is He going to give us the world devotion to the these great gifts when we don’t Immaculate Heart of Mary and deserve them and we’re going He will not give us these graces to become proud because we of world peace that we do not received them? deserve, He will not give us the And St. Augustine tells us in grace of prosperity that is going The City of God book – which to elude us very soon, if we don’t indicates how the city of man is turn to God for help, except and to be built according to the city only through the Blessed Virgin. of God – that God has found a

8 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 God wants Her to get the country is accomplished and credit for it. That is why, when the people see the change in Sister Lucy asked Our Lord in Russia, they will recognize it 1936, why He would not convert relates exactly to the Pope and Russia, why He would not bring the bishops’ act of consecration. about peace, except for the And therefore they will consecration, Our Lord said: recognize it as being a triumph “Because I want My whole of the Immaculate Heart. Church to recognize that So that is why a general consecration as a triumph of consecration is not sufficient. the Immaculate Heart of Mary, In fact, Pope Pius XII, in so that My Church will place 1942, consecrated the world devotion to the Immaculate on October 31 and again on Heart beside devotion to My December 8. Our Lord told Sacred Heart.” Lucy that for that consecration, And so people have tried He would shorten the days of many ways – Popes, bishops, the Second World War – as He diplomats; all sorts of ways have referred to it, He would shorten been tried – anything else but the days of the present distress. the one indicated by Our Lady of And in 1943, on Ash Wednesday, Fatima. The present Holy Father, Our Lord again spoke to Lucy Pope Benedict XVI, has already and said that God was pleased sent a delegation to Moscow with the consecration of the to ask them if they would world but that peace would not mind if the Pope would do this come from that, but only from consecration. Unfortunately, the Consecration of Russia. the emissary they sent did not In 1952 Our Lady spoke to understand the Message well Sister Lucy of Fatima again enough. It is not a criticism of and said: Russia, this consecration; it “Tell the Holy Father I am is a blessing for Russia and a still awaiting the Consecration blessing for the world. of Russia; without that Why would not a consecration consecration, the world of the world be sufficient? cannot have peace; without Because, as Sister Lucy of Fatima that consecration, Russia has explained, Russia is a well cannot convert.” defined territory. So when the How that is, we have written consecration of that specific books; I would like to have

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 9 brought these books for the needs conversion, not just Press or for the Members Russia. So it’s not against Russia; of Parliament. I’m happy to but nevertheless, as Lucy has give them to you in various explained, in God’s providence, languages. Obviously, in a few man proposes and God disposes. minutes it’s hard to explain all God has His own plans for the these things as well as 35 years nations of the world; each one of research on the subject. But plays its own role. In the case of I would like simply to say that Russia, Lucy tells us: the consecration is not against “Many times, the Blessed Russia but rather it is a gift Virgin Mary told me and my of grace that will affect the cousins Jacinta and Francisco whole world. that Russia is the instrument of In 1931, in August, Lucy was chastisement chosen by Heaven praying in the chapel of Our to punish the whole world Lady of Guadalupe, asking (for its sins) unless we obtain for the conversion of Spain, of beforehand the conversion of Portugal, of Europe, of Russia that poor nation.” and of the whole world. And so Unless we obtain the Our Lord spoke to her and said: conversion of Russia, Russia “I’m very pleased with will dominate the whole your prayer, ask this also of world. Russia will enslave the My Mother.” whole world unless we have He then dictated two prayers. this consecration. The first prayer He dictated was: On the other hand, Russia “Sweet Heart of Mary, be will be an instrument of the salvation of Russia, Spain, blessing for the whole world if Portugal, Europe and the it is consecrated. By becoming whole world. “ blessed, becoming consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of The second prayer He dictated Mary, it becomes an instrument was: in Her hands to bring peace to “By Thy pure and Immaculate the whole world. There is no Conception, O Mary, obtain for third alternative to this request. me the conversion of Russia, Many people know about Spain, Portugal, Europe and Fatima; they know that She the whole world.” appeared to three children; God knows the whole world She asked for the prayers of the

10 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 Rosary. That is true, but there is note that the moment when this much more to Fatima than just changed was the moment of the the prayer of the Rosary. There Consecration of Russia. is much more to Fatima than But unless the Consecration just the exhortation to be good. of Russia is done, we will see That is also true. But what is also a war like mankind has never important for us is that there is seen before – the part of the a prophecy and requests. And Third Secret that has not been the prophecy is that if these revealed to you talks about this requests are granted, Russia as well. will be converted and the whole world will be at peace. The Third Secret of Fatima is still being hidden by the Vatican. Now these prophecies that That is another subject which we are talked about by Our Lady do not have time for here; I can are not just talked about in answer any questions on that, the Message of Fatima. They but very simply, these things are are talked about in Sacred spelled out quite explicitly. Scripture. We are told in the book of Isaiah, for example, Today is the Feast of Saint that they will turn their swords Anthony Mary Claret, who into ploughshares. That is, the founded the Congregation for instruments of war, whether the Claretian Fathers. One of his they be a sword or a gun or a spiritual sons is Father Alonso, missile or an atomic bomb or the greatest expert on Fatima. whatever it is; these things He has written 24 volumes with which we spend over a trillion more than 5700 documents dollars a year on. One trillion on Fatima. These volumes, to dollars a year is being spent on this day, are still hidden by

armaments not only in Europe the Vatican and by the Bishop of Fatima. but all around the world, including the so-called Third If we have everything, why World countries. are they not giving this to us? It is because the Message of This will all change with the Fatima is, in turn, an event that simple act and prayer of only is of worldwide importance, 5 minutes. The Consecration the most important event of the of Russia is an event that will 20th Century, authenticated by change the course of history the most stupendous miracles and that historians, looking ever seen. Yet, most people don’t back centuries from now, will

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 11 give enough attention to this It’s the same thing today because they don’t even know – we’ve given conferences the request for the consecration on Fatima and we have had or the consequences of not economists speak to us saying listening to it. I would like then that the financial situation to say that it is a special grace today is the same as it was that God wants to give to us, before World War I. And the but He will give it only through only (human) way out of the the consecration. financial situation is to have war. All of us have family, all of We see that the American us have friends – people who dollar, for example, is about are suffering from drugs or to lose its status as the world’s someone who is in prison, others currency and there are who are fighting at home – this Americans telling us that war peace is promised to the whole is the only way they can stop world, including our families, themselves from losing their our friends, our communities, dominance. This is what the as well as within our cities and attack on Iran is all about. our countries. What we need to see is that As Christopher Ferrara has only God can deliver us from previously pointed out, the Pope this and God will not deliver us said on December 22, 2010 that except though this Consecration the forces of security are such of Russia to the Immaculate that – because of the loss of Heart of Mary. moral values – they will not be And so we need to recognize able to resist the violence and the moment we are at. Our Lord the complete social turmoil that wept for Jerusalem because He is about to erupt upon the world. saw that they did not recognize He compared our present the moment that they were at. day to the time in history when These things I can explain at the Roman Empire fell apart any great length or short length and then bands of marauders that you need, but I understand and various vandals, and so we only have a few minutes so I forth, destroyed all that was in would like to point out then that civilization. We went into the the consecration – despite that Dark Ages after that. This is the the Secretary of State, Cardinal time that we are faced with now Bertone, says that it has been unless we have the consecration. done – it has not been done.

12 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 Our Mother of Perpetual Help In this Image of the Blessed Mother, She is seen holding Jesus protectively and consoling Him. God sent His Mother to Fatima with a Message of consolation and hope for mankind IF the Pope and the bishops obeyed Her command to consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart.

If the consecration of the and I urge the members of the world done in 1984 was the Press to bring this motion or consecration that Our Lady declaration of the Parliament asked for, then 30 years later we to the Pope because he wants should have peace. to do this but he has many We are no closer to peace than pressures against him – not to we were in 1984. In fact, we do the consecration. He needs are further away. If we consider public support for doing the the war against the unborn, for Consecration of Russia in time, example, it waged the death of before it’s too late for all of us. over one billion babies world- If there are any questions here wide. The greatest amount of from the Press we will be happy casualties the world has ever to take them. seen is the war against the Christopher Ferrara: unborn – and this war continues, as do the wars in the Middle I would like to add a comment. East. And they are talking about I think it is appropriate that we them escalating into one great come here before a political war – it is something that could body to seek a declaration happen at any time. regarding the Consecration of Russia because there has been, There is only one solution. It within the , is not just my opinion; it is what a political struggle by forces the Message of Fatima says. It’s within the Vatican apparatus unequivocal and there is no who have done everything other way around it. And so I in their power to prevent the urge the Members of Parliament

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 13 explicit Consecration of Russia to Father Gruner’s campaign, by name. he explicitly consecrated the There have been revelations nation of Italy to the Immaculate by high-ranking Cardinals that Heart of Mary in the midst of an Pope John Paul II was persuaded economic and social crisis that by his advisors – for political, has many Italians worried. ecumenical and diplomatic And the reason the Pope reasons – to abandon any explicit responded by his public Consecration of Russia because consecration of Italy to the it was imagined that mentioning Immaculate Heart was that Russia by name in the ceremony – because of our publicity would be a provocation of the campaign, the Vatican was Soviet leaders. As if the Virgin besieged with comments from Mary, Who is known to Catholics the Italian public, many of as the Virgin Most Prudent, was whom are not even believers, for somehow less prudent than a consecration of Italy. Vatican diplomats. So this is also a matter of And so we come here before simple prudence on the part this political body with a request of people who may not have to essentially help us break religious faith but who – at this through the political log jam – as point during a social, economic we say in America – taking place and moral crisis in Europe – are right now in the Vatican between willing to try anything. those who are trying to prevent That’s the reason we are here the Consecration of Russia today. Whether or not you believe by name and those who have in the Catholic Faith, whether or attempted to obtain it for more not you believe in this particular than 80 years, especially during – which again, the pontificate of John Paul II has been confirmed by a miracle and this present pontificate. and the absolute accuracy of its The Pope has indicated prophecies – ask yourself: What recently, in response to a has Europe, what has the Western publicity campaign in Italy and world got to lose by asking the specifically targeting , the Pope to perform this ceremony necessity of perhaps revisiting together with the world’s Catholic the issue of the Consecration of bishops, which would require Russia to the Immaculate Heart. only 5 minutes of their time – that In the meantime, in response could change world history?

14 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 Mr. Borghezio: Father Nicholas Gruner: I would like to stress once I hope that all 700+ members again the importance of this of Parliament would sign this initiative, which is of the highest declaration, but any signatures level. Father Gruner is the most would be an advantage to no famous expert on the Message declaration whatsoever. I have of Our Lady of Fatima, but I heard that we already have would like also to remember at least a dozen, I don’t know the importance of the other the exact count, but with the speaker [Christopher Ferrara], point being that the message who – perhaps by virtue of his is becoming political when it humility – did not say that he is shouldn’t be in the first place. also President of the American Of course, we take politics in the Catholic Lawyers Association! larger sense of the common good They are therefore two very in which we talk about things of important speakers! Speaking common interest. of important persons, I would This is political in a sense that like to thank and welcome it’s about the common good other Members of the European of the people of Europe, of the Parliament who have just people of France, of Germany, reached us: Elisabetta Gardini, of Spain, of Italy, of the whole Mr. Silvestri (who was the first world. It’s for the common good. one to sign our initiative) and And by having such a declaration, Mr. Morgagni. it would help, it would give If the journalists want to ask support which I believe is there. their questions… As I said, I have worked at this for 35 years, I have written to the Journalist (from ANSA): bishops of the Catholic Church I would like to ask you, what for the last 20 years, about ten do you expect from this written times a year. The Secretary of declaration and how many State of the Vatican says that the signatures you hope to obtain? bishops would not obey the Pope Mr. Borghezio: in consecrating Russia; however, I know differently. They write to I would like you to ask your me and say they will obey. questions directly to the two experts, so I think this question They say this will be offensive of yours should be answered to Russia. It should not be by them. offensive to Russia. It’s a blessing

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 15 for Russia and, as such, saying God permit this?” God is trying this publicly in this public body to stop the destruction and pain would be something that I think that is about to befall all of us. could be understood. It’s not God is trying, through this poor picking on Russia but, rather, instrument and others, to bring picking out Russia for a blessing. this to your attention; but if we It’s not because we are better don’t act on it, we don’t have God than anybody else, it’s because to blame, but ourselves, for not this is a request from Heaven – having the peace we could have that is why. had but still to this day could So by giving this moral public have if we will act and speak up support, we hope to achieve and do our part. the Consecration of Russia. We Mr. Borghezio: hope to bring about world peace As far as my involvement is and to bring about the solution concerned, I have only “answered” to the financial problem which to the “strong” request for the has beset Europe as well as Consecration of Russia which North America, as well as the emerged from a very important whole world. congress, organized in Rome in If it’s not evident to everyone May, which lasted for a week. I yet it will be evident very shortly didn’t know this reality, which is from what I can tell. I have extremely important, represented studied economics for five years by an archipelago of groups and and I think I have learned a few apostolates which are working things there, and I think it’s quite all over the world to promote and evident what’s going to happen. spread the prophecies and the However, the main benefit to Message of Our Lady of Fatima, be derived from the Consecration seeking for the involvement of of Russia is that we are going the political world and to obtain to have world peace; and the political decisions on the matter. second benefit, even better still, I believe that this Message has is that many souls will be saved. come at the right time. Just think If we don’t have the about all the signs of war and the Consecration of Russia, many terrible economic and financial souls will be lost for all eternity. disaster which is looming over the We have a lot of pain. I have world and is obviously very scary seen movies about the Second for any person with a minimum of World War asking, “why does common sense!

16 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 Member of European Parliament, Mario Borghezio (left) introduced Father Nicholas Gruner (right), who explained to the Parliament Assembly about Our Lady of Fatima being the ONLY solution for world peace. Here, he explains the necessity of endorsing the Motion put forward requesting the Holy Father to consecrate Russia. See the Motion on page 19.

I would say that these two Russian Revolution started. Was aspects [war and economic it a coincidence? I don’t think crisis] should be sufficientso. Then we should not forget to make us optimistic about that the collapsed the results of this initiative on December 8, 1991; so there (obviously, I’m talking about must be a link of some sort, an optimism of good will because December 8 is the Feast and hope). of the Immaculate Conception. Something particular links Our Mr. Fontana: Lady to Russia, and therefore, a May I add just one thing, very consecration of such a beautiful quickly? I don’t know how many country like Russia would surely people will sign our resolution; harm no one, but would actually but I hope, obviously, that many bear very positive fruits for all will sign it. And we all know that of us. God moves in mysterious ways. However, our true objective here Mr. Borghezio: is the Consecration of Russia! By the way, today an There are too many facts here authoritative colleague of to be considered coincidences: ours reminded me that today, The apparitions occurred in October 23, is the anniversary 1917 and finished in October of of the Budapest Revolt, in which that year, the month when the many Hungarian patriots died

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 17 while fighting for their freedom. published a lot of articles and It was the beginning of the end essays on this matter. of the Soviet Union, and I wish to As I said, the Vatican does not remember those martyrs as well. want to hear this truth, because There is a final question by the it goes against the strategy of journalist Mr. Andrea Costa. the Secretary of State. We wrote about this openly: In 1962 the Journalist – Andrea costa: Vatican signed an agreement I just wanted to know if you with Moscow, the so-called are planning to ask for a private “Metz Pact”, a formal agreement

audience with the Pope? signed by the Secretary of Father Gruner: State in 1962 which forced the Church not to condemn the I had an appointment to speak errors of Russia anymore. Until with the Holy Father, it was John now, the Church has not denied Paul II at the time, but that same or confirmed this agreement, day they said that the Pope was whose existence, however, we’ve sick. So the appointment was proven indisputably. canceled – only to see him very fit and healthy the day after! The Message of Our Lady of Fatima goes directly against this In any case, it seems that Vatican-Moscow Agreement. I’m the Vatican does not want to willing to speak to the Pope and hear about this subject! Until to the Secretary of State, but on now, there has been no single the condition that, afterwards, I question about Fatima to which will be free to speak – because to I couldn’t answer properly. This defend and uphold the truth is is due not only to my knowledge our only defense. This is the only of the matter, but also because condition I have. the answer often comes to me as soon as I hear the question. Mr. Borghezio: Many are unaware of the fact The Press Conference is over, that the current Holy Father, but our two experts will be Pope Benedict XVI, has created available to answer any of your a special Commission on Fatima, questions and doubts. which has been operating at least since 2006. Not a single Motion presented to the EU member of this Commission has Parliament is on next page. ever contacted me so far, despite the fact we have printed and

18 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 Motion Presented for Signature to Members of the European Union Parliament

The original Motion dated October 23, 2012 – in the left column – was proposed and explained to the Members of the European Union Parliament by Father Gruner and Christopher Ferrara. A short time later, Mr. Mario Borghezio was informed that, for the resolution to go forward, it needed to be slightly reworked. Hence, the new wording of the resolution put forward on November 13 is shown in the right hand column. We have presented them here in a format that allows you to compare the changes made. As you can see, the passing of this revised Resolution would be a tremendous step forward for the cause of Our Lady of Fatima.

Original Motion of October 23, 2012 Revised Motion of November 13, 2012 Written Declaration Written Declaration On the compliance, on the part of the Holy Father Within the EU role, invested in 2012 with the Nobel Pope Benedict XVI, to the will of Our Lady of Fatima Prize for Peace, in favor of the accomplishment of Our for consecrating Russia in a solemn and public manner Lady of Fatima’s will and for a spiritual rapprochment with Russia

The European Parliament The European Parliament - Having recourse to Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Lisbon Treaty - Having recourse to Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Lisbon Treaty - Having recourse to Rule 123 of its Rules of Procedure - Having recourse to Rule 123 of its Rules of Procedure; A. Whereas the Blessed Virgin Mary has promised a long A. Taking into consideration that the Nobel Peace Prize period of prosperity and peace, if and only if, the Holy given to the European Union, confers upon the Union Father will consecrate Russia in a solemn and public itself a fundamental role for peace in the world; manner, as precisely specified by Her in the Message of Fatima; B. Taking into consideration that every initiative aimed to B. Considering this collective prayer that the bishops of effect positively the ease of relations between Europe the whole world must recite with the Pope, will bring and Russia is useful to peace; great benefits to all peoples; C. Taking into account that there is great danger at the C. Taking into account that there is danger at the present time to world peace and the serenity of all present time to world peace and the serenity of all European peoples; European peoples; 1. Formally asks His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, to fulfill 1. Joins the request formulated by hundreds of thousands the will of the Queen of Heaven, so that all economic, of faithful asking His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to fulfill political, social and military problems before us can be Our Lady of Fatima’s will by consecrating Russia in a avoided, overcome and resolved definitively. solemn and public way, so that all economic, political, social and military problems, that are before us, may be avoided, overcome and definitely resolved. 2. Instructs its President, to forward this declaration 2. Instructs its President, to forward this declaration together with the names of the signatories, to the together with the names of the signatories, to the Commission, the Council, to the EU High Representative Commission, the Council, to the EU High Representative and the Parliaments of the Member States. and the Parliaments of the Member States.

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 19 Our Lady Came Not to Announce Wars But to PREVENT Them BUT WE MUST ACT ON HER ADVICE TO AVOID WAR, DEATH AND DESTRUCTION

This article is based on interviews given to Fatima TV in Rome and to The Fatima Crusader by Father Gabriel Amorth, a famous exorcist and one of the best known priests in Rome and the Vatican. He is well respected by his fellow exorcists who have joined him in a worldwide fraternity of Catholic exorcists. Father Amorth is now retired from active ministry – being over 85 years old – but his mind is still sharp and he sees the big picture of what is happening in the Church and the unique and primary importance of Fatima to solving the growing crisis in the world.

By Father Gabriel Amorth

Fatima is Unique significance: a religious as well he apparitions of Our Lady as an historical one, especially of Fatima are absolutely for world peace. Tunique in the history The apparitions took place of the Church. They certainly in 1917, almost at the end of have an exceptional religious World War I. Our Lady, first of value because saving souls and all, showed Hell to the young bringing them back to God is Our children of Fatima; Hell, which Lady’s main concern. could be at the end of our life: But the apparitions also have it’s either Heaven, Purgatory or a big impact and influence over Hell, nothing else! So we must the course of mankind’s history. focus continuously on our final It’s true that God is the goal, we must focus on God, One who guides history, but otherwise we won’t even be able God created man and made to understand our own life on him free, therefore man is earth and its meaning. able to influence and change Our Lady spoke to us; She his own history. spoke to us – NOT to announce So the apparitions of Our Lady new wars – but in order to of Fatima have this two-fold prevent them! If we listen to Her

20 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 words, pray the Rosary, practice would be honored together with the devotion of the Five First His Sacred Heart. These are the Saturdays to Her Immaculate words of Our Lord! Heart, then there will not be But time passed and the another war. Otherwise, if they consecration wasn’t done, so Our will not hear Her words, under Lord was deeply offended. the Pontificate of Pius XI a new With our free will we can and worse war would start! affect international events. Our Lady Requested Everything depends on God the Consecration but God created us free and of ONLY Russia we can influence human Our Lady has requested the events. Consecration of Russia. We This is a fact! Take for instance don’t have time now to analyze what happened to the King of this subject, but I hold it dear. France, who did not comply Sister Lucy always said to the order he received from that Our Lady requested the Heaven, and ended up with his Consecration of Russia, and head cut off! only Russia. Our Lord appeared to Sister She also asked for the Lucy and told her: consecration of the world when “They will do the She appeared to another great consecration, but it will be and young Portuguese saint, late!” Alexandrina Maria da Costa. I feel shivers running down my But the two things are spine when I remember those separate. Now, Our Lady words “it will be late!”, because requested the Consecration of it’s our fault that World War II Russia, in a solemn and public happened in the first place! ceremony to be performed by What’s worse is that Our the Pope together with all the Lady ordered the Secret to be Catholic bishops of the world. opened in 1960. This was specified in details by And in that year Russia didn’t Jesus, Who, as well as with Our finish spreading her errors all over Lady, continued to appear to the world, yet! They didn’t do the Lucy, because He wanted that consecration, unfortunately, and consecration to be recognized as thus, Russia did, in fact, spread the Triumph of the Immaculate her errors all over the world! Heart of Mary, so that She

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 21 Consecration of Russia The Message of Fatima Is Will Change the More Relevant Than Ever Course of History But Our Lady didn’t appear to The conversion of Russia will be bring problems, She came to us to a Triumph of the Immaculate Heart avoid problems! The prophecies of Mary, which will be recognized of Fatima… let me tell you what by the entire world! That’s why Our I think about them, by using the Lord wanted a solemn and public same words pronounced by Pope consecration, to be done by the Benedict XVI, the last time he went Pope together with ALL the bishops to Fatima: of the world. This way, His entire “Whoever thinks that the Church and all of Christianity, prophetic mission of Fatima is represented by the bishops, will concluded deceives himself.” have consecrated Russia to the Look at the importance of these Immaculate Heart of Mary! That apparitions! Look at the damage event will change the course and collapse we’ve experienced of history! in the Church, both in its faith Yes, in 1984 the Pope quite and morals! timidly attempted to consecrate I would like to quote Pope Paul Russia in Saint Peter’s Square. I VI on this regard: was there, just a few feet away from him, because I was the organizer of “It was thought that after the event in Saint Peter’s Square! the It was March 25, 1984 and the we would have a renaissance Pope had the statue of Our Lady of the Church, but instead of Fatima come over from Fatima; it was a disaster! Within the it’s the statue that usually stays in Church, the smoke of Satan the huge plaza of the Sanctuary, has entered in the Vatican!” in Fatima, but for that occasion he They believed in a renaissance wanted the statue there. of the Church, but it was a Kneeling in front of that statue, disaster, among the clergy, he attempted the consecration, within the liturgy and among the but all around him were some faithful, as well, who have lost politicians who told him “you can’t faith and have abandoned their name Russia, you can’t!” And he religion in the millions! This asked “Can I name it?” And they has been followed by a secular said: “No, no, no!” thinking and culture which Our Lady wanted to fight, by using Our Lord’s words and faith.

22 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 Above is a sample of the billboards the Fatima Center puts up in Rome and in North America to raise awareness that the world does have a solution for peace – through Our Lady of Fatima. It is due to large signs like this, that there was a groundswell of public demand in Rome to which the Pope responded and consecrated Italy to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This means of getting closer to the Consecration of Russia is very effective – but very expensive. What price is too high to pay for results like that? Please help us bring more attention to Our Lady of Fatima’s promise to mankind by aiding us in this huge expense.

They are Trying to Build Heart will triumph, the a Society Without God Holy Father will consecrate Rationalism, the Age of Russia to Me, Russia will Enlightenment, atheistic be converted and a period Communism – for them, science of peace will be granted to and reason justify everything and the world.” we no longer need God! See the So, here is the great ending of results: the family is attacked by the apparitions of Fatima. divorce, when Jesus said “what Before this finale, however, it’s therefore God has joined together, probable that mankind will suffer let no man put asunder.” And what some kind of chastisement by God, about abortion? With millions of due to their sins and cold hearts; unborn babies killed every year, but we’re not facing the end of when Our Lord said: “Thou shalt the world, as some crazy man is not kill” in His 5th Commandment! saying, we’re going towards the Look at the disaster we’re facing Triumph of the Immaculate Heart today! So, the apparitions of of Mary and a period of peace. Fatima continue, but their end But we will have peace only if is glorious. Our Lady said: we’ll have faith in God and obey “In the end, My Immaculate His words.|

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 23 Look what you can do too – to help our lady of fatima There are many ways you, too, can help spread the urgent Message of Fatima and promote the Consecration of Russia. Following is a letter that a devotee of Our Lady, Richard J. Doherty, Doctor of Internal Medicine, wrote to a Cardinal. Remember, you can do this too!

To: Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, mind, it is my belief that there Archdiocese of New York, are a large number of American 1011 1st Ave., NY, NY 10022 Catholics, especially among Oct. 24, 2012 the young, who know little or even nothing about Our Lady’s Your Eminence, Fatima Message. I am writing to you as one Moreover, that which many in a sincerely devoted group Catholics already know about of American Catholics who the Fatima Message may be are deeply concerned over the quite likely inadequate for the lack of significant compliance accomplishment of a positive with those specific requests response to Mary’s requests. made of us by Our Blessed Or otherwise, perhaps, in the Mother at Fatima in 1917 – for absence of the advice and ALL Catholics to heed and to direction needed from the act upon. Shepherds of the Catholic With regard to the importance Church in America, many of this situation, I am addressing Catholics, even including some this letter to you, in your role members of the clergy, may of authority as President of simply ignore Her requests. the United States Conference As you know, the true story of of Catholic Bishops – with Fatima elicits the essential facts the hope that you will initiate concerning the prophetic and appropriate actions to remedy most important message given this gross failure of a majority of to the Catholics of the world by faithful members of the Catholic Our Blessed Mother Mary. We Church in America – to carry out have learned from Her that Her Our Blessed Lady’s requests. message comes from God the Along with others of like Father; that it is a positive and

24 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 instructive message; that it is martyred, the Holy Father will clear, direct and succinct. have much to suffer and various It requires that all members nations will be annihilated.” of the Catholic Church bear the How frightening! Indeed, how responsibility of carrying out terrifying are the consequences the Will of God the Father by of not heeding Her requests. complying with and faithfully At this time, it is abundantly fulfilling those specific requests clear that all of the dire that She made – in order to bring predictions the Blessed Virgin an end to man’s evil behaviors, Mary made at Fatima – with which are so offensive to God. one exception remaining – have Then, to comply with the come true! And over time, each Will of God the Father, the one of Her terrible predictions Blessed Mother called upon all resulting from the “failure to Catholics to devote themselves heed” Her requests have become to Her Immaculate Heart; to more fearsome and foreboding. pray the Holy Rosary daily for We have seen the heinous evil the reparation of sins; to make of legalized induced abortion – the Communion of Reparation first introduced in the world by on the first Saturday of five Communist Russia – spreading consecutive months; to pray to many other nations, for the conversion of Russia; including our own United States and most importantly in this of America. regard, for the Pope, in union We are aware of the increase with all the Catholic bishops of in the widespread condolence the world, to publicly consecrate of sexual promiscuity and the Russia to Her Immaculate Heart. deterioration of American During Her apparition to family life; the acceptance of the seers at Fatima on July 13, euthenasia; the declaration 1917, the Blessed Mother spoke said to be “politically correct” these words: that homosexuality is a normal “If My requests are heeded, function of human nature and Russia will be converted and is therefore morally acceptable; there will be peace, if not, the scandal of sexual abuses by she will spread her errors some members of the Catholic throughout the world, raising clergy; and other evils that up wars and persecutions of affect our society – all of which the Church. The good will be are so offensive to God.

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 25 It is noteworthy that on May for not heeding Her requests. Not 11, 2010, Pope Benedict XVI heeding has brought us chaos! said that the Fatima Message Heeding will bring us the period indicates realities for the future of peace that the Blessed Mother of the Church which unfold and has promised. In the end, She reveal themselves day by day. assures us that Her Immaculate In response to those in the Heart will triumph. Heed and Church who say that the hasten that happy ending. Message of Fatima has already May the bishops publicly been carried out and completed exhort all American Catholics in accordance with the specific to pray the Holy Rosary daily for requests of the Blessed Mother, the reparation of sins, to pray Pope Benedict XVI, on May 13, for the conversion of Russia, 2010, said: to make the Communion of “He deceives himself who Reparation on the first Saturday thinks the prophetic mission of of five consecutive months. Fatima is concluded.” And, may the bishops of Are the Shepherds of the America inform Pope Benedict Catholic Church in America XVI that all of the American among those who are bishops are ready to join so deceived? him in consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of In view of the tremendous Mary. moral deterioration of societies in the world, as outlined above, Heed! the continuing silence of the Yours Respectfully, American bishops regarding the need – which is now more urgent than ever – to inform Richard J. Doherty, M.D. all members of the American Catholic Church, both laymen and religious, to faithfully fulfill all of Our Blessed Mother’s HELP OUR LADY! Fatima requests, is most difficult DO YOUR PART to understand and impossible Copy this letter and send it to your to justify. parish priests, bishops and Cardinals. To heed or not to heed? We We must all stand up and have seen the horrendous results let our voice be heard! that Mary predicted at Fatima

26 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 sPECIAL rEPORT fATIMA CENTER BREAKS INTO THE POLITICAL ARENA Father Nicholas Gruner, head of the Fatima Center, an international Apostolate dedicated to making known the full Message of Fatima, was invited to address members of the European Union Parliament convened in Strasbourg, France, along with reporters from print and broadcast media. Father Gruner, accompanied by U.S. attorney and Fatima expert, Christopher A. Ferrara, explained to the assembly the requests made by Our Lady of Fatima and the urgency of obedience to those requests. A resolution was introduced in which the Members of the European Parliament formally ask that Pope Benedict XVI and the bishops of the Catholic Church comply with the specific request ofO ur Lady of Fatima to join together to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Father Gruner and Mr. Ferrara explained to the assembly the prophecies of Fatima, the reasons why the Message should be given the utmost credence, and the promised benefits that will follow the consecration when it is finally done in the proper manner.T he following is an interview with Father Gruner conducted by The Fatima Crusader editorial staff.

The Fatima Crusader [FC] now rests with our fidelity to Can you tell us what events Our Lady’s requests. enabled you to address The Hon. Mario Borghezio, Members of the European a Member of Parliament Union Parliament? representing the Northern League in Italy, asked me to Father Gruner [FrG] come to Strasbourg and speak I can tell you, but it is a two- to Parliament. Mr. Borghezio part answer – one having to attended our conference, do with the human elements “Fatima: Your Last Chance!” involved, and the other with in Rome in May 2012. He Providence. It’s important that addressed the conference (see we always remember Our Lord pages 50-56) and his devotion is in charge of everything and to Our Lady and his faith in He has determined that our fate

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 27 Her Fatima Message became The reference is to King Louis apparent. The invitation to XVI, who was beheaded by the address his colleagues was French revolutionaries 100 very welcome. years after his great grandfather, And while I give Mr. Louis XIV, refused to comply with Borghezio my thanks, I must Heaven’s request that France ultimately thank Our Lady. This be consecrated to the Sacred is Her Apsotolate. She offers Heart of Jesus. This request was us the opportunities to do Her received in an apparition by St. work. As I told the Members Margaret Mary Alocoque and of Parliament, I am merely an made known to the King by his instrument. I am one small confessor. But the King refused. priest dedicated to this great His descendant not only lost the work. Anything I accomplish throne, but lost his head as well. is not really to my credit, but is We are nearing the 100-year due to Our Lady’s grace. mark since the apparitions of [FC] Why do you think Our Lady of Fatima in 1917. We Our Lady’s Apostolate was have less than 5 years left. Her offered this opportunity at this requests have not been honored particular time? You have been by the popes and bishops, struggling for many years to whom Our Lord refers to as make the full Message of Fatima His ministers – but we can also known. Now, you find yourself presume that heads of state are in front of members of one of His ministers, as all authority the most powerful bodies of comes from above. So, time is men on the planet. What are now of the essence. your thoughts about the timing Unless the consecration is of this event? done – and done soon – these [FrG] Time is running out. ministers, many of them, will Our Lord spoke to Sister Lucy follow the King of France into in Rianjo in 1931 and told her misfortune and it cannot be that, unless the Consecration of good. Russia was done in the manner It seems obvious to me that Our Lady requested – with the the part of the Third Secet that Pope and the bishops making the Vatican released to us on the consecration in unison – that June 26, 2000 is what is about His ministers would follow the to happen to Pope Benedict King of France into misfortune. XVI if he delays much more

28 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 To the right is a poster we put up in various places around Strasbourg, La Madone including inside the beautiful Strasbourg de FaTIMa Cathedral, as well as inside the European Union Parliament building. This Pilgrim Virgin Statue – blessed À Strasbourg by the Pope at Fatima and again in Vatican City – was brought by Father Gruner via KLM Airline from Toronto to Strasbourg. With much publicity and anticipation, it was to be the historic first-time-EVER that Our Lady was allowed inside 23.10.2012 | the Parliament building. See the article (page 61) 14h00 from Vatican City first published on Monday, October 22, 2012 as a sample of various articles Parlement Européen, Salle de Presse published about it. Alas, the devil somehow succeeded in preventing our Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima from being present inside the Parliament building – because KLM apparently “lost” Her for two days! But we persevered and purchased another statue of the Blessed Mother to accompany us inside the Parliament building while we explained the formal EU Parliamentary declaration calling for the Consecration of Russia (see page 19). Further, Our Lady was able to turn the tables on the devil through the “loss” of the statue – which became the inspiration of a live call-in talk radio program with 4 million listeners, thereby giving the Fatima Message free publicity on Thursday, October 24, 2012. from doing the Consecration of “Make it known to My Russia as requested by Jesus and ministers, given they follow the Mary in the Fatima Message. example of the King of France This vision of the bishop in delaying the execution of dressed in white, who is killed My command (to consecrate by a band of soldiers – by Russia), like him they will bullets and arrows – is a graphic follow him into misfortune.” description of what Our Lord The death of the Pope in that meant when He said: vision is followed by the killing

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 29 of bishops, priests, religious to do everything we could and and lay people of various ranks. should do. With one and a half These, too, are ministers of God to two times more in yearly total who are punished because they, financial donations, perhaps we too, failed to do what they could could bring about enough public – and should – have done to do awareness of the full Fatima their part to bring about the Message – especially the urgent Consecration of Russia. need for the Consecration of It might be objected: How Russia – to cause Our Lady’s could the laypeople of various triumph very, very soon. ranks be included in this Unfortunately, because very chastisement? As we mentioned few wealthy Catholics – to their above, politicians and world own detriment – know and leaders are also ministers of understand the absolutely God. But it should be pointed monumental importance out that men of financial wealth and urgency of the Fatima are also ministers or stewards Message, they don’t give of that wealth which God has anywhere near enough of what entrusted to them. they could to promote Our In the approved apparition Lady of Fatima and Her ONE of Quito, Ecuador, of Our Lady AND ONLY Peace Plan that of Good Success, we are told will deliver us and them from that one of the causes of our the emerging New World Order present-day crises in the Church tyranny. and the world is the refusal of Some would help if they wealthy Catholics to contribute understood that by not significantly to Catholicsupporting this apostolate and apostolates – that are ready, doing what they can to bring capable and willing to reverse about the fulfillment of Our this moral and spiritual decay in Lady’s request – they are placing the Church and the world. their own life and wealth and For example, our Apostolate soul in grave jeopardy – not – this Apostolate of Our Lady of to mention the devastating Fatima – in my estimation, could catastrophies that continue to do 10 to 100 times more (that’s befall the Church and mankind. ten to one hundred!) than we Others of the wealthy do now. But we do not have all apparently think only of the necessary financial means themselves and refrain from

30 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 extending financial aid to needy Fatima without faith? and necessary apostolates such [FrG] The Members of as our own. Parliament know they and their Our Lady told us that unless own countries are in trouble. She were obeyed, nations would They are becoming desperate be annihilated. So not only do for a solution to the many Church officials and heads of problems they face, especially state face imminent disaster, but the financial problems. all of us may soon pay the price We may think that these for this foolish refusal to do financial problems will only the simple things Our Lady has affect those who work in the promised will avert disaster and financial sector of the workplace bring us the blessings of peace. – but that is not so. The financial [FC] Do you think the problems we are talking about members of the European will affect every man, woman Parliament realize that the and child on the face of the earth. clock is ticking and that disaster The financial problems looming is looming? over us will, if not averted, soon [FrG] They certainly realize cause the breakdown of everyday this, although they might not transactions like buying your understand the cause of it and groceries or paying for electricity the only real solution. That’s to your home. These may all come why we went to Strasbourg: to to a complete stop – no buying, tell them what is happening and no selling, no work, no ability to why and to show them what feed yourself or your family – all they can do about it – that is, of this caused by real financial how they can encourage the problems that can ultimately Pope and the bishops to do the only be solved peacefully and only thing that can help us at justly by the Consecration this point in history. of Russia. [FC] But the European Union [FC] Why would non-believing is not founded on Christian Members of Parliament take your principles. Many Members proposal seriously? of Parliament are avowedly [FrG] We explained to those opposed to Christian teaching, members who lack faith that Our especially in the realm of sexual Lady’s solution is worth a try. morality. How can they even They have nothing to lose. And comprehend the Message of if it works, they have everything

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 31 to gain. through the media. I also think it is starting Along with the attention we to dawn on some European received in the secular press and leaders, including Members of broadcast media, we were also Parliament, that the European interviewed by Fatima TV in Union has no solid, unifying Rome and Fatima TV WorldWide principle. How could it, when on the Web to talk about the only the Catholic Faith can event. We made our mark – in provide it and they are afraid to Strasbourg and in Rome. And embrace it? They tried to build we won’t let up. Our Lady has the EU on economic cooperation given us the media tools and and a common currency. This the opportunity. By the grace has failed big time, as everyone of God, we will use them to can now see. Where do they go the utmost. from here? [FC] Do you think that Pope We offered them a direction. Benedict XVI and the bishops We can only pray they will take took note of what happened in it. We did Our Lady’s bidding. Strasbourg? Do you think they We pray they will do likewise. will respond? We also continue to work for the [FrG] Of course, I can’t predict consecration in every way we can. just what will happen and when. [FC] Was there any indication But I know that Our Lady said that the Members of the Russia will be consecrated in European Parliament took your the manner She desires “in words to heart? the end.” The end of what – is [FrG] Yes, I think so. We the big question. The end of a received much encouragement terrible period of chastisement, from those who signed the after nations are annihilated? I petition. And the media was very hope and pray this isn’t the case. interested. We were interviewed I think Pope Benedict knows by both broadcast and print how dire the situation is. He journalists, so the wider public – may be looking for the sort of the constituents of the Members assurance and encouragement of Parliament – knew about we are trying to provide. what was going on. An effective Unfortunately, the Church way to influence a politician is has been very worried about to go through his constituents. public opinion – its media And this is most effectively done image – since Vatican II. In

32 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 consequence, as the world [FC] Is there anything has become more godless and an ordinary layperson can morally depraved, the Church do to help bring about has become more timid about the consecration? proclaiming her moral and [FrG] Every ordinary doctrinal authority. It’s obvious layperson is a potentially the Holy Father wants to begin a extraordinary saint. When we New Evangelization, as he calls cooperate with grace, amazing it. Fatima is the key. We want to things happen to us and through help him see this. And if we can us. I think one of the keys to pick up some political support the consecration is for the laity for the consecration, the Pope to live the Fatima Message. may be emboldened to act. This means praying the Rosary Once an idea – no matter every day and making the how seemingly strange – is First Saturday devotions every introduced into the mind of the first Saturday. public, it loses its strangeness. But it also means always Look at the things that are being focused on Our Lady, on now considered normal by the Her Immaculate Heart; living in public: abortion, pornography, purity and love; and, of course, etc. If familiarity can make evil we can be pro-active in Her things tolerable, it can certainly cause – petitioning the Pope win hearts and minds for and our bishop, petitioning good things. our legislative representative, We have introduced Fatima letting our neighbors know as a topic of public conversation about Fatima. in the media, in the realm of Supporting this apostolate politics. The more people hear is a great way to become part and learn about it, the more of the effort to bring about they will consider it a viable the consecration. We need alternative, especially as other all the help we can get. So I solutions keep failing and the would invite everyone to join situation worsens. The Pope and Our Lady’s Apostolate in every the bishops live in the world of way they can. As we explained the media, of politics, as do we to the Members of the all now. Fatima is now part of European Parliament – that world. Fatima is the only hope for that world. This was our You have nothing to lose and | message, Our Lady’s Message. everything to gain.

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 33 Part II “Make Everything You Do A Sacrifice” In Part I (The Fatima Crusader, Issue 103) of Michal Semin’s address to our Rome Conference in May 2012, he explained that Hell is not empty and that we must all sacrifice and pray.H e gave the inspiring example of the sacrificial spirit of the three children of Fatima. In Part II, Mr. Semin continues to explain the supreme sacrifice of Jesus Christ in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. By Michael Semin

n this second part of my the main differences between address, I would like to these two Rites that confirm Icompare the Traditional the claim that the meaning of Roman Rite with the new Rite of sacrifice and its role has shifted Pope Paul VI. from a central position to Can we, in good conscience, the side? say that they convey the same Well, it´s already the very attitude towards the meaning structure of the Mass. The new of sacrifice? Rite of the Mass is divided into Do they, in the identical way, two parts – the Liturgy of the express the Catholic teaching Word and the Liturgy of the defined at the Council of Trent Eucharist. This division gives and reiterated by Pius XII in the impression that the part of Mediator Dei? the Mass before the Offertory is somehow independent and Cardinal Ottaviani didn’t can exist without the second think so when he stated part, on its own; that these two in 1969: parts are separable and of the “The Novus Ordo same value. represents, both as a whole and in its details, a striking In fact, there are many departure from the Catholic parishes in Europe and perhaps theology of the Mass as it was elsewhere too, where, due to ... definitively fixed by the the lack of priests, the faithful in Council of Trent.” the parishes are invited to take part in “Liturgies of the Word”, Why did he think so? What are

34 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 This popular depiction of Jesus knocking on the door reflects our free will. We can either open the door of our soul and let Him in or we have the free will to reject Him. Let us pray for the Pope and all those persons – Cardinals, bishops and VIP government officials – who can encourage and persuade him to delay no longer to do the Consecration of Russia as Jesus formally commanded to be done.

presided by a deacon or a The beginning of the Holy layman. The traditional Roman Mass at the foot of the altar Missal has no such division, steps – the priest doesn´t come for all of its prayers and sacred bowing to the congregation – gestures are oriented towards symbolizes climbing up Mount the propitiatory sacrifice, to the Calvary, from which, after moment of Consecration. offering the Sacrifice, the graces In the Traditional Rite, the flow into the whole Church. priest comes to the foot of the The penitential nature of the altar stairs and stands facing opening prayers is confirmed the altar – which represents and crowned by a dual Our Lord – and prays Introibo Confiteor – dual because the ad altare Dei, followed by the priest and the faithful are not Penitential Psalm Judica me, equal in offering the Sacrifice – arousing in his heart a spirit of a fact that is not reflected in the repentance, awareness of his New Mass having just a single own unworthiness and need Confiteor. of atonement for his own sins Also, the Kyrie Eleison is and the sins of the present a penitential prayer so it faithful. This Rite of the priest’s is completely senseless to cleansing comes from the Old consider all these prayers as Testament liturgy where the a preparation for the reading priest of the Temple – before he from the Bible or as an walked into the Holy of Holies – instruction of the faithful. ritually cleansed himself.

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 35 Traditional Holy Scripture do not mention bread; they Is Understood Differently use the term Victim-Hostia, In the New Rite Spotless Host, although it is not Even the reading from Holy consecrated yet. Scriptures is, in the Traditional Along with the actions of the Rite, understood differentlypriest, this prayer makes it clear from the way it is approached in that what is offered at the Holy the modern liturgy – the Epistle Mass is the “Spotless Host” – is read facing the altar (Christ), that is, the Spotless Victim. The the Gospel is read facing North, propitiatory (atoning) nature of because North represents the Mass is explicit – it is offered pagan lands and the dominion for our sins. It reminds us that of demons. Reading the Gospel, the Mass is offered “for the in this sense, is a kind of an living and the dead”; and the exorcism – which is at the end priest who offers the Sacrifice of the Gospel – reflected by is a mediator between man the words of the priest: “By the and God. words of the Gospel may our sins be blotted out.” Out of 12 Traditional Offertory Prayers The shift from Sacrifice 2 Remain in the New Mass to meal is even more clear and transparent in the From the twelve Offertory changes of prayers made in prayers in the Traditional the Offertory, or, rather, the Rite, only two are retained change in the very nature of the in the New Rite of Mass. And Offertory itself. of interest is the fact that the deleted prayers are the same According to the Catholic ones that Luther and Cranmer Faith and related liturgical eliminated. And why did they tradition of the Church, the eliminate them? Because, as offering subject and offered Luther said, they “smacked object is Our Lord Jesus of sacrifice – the abomination Christ. That is why the prayers called the Offertory, and from contained in the traditional this point on almost everything Offertory presuppose thestinks of oblation.” presence of Our Lord as the true and only Victim, the Eucharistic The New Rite of Mass doesn´t presence. The Offertory prayers even use the term Offertory anticipate Consecration. They anymore; it calls this part of Mass “preparation of gifts”. And

36 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 within this part of the New Rite His position no longer there is not a single word which symbolizes the fact that he is even hints that it is the Divine an intermediary between God Victim which is offered. The and man, as in the Traditional bread and wine – “the work Mass – where he faces the of human hands” – is all that Tabernacle, but he is now the is offered. “president” of an assembly, Michael Davies, who had a presiding at the table around close relationship with Cardinal which the faithful are to gather Ratzinger, points out that this and “refresh” themselves at the concept is fully compatible “memorial supper.” (All these with the Teilhardian theory phrases are from the General that human effort, the work Instruction.) We all can share of human hands, becomes, in plenty of stories about the a certain way, the matter of destruction of the traditional the Sacrament. altars in churches all over the world and their replacement Then we have the changes in by tables. Again – the nature of the very heart of the Holy Mass the Mass moves from Sacrifice – in the Canon. The second to meal. Eucharistic prayer is famous for the absence of preparation I do not doubt the validity prayers for the Consecration of the New Mass, but how and the words of Consecration, can one not conclude from the Institution Narrative. The these changes that there is priest says these words as if he something seriously wrong was merely retelling the story about it? I do not doubt that of the Last Supper some 2,000 there are many devout priests years ago, instead of actually and laymen assisting at the consecrating the bread and New Mass, but their faith in the wine in the here and now. sacrificial nature of the Holy Mass and thus the Catholic Besides all these changes religion as a whole is well prayers of the Mass in the and alive – no thanks to the – the most profound liturgical so-called reform, but change indicating the shift despite it. from Sacrifice towards a congregational meal is From a historical perspective, the change in the priest´s we see that the post-Conciliar orientation during the Mass. liturgical changes are similar, if not identical, to those which

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 37 the founders of Protestantism very identity of the priesthood. were bringing to life – Mass as I am not here to teach you, dear an assembly with presider, the Fathers, because I am sure you shift from Sacrifice to meal, not only know it, but live it, that laymen taking over specifically the life of the priest is defined priestly functions, narrative and also nurtured by sacrifice, nature of consecration, priest both at the altar and in his facing the people, etc. ministry outside of liturgy. The Protestant inspiration in Our Lord, Who is the Highest creating the New Rite of Mass Priest, gives the example – He was confirmed by a close friend gave His own life for our eternal of Pope Paul VI, Jean Guitton: salvation. The priests of His “The intention of Paul VI with Church are to follow Him and regard to what is commonly lay down their lives for the called the Mass, was to reform entrusted flock. the Catholic liturgy in such Am I too daring to make a way that it should almost a connection between the coincide with the Protestant repression of the sacrificial liturgy — but what is curious nature of the Holy Mass and is that Paul VI did that to get as the lack of priestly vocations? close as possible to the Protestant Or the rise of the violation of Lord’s supper ... there was with the celibate life – as the vow Paul VI an ecumenical intention of celibacy cannot be fulfilled to remove, or least to correct, without sacrificing the good of or at least to relax, what was matrimony for a higher one? too Catholic, in the traditional sense, in the Mass and, I repeat, A priest gives up the goods of to get the Catholic Mass closer marital life so that he can be an to the Calvinist service.” alter Christus, a second Christ, a mediator between God and Sacrificial Mentality and men. The reason for celibacy Priestly Vocations is not only that the priest has Not being a priest, I do not more time for pastoral work want to dwell excessively on the (practical reasons), but because matters that are mostly related he is unifying himself with the to the priestly life, but allow me celibate living Christ, the High- to mention my concern, that the Priest, for offering the most lack of sacrificial mentality in Holy Sacrifice, for which he has the New Liturgy might affect the to be ritually clean.

38 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 Everything the priest does as laymen, are obliged to follow a priest is in some way oriented the example of Our Savior. towards the altar and Our How does the calling to live a Lord´s sacrifice, the font of all sacrificial life usually manifest graces. It is from his service itself in the life of a family? In at the altar that he receives the generous acceptance of his priestly dignity, not from children, the willingness to playing guitar or football with have a much larger family than the youth. And when he is at is the norm in the contemporary the altar, he is not there to contraceptive societies of the concoct some creative liturgies, modern world. expressing his own personality, Today the definition of a “good but to conform to Christ and act life” is based on one´s self- in His person. How well this is realization and career building. reflected in the fixed rubrics of Today the “good life” is the the Traditional Roman Rite! mere enjoyment of life without Sacrificial Mentality and respect to the supernatural final Lay People and Marriage goal of human life, or the needs of others. Unfortunately, even But, obviously, the life of Catholics are not immune from sacrifice is not exclusivelysuccumbing to such lifestyle. reserved for the priests. Also we, SEND ROSES DOWN FROM HEAVEN “I will send down a shower of Rose Petals from Heaven.”...St. Thérèse You can help spread Our Lady of Fatima’s Urgent Message of Hope and Peace throughout the world, even after God calls you to your eternal reward. Millions of souls will be lost if Our Blessed Mother’s requests are not heeded and the Consecration of Russia is not done as She requested. For the sake of those souls, as well as your own, we beg you to remember Our Lady’s Apostolate in your will. Making a Bequest is easy For more information, call toll-free 1-800-845-3047 or write us at the address found on the inside back cover. There is absolutely no obligation!

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 39 The Loss of Spain and Italy – the two the Sense of Sacrifice most important countries of Contraception, the symbol Christendom – along with of modern hedonism and thus France, have a total fertility rate the loss of sense for sacrifice, of 1.29 children per woman. That is widespread in the post- is less than European Protestant, Conciliar Church. But even and thus contraception-friendly, among those who object to the countries of the North! As we use of artificial contraception know, 2.1 is the replacement and abortion and who promote level. I just don´t see how it is natural family planning, we possible to call these nominally encounter an effort neutralizing Catholic countries Catholic the clear teaching of Pius XII on at all! the conditioned lawfulness of Another bitter fruit of the this method of spacing children. lost sense for sacrifice is the Knowing NFP literature and omnipresent breakdown of having taken part years ago in marital fidelity. The divorce a NFP course, I do not recall rates in most nominally any specific consideration for Christian countries are the explicit medical, social or increasing, as is the number economic conditions under of annulments in the case of which the married couple is Catholic couples. allowed to enjoy the marital act “In the context of a divorce with the expected sterility of mentality, even canonical that particular act. annulment cases can be easily Although many Catholics misunderstood, as if they in general keep having more weren’t anything more than children than one or two, ways to obtain a divorce with the unwillingness to have the blessing of the Church.” more children is leading the Cardinal Julian Herranz, nominally Christian nations head of the Pontifical Council of Europe into extinction. for Legislative Texts, said this to Their demographic future the media two years ago when is very bleak and, barring a the Vatican issued a critical miracle, they, in the course note about the sharp rise of of a few decades, will be annulments in USA. And he subjected to alien cultures and is perfectly right – I have met false religions. a good number of modern-

40 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 minded Catholics who don´t everything and makes it eternal, see any difference. They see as its own particular guiding it as a divorce for Catholics, rule and basis. Experience which is similar to their view shows that, in these cases, God of non-restricted use of NFP – often goes beyond the ordinary contraception for Catholics. gifts of Providence, such as joy Along with the new and and peace, to bestow on it a modern concepts of priesthood, special call — a vocation to the the decline of the number of priesthood, to the religious life, children in Catholic families is to the highest sanctity.” the chief cause of the lack of “With good reason, it has priestly and religious vocations. often been pointed out that Large families are always – large families have been in especially if they experience the forefront as the cradles of some hardship and discomfort saints. We might cite, among – a school of selflessness and others, the family of St. Louis, service to others. On the the King of France, made up contrary, the modern model of of ten children; that of St. one child per family – that exists Catherine of Siena, who came for the pleasure of his parents from a family of twenty-five; – does not provide a sufficient St. from a environment for learning any family of twelve; and St. Pius X positive social skills. from a family of ten.” Large Catholic Families “Every vocation is a secret Provide Good Vocations of Providence; but these cases prove that having a large On January 20, 1958, at number of children does an audience for the Italian not prevent parents from Association for Large Families, giving them an outstanding Pius XII stressed the importance and perfect upbringing; and of the ideal of large Catholic they show that the number families for providing a good does not work out to the environment for vocations: disadvantage of their quality, “All of these precious with regard to either physical or benefits will be more solid and spiritual values.” permanent, more intense and The gradual loss of the sense more fruitful if the large family of Our Lord´s propitiatory takes the supernatural spirit of sacrifice on the Cross and its the Gospel, which spiritualizes

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 41 re-presentation on the Catholic reconciliation with God, we hear altars all around the world about reconciling with ourselves, leads to another serious effect with accepting ourselves as we – a weakening of the awareness are, without any call for penance of our own sinfulness, the need and conversion of our hearts. of our conversion, penance and I do not know the situation offering reparation for our sins. in other countries, but in the It is for these sins of ours that German-speaking area the Our Lord suffered and died a practice of individual confessions brutal death; we are guilty of is pretty rare. A Czech traditional the pains He had to bear. priest, stationed in Austria, The Passion and the told me recently that he knows sacrificial action of Our Lord parish priests in Austria and makes us aware of the venom, Germany who didn´t have a the darkness of sin; the infinite single confessing parishioner in offense of the limitless holiness the course of the whole year! of God. It is for our sins that the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass The Old Mass Conveys Better the Sacrificial Nature is offered today so that we may of the Catholic Life benefit from Christ´s merits and come to understand the From what was said so far, I great price Our Lord paid for hope it is clear what I wanted to our redemption. convey. The Traditional Liturgy expresses much more clearly Our Need for Conversion than the New Rite – which even The muffled, the inhibited Pope Benedict XVI calls a “banal aspect of propitiation in the product of the moment” – our New Rite leads to the total sinfulness and the need for our unawareness of our sinfulness redemption. and the nature of sin and also I once met a lady, who told me to the serious decrease in the that at the occasion of her first number of confessions. Many presence at the Traditional Latin priests stopped preaching about Mass, she wasn´t able to receive the nature of sin – saying that Holy Communion. When I asked it insults God – about mortal her why, she replied: “I would sins that deprive men of the have had to go to Confession first!” sanctifying grace, closing the Something she had never thought gates of Heaven to them. about before. More than the necessity of our

42 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 The way we pray, the way we believe – the way we live. It’s that very simple. Fatima Gives Us a Better Understanding of Living a Life of Sacrifice The Fatima Message leads us towards a more thorough understanding of the necessity of living a life of sacrifice. The Holy Mass, being the center and summit of our lives, regardless of being priests or laymen, must teach us the right lesson – that sacrifice is the means to our redemption and salvation. If it fails to convey this message, then there is something seriously wrong about it. We, as faithful Catholics, must do as much as we can to Christ, the Supreme Example of build our lives upon healthy Sacrifice, allowed Himself to be and firm foundations and avoid scourged, crowned with thorns and everything that weakens them. crucified for our salvation. It´s not a matter of choice, it´s our duty. barrier raised up against all heresies. All of us present at this conference take the Fatima The apparitions of Our Lady at Message seriously and want to Fatima stress the vital importance live according to it. Not because of living a life in a sacrificial we somehow like it or that it manner. The Traditional fits our subjective preferences, Roman Rite, as opposed to the but because it’s a message Liturgical Reform, embodies from Heaven, recognized this spirit in the most profound and promoted by the highest and perfect way. What God authorities in the Church; hath joined together, let no man because it is, along with the Mass put asunder.| of Pius V, the insurmountable

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 43 father Michael Jarecki – Under Our Lady’s Mantle On October 22, 2012, perhaps one of Our Lady’s most loyal followers was received unto his eternal reward under the mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Born in 1917, the year Our Lady of Fatima first appeared, Father Michael Jarecki served as Vice-President on the Board of Directors for the National Pilgrim Virgin of Canada and Servants of Jesus and Mary (The Fatima Center) for over 30 years, almost from the beginning. He was unwavering in his faith and, in particular, his loving devotion to Our Lady of Fatima – an inspiring mentor to us all. In his Last Will and Testament, he asked for only one thing: “May my funeral be simple and a cause of joy to all who knew me. I hope that no words are spoken that make people think I have gone straight to Heaven while my soul languishes in Purgatory because no one was having Masses or prayers said for me.” What follows is the sermon given at Father Michael Jarecki’s Requiem Funeral Mass. By Father David Phillipson

n the evening when concerns the construction of Father Michael Jarecki the Temple. We should not be Odied, when I was praying surprised to learn that these 15 the Office of the Dead – Vespers – Psalms were sung by the Levites from the Divine Office, for Father as they ascended the 15 steps to Jarecki, one of the Psalms that get closer to the Holy of Holies caught my attention was Psalm in the Jerusalem Temple. 119 – the first Song of Ascent. These Songs of Ascent were In the Psalter or the Book originally given as songs of of Psalms, there are 15 Songs consolation for the Jews when or Psalms of Ascent. They are they were in exile. So, these Psalms 119 to 134. According songs are sung by the Church, to ancient Jewish interpretation, in the evening, when praying there are 15 steps or levels for the faithful departed. They that man must climb in order are meant to give consolation to reach sanctity. In addition, to those who are overcome with throughout the Old Covenant, the shadow of mourning. They 15 is a number that often are meant to give light to those

44 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 who “sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.” They are also meant to supply consolation to the deceased person being prayed for. So, when I associate particular verses of Psalm 119 to Father Jarecki, all I am doing is following the Church’s lead in relating the Psalm to the person being prayed for. Here is Psalm 119:1- 7, which is recited during Vespers in the Office of the Dead: In my distress I cried to the Lord, and He answered me. O Lord, deliver me from lying lip, from treacherous tongue. What will He inflict without cause. on you, with more besides, O The Song of Ascent begins, treacherous tongue? speaking about being in distress. Sharp arrows of a warrior “In my distress I cried to the with fiery coals of brushwood. Lord...” Distress represents Woe is me, that my sojourning distance from the Lord. The is prolonged! I have dwelt with person in distress feels closed the inhabitants of Cedar in upon. When death closes in upon a person, they often All too long have I dwelt with feel distress. those who hate peace. And so what did Father Jarecki With them that hated peace I was peaceable: when I spoke do? He cried out to the Lord: “In to them they fought against me my distress I cried to the Lord, and He answered me.” The one

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 45 who cries out to the Lord is the excesses of the tongue. confident that he will be heard. Despite these precautions the When we hear the news of deceitful tongue still manages someone who has departed from to slip out. For the evil tongue this life, we, too, are often in wreaks a triple destruction – it distress. We cry out: “What does damages the one who speaks, this mean for the deceased?” it damages the one who listens, “What does this mean for us, and it damages the one who who are still living?” When is offended. a father becomes absent, his And so Father Jarecki spoke children often ask: “Where is out about the sins of the tongue. my father?” “Where has my Father Jarecki used his tongue father gone?” to help us curb our tongues. St. Father Jarecki was in distress. James the Apostle agrees; for He has departed from this life. this Apostle said: We are in distress. What do we “And if any man think himself do? We do what he did. We cry to be religious, not bridling his out to the Lord. “I have lifted up tongue, but deceiving his own my eyes to the mountains, from heart, this man’s religion is whence help shall come to me.” vain.” (James 1:26) (Psalm 120) And so we were not surprised The next three verses, Psalm to learn that Father Jarecki died 119:2-4, go together. We of cancer of the tongue. His suffer through many painful tongue suffered for the sins of experiences, but one of the the tongue. worst sufferings of human The Song, Verse 5, continues: existence is to be a victim of “Woe is me, that my sojourning slander and falsehood. Father is prolonged!” Jarecki often spoke about the Father Jarecki’s sojourning sins of the tongue. was indeed prolonged – or When God created man, He at times, at least, he thought was well aware of the tongue’s so. He lived to see his 95th potential to do harm and, birthday. When we suffer and therefore, God placed the continue to suffer, day in and tongue under a double lock. day out, we are inclined to The first lock was the teeth and think this suffering is prolonged the second lock were the lips. and useless. We sometimes Both locks were meant to curb think there is no point to this

46 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 meaningless sojourn. inhabitants of Cedar: My soul But “though a Son, Christ hath been long a sojourner.” learned obedience through the Now as a result of these sins of things He suffered.” Obedience – the tongue, living in this world not mere routine ritual sacrifice becomes a dwelling with the – is what God desires. God often tents of Cedar. To dwell with the takes a long time to gently empty tents of Cedar was to live like the the sap of pride from the trees Nomadic Bedouins who, to this we call our lives. And so our day, own no property. Rather, sojourning sometimes seems they pitch their tents in the prolonged. However: Palestinian desert in a different “The Lord delayeth not his place each day. Similarly, the promise, as some imagine, but wicked have no rest. They dealeth patiently for your sake, are always on the move. They not willing that any should neglect their Sunday Sabbath perish, but that all should rest. They neglect their daily return to penance.” (2 Peter prayer and meditation – a time 3:9) to rest with God. But for the true pilgrim, for the To those who do not know the one whose heart is set upon the ways of the Lord, God swears Lord, this life on earth is a place an oath against such. The curse of pilgrimage – and sometimes that God levels against unbelief we are eager to be out of this is this: they will never enter into body – for, “while we are in His rest. But for those who do this body we are absent from believe, we have a promise. And the Lord.” God has promised those who Saint Jerome writes: trust Him to enter into His rest – an eternal rest. “For believers, death is a blessing and possibly Our Song of Ascent concludes a protection from future with Verse 7: misfortune... longer life is a “With them that hated peace greater hardship than death.” I was peaceable: when I spoke Father Jarecki lived the to them they fought against me hardships of a long life, without cause.” especially in his final years. So, now, at the end of this Returning to the Song of Song, we hear why God’s people Ascent: “I have dwelt with the must ascend out of exile. This Song was their first of 15 steps to

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 47 spiritual perfection. By singing Verse 47: this Psalm we realize that we “God and His Holy Mother are in exile. With this Song we are to raise up great saints yearn for the summits of God. who will surpass in holiness But while living here below, most other saints as much as believers are afflicted by the the cedars of Lebanon tower calumnies, the slander, the back- above little shrubs. These great biting, the gossiping of their souls filled with grace and zeal persecutors. These tormentors will be chosen to oppose the of the tongue seek to drag God’s enemies of God who are raging people down to destruction. The on all sides. … they will fight faithful must fight against this with one hand and build with temptation in order to keep at the other. With one hand they peace. They must fight to ascend will give battle, overthrowing to the summit. and crushing heretics and their God says in the Book of Job: heresies, [they will battle] sinners and their wickedness. “The life of man upon earth With the other hand they will is a warfare...” build the temple of the true Father Jarecki was a fighter. Solomon and the Mystical City He fought against the sins of the of God, namely, the Blessed tongue and he fought for the Virgin...By word and example sake of righteousness. He fought they will draw all men to a true to establish Our Lady’s Peace devotion to Her, and though Plan – the Peace Plan of Fatima. this will make many enemies, He was a devoted son of Mary. it will also bring about many In his parish days, he had the victories and much glory to honor of being accused of being God alone.” too devoted to Our Lady – if that By saying this I do not mean were possible. to speak against Father Jarecki’s Father Jarecki’s life was Last Will and Testament. He associated with Our Lady by didn’t want anyone to think being ordained in the same we shouldn’t pray for him. Be year that the controversial assured, Father Jarecki – we contents of the Third Secret of have prayed for you and will Fatima were delivered to Sister continue to pray for you. Rather, Lucia’s bishop. I am just making some parallels And so we read in Saint Louis that seem to be apt. de Montfort’s True Devotion,

48 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 MEMORIES

Father Gruner (at front), Father Marcel Nault (to the right) and Father Jarecki (behind the altar boys) lead a Rosary Procession around the new Fatima Center building.

From left, Father Marcel Nault, altar boy, Father Jarecki and, on the right of our Pilgrim Virgin Statue, Father Gruner finish leading the Rosary just before Father Gruner offered Holy Mass, inaugurating the new building into the services of the Fatima Center.

However, as someone recently Heaven – singing. remarked: Father Jarecki has fought a “If Our Lady doesn’t take good fight. He has finished his Father Jarecki to Heaven, then course. He was a priest of Jesus there is no hope for us.” Christ for 68 years – 30 some But there is hope for us years he said Mass for the Slaves – thanks, in part, to Father of the Immaculate Heart. Father Jarecki. And so we pray that Jarecki has kept the faith. Father completes his Ascent to

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 49 Member of European Parliament States: Fatima Message IS Addressed to Political Authorities TOO The following are excerpts of two addresses given by a Member of the European Parliament, Mario Borghezio, at our Fatima: Your Last Chance Conference held in Rome from May 13-18, 2012. He points out that Our Lady of Fatima’s Message also puts responsibility on the shoulders of politicians. He speaks about his upcoming initiatives to promote the Consecration of Russia in the European Parliament. Mr. Borghezio appeals to Catholics to join together in the public square to fight for ourC hristian culture and freedom against the enemies of our Christian heritage. By Mario Borghezio, Member of the European Parliament

would like to thank everyone here today as a Member of the for the great honor that was European Parliament. Recently, Ibestowed to my person, and I I invited the author of the book hope to the European Parliament The True Story of the Bilderberg as well, which unfortunately is Group to speak to the European causing much suffering and dis- Parliament after which we appointments with its decisions were accused by the “supreme – decisions which I, together atheist authorities” of the with other Members of Parlia- European Parliament of having ment, tried to oppose and resist “profaned” the laicism and the in many different ways. I’ve been atheistic dominant culture of a member of the European Par- such an institution, because we liament for 10 years now, and brought in there the subject of unfortunately I must say that its the hidden powers who rule and objectives and proposed solu- decide over the destiny of the tions (like the ones in the bio- world – by means of institutions ethics field) go directly against and organizations like the every single value and principle one I just mentioned – the that we, as Catholics, should de- Bilderberg Group. fend. Just for this reason alone, I would like to announce I think my humble presence here another important initiative has a deeper meaning. that I would like to carry out I would like to intervene as a Member of the European

50 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 Parliament, an initiative which I believe that we should not is directly connected to the be afraid to stand up and expose teaching of the Message of these dangers that threaten the Fatima. I will ask the Catholic world: the international usury Members of the European implemented by the world Parliament (but nothing stops banking system, which exploited others from joining us in this the use of derivatives and initiative) to support and sign subprime mortgages and caused a motion – in order to bring the the current financial crisis! It’s Message of Fatima, through the a world banking scandal, and it European Parliament, to the has put my country, Italy, under attention of the over 400 million control – or worse – under people of the European Union, compulsory administration by represented by the 27 member the finance elites! Our people States. Afterwards, I will also are now economically enslaved try to involve the Catholic by them! members of the Europe-Russia Commission, of which I’m an When a Nation Loses Sovereignty – Its People effective member,to hear and Are Reduced to Slavery obey the Message of Heaven to consecrate Russia to the We’ve even lost our monetary Immaculate Heart of Mary. sovereignty! And when a nation loses its sovereignty, It is a duty of every single it means that its people are Catholic politician because I really reduced to enslavement! believe that the Message of For this reason, I believe that Fatima is addressed mostly every one of us – but most of all and fundamentally to whoever whoever has the responsibility has political responsibilities! to represent his people in an In this period of history, there institutional assembly like the are dangers threatening peace European Parliament – has the – like a possible nuclear war, duty to commit himself clearly the problems with Iran and on these subjects. I repeat it in terrorism, from which Italy has front of this important congress: suffered a huge blow just a few I believe that it is our duty days ago – but also dangers to commit to this! I hope, by that, at a superficial view, Friday, to bring here some other might seem less important. I’m members of the Parliament who talking about the financial and share our opinion, hopefully in economic crisis.

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 51 person but if not at least with a is another very important point: message from them. I hope for the Europe of the Cathedrals, a direct and personal presence the Europe of the churches, the of them, because I would like to Europe of the humble Faith, the see them commit themselves in Europe of the people who work, front of this important congress! pray, sacrifice and suffer and are My dream – as I will explain now regrettably under control later on – is a congress like by the world banking system the one I’m at here today, and and its usury! Now, that Europe, possibly a beautiful pilgrimage the Europe of our people, is to Strasburg, at the same not dead, because WE are Cathedral that Osama Bin that Europe! Laden wanted to destroy! This Second Speech of Mr. Borghezio at Fatima: Your Last Chance n my opinion, these subjects great Professor of Economics, should be taught both in Mr. Auriti, who – for many of Ischools and universities – I’m us – was a great master, a true talking about a free culture, and Catholic, a man of tradition I think we’re succeeding in this and the first one to raise in thanks to a common work, most- our country the question of ly a “meta-political” one. We’re the monetary sovereignty! He trying to introduce this free cul- surely deserved an European ture in opposition to the domi- audience! His teachings were nant, mainstream one which is an eye opener for many, homogenizing information and including myself. The problem politics to a pensee unique, a sin- of monetary sovereignty, in fact, gle thought in which everyone is at the center of all the other thinks the same! problems and concerns that have been outlined. Obviously, It Takes Courage it’s important what we say; To Speak Out but it’s even more important This free culture is represented to publicize and distribute by men of courage, like Mr. documents, books and essays. Maurizio d’Orlando, who will This is the road we should speak later on about economic follow, and from this point of subjects. Tomorrow I will be at view I think that, not only the the European Parliament to do organizers of this conference my job. I talked to him about the but all the apparatus behind it

52 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 (starting with Fatima TV) – with particularly relevant today. the dozens of workers and the The Message of Fatima asks thousands of supporters who, the world to open its eyes, every day, spread the Message of mainly regarding freedom: Fatima through your wonderful terrorism, financial crisis, wars, organization – all represent a even a nuclear one – God be word of hope for what, today, merciful to us – three terrifying is the most important thing dangers that threaten humanity, to remember. and all three have to do with a This, I think, is one of the fundamental point: freedom! most important elements of the Message of Our Lady of Fatima, Great Battle For Real Freedom which is – apart from everything else – a message of Freedom! I This is our great battle for would like to convey this to the freedom that we must fight European Parliament: we’re now. This battle for freedom is talking about a financial crisis so important, but I see now that and about hidden powers who we’ve been joined by another control – or better – plot against freedom warrior, the Honorable us! We’ve been accused of being Mr. Roberto Fiore, who fought just conspiracy theorists, but alongside me in the European their actions are nothing short Parliament! These people, these of that: a conspiracy! At the freedom warriors are constantly beginning of the Conference dismissed by the mass media. I questioned about when the They try to hide their work and next meeting of the Bilderberg battles from the public. Their Group might take place and actions are somewhat sacrificed was advised it will take place to the altar of mainstream in Washington – Yes! You heard information. Their good deeds it right – on May 31 and will are put in a corner or utterly last until June 2, during a very forgotten. Well, we have so much delicate time! At their meeting, need of these freedom workers, they will discuss frightening these humble but courageous issues like the invasion of Iran, freedom fighters! You are these the financial and euro crisis, freedom fighters and we need to and obviously terrorism – all win this battle! But to do so, we issues and dangers that were must stand united – by using our summarized by the Message political and meta-political skills of Fatima, which is therefore – in order to widen the front line

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 53 of the battle! We must enter into dated January 3, 2012, the very all these battles! first “big” financial act of the As an example, this morning I Monti government, which was remained outside of the Italian a payment of 3 billion euro to a Parliament for almost half an powerful international bank for hour. I was going to the Press the derivatives that were sitting Office of the Italian Parliament for years in the funds of The to bring them the press release Ministry of the Treasury and for today’s event but I remained who knows who put us in such half an hour to talk to a group a “wonderful” situation! So, it of protesters who were making was their first concern, among a demonstration outside the raising taxes and harrasing, Parliament. They are the so- as never before, our small and called “esodati” – that is, people medium enterprises, which are in their 40s and 50s who have closing at an unprecedented seen their right to pension being rate, with many small postponed for years and years entrepreneurs and artisans who by our new government in the are starting to commit suicide, hands of banks! An outrageous because they are strangled by act against all these honest the economic crisis. What is our people who were employed in government’s first decision? banks, post offices, government To make a nice gift to the organizations, etc, but who international usury societies, by saw their right to pension giving them 3 billion euro!!! crushed by the arrogance of our These issues, as I mentioned, government! What is the most are discussed in documents, deserved right for a person, if essays and books, among them not his right to a pension? the Bilderberg Group, that should be distributed and made Our Government Bends known to everyone, and should To Higher Powers be handed out during meetings Our government is a with organizations, associations government of bankers who and awareness raising groups, only care about themselves and because its contents are an eye want to satisfy the demands opener. But most important of the “high powers above”. As of all, this scenario was you know, I’ve denounced to predicted years and years ago the European Parliament the by a prophecy! A prophecy so very first act of our government, frightening that it could make

54 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 PMS COLOURS USED


“Only I Can Help You” PMS 223-1 Coated Mary

Where are the Crusaders of Today?

Membership in the Crusaders of Mary is a way to convince all Catholics that the ONLY way to defend the Church against all her enemies, within and without, is by obeying Our Lady’s requests, particularly Her request for the Consecration of Russia. Your prayers and monthly offerings will help us in our mission to foster and preserve the sacred teachings and changeless traditions of Our Holy Catholic Faith through making known Our Lady of Fatima’s message. It will assist us in our efforts to convince bishops to obey Our Lady and to bring, as She promised, the peace of Christ to all men. The generous gifts of members also help us to promote “Heaven’s weapons” – Image name: Our_lady_of_Miraculous_Medal_Original_CMYK.tifthe Rosary, Brown Scapular and Five First Saturdays Devotion – as a true means of preventing the persecution and harrassment of Catholics around the world.

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To become a member or for more information, just fill out the enclosed form or call us toll-free at 1-800-263-8160. The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 55 our nights sleepless – the risk of now, as we speak, and represent a nuclear war and an escalation the most devilish aspect of of warfare in Iran, a subject that the current crisis, which was has been discussed recently by miraculously foretold by the the presidential candidates in Marian apparitions of Fatima! the United States. That’s why I believe that And, obviously, there is the introducing this subject at your threat of the current economic conference was a great idea; this crisis, which I consider one of conference and the apostolate the most vicious ones, because who is organizing it are fighting it deprives a person of his right a right and courageous war, to live decently. both within but also outside the Church, among the people. The Tragedies I strongly recommend you to of a Fallen Economy continue your work among the See, right now many small young. My political movement entrepreneurs, artisans and was mainly successful among workers are passing through the young generation of a real and true tragedy: losing our country. their jobs with no perspective A few weeks ago I was of getting them back! Many of privileged to talk about these them already committed suicide subjects in front of many because they thought they could Patriotic Parties and Movements no longer live decently (and of Flemish universities. I enjoyed only God knows if some of the watching their intelligent eyes. new “esodati” will be the next They did not miss a single word ones to commit suicide!) or to of what we were telling them be able to pay their employees, because those issues were not any longer! They have recourse being taught to them in their to an extreme act, suicide, universities (a common thing in something that we, as Christian our Italian universities as well). Catholics, cannot approve. It’s an act that gives them the This is the road to follow – we appearance of freedom from must make ourselves teachers personal suffering, as well as and promoters of these hidden from those of their parents, truths, of this great battle for relatives or employees, who freedom that ‘Someone Above’ they can no longer pay! These must have chosen us for!| dramatic events are happening

56 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 La Madone the fatima center de FaTIMa

makes history À Strasbourg special report

23.10.2012 | 14h00

Parlement Européen, Salle de Presse n Tuesday, October 23, Father Nicholas Virgin Statue blessed by the OGruner and Attorney Pope at Fatima. Christopher Ferrara appeared The statue was part of Father at the headquarters of the Gruner’s luggage accompanying European Union in Strasbourg, him. Father Gruner left France. They spoke to support a from the Toronto Airport to motion for a declaration of the Strasbourg via Amsterdam EU calling on Pope Benedict XVI with the clear understanding to carry out the Consecration of from KLM that it would arrive Russia to the Immaculate Heart with him on Monday, October of Mary. 22, in Strasbourg, a day before The European Parliament the event. The day in Strasbourg began Since it didn’t show up with Father Gruner celebrating when promised, on Monday the immemorial Latin Mass afternoon, we got right to at the historic Strasbourg work. KLM Amsterdam was Cathedral. After Mass, contacted, as well as KLM in Father Gruner conducted a Toronto. Fatima Center staff procession from the Cathedral were assured that the statue had to the European Parliament been found and would arrive, at building where the officialthe latest, by Tuesday morning, Press Conference was held for several hours before the 2 p.m. the Press and Members of the scheduled Conference. European Parliament. There were posters (as shown As is often the case with issues above) in the Strasbourg of high importance, there were Cathedral and posters in snags from the beginning, the the EU Parliament building most irksome of which was the proclaiming the arrival and “disappearance” of the Fatima presence of Our Lady of Fatima Center’s signature Pilgrim for that special Conference.

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 57 But, despite all the promises in the huge courtyard people and all the work by the Fatima gathering in circles around Center staff, KLM did not deliver. Father Gruner, and Rai TGI TV One MEP thought it was due to trying to interview him. Our some technocrat working for the Lady found Her way to show EU that prevented the Pilgrim up in triumph in the European Virgin Statue from coming institution mostly well-known in time. to be secular.” It took two days to finally show She continues: up in Strasbourg, and only after “The courtyard gathering the official EU Conference was picked up interest of plenty over. There was considerable of people working inside the consternation, since, for a time, building who kept glancing the Fatima Center could not outside and smiling back or locate the statue at all. It finally with surprise, and they would arrived at the hotel in which ask other people what was going Father Gruner stayed – a day on. Not one look of disdain or a too late. single word of disrespect came Undeterred by the missing from this ‘dazed’ audience.” statue, Leonard Cecere, a Member of Parliament (MEP) Director of the Fatima Center, Mario Borghezio spearheaded purchased a small bas-relief the motion for the declaration statue of Our Lady, which was concerning the Consecration of carried in procession from the Russia. Cathedral to the EU Parliament. Mr. Borghezio had not been Italian television filmed the completely familiar with the procession coming into the EU full Fatima Message until he Parliament courtyard. attended our Rome conference Monica Tomassini, a volunteer in May 2012 and he was at the Fatima Center’s Rome impressed by the imperative of office, who attended ourOur Lady for the Consecration presentation in Strasbourg, said: of Russia as the only means “The image I will never forget that will bring about world because I was already inside peace. He discussed with Father the Parliament, going through Gruner and other members security, and suddenly, looking of our staff the possibility of through the glass windows of putting forward a Motion to the building, I noticed outside European Parliament.

58 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 The Declaration was composed Though the Motion was in Rome by Mr. Borghezio and proposed in Strasbourg, France, Father Gruner in July 2012, the press in Italy covered it. On and was finally presented to Thursday, two days after the the European Parliament on Motion, the largest call-in talk October 23. Mr. Borghezio and show in Italian radio discussed MEP Lorenzo Fontana formally the event. The radio host was not presented the proposal. initially friendly to the proposal, As is standard procedure, both but various callers who were MEPs introduced the motion knowledgeable on the subject to a gathering of journalists telephoned and corrected the and various MEPs in one of the host’s misunderstandings on-air. official presentation rooms.The following day, Mr Borghezio Also present there, besides himself called the talk show to MEPs and accredited journalists follow up on what took place in and dignitaries, were the EU Parliament. It is said that this Parliamentary simultaneous radio program reaches 4-to-5 translators – 27 of them – to million people per day. Thus translate into the various our initiative spread the Fatima European languages which are Message, and an explanation of in the European Union. The the need for the Consecration other MEPs who did not attend of Russia, to a wide audience the special conference could throughout Italy. always watch it later from the The Motion (see page 19) Parliamentary TV service which needs about 350 Members of videotaped it. the European Parliament to vote Christopher Ferrara and in its favor – or to sign it so that it Father Gruner then each gave becomes an official declaration a brief presentation about the of the EU Parliament. When Consecration of Russia (see that happens, it will be sent pages 2 - 19 of this issue) and out through official diplomatic answered questions from the channels. It is estimated by our selected audience. After the friends inside the EU Parliament formal presentation, journalists that we have 50 votes in favor continued to interview Father so far. Gruner and Mr. Ferrara in the As of now, we have a humble hallways and in the courtyard of beginning of MPs willing to sign the EU Parliament. on, but much work needs to be done. Mr. Ferrara addressed the

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 59 Press Conference, stating: on a grand scale. Millions of “We come here before this souls the world over are still political body with a request not aware of the vital Message to essentially help us to break of Our Lady, Her warnings, Her through the political log jam – requests, and Her promised as we say in America – taking remedy to our present malaise. place right now in the Vatican Thanks to what we have between those who are trying already accomplished with to prevent the Consecration this project, millions of souls of Russia, and those who have have now heard about the Our attempted to obtain it for more Lady’s message, including high- than 80 years...” ranking members of government After the Press Conference, throughout the entire European Mr Borghezio took the time to Union. explain to our European co- May Our Lady’s message workers some of the best ways be received favorably by the to get Members of Parliament European Parliamentarians. to sign on to this important and May this effort create a historic proposal. groundswell of awareness that One of our Fatima workers will embolden the Pope and summed up the event as follows: the bishops to finally recite a simple, five-minute prayer that “That a few humble volunteers will change history, prevent were able to organize the catastrophe, and lead countless event with the help of the souls to Heaven. Parliamentarians, and ‘make the case’ for the spiritual reality The Fatima Message is not of the consecration of Russia, a talent to be buried in the inside a totally secular arena, field, but must be incessantly was another proof of Our Lady’s publicized and even shouted blessing on the apostolate’s from the roof tops. mission. The opportunity itself We are pursuing every avenue, was nearly miraculous.” every means, every opportunity to achieve the Consecration of Through the Sign of Her Russia to the Immaculate Heart Heart, May She Conquer! of Mary as requested by Our The European Parliament Lady of Fatima. | initiative is yet another means to get the Fatima Message known

60 The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 SYMBOLISM OF EUROPEAN UNION flag is Marian

Below is a published report of October 22, 2012, one day before the introduction of a Resolution asking the European Union Parliament to encourage Pope Benedict XVI to consecrate Russia as requested by Our Lady of Fatima. As you can see from the following article, the Pilgrim Virgin Statue’s arrival at the EU Parliament on October 23 had been widely publicized. RAI – the Italian National TV Network of Italy – sent a camera crew on October 23 to record the Pilgrim Virgin’s entrance into the EU Parliament building. Below, this well known reporter connects the reason for Our Lady’s visit with the Marian symbolism of the European Union flag. Taken from a Report by Giacomo Galeazzi, Vatican City

arian devotion versus symbol of unified Europe has Christianophobia: exquisitely Marian origins, as Our Lady of Fatima the European Union’s official M flag proves with its twelve stars comes to Strasbourg. The and the Virgin Mary’s blue and twelve stars on the EU flag are white colors.” an homage to Her and yet this “Unfortunately – the two will be Her first “visit” to the Italian Northern League MPs political headquarters of the said – Europe has deviated EU. Tomorrow at 10 a.m., the dangerously from the symbol’s statue of the Virgin Mary will original source of inspiration, veering in a different direction, be brought to the cathedral to benefit interests that have of the city that symbolizes little to do with those of our European technocracy, by a people and with the Christian group of pilgrims from all across values the vast majority of the continent. The statue is Europeans uphold.” also expected to come past the Fontana and Borghezio European Parliament building. presented a written statement Lorenzo Fontana and Mario in support of the requests which Borghezio said the arrival of the Our Lady of Fatima became a statue of Our Lady of Fatima in bearer of in order to save Europe Strasbourg is a “unique event”. and the world and ensure peace “Few people know that the and prosperity. Father Nicholas

The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 61 Gruner, founder of The Fatima number stood for completeness Center, a non- profit organization, and perfection: the 12 tribes of presented the proposal to the Israel, the 12 months of the year, European Parliament. the 12 Apostles, the 12 Tables of Mario Mauro, leader of the Roman Law. Italian People of Freedom Party Heitz was inspired by the (PDL), one of the parties that “Miraculous Medal” he wore form part of the the European around his neck: a medal named People’s Party (EPP), stressed after an apparition of the Virgin that the EU flag has twelve Mary to St. Catherine Laboure golden stars that form a circle in 1830. It was the Virgin Mary set against a blue backdrop. The who told the nun to have twelve number of stars has nothing stars struck on the medal, in to do with the number of EU representation of the stars on states but is an ancient numeric the crown worn by the Woman symbol that stands for harmony in the Book of Revelation. Saint and solidarity. Bernadette Soubirous also had A competition was held in a necklace made of tin and order to choose the flag and string around her neck when French Catholic designer the Virgin Mary appeared to her Arsène Heitz won. The meaning on 11 February 1858, dressed in of the flag’s symbolism can be white and blue. found in an image of Marian Arsène Heitz did not reveal devotion which appears in the the symbol’s biblical origin twelfth chapter of the Book of until later on but claimed the the Apocalypse: number twelve was meant to “A huge sign became visible in symbolize ancient wisdom, the sky – the figure of a Woman a “symbol of completeness”. clothed with the sun, with This interpretation stuck and the moon under Her feet and the number was confirmed a crown of twelve stars upon in the constitutional treaty. Her head.” So the European flag has a The President of the powerful Christian and Marian competition commission was a significance. Belgian Jew who had converted to Catholicism and was Tomorrow – the Blessed acutely sensitive to the biblical Virgin Mary will “take symbolism of the number 12. back” the European Union! In ancient symbology, this

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The Fatima Crusader | Winter 2013 | Printed in Canada 63 An Important Historical Day For Our Lady Of Fatima In Strasbourg

THE On a chilly Tuesday morning, October 23, 2012, FATIMA CRUSADER ISSUE 104 • WINTER 2012 Father Nicholas Gruner is awaiting the arrival of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, in front of the beautiful gothic Cathedral in the center of Strasbourg, France – after offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass inside. With him are three Members of the European Parliament (MEP) who give their formal support for the official European Declaration in favor of the Consecration of Russia – MEP Lorenzo Fontana (2nd from left); MEP Mario Borghezio (4th from left); and See Photo Caption on Back Cover MEP Elisabetta Gardini (3rd from the right). For more information see inside.

Inside This Issue

Father Gruner Speaks to the European Union Parliament About the Message of Fatima for World Peace...... 2

Our Lady Came – Not to Announce Wars, But Prevent Them... 20

Look What You Can Do to Help Our Lady of Fatima ...... 24

Fatima Center Breaks into the Political Arena ...... 27

Part II: “Make Everything You Do a Sacrifice”...... 34

Father Michael Jarecki: Under Our Lady’s Mantle ...... 44

Fatima Message is Addressed to Political Authorities..... 50

The Fatima Center Makes History...... 57

Symbolism of European Union Flag is Marian...... 61