11th July 2021 Dear comrades, Congratulations for the 100th Anniversary

Initially we convey our revolutionary greetings towards comrades of Young Communist League of Britain who are reaching 100th Anniversary of the organization as well as the 50th Congress.

100 years ago Young Communist League of Britain was established by the communist youth with the intention of creating a society with justice and zero exploitation; with the intention of creating a new society which gives better lives for the working class people who had been suffering from the inherent crisis of the capitalism. Over this 100 years the path Young Communist League has pursued was not definitely a smooth one. In a highly capitalist society struggling through 100 years with determination for the communist cause must be highly appreciated and recognized. Such dedication stand exemplary to the world communist youth as well. YCL’s active participation in the activities of the World Federation of Democratic Youth and the enthusiastic participation to improve international solidarity are also equally appreciated.

Capitalism is turning into its worst faces like imperialism and fascism and for its survival anti-communist propaganda is being intensifies day by day. This Pandemic period has exposed the failures of capitalism and its inability to act for the betterment of people. Capitalism and Imperialism are currently projecting their failure via brutal suppression on , youth and working class movements. Capitalist governments are trying to restrict the freedom of expression and demonstration of people using this COVID 19 pandemic situation. In most of the countries lives of people have been put into a difficulty by enacting arbitrary laws, irrational taxation and by super exploitation. Regardless the religion, ethnicity, nationality, color, language, age, gender and any other difference among people, the suffering is always on the working class people and the imperialists are the ones who taking advantage. Therefore, it is time we have to strengthen our fight against capitalism, imperialism and fascism. It is very important for student and youth forces pursue strongly to achieve , regardless the number of sacrifices it requires.

We feel privileged to send our greetings towards the 100th Anniversary and 50th Congress of the Young Communist League of Britain. We, as the Socialist Union, comradely wish strength and courage to face the challenges in pandemic period and also for all the future progressive activities of the Young Communist League of Britain.

Long live Young Communist League of Britain! Long live Anti-imperialist International Solidarity! Thank You.

Comradely Yours,

Rangana Dewapriya, National Organizer, , Sri Lanka.