Chairman Mao Tsetung , great leader and teac her of the pr oleta riat and oppressed people throughout the world. On May Day and ALO make the central task of party bu ilding a mass question gripping every class conscious worker in the USA! Long Live Malcolm X, stud y his life and his words on May 19th and remember that Malcolm X knew our struggle is an international struggle and he sounded the struggle MAY DAY o f the 3rd World vs. . Oppose both superpowers on ALO! "Co mrade worke rs! May Day is comi ng, the day when the workers of all "O n the other side sta nd the millions R C L'S POSITION ON PARTY BUILDING of the disinherited. T hey are forced to lands celebrate their awakeni ng to a Communist Party had become the beg the moneybags for permission to Part 2 class conscious life, their solidari ty in government party." (Stalin Strategy & work for them . By their labor they Periods and Stages the stru ggle agains t all coerc ion a nd op­ Tactics, pg. 29-30) create all the wea lth ; yet a ll thei r lives RCL holds that there are three basic pre ssion of man by man, the stru ggle to Generally we view a period as an free the toiling millions fro m hu nger, long they have to struggle for a crust of period s in the life of the party , and Stalin , in summing up the histor y of_the interval of time marked by the coming in poverty and humiliation. Two wor lds bread , beg for work as for charit y, sap Russia n Communist Part y (Bolshevik), and going out of an objective process. sta nd facing eac h other in thi s great their strength and health by backbreak ­ pointed these basic periods out very Stages are determined by the stru ggle: the world of capita l and the ing toil, and starve in hovel s in the clearly , "a) the period of the formation development of a proce ss. By there be- world of labor, the world of expl oi­ villages or in the cellar s and garrets of of the vanguard (i.e., the party) of the /Continued on page 5} tati on and slavery a nd the world of the big cities." , the period of mu stering the bro therh ood and freedom. The se are the words of Comrade party's cadres (in this period the party TABLE OF CONTENTS "On one side sta nd the hand ful of rich Lenin , the great leader and teacher of the , written in 1904, and was weak; it had a program and general Pre-Civil War Revolutionary blood -suckers. They have seized the fac­ principles of tactics, but as a party of to ries and mills. the too ls a nd still they ring true toda y. May Day is Black ...... P.4 International Workers Day , the day mass action it was weak. StaUn was a a,eat machin ery . have turned millions of b) the period of revolutionary mass acre s of la nd and mount a ins of money worker s of all celebrate the Man:ist-Leninist ...... P .5 struggles of the working class to fulfill · struggle under the leadership of the Dialectical and Historical int o thei r private propert y. T hey have Communist Party . In this period the Materialilm ...... P.10 mad e the government and arm y their its historic mission to abolish explo­ itation and oppression and to free party was transformed from an RCL Editorial...... P.12 servant s, faithful watchdog s of the organization for mass agitation into an wealth they have ama ssed . hum anity . It was at the 2nd Congress of the 2nd organization for mass action ; the period of preparation was superseded by the AFRIKANLIBERATION DAY African Liberation Day International in 1889 that May 1st was designated as International Workers period c ~ revolutionary action. c) the STORY ON PAGE 2 May 28, 1977 rc:ontinuedon page 12} period ,,fter taking power, 11fterthe Page 2 Unity & Struggle A LD MAY 28: OPPOSE BOTH SUPERPOWE _~S ...... h , or the other imperialist "Present-day democracy will remain true to itself only if it Joins ne1t er o~e ~ h d f at of the , only if it says that the two sides· are equ~ II_Y b a d. ' a_nd if 1t. wishese national t e e-liberal e and imperialist bourgeoisie in every country. Any other dec1s1onwill, in reality, b A F I Flag" have nothing in common with genuine· internationa · · r,sm. " - V · I· Lenin ' "Under a se · d ' totheteachingsofMarx- trend in the world today. The danger of that tccor .;~g without a correct stand, a world war and revolution are the two ism- e~ini r ·y on the national-libera- 1 aspects of an entity . - the . world line an p~e ~ and the peoples' revolu- situation ." "The world 1s changing in a tion mov;ovement1 in the countries of .,. direction increasingly favoura~le_to the ~~:ar~frica and Latin America, it will people of all countnes . This IS one . ' 'ble for the workers' parties in 1 aspect, a principal aspect. But we muSt ~ ~e~:~politan imperialist countries also see the othe: aspect~ the aggressive to \ave a correct stand, line and policy nature of impenahsm will not ch.ange. on the struggle waged by the working The danger of a new world war st lil ex- d the broad masses of the people th 1 ists. This is another trend 1.n e fna~~=i~ own countries." (from the ar- development of today's world. It isdan- . "More on the differences between 1 gerous if we only see the raging .names ~~~rade Togliatti and Ourselves") th of the revolution without noticing ~ Wh this mean s is that the movements I en~mies sharpemlng theIT swords1·1aannce for aproletarian revolution in the ad- think we can ower our vig . . · d h because of the excellent situation." vanced capitalist countnes ~n Thi de · "Th of Two revolutionary movements in t e 1r (St.udy,, Ph1loso~y , ~~Js) World and exploited countries are in.ex- Points, pg. 8) ( ur emp . · . tricably linked and intertwined and The complicated political struggle around ALO 1977 required Marxist-Leninists and The RCL holds that ? a n 1.ncorre ct hn.e share common interests and therefore advanced forces to have a clear mind so we can lead the masse s to oppose both super­ on the internat10nal situation makes It cannot be separated from each other. powers' imperialist designs in Sout hern Africa and throughout the world. totally impos sible for on~ to_hav~ a cor- In order for us to understand that link- rect line on the dome stic s1tuat10n . _In up better, we must go back m history to The Revolutionar y Comm unist armed provocations and invaded Zaire. the polemic s waged by the Com.~un! st the 1950's, after the death of Stalin, League (MLM) sees African Libera­ The present invasion of Zaire by mer­ Party of China against the revis10mSt when the renegade traitor Krush chov tion Day as an important time to focus cenaries fro m Angola is unpr ecedented Togliatti , the CPC _ st~tes: "The . Pro- came to power under the capitalist on the liberation of Africa from imper ­ in scale, scope an.d duration . As Ietariat of the c~p1tahst countnes of program of the th~ee peacefols: peaceful ialism, , hegemon­ organizer and commander of the mer­ Europe and Amenca , too , must ~tand in coexistence with 1mpenahsm, peaceful ism colonialism, neocolomahsm. cenary troops in Angola, the Sov iet the forefront of those supportmg the competition with imperiaHs~, and racism, and all reaction. In the socia l-imperi alists cannot absolve revolution ary struggles of.the oppressed peaceful transition to . This year 1977 it is becoming more and more themselves of their crime." (Peking nations and peoples of Asia , Afnca, and revisionist program was initially pushed important for the proletanat of the Review # 13. 1977 pg. 16) Latin America . In fact, such support at the 20th Congress of the CPSU , in world to see and understand just what is When our Chinese comrades talk simultaneously helps the cause .of the 1957. At the same time , a vicious happening in Africa. about the "storm centers of world emancipation of . the proletanat in slan derous attack was made upon Com- revolution" being Asia, Africa and Europe .and Amenca ... Therefore.the rade Sta lin, all in an attempt to seize Latin America, they are making this prolet an.an parti es of the metropolitan power. "Being the first of the dic- Africa today has 46 independent determination based on their analysis countr ies, making up 94% of _the land 1mpenahst co.untnes are duty bo~nd to tatorship of the proletariat , the Soviet that the underdeveloped countries of heed the voice of the revolutionary Union lacked experience in consolidat- base and 90% of the population 1s in Asia, Africa and Latin America peo.ple in these reg10ns, stud y their ex- ing this dictatorship and preventing the those same areas. Africa is the second constitute "the weakest link in the largest continent in the world w.ith a penence, respect theIT :evolutlo~ary restoration of . In these c1r- imperialist chain" and that th~refore t:ie feelings, and support their revol ut 10n- (Continued on page J) total population of over . 390 m1lhon key to the victorious fight against imper­ ary struggles . . .It should be understood people. The African continent. 1s nch ialism and social-imperialism is to be with such natural resources as 011,gold, found in the revoluti ona ry struggles of diamonds and precious metals and this the peoples of those areas. which is why is objectively why the superpowers, all Marxist-Leninists and advanced INHRNATIONjl\* and the Soviet Unio n, are forces must support a ll revolutionary both struggling to get a foothold in Af­ struggles of all countries. This is what rica. First we witnessed "lying Henry the Stalin meant when he said, "It means K" running around Africa with his that support must be given to such ~l0SSARY checkbook offering mone y to anyone national movements as tend to weaken , who would take it with hardl y anybody to overthrow imperialism , and not to 3 WORLDS THESIS taking it because everyone is wise to the strengthe n and preserve it." Foun­ "old wounded tiger" and its treacherous The scientific thesis on the three king the U.S. and the USSR in its dations of Leninism, pg. 74) What these worlds by comrade Mao Tsetung, is the imperialist tricks of exploitation and things also mean is that in a sense "the behind throughout Africa, Asia, and oppression. What we have just recentl.Y result of a penetrating analysis of the Latin America. Meanwhile the US and whole cause of the international pro­ international situation. By applying the seen is Fidel Castro and one of his letarian revolution hinges on the out­ the USSR are locked in rivalry for bosses , N.V. Podgorny , who is the presi­ scientific method of dialectical hegemony over the globe, US imper­ come of the revolutionary struggles of materialism, Chairman Mao summed dent of the Presidium of the Soviet the peoples of these areas who consti­ ialism is clearly on the decline internally up a wide range of data and documents Union, running around Africa waving tute the overwhelming majority of the and abroad, while the USSR is the most in order to make a concrete class the 's checkb ook . These world 's population ." (Statement of 10 dangerous source of war and the most analysis of the world situation . "In this two villains represent the main danger CC Members of Ceylon Communist aggressive, because it is the latecomer at to the people of the world today because Party, pg. 20). situation of 'great disorder under the imperialist feast! heaven,' all the political forces in the they are traveling around using the dis­ All of these events once again point The constitutes a world have undergone drastic division guise of "socialists and believing in pro­ out to the world that it is imperialism revolutionary motive force propelling and realignment through prolonged letarian internationalism" and many and social-imperialism which represent forward the wheel of history and it is the trials of strength and struggle. A large honest forces will be deceived by them . the main obstruction to the indepen­ main force combating colonialism, number of Asian , African and Latin There is no doubt in our minds just who dence and liberation of the people of Af­ imperialism and hegemonism in the American countries have achieved inde­ planned these friendly "tours of friend­ rica and the oppressed peoples all over world. pendence one after another and they are ship and cooperation" : the Social the world . But this obstruction to libera ­ The Second World , the developed playing an even greater role in inter­ Imperialists, meaning the Soviet Union tion and independence is causing "great countries between the superpowers and national affairs. As a result of the because they are socialist in words but disorder" which is a good thing because the third world, exploit the third world emergence of social-imperialism, the imperialist in deeds . Witness Angola this "great disorder" is one in which through colonial or neocolonial socialist camp which existed for a time where we watched the tragic degenera­ imperialism , social-imperialism and relations, but at the same time they are tion of Cuba into mercenary lackies for reactionaries of various countries have after World War II is no longer in ex­ themselves, in varying degrees con­ the Soviet Union to kill Angolans so been thrown into confusion and this istence. Owning to the law of the uneven trolled , threatened or bullied by one development of capitalism, the Western that the Soviet Union could get the oil reflects an excellent situation in which superpower or .the other. And some of imperialist bloc, too, is disintegrating. reserves in Cabinda , putting all of countries want independence, nations them have been reduced to dependency Judging from the changes irt inter­ Angola's resources right at the feet of want liberation and the people want by the superpowers, especially the one national relations, the world today ac­ the Soviet Union who have immediately revolution. And while the people want under the signboard of "socialism" . tually consists of three parts, or three set up an "international division of and struggle to make revolution in their Strategically , Europe is the focus of the worlds, that are both interconnected labor" which really means imperialism. countries we must also be aware and contention between the two super­ watch the constant struggle between the and in contradiction to one another. The United States and the Soviet Union powers, while their contention extends Also let's check out just what is superpowers who must continually con­ over the entire globe . front each other as they try to out­ make up the First World. The develop­ happe;ing in Zaire" .. .since the So.viet ing countries of Asia, Africa , and Latin "We should unite with the third world Union extended its influence into maneuver each other for who will con­ (comprising a.bout 80 percent of the trol the world . Inevitably this will lead America and other regions make up the Angola , it has not only dispatched over Third World. The developed countries world's population) which constitutes 10,000 foreign mercenary troops to to war and as Lenin said "Imperialism the principal force in the struggle means war" and the people must get pre­ between the two make up the Second Angola but also mustered a large World." (Peking Review, No. 15, April against the two superpowers." (Taken number of the old colonialists' remnant pared or we will suffer. But in observing 12, 1974-supplement) from l'Humanite Rouge, as quoted in these two trends, we as Marxist-Lenin­ forces there to serve its aggressive activ­ Chairman Mao consistently urged Peking Review No 5, 1977) ities. Under the command of the Soviet ists, must make an analysis of which is "For the Marxist-Leninists Com­ principal and which is secondary and to and taught us "that it was imperative to social-imperialists, this contingent of unite with all forces that can be united to munists of France, as for their Chinese mercenary troops, the largest in the Af­ further lay this out clearer we quote comrades and comrades in many other from our Chinese comrades who say, form the broadest and rican continent today, has brutally sup­ isolate the enemy as far as possible." countries, the article said, the concept -if pressed the Ang~lan peopl~'s. struggle "the danger of a new world war still ex­ (P.R.No. 5, 1977) the thr~ worlds is the point of depa rt .re ists, and the people of all countries must against impenahsm, colontahsm, and The Third World has risen in revolt l!JWorking out their proletarian rt"volu­ hegemooism, ·and repeatedly made ~t pfCP!l!'C,;l,~ut molutlo~ J,s the ~a,ln a~in~t . l>11t!i.supe!'Po"'.~r.~.and it is kic- llonary strategy and tactics adapted to the world today." {Ibid .. p.30). . l ,nity & Struggle Page J African Liberation Day still retain in one form or another MOTION!! /Contmued from page 2) colonialist relations with Third World COUNTRIES WANT INDEPENDENCE, cumstances and after Stalin's death, countries. At the same time all the Krushchov , a capitalist-roader in power Second World countries controlled, NATIONS WANT LIBERATION hiding in the Soviet Communist Party, threatened , or bullied in varying degree s came out with a surprise attack in his by one superpower or the other, also are PEOPLE WANT REVOLUTION! 'secret report' viciously slandering inclined to oppose superpower Stalin and by every kind of treacherous hegemonism ." (Ibid.) The RCL also maneuver usurped Party and govern­ holds that this correct analysis 1s the ment power in the Soviet Union. This basis for the strategy of the United was a counter-revolutionary coup d'etat Front against the superpowers. uniting which turned the dictatorship of the the majo rity of the people in the world. proletariat into the dictatorship of the In studying this important analysis we bourgeoisie and which overthrew social­ can also see the example of applying the ism and restored capitalism."(Leninism method of seeing the general and the or Social Imperialism, pg. 13-14). particular in a dialectical way . In sum­ Krushchov's program of the three ming up the international situation, peacefuls was an act of siding with Chairman Mao also summed up the his­ enemies and opposing friends - siding torical development of the Peo ple's with imperialism against the national Republic of China. Comrade Chou En liberation movements (for example we Lai stated, "The Third World is the all remember the traitorous Krushchov main force in combating colonialism, ...,...... voting along with the USA in the UN to imperialism and hegemonism . China is ... _""'-_-'-.....,.,...... _~= . . send in Belgian troops to kill the great a developing socialist country belong­ So long as the patriotic forces of Zimbabwe umte and persevere m armed struggle, rely revolutionary Patrice Lumumba in the ing to the Third World ." (Chou En Lai, ?~ !h~ ar~ed ~eople, combat ~II inter~erence in their int~rnal affa~s and keep the Congo), siding with the bourgeoisie Report on the Work of the Govern­ 1mtiallve m their own hands, victory will belong to them . - lkwez1 agamst the proletariat and siding with ment , Fourth National People 's Soviet Mercenaries' quickening of the bourgeoisie's move to imperialists against the socialist camp Congress of the PRC , Jan. 1975). Invasion of Zai re the right. The bourgeoisie's use of terror which had been built up under the Genuine communists and advanced Condemned against the people and their glorious leadership of the Soviet Union forces must uphold the concept of the The Soviet mercenaries' invasion of revolutionary movement intensifies day durin~ Stalin's time . three worlds and the correct strategy of Zaire has further exposed the social- by day , as U.S. imperialism is shifting He 1mmed1ately began to try to split the United Front against the super­ imperialists' features as aggressors and more and more of the brunt and burden and sidetrack the Marxist-Leninist par- powers . And as the Chinese comrades expansionists. The leaders of some Af- of the economic, political , military, & ties that were in the socialist camp at the pointed out , "The practice of struggle by rican countries wrote to President social crisis onto the backs of the wor- time by liquidating the dictatorship of the people of the world in the past year Mobutu or issued statements vorcing king class , oppressed nationalities and the proletariat in the Soviet Union and provided added proof that the concept and support for Zaire in the working masses in general. T he under the guise of "creative Marxism" about the actual existence of three counterattacking the aggression in bourgeoisie knows that the rebellions in he tried to replace class struggle with worlds fully conforms to reality and the defense of its territorial integrity. They the 60's, as Rap Brown foretold , were class conciliation and tried to impose scientific analysis of classes." (Peking stressed that African countries should just a dress rehearsal for the revo lut ion on all the other parties. But Review # 1, Jan . 1976) strengthen their unity and defend the to come . The bourgeoisie knows that the this was met with consistent struggle by Right in ALSC independence and liberation cause of working class & oppressed nationalities genuine Marxist-Leninists , led by the At the last Steering Committee meet­ Africa . will not take the brunt of the economic Communist Party of China, headed by ing of the African Liberation Support Referring to the invasion of Zaire's crisis passively, so the bourgeois state Chairman Mao Tsetung, and the Party Committee, which was held in Wash­ Shaba Regi on, Seewoosagur has refined a whole arsenal of deadly of Labor of Albania, headed by Com- ington, D .C., the Revolutionary Ramgoolam , current Chairman of the means of devastating and destroying the rade Enver Hoxha . The modern Workers Congress (RWC) objectively Organization of African Unity and openly revolu tionary elements among revisionists were partially successful in forced a split in the ranks of the organi­ Prime Minister of Mauritius , on March the masses . Coin telp ro, was a means in wrecking the unity of the socialist camp zations which were working in ALSC , 29 sent a letter to President Mobutu ex- the 60's, but the capita lists are putting and then began to travel down the by endorsing a demon stration that was pressing full support and solidarity for together more filth in its arsenal ofter- logical path of collaborating with being put on by the "Revo lutionary Zaire on behalf of the 0.A .U. and the ror against the masses. imperialism , restoring capitalism and Communist Party " ("RCP"). This was Mauritian Government. The letter said: Jimmy Carter is the smiling swastika, then becoming a social-imperialist brought out clearly in the open when the "The news of the violation of the ter- the latest bourgeois diversionar y tactic , po"'.er _themselves . This breakup of the "RCP" listed the names of R WC and ritorial integrity of Zaire, a frate rnal being used to usher in in the socialist camp , the continued ALSC chapters which are controlled by country and member of the U.S., and everyday we can get clearer revolutionary struggles of the 3rd R WC , on a leaflet asking people to Organization of African Unity, has and clearer that behind Carter's smile is World , and the ascendancy of the Soviet come to Washington, D .C. and support aroused indignation not only among the the stinking breath of fascism! Some Union as an imperialist superpower in African Liberation Day by marching on member states of the 0.A.U . but also people have been misled, have been direct contention with the USA for the White House . This demonstration is among all the people who cherish peace tricked by the so~alled liberalism of the world domination, are the continuation scheduled for the same day and time and freedom." - Peking Review Democrats, but we must get our minds which characterized the world by the (May 28, 1977) as tbe ALSC's demon­ clear that Carter is just another example end of the l 960's. stration and rally, so bow did RWC plan CASTRO'S MOSCOW VISIT of the dual tactics of the bourgeoisie But t~e continued development oft he to participate in both? The fact of the Co-ordinated Soviet-Cuba n aimed against the great masses of the revolutionary movements of the peoples matter is that RWC had originally Action in Southern Africa people . So while we get the very empty of the. 3rd World also proved that planned all along to have ALSC par­ President Fidel Castro of the State cos metic noises of "progress" & revolution was an irresistable trend that ticipate in the "RCP" demonstration Council of Cuba paid an "u nofficial "liberali sm" & promi se you this and could not be stopped, even by revision- under their leadership ("RCP") and visit" to Moscow from April 4 to 8 after prom ise you that, in the meantime, on ist betrayals. Taking all this into con- when R WC's plan was disrupted by the his recent tour of Algeria, Angola, the real side , we are getting the most sideration, Chairman Mao summed up other organizat io ns within ALSC on the Ta nzania, Mozambique and Democ­ ruthless terrorist blows against the these developments , and came forth Steering Committee, who voted not to ratic Yemen , Somalia and Ethiopia in the people . This is what Carter repre sents, with the scientific formulation of three form a coalition of other so~alled Red Sea region. This timing and and the bourgeo isie uses lieutenants like worlds. The RCL takes the position that "progressive organizations ," then R WC background of his Moscow visit have at­ Carter precisely as the opium against the this was and still Is the correct Marxist- had no choice but to follow their true tracted people's attention. masses , because the masses would not Leninist analysis of the balance of class opportunistic style and force the split. In its April 5 commentary AFP said: sit still long enoug h under the rule of a forces in the world today. "The Soviet To lay out briefly what has happened , "There was no doubt that the two Af­ Gerald Ford , but the bourgeoisie is ban - revisionist clique came to power in the is that up until recently , the R WC has rican tours (by Podgorny and Castro) king on diverting our atte ntion from the Soviet Union and turned that country had a "majority bloc " on the Steering were the result of joint planning between revolutionary tasks that face us in into social-imperialism with the result Committee (SC) and whenever a vote Moscow and Havana, just as Cuba's smas hing this evil system, by putting that the socialist camp which had ex- came about they were able to win the decisive 1975 intervention in Angola Carter out there with a Howdy Doody isted for a time _was no longer in exist- vote based on the "majority bloc" and was prepared by the Kremlin." It also sm1le. These are the bourgeoisie's sta n- ence. Present mternational relations them also controlling the most chapters. pointed out that the Moscow talks were dard counterrevolutionary dual tactics show that the world today actually con- Recently the Workers Viewpoint "probably aimed at coordinating which they aim against the people, the sists of three parts , or three worlds that Organization , Revolutionary Com­ Soviet - Cuban action in southern Af­ carrot & the stick. deception & terror, are both interconnected and in con- munist League (M-L-M), and other pro­ rica" and "probably with regard to the and we must all get a clear mind on the tradiction to one another. The two gressive forces within ALSC brought horn of Africa." - Peking Review kin~ of political struggle & organization superpowers make up the First World . the two-line struggle to a climax in the it will take to end this oppression . In between the superpowers and the April 2nd SC meeting which was held in ASSATA SHAKUR developing countries, the developed Newark, N.J ., in which they reversed all The recent sentencing of Assata Genuine Marxist-Leninist s and ad­ countries make up the Second World. of the previous SC decisions, Shakur (Joanne Chesirnard) to life, plus vanced forces will not be diverted from The developing countries in Asia , Af­ specifically the "coalition" thrust. R WC 33 years in an all men's state prisor was our central revolutionary task in the rica, Latin America and other regions was present at this meeting and even the last of a whole series of acts of racist U.S. today , which is the building of a ' make up the Third World." ("Great though they voted against the final violent repression against this Revolutionary Marxist-Leninist Motive Force in Advancing World His­ decisions of the SC, the majority of the revolutionary black fighter. The county Communist Party based on the science tory", Peking Review #44, 1974) And SC voted against the "coalition" thrust. prosecutor openly called Shakur "an of revolution , Marxism-Leninism-Mao further, examining the relations of the What R WC did instead of laying out animal" in the court and the all-white Tsetung Thought. And we understand Three Worlds to each other, "The vast that they had already contacted people jury was a willing part of the bourgeois that central task involves and shapes all number of Third World countries now and had actually put the "coalition " state repression aimed at the black the other revolutionary tasks of the day . constitutes the main force in the struggle th_rust into motion, at the meeting they liberation movement generally. and par­ We sur'Jort Assata Shakur in her against colonialism and imperialism, cned and moaned about "left sectarian­ ticularly Shakur. But Assata Shakur's struggle <1gainst bourgeois state repres­ particularly the superpowers. There are ism" and "leftism" and etc . They never conflicts of basic interest and extremely case must be looked at very closely, sion, trat is three-fold in her case , as the once layed out the fact that they had acute contradictions between them and because it signifies a higher level of bourgeoisie oppresses & represses her united with the "RCP" to put on a the superpowers. The situation in the bourgeois terror against the because she 1s one of tbe working counter demonstration to the one we Second World in between the two is a revolutionary movement in the U.S ., the n:i~~ses, an Afro-American patriot were actually sitting in the meeting plan- · (Coritlnuecl oh page · ·11-)' cbmpliWedorte. S6me cotin'tries -iri H- ' ·, • /Contibued pn . PatJe 9) Page 4 l nit) & Struggle PRECIVIL WAR REVOLUTIONARY BLACKNATIONALISM .. Many of those" ho ad\'ocatc eman­ delensive . we are now rrcpared to at­ their fortune in Africa or \\hcrcner el The series "Pre Civil War Black cipation as a milttan ncccssit, seem tack the enem\' . I his 1s simplv a change they hoped_ to find the_ promi,ed Ian~~ Nationalism " was put together in 1966, punled to kno" what.is best to he done ol tactics . I think I see the finger of God Need we raise !he question as to the true by Bill McAdoo, as part of the "Black with the slave. if he is set at lihem . in all this . Yes. there i, the hand-,Hiting depth of their . con_cern: or the real liberation Commission" of the Colonintion in Africa. Ha, ti. Florida on the wall : I come not to hring peace . measure of their sm~enty? Did they Progressive-Labor Party. McAdoo was and South America are favo~ite theories but the sword. Break everv voke . and let merely berate t~e crimes _of the op. one of those arrested for refusing totes­ with many well-informed persons . rhis the oppressed go free. I have heard the pressor, as a buym~ and ~ellmg point to tify against PL's Bill £pron who was is really interesting' No wonder Europe groans of my people. an am come down put gold and glory m their own pocket' charged with "Criminal Anarchy"in the does not sympathi7e with vou. You are to deliver them! (Loud and long-con­ Afro-Ame rican histo ry has put ~ Harlem Rebellion in 1964. Obviously the o nly peop le. claiming to be civ ili7ed . tinued app laude.) .. . judgmen t upon . black zionism- a the Epton-McA doo per iod, and the ar­ who take away the rights of those whose .. It is true the Government is but little judgment from which I ca nnot escape ticle itself, are f rom a time when P.L was color differs from vour own. lfvou find more anti-slavery now than it was at the no matter when or whe re, o r in what struggling to take p rogressive stands. th at you can not ~ob th e Negio 'of his comme ncement of the war: but while new fo rm, it might raise its head. It ma Since then howeve r. and sad(y Progres­ labor and of himse lf. you will banish fighti ng for its ow n existence. it has been flo urish fo r a time, buh it cann ot escap! sive ·Labor has become the most out­ hi m ! Wh a t a su blime idea! You are cer­ ob liged to take slavery by the throat. thah jud gment. rageous carriers of the Am erican tai nly a grea t peop le! What is ylur plea'! a nd sooner or later must c hoke her to An exa mple of the defeats suffered by sickn ess, white chau vinism. and are now Wh y, th at the slaveho lders will not per­ dea th. (Lo ud a pplause .) ... " the black zio nists durin g th e period not even a serious communi st under consideration can be found in the mit us to live a m ong th em as freeme n. BL AC K R E VO LUT IO NA R Y organization. Unf ortunately white proceedin gs of the Emigration Conven­ and that the air of orthern Lati tud es is NAT IONA LIS M has always stood in the way 1 ti on , held in Cleve land, Ohio August 24- not good for us Let me te ll yo u my VS. BLAC K ZION ISM of the cons/ruction and growth of a truly 26, 1854 . We have previously made frien ds. th e slave holders are no t the men Not o nly did revo luti o nar y vanguard communist party, in the USA . reference to the speec h made by the we d read! ( Hear. hear.) T hey do not nationali sm undermin e the auth o rity . Now as then ! black zio nist, H . Fo rd D ouglass, at this desire to have us removed. T he Nor­ and influenc e of the white liberal convention. It was revo lutionary Part 12 th ern pro -slavery men have done the manager s, but it also dealt a damaging free peo ple of co lor ten-fo ld m ore inj ury nationalism which won the day at the blow to black zioni sm . Black zioni sm Co nvention as the following excerpts RO CK'S D ECLAR ATION ON TH E could onl y sati sfy the greedy ambition s from the Platform : or Declaration of NATU R E OF BLAC K CA PTIVITY, of unprincipled opportunists , who were Se ntim ents o f the Cleveland Conven­ 1862 willing to sacrifice the intere sts of the en­ tion demon strate: Du ring th e second year of th e Civil slaved black masses. Revoluntionary "Wherea s, for years the Colored Wa r, Dr. J o hn S. Rock delivered a nationali sm had history on its side , and People of the United States have been speec h at th e annua l mee ting of th e it corresponded to the most vital looking , hoping and waiting in expec­ Massac huse tt s A nti-S lavery Soc iety, interests of the black masses. Black tation of realizing the blessings of Civil which expose d th e fund a me nta l roo ts o f zionist s cried long and loud about the Libert y; and Wherea s, during this long, black ca ptivity in A merica. T his rape of black women , the murder and brilliant ad dress speaks fo r itself. plunder of black manhood , and the bar­ tedious and anxiou s period , they have been depending upon their white fellow­ "T his natio n is mad. In its devo ted a t­ barian , racist cruelty of the oppressor . tac hm ent to the Negro . it has run c ra zy And their charge s were true. But the countrymen to effect for them this desirabl e end but instead of which they af ter him, (laughter .) and now. havi ng black zioni sts were willing to leave their have met with disapp ointment, dis­ ca ught him, hangs on with a dea dl y mother s to the lust of the oppressor . couragement and degradation . gras p, an d says to him. with more Th ey were willing to abandon the en­ earnestness and pathos th an Ruth ex ­ slaved black ma sses in order to seek To Be Continued pressed to Naomi, "Where thou goes t. I will go: where thou lodgest. 1 will lodge: sociali sm a s the roa d to true wo man's thy people shall be my people, an d th y Editorial libe rat io n. T ha t women suffer double Go d my Go d .'(la ughte r a nd ap plau de.). oppre ss ion (class & sex) an d thir d world (Cont inued from page 11) fa ce triple oppr ess ion (class. na tionality "T he ed uca ted a nd wea lth y class des­ Advanced Worker & sex ). The succ ess of th e pro letarian pise th e Negro , beca use th ey have Charles Lenox Remand was a delegate RC Lh as also ha d strug gle with LPR revo lution depends to a grea t degree on ro bbed him of his ha rd ea rnin gs . or, at to the London Aati-Slavery a ro und th e qu estion of th e ma ke-up o f the extent to which women ta ke part in leas t, have go t ric h off th e fr uit s of his Conference. the U.S. work ing class. RC L is still it. We a lso support th e ca ll to stru ggle la bor: and they believe if he ge ts his than th e Southern slave-h o lder s. (Hear. stud ying th eo ret ica l a nd sta tistica l again st revisi o nism , th e ma in danger, freed om, th eir fou ntai n will be dri ed up . hear) In the South, it is simply a que s­ materi a ls on this as well as using prac­ and to attack a nd exp ose bourgeois a nd th ey will be o bliged to see k bu siness tion of dollars and cents . The tical information from the work sites . Struggle fo r the dem ocratic in a new chan nel. T heir 'occ up a tio n will sla veholder ca res no more for you than · where we have cadre . LPR uses the term rights of women , keeping in mind that in be go ne.' T he lowes t class ha te him he does for me. The y enslave th eir own inte,rmediate to describe the a verage struggling for thes e dema nd s we always beca use he is poor, as they a re a nd he is a children , and sell them . and the y would worker. RCL has quest ioned thi s and bring to the forefront th e fact that real co mpe titor with them for th e sa me as soon en slave white men a s black men. asked them to show references. LPR equality for women will not be won by la bor. T he poor ignoran t whit eman . T he secret of the slaveholder 's at­ was supposed to hav e shown us where winning these p,articul a r demand s. But who d oes not und ers ta nd tha t th e tachment to slaver y is to be found in th e Lenin uses " Intermediate" in describing through Socialist revoluti o n we will be interest of th e la boring classes is mutual. dollar , and that he is determined to get the average worker several months ago , able to do a more indepth anal ysis of arg ues in th is wise: ' Her e is so mu ch without wo rkin g for it. Ther e is not pre­ this hasn't been done yet. Also LPR LPR's line once RCL 's po sition has lab or to be pe rfo rm ed, -t ha t Neg ro judice a gainst color among the used the term backward and lower been completed . does it. If he was go ne, I shou ld have his slaveholder s. Their social system and strata interchangeably (vol. 8, No. 3-4 Our position on LPR at the present place.' T he rich a nd the poor a re both one milli on of mulattoe s are facts which pg . 5) most recently. These terms do no; time is that we still feel that the y are prejudi ced from int e rest. and not no arguments can demolish . (Ap­ mean the same thing. Lenin uses the genuine , althou gh we have difference s in because th ey enter tai n vag ue notio ns of plau se) . . word backward to describe a workers line we feel that we can carry on lines justice and humanit y .. " When the orange is squeezed. we political consciousness . There can be struggles with them so that the corr ect "Our humane political phil os opher s throw it aside . ( Laughter.) The black backward in any strata , lower , average line will win out. are pu u led to know what would man is a good fellow while he is a slave. and the "better situated strata" Lower LPR once denied , but now openly & become of the slave if they were eman ­ and toils for nothing, but the moment he strata represents an economic strata as fully embraces the line reminiscent of cipated! The idea seems to prevail that claims his own flesh and blood and well as_political consciousness , because the left in form right essence "Wing" & bone s, he is a most obnoxious creature, of their economic situation workers the poor things would suffer, if robbed Liu Shao-Chi line "the masses are and there is a proposition to get rid of from this strata are usually at a lower of the glorious privileges they now en ­ backward". Even tho Lenin stated the joy! If they could not be flogged , half­ him! He is happy while he remains a level of consciousness although you will masses are lower strata, this was a des­ starved , and work to support in ease and poor , degradeil ignorant slave , without fmd _some advanced in the lower strata . cription of the economic level not ' even the right to his own offspring . luxury those who have never waived an Lenin further clarifies this distinction political consciousness. Backward and While in this condition, the master can opportunity to outrage and wrong "Even the most backward worker wili lower strata do not mean the same ride in the same carriage , sleep in the them, they would pine away and die! Do understand the idea, provided of course things as LPR and the Wing incorrectly you imagine that the Negro can live out­ same bed, and nurse from the same the agitator or propagandist is able t~ assert. And even applying Lenin's bosom. But give this same slave the right side of slavery? Of course, now. they can appr _oach him in such a way as to com­ characterization of the Russian Masses take care of themselves and their to use his own legs, his hands, his body municate the idea to him, to explain it in in 1898 in the most backward country in masters too ; but if you give them their and his mind , and this happy and understandable language on the basis of Europe, mechanically and liberty , must they not suffer? (Laughter desirable creature is instantly facts the worker k_nows fr~m everyday automatically to 1977 in the most ad­ and applause.) Have you never been · transformed into a miserable and exP_Cnence. But this cond1t1on is just as vanced monopoly capitalist country 111 able to see through all this? Have you loathsome wretch, fit only to be md1spensable for clarifying the the world is not correct. The lower strata not observed that the location of this colonized somewhere near the moun­ economic struggle: in this field too, the workers were those to whom a socialist organ of sympathy is in the pocket of the tains of the moon , oc eternally banished backward worker from the lower or ?ewspaper was "completely or well nigh slaveholder and the man who shares in from the presence of all civilized beings. middle strata of the masses will not be incomprehensible to them" . Given the the profits of slave labor? Of course you You must not lose sight of the fact that it able to _ass1m1late the general idea of advanced state of the . have; and pity those men who have lived is ·the emancipated slave and the free economic struggle: it is an idea that can we would question whether in the U.S. upon their ill-gotton wealth. You know, colored man whom it is proposed to be absorbed by a few educated workers today the largest masses of workers if they do not have somebody to work remove - not the slave; this country and whom the masses will follow guided by would find a communist newspaper for them, they must leave their gilded climate are perfectly adapted to Negro their . mstmcts and their direct, "completely or well nigh incomprehen· salons, and take off their coats and roll slavery: it is the free black that the air 1s 1mmed1ate interests." (Lenin CW sible to them". The masses of Russian up their sleeves, and take their chances not good for! What an idea! A country vol.4, pg.291) · · workers in Lenin's day were illiterate , among the live men of the world. This, good for slavery, and not good for The Woman Question Russia not even a bourgeois democracy. you are aware, these respectable gen­ freedom!. . . On the woman question we agree with But these conditions that produced the tlemen will not do, for they have been so "I do not regard this trying hour as a ~PR _on lines such as, the woman ques­ makeup of the U.S . working class must long accustomed to live by robbing and darkness. The war that has been waged tion is a class question and cannot be be studied practically before we come to cheating the Negro, that they are sworn on us for more than two centuries has res<;>lvedwithin the realms of bourgeois a conclusion! And the LPR "lazy bones never to work while they can live by opened our eyes and caused us to form society. That one must always point to ,alliances.so that instead of acting on .tile the dictatorship of the proletariat and ~pproach" merely repeating Lenin. and pl~~~e~: 5~~P,.~~~;\ ;·,: ' • · • •,,. - •,· ·v:)" ,tl · .. 1., ft\1, 1 •. -.,.,., , _incorrectly at that, will not do. , , J • • , tr · l l.,· r , . ,·., \ , 1 1. ~ Unity & Struggle Pa,te S program (i.e., maximum and minimum May Day program and strategy and tactics for carrying them out) around which REVOLUTIONARY (Cont,nued from page 12) portunism . "The fight against imper­ genuine Marxist-Leninist s through tie or no wage increases , inflation, cut­ ialism is a sham and a humbug unless it ideological struggle can demarcate REVIEW: backs in their children's education and is inseparable bound up with the fight themselves from the opportunists and d~ycare facilities , closing of their hos­ against opportunism." (V.1. Lennin. therefore principly unite . The polemics Stalin Was A Great pitals , are all bourgeois attempts to shift IMPERIALISM, THE HIGHEST around political line must be aimed at the brunt of the economic crisis onto the STAGE OF CAPITALISM) We must the program, and this struggle must be Marxist-Leninist ~ac.ks of the working class, while cap- wage an unrelenting struggle to expose carried out in front of and with the part­ 1tahsts squander superprofits, stolen and isolate thr revisionists and op­ icipation of the advanced , so as to carry principally from the third world and portunists who are willing to settle for out our two simultaneous tactics of Reprinted.fr om from the oppressed nationalities of the short term goals while selling out the party building , Marxist-Leninists Unite Albania Today U.S. multinational working class. These long range struggles of the working - Win the Advanced to Communism . superprofits are used to bribe the class . We must expose and isolate the And it is in this struggle over political apologizers of U.S. capitalism and opportunists who infiltrate the ranks of line that our practice of proletarian "Zeri I Popullit" , or,:an of the C. C. of imperialism - a section of the upper the working class to confuse and ideology is confirmed . the P.L.A . strata of the working class and petty mislead the struggle. Revisionists like The question of building the party of bourgeoisie - the labor aristocrats and Angela Davis and the "Communist Par­ the working class is the central question The stand towards Stalin has been trade union bureaucrats: Woodcock, ty" U.S .A., who try to tie the U.S. wor­ at this time that faces the working class, and still is a question of fundamental who went to Viet Nam for smiling J.C . king class to the social-imperialist it is the central task that must be ac­ principle , a very clear