Unity Struggle
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UNITY STRUGGLE MARXIST -LENINIST UNITEI WIN THE ADVANCED TO COMMUNISM ! BUILD A REVOLUTIONARY MARXIST - LENINIST COMMUNIST PARTY BASED ON MARXISM-LENINISM-MAO TSETUNG THOUGHT ! Vol. VI No . 1-6 25 CENTS POLITICAL ORGAN OF THE REVOLUTIO NARY COMM UNIST LEAG UE (M-L-M) MAY-JUNE EDITION 1977 LONG LIVE MAY .DAY & AFRICAN LIBERATION DAY! WORKERS & ·OPPRESSED NATIONS &PEOPLES, UNITE! BUILD A REVOLUTIONARY MARXIST LENINIST COMMUNIST PARTY IN THE USA BASED ON MARXISM- LENINISM-MAO TSETUNG THOUGHT! Chairman Mao Tsetung , great leader and teac her of the pr oleta riat and oppressed people throughout the world. On May Day and ALO make the central task of party bu ilding a mass question gripping every class conscious worker in the USA! Long Live Malcolm X, stud y his life and his words on May 19th and remember that Malcolm X knew our struggle is an international struggle and he sounded the struggle MAY DAY o f the 3rd World vs. imperialism. Oppose both superpowers on ALO! "Co mrade worke rs! May Day is comi ng, the day when the workers of all "O n the other side sta nd the millions R C L'S POSITION ON PARTY BUILDING of the disinherited. T hey are forced to lands celebrate their awakeni ng to a Communist Party had become the beg the moneybags for permission to Part 2 class conscious life, their solidari ty in government party." (Stalin Strategy & work for them . By their labor they Periods and Stages the stru ggle agains t all coerc ion a nd op Tactics, pg. 29-30) create all the wea lth ; yet a ll thei r lives RCL holds that there are three basic pre ssion of man by man, the stru ggle to Generally we view a period as an free the toiling millions fro m hu nger, long they have to struggle for a crust of period s in the life of the party , and Stalin , in summing up the histor y of_the interval of time marked by the coming in poverty and humiliation. Two wor lds bread , beg for work as for charit y, sap Russia n Communist Part y (Bolshevik), and going out of an objective process. sta nd facing eac h other in thi s great their strength and health by backbreak pointed these basic periods out very Stages are determined by the stru ggle: the world of capita l and the ing toil, and starve in hovel s in the clearly , "a) the period of the formation development of a proce ss. By there be- world of labor, the world of expl oi villages or in the cellar s and garrets of of the vanguard (i.e., the party) of the /Continued on page 5} tati on and slavery a nd the world of the big cities." proletariat, the period of mu stering the bro therh ood and freedom. The se are the words of Comrade party's cadres (in this period the party TABLE OF CONTENTS "On one side sta nd the hand ful of rich Lenin , the great leader and teacher of the working class , written in 1904, and was weak; it had a program and general Pre-Civil War Revolutionary blood -suckers. They have seized the fac principles of tactics, but as a party of to ries and mills. the too ls a nd still they ring true toda y. May Day is Black Nationalism ... .. ... .. P.4 International Workers Day , the day mass action it was weak. StaUn was a a,eat machin ery . have turned millions of b) the period of revolutionary mass acre s of la nd and mount a ins of money worker s of all nationalities celebrate the Man:ist-Leninist .. ..... ...... P .5 struggles of the working class to fulfill · struggle under the leadership of the Dialectical and Historical int o thei r private propert y. T hey have Communist Party . In this period the Materialilm . .. ... ... ... P.10 mad e the government and arm y their its historic mission to abolish explo itation and oppression and to free party was transformed from an RCL Editorial. .. .... .. .... P.12 servant s, faithful watchdog s of the organization for mass agitation into an wealth they have ama ssed . hum anity . It was at the 2nd Congress of the 2nd organization for mass action ; the period of preparation was superseded by the AFRIKANLIBERATION DAY African Liberation Day International in 1889 that May 1st was designated as International Workers period c ~ revolutionary action. c) the STORY ON PAGE 2 May 28, 1977 rc:ontinuedon page 12} period ,,fter taking power, 11fterthe Page 2 Unity & Struggle A LD MAY 28: OPPOSE BOTH SUPERPOWE _~S . h , or the other imperialist "Present-day democracy will remain true to itself only if it Joins ne1t er o~e ~ h d f at of the bourgeoisie, only if it says that the two sides· are equ~ II_Y b a d. ' a_nd if 1t. wishese national t e e-liberal e and imperialist bourgeoisie in every country. Any other dec1s1onwill, in reality, b A F I Flag" have nothing in common with genuine· internationa· · r,sm. " - V · I· Lenin ' "Under a se · d ' totheteachingsofMarx- trend in the world today. The danger of that tccor .;~g without a correct stand, a world war and revolution are the two ism- e~ini r ·y on the national-libera- 1 aspects of an entity . - the . world line an p~e ~ and the peoples' revolu- situation ." "The world 1s changing in a tion mov;ovement1 in the countries of .,. direction increasingly favoura~le_to the ~~:ar~frica and Latin America, it will people of all countnes . This IS one . ' 'ble for the workers' parties in 1 aspect, a principal aspect. But we muSt ~ ~e~:~politan imperialist countries also see the othe: aspect~ the aggressive to \ave a correct stand, line and policy nature of impenahsm will not ch.ange. on the struggle waged by the working The danger of a new world war st lil ex- d the broad masses of the people th 1 ists. This is another trend 1.n e fna~~=i~ own countries." (from the ar- development of today's world. It isdan- . "More on the differences between 1 gerous if we only see the raging .names ~~~rade Togliatti and Ourselves") th of the revolution without noticing ~ Wh this mean s is that the movements I en~mies sharpemlng theIT swords1·1aannce for aproletarian revolution in the ad- think we can ower our vig . · d h because of the excellent situation." vanced capitalist countnes ~n Thi de · "Th of Two revolutionary movements in t e 1r (St.udy,, Ph1loso~y , ~~Js) World and exploited countries are in.ex- Points, pg. 8) ( ur emp . · . tricably linked and intertwined and The complicated political struggle around ALO 1977 required Marxist-Leninists and The RCL holds that ? a n 1.ncorre ct hn.e share common interests and therefore advanced forces to have a clear mind so we can lead the masse s to oppose both super on the internat10nal situation makes It cannot be separated from each other. powers' imperialist designs in Sout hern Africa and throughout the world. totally impos sible for on~ to_hav~ a cor- In order for us to understand that link- rect line on the dome stic s1tuat10n . _In up better, we must go back m history to The Revolutionar y Comm unist armed provocations and invaded Zaire. the polemic s waged by the Com.~un! st the 1950's, after the death of Stalin, League (MLM) sees African Libera The present invasion of Zaire by mer Party of China against the revis10mSt when the renegade traitor Krush chov tion Day as an important time to focus cenaries fro m Angola is unpr ecedented Togliatti , the CPC _ st~tes: "The . Pro- came to power under the capitalist on the liberation of Africa from imper in scale, scope an.d duration . As Ietariat of the c~p1tahst countnes of program of the th~ee peacefols: peaceful ialism, social imperialism, hegemon organizer and commander of the mer Europe and Amenca , too , must ~tand in coexistence with 1mpenahsm, peaceful ism colonialism, neocolomahsm. cenary troops in Angola, the Sov iet the forefront of those supportmg the competition with imperiaHs~, and racism, Zionism and all reaction. In the socia l-imperi alists cannot absolve revolution ary struggles of.the oppressed peaceful transition to socialism. This year 1977 it is becoming more and more themselves of their crime." (Peking nations and peoples of Asia , Afnca, and revisionist program was initially pushed important for the proletanat of the Review # 13. 1977 pg. 16) Latin America . In fact, such support at the 20th Congress of the CPSU , in world to see and understand just what is When our Chinese comrades talk simultaneously helps the cause .of the 1957. At the same time , a vicious happening in Africa. about the "storm centers of world emancipation of . the proletanat in slan derous attack was made upon Com- revolution" being Asia, Africa and Europe .and Amenca ... Therefore.the rade Sta lin, all in an attempt to seize Latin America, they are making this prolet an.an parti es of the metropolitan power. "Being the first state of the dic- Africa today has 46 independent determination based on their analysis countr ies, making up 94% of _the land 1mpenahst co.untnes are duty bo~nd to tatorship of the proletariat , the Soviet that the underdeveloped countries of heed the voice of the revolutionary Union lacked experience in consolidat- base and 90% of the population 1s in Asia, Africa and Latin America peo.ple in these reg10ns, stud y their ex- ing this dictatorship and preventing the those same areas.