28 MARS - 07 AVRIL 1988


The Hinutea of Proceedings which appear in the following book have been established by the Clerk of Parliament end have been amended and confirmed by Parliament in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of the Standing Orders of Parliament. ♦

Onneyn fl. TAHI Lino BULEKULI dit SACSAC Speaker of Parliament. Clerk of Parliament. AUTHENTIFIACTION

Lbs Procfes-verbaux qui figurant dans la present recueil ant dtd dtablis par le Secretaire Gdndral du Parlement at conformdment aux dispositions de l’Article 18 du R&glamant Intdriaur, ils ont dtd corrigds et confirmda par le Parlement.

Dnneyn l*l. TAHI Lino BULEKULI dit SACSAC President Secretaire Gdndral du Parlement. du Parlement. PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF VANUATU ; MEMBERS PRESENTS


ABBIL Iolu Johnson, MP.for Tanna, ANOENG Amos, MP for Ambrym, BOE Roger Jerry, MP for Maewo, 0OULEKONE Vincent, MP for Pentecost, BUE Samson, MP for Ambae, BULEWAK Gaetano, MP for Pentecost, CARLOT Andes Jacques, MP for Efata rural, CARLOT Maxima, MP for Port-Vila, CROWBY Maria, MP for Port-Vila, DINI Titinson Luc, MP for Banks / Torres, EDGELL William, MP for Luganville, ENNIS Simeon, MP for Malekula, GOODEN Chalras, MP for Banks / Torres, HOPA Jack Tungon, MP for Ambrym, IAMIAHAM Daniel, MP for Tanna, IOUIOU Henry, MP for Tanna, JIMMY Willie, MP for Port-Vila, KALPOKAS Donald, MP for Efate rural, KARAERU Harry, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore, KARIE Robert David, MP for Tongoa / Shephers, LINI Hilda, MP for Port-Vila, LINI H. Walter, MP for Pentecost, LINGTAMAT Anatole, MP for Malekula, LUC RenS, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore, MAHIT William, MP for Paama, MALERE Adrien, MP for Malekula, MASENG Alfred, MP for Luganville, METO Jimmy Chilia, MP for Efate rural, MOLISA Sela, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore, NATAPEI E. Nipake, MP for other southern Islands, NAUNUN laris, MP for Tanna, PAKOA Joel Mansale, MP for Efate rural, QUALAO Harold C», MP for Ambae, RANTES Aileh, MP for Malekula, REGENVANU J. Sathy, for Malekula, SIMON Jimmy, MP for Epi, SONG Keasipai, MP for Tanna, SOPE T. Barak, MP for Port-Vila, TABI Basil, MP for Pentecost, TAHI Onneyn, MP for Ambae, TELUKLUK Paul, MP for Malekula, TIMAKATA Fred, MP for Tongoa / Shepherds, THOMPSON Kawai, MP for Tanna, VOHOR Serge, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore, VURO0ARAVO Andrew Molieno, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore, WASS Kavcor, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore. PARLEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU DEPUTES PRESENTS TROISIEME LEGISLATURE DU PARLEWENT 29 WARS - 04 AVRIL 1988

ABB IL Iolu Johnson, D6put6 de Tanna, ANDENG Amos, D6put6 d'Ambrym, BOE Roger Jerry, D6put6 de Ma6uo, BOULEKONE Vincent, D6put6 de Pentecfite, BUE Samson, Ddputd d’Amba6, BULEWAK Gaetano, D6put6 de PentecSte, CARLOT Andfcs Jacques, D6put6 d’Efatd Rural, CARLOT Maxima, D6put6 de Port-Vila, CROWBY Harla, D6put6 de Port-Vila, DINI Titinson Luc, Ddput£ de Banks / Torres, EDGELL William,. D6put6 de Luganville, * ENNIS Simeon, D6put6 de Mallicolo, GODOEN Charles, OdputS da Banks / Torres, HOPA Jack Tungon, D6put6 d*Ambrym, I API I AH AH Daniel, D6putd de Tanna, IOUIOU Henry, D6put6 de Tanna, JIMMY Willie, DSputd de Port-Vila, KALPOKAS Donald; D6put6 d’Efat6 rural, KARAERU Harry, DdputS de Santo, Malo / Aor6, KARIE David Robert, Ddput6 de Tongoa / Shepherds, LINI Hilda, DdputS de Port-Vila, LINI H. Walter, D6put6 de Pentecdte, LINGTAMAT Anatole, D6put6 de Mallicolo, LUC Ren6, D6putd de Santo, Malo / Aor6, MAHIT William, DdputS de Paama, MALERE Adrien, D6put6 de Mallicolo, MASENG Alfred, D6put6 de Luganville, • METO Jimmy Chilia, D6put6 d*Efat6 rural, MOLISA Sela, D6put6 da Santo, Malo / Aor6, NATAPEI E. Nipake, D6put6 des autrae ilea du Sud, NA UN LIN Iaria, D6put6 de Tanna, PAKOA Joel Maneale, d£put£ d’Efat6 rural, QUALAO C. Harold, D6put6 d'Ambad, RANTES Aileh, D6put6 de Mallicolo, REGENVANU J. Sethy, D6put6 de Mallicolo, SIMON Jimmy, D6put6 d’Epi, SONG Keasipai, D6put6 de Tanna, SOPE Barak T., D6put6 de Port-Vila, TABI Basil, D6put6 dB PentecOte, TAHI Onneyn, D6put6 d’AMBAE, TELUKLUK Paul D6put6 de Mallicolo, TIMAKATA Fred K., d6put6 de Tongoa / Shepherds, THOMPSON Kauai, D6put6 de Tanna, VOHOR Serge, D6put6 de Santo, Malo / Aord, VURQBARAVO Andrew Molieno, D6put6 de Santo, Malo / Aor6, WASS Kavcor, 06put6 de Santo, Malo / Aor6, IfAlfLI AMENT OF THE /REPUBLIC OF VANUATU




SPEAKER The Hon. Onneyn TAHI, Member for Ambae

PRESENT 45 Members

1. The Session began at 8.40 am.

2. The Hon. Luke DINI said the prayer.

3. The Hon. Speaker welcomed the Members of the House.

4. His Excellency, President gave his Opening Address (text appended).

5. The sitting was suspended from 9.10 am to 9.40 am.

6. The Hon. Speaker asked the Hon. Prime Minister and the Leader of Opposition to make brief comments relating to the Address given by the President of the Republic.

7. The Hon. Prime Minister replied (text appended).

8. The Hon. Leader of the Opposition also responded (text appended).

9. The Hon. Minister Barak SOPE on a point of order stated that he thought Hon. Maxime CARLOT was not commenting on the Presidential’s Address. PARUEMENT DE LA REPl/BLIQUE DE VANUATU



LUNDI 20 MARS 1980

PRESIDENT : M. Dnneyn TAHI, Ddputd d’Ambad.

PRESENTS : 45 Ddputds

1. La stance commence b 08H40.

2. M. le Dgputg Luke T. DINI dit la pri&re.

3. Le President souhaite la bienuenue & tous lee d^putda.

4. Le President de la Rdpublique presents son allocution* (Texte Joint)

5. La stance, suBpendue & 09H10, reprend & 09H40.

6. Le President du Parlement demands au Premier Ministre at au Chef de 1'Opposition de faire de courts commentairee sur 1*allocution du President de la Rdpublique.

7. Le Premier Miniatre fait son commentaire. (Voir texte joint)

8. Le Chef de 1*Opposition, M, le Ddputd Maxima CARLOT fait son commentaire. (Voir ^Texte Joint).

9. M. le MinietrejBarak T. SOPE, ae rdfdrant & un point du R&glement, observe que le M. le Ddputd Maxime CARLOT ne comments plus le discours du President de la Rdpublique. 10. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT expressed disagreement with the Hon. SOPE, saying that he was talking about the economy, since the President had done so.

11. The Hon. Speaker reminded him that the Leader of the Opposition had to give a brief comment.

12. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT insisted that he be allowed to complete his comment which he maintained to be in line with the President of the Republic's Address.

13. The Hon. Barak SOPE asked if the Hon. Speaker could disallow the Hon. CARLOT's comment, as it was not in line with the Presidential1 s Address.

14. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT disagreed with the Hon. SOPE's suggestion and insisted on completing his comment on the Presidential's Address.

15. The Hon. Speaker said according to the Standing Orders such comment had to be short.

16. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT insisted that the Hon. Speaker should allow him to complete his comment on the Presidential’s Address but that if he was not allowed he would end his comment.

17. The Hon. Speaker read the agenda.


18. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT moved that Parliament approve the Minutes later to give MP's time to read them.

19. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI asked that the minutes be approved this time because they were only short.

20. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT said that he did not have a copy of the minutes. *

21. The Hon. Speaker clarified that minutes were in MP's pidgin holes. 10. 1% le Ddputd Maxine CARLOT rdpond qu’il parle de l’dconomie, comma I’a fait le President de la Rdpublique.

11. Le President declare que le commentaire doit etre bref,

12. N, le Ddputd Maxima CARLOT rdplique qu’il insists pour qu’il soit autorisd

& continuer car il pense que son commentaire concerns ausai celui du President de la RdpubliquB.

13. M. le Minlatre Barak T. SOPE demands au President du Parlsment d’arreter

le Commentaire du Ddputd Maxima CARLOT car il ne touche pas & 1’allocution du President de la Rdpublique.

14. M. Is Ddputd Maxims CARLOT n’est pas d’accord sur ce point et demande &

finir son discours.

15. Le President explique que selon le Rbglemant InttSrieur le commentaire doit

etre bref.

16. M. le Ddputd Maxima CARLOT insists qu’il soit autoriad & terminer son discours mais explique que si le President ddcide qu’il doive s’arrdter,

il s'arrStera l&0

17. Le President annonce l’ordre du jour.


18. M. le Ddputd Maxims CARLOT demande que les procbs-uerbaux soient approuvde & la prochaine sdance t pour que les ddputde aiant le temps de les lire.

19. M. le Premier Ministre insists pour que les procde-verbaux soient approuuds aussitdt, parce qu'ils ne sont que brefs.

20. M. le Ddputd Maxima CARLOT dit qu’il n'en a pas de copie.

21. Le President fait remarquer que Ibb copies sont dans les easiers des Ddputde. MINUTES OF 11 DECEMBER 1987

22. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE said the President of the Republic's ^Address * was in the minutes as a resume. He asked whether it was alright if Parliament approved the Presidential’s Address in the form of a resume

without his comment on it first.

23. The Hon. Speaker in reply said the speech in resume was not confirmed by Che President but the actual one was attached to the minutes. He added that in this case it had been attached to the "Minute Book" wh’ch was in Parliament Secretariat.

24. The Hon. Amos ANDENG referred to minute No. 15 and corrected ADENG to ANDF.NG. ■

25. The Hon. Minister wondered whether it was normal to leave out names of Members who attended the session. •

26. The Hon. Speaker replied that on 11th December 1987 the Members were not yet official until they had signed the roll of Members of Parliament.

27. The Hon. Minister Barak SOPE moved that Parliament approve the minutes.

28. The motion that the Minutes of 11.12.87 be approved was carried unanimously. .


29. The Hon. Speaker announced that if members wished to visit Tukoro, they were co inform Parliament Secretariat.


First Reading

30. The Hon. Minister Donald KALPOKAS introduced Che bill for the EXTRADITION ACT NO. OF 1988) explained its purpose and provisions and moved Chat the bill be read a first time.

31. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs why francophone countries were not included with the Commonwealth countries. He said that Vanuatu belonged to both of these groups • ??99?S-VERBAyX_DU_11_DECENBRE_1?87

22. FL le Depute Vincent BOULEKONE declare qua la discours du President de la Rdpublique n’y paralt qu’en tant qua resume at demandB si I1on na doit las

lui renuoyBr pour qu’il lee approuve.

23. La President rdpond qua les diacours du President de la Republique ne sont pas confirmSs mais sont annexes aux proems-verbaux. Ces discours se trouvent

au Secretariat General.

24. ' Fl. la Depute Amos ANDENG indique qua son nom est mal redige au NO.15 du proces-verbal, etant ADENG au lieu de ANDENG.

25. PI, la Ministre Donald KALPOKAS demands pourquoi est-ce qua la lists des Deputes presents & la Session n’eet pae redigee.

26. Le President explique qu’au 11 Decambre 1987, ile n*etaiant pas officiellement deputes jusqu’e ce qu’ils aient signe la lists des Deputes,

27. FL le Flinistre Barak T. SOPE demands que les proebs-verbaux soient approuves.

28. Les Procds-verbaux du 11 Decembre ’1987 sont approuves & l’unanimite.

29. Le President annonce que si les deputes desirant visiter le bateau RV TUKORO,

ils doivent avertir le Secretariat General.

__ 2L1?b8_sur_l»extradition0


30. Fl, le Flinistre Donald KALPOKAS presente le projet de loi, en expose les principas at propose qu’il soit examine en premiere lecture*

31 • Fl. le Depute Flaxime CARLOT demands au FliniBtrB Donald KALPOKAS pourquoi ne sont-ils pas inclu dans le projet dB loi ”les pays francophones” apr^s ”les pays du Commonwealth”, car le Vanuatu appartient aussi au groups des pays francophones. Il propose une modification au projet de loi en y ajoutant

”et les pays francophones” car dans le csb contraire, lee pays du Common­ wealth seront plus priviiegids. He asked if an amendment could be made to include francophone countries otherwise commonwealth countries were privileged.

32. The Hon. Minister Donald KALPOKAS explained that the bill did not descriminate between francophone countries and those of the commonwealth but it was only ■t due to the fact that commonwealth countries already had this law. He added that if the bill was approved, Vanuatu would use the same list of crimes for extradition used by commonwealth countries.

33. The Hon. Charles GODDEN expressed support for the bill as it should prevent criminals from running away to other countries with large sums of money.

34. The Hon. Luke DINI said the Minister’s explanation about the provisions of the bill was not adequate. *

35. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. LINI explained that francophone countries did not have a list of crimes such as that used by commonwealth countries. He added that the Vanuatu Government could sign an agreement for extradition with individual francophone countries.

36. The Hon. Minister Sethy REGENVANU explained further that countries not included in the Bill would be a privileged against Commonwealth countries.

37. The Hon. Minister Fred TIMAKATA expressed support for the bill.

38. The Hon. William EDGELL agreed with the principles of the bill but wondered . if the Minister might not be able to reach some agreement with the Opposition by the following day.

39. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT expressed dissatisfaction and said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had not done insufficient research.^ said it would be easier just to include francophone countries in the bill.

40. The sitting was suspended at 11.30 and resumed at 2.05 pm.



41. The Hon. Minister Iolu ABIL felt the concern expressed by the Hon. Leader of the Opposition had been dealt with in the schedules. 32. 1*1. le Ministre des Affaires Etrang&res r^pond que ce pro jet de loi ne vise pas & discriminer les pays francophones. Il ajoute que si le projet de loi est approuvS, le Vanuatu uriliserait la meme liste de crimes pour 1*extra­ dition qu*utilise les pays du Commonwealth.

33. No le DdputS Charles GOODEN approuve le projet de loi car il empSchera aux fugitifs de s’enfuir avec de grosses sommes d’argent dans d'autres pays.

34. M. le D£put£ Luke T. DINI estime que las explications sur les dispositions du projet de loi ns le conuainquent pas. Il demands que la requete de 1*1. le D£put£ Maxima CARLOT soit consid^r^e.

35. M. le Premier Ministre fait remarquer que les pays francophones n’ont pas la m§me liste de crimes utilises par les pays du Commonwealth. Il ajoute que le Vanuatu pourrait signer une convention d1extradition avec tout pays francophone.

36. M. le Ministre Sethy REGENVANU explique que les pays qui ne sont pas inclus dans le projet de loi seront plus favorisds.

37. M. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA appuie le projet de loi.

38. M. le D£put£ William EDGELL approuve le projet de loi et demands si le Ministre pout s’arranger avec 1*Opposition pour trouver une solution acceptable pour le landemain.

39O M. le O^putd Maxime CARLOT exprime son insatisfaction et fait savoir que le Ministre des Affaires Etrang&res n'a pas bien 6tudi6 les dispositions de la loi. Il estime qu’il serait prdf^rable d'ajouter les mots “pays francophones” au projet de loi.

40. La edance, suspendue & 11H3D, reprend S 14H05.

____?L1^s_sur_u extradition.

PREMIERE LECTURE (Suite) 41. M. le Ministre Iolu ABIL n'approuve pas les commentaires de M. le D^putd Maxime CARLOT. Il indique que 1’Annexe du Projet de loi specific qu’elle se r^f&re aux conventions Internationales et pas seulement au Commonwealtho 42. The Hon. Minister felt that unless the Hon. Maxime CARLOT wanted to propose an amendment, the House should move to the Committee Stage since most of the Members had supported the principles of the bill.

43. The Hon. Hilda LINI pointed out that the ACCT had not produced a list like the one produced by the Commonwealth.

44. The Hon. Joel Pakoa L. MANSALE favoured the principles of the bill but felt that not enough had been done to preapre this bill to be debated and approved by Parliament.

45. The Hon. Speaker asked the members to stick to the principles of the bill.

46. The Hon. Andes CARLOT said that he would support the bill if some amendment were made to it. He felt that the bill ignored the two cultures, more specifically the French enjoyed by the people of this country in pre­ independence days.

47. The Hon. Minister Donald KALPOKAS explained that the Government had no desire to eliminate francophone culture, that this was demonstrated by the fact that they had tried to recruit teachers from Maritius and Tunesia even though Vanuatu did not have diplomatic relations with them. He refuted the Hon. Pakoa Lao MANSALE's argument by saying that the this bill was a result of a long-term research and that it was not possible to include ACCT in the Bill because, first of all, it did not have such a list and secondly because it was not the same type of organisation as the Commonwealth. He concluded that it was not the intention of the Government to ignore French culture.

48. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE accepted that there was no francophone equivalent of the Commonwealth but pointed out that continual referece to anglophone laws and advisors was bound to elicit this sort of remark from the Opposition especially when it came to the Amendment to the "Queens Regulations". He said that Vanuatu should protect both cultures now and in the future,

49. The Hon. Luke DINI felt that the Act of recognising French culture would improve Vanuatu’s relations with , Since France had the headquarters of Interpol, a similar agreement should be reached between Vanuatu and France. 42. f*l. le Ministry Nipake NATAPEI estime quo, puisque la majority des dEputEs ♦ approuue les principea du prqj at de loi, il faudrait laisser de cfltE les questions particuliEres de chacun, et continuer 1*examen en commission,

* E moins que le DEputE Maxims CARLDT ne propose une motion portant modification.

43. Madame le DEputE Hilda LINI ajoute que l’ACCT. n’a pas de lists & proposer comme le Commonwealth.

44. M. le DEputE Pakoa Lao MANSALE declare que le projet de loi est trEs bien mais qu’il est mal prEparE.

* 45. Le President demands aux DEputEs qu’ils limitent laurs discours aux principe9 et aux motifs du prcjet de loi.

• 46. M. le DEputE AndEs CARLOT indique qu’il approuvera ce projet de loi si quelques modifications y sont apportEes. Il souligne que Vanuatu a bEndficiE de deux cultures et que toutes les lois devraient les rdfldter.

47. M. le Ministre Donald KALPOKAS axplique que Vanuatu desire conseruBr les deux cultures dont il a hEritd, La preuue est Id : le Gouuernement a recrutE des enseignants francophones de l’lle Maurice, alors qu’il n’a aucune relation politique auec cette lie, et & fait venir des enseignants <■ francophones de Tunisia, alors qu’il n’a aucun rapport politique avec ce pays non plus. Il rejette les critiques de M, le DEputE Pakoa Lao MANSALE en disant que le Gouuernement a longuement prEparE ce projet de loie II •p ajoute que l’on ne peut comparer le Commonwealth et l’ACCT, l’un Etent un organisms et l’autre une organisation de cooperation Economique.

48. M. le DEputE Uincent BOULEKONE accepts le fait que le Commonwealth n’a pas son Equivalent chez les francophones. Il souligne qu’en quality d'Etat indEpendent, Vanuatu devrait conseruer ses deux cultures et ne pas toujours se rEfErer d la lEgislation anglaise. Ceci Eviterait les mEcontentements da I1Opposition qui ne manqueront pas, maintenant et lore des modifications des "queen’s regulation". Les lois devraient s’inspirer des deux legislations, & part Egale, la frangaise et l’anglaise.

* 49. M. le DEputE Luke T. DINI pense que le Gouuernement, en conservant la culture frangaise d Uanuatu, amEliorera ses relations diplfimatiques avec la France. Il estime qua le Vanuatu ferait bien de signer un tel • accord avec la France^ siEge de 1’Interpol. 50. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLINA supported the principles of the bill and pointed out that the purpose of the Bill was to help the >vernment to extradite * international criminals and offenders who come to hide in the country. He said the approval of the Bill would add to confidence in the stability of * Vanuatu.

51. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON supported the principles of the bill and moved that they proceed to the Committee Stage.

52. The motion that the Bill be read a first time was carried unanimously.


53. Section 1, "Interpretation", was approved unanimously.

54. Seconded by the Hon. Serge VPHOR, the Hon. Maxime CARLOT moved an amendment to insert the phrase "and Francophone countries" after "Commonwealth countries".

55, The motion to amend to include francophone countries in Section 2 was defeated with 26 against and 19 for.

56. Section 2, "Application of the provisions of this Act in respect of, Commonwealth Countries", was approved on division.

57. The sitting was suspended from 3.30 to 3.50.pm.

58. Section 3, "Application of the provisions of this Act in respect of Foreign States", was approved on division.

59. Section 4, "Special provisions as to the reading of an order under Section 3", was approved on division.

60. Section 5, "Effect of orders made under Section 2 and 3", was approved on division.

61. Section 6, "Extraditable Offences", was approved on division. 50. M. le Ministre SELA MOLISA remercie lea DSputds pour leur participation aux debate concernant le Projet de loi et approuve les principes de ce dernier. Il ajaute que le projet de loi est nGcessaire pour prot^ger le Vanuatu d’individus inddsirables (criminals, voleurs et autres) qui

pourraient s’installer et nuire au pays.

51. Pl. le Ddputa Jimmy SIMON soutient Is projet de loi et demands de passer & I1examen en commission.

52. La motion portent adoption en premiers lecture du projet de loi sur l’extradition est approuuG & l’unanimith.

53. L*article 1, "Definition". est adopts & 1'unanimity,

54. Mo le D^putd Maxims CARLOT, appuyS par Mo le DSputd Serge VOHDR, propose une modification de l1Article 2 ; apr&s aux pays du Commonwealth, il veut ajouter "et aux pays francophones".

55. La motion portant modification de l’Article 2 soit en insurant "pays franco­ phones" a dtd rejet^e par 26 voix centre 190

56. L'article 2, "Application des dispositions de la presents loi aux Etats du Commonwealth", est adopts & la majority des voix.

57. La stance, suspendue & 15H30, reprend £ 15H40.

58. Lfarticle 3, "Application des dispositions de la presents loi aux Etats Etrangers". est adopts & la majority des voix.

59. L1 article 4, "Dispositions sp^cialBs quant & la lecturB d^ne ordonnance rendue en vertu de l1Article 3". est adopts £ la majority des voix.

60. LArticle 5, "Effete dBs ordonnances rendues en vertu des Articles 2 et 3", est adopts & la majority des voix.

61o L"article 6, "Infractions paesibles d*extradition”, est adopts & la majority

des voix 62. Section 7, "General Restrictions on Extraditions11, was approved on division.

63. Section 8, "Authority to proceed, was approved on division.

64. Section 9, Arrest for the purposes of Committal", was approved on division.

65. Section 10, "Proceedings for committal", was approved on division.


66. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE asked the Government why facilities at Ranmawat hospital which were transferred from Melsisi had been inadequate since * Cyclone Bola had affected the area. He asked why the buildings had not been repaired and why communications were still cut off.

67. The Hon. Minister Fred K, TIMAKATA accepted the truth of the Hon. BOULEKONE*s complaint but said that he could not respond until after consultation with local leaders of the area and that he had not visited the area since the elections.

68. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE asked what time the next visit of the Minister of Health would be.

69. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA said that he could not give an exact answer as yet but his visits would follow the already existing programmes which he had started in 1987.

70. The Hon. Luke DINI asked for his copy of the budget and was given it.

71. The Hon. William EDGELL asked the Minister for Immigration why he had been stopped in Australia and questioned in a small room when he had a valid visa. 62. L1 article 7, “Restrictions g^n^rales sur 183 extraditions", eat adopts & la majority des voix0

63. L’article B, "Autorisation de poursuivre en justice", est approuv^ £ la majority des voix.

64. L'article 9, "Arrestation aux fins d1incarceration", est approuvd £ la majority des voix.

65. L'article 10, "Procedure d*Incarceration", est approuv^ & la majority des voix.

66O i*l. le Ddput6 Vincent BOULEKONE demands au Gouvernement de prendre des mesures administratives au eujet de Flelsisi dont l'hfipital a 6t6 transfdrd & Ranmawat. Il ajoute que les bfitiments ont dt6 endommag^s par le cyclone et les communications ne fonctionnent toujours pas.

67O Fl. le Flinistre Fred K. TIFIAKATA approuve la requite de Fl. le D6put6 Vincent BOULEKONE et declare qu'il ne peut toujours pas prendre des dispositions avant de conaulter les autorit^s locales de la region durant sa prochaine visits.

60. I*lo le D^putd Vincent BOULEKONE demands au Flinistre de la Sant6 la date exacts de sa visits dans la rdgion concerns.

69. Fl. le Flinistre Fred K, TIFIAKATA rSpond qu’il ne peut pas prendre des dispositions imm^diatement mais que sa visits suivra le programme de visites de 1987 non encore compl6t6o

70. Fl. le DGputd Luke T« DINI demands sa copie du budget qui lui est donn^e aussitflt0

71 o Fl. le D6put£ William EDGELL demands au Flinistre de 1* Immigration pour quelle raison a-t-il dt£ detenu par les autorit^s australiennes. Il ajoute qu'il avait un visa valide. 72. The Hon, Minister Barak SOPE replied that there was no agreement as yet on visas and that people from Vanuatu needed visas to go through New Zealand or Australia although the New Zealanders and Australians could come to Vanuatu without visas. He added that the member could make a protest through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Australian Immigration,

73. The Hon. Willie JIMMY asked what the cost of tarsealing the road going through Nambourou had been.

74. The Hon. Minister Barak SOPE in reply said the tarseal had cost 8 million vatu.

75. The Hon, Jimmy METO asked whether damage still not repaired since Cyclone Uma would be dealt with by the government, *

76. The Hon. Minister lolu ABIL in reply said chat the Government had worked through phase 2 of the reconstruction programme which included damage assess-' ments of affected areas, He said some projects were funded by aid donors but that there was no provision for repairing private homes as this would be

very costly. He added that people should be patient at such times and that work was still going on.

77. The Hon. Roger BOE asked whether the two men who had visited Maewo earlier had done so as part of the reconstruction programme.

78. The Hon. Minister Barak SOPE said he was not aware of the visit mentioned, but if it had taken place recently they would have been inspecting the roads after Cyclone Bola. *

79. The Hon. Amos ANDENG asked whether it was true that parents of secondary school students in Tafea would have to pay school fees. He said this in relation to yearly cyclones damaging coconuts,

80. The Hon. Minister Sethy REGENVANU replied that the government could not afford to exempt fees as cyclones were happening yearly. He said the government would have to reintroduce school fees so that people would realise the value of education.

81. The Hon. Alfred MASENG asked whether it was lawful for a policeman to beat up a person who was already in jail. 72o 1*1» le Ministre Barak T. SOPE explique qu'il n’existe paa encore de convention

slit les visas entre 1’Australis et Vanuatu et que le Ddputd William EDGELL pourra porter plaints au Bureau de 1’Immigration par lHintermddiaire du Bureau des Affaires Etrangdres,

73. 1*1. le Ddputd UilliB JIMMY demands au flinistre responsable dea travaux publics le coQt de la route goudronnde qui va & Anabrou et & Malapoa.

74. M, le Ministre Barak T. SOPE rdpond que la coQt est de 8 millions.

75. 1*1, le Ddputd Jimmy C. NETO demands si le Gouvernement s’occupera da la reparation des dommages causds par le cyclone Uma aux maisons privdes.

76. 1*1, le Ministre Iolu ABIL rdpand que le Gouvernement a ddj& versd des indemnisations pour les reparations des dommages. La plupart a dtd financde par des fonds provenant d’aides internationales. Ges funds sont maintenant dpuisds, dit-il car les reparations dtaient trds coQteuses, Il ajoute qu’il n’y a pas de programme dans le domains des habitations personnelles et que les gens devraient Stre patients,

77. M, le Ddputd Roger Jerry BOE demandB si les deux personnes qui avaient visitd Madu/o aprds le cyclone appartenaient au programme de reconstruction.

78. 1*1. le flinistre Barak T. SOPE rdpond qu’il n’dtait pae au courant de ceci’ Mais que si cela dbait vrai, ils devraient inspecter les routes endommagdes par le cyclone.

79. M. le Ddputd Amos ANDENG demands au Ministre de 1’Education si les dldves du secondaire, originaire de Tafda doivent payer leurs frais de scolaritd cette annde, sachant que les cocotiers sont toujours en mauvais dtat aprds le cyclone.

80. M, le Ministre de l’Education rdpond qu’il na peut pas supprimer les frais de scolaritd & cause des cyclones. Il ajoute quB le Gouvernement pense & rdintroduire les frais de scolaritd de sorts que les gens comprannent la valeur de l’Education,

81. Mo le Ddputd Alfred MASENG demands au Ministre de l’Intdrieur s’il est ldgal que les forces de l’ordre malmdnent une personne ddtenue en prison. 82. The Hon. Minister Iolu ABIL said that the action the police took depended on the situation. He added that if a person thought that he had been mistreated

he could take the case to court.

83. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE asked why petrol drums had been transferred from Bwatnapni to North Pentecost after the elctions.

84. The Hon. Minister Barak SOPE said he was not aware of the transfer of drums but he knew there was work to be done in North Pentecost. He said he would go to Pentecost to deal with the situation after Parliament.

85. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. LINI said that the petrol drums funds came out of the MP's allocation and this was why the Prime Minister's Office had decided that those drums be transferred to the North before they got spoilt as they did not know when the bulldozer could go to Bwatnapni. He said the government would replace the drums.

86. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE asked the Hon, Minister SOPE to give him his visit programme by letter.

87. The Hon, Pakoa Lao MANSALE asked whether there were plans for a covered market area as market sellers got wet in the rainy season.

88. The Hon. Minister Niapake E. NATAPEI said a plan was in process for a covered market area. He said the issue of land had to be settled first before building could start.

89. The Hon. Daniel IAMIAHAM asked whether feeder roads on islands would be maintained by the government or people of the islands.

90, The Hon, Minister Barak SOPE said the roads were mostly the responsibility of Che Ministry of Agriculture and of island governments. He said that the problem was that unmetalled roads got overgrown. He added that funds had been sought for them and that there would have to be discussions with the Minister of Agriculture which had built most of these roads,

91. The Hon. V, BOULEKONE asked what action the Government would take in the • case of the waterfall area where chiefs had stopped the transfer of drums. 82. 1*1. 1© Ministre Iolu ABIL impend que si la personne cause des ddgSts,

Ibs gardes ont le droit de la rendre calme. Mais que la personne a le droit de porter plaints contra eux devant le tribunal.

83. M. le Ddputd Vincent BOULEKONE vsut savoir pourquoi aprds les Elections des fQts de mazout de Bwatnapni ont dtd envoyds au Nord dB Pentec&te.

84O M. le Ministre Barak T. SOPE rdpond qu’il n’en sait rien, mais qu’il en parlera avec le Ddputd Vincent BOULEKONE £ sa prochaine visite dans la rdgion aprds le Parlement,

85. M.le Premier Ministre Walter H, LINI fait savoir que les fonds qui ont dtd utilises pour acheter ces fQts de carburant proviennent des "MPs Allocations'*. Et c’est ainsi que le personnel de son bureau a ddcidd do les enuoyer au Nord de Pentecfite vu qu’il ne sait pas la date oO le buldozer arrivera & Bwatnapmi. Il ajoute que le Gouvernement remplacera ces fQts de carburants.

86. M. le Ddputd Vincent BOULEKONE demands au Ministre Barak T. SOPE de prdciser per dcrit la date de sa visite & Pentecfite.

87. M. le Ddputd Pakoa Lao MANSALE demand© s’il y a un projet de construction

d’un marchd couvert car les . vendeuses sont toujours sans abri quand il pleut.

88. M.le Ministre Nipake NATAPEI explique qu’un plan est en cours mais qu’il

faut d’abord edgier le problems fancier.

89. M. le Ddputd Daniel IAMIAHAM demand© si le maintien des routes dans la brousse aux Iles, est sous la reaponsabilitd dee autoritds locales ou de celle du Gouvernement.

90. M. le Ministre Barak T. SOPE indique que celles-ci dtaient pour la plupart sous la reeponsabilitd du Ministers de I1Agriculture. Il ajoute que les routes non pavdes existeront comma des routes et qu’il y aurait une discussion de ce probldme avec le Ministre de 1*Agriculture.

91. M. le Ddputd Vincent BOULEKONE demands quelles mesures le Gouvernement envisage-t-il de prendre contre les chefs de Wotafol qui ont refuad de odder les fQts de mazout dont la moitid a ddjd dtd prise.

•••/... 92. The Hon. Minister Barak SOPE said Chat the drums were government property and the transfer was so that the drums could be used where the PWD were already working in the North as permitted by the Prime Minister. He said this action

could be illegal and might involve court cases.

93. The Hon. Hilda LINI said three weeks before, a child had been run over and that road signs were illegible or missing. She asked what kind of law existed for urban areas and if there were any, how were they implemented effectively and whether road signs were going to be replaced.

94. The Hon. Minister lolu ABIL said that he was aware of the problem of road signs. He said many signs had been put up but most had been damaged by drunkards etc. He said that the Municipal Council was trying to replace them but that the public should co-operate. He asked the outgoing Minister

responsible to clarify the situation.

95. The Hon. Minuter Sethy REGENVANU confirmed that there was a law but it was *

not enough if people did not cooperate.

whether 96. The Hon. Robert KARIE asked the Minister of Home Affairs^after Cyclone Bola he had merely flown over his area whereas after Ann he had visited affected areas in person.

97. The Hon. Minister lolu ABIL said he had been able to do this because a plane had been available. He said that he had been told that Cyclone Bola had been » only a gale force wind but he had sent the VMF and had asked for a report. He said that the National Disaster Committee did not have much money to waste on trips but had saved it for immediate supplies. He said some people had taken advantage of the situation.

98. The Hon. Anatole L1NGTAMAT said Bola had damaged his part of Malekula too but that food supplies had been sent to other parts of Malekula only.

99. The Hon. Rene LUC asked whether the government had looked into building the bridge at South Santo. 92. 1*1. le Miniatre Barak T. SOPE rappelle que les fOts demeurent le bien du Gouvernement et le transfert autorisy par le Premier MinistrB servira

& continuer les travaux sur 1b Nord de Pentecflte. Mais que si ces chefs agissent iliygalemant, ils peuuant Stre traduits devant le tribunal.

93. Madame le Ddputy Hilda LINI indique que trois semaines plus tflt, un enfant a yty tuy par une voiture et que les panneaux de signalisation ne sont pas lisibles ou n*existent pas. Elie demande quelles sont les lois qui existent sur la circulation urbaine, sont-elles effectives et est^ce qu’on va remplacer les panneaux de signalisation.

94. M. le Ministre Iolu ABIL souligne qu’il comprend le problems des panneaux de signalisation. Il fait sauoir que beaucoup de panneaux ont yty implantSs, mais que la plupart a yty endommag^e par dea ivrognes et le public. Il ajoute que la municipality est en train de les remplacer mais que le public doit aussi collaborer. Il demands £ l’ancien ministre responsable d’expliquer la situation.

95. M. le Ministre Sethy REGENVANU affirms qu’il exists une loi mais que le public doit aussi collaborer.

96. M. le Deputy Robert KARIE demande pour quelle raison est-ce que le Ministre de l’lntyrieur n’a fait que suruoler sa region aprfes Sola, aloes qu’aprSs le

cyclone Anne, il s'est dypSchy d’y aller en personne.

97. M. le Ministre Iolu ABIL rSpond qu’il a pu le faire pare© qu’il y auait un avion £ sa disposition. Il indique que le cyclone Bola avait seulement une force de coup de vent mais qu’il a envoys les forces mobiles pour fairs un rapport. Il ajoute que la Commission nationale de l’ytat d’urgence n’a pas assez d’argent pour dypenser sur les voyages mais qu’elle dconomise pour mieux rypondre aux besoins urgents. Il affirms que quelques personnes profitent de la situation.

98. M. le Deputy Anatole LINGTAMAT indique que Mallicolo a yty aussi touchy par le cyclone et il demande pourquoi les gens du Nord de Mallicolo ne regoivent pas de ravitaillement immydiat alors que ceux de Lamap en regoivent. *

99. M. le Dyputy Reny LUC demande si le pont du Sud Santo sera construit.

« 100. The Hon. Minister Barak SOPE said that the bridge was over a wide river. During cyclones, he said, trees etc could carry the bridge away. He said he would look into making temporary constructions but that roads had to be constructed first. He said bridges were to be included in the 1989 budget.

101. The Hon. Maria CROWBY asked whether there were any plans to repair the Central Hospital wards and whether there were plans to get new boilers for

the hospital.

102. The Hon. Minister Fred TIMAKATA said at the present work was going on the extentions to the hospital and when completed he would look into repair of the wards. He said that instead of boilers solar heating systems were already being installed in order to save money.

103. The Hon. Henry 10UI0U asked whether parents of secondary school students in

Tafea would have to pay school fees next month. ♦

104. The Hon. Minister Sethy REGENVANU said that they would,

105. The Hon. Kavcor WASS asked when the transfer of teachers would stop.

106. The Hon. Minister Sethy REGENVANU said that this would happen as soon as teachers complied with their Minister’s decision.

» 107. The Hon. Keasipai SONG asked whether the road to Louneau on East Tanna would be repaired. *

108. The Hon. Minister Barak SOPE said that when the rainy weather ceased, PWD would begin work on that road.

109. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON asked why the Government was still supplying food to Tanna when ships from Tanna had come to Vila with local food for sale.

110. The Hon. Minister lolu ABIL said the supplying of food had stopped before he took over and that it also depended on how the situation was assessed.

« 100. PI. le Ministre Barak T. SOPE explique qua la rivibre est trEs large at qu’il sera tr£s difficile de construire at an meme temps demandera beaucoup d’argent. Il ajoute qu’iJ ferait construire un pont temporaire, mais que les routes doivBnt etre auparavant faitas. Il fait savoir que les ponts seront considErds dans le budget de 1989

101. Madame le DEputE Maria CROWBY demands s’il y a des projets da reparation des bStiments de l’HQpital Central, qui, parait-il ont des fuites sur lee

toits, Elie veut savoir aussi si l’on peut remplacer Isb machines d'Etuves qui sont en panne.

102. M. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA indique qu’actuellement, le ministers a’occupe de 1’extension des bfltiments de l’hfipital mais qu’une foiB terminus, il s’occupera de ce problems. Il ajaute qu’ils ont l’intention de remplacer les vieilles Etuves par des machines E Energie solaire pour Economiser 1’Electricity.

103. M. la DEputE Henry IOUIOU demands si les parents des Eldvas de Secondaire de TafEa devront payer les frais de scolaritE le mois prochain.

104. M. le Ministre de 1’Education fait savoir que les parants des enfants de TafEa doivent payer les frais de scolaritE.

105a 1*1. le DEputE Kavcor WASS demands quand cessera la mutation des instituteurs.

106. M. le Ministre Sethy REGENVANU rEpond que la mutation s'arrStera quand les instituteurs accepteront da decision.

107. M, le DEputE Keasipai SONG demands si la route vers Louneau & l’Est de Tanna sera rEpards.

108. ffl, le Ministre Barak T, SOPE indique qu’une fois le beau temps revenu, les travaux publics reprendront les travaux sur cette routb.

109. M. le DEputd Jimmy SIMON demands pourquoi est-ce que le Gouvernament continue d’envoyer das provisions & Tanna pendant touts une annde alors qu’entretemps les $ens de Tanna viennent vendre des lEgumes E Vilao

110o Pl. le Ministre Iolu ABIL indique que 1’approvisionnement s’est arretE avant qu’il ne devienne Ministre.

u• •/ a q □ 111. The Hon. Samson BUE asked whether extra teachers could be sent to West Ambae schools as they were short of teachers.

112. The Hon. Minister Sethy REGENVANU said there was a shortage of trained teachers throughout the country although this was not satisfactory.

113. The Hon. laris NAUNUN asked what time the North Middle Bush of Tanna would have its water supply system established.

114. The Hon. Minister Barak SOPE said that the government had approved the water supply system for North Middle Bush Tanna but that after Cyclone Bola most water supply systems had been damaged. He said that after these repairs, work would go ahead on that water supply system.

115. The Hon. Simeon ENNIS asked why people in his constituency did not have any interest in cooperation.

116. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI said that the cooperative federation was going down and that the cooperative department had little staff. He said that the government still believed in Cooperatives but that people were turning more and more to private enterprise.

117. The sitting adjourned at 5.00 pm.

4 111* M, le D6put6 Samson BUE fait savoir qu'ils n’ont pas d’instituteurs dans leur region et demands s’il n'y a paa d'instituteurs suppl^mentaires pour fitre mutds & l'Oueat d’Ambag.

112. M. le Ministre de l'Education fait savoir qu'il y a une pdnurie d1instituteurs qualifies, et qu'il n'en eat paa content.

113. M. le Depute laris NAUNUN damande quand eat-ce quB l1adduction d’eau sera-t-elle etablie au Nord du Centre Brouase de Tanna.

114. fl. le Ministre Barak T. SOPE indique que le Gouvernement a approuve 1'adduction d'eau du Centra Brousae de Tanna mais qu'aprbs le cyclone de nombreux syst&mea d'adduction d'eau ont ete endommagds. Il ajoute qu'il faudrait d'abord lea r£parer avant de realiaer 1'adduction d'eau de Tanna.

115. M. le Depute Ennis SIMEON ae damande pourquoi est-ce qoe les gens de sa region ne s'intersassnt plus aux cooperatives.

116. M, le Premier Miniatre indique que l'Aasociation des Cooperatives commence & disparaltre peu & peu. Il ajoute que le Gouvernement encourage toujoura les cooperatives mais que lee gens se tournent plutflt vers 1'entreprise privde.

117. Le President l&ve la stance & 17H00. PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF VANUATU




SPEAKER The Hon. Onneyn TAHI, Member for Ambae

PRESENT 45 Members


1. The session commenced at 8.45 am.

2. The Hon. Aileh RANTES said the prayer.

3. The Hon. Speaker read out the agenda.

4. The Hon. Nipake E. NATAPEI said that his statement was not ready and asked if he could present it later during the day,

5. The Hon. Speaker accepted his request and stated that he could present his statement during Government Bills in the afternoon session.

6- The Hon. Minister Fred TIMAKATA moved a motion to amend the order of Bills contained in the list. He moved that the House should debate Bills Nos. 5, 7, 8 and I 1.

7. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON seconded the motion. PARLEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU



MARDI 29 MARS 1988

PRESIDENT : M. Dnneyn TAHI, Depute d'Ambae,

PRESENTS : 45 Deputes



1 * Le President ouvre la edance & 08H45.

2« M, le Ddputd Allah RANTES dit la priSre.

3. Le President annonce l'ordrs du jour*

A. M. le Minlstre Nipake NATAPEI indique qu'il ne peut presenter sa declaration dda maintenant, celle-ci n'dtant pae prSte* I

5. Le President rdpond qu'il peut la presenter an ddbut de l'apr&s-midi,

6. M. le Mlniatre Fred K, TIMAKATA demands d'dtudier les projets de lol 5, 7, 8, 11 de la liete, et une foie ce travail termind, de reprendre 1’examan en commission du proJet de loi sur 1'Extradition, ajournd

la veille,

7. M. le Depute Jimmy SIMON appuie la demands du Minlstre Fred K. TIMAKATA* 8. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE asked if the House could first of all finish the Extradition Bill and Chen continue with the proposed order of Bills.

9, The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA clarified that his motion was to amend the order of the list of Bills.

10. The Hon. Willie JIMMY disagreed with the motion since it would disturb MPs concentration.

11. The Hon, Alfred MASENG declared that most of the members had only received Bill No. 7 on the previous day, not ten days beforehand, as required by the

Standing Orders.

12. The Hon. Fred K. TIMAKATA explained that according to Standing Orders only the date of postage was taken into consideration (15 days earlier) and not the date the MPs received the Bill. He pointed out that some members were living in remote areas and the question of mail being lost on the way forced them to keep the Bills in the members pigeon holes. Referring to Hon. Willie JIMMY's disagreement, he stated that the agenda could be amended.

13. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr, Walter LINI felt that it was not necessary to move a motion to change the order of Bills.

14. The Hon. Speaker explained that since it was a motion which had been seconded, the House must proceed with the vote.

15. The Hon. Willie JIMMY referred to Standing Orders 17 (1) which stated that the Clerk should prepare an agenda for each sitting day.

16. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT stressed that the Parliament Secretariat should consider more seriously the importance of early postage. He continued by saying that more time should be given to members to study the Bills they had received lately.

17. The Hon. Speaker replied that out of the Bills listed only four had arrived late and needed more time for the members to study them. 8. M. Is Ddputd Vincent BOULEKONE pense qu’il serait prdfArable de terminer l’examen en commission du projet de loi sur I1extradition, puis d’approuver ce projet de loi en seconds lecture avant de passer & d’autres projets de loi.

9. 1*1. le Ministre Fred K, TIMAKATA rdplique qu’il ne s’agit pas de laisser de cfitd le projet de loi sur lfextradition , mais de commencer par d’autres petits projets de loi plus rapidement dtudids, autrement dit, qua sa motion ne vise qu’un changement dans l’ordre de la liste das projets de loi.

10. M. le Ddputd Willie JIMMY s’oppose & cetta motion qui empficherait une bonne concentration des ddputds sur le projet de loi dtudid la veille.

110 M. le Ddputd Alfred MASENG se plaint de n’avoir regu le projet de loi NO.7 que Lundi, done la veille et qu’il sait que ces dsmiers doivent etrB rogue 10 JOURS avant la date de la session parlementaire.

12. M. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA explique que les pro jets de loi doivent fitre envoyds 15 jours d l’avance aux ddputds, et la date de leur reception est independents de la responaabilitd deB secretaires at ne compte pas.

13. M. la Premier Ministre Walter Ho LINI precise qu’il n’est pas ndeessaire de voter une motion pour un petit changement dans l’ordre des projets de loi & 1’ordrB du jour.

14. Le President declare que puisque la motion a dtd proposdB et appuyde, 11 faut la passer au vote.

15. M. le Ddputd Willie JIMMY fait remarquer que I1Article 17 (l) du Rdglement

Intdriaur prdcise que le Secrdtaire Gdndral doit prdparer l’ordre du jour

pour chaque jour.

16. M. le Ddputd Maximo CARLOT indique que pour l’application du Rbglement Intdrieur, il faut donner 10 jours aux ddputds pour l’dtude des projets de loi, done il aurait fallu envoyer ces projBts de loi plutfit.

17. Le Prdsident explique que seuls quatre projets de loi n’ont pas couvert le ddlai da 10 jours pour fitre dtudides. 18. The Hon. Fred K. TIMAKATA withdrew Bill No. 7 from his motion since it had not fulfilled the time requirement. ♦

19. The Hon. Hilda LINI referred to Standing Order 12 (4) and asked whether only the list of Bills had to be sent to Members or the Bills themselves. ,

20. The Hon. Speaker replied that Standing Order 12 (4) should be read in conjunction with Standing Orders 24.

21. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA felt that it was time they started the business of the day.

22. The Hon, Speaker asked the Hon. Minister Fred TIMAKATA to cLarify his

motion. 1

23. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA explained that his motion was to amend * the order of bills in the list and not to suspend the Standing Orders.

24. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE pointed out that it was time for the Parliament Secretariat to consider the seriousness of sending bills to the Members on time.

25. The motion to amend the list of bills was carried with 25 votes in favour and 20 abstentions.

26. The Hon, Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA pointed out that Bill No. 13 should not have been included in the list of bills for the session.


27. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA introduced the Bill and moved that it be read a first time.

28. The Hon. asked if the purpose of the Bill was to provide more money for the government and why it was backdated to 1987. 18. M. Is Ministre FrBd K. TIMAKATA comprend que les projets do loi doivent parvenir asaez t6t aux d^putds at que le projat de loi NO* 7 est arriu^ trop tard, done il le retire de la motion^

19. Madame le DGputg Hilda LINI veut sauoir si, selon le R&glement Int^rieur, les projets de loi eux-m6mes ou la lists seule doivent parvenir aux ddput6s quinze jours & l’avance.

20. Le President explique que las articles (12) et {24) du R&glement Int^rieur se complhtent pour rdpondre & cette question.

21. M. le Ministre Sela MOLISA dsmande de continuer le travail normal de la stance et de cesser de perdre du temps.

22. Le President voudrait des precisions sur la motion du Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA.

23. M. le Ministre Fred Ke TIMAKATA explique qu’il presents une motion pour changer l’ordre des projets de loi de la liste, non pour suspendre le R&glement Int^rieur.

24. M. le D^putd Vincent BOULEKONE declare que les secretaires du Parlement devraient ddsormais s’efforcer d’snvcyer les projets de loi aux ddputSs en temps opportun.

25..* La motion portant sur l’dtude des projets de loi 5, 8 et 11, prdsent^e par Mo le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA, appuy^e par le Ddputd Timmy SIMON, est approuv^e par 25 voix pour et 20 abstentions.

26. M. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA precise que le projet de loi N0,13 n’aurait pas dO figurer sur la liste.


PREMIERE LECTURE 27. M. le Ministre Sela MOLISA presents le projet de loi et propose qu’il soit examine en premiere lecture.

28. M. le DSputd Serge VOHOR veut savoir si ce projet de loi est destind & aider le Gouvernement d obtenir des fonds et pourquoi la loi aura-t-elle un Bffet rdtro-actif. 29. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA responded that the purpose of the Bill was to help the government revenue fund and to provide sufficient resources for the government to supply enough money to the Development Bank.

30, The Hon. Willie JIMMY felt that this bill showed just how financially weak the government was. He noted with disapproval that the Bill allowed the Government to withdraw money from the interest of the Central Bank and asked the government to find another source of income to revive the country's economy. He was delighted to hear that French people would no longer be required to apply for visas to Vanuatu and went on to say that the Government should encourage more foreign investment in Vanuatu.

3). The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA responded that the Central Bank was under Government control and added that the Government was still encouraging < foreign investment in the country. He said that the Bill would not affect the reserve funds of the Central Bank. *

32. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT said that the Opposition would vote against the Bill and was sorry to see that the Government was trying to find funds to cover a budget which did not exist. He questioned the Government of how much was left in the Bank’s reserves. He continued by saying that the Opposition would propose a reduction in the Ministerial portfolios of the Government in the near future.

33. The Hon. Minister Barak SOPE supported the principle of the bill saying it , was straight forward and queried why the Leader of Opposition, Hon.

Maxime CARLOT was referring to the 1987 budget.

34. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA further commented on the reprospective point. He said that bonds were not included in the reserves they were a liability. He said that according to Section 7 of the principal Act issued capital was 200,000,000 VT. He said that the law required the bank reserve up to half of its profits. He stated that they were talking only about the general reserves of the bank and not foreign reserves. He admitted that it was no secret that we had used up our foreign reserves. 29. M. 1b Ministre Sela MOLISA r^plique qu’un projet de loi a toujours un but positif, qua celui-ci vise & aider le Gouvernemsnt £ obtenir des reuenus.

30. M. le D6put6 Willie 3IMMY declare qu’on s’aperijoit que le Gouuernement a vraiment besain de trouuer de 1’argent par tous les moyens, mais, obtenir des fonds en se servant des int^rets d’une Banque ne lui semble pas un bon moyen. Il faudrait laisser les capitaux strangers sntrer & Vanuatu et en cela, il est heureux de savoir que les fran^ais n’auront plus besoin de visa pour venir.

31. I*lo le Ministry Sela MOLISA precise que ce pro jet de loi n’affectera en rien les fonds de la Banque. Il reconnait que Vanuatu doit actuellement faire face & de graves difficult^ financi&ras et il encourage les investissements uenant de l’ext^rieur.

32. M. le D6put6 Maxima CARLDT declare que l’Opposition n’approuvera pas le projet de loi. Il regrette da voir le Gouuernement proc^der ainsi pour obtenir des fonds pour combler le deficit d’un budget qui n’existe plus. Il aimerait connaitre le montant des reserves de l’Etat dans la Banque Centrals. L’Opposition aimerait proposer au Gouuernement un programme pour r^duire le nombre de miniatures, d’abord, Il pense quo chacun doit fairs des efforts pour construire un auenir financier stable & notre pays, que chacun doit sa santir responsable de r^tablir la situation.

33. Mo le Ministre Barak T. SOPE appuie le principe du projet de loi et indique que le bdnhfice net mentionn^ dans le budget se rapporte h la Banque Centrale

/ et non pas au budget. Il demands aussi pourquoi 1% le D£put£ flaxinE CARLOT se rdf&re au Budget de 1987.

34. Se r6f£rant aux commentaires de M. le D6put£ Maxims CARLOT, le Ministre des Finances, Mo Sela MOLISA indique que les bonds ne sont pas inclus dans la reserve g^n^rale et que la banque & des engagements prdvus & l’article 7 dB la loi principals (issued capital : 20,000.000). Il continue en disant que la loi pr6voit 1’augmentation de la reserve de la Banque & la moiti6 de son b^n^fice net, Il indique aussi qu’il ne parle pas des reserves ^trang&res mais des reserves g6n£ralss de la Banque. Il ajoute aussi qu’il est urai que nous avons dpuis£ nos reserves ^trang&res. 35. The Hon. Leader of the Oppostion, Maxime CARLOT questioned whether it was true that the Central Bank had asked for 10Z of all private banks profits.

36. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA replied that he would answer the question in question time.

37. The Motion that the bill be read for a first time and pass was carried with 25 votes in favour and 20 abstentions.


38. Section "Amendment of Section 1 of Act No. 3 of 1980", was approved on division.

39. Section 2 "Amendment of Section 7 of the principal Act", was approved on division. •

40. Section 3, "Retrospective effect of Section 2", was approved on division.

41. Section 4, "Commencement", was approved on division.


42. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA moved that the Bill be read a second time and do pass.

43. The motion that the bill be read in parliament a second time and do pass was carried out with 25 voces in favour and 20 against.


44. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA introduced the Bill, explained its purpose and moved chat it be read a first time and do pass. 35. M. le Chef de l’Opposition, 1*1, Maxima CARLOT demande s’il est vrai que la Banque Centrale demands aux barques privies 10% de leurs b^n^fices.

36. M. le Ministre Sela MOL ISA fait remarquer que la question n’est pas posde en temps utile et qu’il donnera une rdponse £ l’heure des questions orales.

37. La motion portant adoption en premiers lecture du projet de loi NO, de 1988 relatif & la Banque Centrals de Vanuatu (Modification) est adoptee par 25 voix pour et 20 abstentions.

30, L’article 1t "Modification de I1Article 1 de la loi NO,3 de I96011, est adopts & la majority des voix.

39. L’article 2, "Modification de l’Article 7 de la loi principals". est adopts & la majority des uoix.

40. L’article 3, "Effet r^troactjf de I1Article 2", est adopts d la maioritS des voix.

41. L’article 4, "Entree en vioueur", est adopts & la majority des voix.

42. M. le Ministre des Finances propose que le projet de loi NO. de 1988 relatif £ la Banque Centrale soit adopts en deuxibme lecturB.

43. La motion portant adoption en deuxi&me lecture du projet de loi NO. da 1988 relatif la Banque Centrale de Vanuatu (Modification) est adoptee par

25 voix pour et 20 contre.


PREMIERE LECTURE 44. Ma le Ministre des Finances presents le projet de loi relatif d la Convention de prfit entre la Rdpublique de Vanuatu et la Banque Asiatique de D^veloppement

il en explique les dispositions et propose qu’il soit adopts en premiere

lecture• 45. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT said that the Opposition supported the Bill since the loan was for a needful case and asked if it was related to what the Minister of Public Works, Hon. Barak SOPE had said about the repair of

the wharf on Santo.

46. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA explained that this loan only concerned the new wharf on Santo and it’s facilities.

47. The motion that the Bill be read a first time and do pass was carried unanimously.


48. Section 1 , "Ratification", was approved on division.

49. Section 2, "Commencement11, was approved on division.


50. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA moved that the bill be read a second time and do pass.

51. The motion that the Bill be read a second time and do pass was carried unanimously.

52. The sitting was suspended from 10.05 and resumed at 10.27 am.



53. The Hon. Minister Harold QUALAO introduced the Bill, explained its purpose and moved that it be read a first time and pass. 45. M. le D^putd Maxims CARLOT declare que 1*Opposition appuia le principa de la loi surtout lorsqu'il s'agit d'un emprunt pour uno grande ndcessit^. Il continue en demandant s'il s'agit de la reparation du quai actuel ou de la construction d'un nouveau quai.

46. M. le Ministre des Finances indique qu'il ne s'agit que de la construction d'un nouveau quai.

47. La motion portant adoption en premiere lecture du projet de loi NO. de 1980 relatif & la Convention de pr§t entre la R^publique de Vanuatu et la Banque Asiatique de D^veloppement est approuv^e £ 1'unanimity.


48. L'article 1. "Ratification", ast adoptd & l'unanimitd.

49. L'article 2, "Entree en vigueur". est adopts & 1'unanimity.


50. M. le Ministre des Finances propose que le projet de Id! NO. de 1908 relatif & la Convention de prSt entre la R^publique de Vanuatu et la Banque Asiatique de Ddvelappement soit adopts en deuxi&me lecture.

51. La motion portant adoption en deuxi&me lecture du projet de loi relatif £ la Convention de prSt entre la Rdpublique de Vanuatu et la Banque Asiatique de Ddveloppement est adopts & 1'unanimity.

52. La edance, suspendue & 10H05, reprend & 10H27.


PREMIERE LECTURE 53. M. le Ministre de 1'Aviation Civile, M. Harold QUALAO prdsente le proJet de loi ND. de 1900 sur la taxa d'aSroport, 11 en explique lea dispositions et propose qu'il soit adopts en premi&re lecture. 54. The Hon. Andes CARLOT said he thought that 500 VT or even 1000 VT more for departure tax would not affect tourists greatly. He said he supported the principle of the bill and that the amendment should be strictly observed.

55. The Hon. William EDGELL asked whether Members also had to pay the dpeature tax.

56. The Hon, Minister Donald KALPOKAS said any person who travelled on govern­ ment business was issued an official passport by the Ministry of foreign Affairs. He said all other persons had to pay tax.

57. The Hon, Willie JIMMY supported the Hon. EDGELL’s question and said that MPs should also travel on diplomatic passports. He said he did not see any difference between diplomatic passports and ordinary passports, because he had had to pay aiport tax in Fiji and Australia when using an official passport. What was their use if they were not recongnised, he asked.

58. The Hon. Minister Donald KALPOKAS said the bill was based on Vanuatu law. He said that for diplomatic passports, reciprical arrangements had to be made between countries. He added that even Ministers had to go through customs without exemption and accept other formalities of the receiving country.

59. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA supported the bill and explained that in the law concerning passports, MPs did not come under the official passports category unless they travelled as government delegates on a mission. He added that when a person went to another country, he had to comply with that country's laws,

60. The Hon. Luke DINI supported the bill but said it would affect only a small number of Ni-Vanuatu but would affect tourists more. He asked why the Minister did not make the tax 2000 or 3000 VT. He said that diplomatic passports would cost the government a lot of money. He added that measures should be taken so that MPs were treated as important people.

61. The Hon. Fred K. TIMAKATA supported the bill but reminded the members that their comments were not to the point and chat the law on passports had already been approved. 54. 1*1. le Dgputg And&s CARLOT fait remarquer que 1 • augmentation de la taxe d'adroport de 500 Vt ou m§me de 1.000 Vt n'affectera pas beaucoup les tauristes. Il ajoute qu'il approuue le projet de loi mais que la modification doit §tre strictement appliques.

5fo. fl. le Dgputg William EDGELL demands si les dgput^s doiuent eux-aussi payer la taxe d'adroport.


5>, fl. le DSputS Willie OlflflY appuie la question du D6put6 William EDGELL et souligne que les dgput^s deUraient voyager avec des passeports officials. Il ajoute qu'il ne voit aucune difference entre un passeport officiel et un simple passeport. Il indique qu'il a payd la taxe d'adroport & Fidji et en Australie. Ainsi, quelle est l'utilitd d'un passeport officiel, si les ddputds ne sont pas reconnus.

5'Jo fl. le flinistre Donald KALPOKAS declare que le projet de loi se base sur la

loi de Vanuatu. Il indique que des conventions mutuelles doiuent §tre passdes concernant les passeports officiels entre les pays. Il indique que mSme les ministres doiuent passer par la douane et accepter les formalitds d'un pays stranger. f5!. fl. le flinistre Sela flOLISA accepts le pro jet de loi et explique qu'&

l'annaxe da la loi relative aux passeports, las ddputds figurant dans la categoric des passeports officiels, quand ila font partie d’une mission du Gouuernement. Il ajoute que toute personne entrant dans un pays doit se conformer aux rdglements de ce pays.

&>. fl. le Ddputd Luke T. DINI approuve le pro jet de loi et pense qu'il affectera un petit nombre de Ni-Uanuatu mais affectera encore plus les touristes. Il demands au minist&re de porter la taxe & 2,000 Vatu ou 3.000 Vatu. Il ajoute que les passeports diplOmatiques coOteront beaucoup & l'administration st demands & ce que des mesures soient prises afin de trailer des ddput^s comma des personnes importantea□

6'1 fl. le flinistre Fred K. TIflAKATA eoutient le projet de loi mais rappelle aux dgputSs que lours commentaires ne concernent pas les principee du projet de loi car la loi sur les passeports a ddj& approuvde. e

62. The Hon. Andes J. CARLOT pointed out that although he agreed with Section 1, ► it application had to be strictly applied to officials on government business, because there had been abuses of official passports.

63. The Hon. Kawai THOMPSON asked why the bill was to amend part of a joint regulation. He thought they should pass a separate law.

64. The Hon. Minister Harold C. QUALAO replied that it was normal for Parliament to approve joint regulations if they wanted to change part of a law.

65. The Hon, Maxine CARLOT was not in favour of the exemptions. He said if the government supported this bill, it should pay the tax for people on official business so that there would not be any exemption and there would be more control.

66. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON expressed support for the bill and moved that the Members vote on it.

67. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE asked whether the increase in airport tax would affect tourism and whether there were grounds for the increase in relation to other pacific countries.

68. The Hon. Minister Harold QUALAO replied that the increase would not affect tourists very much because other countries had increased their taxes.

69. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE asked if the proposed increase could be changed to 2000 VT instead of having to change it again in the near future.

70. The motion that the bill for the Airport Departure tax (amendment) No. of 1988 be read a first time was carried with 25 votes for and 20 abstentions.


71. The Hon. Andes CARLOT, seconded by the Hon. Adrien MALERE, proposed an amendment to Section 1, paragraph (i) by adding the following paragraph "(ii) any student studying overseas". 6 ij. M. le Ddputd Andds CARLOT indique qu’il est d’accord auec 1’Article 1, mais que son application doit §tre vraiment limitde aux offices du Gouvernement qui voyagent pour dBS raisons d’dtat, Il ajoute qu’il y a eu des abus par le pased•

6?>. M. 1b Ddputd Kauai THOMPSON demands pourquoi le projet de loi vise & modifier le Rdglement Conjoint. A son avis il faut uoter une autre loi.

1*1. le Ministre Harold QUALAO explique que la modification du Rdglement Conjoint n’est pas si importante pour que le Parlement vote une nonelle loi et que le Parlement a ddjd approuvd la Rdglement Conjoint.

615. M. 1b Ddputd Maxime CARLOT n’accepte pas 1’exemption de la taxe. Il fait remarquer que cette taxa doit Strs payde par le budget du 9eruica des personnes qui voyagent pour des raisons d’dtat* Il ajoute que si la Gouvernement soutient co projet de lei, il doit lui aussi payer la taxe afin qu’il n’y ait aucune exemption et qu’il y ait plus de contrfile.

6e>. M. le Ddputd Oimmy SIMON approuve le projet de loi et propose qu’il soit adoptd.

ST. Mo le Ddputd Vincent BOULEKONE demands si 1’augmentation dB la taxe d’adroport affectara les touristes, ou s’il y a un avantage pour 1’augmen­ tation dB la taxe, tenant compte des autres pays du Pacifique,

6’1O M. le Ministre Harold QUALAO rdpond que l’augmentation n’affectera pas beaucoup les touristes sachant, que les autres pays du Pacifique ont augmentd leurs texes.

1. 1*1. le Ddputd Uincent BOULEKONE demands si l’augmentation proposde pourrait atre modifide en remplagant 1.500 Vatu par 2.000 Vatu ou de le modifier encore une fois & l’avenir.

La motion portant adoption du projet de loi NO. dB 1988 relatif & la taxe d’adroport (modification) en premiers lecture sst approuvde par 25 voix pour et 20 abstentions,


Article 1 t Modification de l’Article 1 du Rdglement Conjoint NO. 57 de 1973 71. M. le Ddputd Andds CARLOT, appuyd par le Ddputd Adrien MALERE, propose une modification de 1’Article 1, Alinda (l) en ajoutant l’elinda *'(ii) tout dldve dtudiant d l’dtranger”. 72. The Hon. Hilda LINI commented that normally the aiport tax of students who

were on government scholarships was paid by the government and asked which students Hon. CARLOT meant to exempt.

73. The Hon. Andes CARLOT said he meant all students.

74. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA explained that the original bill did not mention travellers with ordinary passports only people who had official or diplomatic passports.

75. The Hon. Andes CARLOT withdrew his proposed amendment.

76. Section 1, "Amendment of Section 1 of Joint Regulation No. 57 of 1973”, was approved on division.


77. The Hon. William EDGELL seconded by the Hon. Jimmy SIMON proposed to amend the amount of VT 1.500 to VT 2.000.

78. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA said that after the discussions he would support the increase from 1.500 to 2.000 VT.

79. The motion to amend Section 2 by deleting the figure 1.500 VT and replace it by 2.000 VT was defeated with 23 votes against, 20 for and 1 abstention.

80. The sitting was suspended at 11.30 and resumed at 2.10 pm.



81. Section 2f 11 Amendment of section 2 of the principal Act", was approved on division.

82. Section 3, "Commencement", was approved on division. 7?J. Madame le dSputS Hilda LINI indique que normalement les taxes d’aSroport des Slaves qui sont bouraiers du Gouvernement sont payees par le Gouvernement Elie demands de sauoir quels dtudiants est-ce qu’il s’agit.

73. M, le Ddputd Andbs CARLOT indiquB qu’il veut exempter tout dl&ve & 1’Stranger.

7h. M. le Ministre Sela MOLISA explique que le projet de loi ne concerns pas les personnes voyageant auec des passeports ordinaires, mais qu’il n’est question que de ceux qui voyagent avec des passeports officials ou diplS- matiquss.

7f. M. le D3put£ AndSs CARLOT retire sa motion.


Article 2 ; Modification de l1Article 2 de la loi principals. 7* Mo le DSputS William EDGELL, appuy^ par le D6put£ Jimmy SIMON, propose la modification du montant de 1.500 Vatu et de le remplacer par 2.000 Vatu0

76. M. le Ministre Sela MOLISA declare que vu les considerations das ddput^s, il soutient 1’augmentation du montant 1.500 Vatu £ 2.000 Vatu.

7i. La motion portant modification de l’article 2 sn substituant 1,500 Vatu et an le remplagant par 2.000 Vatu est repauss^e par 23 voix contra, 20 voix pour et 1 abstention.

La stance, suspendue & 11H30, reprend & 14H10.

PR03ET-DE LO I_N0.__ § u R_ L A _T A X E _D A E RO PO RT_ £ MOD IE IC ATION )


B‘ . L’article 2. "Modification de 1’Article 2 de la loi principals", est adopts £ la majority des voix.

L1article 3, "Entree en viQueur”. eat adopts & la majority des voix SECOND READING

83. The Hon. Minister Harold QUALAO moved that the Bill be read a second time and do pass.

84. The motion that the Bill be read a second time and do pass was carried with 23 votes in favour and 18 abstentions.



85. Section 11, "Consent order for extradition”, was approved on division.

86. Section 12, "Habeas corpus and review”, was approved on division.

87. Section 13, "Extradition or discharge by the Minister", was approved on division.

88. Section 14 "Warrant for extradition", was approved on division.

89. Section 15, "Discharge in case of delay in extraditing”, was approved on division.

90. Section 16, "Evidence", was approved on division.

91. Section 17, "Custody", was approved on division.

92. Section 18, "Extradition of persons to Vanuatu and certain restrictions upon proceedings against them", was approved on division.

93. Section 19, "Restoration of persons not tried or qcquitted", was approved on division.

94. Section 20, "Regulations", was approved on division. DEUXIEME LECTURE

0?h 1*1 • le Ministre Harold QUALAO propose que le projet de loi soit lu pour la deuxiSme fois et adopts.

81-,. La motion portant adoption en deuxi&me lecture du projet de loi NO, do 1988 sur la taxe d'aSroport est adoptee par 23 voix pour et 18 abstentions.


8l-• L'article 11, "Ordonnance par consentement pour lfextradition", est adopts & la majority des voix,

8£. L1article 12, "Habeas corpus et rSvision". est adopts & la majoritS des voix,

8'+. L*article 13, "Extradition ou libSration ordonnSe par le Ministre", est adopts S la majority des voix,

8?.,. L^rticle 14, "Mandat _dT extradition", est adopts & la majority des voix.

L*article 15, "Liberation en cas de dSlai d1extradition", est adopts & la majority des voix,

L'articlB 16, "Preuve", est adopts & la majority des voix,

9». L*article 17, "Detention", est adopts & la majority des voix.

Si. L^rticle 18, "Extradition de personnes vers Vanuatu et certaines

restrictions sur les procedures intentSBS contra ellea", est adopts & la majority des voix,

93, L,article 19, 11 Reintegration de personnes non judges ou acquittSes", est adopts d la majority des voix.

94. LArticle 20, "Rbqlaments", est adopts & la majoritS des voix. 95. Section 21, "Extradition from Vanuatu applicable to offences committed before and after the (commencement of this Act", was approved on division.

96. Section 22, "Property found on fugitive offenders", was approved on division.

97. Section 23, "Commencement", was approved on division.


98. The Hon. Minister Donald KALPOKAS moved that the Bill be read a second time and do pass.

99. The motion that the Bill be read a second time and do pass was carried with 25 votes in favour and 19 against.



100. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI introduced the Bill and moved that it be read a first time and do pass.

101. The Hon. Andes CARLOT asked what the Government's criteria were for moving the scale currently enjoyed by the Principal Private Secretary to the President to that of First Secretaries.

102. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI responded that this amendment to the Official Salaries Act covered all political appointees and those civil servants who would lose their jobs when the government changed. The President's Secretary fell into this category, he added.

103. The Hon. Luke DINI felt that people in rural areas should also enjoy the same privileges as civil servants by being paid a cost of living allowance. 95. L’article 21 t "Extradition de Uanuatu applicable aux infractions commiBes avant at aprfes l’entrde en viouaur de la presents loint est adopts & la majority des voix.

9v\ L’article 22, uB_iens_ trouvds sur dss ddliquants fuqitifs*1. est adopts & la majority des voix.

9V. L1article 23, "Entrde en viqueur11. est adopts £ la majority d89 voix.


9'1. M. le Ministre Donald KALPOKAS propose que le pro jet de loi NO. de 1968 sur 1'extradition soit lu pour la deuxidme fois et adopts.

9«. La motion portant adoption du projet de loi NO. de 1988 sur l1extradition eet adoptee en deuxibme lecture par 25 voix pour et 19 voix contre.

PREMIERE LECTURE. H’C M. le Premier Ministre Walter H. LINI presents le projet de loi et propose qu’il soit examind en premi&re lecture.

10' . M. le Ddputd Andds CARLOT remarque que le Secretaire privd du President se trouve maintenant au meme grade que les premiers secretaires des Miniatures et veut savoir sur quoi se base le Gouvernement pour ce changement.

102,. M. le Premier flinistre Walter H. LINI explique que ce projet de loi affects les nominations politiques et certains fonctionnairea, qui peuvent perdre leur posts quand le Gouvernement change. Il ajoute qu’en effet le Secretaire privd se trouve au mfime niveau que les premiers secretaires des miniatures.

10i, fl. le Ddputd Luka T. DINI comprand que la Gouvernement essaie de satisfaire les fonctionnairea car le coOt de la vie a augments mais il voudrait aussi que le Gouvernement s’occupe des habitants des zones rurales. 104. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI replied that the Government could not make such payments to everyone but he continued by saying that the latter were enjoying the benefit of development projects funded by the Government.

105. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON asked when the provisions of the Bill would come into effect.

106. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI answered that the provisions of the Bill would come into effect as soon as they were published in the Official Gazette.

107. The Hon. Willie JIMMY was unsure whether this would be paid through the 1987 or 1988 budget, since the latter had not yet been passed by Parliament.

108. The Hon. Prime Minister Fr. Walter LINI stressed that the Bill dealt with family allowances and cost of living allowances payable to civil servants.

109. The motion that the Bill be read a first time was carried with 25 votes in favour and 20 against.


110. Section 1, "Amendment of the Schedule to Act No. 11 of 1983", was approved on division.

111. Section 2, "Commencement", was approved on division.


112. The Hon. Prime Minister Fr, Walter LINI moved chat the Bill be read a Second time and do pass.

113. The motion that the Bill be read a second time and do pass was carried with 25 votes in favour and 20 against. 10s*. M.'le Premier Ministre Walter H. LINI explique que le Gouvernement ne pourrait pas accorder de tellas indemnitee & taut le monde mais il ajoute que lee habitants des zones rurales bdn^ficient pour leur part de certains projets de developpement finances par le Gouvernement.

1OE,. M. le Depute Jimmy SIMON demands quand ces dispositions entreront en vigueur.

10^. M. le Premier Ministre Walter LINI repond qu1elles entreront en vigueur d&s qu'elles seront publiee3 dans le Journal 0fficielo

1Cfc. Mo le Depute Willie JIMMY aimerait savoir si ces promotions vont etrs payees sur le budget 1987 ou 1988. Ce dernier n*ayant pas encore ete vote.

10‘3. M. le Premier Ministre Walter H. LINI souligne que le projet de loi traite des allocations familiales et de 1'indemnity de cherts de vie payees aux fonctionnaires.

10 i. La motion portant adoption du projet de loi en premiere lecture sur la remuneration des dignitaires de l'Etat (modification) est approuvee par 25

voix pour et 20 voix contre.


11tO. L'article 1. "Modification de 1*Annexe de la loi NO. 11 de 1983". est adopte & la majorite des voix.

11 >. L'article 2. "Entree en viqueur", est adopte & la majorite das voix.

DEUXIEME LECTURE m. M, le Premier Ministre Walter H. LINI propose que le projet de loi soit lu pour la deuxiSme fois et adopte.

11.% La motion portant adoption du projet de loi NO. de 1988 sur la Remuneration des dignitaires de l'Etat (modification) est adopte© en deuxi&me lecture

par 25 voix pour et 20 voix contre. BILL FOR THE CONSULAR RELATIONS ACT NO. OF 1988


1 14. The Hon. Minister Donald KALPOKAS introduced the Bill and moved that it be read a first time.

115. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT supported the Bill. He asked the Minister of Foreign Affairs if there were any consulates in Vanuatu and if so, how many.

116. The Hon. Minister Donald KALPOKAS replied saying that there were none, for there was no law that could allow any to be set up. He stated that there was a need for a law such as this to allow consulates in. He pointed out that if a law such as this were passed it would not only allow foreign consulates into the country but also we could have consulates from Vanuatu in their countries.

► 117. The Hon. Leader of the Opposition, Maxime CARLOT queried the number of foreign diplomatic missions in Vanuatu.

118. The Hon. Minister Donald KALPOKAS announced that there were four, one each from France, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand.

119. The motion that the Bill be read a first time and do pass was approved with 26 votes in favour and 19 abstentions.

120. The sitting was suspended from 3.10 pm to 3.30 pm.


121. Section 1, ‘’Interpretation", was approved on division.

122. Section 2, "Application on Vienna Convention", was approved on division.

123. Section 3, "Restriction of privileges and immunities", was approved on division. PREMIERE LECTURE 11\. M. le Ministre Donald KALPOKAS presents le projet de loi et propose qu’il soit examine en premiere lecture.

1l(\ M, le Depute Maxima CARLOT appuie le projet dB loi en indiquant que ceci

est une necessity en ce qui concerns le d^veloppement. Il demande au Ministre des Affaires Etrangbres s’il y a des consulate & Vanuatu et combien y a-t-il ?

11<» M. le Miniatre des Affaires Etrangbres, M. Donald KALPOKAS rdpond qu'actuellemen il n’y a pas encore de consulate b Vanuatu, mais quB les activitbs consulaires sent effectudas par les Ambassades et les haute commissariats. Il continue en disant qu’il n’y a aucune loi b Vanuatu autorisant des missions consulaires & venir & Vanuatu et indique qu’il est nbcessaire d’approuver une telle loi. Il indique enfin que cette loi n’est uniquement valable pour les consuls strangers s’installant dans le pays mais dgalement pour le Vanuatu s’il y a une nhcessith d'ouvrir un consulat & 1'stranger.

11'1’. M. le Ddputd Maxims CARLOT demands combien y a-t-il de missions consulairss £ Vanuatu ?

1T£. M. le Ministre Donald KALPOKAS rhpond qu’il y en a quatre, & savoir la France, la Grande Bretagne, l1Australia et la Nouvelle Zhlande.

11*1. La motion portant adoption en premi&re lecture du projet de loi NO. de 1986 relatif aux relations consulaires est adoptde par 26 voix pour et 19 abstentions,

1^-<4 La stance, suspendue & 15H10, reprend & 15H30.


12l. L'article 1, "Definition", est adopts & la majority des voix.

12;:. L'article 2, 11 Application de la Convention de Vienna", est adopts b la majority des voix.

12on L'article 3, "Restriction des privilfeges et immunitbs", est adopts & la majority das voix. 124. Section 4, "Additional or reduced privileges and inmunicies,l> was approved

on division.

125. Section 5, "Service on board ship or aircraft", was approved on division.

126. Section 6, "Detention on board ship for disciplinary offences", was approved on division.

127. Section 7, "Nationality of children of consular officers etc.," was approved on division.

128. Section 8, "Refund of customs duty on hydrocarbon oils", was approved on division.

A 129. Section 9, "Priority of telecommunications", was approved on division.

130. Section 10, "Oaths and notarial acts", was approved on division. *

131. Section 11, "Evidence", was approved on division.

132. Section 12, "Repeal of Joint Regulation No. 41 of 1977", was approved on division.

133. Section 13, "Commencement", was approved on division.


134. The Hon. Minister Donald KALPOKAS moved that the Bill be read a second time and do pass.

135. The motion that the Bill be read a second time and do pass, was carried with 26 votes in favour and 19 abstentions. 12v. L*art_icle 4, "Privileges et immunites suppiementaires ou reduites", B3t adopte & la majorite des uoix.

12?. L^rticle 5, "Service £ bord d'un navite ou d*un aeronef", est adopte £ la majorite des uoix.

12c. L^rticle 6, "Detention & bord d*un navire pour infraction passible de de mesures disciplinaires", est adopte & la majorite das uoix.

121. L^rticle 7, "Nationalite des enfants de fonctionnaires consulaires etc,..", est adopte & la majorite des uoix.

12*. Lrarticle 8, "Remboursement des droits de douane payes sur des hydrocarbures", est adopte & la majorite des voix.

124 Uarticle 9, "Priorite aux telecommunications", est adopts & la majorite des voixo

1V». Lrarticle 10, "Segments Bt actes notaries", est adopte e la majorite des uoix.

13? Particle 11, "Pgeuve peremptoire", est adopte & la majorite des voix

13 L^rticle 12, "Abrogation du Rfeolement Conjoint N0o 41 de_1977", est adopte & la majorite des voix.

13.?,. Uarticle 13, "Entree en vigueur", est adopte & la ma jo rite des voix<>


13.i. M. le Ministre des Affaires EtrangSree, M. Donald KALPOKAS propose que le projet de loi NO. de 1988 relatif aux relations consulaires soit adopte en deuxieme lecture.

■ La motion portant adoption en deuxieme lecture du projet de loi NO. de 1988 relatif aux relations consulaires est adoptee par 26 uoix pour Bt 19 abstention*



136. The Hon. Minister Jack T. HOPA introduced the Bill and moved that it be read a first time.

137. The Hon. Serge VOHOR commented on the principle of the Bill. He understood that Government was making bills for the protection of Vanuatu and asked whether there was provision on the law for control of the import of animals.

138. The Hon. Minister Jack HOPA stated that the Bill was most important bill to develop Vanuatu's meat industry.

139. The Hon. Andes CARLOT supported Che Bill but stated that the Bill should have come up long before.



140. The Hon. Speaker said with the consent of MPs, chht: Motions 1,2,3 be moved on Thursday so that they could debate Motion No. 4 that afternnon. He said ith MP’s permission, photographers would be allowed in and he proposed that he

would give each party 30 minutes to present their arguments.

141. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT, Leader of the Opposition introduced the motion of no confidence of the Prime Minister (text appended).

142. The Hon. Serge VOHOR supported the motion and said that the government had violated the constitution, that MPs were responsible people who ought Co go by the Constitution, that the law was for every single person in Vanuatu, that the members of the government party had sworn an oath to protect the Constitution, buc that they had failed and should therefore have resigned.

143. The Hon. Willie JIMMY supported the motion and expressed similar arguments to the Hon. Serge VOHOR but added that he was surprised to see that there would have to be an extraordinary session of parliament for the budget since the members of the governing party were experienced in political campaign. PROJET DE LOI NO DE 1988 SUR L’IMPORTATION ET LA WISE EN QUARANTAINE

PREMIERE LECTURE 136. M. le Ministre Jack T. HOPA presents le projet de loi et en propose l'examen en premiere lecture.

137. M. le D^putd Serge VOHOR comments les principes du projet de loi, Il explique qu’il reconnait que le Gouvernement crde des lois pour prot^ger Vanuatu et se demande s’il y a des dispositions de la loi qui r^gissent le contrfile de 1’importation d’animaux.

138. M. le MinistrB Jack T. HOPA indique que le projet de loi eat trbs important puisqu’il a pour objet de ddvelopper l’industrie de la uiande d Vanuatu.

139. M. le D^putd Jacques And&s CARLOT exprime son soutien aux principes du projet de loi et explique que le projet de loi deurait avoir soumis plus tflty


MOTION NO. 4 : MOTION DE CENSURE 140. Le President du Parlement explique qu’avec le consentement des d^putSs, il ajournera les motions 1, 2 et 3 & jeudi pour pouuoir ^tudier la motion NO.4 cet aprds-midi. Il ajoute aussi qu’avec le consentement des d^putds, il autorisera les photographes & prendre des photos, Il indique qu’il donnera 30 minutes & chaque parti pour avancer ses arguments.

141. M. le Ddput£ Maxime CARLOT, Chef de 1’Opposition, presents la motion- de censure contre le Premier Ministre (texte joint).

142. M. le D6put£ Serge VOHOR exprime son soutien aux principes de la motion et Bxplique que lo Gouvernement a enfreint la Constitution, Il indique que les d^putds sont des dirigeants qui doivent respecter la Constitution puisque la loi est dtablie pour touts personne vivant & Uanuatu. Il ajoute que les d£put£s de la majority ont pretb serment pour prothger la Constitution mais qu’ils n’ont pas tenu leur promesse, en consequence, ils deuraient ddmissionner.

143. M. le Ddputd Willie JIMMY exprime son soutien aux principes de la motion et reprend les propos du Ddputb Serge VOHOR. Il ajoute qu’il est surpris de voir qu’il ait fallu cr une session extraordinaire. He was dissatisfied with the Prime Minister’s recent medical leave and the Minister of Finance's annual leave and asked why they had left the when the Budget had not been completed.

144. The Hon. Alfred MASENG expressed support for the motion and previous arguments and added that normal parliamentary business ought to have been carried out after the approval of the budget.

145. The Hon. Maria CROWBY also favoured the motion and previous arguments.

146. The Hon. laris NAUNUN agreed with the motion and voiced a similar opinion about it but added that the position of the Opposition was based on the Constitution and Standing Orders.

147. The Hon. Andes CARLOT also agreed with the motion but added that the government was working on money given periodically until the budget was approved by Parliament, which was against the law.

148. The Hon. Pakoa L, MANSALE favoured the motion as it defended the Constitution and Standing Orders. He explained that the Opposition had played its part by bringing this motion although members knew it could not pass.

149. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA thanked the MPs for allowing him the floor on Motion No. 4. He said that after he had listened to the arguments of supporters of the motion, his reply was as follows : that the motion as written did not supply any evidence as to how the Prime Minister and Government had failed to uphold with the law, since the budget was already with

MPs; that the way the Motion was written did not say what was wrong; that the motion was defective because its movers did not state clearly where the government had failed; that the Opposition was responsible for the lateness of the budget because they had not cooperated in suspending the Standing Orders 46 in order to dispense with the 30 day period; that due to the elections it had been impossible for the government to prepare a budget by the end of 1987; that the Opposition was trying to dispose of the government in this way only because they had not been able to win the elections.

150. The Hon; Fred K. TIMAKATA thanked Parliament for allowing him the floor and said that the VP would do its best to defeat the motion. He added that the ddbattre le budget, aachant quB le parti au pouvoir est trbs experiments * en campagnea dlectorales, Il declare ne pas accepter les congds de maladie pour le Premier Ministre et le congd annuel du Ministre des Financesa A * son avis, ils n’auraient pas dQ quitter la pays avant que le budget soit pret o

14i-\o M. le Ddputd Alfred MASENG se rallie b ses collbgues. II souligne que l’administration ne davra fonctionner qu’aprds la budget approuvh.

14k. MadamB le Ddputd Maria CROUBY soutient la motion.

14-'. M. le Ddputd laris NAUNUN appuie la motion et indique que I1Opposition se base sur la Constitution et le Rbglement Intdrieur,

14'>-, M. le Ddputd Andbs CARLOT est du meme avis que ses collbguee Bt ajoute • que 1'administration fonctionnB avec des fonds qui arrivent par dtapes en attendant que le budget soit votb.

14'1. M. le Ddputd Pakoa Lao MANSALE soutient la motion et explique qua cattB motion vise b ddfendre la Constitution et le Rbglament Intdrieuru L’Oppo- sition ne fait que son devoir en la prdsentant? meme si elle ne doit pas passer.

14H, M. le Ministre Sela i*lflLISA remercie les ddputds dB lui donner la parole pour ddbattre la motion NO.4. Il indique qu'aprbs avoir dcoutd les com- mantaires de la minoritd il ddduit quB la motion dcrite ne met pas en dvidence les erreurs que le Premier Ministre et le Gouvernement ont commis qui sont contraires b la loi vu que le budget est ddjb aux mains des ddputds. Il ajoute que la motion est imparfaite et que I1Opposition est responsable du retard du budget car ils n’ont pas uoulu collaborer pour suspendre le Rbglement Intdrieur NO. 46 afin de se passer du ddlai de 30 jourso II indique que la prdparation du budget a dtd aussi retardde b cause des dlections, la raison pour laqualle il n’est pas pr§t h la fin de 1987« Il soulj,gnB que le Chef de 1*Opposition veut fairs ddmission- ner le Gouvernement parce que son parti n‘a pas pu prendre le pouvoir par las dlections.

l£©0 Mo le Ministre Fred K, TIMAKATA remercie le Parlement et ddclare que le

* Vanuaaku Parti fera tout son possible pour que la motion ne passe pas0

♦ •••/••• government was working under a presidential warrant which had not yet run out, and therefore was still within the law. He referred to the elections and said that when Parliament had been dissolved they could not prepare a budget which another government might have to work on. Hon. TIMAKATA, seconded by the Hon. Barak SOPE moved that Parliament vote on the motion.

151. The motion of No-Confidence on the Hon. Prime Minister was defeated by 25 votes against, 18 for and 2 abstentions.

152. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA asked whether the other 3 Written Motions would now be debated.

153. The Hon. Speaker said that the other 3 written motions had been deferred to Thursday.

154. The sitting adjourned at 4.55 pm. Il fait savoir qua I1administration fonctionne sous un "mandat presidential” at qu'il n’ast pas encore expire, einsi ilsne sont pas en dehors de la loi« Il se r6f&re aueai aux elections et indique qua quand le Parlement a ete diaaolu, le Vanuaaku Parti n’a pas pu preparer un budget qui serait peut- fitre la reaponsabilite d’un nouveau gouvernement. Appuyd par le Miniatre Barak T. SOPE le Miniatre Fred Ko TIMAKATA propose qua la motion de censure soit votes0

15< ♦ La motion da censure du Premier Ministre eat repousses par 25 voix contra, 18 voix pour et 2, abstentions,

15^, M, le Ministre Fred K, TIMAKATA demands si les 3 autres motions seront maintenant debattues.

15j>. La President rdpond que les 3 autres motions seront ddbattues le jeudi.





SPEAKER: The Hon. Onneyn TAHI, Member for Ambae

PRESENT: 45 Members

1. The sitting commenced at 2.10 pm.

2. The Hon. Pakoa L. MANSALE said the prayer.

3. The Hon. Speaker read out the agenda and announced that Members who wished to visit the patrol boat ’TUKORO' should fill in a form. He continued that the Hon. Minister Fred TIMAKATA had invited Members to attend the Opening of Health Week at the PMC Church at 16.00 pm on 3rd April 1988.


4. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA expressed his apologies that the document was not ready for Parliament to consider.



5. The motion that the Bill be read a first time was carried with 25 votes in favour and 19 abstentions. PARLEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU




PRESIDENT M, OnnByn TAHI, Ddputd cP Ambad,

PRESENTS : 45 Ddputds

1. Le President ouvre la adance a 14H10.

2* M. le Ddputd Pakoa Lao MANSALE bit la pridre.

30 Le President annonce l’ordre du jour at prdvient lea ddputds qui voudraient viaiter le patrouilleur "TUKDRO", qu’il leur faut remplir un formulaire. Il ajoute qua M, le Ddputd Fred K» TIMAKATA invitB lea ddputde & aesieter d l’ouverture de la aemaine de la aantd d 1‘Egliae PMC d 16H00 le dimanche 3 Avril, 19880


4. M. le Ddputd Sela MOLISA regrette de ne pouvoir presenter see documents au Parlement, ces derniers n’dtant pas prfits.


PREMIERE LECTURE (Suite) 5a La motion portant adoption du projet de lol en prBmidre lecture eat approuvda par 25 voix pour et 19 abstentions. COMMITTEE STAGE

6. Section 1, "Interpretation", was approved on division.

7. Section 2, "Restriction on importation of animals, animal products etc", was approved on division.

8. Section 3, "Animals, animal products etc., to be imported at prescribed ports", was approved on division.

9, Section 4, "Provisional import permit", was approved on division.

10. Section 5, "Declaration on arrival in Vanuatu", was approved on division. >.

11. Section 6, "Production of documents", was approved on division.

12. The sitting was suspended at 3.00 pm.

13. Section 7, " Animals, animal products etc. on board vessels to be examined", was approved on division.

14. Section 8, "Prohibition of landing and removal without permission", was approved on division.

15. Section 9, "Enforcement of quarantine measures", was approved on division. *

16. Section 10, "Performance of quarantine", was approved on division.

17. Section 11, "Treat,ent for crates and equivalent accompanying animals etc." was approved on division.

18. Section 12, "Costs of seizure and destruction", was approved on division.

19. Section 13, "Compensation not payable'^ was approved on division. EXADEN EN COffllSSION

6. J_?^rticl^_JJl_J^06firiition2, Bst adopt6 & la majority des voix.

7• L’article 2, "Restriction sur lea importations d’animaux, da produits d1origins animals. etc.,.", est adopts d la majority dea voix.

0. L*article 3, "Importation d’animaux dans dea parts ddsign^s", est adopts & la majority des voix.

9. L1article 4, "Permis d1 importation provisoire*1. est adopts £ la majority des voix0

10. L’article 5, "Declaration & l'arriv^e £ Vanuatu", est adopts & la majority das voix.

11. L’article 6, "Presentation de documents", est adopts & la majority des voix.

12. La stance, suspendue & 15H00, reprend & 15H20.

13. L’article 7, "Examen obliqatoire pour las animaux, les produits d’origins animate, etc,..", est adopts £ la majority des voix.

14. L’article B, "Interdiction^de ddbarquement et d’enl&vement sans permis", est adopts £ la majority des voix.

15. L’article 9, "Wise en application des dispositions de la quarantaine", est adopts & la majority des voix.

16. L’article 10, "Fonctionnement d’une station de quarantaine", est adopts & la majority des voix.

17. L’article 11, "Traitement des caisses et du materiel accompaqnant les animaux", est adopts £ la majority de3 voix.

16. L’article 12, "Frais de saisiB et de destruction", est adopts & la majorit6 des voix.

19. L’article 13, "Dddommaqement non payable", est adopts & la majority dea voix. 20. Section 14, Quarantine expenses", was approved on division.

21. Section 15, "Power to inspect", was approved on division.

22. Section 16, "Importation of biological products", was approved on division.

23. Section 17, "Quarantine areas", was approved on division.

24. Section 18, "Orders prohibiting import of animals", was approved on division.

25. Section 19, "Orders relating to quarantine", was approved on division.

26. Section 20, "Offences", was approved on division.

27. Section 21, "Appointment of Director", was approved on division.

28. Section 22, "Regulation by Minister", was approved on division.

29. Section 23, "Repeal", was approved on division.

30. Section 24, "Commencement", was approved on division.

31. The Hon. Minister Jack HOFA proposed an amendment to Section 22 (b), inserting the word 'sale' before the word storage (for the English version of the bill).

32. The motion to insert the word sale was approved unanimously.


33. The Hon. Minister Jack HOPA moved that the Bill be read a second time and do pass. 20. farticle 14, "Frais de quarantaine". est adopts & la majority des voix.

21. L'article 15, "Pouvoirs d'inspection", est adopts & la majority dea voix.

22. L1article 16, "Importation de produits biologiquBS", est adopts & la majority des voix.

23. L'article 17, "Zones de quarantaine", est adopts £ la majority dea voix.

24. Ltarticle 1B, "Arrdt^s interdisantl1importation d'animaux". est adopts 5 la majority des voix.

25. L’article 19, "ArrStds relatifs & la quarantaine", est adopts & la majority des voix.

26. L'article 20, "Infractions", est adoptd & la majority des voix.

27. L'article 21, "Nomination d'un Directeur", est adopts & la majority des voix.

28. L'article 22, "R&qlements du Ministre", est adopts & la majority des voix.

29. L'article 23, "Abrogation", est adopts & la majority des voix

30. Ljarticle 24, "Entree sn viqueur", est adopts & la majority des voix.

31. 1*1. le Ministre Jack T, HOPA fait remarquer qu'il y a une erreur ds frappe & 1'Article 22 (b) soit qu'il manque le mot "sale" avant le mot "storage" dans la version anglaise.

32. La motion portant insertion du mot "sale" avant.le mot "storage" dans la version anglaise est adepts & 1'unanimitG.

DEUXIEME lecture

33. M. le Ministre Jack T, HOPA propose que le projet de loi NO. de 1988 relatif & 1*importation et la mise en quarantaine d'animaux soit adopts en deuxifeme lecture 34. The motion that the bill be read a second time and do pass was carried with 25 votes in favour and 20 abstentions.


35. The Hon. Willie JIMMY asked why his written question was not on the agenda for that day.

36. The Hon. Speaker replied that the Clerk’s secretaries had not informed the Clerk of the Written question. He apologised on behalf of the Clerk.

37. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE stated that they had handed their written question to the secretaries and that normally the secretaries handed the questions to the Clerk. He pointed out that the secretaries had made a mistake.

38. The Hon. Speaker asked if there were any objections to going on to discusB the bill for the Criminal Procedure Code amendment as there were no written questions.

39. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TLMAKATA objected to the Hon. Speaker's suggestion and asked if the bill could be discussed in the next sitting.

40. The sitting was adjourned at 4.05 pm. 34 La motion porta nt * adoption en dauxidme lecture du pro jet de loi rdatif & 1*importation et la miss an quarantaine d'animaux eat adoptde par 25 voix pour et 20 abstentions.


35. M. le Odputd Willie JIMMY demande pourquoi ea question dcrite n’est pas & l’ordre du jour d’aujourd'hui.

36. Le President rdpond que le Secretaire Gdndral n’a pas dtd avert!.’ Il ajoute que le Secretariat gdndral s'excuse de ce malentendu.

37. M. le Ddputd Vincent BOULEKONE indique qu’ils ont ramie les questions dcrites aux secretaires et que normelement ces derni&ree deuraient lea remettre au Secretaire Gdndral. Il ajoute que les secretaires ont commie une errBur professionnelle.

38. Le President demande a'll n’y a pas d'objection & ddbattre le projet de loi portant modification du code de procedure pdnale vu qu’il n*y a pas de question dcrite.

39. fl. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA objects et demande & ce qu'il soit ddbattu & la prochaine session.

40. La edance est levde d 16H05. PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF VANUATU




SPEAKER : The Hon. Onneyn TAHI, Member for Ambae

44 Members PRESENT :

LATE The Hon. Harry KARAERU, Member for Santo, Malo & Aore

1. The sitting commenced at 8.40 am.

2. The Hon. Robert KARIE said the prayer.

3. The Hon. Speaker read out the agenda and announced that the Members could visit the patrol boat 'TUKORO' after they had finished the business of the day.


4. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA tabled Che Development Bank of Vanuatu 7 th Annual Report of 1986 and moved that it be received by Parliament.



5. The Hon. Prime Minister Fr. Walter LINI introduced the Bill and moved that it be read a first time. PARLEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU



□EUDI 31 MARS 1988

PRESIDENT M« Onneyn TAHI, Ddputd d’Ambad.

PRESENTS : 44 Ddputds

ABSENTS M. Harry KARAERU, Ddputd de Santo, Malo et Aord,


1* Le President ouvre la stance A 08H40.

2. Mo le Ddputd Robert KARIE dit la priors.

3. Le President annonce l’ordre du Jour, et fait eavoir aux ddputds qu’ila pourront visiter le "RV TUKORO" aujourd'hui, aprbs la edance.

4. Ma le Ministre Sela MOLISA prdsente le afeme rapport annuel de 1986 de la Banque de Ddveloppement de Vanuatu et propose qu’il soit votd. par le Parloment.

ES29EI-2L!:2I-U9i__ 2L2222-E25I£9I_!299I^££I229-22-E92E-2L092££2222-E£!i29£ PREMIERE LECTURE 5 M, le Premier Ministre Walter H, LINI prdsente le proJet de loi et propose qu’il soit examind en premiers lecture. 6. The Hon. Andes CARLOT supported the principles of the Bill and pointed out that the Bill would authorise the court to decide whether or not to grant

bail to a person in custody.

7. The Hon. Luke DINI supported the principles of the Bill and continued that the Government should be careful not to bend the existing laws in applying this one.

8. The Hon. Minister Sethy REGENVANU asked the Hon. Luke DINI to clarify his point of bending the the law.

9. The Hon. Luke DINI replied that he was reflecting his voters point of view.

10. The Hon. Minister Sethy REGENVANU stated that this was a false allegation.

11. The Hon. Kawai THOMPSON supported the principles of the Bill but said it would be difficult to put into application technically. He felt that criminals out on bail while awaiting their appeal to be heard may commit other crimes.

12. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA felt that the discussions were outside the scope of the Bill. He explained that any convicted person considered dangerous by the court could not be granted bail.

13. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE stated that the use of the words "obliged" in the explanatory note and "may" in the actual Bill provided a different meaning.

14. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI explained that the word "obliged" used in the explanatory note referred to the existing laws. He added that the purpose of the Bill was to give the court discretion to grant bail or not.

15. The Hon. Minister William MAHIT expressed his support for the Bill and said it would allow the court to protect society against dangerous criminals.

16. The Hon. Willie JIMMY objected to the principles of the Bill. He explained that less dangerous criminals who wish to request bail from the 6. I*), le D^putg Andbq CARLOT soutient le pro jet de loi qui donne une chance & tout accuse de rester libre jusqu'i son procbs.

7« PI, le Ddputd Luke T. DINI soutient le projet de loi maie il Bouligne qu’il faudra d^former la loi pour le mettre en application sur le plan pratique et qu’il faut etre trfes prudents

8. 1*1. le Ministre Sethy REGENVANU demands plus de precisions au Ddputd Luke T. DINI en ce qui concerns la deformation de la loi.

9. !*l. le Ddput£ Luke T. DINI explique qu’il a aimplement uoulu exprimer 1’opinion g£n£ral du public dans son commentaire pr6c6dent3

10. I*l. le Ministre REGENVANU Sethy declare qua c’est 1& une fausse allegation.

11. Mo le D^puth Kauai THOMPSON soutient le projet de loi mais pense qua sur le plan pratique, elle n’est pas facilement applicable, par example, un criminal en liberty qui attend son proc&s paut commettre d’autres crimes.

12. I*). le Ministre Fred K, TIMAKATA precise qu’il s’agit de donner le droit au tribunal de lib^rer ou de garder en prison une personne qu’il estime dangerause ou non st que les commantaires pr^cddents sont en dehors du sujet.

13. I*l. le D6put£ Vincent BOULEKONE fait remarquer que dans l’exposd des motifs, il lit : "le tribunal est tenu d’autoriBer" et dans l’article 1 "peut ordonner", aussi il trouue que cette difference pr§te & confusion.

14. I*l. le Premier Ministre Walter H. LINI explique que "le tribunal est tenu d’autoriser" se r^fbre £ la loi NO. 21 de 1981, article 209, mais le projet de loi lui-m@me est different et c’est 1& sa raison d’etre.

15. PI. le Plinistre William MAHIT soutient le pro jet de loi car il protege la soci^t^ contra dee criminals dangereux.

16o PI. le Ddput6 Willie 3IP1MY ne comprend pas bien le projet de loi et il veut savoir comment le tribunal ddcidera si un criminal est dangereux et ne peut §tre laissS en liberty jusqu’S son procbs3 II ajoute que le tribunal ne doit £ aucun prix laieser en liberty des criminals dangereux. court would suffer. He felt that there should be a schedule which would state clearly the categories of criminals entitled to be granted bail and

those not entitled.

17. In his support for the Bill, Hon Minister Donald KALPOKAS declared that the court could not always guarantee the right decisions.

18. The Hon. William EDGELL supported the principles of the Bill.

19. The Hon. Minister Iolu ABIL supported the principles of the Bill and explained that the Bill authorised only the court to decide whether or not to grant bail. He added the laws could always be amended if people felt that they had been unfairly treated.

20. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT, Leader of the Opposition stated that the court should have the authority to decide. In expressing the strong support of the Opposition Parties for the Bill, he declared that the Bill would complement the existing penal procedures.

21. The motion that the Bill be read a first time was carried unanimously.


22. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE moved that the phrase "to a definite term of imprisonment", be inserted in subsection 1 after the word "sentenced".

23. The sitting was suspended at 9.30 for consultation with a translator and the sitting recommenced at 10.05 am.

24. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE withdrew his proposed amendment.

25. Section 1, "Amendment of Act No. 2 1 of 1981", was approved unanimously.

26. Section 2, "Commencement", was approved unanimously.


27. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI moved that the Bill for the 17. I*l. le Ministre Donald KALPOKAS indique que le tribunal esaaie mais ne peut pas toujours agir avec la meilleure sagesse,

M, le D6put6 William EDGELL soutient le projet de loi.

M. le Ministre Iolu ABIL soutient le projet de loi. Si ce projet de loi s’avbre mauvais par la suite, on peut toujours le modifier.

20. * Fl. le D6put6 Maxime CARLOT approuve le projet de loi. Il pense que c’est au tribunal qu’incombe la responsabilitd de decider de la liberty d’un accuse avant son procfes. Il ajoute que l’Opposition soutient ce projet de loi.

'21. La motion portant adoption du projet da loi NO. de 1988 portant modification du code de procedure pdnale, en premiere lecture, est approuve & l’unanimit


V.Z Article 1 : Modification de la loi No. 21 de 1981 z 22 M. le D6putd Vincent BOULEKONE demands une modification dans 1’Article ; v 1 du texts frangais. 1.1 veut ajouter aprSs les mots "une peine”, ’d’am- prisonnement ferme”.

23. La stance, suapendue b 09H30, reprend a 10H05.

24. M. le DSputa Vincent BOULEKONE retire sa proposition de modification

25. L’article 1, "Modification de la loi NO. 21 de 1981”. est adopts & l’unanimitd.

3 26. L’article 2, "Entree en vigueur", est adopts & la majority des voix.


27. M. le Premier Ministre Walter H. LINI propose que le projet de loi NO. de 1988 partant modification du code de procedure pdnale soit adopts en deuxibme lecture. Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act No, of 1988 be read a second time and do pass.

28. The motion that the bill be read a second time and do pass was approved unanimously.

29. Seeing that there were no more bills to discuss, the Hon. Speaker proposed that they discuss Written Motion No; 2 so that the Members of Parliament could have the afternoon free.

30. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA accepted the Speaker’s proposal.

* 31. The Hon. Minister Sethy REGENVANU expressed his approval of the Hon. Speaker’s suggestion explaining that the Members could have the afternoon free for their preparations for the Easter break,

32. The Hon. Speaker of Parliament declared that there was no need to suspend Standing Orders if all Members were in agreement.


33. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON presented the motion, seconded by the Hon. Willie JIMMY.

34. The Hon. Minister Barak SOPE stated that the motion should be approved by the Parliament.


35. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA proposed that the motion be approved.

36. The Hon. Minister Nipake NATAPEI asked for clarification of the meaning of paragraph (b) and wondered if Parliament had any check on the activities of this Committee.

37. The Hon. Speaker replied that this Committee has to report to Parliament on every ruling by the Speaker. He expalined that this is sometimes not done, owing to a shortage of staff. 28. La motion portant adoption en deuxidme lecture du projet de loi NO, de 1988 portant modification du code de procedure pdnale eat adoptde & 1*unanimity.

29. Etant donnd qu’il n’y a plus da projets de loi d ddbattre, le President du Parlement, Mu Onnoyn TAHI propose de ddbattre motion Kerite N0.1 de sorts que les deputes puissant avoir leur aprds-midi libre.

30. M, le Ministre Sela J.MQLISA accepts la proposition du President du Parlement.

31. M. le Ministre Sethy REGENVANU exprime son accord avec la proposition du President du Parlement et ajouta que les ddputds pourront rentrer chez eux cat aprfes-midi pour les fetes de Pfiques.

32. Le President du Parlement declare qu’il n'est pas ndeessaire de suspendre le Rdglement Intdrieur si tous les ddputds sont d’accord.


33. PI. le Ddputd Jimmy SIMON, appuyd par le Ddputd Willie JIMMY prdsente la motion NO. 1 de 1988 sur la Constitution d’une Commission de Rdvision du Rdglement Intdrieur.

34. M. le Ministre Barak T. SOPE fait remarquer que le Parlement doit approuver ladite Commission.

35. M. le Ministre Sala MOLISA propose que la motion soit approuvde.

36. M. le Ministre Nipake NATAPEI demands des clarifications d l’alinda (b). Il demande si le Parlement udrifie le travail de cette commission et si cette commission eoumet rdguli&remant un rapport au Parlement.

37. La President du Parlement, M. Onneyn TAHI fait remarquer que cette Commission doit rapporter toutes les ddcisions du Prdsident du Parlement durant les sessions parlementaires. Il continue en dieant que si le 4 travail n’est pas toujours fait, e’est qu’il n’y avait pas de seerdtaire d la Commission, ni d’adjoint au Seerdtaire Gdndral du Parlement. 38. The Hon. Willie JIMMY said that this particular Parliamentary Committee did not always work since its members were too busy. *

39. The Hon. Fred K. TIMAKATA stated that to make a change to Standing Orders, ■» all the Members of the Committee had to reach a concensus.

40. The Hon. Minister Barak SOPE suggested that there be a change in the spirit of Committee since it never met during the last Parliament.

41. The Motion on Constitution of a Standing Orders Review Committee was carried unanimously.

MOTION_NO_. 2 OF_]988


42. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON presented the Motion seconded by the Hon. Willie JIMMY He said that during the previous term of Parliament the Public Accounts Committee worked hard to present public accounts for Parliament’s approval. He explained that on dissolution of Parliament the Committee had also been dissolved and that this motion was to provide for new office holders for the new Committee.

43. The Hon. Willie JIMMY supported the motion. *

44. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI asked Members, especially previous officer holders of the Public Accounts Committee, whether it was necessary to have such committee.

45. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON said as he had been member of the committee he thought it was necessary to re-establish the committee to examine the report of the Auditor General and submit it to Parliament,

46. The Hon. Willie JIMMY indicated that he had also been a member of a previous committee and supported the Hon. SIMON's argument. He also pointed out that the committee had called upon officers who had misused public funds in order to question them. 38. 1*1. le Dgputd Willie JIMMY dit que certaines commissions ne font pas du tout leur travail, en particulier la Commission du Rkglement Int6rieuro

39. M. Is Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA rappelle que pour apporter un changement au Rfeglement Int^rieur, il faudrait que tous les membres de la Commission soient d’accord.

40. Mo le Ministre Barak To SOPE fait remarquer que cette commission ne s’est jamais r^unie.

41. La Motion N0.1 de 198B portant sur la Constitution d’une Commission de Revision du Rfeqlement Int^rieur est approuv^e & I1unanimity.

M0TI0N_N0.2_DE 1988

42. M. le D6put£ Jimmy SIMON presents la motion, appuy6 par le D6put6 Willie JIMMY. Il ajoute quB pendant la Legislature pr^cdde.nte, la Commission des Comptes Publics a travailld durement pour rapporter sur las fonds publics, en vue d’etre approuvde par le Parlement. Il declare qu’& la dissolution du Parlement, la Commission a £t£ aussi dissoute, et que cette motion vise & choisir des nouveaux membres pour constituer une nouvelle Commission.

43. M. le D£put£ Willie JIMMY soutient la motion.

44. M. le Premier Ministre Walter H. LINI demands au Parlement, et en particulier aux membres de la Commission pr^c^dente des Comptes Publics s’il est ndcessaire d’avoir une telle commission.

45. M. le D6put6 Jimmy SIMON indique qu’il 6tait membra de la Commission, et estime qu’il est ndcessaire de constituer une now elle Commission pour soumettre au Parlement des rapports sur le Rapport du Controleur G6n6ral des comptes,

46. M. le D6put3 Willie JIMMY indique qu’il 6tait aussi membre de la Commission et qu’il se rallie au D^put£ Jimmy SIMON. Il fait remarquer que la Commission faisait m§me venir les responsables des mauuais usages das fonds publics pour les questionner. 47. The Hon. Charles GODDEN stated that he had been a member of the previous committee and affirmed that it was necessary to have such a committee as it ensured control of public funds.

48. The Hon. Minister Nipake NATAPEI stressed that the question asked by the Hon. Prime Minister was important. He commented that the work of the Committee was necessary when it dealt wfth current accounts. He indicated

that the Committee's work on older accounts was a waster of time,

49. The Hon, Hilda LINI asked if the word 'by' could be inserted to Section (b)

in order to make sense. She also asked if the procedures used by the Committee had been authorised.

50. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE declared that he supported the Prime Minister's question but that he was against the Hon. Minister NATAPEI's argument. He considered that the Committee had to examine work of previous years as the previous committee had not done anything.

51. The Hon. Minister Iolu ABIL supported the motion and added that the Constitution of a Public Accounts Committee was a requirement in the Standing Orders.

52. The Hon. Willie JIMMY stated that the Committee had not wasted its time in examining the previous years' reports because the previous committee had not examined them all. In answer to the Hon. Hilda LINI’s question, he indicated that a list of people compiled by the Auditor General who submitted it to the Committee for investigation.

53. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA, seconded by the Hon. Barak SOPE proposedto vote on the motion.

54. The motion to constitute a public accounts committee was carried unanimously.

MOTION NO. 3 OF 1988

55. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON proposed the motion, seconded by the Hon. Willie JIMMY 47. M. le D^putd Charles GOODEN declare qu’il dtait aussi membre de la Commis­ sion, st affirms qu’elle est trbs utile car alls permet de renforcer la contrfile de l’utilisation des fonds publics.

48. M. le Ministre Nipake NATAPEI souligne que la question du Premier Ministre est trfes importante • n estime que le travail de la Commission est n^cessaire

du moment qu’elle s’occupe des affaires actuelles. Il indique que si la Commission commence ci se psnchsr sur les affaires des gouvernements pr6c6dentsf alle ne fera que perdre son temps.

49. Madame le D6put6 Hilda LINI demande & ce que soit ins6r$ 10 mot '’par*’ & l’article (b) pour que le paragraphs ait un 3ens. Elie demands si les

proc^d^s employes par la Commission sont autorisds.

50. M. le D6put£ Vincent BOULEKONE declare qu’il soutifent la question souleude par le Premier Ministre et qu’il n’est pas de l’avis du Ministre Nipake NATAPEI. Il estime que la Commission doit m§me considSrer les affaires des ann£es pr6c6dentes vu quo la pr£c£dente commission n’a pas tout examine.

51. M. le Ministre Iolu ABIL approuue la motion et ajoute que la constitution d’une Commission des Comptes Publics est exig£e par le R&glement Int^rieur.

52. M. le DSputd Willie JIMMY declare que la Commission ne perd pas son temps en examinant les rapports des ann^es pr^c^dentes, car l’ex-commiesion ne.'les a pas examines tous. Il fait savoir que c’est la ContrOleur qui fait la liste des personnes et la soumet & la Commission pour enquGte.

53. M. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA, appuyS par le Ministre Barak T. SOPE, propose que la motion soit votde.

54. La motion portant constitution d’une Commission des Comptes Publics est approuv^e £ 1’unanimity.

motion N0._3_DE_1988

55. M. le D^putd Jimmy SIMON, appuyg par le OSputd Willie JIMMY, presents

le motion N0o 3 de 1988 sur la Constitution d’une Commission des droits, des privileges et des Immunity parlementaires. 56. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA pointed out that the provisions of Standing Order 49 (1) were not appropriate to the motion.

57. The Hon. Kauai THOMPSON talked in favour of the motion and expressed the hope that the committee would work efficiently.

58. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE stated that he had been a member of the committee and that it had not worked efficiently.

59. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA asked that Parliament defer the motion and asked the proposer and seconder of the motion to correct the text to appropriate wording.

60. The Hon. Minister Nipake NATAPE1 referred to Section 49 (1) of Standing Orders and stated that the text was correct.

61. The Hon. Minister Barak SOPE supported the arguments for the motion and considered that the committee would do its job and submit its reports to Parliament.

62. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA supported the motion but pointed out that Section 49 (1) of Standing Orders was not appropriate to the motion and asked if it could be amended in order to make sense.

63. The Hon. Leader of the Opposition, Maxime CARLOT considered that it was not « necessary to discuss the motion too much and that the committee was appropriate for its work. He proposed that they vote on the motion.

64. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON asked if an amendment to the text of Section 49 of Standing Orders could be made so that it would be appropriate to the motion.

65. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE considered that if the Members continued with discussions, they would end up cancelling the commitee. He added that the motion's purpose was to create a special committee by virtue of Standing Orders for the control of Government administration.

66. The Hon. Willie JIMMY asked if the motion could be deferred to a later date.

67, The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA considered that the motion had to be 56. 1*1, le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA eatime que les dispositions du R&glement Int^rieur 49 (i) ne sont pas appropri^es pour la motion.

57. 1*1. le Ddputd Kauai THOMPSON soutient la motion et ajoute qu’il espfere que cette Commission fera du bon travail.

58. 1*1. le D6put£ Vincent BOULEKONE declare avoir membre de la Commission, et que cette dernifere n'a pas fait du bon travail.

59. 1*1. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA demands l’ajournement de la motion* Il demands au d£put£ motionnaire et au dSputg qui l’a appuy£ de corriger le texte.

60. 1*1. le Ministre Nipake NATAPEI se rSffere S l'article 49 (i) et declare que le texte est correct.

61. M. le Ministre Barak T. SOPE soutient la motion et estime que la Commission fera du travail? en soumettant ses rapports au Parlement.

62. M. le Ministre Sela MOLISA soutient la motion mais indique que l’article 49 (i) du Rfeglement Int£rieur ne concerns pas la motion et demands qu’Blle soit modifies.

63. M. le D6put6 Maxims CARLOT estime qu’il n’est pas n^cesaaire de trop en discuter et que la Commission est apte S fairs son travail. Il propose que la motion soit votde.

64. M. le DGputS Jimmy SIMON demands la modification du texte de l'article 49 du RSglement IntSrieur pour qu’il soit propre & la motion.

65. M. le D6put3 Vincent BOULEKONE estime que s'ils continuant d’en discuter, ils arriveraient & supprimer la Commission. Il ajoute que la motion vise & cruder, une Commission Speciale en vertu du Rfeglement Int^rieur pour contrBler 1'administration du Gouvernement.

66. M. le D6putd Willie JIMMY demande que soit diff^r^e la motion.

67. Mo le Ministre Fred K; TIMAKATA estime qu’il faut difftfrer la motion car l'article 49 ne concerns pas les privileges des dSput^s et qu’il faut changer le texte. deferred as Section 49 did not relate tft. Rriyi4®8es of members and that the

text ought to be changed.

68. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT , Leader of the Opposition asked Parliament to defer the motion.

69. The Hon. Speaker asked the two proposers of the motion if it could be deferred to a later date.

70. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON and the Hon. Willie JIMMY agreed to defer the motion to a later date.

71. The sitting was adjourned at 11,25 am. 68. 1*1. le Ddputd Maxime CARLOT demands au Parlement de diffdrer la motion.

69. La President demands aux deux ddputds qui ont proposd la motion de la diffdrer.

70. M. le Ddputd Jimmy SIMON et le Ddputd Willie JIMMY acceptent la proposition.

71. La sdanca set leude d 11H25. t PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF VANUATU




SPEAKER: The Hon. Onneyn TAHI, Member for Ambae.

PRESENT: 43 Members

LATE : The Hon. Hilda LNI, Member for Port-Vila

The Hon. Barak SOPE, Member for Port-Vila

]. The sitting commenced at 8.37 am.

2. The Hon. Lingtamat ANATOLE said prayer.

3. The Hon. Speaker read the agenda.

4. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA proposed that bills be studied in rhe Order Nos. 9,10,12 4 7.



5. The Hon. Prime Minister, Walter H. LINI introduced the Bill and moved that it be read a first time in Parliament and pass. PARLEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU




PRESIDENT a• H. Onneyn TAHI, DdputS d’AmbaS.

• PRESENTS 5• 43 DdputSa

• * ABSENTS. a

RETARD •a Madame Hilda LINI, OSputd de Port-Vila, M. Barak T. SOPE, D6put6 de Port-Vila.

1. La President ouvre la stance & 07H35. Il souhaite le bienvenue & toua lea DSputSa.

2. M. le Ddputd Anatole LINGTAMAT dit la pri&re.

3. La PrSeident annonee l’ordre du jour.

4. M, le Minietre Fred K. TIMAKATA propose que lee projeta de loi soiant dSbattua dans l’ordre auivant : 9, 10, 12 et 7.

9999EI-9L99L991-. ._9L2?®9_9!k*IZ_LL2*9999i}II9L99-92y9?L?E9kE!!?NTs_cgN3oiNTs_cAoycsl

PREMIERE LECTURE 5. M. le Premier Minietre Walter H, L4NI presents le proJet da loi NO. de 1986 ralatif & 1'abrogation de divere rbglemente conjointa caduca. Il en explique lea diepoeitiona et propoae qu’il aoit adopts en premi&re lecture. 6. The Hon. Andes CARLOT referring to No. 13, asked whether there were plans to extend Vila town boundaries.

7. The Hon. laris NAUNUN asked the Hon. Prime Minister whether the -repealed * Joint Regulations would be replaced by other laws.

8. The Hon. Minister Donald KALPOKAS added an explanation to the Hon. Prime Minister's word of introduction saying that these joint regulations were out of date and had already been replaced.

9. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE said that this bill was the outcome of the work of a legal specialist whose appointment Parliament had approved some time before. He was pleased to note that obsolete joint regulations from pre­ independence days were being replaced by new legislation. He felt that there should be a law for theprotection of the family, and a law on property. He recommended that Parliament should debate the need for such laws and for a law concerning inheritance. He questioned whether there were new laws to replace the old one's. He said he was worried about housing. He wondered which organisation was now responsible for this. He asked whether the organisation was private or public.

11. The Hon. Minister Sethy REGENVANU said that the government had already passed the Matrimonial Causes Act and realised that a law to protect family was needed. However, such a law needed profound and thorough study, in order to take into account the different customs existing in the country, he added.

12. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA, expressed his support for the Bill. He felt it was necessary to make a comment on the Hon. BOULEKONE's query about housing. He explained that the Government realised the problem of housing and that Parliament had already passed the 1986 Housing Corporation Act concerning housing. 6. 1*1. le Ddputd Andhs CARLOT demands si le N0.13 concerns 1*extension du pdrimdtre urbain de Port-Uila.

7. M. le Ddputd laris NAUNUN demands si tous css Rdglement Conjoints seront remplacds par des lois.

0, 1*1. le Ministre Donald KALPOKAS indique que les Rdglements Conjoints dtaient caducs et qu’ils ont tous dtd remplacds.

9. 1*1. le Ddputd Vincent BOULEKONE dit qu’il ne doute pas que ceci est le premier travail d’un specialists dont la nomination a dtd mentionnde dans une loi approuvde au Parlement. Ce specialists dtait charge d’abroger les RfeglBments Conjoints caducs. Il continue en disant que c'ast trds bien de remplacer les Rdglements Conjoints caducs. Il fait remarquer qu’il n’y a pas de loi sur les droits da la famille & Vanuatu ainsi qu’une loi sur le droit de propridtd. Il recommande que la Parlement discute d’une ndcBssitd dventuelle

d’instaurer une loi sur les droits civiques et Ibs droits de succession. Concernant l’office de logement, il demande au Premier Ministre s’il y a une nouvelle loi pour remplacer le Rfeglement Conjoint relatif & la creation d’un office du logement. Il demands aussi qui est charge de cat office du logement, et si cet organisms est public ou privd.

10. 1*1. le Premier Ministre Walter H. LINI dit qu’il est vrai qu’il y a ddjd des lois approuvdes au Parlement pour couvrir les Rdglements Conjoints abrogds. Concernant la revision dea lois, il dit qu’une partie du travail a dtd ddjd fait par le commissaire et que l’Attorney Gdndral a trauailld auec acharnement pour dtablir cette lists. Il indique aussi que la prdsente lists de Rbglements Conjoints caducs n’apparaltra pas dans la nouvelle Edition qui paraltra & la fin da l’annde.

11. M. le Ministre Sethy REGENVANU, concernant la loi relative aux droits de la famille, dit que le Parlement a approuvd la loi sur les causes matri- moniales mais qu’il est important de fairs une dtude trfes approfondie avant de presenter une telle loi. Il continue en disant qu’avant de presenter une telle loi, il faudrait tenir compte des differences coutumiferes, de la diversity des coutumes et des cultures de notre pays.

12. M. le Ministre Sela MOLISA exprime son accord avec le projet de loi et estime qu’il est ndcessaire qu’il fasse un commentaire sur le point 13. The Hon. Andes CARLOT said he understood that there were two Housing Authorities. One was the Urban Land Corporation and the other the Government Housing Authority, which was not yet working. He pointed out that to have two organisations to do the same thing was a waste of time.

14. The Hon. Minister lolu ABIL commented that in dealing with legislation on land and property they had to be extremely careful. He said that if land ownership were legalised, it would disturb the culture and traditions of the country’s Pacific way, which was very different from the Western way.

15. The Hon. Minister William MAHIT remarked that since its establishment in 1981, V.U.L.C.A.N. had taken over all land in Port-Vila and the powers to raise revenue from it.

16. The Hon. William EDGELL, expressed his support for the Bill and suggested that the House had no need to repeat debates which had already taken place when they had passed the laws replacing these absolete regulations.

17. The Hon. Minister Fred TIMAKATA moved that the Bill be approved.

18. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT asked for clarification on the use of the terms "regulations" and "orders".

19. The Hon. Charles GODDEN voiced the same opinion as the Minister of Health, Hon. Fred K. TIMAKATA. He said that the old laws had to be replaced by new ones more suited to the country's development.

20. Relating to what the Hon. CARLOT said, the Hon. Minister Sethy REGENVANU replied that the orders referred to were chose passed by the Government since independence.

21. The Hon. Leader of the Opposition, Maxime CARLOT pointed out that a law

should be replaced by a law, but not by an order. soulevd par la Ddputd Vincent BOULEKONE concernant le logement, Il confirms que le Gouvernement reconnalt le problfeme de logement. Il continue en dieant que le Gouvernement a approuvd en 1906 une loi relative & la socidtd de Inhabitation et qu’il y a ddj& un organisms qui a dtd formd pour s'occuper des logements.

13. Se rdfdrant aux commentaires du Ministre Sela MOLISA, M. le Ddputd And&s CARLOT dit que s’il comprend bien, il existe deux autoritds chargees de logement dont l'Office de Gestion Foncidre de Port-Vila et le Gouvernement, qui n’a paa encore entamd ees activitds. Il continue en disant que ce travail peut etre effectud par une seule dquipe au lieu de deux comme c’est le cas ectuellement. Csla est une perte de temps.

14. M. le Ministre Iolu ABIL declare pour sa part qu’il faudrait fairs trfes, tr&s attention en ldgalisant la coutume, surtout lorsqu’il s'agit des droits de propridtd. Il continue en disant que le fait qu’une propridtd soit ldgalisde, ddrangera beaucoup les cultures et traditions.

15. M. le Ministre William MAHIT, se rdfdrant aux commentaires concernant l’Office de Gestion Foncifere de Port-Vila, fait remarquer que dspuis qu’il a dtd crdd en 1981, il est chargd de 1’exploitation dee terrains dans les zones urbaines.

16. M. le Ddputd Idilliem EDGELL exprime son accord pour le principe du projet de loi et demands s’il faut continuer £ parler des loie qui ont dtd remplacds par de nouveaux. Il continue en proposant de passer au vote.

17. M. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA propose de voter le principe de la loi.

18. M. le Ddputd Maxime CARLOT demands des explications au sujet de l’emploi des mots "rdglement" et "arrStd".

19. M. le Ddputd Charles GODDEN appuie le principe de le loi et propose de procdder au vote. Il ajoute aussi qu’il est normal de remplacer les Rdglements Conjoints caducs pour parer aux ndcesBitds du pays.

20. M. le Ministre Sethy REGENVANU ddclare que las arrdtds mentionnds sont eux publids depuis 1*inddpendance.

21. M. le Ddputd Maxime CARLOT remercie le Ministre de l’Education pour sa rdponse et ddclare qu’il a maintenant une idde sur la mdthode adoptde 22. The motion that the Bill be read a first time and pass was carried with 26 in favour and 17 abstentions.


23, Section 1, "Repeal of Obsolete Joint Regulation*', was approved on division.

24. Section 2, "Commencement", was approved on division.


25. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr Walter LINI moved that the Bill be read a second time and do pass.

26. The motion that the Bill be read a second time and do pass was carried with 26 votes in favour and 19 abstentions.

27. The sitting was suspended at 10.05 and resumed at 10.30 am.


ACT NO. OF 1988


28. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA introduced the bill for the Joint Sale of Medecines (Prohittion) Regulation (Amendment) Act No. of 1988, explained its purpose and provisions and moved that the bill be read a first time and do pass.

29. The Hon, Kawai THOMPSON supported the bill but regretted that the explanatory note was not clear and wondered whether the law would not favour certain sectors of the population.

30. The Hon. Andes CARLOT expressed support for the bill and stated that it would improve control over the sale of medicines knowing that many traders sold medicines at exorbitant prices. par le Gouvernement pour changer les lois. Il fait remarquer qu’il faut des lois pour remplacer lefa lois et non pas des arrStgs.

22, La motion portant adoption du projet de loi NO. de '1988 relatif § l’abrogation de divers R&glements Conjoints Caducs, est adoptde par 26 voix pour et 17 abstentions.


23. L’article 1, "Abrogation des RSqlements Conjoints Caducs1*, est adopts S la majority des voix.

24. L’article 2, "Entree en viqueur", est adopts & la majority des voix.


25. M. le Premier Ministre Walter H. LINI propose que le projet de loi soit lu pour la deuxi&me fois et adoptd.

26. Le Projet de loi NO. da 1988 relatif S l’abrogation de divers R&glements Conjoints Caducs est adopts en deuxibme lecture par 26 voix pour et 19 abstentions.

27. La stance, suspendue & 10H05, reprend & 10H30,

E5222IJ2£-22L22i---9L1298_PgRTANTJ5gDIFICATIONJ}y_REGLEMENT_CON3OINT_RELATIF_A_LA ¥E2I£-2£L-£2JE™9Is. ^interdiction),

PREMIERE LECTURE 28, Fl. le Flinistre Fred K. TIFIAKATA presents le projet de loi et propose qu’il soit examine en premiere lecture et adoptd,

29, Fl. le Ddputd Kauai THOMPSON soutient le projet de loi, mais regrette que l’exposd des motifs ne soit pas clair et qu’il doute que le projet de loi ne favorise certains eecteurs.

30, M, le D^iputd Andfes CARLOT soutient le projet de loi et estime qu’il facilitera un bon contrfile des ventes de medicaments & des prix trop 31. The Hon. Amos ANDENG spoke in favour of the bill and asked if it would also apply to the islands.

32. The Hon. Fred K. TIMAKATA in response said that the bill concerned the entire country. It would control the import of some drugs which should only be available on prescription.

33. The Hon. Roger BOE asked whether pharmacists and traders should also ask a doctor for advice on the sale of medicines.

34. The Hon. Andrew M. VUROBARAVO agreed with the bill but said that it would * penalise the rural areas because many dispensaries had disappeared and villagers could only buy their medicines from shops. He felt that the dispensaries should be restored. •

35. The Hon. Harry KARAERU also favoured the bill and indicated that it would have the advantage of reducing the number of suicides. He said the bill would penalise rural areas as many villagers lived far away from any hospital and whenever there was an emergency, they could only go to the shops.

36. The Hon. Hilda LINI talked in favour of the bill and said that at present medecines that had been prohibited in other countries -were being sold in Vanuati She asked if there was a list of prohibited medecines and those that could be bought under prescription. She further asked whether information on side effects of medicines were included with instructions for their use and asked the Minister responsible to clarify the situation.

37. The Hon. Fred K. TIMAKATA replied that there was a list of medicines authorised by W.H.O and that any medicine not on the list would be prohibited by the government. He added that all hospitals would have to buy their medicines through the government pharmacist. He indicated that any medicine ought to be sold complete with instructions for use and so on. He added that repairs to dispensaries had nothing to do with this bill. He further explained that the communities should rebuild the aid posts. He considered that local people in the interior would not know how to use certain medicines, so it was recommended that they obtain prescriptions for their *

medicines. dlev^s

31. n, le D^putd Amos ANDENG approuve le projet de loi et demands s’il s’applique aussi aux lies.

32. M. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA rSpond que le projet de loi concerns l’archipel entier. Il ajoute que le projat de loi facilitate le contrflla de certains medicaments qu’on ne devrait obtenir qu’avec une ordonnance.

33. I*l. le D^putd Roger Harry HOE demands si les pharmaciens et les commergants doivent aussi demander conseil aux mddecins pour la vente des medicaments.

34. M. le Ddputd Andrew M. VUROBARAVG accepts le projet de loi et fait remarquer que le projet de loi ne favoriserp pas le Becteur rural car beaucoup de dispensaires ont disparu et les villageois n’achfetsnt leurs medicaments qu’aux magasins. Il damande au Ministre responsable la reparation des dispensaires.

35. M. le Ddput^ Harry KARAERU soutient le projet de loi et indique qu’il aura l'avantage de rdduire le nombre de suicides, Il ajoute que le projet de loi ddfavorisera le secteur rural car beaucoup de villages sent assez loin des hbpitaux et quand il arrive une urgence, il ne pauvent acheter des medicaments que dans des- magasins.

36 o Madame le Odputd Hilda H. LINI approuve le projet de loi at declare au Ministre responsable de la Santd qu'actuellement des medicaments qui sont intardits dans d’autres pays sont vendus & Vanuatu. Elie demands s’il exists une lists de medicaments interdite et une lists de ceux qui peuvent fitre achetds sans ordonnance. Elie continue en demandant si sont jointes aux medicaments achates dBs instructions sur leurs effete nocifs et demande au ministre responsable d’dclaircir la situation.

37. M. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA rdpond qu’il exists une lists de medicaments autoris^s par 1•Organisation Mondiale de la Santd et que tout medicament qui n'y figure pas est interdit par le Gouvernement. Il ajoute que tous les hopitaux doivent acheter des medicaments par l’interm^diaire des pharmaciens de 1’Etat. Il indique que tout medicament doit se vendre accompagnd d•instructions pour lBur utilisation. Il indique que la reparation des dispensaires n'a rien & fairs avec le projat de loi. Il indique qu’il revient & la communautd de reconstruire les dispensaires. 38. The Hon. Maria CROWBY favoured the bill and asked whether one had to have a prescription for asprine panadol because consultation fees were very high. She asked if nurses who had been prescribing medicines would no longer be allowed to do so.

39. The Hon. Kavcor WASS agreed with the bill and asked if it also concerned custom medicine healers since their services were very expensive.

40. The Hon. Speaker reminded Members to speak only about the principle of the bill.

41. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE supported the bill and asked whether something had happened to make this bill necessary.

42. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA informed the House that this bill was an amendment to a Joint Regulation to give the Minister the power to control the sale of medicines whereas it had been previously controlled by the Resident Commissioners. He added that custom medicines was not included in the bill. He explained that there was a board for medical practitioners which decided on whether the latter could practise in Vanuatu.

43. The Hon. Daniel IAMIAHAM supported the bill but did not agree with the fact that people made money out of sale of medicine.

44. The Hon. Pakoa L. MANSALE spoke in favour of the bill as it would enforce better control of the sale of medicines but said medical people on practical training ought not to give prescriptions.

45. The Hon. Alfred MASENG asked whether the bill’s purpose was to authorise pharmacists to sell certain medicines or whether people would have to get prscriptions for any medicine, including aspirin and panadol.

I Il Bstims qua lee populations ruralas dos lies ne pauvent pas savoir comment utlliaer aertains medicaments t 11 eat done recommandd d'obtenir, d’abord une ordonnanoe , auant d'achatsr certains jnddicaments.

38. Madame le Ddputd Maria CROWUY ©outlent le projet de loi et demande s’il faut aussi avoir une ordonnanoe pour 1'aspirins et le panadol car la consultation aussi eat tr&s chfcre. Ells demande ei lea infirmiers ayant d^livt-d- das ordonnancee par le passd, n*auront maintsnant plus Is droit de preecrire dee medicaments.

39. M. le Ddputd Kavcor WASS apprauva le projet de loi at demande a’il concerns les gudriseaurs coutumiers vu que certains usndent tr&s cher lours services.

40. Le President demande aux ddputde de ne commenter que le principe du projet de loi.

41. PI. le Ddputd Vincent BOULEKONE eat du mfime avis que ses collogues et demande s'il e'est paaed un dvdnement concernant le controls de la vente des medicaments, qui a fait rsasortir la n6ceaeit£ de erder cette loi.

42. 1*1. le Ministra Fred K» TIMAKATA Indique que ce pro jet deloi eat une modification du Rfeijlament Conjoint visant & donner le pouvoir au Minietre da la Santd da contjfiler la vantia ds medicaments aiors qu’autrefois ce ce pouvoir appurtfiiie 11 mix uommlaaelrea residents. Il ajoute que cette lol na conciHrnu paa la mrtdsclns tradltionnelle. Il fait remarquer qu’il exists un coneell des mddecins qui decide si un mddecin eat apte & Bxarcsr sea fonctions & Vanuatu.

43. 1*1. le Ddputd Iamiaham Daniel eoutient le projet de loi mals n’approuve pae lee que les medicaments soient vendue par des commergants.

44. M, le Ddputd Pakoa Lao MANSALE accords eon appui et aspire qu’il y aura plus de contrdle. il ajoute que lee mddecins en formation ne doivent pas preecrire dee medicaments.

45. M. le Ddputd Alfred MASENG demande si la loi vise & autoriser les pharmsciens de vendre certaine medicaments ou si alia vise & rendre obligatoire une ordonnance pour tout medicament. 46. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA explained that doctors could only order medicines through the Government pharmacist who imported medicines into the country. He also clarified that the bill was to give the Minister power to approve medicines and to provide for compulsary prescriptions for certain drugs.

47. The Hon. Kawai THOMPSON stressed that the explanatory note of the bill was not clear and that he understood it to deal with the sale of medicines within Vanuatu and not their import. He repeated that the bill would penalise some rural areas.

48. The Hon. Hilda UNI felt that her previous question still had not been answered and asked whether there was a list of medicines which could be obtained without prescription.

49. The Hon. Speaker reminded members that the bill was not concerned with the list but that the Hon. Hilda LINI could ask for it during oral question time.

50. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA felt that he had already answered the Hon. Hilda LINI’s question. He replied that there was a list of essential drugs and that medicines not on the list would not be obtainable.

51. The Hon. Andes CARLOT said that he did not think that the bill was intended to prevent the sale of aspirin or panadol but merely that of dangerous drugs without a prescription.

52. The Hon, Jimmy SIMON supported the bill and moved that they vote on the principle.

53. The motion that the bill for the Joint Sale of Medicines (Prohibition) Regulation (Amendment) Act No. of 1988. be read a first time was approved unanimously.


54. Section I, 'Amendment of Section 2 of the Joint Regulation No. 32 of 1966," was approved unanimously. 46. 1*1. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA declare que lea m^decins importent leurB * medicaments par 1’interm^diairB des pharmaciena d’Etat. Il ajoute que cette loi vise & donner le pouvoir au ministre d'spprouver la vente des medicaments, • et de rendre abligatoire les ordonnances dans le cas de certains medicaments,

47. M. le D6put6 Kauai THOMPSON declare que l’sxpoe^ des motifs n est pas clair et estime que la loi concerne la vente des medicaments mais non leur impor­ tation, Il rdpbte que ce projet de loi d^favorisB certains secteurs ruraux.

48. Madame le Ddputg Hilda LINI estime que Is Ministre n’a pas encore rSpondu & sa question et demands s’il oxiate une lists de medicaments qui peuvent Stre vendus sans ordonnance.

» 49O Le President indique au D^putd Hilda LINI que le principe du projet de loi ne concerns pas la liste mais qu’alle pourra aouleuer cette question • pendant la stance consacrbe aux questions orales.

50. M, le Ministre Fred K, TIMAKATA estime qu’il a ddj& r^pondu & la question du D£put£ Hilda LINI et qu’il axiste une liete de medicaments indispensables, Il ajoute que lea medicaments qui ne figurBnt pas sur cette liste ne peuvent etre vendus & Vanuatu.

51• M. le D6put6 And&s CARLOT estime que le projet da loi ne vise pas & empecher la vente des medicaments tels que 1’aspirins et le panadol, mais £ prescrire cells des produits dangereux non contrBl^s jusqu’S present.

• 52. M, le D^putd Jimmy SIMON indique qu’il approuvs le projet de loi et propose de passer au vote.

53, La motion portant adoption du projet de loi NO. 10 de 1980 portant modification du Rbglement Conjoint rslatif & la vente des medicaments set approuu^e & l’unanimitS.


54, L’article 1t "Modification de 1’Article 2 du Rfeqlement Conjoint NO, 32 de 1966", est approuv^ & 1*unanimity. 55. The sitting suspended at 11.30 and resumed at 14.04 pm.



56. Section 2, "Insertion of Section 2A in the Regulation ", waB carried


57. Section 3, "Amendment of Section 3 of the Regulation", was carried unanimously.

58. Section 4, "Commencement", was carried unanimously.



59. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA moved that the Bill be read a second time and do pass.

60, The motion that the Bill be read a second time and pass was carried unanimously.



6). The Hon, Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI introduced the Bill and moved that ' it be read a first time.

62. The Hon, Maxime CARLOT stated that it was easy for a newly independent nation to adopt foreign laws. He felt that Vanuatu should write its own laws in its own manner in order to reflect its independent status and also to comply with its constitution.

63. In support of the Bill, the Hon, Minister Donald KALPOKAS pointed out that there was nothing wrong with Vanuatu adopting foreign laws. He said that other Pacific nations had adopted foreign laws. 55. La stance, suspendue & 11H30, reprand £ 14H05

LLy^TE_DE_MEDicAMENTs__( interdiction)

EXAMEN EN COMMISSION (Suite) 56. L’article 2, "Insertion da I1 Article 2 A dans le Rfeqlement11, eat adopts & 1'unanimity.

57. L’article 3, "Modification de 1’Article,3, du R&glament", eat adopts £ l’unanimitg.

58. L’article 4, "Entrde en vigusur". est adopts £ 1’unanimity.


59. M. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA propose que le projet de loi soit lu pour la deuxifeme foie et adopts.

60. La motion portant adoption du projet de loi NO. 2 en deuxi&me lecture eet approuv^e & 1’unanimity.

PREMIERE LECTURE 61. M. le Premier Ministre Walter H, LINI prdsente le projet de loi et propose qu’il eoit examine en premi&re lecture.

62. M. la O6put6 Maxime CARLOT pense que Vanuatu doit se comporter en 3tat independent et, s’inspirant des lois existantes £ l’^poque du Condominium, cr6er ses propree lois qui refl&tent alors son inddpendance, et en mSme temps son respect de la Constitution qui stipule que notre pays doit avoir sa propre legislation., Il n’approuve pas ce projet de loi.

63. M. le Ministre Donald KALPOKAS explique qu’on tant que jeune nation, nous devons nous appuyer sur certaines lois existantes d6j&, en l’occurence les "Queen’s Regulations". Il approuve le projet de loi. 64. The Hon. Luke DINI agreed with the bill but stated that such laws should be

adopted to suit the people and customs of Vanuatu.

65. The Hon. Minister Iolu ABIL said that Vanuatu ought to be complimented as many laws had been approved since independence. He added that the Queen's Regulation was to be amended to suit the needs of this nation and that they ought not to be afraid of amending such laws. He also said that section 93 (2) of the Constitution provided for amendments to such regulations.

66. The Hon. Prime Minister Fr. Walter LINI pointed out that if Regulations had no credibility, they had to be amended, but that all the laws could not be amended at the same time otherwise banking corporations, trust companies, etc would pull out.

67. The sitting was suspended from 3.15 to 3.40 pm. *

68. The Hon. Willie JIMMY commented that he understood the necessity of the bill and the Prime Minister’s arguments. He asked for copies of sections of the original text of the Queen's Regulation to be amended. He also asked why the Prime Minister introduced certain laws which related to other Ministries and which ought to be presented by the appropriate Ministers. He asked whether it was necessary to amend for the second time the Banking, Partnership and Trust Company Regulations and whether such establishment * could not follow the first amendment.

69. The Hon. Serge VOHOR queried the headings which had not been translated into * French and asked why the Government had not selected any laws from the EEC or from France.

70. The Hon. Minister Harold QUALAO pointed out that "Queen's Regulation" was only a name and that the bill was not a new law but an amendment. He felt that it was better to build on what was already available.

71. The Hon. Speaker reminded members to talk only on the principle of the bill. 64. M. le Ddputt Luke T. DIM soutient le projet de loi et indique qu’il faut modifier lea lois pour les adapter b la rdalitd du pays.

65. M. le Ministre Iolu ABIL souligne que Uanuatu doit se fdliciter car depuis les derniers Parlements, les ddputds ont uotd beaucoup de lois et que le “Queen's Regulations" doit Stre modifid pour etre adapts au pays. Il ajoute que 1'Article 93 (2) de la Constitution se refers aux modifications de tels rbglements.

66. M. le Premier Ministre declare qu'il faut modifier ce "Queen's Regulatione" pour qu'il deuienne notre loi, mais qu' on ne peut pas modifier toutes ces lois en mfime temps sinon les banques, les eocihtds fiducibres ate... risquent d'etre affecthes.

67. Le Parlement, suspendu & 15H15, reprend b 15H40.

68. M, le Ddputd Willie JIMMY declare comprendrB la ndcessitd de ce projet de loi et soutient les commentaires du Premier Ministre. Il demands que des copies des articles du "Queen"s Regulations" concernant le projet de loi soient distributes aux ddputds afin qu"ila sachent de quoi ils discutent. Il demands aussi pourquoi le Premier Ministre prdsente- t-il cartainss lois qui concernent d'autres ministbree et qui doiuent Stre prdsentdes par les ministres responsables de ces domaines. Il demands s'il est ndeessaire de modifier b nouveau “the Banking, Partnership and Trust Companies Regulations" ou si les banques et socittds fiducibres ne peuvent pas fonctionner suivant les premibres modifications.

69. M. le Ddputd Serge VOHOR se plaint car les titres des lois sont en anglais et demands pourquoi le Gouvornement ne choisit pas des loia de la C.E.Eo ou de la France,

70. Mo le Ministre Harold QUALAO axplique que "Queen's Regulations" n'est qu'un nom et que le projet de loi n'est pas une nouvelle loi mais une modification. Il dit qu'il est plus convsnable de order b partir de ce qui existe,

71. Le President rappelle aux ddputds qu'ils doiuent discuter sur le principe de la loi. 72. The Hon. Kawai THOMPSON said it would be proper if members were provided with copies of appropriate sections of the Queen's Regulation before discussion of the bill. He supported the Prime Minister’s arguments and said he hoped that other amendments would be made to Queeen's Regulations.

73. The Hon. Minister Sethy REGENVANU commented that the arguments of the Opposition were out of date. He reiterated the Prime Minister's arguments and added that copies of the Queen’s Regulation were available in the Parliament library.

74. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON supported the bill and voiced similar arguments to the Hon. Minister REGENVANU about copies of the Queen's Regulations being in the library.

75. The Hon. William EDGELL favoured the Hon. Willie JIMMY's arguments and said that when a country became independent, it either destroyed all its old laws or kept them and made amendments to them to suit the country.


76. The Hon. Speaker began by saying that Motion No. 3 of 1988, to constitute a Parliamentary Standing Committee for Members' Rights, Privileges and Immunities had been deferred.

77. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA remarked that the motion had been deferred to allow the mover and seconder of the motion to reword the preamble. He queried whether they had done this.

78. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON asked the Hon. Minister Fred TIMAKATA to put forward the amendment he had proposed previously.

79. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA responded that the mover and seconder had got it wrong. They should have returned to Parliament with the re-wording, but had not done so.

80. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON declared that the Standing Order was the property of Parliament and therefore all the members of Parliament should have a say in it. -■» 72. M. le D6putg Kauai THOMPSON estime qu'il serait plus convenable que lee ddputds aiant chacun une copie du "Queen's Regulations" event de discuter du projet de loi. Il soutient les commentaires du Premier Ministre et I esp&re qu'il y aura d'autres modifications aux "Queen's Regulations".

73. M. le Ministre Sethy REGENVANU indique que lee commentaires de l'Opposition sont eurann^es. Il reprend les commentaires du Premier Ministre et ajoute que les copies du "Queen's Regulations" sont disponibles £ la bibliothfeque du Parlement.

74. M. le D^putd Jimmy SIMON soutient le projet de loi et reprend les commen­ taires du Ministre Sethy REGENVANU concernant les copies du "Queen's Regulations" qui sont £ la disposition des d^put^s ci la bibliothfeque.

75. M. le Ddput6 William EDGELL se rallie & M. le DSputS Willie JIMMY et indiqe que lors de 1'independence d'un pays, le Gouvernement peut soit abroger toutes lesjlois coloniales, soit les modifierrafin de les adopter, aux situations qui se prdsentent,

!29IJ9ns_ecrites MOTION N0._ 3 DE 1988 76. Le President, M. Gnneyn TAHI propose de dfibattre la motion NO.3 sur les droits, privileges et immunity des ddput^s, qui a St6 diffgrfie la fois prdcddBnte.

77. M. le Ministre Sela MOLISA fait remarquer que la motion a 6t£ diff^r^e pour permettre aux motionnaires de r^diger & nouveau le pr6ambule. Il demande aux motionnaires s'ils ont fait ce qui leur a 6t6 demand^.

78. M. le D^put^ Jimmy SIMON demande au Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA de presenter la modification qu'il a proposes.

79. M. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA dit que les deux motionnaires n'ont rien comprie car ils 6taient census revenir avec une correction, mais ils n’ont fait aucune correction.

80. M. le D6put6 Jimmy SIMON declare pour sa part qu'Stant donn£ qu'il s'agit du R&glement Intdrieur du Parlement, tout le Parlement doit en discuter. 81. The Hon. Speaker stated that the two movers had not done what had been expected of them and said that the House had either to vote on the motion as originally presented,

82. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI suggested that the Standing Order Review Committee look into the problem.

83. The Hon. Minister Sethy REGENVANU expressed his support for the Hon. Prime Minister’s suggestion but stated that members should pass the motion first.

84- The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE said that it wasn't a good idea to pass the motion quickly without any discussion and requested that the motion be given to the Standing Orders Review Committee to be re-drafted first.

85. The Hon. Speaker reminded Members that the discussion was on Motion No. 3 and ordered that they keep to the subject. ♦

86. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT insisted that the committee must be set up. He proposed that they remove "duties shall be". He said that there was no need to spell out their duties,

87. The Hon, Minister Donald KALPOKAS stated that time was being wasted and said that it was only the preamble that needed changing. He suggested that they vote on the motion. ’

88. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA wondered whether the motion could be withdrawn He supported the move of the Minister of Health, Hon. Fred TIMAKATA and asked if he could make an amendment to Standing Order No. 49 (1) to bring the preamble into line with the requirements of "rights, privileges and immunities" of Members,

89. The Hon. Speaker replied that to make an amendment he had to give the Hon. Speaker a written proposal.

90. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT insisted that they try to reach a concensus.

91. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA said that the preamble of the motion did * not relate to the duties of the committee. 81. La Prdsident fait remarquer que Is Parlement devrait continuer h ddbattre la motion tells qu’elle est ou la rejeter car les deux motionnaires n’ont pas fait ce qui leur a dtd demandd.

82. Madame le Ddputd Hilda LINI propose que la Commission de Revision du Rdglement Intdrieur dtudie le problems.

83O M. le Ministre Sethy REGENVANU appuie la proposition de Madame le Ddputd Hilda LINI, soit approuver la motion tslle qu’elle est, et la laisser d la Commission pour rdvision ensuite.

84. IM. le Ddputd Vincent BOULEKONE fait remarquer que le Parlement commettra une erreur s’il vote la motion telle qu’elle est. Il continue en disant qu’il vaut mieux que la Commission de Rdvision du Rdglement Intdrieur la rddige b nouveau avant de la reprdsenter.

85. Le Prdsident rappelle aux ddputds qu’ils sont en train de ddbattre la motion

N0.3u Ils na doivent discuter que de la motion demandant de la diffdrer jusqu'b □ujourd'hui.

86. IM. le Ddputd IMaxime CARLOT indique que la Commission doit dtre dtablie. Il continue en proposant d’enlevsr lea termes "dont la fonction sera". Il dit

aussi qu’il n’est pas ndcessaire d'dcrire Ibs functions de la Commission.

87. IM, le Ministre Donald KALPOKAS propose de voter la motion telle qu’elle est car la modification ne concerne que le prdambule.

88. IM. le Ministre Sela MOLISA fait remarquer qu’il vaut mieux que la Parlement rejette la motion. Il indique aussi qua l'article 49 (l) n’est pas ndcessaire dans la prdambule. Il appuie la proposition du Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA, soit d'avoir un autre paragraphs 49 (l ) pour 1 *dtablisseant d'une Commission

des droits, des privileges et des Immunitds.

89. Le Prdsident rdpond en disant que pour modifier la motion il faudrait qu’il y ait une proposition dcrite.

90. IM. le Ddputd IMaxime CARLOT dit qu’il faudrait qu’il y ait un consensus car c’est la majority qui doit ddcider.

91. IM, le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA indique que les fonctions de la Commission ne concordent pas aux devoirs de la Commission. 92. The Hon. Hilda LINI wondered which suggested amendment was being discussed She moved that the motion be voted on and asked that the Standing Order C • Committee add a section to Standing Order 49 (1) about "rights, privileges and immunities", *

93. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI proposed a break of 5 minutes to allow the two movers to correct their text.

94. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON stated that it was not right to make any changes.

95. The Hon. Minister Harold QUALAO thought it would be better to delete (a) , He considered that Parliament should pass the Motion as it stood since it contained errors and would create a bad precedent.

96. The Hon. Minister Nipake NATAPEI said that once reference to Section 49 (a) 4 was removed, the two movers would lose their right to move that a committee be set up. He emphasised that the Standing Orders Committee should revise the Standing Orders so as to obviate future problems.

97. The Hon. Speaker announced that all discussions were out of order, so Parliamen should take a decision on the motion.

98. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA made a point of order. Referring to Standing Order 35, he claimed that an amendment could be made from the floor.

99. The Hon. Minister Sethy REGENVAL’U stated that everyone was confused and requested the withdrawal of the motion.

100. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT agreed with the Speaker. Since there were no amendments, the motion should be taken as it was.

101. The motion to constitute the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the rights, privileges and immunities was defeated by 21 votes against, 19 for and 5 abstentions. 92. Madame le Ddput^ Hilda LINI demande quelle modification est d^battue. Elie r^p&ts qu’elle avait propose de voter la motion telle qu’elle eat et aussi de demander & la Commission de reviser le R&glement Int^rieur.

93. 1*1, le Premier Ministre propose une pause de 5 minutes pour permettre aux deux motionnaires d’apporter une correction £ leur texts.

94. M, le D£put£ Jimmy SIMON rdpond qu'ils n'ont pas le droit de changer quoi que ce soit.

95. 1*1. le Ministre Harold QUALAD estime qu’il vaut mieux enlevBr le paragraphs (a) et le remplacer par le paragraphs (b). Il dit aussi que le Parlement ne peut

pas voter la motion telle qu’elle est, car elle comporte des erreurs et ne fera que cr^er un mauvais pr^cddent,

96. M. le Ministre Nipake NATAPEI fait remarquar qu’il est impossible de rayer l'article 49 (1) du Rfeglement Intdrieur, sans quoi les deux ddput^s n'auront plus le droit de proposer la constitution d’unB Commission, Il continue en disant que la Commission•du Rbglement Intdriaur doit reviser le Rbglement Int^rieur pour qu’il n'y ait pas de problfeme & l'avenir. Done le Parlement doit accepter la motion telle qu’elle est ou la rejeter.

97. Le President dit que toutes les discussions sont hors-sujet et que ce qu’ils doivent fairs c'BSt proc^der au vote de la motion telle qu ’initiallement prdsantdo.

98. M« le Ministre Sela MOLISA, se r^f^rant & l’article 35 du Rfeglement Int^rieur, rappelle aux dfiputds que le Parlament peut apporter une modification,

99. M. le Ministre Sethy REGENVANU demande au motionnaire de retirer sa motion car tout le monde est embrouill^.

100. M. le D6put6 Maxima CARLOT declare appuyer la decision du President

soit de voter la motion telle qu’elle est.

101. La motion portant Constitution d’une Commission des droits,~Privileges et Immunitds Parlementaires est rejetde par 21 voix contre, 19 pour et 5 abstentions. MOTION NO. 6 OF 1988

102, The Hon. Willie JIMMY introduced the motion on the constitution of a Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry into the Ministry and Department of Transport and Public Works.

103. The Hon. Minister Fred TIMAKATA made a point of order, suggesting that this

should be an oral motion.

104. The Hon. Speaker deferred the motion until Thursday.

105. The sitting was adjourned at 17.03 pm.

•i NOTION NO.6 DE 198B

102. M. le D6put6 Willie JIMMY lit la motion NO.6 sur'la Constitution d*une Commission d’enquete du Parlement aur le Minist&re et le Departement des transports et des travaux publics.

103. M. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA fait remarquer que caci est une motion orale done elle ne doit pas dtre prSsentde & cette heure<-ci.

104. Le President propose de dlffgrer la motion & Oeudi prochain & l’heure des motions dcrites*

105. La stance Bst lev£e & 17H03mn. PARLIAMENT OF THE t REPUBLIC OF, VANUATU




SPEAKER The Hon. Qnneyn TAHI, Member for Ambae.

PRESENT 45 Members


1. The sitting commenced at 2.00 pm.

2. The Hon. Minister Jack T. HOPA said the prayer.

3. The Hon. Spekaer read the agenda.



4. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT, Leader of the Opposition had taken note of all comments given by the government but still thought the law ought to have been written in the two languages. He pointed out that the law as it was obliged people to read it in English, although he understood the necessity to approve these bills quickly in order to encourage investors. Making reference to Standing Orders Section 28 (2), he moved that the first reading of the bill be deferred for redrafting in French and Bislama. I. PARLEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU




PRESIDENT : PI. Onneyn TAHI, DSputd d'Ambag,

PRESENTS : 45 DdputSs



1. Le President ouvre la stance & 14H00.

2. M. le Ministre Jack T. HOPA dit la prifere.

3. Le President annonce l’ordre du Jour*

PREMIERE LECTURE. 4. M. le Ddput6 HaximB CARLOT declare que I1Opposition a pris note de tous las commentaires du Gouvernement male il estime qu'il est indispensable que le texts soit auasi en frangais9 Il indique que la loi oblige lee personnes & lire en anglais bien qu'il comprend la ndcessitd de voter cea lois aux fins commerdales. Il annonce qu'en vertu du Paragraphs 2 de 1'Article 28, il propose que-la premiers lecture soit diffdrde en vue de permettre la traduction de ce projet de loi en fran^ais et en bichelemar. 5. The Hon. Prime Minister explained that according to Section 93 (2) of the Constitution, the Prime Minister was responsible for laws closely related to the Constitution, such as those mentioned in the bill. He added that in 1981, 2 eminent lawyers (1 French and 1 British) came to advise the Vanuatu * Government on the Finance Centre and had concluded that the existing laws ought to be kept in order to encourage investors. He went on to say that these amendments did not change the spirit of the laws and that the motion proposed by the Opposition was fair but impractical since it would be very difficult for laws like the Queen's Regulations to be translated into other languages.

6. The Hon. Amos ANDENG seconded the motion.

7. The Hon. Willie JIMMY supported the motion as it had been based on Standing Orders and insisted that members be able to read the bills in a language * they understood.

8. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE supported the motion but asked whether it was intended to apply to all laws or simply to this bill.

9. The Hon. Speaker reminded members to keep to the principle.

10. The Hon. Minister Sethy REGENVANU felt that the Opposition were confused with regard to the motion as the text was already in French. He pointed out that ' the Opposition had complained about the translation into French but did not mention Bislama which was also an offical language according to the Constitution

11. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA repeated the Hon. Sethy REGENVANU's arguments about the translation into French and said that the motion was not appropriate.

12. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA wondered why the Opposition had not asked about translation yesterday and felt that at this stage, it was too late for the motion to be proposed. 5. M. le Premier Ministre explique qu'en vertu de I’alin^a 2 de l’article 93 de la Constitution, il revient au Premier Ministre de s'occuper des loia qui concernent de prfes la Constitution comme celles qui figurent dans le projet de loi* Il ajoute qu'en 1981, 2 auocats de haute reputation, un frangais et un anglais sont venus conseiller le Gouvernement de Vanuatu sur le centre financier et ont conclu que les lois existantes doivent toujours existBr afin d'encourager les investissements & Vanuatu. Il continue en declarant que les modifications ne changent pas les principes de la loi. Il ajoute que la motion proposes par l’Opposition est juste mais fait perdre du temps car ces lois n'existent qu'en anglais et que 1*anglais est plus utilise Bn commerce. Il conclue qu'il est tr&s difficile de traduire des lois telles que les "Queen’s Regulations".

6. M. le D£put£ Amos ANDENG appuie la motion.

7. le D^put^ Willio JIMMY soutient la motion et declare qu'en vertu de l’article 26 (2) de la Constitution, le Secretaire GdnSral doit adresser une copie de chaque projet de loi en frangais et en anglais 10 jours auant l'^tape sessionnelle & chaque d^put6.

9. I*l. le Ddput^ Vincent BOULEKONE soutient la motion mais demands si la motion s'adresse & toutes les lois ou sculBment au present projet de loi.

9. Le President rappells aux d^put^s de discuter sur le principe de la loi.

10. M. Is Ministro Sethy REGENVANU estime que l’Opposition est confuse en proposant la motion car le projet de loi est d§jih en frangais.

Il termine en disant que l’Opposition se plaint pour la traduction frangaise alors qu’ils n’ont pas mentionn^ le bichelamar qui est pourtant une langue officielle en vertu de la Constitution.

11. M. le Ministre Sela MOLISA reprend les commentaires du Ministre Sethy REGENVANU sur le projet de loi qui est d6j£. traduit en frangais et estima que la motion n’est pas valable,

12. M. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA demands pourquoi l’Opposition ne s’est- elle pas plainte hier afin que la traduction soit faite avant la stance d'aujourd’hui. Il ajoute qu'£ ce stade la motion est en retard pour etre proposes. 13. The Hon. Maxime CARLOT did not agree with the arguments from the government side and asked for a full translation of the English headings referred to in the French text of the bill and moved that the first reading be deferred for

• 14. The Hon. Prime Minister replied that he understood the point raised by the Leader of the Opposition about translation but said that there were no equivalents of these Queen's Regulations in French laws and that translators had to be consistent in legal translations. He apologised for not having understood that point in the first place,

15. The motion moved under Standing Orders 28 (2) to defer the first reading was defeated by 25 votes against and 20 for.

16. The motion that the bill for the Miscellaneous Amendments (Queen's Regulations) Act No. of 1988 was carried with 25 votes for, 19 against and I abstention.


17. Section 1, "Amendment of 'Oaths Regulation, CAP 12", was approved on division.

18, Section 2, "Amendment of Prevention of Fraus (investments) Regulation, CAP 24", was approved on division.

19. Section 3, "Amendment of Notaries Public Regulation, Queen's Regulation Queen's Regulation No. I of 1973"was approved on division.

20. Section 4, "Amendment of Insurance >of Regulation, Queen's Regulation No. 18 of 1973", was approved on division.

21. Section -5, "Amendment of Partnership Regulation, Queen's Regulation No. 3 of 1975", was approved on division.

22. Section 6, "CAP , CAP 10, CAP 12, CAP 24, Queen's Regulation No. 1 of 1973, Queen's Regulation No. 18 of 1#73 and Queens Regulation No. 3 of 1975 to have effect as Acts of Parliament of Vanuatu", was approved on division.

23. Section 7«, "French law revoked'', was approved on division. M. le Ddputd Maximo CARLOT ddsapprouve les commentaires du Gouvernement et demands que soient traduits tous las titres laiss^s en anglais dans le texte frangais du projet de loi et propose que la premiere lecture soit diff^rde pour traduction.

14. PI. le Premier Ministre respond qu’il comprend les plaintes de l’Opposition et qu’il s'excuse de n’avoir pas saisi plus tot. Il ajoute qu’il n’y a pas d'dquivalent & ces "Queen’s Regulations" en frangais et que les traducteurs doivent obligatoirement traduire lee lois sous forme legale.

15. La motion proposes an vertu de l'article 28 (2) du RSglement Int^rieur en vue de diff^rer la premi&re lecture est rejetde par 25 voix contra, et 20 pour.

16. La motion portant adoption du projet de loi relatif aux diverses modifications des "Queen’s Regulations", est approuvde par 25 voix pour, 19jcontre et 1 abstention.


17. L'article 1, "Modification du Chapitre 12, "Oaths Regulation"", est adopts & la majority des voix.

18. L’article 2, "Modification du ChapitrB 24, "Prevention of Fraud" (investments Regulation", est adopts d la majority das voix.

19. L’article 3, "Modification de "Notaries Public Regulation11 Queen’s Regulation N0.1 of 1973", est adoptd a la majority des voix.

20. L’article 4, "Modification de "Insurance Regulation" Queen's Regulation" NO. 18 of 1973". est adopts d la majority des voix.

21. L'article 5, "Modification do "Partnership Regulation" Queen's Regulation NO.3 of 1975", est adopts & la majority des voix.

22. L'article 6, "Chapitres 8, 10, 12, 20, 24 et "Queen’s Regulations" N0._1 of 1973^ ND, 18 of 1973 and ND.3 of 1975 devant etre exdcutoires comme lois du_Parlement de Vanuatu", est adoptd & la majority des voix.

23. L’article 7, "Abrogation de la legislation frangaise", est adoptd h la majority des voix. 24. Section 8, "Commencement", was approved on division.

25. The sitting was suspended from 3.25 to 3.47 pm.


26. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI moved that the Bill for the Miscellaneous Amendments (Queen’s Regulations) Act No. of 1988 be read a second time and do pass.

27. The motion that the bill be read a second time and do pass, was carried with 25 votes in favour, 0 against and 19 abstentions.



28. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA introduced the bill.


29. Written Question No. 1 was put by the Hon. Kawai THOMPSON to the Hon. Prime Minister

30. The Hon. Prime Minister replied (Question and answer appended).

31. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE asked if the Speaker could allow him to ask a supplementary question.

32. The Hon. Speaker replied that this period was for Written Questions and not oral questions and disallowed Hon. BOULEKONE s request.

33. The Hon. Willie JIMMY asked about his Written question which he submitted to the Parliament Secretariat several weeks ago.

t 24. L1article 6, "Entrde_en_ vigueur", est adopts & la majority des voix,

25. La stance, suspendue & 15H25, reprend b 15H47.


26. M. le Premier Ministre Father Walter H. LINI propose que le projet de loi NO. de 1988 relatif aux divsrses modifications des Queen's Regulations soit adopts en dsuxidme lecture.

27. La motion portant adoption en deuxidme lecture du projet de loi NO. de 1980 relatif aux diversea modifications des Queen’s Regulation est adoptde par 25 voix pour et 19 abstentions.


9?y5^E_A_ElI!?PORTATION (modification)

PREMIERE LECTURE 28. M. la Ministre Sela MOLISA presents le projet de loi et propose qu’il soit examind en premiere lecture.


29. M. le Ddputd Kautai THOMPSON pose la question dcrite N0.1 au Premier Ministre, (Voir Annexe).

30. M. le Premier Ministre Walter H. LINI donne sa rdponse (voir annexe).

31. M. le Ddputd Vincent BOULEKONE demands s’il pout ajouter une question suppldmentaire & cells du Ddputd Kauai THOMPSON.

32. Le Prdsident explique qu'il s'agit des "questions dcrites" non "orales", done e’est impossible.

33. M. le Ddputd Willie JIMMY s'inquidte de ce qu’il est aduenu de sa question dcrite ddposde il y a des semaines au Seerdtaire Gdndral, 34, The Hon. Speaker responded that the Hon. Member's Written question had been sent to the Ministry concerned but since it required a lot of factual research,* the Ministry needed more time to prepare the answers.

35. The Hon. Willie JIMMY explained that since the extra-ordinary session of Parliament tould begin next week, he would never have the chance to pose his


36. In reply, the Hon. Speaker said that the Hon. Member's written questions would not be heard unless the extra-ordinary session was post-poned to a

later date.

37. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA felt that the Speaker should adjourn the


38. The sitting adjourned at 16. 15 pm. 34. Le President indique que les rdponses & cetta question demandant un certain temps de preparation.

35. Pio le Depute Millie 3II*II*1Y rappelle que la semaine prochaine, le Parlement se reunira en session extraordinaire, done quril ne pourra sans doute plus possible de recevoir des reponses £ sa question.

36. Le President pense qu*il serait possible de reculer la session extraordinaire dans ce cas.

37, 1*1. le Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA propose de lever la seance.

- 38. La seance est levee & 16H15. PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF VANUATU




SPEAKER * The Hon. Onneyn TAHI, Member for Ambae

45 Members PRESENT

1. The sitting commenced at 8,30 am.

2. The Hon. Samson BUE said the prayer.

3. The Hon. Speaker read out Che agenda.

4. The sitting was suspended at 8.40 am.

5. The sitting resumed at 10.03 am. PARLEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU



□EUDI 07 AURIL 1980

PRESIDENT : M, Onneyn TAHI, Ddputdi d’Ambag,

PRESENTS : 45 O^put^s

1. Le President ouvre la stance & 0SH3O.

2. M, 1b D^putd Samson BUE dit la prifere.

3. Le President annonce l’ordrs du jour.

4. La stance est suapendue & 08H4Q pour asaister & la cdrdmonie d’ouverture de la semaine de la Sant£,


FIRST READING_(conti nue d)

6. The Hon. Luke T. DINI expressed his support for the principle of the Bill saying that he was glad to see reduction in duties on heavy equipment since it would help developments on the outer islands. He remarked that the bill should also include a reduction in duties on food, especially rice.

7. The Hon. Minister Fred K. TIMAKATA strongly supported the Bill and said it wasn’t a bad idea to have the rice tax included since too much rice could be bad for the health. He wanted to see a promotion of local foods and an increase in tax on tinned foods in order to encourage people to be more self-reliant.

8. The Hon. Minister Iolu ABIL explained that the increase in the price of rice was not a result of taxation. He stated that it was due to the effect of price control.

9. The Hon. Willie JIMMY asked the Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA if the vehicles in stock at Vanuatu Motors and other companies would be liable to the old rate of tax or the new one. He supported the principle of the bill since it would help with transport in rural areas,

10. The Hon. Luke T. DINI agreed that the bill would help the people in the rural areas to transport their goods, although on some island the roads were in bad condition or even non-existent; he therefore asked the government to build more roads. Refering to previous Speakers, he agreed with them that local products should be encouraged but stated that members should face up to reality. He suggested that price control be removed to encourage


11. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA said the Bill did not call for any increase in food duty, including rice. He said that Che increase in the price of rice was due to a world shortage. He pointed out chat the government was studying the question of imported tinned foods while trying to encourage local products. He explained chat vehicle duty rates would change when the PROJET DE „DE_1988 SUR LE RCGLEMENT_REGROUPANT_LES_OROITS_DE^DOUANE_A L’IMPORTATION (MODIFICATION)

PREMIERE LECTURE (Suite) 6. M. le Depute Luke T. DINI appuie le principe de la loi et dit qu’il est heureux de voir qu’il y a une baisse de la taxe d’importation de certains dquipements, ce qui contribuera beaucDup au d^veloppement dans les lies, Il demands aussi au Gouvernement s'il peut y avoir une reduction dans les prix des aliments de base tel que le riz.

7. M. la Ministre Fred K. TIMAKATA appuie le principe de la loi et declare qu’il n’est pas contre 1'augmentation du prix du riz car on peut attraper des maladies si on consomme trop de riz. Il continue en disant qu’il voudrait voir la promotion des produits locaux. Il indique aussi qu’il vaut mieux augmenter les taxes d’importation des boitas de conserve pour encourager les Ni-Uanuatu & faire de la poche et cultiver les legumes.

B. M. le Ministre Iolu A0IL fait remarqucr que 1 ’augmentation du prix du riz n’est pas dQa b la taxation mais aux frais d’importation du riz. Il indique aussi que c’est le service du contrfile de prix qui a impost cette augmentation.

9. M. le Ddput^ Willie JIMMY exprime son accord avec le principe de la loi car il permettra & la population d’acheter des voitures pour le transport dans les zones rurales. Il demands quel sera le prix des voitures chez Vanuatu Motors et PentecSte, import^es avant que cette loi ne soit publics au Journal Officiel.

10. M. le D£put£ Luke T. DINI exprime son accord pour le principe de la loi surtout en ce qui concerne la reduction de la taxe d’importation de v^hicule car la population dans les lies, pourra s'acheter des voitures pour trans­ porter son coprahu II fait remarquer qu’il est bien d’acheter des voitures, mais il faudrait reparer les routes qui sent dans de trbs mauvais dtats. Se rdfbrant aux commentaires des autres dbput^s, M. le D^put^ Luke T. DINI dit qu’il est d’accord pour encourager la consommation des produits locaux mais il parle surtout de ce qui se passe actuellement. Il demands au Gouvernement de ne pas monopoliser 1’importation du riz pour qu’il y ait une competition de prix entre les diff^rents importateurs, ce qui aboutirait & un prix moins dlev£.

11 „ M. le Ministre Sela MOLISA declare que le present projet de loi ne touche pas du tout le riz et que 1'*■ igmentation du prix du riz est du & la p^nurie Act was published in the Gazette and some vehicles still in bond would be liable to the new rates. However, he made it clear that members of Parliament should not expect much reduction in the price of Japanese vehicles, since their currency (the YEN) had a very strong value. The Government was looking at other countries to supply vehicles. He said that Agricultural t vehicles imported from Japan were duty free,

12. The Hon. Charles GODDEN expressed his support for the Principle of the Bill, saying that the existing law did not allow taxi drivers to make a profit because they could not afford new cars. He concluded that, following the increase in tobacco duty, why not have an increase on alcoholic drinks too.

'3. The Hon. William EDGELL considered that the application of the law should be on every level, such as cooperatives, importers and traders as prices were 1 not always controlled and some business people took unfair advantage of this. This bill should help to reduce prices and he felt that traders should lower , theirs too.

The Hon. Minister Nipake NATAPEI explained that the bill was not concerned with monopoly on rice which was subject to price control. He said that the only advantage of the rice manopoly was bulk buying for which a discount was given.

15. The Hon. Minister Iolu ABIL explained that the appropriate department of his Ministry usually cross-checked prices of commodities with outside * agents to make sure that they were not too high.

16. The Hon. Roger BOE expressed similar arguments to the Hon. Minister ABIL and hoped that there would be more control of prices.

17. The Hon. Jimmy SIMON reminded members they were not speaking to the point. He said that after cyclones people needed more rice. He asked why the price of rice was going up when in his opinion it should be going down. de riz dans le monde. En ce qui concerne la reduction de 1’importation des boitss de conserve, il indique que le Gouvernement dtudie la question en encourageant la population h consommcr plus de produits locaux. Il indique aussi que 1*importation annuelle du riz s’el&ve & 200 000 000 VT. Concernant le monopole de 1’importation du riz, il dit qu’il serait trfes int^ressant, mais les prix ne baisseront pas telloment. Pour ce qu’il est des voiturea neuves, les prix resteront les memes tant que la pr^sente loi n’est pas publide au Journal Officiel. Il tient a faire remarquer aux d^put^s qu’il n’y aura pas une grande reduction,des prix des uoitures japonaises car

leur monnaie (Yen) a une tres forte valeur. Il fait sauoir aussi que 1b Gouvernement cherche d’autres fournisseurs, dans d’autres pays. Il continue en disant que les voitures import^es du Japon pour le service r de I1Agriculture sont toujours hors taxe.

12. M. le D£put£ Charles GOODEN soutient le principe de la loi qui d'apr&s lui contribuera largement h l’activitd des taxis, D’aprbs lui, les propri^taires des taxis ne peuvent se permettre des uoitures neuves avec la loi actually. Il indique aussi qu’il devrait avoir une augmentation sur la taxe d'importation des boissons alcoolisdes.

13. M. le Ddputd William EDGELL estime que 1 * application de la loi doit couvrir tous les domaines comme les cooperatives, les importateurs priv^s et commer­ gants car il n’y a pas toujours de contrQle ds prix et quelques-uns en abusent. Ce projet de loi, en rdduisant les droits de douane, ajoute-t-il, vise £ baisser les prix. A son avis, les commergants doivent baisser leurs prix, eux aussi. ♦

14. M. le Ministre Nipake NATAPEI explique que le projet de loi ne concerne en rien le monopole du riz, dont le prix est contrfll^. Il ajoute que le seul avantage du monopole du riz est l'achat en gros qui perrnet une remise du prix.

15. M. le Ministre lolu ABIL indiquo que le service appropri^ de son minist&re v^rifie les prix avec das agonts extdriours pour s’assurer que les prix ne sont pas exageres.

16. M. le D6putd Roger Derry BOE reprend les commentaires du Ministre lolu ABIL, et espfere qu’il y aura plus de controls sur les prix.

17. M. le D£put£ Jimmy SIMON remarque que les d^put^s ne discutent pas du principe de la loi. Il ajouto qu’aprhs les cyclones, les gens ont besoin de riz alors pourquoi augment© - t - on son pri* ? A son avia, il 18. The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE supported the bill and said that it was important for the economy and social life because it was related to the cost of living. He indicated that it was advantageous to decrease import tax for vehicles so that vehicle dealers could sell vehicles at a better price but spare parts would remain expensive. He asked whether the government would control such prices.

19. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter LINI agreed with the arguments of other members but declared that prices depended chiefly on exporters. He added that the only solution was to resort to cheaper markets other than Japan, which, although expensive, had better shipping arrangements. He explained that rice from Australia was very expensive but that countries in the Pacific continued to import it because shipping facilities were good, whereas Thai rice was the cheapest in the world but Vanuatu had no access to it due to the lack of regular shipping.

20. The motion that the Bill for the Import Duties (Consolidation) Regulation (Amendment) Act No. of 1988 be read a first time and pass was carried with 26 votes in favour and 19 abstentions.


21 . Section 1, "Repeal of Section 5 of Joint Regulation No. <52 of 1975'*, was approved on division.

22. Section 2, "Amendment of Schedule 1 to the Principal Act", was approved on division.

23. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA made a change Co Section 3 (3) (i) to delete the comma after "packed therein" and put a fullstop in the English text.

24. Section 3, "Amendment of Schedule III to the Principal Act", was approved on division. faut en abaisser le prix.

18. M. le D6put6 Vincent 0OULEKONE soutient le projet de loi et estime qu’il est important pour l'Sconomie et pour la vie socials, car il concerns le coflt de la vie. Il indique qu’il approuve la baisse de la taxe d’importation des v^hicules qui obligera les commergants & vendre moins cher leurs voitures mais que les pi&ces d^tach^es sont toujours chores. Il demands si le Gouvernement a pr^vu des mesures concernant le contrfile de ces pifeces d^tach^es.

19. M. le Premier Ministre approuve les commentaires des ddputds et declare que les prix ne dependent que des exportateurs. Il ajoute que la seule solution est de choisir des marches bas autres que le marchd japonais tr&s cher mais qui posshde un meilleur systfema de transports maritimes. Il fait remarquer que le riz d'Australia est trfes cher ; mais que tous les pays du Pacifique continuant de l’importer alors qu'en Thallande le riz est le moins cher du monde m^is que Vanuatu n’a aucune issue b ce march^ faute des problbmes de transport maritime r^gulier.

20. La motion portant adoption du projet de loi NO, de 1988 sur le Rfeglement regroupant les droits de douane & 1’importation (modification) en premiere lecture est approuves par 26 voix pour et 19 abstentions.

21. L'arjiclB 1, "Abrogation de l'articlg 5 du Rfeglement Conjoint NO, 52 de 1975", est approuv^ & la majority des voix.

22. L’article 2, "Modification de l'Annexe I de la Loi Principals1', est approuvd & la majority des voix.

23. M. le Ministre Sela MOLISA rappelle qu’h l'alin^a (I) du Paragraphs (3) & 1’Article 3, il y a une correction on rBmplagant la virgule aprbs "packed therein" par un point dans le texts anglais.

24. L’article 3, "Modification de l'Annexe III de la loi principals11, est approuvd & la majority des voix. 25 Section 4, "Commencement”, was approved on division.


26. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA moved that the bill for the Import Duties (Consolidation) Regulation (Amendment) Act No. of 1988 be read a second time and pass.

27. The motion that the bill for the Import Duties (Consolidation) Regulation (Amendment) Act No. of 1988 be read a second time in Parliament and pass was carried with 26 votes in favour and 19 abstentions.

28. The First Ordinary Session closed at 11.25 am. 25. L'article 4, "Entree en vigueur". est approuvd & la majority des voix.


26. i*l. le Sinistra Sala MOLISA propose que le projet de Id! soit examind en deuxibme lecture et adopts.

27. Le Projet de loi NO. de 1988 sur le Rfeglement regroupant lee droits de douane & 1'importation (modification) est approuvd par 26 voix pour at 19 abstentions.

28. La Premiers Session Ordinaire de 1988 est close & 11H25.