Republic of Vanuatu Parliament Repu0lique De
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REPUBLIC OF VANUATU REPU0LIQUE DE VANUATU PARLIAMENT PARLEMENT THIRD PARLIAMENT FIRST ORDINARY SESSION 2ND MEETING 22ND MAY - 25TH MAY 1989 TROISIEME LEGISLATURE DU PARLEMENT PREMIERE SESSION ORDINAIRE DEUXIEME ETAPE SESSIONNELLE 22 MAI - 25 MAI 19B9 SUMMARISED PROCEEDINGS PRDCES VERBAL CERTIFICATION Ths Minutes of Proceedings which appear in the following book have been established by the Clerk of Parliament and have been amended and confirmed by Parliament in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of the Standing Orders of Parliament. Onneyn M. TAHI Lino 8ULEKULI dit SACSAC Speaker of Parliament. ClBrk of Parliament, AUTHENTIFIACTION Les Proc&s-verbaux qui figurant dans Is present recuBil ont ete etablia par la Secretaire Gdneral du Parlement et conformemsnt aux dispositions ds 1*Article 18 du R&glement Intdrieur, ils ont ete corrigds et confirmds par le Parlament. Onneyn l*l» TAHI Lino BULEKULI dit SACSAC President Secretaire Gdndral du ParlemBnt. du Parlement, PARLIAMENT Of THE REPUBLIC OF VANUATU THIRD PARLIAMENT FIRST ORDINARY SESSION 2ND MEETING 22ND MAY - 25TH MAY 1909 ABBIL 3, Iolu, MP for Tanna, BAET George, MP for Benke / Torres, BOE Roger Derry, MP for Maewo, BOULEKONE Vincent, MP for Pentecost, BULEWAK Gaetano, MP for Pentecoat, ENNIS Simeon, MP for Malekuia, HOPA T. Dock, MP for Ambrym, IAMIAHAM Daniel, MP for Tanna, IAUKO Deck, MP for Tanna, IOUIDU Henry, MP for Tanna, DIMMY floanikam, MP for Tanna, DACOBE Joseph, MP for Port-Vila, KALPOKAS Donald, MP for Efate, KARIE D. Robert, MP for Tongoa / Shepherds, KATH Daniel, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore, KOTA Gideon, MP for Tanna, LINI Hilda, MP for Port-Vila, LINI Walter H«, MP for Pentecoat, MAHIT William, MP for Paama, MATASKELEKELE Kalkot, MP for .Port-Vila, METO Dimmy Chilia, MP for Efete, MOLISA Sela, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore, NATAPEI E, Nipake, MP for Other Southern Islands, NATO Daniel, MP for Malekuia, NIAL 3, Kalo, MP for Luganville, QUALAO C. Harold, MP for Ambae, RANTES Aileh, MP for Malekuia, REGENVANU Sbthy, MP for Malekuia, 5ARKI Robert, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore, SAWIA Kalanga, MP for Port-Vila, TABI Basil, MP for Pentecost, TAHI M. Onneyn, MP for Ambae, TANARANGO T. David, MP for Efate, TARI SEVUTI Wilson, MP for Ambae, TAUN Tele, MP for Efate, VUTI Damea, MP for Santo, Malo / AOrs, WASS Kavcor, MP for Santo, Malo / Aore, WELWEL Andrew, MP for Ambrym, WESLEY Dahn T«, MP for Malekuia* PARLEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU 4 TROISIEME LEGISLATURE DU PARLEMENT * PREMIERE SESSION ORDINAIRE 2EME SEANCE 22 MAI - 25 MAI 1909 ABBIL J. Iolu, Ddputd de Tanna, BAET George, Ddputd de Banks / Torrds, BOE Roger Jerry, Ddputd de Madwo, BOULEKONE Vincent* Ddputd de Pentecfite, BULEWAK Gadtano, Ddputd de Pentecdte, ENNIS Simeon, Ddputd de Hallicolo, HOPA T. Jack, Ddputd d’Ambrym, IAMIAHAH Daniel, Ddputd de Tanna, IAUKO Jack, Ddputd de Tanna, IOUIOU Henry, Ddputd da Tanna, Jini*I¥ Noanikam, Ddputd de Tanna, JACOBE Joseph, Ddputd de Port-Vila, KALPOKAS Donald, Ddputd d'Efatd, KARIE 0. Robert, Ddputd de Tongoa / Shepherds, KATH Daniel, Ddputd de Santo, Malo / Acre, KOTA Gideon, Ddputd de Tanna, LINI Hilda, Ddputd de Port-Vila, LINI Walter H., Ddputd de Pentecdte, MAHIT William, Ddputd de Paama, MATASKELEKELE Kalkot, Ddputd de Port-Vila, METO Jimmy Chilia, Ddputd d'Efatd, HOLISA Sela, Ddputd de Santo, Halo / Aord, NATAPEI E. Nipake, Ddputd dea autrea Ilea du Sud, NATO Daniel, Ddputd de Hallicolo, NIAL J. Kalo, Ddputd de Luganville, QUALAO C. Harold, Ddputd d'Ambad, RANTES Allah, Ddputd de Hallicolo, REGENVANU Sethy, Ddputd de Hallicolo, SARKI Robert, Ddputd de Santo, Halo / Aord, SAWIA Kalanga, Ddputd de Port-Vila, TABI Basil, Ddputd de Pentecdte, TAHI M. Qnneyn, Ddputd d’Ambad, TANARANGO T. David, Ddputd d’Efatd, TARI SEVUTI Wilson, Ddputd d’Ambad, TAUN Tdld, Ddputd d’Efatd, VUTI James, Ddputd de Santo, Halo / Aord, WASS Kavcor, Ddputd de Santo, Malo / Aord, WELWEL Andrew, Ddputd d’Ambryin, WESLEY John T., Ddputd de Hallicolo. PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF VANUATU THIRD LEGISLATURE SECOND MEETING OF THE FIRST ORDINARY SESSION OF 1989 MONDAY 22 MAY 1969 SPEAKER The Hon. Onneyn TAHI, Member for Ambae, PRESENT 35 Members ABSENT The Hon. Vincent BOULEKONE, Member for Pentecost & Leader of the Opposition, The Hon. Harold C. QUALAO, Member for Ambae LATE The Hon. Kalkot MATASKELEKELE, Member for Port-Vila, The Hon. Tele TAUN, Member for Efate Rural. 1. The sitting commenced at 8.40 am. 2. The Hon. Aileh RANTES said the prayer. 3. The Hon. Speaker read the agenda and explained that he had not given notification for this Meeting as it was the continuation of the First Ordinary Session. 4. The Hon. Minister Donald KALPOKAS asked whether the bills had come on time to Members of Parliament. 5. The Hon. Speaker explained that normally bills had to be sent to Members 10 days before but they arrived only 8 days before this Parliament Meeting, therefore Standing Order 26 needed to be suspended. 6. The Hon. Minister Donald KALPOKAS, seconded by the Hon. Robert KARIE moved that Parliament suspend Standing Order 26. 7. The motion to suspend Standing Order 26 (2) was carried unanimously. PARLEMENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE DE VANUATU TROISIEME LEGISLATURE 2EME ETAPE SESSIONNELLE DE LA 1ERE SESSION ORDINAIRE DE 1909 LUNDI 22 l*IAI 1989 PRESIDENT I*l. Onneyn M. TAHI, Ddputd d’Amba^, PRESENTS 35 D^putds ABSENTS : (*l. Vincent BOULEKOCIE, Ddputd de PentecSte et Chef de l’Opposition, 1*1. Harold C. QUALAO, D6put6 d’AmbaS, RETARD : Fl. Kalkot MATAS KELEKELE, Depute de Port-Vila, M. Tele TAUN, Ddput<5 d'Efatd Rural. 1. Le President ouure la stance & 08H40. 2. I*L 1b Ddputg Aileh RANTES dit la pri&re. 3. Le President annonce l'ordro du jour et precise qu’il n'a envoys aucune notification aux d^put6s puisqqe cette Etape Sessionnelle n’est qua la continuation de la Premiere Session Ordinaire de 1909. 4. 1*1. le Ministre Donald KALPOKAS veut savoir ai lea projets de loi eont parvenus aux d£put£s an temps voulu, soit un minimum de 10 jours avant la date de la stance. 5. Le President rdpond qu’ile aont arrives SBUlament 0 jours avant. 6. I*l. le Miniatre Donald KALPOKAS, appuyS par le DSputG Robert D. KARIE, propose la suspension du Hdglement Int^rieur 26 pour 1*examen de css projets de loi parvenus en retard. 7. La motion portant suspension du RbglemBnt Int^rieur 26 (2) est adoptee & 1’unanimity. BILL FOR THE MARITIME (AMENDMENT) ACT NO. OF 1989 FIRST_READING 8. The Hon. Prime Minister, Fr. Walter H. LINI introduced the bill, explained its purpose and provisions and moved that the bill be read a first time in Parliament and pass. 9. The Hon. Joseph JACOBE expressed support for the bill, which should help promote Vanuatu to the same level as other countries. He then asked for the number and tonnage of ships registered in Vanuatu and where they come from. 10. The Hon. Minister Sela MOLISA explained that there were approximately 300 vessels, with a tonnage of 2 million tonnes, from various countries. He also said that 60 million vatu was expected this year from the registry of ships. He added that if Vanuatu made bilateral agreements with other countries like the Soviet Union for reciprocal ’’Special conditions”, this would benefit both parties in such things as port dues. He said this would help Vanuatu earn more revenue. He ended by explaining that some ships wanted Ni-Vanuatu crews to work on them but that these crews needed specific qualifications. 11. The motion that the bill for the Maritime Act No. of 1989 be read a first time was carried unanimously. COMMITTEE STAGE 12. Section 1, "Amendmentof Section 1 of Act No. 8 of 1981," was approved unanimously. 13. Section 2, "Insertion of New Section 3A in the Principal Act", was approved unanimously. 14. Sec tion 3, "Rep 1 a c erne n t of Section 6 of the Pri n c ipal Act1', was approved unanimously. 15. Se c t i o n 4 , "Repe a l_o f _S ection 7 o f the P r i nc ip a 1_ A c^t" , was approved unanimously. 16. Section 5, "Amendment of Section 9 of Principal Act", was approved unanimously. PREMIERE LECTURE 8. M. 1b Ministre Sela MOLISA presents le projet de loi et explique les diuer9es modifications. Il propose que le projet de loi soit examind en premiere lecture et adopts. 9. 1*1. 1b Ddputd Joseph JACOBE soutient le projet ds loi qui permet & Vanuatu de se situer au rang des autres pays Bn ce qui concBrne l'immatriculation dss navires. Il ddsire connaitre le nombre de naviree immatriculds d Vanuatu, leur provenance et leur tonnage. 10. M. Is Ministre Sela MOLISA indique qu'environ 300 navirss ont dtd immatriculds & Vanuatu soit 2 millions de tonnBS de tonnage, uenant de divers pays. Il indique que le Gouvernement doit percevoir 60 millions de VT de ces immatricu- lations cette anndeo II expliqus qu'il serait judicieux de signer des accords avec 1'Union Sovidtique pour que leurs bateaux puissant venir & Vanuatu en bdndficiant de conditions epdciales et que rdciproquement noa bateaux puissent entrer dan3 leurs ports et bdndficier de conditions spdciales. Un tel accord serait une source de revenue pour Vanuatu, et il termine en indiquant que les bateaux de l'extbrieur dtaient prSts & engager des dquipages Ni-Vanuatu si css derniers dtaient en mesure de presenter certainBS qualifications. 11. La motion portant adoption du projet de loi en premiere lecture est approuvde & l‘unanimitdo EXAMEN EN COMMISSION 12. L1article 1t "Modification de l'article 1 de la loi NO.8 de 1981”, est adopts & l'unanimitd.