At Home, at Headquarters a Few of the Many Top Companies That Rule from Geneva Talk About Why They Are Here…
Why Geneva is your best choice in Europe At home, at headquarters A few of the many top companies that rule from Geneva talk about why they are here… Caterpillar Columbia Sportswear DuPont easyJet Electronic Arts Firmenich P&G Richemont Group … as do some new ones that have just arrived! Contents A small area with room for talent Headquarters of global brands Why Geneva succeeds as a business base 2 Something hard to imagine if one doesn’t know Geneva has never been a one-industry town. If the Diversity and density Geneva well, is the extraordinarily high density city was once upon a time famous for its medieval Pierre-François Unger, Minister of Regional of decision-makers present here, on a territory fair and, later on, for its private banks and fine Affairs, Economy and Health, on Geneva’s that covers only 282km2. With UN standard- watches, Geneva has added many other high rare combination of expertise 3 setters, government missions and consulates value-added industries to its portfolio: financial ser- New in Town 4 from every country, global companies and major vices of all kinds, commodity-trading, flavours and P&G’s second health care industry associations, research institutes and fragrances, high-end watches and jewellery, con- joint venture in Geneva 6 influential NGOs such as the World Economic sumer products, trade, biotech, medtech, cleantech, Forum, Geneva may possibly have the largest ICT, micro and nano-technology… Over 930 multi- The new wave of tech solutions concentration of thinkers and doers in the nationals are now based in Geneva – among which HP Innovation Centres goes upstream 8 world.
FT SPECIAL REPORT Watches & Jewellery Thursday April 25 2013 | Sales flux spreads patina of caution Inside » BaselWorld New exhibition space brings The principal reason for light to lacklustre uncertainty is the experience of old clampdown on the giving of gifts in China, writes Page 2 James Shotter Emerald named fter three years of relentless growth, the path the Swiss colour of 2013 watch industry will follow Move to green gets in 2013 is less clearly sign- posted. boost from red ALast September, Swiss watch carpet exposure exports recorded their first decline since the financial crisis, and have Page 6 since oscillated sharply: up in October and November, down in December, up in January, down again in February. Time for safety These fluctuations have spread a patina of caution across the industry. Breitling to launch Nick Hayek, Swatch’s chief executive, second generation has spoken of the need to “calm down the spirits” on growth expectations. of Emergency with One participant described this locator beacon year’s Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie, the January fair at which Page 8 analysts say Richemont’s brands tra- ditionally book up to 60 per cent of their annual orders, as “serene, not Designers take ebullient”. “This year in one word? Unpredicta- organic approach ble,” says Thierry Fritsch, chief exec- Use of alternative utive of Chaumet, the Parisian jewel- ler-cum-watchmaker that belongs to gems raises LVMH’s stable of brands. concern over ethics The principal reason for the uncer- tainty is mainland China. The world’s Uncertain times: the slowdown in exports of Swiss watches to China reflects a wider deceleration in the mainland economy Getty Page 11 third-largest watch market – behind Hong Kong and the US – has powered growth in recent years but has slowed a sharp crackdown by the new presi- ing in China is going to be one of the remain relatively sanguine.
Switzerland Buried by Glaciers During the Ice Age, Switzerland Was Colonized Around 15,000 Years Ago
TOP HISTORY DESTINATIONS: Switzerland Buried by glaciers during the Ice Age, Switzerland was colonized around 15,000 years ago. Discover the pasts and struggles with the Celtic Tribes, Helvetians, Greeks, and Romans. Explore the Middle Ages origins of the split between German and French languages with the Burgundians and Alamannen. Don’t miss this scenic land whose medieval roots, chocolate, cheese, banking system, watches, and alpine mountain areas make it one of the happiest places on earth and makes it a wonderful destination for student history trips. EDUCATIONAL HISTORY OPPORTUNITIES: • Experience the Life of the Gladiators • Visit a Gorgeous Traditional Resort Town • See the Swiss Grand Canyon, a Deep with Interactive Combat Training and in the Mountainous Bernese Gorge Created Over 10,000 Years by the Gladiator School • Explore the Largest Town and capital of Ice Age Rhine Glacier • Learn How the Swiss Confederation was Roman Switzerland • See How the Inhabitants of Zermatt Able to Defeat the Army of Knights • Visit a Well-Preserved Former Lived in the 19th Century • Go Back in Time in the Halls and Rooms Benedictine Monastery • Visit a Geneva Cathedral Where John of the Castle of Chillon • Explore the Best-Preserved Fossils that Calvin Choose to Preach • Tour the Headquarters of the League of Date Back 230 Million Years to the • Explore the Oldest Wooden Bridge in Nations Triassic Period Switzerland Dating Back to the Middle • See the Saddest Stone in the World • Learn How people lived way back during of the 14th Century Commemorating
The Canton of Vaud, the Place to Visit for Nature Lovers
SUMMER 2018 Editorial 2018 is the year of nature in the Canton of Vaud. Pick one of the many marked walking or cycling trails and discover the region’s attractions and produce. The more adventurous will opt for a more original way of immersing them- selves in the landscape, such as stand up paddle boarding on Lake Geneva or a mountain lake, while walking and 2 wine enthusiasts can enjoy the vine- yard walks on offer, combining their two passions. Art and history lovers will head for Prangins Castle and WHEAT AND BREAD FESTIVAL photography enthusiasts will stop off THE CANTON OF VAUD, THE PLACE in Vevey for the Festival Images. In From 15 to 26 August, the village of Echallens located short, the region has something to TO VISIT FOR NATURE LOVERS north of Lausanne, will be honouring activities related satisfy everyone, from culture vultures to lovers of the great outdoors. to cereal cultivation and bread-making. With its combination of lakes and mountains, the region is ideal for exploring on foot or by bike, enjoying the gentle hills or attacking Andreas Banholzer the mountain passes. CEO, Vaud Tourism Office (Lake Geneva Region) you from Lavaux and its vineyard terraces, a UNESCO world herit- age site, to the medi- aeval town of Romont. There are also many options for walkers. Here, you can soak Representation up the verdant land- scape of the two in the markets regional nature parks It’s been a tradition for over forty years: every decade, Echal- with their contrast- lens organises its Wheat and Bread Festival to celebrate this little Vaud Tourism Office (Lake Geneva ing scenery.
#52 CLÉ DE CARTIER The Stunning Skeleton Heritage Series Corum: Changing SPECIAL Times COVERAGE Loving The Limelight SIHH BUNGA CITRA LESTARI & ASHRAF SINCLAIR Cover Maj Time Place Ed 52_23x30.5 HR.indd 1 3/1/16 4:50 PM H_33342CARIN_PUWA1693_The Time Place DPS_305x460w_Aug 15.indd15 (1).indd 1 2 2/9/16 11:32 AM 3/8/15 3:16 pm H_33342CARIN_PUWA1693_The Time Place DPS_305x460w_Aug 15.indd 1 H_33342CARIN_PUWA1693_The Time Place DPS_305x460w_Aug 15 (1).indd 3 2/9/163/8/15 11:32 3:16 pmAM THETHE LEGEND LEGEND AMONG AMONG ICONS. ICONS. Portugieser Portugieser Perpetual Perpetual Calendar. Calendar. since. Thesince. movement The movement itself is visible itself isthrough visible athrough transparent a transparent sapphire sapphire Ref. 5034:Ref. Real 5034: icons Real have icons a special have a storyspecial to storytell. And to tell. what And was what wasglass backglass cover back that cover provides that provides an unimpeded an unimpeded view of theview IWC- of the IWC- true of thetrue great of the Portuguese great Portuguese seafarers seafarers also applies also toapplies IWC’s to own IWC’s ownmanufactured manufactured 52000 calibre’s 52000 calibre’simpressive impressive precision. precision. The watch’s The watch’s Portugieser.Portugieser. After all, Afterthe history all, the of history its genesis of its genesisbears the bears stamp the of stamp ofcomplexity complexity is eloquently is eloquently expressed expressed by the perpetual by the perpetual calendar, calendar, courageouscourageous innovation innovation and watchmaking and watchmaking expertise expertise at its best. at its best.whose functionswhose functions can all be can adjusted all be adjusted simply by simply turning by theturning crown.
Seasonal Greetings to You All! Soldiers' Christmas 1944 David Hope
HELVETIA PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF GREAT BRITAIN Founded 1946 President: Claude Mistely NEWSLETTER – DECEMBER 2016 Secretary: Neville Nelder, 13, Bowbridge Lock, Stroud, Glos. GL5 2JZ Email: 01453 766751 Editor: Richard Donithorn, 10, Park Drive, Felpham, West Sussex, PO22 7RD Email: Tel. 01243 583237 SEASONAL GREETINGS TO YOU ALL! SOLDIERS' CHRISTMAS 1944 DAVID HOPE Many of you will have seen the document illustrated above left and wondered what it was issued for. In a special issue of 'Tell' in March 2012 the author said these documents were “a special thankyou card sent to all soldiers on active duty”. This is clearly not so, as a look at the address on the card shows. These documents were in fact thankyou cards sent to people and businesses who contributed to the Soldiers' Christmas Fund. Advertisements were placed in newspapers and magazines to encourage people to contribute. The paragraph below is a translation of the advertisement and above right an illustration that appeared with it. More soldiers were on duty at Christmas 1944 because of the situation around Switzerland's borders at the time. “The Supreme commander of the Army, General Guisan, has entrusted the Welfare chief of the Army to conduct the Soldiers Christmas 1944. To raise funds for the soldiers' packages a badge sale was carried out on 9 th and 10th December throughout Switzerland. A lapel pin with a soldier's head attached to a red and white ribbon was for sale. Members of the Army were permitted to wear this badge according to an Army command of 21 st November.
Why Geneva is your best choice in Europe At home, at A few of the many top companies that rule from Geneva talk about why they are here… Caterpillar Columbia Sportswear DuPont easyJet Electronic Arts Firmenich P&G Richemont Group … as do some new ones that have just arrived! Contents A small area with room for talent Headquarters of global brands Why Geneva succeeds as a business base 2 Something hard to imagine if one doesn’t know Diversity and density Geneva well, is the extraordinarily high density Pierre-François Unger, Minister of Regional of decision-makers present here, on a territory Affairs, Economy and Health, on Geneva’s that covers only 282km2. With UN standard- rare combination of expertise 3 setters, government missions and consulates New in Town 4 from every country, global companies and major P&G’s second health care industry associations, research institutes and joint venture in Geneva 6 influential NGOs such as the World Economic Forum, Geneva may possibly have the largest The new wave of tech solutions concentration of thinkers and doers in the HP Innovation Centres goes upstream 8 world. Ahead of the game Electronic Arts explains why Geneva Multinationals that establish themselves in Geneva is a great business platform 9 for other reasons – be it because they seek a Strong commitment stable legal and political environment, a central The Richemont Group speaks time zone, easy access to the rest of Europe, openly about its plans in Geneva 10 excellent business conditions, a diverse eco- nomic fabric or a multicultural workforce – often The capital of flavors and fragrances discover that, simply being here gives them Collaboration of Firmenich and University of Geneva 13 access to information and contacts available nowhere else.
Avril 2014, Et Un Nouveau Concept De Restauration Sera Proposé À La Clientèle Pour La Saison 2014
AAFI-AFICS BULLETIN VOL. 73, NO. 3 Avril – April 2014 Table des matières Table of Contents Page Page Editorial ...................................................... 2 Editorial .................................................... 20 Fédération des associations d’anciens Federation of Associations of Former fonctionnaires internationaux (FAAFI) International Civil Servants (FAFICS) Extrait de la lettre annuelle de la Extract of UNJSPF Annual Letter ....... 21 CCPNU ................................................. 3 ITU Insurance .......................................... 22 Couverture d'assurance de l'UIT ............... 4 Intergenerational ...................................... 23 Intergénérationnel ...................................... 5 UNOG Cultural Activities ......................... 24 Activités culturelles de l'ONUG .................. 6 Amicale to Association – VIII ................... 24 De l’Amicale à l’Association – VIII ............. 7 UN Beach Club ........................................ 26 Club de la Plage de l’ONU ......................... 8 “Stop Taking Us For Old People!” ........... 27 « Arrêtez de nous prendre pour des Florence Here We Come ......................... 29 vieux!» Ouvrage de Muriel Readers’ Corner ...................................... 30 BOULMIER ........................................... 9 Sanatorium du Léman Gland : Clinique A la conquête de Florence ....................... 11 La Lignière .......................................... 32 Sanatorium du Léman, Clinique La Travels of a Lignière ..............................................
Rapport De Gestion 2013. 87727 Schw Nationalmuseum F.Indd 1
Musée national suisse. Rapport de gestion 2013. 87727_Schw_Nationalmuseum_f.indd 1 Rapport de gestion 2013. 06.03.14 09:53 1 1 Le salon de la nouvelle expo- sition permanente « Noblesse oblige ! La vie de château au XVIIIe siècle » au Château de Prangins. 2 Hall d’entrée de l’exposition temporaire « Scherenschnitte. Papiers découpés. Silhouette. Paper cuts. » au Forum de l’histoire suisse de Schwytz. 3 Pièce exposée à la maison de la corporation « Zur Meisen » à Zurich : coupe de la fabrique de poteries Ziegler à Schaffhouse. 4 Le Musée suisse des douanes Cantine di Gandria est situé sur les rives du lac de Lugano. 5 Derrière le Musée national de Zurich, quelques invités assistent à la pose de la première pierre du nouveau bâtiment. 2 87727_Schw_Nationalmuseum_f.indd 2 06.03.14 10:01 4 3 5 87727_Schw_Nationalmuseum_f.indd 1 06.03.14 09:54 Table des matières. 03 Editorial. 04 Expositions, manifestations & médiation culturelle. 04 Musée national Zurich. 14 Château de Prangins. 18 Forum de l’histoire suisse Schwytz. 22 Autres lieux d’exposition. 24 Statistique des visiteurs et des visites guidées. 26 Prêteurs. 28 Collections. 28 Centre des collections. 34 Choix de dons et d’acquisitions. 42 Etude scientifique et documentation. 46 Donatrices et donateurs. 47 Emprunteurs. 48 Recherche & enseignement. 58 Nouveau bâtiment. 60 Durabilité & Dans les coulisses. 66 Organisation. 67 Conseil du musée. 68 Organigramme. 69 Direction. 70 Collaboratrices et collaborateurs. 74 Partenaires & organes. 77 Aperçu des comptes annuels. 80 Invités. 82 Epilogue. 83 Achevé d’imprimer. Annexe à part : comptes annuels 2013 87727_Schw_Nationalmuseum_f.indd 2 06.03.14 09:54 Editorial.
Le Château Comme Production Architecturale : Modèles, Artisans, Architectes
Le château comme production architecturale : modèles, artisans, architectes. Essai de synthèse Autor(en): Lüthi, Dave Objekttyp: Article Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte = Revue suisse d'art et d'archéologie = Rivista svizzera d'arte e d'archeologia = Journal of Swiss archeology and art history Band (Jahr): 72 (2015) Heft 3-4 PDF erstellt am: 09.10.2021 Persistenter Link: Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform e-periodica veröffentlichten Dokumente stehen für nicht-kommerzielle Zwecke in Lehre und Forschung sowie für die private Nutzung frei zur Verfügung. Einzelne Dateien oder Ausdrucke aus diesem Angebot können zusammen mit diesen Nutzungsbedingungen und den korrekten Herkunftsbezeichnungen weitergegeben werden. Das Veröffentlichen von Bildern in Print- und Online-Publikationen ist nur mit vorheriger Genehmigung der Rechteinhaber erlaubt. Die systematische Speicherung von Teilen des elektronischen Angebots auf anderen Servern bedarf ebenfalls des schriftlichen Einverständnisses der Rechteinhaber. Haftungsausschluss Alle Angaben erfolgen ohne Gewähr für Vollständigkeit oder Richtigkeit. Es wird keine Haftung übernommen für Schäden durch die Verwendung von Informationen aus diesem Online-Angebot oder durch das Fehlen von Informationen. Dies gilt auch für Inhalte Dritter,