Dklb1 - Fundamentals of Library & Information Science
DKLB1 - FUNDAMENTALS OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SCIENCE SYLLABUS Unit 1: Evolution, Growth And Development of Lis Schools In India – Current Trends. Unit 2: Types of Libraries: Academic Public And Special Libraries. Unit 3: Library Concpets & Legislation: Five Laws of Library Science, Professional Ethics of Librarian, Delivery of Books and Newspaper Act. Unit 4: Library Association and International Bodies: Library Association – Ila, lascic, Ala Ifla, Unesco And Inflibnet. Unit 5: Library Rules & Regulations, stock verification, Annual reports, Budgets, Library Buildings, Furniture, Equipments. 1 CONTENTS SL.NO. CHAPTERS PAGE I. EVALUTION, GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF LIS : II. TYPES OF LIRBARIES : III. LIBRARY CONCEPTS & LEGISLATION, FIVE LAWS : PROFESSIONAL ETHICS OF LIRBARIAN : IV. LIBRARY ASSOCIATION AND ITNERNATIONAL BODIES: V. LIBRARY RULES & REGULATION, BUDGETS : 2 OBJECTIVES 1. To enable the students to understand the origin and development of library science in India. 2. To make the students aware of the five laws of library science, professional ethics of a librarian, library legislation and Newspaper act. 3. To introduce the students the current library associations like Ila, Ala, Ifla, Unesco etc., and other international bodies of library science. 4. To enable the students with the practical knowledge of library profession like stock verifications and Budgets. 5. To induce the students the basic rules and regulations of library services, annual reports, library buildings, furniture and equipments. 3 Unit: 1 Evolution, Growth And Development of Lis Schools In India – Current Trends: Introduction: Libraries are service organizations, words such as „patron‟, „client‟, „user‟ and „customer‟, one uses in library services show the profession is completely service oriented. The Oxford English dictionary, says that the term „library‟ was employed in English to refer to a place where books were kept for “reading, study, or reference”.
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