

Introduction, Paul Hamilton 1: Pre-Romantic French Thought, Caroline Warman 2: Literary History and Political Theory in Germaine de Staël's of Europe, Biancamaria Fontana 3: François-René de Chateaubriand: Migrations and R evolution, Jean-Marie Roulin 4: , Francesco Manzini 5: The and the (Il)Legibility of History: , Honoré de Balzac, and , Bradley Stephens 6: Romantic Drama: The Mask of Genius, Sotirios Paraschas 7: French Romantic , Katherine Lunn-Rockliffe 8: Frenetic Romanticism, Francesco Manzini 9: : Metacritique and Poesis in Counter-Enlightenment, Regier 10: Freedom, Reason, and Art in Idealist and Romantic Philosophy, Andrew Bowie 11: Friedrich von Hardenberg (pseudonym: ), William Arctander O'Brien 12: 1789-1819: , Poetry, and Politics, Maike Oergel 13: Gender and Genre in the Works of German Romantic Women , Astrid Weigert 14: The Scepticism of , Tim Mehigan 15: Friedrich Hölderlin's Romantic Classicism, Rüdiger Görner 16: Goethe the , Angus Nicholls 17: Goethe's Figurative Method, Stefan Uhlig 18: Heidelberg, , , Vienna, Dennis Mahoney 19: Hungarian Romanticism: Re-Imagining (Literary) History, Richard Aczel 20: The Task of Italian Romanticism: Literary Form and Polemical Response, Joseph Luzzi 21: Voice, speaking, silence in Leopardi's verse, Michael Caesar 22: Leopardi as a writer of prose, Franco D'Intino 23: 'European Man and Writer': Romanticism, the Classics, and Political Action in the Exemplary Life of ., Giuseppe Gazzola 24: Manzoni's Persistence, Jonathan White 25: Personal Demons and the Spectre of Tradition in Spanish Romantic Drama, Derek Flitter 26: Russian Between Classicism and Romanticism: Poetry, Feeling, Subjectivity, Andrew Kahn 27: as a Romantic, Luba Golburt 28: The Geography of Russian Romantic Prose: Bestuzhev, Lermontov, Gogol and Early Dostoevsky, Katya Hokanson 29: Polish Romanticism, Monika Coghen 30: Scandinavian Romanticism, Klaus Müller-Wille 31: The Romantic construction of , Rodney Beaton 32: Geographies of Historical Discourse, Roberto Dainotto 33: Histories of Geography, Paul Stock 34: Romantic Political Thought, Douglas Moggach 35: Science and the Scientific Disciplines, Benjamin Dawson 36: Life and Death in Paris: Medical and Life Sciences in the Romantic Era, Leon Chai 37: Religion, Thomas Pfau 38: Theatre, Drama and Vision in the Romantic Age: Stages of the New, Diego Saglia 39: Identity Crises: Celebrity, Anonymity, Doubles, and Frauds in European Romanticism, Angela Esterhammer 40: Theories of Language, Jan Fellerer 41: Europe's Discourse of Britain, Patrick Vincent