
PHH ia • THE VIUAMOVAN • Uftmtbw 10. ItTS Football '75 -CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED (Continuedfrom page 10) • > M Bedesem's only reason for a raised self quite capable of handling the rap- eyebrow when talking about the position. Senior Al Buchenauer Earn •xtra monay at homa Undargrad. atudant to HELP WANTED ground, game is to praise it for provides backup. In your apara tima, ad- raaant Qraytiound on cam- Mala or noteworthy improvement. The two linebacker positions draaalng and mailing an- Famala pua. LIbaral commlaalon Ralph Pasquariello is a retur- are in the expert hands of seniors Address envelopes at privllagaa. Datalla home. $800 -I- poaalbia vaiopaa. — lOo ning starter. The sophomore Steve Ramsey and Rick Aldrich. per month, possible. See ad under Contact Mr. Schuti at 568- atamp, Buah, 12240 Grand showed only glimpses of his poten- Business Opportunities. Triple - Ramsey, a co-captain, has seven 0633. < * ffUvar, DatroH, Ml. 48204. "S." tial because he was slowed down career interceptions (high for a I UNIVERSITY, VILLANOVA. PA September 17, 1975 I VILLANOVA by rib injury, which sidelined the LB) and is a definite All-East can- Vol. 51. No. 2

I son of Wildcat rushing • record didate. holder for three weeks. The defensive backfield lost . i . ALL JEWISH The two individuals, however, three starters, but has plenty of STUDENTS who have garnered the most praise candidates for the open positions. are newcomers. Tony Serge, a Steve Ebbecke, a senior co-captain Housing Problems Force Coma to our Hlliol mootlngs sophomore transfer from Army, noted for inspirational play, has •vory Tuosday at 12:30 In tho has impressed all with his speed the safety spot hands down while batomont of Sullivan Hall, and deceptiveness. Vince Thomp- soph Sean Collins will start in one cofffao and donuta will bo son, Villanova's first true power of the defensive back slots. The Sopt. 28th Off Campus sorvod. Alao, koop Coeds back since Billy Joe, was early winner in one of the other opon for a gala frothman

Bedesem's prize catch this year. spots is soph Dave Bauer, •- I moot uppor dattmon picnic • By BERNIE VALENTE The 'Cats are still stronger on A new position, rover, has been LITTLE " at Valloy Forgo at 2M. Fbr his office had A LYNX the other side of the ball, with the sight of a fierce competition As a result of unforeseen trends of resident advisors were assigned When asked why moro Info, call Carol, 449- ap- prepared for the in- Sometimes it isn't easy to bring Villanova's art to Vilianova. You can come up against solid personnel at the line, between first-round winner in fall college enrollment, to those areas of the two schools not been a gloomy barrier, but if you slip round the side way, you find a lot of people looking for a 3378. Burnell answered, "it's linebacker and in the backHeld. (Maryland starter) junior Bill proximately 120 Vilianova coeds where Vilianova women reside. crease, Fr. little light. A little artistic light, drawing on all the creative talents of Vilianova for energy, on the very difficult to anticipate streaming in through the back door. The line has four returning let- O'Connell and senior Jim Magee. are living in dormitories Dean Drury said that the only The lights that Lynx magazine are sending out are beginning to flicker brightly this like that." He then noted termen, although one lettered at nearby campuses of Harcum complaints received so far from anything year. A little steadier, a little more brash now; this Is the time for radiance. Sophs Lance Viola and Mark Junior College and Ellen Cushing centered that "experts throughout the is . . The Lynx Villanova's outlet for your artwork . stories, poems, essays, photos, THE OLD STORE offensive guard. Senior Jim Kowalonek will share the punting the off-campus residents drawings. But your participation is needed along with sut}missions, for we're building a Junior College. country expected a large drop in Trolice and junior Dave Graziano chores. around the quality of the food at new place for some interested people to come together, as well as tending the fires of a 238 Lancaster Ave. Both saw action in that Vilianova that, college enrollment due to the literary magazine. should continue to give capacity last year. Soph Gus Fer- The women, all freshmen, were Ellen Cushing. Aside from Wayne, Pa. state of the economy." A Come and try out a little Lynx. ;Vf 3 '.,,: fine play at the spots. Senior "non- girls have had no present end nandez, who is highly accurate admitted to Vilianova as she said, the (Noxt to of up- holds one to "the in- drop in the number Gary Shugrue down from 40 yards in, handles the commuters" but must be bused problems other than St. Katharlno'a Church) bused perclassmen who chose to move Our first get-together Feast is tackle spot while transplanted of- placekicking assignment.^ the Vilianova campus at regular convenience of having to be Wednesday, 9/10/75, at 3:30 P.M. off-campu^ this year was also Used Furniture fensive lineman Ed Szczerba, a - .} intervals throughout the day. to and from school." Regular meetings will be A bright schedule (5 new op- classes at Vilianova. director of cited by Fr. Burnell as a reason Mon. 1:30 or Tues. 3:00 Beda a Chairs a Lampa junior, draws nearer to capturing Harcum residents return from Dean of Women Rebecca Drury Fr. George Burnell, ponents), a solid nucleus of re- for the crowded on-campus con- Lynx office — Sullivan basement the other tackle slot. stated that, to her knowledge, undergraduate admissions, cited BrIc-a-Brac turnees, talented freshmen and a for the various ab- ditions. Although the loss of returnee living conditions at both Harcum several reasons Mon. thru Sat. coach with a knack for winning. It As far as future housing plans and Ellen Cushing are "very normalities in women's on-campus 12:30-5 Dan Bathon for the season was a could mean a winning season, Burnell said Drury, most year. According to Fr. are concerned, Fr. blow to the middle guard spot, Study good." According to housing this something the seniors would ap- To 8-3344 Committee of that the question has not yet been MU percentage soph Kevin Smith has proven him- of the girls were given double Burnell a larger preciate. discussed on a formal basis. No rooms, many of which have con- those accepted to this year's fresh- one, however, is ruling out the necting baths as well as dressers man class decided to attend, BUSINESS Rooms for rant In ax- There will be a meeting of all possibility of reducing the size of In addition, a full staff thereby rendering present dorm members those Assetubly Revision and desks. and interested next year's freshman class. OPPORTUNITIES change for light work. facilities inadequate. in trying out for men and Address envelopet at home. $800 per Houae adjoining V.U. women's tennis teams on Wed- month, possible. Offer-details, send By VERNON RALPH Debates 50c (refundable) to: Triple "S," 699- campua. Call LA 7-ie46 nesday, September 10, nt 3:30 A44, Highway 138. Pinion Hills. CA after in 9237?. :,, 6 P.M. room 105A Bnrtley. The formation of a revised Three i>f these- c^nmtttees are- Student Assembly is being studied already in operation (Hot Line, inning by a committee of student leaders Grievance, Lobbying and Opin- as a result of discusBion at the ion); however all five commit- September 8 meeting of the tees will be subject to similar Soon University Student Caucus. The organizational procedures. purpose of the committee is to for- The Hot Line is planned to be HOMECOMING WEEK mulate and implement the "a referral service run by students Vilianova University is par- V lll,VI\OV,\ »ll'ilOI\ bicen- establishment of five additional to aid students with major as well ticipating in a national 15-20 tennial program called Bicen- SEPT. standing committees to the as minor difficulties/' The Student Government Association Grievance Committee will serve tennial Youth Debates (BYD). ^^^^^^^ "movie orgy" free 8pm West Lounge -Dougherty both high school and jriri\!J3)in\dlS\.W (SGA). as a device to direct problems con- BYD has and is open to ^ 3 Hours of films you won't want to miss! At a later meeting held Sep- cerning student life through the college age divisions under 25 years of age >^ Free tickets tember 9, the SGA committee, proper channels, in an effort to ef- any person for refreshments at d local establishment. received a consisting of Student Body fect solutions. The Lobbying and who have not yet Dr. Robert E. Lynch. President Terry O'Keefe, and Opinion Polls Committee will bachelor's degree. Villanova's SMALL TALK with Head Football Coach^ Dick Bedesem student Senators Jamie Fox, provide students with a voice in events will take place between November 1, Ittia®^ Coach Bedesem and team members discuss Karen Ratigan and Michael the state and local political September 27 and "Fall Football Expectations" advance Tucker, outlined the purpose of situations that affect them as 1975. Winners will Dean^ FREE 8pm North Lounge -Dougherty sectional and New Engineering --^-1 the Assembly. The Student Vilianova students, as well as "the through district, \ f* Assembly was characterized by periodical taking of polls on regional levels of competition to a Tucker as having two main pur- relevant issues." final national conference. Scholar- SLICK FLICKS 11:30, 12:30, 1:30 FREE North Loung awarded to out- Recruitment )^v^Cav.^^/rJl'g.s^ poses: "to foster greater com- The Activities and Service Com- ships will be Stresses CAPTAIN MARVEL; BAMBI MEETS GODZILLA; 3 STOOGES munication and participation" mittee will attempt to improve standing participants. purpose of the BYD is to By REGINA WELSH A Gino^s Giant Eating Contest 12noon Kennedy Mall throughout the student com- and aid the quality of student life The munity, and "to provide for a more through the establishment of encourage students to examine values only promote engineering as a effective and responsive student various student services, such as American history and Dr. Robert E. Lynch, one of last debate. but promote government." the recently implemented Babysit- through the vehicle of year's Lindback Award recipients, promising career of the 1ttairsdls\^ REST UP FOR THE BIG WEEKEND As presently constituted, the ter and Bartender Job Referral There will be a winner in each has been appointed dean of Vilianova as the place for it. ' of Engi- Student Assembly is comprised of Service. This committee may also three events: Lincoln-Douglas Villanova's College of the (President, events as gripe Debate, Extemporaneous Speak- neering. He succeeds Dr. John J. the officers SGA sponsor such the aid of a "tremendously Md; of With Vice Presidents, two lectures, and dorm visits ing and Persuasive Speaking. Gallen, who retired at the end two sessions, spirited" alumni, Lynch believes NEW YORK CAST Secretaries, Treasurer), the byvSGA officers, in addition to of- The national conference will last semester. that this year's recruiting effort student representatives to the fering an increase in social ac- feature discussions between FULL BROADWAY PRODUCTION A 1953 graduate of Vilianova will extend beyond the Delaware University Senate, the members of tivity on the University campus. students and national leaders, FRI, SEPTEMBER 19, 1975 University, Dr. Lynch has taught County area and possibly reach as the standing committees of the Communications ^Com- such as those on the BYD for the past The civil engineerirt^here far a New England. VILLANOVA FIELDHOUSE 8pm University Senate, the President mittee is assigned the tasks of National Advisory (Douncil. Initial 13 years. In succeeding Dr. Gallen TICKETS: $4, ADV. $5 DOOI^ of the Resident Student handling publicity, distribution of members of the Council include to become the engineering In his view, the ever-increasing of Chairman of the AVAILABLE: Campus Info. Qenter Association, and the President of flyers, and the undertaking Joseph Block, college's fourth dean, Lynch hopes demand for engineers (especially I the Association of Non-Resident public relations efforts. A news Board of the National Merit to "maintain, examine, improve, for women) will compliment and A <\ 527-2100 ext.554 I Students. The restructured letter is also planned in an at- Scholarship Corporation; William and make people aware." In ad- hopefully reinforce his recruiting Student Assembly will include its tempt to improve overall student F. Buckley, Jr., editor of National dition, plans for forming an efforts. This year's freshmen present members as well as extend communications with the elected Review; Walter Oonkite, CBS Engineering Alumni Association enrollment in engineering membership to the~ chairpersons officers. News Correspondent; Arthur are under discussion this fall. represents a 31 per cent increase and individual members of the Organizationally, the com- Goldberg, former U.S. Supreme over the fall of 1974, and the new SAT, SEPT. 20, 1975 8pm According to Lynch, recruiting newly-established committees. mittees will be under the direction Court Justice; Barry Goldwater, dean hopes to surpass that in- VILLANOVA FIELDHOUSE through high school visitation will As discussed at the September 9 of a Student Assembly Chair- U.S. Senator; Patricia Roberts crease next year. r this year by S Tickets: $5. ADV. $5.50 DOOR meeting, the committee headings person, a newly created office. Harris, former Ambassador to be undertaken Lob- appointed Luxembourg; George Meany, students, faculty and, for the first According to Lynch, while the AVMLABLE : Campus Info. Center will be: Hot Line; Grievance; This individual will be alumni. The combined effort 527-2100 bying and Opinion Poll; Activities by the SGA Resident, and will be President of the AFL-CIO; Fran- time, ext.554 Communications. of these three, he hopes, will not (Continued on page 2) with ^immv" ^uffett and Service; (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 3) ) :

S«ptomb«r 17, 1975 • THE VILLANOVAN • Pay 3 Page 2 • THE VILLANOVAN • S»pfmbT 17, 1975 ^ Headstones RESPONSE UFOs Real, News Briefs Sinking column designed to answer questions RESPONSE is a red-tape cutting Scientist Says University, Get Firmer about everything you ever wanted to know about Villanova Footing "getting the run- The Polish Circle will hold a meeting on Wednesday, but did not know who to ask. So if you are tired of "Flying Saucers ARE Real" is c/o the give us a call at 525-2100 ext. 526 or write: RESPONSE September 17, at 4:00 p.m., in 216 St. Thomas Hall. All are By PETER GRIIV1ES around." the title of a lecture to be presen- Villanovan, Dougherty Hall, Villanova University. invited to attend. ted by nuclear physicist Stanton cordially Construction is now underway The cost of the project, ac- LONGER ANY MAJOR the Q: HOW IS IT THAT THERE ARE NO T. Friedman at 8 p.m. on Monday, • ••• to repair sinking headstones in cording to Vice-President for ALCOHOLIC BASHES ON CAMPUS ANY MORE? September 29 in the Field House. 100 -year -old Augustinian Financial Affairs Fr. Thomas Garter and the Cat s Coeds interested in rushing Delta Kappa Nu Sorority A: The big bashes, formerally known as the Red Cemetery in front of St. Rita's Mahoney, would be in the area of Board's crackdown on un- The program is being sponsored the opportunity to do so on September 23 and Eye were closed due to the Liquor Control will have Hall. $5,000 in general maintenance not been lifted after one by the lecture committee of the derage drinking on this campus. Probation has September 30 in Dougherty Hall's West Lounge. The markers were previously funds. The cost is to be shared by lifted by the school's ad- Villanova Union. Tickets are $1.50 set in the ground without the sup- the year and it is doubted that it will be the University, which owns in advance at the • ••• while. when bought port of a foundation. Currently, cemetery, and the Augustinian Or- ministration for quite a \J.. ..„« Villanovan Quickie Quiz: Wiio is TO START A NEW CLUB? Campus Information Center or Marcolina Brothers, a local der. Q: WHO DO I CONTACT IN ORDER Norristown State Hospital is seeking student volun- this? a. Jimmy Hoffa; b. Amelia at the door. get in touch with is Fr. J.J. Byrnes in Student Ac- $2.(X) masonry firm, is attempting to A: The person to teers to aid in serving patient's needs. Anyone with any ex- Earhart; c. Joe Pepitone. Now that all the gravesites in Hall. putting in a tivities located on the second floor of Dougherty Dr. Duffy: Man in the middle. Friedman is the only space solve that problem by Mr. tra time can obtain further information by calling 631- the cemetery are occupied, the .•.-« of I WKVU ON MY CAR RADIO? western cement footing along each row Q: WHY CAN'T GET scientist in the university felt it would be safe to station of Villanova, is radio's answer to closed 2000. Debates headstones. A: WKVU, the radio hemisphere known to be devoting begin the project, Fr. Mahoney into a trans- circuit TV. A special signal runs through telephone lines time to UFOs. Since 1972, Ottavio Siriani, foreman on the his full (Continued from page 1) said. mitter in buildings around campus. Thus a car could not pick up this THE KITCHEN CYNIC he has lectured to overflow crowds job, claims the foundation will of recently deceased special frequency from the highways. at more than 250 colleges in 41 A new club, "The Villanova Celtic Society", is being cine Neff, Treasurer of the United definitely prevent any more the All CAMPUS? Siriani's Augustinians are buried in the Q: IS THERE A LOST AND FOOND ON VILLANOVA states. He was one of the few formed to promote Irish culture. Contact Brian Quinn at States; and Dean Rusk, former stones from falling over. department in the Security Office on the second men are also cleaning the stones Augustinian Cemetery at St. A: Yes, there is such a scientists to be featured in the TA 8-1372. Secretary of State. However, university floor of Dougherty Hall. Who's To Blame? NBC-TV documentary entitled in an effort to improve the ap- Mary's Hall. • ••• the burial ground. officials say that St. Mary's burial "UFOs: Do You Believe?", which In addition to the competitive pearance of maintenance and grass ground is also settling and may was broadcast nationwide on aspects of the program, students General 1 Religious Studies Department welcomes student (Continued from page ) been The simplified maintenance itself in the Dean Complaining about the social life of Villanova University has December 15, 1974. mowing should also be need interested, will have the opportunity, representation at its faculty meetings. Those Siriani said. future. a favorite occupation of its students for years. to visit by the renovation, has directed its efforts research grants and design unique professional throughout the year, college for His not, meet Fr. Silvio Fit- Several explanations can usually be heard around campus religious studies major or should community towards recruitment, it has also projects from government and in- background includes 14 years of local civic and to referred to as Villanova's woeful lack of social activity (hereafter be tipaldi in the Religious Studies Office, Tuesday, Sep- to speak on the geared itself to "opening up chan- dustry. Both, he stresses, "owe a industrial experience in the organizations Assembly (Continued from page 1) The Situation). for the nels of communication" with responsibility to us" for the high development of advanced nuclear tember 23, at U:30 a.m. current topics. Topics few students simply blame The Situation (and just about with government and industry. Here he quality of students the college has A space systems such as nuclear events are being coordinated directly responsible to him. This bly's organizational meeting plan- best per- and everything else) on "F'ing Villanova", a vengeful monolith which to hopes to "exchange ideas" and produced. aircraft, nuclear rockets, fusion the American Issues Forum chairperson's function will be ned for September 22. These con- president Fr. Edward McCarthy, who so According to Lynch, the ex- sonified by former university compact nuclear provides a framework for co-ordinate the various SGA com- stitutional revisions would make "receive a valid input of what rockets, and All those interested in signing up for the Intramural recently left our Main Line vale of tears. focusing on education should be," perience gained and the em- reactors for space applications. America's present by mittees. committees and their members This explanation isn't usually taken too seriously though, since it's Flag Football Late League should do so this week in the In- issues ployment provided to both He also worked on the Pioneer 10 her past. Topics range from Each committee will be open to fully constituted factions of the roughly analagous to blaming bad weather on the weatherman (besides, located in the basement of Alumni Hall. press and This year. Lynch hopes to students and faculty by any and 11 spacecraft which have tramural Office such as freedom of the all students, and co-chairpersons Student Assembly. Constitutional though he existed in the minds of most students as a dour curmudgeon secure financial support for project would be educational. flown out past the planet Jupiter. control of the economy to the work will be elected by the members of establishment of the committees Villanovan's front page, Fr. McCarthy wasn't staring out from the ethic and use of our natural the respective committees. These is sought with the intention of fact, he was by most accounts quite a charmer at His past employers include really that bad, in will hold an resources. leaders will be responsible to the providing some stability for the Electric, The Villanova College Republicans cocktail parties). General Westinghouse, 17 at Student Assembly Chairperson. Student Assembly, as well as ef- pretend that The Situation General Motors, and most re- organizational meeting on Wednesday, September Debates is a Then again, there are some people who Bicentennial Youth Student leaders readily fecting a degree of efficiency in souls (many of them cently TRW Systems in Re- in 110. doesn't even exist. The credo of these misguided 7:30 p.m. B project of the Speech Com- acknowledge that formation of the government. life is what you make it". dondo Beach California. He is a orientation counselors) is that "you're social munication Association, the restructured Student Assembly proved long ago that you can't make member of numerous secientific association of professional As a further procedural con- Al-you-caii-eai Unfortunately, Einstein largest will involve certain organizational nothing. Anyway, we've all been brought up to believe organizations and of several UFO speech educators in the nation. sideration, a series of by-laws for something out of The Economics Society will hold a meeting on Wed- and procedural revisions. Their things that should be handed to us. College groups and is a Fellow of the is supported a grant from the assembly is being studied as a that social opportunities are BYD by is to amend the in Bartley Hall, at present proposal the party? British Interplanetary Society. He nesday, September 17, 1975, Room 209, for the means of defining the scope of is for partying; okay, where's the National Endowment constitution of the SGA, so as to on campus, which leads received Bachelor's and Masters 3:30 p.m., for the purpose of planning the activities of the each committee. The by-laws may Well, wherever the party is, it probably isn't Humanities, a federal agency bring the new committees of the 2.95 the Univ. flexibility, so that feasts..aiDm Situation. The first is that degrees in Physics from also provide for us to the last two explanations for The Society for the current academic year. Members, friends of established by Congress to sup- assembly within the SGA goes home on weekends — that Villanova is a "suitcase of Chicago. port research, education and committee functions may be SUNDAY, WEDNESDAY, everyone the Society, and all interested students are invited to at- organizational umbrella. However, chronic suitcase luggers will tell you that they go The 41 year old scientist states: publications in thie humanities. altered according to student needs college." tend. It is expected that amendments there's nothing to do here, which makes the of study and in- without a major constitutional home on weekends because "After 16 years will be introduced at the assem- THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS: revision. "suitcase college" explanation worthless. vestigation, I am convinced that

has to • The last explanation, and the one most generally accepted, the evidence is overwhelming that ^ All the broiled or fried Fish of the Day 2.95 , The main objective of the re- do with the drinking laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Planet Earth is being visited by in- 4.95 organization of the Student All the golden fried Louisiana Shrimp evils of demon rum are readily apparent even without the aid of an telligently controlled vehicles Assembly is service to Villanova AlAnon pamphlet, but the fact remains that most people prefer to drink from off the Earth. The Cosmic All the fried Surf-Cakes stuffed with Crab 2.95 as a whole, with significant em- a bit when they attend a social gathering. In the words of the muse, "if Watergate is being treated like the crisp Chesapeake fried Clams 3.95 phasis upon a broad base of All the I ain't going." Tea Party, but there ain't no beer, mad Hatter's According no student participation. fresh Boston Scrod 3.95 •However, in the State of Pennsylvania (as in the state of grace, progress is being made as more All the Baked to SGA President O'Keefe, the for anyone under the age of 21 to "possess, purchase, and more professionals get in- doubt) it is illegal sleoling Association a Student Government All the Maryland Fried Chicken 3.95 purchase, consume, or transport alcoholic beverages." What volved in Ufology — the scientific k attempt to realizes "a great need for people to follows is a discussion of the state's liquor laws, the effect they have study of UFOs." get involved." The Student night: All the Sirloin Steak had on Villanova. and the possibilities for change in The Situation. Monday CC95 His talk will cover five large Assembly is expected to provide all hard Hquor is distributed through state-run In Pennsylvania, studies. Air Force an organized outlet for the ( USDA Choice, the finest of its kind scale scientific stores (the state-owned and operated liquor store is a revenue liquor data not generally discussed, UFO ¥vorth energies of any and all interested device used by several other states in the Northeast). All the raising landings, reports of creatures, Villanova students. The dual of Beef the state stores are directed by the state Liquor Control Tuesday night: All the Prime Rib « C 95 operations of travel to the stars, the arguments aspects of service and par- agents. Board, or LCB, and state stores are manned by official LCB keystones to rib) of the educated non-believers. ticipation will be the (USDA Choice, cut right from the the In addition, LCB agents police the entire liquor situation in during ^^^!^ the revised Student Many slides will be shown the success of in everything from issuing liquor licenses to state, and have a hand his program and a question and Assembly. allow minors to drink PLUS issuing warnings to college administrators who will follow. He criminal answer session on their campuses (a situation we'll discuss later). All the soup you can ladle. would be happy to receive UFO that border on Pennsylvania have one by Any student interested in In recent years, the states sighting reports in writing at the The use of phoney credit cards, electronic devices or any other m6ans to avoid one reduced their legal drinking age to 18. A few years ago, a movement at working as a babysitter or lecture or sent directly to him paying for phone calls is against the law. It's stealing—-pure and simple. PLUS to do the same thing in Pennsylvania. bartender please come to the started in the state legislature the UFO Research Institute, POB All the salad you can make. would lower the drinking age was summarily In this state, conviction for making fraudulent phone calls may result in: S.G.A. office on the second However, each bill that 941, Lawndale, CA 90260. Witness legislature (many state legislators who favored the floor of Dougherty Hall and defeated in the state names will not be used without to "hicks", but no matter). A fine of up $15,000 give your name to the PLUS bills blamed their defeat on upstate permission. currently a bill in the Hoi^se Liquor Control Committee to seven years in jail secretary. French Fries and hot breads. There is Up All the Un- that would change the legal drinking age to 18 as of January 1, 1976. Restitution for the total cost of the fraud under 6 ... FREE. fortunately, according to Joseph A. Sullivan, the state representative Children costs who sponsored the latest bill, there is not much chance for his baby in Court This is to remind all mem- SEAFOOD SPECIALS ONLYi the upcoming legislative session, which begins September 22. A permanent criminal record bers of the Gamma Phi Honor As a result of legislation that passed unnoticed during the general Fraternity of the College of UB are being used to track down rush at the end of the 1974 legislative session, a few dramatic in- One more thing: modern electronic computer systems Commerce and Finance that consistencies in Pennsylvania's drinking laws have appeared. offenders. Father John Driscoll, O.S.A. EMERSONS For example, lets say that you're (perish the thought) an 18 year will be speaking to the harsh. But the cold fact remains that the law does not look^ contract and, if you have The penalties may seem Cocktails, wine and beer available. old resident of Pennsylvania. You can sign a Fraternity on Wednesday the money, buy an establishment. If you meet all the requirements, you on phone fraud as a lark. ^^^^ evening September 17th at XT- " This offer good at following locations only: can obtain a liquor license and open a tavern. Remember though, you're Bell of Pennsylvania the Alumni House. This in- take a Plymouth Meeting Mall • 828-5356 18 years old. You can own and operate the tavern, but don't formal get-together will drink. If you do, you may be arrested by an LCB agent, who might him- contact begin at 7:00 p.m. and City Line, 7501 Haverford Ave. • 879-1656 self be 18 years of age. Mary Kayc Eads/527-2100 refreshments will be served. viUat\ova union /cxt.297 ( Continu ed on page 6} . .

8«pt«nib«r 17, 1978 • THE VJLLAMOVAN • P«g> 8 Fay 4 • THE VILLANOVAN • Stpfmbr 17, 197S Letters POST GRADUATE STUDIES For What Holocaust FALL 1975 AN Latlars to Mto EdHor must bt signad with Iha propar nama ol A ttitude tha writar. Namaa may ba wlthhald upon raquaat, or at Iha basic Indicated to It's Worth Too many students, too few rooms, what is the Reprosentatlves of the following Institutions will be on campus as spoak diacralion of tha aditor. AN Mtara Meetings will be In Room 106 Corr Hall. Sign up with the ba submitlad lalar Itian dilemma in the Villanova housing offices? with Interested students. By JOHN KENNEDY muat no Evaluated for an appointment. tha Thursday l»atora publicallon. difficulties, it would seem, stem from sources not secretary The Original oopiaa'of tha lattars may the all clearly traceable to Villanova authorities. Certainly not ba laturnad. nor ara lattars Date School Program "College is the dumbest investment on a college education, but she This past week, accusation was placed on the has something to do with availabia tor raading prior to present state of our economy you can make." does admit that "there are grave publicatkm. Villanovan for setting an apathetic and negative tone. We Villanova's own "busing" issue. As the prices of food, difficulties in assigning a dollar September 17 Temple Univ. Law Caroline Bird take the point well but also note that this condition exists spiraled in recent times, value to college at all." private housing rent and fuel have - 11:30 Tile Case Against College 9:30 a.m. throughout campus and is deep set. the notion of moving off campus has lost much of its luster During the 1960's there was a Students, in these times of ad- Negativism vanced unemployment, are often For years the biggest complaint by students has been to juniors and seniors who traditionally make the split. September 29 Univ. of Denver Grad School of Business movement in America which had dismayed at the relative value of is the foun- as its goal a college education for that there is nothing to do on campus which ty that upperclassmen have, in the past, left 9:30 - 12:00 p.m. To the Editor: The vacancies their degrees. /While there is little all. To realize this lofty ideal, dation for apathy. Student Activities is the main culprit for incoming freshmen are no longer to be found. No one in I'd like to express my an- great state university^ systems' solace for the person who has 14 School of noycmce with the cartoon "Kelly's but in all fairness it is not Fr. Byrnes who is to be faulted. this. October Long Island Univ. Grad business worked for four years to get that Villanova circles can be blamed for were built, and high school 9:00 - 12:00 p.m. World" in this year's first Money makes the world go around and not enough is allot- economic attractiveness of on-campus housing students were urged to "get an diploma, and then finds that it no This such negativism? longer opens all the vocational Villanova. Why ted to his organizations to provide students with enough to school's housing heads with at least 2 alter- education." leaves the new of Business Neither did the Orientation Coun- October 20 Babson College Grad School As the higher education doors as promised, one thought keep busy. natives that^ would prevent a reoccurence of this year's selors present such a negative 9:00 - 12:00 p.m. business boomed, eventually does demand attention. While Where does this money come from initially? Partially outlook, nor is it a correct fiasco. becoming a 30-billion dollar a year college should in some way assumption that "we" at Villanova it comes via student tuition; however a larger share is from at neighboring it One would be to offer available rooms October 28 Univ. of Pittsburgh Grad School of Business operation, it was realized with prepare one for later life, cannot have learned to hate it. Who is Corporate and Alumni grants. One can see the problem schools to upperclassmen during spring housing 9:00 - 12:00 p.m. great regret by the moguls of guarantee employment in a shif- this "we" anyway?. Are you clearly and a vicious circle develop s. The alumni were the education that still only half of our ting job market. registration. Providing such accommodations at a reduced referring to all the students here? little to there October 29 Unlv, of No. Carolina Grad School of Business high school students were going on Perhaps the most valuable same, students like us, who had do because rate would give economy-minded studei^ts something to If so, I think you forgot to ask me 9:00 - 12:00 p.m. to college. return a college education can of- was no money for activities when they attended Villanova. consider, and leave the implied social inconveniences to how I felt. In recent years, with the post- fer is what economists label Thank you, Thus a dissatisfied student gets his piece of paper and those who have run the gauntlet before. war baby boom a thing of the past, psychic income, defined by one Ocotber 29 Univ. of So. Carolina Grad School of Business Mamie Guidera tries to rid Villanova University from his memory. Hence, consideration might be to applications and is A second, more appealing, 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. collegiate journal as "income that he or she gives little if any money to his school and student tighten admissions policies and stabilize the un- enrollments have dropped reckoned in terms of pleasure, To the Editor activities flounders. Again students are getting the Villanova somewhat. However, there satisfaction or general feelings of more dergraduate enrollment. As a private institution October 30 New York Unlv Grad School of Business news media today there remains a large surplus of euphoria." Psychic income, which In the short end of a shortening stick. We see this as a major part is not committed to any form of quota system regarding the 9:oo - 4:30 p.m. exists a tendency to jump at every qualified people who are unable to can not be measured in terms of of the economic crisis which is strangling the institution authority in this mat- possible opportunity to attack students it accepts. By exerting their contribute in some manner to dollars and cents, therefore, is the November 10 School Engineering established institutions and the and it has to be dealt with quickly and efficiently if ter Villanova officials could create an adequately housed Northeastern Unlv Grad society. one thing higher education can :•"'. •ii 9:30 - 3:30 p.m. status quo. Too quickly are the Villanova wishes to remain private and self sufficient. We community of a stronger academic nature; something Coupled with thisj the ever- guarantee. College can, and faults of our government and have housing shortage while dazed, confused students see bewildered increasing cost of higher should, in some way broaden the a which strikes a keener note with us than does a economic systems publicized to "^'' November 18 American Grad School International Mgt. education has served to cause lives of students by exposing them tuition rising while services are cut: adding to discontent. lines. ' group of coeds spread across town - the point that we, the people, get a 9:30 12:00 p.m. for International Management many people, including Caroline to previously unknown or unclear The question is not what came first, discontent or view college education distorted view of what actually is '•:;,:•• Bird, to a ideas. not inferring fund shortage, that is purely rhetorical. What is important drum the negative aspects of as something that will not be a Given that satisfying em- happening. We are stories are fabricated or is what is to be done about it now? The condition is, ob- Villanova into their heads. No societal wonder-drug. "At best it's ployment is an uncontrollable that these but we are saying wonder apathy is running rampant a roundabout and expensive way to variable in the equation for suc- unwarranted viously, not strictly financial but rather philosophical or is never page 5) ;! one of the that the other view '76 (Continued from ; on the campus. You are students, also? We are not able to narrow the gap between the cess, students should capitalize on psychological. The class of may already be lost but the elucidated. The front page of a major causes of this problem. We afford the luxury of living away, highest and lowest in our society. the constants: enjoy the fact that other existing classes could still hold Villanova in high themselves with the housing daily newspaper may, for example, will say one thing for the writers pleas concerning costs At worst, it is unconsciously you have at your disposal a vast and our is is in problems on campus. There were be filled with the likes of esteem when they graduate. What needed a change of the Villanovan, if it's careers in seem to have fallen on deaf ears. I elitist." amount of knowledge. In regard to no articles dealing with the im- THE MUSIC STORE Watergate or Mayor Rizzo's tax attitude. that you seek, you have don't know whatever happened to Ms. Bird believes that there are employment, the cream will Field House or journalism provement of the situation. However, buried Villanovan is the tone setter for a hell of a good start. our student representatives (does at ELKAN-VOGEL wiser ways to spend money than always rise to the top. If the indeed campus of the improvements found in • between Peanuts and )V somewhere Sincerely, anyone remember who they are?), V* as was contended, then we shall accept that responsibility Sullivan, Austin, or Hartley Halls, the obituaries is the story of a Joseph Rotblo *77 but little action seems to be plan- and pledge to create a type of optimistic journalism. We . Ave. Also, no mention was made of the Presser Place at Lancaster New Jersey mayor who refused a Andrew Hood *78 ned. that the college of Pa. will still criticize what we believe needs it but will do so in accreditation *76 (700 block), Bryn Mawr, million dollars bribe in exchange . Thomas Weisser Besides the annual tuition in- Commerce and Finance received of a particular a constructive way. If we are successful in our promise we problems should be Catfish for the rezoning short creases, other and only one article, five area. dealt with as well. This campus hope that other organizations will change their tones and paragraphs in length, was con- The reason for this we do not needs a used book store to rival 20 V» Msoount Sato Is one man, or more specifically the right arm of one make the best with what they have and come to the cerned with the naming of a new Commuter know but we do know it is wrong. that merciless Book Store. Did man, worth approximately half the endowment of a major Villanovan for help for any problems. We listen! university president. In our: People, for the most part, want to you ever wonder why it's right opinion, this is a disgrace. ::.r Complaints Eastern University. hear both the good and the bad of next to the bank? A minimal effort In the first week of school you - Maybe. the world. A classic example of to be shown with that "ex- class of seems EVERYTHING IN STOCK people have given the 1979 To the Editor: this was the Sept. 10, 1975 issue of change" as our only alternative. When Catfish Hunter signed his 3-point something NOTICE a completely negative view of Last week's edition gave ample the Villanovan which was filled Why such a drastic increase in the BOOKS, SHEET MUSIC, million dollar contract with the Yankees last winter he set Any group, organization or individual wishing to have Villanova. Why not let them coverage to problems confronting with articles outlining the fee and what additional in themselves whether parking himself up for one fine summer of speculation. "How could anything presented the Villanovan must submit decide for residents; especially the housing - negative aspects of Villanova. Two beneHts are we to receive from it? RECORDERS, ACCESSORIES 20% OFF! their typed copy to the Villanovan office by 5 p.m. on they will learn to hate Villanova or fiasco that has occurred, but there anyone," most thought, "be worth that kind of money?" front page articles concerned Why are the commuters being whether they will learn to love it. was little mention of the plight of Eight months and one aborted pennant chase later, the Thursday prior to publication. deprived of the lockers in Bartley? first opportunity to (Continued on page 4) _ Don't seize the non-residents. Aren't commuters very The questions never seem to Thursday, September 18th the Cat approaches the end of what could have been a end. When do the representatives trying summer for him in splendid fashion. Admidst the through Thurs. & FrI. — 10-5 come forward? The residents and bickering, bantering and falling bodies that have been the Sat. — 10-4 = lllk*ilD-l»HBIk*ill non-residents are waiting. Saturday, September 20th Yanks for most of this year, Hunter has maintained his Hopefully, so is the Villanovan. No telephone orders! both on the field and off it. Sincerely, composure and excellence Joe Clossey *77 Proving himself worth every dime of his huge salary, Hun- ter's character and performance warrant recognition in any circulation. Sat. & Sun., Sept. 27-28, Thurs. Sept. 18, starts 11:30 at Pocono International Sullivan Field Raceway.

live entertainment Join WYSP for an exciting Weekend Event featuring Amateur and Pro- EdHor-in-CM«f John KMin«dy all are welcome fessional Road Races. Astodat* Editors Bob Conrad, Rick Trovor Two-day weekend reserved seat Buslnoat Managirr Ragina Walsh William IVfaruszciak tickets are now on sale at tfie Naws Editors Edmund McMahon, Frank McNamara Pocono International Raceway. $1 2. Faatura Editors , .Rtek Liovd. John Sardalia Satunlay. S«|it. 27th: ERA Amateur Enlartainmant Editors.. rf*^l^•i*.ki:M^*^*^*^^'^ Liz Qoldan, Paul Lloyd Road Racis ^ Sports Editors i',^.,M-f,,f;ti,\t%*ii.,^..Wclh ^raft, Tony DIFrancasoo LOOK! Tickets: General admission, $4; re- Photography Editor Hank Cutlar served seats, $6. Saturday tickets EVERYONE Modarator Juna W. Lytal available at Pocono Int'l Raceway

is published weekly during the school year excopt Thanksgiving, IS GONNA* Sunday, SepL 28th: AMA Eastern The VILLANOVAN Easter Vacations, also Midtsrm and final Exam periods by the un- Regional Professional Road Races Christmas end BE THERE, students of Villanova University. Opinions expressed herein do not Tickets: General admission, $6; reserved dergraduate necessarily reflect the official views of the University. seats, $8. Sunday ticKPts available at dass postage paid at Villanova. Penna Editorial and Business offtoes TICKETRON outlets. Second located on the SECOND FLOOR OF DOUGHERTY HALL, Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania ISOtS.

^ •%>«*-«>• v^-.w^Vi»%v%i«v'«^'«**oww^v%«»^. . />. /.•. «. . .^.V.V.'.'.'v «V-«V.N<.'<'.''« iV.M^Vd^AWMMfti^r ,

P«9>6Pa • THE VILLANOVAN • Sapttnbar 17, 197S

»••• !.••• >•'• 8»pttnbT 17, 1975 # THE VILLANOVAW • P«g» 7 vans in Exile Sets Sights on Olympic Gold

••:: • ! • -"•it. ! By JOHN MURPHY By ELAINE SKORONSKI Eamonn Coghlan is the hottest running 20 miles a week and thing to come to the Villanova builds slowly Coghlan paced himself to the Instead of peaking for This to 50 miles a week, the outdoor summer, 120 freshmen their feelings track NCAA championship about their housing dered food scene since . to a peak in at Brigham season (Spring), I will peak later, girls were out repeatedly since a few months at 110 informed that there differ according Young Univ. in to their location. they had arrived. The highlight came this past sum- miles a week. Utah. Again he ran in time for the Olympics in Mont- would be Each girl is also no available housing on mer off with the mile. required to return when Eamonn made the cover Running being real." He continued, "taking time campus to accomodate her tray to the an individual them. The freshmen who are housed at of Sports Illustrated To finish his American off this kitchen, clean her plate and place (May 26, sport (versus a team sport) gives season past summer will enable When told in early August that Harcum have the lesser of two 1975) after running the mile in Eamonn ran in the Wildcat meet me to do this." they would it into its respective pile for one time to think while working have to be bused to and evils. Their rooms are much larger Kingston, Jamaica. of champions washing. Observer There another out. It held here at Representing Ireland in The involves concentrating the from on classes each day, these girls as compared to the great Filbert Villanova dormitory Bayi of Tanzania style but in July. Here he met Olympics requires Eamonn to were frustrated, The Observer returns for another year of mostly thoughts on the angry and disap- rooms offered on campus. The girls at both colleges are slander, character ran the fastest Liquori The mile to that up coming season again in 'the mile, and maintain his amateur standing. pointed in Villanova assassination and blatant falsehoods. Any of — your op- University food, the girls say, is very good, required to obey Villanova's you who think this point, cracking Coghlan beat 's 8 Liquori soundly. When asked if he ever plans to and its column is an example of yellow ponents and strategy. "The hours failure to notify them at an much better than at respective rules and regulations in journalism we welcome your criticism yr. old Villanova. A record of 3:51.1 to 3:51.0. Inquiring further into his sum- turn pro Eamonn said, "yes, but remember that we're still looking you spend on the roadwork, if the earlier date. good number of regard to visitation but the girls at for some turkey to take over for mer Freshmen have Finishing second was former activities, Eamonn said it opportunity arises." Don Patulo as this prepare you physically as well as was "It would be After year's sacrificial clam . . . already sending their cars at Harcum which help Gushing are also required to sign Villanova an easy great Liquori and third mentally." summer with only 6 nice to get something more out of refusals to guests Is it true that after Maryland's 41-0 pasting of Villanova attend any other alleviate the transportation in and out of their Head European races. Eamonn Coghlan, both running Having The last six the punishment I put Coach Dick Bedesem*s car was seen parked in a good indoor season — myself designated lounge areas. front of the Clarion State weeks of their personal bests. the IC4A mile win and summer he took off and through than just a trophy." His personnel offlce . . . the NCAA S.G.A. vice-president Tom Lupinacci has just did Along with these In mile "absolutely nothing." He plans after the Olympics? problems of finished starring in a remake of Beach Party Bingo, preparing for his outdoor win — established Coghlan Eamonn is it true blondes spent those weeks living off campus, the freshmen season 1975, Eamonn as a fierce competitor. at home in will return to Ireland to make his have more fun . . . Former head of housing Father begins his Dohcrly is moving Ireland with girls suffer in a more serious training early. Summer 1975 his family before fortune. He is now a senior, up in the ecclesiastical hierarchy; his new post is that of chief caller at "Running in- began with the respect. returning to Villanova. majoring in Many have commented St. volves," says Eamonn, Kingston race where Eamonn Eamonn marketing and will Francis of Paoli's weekly . . "as ran Coghlan bingo game . Union coordinator Joe much Ireland's sift that they do not to graduate in the spring. feel a part of the Poell spent his summer giving unisex mental training as his best effort a 3:53.3, setting an Villanova. haircuts to hermaphrodities who physical His plans for this year? Here's Vilanova community. Even though training. With Irish, European and In his flight after Bayi,' Eamonn were working on the Alaskan pipeline ... the advice of Villanova his they have made cnampionships. There he doubled outlook: "I will train for a good asked what would friends in their Dean of men and czar of housing Allen Wechsler*s newest Villanova coach Jumbo Elliott and records in the process. His time happen if Bayi plan to in the mile and three year concentrating on doing well own dormitories, the girls are his rates 11th mile and was really pushed. alleviate the University's financial crunch is to rent rooms (hooches) European coach, Eamonn on the all time list. Perhaps to took both. A feat for Villanova indoors and outdoor. looking for their place in which has not Eamonn now knows our Vietnamese refugees. Says Wechsler: "It is about time schedules his own workouts, From Jamaica and is we made some mon- Eamonn pulled been But my main objective is college community. accomplished in nearly a to peak readying for money off of these little guys, besides ths at a time. He starts into Virginia for the trial. Best of luck they'll do . off easy — the shirts . . my for free." IC4A outdoor century. for the summer Olympics in '76. Many of the girls who are Eamonn! Now that her career as orientation coordinator is finally at an end, Bar- staying for the year are relying on bara McCabe intends to apply for a job as a matron on the Gulag Arch- the word of Dean Drury that ipelago . , . Tech HifI definite housing will . Has be found for University kingpin John Dalton promises to alleviate the problem them on campus no later than next Lynx Seeks New Members of long food lines as soon as he breaks Father Driscoll in . . . In an ef- September. the Buying Power Let us hope that of by fort to 46 alleviate the housing problem the university is renovating the Stores. By next semester ALYSSA SCHEURMANN their opportunity graveyard in an attempt to provide single rooms for midgets . . . already once denied them will be ', The DeLurey Hall, Villanova's contribution to architectural elegance owes That's a Sure "Lynx" had its first general The "Lynx"'8 main function on given to them to become Sign of a true its beauty to Low meeting on the fact that it was designed by the noted asthete Bruce of Prices. Wednesday, Sep- campus is to put out the magazine, part of of our college community. Bryn tember 10, 1975 at Mawr. 3:30. The however the office is open to ech Hifi buys more components "Lynx", for those of A Villanova coed settles down in her palatial estate at Villanova East: you who have anyone who stops by to talk. The from the audio manufacturers in one Harcum. never heard of it, is Villanova's Editor-in-Chief, week Ronni Rosenberg, than most dealers buy in a whote literary magazine. Pro Life Teaches They accept art Prose editor Terrence Harris, Respect year. work, photographs, poems, colleges they By plays, Poetry editors Heather Kirk and might have been ac- problem. The doors at the Harcum JOHN MERKELIS So there's rarely a question about stories, etc. from the students for Alyssa Scheuermann, Photog- cepted to along with paying "As a result of our deep con- who's going to get the best deal. their dorms lock at 12:00 a.m. on week Pro-Life Day. publication. On the political This year, Pro-Life has the raphy editor Joseph Strebel and first semester tuition to viction that human life is That's why roj/7/get the best Villanova, nights and 3:00 on weekends, but a con- level, Villanovans At for Life same activities and more. Under the first meeting, the "get- Art editor Warren Kay are all the unfortunate freshmen were the tinuum from conception to natural deal at Tech Hit! freshmen girls are able to pur- together feast", originally the leadership of Mamie Guidera, the old members easy to get in touch with. They left with little choice but to attend death, and that it is sacred at all started as an anti- Tech's quality music systems are chase a kev for the dorm. welcomed the and moderator. Father John J. start new members. all sympathetic to Villanova with the hope that they stages of development. We, the abortion organization. However, as low as $199.95. And each any problems and every of There was animated conversation, would soon be At Gushing, the gins are not as members of the its duties and range of Byrnes, O.S.A., the group is one our systems is back- presented by artists as sensitive housed on campus. Villanovans For influence over lucky. ed by Tech Hifi's fourteen Customer coffee and cake, as to when as The rooms are about the Life, individually and collectively, are continuing to spread. kicking off a season of action and themselves. Satisfaction Guarantees, hnporiani the first issue would Presently, approximately same size as the rooms on campus. involvement in the fight against be expected. Villanova is a lonely place fof 120 declare our determination to The V.F.L., or Pro-Life as it is guarantees like a seven-day money- All artists involved in the girls are living at both strive for the often called, abortion and in the building up of the Artist — whether he is a Harcum recognition by our began on January 22, back guarantee, ninety-day 100';^ The girls are situated together on discussion were enthralled in the and Gushing Jr. Colleges. Some society of the fundamental dignity 1974; exactly one year God's greatest gift, life. All are in- musician, a writer or a painter. the south side of the after the trade-in and a one-year speaker trial. labour building. The and birth of their works in There are have left school, others have tran- and rights of all persons in our Supreme Court declared that vited to join the battle. The key few places these talents college itself is a bit further away all This week's recommended system print. sferred, words are are appreciated — one of them is but most are staying and society." The preceding is laws restricting abortion GET INVOLVED! systems will give you The am/fm stereo receiver is from Villanova than Harcum. This, a are un- an idea of the although they'll fill even relatively bearing with Villanovans for Life Office the "Lynx". the problems they citation from the Statement of constitutional. The group was is great deals that are waiting for you at Pioneer's Sound Project 300. It has large areas with their great sound. location adds to the difficulty of Everyone is invited down to the have the look feel encountered. As one girl ex- Philosophy of the Villanovans for organized a lecture series located at 207 Dougherty Hall. Tech Hifi right now. Check out the and of much niorc cxpcn The Concord CR50 am/fm getting a ride back to the dorm if a office in the basement of Sullivan plained, system shown below. sive units - ai\d performance that "I love Villanova but I Life Organization. (V.F.L.). featuring many well-known stereo receiver combines ample ATTENTION girl happens to miss the bus back Meetings are held every other Dorm. There are regular hate my housing." For the very affordable price of conies amazingly close to bigger recei- The Inter Fraternity speakers from the area, and even power for the Alpha 203's with sharp every Council to Gushing. / =^ Villanovans for Life just recent- Thursday, beginning on Sep- vers under most listening conditions meetings^ Monday at 1:30 ; $349.95, the system features Centura FM reception full cordially invites all participated in the National Pro- and a array of and Tuesdays students to ly completed a successful year. tember 25th at 4:30. Please see the IVa two-way loudspeakers. These arc The Pioneer's FIT-equippcd tuner at 3:00. The office is Busing is the common com- Contrary control facilities. participate in our coordinated to the high caliber of Life Day held in Washington, usually open plaint of the The group visited old peoples' D.C. Office for details. the most efficient acoustic-suspension section proviti.es crystal-clear F-M re- on weekdays for freshmen. In- food served at Harcum, the meals rush program starting Sept. 22. homes in Bryn speakers we know of. So you get the ception, even if you live in a poor those who wish to submit. consistency of the arrivals and Mawr and served at Gushing are limited. reception area! Rosemont, deep, accurate^ bass response of a . departures and the inconvenience collected food and ^^y ^yXx^ (Continued from page 3) There is only one course choice clothing at Thanksgiving sealed system, with The turntable is the ama/ing of riding on a bus are the foremost for the AU of this legislative baloney has had a far reaching effect on volume potentia Philips C.A 427. What's for the meal as compared to the poverty-stricken, visited The ama/ing problems. Many have missed their schools ^tuation at Villanova. According to Vice-President that approaches that about it. are all the high performance two the Villanova in the surrounding for Student Affairs bus home and are consequently cafeteria offers; communities Dr. James Duffy, the latest university crackdown on of more efficient features it provitles. These include be also, the appetizers, such as salad, where they taught children campus imbibing left on campus until the next the began as refiex (ducted) belt-drive, a 24-pole synchronous bus a result of one of last year's Field House bashes. mo- are neglected. One girl living at value of i» due. Their situation is difficult. life, and helped in the Radnor Township police were speakers. tor, free-fioating suspension and auto- Gushing while called to the Field House to break up attending Villanova fight to stop abortion return. It comes complete with u in in- a fight. As part of their routine log of the described call, the police noted deluxe her feeling for the food numerable ways. The V.F.L. base and dustcover and an ADC Where can they go? took numerous liquor violations and the presence of she is served, minors, particularly induced-magnetic cartridge. a "Villanova's food an active part on 90O While all the girls find the campus during local high school students, on the premises. looks like heaven." Other girls Purchase this superb system this week, Hunger Awareness Week, The The next day. Dr. busing situation nerve-wracking, Duffy received a call from a Mr. Portnoy, the and you'll save $130 off the conibined also explained that they had or- Red Cross Blood Drive, and on local LCB agent, who asked him to regular come down to the Radnor Police prices of the components! ; The BSR 2260X automatic station at some convenient time for a little talk. turntable comi^letes the system. It As Dr. Duffy features a manual cueing lever that Kelly's World tells it, "they were all very nice, and they told me that what we were doing protects your records from abuse and was grossly illegal." Portnoy and the police pointed out that Duffy himself an anti-skate device thai keeps the could be liable for arrest in the event of another hquor Philips stylus centered in the grooves where violation by the university. Ehiffy now says that the Field /A/5 up to'77^ mklA^E^ House pioiNieej? it belongs. The turntable comes parties were "definitely ill-advised." complete with a base, dustcover and a In any event, a series of events and continuing Shure magnetic cartridge. LCB pressure have And for the even more affordable made it impossible for the university to allow any large-scale drinking price of only $199.95. you can own a At a sale price of $199.95, you on campus (how the alumni will react to that this homecoming weekend great high fidelity systen) with Alpha save $105 off the regular combined remains to be seen). 203 two-way, acoustic suspension prices of these components! What can on-campus residents who are under 21 do about The loudspeakers They're just the riglit Situation? Well, they si/e for smaller rooms or apartrnenls. $199*S can join a frat, if their taste runs in that direction, ^k: BSR ROT( though frats have become noticeably cautious about large parties them- i selves. They can always CONCQRO CORpS get someone to buy them a case and drink WiLOCAT quietly in their rooms (kegs, as anyone who lives in Deiurey will tell you, are a definite no-no). SAND Of course, there B are a thousand other ways to get drunk without the university caring ^about it, but don't expect any university-sponsored 4034 Wjinut Streef. PHILADI LPHIA HOk.Ogont/ Avenue & Cheltenham PHILADI LPHIA 1026 Lancaster beer parties Avenue BRYN IV1AWR 929 Bustleton I in the future. Anything else the downtrodden Villanova Pike lASTIRVILII- I Palmer Square, (in the Princeton 1 rust Bank bidg.) PRINCI TON NJ party-goer can do to liven up his or her weekend? Well, as they say, 2901 Brunnwick Hike. Lawrence Township, N.J. you're social life is what you make it . . . • • • • a Stores throughout New Fngland. New York. New Jersey. Ohio, and Michigan. ..vvv:. fnroffi any Itmtl inmber otin J^snndK />}il|

•iiiii.-'i^niJiiytf- P«a« > • THE VILLANOVAW • 8«pfiwbT 17, 1978

Conquering Alienation: The Band A Way to Self Acceptance Keeps SHARE THE RIDE

by FR. RAY JACKSON this forbidden fruit and you will be Marching On Eugene Kennedy, a WITH noted like God." THIS all US We know too well priest-psychologist, titled a recent what happened, the question is Are you aware that the book. The Pain of Being Human. "why?" One plausible explanation Vilianova community is represen- An odd title at first glance, is that Adam and Eve had a tough ted at football and basketball perhaps, but a little reflection on time WEEKEND accepting their own games by a musical organizationi the human situation easily leads vulnerability before God. TTiey Did to you know that some of an affirmative nod of the head. grasped at an opportunity to be Villanova's cutest coeds demon- While pain in our lives happens more than they really were. And strate their twirling, dancing and frequently enough through outside don't AND we all. GET ON marching talents before cheering influences, a fair share occurs Well, don't we all? Not long ago crowds? through the inner turmoil that I heard an amusing story about a smolders in all our hearts. Many guy whose car stalled while The Vilianova Band and Band authors today refer to the crossing Front serve as the musical arm of TO human a crowded A THIN& bridge. GOOD He sat pain in terms of alienation. At the for a moment in dismay, tried to the University. The Band recent organization Vilianova Theological In- restart the engine, no luck. consists of a jnar- Us means Greyhound, and a lot of your fellow students stitute Jim Fowler of Harvard ching unit which performs at Naturally the traffic backed up who are already on to a good thing. You leave when you University offered some in- and the horns began their din. many home and away football like. Travel comfortably. Arrive refreshed and on time. teresting thoughts on this subject. With, mixtures of wrath and games along with Spring parade You'll save money, too. over the increased air I'd lilce to share a few of his ideas frustration he leaped out of his car appearances in New York and with you. rushed back to the motorist WashiRiStbn, D.C. The Marching fares. Share the ride with us on weekends. Holidays. For many of us the most obvious behind himself and delivered the emit consists of musicians along Anytime. Go Greyhound. sources with of alienation in our following plea. "OK, so I stalled. majorettes, a dance team, a presently flag constructed society are I've stalled before and I'll stall squad and an honor guard. Other tne bureaucratic institutions with again. You've stalled. Others have facets of the Band GREYHOUND SERVICE their traditions of inertia. Com- stalled! We all stall!" The other program include a Pep band which bine this inertia with the self- driver meekly replied, "How about performs at Wildcat Basketball serving interest groups that keep a a game of chess?" games and a Concert band that vise-like grip on the reins of power Life for most of us is filled with provides Winter and Spring and the effects are devastating. In- stalls — or on a more cultural enrichment for Vilianova. stead of healthy competition philosophical note, vulnerability. Many people on this campus have !l among business firms we find We refuse to admit our depen- musical or marching experience as monopolistic practices. Instead of dence on our family, friends, and well as a desire to develop these government for all the people we most especially on God. We put on talents. Here's your chance. find many politicians currying the false faces, play games, assume If you are interested in joining favor of the rich and powerful. In- roles that are not our true selves. the Band or Band Front com^ to stead of churches witnessing with Frequently enough we get into one of our rehearsals held Monday prophetic voices we too often find these situations because we can't or Wednesday evenings beginning them offering pablum and accept ourselves as we are. Few of at 6 p.m. in St. Mary's Hall or con- nosegays. People, many of them us want to acknowledge our needs, tact Mr. Matt Kollar at the Band young and idealistic, are so totally our weaknesses, our vulnerability. Office on the ground floor of St. turned off that a sense of I suppose in th^ long run we Mary's Hall between 10 a.m. and 4 alienation, i.e., having no in- might even say that accepting our- p.m. daily. If you are interested in fluence in public affairs, results. selves as we are, with all the music or marching, we will give For the want of a better term we limitations as well as our poten- you a chance to partake in the ex- can label this, external alienation. tialities, is the most important citement of a College Band. However, while few would deny step in our growing up. It goes fe the reality of these external for- without saying that we'll never>; ces, we should realize that it's really learn to accept the faults, the failings, the only a partial picture. In the vulnerability of , others Biblical story of creation we find until we've accepted our .. the author subtly expressing a own limitations. profound human truth. The ser- If you see me stalling around pent makes an offer that he feels the campus, please be patient, God certain Eve will not refuse. "Eat isn't finished with me yet. Vilianova Uriibn Ready to Roll

The Vilianova Union has a full From Oct. 20-22 the Unioii will schedule of activities planned for sponsor the Great Plant the upcoming school year. Besides Proposition Sale. During those the usual lectures and movies the three the Union, in conjunction student union has scheduled with Playboy Enterprises will several noteowrthy activities in flood the West Lounge with nearly the upcoming weeks. 4000 tropical plants. There is, of course, the presen- On Oct. 26, there will be the tation of Grease on Sept. 19, and Ray McNally Lecture "In search the Earl Scruggs Revue on Sept. of Dracula." (That's right, just in 20. A lecture by Stanton Friedman time for Halloween. Those who on the reality of Flying Saucers scoff at such trivial topics are will be presented on Sept. 29. reminded of the impact of the Slick Flicks, a holdover from last Warrens' lecture in '73.) Plans are year, will be held again in the also being made for a Halloween West Lounge on Wednesdays. Ad- dance and Cabaret. >'?>'.. mission is free. On November 1, Ferrante and On Oct. 4' the Union is spon- Teicher will appear at the soring a trip to the Boston fieldhouse, while during the week College-Villanova Football game. of Nov. 3-7 the union will The union is committed to at least celebrate its fifth anniversary, one bus, although more will be during which they promise several hired as necessary. The bus will surprises. leave at 9 a.m. Saturday and Beyond this, many projects are return sometime Sunday night. still tentative, and so unan- Accommodations will be provided nouncable. However, as the by those who need them by the Union settles down after its Sheraton Hotel, minutes away restructuring and begins to func- from Boston College. The price of tion more smoothly, activities at the trip is $40.00. Vilianova should begin to flourish.

ix- j

P«g>10 « THE VILLAWOVAN • 8iitemli« 17. 1978 - 1

I < Artist Finds September 17, ITS • THE VILLANOVAM • P«g» n :..< Love Of The Foxhole Has :S. Watson Life Through Music Folk Its By LIZ GOLDEN At Best At Did you ever sit on the vitality and beach enthusiasm that the world, his life. His eyes and his it , when was relatively empty? zest for living By Romane was followed by Pat Can becomes smile reflect the illumination he ANDRA IROVANDO you picture yourself being exhuberant. Music is the The Foxhole Cafe at the Univer- Chamberlain who appeared in the main has in his soul. His music is '^.; mesmerized by the sight and element which has sity of Pennsylvania brought a Philadelphia Folk Festival this Point enlivened his natural, alive and vivid in his sound of the ocean? Finally, so heart and enraptured his soul. He heart. taste of the country life into the summer and who is due to appear His fingers tell a tale; they By taken by the force of the sea, is a bubbling city last Sunday when it shortly at the Main Point. Cham- PATRICE O'REGAN can infant in the body of play the song inside him when featured you see yourself plunging into a an aging genius. In this Jim Ringer, Lex Romane, and Pat berlain displayed an intriguing film it is they touch the piano. Last Thursday night I had a pounding wave —- simple to Chamberlain its contrast between his bold, smart- the water become impressed with in opening night pain in the head due to new- It's not every day that the life ^'Sniile*' is a wry look at rushes over you, so cool, this extraordinary of Comedian Robert Klein (left) festival. aleck dialogue and his sensitive, an institution as celebrated as Mom's apple salty and man. appears at the Main Point Friday and semester-blues, an overdose of such a character can be actually pie — the beauty pageant. Shown here is tingling. What a feeling; it's A child Saturday niglits, followed by The Cherry mellow blues. Maria O'Brien, a contestaal. so prodigy at the age of guitarist John Hammond on Sunday Tree Music Co-op drop and add, and a bad case of experienced by anyone. "Love **Sinile*' starts Wednesday, deep and overwhelming. There four, Rubenstein of night. For info, call 525-3375. and Hamilton Village Council are Jim Ringer followed Cham- Sept. 17 at area Eric theatres. played the con- frat party squeeze. So I went to see Life" offered a new insight into must be nothing it can be com- certos of Beethoven helping to sponsor the non-profit berlain. With a cigarette wedged and Bach with the doctor. But Doc Watson is not the music aspects of the world. Ar- Doc was pared to. Wrong there — the ease of a studied genius. His weekly folk series every Sunday at above the bridge of his guitar. a medical backed by his son. companiment. thur doctor. He doesn't hand definitely Rubenstein offered a remedy Merle Watson on banjo wrong . . , mother once 8:00 P.M. for a mere $2.00 ad- Ringer began his performance and guitar, that the he played Average White in out drugs, or even offer advice. As The five men for the aching soul. Band and Arthur Rubenstein can compare even before he born. mission fee. Beer (yes folks, beer his country-cool, easy style. by Michael Coleman on the launched into a was His life His a matter of fact, Doc Watson is song called bass something to it and that, for was on campus!) and honest poignant lyrics guitar. The trio picked and "Mama one of not without struggles and TLA Cinema will be turning out refreshments are described a bHnd. So what does the good doc- Don't Like No Music the world's greatest concert hardships coming from a poor more interesting films available at a slight cost. Mexican romance with a strummed through the first half of Played Around in the very In The Spotlight dark- tor offer as an antidote for your Here" in which pianists, the show, with barely is music. The tingling, family and being a Polish Jew near future. Some good times and Although lacking atmosphere, eyed senorita from Cincinnati, a routine blahs? time to each man had his turn at a solo on rushing *y the breath in between songs. Result: sensation of music. In during the Nazi takeover during some enjoyable entertainment PAUL LLOYD music quickly transformed the 47..year.old friend known as Chile their respective instruments. All I While the audience "Love of Life," an award winning WWII. Yet he does not succumb await you at this moviehouse. The many rock groups go to tape the show for a live album the Foxhole's resemblance of a church Beans who found love for the first Well, Thursday night at the was never bored. can say is "Mama" must be crazy film great lengths to obtain currently playing at the TLA to oppression but lets his next show appearing at the cinema some sort band continually showed its in- hall and bingo tables into images time, and tall tales of different Main Point Doc if she didn't like the music. I music Watson offered This rare quality belongs only to loved Cinema at 3rd and take takes us of publicity with all kinds of plan- strumental of freight jobs and the it. South Streets him to another world. "Love back to the good old days prowess, led by yards, train tracks and different towns. He used best blue grass music I've ever the finest musicians. in ned gimmicks, Philadelphia, one can witness of Life," filmed by Francois of Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck the Average White guitarist Onnie Mclntyre and alto roadside inns. fewer back-ups than the heard. From the opejiing song Band was an intense and reverent feeling Reichenbach and S.G. Patris, was when the All Cartoon Show starts thrust into the spotlight sax man Roger Ball. While the Lex Romane began the evening preceeding performers resulting "Way Down There" right through About midway through the that a quite unwittingly several in evening human being can have for not just a film about a musician. It September 20 and 2L So get on months other members of the band showed with a coal town song from West a "tighter" sound. the encore. Hank William's "Jam- Doc , Merle, and Mike ^he life ago when the were joined of music. Rubenstein, at is a projection of one man's com- down to TLA, 334 South Street. group's drummer, their ability to play several in- Virginia and continued chanting And all this happened in just the bola," Doc proved to be a master by two young men Robbie Mcintosh, died at tales first called "Frosty the age of 82, can project such plete joy and adoration for his For more info call WA 2.60U. a party struments, Mclntyre remained on -. of toothless grins and one- half of the night. of the acoustic guitar. The Morn." If the I music thrown by music recording executive the guitar and steadily led the eyed riders. A menagerie of in- So if you are looking for a good was lively and you found an un- had been good until that David Geffen. point, There was even pace. The horn section provided struments including a pedal steel time and good music with little controllable urge to stomp your now it was excellent. Bob more publicity when it was found the frills and, guitar, banjo, consequence to feet, Hill did a fantastic job Records therefore, most (rf dobro, and electric your pocket, join clap along, and give a little at the the out that Cher was in attendance the high moments of mandolin handled the back-ups for the enthusiastic crowd at holler, which piano, and Joe Smothers provided same direction as previously, we've set a new goal in the presen- the show. the is what most of the I , (Continued page and from 9} one realizes that had attempted to save Mcin- AWB's attempt to "create a the night. Foxhole Cafe. packed audience at the beautiful harmony to the singing their albums will tation of this album. This is a new Point did tosh's Help have life. Poor publicity was not kind of music that is all evening. as well as fine guitar ac- them see the light." The everlasting eminence in the musical score, put together, with original realm of musical AWB's only problem — they were rock," in the words of band mem- allegorization is evident. We must exposures. you in mind — each song is an All organizations faced with the prospect of an up- ber who have Maurice White who is directly event, relative Alan Gorrie, is basically an ef- see the light as individuals' in- to an experience boards at present are to put up volved in coming tour. fort to fill some gaps in the relating to the singing, composing, we've lived, while trying to 1 common experiences. AWB their respective titles on the That tour brought to the present and producing of the album achieve perfection AWB musical offerings. The If Earth, Wind and Fire con- in our everyday boards. Any organization who Strikes Tower theatre last Friday night (Continued from page Hammer presents group tries to fit in 10 somewhere •I tinue to pursue their convictions from lives — we laugh, we cry, we wor- be- > does their musical, and by the they not do so faces the possibility ^m way played it was tween rock PRESENTS his vantage point and rhythm, often I lyrical, and empirical writing, "In our ship, we enjoy." occasionally. When they that capacitv, in hard to believe did fall their boards will be assigned musical efforts to they had fallen on doing so successfully, falling short communicate. THOMAS VALENTINO short, they sounded like nothing to another organization. bad times. Confident enough to (Continued on page iJI) more than a top pop band with Sweet Balance volume, but this did not happen of- Roome for rent in ex- By JOHN KENNEDY Then came Jan Hammer and his FRI . SEPT 1 9 AT 8 00 HAPPY HOUR ten enough to mar the show. change Back in late 1973 the band. Taken as a whole the show proved for light work. CARAVAN Mon. 4-6 Mahavishnu Orchestra (then con- Following some early technical Adda Nhe Footbt^ P.M. that AWB can, when at its best, Houee adjoining V.U. LES sisting of John McLaughlin, Rick difficulties the group was on its VARIATIONS put on a fine show, and that ability campue. Caii LA 7-1646 BENEFIT FOR MON., THURS., FRI. Laird, Billy Cobham, Jerry Good- way. The opening song, "Topeka," should keep the Band around for a ST. RITA'S COMMUNITY CENTER after 6 P.iMI. man and Jan Hammer) featured excellent dual leads by while. broke up MIXED DRINKS ] and went their separate ways. Hammer on keyboards and 19-year FRI , OCT 3 AT 7 30 ;-*.' • 'i. / ry- - PIZZA NITE - This past weekend, keyboard old violinist Steve Kindler. Ham- KISS 2 for 1 player Jan Hammer came to the mer's ability' to combine driving, FRI OCT 24 AT 7 30 Main Point and forceful jazz-rock with his mellow rA proved himself to 10C.C. FERAUVTE be a^ fine performer in his own keyboard work was well shown on right*. "Earth, Our Only Home" and !' FRI. OCT 31 AT 7 30 4 11 00 ? [y^ The show opened with Buzzy "Night." THE room Linhart, replete with tank top and Most of the act consisted of JERRY GARCIA i &TEiCHER gym shorts, establishing an easy, material from Hammer's solo vv. friendly album. Like Children, BAND y rapport with the and from audience. Accompanying himself anothet soon to be released album. fssturing on Closing NICKY HOPKINS Decorate Your Dorms t- SAT, NOV.l - 8pm V.U. FIELDHOUSE guitar, Buzzy displayed his fine their act with three fine JOHN KAHN vocal range in a song entitled "Bet numbers, the band displayed some TICKETS: $5 ADVANCE $6 AT THE RON TUTT With Some Imagination DOOR You Gotta Come Back To Me." fine individual talent, particularly SAT. NOV 1 AT 7 30 AVATT.ART.R ^ CAMPUS TNFO, CENTER He continued with a medley drummer Tony Smith, who also and an /^te» ^uea featuring the Stones, and ended added backup vocals. Considering LEO SAYER his set with a song of his own later that he has only been playing with MON . NOV 24 AT 8 00 made famous by Bette Midler, this group for about one month, "Friends." Jan Hammer put on a fine show. RENAISSANCE '.l-ST-^ &AL STEWART! 7/\ / Sat Afternoon LADIES NITE!!! TUES . NOV 25 AT 8:00 // AL STEWART TUES. NITE & ""^ /.' SPORTS SPECIAL RENAISSANCE! REDUCED RATES SAT, NOV 29 AT 8:00 KINGFISH HOT DOGS & KRAUT 9til2 O MIDNIGHT SUN TICKET OUTLETS Tower Theaiar Box ONic* 69th A LucNow Upp«r Owtoy Use them as Wanamakers • 1 3th A QMMnut Central City • \ 422 ChMtnut Accent Rugs Lialen«>g Boott> Granite Run Mtf. M«4« Wall Hangings or — Fur Rugs from $20. Ryas Houston HaN • 34 1 7 Sprue* EARi scRuqqs Col»Qa Union • West Cheatsr Even Bed Spreads! from $50. Sisals Slate Coflege West Oeeter from $35. IISFAYEHEST. Tckeltnart e C—lor A Migti Mada • Ardmor* And other rugs from $12. In Beautiful Downtown New Jersey Hobby Hut • Woodbury Consholiocken SPECIAL STUDENT COUPON Sound Odyaaey • Cherry Hril MaR JIREVUE TOP PRICE SEATS: Trenton TIcMt S*rvtc*. $3.50 (with this coupon) Student purchases 10% Off. 35 N Wttow St . Trenton Offer applies to Delaware Bag n Baggage • tMknngton LIVE BANDS FRI. & SAT. NITES lues , Wed., Thurs. & Sun. Nite Eagle Rd. & Lancaster Pike i Performances Onlyl MAJL ORDERS ACCEPTED send money order to THIS COUPON WILL BE M)dnight Sun Tcket Office Op«n Evtningt By Appolntin«nl SprMd DINNERS SERVED - wiih JlMIVIX BUFFETT ACCEPTED AT , Eafle Villafe Strafford MU M520 NITELY 5 to 9 c o Tower Theater 69tf> A Ltjdlow BOX OFFICE ONLY! Upper Darby. Pa 19082 FEATURING I'Alb. SAT. SEPT. 20, 1975 * 8pm * LOBSTER TAIL FIELDHOUS RT 202 OfJ DEVON EXIT FOR INFORMATION TICKETS: $5 ADV. AND $5.50 DOOR ilMfesFm^ ONLY 26 MINUTES FROMFRO DOWNTOWN PHILA w

iXf. .-:,«. ^< P999 t> • THE VILLANOVAN • 8«frtMiib«r 17, 1t75 7 ^ *

I I ^

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14 • THE VILLANOVAM • 8«pt«mlMr 17, WTS 8»pfmb»r 17, 197S • THE VILLANOVAN • Pay 15 Harriers Coming Booters to Sport Defensive Look Home By TONY DIFRANCESCO The formation of a professional Gabriel Stefihanoti and Shai Mum facilities, yet insist on scheduling soccer league and the continued Wong, Gerry Fay explained that a the nation's flnest soccer squads. appearance of superstars Pele and 4-2-4 formation yields more room The Wildcat schedule contains no 'A After spending the last two Saturday afternoons in Kyle Rote Jr. on sport pages to work passes and move and "push-overs" or "gimmes.'* West enemy territory, the gridiron Wildcats begin their home around the country has generated allows for an eight -man attack. Virginia and Baltimore are within Sophomore Sullivan will the country's Top Ten and, season this Saturday, hosting the University of Toledo. intense national interest in soccer John be the man most responsible for the although the Cats have never Recent homecoming games have and has brought forth an abun- been unique events, to say beaten wn dance of talent on the high organization and execution of that them, Shippensburg State the least. school -r: A quick glance backwards would reveal that remains and college levels. Villanova's plan as he will start at the center on the agenda. Distance aces Eamonn Coghlan quality of Villanova homecoming games. assistant coach, Gerry Fay, stated position. The campaign will commence and Kevin McCarey, joined by a that the incredible amount of Defense however, will furnish this Saturday at the Lynchburg host of returning veterans, place depth and competitibn at nearly Villanova opposition with an Tournament where Villariova will Villanova in a fine position to im- Photo by Hank ' Cult«r every position will make 75'8 soc- unlimited amount of difficulty. face Washington and Lee. Gerry (Nrove upon last year's seventh Freshman runners demonstrate hard Three years ago the Wildcats tallied two touchdowns training necessary for cross- cer squad "the best yet." The return of Rick Ramentol, Fay noted that the team's per- place finish in the IC4A Cham- country training. late in the fourth quarter in less than two minutes, but it Last year the team struggled Pete Needham, Bill Simon, Tom formance at Lynchburg will be a pionships. _;^j/,. was, as the saying goes, too little too late. Villanova lost with a 6-9-1 log, but an impressive Sweeney and Tom Burke form a good indication of their Coghlan ranks among the finest capabilities a pair of IC4A victories last Pinkowski and Jim Flynn, can that one to Boston College, 21-20. five game win streak during mid- potent backfield. and adjustments can middle distance runners in the November. He is the c be made for the initial regular defending In- only aid in helping the Wildcats In 1973 Villanova, although a sizeable underdog November dem6nstrated the The biggest loss due to world. aroused national in- to the He door three-mile and Outdoor presence of talent. dual match against Shippensburg six- recover their dominating role in University "Six freshmen graduation appeared to be in the Photo by Hank Cutter terest when he ran in the of Delaware, upended the then 6-2 Blue Hens, " champion. started last year and State on November 24. the IC4A's. now more goal position but the personal Sophomore John Sullivan will attack in Saturday's Mile" in Kingston, Jamaica. 24-7. Frank Polito was the almost lead Villanoya*s His Seniors Steve Dorsey, Chris man exclusively respon- seasoned Washington and Lee sports a Coaches Jumbo Elliott and Jack and having played renovations by Jerry Capacci game with Washington and Lee. European record breaking time of Davis, Gary Trojanowski, sible for the victory, running back two punts for 57 together, good passing* game, but lacks the Frank Pyrah believe that the Wildcats and 52 there will be a big dif- should close the file on that 3:63.3 took third behind Villanova Watkins and yard physical size which has so easily ""«.- Jack Nash, jimiors cannot be considered this year's touchdowns. The Wildcats also picked off five errant ference in performance," com- problem. "Jerry has worked very alumnus Marty Liquori and win- George Mackay, conquered Villanova in the past. This summer most Villanovans situations, but experience "Tiny" Kane, Ed favorite even though Villanova has Delaware passes. mented Head Coach Howard hard in building his skills and and the ner has Filbert Bayi. Coghlan is the Takacs and Steve Macauley Graff. "Also, with Coach Graff feels a victory is on probably witnessed the grisly traditional taste of loss should and captured six IC4A Championships Last year's contest pitted the the competition improved 200% from last year," current NCAA and IC4A mile Wildcat troops against tap for the slaughter of five innocent mold sophs Mark Belger, Steve Crooke, in the at each position the player match with the bathers the unit into victors. Yet if last nine years. That role the University of added Fay. champion, both indoor and out- Jay Wood and Idaho. Villanova was on the short end of Virginians and experience and by a great white shark. The people some gluttonous creature Roger Knollmeyer belongs to defending champion becomes more aware of his job, Despite second rate ad- from door» and also the three IC4A mile add depth and strength to the an 8-7 count with less than five minutes remaining. .« he'll defense will be the key factors. were victimized by the creature's Baltimore, or perhaps Massachusetts and runner-up play harder." ministrative aid, Graff and Fay West 'I' champion. team. However, sophomore Also, on-the -field leadership will unsatiable appetite and their Virginia, attempts to swallow Providence. defender Bill O'Connell tackled the The bulwark of the Wildcat's of- run a first class soccer team. The the McCarey is ready to assert him- natural A talented crop of freshmen, led But fensive will be provided by tri-captains Dan inabilities in water. On venomous "Catfish," he'll they must render unto Idaho punter in the end zone, giving the 'Cats a one point be contained in the coaches haven't the benefit of self after coming into his own with by paper, it John Burns, Don Paige, Carey past Rabun, Tom Burke and Tom appears Villanova will discover the struggle is too much Villanova what is Villanova's. lead. Villanova added insnrance points with season's leading scorers, scholarships or adequate playing Mike Lom- Sweeney. face many similar one-sided trouble. bardi's 54-yard sideline scamper, bringing on a 15-7 final Contributions to the Wildcat verdict. Club, Villanova University'^s fimdraising for varsity Women to program Take Soccer Field Ultimate fritbee team being formed in Phila. r-ij athletics, have passed the $100,000 Mark Villanova soccer will have Your a new Howard Graff, head soccer Calender coach, soccer for women will be a ai^a to compete witli colleges on east coast, if at mark in the first two and one half perspective when the female had planned This year's pairing should be no exception. Toledo, a coed pre -season program in the future and hopest i years of the group's existence. " ; HOME SOCCER GAMES all pix>ficient with tlie frisbee or know someone students take to the practice fields scrimmage. Further discussion led smarting from last 7-0 that Villanova's initiative will The Club, year's loss to the 'Cats on home directed by alumni wlio is. contact Jolin at 273-2170 or IMU 8-4240. with the men. to the idea of developing a spark interest at other area volunteers, turf, will be out for revenge and have the was organized in the guns to do just Originally, Sharon Hopkins, women's soccer team. colleges. Coach Graff agrees. Spring of ^*'' ^ Lock Haven State that. -^ 1973 and raised $31,000 V women's athletic director, and Hopkins expects that collegiate "When played properly, soccer that year. Its 1974 '[:/;•;: ;:'l;^';^^'f. '.-'^niweraity of Maryland campaign "The Rockets could have the most outstanding quar- has many ballet movements which collected $40,000 •;.,';;'..,::•'• Temple and the Club has -.Jl^v^:; terback in women can adapt to easily " the nation in Gene Swick," notes Cat mentor more passed the : 11 Millersville State $29,000 mark this year. than said ' Dick Bedesem. Swick's 1974 men," Graff. "In three 1 y-.- •'"22 stats serve as Funds raised in the Club's an- ^ St. Mary's (Md.) ample proof of years I think we should have ;•^^ Nov. ;• :. that. nual campaign are divided in this ^.:^,--r:: LaSalle He was first nationally in pass completion percentage enough talented girls to start a. manner: 75% goes to the ;: . 15 West Virginia (62% ), first in yards Univer- gained rushing and passing (2,441) team of their own." sity to assist with athletic grant- and third in passing yardage (2,235), just to mention a few. Coach Graff believes that in-aids; 15% is for capital needs of He opened the BASEBALL 1975 season in fine form, connecting on 26 Villanova is the first college to the athletic department; 10% goes HOME GAMES of 36 passes for 326 yards in the Rockets' 32-31 victory originate a women's soccer m: into an endowment fund. '.;'.•' '' ' ..'''"' "'. ' -^I'iX' -S^.^ .VJ v, over program, although the idea of Support for the Club has come Western Carohna. ; St. 24 Joseph's women's soccer is not new. Adult from alumni, parents, friends and Although Swick has lost his top three receivers (147 : 26 Textile ) -i-. business leagues, for housewives at th^ firms. Several alumni catches), receiving is not a major v'' ; 4;27 Rider area of concern. Two average clubs also sponsor memberships. age of 35, have gained Oct. V quality 'v>.l St. Joseph's pass catchers have already been lined up. One is widespread acclaim since their Membership in the Club starts at * ; 3 Delaware Scott Resseguie, . who caught seven beginning in Dallas, Texas. $100. and graduates within five passes that weren't v;!; 10 St. Joseph's even intended European women's professional years are eligible for junior mem- for him last year as a defensive back. The teams have been playing for more bership of $50.00. other is Jim Roney, who was sidelined all last year with a CAPTAIN than 10 years, and little league 1 broken ankle. programs for girls have been suc- I Swick's supporting cast on offense heralds soph Tim cessful in the Philadelphia area Zimmerman Basketball and senior Jim Cameron at the running back for about 5 years. "With time and BOLD PRL DICTIONS spots. experience, our women could play MARVEL the highest caliber soccer in America. They've got to start Recruits *, Villanova 27 Toledo 21 Chapter 1 somewhere," reasoned Graff. Boston College .U Temple 14 Ron Cowan, a 6' 10" center, and The women began Eagles N.Y. 21 Giants 10 Larry Sock, a 6'6" forward, were "CURSE OF THE SCORPION" Tickets are on sale now at the ticket office in the field training with the men when they C^ach Massimino's prizes in his house for the contest. It might not rival the shootout plus arrive for school the first week of third recruiting at the season as Wildcat ^ September. Tliey have a lot of cat- OK Corral in blood and guts, but the aerial battle between "BAMBI MEETS GODZILLA" basketball coach. ching up to do since the men have Cowan led 5wick and Wildcat quarterback Brian also Anyone who is interested in writing sports leave name In Essex Catholic H.S. Sikorski is well been practicing three times daily to Parochial worth seeing. "3 Stooges "-"PLUMBING WE Villanovan office on second floor of Dougherty Hall or contact Rich "A" State Cham- WILL GO" since Monday, August 25, in Kraft (114 Sullivan) or Tony pionships in both his junior and DiFrmcesco (108 Fedigan). •Y- RPK preparation for their opening senior years. The southpaw j\ ' :',.>' '''[ NORTH LOUNGE games at the Lynchburg (Va.) In- averaged double figures in scoring 11:30 12:30 tSO DOUGHERTY HALL vitational Tournament, September and rebounding despite seeing 19 and 20. limited action since Essex con- > CAR REPAIRS stantly dominated opponents and ABSOLUTE AUCTION SALE for NEW YORK CAST opened up big leads. BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF PA. NEW YORK CAST Fbreign or , "Ron is a legitimate center with Domestic excellent credentials and 110 VANS. LINE EQUIP., TRUCKS SAT., SEPT. 27, 10 AJM., MONTQOMERYVILLE, PA. '^ unlimited potential," comments Body Work Too! I Massimino. LOCATION: Whispering Pines Restaurant, Stump Rd., Montgomeryville, Pa. 110 VANS: cyl. with 3 spd trans 6 (some auto.) 1966-1972 Chev , Dodge, Ford, 'v\t'iV Sock averaged better than 20 QMC. UNC EQUIF: (4) Bucket tlw Prices Fine Work points and 12 rebounds per game TERMS: Complete Payment Sale Day in Cash or Guaranteed Funds Only with GREASE Cash Deposit of $100/van or tk. while leading Bishop Hafey required at knockdown. Everything sells regard- GREASE H.S. less of price. Everything sells to the highest bidder. Everything sells in its existing to a 27-1 record. condition. Write for descriptive CallJerryHi9-2347 brochure. FRI. SEPT. 19, 1975 * 8pm * FIELDHOUSE I "Larry is a solid performer at Routs 309, Montgomsryvills, PA. 18936 (21S) 699-5833 FRI. SEPT. 19, 1975 * Spm * FIELDHOUSE both ends of the court," notes TICKETS AVAILABLE CAMPUS INFO. CENTER Any VILSMEIER AUCTION CO., INC. TICKETS AVAILABLE CAMPUS INFO. CENTER Time Massimino. FIRST FLOOR-DOUGHERTY HALL FIRST FLOOR-DOUGHERTY HALL ,^ - '» .1 ; ^ ; ^w

Piigt 16 • THE VILLANOVAN • 8«ptMnb«r 17, 1975 cb: zs CLASSIFIED ADS

< / StudMit Papers TVpMl In My Any student seepage lo interested in NEEDED: ANY STANDARD .*H^ VILLANOVA HoiiM EDGES TOLEDO On Electric Typewriter. Joining the Finance Society or ADVANCED First Call Mrs. Aid, ^ ChariM At HI 9- please come to Hartley 209 on ^\H 2139. 1302 CPR Basic I or II, and Roosevalt Ava., Tliursday, September 18 at vW^ E.M.T. Instructors Havartown. 3:30 for a meeting. from any ,'»."" State to teach on Vlllanova't Campus. If in- Markating Society Mooting OKN 1st Rush meeting tarastad plaasa contact P. Wodnooday, Soptombor ed nelson — Tues., Sept. 23 at Benjamin at 527-2S17 or 17, 12:30 p.m. — Bartloy 7:15, leave live 'em I 118. West Lounge. message with the school of nursing. BASED ON THE LIFE ANnriMES or PRESinENI HARRYS IRUMAN MOM OCT 20 thru SAT NOV 1 • TWO WEEKS! Tha Mythopoaic Sociaty Box office opens MONDAY. OCTOBER 6 (10:00 AM) will hold its Saptambar maat- FOR INFO CALL PE 5-5074 ing, and Fall Picnic SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS, SENIORS — on Sun- Up- G.oup O.sronn.s Vol. 51. No. 3 VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY. VILLANOVA. PA. ..ml s,.e. .«! sl.,.l-n. «„.,.„ ,.,Ihs , I„.,s.l,,y & W«.»n«vMv U, St September 24. 1975 pefclassmen week oiilyiroiilni day, 8apt. 21 at. Tha ditcus- who wish to serve on the University I Belly Keiser (?1b(839 72H? slon NEW LOCUST THEATRE. topic will ba "Pattarnt Publications Board are invited to apply to Dr. Joseph Broad & Locust Streets and Paraiials in tha Lord of Philadelphia, Pa. DaCrema, Dept. of English, Vasey ALeeGiibet8,ShellyGrossP.»-se..l,.l,nnF„, 201. M..SM f ,,„ Enlernnses tha Rings." Tha Mythopoaic UtKlcf the Auspii This position provides students t-sol AllSini Ffw.im Sociaty is davotad to dis- the opportunity to vote Driscoll equally with faculty, Cleary Succeeds cussions of tha works of administrators, and alumni on A. il.R.R. Tollcain, C.S. Lawis matters affecting University-supported publications. and E. Williams. Anyona who Applications should Tutors be received by Friday, Sept. 19. needed for Accounting 101 students. Tutors needed in is intarastad in joining tha all subjects, but ••;- :\''^:>''' especially freshmen math and chemistry. Tutors Sociaty and/or attanding tha will be paid $3.00 per V.P. Academics hour. For See As Mr. Thomas C. Linahan of the 11 picnic should contact aithar Mathematics EMPLOYMENT OFFERED Department in room 168 Mendel on Tuesday or Ms. Stavans (215 TU 6-4392) 4-6 hours per Thursday from By week, simple bookkeeping in salesman's home, 10:00 to 11:20 or from 12:30 to 2:20, or call ex- ji PETER GRIMES or Dr. Esnwnda (V.U. English Narberth (near tension 672. QIadwyn Exit of Expressway). Hours workable, offer the possibility of future both undergraduate and graduate Dapt.). University President Fr. John $2.50 per hour for someone qualified. 667-9388. M. Driscoll announced last week curriculum changes. students. This, he feels, would be great asset to "those leave the appointment of Dr. James J. According to Dr. Cleary, it a who Cleary as vice-president for would be "very advantageous" for school and step into a highly technical environment." academic affairs. Villanova to set up a computer RESEARCH In addition, In succeeding Fr. Driscoll as technology curriculum. The com- Dr. Cleary has RS ARE vice-president, Dr. Cleary puter courses would be offered to "given some thought" to the REALrl Thousands of Topjcs Coadi Dicl( Bedesem addresse§ **Small Talk" audience. possibility of setting up a work- Send for your up-to-date, 160- becomes the first layman to serve Photo by Hank Cult«r study in the College of . program page, mail order catalog. Enclose 4 in a post that had traditionally Engineering. Dr. Cleary said that NUCLEAR I PHYSICIST $1.00 to cover postage and been reserved for members of the handling. ^ Augustinian Order. As vice- such a program would probably be study president for academic affairs. Dr. modeled after the work STANTON RESEARCH ASSISTANCE. INC. Bedesem Expresses FRIEDMAN will responsible for program of Drexel University, All 11322 IDAHO AVE., # 206 Cleary be A LECTURE WITH of the proposed curriculum g^ SLIDE PRESENTATION , CALIF. 90P25 more than 800 course offerings changes, Dr. Cleary said, "are very MDN. SEPT. 29, 1975 FIELDHOUSE 8pm (213) 477-8474 and will serve as chief ad- Optimistic vague right now and depend on the Outlook officer for Villanova's n ministrative Tickets: Campus Our research papers are sold for Info. Center-Dougherty availability of funds." research purposes only. approximately 400 faculty mem- 1 I By BENNETT MACALUSO bers. Villanova's newest vice- president the faculty in Dr. Cleary said in an interview joined "The coaches and staff all felt team to be an aggressive team in I'f": as instructor. last that he doesn't an- 1956 an English that no rebuilding process was ^nracuse," according to Bedesem. week "drastic**^ academic While remaining a faculty mem- necessary. We have the talent to The coach added that there was no ticipate any as editor changes in the near future, and he ber, he had been serving PHONE COLLECTORS *do it' this year," asserted head "complaining or moaning" in the expressed a desire to follow the of the university's academic Wanted; Day and/or night football coach Dick Bedesem locker room after the game in of his predecessor, Fr. catalogues and assistant vice- houra naadad; no ax- during the first of this year's Syracuse. work Driscoll. However, Dr. Cleary did president for academic affairs. p«rianca, will train. Qood Villanova Union-sponsored "Small "I don't want to sound corny," Dr. James J. Cleary atarting aalary. Plaaaa call Talks" last Wednesday night. Bedesem said, "but the team was Mr. Allan anytima, 527-1755. While speaking and answering really together for the first time. questions for about an hour, » They lost as a team." A^SRK ( GROUP contended that at Bedesem As for the future of football 1 Indian Youth Leader Villanova possesses quality "if' Saturday, Villanova, Bedesem said that September 27 Nor^h Lounge, Pougherty Hall players but lacks the quantity of we can win within the scope of -'- the state schools. Reviewing the Villanova's outlook on football, . .-..;•. ,. . .V . f\\-:- ; • '. ' ,'-';.'•'*'' . '''. i< Gandhi I* Maryland game, the coach offered is to stay. Defends '':''': then football here What im'-m'-' '':/-:':/ ^- '-^M'yiii^:'' A-, no explanation for the 41-0 loss ex- I want is to bring a big school THE ALABAMA cept to say that he felt no one per- here. You have to beat a big school By PAUL ALPAUGH BORN ARTIST HAS HIS HANDS son on the team was "mentally on the road first before you can rIN the government of the United ALL KINDS OP MUSIC, HE'S A SARDONIC ready" to play football, despite the drag them here. That in itself is a The Villanova Political Union States. Bheda warned that Mrs. ^SATIRIST fact that practice began nearly a tough job." held its first debate of this WITH OFF-BEAT SONGS BUT CAN Ghandi's opposition forces, which month before the game. When asked why Villanova semester on Monday, September QUICKLY SWITCH on occasion have closed major TO THE SENSITIVE SINGER, As for the Syracuse game, loses loses local talent to the big 15, in the North Lounge of thoroughfares and have brought HE IS BASICALLY A ROMANTICIST, AND Bedesem said that the team's per- schools, Bedesem offered the un- Dougherty Hall. Under debate was A LOT factory production to a halt, is a OF HIS formance was due to certain future of Villanova foot- the resolution: This house regrets MUSIC IS ABOUT LOVE. 789 LANCASTER danger to that democracy. AVENUE "aggressiveness on the field." ball and the losing records of the recent political developments in

i India. speaker Most recently, Mrs. Gandhi has i; TODAY'S POST VILLANOVA, PA. 19085 "The team saw the films of the past three seasons as primary ex- The main was ; Thomas M. Foglietta SEPTEMBER Maryland game and decided as a planations. Naren Bheda, president of the In- come under attack for the mid- 19, 1974 AN ».'' UNEXCELLED YEAR-ROUND ternational Youth Forum and In- August arrest of approximately • ICE :.''* SKATING FACILITY . dian Youth Leader. 20,000 anti -Gandhi people. Prior Bheda, just completing the first to that, Mrs. Gandhi suspended Foglietta To Special Discounts to Faculty Club Offers month of a three month American the civil liberties of all Indian Villanova Studonts in COME OUT AND ENJOY THIS lecture-study tour, is a staunch civilians. Bheda defended both ac- QUALITY ENTERTAINMENT IN A Qonsral villanova union Admission defender of Indian Prime Minister tions on the grounds that they Speak Here COFFEE HOUSE • ATMOSPHERE. . ^ V : ; Fi^E ADMISSION Escape Once More Show Your ID Indira Gandhi. He strongly op- were necessary to insure order. 25%' c. •; and Sava The Villanova Faculty Club, an always been a very popular posed the Union's resolution for While admitting that India is no By JOHN L. DALTON longer organization of interested faculty, evening for members and their three reasons: 1) The widespread a democracy, he expressed Thomas M. Foglietta, chaos caused by recent demon- confidence that Mrs. Gandhi will administrators and professional wives. The beef, 200 pounds of it, Republican candidate for mayor of strations, Incitation of govern- reinstate civil liberties and university staff, is now in its sixth is roasted over a charcoal fire for 2) Philadelphia, will be the guest release the year of operation. at least 24 hours before the event. ment police by Mrs. Gandhi's op- imprisoned people speaker at the Political Union once the Indian The Faculty Club is open every Beverages, salads, potatoes, and position, 3) The overall slowdown High Court rules Meeting on Monday, September of the government services caused on the legality of her January elec- at Friday afternoon from 3:30 p.m. desserts are provided, as is live 29, 7:30 p.m. in the North and provides a convivial at- entertainment. by the combination of demon- tion victory. Lounge of Dougherty Hall. \-: mosphere where colleagues from a Interested faculty, ad- strations and ineffective law en- Moderate Party speaker John Mr. Foglietta, at the age of 26, wide variety of academic ministrators, and professional forcement. Lydon supported the resolution. was the youngest person ever elec- said discipKnes can meet in a social at- staff can get more information During Bheda's summary of the Lydon Mrs. Gandhi "has no ted to the City Council. Since then mosphere. In addition to regular regarding the Villanova Faculty events which led to Mrs. Gandhi's right to arrest 20,000 people he has been consistently re- Friday afternoon events, the club Club by contacting Professor current predicament, he because of the actions of one op- elected and has also served as the ! also sponsors special events on an Oliver G. Ludwig, chemistry repeatedly stressed the position party member." By minority leader. suspending occasional basis. department, extension 492. democratic nature of India's civil liberties, Lydon Foglietta, who is also a prac- government. feels Mrs. Bandhi "has mad** ticing attorney, In May, the Faculty Club has its Professor Ludwig serves as Chair- Bheda proudly called has convincingly slaves of 600 million people." demonstrated his traditional beef roast, which is man, Board of Directors, India "the world's largest concern in the democracy" and compared her to held on a Saturday night. This has Villanova Faculty Club. (Continued on page 5) (Continued on page 2)