who though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped. MARCH 28, 2021 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men. And TERHAD being found in human form, he humbled himself PP 8460/11/2012(030939) ISSN: 1394-3294 by becoming obedient to the point of death, Vol. 28 No. 11 even death on a cross. Therefore, God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY is above every name. THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY Phil. 2:6-9 Mary as our Mother, ‘not a Co-Redeemer’ ATICAN: He continued: “It is true that she is the Mother of ,” he said. of Ephesus in AD 431 approved the Francis said that Christian piety has always given her Referring to a celebrated image “Mother of God,” which was beautiful , as a child gives his of Mary in Bari , southern added to the Hail Mary prayer. VJesus entrusted the or her mamma: how many beauti- , he emphasised that the Virgin Reflecting on the line “now and Virgin Mary to us as a Moth- ful things children say about their points the way to Jesus. at the hour of our death” in the Hail er, “not as co-redeemer.” mamma whom they love so much! He said: “Her hands, her eyes, Mary, he said: “Mary is always pre- How many beautiful things.” her behaviour are a living ‘cate- sent at the bedside of her children Speaking at his general audience “But we need to be careful: chism,’ always indicating the hinge. when they depart this world. If on March 24, the Pope said that the things the , the saints, She always points out the centre: someone is alone and abandoned, while Christians have always given say about her, beautiful things, Jesus. Mary is completely directed she is Mother, she is there, near, as Mary beautiful titles, it was impor- about Mary, subtract nothing from towards Him, to such an extent that she was next to her Son when eve- tant to remember that Christ is the Christ’s sole Redemption. He is the we can say she is more disciple than ryone else abandoned him.” only redeemer. only Redeemer. They are expres- Mother. The directions she gave at “Mary was, and is, present in He was addressing a theological sions of love, like a child for his or the wedding at Cana: ‘Do whatever these days of the pandemic, near to debate about whether the Church her mamma — some are exagger- he will tell you.’ She always refers the people who, unfortunately, have should issue a dogmatic definition ated. But love, as we know, always to Christ. She is the first disciple.” concluded their earthly journey all declaring Mary “Co-Redemptrix,” makes us exaggerate things.” He continued: “This is the role alone, without the comfort or the in honour of her role in humanity’s The Pope gave his address, dedi- Mary fulfilled throughout her entire closeness of their loved ones. Mary salvation. cated to prayer in communion with earthly life and which she forever is always there next to us, with her “Jesus extended Mary’s mater- When Jesus saw his mother Mary, in the library of the Apostolic retains: to be the humble handmaid maternal tenderness.” nity to the entire Church when He and the disciple whom he loved Palace due to coronavirus restric- of the Lord, nothing more. At a Concluding his reflection, he entrusted her to his beloved disciple standing nearby, he said to tions. The address was part of his certain point in the Gospels, she al- said: “She listens as Mother. Just shortly before dying on the cross,” his mother, “Woman, behold, cycle of catechesis on prayer, which most seems to disappear; but then like, and more than, every good the Pope noted. your son!” Then he said he launched in May and resumed in she reappears in the more crucial mother, Mary defends us from dan- “From that moment on, we have to the disciple, October following nine addresses moments, such as at Cana, when ger, she is concerned about us even all been gathered under her mantle, “BEHOLD YOUR MOTHER!” on healing the world after the pan- her Son, thanks to her caring inter- when we are concentrated on our as depicted in certain medieval fres- (John 19:26-27) demic. vention, performs his first ‘sign,’ own things and lose a sense of the coes or paintings. Even the first Lat- Noting that he was speaking on with Christ. He is the only one. He and then on Golgotha at the foot of way, and when we put not only our in antiphon — sub tuum praesidium the Vigil of the Solemnity of the is the Mediator par excellence.” the cross.” health in danger, but also our salva- confugimus, sancta Dei Genitrix: Annunciation, which falls on March Christ’s “one mediation,” he said, He described how Christians be- tion.” the Madonna who ‘covers,’ like a 25, he said: “Christ is the Mediator, sheds light on the role of Mary. gan to pray to Mary, using expres- “Mary is there, praying for us, Mother, to whom Jesus entrusted Christ is the bridge that we cross to “She occupies a privileged place sions found in the Gospels, such praying for those who do not pray. us, all of us; but as a Mother, not as turn to the Father. He is the only Re- in the lives of Christians and, there- as “full of grace” and “blessed are To pray with us. Why? Because she a goddess, not as co-redeemer.” deemer: there are no co-redeemers fore, in their prayer as well, because you among women.” The Council is our Mother.” — CNA celebrated in a home in 2020 Holy Week Schedule & Links Archdiocese:  TV.ArchKL.org  https://drive.google.com/drive/ folders/1DcwVbluE7vBYB5e-sEKk1C1SbOt_mwOy Malacca Johore :  https://mjdiocese.my/wps/articles/announce- ments/holy-week-schedule-2021/ Penang Diocese:  Cathedral of the Holy Spirit  Church of  City , Penang Kuching Archdiocese  https://kuchingcatholic.org/events/sunday- -live-broadcast-schedule-2021-04-04/ Miri Diocese  St Joseph’s Cathedral  St Dominic and The Church Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese  Cathedral  St Simon’s Church, Likas Keningau Diocese  https://www.youtube.com/c/KEUSKUPANKEN- INGAU Sandakan Diocese (Photo Source/St Ann Kota Padawan & Diocese of Keningau facebook)  St Mary’s Cathedral 2 Forum / Reflection HERALD March 28, 2021 Thirty pieces of silver n journalism, there is an expression were involved in overseeing the sale of called “follow the money”, which Sunday Observer lambs for sacrifice – and reaping - hand Isome journalists use to identify cor- some profits. ruption, simply by looking at the mon- By These leaders totally failed to see the ey trail or transfers of money, and who value of Jesus’ vision of the kingdom - stands to gain. Anil Netto and valued it at 30 pieces of silver! Think of how the Sarawak Report [email protected] How often have we been betrayed by looked at the complicated money trails to those in positions of authority and power expose the massive loss in 1MDB. for their own personal gain? The very In a broader sense, we can identify the small coin into the Temple treasury while motivations for shifting his allegiance people entrusted to look after our inter- real story by looking at the underlying the chief were living in comfort from Jesus. We don’t know what he was ests. Often, they dip their hands into pub- motivations of the main characters or en- from the huge amounts collected, even thinking. lic coffers and rob society blind. tities in the plot and what they stand to from widows and the poor. But think of the way elected repre- How easily allegiances can be bought gain financially. When Jesus angrily toppled the mon- sentatives betray the voters’ mandate or and sold. Alas, it was too late when Judas If we apply that expression – follow ey changers’ tables, he disrupted the sell out their vision. Sometimes the bait realised what he had done and flung the the money – to the events leading to the economic function of the Temple at its could be extra constituency development silver coins back at the Temple priests. crucifixion of Jesus, some fascinating in- source. funds or promises of positions of power The irony was that Jesus was hauled up sights might surface. The next thing you know, the Temple and wealth. Or they may be told that they before worldly leaders who had gained a For a start, the question of money fig- leaders bribed Judas with 30 pieces of would not be persecuted if they toe the lot from the system. ured prominently in the ministry of Je- silver to betray Jesus. line. Or perhaps a bit of both – carrot and Think of the high priests and the reli- sus, especially in the last week of his life. Now, how much were those 30 silver stick. gious leaders who were using the temple Think of the many instances the issue coins worth? In modern times, the term “30 pieces to extract wealth from the peasants and of money surfaced in the parables of Je- These silver coins could have been of silver” refers to the selling out of prin- living lavish, comfortable lives while the sus. His followers had to choose between Tyrian shekels, or other silver coins from ciples and ideals in exchange for worldly peasants toiled. God and money. The kingdom of God the region, or Roman denarii. gains. Think of Pilate, who was ultimately re- was likened to a precious coin – the real Let’s assume these were the shekels of In Judas’ case, it was the selling out sponsible to the Roman emperor for the deal. The disciples were told to return the Tyre, for that was the acceptable Temple of Jesus’ vision of a new kingdom in ex- financial resources of the district, and his Roman coins back to Caesar. The rich currency. These coins, which weighed change for money – corrupt money. dreams of moving up in the ranks of the young man was told to sell all he owned about 14 grams, had 94 per cent silver Corruption, in this case, involved the empire. In return, he had to ensure that and give the proceeds to the poor. content, whereas the Roman coins had selling out of God’s vision of a just and the emperor received handsome returns This turned on its head the notions of only 80 per cent silver. inclusive society for personal gain. And from this troublesome region of Judea. the economy, wealth and money in the Using the current price of silver of at what price – 30 pieces of silver, which Think of Herod Antipas, that “fox”, minds of the people. about RM3.40/gram, the 30 coins would we are told in Exodus 21:32 is the price that lover of luxury, who was imposing Now, Judas was already unhappy with be worth less than RM1,500 – a ridicu- of a slave. In Genesis, Joseph is sold for heavy taxes in Galilee. the expensive ointment spent on the lous low price to turn in a wanted man. a measly 20 pieces of silver. All these men had something in com- anointing of Jesus – money, he said, could Even if they were not Temple shekels, In Zechariah 11:12–13, Zechariah re- mon: power, wealth and lavish lifestyles, have been spent on the poor, though we the silver content of the most valuable ceives 30 pieces of silver for his labour often at the expense of the ordinary per- are told that he was not above dipping silver coins in circulation would have from the sheep-dealers. God was so upset son. into the kitty for his own use. Abuse of been just over 16 grams. So 30 coins with this that he told Zechariah: And here was Jesus, who was herald- power (corruption) had infiltrated the would have been less than RM1,700. “Throw it to the smelter, this princely ing a different kind of kingdom where the ranks of Jesus’ followers. That was the insulting price the Temple sum at which they have valued me!” poor and the downtrodden would occupy Meanwhile, the Temple was function- leaders placed on the betrayal of Jesus, “Taking the thirty shekels of silver, I the main places at the banquet. ing like a large bank, extracting enor- though of course we have to look at pur- threw them into the Temple of Yahweh, The men presiding over Jesus could not mous amounts of wealth from the peas- chasing power or daily wages at the time for the smelter.” understand this Messiah, who was not ants of the countryside. to get a clearer picture. The sheep dealers here symbolised the motivated by worldly power and wealth. Jesus observed the widow dropping a Of course, Judas may have had other leaders of the Temple of Jesus’ time who What motivates us in our lives today? Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Challenges and Triumphs

he contrast in today’s liturgy is Bleeding head so wounded, reviled and put shocking. We begin with the enact- to scorn. Reflecting on our Sunday Readings Tment of the Palm Sunday Procession The events we commemorate during of the Lord into Jerusalem. Jesus comes in Holy Week often re-occur in our own lives. lead us to the Kingdom of God. Like the riding on a donkey as the prophet Zechariah One minute we are acclaimed, feted, made Lord, we can and must be true to ourselves. Passion Sunday of the Lord had foretold. People lay their cloaks before to feel altogether good about ourselves. We have to realise that it is not the opin- Readings: Isaiah 50:4-7; Him. Others wave palm branches proclaim- Crowds gather around us wanting to shake ion of the masses that matters. What mat- Philippians 2:6-11; ing, “Blessed is he who comes in the name our hand, pat us on the back. OK, maybe ters is that we are true to ourselves. If that Gospel: Mark 14:1-15, 47 of the Lord. Blessed is the Kingdom of our not that much. But we do have those times brings us to our own cross, and it will, if Father David that is to come. Hosanna in when people congratulate us for doing our that results in the crowd of supporters be- are so special?” And we lose friends, or at the highest.” David had been dead for a job well, for getting good grades in school, ing reduced to just a handful of our closest least people we had thought were friends. thousand years, but the prophets had said or for some sport accomplishment, or an friends and immediate family, and it will, so And we are alone. Welcome to the Cross. that an Anointed One, a Messiah, a Christ, accomplishment in dance, music or other be it. Standing up for what is right and true, We need to be true to ourselves, our inner would come from the line of David. areas of fine arts. And then, suddenly, eve- what is moral and just, is never going to be selves, our spiritual selves. We need to be And here he was, Jesus of Nazareth. Men rything changes. Suddenly we are no longer popular. Jesus reminds us in John 15:18 “If true to the image of God we were created and women cheered. Children sang. Jesus that genius in the office, that brilliant stu- the world hates you, keep in mind that it to reveal to the world. We need to embrace remained quiet. He knew that there would dent, that protégé on the stage, that wonder hated me first.” What matters is that we are our cross as the Lord embraced His Cross. be a radical change in the way that most on the athletic field. who we were created to be, reflections of And when we take those steps of courage, perceived Him. They were ready for a Mes- In this “What have you done for me God’s love in the world. If standing up for when we leap into a living faith, we need to siah to rule them. They were not ready for a lately?” world, we can find ourselves feted what is right and moral results in our being remember that no matter what is happening Messiah to suffer for them. one moment and forgotten the next. Then, mocked and rejected, if there are times that around us, no matter whether we are feted And so, we come to that huge contrast, when things go wrong, we wonder, “Where we feel very alone in proclaiming and living or forgotten, the Lord embraces us. the contrast from palms to passion. We dis- did the crowd go?” And we feel very much our faith, then we are in good company. For We remember the Lord’s Passion this play this in our liturgy with the change of alone, as Jesus felt when only a handful of example, we hear “What, are you too good week, uniting our own struggles to His. music and vestments, from white to red, people were there to support him on the hill to drink with us?” or “If you don’t love And we pray for the faith to recognise that and from triumphal music proclaiming All of Calvary. me enough to have sex with me, I’ll find the Lord sees us, knows our determination Glory, Laud and Honour, to the solemn mu- Jesus was there on the hill because he someone who will” or “Look, everybody to live for Him, and is present to guide us sic remembering the Cross. O Sacred Head was true to Himself. He lived and died for is taking this, doing that. What makes you through the cross to the joy of everlasting Surrounded by crown of piercing thorns. O the Kingdom of God. He lived and died to think that you and your wife, your husband, life. — By Msgr Joseph A Pellegrino HERALD March 28, 2021 Home / Pastoral 3

Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur Holy Week Kit Chan/MC/08/2021 PENANG: The Penang Diocese has prepared a kit for Holy Week which can be prayed individually or as a family. It contains hymns, readings, reflec- tions and activities for Palm Sunday, Updated Guidelines for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Sat- urday and Easter Sunday. Holy Week Liturgies http://bit.ly/2OKhfJf on Holy Thursday church/chapel until the end of the period 3.0 Visitation to Different Churches Following the invitation of our Lord to assigned for adoration. Instructions must The tradition of making a pilgrimage to spend time in vigil and prayer, Catholics be given to the congregation to leave qui- seven station churches for the purpose are encouraged to spend time in Adora- etly when they have finished with their of Eucharistic Adoration is to be sus- tion before the Blessed Sacrament after personal time of adoration. pended this year for reason of public the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. Due to health safety and to mitigate the risk the current SOP restrictions and in view 2.0 SOP at the Altar of Repose of transmission and cross-infection. of public health advisories, His Grace, If the altar of repose is located in a dif- The faithful are requested to perform Most Rev Julian Leow D.D. ferent space/room which is apart from the Eucharistic Adoration in their own re- has approved the following recommenda- main church, the following SOP is to be spective . tions made by the Archdiocesan Liturgical followed: Commission and the Archdiocese Crisis 2.1. The space/room should be well-ven- 4.0 Closing Hours for Adoration Management Task Force for implementa- tilated. Time for Eucharistic Adoration should tion in the parishes. not extend beyond 11.30pm. 2.2. There should be separate facilities Pope St John Paul II in Dominicae for MySejahtera scanning (if it involves 1.0 General Public Adoration after Cenae writes: “The Church and world persons who have not attended the Mass Mass have a great need for Eucharistic wor- of the Lord’s Supper) and temperature 1.1 The Blessed Sacrament (in a cibori- ship. Jesus awaits us in this sacrament screening. um) should be placed on the main altar of of love. Let us not refuse the time to go the Church/ chapel after Holy Commun- 2.3. To ensure social distancing and to to meet Him in adoration, in contem- ion. After the prayer after communion, the comply with the SOP on 30 per cent ca- plation full of faith, and open to mak- invites the congregation to spend a pacity, there should be crowd control. It is ing amends for the serious offenses and few minutes in silent adoration in the main recommended that the faithful pre-register crimes of the world. Let our adoration church before processing with the Blessed for assigned time slots or visits to the Ad- never cease.” Sacrament to the altar of repose. The con- oration room/ space and that visits should gregation should remain in the church un- be done in batches with a request for the til the Blessed Sacrament is reposed at the remainder of the congregation to remain altar of repose. in the Church until they are called. Fr Michael Chua 1.2 At the discretion of the Parish Priest, 2.4 Both the entrance and exit to the Chancellor the procession to the altar of repose may space/room for Adoration should be clear- Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur be dispensed with and the Blessed Sacra- ly identified according to requirements of ment may remain on the main altar of the the SOPs. March 21, 2021

Diocese of Malacca Johore MJD News Update #33 Greetings and Peace of the Lord Jesus our faith? Recitations and declarations cernment, has an international gathering 2. Movement away from inner Christ be with you, dear People of God. are not the measure of one’s faith. Real of 12 young adults (one from MJD, one “shouldn’t” that originate from some trust is one’s readiness to get into the from Sandakan). It is a 10-month pro- idealised sense of what we must be The rains are back. The coveted All Eng- wheelbarrow with the tight-rope walker, gramme for those interested in mission to be acceptable, lovable and worth- land Badminton title is back to Malaysia. or “serve where the caller is”. work, pastoral leadership and seminary while. Congratulations to Lee Zii Jia. Lifehacks say: When you start to won- life. After their online training which lasts 3. Movement away from conformity It is great to remember the frontliners, der whether you can trust someone or until September 2021, they will come to- for the sake of acceptance. the medical staff, the police, the armed not, that is when you already know you gether for community and mission work 4. Movement away from a compul- forces and the MKN for their dedicated don’t. experience. sive need to please others that robs service to the nation. Corrie Ten Boom: Never be afraid to The next intake is in April 2021. Con- us of freedom. trust an unknown future to a known tact your parish priests or your ministry 1.0 A Thought for the Week: Words or God. head or your parents. 5. Movement toward greater open- Works? Psalms 20:7– Some people trust in ness to experiences. There was once a circus performer who chariots, others in horses, but we praise 2.3 CONTINUE TO PRAY 6. Movement toward greater trust of made a living by pushing a wheelbarrow the Lord’s name. l Pray for a non-violent political self. across a high wire that spanned an abyss. solution, release of elected leaders 7. Movement toward greater trust in The crowds came out in droves to watch 2.0 Announcements for this Week who were detained, and return of God’s ongoing faithfulness. him and to cheer him on. “Do you believe 2.1 With Palm Sunday, we begin Holy Myanmar to democratic rule; 8. Movement toward being self-di- I can do it?” he would ask them. “Oh, Week. The Chrism Mass will be lives- l Pray for the clergy of the diocese rected and Spirit-led. yes! We believe you can do it,” they cho- treamed from the Church of St Joseph, for their faithfulness in priestly life rused back in acclamation. Plentong on March 30 at 8.00pm. A bless- and ministry. Thank you for reading. Let us continue to “So, who’s going to get in the wheel- ed Sacred Triduum to all of you and may build God’s Kingdom together. The hour barrow?” he asked. And silence fell. No you encounter the Cross of Love. l Pray for ourselves, that we will one stepped forward for the wheelbarrow know our genuine history, value the has come. His ultimate mission in life. His moment of truth. His destiny. Believ- ride. 2.2 The seminaries in Kota Kinabalu, Constitution of Malaysia, and prac- ers of Christ, the time to be Bearers of Something to ponder: It is easier to ride Penang and Kuching have opened. The tise the Ruku Negara. the Cross is here. on an another’s belief when nothing is ex- Penang Seminary, , will pected of us. All believed in the amazing open to community living on April 12. 3.0 This Week’s Questions & Queries. God bless you. Take care. Be safe. circus performer, but none of them trusted The Malacca Johore Diocese has five The Q asks: Is discernment a maturing him enough to get in the wheelbarrow. seminarians. They are Pierre Chang in decision-making? We, too, say: we believe! We recite our (SHC), Jerome Lingam (CIC), Joseph Bernard Lonergan commented that ma- creeds faithfully. We acknowledge them Uvarajah (SFX), Lincoln Lewis (SJC) turing in decision-making requires ongo- Bernard Paul every Sunday. We are thrilled at the hero- and Xavier Sinnappan (SFX). Pray for ing growth in specific directions. They March 26, 2021 ism of men and women of faith. But do we them. Pray for more vocations. are seen as movements. step out or walk the road less travelled 2.3 Mission Community School, the 1. Movement away from facades, or give our support for truth, justice and MJD-Fondacio project for vocational dis- from pretended selves that we are not. Click here to watch the video 4 Home HERALD March 28, 2021

Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur COVID-19 positive case at Be like St Joseph St John’s Cathedral As a follow up to the Media who have: Communique dated March 23, 1. been within one metre of 2021, the Archdiocese of Kuala who trusted God the index person for more Lumpur and the Archdiocesan than 15 minutes with either KOTA KINABALU: This year the Crisis Management Task Force party not wearing a mask; Solemnity of St Joseph takes a special (hereafter called the Crisis Task 2. been physically touched significance as it occurs during the Year Force), in the interest of public by the index person. of St Joseph, Patron of the Universal health safety (and having ob- Church. tained his consent), would like In balancing information Sacred Heart Cathedral opened her to confirm that Msgr Leonard that is of public interest versus doors to a 50 per cent capacity crowd on Lexson, the Parish Priest of the that which is interesting to the the eve of the feast, Mar 18 to celebrate Cathedral of St John has been public, the main purpose of this its liturgical observance, as well as to of- tested positive for COVID-19 update is not the naming of an ficially mark the Year of St Joseph. on March 22, 2021. individual which may lead to The Mass was celebrated by Arch- It is likely that Msgr Lexson stigmatisation, but to assist oth- bishop John Wong, and concelebrated would have been infectious ers who may be at risk through by parish priest Fr Paul Lo, with as- from Thursday, March 18, being in close contact with sistant parish priests Frs Sunny Chung, 2021. In view of the potential an individual to ensure they Russell Lawrine and Joshua Liew. risk of transmission and cross receive timely and appropri- The Archbishop addressed the pa- Archbishop John Wong presiding over the Mass for the Solemnity of St Joseph at infection, the Crisis Task Force ate health care and to prevent rishioners gathered with the following Sacred Heart Cathedral Mar 18, 2021. would like to advise all persons further transmission of COV- reminder: “I hope that you know that her coming to live with him. of the achievement of our children who who may have come into close ID-19. from December 8, 2020 to December 8, For the love of Mary and to spare her have been blessed by God with readily contact (see definition below) Msgr Leonard was admitted 2021, has proclaimed the from being exposed to public disgrace, available means of social media — fa- with Msgr Lexson since Thurs- to hospital yesterday for obser- Year of St Joseph to celebrate the 150th the Archbishop narrated Joseph’s initial cebook, whatsapp, etc. day March 18, 2021 to self- vation and treatment as he dis- anniversary of the proclamation of St reaction to the unexpected discovery; Though Joseph remained “silent”, quarantine for 10 days from played mild symptoms. Please Joseph as the Patron Saint of the Uni- “Joseph, being a man of honour and his deeds spoke loud and clear as he put your last contact with Msgr continue to keep him in your versal Church.” wanting to spare her publicity, decided his trust and faith into action. The Arch- Leonard and follow MOH ad- prayers. He added that the Holy Father has to divorce her informally”. bishop urged the faithful to have “an un- visory on testing. If you have For further enquiries, please written an Apostolic Letter Patris Corde However, Joseph reversed his deci- shakeable trust and faith in God”, even been identified by the MOH as send us an email at mediaof- (The Father’s Heart) to call the faith- sion, said Archbishop, when the angel though many of us may find it easy to potentially at risk, you will be [email protected] and we will at- ful to “increase your love for this great of the Lord told him to take Mary to his say “Of course, I trust in God”, and even contacted by public health of- tend to you as soon as possible. saint, to encourage you to implore his home, which revealed that “Joseph was easier to tell others in need of advice ficials for testing. intercession, and to imitate his virtues in the mind of God in the history of Sal- “You have to trust in God”. Should you develop any Issued on behalf of the Arch- and zeal”. vation, that God had prepared him, like He concluded by offering Joseph’s symptoms (loss of sense of diocesan Crisis Management He began his sermon on St Joseph by Mary, for this great task – the Salvation motto “To trust God in every event, smell/taste, respiratory difficul- Task Force. highlighting that Joseph was someone of the whole human race”. every hardship, every happiness and ties, fever or any flu-like symp- like us, normal and with problems. He singled out St Joseph’s virtues sadness, every joy and sorrow” to rally toms) during self-quarantine, (Ms) Patricia Pereira From the gospel account of Joseph’s of “humility and silence” when he re- the parishioners to model themselves af- please proceed immediately to Communications and Media betrothal to Mary, giving his yes to God ceived the news from the angel that his ter St Joseph who puts his trust and faith call the MOH Crisis Hotline for Relations Officer to be the foster father of Jesus, the Arch- son would be great and would save his into practice in his life. assistance. Archdiocese of Kuala bishop suggested for our imagination people from their sins. With calm and He prayed that God will help us to in- The definition of being a Lumpur how Joseph would have suffered from peace, he accepted and trusted the per- crease our love for St Joseph, to implore close contact according to the anxieties, worries, sleepless nights and fect plan of God. his intercession and to imitate his virtues KKM guidelines includes those March 24, 2021 tensions, when he was confronted by In contrast to our “normal reaction”, and zeal. — By Agnes Chai, Catholic the news of Mary’s pregnancy before we might be raring to share the news Sabah Niche dedicated to St Joseph blessed Thirty-six consecrate KUALA LUMPUR: The Solem- nity of St Joseph, the spouse of themselves to St Joseph the Blessed Virgin Mary, was KUALA LUMPUR: About 36 pa- special place in our hearts. This pro- celebrated virtually on March rishioners of the Church of St Jo- gramme has led us to “go to Joseph” 19 with the blessing of a niche seph were consecrated to St Joseph, (Gen 41: 55) and accept him as our dedicated to St Joseph at the the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin spiritual father. St Joseph, who was Chapel of Our Lady of Good Mary, on Friday, March 19, during silent in the Gospels, has elevated Health, Kampung Pandan (under the 6.00pm and 8.00pm Masses. our spiritual lives to greater heights, the purview of the Church of the They successfully completed a and as we dedicate ourselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus). 33-day online programme as part of Church as St Joseph did, we will The niche, which was refur- their preparation for the consecra- continue to carry out the mission of bished for the Year of St Joseph tion to St Joseph (Feb 15 to Mar 19). the Church with humility. was readied for the blessing on This 33-day programme concluded During this year of St Joseph, this auspicious day. Since it was Archbishop Emeritus Murphy Pakiam blessing the niche dedicated to St with the Eucharistic celebration and and for our Plenary Indulgence, we a Friday in Lent, the Way of the Joseph at the Chapel of Our Lady of Good Health. praying the “Act of Consecration to make sacrifices and obtain atone- Cross, which was animated by lent Saint, to honour our family seph, to us too, show yourself a St Joseph” together, at the sanctuary. ment for our sins on earth, in order BEC members St Joseph BECs 1 members with love and rever- father and guide us in the path of The English session was held dai- to gain rich merits in heaven. We & 2, preceded the prayers to St ence as St Joseph did with Jesus life. Obtain for us grace, mercy ly at 5.30pm and the Tamil session will continue to strive to live the Joseph and the blessing. Though and Mary and finally as God’s and courage, and defend us from at 9.00pm. We used the book Conse- virtues of St Joseph and acknowl- the community could not be people to give, live and believe every evil. Amen. cration to St Joseph – The Wonders edge him as our spiritual father as physically present, they joined in Hope, especially during this of Our Spiritual Father, written by we entrust ourselves in the work of the service virtually from their time of pandemic, through the Kudos to the dedicated Media Donald H. Calloway (MIC), as the New Evangelisation. Let’s go to St homes. inspiration from St Joseph. and Liturgical ministries, the guide for our preparation. We spent Joseph for protection, guidance and Archbishop Emeritus Murphy At the end of the blessings, we various other ministries and the about 20-30 minutes studying the well-being! Pakiam graced the ceremony, recited the prayer to St Joseph BECs of the parish for tirelessly life of St Joseph – his virtues, his “I would encourage everyone to together with parish priest Fr which was given by Pope Fran- making available the various de- greatness and how he was “at the honour him [St Joseph] with par- Edwin Peter. Archbishop Emeri- cis. votions and liturgical ministries service of the entire plan of salva- ticular devotion. I have always tus Murphy led the community online for all the parishioners tion.” This 33-day spiritual journey seen those who honoured him in a in prayer and blessed the niche A Prayer to St Joseph at home during this pandemic has given us the opportunity to dis- special manner make progress in where a statue of St Joseph is Hail, Guardian of the Redeem- time. Thanks too to seminarian cover the many titles of St Joseph in virtue, for this heavenly protector placed. Archbishop Pakiam gave er, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Gabriel Puvan, who is doing his the Catholic Church, and the role he favours in a striking manner the three convocations as blessings Mary. Pray for us. To you God Pastoral Year for his invaluable played in the mystery of God’s plan. spiritual advancement of souls who to encourage us to have complete entrusted his only Son; in you, contribution towards making this We were really inspired by the in- commend themselves to him” (St trust in the Divine Providence Mary placed her trust; with you and other celebrations available sights we received and with this un- Teresa of Avila). — By Fr George through the example of this Si- Christ became man. Blessed Jo- online to the parishioners. derstanding, we hold St Joseph in a Packiasamy HERALD March 28, 2021 Home 5 Fr Konstend Gnanapragasam ordained at St Anne, BM BUKIT MERTAJAM: After 46 years, the ple to pray. The elect prostrated himself Minor of St Anne had her very as a sign of total dependence on God. The own young man ordained into the priest- congregation knelt for the singing of the hood. Litany of the Saints. The Sacerdotal Ordination of The Bishop then laid his hands on the Konstend Gnanapragasam was held on head of the elect, in silence. Due to CMCO March 19. Due to the CMCO SOPs, the SOPs, the laying on of hands by the priests Eucharistic Celebration was limited to only was omitted. This was followed by the 700 participants. This special day also co- Prayer of Ordination by the Bishop. incided with Pope Francis’ inauguration as After the Prayer of Ordination, the newly the 266th Successor of St Peter and the So- ordained Fr Konstend Gnanapragasam was lemnity of St Joseph. clothed with the stole and by Fr Close to 30 priests, Bishop Emeritus An- Martin Arlando, followed by the anointing tony Selvanayagam and seminarians, most- of hands with the sacred chrism. ly from the Penang Diocese, participated in The Bishop then presented a paten with the celebration. bread and a chalice with wine to the newly Bishop was the main ordained priest. It is with these elements celebrant, with Archbishop Julian Leow that the newly ordained priest presides over con-celebrating. Bishop Sebastian Francis blesses Deacon Konstend Gnanapragasam during his ordination. the Church’s central act of worship, the In his , Bishop Sebastian said that servant. There is nothing transitory in rep- in any of the four Gospels? He was the . it is very healthy to look at the ordination to resenting Christ as the servant. silent husband, the silent father, the silent The ordination rite concluded with thun- the priesthood in the context of the Sacra- “Their identity remains the same till the worker and the silent disciple, and he is the derous applause from the congregation as ment of Holy Orders. It comes with three very end. Here we have all three and the silent patron of the universal Church.” Fr Konstend bowed to all the priests pre- identities; and only when all three are pre- Church is complete when all three are pre- Bishop Sebastian ended the homily by sent. sent, is it considered complete. We have sent in the Sacrament of Holy Orders. asking the people to pray for Konstend. At the end of the Mass, the Parish Pasto- the , who are the successors of the “Today we celebrate two important “May you continue to represent Christ the ral Chairman, Mr Peter Loh, gave a speech Apostle Peter, who represents Christ the events: the Papal Inauguration in 2013 and servant, the identity that you received on and a token of appreciation to the newly priest in the fullness of the priesthood. Let the Solemnity of St Joseph. Pope Francis the day you were ordained as a Deacon.” ordained priest. Fr Konstend then gave a the Bishop remember that before he was was installed on this feast day of St Joseph, The rite continued with the Promise of thank you speech and humbly requested ordained Bishop, he was ordained priest. who is a strong and silent figure of the New the Elect and the Promise of Obedience. everyone to continue to pray for him. And before he was ordained priest, he was Testament. Do you know that there is not a This was followed by the Litany of the Dinner was served in take-away bento af- ordained deacon, representing Christ the single word that he spoke that is recorded Supplication as the Bishop invited the peo- ter the Mass. — By Marlina Sara Sylvester His vocation journey y vocation journey began at the “Mvocation camp,” shared the new- ly ordained Fr Konstend. “Fr Michael Cheah asked me to attend one and my immediate response was no. However, when he invited some of my fellow altar servers, I also joined. “This is how I started my journey. Each year I would attend the camp to enjoy it and have fun. ALPHA in the Catholic Context will be held “At one of the camps. Fr Marshall Fer- online for 11 weeks in four languages — English, nandez shook my hands and did not let Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin and Tamil. go. He said he wanted to see me in the seminary with my long hair. As you can The details are as follows: see, I could not maintain my long hair and Duration : Sundays, April 11 - June 27 cut it short. Time : 8.30pm to 10.00pm “My life continued with the church in the periphery until Msgr Henry Rajoo COME & SEE AND/OR GO & TELL urged me to make a decision. But I was In his letter to to the clergy of the KL Archdiocese, Fr Dr John not able to discern due to the noise within Organised by me and around me. Fr Konstend Gnanapragasam giving his Gnanapiragasam (the Spiritual Advisor Alpha in the Catholic “I was really moved at the vocation speech after his ordination. Context) said, “I believe that this is the God given time and ALPHA-FORMED camp organised by the Capuchin Friars, pecially in English. I learnt and grew in way to Evangelise and Re-evangelise through the Alpha Team which I was invited to attend by Fr An- stages. My friends and colleagues in the Course. As our church doors slowly open again, we need to KL Archdiocese revive, recharge and revitalise the faith to get our people to drew Manickam OFM Cap. seminary in Penang and Kuching guided in collaboration “The sharing in one of the sessions on me and helped me discover myself. be reconnected with God through personal encounter with Matt 14:26-28, where Peter walks on the “I chose this theme Be Merciful just as the sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation and to be with Penang water, stirred me — how Peter got the your Father is Merciful for my priestly or- connected physically with the Catholic Community of faith Diocese and guts when Jesus called him to walk on the dination as I pondered on Mercy, it made whenever the situation permits. Malacca Johore “This event is being offered as a Pre-RCIA course for water. And Jesus said, Come. That was me move each day from my first vocation Diocese the trigger point for me, to try out my life camp and my journey is still continuing. unbaptised seekers, and as an Easter Pentecost experience in the seminary. “I would like to thank Bishop Sebastian for baptised Christians. Hence the timing of this Alpha in the For enquiries, “And so I went to the seminary and met Francis. During my Diaconate Ordina- Catholic Context online, being offered in English, Bahasa, Fr Gerard Theraviam. As I am a smoker, tion, my theme was Come (Marilah) with Mandarin and Tamil. please whatsapp to Fr Gerard gave me permission to smoke the logo of a hand reaching out when Je- “Let us do our part and our best to motivate our BECs, 012-6613769 anywhere in my room. I realise that I re- sus reached out to save Peter from sink- ministries and our people to reach out to family and friends duced my smoking because I was given ing. I did my pastoral with Bishop Sebas- to embark on this journey together. Online registration the choice. tian, and I remember he said I’ll throw “The details of the event are in the invitation card, and is available at the Google registration form that is attached. Attached also “Fr Julian, now the Archbishop, was you anywhere and if you struggle and archkl.org also teaching at that time. He is a person drown, remember that’s the moment we are the supportive testimonies for Alpha by Catholic Church who loves to mingle, and friendship with are there to help you. Leadership globally. Email: “May St Joseph, the Patron of the Church and our Blessed him allowed me to grow deeper spiritu- “Please continue to pray for me, to help [email protected] ally. me to understand my life more and to Mother Mary, the Star of Evangelisation guide and intercede “I struggled a lot in the seminary, es- know God more deeply.” for us.” 6 Home HERALD March 28, 2021 Full and effective: Women as independent actors in fertility management KUCHING: WOOMB Interna- involvement in teaching fertility tional, the international organisation awareness to girls so that they come of the Billings Ovulation Method® to appreciate and respect their bod- was allocated Forum time at the ies. (TeenStar®, an off-shoot of the 65th annual meeting of the United BOM is a wholesome sex education Nations Commission on the Status for teens.) of Women as a parallel programme. Marguerita mentioned the case of The Forum, entitled Full and Ef- a 15 year-old girl brought in by her fective: Women as Independent mother after discovering discharge Actors in Fertility Management on her underwear and thinking that was held via ZOOM at 5.00pm on she might have become sexually March 17, New York time. active or was having an infection. On the panel were Dr Mary Mar- After instruction for her to start tin (USA), Dr Marguerita Duane charting, it was found it was normal (USA), Dr Flor Ortega (Guatemala) cervical mucus and the young girl Panel of speakers and participants at the 65th Annual meeting of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. and Dr Lek-Lim Chan (Malaysia). was thrilled to learn the symptoms Dr Chan was the first to speak and ovulate and the BOM chart will she eventually had regular bleeds “That would set us apart in approach telling her of her next bleed. But the he outlined how, from his experi- reveal that. He gave a case study and later with ovulation. She then from our colleagues.” mother did not recall having such ence of teaching and promoting fer- of a 31-year-old woman who was conceived, much to her and her Next to speak was Marguerita mucus because she was on the con- tility awareness through the Billings told by her gynaecologist that she husband’s surprise. The knowledge Duane, a co-founder and Executive traceptive pill which had suppressed Ovulation Method® (BOM), he has would probably reach menopause of her underlying issue and of her Director of FACTS (Fertility Ap- her natural hormones, signs and found empowerment of women as in two years after a female hormone fertility and infertility cycle empow- preciation Collaborative to Teach symptoms. they come to understand their fer- test was performed. But the chart ered her to further conceive her sec- the Science). She started by talking The last speaker, Flor Ortega from tility and infertility cycles, much showed normal regular bleeds with ond child. about how FACTS is dedicated to Guatemala, started sharing that she more than just taking note of bleed- follicular activity but likely with- Mary Martin started by saying educating healthcare professionals herself was married for three years ing alone. He outlined that those out ovulation. The Vitamin D test that despite her very wide medical and students about scientifically val- without conceiving. And then she who have irregular bleeds are in a showed deficiency and topping that training, including obstetrics and id natural fertility awareness-based discovered natural family plan- worse situation. Oftentimes, they up by supplementation with Vitamin gynaecology, she did not really learn methods of family planning. She de- ning, leading her to conceive her don’t know why and are frustrated D3, coupled with her knowledge of gynaecology until she went for the scribed the signs of the female cycle first child. She shared the case of that they are not like other ‘normal’ her fertile days, led her to conceive BOM training in Australia. She stat- as the fifth Vital Sign, the four others one of her patients who had irregu- women and all they get is ‘medica- after eight years of waiting. ed that if a couple fails to conceive being 1. Respiratory rate, 2. Heart lar bleeds, was obese and unable to tion’ to get them to bleed and not He gave a second case of a wom- in three fertile cycles, that would rate, 3. Temperature and 4. Blood conceive. After going through all pin-pointing the root cause. an married for four years without warrant further investigations. She pressure. the normal medical protocols unsuc- Sometimes, a couple may find conceiving. She had very sporadic also echoes Prof Pilar Vigil’s defini- Another important point Maru- cessfully, she came to see Flor who difficulty in conceiving after some bleeds. Both parents were diabetic. tion of what an abnormal menstrual guerita highlighted was that fertility finally treated her for insulin resist- years of marriage, when all they The five point GTTI (Glucose Tol- cycle is – two consecutive cycles awareness-based methods of natu- ance and she happily conceived. need is to learn to identify when the erance Test with Insulin) devised without ovulation OR any three ral family planning are truly family The presentations were followed by wife’s fertile phase is and not depend by Prof Pilar was performed and cycles in a calendar year without planning methods as they are useful a Question & Answer session. on the mythical Day 14 ovulation. it revealed her very bad insulin re- ovulation. (This can of course be for both achieving pregnancies as The recording of the session Dr Chan highlighted how a wom- sistance. She was also Vitamin D monitored through charting of the well as postponing. Being a Teen- can be viewed at https://youtu. an can have regular bleeds but not deficient. Treatment started and menstrual cycles.) She continues, Star educator, she shared about her be/2ktSTag9XQE. Helping some Catholic Archbishop Simon Poh re-elected Chairman of ACS migrants in Coalfields KUCHING: The Association of Archdiocese of Below is the line-up of Churches in Sarawak (ACS) convened Kuching was re- the 2021-2022 Executive/ its 6th Biennial General Meeting via elected Chairman Committee Members: Zoom on March 20, 2021. together with his Chairman: Archbishop Dr There were 52 participants at the on- Deputy, Bishop Simon Poh (Roman Catholic) line meeting comprising representatives Danald Jute of the Deputy Chairman: Bishop Datuk from member Churches, associate mem- Anglican Church. Danald Jute (Anglican) bers, chairpersons of ministries, chair- Also re-elected Vice Chairman: Peter Wong men and secretaries of all ACS branches were Vice Chairman Peter Wong, Sec- Hung Huang (Roman Catholic) in the 12 Divisions in Sarawak. retary Elder Ambrose Linang and Treas- Honorary Secretary: Archbishop Simon Poh (pic) of the urer Ronnie Hii Ru Wei. Elder Ambrose Linang (Seventh ACS presented the following key events at the meeting: Day Adventist) Honorary Treasurer: Ronnie Hii Fr VA Michael with the Indonesian migrants. 2019 ed virtual (live streaming) Masses, faith Ru Wei (Methodist-SCAC) BESTARI JAYA: In Coalfields, Malaysia speaking Catholics in his  Major ACS events such as Malaysia formation, community outreach activi- there are 38 Indonesian Catholic parish. Day Prayer, Harmony Walk, Christmas ties, et cetera. Committee Members: families who have been affected by Fr VA then prayed for the mi- Parade, and a Combined Christmas Ser-  ACS defended the Word of God in  Bishop Dr Lau Hui Ming the COVID-19 pandemic. grants to persevere in these uncer- vice throughout Sarawak were success- Malaysia arising from defamatory re- (Methodist-SCAC) Fr VA Michael, the parish priest tain times and thanked the Lord for fully implemented. The Pentecost Rally marks on the Bible regarding drink  Bishop Bonnie Sedau of the Church of St Paul the Hermit sending ‘good hearts’ to help these 2019 powered by the Holy Spirit was driving, by a PAS Pasir Puteh MP. (Methodist-SIAC) in Bestari Jaya, heard about their migrants in need. a testimony of unity, with all church-  ACS leaders collaborated with Unit  Pastor Edmund M Liah predicament. This is the second mission to es coming together as one Sarawak Komunikasi Awam Sarawak (UKAS) (Seventh Day Adventist) He collaborated with a few Cath- these migrants during the pandem- church. and UNIFOR in a call for the commu-  Pastor Bina Agong (BEM/SIB) olics from Ampang who then made ic by the Catholics from Ampang.  Close collaboration with UNIFOR. nity to register for the COVID-19 vacci- Major Francis Ng (Salvation a trip to Bandar Seri Coalfields with The group spoke to the migrants nation to contain the pandemic, thereby Army) him to meet nine of the Indonesian and said love grows by giving. 2020 achieving 70 to 80 per cent herd com-  Rev Nelson Ugas Bulang migrants on March 13 evening. “For it is in giving that we receive”.  It was an unprecedented COVID-19 munity vaccination of the population. (Anglican) The group of five Catholics They hope these foodstuffs can at pandemic year that disrupted ACS  Bernadine Sammy (Roman brought along a variety of food- least lighten some of the burden of planned events and programmes. ACS 2021-March Catholic) stuffs totalling close to one metric these Indonesian Catholics. was commended by Sarawak MKN High Court judgement confirming the  Harry Pudun (BEM/SIB) ton which delighted the migrants. The simple and short encounter and SDMC in maintaining high SOP rights of Christians to use the word ‘Al-  Tan Kheng Tong (Salvation Ten Al-Kitab were also blessed during the Season of Lent ended compliance. Solidarity and unity among lah’. ACS acknowledges and honours it Army) by Fr VA and he said these will be with a group photo. — By Bernard churches in battling the pandemic be- as a court decision pertaining to Civil  William Ting (Methodist- used for the benefit of the Bahasa Anthony came the new norm. Churches celebrat- Law. — By Ivy Chai, Today’s Catholic SCAC) HERALD March 28, 2021 Asia 7 Pope’s Middle East visits hold ‘lessons for Indonesian Muslims’ JAKARTA: Recent visits by Pope in the name of religion,” said Miz- interreligious dialogue as seen with Francis to the Middle East to pro- rawi, who studied at the renowned al-Azhar and the Vatican,” he said. mote brotherhood between Chris- al-Azhar University in Egypt. Over the last few years, interreli- tians and Muslims send a message In the Indonesian context, he said, gious dialogue has suffered in Indo- that Shia and Sunni Muslims should religious leaders must exemplify and nesia as it has faced challenges posed also forge such ties, an Indonesian in- build on this initiative, because vio- by terrorism and intolerance, he said. tellectual says. lence and discrimination against mi- “So, the Pope wants to open our Shia and Sunnis remain embroiled nority groups, including Christians hearts to the fact that fraternity is for in conflict in several countries- in and traditional believers, still occurs anyone, regardless of their group or cluding Indonesia, so the visits send here. faith,” Mizrawi said. a message to Indonesian Muslims Such conflicts exist not only Jesuit Fr Francis Xavier Mudji to respect diversity, including within among people of different religions Sutristo, a professor at Jakarta’s Dri- the Muslim community, said Zuhairi but also among people of the same yarkara School of Philosophy, said Mizrawi from Nahdlatul Ulama, the religion, he said. the Pope’s Middle East visits were biggest moderate Islamic organisa- Shia and Ahmadiyah, two minori- to show how important humanity is tion in Indonesia. An Iraqi Christian woman walks by a banner depicting Pope Francis on a ty Islamic communities in Indonesia, as an instrument to build a peaceful He was referring to the Pope’s wall of St. Joseph Church in central Baghdad on March 10, 2021, during have often been targeted by Sunni future. February 2019 visit to the United a Mass held following the visit of Pope Francis to Iraq. (UCA News photo/ Muslims. In several regions their “This is very relevant for Indone- Arab Emirates where he met the Ahmad Al-Rubaye) teachings have been banned and their sia in that, although we all have dif- Sunni Grand Imam al-Azhar Syaikh Together, as well as his visit to Iraq “The document signed between mosques closed, and some have also ferent beliefs, having humanity is a Ahmed al-Tayyeb in Abu Dhabi and on March 5-8 of this year where he Pope Francis and Grand Imam al- been forced to flee their homes. common factor that should hold us signed the document on Human Fra- met Ayatullah Ali Sistani, the coun- Azhar should form the basis of build- “We have basic values in each re- together,” he said. — By Konradus ternity for World Peace and Living try’s Shia Muslim spiritual leader. ing bridges and setting aside conflicts ligion which can be used to echo the Epa, ucanews.com Hindu extremists surround and force two and two novices off a train MUMBAI: On March 19, two nuns along with a senior police officer 11.30pm after a high-ranking police from the Congregation of the Sisters arrived on the scene, and after veri- officer verified the matter. They were of the Sacred Heart were travel- fication, confirmed that they were then transferred to the Jhansi Bish- ling by train with two postulants on innocent. op’s House and the next day the Pro- holiday from their Delhi convent to The nuns were taken to the Bish- vincial Superior arrived from Delhi Rouekela (Odisha). op’s House and the next day they to facilitate the journey. At the Jhansi station, a mob of left in civilian clothes. After their “The next day, the four were ac- 150 right-wing extremists from the horrific ordeal, the four women had commodated in two seats in a coach Hindu Vahini group forced them off to share two seats reserved for the for the disabled with Railway Police the train, accusing the Sisters of tak- disabled and had to continue their Protection and made the trip on the ing the two young women to convert 24-hour journey in an overcrowded same train, completing the 24-hour them. The nuns called their congre- compartment. journey with great difficulty. gation in Delhi and informed them “This is outrageous and must be “It is suspected that there was about the incident on the train. strongly condemned,” said Sajan Two nuns and their two novices were heckled and forced to get off a train a conspiracy behind the arrival of Although the two young women K George, president of the Glob- in Uttar Pradesh’s Jhansi by members of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi about 150 people at the station in showed their identity number and al Council of Indian Christians Parishad. (AsiaNews photo) a short period of time to attack the other proof that they were Chris- (GCIC). The Syro-Malabar Catholic abused and harassed them. nuns. The experience of the four tian, the extremists shouted Jaya Śrī “Now, even freedom to travel is Church condemned the planned at- “Their main allegation was that nuns in Jhansi is just the latest exam- Rāma, a Hindu nationalist slogan, being monitored by extremists who tempt to harass and abuse the nuns. the two postulants had been taken by ple of how social conditions in India and harassed the four women. At keep a watch on public transport. In a statement, the Church noted that the Sisters to convert them to Chris- are becoming intolerable for other the Jhansi station, the railway police Why are [members of] the minority the two Sisters were on a holiday, tianity. They did not accept the pos- religions. took them off the train. Christian community treated as sec- accompanying the two 19-year-old tulants’ words that they were born “Tens of thousands of priests and Despite the nuns demanding ond-class citizens in secular India?” postulants (novices) to Rourkela. Christian.” nuns are engaged in selfless service female police officers, they were The Syro-Malabar Church also “During the journey, the two The nuns were taken into police in the northern states. The Syro- forced to march to the police station released a harsh condemnation of postulants were dressed in plain custody at Jhansi train station “when Malabar Church strongly condemns with extremists shouting obscenities the incident in a note by Fr Alex clothes and the nuns in nuns’ hab- Bajrang Dal activists told the police these violent acts against Christians and were not allowed to use their Onampally, secretary of its Media its,” reads the statement. “When that the nuns were taking them to who are citizens of the country and phones. Commission. For the latter, this was they returned from Delhi earlier in convert them. Hundreds of Bajrang demands that the State government When the head of the congrega- a “planned attempt to harass and the afternoon and reached Jhansi Dal activists created an atmosphere and the central government punish tion was told that the train had left mistreat the nuns”, a display of intol- around 7.30pm (of March 19), of terror by shouting slogans outside the culprits by taking severe puni- without the nuns, she contacted the erance towards other religions. He some Bajrang Dal activists, who as the nuns entered the police station. tive measures.” — By Nirmala Bishop’s House in Jhansi; priests wants the culprits punished. were returning from a pilgrimage, “The nuns were released around Carvalho, AsiaNews Philippine president threatens to close Catholic churches that hold public Masses : A spokesperson for deaths, among the highest rates in the face of the pandemic. The pasto- worship and criticised the govern- , president of the Southeast Asia. ral instruction also asserts our right ment's lack of cooperation with re- Philippines, said the government Presidential spokesman Harry to worship but sets a limit to the ligious institutions. will force local churches to close if Roque said that the government physical attendance of those who “Not all religious activities per se priests hold public Masses in defi- would not be violating religious feel the need to do [so],” he wrote. should be lumped together as ‘mass ance of public health orders. A local freedom laws by forcibly closing “We come to this limit of 10 gatherings’...We assert our right to bishop, however, has argued that churches that violate the new re- per cent of our church’s capacity worship, and the state should respect Masses held at low capacity are a striction. because we feel that this number this and not unnecessarily hamper it. safe way to maintain public wor- “In the exercise of police powers, does not constitute a ‘mass gather- Religious activities are essential ser- ship, especially during Holy Week we can order the churches closed ing.’ We have the experience of one vices for the well-being of people,” and Easter. and I hope it will not come to that,” year of having our health protocols he wrote. In an attempt to combat a surge said Roque. “We won’t achieve any- in place in our churches, and as is “State regulatory bodies should in coronavirus infections, new gov- thing … if you defy, you will force Philippine President, Rodrigo Duterte experienced by those who come to consult the sector concerned when ernment restrictions have banned the state to close the doors of the services would be organised inside church, these are well-observed.” making policies about them. I la- public meetings, including religious church.” churches. Bishop Pabillo, in his letter, chal- ment the fact that the religious sec- gatherings. However, Bishop Broderick Pa- “This is a pastoral instruction, that lenged the unclear definition of tors are not represented, nor even The Philippines has had more billo, auxiliary bishop and apostolic is, it is meant to help the pastors and “mass gatherings” in the govern- consulted, when they make policies than 677,000 confirmed cases of administrator of Manila, said in a their flocks to worship the Lord in ment’s instructions. affecting our life of worship,” the COVID-19 and nearly 13,000 pastoral letter that small worship this important season of the year in He emphasised the right to public bishop said. — CNA 8 World HERALD March 28, 2021 Cardinal Bo calls on protesters in Myanmar to remain committed to non-violence : Cardinal Charles Maung “I appeal to you to be peaceful civilians,” the Cardinal said, while port and goodwill not only at home Bo committed to ongoing support and strategic to avoid confronta- telling protesters that violent re- but also with the international com- for Myanmar’s protest move- tion and loss of life. I continue to taliation would likely only result in munity,” he said. ment, provided that it remains support and remain available for “greater violence.” Bo is the first cardinal in the his- “non-violent and peaceful.” all non-violent and peaceful ef- At least 164 people have been tory of Myanmar, a country with In a statement issued by the forts and interventions. I am fully killed in the protests in Myanmar, a population of 54 million people archdiocese of Yangon on March committed at all levels to reduce which began in response to Myan- bordering China, Laos, Thailand, 24, the Myanmarese cardinal ap- violence in the streets and to the mar’s military coup on Feb 1. Lo- Bangladesh and India. pealed to democracy protesters protection of lives,” he said. cal activist groups claim that the Since his appointment as Arch- to “remain determined and disci- The Archbishop of Yangon’s death toll exceeds 260. bishop of Yangon, the former capi- plined in non-violence.” comments came the day after a sev- “Myanmar’s struggle has already tal city, in 2003, he has emerged as “Heartbroken and frustrated en-year-old girl was killed in the been too long and too bloody. There a leading advocate for democracy by the violence that you face city of Mandalay amid the military are no easy solutions. Hate cannot in the country. He also serves as and by the rising death toll, you crackdown on democracy activists be dispelled by hate but only by the president of the Federation of wonder if armed struggle may be and protesters. The girl, Khin Myo love; darkness is never dispelled Asian Bishops’ Conferences. the better response to the daily Chit, was shot after security forces by darkness but only by light,” Bo Catholic cardinals and bishops repression and brutality that you kicked down the door of her house said. in Asia expressed their support face … However, I caution you while conducting searches of hous- “The path of violent struggle will for Bo’s peace efforts in Burma in against going down the path of es in her neighbourhood. initially excite a section of the pop- a statement signed on March 19 violent struggle,” Cardinal Bo “I unconditionally condemn all ulation but, in the long-term, it will and published on March 23. — By said. Cardinal acts of violence against unarmed alienate the majority, losing all sup- Courtney Grogan, CNA Prayers, fasting and adoration for an end to Myanmar’s unrest

MANDALAY: Catholics in tion of bringing about a peaceful The clergy were urged to start Buddhist-majority Myanmar are solution to the Southeast Asian with Mass at 6.00am, followed seeking divine help to end the nation’s political crisis. by Adoration of the Blessed Sac- bloodshed in the country which The diocese of Taungngu des- rament until 6.00pm. has been in turmoil following ignated March 21 a day of fast- For places where there are the military coup on Feb 1. ing and prayers, and the clergy, no priests, laypeople have Some have appealed religious, catechists and laypeo- been urged to start with morn- to Catholics to fast, say the Ro- ple were urged to participate ing prayers followed by say- A resident receives medical attention after being injured during a crackdown by sary, and conduct Adoration and in their respective places from ing the rosary in groups. — security forces on demonstrations against the military coup, in Mandalay on March novena prayers with the inten- 6.00am to 6.00pm. ucanews.com 22, 2021. (UCA News photo)

News In Brief Asia’s cardinals in choral Virginia governor signs death penalty repeal appeal for peace in Myanmar WASHINGTON: Gov Ralph wealth “that has a long history of MANILA: A new call for peace and the body led by the Archbishop of Yan- Northam (D-Va.) signed a bill capital punishment.” an end to violence in Myanmar was gon, Cardinal Charles Maung Bo as ending the death penalty in Throughout its 412-year his- launched by 12 cardinals from different president. Virginia, making the common- tory as an English colony and a regions of Asia through the Federation wealth the 23rd state to abolish state, Virginia has put to death of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC), See the full text below. the practice. almost 1,400 people — more “Signing this new law is the than any other state. Since 1976, right thing to do,” Northam Virginia has executed 113 peo- t is with deep sadness and religious leaders and the Church: guish. We join you as you lead said at a signing ceremony at ple, more than any state except “Igreat distress that we have PEACE, PEACE, PEACE. Peace your people in prayer to God for a the Greensville Correctional Texas. been following the events in My- is possible. Peace is necessary. speedy resolution of the conflict, Center in Jarratt, the former site It is now the first southern anmar. There is too much anger, “Please begin a dialogue to find and for light for all to see the way of executions in the state. “It is state to end capital punishment. too much violence, too much a solution, a way to go ahead. The towards a solution. Violence is the moral thing to do to end the The Virginia Catholic Confer- bloodshed, too much suffering image of a religious sister kneel- never a solution; force is never a death penalty in the Common- ence supported the repeal legis- and pain inflicted on a peace- ing on the streets of Yangon and solution. It only gives rise to more wealth of Virginia.” lation, which was approved by loving populace which only seeks pleading for a laying down of pain and suffering, more violence Northam called the move a the state’s legislature last month. unity, harmony and an opportu- arms is etched in the minds of the and destruction. We earnestly ap- “major change” in a common- — CNA nity for progress in freedom. world. peal to all religious leaders in My- “There have been repeated “The people of Myanmar, we anmar to join us in this prayer for Thanks Pope for “no” to same-sex blessings appeals for calm from the high- know, are peace loving and are peace, in this appeal for peace and est quarters. The United Nations only seeking an opportunity for in making efforts for peace. PORTLAND: Archbishop Alex- image and likeness of God, have Security Council unanimously progress. They have been law “We pray to Mother Mary to ander Sample of Portland in Or- an inherent human dignity and are appealed for a de-escalation of abiding and cooperating with all whom the people of Myanmar egon thanked Pope Francis for worthy of our love and pastoral violence. Pope Francis has made authorities. At the moment they and all of us have special devo- the Congregation for the Doctrine care. At the same time, there are repeated appeals for peace, har- only seek harmony and an end to tion. Mother, intercede for the of the Faith’s recent affirmation certain actions and relationships mony and justice. The Associa- violence. people of Myanmar, for the coun- of the Church’s teaching on mar- (in this case same-sex unions) that tion of South East Asian Nations “Asia is a continent of peace try of Myanmar. Bring them back riage and the human person. cannot be blessed by the Church.” (ASEAN) has called for ‘Dia- and of hope, of warm family the peace they so much deserve “I would like to express grati- He reflected that the CDF’s logue, Reconciliation and a Re- bonds. We are one family. All of and are crying out for. Guide tude to the Holy Father for the March 15 statement that the turn to Normalcy.’ us want to help you. But you must them back to the path of freedom recent statement from the Con- Church does not have the pow- “We, the Cardinals of Asia, begin at home. Peace is possible! on which they were moving re- gregation for the Doctrine of the er to bless same-sex unions “is join in making a fervent appeal “And so, to our dear cently. Faith,” Archbishop Sample said simply a reaffirmation of the to all concerned: the military, the Cardinal Bo we say: We are with “God bless Myanmar. God March 23. Church’s constant teaching.” — politicians, the demonstrators, all you. We share your pain and an- bless Asia.” “All persons are created in the CNA HERALD March 28, 2021 World 9 Facing budget deficit, Pope Francis trims salaries of cardinals ROME: In an unprecedented move, been suspended. The reductions that the reductions in salaries are Pope Francis has reduced the sala- come into effect on April 1. necessary to ensure “an economical- ries of cardinals, senior officials, A cardinal (or of a Vati- ly sustainable future” and to “safe- clerics and men and women reli- can ) working in Rome re- guard the current jobs.” The Holy gious working in all the institutions ceives a salary of around $6,000 per See’s chronic budget deficit has also of the — of which the month plus a free apartment. The been aggravated by the COVID-19 is a central part — as secretary (the # 2 official) in a - di pandemic, which has affected “all well as in the Governorate of the castery receives around $5,000 per the sources of income” of the Holy State. In a “motu pro- month, while the starting base salary See and the Vatican City State. The prio” apostolic letter announcing for a (a Vatican ambassador) Holy See is projected to suffer a 30 the cuts, Pope Francis cited growing is close to $4,000 a month. Pension per cent drop in income in 2021 due budget deficits and the significant and health care costs are paid out to decreases in income from local economic impact of the COVID-19 of those salaries as well. With the churches, from properties and in- crisis among reasons for the move. exception of cardinals, all senior vestments, and from perennial cash The decree also applies to all per- officials and pay rent for cows like the Vatican Museums — sons working in the Rome Vicariate, Vatican-subsidized housing. Vatican closed for much of this past year. in the chapters of the papal A file photo of Cardinals gathered in St Peter’s Basilica for a consistory. (CNA employees also have access to the While Holy See and Vatican City photo/Lewis Ashton Glancy) at St John Lateran and St Mary Ma- city-state’s duty-free supermarket. State properties are “adequately jor, and at the institutes responsible entities, but not all of them will be tion for priests and religious person- The decree noted that exceptions capitalised,” Pope Francis stressed for the upkeep and administration affected by the pay cuts. The reduc- nel. Lay persons at higher levels will are allowable if an employee faces the need to balance regular incomes of St Peter’s Basilica and St. Paul’s tions will range from a 10 percent also face some cuts, but the salaries economic difficulties related to and expenditures and to guarantee Outside the Walls. cut in the salaries of cardinals and of lower-level lay staff will not be health or because he or she is caring the security of employee pension A total of about 6,000 persons an eight per cent reduction for sen- reduced. In addition, automatic rais- for family members. funds. — By Gerard O’Connell, are employed across these Vatican ior officials to a three per cent reduc- es based on length of service have In his letter, Pope Francis wrote America Judge in Argentine province declares abortion law unconstitutional SAN LUIS: A provincial judge in prohibition of “the medical or clini- Convention or the Pact of San José right is protected by law and in Argentina declared the law legaliz- cal surgical practice of abortion” of Costa Rica; the National Consti- general from the moment of con- ing elective abortion in the country with the exception of those grounds tution, and the Constitution of the ception: “no one can be arbitrarily unconstitutional. The ruling applies that allow abortion in cases of rape Province of San Luis. deprived of life”. to the province, and must be ratified or danger to the life or essential Bona noted that the law for the Likewise, article 49 of the Pro- by higher courts. health of the mother. comprehensive protection of chil- vincial Constitution of San Luis Judge María Eugenia Bona is- The judge declared Article 19 of dren and adolescents “gives prec- says, “the state protects the human sued the sentence March 18 in the Civil and Commercial Code, edence to the right of the child in person from conception to birth and response to a suit filed by former which recognises the “existence the face of a conflict.” from this to full development.” senator Liliana Negre. of the human person from concep- “It is worth wondering, because Bona also recalled the statements Negre had filed for an injunction tion”, to be fully in force. in the questioned law (of abortion), of the College of Lawyers and At- against San Luis Province to end On this basis, she also declared whether only the situation of wom- torneys of the Province of San Luis “the state of uncertainty” caused by unconstitutional several articles of en is defended, their rights … for- and the National Academy of Law, the contradiction between articles Argentina’s abortion law, which getting, for example, that this child which questioned the abortion law contained in the abortion law and permit elective abortion up to the has a father who may love him, that even before its approval. the Civil and Commercial Code. fourteenth week of gestation, speak there are grandparents, who have However, Negre explained to Elective abortion was legalized of the right to decide on abortion, of an obligation of maintenance and ACI Prensa that abortions will con- (Shutterstock/Syda Productions) in Argentina Dec. 30, 2020. Previ- abortion care “in the services of the may also love that grandchild. But tinue to be procured in the province ously, Argentine law allowed abor- health system”; and about “post- cases legally authorised in accord- they are the great absentees”. as long as the sentence is not rati- tion only in cases when the moth- abortion care in the services of the ance with this law.” Furthermore, according to the fied. For this, she must go through er’s life or health was in danger, or health system, without prejudice to The judgement is in accordance American Convention on Human several judicial stages until reach- in cases of rape. the fact that the decision to abort with what is described in the Vien- Rights, “everyone has the right to ing the Supreme Court of Argen- The former senator requested the would have been contrary to the na Convention, the Human Rights have their life respected”, and this tina. — By Giselle Vargas, CNA Pope Francis names Cardinal Tagle’s UN selects Indian Catholic to successor in Manila archdiocese represent Asia’s indigenous languages VATICAN: Pope Francis named was then named a spiritual director NEW DELHI: The United Nations Cardinal Jose Fuerte Advincula as of the St Pius X Seminary, while also has nominated a Catholic activist and the next archbishop of Manila in the serving as a professor and dean of educationist from the eastern Indian Philippines, succeeding Cardinal studies. Jharkhand state as the indigenous Luis Antonio Tagle. He studied psychology at the De languages’ representative for Asia. The made of Manila and Anabel Benjamin Bara was select- the announcement March 25, the canon law at the University of Santo ed on March 19 by UNESCO for the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Tomas and the Global Task Force of International Lord. of Saint Thomas Aquinas – Angeli- Decades of Indigenous Languages Advincula, the current archbishop cum in Rome, obtaining a licentiate (IDIL) 2022-2032. partment for Economic and Social of Capiz, central Philippines, was in canon law. The appointment letter signed Affairs, as well as the Office of the created a cardinal on Nov 28, 2020. He then served in the seminary of by Xing Qu, UN Deputy Director- UN High Commissioner for Human The cardinal, who turns 69 on Vigan, Nueva Segovia, and the re- General for Communication and Rights. March 30, takes over the leadership Cardinal Jose Fuerte Advincula gional seminary of Jaro. In 1995, he Information, said “members were Bara completed his doctorate at of Manila archdiocese from Tagle, Advincula was born on March 30, was appointed of the St Pius X nominated by the respective elec- the Xavier’s Labour Relations Insti- who was appointed prefect of the 1952, in Dumalag, Capiz archdio- Seminary, as well as defender of the toral groups of UNESCO’s member tute (XLRI) Jamshedpur and is cur- Vatican Congregation for the Evan- cese. After his elementary studies in bond, promoter of justice and, final- states, indigenous peoples and indig- rently with the Jesuit-run Indian So- gelization of Peoples on Dec 8, 2019. Dumalag, he entered the high school ly, judicial vicar of Capiz. In 1999, he enous peoples’ organisations from cial Institute, New Delhi working on The appointment makes Advin- of the St Pius X seminary in Roxas became parish priest of St Thomas of each socio-cultural region.” tribal issues and also teaching at the cula the most prominent Church City, where he also studied philoso- Villanueva in Dao. They are also selected by UN University of Delhi. leader in the Philippines, which has phy. He later attended courses in Pope John Paul II named him mechanisms, namely the UN Per- He is a national executive mem- the world’s third-largest Catholic at the Pontifical and Royal bishop of San Carlos on July 25, manent Forum on Indigenous Is- ber of the tribal people’s forums. He population after Brazil and Mexico. University of Santo Tomas of Ma- 2001, and he was consecrated on sues, the Expert Mechanism on the also works with tribal organisations Around 85 per cent of the country’s nila. Sept. 8 that year. Benedict XVI ap- Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the across India and other countries on estimated 110 million people are He was ordained a priest of Capiz pointed him archbishop of Capiz on Special Rapporteur on the Rights of tribal issues. — By Bijay Kumar baptized Catholics. archdiocese on April 14, 1976. He Nov. 9, 2011. — CNA Indigenous Peoples and the UN De- Minj, ucanews.com 10 Editorial HERALD March 28, 2021 HERALD Being consecrated March 28, 2021 Condemning to God is beautiful VATICAN: Consecrated life is beautiful in the example and teaching of Christ Myanmar’s Coup and contains a call to witness to what is the Lord, is a of God the Father to beautiful and true, Cardinal João Braz de his Church through the Holy Spirit. By yanmar’s military has been using deadly force against Aviz wrote Thursday in a letter marking the profession of the evangelical coun- Mdemonstrators protesting the February 1 coup, when demo- the 25th anniversary of Pope St John Paul sels, the characteristic features of Jesus cratically elected civilian leader Aung San Suu Kyi and President II’s on consecrated — the chaste, poor and obedient one — U Win Myint were removed from office and arrested. life. are made constantly ‘visible’ in the midst The bloodshed reached a new level on March 14, when almost “If God is beautiful and the Lord Jesus of the world and the eyes of the faithful forty protestors were killed in Yangon and martial law was im- ‘is the most beautiful among the sons of are directed towards the mystery of the posed. As of this writing, nearly 150 people have been murdered men,’ then being consecrated to Him Kingdom of God already at work in his- since the coup, and thousands more have been arrested in cities is beautiful. The consecrated person is tory, even as it awaits its full realisation in and townships across the country. called to be a witness of beauty,” Braz de heaven,” John Paul II wrote. The coup was orchestrated by Senior General Min Aung Hla- Aviz wrote March 25. “In every age, there have been men ing, who has long had a rocky relationship with Suu Kyi and “How beautiful is our being virgins to and women who, obedient to the Father’s was reportedly worried that she might investigate the sources of love with His heart, our being poor to say call and to the prompting of the Spirit, a fortune meant to support his plush retirement. He baselessly that He is the only treasure, our obedience have chosen this special way of follow- declared her party’s landslide re-election in November 2020 the to His will for salvation, and even among ing Christ, in order to devote themselves result of fraud and named himself acting president, and has since ourselves to seek only him,” he said. ostolic exhortation’s publication “to go to Him with an ‘undivided’ heart (cf. 1 charged her with the crimes of owning illegally imported walkie- “It is beautiful to have a heart that is unnoticed.” Cor 7:34). Like the Apostles, they have talkies and accepting bribes of $600,000 and 11 kilograms of free to welcome the pain of those who He said: “In that document, the bishops left everything behind in order to be with gold (the latter accusation remains unsubstantiated). suffer, to show them the compassion of frequently reaffirmed that ‘consecrated Christ and to put themselves, as He did, at Suu Kyi, of course, is intimately familiar with Myanmar’s his- the Eternal One.” life is at the very heart of the Church as a the service of God and their brothers and tory of military violence and oppression. She was a leading figure The prefect of the Vatican Congrega- decisive element of her mission ... a pre- sisters.” of the opposition during a long period of military rule in the late tion for Institutes of Consecrated Life and cious and necessary gift for the present “In this way, through the many charisms twentieth century, and spent (a total of) fifteen years intermit- Societies of Apostolic Life published the and future of the People of God.’” of spiritual and apostolic life bestowed on tently under house arrest between 1988 and 2010. letter, looking back at Pope St John Paul Consecrated life within the Catholic them by the Holy Spirit, they have helped When she wasn’t being detained, she travelled the country ad- II’s apostolic exhortation Vita Consecrata. Church is a state of life “set apart” which to make the mystery and mission of the vocating peaceful democratic reform. For these efforts, she was Pope St John Paul II issued the exhor- involves the profession of vows of chas- Church shine forth, and in doing so, have awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991. tation in 1996 on the Solemnity of the tity, poverty and obedience in imitation of contributed to the renewal of society.” When Suu Kyi’s political party, the National League for De- Annunciation after the Synod on Conse- Christ. The text of Vita Consecrata should mocracy (NLD), won the country’s first competitive elections in crated Life and its role in the Church and In Vita Consecrata, John Paul II de- “continue to be a point of reference in the 2015, she became Myanmar’s “state counsellor,” the country’s the World. scribed consecrated life as an “icon of the coming years” and will nourish the “crea- de-facto civilian leader (she was barred by the military from of- Braz de Aviz said that the Vatican did transfigured Christ.” tive fidelity of consecrated persons,” Braz ficially serving as president). not want the 25th anniversary of the ap- “The consecrated life, deeply rooted de Aviz said in his letter. — CNA To many Burmese people, “the Lady” (or sometimes “Mother Suu”) is an icon, and their continued devotion to her is evident in the current protests. Pope Francis celebrates Dante: Internationally however, Suu Kyi’s stature has waned in recent years. When allegations surfaced in 2017 that the military was engaging in genocide against Rohingya Muslims, she not only Prophet of hope and poet of mercy refused to condemn the violence, but also appeared in person even hundred years after his death in tween the St of Assisi and the Supreme before the International Court of Justice to defend the military’s S1321, when exiled in Ravenna from Poet: both, in fact, addressed the people, actions. She asked the court to dismiss the case, claiming that the his beloved Florence, Dante still speaks the first “went out among the people”, violence had been brought on by the Rohingya themselves and to us. He speaks to the men and women the second choosing not to use , that Myanmar’s own military-justice system was capable of deal- of today, asking to be read and studied, but the vernacular, the language of all. ing with any allegation of atrocities. but also to be listened to and imitated in Both, moreover, open themselves “to the Some observers have argued that Suu Kyi adopted this position his journey towards happiness, that is to- beauty and worth” of Creation, a mirror as a pragmatic political move to appease the military, but in fact wards the infinite and eternal of its Creator. A brilliant artist, whose hu- she has made negative comments about the Rohingya for years, Thus writes Pope Francis in his Ap- manism “remains timely and relevant,” and before the coup her racist position actually helped her gain ostolic Letter Candor lucis aeternae Alighieri is also, he affirms, “a forerun- ground among nationalists who usually voted for the military. (Splendour of Light Eternal), published ner of our multimedia culture, because in Western governments have strongly condemned the February on March 25, the Solemnity of the An- his work “word and image, symbol and coup and its leaders. Shortly after the overthrow, President Biden nunciation of the Lord. The date is not is why Dante is a “prophet of hope”: be- sound, poetry and dance converge to con- imposed sanctions on top military officials, which he extended accidental: the mystery of the Incarna- cause with his work he urges humanity to vey a single message.” to Min Aung Hlaing’s adult children on March 10. Companies tion, stemming from Mary's full and total free itself from the “dark forest” of sin to The Pope goes on to congratulate inside and outside Myanmar are boycotting military-supported acceptance of God’s plan, the Pope says, find “the right path” and thus reach “the those teachers who “passionately com- businesses. is “the true heart and inspiration of the fullness of life and time in history” and municate Dante’s message and introduce But China — which shares a 1,300-mile border with Myanmar entire poem” for it effected the prodi- “eternal beatitude in God”. The path in- others to the cultural, religious and moral and has significant economic influence and a strong manufactur- gious exchange whereby God enters our dicated by Dante, a true “pilgrimage”, the riches contained in his works“ and he asks ing presence — supports the military government and urged a history by becoming flesh, and humanity Pope points out, is “realistic and within that this “heritage” not remain locked up crackdown on the uprising after Chinese factories in Myanmar “is taken up into God, in whom it finds the reach” of all, because “God’s mercy in classrooms and universities, but be were targeted by protesters. true happiness.” always offers the possibility of change known and spread thanks to the com- Nevertheless, the international community can expand sanc- Divided into nine paragraphs, the Ap- and conversion”. mitment of Christian communities and tions to pressure the military, particularly by targeting financial ostolic Letter begins with a brief excur- The Apostolic Letter also gives promi- cultural associations. He also calls upon institutions or industries the military relies on for funding. sus into the thoughts of various Pontiffs nence to three female figures of the artists to “to give voice, face and heart, Suu Kyi has proved to be a flawed leader, both in her human regarding Dante. Then, Pope Francis “Divine Comedy”: Mary, the Mother form, colour and sound to Dante’s poetry rights record and her inability to negotiate a lasting power-sharing dwells on Alighieri’s life, calling it a of God, representing charity; Beatrice, by following the path of beauty which he agreement with the military, but she remains the most viable al- “paradigm of the human condition” and representing hope; and St Lucy, repre- so masterfully travelled,” so as to spread ternative to the country’s military dictatorship — and is a source emphasising the “perennial timeliness senting faith. These three women, who “a message of peace, freedom and fra- of inspiration to millions of her fellow citizens seeking a return to and importance” of his work. In fact, it is represent the three theological virtues, ternity”. A task, the Pope says, that is as democracy. — By Isabella Simon, Commonweal “an integral part of our culture,” the Pope accompany Dante at different stages of relevant as ever in this historical moment, writes, “taking us back to the Christian his pilgrimage, demonstrating that “we “overclouded by situations of profound HERALD — The Catholic Weekly roots of Europe and the West. It embod- are not saved alone”, but that the help of inhumanity and a lack of confidence and Jointly published by the ies that patrimony of ideals and values those who “can support us and guide us prospects for the future.” The Supreme Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, that the Church and civil society continue with wisdom and prudence” is necessary. Poet, the Apostolic Letter concludes, can Diocese of Malacca Johore, Diocese of to propose” today as “the basis of a hu- What moves Mary, Beatrice and Lucy, in therefore “help us to advance with seren- Penang and Diocese of Keningau mane social order in which all can and fact, is always divine love, “the source of ity and courage on the pilgrimage of life Editor: Fr Lawrence Andrew, SJ must see others as brothers and sisters.” salvation and joy”, “to renewed life and and faith that each of us is called to make, HERALD, 5, Jalan Robertson, 50150, KL There are two main pillars in the “Di- thus to happiness”. until our hearts find true peace and true Tel: 03-20268290/20268291; vine Comedy”, the Pope explains, namely The Pope then dedicates another joy, until we arrive at the ultimate goal of Fax: 03-20268293 “an innate desire in the human heart” and paragraph to St Francis, who in Dante’s all humanity: The Love which moves the Online: www.heraldmalaysia.com. "fulfilment in the happiness bestowed by work is depicted in the “white rose of the sun and the other stars” — By Isabella E-mail: [email protected] the vision of the Love who is God.” This blessed”. He sees “much in common” be- Piro, Vatican News HERALD March 28, 2021 Focus 11 Moral theology must concern reality and people, not just principles ope Francis today called on radical call of the Gospel must not certain rigourist approach.” This re- Catholic moral theologians, be set against human weakness” and evaluation, Pope Francis said, led the Pmissionaries and confessors to insisted that “it is always necessary saint to adopt “a merciful approach follow the example of St Alphonsus to find the road that does not alien- and an evangelising dynamism” that Maria de Liguori, the famous moral ate [people] but brings hearts closer attracted people. theologian and founder of the Re- to God.” Pope Francis recalled that “in demptorists, who showed how “to The remarks are representative of theological disputes,” St Alphonsus keep together the demands of the Francis’ general pastoral approach, “preferred reason to authority” and Gospel and human fragility.” as reflected in Evangelii Gaudium, “did not stop at the theoretical formu- He invited them, following the which he referred to eight times in lation of principles but allowed him- example of the saint and bishop, “to today’s message and has followed self to be questioned by life itself.” enter into a living relationship with throughout his pontificate. And even He became an “advocate of the ones the members of God’s people and to though, as America has learned, Fran- who are least in the world, the most look at life from their perspective in cis wrote today’s message prior to his fragile, those discarded by society order to understand the real difficul- recent trip to Iraq, the remarks may and the poor” and “put himself at the ties they encounter and to help heal hold special significance for Catho- service of consciences that tried even Pope Francis greets the faithful at the beginning of Wednesday’s General their wounds.” lics hurt by last week’s response through thousands of difficulties, to Audience on Sept 9, 2020. (Vatican Media) Moral theology, the Pope said, from Congregation for the Doctrine do good because [they felt] called by tion, by indicating a of moral the poor’ from ‘the cry of the earth,’” cannot be only about principles of the Faith that states priests may not God to holiness.” theology that was capable of keeping he added. and formulations but must respond bless same-sex unions. Drawing on the saint’s writings, together the demands of the Gospel The first Latin-American pope en- to the reality of the person in need, Pope Francis’ high praise for St Pope Francis emphasised that “the and human fragility.” couraged the Redemptorists as well “because knowledge of theoretical Alphonsus came in a message to proclamation of the Gospel in a rap- Turning to our own day, Francis as Catholic moral theologians and principles alone, as St Alphonsus Michael Brehl, the Canadian-born idly changing society requires the highlighted the many challenges we confessors, to engage in the impor- himself reminds us, is not enough to superior general of the Redemptor- courage to listen to reality so as to are faced with: “the pandemic, and tant task of helping “to form con- accompany and sustain consciences ists, on the 150th anniversary of the educate consciences to think in a dif- the work in the post-COVID world, sciences for good.” in discerning the good to be done.” proclamation of St Alphonsus Maria ferent way, in discontinuity with the to assure that care is provided for He said the attitude of the Good “It is necessary that knowledge de Liguori (1696–1787) as a doctor past.” all, the defence of life, the input that Samaritan, as explained in Fratelli becomes practical through listening of the Church. The Jesuit pope called St Alphon- comes from artificial intelligence, Tutti, spurs them to do so. and welcoming of the least ones, the He recalled that St Alphonsus, in sus “the master and patron of confes- the safeguarding of creation, the anti- “Moral theologians,” he conclud- fragile ones and the ones who are light of his missionary outreach, had sors and moral theologians.” democratic threat, and the urgent ed, “must not be afraid to receive considered discarded by society,” he to “review” the theological and ju- “He offered constructive respons- need for human fraternity.” the cry of the poor and make it their added. ridical training he had received in his es to the challenges of the society of “Woe to us if, in our evangelising own.” — By Gerard O’Connell, Pope Francis emphasised that “the early years “which was marked by a his day through popular evangelisa- commitment, we separate the ‘cry of America Why is Syria close to Pope Francis’ heart? nce a seat of Christianity, Syria po provinces. religious Meeting in the Plain of Ur, Otoday is bleeding with no end in The social fabric of the country, in Iraq – the land of Abraham – on sight. No wonder Pope Francis car- known for its exemplary mosaic March 6. “Peace does not demand ries this ancient strife-torn country in coexistence between ethnic and reli- winners or losers but, rather, brothers his heart to herald a new era. gious groups, has collapsed. and sisters who, for all the misunder- But the financial resources to- re Nature, and its vital elements like standings and hurts of the past, are build the conflict-ridden nation have the air, water and soil, are polluted journeying from conflict to unity,” dried up. Ten years after the Syrian due to the frequent use of explosives he said. conflict, one million refugee children and devices of various kinds for a The pontiff was urging all actors in have been born in exile while at least period of 10 years by superpowers the war to bury the hatchet to find a five foreign armies and mercenaries known for their massive firepower. lasting solution. are active in the country of 22 mil- People have fallen on hard times While Christians made up 30 per lion to advance their expansionist with about 90 per cent of the popu- cent of the population in the 1920s, interests. lation currently living below the today they are a mere 10 per cent The direct involvement of the US, poverty line, one of the worst in the of the population. The majority of Russia, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, world. Christians belong to the Eastern Lebanon and Iran – who together The Syrian lira has lost value rite and the largest and oldest is the account for the lion’s share of the and consumer goods have become Greek Orthodox Church. world’s defence budget – in the sec- People mourn the body of a child during a funeral in the village of Atareb in dearer. “People call this phase of the Among the churches in com- tarian violence to capture the ancient the northern Syrian province of Aleppo on March 21, 2021. (UCA News photo) conflict ‘economic war’,” according munion with Rome, the largest is country, has resulted in a war-like ca- Catching them off guard, jihadist have been killed or wounded. More to Apostolic Nuncio in Damascus, the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, tastrophe which is rare in a civil war. outfits jumped into the fray from no- than half of Syria's pre-war popula- Cardinal . followed by the Syriac Maronite where to advance their interests. tion of 22 million have fled their Church of Antioch, the Armenian War or civil war? When the Islamic State (IS) was homes. Some 6.7 million are inter- Winners and losers Catholic Church, the Syrian Catholic What started as a peaceful protest formed with Raqqa in northern Syria nally displaced. As stakes are high for everyone, no Church and the Chaldean Catholic against the hereditary rule of Bashar as its capital in 2014, the theatre of A so-called civil war, with the tacit one is conceding defeat. Nine rounds Church. al-Assad on March 15, 2011 soon war in Syria turned absurd. It became support of world superpowers and of UN-brokered peace talks – known Despite their minority status, plunged the country into civil war. a free-for-all, chaos reigned supreme wealthy nations, wreaked havoc on as the Geneva II – failed to produce Christians are among Syria’s elites. Rebel groups sprung up in the nooks and violence knew no bounds. innocent people and created may- any results, with President Assad ap- While many Christians opted to side and corners of the country and it The atrocities committed by the hem. parently refusing to hold talks with with the government, untold num- seemed they were on a winning Caliphate added salt to the wounds opposition groups who insist he step bers did not follow them and sided streak against the Syrian govern- of Syrians who were caught between Current situation down as a precondition to coming to with the opposition. ment. the rebels, upholding democracy, Though government forces have the negotiation table. Christians numbered 2.2 million Foreign governments, like the US, and government forces, standing for regained control of Syria’s major Russia, Iran and Turkey initiated when the conflict started in 2011 but Saudi Arabia and other Gulf mon- stability. cities, large parts of the country are parallel talks known as the Astana their number dwindled to 677,000 archies and Turkey took sides and Deaths and causalities soared as still in the hands of opposition re- process in 2017. But their propos- in 2021, according to Open Doors. were generous in sending money, each player took their turn to out- bels, remnants of IS and Kurdish- als are now gathering dust and none Many of them are afraid to return to muscle power and weapons to their manoeuvre the other. The number led splinter groups. The country has want to lose their grip on the country. a war-ravaged Syria. respective sympathizers. Sensing de- of people who perished in the war been reduced to city-states, baying Pope Francis, who has been car- Francis has been vehemently feat, Bashar roped in Russia and Iran had reached 387,118 by December for each other’s blood. rying war-hit Syria in his heart from standing against the logic of armed to his side and the battle lines were 2020. The toll excludes 205,300 The last remaining opposition the beginning of his pontificate in power, “arming of borders, the rais- drawn. At one point, a third world people who are reported to be miss- stronghold is in the northwestern 2013, was categorically clear when ing of walls, the gagging of the poor” war seemed an inevitable conclu- ing or presumed dead. According to province of Idlib and adjoining parts he talked about winners and losers in in Syria since his election as Pope. sion. UNICEF, more than 12,000 children of northern Hama and western Alep- the Syrian conflict during the Inter- — By Ben Joseph, ucanews.com 12 Varia HERALD March 28, 2021 It is healthy to love your life

mong people of faith, him on the other side. His sad- accepted the judgment of the at the thought of dying to the there is a notion that if ness and fear had to do with his court, discoursed on the alter- world, dying to ordinary life: I Ayou are a person of deep giving up his place in this world, natives suggested by death and love being a human being; I do faith, you can easily renounce of dying to all the richness that is on the dialectical indications of not have the courage entirely to the things of this world, see the life. He was sad to be dying, to immortality, found no cause for be spirit in that way. I still so world for all its ephemerality, have to say goodbye to his wife, fear, drank the poison, and died. much love to see the purely hu- not cling to things and die more his family, his grandchildren, Jesus – how much the contrary. man delight that others take in peacefully. Not true. That is na- his friends, his faith community, Jesus was almost hysterical with life – something for which I have tive, at least a lot of the time. his health, and all the things he terror and fear; “with loud cries a better than ordinary eye, be- James Hillman writes: We enjoyed in this life. He died in and tears to him who was able cause I have a poet’s eye for it. don’t let go easily of the throne, faith, but did not die easily. to save him from death.” He One of the early signs of clini- nor the drive that took us there. If we read the Scriptures close- looked repeatedly to his friends cal depression is a loss of buoy- While that is obviously true, of ly, we will see that this was also for comfort and prayed for es- ancy in one’s life, a loss of any itself it speaks more of human the case for Jesus. He too did not cape from death, and he found sense of personal delight and ego than of faith. So let me try die easily, not because he feared Fr Ron Rolheiser neither… I once thought that this the detachment that comes with another line. The famed novel- what would meet him on the oth- was because Socrates and Je- that, namely, the easy capacity to ist and philosopher Iris Murdoch er side of death; however, like love. It is Jesus the lover, not the sus suffered different deaths, the let go of the things that used to confronts us with this fact: A my dad, he deeply loved this life. athlete, who is sweating blood. one so much more terrible than energise us and bring us mean- common soldier often dies with- We see that clearly in his strug- His fear of death is predicated on the other, the pain and agony of ing and joy. On the outside, that out fear; but Jesus died afraid. gle in the garden of Gethsemane. love, love for life, this life. the Cross so overshadowing the can look good religiously. Look This was borne out in the death Facing his death, the Scriptures The Jesuit theologian Michael release of the hemlock. … Now how wonderfully detached he is! of my own father. My dad was a tell us that he literally “sweated Buckley wrote an essay in which I believe that Jesus was a more However, saintliness should not man of deep faith to which his blood” and begged his Father he compared Jesus to Socrates, profoundly weak man than So- be confused with depression, nor whole life gave witness. He died that he might somehow escape purely as a study in human ex- crates, more liable to physical faith with resignation. young, at sixty-two, in faith – but from dying. We (naively) tend to cellence. The surprising thing pain and weariness, more sensi- If you are healthy spiritually, he did not die easily. There was a think Jesus was afraid because is that, purely in terms of hu- tive to human rejection and con- do not be surprised if, like Je- deep sadness in him as he lay in of the physical pain that awaited man excellence, Jesus seemed tempt, more affected by love and sus, you sweat some blood in the palliative care, waiting to bid his him, the scourging and the nails; to come up short in comparison hate. Socrates never wept over face of death in any of its forms, final goodbye to the rest of us. but that is not what the Gospels to Socrates. Here is a poignant Athens.” Jesus was incurably particularly if you love your life His sadness and its concomitant portray. He sweats blood in a quote from that essay. human. – more so if you have a poet’s fear had nothing to do with fear garden, not in an arena. Arche- Socrates went to his death Soren Kierkegaard in his jour- eye. — By Fr Ron Rolheiser, all of the next life, of what awaited typally, gardens are the place of with calmness and poise. He nals confessed that he shuddered rights reserved

Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales Cardinal and Imams call for day of prayer on COVID reflection day ENGLAND: Cardinal , Archbishop of West- minster, and four leading Imams called for a day of prayer on Tues- day, March 23, a national day of reflection marking the anniversa- ry of the first national lockdown for the coronavirus pandemic. Moulana Muhammad Shahid Raza, Chair of the British Mus- lim Forum, Moulana Ali Raza Rizvi, President of Majilis e Ul- uma Europe, Moulana Said Ali Abbas Razawi, Director General of the Scottish Ahlul Bay Society, Shayk Ibrahim Mogra, Co-Chair of the Christian Muslim Forum and Cardinal Nichols have been conducting a dialogue for more than five years. In 2017, they met Cardinal Vincent Nichols with Ibrahim Mogra, Muhammad Shahid Raza, Moulana Ali Raza Rizvi and Moulana Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi have called for with Pope Francis as a powerful a day of prayer on March 23, a national day of reflection marking the anniversary of the first national lockdown for the coronavirus pandemic. (CCN) symbol of hope and enhanced collaboration between Christian- Joint Statement ity and Islam. In their joint statement, they e welcome the designa- clamour and tragedy. Through- pray for their ongoing resilience, marked by inequalities, more came together to pray: Wtion of Tuesday, March 23 out this difficult year, so many courage and capacity to forgive. responsive to needs and depriva- “For all who live by faith in as a National Day of Reflection have been inspired by prayer, so We reflect with thanksgiving tions. We pray for God to guide God, reflection and prayer always to mark the anniversary of the much effort sustained in prayer, for the generosity, inventive- and strengthen us in this endeav- go hand in hand. Reflection -in first national ‘lockdown’ with a in every place. So, let’s make ness, self-sacrifice and deter- our, whether we are focussing on forms prayer. Prayer opens out minute’s silence at midday and March 23 truly a day of prayer. mination shown by so many overcoming family breakdowns, life to its true horizon.” doorstep vigils of light at 8pm. There is so much on which to in this most difficult time. We or economic recovery or build- This call follows Pope Francis’ We ask you all to make this reflect and include in our prayer. pray for them, thanking God for ing political consensus. recent visit to Iraq, during which not only a Day of Reflection but We reflect in sorrow on all their giftedness and dedication, May Tuesday be a great day of he met with Grand Ayatollah Ali also a Day of Prayer. In reflec- those who have died, whether whether they are scientists, poli- prayer that this pandemic comes Sistani in Najaf and faith leaders tion, we ponder on all that has family members, friends or un- ticians, health workers, public to an end and that God’s love in Ur, the birthplace of Abraham. taken place; in prayer, we bring known to us personally. We pray servants, community leaders or and mercy will carry us forward In that meeting, Pope Francis this to our Creator. For all who for them, asking God to wel- steadfast family members and to a new and better life, both urged Muslim and Christian lead- live by faith in God, reflection come them into their heavenly friends who show such love and here and in the world to come. ers to work together for peace and and prayer always go hand in home, the destiny for which God compassion. unity. hand. Prayer completes reflec- first gave the gift of life. We reflect in hope that as the  Cardinal Vincent Nichols “This is true religion: to wor- tion. Reflection informs prayer. We reflect with compassion pandemic is controlled and we  Ibrahim Mogra ship God and to love our neigh- Prayer opens our life to its true on all those who have suffered open up again, we will gather in  Muhammad Shahid Raza bour,” said Pope Francis in Ur on horizon. Without prayer, we live during this last year, whether the lessons we have learned and  Moulana Ali Raza Rizvi 6 March 2021. — CCN in a foreshortened world and through illness, stress, family build our society into a better Moulana Sayed Ali Abbas are more easily swamped by its tensions or financial disaster. We shape, more compassionate, less Razawi HERALD March 28, 2021 13 Will Asian cultures be included in the Vatican’s fraternity efforts? ope Francis’ immediate predecessors, way to embrace human fraternity, stressing Pope St John Paul II and Pope Emeritus the common roots of human existence, shared PBenedict XVI, watched with keen eyes hopes and collective efforts to face disasters of the Catholic Church’s relationship with other all shapes and hues. religions moving from “confrontation to dia- From Pope St John Paul II to Pope Francis, logue,” to quote the title of a well-known book the have stressed talks with Asian reli- written by Jacques Dupuis, a Belgian theolo- gions during their papal visits to Asian nations. gian. Efforts for interfaith dialogue intensified in Jesuit Dupuis (1923-2004), who spent dec- Asia soon after the and ades in India from 1948, focused on Hindu- in 1974, the Asian bishops published a docu- Christian dialogue, and ultimately faced Vati- ment stressing relations with other religions. can investigation for his “unclear” statements However, the Church in Asia has been tardy in about the “uniqueness of Christ” and the role of cultivating major Asian religions. Pope Francis prays during a livestreamed weekly private audience in the library of the Apostolic “other religions in God’s plan of salvation of the Palace in the Vatican on March 10, 2021. (Vatican Media) The effort and importance accorded to en- human race.” The stress of the investigation, his gage people of Abrahamic religions — Jews friends claim, accelerated his death. too. After he assumed the papacy in 2013, the and jihadist violence. and Muslims, who together with Christians, Pope Francis seems to be unfazed about such new pope washed the feet of prisoners in Rome, During his visit to the UAE, the Pope was consider Abraham as the father of their faith — discussions by professional theologians about a Christian ritual, and he made it a point to in- accused of courting and siding with the Sunni is absent in the case of other Asian religions. the uniqueness of Christ. He is taking church clude two Muslims. branch of Islam by ignoring the other promi- One of the reasons for the aloofness of the teachings on the human fraternity to the next The 84-year-old pontiff has visited several nent section — Shia. Asian Church in countries where Christianity is level, fully convinced that it is “not a betrayal countries with large Muslim populations. Dur- However, his latest visit to Shia-majority Iraq a minority religion is the absence of a clear plan of the mission of the Church, nor is it a new ing his visits to Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Al- and the March 6 meeting with Grand Ayatollah to engage with contemplative Asian religions method of conversion to Christianity” as stated bania, Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ali al-Sistani, the highest-ranking Shia leader like Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism and by Pope John Paul II in the letter Re- Central African Republic, Azerbaijan, Egypt, of Iraq, was the “second step” towards forging Taoism by the revealed religion of Abraham. demptoris Missio. The only aim is to make the Morocco, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and fraternity with Islam. During the 1990s and 2000s, several Asian world a better place for all humans to live. Bangladesh, he made a point to stress human The pontiff defined his meeting with al- theologians and dioceses were chided by the If the “teaching Church” served its purpose fraternity. Sistani not as a message to Iran but to the world. Vatican for going too far to blend Eastern con- and was the accepted norm before the Second Pope Francis’ encounter with the Muslim Now that both branches of Islam are con- cepts and progressive practices into Christian- Vatican Council, a “listening Church” took world was fructified with his Feb. 4, 2019, visit nected with the Holy See, it “will act as the ity. The Vatican moves obliterated the concepts birth in the age of universal suffrage, human to the UAE, where he signed the document on bridge-builder” between the warring factions. and methods Asian theologians developed rights and diversity of culture. Fraternity for World Peace and Living Togeth- An Islam-loving Pope Francis has his due share painstakingly for over three decades. They par- It was not easy for the Church to shed its neg- er. of critics who accuse him of “one step from alysed theologising in Asia. ative evaluation of other religions, which oscil- The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity, heresy.” The inability of Western-oriented theological lated between hostility and neglect and which set up under the joint mission, is planning to When this was pointed out during his media minds to understand and appreciate the faiths even found expression in daily prayers. How- build an Abrahamic Family House with a syna- briefing aboard the papal plane, the Pope can- and lives of Asian people remains a major block ever, the Church, since the middle of the 20th gogue, a church and a mosque facing each other didly admitted that when it comes to fostering for interreligious dialogue in Asia. The result century, worked assiduously to make it a two- on Saadiyat island in the UAE. human fraternity, he takes “risks” because this of this inability is painful: Christians continue way process and to affirm spiritual and moral His reaching out to Muslims is based on two is “necessary.” “These choices are not capri- to be on the receiving end in almost all Asian values (“seeds of the word”) in non-Christian points. One is that Christians in Muslim-ma- cious, and it’s the path set forth by the Second countries, where the gulf between local reli- religions and cultures. jority countries do not enjoy the same religious Vatican Council,” he told journalists. gions and cultures is widening. The Church no longer considers non-Chris- and political freedoms that are enjoyed by Mus- The Vatican’s efforts for interreligious dia- tian religions as “cocktails of idolatry or super- lims in the Christian West. Dialogue of cultures logue and human fraternity should go beyond stition,” and works of the devil and evil spirit. The other is more political and theological. Most critics of Pope Francis, particularly of his religion and make it a dialogue with people, Among the non-Christian religions, ties with Many radical Islamic clerics sanction, tolerate initiatives with Muslims, continue to see the their cultures, sense of god and goodness. In Muslims assume a vital role in the Vatican’s or side with violence in the name of religion. Church through Western cultural glasses. Inter- order for that to happen, Church pundits im- scheme of things. The Vatican dicastery looking Islamic fascism poses a serious threat to Judeo- religious dialogue, by its very nature, means ac- mersed in discussions to produce theological after interfaith talks — for Christian Western values, more than godless cepting other cultures and languages. verbiage should look at Asia and Africa and Interreligious Dialogue — has a special dedi- communism. As religions are embedded in cultures, inter- their cultures with love and acceptance. cated commission to cement ties with Islam. Pope Francis was loud and clear on both religious talks are, at the same time, intercul- Will Pope Francis include people of Asian A cordial Christian-Muslim relationship has these aspects during his just-concluded apostol- tural dialogues. The ideas of a “clash of civi- and African cultures in his human fraternity been the hallmark of Pope Francis’ pontificate ic visit to the Middle East, a hotbed of sectarian lizations” and “clash of religions” should give network? — By Ben Joseph, ucanews.com ‘Historic discovery’ of ancient Biblical fragments made in Israel JESURALEM: The Israel Antiquities Authority New page in biblical discoveries something to offer scholars. (IAA) has unveiled an historic discovery of Bib- Marcello Fidanzio, the Director of the Archaeo- Prof Fidanzio noted that they provide evi- lical proportions in several desert caves. logical and Cultural Institute of Biblical Lands dence of “textual fluidity”, which was when the In a dig that began in 2017, archaeologists in Lugano, described the find to Vatican News Biblical text was not yet stable or fixed. “It was discovered around 80 new parchment fragments as “a new page in the history of archaeological only later that the Scriptures were canonized, of Old Testament texts. excavations.” fixed, and then handed down with great fidelity They contain verses written in Greek — with He said it is the first discovery of note since to the present day.” the name of God appearing in Hebrew — from the great excavations in the 1940s and ‘50s, He said the Cave of Horror scroll can help the books of Zechariah and Nahum, which are which brought the Dead Sea Scrolls to light in scholars understand a stage which led to the de- part of the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets. Qumran and the Judean desert. finitive text. The fragments form part of a scroll which ex- “Discoveries of such significance,” he point- “These discoveries show us an extremely perts believe belonged to Jewish rebels, led by ed out, “rekindle the excitement of pioneers.” fascinating historical moment: one in which the Simon Bar Kokhba, who hid in the caves after Much left to find Bible finds its final form,” said the Lugano pro- a failed revolt against Roman rule between 132 The Israel Antiquities Authority says some fessor. and 136 AD. 600-odd caves were mapped using drones and Respect for God’s name Israeli archaeologists began the operation in advanced survey technology. Besides the an- As mentioned, the fragments are written primar- the Judean desert to prevent the caves from be- A view of the newly-discovered fragments. nounced discovery, some 20 caves could still ily in Greek, with only the name of God written ing looted. They also unearthed a cache of rare (Vatican News photo/Israel Antiquities Authority) contain important artifacts. in Paleo-Hebrew, which was used at the time of coins from the same period, a 6,000-year-old man skeletons were found there during excava- “This is something we Bible scholars are the First Temple (until 586 BC). skeleton of a child, and a large woven basket tions in the 1960s. Experts say they were the re- passionate about,” according to Prof Fidanzio, Prof Fidanzio said it shows “great respect for dating from around 10,500 years ago, the oldest mains of men, women and children who fled to “but the discovery is also of great importance the unutterable name of God.” intact in the world. the cave to escape the Romans but died instead to Israelis, who highlight this research as being “Writing it in another alphabet,” he con- ‘Cave of Horror’ of hunger and thirst. linked to their identity and the history of their cluded, “is a scribal strategy that seeks to focus The discovery was made in a difficult-to-reach They brought with them what are now pre- presence in the land of Israel.” the readers’ attention on those letters. It points mountain enclosure known as the “Cave of Hor- cious objects, including cooking utensils, per- Witness of ‘textual fluidity’ God’s name out as something which commands ror”, which lies some 40 km south of Jerusalem. sonal belongings and documents and Biblical The fragments contain very small amounts of great respect and sacredness.” — By Devin It acquired that intriguing name after 40 hu- texts. text from the Old Testament, but they still have Watkins, Vatican News 14 HERALD March 28, 2021 Holy Week Why do Catholics celebrate Palm Sunday? here is both great joy and terrible sorrow associated with this day, the Sunday Exuberant Crowds T s we read in the Gospels, Jesus the great crowd … heard that Je- that begins Holy Week, the Sun- day that portends the crucifixion Awent to Jerusalem to join with sus was coming to Jerusalem, they of Our Lord. throngs of other Jews to celebrate the took palm branches and went out to It is a time of despair, perplex- Passover feast as had been prescribed meet him, and cried out: ‘Hosanna! ity and contradiction. The very in the Old Testament books of Exo- / Blessed is he who comes in the people who applaud Christ’s en- dus and Deuteronomy. According name of the Lord, [even] the king of trance into Jerusalem that morn- to the Gospel of St. John, Jesus and Israel’” (12:12-13). ing, shouting out “Hosanna” and many of his followers journeyed the This adulation was not lost on the words of adoration will, within a less than two miles from Bethany on Pharisees who were present. They week, be crying, “Crucify Him.” that Sunday, arriving outside Jeru- said to Jesus, “Teacher, rebuke your They will go from acclaiming salem. As was the custom, pilgrims disciples.” He said in reply, “I tell Him as the new King of Israel to who had already arrived in the city you, if they keep silent, the stones urging that His life be traded in went out to greet newly arriving will cry out” (Lk 19:39-40). The favour of a convicted criminal; groups; some had never seen Jesus Pharisees reported the events to the they will first praise Him and then but had heard about the miracles at- Jewish high council, the Sanhedrin, mock Him. Even friends entering tributed to Him and were caught up which regarded Jesus’ ever growing Jerusalem at His side will desert in the excitement. popularity as a threat to their cosy Jesus. All this discord will take Those arriving with and greeting relationship with the Romans. They / Behold: your king is coming to you; soon follow, belies the fact that this place during one week, beginning Jesus were large in number, as ex- were, in fact, planning to murder /a just saviour is he, / Humble, and triumphant hero will be crucified on what we call Palm Sunday. plained by John’s Gospel: “When Him. riding on a donkey, / on a colt, the like a criminal. Previously, Our Lord had deliber- foal of a donkey. / He shall banish St Bernard of Clairvaux (1090- ately avoided popular acclaim, even the chariot from Ephraim / and the 1153) offered a homily about fled from it, but this time, upon en- horse from Jerusalem” (Zec 9:9-10). Christ’s entry into Jerusalem: “How tering Jerusalem, He accepts it. Yet Pope Benedict XVI explained different the cries, ‘Away with him, His actions are different than the these Old Testament words as they away with him, crucify him,’ and people expected. He doesn’t present relate to Jesus: “He is a king who de- then, ‘Blessed is he who comes in himself as a rival to Caesar; He is not stroys the weapons of war, a king of the name of the Lord, hosanna, in the political messiah or the warrior peace and a king of simplicity, a king the highest!’ How different the cries king the multitude had clamoured of the poor.… Jesus is not building are that now are calling him ‘King of for. Instead of entering Jerusalem on on violence; he is not instigating a Israel’ and then in a few days’ time a war horse or chariot, he enters on a military revolt against Rome” (Je- will be saying, ‘We have no king but donkey, a sign of peace; and not just sus of Nazareth: Holy Week, Ignatius Caesar!’ What a contrast between any donkey, but one on which no Press, 2011, pp. 81-82). the green branches and the cross, one had ever sat, the prerogative of a Riding on the borrowed donkey, between the flowers and the thorns! king. Seeing Him on the donkey, the Jesus made His humble entrance Before they were offering their own Jews surging around Him recalled into the city while the crowds were clothes for him to walk upon, and the words of the Prophet Zechariah scattering their garments before Him so soon afterwards they are strip- 500 years earlier: and waving their palm branches. ping him of his, and casting lots “Exult greatly, O daughter Zion! / This joyful scene belies the traitor- upon them.” — By D.D. Emmons, Shout for joy, O daughter Jerusalem! ous acts, sorrow and agony that will simplycatholic.com The Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has issued guidelines for the celebration of Holy Week this year in light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.  http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/ccdds/documents/rc_con_ccdds_doc_20210217_ settimanasanta-2021_en.html

Schedule of papal Troubled youth write meditations for the liturgical ceremonies for Holy Week Pope’s Good Friday Via Crucis (Malaysian time in brackets) or the second year in a row Pope and young people from 13-19 years of March 28, Palm Sunday, FFrancis is being forced to celebrate age”, a Vatican statement said. 10.30am (5.30pm) the Church’s most important liturgical Some of the kids who are helping Mass at the Altar of the Chair in St feasts on the calendar in the shadow provide the meditations for this year’s Peter’s Basilica. of the seemingly never-ending COV- Via Crucis are from the Holy Martyrs ID-19 pandemic. of Uganda Parish in Rome where “a April 1, Chrism Mass, Holy Week celebrations at the Vati- catechesis for and with people with 10.00am (5.00pm) can, which begin with Palm Sunday disabilities” has been in place for sev- in St Peter’s Basilica. on March 28 and extend through eral years. April 1, Mass of the Lord’s Supper Easter Monday on April 5, will once The parish also helps house “wom- and feet-washing ceremony at a again be scaled down and include the en and children victims of abuse”, as still-undisclosed place symbolic of the participation of only a very limited well as “homeless families”, accord- “existential peripheries”. number of people. ing to the Vatican. April 2, Good Friday, And it is in this context that the pope “In this reality of solidarity, about 6.00pm (1.00am) liturgy of the has asked young people from modest 500 children and young people pre- Lord’s passion in St Peter’s Basilica. and low-income families to provide paring for their first communion and the meditations for the Good Friday confirmation helped shape the medita- April 2, Way of the Cross, commemoration of the Via Crucis or tions,” the statement said. 9.00pm (4.00am), Way of the Cross in St Peter’s Square. The drawings were done by children in front of St Peter’s Basilica. Among those who will be writ- housed in two other social work pro- April 3, Easter Vigil Mass, ing the meditations are members of grams for children and young people 7.30pm (2.30am), a scout troop, young people with dis- in difficulty: the house “Mater Divinis St Peter’s Basilica. abilities, abused children and those Amoris” and “Il Tetto Casal Fattoria”. April 4, Easter morning living in homeless families. — By Loup Besmond de Senneville, Mass, 10.00am (5.00pm), Each of the traditional 14 Stations, LCI (https:// international.la-croix. St Peter’s Basilica, followed by which commemorate the passion and com/ the Pope’s blessing “” Pope Francis during the on April 10, 2020, at death of Jesus Christ, will also feature (the city and the world). the Vatican. (Vatican Media) “the drawings of a number of children l Turn to Page 19 for more HERALD March 28, 2021 Children 15 LittleLittle CCatholicsatholics’ CCornerorner

Jesus sent two disciples into the city to find a donkey for Him to ride. The people were so happy to see Jesus! They waved palm branches and shouted "HOSANNA!"

Find the Let's Colour Hidden Word

Word Bank

Jerusalem Disciples Village Donkey Master Jesus Cloaks People Road Hosanna David Palm Olives Glory ary decided to wash Jesus' feet for Him. She poured some expensive Colt Mperfume on Jesus' feet. Then she wiped His feet with her long hair. She did this to show her love for Him. What did Mary see when she looked at Jesus’ feet? Did she see the dust? Angry men put Jesus on the cross. Even though he did no Did she see sores and calluses from walking many miles to tell people about wrong, they had him killed. Jesus was not angry with these God? Or maybe Mary thought about the words of the prophet Isaiah. cruel people, though. He loved and forgave them. We need to pray to God for help so that we can forgive others when they do wrong to us. Fill in the blanks using the first letter of each picture to see what Jesus prayed.

Solve the puzzle to see what Isaiah 52:7 says. CROSS OUR these letters: C,J,K,Q,V,X,Y

and Z.

that brings good tidings! tidings! good brings that

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Dear children, On Holy Thursday we celebrate the On Good Friday we remember the very sad and upset by what had hap- day that Jesus ate the Last Supper suffering and death of Our Lord. He pened. Their best friend and leader Did you know that this week is the with His disciples. was beaten and made fun of, and had just been crucified! most important one in the whole This was the first Mass, when He had to carry the heavy cross. Do you think they knew what was year? Holy Week has Holy Thurs- gave His Body and Blood to them in Then He was nailed to the cross, about to happen on Easter Sunday? day, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. what still looked like bread and wine. where He hung for three hours be- Do you remember what happened af- On these days, we remember and He also made them priests by giv- fore He gave up His life for us. ter Holy Saturday? celebrate the most important things ing them the power to turn bread On Holy Saturday, we remember Have a blessed Holy Week, chil- that Jesus did before His resurrec- and wine into His Body and Blood as the day that Mary and the Apos- dren! tion on Easter Sunday. an offering to the Father. toles and Jesus' other friends were Aunty Eliz HERALD

Social BEC Communication (1976) (1996)

Dialogue Formation (1976) (1976) INTEGRAL EVANGELISATION Poor Unity (1976) (1976)

Family (1996) Youth (1986) YOUTH YOUTHMarch 28, 2021 Parish youth embark on Year of St Joseph journey OTA KINABA- John Wong. St Joseph was an obedient fa- LU: As Catholics, The Zoom gathering garnered a ther. God revealed to him His sav- “full house” of 300 pax, which was ing plan through four dreams, to all Kwhile we embrace the maximum capacity. The prel- of which his response was always and express our love to ate began by introducing St Joseph immediate and always obedient to many saints in our Catho- as the Patron Saint of the Univer- the will of the Father. Referring lic Church, we often over- sal Church. He described Joseph to the finding of the Child Jesus as an ordinary person, someone in the temple and Jesus’ willing- look this holy saint, whose often overlooked and unnoticed. ness to submit to the Father’s will, role was, as Pope St John Although he was the Spouse of the Archbishop Wong noted that the Paul II exclaims, to be the Blessed Virgin Mary and Foster obedience of Jesus to follow his Father of Jesus, he often appeared parents home is attributed to the ‘Guardian of the Redeem- silent in the Scriptures, and silence teaching of St Joseph and Mary. St Joseph was a father in the He added a last virtue to the er’. was his language. St Joseph was an accepting fa- shadows. Joseph was the earthly Holy – Innocence. It The Youth Pastoral Team of the Referring to the Patris Corde, ther. Though Joseph did not un- shadow of the Heavenly Father. was Joseph’s innocence that led Sacred Heart Cathedral have de- Archbishop Wong brought out the derstand the “bigger picture”, he While all children need fathers, him to be open to the will of God. cided to embark on a journey in seven main points on the heart of decided to protect the good name, the Church too needs a Father. All After the session ended, the vir- the Year of St Joseph, proclaimed our spiritual father, St Joseph, and dignity and life of Mary. St Joseph priests are called to be fathers too. tual audience was given a chance by Pope Francis. Since Sabah expounded on each one in his re- can teach us by his example, that Archbishop Wong further to ask questions on St Joseph. is still under certain restrictions flection: in a world where there is abuse shared, that Joseph went through Many acknowledged their grate- when it comes to open gatherings, St Joseph was a beloved father. and violence towards women, anxieties, worries and burdens of fulness to our shepherd for his the team decided to organise a se- He was the Spouse of Mary and they are to be protected. what the future held, but he did enlightening session on St Joseph. ries of sessions on St Joseph virtu- Foster Father of Jesus. He was at St Joseph was a creative and what he had to do out of love for For the youth of Sacred Heart, ally. the service of the entire salvific courageous father. In their flight to Mary, and he responded to the the session helped us to under- The first was plan. Hence, we honour him on Egypt, the Holy Family arrived in call of God. Archbishop Wong stand the heart of St Joseph more held on Mar 17, Wednesdays and most especially a foreign land. Joseph as the head called on everyone to not only and has sparked an eagerness and just two days shy in the month of March. of the Family had to struggle to bring Mary into their homes, but excitement to know and love him of the Solemnity of St Joseph was a tender and find a home, employment and put to bring Joseph as well! more in this year dedicated to him. St Joseph, Husband loving foster father. Archbishop food on the table for the Mother Quoting one of the Church fa- As we continue on this journey of the Blessed Vir- Wong brought out the love that and Child. The Archbishop noted thers, Isidore of Iselamo, he end- to know St Joseph, we hope that gin Mary. The fathers have for their children. Jo- that, despite all of that, Joseph ed by sharing that JOSEPH stands many will join us in our upcom- theme was seph did the same thing for Jesus, tried his best! for ing sessions on the Guardian of St Joseph: and in him, Jesus saw the tender St Joseph was a working father. J-ustice, the Redeemer. Meanwhile, let The Father’s Heart, based on the love of God. Just as parents influ- St Joseph shows us the value of O-bedience, us open our homes and invite St Apostolic Letter of Pope Francis, ence the behaviour of their chil- dignified work and how we can S-ilence, Joseph to protect our families! St Patris Corde. To impart this, the dren, when we look at the life of look at our work as an opportunity E-xperience, Joseph, ora pro nobis (pray for youth featured their spiritual fa- Jesus, we see the tenderness and to cooperate with God in His work P-rudence, us)! — By Aline Lim, Catholic ther and shepherd, Archbishop love of St Joseph. of salvation. H-umility. Sabah

Participants of the online talk on St Joseph – The Father’s Heart by Archbishop John Wong Mar 17, 2021. HERALD March 28, 2021 Youth 17 St Joseph will help young adults find their vocation VATICAN: Pope Francis said that St do not report even a single word of Joseph is a model for all vocations, his. Still, through his ordinary life, and he prays the saint will help young he accomplished something extraor- people discern the vocation God is dinary in the eyes of God,” Francis calling them to. wrote. “St Joseph is an outstanding ex- He said it is the example of St Jo- ample of acceptance of God’s plans,” seph’s quiet, daily fidelity to his vo- the Pope wrote in a message for the cation which “is the secret of joy.” World Day of Prayer for Vocations “A hymn in the liturgy speaks of published March 19. the ‘transparent joy’ present in the “May he help everyone, especially home of Nazareth,” he noted. “It is young people who are discerning, to the joy of simplicity, the joy expe- make God’s dreams for them come rienced daily by those who care for true,” he said. “May he inspire in what truly matters: faithful closeness them the courage to say ‘yes’ to the to God and to our neighbour.” Lord who always surprises and never “How good it would be if the same disappoints.” A file photo of a youth camp. atmosphere, simple and radiant, so- The 58th World Day of Prayer delay your desire to give your life for all vocations, called to be the ber and hopeful, were to pervade I pray that you will for Vocations will take place on the to him,” Francis said. ever-active hands of the Father, our seminaries, religious houses and experience this same joy, Third Sunday of Easter, April 25. The Lord repeats the words, “do outstretched to his children.” presbyteries!” he said. dear brothers and sisters Pope Francis’ message was released not be afraid,” when, “perhaps “I like to think, then, of St Jo- The Pope wrote: “I pray that you who have generously for the Solemnity of St Joseph, with amid trials and misunderstandings, seph, the protector of Jesus and will experience this same joy, dear made God the dream the title St Joseph: the Dream of Vo- you seek to follow His will every of the Church, as the protector brothers and sisters who have gener- of your lives, serving cation. day, wherever you find yourself,” of vocations,” he added. ously made God the dream of your him in your brothers In the message, the Pope noted that he wrote. “They are words you will According to Francis, St Jo- lives, serving him in your brothers and sisters through the first thing that St Joseph heard in hear anew, at every step of your seph is “an extraordinary fig- and sisters through a fidelity that is a fidelity that a dream was: “Joseph, son of David, vocation, as you return to your first ure.” a powerful testimony in an age of is a powerful do not be afraid.” love. They are a refrain accompany- “He did not do astonishing ephemeral choices and emotions that testimony in an “Do not be afraid”: these words the ing all those who — like St Joseph things, he had no unique char- bring no lasting joy.” age of ephemeral Lord also addresses to you, dear sis- — say yes to God with their lives, isms, nor did he appear special “May St Joseph, protector of vo- choices and ter, and to you, dear brother, whenev- through their fidelity each day.” in the eyes of those who met cations, accompany you with his emotions that er you feel that, even amid uncertain- Pope Francis emphasised that him. He was not famous or fatherly heart!” — By Hannah bring no lasting joy. ty and hesitation, you can no longer “Joseph cannot fail to be a model even noteworthy: the Gospels Brockhaus, CNA The little things bring great love KOTA KINABALU: Catholic Students’ ties together and “A Night to Remember”. Group – Untuk Melayani Sesama (CSG- The You are the Now of God – Becoming UMS) organised the 21st Youth Mission- a Witness of Christ session presented by Sr ary on March 6-7, 10 and 13-14 with the Jossie Sili helped the participants to see the theme, “I have no silver and gold, but what reality of the world through God’s eyes and I do have I give to you: In the name of Je- also to adopt an attitude of caring and sin- sus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” cerity in their actions. from the Acts of the Apostles 3:6. In the second session by CSG-UMS The Board of Directors has taken a dif- alumni, Shella Sijan touched on the Little ferent approach in this new normal which Flower of Jesus. She shared the meaning of was previously known as ‘Youth Mission- serving and gave the example of St Ther- aries into the Village’ which was more fo- ese of Lisieux. Through the example of St cused on serving in selected areas. Therese, participants are brought to imitate This year, Youth Missionary has changed the example of St Therese’s ministry and the programme according to the new norm gave reassurance to them that deeds are not by organising activities that can be done at measured by greatness but by the love that home and virtually. The programmes are accompanies those deeds. Little Things with Great Love and Stay at At the end of the programme, partici- Home and Love Your Family. pants were reminded that their service They organised these programmes so did not end here and they were given en- that the youth can serve with their families couragement to continue to serve God in or communities. They also have a “Foster this new normal. — By Natasha Lansi, Siblings” activity by sharing several activi- Catholic Sabah ‘Little Things With Great Love Challenge’ activity during the 21st Virtual Youth Missionary programme. 18 HERALD March 7, 2021 For more enquiries, please contact: Email: [email protected] Stop sanctions on Syria m e m o r ia m Tel: 03-2026 8290 / 03-2026 8291 DAMASCUS: Ahead of the sufferings to the innocent ci- fifth European Union donor vilians. conference on Syria, Caritas “Syrians, and especially Internationalis shed light on Syria’s youngest generation, the situation in Syria and urged cannot afford the trials and the the international community violence of this war any more. to act during the conference They deserve a better future,” Church and Caritas: 10 years said John. of humanitarian response in Ninety per cent of the Syrian Syria March 23. population has been plunged As its Secretary General into poverty as a result of ten Aloysius John said in his years of war, international speech, Caritas Internationa- ID-19 vaccines for the suffer- sanctions, the coronavirus pan- watching over lis joins the Syrian Church in ing people of Syria; to ensure demic and economic crisis. A asking: to lift unilateral sanc- support of the NGO, in par- third of the population has fled tions, which were introduced ticular the faith-based organi- the country and 12.4 million will at the beginning of the war; to sations; and negotiated peace, people do not have reliable increase access to services and avoiding continued stalemate, access to food and heating. — healthcare, including COV- which only results in untold Caritas Casket Paradise In Loving Memory of & Funeral Care Sdn. Bhd.(311899-W)


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HERALD March 28, 2021 Holy Week & Short Readings 19 Holy Thursday Daily Short xcept for the Resurrection on Easter Sun- low the same sacrifice in the exact same way. ing of the sick or dying. Reading Eday, Holy Thursday is possibly one of the Christ also bids farewell to his followers and At this Mass, the bishop washes the feet of Sunday, March 28 most important, complex, and profound days of prophesises that one of them will betray him twelve priests to symbolise Christ’s washing of (Zechariah 9:9) celebration in the Catholic Church. Holy Thurs- and hand him over to the Roman soldiers. the feet of his twelve Apostles, our first bishops Rejoice heart and soul, daughter of day celebrates the institution of the Eucharist as In some places around the world, bishops and and priests. Zion! Shout with gladness, daughter the true body and blood of Jesus Christ and the priests come together at their local on Later that night, after sundown – because of Jerusalem! See now, your king institution of the sacrament of the priesthood. Holy Thursday morning to celebrate the insti- Passover began at sundown – the Holy Thurs- comes to you; he is victorious, he is During the Last Supper, Jesus offers himself tution of the priesthood. During the Mass, the day Liturgy takes place, marking the end of Lent triumphant, humble and riding on a as the Passover sacrifice, the sacrificial lamb, bishop blesses the Oil of Chrism that will be and the beginning of the sacred “Triduum,” or donkey, on a colt, the foal of a don- and teaches that every ordained priest is to fol- used for Baptism, Confirmation and the Anoint- three, of Holy Week. These days are the three key. holiest days in the Catholic Church. This Mass stresses the importance Jesus Monday, March 29 puts on the humility of service and the need (Jeremiah 11:19-20) for cleansing with water, a symbol of baptism. I was like a trustful lamb being led Also emphasised are the critical importance of to the slaughter-house, not know- the Eucharist and the sacrifice of Christ’s Body, ing the schemes they were plotting which we now find present in the consecrated against me, ‘Let us destroy the tree Host. in its strength, let us cut him off from At the conclusion of the Mass, the faithful are the land of the living, so that his invited to continue with the Adoration of the name may be quickly forgotten!’ But Blessed Sacrament throughout the night, just you, Lord of Hosts, who pronounce as the disciples were invited to stay up with the a just sentence, who probe the loins Lord during His agony in the garden before His and heart, let me see the venge- betrayal by Judas. ance you will take on them, for I have committed my cause to you. After Holy Thursday, no Mass will be cele- brated again in the Church until the Easter Vigil Tuesday, March 30 celebrates and proclaims the Resurrection of the (Zechariah 12:10-11) Lord Jesus Christ. — CNA Over the House of David and the citizens of Jerusalem I will pour out a spirit of kindness and prayer. They Good Friday will look on the one whom they have pierced; they will mourn for him as t is finished’; and he bowed his head and for an only son, and weep for him “‘Ihanded over his spirit.” as people weep for a first-born child. On Good Friday, the entire Church fixes her When that day comes, there will be gaze on the Cross at Calvary. Each member of the great mourning in Judah. Church tries to understand at what cost Christ has won our redemption. In the solemn ceremonies Wednesday, March 31 of Good Friday, in the Adoration of the Cross, in (Isaiah 50:5-7) the chanting of the ‘Reproaches’, in the reading of The Lord has opened my ear. For the Passion, and in receiving the pre-consecrated my part, I made no resistance, nei- Host, we unite ourselves to our Saviour, and we ther did I turn away. I offered my back contemplate our own death to sin in the Death of to those who struck me, my cheeks our Lord. to those who tore at my beard; I did The Church — stripped of its ornaments, the not cover my face against insult and altar bare and with the door of the empty taber- spittle. The Lord comes to my help, nacle standing open — is as if in mourning. In so that I am untouched by the in- the fourth century, the Apostolic Constitutions de- sults. So, too, I set my face like flint; I species of bread) which had already been conse- olate quality of the rites of this day remind us of know I shall not be shamed. scribed this day as a ‘day of mourning, not a day crated on Holy Thursday is given to the people. Christ’s humiliation and suffering during his Pas- of festive joy,’ and this day was called the ‘Pasch Traditionally, the organ is silent from Holy sion. We can see that the parts of the Good Friday Thursday, April 1 (passage) of the Crucifixion.’ Thursday until the Alleluia at the Easter Vigil, as service correspond to the divisions of Mass: (Hebrews 2:9b-10) The liturgical observance of this day of Christ's are all bells or other instruments, the only music • Liturgy of the Word — reading of the Passion. We see in Jesus one who is now suffering, crucifixion and death evidently has during this period being unaccompanied chant. • Intercessory prayers for the Church and the crowned with glory and splendour been in existence from the earliest days of the The omission of the prayer of consecration entire world, Christian and non-Christian. because he submitted to death; by Church. No Mass is celebrated on this day, but deepens our sense of loss because Mass through- • Veneration of the Cross God’s grace he had to experience the service of Good Friday is called the Mass of out the year reminds us of the Lord’s triumph over • Communion, or the ‘Mass of the Pre-Sancti- death for all mankind. As it was his the Pre-sanctified because Communion (in the death, the source of our joy and blessing. The des- fied.’— CNA purpose to bring a great many of his sons into glory, it was appropri- ate that God, for whom everything The Easter Vigil exists and though whom everything he Easter Vigil is the high point of the ness that humanity has ever longed for. exists, should make perfect through Easter triduum celebrating the Passion, suffering, the leader who would take T them to their salvation. Death and Resurrection of Jesus. With a rich God’s love endures forever display of symbols, rites and readings, the A series of readings recalls the great inter- Friday, April 2 Church in worship expresses her faith in the ventions of God in history, from creation (Isaiah 52: 13-15) mystery that brings her into being. to the redemption of Israel from Egypt, and See, my servant will prosper, he ends with the story of Jesus’ Resurrection. shall be lifted up, exalted, rise to Light conquers darkness The great “alleluia” proclaims with quiet joy great heights. As the crowds were The vigil opens with a service of light. Like the triumph of God’s Son. Those preparing appalled on seeing him — so dis- the Jewish Passover, our Easter celebration for Baptism then receive the sacraments of figured did he look that he seemed coincides with the beginning of spring, when initiation. The blessed water sprinkled over no longer human — so would the the sun offers new warmth and earth is ready others signifies the blessing of new life. crowds be astonished at him and to flower again. Our words “lent” (from the Rejoice! This night says as it brings be- kings stand speechless before him; Middle-English word for spring, “lengthen- fore us the deepest symbols of our hopes and for the shall see something never ing days”) and “Easter” (possibly Germanic fears. The darkness, sign of evil and death, told and witness something never or Anglo-Saxon in origin, signifying “the has been overcome by light. A lamp, a can- heard before. east”,“the rising sun”) point to the long tra- dle has been lit; a fire is enkindled in our Saturday, April 3 dition of seeing this holy mystery through hearts; a nourishing water flows through our (Hosea 6: 1-3a) signs of the natural world. lives; a baptism destroys what is unclean and Come, let us return to the Lord. He The lighting of the fire and the Easter can- brings to life again. has torn us to pieces, but he will heal dle go back to rites that long preceded Chris- Rejoice! This night says to all creation. us; he has struck us down, but he tianity. The candle, carried with loving rever- The Word who made all things, as a new will bandage our wounds; after a ence and lyrically praised in word and song, Adam, freshly proclaims God’s promise of day or two he will bring us back to is a sign of Christ, “the light of the world,” life. All creation celebrates God’s love — life, on the third day he will raise us and celebrates the victory of light over dark- CNA SSCCL Photo and we shall live in his presence. Enagelisation: Sacrament of Reconciliation Let us pray that we may experience the sacrament of reconciliation with renewed depth, to taste the infinite mercy of God.

Download the Click To Pray updates now. THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY March 28, 2021 Access to clean water must be a priority VATICAN: It must be an interna- The cardinal noted that “the threat estimates are also being conducted tional priority to ensure that eve- to the access to drinkable water to understand what has to be done ryone has access to clean, potable deals with poverty, pollution, some- and how much it would cost to sus- water. That is the firm belief of the times an environmental issue, but tainably improve WASH conditions Vatican. also with social issues like discrimi- and meet proper standards through Cardinal , prefect nation and corruption.” infrastructure, equipment, mainte- of the Dicastery for Promoting Inte- For this reason, Turkson called nance and staff training.” gral Human Development said that for an “integral vision of the access Turkson noted that, despite the the Holy See has been working for to water, as well as a clear will of “wonderful dedication of mission- years to realise this vision, even be- making this access to water a prior- aries,” there are many areas with fore the United Nations General As- ity.” “WASH deficits,” which “jeopard- sembly recognised the human right Last year, the Dicastery launched ise the health of people and the staff to water and sanitation in 2010. the WASH project (access to drink- of the healthcare facility.” Speaking after World Water Day, Unicef volunteers raising awareness about good handwashing practices to ing Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) He observed that “it is often easier help people protect against COVID-19. (UNICEF/Frank Dejongh) an annual UN observance held on in healthcare facilities belonging to to fundraise for new equipment than March 22, the Ghanaian cardinal epitomised years of work of the Pope Francis mentioned the the Catholic Church. to fundraise for the maintenance of underlined the Vatican’s long-term Holy See on the issue. theme of access to safe and drink- A March 21 note released by the hydraulic pumps, filters, soap and commitment on the issue of access The Vatican took part in August able water in his 2015 encyclical Dicastery stressed that “bishops’ water closets.” And yet, “these are to water, evaluated the Dicastery’s 2019 in World Water Week, organ- Laudato Si’ and the 2019 message conferences, dioceses, congrega- basic needs, not optional needs.” most recent initiatives, and outlined ized by the Stockholm International for the World Day of Prayer for the tions and several Caritas branches The cardinal said that the Dicast- future developments. Water Institute. Care of Creation. have responded to the Dicastery’s ery would seek to “increase aware- In March 2020, the Dicastery In the past, the Dicastery has par- According to Turkson, “access to call. A detailed assessment is cur- ness on the water issue and seek to published the document Aqua fons ticipated in meetings of the World drinkable water and hygienic ser- rently being conducted in approxi- ensure that WASH issues will be vitae, which provides “orientations Water Forum, which gathers every vices is a matter of human dignity. mately 150 Catholic healthcare part of the ordinary management of on water, a symbol of the cry of the three years, summoned by the It is about life and health. It is a pre- facilities (from small dispensaries the healthcare facilities.” — By An- poor and the earth.” The document World Council of Water. condition to fulfil other rights.” to hospitals) in 22 countries. Cost drea Gagliarducci, CNA Yes, Pope Francis was involved in the One in five children lacks CDF’s document on same-sex blessings enough water for daily needs VATICAN: Following a Vatican clari- priest, or faithful who made the in- NEW YORK: A new report by the Africa (31 per cent), South Asia (25 fication that the Church cannot bless quiry. United Nations children’s fund, per cent), and the Middle East (23 same-sex unions, some media outlets The timing of the recent respon- UNICEF, says that around the world, per cent). South Asia is home to the have speculated about Pope Francis’ sum is significant, as there has been more than 1.42 billion people, in- largest number of children living involvement – or lack thereof – in re- discussion about blessings of same- cluding 450 million children, live in areas of high or extremely high leasing the document. sex couples in the German Church’s in areas of high, or extremely high, water vulnerability – more than 155 water vulnerability. This means that million children. However, the Pope’s consent is a “Synodal Path,” with several German 1 in 5 children worldwide does not Children in 37 ‘hotspot’ countries necessary part of any responsum, and bishops suggesting such blessings are have enough water to meet their face especially dire circumstances Pope Francis himself has multiple acceptable. everyday needs. in terms of absolute numbers, the times reiterated the Church’s well- Pope Francis, then, was undoubted- The analysis, part of the Water proportions of children affected, and established teaching on marriage and ly aware of the content of the respon- Security for All initiative, identifies where global resources, support and sexuality. sum, and authorised its publication. areas where physical water scarcity urgent action must be mobilised. The document in question is the On numerous occasions, the Pope has risks overlap with poor water service This list includes Afghanistan, Bur- responsum (response) which the Con- stressed the importance of defend- levels. Communities living in these kina Faso, Ethiopia, Haiti, Kenya, gregation for the Doctrine of the Faith distance Pope Francis from the docu- ing marriage as the union of man and areas depend on surface water, un- Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua gave to a question about the blessing ment, with one media outlet claim- woman and the foundation of a family. improved sources or water that can New Guinea, Sudan, Tanzania and to same-sex unions. The responsum ing the issue was not discussed at the Furthermore, the message of the take more than 30 minutes to collect. Yemen. said that “God cannot bless sin.” monthly plenary meeting of the CDF, document is nothing new. The Church “The world’s water crisis is not Demand for water continues to in- The responsum also stressed that but only by a small group of congrega- has long made clear that it cannot en- simply coming, it is here, and cli- crease dramatically while resources “the Christian community and its Pas- tion officials. dorse same-sex unions. mate change will only make it are dwindling. In addition to rapid tors are called to welcome with re- However, the document itself clearly In 1975, the CDF issued Persona worse,” warned UNICEF Executive population growth, urbanisation, spect and sensitivity persons with ho- says that Pope Francis “was informed Humana, which dealt with the pasto- Director Henrietta Fore. “Children water misuse and mismanagement, mosexual inclinations and will know and gave his assent to the publication ral care of persons with homosexual are the biggest victims,” she pointed climate change and extreme weather how to find the most appropriate of the above-mentioned dubium, with tendencies. out, adding, “When wells dry-up, events reduce available quantities ways, consistent with Church teach- the annexed Explanatory note.” In some cases, this document said, children are the ones missing school of safe water, exacerbating water ing, to proclaim to them the Gospel in Responsi are responses of the Con- “people conclude that their tendency to fetch water. When droughts di- stress. its fullness.” gregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is so natural that it justifies, in their minish food supplies, children suf- According to a UNICEF report The Church cannot bless sexual un- to questions about the Catholic teach- case homosexual relations within a fer from malnutrition and stunting. from 2017, almost 1 in 4 children ions outside the marriage of one man ing. They originate at the monthly sincere communion of life and love When floods hit, children fall ill globally will live in areas of ex- and one woman, the document said. meetings of the Congregation. From analogous to marriage.” from waterborne illnesses. And tremely high water stress by 2040 However, blessings can be given “to there, cardinals, consulters and ex- The CDF stressed that all persons when water resources decline, chil- UNICEF is launching the Water individual persons with homosexual perts are consulted. This process can must be treated pastorally and with dren cannot wash their hands to fight Security for All initiative to ensure inclinations, who manifest the will to take months or years. The resulting understanding, but clarified that “no off diseases.” that every child has access to sus- live in fidelity to the revealed plans responsum is then discussed by the pastoral method can be employed The data shows that children in tainable and climate-resilient wa- of God as proposed by Church teach- Congregation before being presented which would give moral justification more than 80 countries live in areas ter services. The initiative aims to ing.” to the Pope, who can approve, reject to these acts on the grounds that they with high or extremely high, water mobilise resources, partnerships, Although the document reiterates or amend the text. The Pope must con- would be consonant with the condi- vulnerability. Eastern and Southern innovation and global response to the Church’s longstanding teaching, sent to the final document. tion of such people. For according to Africa have the highest proportion identified hotspots where the need it has sparked controversy and harsh Not all the responsi are made pub- the objective moral order, homosexual of children living in such conditions, for safe, resilient and sustainable reactions from progressive voices lic, but only those that have a particu- relations are acts which lack an essen- with 58 per cent facing difficulty ac- water, sanitation and hygiene ser- within the Church. lar meaning for the universal Church. tial and indispensable finality. — By cessing sufficient water every day. vices is the greatest and most urgent. There has also been an attempt to Others are sent directly to the bishop, Andrea Gagliarducci, CNA It is followed by West and Central — Vatican News