Palm Sunday Celebrated in a Home in 2020
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who though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped. MARCH 28, 2021 but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant being born in the likeness of men. And TERHAD being found in human form, he humbled himself PP 8460/11/2012(030939) ISSN: 1394-3294 by becoming obedient to the point of death, Vol. 28 No. 11 even death on a cross. Therefore, God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that FOR INTERNAL CIRCULATION ONLY is above every name. THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY Phil. 2:6-9 Mary as our Mother, ‘not a Co-Redeemer’ ATICAN: Pope He continued: “It is true that she is the Mother of Jesus,” he said. of Ephesus in AD 431 approved the Francis said that Christian piety has always given her Referring to a celebrated image title “Mother of God,” which was beautiful titles, as a child gives his of Mary in Bari Cathedral, southern added to the Hail Mary prayer. VJesus entrusted the or her mamma: how many beauti- Italy, he emphasised that the Virgin Reflecting on the line “now and Virgin Mary to us as a Moth- ful things children say about their points the way to Jesus. at the hour of our death” in the Hail er, “not as co-redeemer.” mamma whom they love so much! He said: “Her hands, her eyes, Mary, he said: “Mary is always pre- How many beautiful things.” her behaviour are a living ‘cate- sent at the bedside of her children Speaking at his general audience “But we need to be careful: chism,’ always indicating the hinge. when they depart this world. If on March 24, the Pope said that the things the Church, the saints, She always points out the centre: someone is alone and abandoned, while Christians have always given say about her, beautiful things, Jesus. Mary is completely directed she is Mother, she is there, near, as Mary beautiful titles, it was impor- about Mary, subtract nothing from towards Him, to such an extent that she was next to her Son when eve- tant to remember that Christ is the Christ’s sole Redemption. He is the we can say she is more disciple than ryone else abandoned him.” only redeemer. only Redeemer. They are expres- Mother. The directions she gave at “Mary was, and is, present in He was addressing a theological sions of love, like a child for his or the wedding at Cana: ‘Do whatever these days of the pandemic, near to debate about whether the Church her mamma — some are exagger- he will tell you.’ She always refers the people who, unfortunately, have should issue a dogmatic definition ated. But love, as we know, always to Christ. She is the first disciple.” concluded their earthly journey all declaring Mary “Co-Redemptrix,” makes us exaggerate things.” He continued: “This is the role alone, without the comfort or the in honour of her role in humanity’s The Pope gave his address, dedi- Mary fulfilled throughout her entire closeness of their loved ones. Mary salvation. cated to prayer in communion with earthly life and which she forever is always there next to us, with her “Jesus extended Mary’s mater- When Jesus saw his mother Mary, in the library of the Apostolic retains: to be the humble handmaid maternal tenderness.” nity to the entire Church when He and the disciple whom he loved Palace due to coronavirus restric- of the Lord, nothing more. At a Concluding his reflection, he entrusted her to his beloved disciple standing nearby, he said to tions. The address was part of his certain point in the Gospels, she al- said: “She listens as Mother. Just shortly before dying on the cross,” his mother, “Woman, behold, cycle of catechesis on prayer, which most seems to disappear; but then like, and more than, every good the Pope noted. your son!” Then he said he launched in May and resumed in she reappears in the more crucial mother, Mary defends us from dan- “From that moment on, we have to the disciple, October following nine addresses moments, such as at Cana, when ger, she is concerned about us even all been gathered under her mantle, “BEHOLD YOUR MOTHER!” on healing the world after the pan- her Son, thanks to her caring inter- when we are concentrated on our as depicted in certain medieval fres- (John 19:26-27) demic. vention, performs his first ‘sign,’ own things and lose a sense of the coes or paintings. Even the first Lat- Noting that he was speaking on with Christ. He is the only one. He and then on Golgotha at the foot of way, and when we put not only our in antiphon — sub tuum praesidium the Vigil of the Solemnity of the is the Mediator par excellence.” the cross.” health in danger, but also our salva- confugimus, sancta Dei Genitrix: Annunciation, which falls on March Christ’s “one mediation,” he said, He described how Christians be- tion.” the Madonna who ‘covers,’ like a 25, he said: “Christ is the Mediator, sheds light on the role of Mary. gan to pray to Mary, using expres- “Mary is there, praying for us, Mother, to whom Jesus entrusted Christ is the bridge that we cross to “She occupies a privileged place sions found in the Gospels, such praying for those who do not pray. us, all of us; but as a Mother, not as turn to the Father. He is the only Re- in the lives of Christians and, there- as “full of grace” and “blessed are To pray with us. Why? Because she a goddess, not as co-redeemer.” deemer: there are no co-redeemers fore, in their prayer as well, because you among women.” The Council is our Mother.” — CNA Palm Sunday celebrated in a home in 2020 Holy Week Schedule & Links Kuala Lumpur Archdiocese: folders/1DcwVbluE7vBYB5e-sEKk1C1SbOt_mwOy Malacca Johore Diocese: ments/holy-week-schedule-2021/ Penang Diocese: Cathedral of the Holy Spirit Church of Divine Mercy City Parish, Penang Kuching Archdiocese mass-live-broadcast-schedule-2021-04-04/ Miri Diocese St Joseph’s Cathedral St Dominic and The Rosary Church Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese Sacred Heart Cathedral St Simon’s Church, Likas Keningau Diocese INGAU Sandakan Diocese (Photo Source/St Ann Catholic Church Kota Padawan & Diocese of Keningau facebook) St Mary’s Cathedral 2 FORUM / REFLECTION HERALD March 28, 2021 Thirty pieces of silver n journalism, there is an expression were involved in overseeing the sale of called “follow the money”, which Sunday Observer lambs for sacrifice – and reaping hand- Isome journalists use to identify cor- some profits. ruption, simply by looking at the mon- By These leaders totally failed to see the ey trail or transfers of money, and who value of Jesus’ vision of the kingdom - stands to gain. Anil Netto and valued it at 30 pieces of silver! Think of how the Sarawak Report [email protected] How often have we been betrayed by looked at the complicated money trails to those in positions of authority and power expose the massive loss in 1MDB. for their own personal gain? The very In a broader sense, we can identify the small coin into the Temple treasury while motivations for shifting his allegiance people entrusted to look after our inter- real story by looking at the underlying the chief priests were living in comfort from Jesus. We don’t know what he was ests. Often, they dip their hands into pub- motivations of the main characters or en- from the huge amounts collected, even thinking. lic coffers and rob society blind. tities in the plot and what they stand to from widows and the poor. But think of the way elected repre- How easily allegiances can be bought gain financially. When Jesus angrily toppled the mon- sentatives betray the voters’ mandate or and sold. Alas, it was too late when Judas If we apply that expression – follow ey changers’ tables, he disrupted the sell out their vision. Sometimes the bait realised what he had done and flung the the money – to the events leading to the economic function of the Temple at its could be extra constituency development silver coins back at the Temple priests. crucifixion of Jesus, some fascinating in- source. funds or promises of positions of power The irony was that Jesus was hauled up sights might surface. The next thing you know, the Temple and wealth. Or they may be told that they before worldly leaders who had gained a For a start, the question of money fig- leaders bribed Judas with 30 pieces of would not be persecuted if they toe the lot from the system. ured prominently in the ministry of Je- silver to betray Jesus. line. Or perhaps a bit of both – carrot and Think of the high priests and the reli- sus, especially in the last week of his life. Now, how much were those 30 silver stick. gious leaders who were using the temple Think of the many instances the issue coins worth? In modern times, the term “30 pieces to extract wealth from the peasants and of money surfaced in the parables of Je- These silver coins could have been of silver” refers to the selling out of prin- living lavish, comfortable lives while the sus. His followers had to choose between Tyrian shekels, or other silver coins from ciples and ideals in exchange for worldly peasants toiled.