VOL. 128 NO. 40 DAVISCLIPPER.COM FRIDAY, MAY 29, 2020 We Remember ME MORIAL DAY PHOTOS ON PAGE 9 ROGER V. TUTTLE 2 FRIDAY, MAY 29, 2020 NEWS THE DAVIS CLIPPER R esidents call for Witt to step down over concert debacle by Becky GINOS
[email protected] KAYSVILLE — Mayor Katie Witt took some heat at last week’s virtual city council meeting from both the public and city council members themselves over an outdoor concert and market she supported without council approval. The concert, fea- turing country singer Collin Raye was set to take place at Barnes Park this weekend May 30 until the promoters backed out, moving it to Grantsville. But the damage was done. Residents blasted Witt during an hour long public hearing prior to the regular council meeting asking her to step down or be censured for what COUrtESY PHOTO most called an abuse of power. KAYSVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS LISTEN TO RESIDENTS' CONCERNS during a virtual meeting last week. “This was more than just a concert,” said Sherri Jamieson. “I’m During the regular city council respond during the public comment I didn’t lean on you as council mem- all for the economy to reopen and to meeting, Council member Michelle period, she did take the opportunity bers. I apologize to you for that. I’m get out and do things, but this was Barber read a Proclamation renounc- to address the council. “It was my grateful for this community that has a political stunt. The residents of ing support of the concert along with mistake that I didn’t loop in the coun- so many people speaking and coming Kaysville were made to be pawns.” a Resolution to place a moratorium cil sooner,” said Witt.