





Grid Ref: 524216 271239

Date of Registration: 28.11.2017



This application has been referred to Development Management Committee as Godmanchester Town Council’s recommendation to refuse is contrary to the Officer recommendation to approve the application.


1.1 Huntingdon Boathaven is located on the western outskirts of Godmanchester, south of an A14 bridge, adjoining the , Cooks Stream and south-east of Huntingdon. The Boathaven includes a marina, a dwelling and two elevated areas of land either side of the marina which are part used for caravans and open space together with boat storage and parking areas.

1.2 The site is accessed from The Avenue via a 5m wide private drive which serves the applicant’s site and a neighbouring boatyard north of the A14 bridge (Tyrrells Boatyard, the former site Of Huntingdon Marine And Leisure Ltd) at Bridge Place, Godmanchester. This site is the subject of application 16/00906/FUL (Demolition of existing building and proposed erection of a mixed use development (C3 and A3/A4) comprising of 16 dwellings and café) which is under consideration.

1.3 The planning application the subject of this report relates to two areas: both are part adjacent to, and part in, water bodies forming a County Wildlife Site. The larger, western site includes an approved floating pontoon and landing platform (application 1301659FUL refers) and is part in the River Great Ouse. The smaller south-eastern site is part in Cooks Stream. The proposal is to retain the use of the two sites for 10 permanent residential moorings.

1.4 The larger site area is south of Huntingdon Conservation Area (which extends across part of the river and includes the Castle Hill scheduled monument) and the smaller site lies north and west of Godmanchester (Post Street) Conservation Area and west of a Grade II listed bridge (Cooks bridge, under part of The Avenue). 1.5 To the west and south of the River Great Ouse is the Portholme Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI); a meadow crossed by public paths and which is used as an informal recreation area. To the south of Cooks Stream is a group of dwellings (including 4C The Avenue), gardens and a field, and to the east and north of the smaller plot is another field, which forms part of Westside Common and a bridge over Cooks Stream.

1.6 The sites the subject of the application are on land liable to flood: flood zones 2 and 3 (medium and high risk respectively) with the accesses leading to the northern access road mostly in zone 2 and with the northern access road also mostly in zone 2 according to the Environment Agency (EA) mapping. The District Council’s Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) maps, are similar to the EA mapping and confirm that the parts of the two sites in the river and at the south end of the boathaven are in functional flood plain (zone 3b at high risk of flooding).

1.7 The application is accompanied by a statement with statutory declarations and, at officer and EA request: a flood risk assessment.


2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) sets out the three dimensions to sustainable development - an economic role, a social role and an environmental role - and outlines the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Under the heading of Delivering Sustainable Development, the Framework sets out the Government's planning policies for : building a strong, competitive economy; ensuring the vitality of town centres; supporting a prosperous rural economy; promoting sustainable transport; supporting high quality communications infrastructure; delivering a wide choice of high quality homes; requiring good design; promoting healthy communities; protecting Green Belt land; meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change; conserving and enhancing the natural environment; conserving and enhancing the historic environment; and facilitating the sustainable use of minerals.

2.2 Planning Practice Guidance

For full details visit the government website https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/department-for-communities- and-local-government


3.1 Saved policies from the Local Plan (1995) • En5: Conservation Area character and appearance • En9: Views into and out of Conservation Areas • En17: Development in the countryside • En18: Protection of countryside features • En20: Landscaping Scheme • En22: Nature Conservation • En23: Harm to SSSIs, reserves and wildlife • En25: General Design Criteria • CS8: Drainage • CS9: Flood water management • H31: Privacy and amenity • R1: Recreation and leisure • R2: Recreation and leisure

3.2 Saved policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alterations (2002) • HL5: Good design and layout required in all new housing development.

3.3 Adopted Huntingdonshire Local Development Framework Core Strategy (2009) • CS1: Sustainable development in Huntingdonshire • CS9: Strategic Green Infrastructure Enhancement. The site is in the Great Ouse Valley which is a priority area with potential to consolidate and link important habitats and facilitate access improvements. • CS10: Contributions to infrastructure.

3.4 Huntingdonshire’s Local Plan to 2036: Proposed Submission 2017 (as amended March 2018 for submission) • LP1: Amount of Development • LP2: Strategy for Development • LP3: Green Infrastructure • LP4: Contributing to Infrastructure Delivery • LP5: Flood Risk • LP7: Spatial Planning Areas • LP11: The Countryside • LP12: Design Context • LP13: Design Implementation • LP15: Amenity • LP16: Surface Water • LP17: Sustainable Travel • LP18: Parking Provision and vehicle movement • LP32: Biodiversity and Geodiversity • LP33: Trees, Woodland, Hedges and Hedgerow • LP36: Heritage Assets and their Settings • LP39: Ground Contamination and Groundwater pollution • LP40: Water Related Development.

3.5 The Local Planning Authority considers the Local Plan to 2036 to be a sound plan and it was submitted for examination on the 29th March 2018. The plan has therefore reached an advanced stage and is consistent with the policies set out within the NPPF.

3.6 Godmanchester Neighbourhood Plan 2017 • GMC5 - GMC support opportunities to protect, restore and replace and restore public moorings……and spaces for short stay visitors will be supported”. • Chapter 10 of the Neighbourhood Plan defines the built up area and excludes: Open spaces and sports and recreational facilities, caravan sites, which extend into the countryside or which primarily relate to the countryside in form or character.

3.7 Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and Guidance: • Flood and Water SPD 2016 adopted by HDC April 2017 • Huntingdonshire Design Guide SPD (2017): - Part 2.1 Context and Local distinctiveness • Huntingdonshire Landscape and Townscape Assessment SPD 2007 • Huntingdon Conservation Area Character Assessment 2007 • Godmanchester (Post Street) Conservation Area Character Statement 2002

Local policies are viewable at https://www.huntingdonshire.gov.uk


4.1 7800788FUL Construction of yacht basin chandlery office workshop and flat with associated parking and earthworks approved 03.07.1978. Riverside moorings were shown on plans accompanying the application.

4.2 1301659FUL Proposed floating pontoon and landing platform approved 26.03.2014.

4.3 1301409CLED Certificate of existing lawful use for mooring one residential boat approved 05.06.2014 and overlaps with north end of current application site.

4.4 17/02407/S73 Remove condition 2 of planning permission granted on appeal 30-12-2003 - Ref: APP/H0520/A/03/1117635 - 0300281FUL - "The use hereby permitted shall apply only between 1st March and 31st October and at no other time. Outside the specified period all caravans and tents shall be removed from the site."- Concurrent application under consideration: see that committee report for caravan-related history.


5.1 Godmanchester Town Council: Recommends refuse (Copy attached) ‘This application contradicts GMC Neighbourhood plan 2017-36 policy GMC5. “Godmanchester Town Council support opportunities to protect, restore and replace and restore public moorings……and spaces for short stay visitors will be supported”. We do not want to see these moorings used for permanent residency as we wish to encourage tourism and use of the waterway in Godmanchester.

It is unclear from the application how many of the moorings have been permanently occupied for more than 10 years by the same person, but this appears minimal. One signed declaration from a resident is attached to the application, and we do not believe this gives rights by default to all the other moorings. Although some may have been in permanent occupation for 10 years it is indicated this has not been by the same persons.

The current moorings are not maintained in a particularly good state of repair and are not visually attractive viewed from Port Holme.

HDC are aware that Godmanchester Town Council has been communicating with HDC enforcement team for over 3 years to ensure there was compliance on this site. HDC have been aware of concerns from at least 2010. The Town Council are disappointed this has come to “a planning decision” as a result of default by HDC enforcement department. The applicant admits a breach of conditions but this should not make it right that permission should be granted retrospectively to the moorings’.

5.2 Adjoining Brampton Parish Council: Recommend approve

5.3 Adjoining Huntingdon Town Council: No reply received.

5.4 Environment Agency –No objection. However, the moorings are in flood zone 3. The LPA need to consider if the development is ‘water compatible’ and if the sequential test is met.

The FRA states that safe and dry access/egress is available to The Avenue and it appears that the route is partly in flood zone 2. The LPA need to be satisfied that the access is safe if the moorings become uninhabitable during a flood event, recommend consult emergency planner on proposal and submitted flood emergency plan.

5.5 HDC Safety Planner: No objection. The applicants flood warning and evacuation plan to achieve safe access and egress is acceptable.

5.6 CCC Highway Authority - No objection

5.7 Beds and Cambs Wildlife Trust – No objection

5.8 Highways – No objection

5.9 National Grid- No objection. Note gas apparatus nearby

5.10 Cadent gas: No objection


6.1 No representations received.


7.1 The report addresses the principal, important and controversial issues which are in this case:

• The principle of permitting year-round residential moorings on this site • Flood risk • Visual Amenity/ setting of conservation areas • Residential amenity • Traffic/ Highway implications • County Wildlife site/ SSSI/ Biodiversity implications. • Principle of permitting year-round residential moorings

7.2 The application seeks permission for 10 residential moorings: 9 on the western/south-western area of the boathaven site and 1 to the south-east.

7.3 The area has been used for mooring recreational boats for many years, as evidenced by the Council’s aerial photos. There are already several boats in the river and stream within the site area. Permission has been granted for the pontoon (1301659FUL), not the decks and a Certificate of existing lawful use for mooring one residential boat on part of the north end of the site has been granted.

7.4 The proposal has to be considered against policy LP 40 of Huntingdonshire’s Local Plan to 2036: Proposed Submission 2017 (as amended March 2018 for submission). This advises that proposals for Residential Moorings for permanent sole or main residential use will be supported where: the following criteria are satisfied and it can be demonstrated that: a. it will not overload the environmental, navigational or flood conveyance capacity of the watercourse or water body; b. adequate servicing is provided, including water supply, electricity, and disposal facilities for sewage and waste; c. it will not impede the use of leisure moorings or berths or navigation or lead to hazardous boat movements; d. the use of any publicly accessible paths or other forms of access to the water body will not be compromised or impeded; e. measures will be incorporated to maintain or enhance water quality and quantity and river morphology, with reference to the Environment Agency's Anglian river basin district River Basin Management Plan (2009, updated 2015) and the Water Framework Directive; f. biodiversity of the water, its margins and nearby nature conservation sites will be maintained or enhanced; g. it will not lead to any adverse impact on flood risk or flood defences or displacement of flood risk h. it will contribute to the re-naturalisation of the water body; and i. there is adequate demand to justify the creation of new berths or moorings where they are proposed. j. the boat will be moored to the bank of a watercourse or water body where that bank is within the built-up area of any settlement; or k. the proposal is for a berth in a marina, where the marina is within or immediately adjacent to the built-up area of any settlement and the use would not lead to a change in the character of the marina away from a tourist/ leisure facility.

7.5 The proposal is considered to satisfy criteria a-g of LP40. The applicant advises that water supplied to the boats comes from taps located around the site and close to the boats. Each boat has it’s own electricity meter and there is a chemical waste disposal point on site for cassette toilets, the content of which goes into the mains drains. Boats with holding tanks go to Hartford Marina to have them pumped out. This has arrangement has been in place for over 20 years. Refuse is collected twice a week from a designated point on the marina (criteria b).

7.6 The applicant advises that measures (including bird boxes) have already been incorporated to enhance biodiversity at the site (criteria f). Criteria g (flood issues) is considered below. There is no proposal to contribute to the re-naturalisation of the water body (criteria h).Criteria i does not apply as the moorings exist and no new moorings are proposed.

7.7 The boathaven site is considered to adjoin the built up area of Godmanchester and therefore the proposal satisfies criteria j.

7.8 Criteria k does not apply as the proposal is outside a marina.

7.9 Subject to the review of criteria g (flood risk) below, it is considered that the proposal satisfies policy LP40 of Huntingdonshire’s Local Plan to 2036: Proposed Submission 2017 (as amended March 2018 for submission).

7.10 Policy GMC5 of the Godmanchester Neighbourhood Plan 2017, which supports visitor moorings, has been carefully considered, as has Godmanchester Town Council’s objection and the desire to encourage tourism and use of the waterway in Godmanchester with temporary moorings. The proposal would reduce the number of tourist moorings by changing the use to permanent residential moorings. However, it is considered that it would be unreasonable to refuse the application on this basis due to the Development Plan policy support.

7.11 The moorings provide additional residential units in an accessible location convenient for shops and services in Godmanchester and Huntingdon. It is concluded that the principle of permitting year-round residential moorings on this site is acceptable, subject to the other issues being satisfactory.

Flood Risk

7.12 Section 10 of the NPPF sets out national guidance for ‘Meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change.’ Para 100 advises that ‘Inappropriate development in areas at risk of flooding should be avoided by directing development away from areas at highest risk, but where development is necessary, making it safe without increasing flood risk elsewhere ……’.

7.13 The site is in flood zones 2 and 3 (medium and high risk respectively: PPG Table 1) with the site roads leading to the northern access road which is partly in zone 1 (low flood risk) and mostly in zone 2 according to the Environment Agency (EA) mapping. The District Council’s Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) maps are similar to the EA mapping and confirm that the parts of the two sites in the river and at the south end of the boathaven are in functional flood plain (zone 3b at high risk of flooding).

7.14 Policy LP5 of Huntingdonshire’s Local Plan to 2036: Proposed Submission 2017 (as amended March 2018 for submission) advises that

7.15 A proposal will only be supported where all forms of flood risk, including breaches of flood defences or other defence failures, have been addressed, as detailed in the National Planning Practice Guidance and with reference to the Cambridgeshire Flood and Water Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), such that: a. the sequential approach and sequential test are applied and passed, having regard to actual and residual flood risk and including consideration of the impact of climate change; b. if necessary the exception test is applied and passed; c. development has been sequentially located within the site to avoid flood risk; d. all reasonable opportunities to reduce overall flood risk have been considered and where possible taken; e. the integrity of existing flood defences is not adversely affected and any necessary flood mitigation and compensation measures have been agreed with relevant bodies and the Council; and f. the requirements relating to flood risk set out in the Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD have been applied.

7.16 Any reliance on emergency services to make a proposal safe will not be acceptable. Safety risks will be determined with reference to the Defra guidance on flood risk safety FD2320 or successor guidance, on the basis that development should be 'safe for all' for a 1:1000 annual probability flood event, for the lifetime of the development.

Managing flood water

7.17 Where a proposal is considered to be acceptable within the 1% annual probability flood extent (flood zone 3), including an allowance for climate change for the lifetime of the development, the development must not result in a loss of flood storage capacity, reduced flow performance, increase the rate of flooding onset or result in an unsustainable form of flood storage requiring on-going silt removal, maintenance or renewal.

7.18 Where a proposal would occupy functional flood plain (flood zone 3b), the developer must ensure that it does not impact upon the ability of the floodplain to store or convey water, and seek opportunities to provide floodplain betterment. Development will only be support where it results in no loss of floodplain performance within the undefended floodplain.

Site-specific flood risk assessments

7.19 On a site that is at risk of flooding from any form, where there are critical drainage problems or on sites of 1 hectare or more the proposal will only be supported where a site-specific flood risk assessment has been produced, appropriate to the scale and nature of the development and risks involved, including consideration of the impact of climate change, and is agreed with relevant bodies. Such assessments will need to demonstrate that they comply with the requirements set out: i. in the Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD or successor documents; j. by any applicable responsible authority, including but not limited to the Environment Agency and Cambridgeshire County Council, as Lead Local Flood Authority; and k. by the Middle Level Commissioners or internal drainage boards, as may be applicable.

7.20 In this case, if the residential moorings with the Emergency Plan are treated as ‘water compatible’, table 4.3 of the Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD suggests that the use is compatible with the high flood risk of the functional flood plain and no sequential or exception test is required. It is considered that the proposal provides sustainability benefits to the community with ten additional dwellings, and that the development will be safe for its lifetime, subject to the implementation of the Emergency Plan, it will not increase flood risk overall.

7.21 The moorings will, like the applicant’s existing marina, be in a high flood risk area. However, the Council’s HDC Safety Planner does not object to the proposal and considers that the applicant’s flood warning and evacuation plan to achieve safe access and egress is acceptable.

7.22 It is considered that the site can be made safe for future occupiers. A condition can secure the implementation of the applicant’s flood warning and evacuation plan.

7.23 It is concluded that the proposal satisfies the NPPF and PPG with regards to flood risk and policies LP5 and LP 40g of Huntingdonshire’s Local Plan to 2036: Proposed Submission 2017 (as amended March 2018 for submission) as the proposal Residential Moorings for permanent sole or main residential use will not lead to any adverse impact on flood risk or flood defences or displacement of flood risk.

Visual Amenity/ setting of conservation areas

7.24 The two mooring sites are prominent with in public views for example from the river, Portholme and the A14.

7.25 Officers have given special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the landscape and adjoining Conservation Area.

7.26 It is considered that the change of use of the moorings from tourist to permanent residential use will not harm the character and appearance of the area (with boats staying in place for a longer term and with less coming and going of boats). It is acceptable to see boats moored in rivers and streams.

7.27 The proposal is not including proposals to undertake operations such as decking or sheds (either existing or proposed).

7.28 It is considered that the use of the site for permanent moorings would not harm the character and appearance of the area or the setting of Huntingdon or Godmanchester (Post Street) Conservation Areas designated heritage assets.

Residential Amenity

7.29 The proposal offers good residential amenity for occupiers with attractive views along the river. The residents are able to park vehicles, dispose of effluent and waste at the marina facilities on site.

7.30 The proposal would not have a significantly detrimental impact upon the amenity of neighbour dwellings such as 4c The Avenue south of the smaller eastern site due to the distance between the properties and little difference between a tourist and residential use.

7.31 It is concluded that the proposal is acceptable in terms of residential amenity.

Traffic/Highway implications

7.32 A tourist mooring use may either entail no vehicle movements (eg if the clients parked elsewhere and arrived and left the mooring by boat) or few vehicle movements as clients may, for example, drive to and from the site at the start and end of the trip. The proposal for 10 permanent residential moorings is likely to increase the number of pedestrian and vehicle movements along the access into The Avenue and into Godmanchester and Huntingdon for shops and services. However, it is considered that the proposal would not have an adverse impact on highway safety. The access is wide and has satisfactory visibility.

7.33 The proposal is therefore acceptable in terms of traffic/highway implications and would not have an unduly harmful impact upon highway safety. A condition can be imposed to limit the number of permanent residential moorings to no more than 10 on the sites the subject of the application as proposed and for the avoidance of doubt in the interests of limiting the traffic implications (and visual impact).

County Wildlife Site/SSSI/Biodiversity implications

7.34 The moorings exist and it is considered that the change of use from tourist use to permanent residential use need not harm wildlife or the habitat of the river/ stream County Wildlife Site or Portholme SSSI on the opposite side of the river.

7.35 It is considered that the proposal need have no adverse effect on the County Wildlife site (River Great Ouse and Cook Stream)/or Biodiversity.

7.36 The applicant has been asked to consider biodiversity enhancement measures such as bat and bird box installation at the site and any response will be reported to committee.

7.37 No wheeled bin unilateral undertaking is required as the applicant/marina has existing waste collection facilities.


7.38 The proposed development is considered to comply with the relevant national and local policy as: * The principle of permitting year-round residential moorings on this site is acceptable and will represent a positive, though modest, contribution to housing supply, with commensurate modest social and economic benefits * The proposal is in a high risk flood area but the site can be safe for future occupiers and would not adversely affect flood risk in the locality * The use of the site for permanent moorings would not harm the character and appearance of the area or the setting of Huntingdon or Godmanchester (Post Street) Conservation Areas designated heritage assets * The proposal offers attractive residential amenity for occupiers * The proposal would not have a significantly detrimental impact upon the amenity of neighbours * The proposal is acceptable in terms of traffic/highway implications and would not have an unduly harmful impact upon highway safety * It is considered that the proposal need have no adverse effect on the County Wildlife site (River Great Ouse and Cook Stream)/or biodiversity.

7.39 Taking national and local planning policies into account, and having regard for all relevant material considerations, it is recommended that planning permission be granted, subject to the imposition of conditions.

8. RECOMMENDATION - APPROVAL subject to conditions to include the following

• 18001 - Plans listed in table • No more than 10 residential moorings • Implementation of the applicant’s flood warning and evacuation Emergency Plan.

If you would like a translation of this document, a large text version or an audio version, please contact us on 01480 388388 and we will try to accommodate your needs.

CONTACT OFFICER: Enquiries about this report to Sheila Lindsay Senior Development Management Officer 01480 388247 Huntingdonshire DC Public Access

From: Town Clerk Sent: 19 January 2018 13:28 To: DevelopmentControl Cc: Lindsay, Sheila (Plan. Serv.) Subject: 17/02406/FUL - The Huntingdon Boathaven

Godmanchester Town Council met last night and made the following recommendation in respect of the above planning permission:

RECOMMEND REFUSAL – Godmanchester Town Council have no further comments to add to our previous submissions which strongly recommend REFUSAL.

If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards



PLANNING COMMENTS : 4th January 2018


Retrospective application for two storey side extension and two storey rear extension. 11 Sapley Road, Hartford, Huntingdon, PE29 1YG

Recommend APPROVE

17/00886/FUL Mr Sutton, 25 Wellsfield, Huntingdon, PE29 1LW

Proposed new 3 bed dwelling. 25 Wellsfield, Huntingdon, PE29 1LW

Recommend REFUSAL. Members felt there was not enough space for a new 3 bed dwelling and considered this overdevelopment of the site.

1. Revised plans received JPT/STN/0317/001 Rev C

Recommend REFUSAL. Members felt there was not enough space for a new dwelling and considered this overdevelopment of the site. 17/02329/HHFUL Mr Sam Greene, 10 Priory Grove, Huntingdon, PE29 1JW

Two storey extension to rear of the property. 10 Priory Grove, Huntingdon, PE29 1JW

Recommend APPROVE

17/02381/FUL Matthew Waugh, Arquiva Ltd (For EE Limited), Trafalgar House, 110 Manchester Road, Altrincham, WA14 1NU

The installation of a single PSU cabinet at ground level and minor ancillary works. Crown Castle, at Telephone Exchange, St Johns Street, Huntingdon

Recommend APPROVE

17/02406/FUL Mr and Mrs Holmes, C/o Agent Andrew S Campbell Associates Ltd, Quay Cottage Studio, 6 Bull Lane, St Ives, Cambs PE27 5AX

Retention of land used for permanent residential moorings. The Huntingdon Boathaven, The Avenue, Godmanchester, Huntingdon, PE29 1AF

Recommend APPROVE

1. Amended red line plan.


PLANNING COMMENTS : 4th January 2018

17/02454/HHFUL Mr Anthony Green, 6 Florida Avenue, Hartford, Huntingdon, PE29 1PY

Addition of a Granny Annexe above the existing double garage. 6 Florida Avenue, Hartford, Huntingdon, PE29 1PY

Recommend REFUSE. Members felt that the proposed annexe would not be inkeping with neighbouring garages and properties.

17/02522/LBC Nick Hollis, The Hollies, Rowhill Road, Hextable, BR8 7RL

To demolish the out-building at the rear. 68 High Street, Huntingdon, PE29 3DN

Recommend APPROVE.

17/02523/FUL Mr Donatas Tylenis , 6-7 Huntingdon Business Centre, Huntingdon, PE29 6HQ

To construct a dormer with a translucent UPVC roof within the rear pitched roof of the garage workshop. 12A Huntingdon Business Centre, Stukeley Road, Huntingdon, PE29 6HQ

Recommend APPROVE.

17/02532/HHFUL Mr Duncan Springle, 33 Prospero Way, Hartford, Huntingdon, PE29 1PG

An extension above the existing single storey flat roof section of the build to make it 2 storeys. 33 Prospero Way, Hartford, Huntingdon, PE29 1PG

Recommend APPROVE.

17/02536/HHFUL Mr Ian Ridgers, 11 Levers Water, Stukeley Meadows, Huntingdon, PE29 6TH

First floor front/side extension with single storey rear extension, internal alteration. 11 Levers Water, Huntingdon, PE29 6TH


PLANNING COMMENTS : 4th January 2018

17/02548/FUL Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Hinchingbrooke Park, Hinchingbrooke Park Road, Huntingdon, PE29 6NP

Relocation on same site of existing Vehicle Examination Unit (VEU) facility to allow for future road improvement scheme. Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Hinchingbrooke Park, Hinchingbrooke Park Road, Huntingdon, PE29 6NP

Recommend APPROVE

17/02551/FUL Hilton Foods UL Ltd, C/o Agent, Garth Hanlon, Savils (UK) Ltd, Unex House, 132-134 Hills Road, , CB2 8PA

Demolition of part of 'Unit D' and erection of new 'Unit E' (use calss B2) together with new parking area incorporating HGV parking and associated highways, drainage and landscaping and other infrastructure works. Land South of 5 Latham Road and Land South of 10 and 12 Latham Road Road Huntingdon.

Recommend APPROVE.

17/02654/HHFUL Mrs Amy McCrae, 119 Sapley Road, Hartford, Huntingdon, Pe29 1YU

First floor extension. 119 Sapley Road, Hartford, Huntingdon, PE29 1YU

Recommend APPROVE

17/02667/TREE Mrs Elly McKee, Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Police HQ, Huntingdon, PE29 6NP

Arboriculturalists report has identified Sycamore Tree ref: TG6001 requires felling as per attached report. 'single tree twin-stemmed with deep included bark union and should be felled'. Sycamore is within Conservation Area and protected by blanket TPO ref: 003/59. Hinchingbrooke Cottage, Brampton Road, Huntingdon, PE29 2NA

Recommend APPROVE Huntingdonshire D I S T R I C T C O U N C I L Pathfinder House St Mary’s Street Huntingdon PE29 3TN Head of Planning Services Pathfinder House St. Mary’s Street Huntingdon Cambridgeshire PE 29 3TN


Retention of land used for permanent residential moorings PROPOSAL: The Huntingdon Boathaven, The Avenue, Godmanchester, LOCATION: Huntingdon, PE29 2AF



Recommend approval: No reason to object.

………………………………….. Assistant Clerk to Brampton Parish Council.

Date: 10 Jan 2018

Failure to return this form within the time indicated will be taken as an indication that the Town or Parish Council do not express any opinion either for or against the application.


Tel 01480 388388 Fax 01480 388099 [email protected] www.huntsdc.gov.uk

Development Management Committee

Scale =1:1,250 Application Ref: 17/02406/FUL

Date Created: 01/03/2018 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 o Location: Huntingdon Ordnance Survey HDC 100022322

3 to 5 Slipway Ward Bdy 9


Landing Stages BRIDGE PLACE





El Sub Sta 22

A 14

Gantry Landing Stage




Stages River Great Ouse Westside

Marina Caravan Site

ED & Ward Bdy

Key Listed Building The Site Conservation Area

4c Development Management Committee

Scale =1:1,250 Application Ref: 17/02406/FUL

Date Created: 15/05/2018 © Crown copyright and database rights 2018 o Location:Godmanchester Ordnance Survey HDC 100022322

Slipway Ward Bdy 9


Landing Stages BRIDGE PLACE

! 8

A 14

Landing Stage Gantry





River Great Ouse

Marina Caravan Site

ED & Ward Bdy

Key Listed Building Reference 17/02406/FUL 1301409CLED Conservation Area