Government Flight Representative Course

Wildcat Aerospace Corporation Contract July 2014






FACILITY 13. CONTRACTOR OFFERER CODE 0KM13 CODE Wildcat Aerospace Corporation 14. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BY CODE T2000A Government Electronics Division DCMA Kalamazoo 6412 W Eastern Ave. 4425 E Western Ave Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5201 Kalamazoo, MI 49008 TELEPHONE CHECK IF REMITTANCE IS DIFFERENT AND PUT SUCH ADDRESS IN OFFER SUBMIT INVOICES TO ADDRESS SHOWN IN BLOCK:



See Schedule 52.232-18 Availability of Funds (APR 1994) Funds are not presently available for this contract. The Government's obligation under this contract is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for contract purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment may arise until funds are made available to the Contracting Officer for this contract and until the Contractor receives notice of such availability, to be confirmed in writing by the Contracting Officer.


27. SIGNATURE OF OFFERER/CONTRACTOR 28. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTING OFFICER) P. T. Barnum Walter R. Mitty NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER (TYPE OR PRINT) NAME OF CONTRACTING OFFICER Phineas Taylor Barnum, CEO 31 August 2014 Walter R. Mitty 31 August 2014 1447-101 STANDARD FORM 1447 (5-88) Prescribed by GSA FAR (48 CFR 53.215-1(g)) F33628-14-C-2115


Section A - Solicitation/Contract (Cont'd)

A. Additional Full Text Clauses



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JOHN W. COVER JR. Brigadier General, USAF DCS/Contracting

(Note: Pursuant to AFFAR SUP 4.103 and ASD FAR SUP 1.601-92.3, the approval level for this contract, including options, if any, is any amount over $5,000,000.)

1 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount 0001 Info CLIN Sec Class: U noun: F-13G AIRCRAFT Descriptive data: (MPC 1010) Furnish Fiscal Year 2014 increment of operational F-13G Tactical Fighter Aircraft (to include 36 shipsets of -4 CFTs) in accordance with the following SubCLINs: 0001AA SubCLIN Sec Class: U $ 30,937,000.00 EA $75,732,000.00 noun: TWO PLACE AIRCRAFT, F-13G acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: (MPC 1010) Furnish Two Place F-13G Aircraft in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of SECTION C hereof. Billing shall be in accordance with Attachment 18, Section J hereof. 000lAB SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $NSP LO $NSP acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-11-01870 descriptive data: (lec 1060) Conduct MIL-STD-1567A "Work Measurement" in accordance with Work Measurement Plan listed in Section J, Attachment 33. The price for this item is included in the price of Item 0001AA. 0001AC SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $ 6,000,000.00 LO $ 6,000,000.00 noun: WARRANTY acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870

descriptive data: Provide a warranty in accordance with Special Contract Requirement H- 551M hereof. Billing shall be in accordance with Attachment 18, Section J hereof.

2 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount 0001AD SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $113,000.00 LO $113,000.00 noun: HARDWARE QUALITY AUDIT acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-11-01870 descriptive data: Conduct the task entitled "F-13 Hardware Quality Audit (HQA)" in accordance with the SOW, Section J, Attachment 22, paragraph 2.0. FY14 HQA items are: Interface Units (AIU); Conformal (CFT); and Remote Map Reader (M). Billing shall be in accordance with Attachment 18, Section J hereof. 0001AE SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $2,009,000.00 LO $2,009,000.00 noun: COST OF QUALITY (PHL-STD-1520B/T AND NOTICE I)/ MANUFACTURING AND QUALITY ASSURANCE acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-11-01870 descriptive data: Conduct the task entitled "F-13 Cost of Quality" in accordance with Wildcat letter MWN-017-65838 dated 22 Jun 12, supported by Wildcat Data Items No 27, 34, 37, 39, 45, 48, 59, and 138, and with the Cost of Quality Plan, Attachment 28, Section J hereof and conduct the task entitled "F-13 Manufacturing and Quality Assurance" in accordance with the SOW, Attachment 22, and the Foreign Object Damage (FOD) SOW, Attachment 30, both Section J hereof. 0002 Info CLIN Sec Class: U noun: DATA descriptive data: MPC 1072) To support the FY14 increment of F-13G Aircraft, furnish data in accordance with the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL) and other documents set forth in the SubCLINs below. This item includes the following major subcategories: (1) Engineering and Management Data; (2) Provisioning Data Items; (3) Computer Software Documentation; (4) Training Tapes; (5) Technical Orders.

3 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount 0002AA SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $1,471,000.00 LO $1,471,000.00 noun: AFSC AIRCRAFT LETTER SUBMITTALS DATA ITEMS LIST acrn: AD nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-11-01870 descriptive data: (MPC 1072) Furnish Engineering and Management Data in accordance with the CDRL designated Attachment I entitled "AFSC Aircraft Letter Submittals Data Items List", Section J hereof. Billing shall be in accordance with Attachment 18, Section J hereof. OO02AB Reserved SubCLIN noun: DATA - DEFERRED DATA ITEMS descriptive data: This is an enabling item reserved for Deferred Data. The Deferred Data referenced herein will be priced and negotiated by ECPs. The applicable DD 1423s will be attached to the ECPs at the time of their award. 0002AC SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $NSP LO $NSP noun: DATA - AFLC AIRCRAFT PROVISIONING DATA ITEM LIST acrn: AD nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-11-01870 descriptive data: (rec 1072) Furnish Provisioning Data in accordance with the CDRL designated Attachment 2 entitled "AFLC Aircraft Provisioning Data Items List", Section J hereof. The price of this item is included in the price of Item 0002AA.

4 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount OO02AD SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $NSP LO $NSP noun: DATA-AFSC AIRCRAFT COMPUTER SOFTWARE DOCUMENTATION DATA ITEMS LIST acrn: AD nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-11-01870 descriptive data: (rec 1072) Furnish Computer Software Documentation Data in accordance with the CDRL, Attachment 3, entitled "AFSC Aircraft Computer Software Documentation", Section J hereof. The price of this Item is included in the price of Item OO02AA. 0002AE SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $13,415,000.00 LO $13,415,000.00

noun: DATA - TECH PUBS MAINTENANCE acrn: AD nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-11-01870 descriptive data: (MPC 1074) Furnish Aircraft, Training Equipment, and Equipment (CFAE), Support Equipment (CFE) and AIS Technical Publication data in accordance with AFAD 71-731-(1)/N Exhibit as set forth in Chapter 1 of the "F/TF-13 Technical Order Publications Plan: Document No. P015, dated 4 Mar 87, as subsequently amended by approved CDCNs which are incorporated herein by reference. Deliver such data in accordance with the CDRL, Attachment 5, Section J hereof, entitled "Technical Orders". Billing shall be in accordance with Attachment 18, Section J hereof. 0002AF SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $NSP LO $NSP noun: DATA - AFSC ENGINEERING DATA acrn: AD nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: (MPC 1072) Furnish Engineering Data in accordance with the CDRL designated Attachment 6, entitled "AFSC Engineering Drawings Data Items List", Section J hereof. The price of this item is included in the price of Line Item 0002AA.

5 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount OO02AG SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $NSP LO $NSP noun: DATA - 0FP PRODUCTION acrn: AC nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: (MPC 1019) Furnish OFT Production Data in accordance with the CDRL designated Attachment 8 entitled "OFP Production (ECP 2170) Data Items List", Section J hereof. The price of this item is included in the price of Line Item 0011. 0003 Info CLIN Sec Class: U noun: SE SUSTAINING ENGR. FOR AIR VEHICLE, AIRCRAFT SUPPORT EQUIPMENT (AGE) AND CONFORMAL FUEL TANK (CFTS) descriptive data: (MPC 1060) Conduct System Project Management Sustaining Engineering in accordance with applicable portions of the following documents: PO09, "Configuration Management Plan" dated 25 Mar 86; P072, "System Engineering Plan", dated 5 Feb 96; P033, "Data Management Plan" dated 20 Sep 84; and P034, "Organization and Management Plan" dated 25 Mar 86, Revision B dated 30 Sep 92, all as subsequently amended by approved CDCNs, all of which are incorporated herein by reference. CLIN 0003 costs will be tracked separately. Billing shall be in accordance with Attachment 18, Section J hereof. 0003AA SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $9,830,257.00 LO $9,830.257.00 noun: AIR VEHICLE SE - PROJECT ENGINEERING acrn: XA nan: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: This overall effort addresses program management and technical issues through Joint Wildcat/USAF technical reviews, Program Management Reviews (PHRs), telecons and by preparation of written responses to USAF inquiries in accordance with the P072 System Engineering Plan dated 5 Feb 09, paragraph, incorporated herein by reference.

6 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount 0003AB SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $13,299,759.00 LO $13,299,759.00 noun: AIR VEHICLE SE - HFG & ACFT DEL SUPPORT acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: During the manufacturing process, engineering assistance is necessary to assure the "on-schedule" delivery of aircraft, which meet the contract specification requirements. These activities are performed by a variety of Engineering technologies in accordance with P072 Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN 0003AA, paragraph 0003AC SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $2,023,876.00 LO $2,023,876.00 noun: AIR VEHICLE SE - PROPOSAL PREPARATION acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: Preparation and submittal of SPO requested ECPs, CCPs, and Proposals required extensive internal coordination and coordination with the USAF in accordance with P072, Sustaining Engineering & update referenced in SubCLIN 0003AA, paragraph OO03AD SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $1,763,664.00 LO $1,763,664.00 noun: AIR VEHICLE SE - SUPPLIER MGT & SUPPORT acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acpt J fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The F-13 subsystems incorporate a large number of CFE items. Wildcat/Supplier coordination is required to ensure production needs are satisfied with specification compliant hardware. Summary of tasks are to be performed in accordance with P072, Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN 0O03AA, paragraph 1.3.i.e.

7 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount 0003AE SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $1,619,101.00 LO $1,619,101.00 noun: AIR VEHICLE SE - OPERATIONAL ACFT SUPPORT acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: Engineering maintains appropriate coordination with the USAF in relation to problem status and resolution and program plans and objectives relative to aircraft deployed in the field. This support is provided with the intent to assist the USAF in increasing the operability/ supportability of the F-13 aircraft and to provide support of aircraft systems where engineering responsibility is retained by the F-13 SPO. Wildcat shall maintain cognizance of F-13 field performance to operate an effective aircraft design and logistics support analysis program with the intention design and support in accordance with P072, Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN 0003AA, paragraph 0003AF SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $202,388.00 LO $202,388.00

noun: AIR VEHICLE SE - GFE IMPACT acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: This overall effort addresses program management and technical considerations involving GFE issues in accordance with P072 Sustaining & Engineering update referenced in 0003AA paragraph 0003AG SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $173,475.00 LO $173,475.00 noun: AIR VEHICLE SE - COMPATIBILITY ECP INCORPORATION acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: This overall effort addresses the Engineering casks necessary for approval of "C" code ECPs in accordance with P072 Sustaining Engineering update referenced in 0003AA paragraph

8 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount 0003AH SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $704,973.00 LO $704,973.00 noun: CFT - PROJECT ENGINEERING acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The tasks required for the Project Engineering for the Conformal Fuel Tanks shall also be identical to those required by the Air Vehicle with the additional task of monitoring all aircraft change actions to determine CFT impact being required for the Conformal Fuel Tanks effort in accordance with P072, Sustaining Engineering update, referenced in SubCLIN 0003AA, paragraph 1.3.3. 0003AJ SubCLIn Sec Class: U 1 $948,577.00 LO $948,577.00 noun: CFR.- MFG & ACFT DELIVERY SUPPORT acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The tasks required for the Manufacturing and Aircraft Delivery for the Conformal Fuel Tanks shall also be identical to those required by the Air Vehicle with the additional task of monitoring all aircraft change actions to determine CFT impact being required for the Conformal Fuel Tanks effort in accordance with the P072, Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN O003AA, paragraph 1.3.3. 0003AK SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $11,073.00 LO $11,073.00 noun: CFT - PROPOSAL PREPARATION acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The tasks required for the Proposal Preparation for the Conformal Fuel Tanks shall also be identical to those required by the Air Vehicle with the additional task of monitoring all aircraft change actions to determine CFT impact being required for the Conformal Fuel Tanks effort in accordance with the P072, Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN O003AA, paragraph 1.3.3.

9 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount 0003AL SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $64,592.00 LO $64,592.00 noun: CFT - SUPPLIER MGT & SUPPORT acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The tasks required for the Supplier Management and Support for the Conformal Fuel Tanks shall also be identical to those required by the Air Vehicle with the additional task of monitoring all aircraft change actions to determine CFT impact being required for the Conformal Fuel Tanks effort in accordance with the P072, Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN 0003AA, paragraph 1.3.3. 0003AM SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $103,347.00 LO $103,347.00 noun: CFT - OPERATIONAL AIRCRAFT SUPPORT acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The tasks required for the Operational Aircraft Support for the Conformal Fuel Tanks shall also be identical to those required by the Air Vehicle with the additional task of monitoring all aircraft change actions to determine CFT impact being required for the Conformal Fuel Tanks effort in accordance with the P072, Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN 0003AA, paragraph 1.3.3. 0003AN SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $5,536.00 LO $5,536.00 noun: CFT - GFE IMPACT acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The tasks required for the GFE Impact for the Conformal Fuel Tanks shall also be identical to those required by the Air Vehicle with the additional task of monitoring all aircraft change actions to determine CFT impact being required for the Conformal Fuel Tanks effort in accordance with the P072, Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN 0003AA, paragraph 1.3.3.

10 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount 0003AP SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $7,382.00 LO $7,382.00 noun: CFT - COMPATIBILITY ECP INCORPORATION acrn: XA nan: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The tasks required for the Compatibility ECP Incorporation for the Conformal Fuel Tanks shall also be identical to those required by the Air Vehicle with the additional task of monitoring all aircraft change actions to determine CFT impact being required for the Conformal Fuel Tanks effort in accordance with the P072, Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN 0003AA, paragraph 1.3.3. 0003AQ SubCLIN Sec Class: U 1 $NSP LO $NSP noun: COPPER BIRD/MANNED FLIGHT HARDWARE SIMULATOR acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The Contractor shall perform the required tasks in accordance with the P072, Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN 0003AA, paragraph 0003AR Option SubCLIN Sec Class: U noun: ACFT SUPPORT EQUIPMENT - PROJ ENGR acrn: nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: This effort includes program management and resolution of technical issues through Wildcat/USAF meetings, reviews, telecons, and written responses to USAF inquiries in accordance with P072, Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN 0003AA, paragraph This Option SubCLIN shall be performed in accordance with Special Contract Requirement H- 042. The price for this Line Item is $11,084,112.00

11 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount 0003AS Option SubCLIN Sec Class: U noun: ACFT SUPPORT EQUIPMENT-SUPPORT SUSTAINING ASSETS acrn: nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: This effort includes the repair, maintenance, operation, and support of hardware and software systems in accordance with P072, Sustaining Engineering update referenced in 0003AA paragraph This Option SubCLIN shall be performed in accordance with Special Contract Requirement H-042. The price for this Line Item is $3,933,072.00. 0003AT Option SubCLIN Sec Class: U noun: ACFT SUPPORT EQUIPMENT - SE/TRAINER FOLLOW-ON PROCUREMENT acrn: nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: Coordination is required to ensure production needs are satisfied with specification compliant hardware. Also covered are tasks associated with USAF direct buy in accordance with P072, Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN 0003AA, paragraph This Option SubCLIN shall be performed in accordance with Special Contract Requirement H- 042. The price for this Line Item is $1,988,883.00. OO03AU Option SubCLIN Sec Class: U noun: ACFT SPPT EQUIP - SPPT OF FLD/OPERATIONAL PROB/REQUESTS acrn: nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: Engineering maintains appropriate coordination with the USAF in relation to problem status and resolution as they apply to SE and trainers in the field. This assistance is applicable to those SE and trainer systems where engineering responsibility is retained by the F-13 SPO in accordance with P072 Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN 0003AA, paragraph This Option SubCLIN shall be performed in accordance with Special Contract Requirement H-042. The price for this Line Item is $1,363,167.00.

12 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount 0003AV Option SubCLIN Sec Class: U noun: ACFT SUPPORT EQUIPMENT - PROPOSAL PREPARATION acrn: nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mtpr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: Prepare and submit SPO requested ECPs, CCPs, and Proposals in accordance with P072, Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN 0003AA, paragraph This Option SubCLIN shall be performed in accordance with Special Contract Requirement H-042. The price for this Line Item is $3,642,561.00. 0003AW Option SubCLIN Sec Class: U noun: ACFT SPPT EQUIP - COMPATIBILITY ECP INCORPORATION acrn: nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: Engineering tasks necessary for approval of "C" code ECP's in accordance with P072 Sustaining Engineering update referenced in SubCLIN 0003AA, paragraph This Option SubCLIN shall be performed in accordance with Special Contract Requirement H-042. The price for this Line Item is $335,205.00. 0003AX SubCLIN Sec Class: U

noun: ENGINEERING UTILIZATION OF USAF FLIGHT TEST RESULTS acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: Reduce data for technology and Avionics Support of Phase VII flight test in accordance with attached Statement of Work, Section J, Attachment 25.

13 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount 0004 Info CLIN Sec Class: U noun: SUPPORT EQUIPMENT descriptive data: (MPC 1044) (ASD Procured) Support Equipment (SE) to support the F-13G Weapon system shall be selected and furnished in accordance with AFAD 71-685 entitled "Aerospace Ground Equipment Identification/Selection/ Acquisition/Provisioning Document for USAF Contracts" dated Apr 96 and Amendment 1 thereto dated Jun 97, as implemented by the "AGE Plan", Document P026 dated 25 Mar 07, as subsequently amended, all of which are hereby incorporated herein by reference, and consisting of the following SubCLINs. The terms Support Equipment (SE) and Aerospace Ground Equipment (AGE) are used interchangeably throughout this document. (FY01) OO04AA Reserved SubCLIN noun: SUPPORT EQUIPMENT descriptive data: (MPC 1041) SE to support the Aircraft in Items 0001AA, as identified in Exhibit "A", SECTION J hereof. Additional requirements and orders for SE shall be determined and processed by subsequent orders. This is an enabling Line Item reserved for Support Equipment. Exhibit "A" is to be used for this purpose. 0005 Info CLIN Sec Class: U Reference EXHIBIT [C] noun: RETROFIT KITS descriptive data: Retrofit Items ordered and furnished in accordance with the provisions set forth in Attachment 11, Section J hereof, entitled "Retrofit Kits and Support Items Therefore" in order to update end items of F-13G Aircraft, Training Equipment, CFAE Spare Parts (and Spare Equipment), CFE ACE, CFE AGE Spare Parts, CFE MTS'S and CFE Training Parts, Tools and Equipment called for under Line Items 0001 thru 0003 herein and TCTO's prepared in accordance with Chapter 3 of the F/TF-13 Aircraft Technical Order Publication Plan" Document No. P015 as set forth in the Descriptive Data of Line Item OO02AE and Delivered under Sequence No. 5001 of Attachment 5. CDRL will be identified in Exhibit "C" of the applicable ECP. Requirements and orders for Retrofit Kits and TCTO's shall be determined and processed by subsequent orders. Billing shall be in accordance with Attachment 18, Section J hereof.

14 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount OOO6 Reserved CLIN noun: ROYALTY PAYMENTS descriptive data: (MPC 1010) In accordance with Special Contract Requirement H-015 of this contract, the Contractor may invoice the Value Engineering Incentive Royalty Payment and Collateral Savings Amount(s) as may be set forth in SubCLINs hereunder. Payment shall be made upon receipt of an executed DD Form 250. Progress payments do not apply to this Item. This is an enabling Line Item. 0007 Reserved CLIN noun: REPAIR OF REPAIRABLES descriptive data: (MPC 1010) Furnish materials and services necessary to repair, modify, restore and return to ready-for-use condition items of U.S. Government- owned property associated with the production and delivery of F-13 Aircraft, support equipment and services procured under Program Year 2014 when ordered by the Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) in accordance with Special Contract Requirement H-021, Section H hereof. (The price for this item will be established in accordance with said Special Contract Requirement H-021.) Exhibit "E" is reserved for orders placed hereunder. Billing shall be in accordance with Attachment 18, Section J hereof. 0008 Info CLIN Sec Class: U descriptive data: This CLIN, originally established for Spare/Repair Parts, has been intentionally excluded. The effort for the FY14 production contract required hereunder was to be placed via orders by WRALC. All future orders for spare/repair parts will be covered by WRALC Contract F09603-13-C-0599 or its successor. 0009 CLIN Sec Class: U 1 $NSP LO $NSP noun: PRINTED WIRING ASSEMBLY (PWA) acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The Contractor shall perform the work associated with the Printed Wiring Assembly (PWA) in accordance with Section J, Attachment 27. The price for this item is included in the price of Item 0001AA.

15 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount 0010 CLIN Sec Class: U 1 $127,000.00 LO $127,000.00 noun: NUCLEAR CERTIFICATION acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: Conduct the task entitled "Support of the Nuclear Certification Process on the F-13G" in accordance with Section J, Attachment 29. Billing shall be in accordance with Attachment 18, Section J hereof. 0011 CLIN Sec Class: U 1 $23,997,000.00 LO $23,997,000.00 noun: FY14 OFP PRODUCTION acrn: AC nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: Implement the Operational Flight Program (OFP) recurring software Production during a 20-month cycle ending with the delivery of the first FY15 Annual buy aircraft. Effort will be in accordance with Section J, Attachment 24. Billing shall be in accordance with Attachment 18, Section J hereof. 0012 CLIN Sec Class: U 1 $NSP LO $NSP noun: MIL-STD-1567A FLOWDOWN acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: Conduct MIL-STD-1567A "Work Measurement" Flowdown to Subcontractors in accordance with the SOW in Section J, Attachment 26. The price for this item is included in the price of Item 0001AA.

16 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount 0013 CLIN Sec Class: U 1 $775,022.00 LO $775,022.00 noun: ECP 1975R1 and C2 acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The Contractor shall perform production incorporation of a Molecular Sieve Oxygen Generating System (NSOGS) with positive pressure breathing into the F-13 aircraft as set forth in Wildcat letter ASD-017-60356 dated 27 Sep 08 and as amended by Wildcat fax ASD-017-67327 dated 24 Aug 09. Production effectivity for Group A provisions will initiate with aircraft E129 and production effectivity for Group B provisions will initiate with aircraft E135. 0014 CLIN Sec Class: U 1 $1,688,551.00 LO $1,688,551.00 noun: ECP 1955 acrn: XA nan: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The Contractor shall perform the effort required for incorporation of ECP 1855 entitled "Common Modifications for the Production Incorporation of the Increased Performance Engine into the F-13G Aircraft" as submitted by Wildcat letter MWB-017-60309 dated 29 Aug 08 as amended by Wildcat letter MWN-017-64583 dated 27 Apr 09. The Contractor shall also provide organizational level support equipment scoop cover and scoop cover adapter (106 units each of P/N 68D050137/138-1001). 0015 CLIN Sec Class: U 1 $1,050,000.00 LO $1,050,000.00 noun: ECP 1955S2 acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The Contractor shall perform the effort required for incorporation of ECP 1955S2 entitled "Peculiar Modifications for the Production Incorporation of the Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-229 Increased Performance Engine into the F-13G Aircraft" as submitted by Wildcat letter MWB-017-60310 dated 29 Aug 09 as amended by Wildcat letter MWN-017-65226 dated 24 May 10.

17 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section B - Supplies Or Services And Prices/Costs (Cont.) Quantity Unit Price Item No Supplies/Services Purchase Unit Total Item Amount 0016 CLIN Sec Class: U 1 $584,000.00 LO $584,000.00 noun: ECP 1955S4 acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The Contractor shall perform the effort required to incorporate the Asymmetric Thrust Departure Prevention (ATDP) System into FY94 production aircraft in accordance with ECP 1955S4 as submitted by Wildcat letter MWN-017-65721-1 dated 4 Jun 08 and amended by Wildcat letter MWN-017-66271 dated 13 Jul 09. 0017 CLIN Sec Class: U 1 $120,000.00 LO $120,000.00 noun: IPE CAPABLE WIRING FOR F-13G-129 THRU E-134 acrn: XA nsn: N site codes pqa: S acp: S fob: S pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 descriptive data: The Contractor shall perform the electrical work needed for in-station incorporation of all wiring required to make aircraft F-13G-129 through E- 134 IPE compatible in accordance with the Statement of Work in Section J, Attachment 34. Billing shall be in accordance with Section J, Attachment 18 hereof.

18 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section C - Description/Specifications/Work Statement The following documents are applicable to the effort called for and are incorporated by reference under this contract. 1. F-13G Aircraft - The configuration of F-13G aircraft, to be provided under Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) OOO1AA is as follows: a. Configuration Item (GI) Specification for F-13G Air Vehicle CP76301A328AO20A-5 dated 11 Mar 08 and CP76301A328AO20A-5-1 dated 11 Mar 08 as subsequently amended by approved changes. b. Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs), Specification Change Notices (SCNs) to the Air Vehicle Specifications and Contract Document Change Notices (CDCNs) to Contract plans which have been documented under Contracts F33657-00-C-0300, F33657-06-C-0100, F33657-07-C-0200, F33657-09-C-0779, F33657-03-6-2133, F33657-15-C-2131, F33657-15-C-2086, F33657-12-C-2001, F33657-12-C-2027, F33657-13-C-2022 and those ECPs which are contractually authorized for the aircraft under this contract. 2. Configuration of Aircraft to be Accepted by the Government: For the purpose of acceptance by the Government and Contractor billing, the aircraft specified in the contract schedule shall be delivered to the configuration presented herein. a. Configuration of aircraft under Contract Line Item O001AA (Two-Place F-13G Aircraft); The aircraft under Item 0001AA of the Contract schedule shall be delivered in accordance with the configuration specified in paragraph 1 above except as noted below. (1) Signal Data Recorder (SDR) provisions and equipment components installed in Aircraft Numbers 02-0230 (E-132); 02-0235 (E-137); 02-0240 (E-142); 02-0245 (E-147); 02-0250 (E-152); 02-0255 (E-157); 02-0260 (E-162). The "Signal Data Recorder" set shall be installed in aircraft which have an Air Force Serial Number which ends with a zero or five. (2) Group A and B provisions for the Internal Countermeasures Set (ICS) components of the Tactical Electronic Warfare System (TEWS) shall be installed in each aircraft. (3) Delivery configuration of each aircraft shall be in accordance with paragraphs 2.b., and 2.c. below. b. Each F-13G aircraft shall be delivered with the following Maintenance Safety and Protection Equipment or Alternate Mission equipment installed:

19 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section C - Description/Specifications/Work Statement (Cont.) QTY Nomenclature P/N (1) 2 Nuclear Weapons Encoder/Decoder & Power Supply (CFE) 11257 and 11258 (2) 1 Set of Conformal Fuel Tanks, FNU-5/A and FNU-6/A. 681250001 (3) 1 Remote Map Reader (CFE) with FS-01 Filmstrip (GFE) 68-870186 (applicable to E-129 thru E-134 only) (3A) 1 Remote Map Reader (CFE) (applicable to E-135 & above) 68-870186 (4) 1 Centerline Pylon, SLTU-73/A (CFE) 681731101 (5) 2 Inboard Wing Pylon, SUU-59 C/A (CFE) 681731201 (6) 3 External Fuel Tanks (GFAE) 681550600 (7) 3 Fuel Tank Electrical Cable Assembly (CFE) 681768217 (8) 1 Solo Flight Sequence Selector Collar 68Dl10041 (9) 1 Survival Kit Tie Down Strap 68Dl10054 (10) 3 Fuel Tank Electrical Adapter Cable 681768217 (11) 1 Air Probe Cover 29619 (12) 1 Centerline Pylon Cover 681325506 (13) 1 Centerline Pylon Cover 681326082 (14) 1 Centerline Pylon Cover 681333001 (15) 1 Centerline Pylon Cover 681580994 (16) 2 Inner Pylon Cover 681112181 (17) 6 Inner Pylon Cover 681113024 (18) 4 Outer Pylon Cover 68Al15149 (19) 2 Outer Pylon Cover 68Al15150 (20) 4 Pylon Cover 68A731205 (21) 1 Pylon Cover 68A325592 (22) 9 Receptacle Cover 68B730114 (23) 8 Access Cover 148001 (24) 4 Flare Block 133686 c. Each F-13G aircraft shall have the following Maintenance Safety and Protection Equipment or Alternate Mission delivered concurrent with aircraft delivery: QTY Nomenclature P/N (1) 1 LANTIRN Targeting Pod Adapter, ADU-577/A (CFE) 68A731651 (2) 1 LANTIRN Navigation Pod Adapter, ADU-576/A (CFE) 68A731601 (3) 2 MAVERICK Launcher Adapter, ADU-578/A (CFE) 68A731551 (4) 3 Additional RMR cassettes (CFE) loaded with Filmstrips (CFE) (applicable to E-129 thru E-134 only) (4a) 4 Additional RMR Cassettes (CFE) loaded with Filmstrips (GFE)(applicable to E-135 & above) (5) 4 AIM-120 Launcher Adapter, ADU-552/A 68A731375 (6) 1 Clearing Sector Download Pin Assembly 167C1029 (7) 3 MER-200/SUU-20 Jumper Cable Assembly 68A768279 (8) 2 AGM-65 Electrical Cable Assembly 68A768406 (9) 2 GBU-15 Electrical Cable Assembly 68A768408

20 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section C - Description/Specifications/Work Statement (Cont.) (10) 1 Data Link Electrical Cable Assembly 68A768409 (11) 1 DD780 Equipment Kit 68D000004 This kit includes the following items: 10 Aircraft Ground Safety Armament Pin 6C13362 1 Aircraft Ground Safety Uplock Arresting Hook Pin 682320001 4 Cockpit Safety Pin 68Dl10001 3 Aircraft And Safety MLG Door Pin 68D320046 2 Eject Seat Safety Pin Assembly C114767 2 Afterburner Protector 68D050006 2 Engine Air Inlet Protector 68D050007 2 Pilot Static Probe Protector 68D050009 2 AOA Transmitter Protector 68D050010 1 Secondary Heat Exchanger Exhaust Protector 68D050032 2 Secondary Heat Exchanger Inlet Plug 68D050034 2 Aircraft and Blade Antenna Cover 68D050059 2 Aircraft and Primary Heat Exchanger Inlet Cover 68D050060 1 Forward Gun Bay Louver Cover 68D050066 1 Aft Gun Louver Cover 68D050067 2 Aircraft and Primary Heat Exchanger Exhaust Cover 68D050061 1 Aircraft and Safety Canopy Lock 68D110023 1 Aircraft and Safety Arresting Hook Downlock Pin 68D320015 1 Aircraft and Safety NLG Steering Pin 68D320017 1 Aircraft and Safety NLG Door Pin 68D320027 1 Set 68A326134 4 Flare Magazine, MJU-17/A (CFE) 148002-001 4 Retainer Plate, RR-180 (CFE) 148008-001 1 Moldline Closure 148001

3. Operational Flight Program (OFT) Production. Perform in accordance with SOW in Section J, Attachment 24. 4. Phase VII Flight Test - Perform in accordance with SOW in Section J, Attachment 25. 5. MIL-STD-1567A "Work Measurement Flow-down - Perform in accordance with SOW in Section J Attachment 26. 6. E-15E Annual Printed Wire Board Update - Perform in accordance with SOW in Section J, Attachment 27. 7. IPE Capable Wiring for F-13G No. 129 thru 134 - Perform in accordance with SOW in Section J, Attachment 34.

21 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section E – Inspection and Acceptance A. Additional Full Text Clauses D-042 PACKAGING IN ACCORDANCE WITH AFMC FORMS 872/53 The Contractor shall provide packaging and marking in accordance with AFMC Forms 872 and 53, SECTION J hereof.

22 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section E – Inspection and Acceptance A. NOTICE: The following contract clauses pertinent to this SECTION are hereby incorporated by reference: I. FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION CLAUSES 52.246-2 INSPECTION OF SUPPLIES - FIXED-PRICE (AUG 1996) 52.246-11 HIGHER-LEVEL CONTRACT QUALITY REQUIREMENT (GOVERNMENT SPECIFICATION) (Feb 1999) (The information to be inserted in paragraph (b) of the above-referenced clause is "ISO 9001 & 9002" as modified through Amendment 2, dated 8 Mar 09. The last sentence of paragraph 3.6 shall be tailored to read: "Quality Cost Data maintained by the Contractor shall, upon request, be made available for the Government representative to make handwritten notes for use in determining the effectiveness of the Contractor's quality program in accordance with the approved Cost of Quality Plan submitted 22 Mar 09, Wildcat ref ASD-017-56077 attached in Section J, Attachment 28.) 52.246-16 RESPONSIBILITY FOR SUPPLIES (APR 1984) II. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FAR SUPPLEMENT CLAUSES

23 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section F - Deliveries Or Performance A. NOTICE: The following contract clauses pertinent to this SECTION are hereby incorporated by reference: I. FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATION CLAUSES 52.211-16 VARIATION IN QUANTITY (APR 1984) The three blanks in paragraph (b) are completed as follows: zero per cent increase, zero per cant decrease, all Line Items. 52.211-17 DELIVERY OF EXCESS QUANTITIES (SEP 1989) 52.242-17 GOVERNMENT DELAY OF WORK (APR 1984) 52.247-29 F.O.B. ORIGIN (FEB 2006) (In accordance with AFSC FAR Sup 47.301-1(c)(3), the F.0.B. location is Contractor's Facility.) 52.247-55 F.O.B. POINT FOR DELIVERY OF GOVERNMENT-FURNISHED PROPERTY (JUN 2003) 52.247-58 LOADING, BLOCKING, AND OF [FREIGHT CAR SHIPMENTS(APR 1984) 52.247-59 F.O.B. ORIGIN - CARLOAD AND TRUCKLOAD SHIPMENTS (APR 1984) 52.247-61 F.0.B. ORIGIN - MINIMUM SIZE OF SHIPMENTS (APR 1984) B. Additional Full Text Clauses F-081M DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE The Contractor shall deliver/perform the Item(s) called for hereunder in accordance with the Line Item(s) set forth below. The abbreviation "U" as may be used hereunder means either "Unknown" or "To Be Determined." The abbreviation "ASREQ" as may be used hereunder means "As Required Herein". The abbreviation "ARO," if used hereunder, means "after receipt by the Contractor of an executed copy of this contract". (a) The delivery schedule for the Items not listed below is set forth in the Exhibit which incorporates the requirement. (b) Support Equipment shall be delivered in accordance with Exhibit "A" (FY14), Section J hereof. (c) Retrofit Kits for Item 0005 shall be delivered in accordance with Exhibit "C" (FY14), SECTION J hereof.

24 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section F - Deliveries Or Performance (Cont.) Delivery Schedule Item No. Supplies Schedule Quantity Date 0001AA SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 3 30JUN14 3 31JUL14 3 31AUG14 3 30SEP14 3 31OCT14 3 30NOV14 3 31DEC14 3 31JAN15 3 28FEB15 3 31MAR15 3 30APR15 3 31MAY15 descriptive data: FY14 F-13G (36 Aircraft) 0001AB SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: MIL-STD-1567A "Work Measurement" - Delivery concurrent with each delivery listed with SubCLIN 0001AA. 0001AC SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: Warranty - Delivery concurrent with each delivery listed with SubCLIN 0001AA, 0001AD SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: F-13 Hardware Quality Audit - Delivery concurrent with each delivery listed with SubCLIN 0001AA.

25 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section F - Deliveries Or Performance (Cont.) Delivery Schedule Item No. Supplies Schedule Quantity Date 0001AE SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: Cost of Quality - Delivery concurrent with each delivery listed with SubCLIN OOO1AA. 0002AA SubCLIN De1 Sch Sec Class: U acrn: AD ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: The Contractor shall deliver data in accordance with CDRL Attachment 1 hereto. 0002AC SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: AD ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: The Contractor shall deliver data in accordance with CDRL Attachment 2 hereto. 0002AD SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: AD ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: The Contractor shall deliver data in accordance with CDRL Attachment 3 hereto. 0002AE SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: AD ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: The Contractor shall deliver data in accordance with CDRL Attachment 4 hereto. 0002AF SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: AD ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: The Contractor shall deliver data in accordance with CDRL Attachment 6 hereto.

26 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section F - Deliveries Or Performance (Cont.) Delivery Schedule Item No. Supplies Schedule Quantity Date 0002AG SubCLIN Del Schedule Sec Class: U acrn: AC ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: The Contractor shall deliver data in accordance with CDRL Attachment 8 hereto. 0003AA SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 30NOV15 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support until 6 months after DD 250 of the last aircraft listed under SubCLIN 0001AA. 0003AB SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 30NOV15 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support until 6 months after DD 250 of the last aircraft listed under SubCLIN 0001AA. 0003AC SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 30NOV15 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support until 6 months after DD 250 of the last aircraft listed under SubCLIN 0001AA. 0003AD SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 30NOV15 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support until 6 months after DD 250 of the last aircraft listed under SubCLIN 0001AA.

27 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section F - Deliveries Or Performance (Cont.) Delivery Schedule Item No. Supplies Schedule Quantity Date 0003AE SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 12NOV30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support until 6 months after DD 250 of the last aircraft listed under SubCLIN 0001AA. 0003AF SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 12NOV30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support until 6 months after DD 250 of the last aircraft listed under SubCLIN 0001AA. 0003AG SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 12NOV30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support until 6 months after DD 250 of the last aircraft listed under SubCLIN 0001AA. 0003AH SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 12NOV30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support until 6 months after DD 250 of the last aircraft listed under SubCLIN 0001AA. 0003AJ SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 12NOV30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support until 6 months after DD 250 of the last aircraft listed under SubCLIN 0001AA.

28 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section F - Deliveries Or Performance (Cont.) Delivery Schedule Item No. Supplies Schedule Quantity Date 0003AK SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 12NOV30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support until 6 months after DD 250 of the last aircraft listed under SubCLIN 0001AA. 0003AL SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 12NOV30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support until 6 months after DD 250 of the last aircraft listed under SubCLIN 000LAA. 0003AM SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 12NOV30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support until 6 months after DD 250 of the last aircraft listed under SubCLIN 0001AA. 0003AN SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 12NOV30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support until 6 months after DD 250 of the last aircraft listed under SubCLIN 0001AA. 0003AP SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 12NOV30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support until 6 months after DD 250 of the last aircraft listed under SubCLIN 0001AA.

29 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section F - Deliveries Or Performance (Cont.) Delivery Schedule Item No. Supplies Schedule Quantity Date 0003AQ SUbCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 11JUL31 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support from 1 Jan 94 thru 31 Jul 11. 0003AR Option SubCLIN Dec Sch Sec Class: U acrn: ship to: U 1 11SEP30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support commencing upon the exercise of Option H-042 and ending 30 Sep 11. 0003AS Option SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: ship to: U 1 11SEP30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support commencing upon the exercise of Option H-042 and ending 30 Sep 11. 0003AT Option SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: ship to: U 1 11SEP30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support commencing upon the exercise of Option H-042 and ending 30 Sep 11. 0003AU Option SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: ship to: U 1 11SEP30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support commencing upon the exercise of Option H-042 and ending 30 Sep 11.

30 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section F - Deliveries Or Performance (Cont.) Delivery Schedule Item No. Supplies Schedule Quantity Date 0003AV Option SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: ship to: U 1 11SEP30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support commencing upon the exercise of Option H-042 and ending 30 Sep 11. 0003AW Option SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: ship to: U 1 11SEP30 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support commencing upon the exercise of Option H-042 and ending 30 Sep 11. 0003AX SubCLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 10OCT31 descriptive data: The Contractor shall provide support from 1 Jan 94 thru 31 Oct 10. 0009 CLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: Printed Wiring Assembly (PWA) - Delivery concurrent with each delivery listed with SubCLIN 0001AA. 0010 CLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: Period of Performance shall be in accordance with classified document. 0011 CLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: AC ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: Delivery is concurrent with each delivery listed under SubCLIN 0001AA.

31 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section F - Deliveries Or Performance (Cont.) Delivery Schedule Item No. Supplies Schedule Quantity Date 0012 CLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acnx: XA ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: Delivery is concurrent with each delivery under SubCLIN 0001AA. 0013 CLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 11AUG31 descriptive data: Period of Performance shall be from 1 Mar 11 thru 31 Aug 11. 0014 CLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 11NOV30 descriptive data: Period of Performance shall be from 1 Apr 11 thru 30 Nov 11. 0015 CLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 11NOV30 descriptive data: Period of Performance shall be from 1 Apr 11 thru 30 Nov 11. 0016 CLIN De1 Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 11AUG31 descriptive data: Period of Performance shall be from 31 May 11 thru 31 Aug 11. 0017 CLIN Del Sch Sec Class: U acrn: XA ship to: U 1 ASREQ descriptive data: Delivery is concurrent with each delivery listed with SubCLIN 0001AA.

32 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section F - Deliveries Or Performance (Cont.) F-082 MILITARY STANDARD TRANSPORTATION AND MOVEMENT PROCEDURES (MILSTAMP) (a) DOD MILSTAMP Implementation (DoD Regulation 4500.32-R) prescribes uniform procedures and documents for the control of shipments moving wholly or in part within the Department of Defense Transportation System (LOGAIR, MAC, MSTS, QUICKTRANS). Minimum requirements consist of the use and preparation of the following: (1) The assignment of a Transportation Control Number (TCN). (2) DD Form 1384, "Transportation Control and Movement Document". A multi- purpose document which is used as a basic movement and control document, terminal handling document (e.g., Dock Receipt), cargo manifest, or tracing document. (3) DD Form 1385, "Cargo Manifest" (Air and Surface). A multi-purpose manual or mechanized form for use in listing air or surface manifest data. (4) DD Form 1387, "Military Shipment Label". The shipping address label to be used for transportation marking in accordance with the edition of MIL-STD-129 in effect on the date of this contract. (5) DD Form 1387-1, "Military Shipping Tag". The shipping tag used for transportation marking in accordance with the edition of MIL-STD-129 in effect on the date of this contract. (6) DD Form 1387-2, "Special Handling Data/Certification". A document prepared by the shipper for all shipments to be routed via military air transportation or commercial air augmentation which require special handling and/or certification in accordance with MIL-STD-129, in effect on the date of this contract. (7) General Purpose Punch Cards. Used for all mechanized MILSTAMP formats where specific formats have not been prescribed herein. (b) The forms and formats prescribed by this clause constitute a family of documents required for movement of cargo into and through the Defense Transportation System (DTS). (c) The Contractor shall prepare and distribute such documents in accordance with MILSTAMP criteria. In the event the Contractor requires instruction and/or assistance in connection therewith, he may contact Transportation Management personnel of the Contract Administration Office to which Contract has been assigned. The Contractor shall not ship any cargo directly to a military air or water port terminal without authorization from the designated contract administration office.

33 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section F - Deliveries Or Performance (Cont.) F-083 REQUESTS FOR SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS a. Requests for shipping instructions for the supplies, other than data, called for hereunder shall be made to the address specified below not later than thirty (30) days prior to the date on which any of the articles are ready for shipment: Aeronautical Systems Division (AFSC) ATTN: ASD/VFK Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433-6503 Contract No. F33628-14-C-2115 b. Data shall be consigned to the addresses indicated on the Contract Data Requirements Lists attached hereto.

34 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section G - Contract Administration Data A. Additional Full Text Clauses G-095 GOVERNMENT BILLS OF LADING OR PREPAID POSTAGE Shipments will be made on Government Bills of Lading or Prepaid Postage according to the clause of this contract entitled "F.O.B. Origin - Government Bills of Lading or Prepaid Postage." The cognizant Transportation Office this contract will be the activity set forth on Page 1 of the contract. G-096 INVENTIONS REPORTS ADDRESS The Administrative Contracting Officer, upon receipt of invention reports called for by the Patent Rights clause of the contract, shall forward same to: HQ Air Force Contract Law Center Directorate of Acquisition Law Services Patent and Data Division AFMC/JANP Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433-5000 G-097 DD FORM 254 DD Form 254, Contract Security Classification Specification, as set forth in SECTION J hereof, is applicable hereto. G-098 OTHER CONTRACT ADMINISTRATIVE DATA 1. PURCHASE REQUEST & INITIATOR: FY0215-14-01870 ASD/VFA Mr Daniel Norman 2. NSC: 1510 3. MONITORING OFFICE: ASD/VFKA 4. FINANCE OFFICER - Send payment for Contractor invoices to the following remittance address: Wildcat Aviation Corporation Post Office Box 516 Accounting Dept. Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5201

35 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section G - Contract Administration Data (Cont.) 5. Accounting Classification Data is as set forth below: 69G - PART I, SECTION G OF SCHEDULE Appropriation/Lmt Subhead/CPN Recip DODAAD Obligation ACRN ACGT Class data Supplemental Acctg. Classification Amount AA ACCOUNT UNCLASSIFIED 5793010 F95600 $83,165,645.0 119 4720 10328A 010300 00000 27130F 595600 pr/mipr data: FY7615-07-00379 - $81,390,000.00 FY7615-15-01870 - $1,775,645.00 AB ACCOUNT UNCLASSIFIED 5703010 F95600 $714,367,928.0 110 4720 10328A 010100 00000 27134F 595600 pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-00379 - $278,610,000.00 FY7615-12-01870 - $435,757,928.00 AC ACCOUNT UNCLASSIFIED 5703010 F95600 $23,997,000.0 110 4720 10328A 010190 00000 27134F 595600 pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 AD ACCOUNT UNCLASSIFIED 5703010 F95600 $14,886,000.0 110 4720 10328A 010740 00000 27134F 595600 pr/mipr data: FY7615-15-01870 XA SPECIAL ACRN UNCLASSIFIED descriptive data: Special ACRW XA consists of the following: AA: $ 83,165,645.00 AB: $714,367,928.00 TOTAL: $797,533,573.00 FINANCE OFFICER: Expend funds from PR: FY7615-15-00379 on ACRNs AA end AB prior to PR: FY7615-15-01870.

36 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements H-003 INCORPORATION OF REFERENCED DOCUMENTS All specifications, exhibits, drawings or other documents which are referred to in this contract, whether or not attached, are incorporated herein by reference. H-004 REDIRECTION OF EFFORT Notwithstanding any other provisions of this contract, the assigned Contracting Officer shall be the only individual authorized to redirect the effort or in any way amend any of the terms of this contract. H-012 USE OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY (EXCEPT FACILITIES ACQUIRED UNDER FACILITIES CONTRACTS) (a) The Contractor is authorized to use in the performance of this contract on a no- charge-for-use basis the Government Property which is presently in the Contractor's or its Subcontractors' possession and previously acquired under the Government contracts identified in Contractor's Report No. 36-06 entitled "Accountable Property Status Report". The Contractor's use of said property will not interfere with the proper performance of the Government contracts under which the property is accountable. It is further provided that the contract price of this contract does not include the cost of said property or any allowance or charges for depreciation or amortization of same previously charged against the contract identified in the Report. Additionally, the Contractor represents that the prices set forth in this contract do not include payment of rent for the use of Government- owned property at suppler and/or WAC component plants. In the event authority to use the property identified in this contract clause is refused or withdrawn by the Government and the facts and circumstances surrounding the refusal or withdrawal so merit, an equitable adjustment in the price and/or delivery schedule may be made in accordance with the provisions of the clause of this contract entitled "Changes". (b) Subject to the provisions of (a) above, and of the aforementioned items of property in the possession of the Contractor and/or Subcontractors may be modified as necessary for the performance of this contract at no change in contract price. The Contractor will return GFP to original condition if so directed by the Government at no change in contract price. (c) For the purpose of the SECTION I clause entitled "Government Property". The Government will provide to the Contractor, for use in connection with the performance of this contract, the following items: (1) Government-Furnished Aeronautical Equipment (GFAE) in the quantity and to the schedule set forth in Attachment No. 14 (including subsequently contractually and authorized changes thereto) and as may be technically described in Specification No. CR76301A328A999A. (2) All Support Equipment (SE) and spares necessary for operation and maintenance of Government-Furnished Engine AGE. Should additional items of AGE be recommended by the Engine Contractor and approved for use at organizational and/or intermediate level maintenance, the Contractor (Wildcat Aviation Corporation (WAC)) may request such items and the Government may obligate them under the provisions of this clause.

37 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements H-017 CHANGE PROPOSALS (a) The Contracting Officer may at any time, in writing, request the Contractor to prepare and submit an Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), as that term is defined in MIL-HDBK-61 as hereafter set forth. Upon receipt of such request, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer the information specified by, and the format required by Paragraph 4 of MIL-HDBK-61 as set forth in Configuration Management Plan 009 dated 25 Mar 12, and as subsequently amended and further revised in accordance with Contractor's facsimile ASD-014A-64944 dated 9 Feb 14 (PCDCN 0020), incorporated herein by reference. (b) If the Contractor submits a preliminary or final change proposal or recommendation for corrective action to the Government for consideration, such change proposal or recommendation shall include the following: (1) The coordination of the engine, TEWS, GFAE vendors, and associated Contractors if such change proposal affects, or may affect, the design, performance characteristics, inspection procedures, and/or test requirements applicable to the engine, TEWS and GFAE. (2) An estimate of the cost of such change proposal (final submittals only), separately identifying such cost estimate with respect to the Contract Line Items of the Schedule whether or not the Contractor may be entitled to an adjustment in contract price if the Government authorizes the change. (c) Any Contractor final submittal of an ECP shall set forth a "not-to-exceed" contract price and delivery adjustment, acceptable to the Contractor if the Government subsequently orders such ECP. If ordered, the equitable increase shall not exceed, nor shall the equitable decrease be less than such "not-to-exceed: or "not-less-than" amounts. This paragraph does not preclude any revision(s) or correction(s) of an ECP in accordance with paragraphs 4.10 and 4.11 of MIL-HDBK-61. Concurrently with the submission of any firm priced ECP under this contract in which the proposed aggregate cost is $100,000 or greater, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer a completed SF Form 1411. At the time of agreement upon the price of the ECP, the Contractor shall submit a signed Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data. (d) The following shall be applicable to Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs) (other than value engineering changes, correction of deficiencies changes, Contract Change Proposals (CCPs) and Priced Aerospace Ground Equipment Lists (PAGELs) submitted by Wildcat or requested by the Contracting Officer and authorized pursuant to the "Changes" Clause): Any such ECP or ECP revision, supplement, or change, of which the estimated total price would total $250,000.00 or less (increase or decrease) to its combined impact upon Items 0001, 0002, 0004, and 0005 shall be made as ordered by the Contracting Officer at no change in contract price. In addition, changes to the annual 0FPs (Item 0011) shall be accomplished in accordance with Wildcat Fax ASD-017-61728 dated 14 Nov 13 and as approved by ASD/VFCA fax 06121 dated 11 Dec 13.

38 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements H-019 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE GROUND AND FLIGHT RISK CLAUSE

252.228-7001 GROUND AND FLIGHT RISK (JUN 2010) (a) Definitions. As used in this clause—

(1) Aircraft, unless otherwise provided in the contract Schedule, means— (i) Aircraft to be delivered to the Government under this contract (either before or after Government acceptance), including complete aircraft and aircraft in the process of being manufactured, disassembled, or reassembled; provided that an engine, portion of a wing, or a wing is attached to a of the aircraft;

(ii) Aircraft, whether in a state of disassembly or reassembly, furnished by the Government to the Contractor under this contract, including all Government property installed, in the process of installation, or temporarily removed; provided that the aircraft and property are not covered by a separate bailment agreement;

(iii) Aircraft furnished by the Contractor under this contract (either before or after Government acceptance); or

(iv) Conventional winged aircraft, as well as helicopters, vertical take-off or landing aircraft, lighter-than air airships, unmanned aerial vehicles, or other nonconventional aircraft specified in this contract.

(2) Contractor's managerial personnel means the Contractor's directors, officers, and any of the Contractor's managers, superintendents, or other equivalent representatives who have supervision or direction of—

(i) All or substantially all of the Contractor's business;

(ii) All or substantially all of the Contractor’s operation at any one plant or separate location; or

(iii) A separate and complete major industrial operation.

(3) Contractor's premises means those premises, including subcontractors' premises, designated in the Schedule or in writing by the Contracting Officer, and any other place the aircraft is moved for safeguarding.

(4) Flight means any flight demonstration, flight test, taxi test, or other flight made in the performance of this contract, or for the purpose of safeguarding the aircraft, or previously approved in writing by the Contracting Officer.

39 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements (i) For land-based aircraft, “flight” begins with the taxi roll from a flight line on the Contractor's premises and continues until the aircraft has completed the taxi roll in returning to a flight line on the Contractor's premises. (ii) For seaplanes, “flight” begins with the launching from a ramp on the Contractor's premises and continues until the aircraft has completed its landing run and is beached at a ramp on the Contractor's premises.

(iii) For helicopters, “flight” begins upon engagement of the rotors for the purpose of take-off from the Contractor's premises and continues until the aircraft has returned to the ground on the Contractor's premises and the rotors are disengaged.

(iv) For vertical take-off or landing aircraft, “flight” begins upon disengagement from any launching platform or device on the Contractor's premises and continues until the aircraft has been engaged to any launching platform or device on the Contractor's premises.

(v) All aircraft off the Contractor's premises shall be considered to be in flight when on the ground or water for reasonable periods of time following emergency landings, landings made in performance of this contract, or landings approved in writing by the Contracting Officer.

(5) Flight crew member means the pilot, the co-pilot, and, unless otherwise provided in the Schedule, the flight engineer, navigator, and bombardier- navigator when assigned to their respective crew positions for the purpose of conducting any flight on behalf of the Contractor. It also includes any pilot or operator of an unmanned aerial vehicle. If required, a defense systems operator may also be assigned as a flight crew member.

(6) In the open means located wholly outside of buildings on the Contractor's premises and shall include "hush house", flight test and production checkout hangars, and work areas used by the Contractor in the performance of this contract, located on the Wildcat facility at Kalamazoo, MI and on Government premises at Edwards AFB, California; Eglin AFB, Florida; and such other Government facilities as may be utilized during the performance of this contract.

(7) Operation means operations and tests of the aircraft and its installed equipment, accessories, and power plants, while the aircraft is in the open or in motion. The term does not apply to aircraft on any production line or in flight.

(b) Combined regulation/instruction. The Contractor may be bound by the operating procedures contained in the combined regulation/instruction entitled “Contractor's Flight and Ground Operations” (Air Force Instruction 10-220_IP, Army Regulation 95-20, NAVAIR Instruction 3710.1 (Series), Coast Guard Instruction M13020.3, and Defense Contract Management Agency Instruction 8210.1) in effect on the date of contract

40 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements award. The Contractor's maintenance of aircraft shall be accomplished in accordance with policies and procedures described in Section J, Attachment 10 "Maintenance Requirements for Aircraft, Missiles, and Support Equipment" Clause, Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C," dated 20 August 13. When the requirements in Attachment 10 are in conflict with any other maintenance and/or flight operation requirements, the requirements as stated in Attachment 10 will govern.

(c) Government as self-insurer. Subject to the conditions in paragraph (d) of this clause, the Government self-insures and assumes the risk of damage to, or loss or destruction of aircraft “in the open,” during “operation,” and in “flight,” except as may be specifically provided in the Schedule as an exception to this clause. The Contractor shall not be liable to the Government for such damage, loss, or destruction beyond the Contractor's share of loss amount under the Government's self-insurance.

(d) Conditions for Government's self-insurance. The Government's assumption of risk for aircraft in the open shall continue unless the Contracting Officer finds that the Contractor has failed to comply with paragraph (b) of this clause, or that the aircraft is in the open under unreasonable conditions, and the Contractor fails to take prompt corrective action.

(1) The Contracting Officer, when finding that the Contractor has failed to comply with paragraph (b) of this clause or that the aircraft is in the open under unreasonable conditions, shall notify the Contractor in writing and shall require the Contractor to make corrections within a reasonable time.

(2) Upon receipt of the notice, the Contractor shall promptly correct the cited conditions, regardless of whether there is agreement that the conditions are unreasonable.

(i) If the Contracting Officer later determines that the cited conditions were not unreasonable, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the contract price for any additional costs incurred in correcting the conditions.

(ii) Any dispute as to the unreasonableness of the conditions or the equitable adjustment shall be considered a dispute under the Disputes clause of this contract.

(3) If the Contracting Officer finds that the Contractor failed to act promptly to correct the cited conditions or failed to correct the conditions within a reasonable time, the Contracting Officer may terminate the Government's assumption of risk for any aircraft in the open under the cited conditions. The termination will be effective at 12:01 a.m. on the fifteenth day following the day the written notice is received by the Contractor.

(i) If the Contracting Officer later determines that the Contractor acted promptly to correct the cited conditions or that the time taken by the

41 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements Contractor was not unreasonable, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the contract price for any additional costs incurred as a result of termination of the Government's assumption of risk.

(ii) Any dispute as to the timeliness of the Contractor's action or the equitable adjustment shall be considered a dispute under the Disputes clause of this contract.

(4) If the Government terminates its assumption of risk pursuant to the terms of this clause—

(i) The Contractor shall thereafter assume the entire risk for damage, loss, or destruction of the affected aircraft;

(ii) Any costs incurred by the Contractor (including the costs of the Contractor's self-insurance, insurance premiums paid to insure the Contractor's assumption of risk, deductibles associated with such purchased insurance, etc.) to mitigate its assumption of risk are unallowable costs; and

(iii) The liability provisions of the Government Property clause of this contract are not applicable to the affected aircraft.

(5) The Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer when unreasonable conditions have been corrected.

(i) If, upon receipt of the Contractor's notice of the correction of the unreasonable conditions, the Government elects to again assume the risk of loss and relieve the Contractor of its liability for damage, loss, or destruction of the aircraft, the Contracting Officer will notify the Contractor of the Contracting Officer's decision to resume the Government's risk of loss. The Contractor shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment in the contract price for any insurance costs extending from the end of the third working day after the Government's receipt of the Contractor's notice of correction until the Contractor is notified that the Government will resume the risk of loss.

(ii) If the Government does not again assume the risk of loss and the unreasonable conditions have been corrected, the Contractor shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment for insurance costs, if any, extending after the third working day after the Government's receipt of the Contractor's notice of correction.

(6) The Government's termination of its assumption of risk of loss does not relieve the Contractor of its obligation to comply with all other provisions of this

42 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements clause, including the combined regulation/instruction entitled “Contractor's Flight and Ground Operations.”

(e) Exclusions from the Government's assumption of risk. The Government's assumption of risk shall not extend to damage, loss, or destruction of aircraft which—

(1) Results from failure of the Contractor, due to willful misconduct or lack of good faith of any of the Contractor's managerial personnel, to maintain and administer a program for the protection and preservation of aircraft in the open and during operation in accordance with sound industrial practice, including oversight of a subcontractor’s program;

(2) Is sustained during flight if either the flight or the flight crew members have not been approved in advance of any flight in writing by the Government Flight Representative, who has been authorized in accordance with the combined regulation/instruction entitled “Contractor's Flight and Ground Operations”;

(3) Occurs in the course of transportation by rail, or by conveyance on public streets, highways, or waterways, except for Government-furnished property;

(4) Is covered by insurance;

(5) Consists of wear and tear; deterioration (including rust and corrosion); freezing; or mechanical, structural, or electrical breakdown or failure, unless these are the result of other loss, damage or destruction covered by this clause. (This exclusion does not apply to Government-furnished property if damage consists of reasonable wear and tear or deterioration, or results from inherent vice, e.g., a known condition or design defect in the property); or

(6) Is sustained while the aircraft is being worked on and is a direct result of the work unless such damage, loss, or destruction would be covered by insurance which would have been maintained by the Contractor, but for the Government's assumption of risk.

(f) Contractor's share of loss and Contractor's deductible under the Government's self- insurance.

(1) The Contractor assumes the risk of loss and shall be responsible for the Contractor's share of loss under the Government's self-insurance. That share is the lesser of—

(i) The first $25,000 of loss or damage to aircraft in the open, during operation, or in flight resulting from each separate event, except for reasonable wear and tear and to the extent the loss or damage is caused by negligence of Government personnel; or

43 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements (ii) Twenty percent of the price or estimated cost of this contract.

(2) If the Government elects to require that the aircraft be replaced or restored by the Contractor to its condition immediately prior to the damage, the equitable adjustment in the price authorized by paragraph (j) of this clause shall not include the dollar amount of the risk assumed by the Contractor.

(3) In the event the Government does not elect repair or replacement, the Contractor agrees to credit the contract price or pay the Government, as directed by the Contracting Officer, the lesser of—

(i) $25,000;

(ii) Twenty percent of the price or estimated cost of this contract; or (iii) The amount of the loss.

(4) For task order and delivery order contracts, the Contractor’s share of the loss shall be the lesser of $25,000 or twenty percent of the combined total price or total estimated cost of those orders issued to date to which the clause applies. (5) The costs incurred by the Contractor for its share of the loss and for insuring against that loss are unallowable costs, including but not limited to—

(i) The Contractor's share of loss under the Government's self-insurance;

(ii) The costs of the Contractor's self-insurance;

(iii) The deductible for any Contractor-purchased insurance;

(iv) Insurance premiums paid for Contractor-purchased insurance; and

(v) Costs associated with determining, litigating, and defending against the Contractor's liability.

(g) Subcontractor possession or control. The Contractor shall not be relieved from liability for damage, loss, or destruction of aircraft while such aircraft is in the possession or control of its subcontractors, except to the extent that the subcontract, with the written approval of the Contracting Officer, provides for relief from each liability. In the absence of approval, the subcontract shall contain provisions requiring the return of aircraft in as good condition as when received, except for reasonable wear and tear or for the utilization of the property in accordance with the provisions of this contract.

(h) Contractor's exclusion of insurance costs. The Contractor warrants that the contract price does not and will not include, except as may be authorized in this clause, any charge or contingency reserve for insurance covering damage, loss, or destruction of aircraft while in the open, during operation, or in flight when the risk has been assumed

44 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements by the Government, including the Contractor share of loss in this clause, even if the assumption may be terminated for aircraft in the open.

(i) Procedures in the event of loss.

(1) In the event of damage, loss, or destruction of aircraft in the open, during operation, or in flight, the Contractor shall take all reasonable steps to protect the aircraft from further damage, to separate damaged and undamaged aircraft, and to put all aircraft in the best possible order. Except in cases covered by paragraph (f)(2) of this clause, the Contractor shall furnish to the Contracting Officer a statement of—

(i) The damaged, lost, or destroyed aircraft;

(ii) The time and origin of the damage, loss, or destruction;

(iii) All known interests in commingled property of which aircraft are a part; and

(iv) The insurance, if any, covering the interest in commingled property.

(2) The Contracting Officer will make an equitable adjustment for expenditures made by the Contractor in performing the obligations under this paragraph.

(j) Loss prior to delivery.

(1) If prior to delivery and acceptance by the Government, aircraft is damaged, lost, or destroyed and the Government assumed the risk, the Government shall either—

(i) Require that the aircraft be replaced or restored by the Contractor to the condition immediately prior to the damage, in which event the Contracting Officer will make an equitable adjustment in the contract price and the time for contract performance; or

(ii) Terminate this contract with respect to the aircraft. Notwithstanding the provisions in any other termination clause under this contract, in the event of termination, the Contractor shall be paid the contract price for the aircraft (or, if applicable, any work to be performed on the aircraft) less any amount the Contracting Officer determines—

(A) It would have cost the Contractor to complete the aircraft (or any work to be performed on the aircraft) together with anticipated profit on uncompleted work; and

45 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements (B) Would be the value of the damaged aircraft or any salvage retained by the Contractor.

(2) The Contracting Officer shall prescribe the manner of disposition of the damaged, lost, or destroyed aircraft, or any parts of the aircraft. If any additional costs of such disposition are incurred by the Contractor, a further equitable adjustment will be made in the amount due the Contractor. Failure of the parties to agree upon termination costs or an equitable adjustment with respect to any aircraft shall be considered a dispute under the Disputes clause of this contract.

(k) Reimbursement from a third party. In the event the Contractor is reimbursed or compensated by a third party for damage, loss, or destruction of aircraft and has also been compensated by the Government, the Contractor shall equitably reimburse the Government. The Contractor shall do nothing to prejudice the Government's right to recover against third parties for damage, loss, or destruction. Upon the request of the Contracting Officer or authorized representative, the Contractor shall at Government expense furnish to the Government all reasonable assistance and cooperation (including the prosecution of suit and the execution of instruments of assignment or subrogation) in obtaining recovery.

(l) Government acceptance of liability. To the extent the Government has accepted such liability under other provisions of this contract, the Contractor shall not be reimbursed for liability to third persons for loss or damage to property or for death or bodily injury caused by aircraft during flight unless the flight crew members previously have been approved for this flight in writing by the Government Flight Representative, who has been authorized in accordance with the combined regulation entitled “Contractor’s Flight and Ground Operations”.

(m) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall incorporate the requirements of this clause, including this paragraph (m), in all subcontracts.

H-020 COMSEC ACCESS The Contractor is governed by DOD 5220-22S, COMSEC Supplement to the Industrial Security Manual. Access to COMSEC material/information is restricted to U.S. citizens holding final U.S. Government clearances and is not releasable to personnel holding only a reciprocal clearance. Personnel requiring COMSEC Access shall be briefed in accordance with DOD 5220-22S. H-030 CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT The Contractor shall accomplish Configuration Management in accordance with Contractor's Document PO09 dated 25 Mar 14, incorporated herein by reference, as contractually amended. H-031 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CLAUSE ENTITLED "SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVES"

46 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements AFI 91-204, Safety Investigations and Reports, 9 August, 2012, will be used to determine reportability of explosives accidents/incidents occurring at Contractor facilities. Two (2) copies of the Contractor's report of explosives accident/incident investigation, which will include a determination of accident/incident cause and state corrective action taken to prevent a recurrence, will fulfill the reporting requirement of DOD FAR 52.223- 7001 for ammunition and explosives. Reports will be forwarded through the Administrative Contracting Officer to the Contracting Officer, with a copy to HQ SG/SCIZG. H-032 RADAR 0FP TAPE SCHEDULE The schedule and price for the radar OFP tape is based on the following: (a) Continued availability of APG-70 GFE radar systems P1, P2, and P3 (or equivalent) for Edwards AFB and E1 Segundo roof house usage. (b) Continued access to the APG-70 test bench, STE, PSDPs, and DSIS equipment. (c) Availability of necessary test targets and test assets at Edwards AFB in a timely manner. (d) Availability of an F-13C/D and an F-13G aircraft compatible with the APG-70 radar and equipped with an Airborne Telemetry Instrumentation System (ATIS) for an average of one flight per week during development testing. (e) Continued availability of the APG-70 test bench and appropriate STE and an IDRAS data reduction facility. (f) Continued availability of APG-70 EDM hardware/production radar assets for use in the Hughes roof house system integration laboratory and minimal down time due to maintenance of those EDMs/production radar assets. (g) The USAF intends to provide two (2) APG-70 radar production systems, being procured under Line Item 0001AA, to support roof house testing in El Segundo, CA on an as-available basis. The APG-70 0FP schedule shall not be dependent upon availability of these systems. H-034 SUBCONTRACT MANAGEMENT (a) For purposes of this clause, "Major/Critical subcontracts" are those subcontracts the failure of which would seriously jeopardize the successful completion of the program within cost, schedule and/or technical performance specifications. (b) Unless otherwise provided within this contract, the Contractor will be responsible for selecting subcontractors and effectively managing the subcontracts required in the performance of work hereunder. The Contractor will apply special management emphasis in surveillance of major/critical subcontractor's performance, to provide reasonable assurance that contractual requirements will be met. In discharging this responsibility, the Contractor will establish, maintain, and use in the performance of this contract, a subcontract management system that conforms to the minimum criteria set forth below. Specifically, the Contractor will: (1) Identify all major/critical subcontracts (as defined in (a) above) and notify the Contracting Officer of this identification in writing, indicating the areas and degree of

47 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements risk involved. For subcontracts that require advance notification pursuant to the Subcontracts clause of this contract, identification of the major/critical subcontracts will be included in such notice. The Contractor will include additional subcontracts identified as major/critical by the Contracting Officer. Subcontractors may be dropped, with the concurrence of the Contracting Officer or authorized representative, from the special management emphasis category when they are no longer viewed as critical. (2) Require the major/critical subcontractors to identify at regular time intervals existing and potential technical, quality, cost (when appropriate), and schedule problems and to propose solutions for their resolution. This would include devising workaround solutions for risks which become unacceptable. The Contractor will promptly notify the Contracting Officer of the problems and proposed solutions when requested by the Contracting Officer or designated representative. (3) Ensure that each subcontract contains all applicable specifications, special requirements, and clauses needed to carry out the requirements of the prime contract. (4) Select a contract type appropriate to the risks involved in the performance. Cost type contracts will be the preferred type when substantial development risk is identified. (5) Consistent with obtaining reasonable competition, plan solicitation and evaluation of subcontractor proposals to minimize expense. (6) Wherever feasible, encourage subcontractors to submit alternate proposals; for example, use of off-the-shelf hardware to meet a contractual requirement instead of new development. (7) When requested by the Contracting Officer, perform advance acquisition planning for each major/critical subcontract. Respond, in writing, to reasonable requests of the Contracting Officer for information on acquisition planning before the solicitation is released. (8) Provide prompt notification to the Contracting Officer when a problem that is likely to have a significant adverse impact on technical, quality, cost or schedule performance develops on a major/critical subcontract. (9) Within the Contractor's responsibility for the technical performance of subcontracts, provide technical assistance to major/critical subcontractors for problem- solving when required. (10) As deemed necessary, conduct program reviews, design reviews, and problem-solving meetings with major/critical subcontractors and periodically invite authorized representatives of the Contracting Officer to attend these reviews. (11) Include a provision in all subcontracts authorizing the Contracting Officer or the representative to visit the subcontractor facilities (with advance notification to the Contractor) to review progress and witness testing pertaining to the requirements of the subcontract. (12) Provide adequate information in response to reasonable requests of the Contracting Officer or the authorized representative on subcontract performance as required.

48 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements (13) Submit status information for major/critical subcontracts in program progress reporting that is specified in other provisions of this contract. (14) Review all subcontracts requiring major computer software development as possible candidates for major/critical classification. (c) The Contractor's company-wide subcontract management system will be continually reviewed by the contract administration office, with periodic participation by the Contracting Officer or authorized representative. Government participation in surveillance of the performance of major/critical subcontractors does not relieve the Contractor of any basic responsibility to manage the subcontracts effectively and efficiently. This surveillance is not intended to establish privity of contract between the Government and such subcontractors. NOTE: Should the provisions of H-034 duplicate requirements set forth elsewhere in this contract, the Contractor need only comply once. H-035 SEGREGATION OF COSTS The Contractor shall segregate costs incurred, work performed and payments made in the performance of CLIN 0003 (and CLINs O001AD and 0001AT when implemented), from costs incurred, work performed and payments made for all other work under this contract. H-036 ACCOUNTABILITY TRANSFER DUE TO USAF/IAF PRODUCTION BUYS The parties agree that the direct result of the USAF contract F33657-14-C-2254 increased the amount of hours to keep the current production effort of F-13Gs in operation as a result of interspersing C and D aircraft with the E aircraft. This has been done in order to meet the FMS customer delivery requirement under this contract. In an effort to fairly reflect the costs of this impact, the parties agree that 6% of all major and final assembly hours of the F-13G shall be segregated and accounted for via an accounting transfer to the USAF contract. The parties further agree that these hours were not included in the base to project hours for this FY14 USAF production buy and shall not be included in any base to project hours for future USAF contracts or modifications. H-038 LISTING OF TECHNICAL DATA OR COMPUTER SOFTWARE TO BE DELIVERED TO THE GOVERNMENT WITH LESS THAN UNLIMITED RIGHTS (a) With respect to the clause "Rights in Technical Data or Computer Software," the parties agree that technical data or computer software shall not be tendered for delivery to the Government with less than unlimited rights unless the technical data or computer software is identified as listed below: (To be determined within 180 days after contract award, and to be amended as additional data which may not be able to be delivered with unlimited rights becomes identifiable.) (b) This listing shall be constructed from the listing of technical data or computer software which the Contractor is required to identify to the Contracting Officer, either prior

49 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements to or after award of this contract, that the Contractor intends to deliver with less than unlimited rights. (c) This requirement does not change, waive, or otherwise modify, the rights or obligations of either the Government or the Contractor as stated elsewhere in this contract. H-039 RESERVED H-042 OPTION (SUBCLIN 0003AR THRU 0003AW) The Government is granted the right to unilaterally order the effort called for under SubCLIN 0003AR thru 0003AW, at the total firm fixed price of $32,347,000.00. The Contracting Officer may exercise the Option by giving written notice to the Contractor no sooner than 1 Oct 15 and no later than 30 Nov 15. The work performed under this Option shall commence on the date the option is exercised and shall extend thru 30 Sep 12. H-103PM ACCELERATED DELIVERY The Contractor is authorized to exceed the delivery rate, or to complete performance of this contract prior to the time set forth in the Schedule; provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall obligate the Government to perform any of its obligations to the Contractor at an earlier date than is set forth in the contract in order to assist the Contractor to make deliveries on an accelerated basis. H-l04M RELEASE OF INFORMATION (a) The Contractor shall not make public release of any information relating to all or any part of this contract without prior approval of the Office of Public Affairs, ASD/PA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-6503. (b) For the purpose of this clause, "information" includes but is not limited to news releases, articles, manuscripts, brochures, advertisements, still and motion pictures, speeches, trade association meetings, symposia, published professional papers, etc. (c) Twelve copies of any information to be released must be submitted to ASD/PA for security and policy review and clearance 45 days prior to release. Information copies will also be sent to the cognizant contracting officer and project engineer. Papers/presentations co-authored with an Air Force author may be submitted by either author. (d) The Contractor agrees that in the release of information relating to this contract, such release shall include a statement to the effect that the project or effort depicted was or is sponsored by the agency set forth below: Aeronautical Systems Division (AFSC) Wright-Patterson AFB Ohio (e) Nothing in the foregoing shall affect compliance with the requirements of the clause of this contract entitled "Security Requirements." (f) The Contractor further agrees to include this clause in any subcontract awarded as a result of this contract.

50 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements H-110M AIRCREW TRAINING DEVICE COOPERATIVE ENABLING AGREEMENT (a) The Contractor on behalf of itself and designated subcontractors shall enter into written agreements with designated Aircrew Training Device (ATD) contractors, such designations to be made by the Contracting Officer on behalf of the ASD Deputy for Simulators, which shall require the Contractor and its subcontractors to provide, the ATD Contractor with the following information as soon as it is available to Wildcat: (i) Aircraft EJSs and ECPs which may impact the WST simulator for F-13G. The Contractor will also provide reports of the status of aircraft ECPs. (ii) Detailed design and performance data for airborne systems as developed. (iii) Aircraft model and series number with affectivities of Contractor drawings and drawings changes verified. The Contractor will transmit drawings and changes for development or update of WST to aircraft configuration. (iv) The Contractor's vendor drawings as requested by the ATD Contractor. The Contractor VIII verify aircraft model and series number affectivities of vendor drawings. The Contractor will establish proprietary data rights agreements with vendors as required. (v) Aircraft model and series number with applicability of Contractor supplies airborne equipment for incorporation into WST verified. (b) The Contractor will also: (i) Attend Project Technical Coordination Meetings (TCMs) so as to brief the ATD Contractor's engineering on the detailed operations of Airborne system. Travel as required to support TCNs. (ii) Coordinate among Aircraft SPO, Simulator SPO, ATD Contractor and the Contractor's Projects and vendors as requested to establish agreements for direct vendor-to-ATI) Contractor transfer of design data. Travel as required to support coordination meetings. (iii) Research and/or coordinate with Contractor's Project Groups the responses to the ATD Contractor's Subcontractor Engineering Memo (SEN) technical requests for detailed drawings, design or performance data of airborne systems. Transmit responses as developed. (iv) Maintain development of its existing data base and data base management system for tracking drawings, SEM's technical notes, EJS's, etc. Transmit annual revisions of the formal Approved Criteria List (ACL) and interim updates as warranted. (v) Coordinate technical support or repairs as requested for the Contractor or GFE supplies airborne equipment incorporated into the WST. Travel as required to accomplish support. (c) In the event the Contracting Officer invites competitive ATD bids, the Contractor shall provide a price and delivery proposal for technical and engineering support in defining ATD requirements, attending Simulator Bidders Briefing(s) and review of Simulator Specifications all to be accomplished at the Contractor's facility or Wright-

51 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements Patterson AFB inclusive of interface with the using command. This proposal will also encompass the following tasks. (i) At the Simulator's Bidders Briefing(s), the Contractor will provide a technical description of the weapon system to be simulated along with the questions from bidders. (ii) Before ATD Contractor selection, the Contractor will submit written recommended changes of the ATD specification and test requirements. (d) The Contractor warrants that no costs are included in this contract for supplies, services or data that will be charged to the ATD Contractor for supplies and that prices for such services and data in support of the ATD program do not exceed prices charged to commercial customers for like items purchased in similar quantities. H-225M F.O.B. ORIGIN - SELECTION OF MODES When an Item is shipped on an FOB origin basis, the U.S. Government will specify the manner in which the move will be effected. A U.S. Government Bill of Lading is typically provided for domestic shipments. Other Government options include, but are not limited to, the use of military freight warrants for shipments originating outside CONUS. If deliveries on this contract are to be made by Subcontractors or on a co-production basis, these arrangements must not limit the Government's ability to select how a shipment is to be accomplished. H-253M GOVERNMENT FURNISHED PROPERTY (GFP) MILSTRIP PROCEDURES (a) The Contractor is authorized to maintain the following items of GFP while in its possession and is authorized to use the MILSTRIP system to requisition parts from DOD supply sources in accordance with MILSTRIP Manual, DOD 4000.25-1-M, FAR 52.251-1, and DOD FAR Sup 252.251-7000, in order to provide such maintenance: Items as set forth in Attachments 13 and 14. (b) The Contractor's authorization to use the MILSTRIP system will terminate on 31 Dec 20 after which the Contractor shall submit no more MILSTRIP requisitions in support of this contract. The Contractor shall requisition only those items necessary for performance of this contract and shall return all excess items using normal MILSTRIP return procedures. (c) The Contractor shall enter 094 or 024 as applicable as ,the project code in card columns 57-59 of DD Form 1348, DOD Single Line Item Requisition System Document, for all MILSTRIP Requisitions submitted in support of this contract. (d) The Contractor shall enter the last six numerical digits of this contract number (Y02319) in card columns 45-50 of the DD Form 1348. If this field is already filled, the Contractor shall use columns 71-76 or, alternately, the "Remarks" section of the DD Form 1348. (e) The Contractor shall enter (see (J) below) as the Advice Code in columns 65-66. (f) The Contractor shall enter (see (J) below) as the Signal Code in column 51. (g) The Contractor shall enter AF as the Fund Code in columns 52-53.

52 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements (h) The Contractor may pass authorizations to use the MILSTRIP system to his subcontractor(s) but only after prior written approval of the Contracting Officer, where upon the same provisions and restrictions contained in this contract will apply to the subcontractor(s). (i) The Contractor may find additional guidance in 91-67, Volume I, Part One, in DOD 4000.23-1-M or in DODI 4140.48. (j) The Contractor shall enter 31 as the two digit Designator Code in columns 40-41 of DD Form 1348. H-360M MODIFICATION OF DATA REQUIREMENTS (a) From time to time during the performance of this contract, the Contracting Officer unilaterally may change the place of delivery and the technical office for any line item of contract Attachments i thru 7 (DD Form 1323) hereto, at no change in contract price, notwithstanding the provision of the clause of Section I entitled "Changes". If there is a change in the place of delivery, the Contractor and the Contracting Officer may mutually agree to an extension of the data submittal requirement date. (b) From time to time during the performance of this contract, the Contracting Officer unilaterally may increase or decrease the number of addresses and/or increase or decrease the number of copies (regular or reproducible) specified for any data item of the CDRL hereto, at no change in price provided that the increase in the total number of copies (regular or reproducible) for an individual line item of data shall not be greater than one hundred-fifty percent (1501) of the total number of copies (regular and reproducible) initially specified in the CDRL nor shall the decrease in the total number of copies (regular or reproducible) for an individual item of data be greater than fifty percent (50%) of the total number of copies (regular or reproducible) initially specified in the CDRL. In the event of an increase greater than such 150I or of a decrease greater than fifty percent (50%), the parties will negotiate any equitable adjustments in accordance with the procedures of the "Changes" clause. (c) Unilateral action pursuant to (a), and (b) above shall be by the issuance of a Contracting Officer's letter followed by a Supplemental Agreement to this contract which will reference this clause as its authority. Any action directed by this clause shall be effected by the Contractor beginning with the first submission of the particular data item or items after receipt by the Contractor of the Contracting Officer's direction. H-471M SERIAL NUMBERS The Contractor shall serially number the supplies called for hereunder with serial numbers provided by the Government as follows: CLIN 0001 - (H 1994) 0001AA: 00-0227 thru 00-0262 H-551M WARRANTY OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT UNDER PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS OR DESIGN CRITERIA, AND GUARANTEES UNDER 10 U.S.C. 2403 (a) Definitions.

53 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements (1) "Acceptance", as used in this clause, means the execution of a DD Form 250, when required, or any act of an authorized representative of the Government by which the Government assumes for itself, or as an agent of another, ownership of existing and identified supplies, or approves specific services rendered, as partial or complete performance of the contract. The execution of such a document with known deficiencies, authorized for delivery pursuant to the provisions of paragraphs (a)(6), (a)(7). (e)(2) and (e)(3) of this clause, shall not be deemed acceptance to the extent of such deficient supplies. (2) "Correction", as used in this clause, means any and all actions necessary for the elimination of a defect or the reduction in the rate of occurrence so that the EPR values are met. (3) "Supplies", as used in this clause, means the end items furnished by the Contractor and any related services required under this contract. (4) "Defect", as used in this clause, means any condition or characteristic in any supplies or services furnished by the Contractor under the contract that is not in compliance with the requirements of the contract. The definition of defect shall also include any characteristic or condition in the supplies or services furnished that is not in compliance with subparagraphs (b), (c), and (d) below. (5) "Warranty Cap", as used in this clause means the limitation of Contractor liability for warranty costs as they pertain to the EPR values provided in subparagraph (b)(1) below. (6) "Deviation", as used in this clause means specific written authorization, granted prior to manufacture of an item, to depart from a particular performance or design requirement of a specification, drawing, or other document for a specific unit or a specified period of time. (7) "Waiver", as used in this clause means a written authorization to accept an item which during manufacture or after having been submitted for inspection, is found to depart from specified requirements, but nevertheless is considered suitable for use "as is" or after rework by an approved method. (8) "MTBM-I" The MTBM-1 of each LRU of the EPR equipment shall be obtained by dividing the total flight hours of the FY15 aircraft during the warranty period by the total type-1 maintenance actions (MA) occurring to the LRU type during the warranty period. For multiple LRU equipment, the equipment MTBM-1 shall be determined by: Equipment MTBM-1 = Total Flight Hours Type 1 MALRU1 + Type 1 MALRU2 + Type 1 MALRUn

Flight hours are to be determined by warranted aircraft tail numbers only during the warranty period for purposes of determining MTBM-1. Neither the flight hours nor the Type 1 maintenance actions will be considered in the PRFBM-1 determination for LRUs on aircraft during any time period for which data is lost.

54 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements Type 1 maintenance actions shall be determined using Q-D056B-BO6-RX-254 (report B06) Computer Logic except as modified by the excluded/included failure rules of 17a and b or by mutual agreement of the USAF and Wildcat. Only type-1 maintenance actions, which occur while the equipment is under warranty, shall be used to measure NTBM-1. (9) "Mean Time Between Removals" (MTBR) is defined as a measure of the system reliability parameter related to demand for logistics support. The total number of system life units, divided by the total number of items removed from that system (unscheduled) during a stated period of time. (10) "Line Replaceable Unit (LRU)" means an item that is normally removed and replaced as a single unit to correct a deficiency or malfunction in a weapon or support system. (11) "Shop Replaceable Unit (SRU)" is the next lower assembly of an LRU, e.g., a printed circuit board or section of an LRU. SRUs are required to support intermediate and depot level repair as specified in the system maintenance concept and Technical Orders. (12) "Cannot Duplicate (CND)" is an anomaly with the Subsystem or LRU which generates a maintenance action on the aircraft; the maintenance action either does not duplicate the anomaly and no correction action is taken or the corrective action taken does not correlate with or correct the reported anomaly. (13) "Retest O.K. (RTOK)/Bench Check Serviceable (BCS)" is defined as a situation in which an LRU is tested on the intermediate level test equipment following a removal from the aircraft to correct an anomaly; either no fault is found or the fault does not correlate with the problem or correction of the fault does not correct the problem for which the LRU was removed. (14) "False Failure" is defined as occurred when an item is pulled because of a failure indication and subsequent testing/analysis verifies that no failure existed. (15) "Subsystem" is a combination of sets, groups, etc., which perform within a system and is a major subdivision of the system. (16) "Configuration Item (CI)" is defined as an aggregation of hardware/software, or any of its discrete portions, which satisfies an end use function and is designated by the Government for configuration management. CIs are those specification items whose functions and performance parameters must be defined (specified) and controlled to achieve the overall end-use function and performance. (17) "Failure" - is defined as the event, or inoperable state, in which any item or part of an item does not, or would not, perform as previously specified. a. Excluded Failures 1. Malfunctions reported by the pilot that cannot be verified by subsequent investigation, flight, or ground checks. (Unverifiable failures which do not recur) 2. Failure of light bulbs, provided the display remains readable.

55 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements 3. Failure of Elapsed Time Indicators (ETI) or Event Counters 4. Failures discovered during fix verification phase caused by replacement with a defective LRU or SRU, i.e., "bad item supply." 5. Maintenance purposely accomplished to fine-tune or improve performance. 6. Failures caused by operator error, improper handling, improper storage, transportation, accidental damage, contamination, Foreign Object Damage (FOD) or Aerospace Support Equipment (AGE) and test equipment malfunctions. 7. Failures occurring during bench check or off aircraft 8. Discrepancies, including fuel, oil, and fluid leakage, which are corrected by tightening and which do not prevent the equipment from performing its operating requirements. 9. Physical deterioration of equipment or components, if performance is not affected. 10. Failures of life limited items with a life that has been identified and accepted by the Customer and where the life has been exceeded (Failures of consumable items exceeding life). 11. Dependent failures caused by failure of an associated item(s). item(s). 12. One-time failures per aircraft whose cause cannot be 13. Failures occurring as a result of subjecting equipment to conditions outside of specifications. 14. Failures resulting from neglected or incorrect maintenance, or insufficient maintenance requirements/procedures for which documentation changes have been implemented and its effectiveness verified. 15. Failures resulting from incorrect customer assembly/ This shall include failures corrected by LRU reseating on the operation. 16. Discrepancy is within all specified parameters of operation. 17. Multiple part removal performed to correct a single failure will only, be counted as one failure. 18. Failures resulting from the failure of parts not procured from Wildcat will be excluded 19. Occasional Radar hang-ups which can be cleared by recycling the system, which do not prohibit aircrew in performing their mission. 20. Occasional false targets, "birds", Jam strobes, restarts etc., on the Radar display, which do not prohibit aircrew performing their mission. 21. Occasional blanking of the displays which do not prohibit aircrew in performing their mission.

56 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements 22. Flight Control System indications of failures which can be cleared by the reset button and which do not degrade handling qualities, and which do not recur. 23. A failure of properly installed GFE which induces a failure in CFE shall not count as a failure of the CFE. 24. Cosmetic defects which do not affect equipment performance. 25. Loose or broken fasteners that do not affect performance. 26. Sheet metal repairs that do not affect performance. 27. Failures/repairs to LRU cable connectors. 28. Malfunction of fault indicators. 29. Adjustments/alignments that are normal flight crew settings or result from improper maintenance or are due to changes in operating requirements.

57 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements 30. Built-In-Test fault detection, fault isolation, and false alarm rates which meet specification requirements. The following table identifies these rates. Fault Fault False Equipment Detection Isolation Alarms (1) Radar Set 95% 95% 2% Analog-Dig Sig Cony Radar Dig Process Radar Data Process Radar Transmitter Radar Receiver-Exciter (2) MPD (4 LRUs) 95% 95% 2% (3) MPDP 95% 95% 2% (4) RMR 95% 95% 2% (5) AIU 95% (6) AFCS (System) 95% 95% 2% (7) WFOV HUD 95% 95% 2% (8) ICSCP 95% 2% (9) UFC (2 LRUs) 95% 95% 2% (10) EMD 95% 95% b. Included Failures 1. All malfunctions reported in F-13 Computerized Data Base (CDB) and verified at intermediate level. Data on each LRU will be collected for a period of one (1) year after delivery. 2. How Malfunction Codes is a list of potential Avionics/Electrical/Computer TlRPE-1 failures. These items may also be subject to excluded failures investigations and rules. CODE DESCRIPTION 001 Faulty Tube, Transistor or Integrated Circuit 025 Capacitance Incorrect 028 Conductance Incorrect 029 Current Incorrect 037 Fluctuates, Unstable or Erratic 051 Fails to Tune or Drifts 064 Incorrect Modulation 065 High Voltage or Standing Wave Ratio 088 Incorrect Gain 103 Attack Display Incorrect 169 Voltage Incorrect 242 Failed to Operate-Specific Reason Unknown

58 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements CODE DESCRIPTION 254 No Output 255 Incorrect Output 290 Fails Diagnostic/Automatic Test 35O Insulation Breakdown 383 Lock On Malfunction 450 Open 457 Oscillation 472 Fuse Blown or Defective Circuit Panel/Breaker 567 Resistance Incorrect 580 Temperature Sensitive 583 Scope Presentation Incorrect or Faulty 607 No-Go Indication 609 Out of Track/Fails to Track 615 Shorted 625 Gating Incorrect 626 Inductance Incorrect 627 Attenuation Incorrect 635 Sensitivity Incorrect 637 Triggering Incorrect 644 Built in Test (BIT) Indicated Fault 649 Sweep Malfunction 653 Ground Speed Error 655 Terminal Error - Range Excessive 656 Terminal Error - Azimuth Excessive 657 Distance Measurement Error - (Navigation Equipment) 658 Bearing/Heading Error (Navigation Equipment) 67O Erroneous Over "G" Indication 672 Built in Test (BIT) False Alarm 692 Video Faulty 693 Audio Faulty 695 Sync Absent or Incorrect 698 Faulty Card, Tape, Program or Disk 718 Improper Response to Mechanical Input 721 Improper Response to Electrical Input 816 Impedance Incorrect 901 Intermittent 939 Unable to Load Program 941 Non-programmed Halt 943 Data Error 949 Computer Memory Error/Defect 956 Computer Equipment Malfunction 957 No Display 959 Fails to Transfer to Redundant Equipment 962 Low Power (Electrical)

59 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements CODE DESCRIPTION 964 Poor Spectrum 969 Cannot Resonate Input Cavity 982 Frozen Tuning Mechanism 974 Does Not Track Tuning Curve 987 Input/Output Pulse Distortion 988 Loss of Vacuum 989 Low Coolant Flow Rate 991 Frequency Out of Band Unstable or Incorrect 996 RAM Defective 673 Built In Test failed to indicate a fault when one exists 674 Built In test indicated wrong unit failed 675 Built In Test indicated fault in flight, fault not duplicated on ground, in flight fault confirmed by parameter data. 676 Built In Test indicates fault in flight, fault not duplicated on the ground, in flight fault not confirmed by parameter data. (b) Essential Performance Requirements and Performance Warranties The supplies furnished under this contract are designed and manufactured to conform to the specified performance requirements of this contract. (1) Essential Performance Requirements For purposes of this Performance Warranty, the "Essential Performance Requirements" (EPRs) are those delineated in paragraph (b)(1)a below. These specified essential performance requirements are not "goals" or "objectives" but are contractual requirements. a. Essential Performance Requirements. (i). Radar Set - 33 hours MTBN-1 (Analog - Digital Signal Converter, Radar Digital Processor, Radar Data Processor, Radar Transmitter and Radar Receiver Exciter) (ii). Multi-Purpose Display Processor (MPDP) - 46 hours HTBM-1 (iii). Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFTs) - 200 hours MTBM-1 (Unscheduled) (iv). Remote Map Reader (RHR) - 108 hours HTBH-1 (v). Wide Field of View-Heads Up Display (WFOV HUD) - 240 hours MTBM-1 (vi). Avionics Interface Unit (AIU) - 126 hours MTBM-1 (Avionics Interface Unit #I and #II) (vii). Automatic Flight Control System (AFCS) - 125 hours MTBM-1 (Triplex Flight Control Computer, Rate Sensor Trx, Stick Force Sensor (2), Engaging Controller,

60 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements Accelerometer Sensor, Pressure Sensor and Fly-up Enable Switch) (viii). Multi-Purpose Display (MPD)(4 LRUs) - 52 hours MTBM-1 (ix). Up Front Control Panel (UFCP)(2 LRUs) - 164 hours MTBM-1 (x). Intercom Set Control Panel (ICSCP) - 275 hours MTBM-1 (xi). Engine Monitor Display (EMD) - 385 hours MTBM-1 Note 1: The MTBM-1/PTBR EPRs shall be based on a fleet wide average for the 36 FY96 aircraft, calculated using data collected during the first 12 months after delivery of each aircraft. Note 2: The following conditions apply to the CFT warranty: 1. The 200 flight hour Mean (unscheduled CFT maintenance only), is warranted. The following conditions will apply: a. The Excluded Failures itemized in (a)17a. b. Removals resulting from over Gs incidents shall be excluded. c. Removals, resulting from a repeat/recurrence of a failure that had necessitated a removal, shall be excluded. d. Removals as a result of management/operational requirements not related to CFT maintenance shall be excluded. e. Removals made for convenience, wherein the approved maintenance concept does not require CFT removal, shall be excluded. 2. The warranty program will not include redesign under EPR for fuel leaks. 3. If the CFTs experience a removal frequency of less than the 200 mean flight hours between removals warranted, Wildcat shall reimburse the USAF a flat rate of $240.00 per removal and reinstallation that is greater than the expected removal rate associated with the MTBR of 200 hours. b. Computerized Data Base - A computerized data base management system will be placed at each F-13G maintenance facility, WR-ALC, HQ TAC, ASD/VF, Wildcat Aviation Corp. Aircraft Co. - Kalamazoo, MI, and TMM Aircraft Co. Long Beach, CA. Data on each LRU will be collected for a period of one year after delivery of each aircraft. c. Quarterly Reviews - Quarterly reviews will be attended by HQ ACC, ASD/VFs warranty personnel and the Wildcat Warranty focal point. Actual dates will be scheduled a month in advance. The purpose will be to discuss warranty issues, essential performance requirement trends and other challenges deemed necessary. (2) In addition to the Contractor's obligations in (e)(1), the FY15 vertical tails in their entirety shall be warranted for eight years. The warranty period shall commence

61 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements upon successful completion of CCP 284R1 testing under contract F33657-13-C-2228 and subsequent retrofit of individual vertical tails. The success criteria applicable to CCP 284R1 is as follows: a. Economic life shall be demonstrated by the completion of at least one lifetime (8,000 simulated flight hours) of testing with no visually detectable cracks and no loss of moisture seal in the honeycomb assemblies. Visually detectable cracks are crack capable of detection by a 10X magnifying glass without disassembly of the test article. Loss of moisture seal is detectable by a water immersion test. b. Service life shall be demonstrated by completion of two lifetimes of testing without failure of any safety of flight structure. Verification is to be based on a damage tolerance analysis of the tear down inspection results. c. The success criteria delineated above will be incorporated into the CCP 284R1 Task C Test Information Sheet (TIS). Wildcat will continue the Task C test to 16,000 hours or economic life of the test article, repairing or replacing failures as they occur. At the conclusion of the test, Wildcat will incorporate redesigns of the failed areas along with a replacement torque box into the test article and verify attainment of the success criteria by full scale test. With SPO approval, redesigns may be verified by analysis or element test. Economic life testing of the final vertical tail configuration will continue until a failure under paragraph 1.a., above or 16,000 hours is reached, whichever is less. d. The schedule for completion of CCP 284R1 tests and retrofit is as follows: Final Test Completion Dec 15 First Kit Available Oct 16 Final Kit Available Sep 17 Upon notification by the Contractor of retrofit kit and installation team availability, the Government has 6 months to provide an aircraft for vertical tail retrofit. If the Government fails to provide the Contractor with an aircraft within the stated 6 month period, then the warranty period shall be considered started for that individual retrofit kit. However, this situation does not relieve the Contractor from ultimately performing the retrofit upon aircraft availability. The warranty shall cover the repair or replacement of any individual entire vertical tail assembly and any of' its components required as the result of cracking, de-bonding, or other structural failure up to an amount not to exceed $2.7M. The $2.7M "cap" is separate and distinct from the $6,930,000 "cap" defined in paragraph (e)(12) and applies to vertical tail repairs only. The following conditions are exclusions to this warranty provision and will not be considered warranty repairs: 1. Organizational and intermediate level repairs specified in appropriate Technical Orders are not covered. 2. Light bulbs and fixtures, equipment and mounting hardware, and paint/rain erosion coatings are not covered. 3. The warranty is void if damage is caused by ground handling, improper maintenance, acts of God (e.g., hail) or birdstrike. If damage is induced by

62 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements Contractor-responsible failure of other structure, the vertical tail warranty remains in effect. 4. The warranty is void if removal and reinstallation or repair of vertical tail components are not performed in accordance with the appropriate Technical Order. The method of confirmation of Technical Order Compliance shall be by Contractor failure analysis, subject to Air Force approval. 5. The Contractor reserves the right to repair up to the economic limit, then replace components containing service-induced failures. 6. Upon official notification of warranty damage from F-13 SPO, the Contractor will make every possible effort to have the repair team on-site as soon as possible, but response time will not exceed two weeks (except in extenuating circumstances such as temporary non-availability of parts). 7. If the Air Force requests permission to make temporary repairs of damage covered by the warranty (in order to retain flight status of the aircraft until warranty repairs are effected), a Contractor field service representative must assess and approve the repairs. The Contractor: shall respond in writing within 48 hours of receipt of an Air Force written request to make such repairs. 8. If both parties agree, Wildcat may furnish material to and compensate the Air Force for the labor hours anticipated to be expended so that depot teams can accomplish the repair. 9. If the dynamic pressure (q), angle of attack (ix) usage rate exceeds the design usage rate specified in table (b)(2)(j), the Warranty period will be reduced by the ratio of design vs. actual squadron fatigue damage accumulation rates. Usage exceedance will be determined by comparing fatigue damage accumulation rates of actual usage rate to the design usage rate presented in Table (b)(2)(J). The fatigue damage computation code presented in WAC Report A9037, "CI Life User's Manual for the Prediction of Crack Initiation Life", Revision A, dated 12 May 2013, incorporated herein by reference, will be used to calculate the fatigue damage accumulation rates. Actual aircraft fatigue damage will be based on squadron average q or usage rate, usage as determined from Signal Data Recorder or the Standard Flight Data Recorder quarterly reports. This data is also intended to provide Wildcat with a basis for appraising F-13 SP0 VFE of excessive squadron usage trends when detected. No other limits (e.g. load factor, speed, altitude) shall apply to this Warranty. 10. Vertical tail design usage: F-13 VERTICAL TAlL BUFFET DESIGN USAGE RATE Angle-of-Attack (degrees) Dynamic Pressure (LBS/FT2) 15 - 20 20 - 25 25 - 30 150 - 200 12840 4720 592 200 - 250 8520 1160 24 250 - 300 6420 188 0 300 - 350 2650 204 0

63 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements 350 - 400 900 38 0 400 - 450 920 0 0 450 - 500 276 0 0 500 - 550 136 0 0 Each entry represents two times the time (seconds) accumulated by an average fleet aircraft in 1000 hours of flight. (c) Material and Workmanship Warranty The supplies furnished under this contract, at the time of acceptance, are free from defects in material and workmanship and will conform with the following specifications: (1) As to F-13G aircraft - those fabrication requirements for aircraft manufacture and acceptance as set forth in Part II of CP76301A328AO20A-5 entitled "PRIME ITEM PRODUCT FABRICATION SPECIFICATION FOR F-13G AIR VEHICLE" dated 14 Jul 13, as well as the "TEWS PRIME ITEM PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS" CP76301A328A020A-5-1. dated (TBD), and in the PRODUCT FABRICATION SPECIFICATIONS (e.g. Part II) of the lower indenture specifications associated with CP76301A328A020A-5. (2) As to support equipment, those fabrication requirements for the manufacture and acceptance of previously developed support equipment, as such requirements are listed in the Priced Aerospace Ground Equipment Lists (PAGEL), which will be made an attachment to this contract upon modification. Also, this is to include test stations such as Avionics Intermediate Shop Test Program Sets (AISTPS), Mobile Electronic Test Set (METS), Tactical Electronic Warfare System (TEWS), and Tactical Intermediate Support Systems (TISS), but not limited to the above. (d) Design and Manufacturing Warranty "Design and manufacturing requirements" means structural and engineering plans and manufacturing particulars, including precise measurements, tolerances, materials, and' finished product tests for the weapon system being produced. At the time of acceptance, the supplies under this contract shall conform to the design and manufacturing requirements specifically delineated in the Part I and Part II specifications referenced in Section C of this contract. (e) Contractor's Obligations - Design and Manufacturing Warranty, Material and Workmanship Warranty and Performance Warranty (1) The Contractor's obligations under this clause shall apply: (i) with respect to the Performance Warranty and those Design and Manufacturing Warranties related to Part I specifications only to defects discovered by the Government or the Contractor within twelve (12) months after acceptance; and (ii) with respect to the Material and Workmanship Warranty and Design and Manufacturing Warranty related to Part II specifications only discovery of any breach of warranty within twelve (12) months after acceptance of defective or nonconforming supplies. (2) The Contracting Officer may, at any time on or after scheduled date of delivery of specific supplies, direct the Contractor to deliver such supplies with known deficiencies, deviations, or shortages. It is specifically agreed that the direction by the Contracting Officer for the Contractor to make delivery of supplies under the provisions of

64 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements this paragraph shall not be deemed "acceptance" of such supplies in accordance with paragraph (a)(1) above to the extent of such deficiencies, deviations, or shortages. The Administrative Contracting Officer may withhold an amount which he deems equitable from the payment for each item delivered hereunder pending completion of the required action. Any withholding in accordance with the above will be subject to the Disputes Clause. In no event shall a waiver or deviation be approved that releases the Contractor from responsibility for complying with the Weapon System Warranty (WSW) EPR unless a secretarial waiver is approved. (3) The Contracting Officer may, if he determines it to be in the best interest of the Government, direct the Contractor to deliver certain supplies prior to the completion of all required testing which is necessary to demonstrate the compliance of such supplies with the requirements of this contract. The Contractor agrees that all deficiencies revealed during the testing contemplated by this contract shall be corrected to the extent required by this clause. (4) Any efforts to correct or complete known deficiencies, deviations, or shortages identified at the time of delivery shall be accomplished at no increase in contract price to the Government and shall not apply to the warranty cap. If correction of the alleged defect required retrofit, a Contractor field team shall be used, only if the Government can provide substantiation that the complexity of the retrofit is outside the expertise of the Government maintenance personnel. A delivery schedule will be established in the contract in those instances where return of reworked items to the Government is required IAW paragraph (e)(15) of this clause. (5) If the Contractor becomes aware at any time before acceptance by the Government (whether before or after tender to the Government) that a defect exists in any supplies or services, the Contractor shall: (i) promptly correct the defect; or (ii) promptly notify the Contracting Officer, in writing, of the defect, using the same procedures prescribed in paragraph (e)(7) of this clause. (6) Notwithstanding the above, with respect to Government-Furnished Property, the Contractor's warranty extends only to its proper installation, unless the Contractor performs some modification or other work on the property, in which case the Contractor's warranty shall extend to the modification or other work. The Contractor's warranty shall also apply to Government-Furnished Property that the Contractor installs in such a manner that invalidates a warranty provided by the manufacturer of the property. (7) If the Contracting Officer determines within the period of (e)(1) above that a defect exists in any of the supplies or services accepted by the Government, the Contracting Officer will promptly notify the Contractor of the defect, in writing. Prompt notification is defined as within thirty (30) days of discovery of the defect. Upon timely notification of the existence to a defect in supplies or services, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting Officer written recommendations for corrective actions with supporting data within sixty (60) days whether to correct, partially correct, or not to correct the alleged defect. If the written recommendation requires coordination with a subcontractor, the Contractor shall have ninety (90) days in which to respond. (8) In the event of a Contracting Officer notice not to correct or only partially correct, the Contractor shall submit within sixty (60) days, a technical and cost proposal to

65 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements amend the contract to permit acceptance of the affected supplies or services in accordance with the revised requirements, and an equitable reduction in contract price shall promptly be negotiated by the parties and be reflected in a Supplemental Agreement to this contract. (9) The Contractor, notwithstanding any disagreement regarding the existence of, or responsibility for, a defect, shall promptly comply with any timely written direction from the Contracting Officer to correct or partially correct an alleged defect at no increase in the contract price, subject to the limitation of the warranty cap. If an alleged defect is later determined not a defect, the contract price will be equitably adjusted. (10) In the event the Government discovers an alleged material/ workmanship defect or deficiency after acceptance, the Government, at its option, (notwithstanding any other provisions in this clause) may perform the corrective action in accordance with paragraph (10) of this clause. A list of corrective actions performed by the Government together with the associated documentation to support the defect/deficiency allegation, shall be analyzed at the Quarterly Reviews. In the event the parties agree that any of these corrective actions were performed as a result of a warranty defect or deficiency, an equitable adjustment to the contract price will be negotiated by the parties and reflected in a Supplemental Agreement to this contract. (11) For the purposes of the warranty cap, applicable to the EPR items listed in subparagraph (b)(1), it is recognized that the following will not exceed, in the aggregate, $6,930,000.00: (i) corrective action, repair and retrofit obligations as defined in paragraph (e)(13); and (ii) equitable reductions in contract price resulting from uncorrected EPR deficiencies. (12) The warranty cap, as defined in paragraph (e)(11) above, shall be applicable to the EPR items, exclusive of the vertical tail, which shall have the following individual target caps: ITEM CAP AFCS $2,900,000 CFTs $2,900,000 IGSGP $2,900,000 MPDP $2,900,000 RHR $2,900,000 UFCP $2,900,000 WFOV-HUD $2,900,000 AIU $2,900,000 RADAR $2,900,000 EMD $3,800,000 MPD $3,800,000 For the purpose of this clause, once the Contractor has expended $16,930,000, in the aggregate, on warranty obligations as defined in (e)(11)(i)-(ii) above, whether or not the individual caps have been reached, the Government shall be responsible for reimbursing the Contractor for any further warranty repairs on the above listed items.

66 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements (13) If an item fails to achieve its EPR value determined as prescribed in paragraph (e)(16), then corrective action shall be accomplished by the Contractor when directed by the Government. The Air Force will provide technical approval of the corrective action, which will include schedule impact and costs which pertain to the warranty cap. The corrective action requirement extends to all failures except fuel leaks in the CFTs. In addition to performing corrective action, the Contractor shall be responsible for reimbursing the Government for repairs performed to correct failures beyond the failure levels associated with the EPR values. The Government will be reimbursed at the repair cost levels presented below. The least expensive corrective action which corrects or reduces the defect to the warranted level will be undertaken. The Contractor's responsibility will end with the completion of the retrofit of the impacted FY16 aircraft requiring the corrective action. The Government/Contractor shall verify the adequacy of the corrective action by analysis of the improvement gained by the predicted reduction in failures from the design changes as approved by the Government. The Contractor is not responsible for the costs of field retesting a system or collecting additional data to verify the corrective action. The corrective action and reimbursement requirements are subject to the limitations of the warranty cap.

67 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements Essential Performance Requirements Reduction Per Failure (i) Radar Set - 33 hours MTBM-1 $4,463.00 (expected failures - 524) (ii) Multi-Purpose Display Processor $7,083.00 (MPDP) - 46 hours MTBM-1 (expected failures - 376) (iii) Conformal Fuel Tanks (CFTs) $ 240.00 200 hours MTBR (Unscheduled) (expected removals -- 87) (iv) Remote Map Reader $2,478.00 108 hours MTBM-1 (expected failures - 160) (v) Wide Field of View-Heads Up Display $7,115.00 (WFOV HI/D) - 240 hours MRBN-1 (expected failures - 72) (vi) Avionics Interface Unit (AIU) - $3,997.00 126 hours MTBN-1 (expected failures - 137) (vii) Automatic Flight Control System $7,568.00 (AFCS) - 125 hours (expected failures - 138) (viii) Multi-Purpose Display (MPD) - $2,017.00 52 hours MTBM-1 (expected failures - 332) (ix) Up Front Control Panel (UFCP) - $1,427.00 164 hours MTBM-1 (expected failures - 105) (x) Intercom Set Control Panel (ICSCP) - $1,670.00 275 hours MTBM-1 (expected failures - 63) (xi) Engine Monitor Display (EMD) - $1,821.00 385 hours MTBM-1 (expected failures - 45)

68 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements (f) Implied Warranties All implied warranties of Merchantability and Fitness for a Particular Purpose are excluded from any obligation under this contract. (g) Remedies Available to the Government (1) The rights and remedies of the Government provided in this clause: (i) shall not be affected in any way by any terms or conditions of this contract concerning the conclusiveness of inspection and acceptance; (ii) are in addition to and do not limit any rights afforded to the Government by any other clause of the contract; and (iii) shall survive final payment unless sooner extinguished under the terms of this clause. (2) In no event shall the Government be responsible for any extension or delays in the scheduled deliveries or periods of performance under this contract as a result of the Contractor's obligations to correct defects, nor shall there be any adjustment of the delivery schedule or period of performance as a result of the correction of defects unless provided by a supplemental agreement with adequate consideration. (3) The Contracting Officer shall give the Contractor a written notice specifying any failure or refusal of the Contractor to: (i) present a detailed recommendation for corrective action as required by subparagraph (e)(7) of this clause, submit a technical and cost proposal as specified in subparagraph e(8) and correct defects as directed under subparagraph (e)(9) of this clause, or prepare and furnish data and reports as required by subparagraph (e)(12) of this clause. (ii) The notice shall specify a period of time following receipt of the notice by the Contractor in which the Contractor must remedy the failure or refusal specified in the notice. (4) If the failure or refusal is not cured within the specified period, the Contracting Officer may, by contract or otherwise, obtain detailed recommendations for corrective action and either correct the supplies or services or replace the supplies or services. If the Contractor fails to furnish timely disposition instructions, the Contracting Officer may dispose of the nonconforming supplies in a reasonable and prudent manner the Government is then entitled to reimbursement from the Contractor, or from the proceeds, for the reasonable expenses of care and disposition, as well as for excess costs incurred or to be incurred. The costs reasonably incurred by the Government in taking necessary corrective action will be reflected in a reduction in contract price. The Government shall also be entitled to any applicable data and reports pertaining to the disposed supplies. (5) In situations when hardware is sent to the contractor under warranty and the Contractor cannot duplicate the failure, the systems bench checks serviceable, retests okay or it is determined there is a false failure, the Contractor shall return the item to the AF unit and pay for the return shipment. Unless the Government's decision to send the

69 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section H - Special Contract Requirements hardware to the Contractor was influenced by the Contractor, the Government shall reimburse the Contractor for the time spent for checking/testing the hardware and the return transportation. If the Contractor is involved in the decision making process, the Contractor and the Government will negotiate an equitable distribution of the costs for checking/testing the hardware and for the return transportation. (h) Exclusions (1) Except as otherwise specified in this contract, combat damage is not covered by these warranties. (2) The Contractor shall not be obligated to correct or replace supplies under the provisions of these warranties if the loss or damage occurs by reason of acts of God such as floods, hurricane, tornado, and earthquake. (3) The Contractor shall not be obligated under these warranties for: (i) repair or damage to warranted supplies caused by unauthorized or improper maintenance, installation, or operation by Government personnel (authorized maintenance is defined in approved maintenance technical orders); (ii) repair of external physical damage caused by accidental or willful mistreatment by non-contractor personnel; or (iii) repair of internal damage which, in the determination of the Administrative Contracting& Officer (ACO) was caused by accompanying external damage. (4) The conditions specified in paragraphs (g)(2) and (g)(3), except for natural disasters, apply only to loss or damage occurring at locations other than those owned or controlled by the Contractor or occurring while the item is not under Contractor's or Subcontractor's possession or custody.

70 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section I - Contract Requirements A. NOTICE: The following contract clauses pertinent to this SECTION are hereby incorporated by reference:




72 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section I - Contract Requirements (Continued) 52.243-1 CHANGES - FIXED-PRICE (AUG 1987) (Paragraph (c) of the above referenced clause is hereby revised by changing the reference to"'30 days" to read "90 days".) 52.243-7 NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES (APR 1984) (The information to be inserted in the above-referenced clause is as follows: In paragraph (b), insert "...within 90 calendar days...". In paragraph (d), insert "...within 45 calendar days...".) 52.244-2 SUBCONTRACTS (OCT 2010) 52.244-5 COMPETITION IN SUBC0NTRACTING (DEC 1996) 52.245-2 GOVERNMENT PROPERTY INSTALLATION OPERATION SERVICES (APR 2012) 52.246-24 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY - HIGH VALUE ITEMS (FEB 1997) (The above-referenced clause applies to Items 0001 thru 0012 as set forth in Section B hereof.) 52.247-1 COMMERCIAL BILL OF LADING NOTATIONS (APR 1984) 52.248-1 VALUE ENGINEERING (OCT 2010) 52.249-2 TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE OF THE GOVERNMENT (FIXED-PRICE) (APR 2012) 52.249-8 DEFAULT (FIXED-PRICE SUPPLY AND SERVICE) (APR 1984)



73 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section I - Contract Requirements (Continued) 252.225-7002 QUALIFYING COUNTRY SOURCES AS SUBCONTRACTORS (DEC 2012) 252.225-7009 RESTRICTION ON ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN ARTICLES CONTAINING SPECIALTY METALS (JUN 2013) 252.225-7010 COMMERCIAL DERIVATIVE MILITARY ARTICLE – SPECIALTY METALS COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE (JUL 2009) 252.225-7012 PREFERENCE FOR CERTAIN DOMESTIC COMMODITIES (FEB 2013) 252.227-7014 RIGHTS IN NONCOMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE AND NONCOMMERCIAL COMPUTER SOFTWARE DOCUMENTATION (FEB 2014) 252.227-7026 DEFERRED DELIVERY OF TECHNICAL DATA OR COMPUTER SOFTWARE (APR 1988) 252.227-7027 DEFERRED ORDERING OF TECHNICAL DATA OR COMPUTER SOFTWARE (APR 1988) 252.227-7028 TECHNICAL DATA OR COMPUTER SOFTWARE PREVIOUSLY DELIVERED TO THE GOVERNMENT (JUN 1995) 252.227-7030 TECHNICAL DATA -- WITHHOLDING OF PAYMENT (MAR 2000) (Pursuant to DOD FAR 227.473-5, a withholding amount of five percent (SX) if the price of the technical data at issue or $1,000,000.00 whichever is greater is hereby designated in lieu of the 10% specified in the above clause). 252.227-7037 VALIDATION OF RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS ON TECHNICAL DATA (JUN 2013) 252.228-7005 ACCIDENT REPORTING AND INVESTIGATION INVOLVING AIRCRAFT, MISSILES, AND SPACE LAUNCH VEHICLES (DEC 1991) 252.231-7000 SUPPLEMENTAL COST PRINCIPLES (DEC 1991) 252.232-7004 DOD PROGRESS PAYMENT RATES (OCT 2001) (The progress payment rate shall be 80% until the Contractor submits the required data for the DOD Cash Flow Computer Model and until the contract is modified accordingly.) 252.235-7004 PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS (JUL 2009) 252.242-7004 MATERIAL MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTING SYSTEM (MAY 2011) 252.243-7001 PRICING OF CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS (DEC 1991) 252.246-7001 WARRANTY OF DATA BASIC (MAR 2014)

74 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section I - Contract Requirements (Continued) B. FAR Clauses in Full Text 52.204-1 APPROVAL OF CONTRACT (DEC 1989) This contract is subject to the written approval of the official identified on Page 2 of this contract and shall not be binding until so approved. 52.252-2 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE (FEB 1998) This contract incorporates one or more clauses by reference, with the same force and effect as if they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make their full text available. 52.252-6 AUTHORIZED DEVIATIONS IN CLAUSES (APR 1984) (a) The use in this solicitation or contract of any Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR Chapter 1) clause with an authorized deviation is indicated by the addition of "(DEVIATION)" after the date of the clause. (b) The use in this solicitation or contract of any Department of Defense FAR Supplement (48 CFR Chapter 2) clause with an authorized deviation is indicated by the addition of "(DEVIATION)" after the name of the regulation.

75 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section I - Contract Requirements (Continued) C. DOD FAR Sup Clauses In Full Text


(a) Definitions. As used in this clause— “Alloy” means a metal consisting of a mixture of a basic metallic element and one or more metallic, or non-metallic, alloying elements. (i) For alloys named by a single metallic element (e.g., titanium alloy), it means that the alloy contains 50 percent or more of the named metal (by mass). (ii) If two metals are specified in the name (e.g, nickel-iron alloy), those metals are the two predominant elements in the alloy, and together they constitute 50 percent or more of the alloy (by mass). “Produce” means— (i) Atomization; (ii) Sputtering; or (iii) Final consolidation of non-melt derived metal powders. “Specialty metal” means— (i) Steel— (A) With a maximum alloy content exceeding one or more of the following limits: manganese, 1.65 percent; silicon, 0.60 percent; or copper, 0.60 percent; or (B) Containing more than 0.25 percent of any of the following elements: aluminum, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum, nickel, niobium (columbium), titanium, tungsten, or vanadium; (ii) Metal alloys consisting of— (A) Nickel or iron-nickel alloys that contain a total of alloying metals other than nickel and iron in excess of 10 percent; or (B) Cobalt alloys that contain a total of alloying metals other than cobalt and iron in excess of 10 percent; (iii) Titanium and titanium alloys; or (iv) Zirconium and zirconium alloys. “Steel” means an iron alloy that includes between .02 and 2 percent carbon and may include other elements.

76 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section I - Contract Requirements (Continued) (b) Any specialty metal delivered under this contract shall be melted or produced in the United States or its outlying areas. E. AFMC FAR Sup Clauses In Full Text 52.203-9000 STRAIGHT ARROW PROGRAM (APR 1998) (a) "Straight Arrow" Program - The Air Force Systems Command has established the Straight Arrow Program to implement the laws, regulations, and policies relating to the personal standards of conduct of Air Force personnel. Each AFMC activity's Straight Arrow Committee meets to make and apply Straight Arrow policy to specific situations. The Contractor is invited to attend the meetings of this committee or to get the meeting minutes from the Contracting Officer. (b) All Air Force personnel must adhere to personal standards of conduct. Executive Order 11222, (8 May 1965) states that Government personnel must not only avoid actual conflicts of interest, but must refrain from engaging in conduct that gives the appearance of a conflict of interest. DoDD 5500.7-R, Joint Ethics Regulation, August 1993, implements the Executive Order, and requires that Air Force personnel, and members of their families, will not solicit, accept, or agree to accept any gratuity from individuals or companies engaged in, or seeking to engage in, business or financial relations with any Department of Defense component. (c) The Contractor is urged to educate its personnel about the Straight Arrow Program. All Contractor personnel working with Air Force personnel should be aware of the policies and objectives of the Straight Arrow Program. 52.215-9001 SUBCONTRACTOR PRODUCTIVITY SAVINGS REWARD (OCT 2000) (a) Applicability. This clause applies to any prime contractor participating in a DoD- sponsored Industrial Modernization Incentives Program (IMIP) at the subcontractor/ vendor tier when the subcontractor/vendor asks to share in the benefits through Productivity Savings Rewards (PSR). This clause recognizes the subcontractor/vendor IMIP effort to implement new technologies and capital investments at selected subcontractor/vendor facilities aimed at increasing productivity, enhancing quality, and reducing unit costs on all affected DoD contracts. It is understood between the parties that (the prime contractor) will participate in the subcontractor/vendor IMIP to the extent described below. (b) Contractor participation. (1) Participating subcontractors in the IMIP agree to reduce unit costs on current and future subcontracts as a result of the IMIP implementation effort with the USAF. This contract may therefore realize unit cost reductions. The following subcontracts and subcontractors are IMIP participants: Subcontracts Subcontractor Countermeasure Dispenser Yoyodyne (2) When unit cost reductions on subcontracts under this program are identified, the Government will notify (the prime contractor) of the reduction value to be applied to the production contract. Upon notification, (the prime contractor) agrees to implement

77 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section I - Contract Requirements (Continued) these unit cost reductions on current subcontracts upon receipt of the subcontractor proposal reducing the subcontract price. If applicable, (the prime contractor) agrees to reduce target cost, target and ceiling price on this contract by 100 percent of the subcontract reduction plus applicable loadings. The original negotiated target profit will remain unchanged. (3) For follow-on subcontracts with the IMIP participants (the prime contractor) agrees to recognize unit cost reductions as a result of the IMIP program and document them in the production cost proposal to the Contracting Officer at the Aeronautical Systems Division, Wright-Patterson AFB OH. (c) Subcontractor incentives recognition. The Air Force has agreed to provide financial incentives to each participating subcontractor on current contracts. This incentive may be realized by subcontractor retention of savings on a negotiated number of subcontracts. On follow-on contracts, this incentive will be realized by recognition of a "Productivity Savings Reward (PSR)". (The prime contractor) will be notified of the affected subcontract(s) on which a portion of savings will be retained by the subcontractor. In addition, (the prime contractor) will be notified of the negotiated PSR to be applied to follow-on acquisitions (if applicable). (The prime contractor) agrees to recognize this PSR and further agrees not to penalize the subcontractor's profit allowance as a result of the IMIP program. 52.222-9000 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY PREAWARD CLEARANCE OF SUBCONTRACTS (APR 1998) The prime Contractor shall request its preaward clearances through the Contracting Officer at least 30 calendar days before the proposed award date, unless the cognizant Department of Labor compliance office agrees to a shorter time. 52.223-9100 PHYSICAL SECURITY OF SENSITIVE CONVENTIONAL ARMS AMMUNITION AND EXPLOSIVES AT WILDCAT AVIATION CORP. FACILITIES (APR 1999) (a) As used in this clause, sensitive conventional arms, ammunitions, and explosives (AA&E) shall have the meaning as defined in Department of Defense Instruction 5220.30 for a Contractor Owned-Wildcat Aviation Corp. Operated (COCO) facility and Air Force Instruction 91-74, Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and Explosives (AA&E) at Contractor Facilities for Government Owned- Contractor Operated (GOCO) facilities. (b) The Contractor shall be responsible for safeguarding AA&E from loss, sabotage, terrorism, theft, and natural disasters. (1) This clause shall be included in subcontractors to any tier which involves the development manufacture, custody, or transport of AA&E. (2) Contractor facilities shall be subject to annual and special inspection as required by the Administrative Contracting & Officer (ACO). These may include participation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) or Defense Investigative Service (DIS).

78 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section I - Contract Requirements (Continued) (3) Contractor facilities for the development manufacture, custody, or transport of AA&E shall conform to standards described in AFI 91-74 for a GOCO or Department of Defense Instructions 5220.30 for a COCO. AA&E referenced in paragraph (a) that is not covered by paragraph 7, AFI 91-74, shall be stored according & to BATF standards in 18 U.S.C.842(3) (27 CFR, Part, 55, Subpart K, Section 55.201-55.218) (4) The Contractor shall ensure that all AA&E is shipped according to AFI 91- 75 for GOCOs or DOD 5100.76 for COCOs. (5) Any planned changes in the facilities for the development, manufacture, custody, or transport of AA&E or in the approved procedures (see para (9)) shall be submitted for approval to the ACO, BATF, and DIS 30 days prior to the start of construction of such changes. Changes shall not be started until approved by the ACO. Any changes shall conform to AFI 91-4 for GOCOs and DOD Instructions 5220.30 for COCOs. (6) The Contractor shall report any loss, actual or attempted theft, forced entry, armed robbery of AA&E or a facility containing AA&E, and any related circumstance, as soon as possible, by the fastest means, to the AGO, local Federal Bureau of Investigation, local policy, BATF office, DIS and the Air Force Office of Special Investigation. (7) The Contractor shall establish an accountability system for AA&E components and end items in accordance with AFI 91-4, paragraph 7. (8) Any damage to facilities for development, manufacture, custody, or transport of AA&E shall be reported to the AGO as soon as possible. In no case shall this reporting take longer than 24 hours. (9) The Contractor shall prepare written procedures which ensure compliance with the physical security requirements of DODI 5220.30 and supplements. These procedures shall be submitted to the ACO no later than 30 days after contract award and must be approved by the ACO in coordination with security personnel. The approved written procedures shall be made available at the Contractor's facility for inspection reviews by Government representatives. The Contractor shall comply with the approved written procedures. 52.243-9001 NOT-TO-EXCEED COST AGREEMENT (APR 1998) (a) Prior to the issuance of an undefinitized contractual action under this contract, the Contracting Officer may solicit from the Contractor written agreement as to (1) the monetary adjustment (maximum increase or minimum decrease) to be made to the contract or (2) adjustment in the deliverers' schedule (or time of performance) by reason of the action. The Contracting Officer may also solicit a definitization schedule for the action and limitations to the adjustments of any other provisions of the contract which may be subject to definitization. Any written agreement shall be cited in the undefinitized contractual action and shall be a binding part of the contract. In no event shall the definitive price exceed the established limitations. (b) Unless a different time period is agreed to, the agreement contemplated by the clause shall result in a written offer by the Contractor which is irrevocable for sixty days. This applies to both Contractor and Government proposed changes. The specified

79 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section I - Contract Requirements (Continued) dollar amount in the offer will constitute the maximum upward equitable adjustment in contract price for the change. 52.243-9002 CHANGES NOT REQUIRING MONETARY OR DELIVERY SCHEDULE ADJUSTMENTS (APR 1997) (a) Purpose. The purpose of this paragraph is to establish a procedure where one contractual amendment will be used both to direct changes of the type specified in the Changes clause of this contract, and to settle any question of equitable adjustments that might arise. This procedure shall apply only to those changes which will have no effect on the monetary value, delivery schedule, or other provisions of the contract. (b) Procedure. When it is proposed to make a change under a Changes clause and both parties agree that such proposed change will not require any equitable adjustment as contemplated by the clause and this paragraph, the Contractor shall submit a written proposal or offer to accomplish the proposed change without an equitable adjustment to monetary value or delivery schedule of the contract. The modification shall (i) be issued under the Changes clause; (ii) cite this paragraph; (iii) reference the Contractor's proposal or offer; and (iv) direct the changes to be made. The issuance of the modification shall constitute acceptance of the Contractor's proposal or offer, shall be binding on both parties, and shall be a full, complete, and final settlement for the directed changes. 52.247-9004 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS PACKAGING CERTIFICATION OF EQUIVALENCY (COE) (APR 1999) When shipping hazardous materials as defined by Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, the Contractor shall comply with AFMCI 91-829. Under the noted conditions, a Certification of Equivalency (COE) may be required. Except for shipments for the munitions Systems Division (MSD) and the Ballistic Systems Division (BSD), issuance of COEs shall be requested from HQ AFSC/LGT, Andrews AFB, MD 20334-5000. For NSD, COEs shall be requested from HQ MSD/YNP, Eglin AFB, FL 32542. For BSD, C0Es shall be requested from BSD/SDRE, Kirkland AFB NM 82409. To obtain a COE, the Contractor must give the Hazardous material Data Package in AFMCI 91-829 Appendix A to the approving authority, through the Contracting Officer, no later than 90 days before the expected initial shipping date for the item. F. Additional Full Text Clauses 52.235-9000 SCIENTIFIC/TECHNICAL INFORMATION (STINFO) (SEP 1999) If not already registered, the Contractor shall register for Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) service by contacting the following: Defense Technical Information Center ATTN: Registration Section (DTIC-DDR-B) BLDG. 5, Metro Park Alexandria, Virginia 22309-6145 (703) 274-6871

80 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Section I - Contract Requirements (Continued) To avoid duplication of effort and conserve scientific and technical resources, the Contractor shall search existing sources in DTIC to determine the current state-of-the- art concepts, studies, etc.

81 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Part III - List Of Documents, Exhibits, And Other Attachments Section J - List Of Attachments Document No. TITLE AND DATE NO. OF PAGES 1 AFMC Aircraft Letter Submittals Data Items List 119 2 AFMC Aircraft Provisioning Data Items List 20 3 AFMC Aircraft Computer Software 2 Documentation Data Items List 4 DELETED 5* Technical Orders 1 6 AFMC Engineering Drawings Data Items List 13 7 Miscellaneous CDRL Attachments 98 Section 1 - Contract Plan Distribution Matrix Section 2 - Specification Distribution Matrix Section 3 - TIS Distribution Matrix (Seq No 1094) Section 4 - Aperture and Copy (DIAZO CARD)(Drawings) Section 5 - Modified DIDS, CDRL Tailoring and Reference DD 1423s 8 OFP Production (ECP 2170) Data Items List 76 9 DELETED 10* Maintenance Requirement for Aircraft, Missiles and Support 19 Equipment (Wildcat Report, WAC-A2078B) dated 20 Aug 13 11 Retrofit Kits and Support Items (RESERVED) 2 12 Contract Security Classification Specification 8 (DD Form 254) dated 30 Sep 13 13* Government-Furnished Aircraft dated 1 Feb 14 1 14 Government-Furnished Aeronautical Equipment 21 Requirements Schedule (DD Form 610) dated 31 Aug 14 15 DELETED Note: I removed all the attachments from this copy of the contract except those marked with an asterisk. You won’t need them to administer this contract. CC Lynn

82 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Part III - List Of Documents, Exhibits, And Other Attachments Section J - List Of Attachments (Cont.) Document No. TITLE AND DATE NO. OF PAGES 16 DELETED 17 TISS Acceptance Criteria (RESERVED) TBD 18 Billing Schedule dated 13 Aug 14 13 19 Preservation, Packaging and Packing Requirement 3 (AFMC Form 872) dated 5 Sep 13 20 Total System Performance Responsibility 5 Sep 11 3 21 Item Identification Marking and Shelf Line 2 Item Provisions (AFMG Form 53) dated 5 Sep 13 22* Statement of Work for F-13G Manufacturing and 6 Quality Assurance dated 5 Jul 14 23 Government Furnished Property (GFP) Development TBD and Testing (RESERVED) 24* SOW for OFP Production dated 23 Feb 14 12 25* SOW for Phase VII Flight Test dated 31 Oct 13 4 26 SOW for "MIL-STD-1567A Work Measurement 41 Flow-down" dated 15 Aug 12 27 SOW for F-13G Annual Printed Wire Board Update 2 dated 27 Jul 14 28 Cost of Quality Plan dated 22 Mar 15 5 29 Support of Nuclear Certification Process on 20 the F-13G dated 26 Oct 10 30* Aright Aviation Corporation (WAC) Instruction 412 15 (FOD prevention) Dated 31 August 14 31 DELETED 32 Engineering Labor and Overhead Tables 5 Sep 07 5 33 Wildcat Work Measurement Plan dated 30 Oct 12 34* SOW for IPE Capable Wiring for F-13G No. 129 1 thru 134, dated 8 Aug 14

83 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Part III - List Of Documents, Exhibits, And Other Attachments Section J - List Of Attachments (Cont.) EXHIBIT NUMBER TITLE A Priced Exhibit for Support Equipment (Reserved) B Priced Exhibit for TISS (Reserved) C Priced Exhibit for Retrofit Kits (Reserved) D Not Used E Price Exhibit for Repair of Repairables Orders F Priced Spare Parts List - Investment Initial Spares to Support F-13G Aircraft Support Equipment (Reserved for CLIN 0008AA) G Priced Spare Parts List - Expense Initial Spares to Support F-13G Aircraft Support Equipment (Reserved for CLIN 0008AB) H Priced Spare Parts List - Investment Initial Spares to Support F-13G Aircraft (Reserved for CLIN 000SAC) Priced Spare Parts List - Expense Initial Spares to Support F-13 Aircraft (Reserved for CLIN O008AD) K Priced Spare Parts List - Investment Replenishment Spares to Support F-13G Aircraft (WRM) (Reserved for CLIN O008AE) L Priced Spare Parts List - Investment Initial Spares to Support F-13G Aircraft Support Equipment (SPRAAM) (Reserved for CLIN 0008AF) Priced Spare Parts List - Expendable Spares to Support F-13 Aircraft (Reserved for CLIN O008AG)

84 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 5 Technical Orders FY 14 NO. DATE TITLE T.O. 00-25-172 2 Dec 82 Ground Servicing of Aircraft and Static Grounding and Bonding T.O. 1-1-1 24 Jun 79 Cleaning of Aerospace Equipment T.O. 1-1-2 3 Mar 83 Corrosion Prevention and Control for Aerospace T.O. 1-1-3 27 Jun 80 Preparation, Inspection and Repair of Aircraft Fuel, Oil, and Water Alcohol Cells and Integral Tanks T.O. 1-1-8 1 Oct 73 Application of Organic Coatings, Aerospace T.O. I- 1-300 15 Jul 84 Functional Check Flight and Maintenance Operational Checks T.O. 2J-1-18 15 Sep 78 Preparation for Shipment and Storage of Gas Turbine Engines T.O. 2J-JI-10 15 Aug 62 General Engine Test and Test Cell Instructions T.O. 8D2-31 31 Jan 49 Aircraft Storage Batteries T.O. 8D2-2-1 I May 65 Battery, Silver-Zinc T.O. 8D2-3-1 10 Apr 70 Aircraft Nickel Cadmium Storage Batteries T.O. I IA-1-1 I Jun 85 Conventional Munitions - Restricted or Suspended T.O. I la-1-46 I Nov 85 Firefighting Guidance, Transportation and Storage Management Data, and Ammunition Complete Round Chart T.O. 35D6-1-106 31 May 85 Periodic Maintenance Instructions - Aircraft and Engine Slings (General) and Restraining Devices T.O. 36-1-58 20 Sep 73 General Requirements for Repair, Maintenance and Testing of Lifting Devices T.O. 42A-1-1 12 Jan 71 Health Promotion of Personnel Engaged in Doping and Painting T.O. 42B6-1-1 15 Dec 92 Quality Control of Fuels and Lubricants

85 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Maintenance Requirements for Aircraft Missiles and Support Equipment 21 August 14 WILDCAT AVIATION F33628-14-C-2115 Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Table of Contents Paragraph No. TITLE PAGE 1 Purpose 1 2 Application 1 3 Terms Explained 1 4 Applicable Documents 2 5 Quality Program 2 6 Safety Program 3 7 Training and Qualification 4 8 Technical Data 6 9 Inventory and Acceptance Inspection 7 (Production Aircraft) 10 Maintenance 7 11 Time Compliance Technical Orders 13 12 Modification 14 13 Support Equipment 15 14 Material Support 16 15 Documentation and Reporting Requirements 17 16 Return of Aircraft, Missiles, and Related 18 Support Equipment 17 Delivery of Production Aircraft 19 18 Implementation of MIL-STD-1518B 19

86 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 1 of 19 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to prescribe policies and operational procedures to be followed by the Contractor (Wildcat Aviation Company) in the maintenance and modification of Government aircraft, missiles and related support equipment. The intent of these policies and procedures is to establish a method for the uniform and consistent application of maintenance requirements for Government Contracts which incorporate this document as an addendum (attachment) thereto. 2. APPLICATION a. General Application - The policies and procedures contained in this document apply to aircraft, missiles and support equipment during a period in which they are subject to the GROUND AND FLIGHT RISK/GOVERNMENT PROPERTY/FLIGHT RISK clauses of the contract(s) which incorporate this document. Such coverage includes Aerospace Vehicles "In the open", during "operation" and "in-flight" as these terms are defined in the GROUND AND FLIGHT RISK/FLIGHT RISK clauses and as such terms may be further defined in the Schedule Provision of the contract. For non- production Government furnished aircraft, the Government assumes the risk of loss (and this document applies) from the time of aircraft receipt by the Contractor until returned to the Government. These aircraft are considered to be "in-the-open" at all times while in the Contractor's possession, care, custody or control. Maintenance requirements for leased aircraft are incorporated in the lease. b. Production Aircraft - If any contract incorporating this document require the fabrication and assembly of aircraft, the provisions of this document which pertain to aircraft maintenance and handling shall be applicable subsequent to "final assembly", which is defined as the point when the aircraft is initially fueled. Initial operations such as assembly, paint, installation and checkout associated therewith are exempt from the provisions of this document. 3. TERMS EXPLAINED a. Aerospace vehicle includes all military aircraft and guided missiles with a combat or combat related mission. For the purpose of this document, missiles are further defined as air launched missiles, either dummy or inert. b. Aircraft - An air vehicle designed primarily for flight in the atmosphere which has incorporated in its basic design the ability or requirement for carrying aircrew/passengers. c. Guided Missile - An unmanned vehicle moving above the surface of the earth, whose trajectory or flight path is capable of being altered by an external or internal mechanism. For the purpose of this document, the term missile is limited to dummy/inert air launched missiles. NOTE: Definitions for a, b, and c above taken from A/82- 1/NAVMATINST 8800.4C.

87 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 2 of 19 d. Contract - As used herein, the term contract shall mean all types of agreements or contract modifications, mutually executed between the U.S. Government and the Contractor (Wildcat Aviation Company), which incorporate this document as an addendum (attachment). e. Related Support Equipment - Is defined as Government owned powered and tom-powered ground equipment, vehicular equipment and special tools used by the Contractor to support, handle, and maintain GFP aerospace vehicles that are Government furnished property defined in paragraph 2, "APPLICATION". 4. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS a. The date of all Government documents referred to herein shall be the issue in effect as of the date of this document or the date indicated immediately following the document reference, unless an earlier or later issue is specifically invoked in the applicable contract or contract change. The Government documents specified herein are fully applicable unless waivered; however, the price (or estimated cost plus fee) of the contract does not include an amount for compliance with the second and subsequent tier documents. Implementation of such documents, resulting in increased/ decreased cost or impacting delivery schedule, shall be approved prior to implementation by the Contracting Officer and equitable adjustment may be required under the "Changes" clause of the contract. b. In case of conflict with any other maintenance requirements, this document shall govern. Unresolved conflicts should be brought to the attention of the ACO and, if necessary, to the PCO. 5. QUALITY PROGRAM a. The Contractor shall comply with the Quality Assurance Program as prescribed in ISO 9001 and ISO 9002, as specified elsewhere in the contract. b. As soon as practicable after receipt of a contract involving new aircraft of a significantly different type, the Contractor will submit to the ACO, in writing, appropriate revisions to the aircraft maintenance program as established under FAR Part 45. c. The Contractor is not precluded from using his own maintenance, inspection and documentation procedures if such procedures equal or exceed the Government requirements contained in this document. Some of the Contractor's procedures may not be in literal accord with the Government Technical Manuals because they are peculiar to the manufacturing process and industrial operating environment and will be considered acceptable if they meet the intent of the Government documents. Contractor forms and records may be used for new production aircraft until time of acceptance/delivery to the Government. Records delivery on new production aircraft will be in accordance with the Contract Data Requirements List. For USAF and NAVY inventory/fleet aircraft historical documents (AFRO Forms 95, 98, 44, DD form 365 Series and equivalent NAVY forms) shall not be substituted with Contractor forms.

88 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 3 of 19 6. SAFETY PROGRAM a. The Contractor shall provide initial and recurring Job safety training to employees involved in aircraft and missile maintenance including work hazards, unsafe acts, fire prevention, health hazards and personnel protection equipment. b. The Contractor shall assure, as a minimum, all aircraft/missile maintenance operations are performed in accordance with the applicable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes. In addition, the Contractor will maintain the facilities in accordance with the applicable NFPA codes. c. The Contractor's written plan for emergency evacuation of aircraft in case of fire is included in the WAC Fire Protection Crash and Rescue Manual. The Fire Service Officer in charge will direct this action. Hangared aircraft that cannot be moved (evacuated) shall not block aircraft that can be evacuated. d. For open fuel system repair in hangars designated for such work, a Lower Explosion Level (LEL) reading of twenty percent or less shall be maintained. All wiring and fixed equipment for such work shall meet the requirements of the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70) for NET Class I, Division II, Group D, hazardous locations. Portable tools shall meet the requirements of NET Class I, Division 1, Group D hazardous locations. e. Electrical wiring and fixed or portable equipment or tools in all other hazardous areas shall meet the requirements of the National Electrical Code. (NFPA 70) f. Static electricity dissipation shall be per T.O. 00-25-172 dated 31 August 1997 Usable earth grounding points (those intended for use) shall be tested for resistance of 10,000 ohms or less, every three years. Unserviceable grounds will be removed from service. Records will be kept for each approved ramp ground as shown on the Ramp Grounding Layout. Records will reflect completion date of testing and the OHMS reading. (1) Minimal free fall draining from sumps is acceptable. (2) Servicing of water products is acceptable without grounding and bonding the water product container. (3) Non-vehicular Support Equipment shall be grounded during any fuel related maintenance activity. (4) Ground wires do not require a warning streamer, "Remove Before Flight". (5) Aircraft sumps do not need to be drained prior to defueling aircraft. (6) Plastic buckets may be used for draining of residual fuel. (7) Initial fueling of new or recently repaired aircraft bladder fuel tanks can be done up to 300 GPM flow rate. g. The Contractor's safety program shall include a system for tagging and removal from service any equipment determined to be unsafe. Mobile support equipment tagged as unsafe will be removed from the work area as soon as practical and safety discrepancies will be entered promptly on maintenance records.

89 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 4 of 19 h. Inspection, proof (weight) test and marking of slings, lifting and restraining devices shall meet OSHA requirements. i. Use, handling and maintenance of storage type gas cylinders shall be in accordance with T.O. 42B5-1-2/NAVAIR 06-20-2, dated 15 April 1989, or the appropriate NFPA code. j. Matters pertaining to personnel safety that do not affect product quality or safety will be in accordance with Contractor established practices. 7. TRAINING AND QUALIFICATION a. The Contractor shall ensure that only properly trained and qualified personnel accomplish maintenance, servicing or ground operational tasks on aircraft, missile(s) and related support equipment. Qualification and requalification will be documented on WAC Training and Qualification Roster or similar WAC documents. The Contractor shall re- verify qualification annually unless otherwise specified in this section. (1) Qualification for missile tasks will be documented by memo (rather than in the Training Qualification Roster) from the Training department. Copies will be retained by the employees supervision and made available to the Government representative. (2) The individuals will be retrained or re-qualified if a major change is made to the missile configuration which would affect safety of flight. b. Definitions: (1) Trained Personnel - Employees who have successfully completed a course of classroom or 'on-the-job' training on a specific task or operation. (2) Qualified Personnel - Employees who have demonstrated satisfactory skill and job knowledge by passing a written and/or performance test for a specific task or operation. c. The Contractor's training and qualification program will not be limited to, but shall include and require evidence of qualification (in writing) for the following maintenance operations: (1) General Tasks (aircraft or missile). (a) Ground Powered Equipment Operation. (b) Weapons/explosives handling and loading. (c) Non-destructive inspection/testing methods (re-certification per MIL- STD-410D). (d) Welding (certification and re-certification per MIL-STD-L595A dated 30 July 1987 and AMSE Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sac IX, 1974 or exclusively per T.O. 00-25-252 dated 20 September 1999). (e) Weight and Balance (initial certification is required, this function is performed by Engineering).

90 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 5 of 19 (2) Aircraft Tasks: (a) Fueling, defueling, inerting, and purging. (b) Fuel system maintenance. (c) Towing operations. (d) Engine operation. (e) Jacking operation. (f) Egress system maintenance. (3) Missile Tasks (Insert/Dummy)/Flight worthy Missiles. (a) Assembly, disassembly, unpacking, inspection and identification of missile parts. (b) Uploading, downloading, handling, lifting and hoisting. (c) Preflight and Postflight inspection including certification as ready for captive carry flight. d. The Contractor shall ensure that personnel are re-trained and/or re-qualified when changes in assignment, facilities, methods or equipment may result in personnel performing unfamiliar tasks. e. The contractor shall make available to the Government representative upon request a list of personnel who are competent to certify that an aircraft/missile Is safe for flight and that maintenance tasks have been properly accomplished. The listing will specifically identify the personnel who are authorized to accomplish those tasks. f. Formal training curses offered by Government activities may be used to qualify/update Contractor's employees when in the best Interest of the Government. Requests for such training will be submitted to the Government Flight Representative (GFR). 8. TECHNICAL DATA a. Maintenance of all Government missiles, aircraft, and engines will be accomplished by the Contractor according to Government approved standard practices as prescribed in the general methods and procedures technical orders and in the specific weapon system/equipment technical orders. b. The Contractor shall determine which technical orders are necessary (including methods and procedures technical orders) to maintain aircraft and/or missile and related Support Equipment (SE). c. The Contractor shall establish a method for automatic distribution (initial distribution) of required technical order indexes, technical orders and time compliance technical orders pertaining to the aircraft, missile and related SE. d. Request for a Contractor assigned "Special Purpose Technical Order Distribution code (SPTODC),' shall be submitted to the cognizant Contract Administration Office (CAO) for approval in accordance with T.O. 00-5-2, Section XI. In some cases, the Contractor may receive technical orders through an account code assigned to the CAO.

91 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 6 of 19 e. The Contractor will submit initial distribution requirements to the CAO for approval in accordance with T.O. 00-5-2, Section V. f. Technical order files shall be kept current and will be checked against the technical order indexes and latest supplements annually as specified in T.O. 00-5-2, Section IV. Checklists will be checked for currency every 180 days and with each checklist change. g. Interim technical orders such as safety supplements and operational supplements will be filed within 24 hours after receipt or before technical order use. Other changes and revisions will be filed within five workdays. h. The Contractor shall cancel initial distribution when technical orders are no longer needed for contract performance. i. The Contractor is not precluded from using his own maintenance, inspection and documentation procedures if such procedures equal or exceed Government requirements. 9. INVENTORY AND ACCEPTANCE INSPECTION (Excluding production aircraft) a. The Contractor will inventory the records received with aerospace vehicles and acknowledge receipt of the vehicle and records on AFTO Form 290 received with the aircraft in accordance with T.O. 00-20-1, Section V. Missile components will be received on the AFTO Form 290. b. Contractor shall inventory and sign for equipment received on the. Form 2692 for Air Force equipment and DD 780 series for Navy equipment received with the aerospace vehicle. Equipment received with an aerospace vehicle on AFTO Form 2692 or DD 780 but not installed, will be stored, protected, inventoried annually and accounted for on an item by item basis in writing. The Contractor shall provide a system to account for components not installed and for missile and engine containers. c. Provide a written inspection report to the ACO to include any shortages of aircraft or engine components, shortages of maintenance records or loose equipment, overdue unaccomplished TCTOs time changes or calendar inspections and general condition of the aircraft. This may be submitted in letter form.

92 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 7 of 19 10. MAINTENANCE a. Organizational and Intermediate Level Maintenance Responsibilities - Maintenance and inspection accomplished by the Contractor will consist of that designated for accomplishment by organizational and intermediate-level activities encompassing all necessary inspections, servicing, lubrications, preventive maintenance, calibration and adjusting of systems, removal and replacement of components, and corrosion prevention and control, in addition to other maintenance actions as required to maintain the equipment in a state of mission capable. For other than DT&E testing, Contractor will accomplish that intermediate level consisting of "on equipment" maintenance and repair by "removal and replacement" of all serviceable items. The Contractor will repair these items within his capabilities, if cost effective to do so. The Government will be responsible for the remaining intermediate "off equipment" maintenance. b. Depot Level Maintenance Responsibilities - The Contractor will accomplish all depot level maintenance and overhaul of Contractor Furnished Equipment (CFE) when the Government does not have an established organic maintenance capability. The Government will be responsible for depot level maintenance of all common items (stock listed) and of Government Furnished Aerospace Equipment (GFAM). c. Aircraft, Missile and Support Equipment - The Contractor will accomplish the following general handling and maintenance requirements. NOTE: In case of conflicting requirements, the specific aircraft or missile technical orders will take precedence over general methods and procedures technical orders. (1) Cleaning of aircraft and missiles will be accomplished in accordance with the specific weapon system/equipment technical order and T.0. 1-1-1 dated 15 September 1989. Cleaning of support equipment will be in accordance with T.O. 35-1-12 as implemented by the Contractor P.S. 20077 for the maintenance of missiles and per Contractor Standard Maintenance Practices for cleaning of SE. (2) Corrosion prevention and control on aircraft/missile will be performed in accordance with the specific weapon system technical order and T.O. 1-1-2 dated 01 July 1998. (3) The Contractor shall accomplish component time changes based calendar/hourly operating time as specified by the applicable T.O. XX-XXX-6. (4) Non-Destructive Inspection will be performed in accordance with 0SHA STD 1910, the specific weapon system T.O. XX-IXX-6, and MIL-STD-410D or T.O. 338-1-1 dated 15 September 1988. (5) Quality control, storage, handling and servicing of fuels, oils, lubricants and hydraulic fluids will be accomplished in accordance with MIL-STD-1518B dated 3 March 1980, T.O. 00-25-172 dated 31 August 1989, NFPA 407 as implemented by Paragraph 18 of this report. Grade of fuel used will be in accordance with T.O. 42B1-1-1 dated 1 January 1989, and T.O. 42B1-1-14 dated 31 August 1989, or as specified in the contract.

93 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 8 of 19 (6) Quality control, storage, handling and servicing of aviator's breathing oxygen will be accomplished in accordance with MIL-STD-1551B dated 27 April 1981, T.O. 00-25-172 dated 31 August 1989, and the specific aircraft technical order/checklist and NFPA 407. (a) Contractor will sample liquid oxygen from the storage tank before each vendor delivery (approximately every 30 days) or if contamination is suspected; and test for use limits specified in MIL-STD-1551B using Wildcat laboratory facilities. (7) Weapons/explosives handling and loading will be in accordance with AFI 21-201 1 December 2000, Maintenance Management And Maintenance Of Non-Nuclear Munitions, T.O. 11-l-M dated 18 January 1989, T.O. 11A-1- 33 dated 21 March 1989, T.O. 11A-l-1 dated 1 March 1989 and specific weapon system/equipment technical order. (8) Foreign Object Damage Prevention Program viii consist of a comprehensive program with written procedures In accordance with WACI- 412 (Section J, Attachment 30). d. Aircraft Only (1) Paint finish, insignia, and markings of production and non-production aircraft shall be per contract specification. In the absence of detailed WILDCAT AVIATION CORP. contract specifications, non-production aircraft exterior paint finish, insignia and markings will be in accordance with the latest military directives, when the aircraft in question is listed therein. Touchup painting will match the existing paint type and configuration. Deviations to contract specifications or military directives require a letter of authorization or waiver. (2) The maintenance and inspection system will be in accordance with T.O. 00-20-1, 00-20-5, and the applicable inspection requirements Technical Order (-6), including scheduled inspections, special inspections and component time replacement schedule. (3) Aircraft will be handled, parked, moored and protected in accordance with the specific aircraft technical orders/checklists and AFOSH 91-100. Exceptions to AFOSH 91-100, are stated herein. When parked, aircraft will be double chocked (both main wheels, fore and aft) with approved chocks and aircraft will be grounded to an approved ground. When aircraft storage is authorized, storage will be in accordance with T.O. 1-1-17 dated 1 December 1988, T.O. 2J-I-18 dated 1 July 1989, and the specific aircraft technical orders. (a) Temporary wing and tail walkers need not be qualified in all phases of towing and aircraft movement but shall be briefed by the person in charge of towing operation on specific duties. As a minimum, briefing will include the need to remain in clear view of the Tug Driver and the clearance and stop signals. A trained person authorized by the supervisor will be in the pilot's seat to operate brakes when required.

94 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 9 of 19 (b) Standard Form 46 "US Government Motor Vehicle Operator's Identification Card" is not required for Wildcat employees unless specified by WAC Manufacturing Methods Procedures, or by other contract or agreement requirements. (c) Tug Drivers designated to assume the responsibility of towing supervisor will be qualified as Tug Drivers. The number of towing team members will be as specified in the WAC Manufacturing Methods Procedures. Luminous wands and reflective vests are not required at night within the lighted launch and recovery ramp area at WAC Facility at Kalamazoo. Operations at all other locations at night will be in accordance with local policy. (d) Guidelines are required where fixed traffic lanes are used and are not required where variable traffic lanes into hangars are used, where guidelines would serve no purpose. Taxi centerlines will be yellow. (e) Visual inspection at the time of use may be used in lieu of the 30 day inspection for tie down mooring equipment. (4) Static electricity dissipation will be in accordance with T.0. 00-25-172 dated 31 August 1989, and Paragraph 6 of this document entitled "Safety Program". (5) Oil Analysis program will be conducted in accordance with T.O.33-1- 37/NAVAIR 17-15-50 dated 1 June 1989, and the inspection requirements Technical Order (-6). (6) EGRESS System Maintenance will be dated 8 April 1986, AFI 21-112 dated 1 May 2000, T.O. 11A-l-33 dated 21 March 1989, the latest issue of required series Tech Orders and the specific aircraft technical orders/checklists. (7) Except for pilots, only authorized aircraft maintenance personnel qualified in writing in accordance with AFI 10-220_IP_IP/NAVAIRINST 3710.1G dated 23 August 2013, will be permitted to operate aircraft engines. Listing of an employee no# the latest DC Training and qualification Roster constitutes "authorized personnel". Aircraft will be double checked at all times for engine runs and restrained when required by checklist/technical order. Direct intercom contact with personnel on the ground who have a variety of methods of communication with the Fire Department (of which the primary method is that the ground crewman will activate the fire-pull alarm) will suffice for the Government requirement to maintain radio contact with the control tower. At locations other than Kalamazoo, radio contact will be maintained in accordance with local operating requirements. Engine operation shall be performed In accordance with AFOSH 91-100, except as provided herein. (a) Engine operators will be re-qualified for their critical task on an annual basis, and will lose their qualification if they have not performed an engine run for a 9O-day period. (8) Aircraft ground servicing, defueling and positioning of equipment shall be in accordance with T.O. O0-25-172, NFPA codes and the specific aircraft technical order/checklists.

95 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 10 of 19 (a) Qualified personnel responsible for fueling or defueling tasks will comply with applicable directives/checklists. (b) Personnel assigned to fueling/defueling operations will be familiar with fire bottle operation. Familiarization training will emphasize the need to use fire bottles to contain small fires. (c) The Fire Department shall be notified of abnormal refueling/defueling. (d) A qualified operator is not required in the fuel hydrant pump house provided a "dead-man" switch is used for flow control. (e) A triangle (three leg) grounding connection will be used for all refueling/defueling with truck or hydrant, per T.O. 00-25-172 dated 31 August l989. Triangle grounding will also be used for oxygen servicing if accomplished on the aircraft. (f) Protective clothing and equipment prescribed by Wildcat Process Specifics. LOPs and the Manufacturing Methods Procedures will be used for Liquid oxygen and Liquid Nitrogen. (g) To clarify fuel servicing in the vicinity of operating radar, the following definition is applicable, "No US Government aircraft shall be serviced with aviation fuels while it is in the beam of high powered radar capable of producing a peak power density of five watts per square centimeter at the point of fuel servicing." This criteria may be used in lieu of the 300 ft. minimum distance from operating radar. (h) The disposition of underground fuel tanks at the WAC, Kalamazoo facility shall be in accordance with federal, state, and local laws. (9) maintenance will be in accordance with T.O. 1-1-3 dated 24 August 1989 and the specific aircraft technical order/check-lists. (a) Equipment used for fuel system work shall meet the same safety criteria as government selected equipment. (b) The requirements of T.O. 1-1-3 relative to Integral Tank Sealant and Coating Repair and Fuel Cell Repair will be accomplished in accordance with Contractor Engineering Procedures. (c) The following Contractor practices relative to aircraft fuel system maintenance are identified in Contractor procedures and are considered acceptable for the purposes of this contract. (1) Specific wording of fuel cell repair area warning signs will be by Contractor sign standards. (2) Safety containers will be grounded. (3) Battery & external power receptacles will be disconnected or made inactive during fuel system repair. (4) Aircraft fuel system work may be accomplished inside approved buildings during electrical storms. (5) Plastic buckets may be used for draining of residual fuel after defueling. (6) Aircraft using a radar dummy load may be parked a minimum of 50 feet from aircraft undergoing fuel system repair.

96 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 11 of 19 (7) Fully fueled or inerted aircraft may enter hangars to perform non-fuel-related work. (8) Nitrogen inserting equipment will be grounded during defueling and inerting. (9) The Fire Dept will maintain all records of LEL readings taken on inerted or purged aircraft. (10) LEL readings will be taken only prior to personnel entry into fuel cell. (11) Rubber gloves may be used to handle and remove fuel system foam. (12) Electro-static-free plastic bags with ventilating holes will be used to store foam after it has dried. (13) Depuddling will be accomplished in Contractor approved facilities. (14) Inerting equipment does not require bonding continuity check between fuel tank and equipment. (15) Four hour oxygen analyzer test is not required for inert aircraft. (16) When entering a fuel cell/tank, a minimum of two persons shall be involved in the operation. (10) Inventory, weighing, and calculations for aircraft weight and balance will be recorded on DD 365 Series forms IAW T.O. 1-1B-40 (dated 15 August 2003) and T.O. 1-1B-50 (dated 30 September 2011) by personnel qualified IAW T.O. 1-1B-50 or by authorized Engineering Dept. personnel. (11) Aircraft associated equipment as defined in AFOSHSTD 91-100 (dated 1 May 2000) includes: Maintenance Safety and Protection Equipment, Alternate Mission Equipment, and Crew and Passenger Support Equipment. This equipment is listed in the Technical Order (-21). The Contractor will store -21 associated equipment in his custody and maintain the equipment inventory record for accountability. AF form 2692 will be used for transfer -2 equipment: installed or placed on board an aircraft (instructions are contained in AFOSHSTD 91-100). DD form 1149 will be used for shipping loose equipment separately. (12) End-of-runway (Go-No Go) inspection will be conducted within the boundaries of the Wildcat facility at Kalamazoo due to Airport Authority Regulations. End of runway inspections at other locations will be in accordance with their local procedures. e. Missile (applies to flight worthy missiles only) (1) Assembly, disassembly, service, lubrication and maintenance of missiles shall be performed in accordance with T.O. 21M-XXXX-2 or Wildcat Process Specification that meets or exceeds the -2 Maintenance Instructions. For missile competence and containers T.O. 11.A15 Series or Contractor equivalent will be used.

97 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 12 of 19 (2) The inspection system will be in accordance with the applicable T.O. 21M-XCXX-2/6, T.O. 00-20-5 (and T.O. 1-A15 Series for components and containers) or Wildcat Process Specification that meets or exceeds the aforementioned technical orders. (3) Wildcat Procedures or Process Specification will include: an adequate acceptance (receiving) inspection to determine airworthiness, dropped missile criteria or reference thereto, "Missile subjected to extreme vibration" inspection if applicable, cager servicing and release-pull test for missiles requiring such test, to assure that rollerohm will not uncage inadvertently during captive flight. (4) Missiles will be transported and handled in accordance with T.O. 11-1- 38 or Wildcat procedures that assure that dummy/inert missiles are not dropped or damaged. (5) Munitions/missile uploading and down/loading will be in accordance with the specific aircraft Technical Order/Check list/Job Guide. (6) Inert/dummy missiles will be marked in accordance with MIL-S-709C as implemented an MCA3A by Process Specification 20077. Markings will be in accordance with the Technical Order (-2). (7) Missiles will be stored in a manner to prevent damage. Missiles with live warheads or motors will not be stored or used at WAC, Kalamazoo. 11. TIME COMPLIANCE TECHNICAL ORDERS (TCTO) a. General - The Contractor shall request, and the Government shall furnish, through the prescribed Government procedures (DAK APPENDIX H, MILSTRIP), TCTO kits applicable to the aircraft, aircraft engines and other installed equipment, in addition to missiles and related support equipment. b. Service Bulletins - Service Bulletins will be accomplished only on equipment for which there are no formal Government technical orders. All other Service Bulletins will be numbered and incorporated as TCTOs/TCDs in the formal technical order system, if the SM/IM or Program Office determines compliance is required. c. Organizational and Intermediate Level - The Contractor shall accomplish all Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTOs) and Time Compliance Directives (TCDs for developmental aircraft) designated for accomplishment by organizational and intermediate activities within the time specified by the respective TCTO. d. Depot Level - The Contractor will not be required to accomplish depot level TCTOs unless specified in the contract or contract modification. e. Costs - Contractor costs associated with the accomplishment of TCTOs/TCDs may be subject to equitable adjustment in accordance with the procedures set forth In the changes clause of the contract. f. Waivers - Compliance with technical orders and TCTOs may be temporarily waived in accordance with T.O. 00-5-1. Request for such waivers will be submitted to the ACO for approval action. TCTO kits which cannot be installed due to a modification will be obtained and stored pending de-modification.

98 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 12 of 19 g. Documentation - Accomplishment of TCTO/TCD shall be annotated on the AFTO Form 95, AFLC RCS LOG-LOL (AR) 7113, LOG-LOL(M) 7125 or LOG-LOL(M) 7134, whichever is applicable. If AFTO Form 829-1 (obsolete) is received on a short-term basis with support equipment such as an engine dolly/trailer, this form may be returned with the equipment in lieu of the AFTO Form 95. h. Residual Kits - Any TCTO kit on hand or received subsequent to the formal delivery or return of the aircraft will be forwarded to the activity gaining possession of the aircraft. 12. MODIFICATION a. Class II modifications are those temporary changes for R&D or T&E purposes considered foreign to the basic configuration of each aerospace vehicle. Application of Class II modifications to DT&E aerospace vehicles (usually Y coded aircraft) is limited to those installations (flight tests instrumentation, spin chute installations, and development test equipment not planned for production incorporation, etc.) which are not part of the basic aerospace vehicle and subsystems, and are not incorporated in the aerospace vehicle technical manuals. Changes subject to formal configuration accounting and control procedures, processed as Engineering Change Proposals (ECP) are not Class II modifications. b. The contents of this paragraph entitled "Modification" in no way restricts or affects the Contractor's responsibility for timely accomplishment of Time Compliance Tech Orders (TCTO) or Time Compliance Directives (TCD). c. When the contract provides for tests, modification, or test installations, the Contractor shall accomplish the work in accordance with specifications, instructions, reviews and approvals set forth therein. other modifications will be made without prior written approval by the Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO). Additionally, for authorized Class II modifications to missiles, the Contractor shall fulfill applicable Document 10, Page 17 requirements of MIL-M-27733B (USAF) and MIL-STD-822 and shall delivery associated data per DID Items DI-E-3115B (excluding mass properties) and DI-H-70&8 as specified on DD Form 1423. (1) The Contractor shall immediately advise the PCO through the ACO when it becomes evident that a proposed Class II modification to an aircraft/missile will so change the configuration that return of the aircraft/missile to its original configuration or conversion to standard operational configuration is beyond practicable or economical limits and the assignment of an N status prefix letter is warranted (AFI 981-82/NAVAIRINST 8800.4c). The Contractor shall immediately advise the PCO, through the ACO, when it becomes evident that a proposed Class II modification will affect or change systems operation limitations, flight characteristics, or mission capability. For aircraft, the Contractor will also advise the PCO of any changes in cockpit instrument indications or operational limitations that affect safety of flight.

99 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 13 of 19 (2) Upon test program completion, the Contractor on written direction of the PCO through the ACO shall remove all Contractor installed Class II modifications and restore affected areas of the aircraft/missile to the original, as received or Government approved configuration. (3) Parts removed to accommodate a modification will be stored to be reinstalled during de-modification. (4) TCTO kits, which cannot be installed due to a modification, will be procured and stored pending de-modification of the aircraft/missile. d. Prototype installations which result in approved Class IV or V modification programs will be updated in accordance with the approved TCTO. Prototype installations of proposed Class IV or V modifications which do not result in approved modification programs will be removed and the affected area restored to the Government approved or as delivered configuration. Paint finish, identification and other markings on inventory/fleet aircraft will not be altered unless authorized by T.O./TCTO/Class II modification. Requests for waiver will be directed through the ACO to the PCO. Approved modifications/de-modification will be entered on the appropriate AFTO Form 95, "Significant Historical Data," for all aircraft/missile, engines and certain components requiring historical data. 13. SUPPORT EQUIPMENT (SE) a. General - For the purpose of this exhibit, SE is defined as any powered and non- powered support equipment, vehicular SE and special tools used by the Contractor to support and maintain aerospace vehicles that are Government Furnished Property (GFP) to the Contractor. This exhibit includes support equipment which is Government Furnished Support Equipment (GFSE) and Contractor Furnished Support Equipment (CFSE). (1) The Contractor's maintenance program shall assure that SE is properly serviced and safe for use prior to dispatch or operation. (2) The Contractor's maintenance plan/operating instruction, individual inspections and discrepancies affecting safety will be documented in accordance with the Wildcat Facilities Management Standard Maintenance Practices. (3) The Contractor's procedure will include a method for removal from service (use) any equipment that is unserviceable or unsafe for the intended operations. b. GFSE - The Contractor's maintenance program for GFSE will meet or exceed the general guidelines outlined In the specific item T.O. if available. (1) The Contractor shall accomplish organizational and intermediate level "on-equipment" maintenance and TCTOs. (2) No modification/configuration changes will be made to GFSE without approval of the ACO. This does not restrict or affect Contractor responsibility to accomplish TCTOs in a timely manner. (3) MILSTRIP requisitioning will be used to maintain this GFSE if such parts are available in Government inventory.

100 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 14 of 19 (4) AFTO Form 95, "Significant Historical Data", will be maintained throughout the life of units requiring this form; substitute forms shall not be used. Contractor equivalent forms may be used for maintenance documentation. (5) When storage of SE is authorized, equipment will be stored in accordance with T.O. 35-1-4. The Contractor shall notify the AGO when GFSE is no longer needed. (6) Deficiency reports per paragraph 15a(2) of this document are applicable to GFSE c. CFSE - CFSE will be compatible with the weapon system. The Contractor shall net use CFSE on GFP missiles or aircraft that presents a hazard level greater than properly maintained GFSE. CFSE that could contaminate aircraft or missiles will be maintained using standards equal to or better than Government standards for the same type equipment. (1) The inspection system will include, as a minimum, an operator/before use inspection and a periodic inspection with the interval based on usage and design of the equipment. Equipment safety requirements will be included in the inspection system. 14. MATERIAL SUPPORT a. The Contractor will establish a system which will utilize the Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure (MILSTRIP) as prescribed in DAK/Appendix H. The Contractor will take timely requisition action in accordance with MILSTRIP to obtain technical order kits and spares/repair parts applicable to the aircraft/missile and related Government SE and effect prompt return to the Government of all repairable property designated for repair by the Government. The Contractor will take timely action to notify the ACO when MILSTRIP authorization is no longer needed for contract performance. b. For aircraft, missiles and related SE provided by the Government under this contract, the Government will, at its expense (MILSTRIP), furnish to the Contractor: (1) Such replacement parts as may be required from time to time for such aircraft/missiles and related SE because of: (a) Reasonable wear and tear resulting from authorized usage; (b) Loss or destruction of or damage to such property for which the Contractor is not held liable. (2) New or additional parts as may be required from time to time for installation on such property to accomplish compliance with T.O.s. c. Aircraft, missiles and related SE provided by the Government may be replaced by the Government when damaged or worn out during the period of use, and the item is necessary to complete the purpose of the contract.

101 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 15 of 19 15. DOCUMENTATION AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS a. The Contractor will accomplish the following general documentation and reporting requirements as specified on DD Form 1423, CDRL: (1) Comprehensive Engine Management System Central Data Base Reporting shall be in accordance with DI-L-3351. (Production and non- production USA/Aircraft.) (2) The Contractor will establish and document procedures for deficiency reporting. These procedures will include the reporting responsibilities, report format and internal routing. The Contractor shall provide data to DCMA Kalamazoo for preparation of material deficiency reports/service reports according to T.0. 00-35D-54. The Contractor shall report any Government furnished property/material found damaged, malfunctioning or otherwise unsuitable for use, due to a design, maintenance, material, quality or shipment deficiency. Deficiency reports shall be in conjunction with DCMA as specified in the CDRL. (3) Time Compliance Technical Orders (TCTO) - The Contractor shall maintain Technical Order Status Report RCS: LOG-LOL(M) 7125, log and report compliance of TCTOs on RCS: LOG-LOL(AR) 7113 for aircraft and LOG-LOL)M) 7134,for engines, in accordance with T.O. 00-20-4 for USA/Aircraft (developmental aircraft are excluded). (4) Approved TCTO waivers will be recorded on the AFTO Form 95 showing reason for and duration of the waiver (non-production Government aircraft). (5) The Contractor will provide gain and loss information to the Government Plant Representative (GPR), on aircraft, missile and munitions handling equipment required in AFI 21-101 and T.O. 00-20-4, Paragraph 4-5. "The Contractor will also provide the Government Flight Representative (GFR) aircraft monthly flying hours, sorties and landings required by AFI 11- 101 by the third calendar day of the following month. (6) The Contractor shall deliver Class II modification data in accordance with DID items DI-E-3115B and DI-H-7048 as specified in the CDRL. (7) The Contractor shall tag repairable items removed from higher assemblies in accordance with DI-L-7019 as specified in The CDRL. b. Documentation for Missiles Only: The Contractor shall maintain records on missiles in accordance with Contractor equivalent of AFTO Forms 95, 781E and 781X. c. Documentation for Aircraft - The Contractor shall make entries on AFTO Form 95, "Significant Historical Data," in accordance with T.0.00-20-5, Section IV and T.O. 00- 20-4, Section II. The AFTO Form 95 shall not be substituted for other forms. One entry is required at the time of receipt of a TCTO and another entry will be made to indicate compliance, if AFMC LOG-LOL Reports are not submitted to the AFMC System ManaBet.

102 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 16 of 19 16. RETURN OF AIRCRAFT, MISSILES, COMPONENTS AND RELATED SE (NON-PRODUCTION AIRCRAFT) a. The Contractor's procedures shall provide for and ensure prompt availability of aircraft missiles and related SE to the Government upon completion of the test program or termination of the authorizing contract as appropriate. The procedures will have firm provisions for immediate reporting to the ACO all property for which retention cannot be Justified. b. The Contractor shall accomplish any due inspections and applicable TCTOs to ensure the serviceable condition of aerospace vehicles in accordance with T.O. 00-20-1 immediately before return of the aerospace vehicle to the Government. Any TCTO kit on hand or received after departure of aerospace vehicles will be accounted for on AFTO Form 2692 and forwarded to the activity claiming possession of the aircraft or missile. c. The Contractor shall accomplish an inventory using the appropriate shipping/transfer document received with the aerospace vehicle. A new AF Form 2692 will be filled out in accordance with Attachments 5 and 6 of 66-12, for aircraft and missiles associated equipment shipped with the aerospace vehicle. d. The Contractor shall ship missiles/components in containers identified for that purpose in T.O., 21M-XXX-2. Aircraft engines shall be shipped in containers or on dollies specifically desired for use with the engine being shipped. e. The Contractor shall prepare aircraft and missiles for transfer using AFTO Form 345, "Aerospace Vehicle Transfer Inspection Checklist and Certification." The original will Be forwarded with the aerospace vehicle and the duplicate will be retained by the Contractor. f. The Contractor shall prepare AFTO Form 290, "Aerospace Vehicle Delivery Receipt," when required. g. If Contractor forms and records are used for maintenance, data will be extracted and entered into the standard Air Force or Navy forms and records listed on the AFTO Form 290. h. Available historical data will be provided to the Government upon return of equipment. 17. DELIVERY OF PRODUCTION AIRCRAFT a. Maintenance Records shall be delivered to the Government per data submittal(s) in the CDRL. b. Paint and markings shall be per contract specification. c. All due postflight, preflight, and calendar inspections shall be accomplished for each aircraft prior to fly away.

103 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 17 of 19 18. IMPLEMENTATION OF MIL-STD-1518B Current approved practices at WAC, Kalamazoo, are considered acceptable although not in literal accord with the detail requirements of MIL-STD-1518B dated 3 March 1999. The differences between the specific paragraphs of the standard and Wildcat's implementation are as follows: MIL-STD-1518B PARAGRAPH WILDCAT'S IMPLEMENTATION 4.6.b. Daily water check of sumps on fixed system filters. Wildcat has automatic water drains on the filter/separator system. Automatic system is checked daily. 4.8.c. Daily water check of filter/separator sumps. Automatic water drains installed to unload water. Automatic system is checked daily. 4.9.b. Change the word "stenciled" to "identified". Reason: to permit the use of Wildcat functionally tested label which is standard practice when performing preventive maintenance. This paragraph refers to dating the filter element, which will be done by Wildcat's method. 4.10.a. Multiple Filter-Separator Use. The fuel supply and distribution system at Wildcat-Kalamazoo is equipped with MIL-F-8901 filter-water separator coalescer filters at the output of all underground storage tanks and filters located in the output at each fuel pit. This applies only to the hydrant system. 4.11.b. Strainers. The Wildcat fuel system complies with Paragraphs 4.11.c. and 4.11.d, only, Wildcat turbine pumps and inlets are located inside the tank and would require removal to install and inspect a 40 mesh screen, which is considered unnecessary. 4.11.e. Receiving strainers and nozzle strainers will be cleaned and inspected semiannually. 4.12 Meter Calibration. The requirement that meters shall be calibrated and certified to an accuracy of plus or minus 0.2 percent by volume is waived. 5.1.c. Water check in underground tanks. Tanks will be checked weekly for water and pumped out when it exceeds 1/4 inch as determined by the dipstick method utilized by WAC. 5.2 Wildcat inspects and cleans its underground tanks every four years. 5.4 Product settling period for bulk tanks. Wildcat's fuel storage and distribution system is equipped with fuel filter/separators with automatic water dump disposal and fuel pressure filters, which are designed to prevent excessive water or solids from being delivered to an aircraft being fueled. Many years of experience with this system has proven its ability to maintain a consistently high quality fuel supply.

104 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 18 of 19 MIL-STD-1518B PARAGRAPH WILDCAT'S IMPLEMENTATION 5.8 Identification of fuel handling systems. All unloading stations, fuel pit secreting stations and mobile fuel tankers are clearly identified with type of fuel stenciled/painted on equipment or pavement and have experienced personnel for servicing and unloading functions. Each fixed storage system is dedicated to a specific fuel type. 5.9. Servicing control. Same as Para. 5.8. Waiver applies. 6.2 thru 6.7. Sampling requirements. Wildcat agrees to perform in-line fuel sampling at the aircraft service nozzles, while circulating fuel, on a schedule of at least once per week. This procedure will apply to the fuel pit (hydrant) service as well as to all mobile tankers. Also, Wildcat will agree to sample by the in-line sampling method incoming fuel shipments on a weekly basis minimum. 6.6. Quality Assurance testing and laboratory analysis of all fuel samples will comply to Pars. 6.6. and Table I of MIL-STD-1518B, except that fuel sample testing may be performed at a certified laboratory at WCER or at a certified laboratory in the local area. 6.8 Icing inhibitor tests will be performed each 14 days on supplier receipts as required by Para. 6.8. A waiver is granted to take the monthly sample downstream from the filter/separator rather than upstream to more accurately assess the FSII content of fuel being furnished to the aircraft. 6.10. Wildcat does not sample aircraft that are to be de-fueled. Normal operations utilize fuel from Wildcat's fuel system. 6.20 Delete conductivity tests at Wildcat. Wildcat relies on vendor meeting MIL spec conductivity requirements. 8.2.c. Engine lubricating oil - 25 micron filtration. Wildcat utilizes 15 micron absolute rated filters in this application. 8.4.c. Aircraft - 25 micron filtration. Wildcat utilize 5 micron filters in all servicing equipment (or better). 9.1.a(8) Fire extinguishers in vicinity of fuel servicing operation. Wildcat provides fully charged fire extinguisher bottles at the fueling stations, as required by Wildcat Fire Services. 9.1.a(20) 100% polyester, nylon, rayon, silk or wool can be worn with cotton or 50% polyester blend outer garments. 9.3.a(1) Delete supervisor. All employees working on this task are qualified and are responsible for compliance to applicable procedures. 9.3.a(2) Delete. Wildcat fuel pit pumps are controlled at the fuel pits. 9.3.a(4) Delete supervisor. See Para. 9.3.a(1) above.

105 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 Attachment 10 Wildcat Aviation Wildcat Report WAC-A2078C Page 19 of 19 MIL-STD-1518B PARAGRAPH WILDCAT'S IMPLEMENTATION 9.4.b. Wildcat will use a brass plug for static grounding. The warning steamer required to be attached to the static ground would cause FOD. problems and is therefore waived. 9.4.b. Wildcat will utilize a common multiple grounding receptacle (IED 1037) at fuel pits, which is grounded and bonded and therefore requires only one static ground wire from the aircraft. 9.4.b. Wildcat will utilize common multiple plug ground receptacles for fueling/defueling from mobile ground ruelets using one static ground wire from the mobile ruelet to common multiple ground receptacle and one static ground wire from the aircraft to the multiple ground receptacle. 9.4.b. Wildcat grounding sequence will be from multiple ground receptacle to aircraft or servicing equipment. NOTE: T.O. 00-29-172 dated 31 August 1989 conflicts with Para. 9.4.b. of MIL- STD-1551B dated 27 April 1981 in identifying the grounding sequence. T.O. 00-25-172 is the correct version.

106 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Attachment 13 Government Furnished Aircraft 1 Feb 14 SEQ S/N Nomenclature Part # QTY Need Thru Purpose/Remark Flight Requirements 1001 71-283 Aircraft, F-13 No. 4 1 03/15 05/16* chase/target support; instrument/operational **pilot proficiency- (contractor/DCMA). 1002 71-285 Aircraft, F-13 No. 6 1 03/15 05/16* chase/target support, instrument/operational pilot proficiency. 1003 71-291 Aircraft, F-13 No. 2 1 03/15 05/16* chase/target support, instrument/operational pilot proficiency. 1004 TBD Aircraft, F-13 No. 1 1 03/15 05/16 intermittent product support requirements, chase/target support, instrument/operational pilot proficiency. 1005 TBD Aircraft, F-13 No. 2 1 03/15 05/16 intermittent product support requirements, chase/target support, instrument/operational pilot proficiency. 1006 TBD Aircraft, F-13 No. 5 1 03/15 05/16 intermittent product support requirements, chase/target support, instrument/operational pilot proficiency. 1007 161397 Aircraft, F-13 No. 8 1 03/15 05/16 intermittent product support requirements, chase/target support, instrument/operational pilot proficiency. *Availability is dependent upon on-going chase/target aircraft discussions. **Contractor/DCMA Pilot proficiency use is on a non interference basis.

107 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 22 Statement of Work F-13 5 July 14 Manufacturing & Quality Assurance Page 1 of 6 1.0 Quality Assurance. The Contractor shall continue to implement a Quality Assurance program in accordance with ISO 9001 & 9002 modified through Section J, Attachment 22 dated 5 July 14. The Contractor shall also establish and maintain a system for contract vendors in with MIL- STD-1535A/T dated 3 Apt 87. The Contractor shall further implement corrective action and dispositioning system for nonconforming materials, in accordance with MIL-STD- 1520B/T dated 3 Apr 87 and Notice 1 dated 14 Mar 85. Quality cost data shall be collected in accordance with Wildcat's Cost Implementation Plan dated 22 Mar 09. The Contractor shall also continue to implement a software quality assurance program in accordance with MIL-S-52779A/T dated 6 Nov 87. Nondestructive inspection shall be accomplished in accordance with MIL-I-6870E/T, dated 19 Jan 89. The contractor shall comply with MIL-STD-1686A, dated 8 Aug 88, to the extent that Government approved process specification 20725, dated 29 Jul 00, applies. Laboratory Produced Equipment (LPE) fabrication test and acceptance will be in accordance with ISO 9001 & 9002 modified through Amendment 2. LPE is defined as any contract item, part, assembly, trainer test bench, etc. procured as fabricated under the cognizance of the Wildcat engineering laboratories. The Contractor shall establish a FOD prevention program in accordance with WACI-412, dated 31 August 14. (DI-QCIC-80112/T, DI-M-30414/T, DI- R-7101/T) Workmanship requirements shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-454. 2.0 Hardware Quality Audits. The Contractor will submit an updated plan, as required, outlining procedures for conducting Hardware Quality Audits (HQAs). The plan will update procedures on an as required basis for conducting audits of items which will be disassembled, inspected, reassembled and retested. The as-built fabrication and assembly processes and process sheets will be reviewed, results documented (including deficiencies or non- conformances), and appropriate corrective actions taken. The updated plan shall identify the HQA items by specification number, or non-specification audit items which may have a history of problems; methods for documenting HQA procedures together with any deficiencies or non-conformances: and procedures for recording results, taking corrective actions and following up on findings (DI-M-30414/T). Wildcat and the Government will establish a HQA schedule to be reviewed every 6 months thereafter by Wildcat and the Government. HQAs shall be performed on completed units immediately prior to final Government acceptance. Contractor and the Government shall identify HQAs which they consider critical to the production schedule or are time consuming assemblies. These units may be agreed upon prior to a scheduled audit and may only require an in-process or record audit. Wildcat will be team leader for all Contractor Furnished Equipment (CFE), performing the teardown and testing required, with the Government as a participant. Wildcat and Government personnel will accomplish the required inspection jointly. The scheduled unit to be audited will be selected from the log (if more than 1) by the HQA team leader on the first day of the audit or as agreed upon during the pro-audit meeting. The Contractor will continue the disassembly of the HQA unit until subsequent

108 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 22 Statement of Work F-13 5 July 14 Manufacturing & Quality Assurance Page 2 of 6 disassembly would be destructive in nature as defined by each HQA SOW. The Contractor will be responsible for all refurbishment and retesting required to restore the unit to its specification and final acceptance requirements. The HQAs will focus on workmanship and compliance to specification requirements. The HQA will not proceed without Government concurrence. The Contractor will convene a discrepancy review board (or MRB), as required, to determine the root cause and appropriate corrective action for each discrepancy noted during the HQAs. The Contractor will provide the buying activity a report of the findings and corrective actions within 10 working days after the completion of the audit (UDI-R- 20333B). (At the time of report, corrective action need not be completed, but should be identified). The Contractor will plan for one HQA per item, per year, unless quality experience indicates otherwise (with SPO concurrence). The HQA should not delay shipment of items if it will critically impact production schedules at Wildcat. These items shall be identified per their schedule in the HQA plan. The SPO shall be notified in a timely manner should it be necessary to reschedule an item. Existing Wildcat quality procedures which would avoid duplications of this HQA plan may be utilized by proper reference in the plan (i.e., MRB and corrective action procedures). The list below shall form a baseline for developing a comprehensive list of audit candidates to be incorporated in the HQA plan. The items identified by an asterisk are the candidates for HQA in FY11. "Avionic Subsystems" Multipurpose Color Display Multipurpose Display Processor APG-70 Radar a. Receiver/Exciter b. Analog Signal Processor c. Power Supply d. Antenna e· Transmitter f. Radar Data Processor g. Programmable Signal Processor Programmable Armament Control System a. Converter Programmer b. Encoder/Decoder c. Power Supply Improved Central Computer Avionics Interface Units* Remote Map Reader* Up Front Control Integrated Communication Control Panel

109 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 22 Statement of Work F-13 5 July 14 Manufacturing & Quality Assurance Page 3 of 6 Primary Generator Emergency Generator Wide Field of View Meads Up Display (WFOV MUD) Multipurpose Display "Flight Systems" a. Anti-Skid System b. c. Gear Door Assembly Flight Control System a. Actuator b. Automatic Flight Control Set (AFCS) a. Canopy Assembly b. Wing Structure (on production line while in assembly) c. Forward Horizontal Box d. Aft Horizontal Box e. Wing Tips f. Vertical g. Actuator h. Pressure Reducer Valve i. Ribs j. Radome k. Airframe, Mounted Accessory Drives (AMAD) Fuel System a. Transfer Pumps b. Conformal Fuel Tanks (in process)* "Ground Support Equipment" Weapons Release System T.S. (A05G0514-1) Store Release Equipment T.S. (A05G0516-1) Armament Circuits Preload T.S. (A05G0515-1) Guided Missile Launcher Pylon T.S. (A05G0506-1) Aircraft Weapons Control T.S. (A05G0504-1) TISS AGERD 9938 (PN CPO4V1801) Control Stick Boost Pitch Compensator T.S. (68D300041-1001) AIS METS

110 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 22 Statement of Work F-13 5 July 14 Manufacturing & Quality Assurance Page 4 of 6 3.0 Production. 3.1 Production Management System. The Contractor shall maintain and utilize a production management system which complies with MIL-STD-1528 excluding paragraphs, 4.1.6, 5.2, 5.3, and 5.4. 3.2 Manufacturing Planning and Scheduling. The Contractor shall maintain the detailed manufacturing plans and schedules for the production of all hardware (including spares requirement), software, special test equipment, support equipment and other items that form part of the production system as called out in the contract. These plans shall include all subcontracted and purchased systems, equipments, tooling, hardware and software to be produced or purchased by the Contractor. These plans shall detail resources necessary to meet the projected production quantities with spares, Government Furnished Equipment, Property (GFE/P), personnel, hand tooling and test equipment. (DI-MISC-080074/T - previously designated 30465/T). 3.2.1 Tooling Special Tooling and Special Test Equipment. The Contractor shall continue identification, design, fabrication and/or acquisition of all Tooling, Special Tooling and Special Test Equipment required for the Production Program. 3.3 Work Measurement. MIL-STD-1567A "Work Measurement", dated 30 Jan 87, except for the appendix, is a requirement of the F-13 Program and this contract. a. Work Measurement Plan. The F-13 Work Measurement Plan shall be compatible with the factory-wide work measurement implementation plan for all programs at Wildcat. The contractor will complete the status audit of the current labor standards and work measurement system. The contractor will perform cost benefit analyses to determine the most cost-effective implementation strategy. Based on this cost-effective implementation strategy, the F-13 Work Measurement Plan shall describe the contractor's current work measurement system and procedures; and planned work measurement system and procedures, which will be fully compliant with MIL-STD- 1567A and contain a time phased implementation schedule. b. Work Measurement Implementation. The contractor shall implement and maintain MIL-STD-1567A in accordance with the USAF/USN approved F-13 Work Measurement Plan submitted under Contract F33658-14-C-2001. Full implementation of MIL-STD-1567A as dictated by the F-13 Work Measurement Plan shall be completed by Sep 15. (1) Prior to full implementation of the standard, the following information should be provided to the F-13 SPO with fiscal year proposals to be used for informational purposes only: (a) All available labor standards; Type I and Type II. (b) Labor variance or realization factor. This data should be provided by the departmental numbers that are used in production reports. (2) Subcontractor flow-down shall be in accordance with MIL-STD- 1567A and Contract F336567-09-C-2319, Attachment 26.

111 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 22 Statement of Work F-13 5 July 14 Manufacturing & Quality Assurance Page 5 of 6 c. Work Measurement Documentation. Labor standards supporting documentation shall be retained for at least two years after completion of all in house F- 13 production effort. All work measurement reports shall be retained for at least two years. The contractor shall provide the Government designated representatives complete access and visibility to work measurement data and documentation to allow effective monitoring and reporting of work measurement status. (Performance reports and audit results for the contractor shall be submitted in accordance with DI-MISC- 80295). d. Progress Payments. Maintenance of the work measurement system as described in this document constitutes a "material requirement of this contract" within the meaning of paragraph (c) (1) of the FAR 52.232-16 Progress Payments Clauses. 3.4 Production Surveillance and Reporting System. The Contractor shall maintain an effective, timely and responsible production surveillance system which shall establish and continuously document the degree of progress toward meeting planned production milestones and contract delivery schedules. The system shall reflect the time phasing of components (to include in-house and major purchased/subcontract items) through final assembly and testing, identifying factors which may adversely impact delivery schedules, performance and/or program cost. As a part of this system, the Contractor shall generate periodic Production Analysis Reports (PARs). Both Contractor in-house and major subcontractor/supplier progress shall be monitored and reported. (DI-P- 3455/T) 3.4.1 Critical Components. The Contractor shall continue efforts to identify all critical components which shall require special management attention. The Contractor shall identify actions planned to reduce program risk and/or costs. 3.5 Production Operation Review. Production Operation reviews shall be scheduled and conducted, at least quarterly, by the Contractor and ASD/VFD, at the Contractor's plant. These reviews shall examine the progress made by the Contractor and major/critical subcontractors in producing all hardware to be manufactured under this contract. The agenda for each review shall be coordinated with ASD/VFD. In addition, the Contractor shall notify ASD/VFD, at least ten (10) days in advance or as soon as possible, of each progress review to be conducted by the Contractor with a subcontractor. Government personnel may attend at the Government's option. 3.6 Subcontractor/Vendor Management. The Contractor shall maintain procedures for control of subcontractor and vendor efforts. The Contractor shall ensure that the Air Force has access, through the prime, to the major/critical subcontractors/vendors and the Contractor will perm/t/request Air Force participation in subcontractor reviews and other significant meetings. The Contractor shall manage all subcontractors in such a manner sufficient to allow timely corrective action and minimize program impacts. The Contractor shall provide status of the major/critical subcontractor performance at Production Operation Reviews/Program Reviews and encourage/permit Air Force participation in this process.

112 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 22 Statement of Work F-13 5 July 14 Manufacturing & Quality Assurance Page 6 of 6 3.7 Manufacturing Production. The Contractor shall continue production efforts throughout the production phase and recommend production changes that will reduce Production Program costs. Production efforts shall be presented during Production Operation Reviews. 3.7.1 Production Planning. The Contractor shall continue to maintain an effective working relationship between design development and production planning. Production planning shall review designs, coordinate and recommend design changes prior to drawing release to assure that production, tooling approaches, manufacturing processes and production equipment selection to ensure its manufacturing feasibility. 3.8 Industrial Modernization Incentive Program (IMIP). The Contractor shall continue to identify IMIP projects which may be beneficial to this program. 3.9 Government Furnished Equipment. The Contractor shall provide a listing of GFP/GFE (AFMCI 91-831) required for completion of the contract. A complete description of the GFE items along with the quantities required and corresponding need dates shall be provided. The Contractor shall list proposed GFE by aerospace equipment reference numbers (AERNO), part number, and National Stock Number (NSN). DI-P-6161A/T, GFE Shortages/Status Report; DI-P-6162A/T, GFE Requirement Schedules; DI-L-3304/T, Support Material List (SML) Manufacturing and Production.) Data Item DI-L-3304/T is applicable to the FY14 annual buy contract as determined by mutual agreement of the parties. If the Contractor proposes additional GFP/GFE that is required to complete the contract, and the Government agrees to provide it, a bilateral contract modification will be issued that identifies the GFP/GFE to be provided and the consideration due the Government. 4.0 Component Breakout. The Contractor shall support component breakout efforts which are applicable to this procurement. Component breakout will be accomplished in accordance with guidelines contained in DOD FAR Supplement 17.7202 and AFMCI 91-831. Breakout candidates will be identified and the Contractor shall furnish a component breakout candidate DD 610, in accordance with DI-P- 6162A/T, GFE Requirements Schedule, within 60 days from the date of the request.

113 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 24 Statement of Work F-13 23 Feb 14 Operational Flight Program Annual Production Page 1 of 12 1.0 SCOPE 1.1 INTRODUCTION. This Statement of Work (SOW) describes the scope of effort Wildcat shall provide to produce and incorporate changes to product-base-lined F- 13 avionics and flight systems Operational Flight Programs (FPOs) for FY 14. Delivery of software under this effort shall be no later than with the first aircraft delivered under the annual buy with which this SOW is placed. 1.2 SOURCE OF CHANGES. Since Production implies minimal development effort, this effort shall address only changes to already developed OFPs, and any minor changes that require minimal development effort. Such changes may be brought about through ACC Form 37 input, Service Reports, Operational Change Requests, and SEEK EAGLE results. In general, any change is a candidate if it can be produced within the time allowed for this effort. For those efforts whose development exceeds that available under the Production efforts, parallel development-only ECPs will be required. 1.3 OFPs AFFECTED. In any given OFP Production cycle, changes can be incorporated into the following OFPs: Hall AS-IR Central Computer (MSIP CC) F-13s AP-IR (F-13G CC) F-13s Very High Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC) CC (F-13G VCC) MSIP VHSIC CC (MSIP VCC) Programmable Signal Display Processor/General Processor (PSDP/GP) PSDP/Signal Generator Processor (FSDP/SGP) Multi-Purpose Display Processor (MPDP)/GP MPDP/SGF APG-70 Radar Programmable Armament Control Set (PACS) Mission Support System (MSS) F-13G Avionics Interface Unit (AIU) ALE-45 Countermeasures Dispenser (CMD) 1.4 SOW FORMAT. This SOW has been produced IAW MIL-HDBK-245B. As such, it shall be clearly understood that this document contains contractual requirements, and does not address deliverable products or data requirements. Speci- fics on deliverable products are contained in the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL). Data Item Description numbers are listed In the body of this SOW as a link to the CDRL. Wildcat shall strictly adhere to the requirements for data submittals contained in the CDRL. 2.0 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS. 2.0.1 WAC A7610, F-13 Computer Program Development Plan (CPDP), Revision A 2.0.2 WAC A7610/Addendum I, F-13 CPDP for VHSIC Central Computer 2.0.3 F072, F-13 Engineering Management Plan

114 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 24 Statement of Work F-13 23 Feb 14 Operational Flight Program Annual Production Page 2 of 12 2.0.4 PO09, F-13 Configuration Management, Plan 2.0.5 P015, F-13 Technical Order Publications Plan 2.0.6 MIL-HDBK-245B, DOD Statement of Work Preparation, 1 June 1983 2.0.7 MIL-S-S2779A, Software Quality Assurance Program Requirements 2.0.8 MIL-HDBK-61, Configuration Control - Engineering Changes, Deviations and Waivers 2.0.9 MIL-STD-I521A, Technical Reviews and Audits for Systems, Equipment and 3.0 REQUIREMENTS 3.0.1 Wildcat shall produce and incorporate the changes defined in Attachment 1 into the F-13 weapon system. The SPO and Wildcat must agree upon the SOW and the SPO will provide long lead funding and finalize the list of changes no later than 27 months before delivery of software in aircraft. 3.0.2 Wildcat shall include within this effort required updates to USAF F-13 MSIP and F-13G Technical Orders, the generation of requirement Time Compliance Technical Orders (TCTOs), specifications, and support for concurrent updates to Appledyne (OMNI Corp.) Simulators. This effort shall not include modification to F-13 hardware. This effort shall not include changes to Ground Support Equipment (GSE) software other than minor support program modifications necessary to retain compatibility with the OFPs modified under this effort. (DI-M-3407D/T) 3.1 TEST REQUIREMENTS. Wildcat shall implement System Test Program IAW the Engineering Management Plan (P072). Wildcat shall provide a Systems Engineering Master Schedule (SEMS) to the government for information. The SEMS will be submitted to the USAF under separate cover. 3.1.1 Contractor Testing. Wildcat shall insure formal Contractor Testing is conducted. Wildcat shall make these test plans, procedures, and test results, available to the Government upon request. The SPO may observe any informal Wildcat testing on a non-interference basis with prior Wildcat coordination. Wildcat shall accomplish Avionics/Weapons Integration Testing. Integration test procedures and results shall be available to the Government for information upon request. NOTE: Weapon integration testing that is covered under separate ECP(s) is not priced under the OFP Production effort. Wildcat shall insure affected flight software changes are consistent with current F-13 Electromagnetic (EM) and Radio frequency (RF) compatibility efforts defined in CCP 359. Wildcat shall further report to the SPO at each Technical Coordination Meeting (TCM) any conflicts uncovered. For F-13G flight testing, Wildcat will insure that a Software Verification Test (SVT) is conducted to verify F-13G CC and GP OFP software flight worthiness requirements.

115 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 24 Statement of Work F-13 23 Feb 14 Operational Flight Program Annual Production Page 3 of 12 3.l.3.1 A SVT shall be conducted on each CC/GP or OFP release to flight test. SVTs shall be conducted IAW written procedures. These procedures, as well as SVT results, shall be available to the Government upon request. Wildcat shall update the SVT procedures incorporating flightworthiness changes as required. The Government may observe an informal demonstration of the revised SVT procedure (if SVT procedures are updated) on a non-interference basis with prior Wildcat coordination. APG-7O radar flight test OFPs shall be tested in the Roofhouse to determine suitability to proceed to flight test. The USAF may review the test logs of these Roof house tests at the subcontractor's facility with prior coordination. For the MSIP/E VCC OFPs, Wildcat shall test changes authorized by this effort concurrently with ECP-1670 OFP development efforts. Computer Program Configuration Item (CPCI) Test Procedures of ECP-I670 shall be updated to reflect changes authorized by this SOW. The VCC CPCI Test Plans will not be affected. The VCC OFPs shall be managed, developed and tested IAW the VCC CPDP (HDC A1760/Addendum 1). Wildcat shall conduct informal bench and Integration testing on GFE software (Honeywell RLG INS, Litton RLG INS, etc.) as that software is changed. Testing of GFE software that is covered under other contracts shall not be included here. 3.1.2 Formal Qualification Tests (FQTs). Wildcat shall conduct FQTs on CPCIs affected by this effort as defined by the Engineering Management Plan (P072) and the CPDP (WAC A7610, Rev A). For non-CPCIs affected by this effort, Wildcat shall ensure that software performance tests are conducted using written procedures. The test procedures and test results shall be made available to the government for information upon request. 3.1.3 DT&E Flight Testing. Wildcat shall provide the limited flight test support required to produce the changes described in Attachment 1 (e.g. APG-70 flight testing). This support shall include providing program planning, technical direction, and management of modified software. DT&Z/DT&E flight test covered by separate ECP shall not be priced under this effort. (DI-T-3729A, DI-T-3702A) NOTE: Separate Base Support Contracts for calendar years 2015, 2012, and 2013 shall provide the on-site Wildcat support of the Flight Test Program required for the changes in Attachment 1. A "FOR INFORMATION ONLY" Definition of support to be provided by the base Contracts (Including GFP requirements) will be forwarded to the SPO via separate correspondence. If on-site support is greater than three months, the cost of that support is not included in this contract.

116 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 24 Statement of Work F-13 23 Feb 14 Operational Flight Program Annual Production Page 4 of 12 Radar flight test program schedule and price shall be based on the following: Sufficient instrumented APG-70 equipped aircraft must be available to support an average of one flight per week during the radar development flight test period. Test target and ECM assets must be available as required to support flight test requirements. 3.1.4. Support of Government-Conducted Testing. Upon SPO request, Wildcat shall provide test versions of F-13 OFPs to ACC for Operational Testing and Interoperability Testing after completion of the Wildcat/CTF evaluation. Wildcat shall determine if on-site engineering assistance is required, and shall provide such to the USAF to expedite the reporting and correction of deficiencies. Wildcat shall correct deficiencies found by ACC. If technically feasible within the program schedule, Wildcat shall make these corrections prior to software Physical Configuration Audits, or Wildcat shall correct them via ECP. Deficiencies are defined as those inadequacies which result when the OFP does not meet specification requirements for that version. 3.2 TRAINERS/SIMULATORS/GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT (GSE) 3.2.1 Maintenance Trainers and GSE. Wildcat shall develop any minor modifications to the Hardware Systems Trainers and GSE software required to maintain compatibility with the OFPs modified under this effort per the list of changes. Substantial modifications to the Hardware Systems Trainers and GSE to maintain compatibility with the modified OFPs will be covered under a separate contractual effort. Wildcat shall notify ASD/VFL of these changes as soon as the modifications are identified. Hardware Systems Trainers, Aircraft Maintenance Trainers, and GSE modifications that are covered under separate ECPs are not priced under this effort. Hardware Systems Trainers. Wildcat shall update trainer drawings to reflect aircraft OFP configuration changes applicable to trainers. Changes to OFPs listed in paragraph 1.3 will affect the following trainers: OFP TRAINER MSIP CC: TFE-20 Cum 1-7, LT-25 F-13G CC: TFE-23 Cum 1-5, TFE-24 Cum 1-5 F-13G VCC: None MSIP VCC: None PSDP/GP: TFE-20 Cum 1-7, LT-20, LT-25 PSDP/SGP: TFE-20 Cum 1-7, LT-20, LT-25 MPDP/GP: TFE-23 Cum 1-5, TFE-24 Cum 1-5 MPDP/SGP: TFE-23 Cum 1-5, TFE-24, Cum 1-5 APG-70: None

117 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 24 Statement of Work F-13 23 Feb 14 Operational Flight Program Annual Production Page 5 of 12 OFP TRAINER PACS: TFE-20 Cum 1-7, TFE-24 Cum 1-5, LT-25 AFCS: TFE-23 Cum 1-5 AIU: TFE-23 Cum 1-5, TFE-24 Cum 1-5 CMD: LT-25 Aircraft Maintenance Trainers (AMT). Modifications to the AMTs to ensure compatibility with the modified OFPs will be covered by a separate contractual effort. Changes to the OFPs listed in paragraph 1.3 will affect the following trainers: OFP TRAINER MSIP CC: TFE-15 Cum 1-7 F-13G CC: TFE-21 F-13G VCC: TFE-21 MSIP VCC: TFE-15 Cum 1-7 PSDP/GP: TFE-15 Cum 1-7 PSDP/SGP: TFE-15 Cum 1-7 MPDP/GP: TFE-21 MPDP/SGP: TFE-21 APG-70: TFE-21 PACS: TFE-15 Cum 1-7, TFE-21 AFCS: TFE-21 AIU: TFE-21 CMD: TFE-15 Cum 1-7, TFE-21 3.2.2 Manned Flight Simulators. Wildcat shall update all F-13 Manned Flight Simulators to reflect the changes described in this effort. In addition, Wildcat shall use the Manned Flight Simulators as needed to evaluate cockpit controls, displays, and flight control changes. 3.2.3 Appledyne (OMNI Corp.) Simulators. Wildcat shall continue to provide engineering and technical support under its Associate Contractor Agreement (ACA) with Appledyne Systems Group to enable concurrent development of simulator updates. 3.3 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 3.3.1 Requirements Analysis. Wildcat shall, as a level of effort, provide the engineering services required to analyze and refine the changes in Attachment 1 per USAF request. Coordination between Wildcat and the USAF shall determine the functional design. Memory sizing, multiplex bus loading, and throughput impact estimates for the established design shall be provided by Wildcat to the USAF. For multiplex bus loading and throughput impact estimates, Wildcat shall indicate the OFP baseline used for the analyses, as well as the conditions on which the analyses were based. Wildcat shall, as a level of effort, provide engineering support for a period of one year to study future year changes as requested by the USAF. The study shall include rough estimates of timing, sizing, impacts of multiplex bus loading and a rough

118 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 24 Statement of Work F-13 23 Feb 14 Operational Flight Program Annual Production Page 5 of 12 estimate of the magnitude of effort. These estimates will be used by the USAF in tailoring future FY efforts to reflect both feasibility and budget constraints. Forum for interchange of future year requirements will be the PRARs. Wildcat shall identify those OFPs with less than 20% spare timing and/or spare memory and aircraft multiplex bus(es) utilization rate average worst case bus loading) that exceeds 80%, (once requirements have been assessed and such data has been accumulated for the current or future Fiscal Year effort). Wildcat shall present software-only approaches for increasing availability of these resources at the TCMs. This information will be used by the USAF to determine which changes will be incorporated into the aircraft under current to future year efforts, (% spare - (available - utilized)/ available = 100%). 3.3.2 Integration. Wildcat shall provide the engineering required to integrate all changes into the F-13 weapon system IAW the P072. This effort shall include engineering required to update the Avionics System Requirements Integration Documents (ASIRDs) which establish mechanization requirements; provide inputs for Test Information Sheets (TISs), Simulation, and Tech Order groups; and support flight testing and Systems Application Panel (SAP) Meetings. ASIRDs shall be available for Government review at the Contractor's facility with prior coordination. Wildcat will further maintain any ACAs or subcontractor relationships with Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) contractors, as required to integrate the Attachment 1 changes. These ACAs or subcontractor relationships shall not duplicate any similar arrangements or other contractual efforts. For the APG-70, patch changes to the delivered tactical software shall be limited to 30 in number and in no event shall the sum of these patches exceed 400 I6-bit words. Only patches required for software solutions of specific post-development flight evaluation squawks shall be incorporated. All patches shall be documented in the APF- 70 Version Description Document. 3.3.3 Compatibility with Warner-Robins Air Logistics (WR-ALC) Software. For the MSIP software under WR-ALC control (e.g. APG-63 radar and AP-1 CC software), Wildcat shall coordinate with the WR-ALC concerning the MSIP software changes delivered under this effort. Any modifications to Wildcat software required for compatibility reasons shall be the subject of separate contractual action. If any changes are required to WR-ALC software in order to maintain compatibility with MSIP software developed under this effort, Wildcat shall do the following: Wildcat shall inform both the SPO and WR-ALC of the need for the change within 30 days of identification. Wildcat shall, upon combined SPO / WR-ALC concurrence, provide a description of the applicable MSIP changes.

119 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 24 Statement of Work F-13 23 Feb 140 Operational Flight Program Annual Production Page 6 of 12 3.4 NUCLEAR SURETY. Wildcat shall provide the following support, testing, and analyses required for Nuclear Certification of the F-13G PACS software: a. Program Officer's Meeting/Software Advisory Group Support. b. Critical Signal Descriptions and Traces Update. c. Critical Computer Program Component and Variable List Update. d. Cross-Reference Matrix Update. e. Static Analysis Update. f. Performance of Preliminary Qualification Test. g. Final Design and Approval Package. h. Nuclear Safety Analysis Report. 3.5 PERSONNEL SUBSYSTEMS. Wildcat shall review all Attachment I OFP changes involving aircrew system operation, information processing, and control/display design changes. The human engineering effort pertains to both MSIP and F-13G aircraft. Wildcat shall, as required, update any human engineering documentation to reflect the changes described in Attachment 1. Wildcat shall after obtaining aircrew inputs (whether from ACC forms 37, Service Reports, or PRARs), present all cockpit controls and displays changes to the System Application Panel (SAP) and shall be prepared to present the same information to the USAF Avionics Software Requirements Review Council (ASRRC) at USAF request. 3.6 PROGRAM REVIEWS AND MEETINGS. 3.6.1 General. Wildcat shall support three Program Requirements Assessment Reviews (PRARs) in conjunction with Technical Coordination Meetings/Program Status Reviews (TCM/PSRs). The TCM/PSRs shall address current year changes (those which have been contracted), while the PRARs shall address requirements (ACC Forms 37, etc.) for future year changes. For each FY Production cycle, ACC/SPO/Wildcat interaction will, after the third PRARR described above, culminate in the annual ASRRC. The ASRRC will Compile a final prioritized listing of all requirements (termed future-year requirements at the PRARs) for submission to the SPO. The SPO will use this list in generating the follow-on FY changes list. PRARs and TCM/PSRs will be informational in nature and shall not provide contractual direction for Production of changes. Only after discussions held during these meetings can definitization of contractual changes be accomplished by the SPO. In addressing changes to the current year effort, all parties must be aware that refinement must not lead to increases in the scope of the effort or result in schedule impacts without clear SPO and Wildcat consent. In all cases, the decision to change the scope of the effort, and to provide any contractual guidance, rests with the F-13 SPO Procurement Contracting Officer.

120 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 24 Statement of Work F-13 23 Feb 14 Operational Flight Program Annual Production Page 7 of 12 3.6.2 Program Requirements Assessment Reviews (PRARs).Wildcat shall support PRARs in conjunction with the three TCM/PSRs in paragraph PRARs will allow for an informal exchange of information between all interested parties. The USAF will provide detailed user requirements of desired changes (including those outlined in ACC Forms 37) and clarify any questions raised by Wildcat. Wildcat will provide preliminary design translated from ACC requirements presented at earlier PRARs. Additionally, Wildcat will have the opportunity to propose changes. If possible, Wildcat will include requirement feasibility and rough estimates of additional memory usage. The overall results will be to enhance the USAF's ability to scope future year Annual Production efforts, to ensure that Wildcat's design satisfies the user's requirements at the earliest opportunity, and to shorten the time between requirement definition and OFP coding. PRAR attendees will include HQ ACC/DRF, 57 FWW/DTT (PRO-15), SPO, and Wildcat personnel, as a minimum. The purpose of the PRAR is to provide a forum for discussion of future OFP change requirements between the user community and the contractor. ACC (57 FWW/DTT PRO-15) will represent all USAF user commands as it chairs the F-13 ASRRC. Wildcat shall present any problems uncovered in its development which are programmatic in nature. ACC representatives may make recommendations toward problem resolution and further explain its requirements. Future year OFP change requirements shall be addressed at each PRAR. ACC will present requirements generated since the previous PRAR. Wildcat shall offer feedback as to feasibility of each proposed change, and any programmatic problems encountered on the execution of paragraph or this SOW. Cost and schedule impacts may be discussed. Constraints (i.e. budget and OFP timing/sizing will be considered and requirements trade-offs discussed. ACC will provide a prioritized listing of its requirements and explain those requirements to Wildcat. The prioritized listing shall include all requirements desired for future OFP incorporation. Wildcat shall have the opportunity to provide feedback on these new requirements. Discussion may include OFPs affected, clarification of details of the requirements, anticipated magnitude of effort, and options/trade-offs. Discussion of new requirements is not expected to be extensive. For each PRAR, Wildcat shall present an assessment of requirements presented at earlier PRARs. This assessment shall also include the status of any early development work accomplished to date. Wildcat shall present details of OFP changes as translated from the user requirements presented at earlier PRARs. These presentations may include rough estimates of OFP timing, sizing, and multiplex bus requirements, as well as the magnitude of effort in terms of engineering development time and memory.

121 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 24 Statement of Work F-13 23 Feb 14 Operational Flight Program Annual Production Page 8 of 12 All engineering services provided for future year OFP changes (paragraph and shall be provided as a level of effort for a one year period. It is anticipated that this one year effort shall be renewed in future Fiscal Year contracts. 3.6.3 Technical Coordination Meetings (TCMs)/Program Status Reviews (PSRs). Wildcat shall conduct both system level (all selected OFPs) and individual OFP software TCMs. For individual OFP discussions, TCMs will be held. At the system level, for the three meetings called for in paragraph, TCM/PSRs will be held. Wildcat shall conduct three System-level TCHs/PSRs. TCM discussions will focus on the technical review of current year OFP changes. PSRs will provide a forum for program direction; topics will include current status of the OFP Production effort and schedule impacts. One System-level TCM/PSR shall be conducted within 60 days of long lead go-ahead. A second TCM/PSR shall be conducted approximately three months after System TCN/PSR 01. This TCM/PSR shall fulfill the requirement for PDR for the CC, GP, and MSS. The agenda will cover, as a minimum, requirements, functional performance, system/software interfaces affected, program timing, program sizing, and status/schedules. The non-CPCI computer program design changes will be addressed at this TCM/PSR. A third TCM/PSR shall be conducted in conjunction with the CC/GP CDR. The non-CMCI computer program design changes will be further addressed at this TCM/PSR. Wildcat shall conduct individual OFP TCMs. Topics to be addressed shall include, but not be limited to 1) capabilities being added/modified to each OFP, 2) review of impacts to each affected OFP, including discussion of the new/modified algorithms in each OFP, 3) throughput and memory impacts, 4) test plans/status, and multiplex buy impacts. The level of detail at each TCM shall be commensurate with the design status (i.e., subsequent TCM shall address increasingly greater detail of the design of each OFP). Wildcat should, to the extent practicable, combine TCMs and link individual OFP TCMs with the System TCM/PSRs. Wildcat shall attempt to combine individual OFP TCMs with the associated hardware TCMs where possible. MSIP/E VCC OFP TCMs shall be combined with the OFP TCMs under ECP 1670. APG-70 Radar TCMs may be combined with TCMs scheduled under ECP 1908. 3.6.4 Design Reviews. Wildcat shall conduct Preliminary Design Reviews and Critical Design Reviews (CDRs) IAW MIL-STD-1521A, as tailored below, for all affected DPCIs. Design Reviews held for VCC OFPs changes described in Attachment 1 may be conducted concurrently with the VCC Full Scale Development (FSD) Design Reviews under ECP 1670. APG-70 Radar Design Reviews may be conducted concurrent with ECP 1908 Design Reviews. Software PDR. PDR may be conducted on an incremental basis or as a single event. (DI-A-2039/T, DI-E-3118/T).

122 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 24 Statement of Work F-13 23 Feb 14 Operational Flight Program Annual Production Page 9 of 12 PDR Items to be Reviewed. Wildcat shall present, as a minimum, a review of the following: Requirements. Functional Performance System/Software Interfaces Affected Program Storage Program Timing Testing Qualification Plan Test Methodology Status/Schedules Software, CDR. CDR may be conducted on an incremental basis or as a single event. (DI-A-3029/T, DI-E-3118/T) CDR Items to be Reviewed. Wildcat shall present a review of the following: Detail Design Design Changes/Software Flow Diagrams, PDL, etc. System/Software Interfaces Affected Program Storage Program Timing (e.g., timing scenarios, detailed timing analysis) Testing Qualification Plan Status/Schedules 3.7 SYSTEM SAFETY. Wildcat shall identify any functions and signals that, if improperly activated, will result In critical or catastrophic hazards. Wildcat shall insure that the risk of these hazards is acceptable to the USAF performing safety analyses and by participating in software testing. 3.8 ENGINEERING FACILITIES. Wildcat shall update and maintain any Software Development/Test Facilities and the Avionics System Integration Bench (ASIB), as required to provide changes to OFPs listed in paragraph 1.3 and for GFE changes required for testing. Hardware and software changes to engineering facilities shall be reviewed at TCM/PSRs as required.

123 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 24 Statement of Work F-13 23 Feb 14 Operational Flight Program Annual Production Page 10 of 12 3.9 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT. 3.9.1 Software Management. Wildcat shall manage a software IAW F-13 CPDP, WAC A7610, as modified herein to address all software modifications under this effort. For Wildcat-generated CPCIs, Figure 3-1 of WAC A7610 shall be replaced by the attached Figure 1 (Figure 1 is not applicable to VCC OFPs). VCC OFPs shall be developed and managed IAW VCC Addendum to WAC A7610. Specific requirements for each affected OFP shall be as stated in the Exhibits Q contained in the no-cost ECP (See Paragraph 3.9.2). 3.9.2 Configuration Management. Wildcat shall perform configuration management IAW F-13 Configuration Management Plan, P009. Wildcat shall adhere to MIL-HDBK-61 in performing configuration control of all affected firmware OFPs. Wildcat shall conduct FCAs and PCAs on each CPCI IAW MIL-STD-1521A as modified by P0009. FCA/PCA conducted on each CPCI shall be limited to auditing the changes made to the CPCI since the last production of retrofit OFP release. The MSIP/E VCC OFP changes shall be audited concurrent with ECP 1670 FCA/PCA milestones. FCA/PCA for changes authorized under this SOW may be concurrent with other ECPs with the same affectivity. (DI-A-3092A/T, DI-E-3118/T). Wildcat shall document the configuration changes provided under this effort in an ECP submitted at no additional cost to the Government. This no-cost ECP shall contain completed Exhibits Q for all OFPs affected by this effort. Furthermore, this ECP shall describe the relationship of this effort to other contractual efforts that affect the OFP releases provided under this effort. (DI-E-3128/T). This ECP will be accomplished concurrently with the following ECPs: ECP 1908, ECP 1627, ECP 188132, ECP 195552, ECP 1982, ECP 1982C4, and ECP 192552. Portions of ECPs 1900 and 2047/C1 will be accomplished concurrently with this ECP. Software changes made under this ECP are a prerequisite for CCP 455, expanded weapons capability. 3.9.3 Data Management. Wildcat shall perform data management IAW the requirements of the basic Production Contract, its CDRL, and any PCDNs attached to the no-cost ECP. VCC data items impacted by this effort shall be provided concurrent with those submitted under ECP 1670 and ECP 1982 of Contract F33657-84-C-2228. 3.9.4 Quality Assurance. Wildcat shall conduct Software Quality Assurance (SQA) lAW MIL-S-52779A. 3.10 LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT. 3.10.1 Wildcat shall provide technical support and update F-13 MSIP and F-13G Technical Orders (T.O.'s) affected by the OFP Production effort. Wildcat shall ensure concurrent delivery of applicable T.O.'s and OFP updates. Updated T.O.'s shall be delivered IAW the F-13 Technical Order Publications Plan Document F015. (DI-M- 3407D/T).

124 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 24 Statement of Work F-13 23 Feb 14 Operational Flight Program Annual Production Page 11 of 12 3.10.2 Wildcat shall provide technical support to produce Time Compliance Technical Orders (TCTOs) required to retrolift OFP updates (to include MSS updates) into F-13G aircraft, retrofit the updated OFPs into the Hardware Systems Trainers, and retrofit GSE minor software changes. Air Force Matterial Command (AFMC) will produce TCTOs required to retrofit OFP updates into F-13 aircraft and retrofit AFMC- managed GSE software. For changes required to AFMC-managed GSE software, Wildcat shall incorporate changes into the latest AFMC program baseline. (DI-M- 3407D/T). 3.10.3 Wildcat shall not include within the scope of this effort any substantial changes to GSE. Once identified, major support program modifications shall be reported to the SPO in a timely manner. Minor support program modifications to GSE are permitted in order to maintain compatibility with the OFPs modified under the Production effort. Wildcat shall present any proposed GSE software changes to the SPO for incorporation approval prior to beginning work on such an effort. 3.10.4 Wildcat shall request Computer Programs Identification Numbers (CPINs) for all OFPs affected by the Production effort and request DPINs for all GSE software with an existing CPIN or under CPCI control. (DI-E_3162B/T). FY 12 OFP CHANGE REQUIREMENTS LIST 1. Resolution of problems identified in the following TAC Forms 37: ACC Form 37 Title 88-05-001 NCTR in MPRF STT 87-08-022 MK 339 Fuse Timer Input 87-09-014 AIM-9 Shoot Cue Inhibit 87-09-013 AA TACAN Display on RUD 88-05-022 Additional Targets 84-02-017 HUD Location Line 88-05-023 Target Airspeed Cue (TSW/STT) 88-05-004 MCTR Response Retention 87-08-014 Manual Reticle at CC Failure 87-08-025 Multi-Target Cues 87-05-007 Display Radar Priority Tgt Alt on HUD 87-08-021 PACS Weapon Switches on Load Page 88-05-039 Gain Control Numerical Value (AGR) 88-05-032 Command of HUD Symbol 88-05-036 Next Heading Display on TSD 85-09-024 AIL-7M/F Burst Ranging 86-06-002 Enhanced MPRF Split-S Tracker 87-05-001 Remainder of TWS Maneuvering Tgt Limits: MPRF Duty a Function of Slip Scan Modified Angle and Range Corr Gate 89-034 Scrolling

125 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 24 Statement of Work F-13 23 Feb 14 Operational Flight Program Annual Production Page 12 of 12 2. Resolution of problems identified in the following Service Reports: Service Report Title 6510TW C2 88-0049 Post Release Weapons Data 6510TW C2 88-0023 HUD and EADI Band Steering Bars (combine with 6510TW C2 88-0045) 6510TW C2 88-0037 APG-70 Real Beam Map Mode 6510TW C2 88-0031 HUD Tgt Designator in AUTO and DCIP Weapons Mode (Combine with 6510TW C2 88-0067) 65IOTW C2 88-0034 WFOV HUD Inadequate Weapons Info 6510TW C2 88-0038 Inertial Nav Sys 6510TW C2 88-0040 WFOV-HUD (TACAN to ILS Steer) 6510TW C2 88-0044 Displayed Baro and Radar Altitudes 6510TW C2 88-0045 ILS Steering Bar Deflections on HUD Combine with 6510TW C2 88-0023) 6510TW C2 88-0046 PVU Display Format 6510TW C2 88-0035 Present Position Source (F-13G Nav Sys) 6510TW C2 88-0056 No Manual Altitude Calib Capability 6510TW C2 88-0067 HUD LOS Circle Slew Rate (Combine with 6510TW C2 88-0031) 6510TW C2 88-0057 Weapons Delivery Sensors 6510TW C2 88-0071 Maverick Shoot Cue 6510TW C2 88-0074 UFCs/Displays 6510TW C2 88-0004 F-13G WFOC-HUD and Speed Indications 6510TW C2 88-0005 RADI Terrain Following Format 6510TW C2 870-0072 F-2E Continuous Warning Subsys 6510TW C2 870-0001 WFOV-HUD Bank Scale 3. The accomplishment of the following additional tasks: a. Incorporation of weapons delivery changes derived from SEEK EAGLE testing. b. Updating of VHSIC ECP 1670 baseline to currently proposed AP-1R Jun 09 baseline as described by requirements in this list. c. Development of enhanced IDLP/GBU-24 capabilities (Separately priced R&D effort). d. Provisions to change 5 symbols in the MPDP/SGP OFP: two changes currently identified include resizing of the PDT (Star) and the asterisk for A/A radar display. e. Deletion of ASAT capability from MSIP CC OFP. f. Implement special training mode similar to APG-63 mechanization. (This item incorporated early in FY 08 radar OFP as documented in ECP 2047C1).

126 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 25 Statement of Work F-13 31 Oct 13 Engineering Support of F-13G Phase VII Flight Test Page 1 of 4


1.0 INTRODUCTION The USAF F-13G Phase VII flight test program consists of those Air Force follow-on development test and evaluation tasks which were not accomplished prior to Initial Operational Capability (IOC). Wildcat general support of these activities at Edwards and Eglin AFBs is currently provided under the calendar year Flight Test Support contract. This Statement of Work defines additional Wildcat Engineering support in evaluation of specific Phase VII flight test results. The Wildcat effort defined herein is for the USAF Phase VII Flight Test activity during the time period 1 October 2015 to 31 July 2013. Wildcat period of performance is 1 January 2015 through 31 October 2014. 2.0 Wildcat ENGINEERING SUPPORT 2.1 Scope. The Wildcat effort under Phase VII shall consist of flight test support, engineering data analysis, documentation of the test results and response to technical inquiries. The following tasks shall be accomplished: a. Reduction and analysis of performance and flying qualities flight test data as follows (all to include -4 CFT): Performance - LANTIRN PODS (complete) - LANTIRN AND CENTERLINE TANK - LANTIRN + (3) EXTERNAL TANKS - LANTIRN + (4) AIM-7 - LANTIRN + (4) AIM-7 + (4) AIM-9 - LANTIRN + (4) AIM-9 + CL TANK + (12) MK-82 - LANTIRN + (4) AIM-9 + CL TANK Flying Qualities - LANTIRN PODS - LANTIRN + CENTERLINE TANK (complete) - LANTIRN + (3) TANKS (very limited data) - LANTIRN + (4) AIM-7 + (4) AIM-9 (very limited data) b. Response to avionic and weapon system related technical inquiries. c. Support the testing and analysis of the data for one configuration directed at defining the operation restrictions associated with F-13G Center of Gravity (c.g.) limits. d. Perform flight test correlation with analytical models and conduct Flight Control System Analysis. Respond to inquiries on CAS auto-pilots and Terrain Following.

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2.2 Assumptions. The task elements of this program are predicted on a number of assumptions with regard to program schedule, data, and test asset availability. The following assumptions were made when defining this Statement of Work: a. Four instrumented PW-200 engines are available to support the flight test program. b. All Test Information Sheets (TISs) are to be prepared by the Air Force Flight Test Center (AFFTC). c. Wildcat will have access to all required flight test data necessary to support, maintain, and update the data bases. d. Wildcat will be responsible for data processing/reduction on performance and flying qualities flights to meet Wildcat analysis requirements. e. Specification of external stores loading restrictions based on weapon separation testing shall be provided by the Air Force. f. Wildcat tasks will be performed in Kalamazoo and at the test site. g. The following aircraft and instrumentation information will be coordi- nated with the F-13 CTF under the Calendar Year 2014 Flight Test Support Contract. - PCM Formats - Parameter Sample Rates and Calibrations - Gains and Offsets for Analog Parameters - Instrumentation Measurement Status - Fuel Samples - Pre-Flight Listings - Weight and Balance Information - FPA alignment status - Aircraft project history file - ATIS software output (AFLIP) to program the Format Control Units (FCU) and load the aircraft. h. Data reduction routines and data bases developed under Phase IV will be used for Phase VII data reduction. These routines and data bases are on the Kalamazoo mainframe computer for reduction of propulsion, aerodynamic performance and flying qualities data. 3.0 TASK DESCRIPTION Wildcat shall perform the tasks described in the following paragraphs. 3.1 ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY

128 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 25 Statement of Work F-13 31 Oct 13 Engineering Support of F-13G Phase VII Flight Test Page 3 of 4 3.1.1 Data Base Development. Wildcat Engineering Technology shall perform the following tasks: a. Provide on-site technology assistance to assure that Wildcat data requirements are properly coordinated. b. Analyze flight test data. Use the analysis results to develop a comprehensive and consistent set of propulsion performance, aerodynamic performance and flying qualities increments for subsequent incorporation in the data bases. Configurations to be included for the subject contract period are in Paragraph 2.1. c. Documentation of analysis results will consist of engineering graphs and presentation material prepared for periodic TCMs (three TCMs are assumed}, followed by a letter report summarizing the data obtained during the contract period, referencing internal documentation and assessing data applicability for future data base updates. A secondary purpose for the TCMs will be for the CTF to update Wildcat on the performance of the terrain following and systems. d. Perform flight test correlation with Wildcat Flight Control System (FCS) simulation models to evaluate analytical tools used for flight safety assessment and perform FCS analysis for: - Terrain following with aft CG/heavy weight aircraft configurations. - Fly up maneuvering with asymmetric store configurations during turning flight. e. Respond to inquiries from the Combined Test Force (CFT), Systems Application Panel (SAP), and the Systems Program Office (SPO) involving problems, clarifications, or explanations of normal and failure of operation of Terrain Following, autopilot or CAs. 3.1.2 Definition of Aircraft Operating Limits. Wildcat shall perform, for one configuration, the following tasks in support of the completion of the testing for definition of F-13G c.g. limits: Wildcat shall maintain and update the aerodynamic data base and analysis programs which support the testing that defines the F-13G c.g. limits. The Wildcat analysis programs will be used to provide computer predictions of aircraft responses for flight test maneuvers. These predictions will be prepared and updated as needed during the test program. Wildcat will informally provide these response predictions and necessary updates, that fall within this contract period, to the USAF prior to flight testing. 3.2 AVIONICS ENGINEERING 3.2.1 Aircraft Avionics Operating Capability. a. Provide avionics subsystem and weapon technical support to USAF for evaluation of air to ground weapon delivery capabilities.

129 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 25 Statement of Work F-13 31 Oct 13 Engineering Support of F-13G Phase VII Flight Test Page 4 of 4 b. Support USAF mechanization discussions that would lead to the development of a weapon delivery error budget. 3.2.2 Weapon System Data Base. Support the process of troubleshooting test results (flight reports and video tapes) to a subsystem and weapon level. Support USAF development of an effective weapon system capability data base. 3.3 FLIGHT TEST ENGINEERING. Flight Test Engineering shall support Wildcat engineering technology requirements for data from the Phase IV and VII propulsion, aerodynamic performance and flying qualities tests. 3.3.1 Flight Test Data Coordination. Wildcat shall coordinate with the F-13 Combined Test Force (CFT) to obtain the following aircraft and instrumentation data: a. Auto-pilot data b. Terrain Following data 3.3.2 Data Reduction and Processing. Wildcat shall process and reduce perform- ance and flying qualities data per Wildcat engineering technology requirements. The following tasks shall be accomplished: a. Verify the "must have" parameters during the pro-flight via AFLIP generated data. b. Compute in-flight thrust for performance flights. c. Compute aerodynamic drag from measured aircraft specific excess power (Ps) and in-flight thrust. d. Maintain data bases on the Kalamazoo mainframe computer for the data reduction routines required for propulsion, aerodynamic performance and flying qualities testing. e. Furnish Wildcat technology engineers with data in the form of plots, tabs, computer tapes, and flight test data bases. f. Informally furnish USAF with Wildcat Kalamazoo reduced data upon request.

130 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 30 FOD & Tool Control Instruction (WACI-412) 31 August 14 Page 1 of 15 Contents Paragraph Subject Page 1.0 Purpose 2 2.0 Introduction 2 3.0 FOD Advisory Board 2 4.0 General 2 4.1 Scope 2 4.2 Definitions 2 4.3 References 4 5.0 Implementation Control Methods 4 5.1 Measuring Performance 6 5.2 Training 7 5.3 Material Handling and Part Protection 7 5.4 House Keeping 8 5.5 Tool Accountability 9 5.6 Hardware Accountability 9 5.7 Lost Items 10 5.8 Hazardous Material 10 5.9 Physical Entry into FOD Critical Areas 10 5.10 Focal Point 10 6.0 Design Considerations 11 7.0 Assembly Operations 12 8.0 Test Cell Environment 13 9.0 Field Operations 13 10.0 Reporting/Investigation 14

131 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 30 FOD & Tool Control Instruction (WACI-412) 31 August 14 Page 2 of 15 1.0 PURPOSE

This document establishes a standard for Wildcat Aviation Corporation (WAC) to prevent foreign object damage (FOD) to aerospace products being designed, developed, manufactured, assembled, operated, repaired, modified, refurbished and maintained. Most FOD can be attributed to poor housekeeping, facilities deterioration, improper maintenance or careless assemble and inadequate operational practices. An effective FOD prevention program identifies potential problems, corrects negative factors, provides awareness, effective employee training, and uses industry “lessons learned” for continued improvement. The objective of WAC's FOD Prevention Standard is to promote ground and flight safety and the preservation of private and national assets.


This Instruction was developed using National Aerospace Standard 412 as a guide, and is designed to protect aircraft under WAC's cognizance from damage due to FOD.


The purpose of the FOD Advisory Board is to manage and update WACI 412. The FOD Advisory Board is composed of the following entities: WAC's FOD Manager Representatives from the flight-line mechanics The Kalamazoo DCMA APT



This standard establishes general workmanship practices and standard terms for the prevention of Foreign Object Damage (FOD) to aerospace products at Wildcat Aviation. Aerospace products include aircraft, missiles, drones, engines, operating systems, manufactured parts, associated ground support equipment and related components, etc.


Foreign Object Debris (FOD): A substance, debris or article alien to a vehicle or system which would potentially cause damage.

132 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 30 FOD & Tool Control Instruction (WACI-412) 31 August 14 Page 3 of 15 Foreign Object Damage (FOD): Any damage attributed to a foreign object that can be expressed in physical or economic terms which may or may not degrade the product’s required safety and/or performance characteristics. Potential FOD: The condition where foreign object debris may cause damage, and/or failure should the product be put into use. Examples are: Metal or wire clippings, solder balls and debris lying in the vicinity or electrical terminals, circuitry, connectors, components, etc Tools, hardware, or debris left in the vicinity, or in a migratory path or a path of a vehicle’s control system or engine inlets Debris lying on runways, ramps and taxiways Propeller exhaust, jet exhaust and tilt-rotor downwash blast Inclement weather Ice and salt Birds and other animals Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) Construction debris FOD Critical Area: Any area where flight hardware is in place and exposure to foreign objects would potentially cause a system or product failure due to deterioration, malfunction or damage. Critical FO: Foreign objects in areas from which migration is possible, e.g., through tooling holes, bend relief cutouts, drain holes, intakes, etc., which are probable to cause system or component malfunction or deterioration should the product be put to use. Foreign Object Elimination (FOE): Any subset of this program used to assure a FOD-free product/system. Tote Tray: A device for storing/carrying/transporting tools or equipment in a secure manner to prevent inadvertent droppings. WAC issues tote trays for working in areas without easy access to a shadowboxed tool box. Clean-As-You-Go: Clean the immediate area when work cannot continue Clean the immediate area when work debris has the potential to migrate to an out of sight or inaccessible area and cause damage and/or give the appearance of poor workmanship. Clean the immediate area after work is completed and prior to inspection. Clean at the end of each shift. If you drop something or hear something drop pick it up!

133 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 30 FOD & Tool Control Instruction (WACI-412) 31 August 14 Page 4 of 15 Consumables: Supplies provided to workers that are expendable. Examples are: Issued apparel Safety glasses Glue, paint, sealant Rags Sandpaper, brushes, applicators Stock items such as rivets, washers, fasteners and other hardware. Shadowbox: The tool box with specific, marked locations for each tool so that a missing tool will be readily noticeable. WAC tool boxes are all shadowboxed. Tether: A lanyard of sufficient strength (wire, rope, cable, etc.) attached to the tool/equipment and to the user or fixed secure object. The tether should be minimum length to preclude damage from tethered tool “free swing.” NOTE: A tether device, if not regularly examined may itself be the FO. Fraying of the tether material and the hardware (rings, snaps, etc.) can all become FOD. Tethers shall be used whenever working over an area where a dropped tool would be extremely difficult to retrieve.


1. NAS 412 2. AFI 21-101, 21-101_CAFSUP_1 3. OPNAVINST 4790.2 4. ISO-9000/9001 5. NAFPI Guideline Rev. C, dated May 1997


WAC has established and maintains an effective FOD prevention program that is planned and implemented using a “continuous improvement” approach. Basic Elements 1. FOD Prevention Training. The FOD Manager shall ensure that all personnel with access to the aircraft/flight-line are trained, and understand and adhere to these procedures. This requirement also applies to all personnel temporarily assigned to a controlled area. 2. The FOD Advisory Board will work with the Program Office to ensure early design considerations for FOD prevention, resistance to damage, foreign object entrapment, etc., are considered.

134 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 30 FOD & Tool Control Instruction (WACI-412) 31 August 14 Page 5 of 15 3. All employees are responsible fore ensuring assembly sequencing and maintenance/manufacturing techniques include proper care to prevent FOD. Employees will ensure proper use of assemble/maintenance equipment and parts protective devices. 4. Handling of material. Employees shall handle all assembly material as if was owned by themselves. 5. Housekeeping. Clean as you go is the rule. 6. Control of tools and personal items. All tools are permanently marked (etched) with the company name and the individual tool's 9 digit identification code. All tools larger than 1/2-inch require this type of identification. All tools under 1/2-inch in size shall be controlled per paragraph 7 (below) or as directed by tool crib manager. Personal tools are not permitted. All WAC employees using a tool tote tray, will have in their possession an accurately completed tool form. The tool form will be filled out at the beginning of each task and will include all company-owned tools, shop aids, Government owned tools or equipment and personal property carried by the employee. Specific shop aids will be identified when entered on tool form. All WAC employees working from a shadowboxed tool box will have in their possession an accurately completed tool form which will include all issued tools not part of the tool box, and any personal property carried by the employee. In addition, employees shall ensure the tool box itself, contains a accurate tool inventory. Employees shall take into the aircraft only tools required to perform the specific task. 7. Control of hardware/consumables. Employees shall take into the controlled area only hardware required to perform the specific task. All consumable hardware must be separated into like items, identified and carried or stored in the provided spill-proof containers with spring-loaded lids. 8. Measuring techniques for analysis, trending and feedback. Line supervisors are responsible for inspecting for FOD on a continuous basis. If FOD is found in and around the aircraft when the employee(s) who generated the FOD are not around (task completed, on break, end of shift), the supervisor will fill out a FOD tracking sheet and forward it to the FOD manager for analysis. At the end of each production phase before the aircraft is accepted by the unit supervisor for the next phase, it will be inspected by that supervisor and a separate FOD tracking sheet will be filled out and forwarded to the FOD manager.

135 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 25 Statement of Work F-13 31 August 14 FOD & Tool Control Instruction (WACI-412) Page 6 of 15 9. Incident investigation/reporting, “lessons learned.” The FOD manager will use the data collected from the FOD tracking sheets to analyze FOD trends. WAC will use this data and direct corrective actions to reverse negative trends. 10. Control of hazardous material. All hazardous material is issued on a need to use basis from the centralized tool issue point. 11. Access controls. Aircraft work areas are all surrounded by a yellow caution line on the floor of the production/flightline hangar. Only those WAC employees who are trained in FOD prevention and have a task assigned to them are authorized inside the yellow striped area. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring only those personnel authorized to be around the aircraft are allowed in the yellow zone. 12. Awareness/Employees Feedback. Employees are encouraged to provide suggestions for improving the FOD prevention program using the employee suggestion program. Preventive Practices All WAC aircraft technicians are required to: 1. Follow procedures. 2. Practice good housekeeping, “Clean –As-You-Go.” 3. Account for all tools, hardware and equipment at specific intervals. 4. Use x-ray, borescope, and other state-of-the-art equipment (as needed) to inspect inaccessible areas. 5. Attend FOD prevention training to maintain and awareness of FOD causes. 6. Use the designated storage areas for ladders, hoses, tool boxes and other work aids.


The operational target of the WAC FOD Prevention Program is “zero”, to enable visibility to problem areas and trends, provide management and workers with inspection results, incident/mishap reports, and feedback of progress. All employees need specific information about what is wrong before they can be expected to improve processes. This part of WAC's FOD Prevention Program is designed to let employees know when they’re doing well or when they’re not. Feedback is vital to the process improvement. Methods providing this information are: 1. Visibility Charts – statistical graphics derived tool/FOD audits or incident data. These charts are displayed at each aircraft phase station. 2. Performance Reviews – Supervisors provide a review of worker conformance to standards or expectations. 3. Customer comments, concerns, or complaints.

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The primary objective of WAC's FOD prevention training program is to increase employee awareness to the causes and effects of FOD, promote active involvement through specific techniques, and stress good work habits through disciplines. The FOD prevention training program for employees associated with design, development, manufacturing, assembly, test, operations, repair, modification, refurbishment, and maintenance is required as part of initial job orientation and on a continuing basis. Training subjects include: 1. Proper storage, shipping and handling of material, components, and equipment. 2. Techniques to control debris. 3. Housekeeping. 4. Cleaning and inspection of components and assemblies. 5. Accountability/control of tools and hardware. 6. Control of personal items, equipment and consumables. 7. Care and protection of end items. 8. Quality Workmanship (“Clean-As-You-Go,” inspection). 9. Flight line, taxiway and ramp control methods. 10. How to report FOD incidents or potential incidents.


Control Techniques 1. All employees will be trained to assure compliance with packaging, handling, shipping and storage requirements. 2. Materials and accessories used in packaging, handling, shipping and storage which have intimate contact with the part or assembly should be clean and free of contamination. 3. Parts and assemblies shall be packaged in a manner that will preclude any chance of even one item making contact with another during normal handling operations. 4. Protective and packaging materials shall be chosen based on their ability to adequately resist penetration by tearing, parting or piercing from forces either external or internal or internal during normal handling operations. 5. The color of packaging or protective devices are selected so they don’t appear to be a part of what they are protecting. 6. Streamers for removal are available for caps/plugs protecting critical items/areas.

137 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 30 FOD & Tool Control Instruction (WACI-412) 31 August 14 Page 8 of 15 7. Protective devices (edge protectors, caps, plugs, covers, filters, rub strips) shall be clean and MUST BE secured to prevent accidental damage. Once installed, unauthorized removal of protective devices is prohibited. Removal should be authorized only through assembly or maintenance planning paperwork. Consideration has been given to the visibility/detection of material used for protection. Employees shall take care that the material in itself doesn’t become FOD. Material Characteristics 1. Materials should be compatible with the environmental and physical stresses expected to be encountered during product service. 2. Static sensitive devices shall be properly protected to avoid damage. Materials that are used to protect electro-explosive devices and sensitive electronic components should be kept clean, covered, and stored away from ordinary non-static safe materials. Condition Visually inspect all packaging, handling, shipping and storage containers for the following: Nicks, dents, holes, abrasions, scratches, burns, etc., which may be detrimental to the function and integrity of the part or assembly. Grease, preservatives, corrosion products, weld, slag, shop and other dirt, and other materials foreign to the item.


Maintenance, manufacturing and operational areas must remain clean. Housekeeping is a part of every employees' job. They will be graded on their performance. “Clean-As-You-Go” is a necessary work requirement to prevent debris from migrating into flight hardware. Supervisors and employees shall: 1. Ensure that all production, maintenance and test areas meet “good housekeeping” standards that enhance foreign object elimination. This includes sweeping and vacuuming production areas as well as a regular schedule for sweeping ramp areas. 2. Assure that taxiways, runways, and flight decks are free of foreign objects that may cause damage. 3. Ensure that grounds and surfaces on which aerospace vehicles and ground support equipment are operated and maintained are free of objects that could cause damage due to ingestion of foreign object or propeller exhaust, jet exhaust, and tilt rotor downwash blast effects.

138 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 30 FOD & Tool Control Instruction (WACI-412) 31 August 14 Page 9 of 15 4. Establish and maintain safe taxi distances between aircraft to minimize the danger of debris being moved by the propeller exhaust, jet exhaust, and tilt rotor downwash blast. 5. Ensure prior occupation of newly constructed aircraft facilities that all construction debris (including overhead welding slag) is removed as foreign object elimination measure. 6. In the refurbishment or maintenance of existing airfield facilities or construction of new facilities, assure that all construction debris is removed at the end of each task or at the end of each shift. This requirement should be entered into contractual agreements.


The primary objective of a positive tool control program is to eliminate accidents/incidents and loss of life or equipment due to tool FOD. There are numerous methods to facilitate tool accountability at WAC: 1. Shadowboxing 2. bar coding 3. consolidated tool kits 4. control of special tools not assigned to a tool box and issued by the centralized too crib. 5. Tethered tools/equipment for use in areas around structural work stands or any other locations where a dropped article could result in damage to the flight hardware, injury to personnel, or where difficulty in retrieval would result if the tool were dropped. All loose tools shall be carried and stored in a tote tray, or other suitable spill proof container (provided by WAC) and not be placed in a manner that would cause damage to flight hardware or injury to personnel.


The primary objective of the hardware accountability is to assure control. WAC employees the following: 1. Kit hardware by task. 2. FO containers placed in key locations within the work area and at entry and exit points. 3. “Clean-As-You-Go.” 4. Furnish and specify tote trays. 5. Covered spring-loaded containers.

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Any time an item is lost during an assembly, manufacturing, or maintenance task, cease activity in the affected area and initiate a search for the item. Continue this search until the item is found or adequate assurances are made that the item is not contained in the aerospace vehicle or assembly. Searching for such items may require depaneling or nondestructive inspections, including borescope and/or x-ray. If an item cannot be located after a search has been completed, annotate applicable forms with a description of the item and search procedure followed.


Management of hazardous waste materials is important in the prevention of FOD. Disposition of hazardous waste materials is dependent upon the commodity discarded. All hazardous material is issued by the centralized tool crib. Authorized disposal procedures will be briefed as the material is issued.


When physical entry is required into flight hardware, such as crew compartment, engine intake, exhaust, fuel tank areas, etc., personnel should remove all loose objects, badges, jewelry, etc., from clothing. Pocketless or closed zippered pocket coveralls should be worn to preclude foreign objects dropping from pockets onto a FOD critical area.


The WAC Foreign Object Damage Prevention Manager is responsible for developing and implementing plans and programs to prevent hardware damage during associated design, manufacturing, assembly, test, acceptance, packaging, handling, storage, transporting, maintenance, flight line and launch operations. The FOD Manager is appointed by the chief operating official and is granted authority and organizational freedom to identify and implement FOD preventive measures whenever and wherever required. Duties include: 1. Reviewing and assessing the FOD prevention program and make necessary revisions. 2. Conducting scheduled audits of work areas to assess effectiveness of the FOD prevention program.

140 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 30 FOD & Tool Control Instruction (WACI-412) 31 August 14 Page 11 of 15 3. Assuring implementation of corrective actions for FOD prevention throughout the organization. 4. Assuring that FOD incidents are thoroughly investigated and that incident reports are completed as applicable. 5. Assuring that causes of FOD incidents are thoroughly analyzed to define essential corrective measures. 6. Notifying affected organizations and personnel of unique FOD prevention requirements. 7. Developing techniques and assigning responsibilities for publication of special FOD prevention instructions. 8. Reviewing results of the FOD incident investigations and evaluating adequacy of corrective actions. 9. Evaluating the amount and kind of foreign objects found and how they were found. 10. Reviewing and approving FOD prevention training curricula, designate training personnel, and assuring that personnel receive required training. 11. Assuring that written procedures provide for adequate records attesting to the current status and adequacy of the FOD prevention program.


The following Design Considerations are used by the WAC FOD Board when analyzing maintenance plans and considering FOD hazard reduction suggestions. 1. Identification and elimination foreign object entrapment areas. 2. Identifying and sealing areas through which foreign object can migrate. 3. Using screens over exposed openings when appropriate; e.g., intakes, exhausts, etc. 4. Installing special access panels, ports, etc., for inspection and clean out of foreign object that could potentially cause damage. 5. Using blind fasteners in critical areas, such as fuel cells, that are prone to leaving debris during installation. 6. Using fasteners with self retaining features to secure high usage access panels. 7. Using compatible metals and seals to prevent accelerated deterioration and subsequent failure of seal material. 8. Using conformal coatings as a positive seal against entry of minute foreign object including dust and water vapor. 9. Providing screening or other means of foreign object blockage for water drainage holes forward of the engine inlet path.

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During the design phase (see above) WAC planned and sequenced maintenance/manufacturing tasks to preclude foreign object damage and entrapment of debris or contamination. Manufacturing and assembly documents contain required processes and procedures for controlling removal of contamination and debris during fabrication and assembly operations. As applicable, the following are included in work instructions: 1. Upon completion of final machining operation, clean or flush the machined component to assure that it is free of debris, and immediately cap or seal exposed openings to deny foreign object entry. 2. Adequately protect hardware and equipment from splatter accumulation during brazing, soldering, welding and like operations, using approved covers (supplied by the WAC Central Tool Crib). 3. Inspect components and equipment for damage prior to installation and repair as necessary. Always ensure part integrity before installation. 4. Verify required protective devices (dust covers, temporary seals, cushioning, etc.) are present and properly installed. Items with protective devices missing are to be inspected for FOD, cleaned if necessary, and protective devices installed. 5. After fluid and pneumatic system lines and tubing are cut and deburred, assure thorough cleaning and cap ends of lines 6. Inspect for and remove extraneous material as part of the assembly step, conduct a foreign object inspection and remove debris. 7. Inspect production tooling (jigs, fixtures, handling equipment, etc.) to assure it is clean, undamaged and free of foreign material prior to installation and build-up of components or assemblies. Exercise the same care for work stands, ladders, special test equipment, etc., which must be placed on, in, or around production hardware to accomplish specific tasks. 8. Protect products by using FOD barriers, foam pads, covers, etc. Cover composites on the wings and place pads between a tool and the aircraft/assembly. Always protect sensitive areas and potential FOD entrapments (engine, open fuel line, harnesses, etc.)

142 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 30 FOD & Tool Control Instruction (WACI-412) 31 August 14 Page 13 of 15


When products are in a test cell environment, WAC employees will comply with the following additional FOD prevention measures: 1. Inspect the test cell and facility equipment for deterioration or damage and assure that adequate preventative maintenance is being performed on the test facility, and deficiencies which present a FOD hazard are corrected prior to test cell operations. 2. Inspect the area before introduction of the test article to the test environment to be sure that it is clean, tools are secured, fixtures, dollies and special test equipment are properly prepared and secured, and that the required protective devices (engine inlet screens, covers for engine components and instruments, etc.) are on hand, clean and undamaged. 3. Visually inspect the test article before it is placed in the test cell, removal of loose objects and installation of the necessary protective devices. 4. Ensure test cell equipment, tools accessories are maintained and used in a manner to protect the test article from damage or contamination through tool abuse or in-use failure (chipping, cracking, peeling, fraying, etc.). 5. Prior to start, visually inspect the engine intake/exhaust areas for potential FOD and rotate the engine through sufficient revolutions to ascertain if there is unusual noise or binding condition. Instrumentation lines, hoses and wires should be taped or clamped to eliminate vibratory failure. Use of lock wire or cotter pins for this purpose is prohibited. 6. Upon completion of each test article run and prior to removal from the test cell, inspect test article for presence of FOD and install protective covers.


Field operations primarily involve scheduled modifications, inspection, care and maintenance of ramps, structures, runways and taxiways. WAC sweeps the ramp on a daily basis or as needed. Additionally: 1. The flightline ramp is inspected weekly. Repairs are done as necessary before tarmac FOD becomes an issue. 2. The WAC ramp is surrounded by a one foot wide reflective yellow painted line. All vehicles must come to a complete stop prior to driving across the yellow line into the flightline area. Once stopped, the operator shall check the vehicle tires for foreign objects before proceeding onto the flightline

143 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 30 FOD & Tool Control Instruction (WACI-412) 31 August 14 Page 14 of 15 3. Support equipment cleanliness – items used in and around aircraft must be FOD free and shall be inspected prior to movement. 4. Sweeper operators shall periodically check sweeper routes to assure the sweeper is operating correctly and the desired ramp cleanliness is being achieved. 5. Attendants, flight line workers and contractors shall be briefed and continually reminded of expectations related to foreign object damage and control. 6. Only approved vehicles requiring access to buildings on or around the flight line shall be issued a flightline pass which must be displayed hanging from the rear view mirror. All vehicles operating on the flightline will follow the traffic plan routes marked with reflective painted yellow lines (with directional arrows). 7. The FOD manager and flight line supervisors will conduct routine inspection of areas used by contractors, tenants, concessionaires for staging equipment, load/off-load, operations area.


All incidents of actual or potential FOD shall be reported and investigated. When a FOD incident occurs, operations should immediately cease and the FOD Manager notified so that an immediate investigation can be initiated to determine the cause. All necessary steps shall be taken so that the cause is determined and corrective actions implemented in a timely manner to preclude similar occurrences from happening in the future. The WAC FOD incident report format includes the following: Date Part name (nomenclature) Type and/or model Part serial number Part location When discovered Who discovered How discovered Narrative description of FO/FOD when analyzed who analyzed how analyzed Root cause Corrective action Reported by

144 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 30 FOD & Tool Control Instruction (WACI-412) 31 August 14 Page 15 of 15 If FOD incident is discovered after flight operations include the following in the incident report: Ground/flight maneuvers performed Taxi route Airports involved Aircrew contact phone number Time/sequence of events Weather/environment Abnormal operations These reports shall be directed to the WAC FOD Manager who will perform tracking and trending analysis. The FOD manager will also assure all affected personnel are aware of all potential/actual FOD incidents at the plant to facilitate FOD awarness. Other Reporting Requirements: When an incident occurs, the FOD Manager will notify the DCMA Aviation Program Team, Quality Assurance and the ACO. When a foreign object exists but cannot be eliminated, found or effectively sealed, the supervisor will identify, document and record all significant search activity in the appropriate aircraft paperwork. A “near mishap” is one where FOD incidents would have occurred had the event remained undetected. All employees are encouraged to document near mishap incidents so that they may be shared with all workers as an important part of feedback, awareness and lessons learned.

145 of 138 F33628-14-C-2115 F-13 FY15 Annual Year Buy Wildcat Aviation Section J - Attachment 34 Statement of Work for IPE Capable 8 August 14 Wiring for F-13G No. 129 Through 134 1. This work is required for adding additional wires to the existing wire bundles from the cockpit through the center fuselage to the 626.9 bulkhead. These wires would be incorporated in-station on production aircraft F-13 No. 129 through 134. To meet the in- station incorporated, Wildcat needs go-ahead no later than 27 Mar 15. This will allow the electrical engineering effort to be complete by 01 Jul 15. 1.1 The electrical wiring activity would be as follows: a. Add approximately twenty wires in the cockpit. b. Add two wires routing from the cockpit through the center fuselage to the left center/aft fuselage interface connector located at the 626 bulkhead. c. Add two wires routing from the cockpit through the center fuselage to the right center/aft fuselage interface connector located at the 626 bulkhead. d. Add one wire from the AIU No. 1 in the left hand forward fuselage to the left center/aft fuselage connector located at the 626 bulkhead. e. Add one wire from the AIU No. 1 in the left hand forward fuselage to the right center/aft fuselage interface connector located at the 626 bulkhead. f. Add four wires per side to the left and right center fuselage just forward of the 626 bulkhead from the existing AUX bus coupling transformers to the added coupling transformers. This will include the addition of one MS27467T11B35S connector per side. g. Add four wires per side from the two new coupling transformers to the existing 1553 AUX bus connectors at the left and right center/aft fuselage interface at the bulkhead. h. Revise one electrical installation drawing to show the added wiring to the new 1553 mux bus coupling transformers tied back to the wire bundle.

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