Agenda Reports Pack

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Agenda Reports Pack to 21 June 2010 Council Will meet on Wednesday 30 June 2010 at 7.00 pm in The Wave - Maryport Membership: Councillor Bob Hardon (Chairman) Councillor John Ardron Councillor John (Binky) Armstrong Councillor Carole Armstrong Councillor Bill Bacon Councillor Peter Bales Councillor Alan Barry Councillor Allan Caine Councillor Barbara Cannon Councillor John Colhoun Councillor John Crouch Councillor Michael Davidson Councillor Duncan Fairbairn Councillor Trevor Fee Councillor Ian Francis Councillor Miriam Gainford Councillor Jeffrey Gardner Councillor Chris Garrard Councillor Nicholas Hardy Councillor Tim Heslop Councillor Vaughan Hodgson Councillor Carl Holding Councillor Joe Holliday Councillor Ivor Humes Councillor Gerald Humes Councillor John Hunter Councillor Margaret Jackson Councillor William Jefferson Councillor Denstone Kemp Councillor Peter Kendall Councillor Angela Kendall Councillor Jim Lister Councillor Jean MacLeod Councillor Louise Maguire Councillor Anthony Markley Councillor Carni McCarron-Holmes Councillor Heather McIntosh Councillor Joe Milburn Councillor Stuart Moffat Councillor Jacqueline Mounsey Councillor Joe Mumberson Councillor Ron Munby Councillor Eric Nicholson Councillor Denis Robertson Councillor David Robinson Councillor Joe Sandwith Councillor George Scott Councillor Alan Smith Councillor Margaret Snaith Councillor Sam Standage Councillor Audrey Tinnion Councillor Alan Tyson Councillor David Wilson Councillor Martin Wood Councillor Janice Wood Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting. If you have any questions or queries contact Sarah Beattie on 01900 702554. Agenda 1. To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 19 May 2010 (Pages 1 - 10) 2. Apologies for absence 3. Declaration of interests Councillors/Staff to give notice of any personal or prejudicial interest and the nature of that interest relating to any item on the agenda in accordance with the adopted Code of Conduct. 4. Exclusion of the Press and Public To consider whether there are any items on the agenda for which the press and public should be excluded. 5. Questions To answer questions under Standing Orders No 15 and 17 either from Councillors or members of the public. 6. Notices of Motion To receive Notices of Motion. 7. Petition To receive and debate a petition from Cockermouth Chamber of Trade. 8. Mayor's Announcements (Pages 11 - 12) To consider the Mayors engagements since the last meeting. 9. Portfolio Holder Report s (Pages 13 - 22) To consider reports from Members of the Executive. 10. Executive Minutes (Pages 23 - 40) To note the contents of the minutes of the meetings of the Executive, held on 7 April 2010, 12 May 2010 and 9 June 2010. 11. Reference from Executive (12/05/10) - Local Governance and Partnership Strategy Report (Pages 41 - 74) 12. Reference from Executive (09/06/10) - Task Groups and Tribunals (Pages 75 - 82) 13. Reference from Standards Committee (24/05/10) - Annual Report (Pages 83 - 92) 14. Appointments to Outside Bodies for 2010/11 (Pages 93 - 96) 15. Review of the Constitution (Pages 97 - 322) 16. Chief Officer Panel (Pages 323 - 326) Chief Executive Date of next meeting Wednesday 11 August 2010 at 7.00 pm The Wave - Maryport This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 1 At a meeting of the Council held in The Wave - Maryport on Wednesday 19 May 2010 at 7.00 pm Members J Armstrong (Chairman) A Caine P G Kendall J Ardron A H Kendall C M Armstrong J Lister B Bacon J MacLeod P Bales A J Markley A L Barry C C McCarron-Holmes J I Colhoun H McIntosh J Crouch J H Milburn M Davidson S Moffat D S Fairbairn J M Mounsey T M Fee J Mumberson I W Francis R Munby M Gainford E Nicholson J Gardner D Robinson C Garrard J Sandwith R G Hardon G Scott N Hardy A Smith T Heslop M A Snaith V Hodgson S Standage C Holding A Tinnion J Holliday A Tyson I A Humes D Wilson J Hunter M G Wood W H Jefferson J Wood D J T Kemp Apologies for absence were received from Councillors B Cannon, G. Humes, C M Jackson, L G Lytollis, L Maguire and D Robertson Staff Present S Beattie, D Cattanach, H Dyke, J Elliott, A Harwood, C Holmes, D Martin, C Nicholson, S Owen and I Payne 1 Mayors Welcome The Mayor welcomed those present. 2 Suspension of Standing Orders The Mayor suspended standing orders to allow photographs to be taken during the proceedings. Page 1 3 Declaration of interests 14. Reference from Licensing Committee (21/04/10) - Table of Fares. Councillor Trevor Fee; Prejudicial; Due to members of his family being taxi drivers. 4 Mayor's Announcement The Mayor reviewed his year of office, and spoke of his most memorable moments. In particular, the Mayor recalled the three Royal visits to the area, Armed Forces Day and the many festivals and carnivals he had attended. The Mayor thanked those who had helped him over the past year, especially his wife Mara, the Deputy Mayor and the Mayors Secretary. Cheques for £3000 each were presented to Breast Cancer Research, Prostate Cancer Research and Great North Air Ambulance. The Mayor also made presentations of personal cheques to Hospice at Home West Cumbria (for £2000) and Knoxwood (£500). At last years AGM, the Mayor said that he hoped to find an artefact or collectable for the Borough, and was pleased to present the Chief Executive with a leather bound, handwritten log of the vessels that used Harrington Harbour between 1916 and 1928. The Mayor hoped that the book could be displayed in Harrington in the future. 5 Cheque Presentation Councillor Wilson presented Mr Dobie, the Chairman of Workington Reds with a cheque for £40,000 for improvements to the floodlights at their Borough Park ground. 6 Election of the Mayor for the forthcoming year Nominations were invited for the election of Mayor for the ensuing year. Councillor Milburn proposed that Councillor B Hardon be elected Mayor of the Borough for the ensuing year 2010/11. This was seconded by Councillor Davidson. Councillor Milburn said that Councillor Hardon was well known as an active and dedicated Councillor, and praised his service to the people of Allerdale. Councillor Hardon had first been elected to Allerdale Borough Council in 1975, and after a short break was re-elected in 1993. He was also the chairman of Stainburn Residents Association, and served on Workington Town Council. Resolved – That Councillor B Hardon be elected Mayor of the Borough for the ensuing year 2010/11. Councillor Hardon took the declaration of acceptance of office and assumed the Chair. He thanked Councillors for electing him to the office of Mayor. Page 2 7 Presentation to the Outgoing Mayor Councillor Hardon presented the outgoing Mayor, Councillor J Armstrong, and the outgoing Mayoress, Mrs M Armstrong, with a badge of office. 8 Election of the Deputy Mayor for the forthcoming year Nominations were invited for the appointment of Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year. Councillor Heslop proposed that Councillor S Moffat be elected Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year 2010/11. This was seconded by Councillor Scott. Councillor Heslop said that Councillor Moffat had first been elected to Allerdale Borough Council in 2004, and had served as a member of the Executive between 2007 and 2009. He had been a member of Aikton Parish Council for 11 years, and had been chair for the last 3 years. Councillor Moffat also sat on the Boards of Derwent and Solway Housing Association and Age Concern. Resolved – That Councillor Moffat be elected Deputy Mayor for the Borough for the forthcoming year 2010/11. Councillor Moffat thereupon received the chain of office and took the declaration of acceptance of office. The Deputy Mayor thanked Councillors for electing him to the office of Deputy Mayor. Mrs C Moffat was presented with the chain of office of Deputy Mayoress. 9 Speech of the incoming Mayor Councillor Hardon, newly elected Mayor of the Borough thanked Councillors for his election and Councillor Armstrong and his wife Mara for their help and support over the last year. During his year of office, the Mayor hoped to ensure all Councillors worked together for the benefit of Allerdale, and promised to undertake his duties as Mayor to the best of his ability. 10 Questions Councillor J MacLeod asked the following question : ‘In these days of economic straightened circumstances throughout Britain, it is remarkably heartening to learn that leading so very admirably by example, our newly formed Coalition Government Cabinet has volunteered to reduce their allowances by 5%. Could the Executive of Allerdale Borough Council also demonstrate their own commitment to personal pecuniary reduction by following the fine example set by central Government and surrender 5% or more of their not ungenerous wages? ' Councillor Heslop replied as follows : ‘Thank you for your question. I too welcome the new cabinet’s decision, however I am unwilling to ask the Executive to take a reduction in their allowances. This Council didn’t accept the Independent Remuneration Panel’s Page 3 recommendations of an increase in allowances of 2.5% in October 2008 and 1% in October 2009, and that coupled with inflation at 3.7% means that in real terms they have actually taken a cut. In addition Executive members under the current scheme, are not able to claim mileage expenses for meetings that fall within their portfolio responsibilities. The Independent Remuneration Panel will meet again at the end of this year, and all members will be given the opportunity to make representations to them, and their recommendations will again come to this Council for agreement.’ 11 Notices of Motion None received. 12 To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 21 April 2010 The minutes of the meeting held on 21 April 2010 were signed as a correct record.
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