Staff Training

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 1 Personnel

1. Personnel Programme 2. Employee Recruitment 3. Employee Interviewing, Evaluation ………….. 4. Employee Orientation 5. Checklist For “Physical” Orientation Of New Examples 6. How To Train 7. Employee Training 8. Job Description

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 2 Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 Hiring Orientation Training The Hot Line To Decreased Turnover and Increased Productivity

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 3 1. Personnel Programme The hiring of unqualified employees is not an “Oops, sorry about that” mistake that can be corrected quickly and easily with no harm done. The unscientific selection of unqualified employees is a major cause of “high employee turnover” which devours employees at a yearly rate that is incredibly costly and wasteful. How costly and wasteful is turnover? Taking into account such factors as: T Training costs are higher R Rate of accidents and time lost is higher O Outrageous waste and spoilage of food U Unbelievable costs in equipment repairs B Burdensome absenteeism L Loss of customers E Employee morale is low S Shortages It costs your restaurant a minimum of £120 for every hourly employee who is turned over during the year, whether they work one day or one month. When you put all of these eight factors together, they spell one thing – TROUBLES; troubles for the unqualified person who should have never been hired; troubles for their fellow workers who have to bear the burden of their absences and errors; troubles for the customers who get the poor food and service that unqualified employees provide. But most of all, these factors spell TROUBLES for the unfortunate manager who is constantly amazed by the poor caliber of his employees, until they quit or are let go, then blindly hires replacements who are just as unqualified and will be just as dissatisfied as their predecessors. In other words, the one who suffers the most is the manager who still selects his employees by “eenie- meenie-minee-moe” methods.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 4 Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 2. Employee Recruitment

Five Basic Rules for Employee Recruiting Rule 1 Be Specific

Accurate specifications screen unqualified applicants. Rule 2 Make Recruiting Continuous

Today’s prospecting fills tomorrow’s jobs. Rule 3 Use Appropriate Methods

Appropriate recruitment methods attract the applicants you want. Rule 4 Keep Programme Competitive

The business that sells itself best gets the best. Rule 5 Use Variety of Sources and Techniques i.e. present employees and friends, private and public employment agencies, schools organisations and job files. The manager who has several applicants to choose from has a much better chance of hiring the “right” individual for the job than the manager who has only one. This is why it is well worth the time and effort it takes to develop a planned programme of employee recruitment which will provide for tomorrow’s needs as well as todays. Here are four basic rules to follow when setting up an employee recruitment programme for your restaurant. Rule 1: Be Specific Each manager must develop an accurate set of job specifications that will give an accurate picture of the basic requirements of each job within his restaurant. Using the general requirement portion of the enclosed job description, these specifications are easily arrived at. Now is the proper time to mention the fact that we hire individuals for specific job vacancies (i.e. grill man, fry man etc.) rather than general vacancies which will give us the right number of people; i.e. we have a new grill man, not just the sixth man for the supper hour rush. Remember hire for a specific job and then cross train. If you have further questions consult the Restaurant Operations Manual.

Rule 2: Make Recruiting a Continuous Process An active file of prospective employees enables you to quickly fill any vacancy when it does occur. This will eliminate the pressure of having to hire the first “body” that walks through the door just because you are shorthanded. For additional information on retention of applications, consult the Operations Manual.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 5 Rule 3: Use Appropriate Media and Sources The appropriate media and sources of your unit would be the one(s) which give you the largest selection of applications to choose from. Here are several examples of media which have proven productive to our management in the past. 1. Community Newspapers 2. Telephone 3. Bulletin Boards 4. Radio 5. Employment Office 6. Job Applicant File It should be noted that any media will lose its effectiveness if used for a prolonged period of time. For this reason, it is not advisable to consistently use only one media diversify. Here are a few proven sources of acceptable employees: 1. Local vocational-technical schools; contact the guidance department 2. Local high schools; contact the guidance departments and ask about a “work-study” type of program. 3. Local organisations: scout groups, YMCA, churches, Chamber of Commerce etc. 4. Local colleges; contact the guidance department. 5. Existing good employees and their friends; this possibly is your best source

Rule 4: Keep your program competitive It stands to reason that the business that does the best and the most consistent job of selling its attractions and advantages is the business that is going to recruit the best and the most applicants. Your reputation as a manager will determine the quality of employee who will work for you. After following these four basic rules, there are then qualities you should look for in each applicant: 1. Availability – will the applicant be willing and able to work the hours you need him. Do not forget to ask about his method of transportation to and from work. 2. Punctuality – stress the fact that he or she should be ready to work at the time schedules. 3. Wages – leave no questions unanswered; make sure your starting wage is acceptable to the applicant. 4. Appearance and Hygiene – does the applicant measure up to our standards, do not forget haircuts, fingernails, etc. 5. Physical Ability – all applicants should be considered from the angle of physical stamina, co-ordination and basic skills (consider the health and safety factors). 6. Initiative – will be applicant take pride in his work and do his best to make the unit run smoothly and efficiently. 7. Team Spirit – will be applicant be able to work well with other employees in your unit. 8. Willingness to be trained – it is better to hire an inexperienced employee and train him in your methods, than to hire an experienced employee and have to break his old habits before you can even start to train him. 9. Honesty – self-evident, can be checked through an employee’s reference. 10. Attitude – after evaluating all of the above qualifications, look closely at that intangible quality called – Attitude. Without a healthy, positive attitude, all of the other nine qualifications are meaningless.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 6 Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 3. Interviewing, Evaluating And Rating Of Applicants

Below are five keys to helping you conduct a better job interview and questions you can ask candidates to keep them on their toes:

Do your homework You expect the candidate to walk in to your office with some knowledge of who your company is and what it is you do, right? It’s in your best interest to prepare for the interview as well. Going into the interview, you should have already studied the candidate you are about to meet face-to-face. The least you could do is to become familiar with his or her resume, cover letter, and any other materials that were submitted to you for consideration of the job. Before the interview is also the appropriate time to Google your candidate to see if anything interesting pops up. You should also find out if they have a MySpace or Facebook page, and if so, what type of content appears on those pages. You might find something that does not mix with your culture or morals. Or, you might be pleasantly surprised as a candidate relives the days spent saving the whales, if you’re into to that sort of stuff, too. The benefit of doing your homework beforehand is that you don’t waste too much of your interview time going through these materials together. You come in to the interview with questions or comments on their experience, background, work, and can spend the entire interview getting to know more about the real candidate, and not who they are on paper. Some interesting icebreakers to kick off the interview are: • “How about those (insert local sports team here)?” • “What do you think about this weather, huh?” • “Did you have any problem finding the place?”

Don’t Rush to Judgment So often we base our opinion on someone by their appearance or the impression we get of that candidate within the first few minutes of meeting them. The problem with this is that it clouds our heads, and if your first impression is not a favourable one, it is an uphill climb for the candidate without them even knowing it. Stop doing this! When a candidate enters your office for a job interview do whatever it takes to not form an immediate opinion of them. If it helps, say to yourself that you believe this candidate to be a certain way and then flush this out of your head any way you know how. Give the candidate a clean slate and let their talents and qualifications (or lack thereof) form your opinion. You don’t want to blow off a potential top talent because his or her appearance reminds you of a neighbour you didn’t like when growing up. A few good secondary questions to ask now are: • “Tell me about your last job.” • “Tell me about a time when you did something that was a huge success.” • “Why did you become a (insert title of position here) in the first place?”

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 7 Study Behaviour Asking behavioural questions requires candidates to draw upon their background and experiences to describe how they used skills that are relevant to your position. Their resume may be filled with “I’m a team player”, “Organised”, “Multi-Tasking”, and “Born Leader”, but anyone can include this on their resume. Asking questions that force candidates to speak about these traits enables you to discover whether or not they do in fact possess them. Be sure to ask plenty of these questions right in the middle of the interview and score your candidates on how quickly they respond and the amount of tap dancing they do. But be careful – if it sounds too rehearsed then chances are it is. Behavioural questions to ask: • “Tell me about a time when you took charge of a situation and made something positive happen.” • “Describe a situation when you were given a tight deadline to perform, and tell me how you managed to get it all done.” • “Talk about when you had to deal with a co-worker that was hard to get along with. How did you get along with them?”

Change Things Up You’re past the halfway point of conducting a better job interview, so now is the time to get a little bit crazy. Ask the candidate a question that has no right or wrong answer. It could be why the sky is blue or why grass is green? It could even be why do worms not have eyes? Whatever your question, judge your candidate on how well they answer and if they are thrown for a curve or not. If they stay on the ball and answer as if it was expected then you have a pretty sharp candidate sitting across from you. Even if they laugh a bit at first but manage to form a pretty good answer, you know you have someone who can improvise and react to situations. If they stumble about and seem completely flustered, you have to wonder about the candidate’s ability to respond to pressure seeing as the candidate has a hard time speaking off the cuff. Remember, these questions are not meant to derive a correct answer. The purpose is only to gauge the candidate’s reaction to a tricky situation. Great abstract questions to ask: • “If nothing ever sticks to a non-stick pan, then how do they make non-stick stick to the pan?” • “Can a fish drown?” • “Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?”

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 8 Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 Maintain a Consistent Evaluation Process Just because you’ve concluded your face-to-face job interview, doesn’t mean the process is over. Go back and examine the answers to your questions and score these answers against a guide that makes it easy for you to judge. This guide needs to be somewhat flexible as there is not an exact answer for qualitative data, but you can form a set of guidelines for what the ideal answer would be. Having a set guide makes it easier for you to fairly judge each candidate’s response and select a candidate that fits your company’s needs. You should be well on your way to making a better hire after following these five steps for conducting a better interview. The interview portion of our hiring procedure is that portion in which the applicant and the interviewer (manager) meet face to face to try to answer two questions: 1. Will be applicants satisfy the job requirements? 2. Will the job satisfy the applicant’s requirements? Keeping these two questions in mind, the manager should have two basic objectives throughout the interview: 1. To get information from the applicant. 2. To give information to the applicant. Here are five simple steps involved in conducting an effective employee interview: 1. Be prepared Learn as much as possible about the applicant prior to the interview. This can best be done by thoroughly reading his application prior to the actual interview. When reading, give special attention to:work experience, age, signs of attitude, neatness and dates (are there any unexplained gaps). After you have gone over the application, write down specific questions which you want to ask each applicant that will help you obtain additional information to your clarification of the application. 2. Get applicant talking Ask questions which begin with: who, what where, when and how. Pause between questions, give the applicant an opportunity to think about his answer and add to it if he likes. Avoid questions which can be answered by a “Yes” and “No”. During this portion of the interview the applicant should do about 85% of the talking and interviewer 15%. Here are two NEVERS: a. Never argue with an applicant. b. Never interrupt an applicant during the interview. 3. Get complete and accurate information Use previously prepared and necessary personal questions. Keep digging and keep listening. a. Goals – ask about: why he is seeking this job, what are his plans for the future, and how does this job fit in? b. Education – ask about it: grades, activities, sports, plans for more education etc. c. Military – ask about duties, ever reduced in rank, ever had court martial or corporal punishment, reason for any odd period of service such as two months. d. Former employers – have applicant explain all gaps. Do dates make sense? Ask about: reasons for leaving, specifically why, boss’s name (help in checking references). If presently employed, ask if you may check references; a person fresh out of prison can say “Don’t check, I’m still employed”. e. Arrests – ask about: driver’s license ever suspended, or any other details. f. Physical record – explore any illnesses or injuries which could affect the job. g. Personal references – ask about: how person is known, in case of teenager, replace ‘friends’ with names of teachers, principal or minister.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 9 4. Give complete and accurate information During the initial portion of the interview you should try to put the applicant at ease by giving a brief picture of the job he is being considered for along with a brief run down on Showboat (be sure not to try to sell the job to the applicant; this makes a turn down extremely difficult). After you have gained enough information from the applicant to decide that he is a good prospect, you should give him more detailed information, i.e. salary, work schedule, to insure that they meet his requirements. 5. Evaluate and rating The evaluating and rating of an applicant is the last stop in the employment interview. This is the difficult balancing process that goes on in an interviewer’s mind when he tries to weigh and judge the information and impression he has accumulated. It is an extremely difficult process because the interviewer is attempting to evaluate a complexity of attitude, aptitudes and abilities that have been developed over the applicant’s entire lifetime. And even with the most scientific methods of psychological testing, the human personality is much too complicated for easy analysis and snap judgements, which is why many personnel experts say that “The interpretation of interview data is more an art than a science”. This means that the interviewer’s picture of an applicant is more likely to be based on impressions and intuitions than on strictly factual data. And since there is not a way to eliminate thispersonalisation , there is no point in objecting to it. IF the interviewer gives full consideration to all the facts available and IF he knows enough about his job to avoid the common errors of interpretation described as follows: a. Halo effect – this means that the interviewer’s overall impression of the applicant (favourable or unfavourable) is based on a few outstanding characteristics. For example, an interviewer might give an applicant a favourable halo because he is neat, well-groomed and well-spoken, without considering that these are also the characteristics of a good confident man. b. Over-generalisation- this is a similar interpretative error in which the interviewer builds an unwarranted general assumption on a single piece of evidence. For instance, if he learns that an applicant reacted aggressively to one person, in one situation, and on one occasion, he may assume that the applicant will react in the same way on all occasions and is too aggressive, or domineering, for the job. This may or may not be the case. The point is the interviewer should get further evidence to support such an assumption before he accepts it. c. Expectations – this refers to the unwarranted expectations that are based on information reviewed before the interview, or at its beginning. For example, an interviewer may be impressed initially by the schools an applicant attended, or by the fact that he has an Ivy League ‘look’ and may expect him to be something he is not. These early expectations make it difficult to conduct an objective interview. d. Projection – in this case, the interviewer projects his own background, personality and social status into the job’s requirements. If applicants fail to measure up to these personal standards, he feels they are not qualified. The interviewer who makes this error tends to hire employees who run to type (his type) without realising that several different types of people are needed to run a business. e. Weaknesses – an excessive fear of weaknesses in an applicant is another all-too-human error that should be avoided when evaluating and rating him. In this case the interviewer is so concerned with the weaknesses that he pays no attention to the applicant’s compensating strengths, or good points. As a result, he is apt to hire people who are pretty mediocre. f. Verbal fluency – an applicant’s verbal fluency or the lack of it, can be a contributing factor in making interpretive errors. Some interviewers are too greatly impressed by good talkers. Others are too greatly impressed by the strong and silent type. Best way to minimise these premature impressions is to concentrate on what the applicant is saying rather than on how he is saying it. g. Over-qualification – most unexpected of the common errors is over-qualification! This is apt to occur when an interviewer looks for qualifications that greatly exceed the job’s requirements. For example, a college degree from an applicant who is applying for a janitor’s job. The danger here is that a person whose qualifications are greatly superior to his job’s requirements may become frustrated and dissatisfied which is just what the interviewer is trying to avoid.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 10 Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 A Positive Approach To Applicant Appraisal It is easier to describe the errors that should be avoided in the evaluation and rating of an applicant than it is to suggest a positive approach to his appraisal. However, one of the more elementary steps an interviewer should take in that direction is to summarise the information and impressions he has gained from the interview under several predetermined categories. For example, physical appearance, personality, emotional maturity etc. Next step in the appraisal would be to check the summaries against the job’s specifications, at which point the interviewer tries to decide if the applicant CAN DO the job or if they WILL DO it The CAN DO decision is comparatively simple since it is based on such specific material as the applicant’s appearance and capacity on information gained from checks with previous employers and on the results of any tests he has taken. As previously pointed out, it is more difficult to decide if the applicantWILL DO what he CAN DO. However, it is generally agreed that one of the best ways to predict what an applicant WILL DO is to find out what heHAS DONE. And after the interview is over, the interviewer should have a fairly complete picture of the applicant’s background.

The interviewer can interpret this background information in the light of previous experience with employees who had the same backgrounds. Not his own experience, necessarily, but the accumulated experience of a number of other employers in the same business. He can also interpret background information through an understanding of the character traits and motivations that are needed to make an employeeWILLING TO DO what he CAN DO.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 11 4. Employee Orientation The purpose of this employee orientation program is two-fold: 1. To make our new employee feel at ease at his new job and strange surroundings 2. To provide the new employee with all the necessary information he needs to become effective in this new job in as short a period of time as possible. To simplify the manager’s role in new employee orientations we recommend that all new employees be scheduled to go through their orientation phase of training on one specific day of each week (normally Tuesday would be the best day to set aside). There are two reasons for conducting all your orientation on one day: 1. It enables the manager to adjust his schedule so as to ensure that another member of management or an adequate staff of experienced help will be present to operationally run the unit while the manager devotes his full energy to conducting the orientation. 2. By only conducting one (possibly two in a case where you have new people coming in on both the day and night shifts) orientation programs per week the manager will no longer find himself in a position where he is giving four or five orientations a week – it will save you time (your biggest asset). Keep in mind that orientation is defined as helping a person get his bearings, find out where he is, what he is supposed to do, where he is going, and who he works with. As we mentioned earlier, our goal, in orientating new employees is to make them contributing members of our Company. Generally, an employee’s longest lasting impression comes from his experience during his first twenty-four hours on the job. In looking at the first twenty-four hours from the employee’s point of view, three things deserve mention: 1. The individual who comes into a new situation is generally uneasy and does not know what to really expect; yet he is very eager to learn and has a genuine and sincere desire to succeed. 2. Hiring the new worker is only one half of the hiring job. It is essential that the new employee know all about your organisation, your policies, the job, fringe benefits, standards of performance and rules. 3. Continued and productive employment depends upon the mutual satisfaction developed between the employee and you, the employer. Here are the basic ingredients of a good orientation: i. Welcome to the job. ii. Get acquainted with each other. iii. Present company history, background etc. iv. Show orientation film and handouts. v. Tell about standards of quality: • Products • Expected performance • Care of equipment • Uniforms, personal appearance vi. Explain that they can do the job (remove mental fear): • Show and explain job description. • Review training films, hand-outs, OJT. • Quizzes, if learner did not learn, teacher did not teach. • Willingness to answer questions etc. vii. Complete paperwork for enrolment on payroll etc. • Application (should be completed prior to this), P45 if necessary. Others as necessary

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 12 Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 viii. Physical orientation: • When to report to work, schedules. • What to wear. • Where to park car or bicycle. • How to enter and leave building. • Who to report to. • Where the time clock is and how to use it. • Where to obtain a uniform. • Locker facilities. • Where to obtain supplies and equipment. • “Break” and eating policies. • Personal phone calls. • Pay day; time and place. • Where to call if late or absent. ix. Introduce them to the job x. Answer any questions the new employee might have on any of the areas covered up to this point. xi. Manager and employees should then initial and sign the orientation checklist xii. Commence training; follow the four steps to training using all the aids possible: • Prepare employee, explain job importance. • Present the job, tell and show. • Have him do the job, tell back. • Follow up. • Use films, pictures, demonstrate, explain, question and answer bulletin boards etc. Reviewing and discussing these points with a new employee should accomplish three objectives: 1. Present a clear picture to the person of what is expected of him and what he, in turn, can expect of you. 2. Give him an understanding of, and an identification with your restaurant. 3. Make the new person feel at home and that he is needed; this will eliminate the “new job blues”. Good orientation should be the first step to building employee satisfaction and ensure an employee’s retention in the restaurant and success on the job.

Steps In “Mental” Orientation Of New Employees 1. Welcome them to job and show where it fits on organisation chart. 2. Convince them they can handle job. 3. Tell them they will get on the job help and will be expected to ask questions. 4. Convince them they will get along with co-workers. 5. Sell them on job benefits and company prospects and products. 6. Give them information required for immediate “physical” orientation. 7. Give them friendly (ice-breaking) introduction to co-workers. 8. Give them planned introduction to the job and four step training program.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 13 5. Checklist For “Physical” Orientation Of New Employees Tell them or show them: • What forms to sign for payroll and insurance. • When to report to work. • What to wear for work. • Where to park their car. • How to enter and leave the building. • Who to report to. • Where to find time clock. • Where to pick up uniforms. • Where to find locker and rest rooms • Where to get supplies and equipment. • Where to start work. • When and where to have lunch. • Where to smoke, not smoke, make personal phone calls. • When to finish shifts • How to figure overtime • When and where to pick up pay cheque (and get it cashed) • Where to call if late or absent

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 14 Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 6. How To Get Ready To Train Prepare a Training Plan Essential part of job – training to be done, by whom – how – WHEN Prepare a Job Breakdown List important steps and key points. Have everybody ready The right materials, supplies and necessary equipment.

6. 1 How To Train Step 1 Prepare the employee for instructions. Put them at ease. Explain the job and its importance. Get them interested in learning job.

Step 2 Present the job. Follow your breakdown. Explain and demonstrate one step at a time, tell why and how. Stress key points. Instruct clearly and patiently. Give everything you will want back but no more.

Step 3 Try out performance. Have them do the job. Correct errors and omissions as they make them, encourage them. Get back everything you gave them in Step 2. Continue until you know they know.

Step 4 Follow through. Put them on their own. Encourage questions. Check frequently. Let them know how they are doing.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 15 The Showboat operation can only be as good as the training within the operation. To effectively train, we first need to know what our training needs are as a corporation. Secondly we need to create the ability within ourselves as Training Managers to recognise the training needs for individuals within our training programme. Some of the symptoms of training needs might be: 1. Increase in complaints 2. Increase in grievances 3. High turnover 4. Lack of professional attitude 5. Lack of self-confidence These all lead to loss of time, money and effort. As a Training Manager you have to know what should be happening with your trainees. Establish high standards for yourself and your trainees, and communicate these standards to your trainees. What should be happening: Standards for Correct job T Complete job R Communicate standards A I N I N G

N E E What is happening D Actual performance S Attitude To bring this analogy closer to your actual training, use the trainee as the focal point. To determine any gaps in his training, the two point performance appraisal is an effective tool.

First Point – Formal Appraisal • Evaluate performance in relation to goals. • Relate to trainee how you see his performance over entire measurement period. • Talk with them about training they may need to upgrade their performance.

Second Point – Informal Appraisal • Evaluate trainee performance in meeting short – range goals. • Correct any bad habits. • Provide continuing on the job training. To train effectively, a trainer has to learn about learning. Learning is a change in the learner’s behavior. How can we tell if the trainee is learning? Simply by observing the things he does differently as compared to how he did them before the learning. The logical sequence in learning is to provide the learner with step – by – step or progressive learning opportunities. Build upon what he already knows. Training and learning is basically the same. Training is deliberate and intentional method of enabling someone to learn. It is important as a Training Manager to let the Trainee know why he is in a training session and what he, hopefully, will learn. That’s the importance of your orientation to them.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 16 Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 So – How do you train? Let’s develop the “4 Step” sure- fire training method.

First Step – Prepare the Trainee Be friendly, put them at ease. Find out all you can about them. From this you will be able to determine their training needs

Second Step – Presentation Include explanation, demonstration, and practice each step. Prepare yourself – know your material. KISS principle.

Third Step – Performance Try-out Your role at this point is more like a coach than an instructor. You are helping them to gain skill in their job. Remember, you want to do more than just instruct, you are training them to do the job efficiently.

Fourth Step – The Follow-up This step begins when you feel that the trainee was given enough knowledge to operate on their own. It is not the end of their training, nor of your responsibility. Do not let the trainee down! You are the expert and they know it. You must be available to re-direct and to help re-establish the trainee’s goals.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 17 7. Employee Training All members of the management team should be able to successfully train their hourly employees, if they take the basic materials that are given to them and adapt them to their own unit, their own personality, and the personalities of their employees. His own individuality is the most important thing that a manager can use in training, and it is one of the most important things he can pass on to his employees. A good manager will face his responsibilities of training those employees working in his unit. If hefeels inadequate or uninformed, he will gather the tolls and information necessary to give him the knowledge he himself must have before training others. There are nine basic points which the manager should be aware of, prior to undertaking an in-unit training program: 1. Training is not a formal exercise with a beginning and an end; something to be done because it is a necessary evil, and a relief when finished. Formal training sessions covering a prescribed time period are necessary, especially with new employees; informal training on a day-to-day basis is equally important. 2. Training involves people; the manager and his employees. A feeling of empathy, understanding and co- operation must filter down from the manager, a feeling of respect, loyalty and co-operation must filter up from the employees. 3. A training program is only as good as the manager makes it. If he does not believe in it or enforce it, he cannot expect employees to believe in it and follow it. 4. Criticism is only one side of the coin – praise is the other. The manager must know how to offer both, since one is as necessary as the other if training is to be successful. 5. There can be no such thing as (a) half-trained employees or (b) training of only half the staff. Every employee must be completely trained and retrained if necessary, in order to be thoroughly familiar with all duties and responsibilities. 6. It is never safe to assume that any employee is trained when he is hired, even if he has previous experience in food service work. Each manager has, or should have, his own systems for work, and each new employee should be trained to follow the systems, unlearning, if necessary, previous work patterns. 7. The “natural born” employee is a myth. While it is certainly true that some people, by virtue of their personalities and attitudes, adapt themselves more easily to food service than others, basic training methods and procedures are vital in presenting a uniform image by all employees to the customers. 8. Training is the manager’s unique responsibility. He may delegate portions of the training program to someone else but the end result are a combination of what he has done himself and what he has trained others to do. 9. Remember, you are always training someone to do something. Your every word and deed will be exemplified, amplified, copied, and handed onto all your employees. “What you do speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you are saying”, is an old proverb full of truth. Training, as mentioned before, is not a necessary evil, but simply necessary. Any manager who does not admit its necessity is inviting trouble, if not disaster. However, even managers who do attempt to train employees often do so without keeping in mind the goals to be achieved through training. Without knowing the results to be expected, a manager can find himself wasting time and pursuing unproductive courses. By pin pointing his objectives, the manager can conserve time and more clearly and accurately convey to an employee the methods he is to use, as well as his specific areas of responsibility.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 18 Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 Seven of the main goals to be achieved through training are: 1. To increase profit, through increased check averages and customer count. 2. To save time, conserve labour, and increase productivity. 3. To eliminate job and work duplication. 4. To ensure customer satisfaction. 5. To create a pleasant and productive atmosphere within the unit. 6. To bring the unit and its employees as close as possible to the standards specified in the Manual of Restaurant Operators. 7. To guarantee that all employees know and follow the rules for service, sanitation, appearance and work techniques with the unit. In defining the word TRAINING, the Oxford Dictionary uses three key words: to instruct, to discipline, to educate Very concisely, these are the three areas of responsibility which the manager has in training members of his staff. All three areas are co-equal in importance; one is of little value without the other two. Any manager can instruct his employees. It is a fairly simple job to read off a job specification to a person or to say “Here is what you are expected to do”. It is a little more difficult to tell the employee, not only what he must do, but also why and how he must do it. Finally, it is even more difficult, and also important, to follow through and check that the employee is following instructions, and to apply discipline when it is needed. Yet all three things must be done if training is to be successful. Do managers neglect training? YES, unfortunately, many do. But in the Quality Revolution which has come no manager can afford to any longer.

The following is an explanation of the basic four step method of training:

STEP 1: PREPARE THE EMPLOYEE FOR INSTRUCTION (a) Put the trainee at ease Relieve them of anything that may be worrying them. The trainee may be worried about how you are going to handle him, whether his performance will suit you or meet the Company’s expectation. Prove by what you say and do that nothing is expected of him that he cannot learn to do with reasonable effort, and that you are interested in only one thing – that is, to help make his work easier and more effective. (b) Explain the job and its importance Make sure that the trainee understands the importance of his job. When the trainee sees his job in relation to the whole picture, he becomes much more interested in learning to do the job the right way. (c) Create interest Do not take it for granted that the trainee is interested in what you want to teach him just because it is part of his job and he gets paid for it. You can be sure of the trainee’s interest only when you make him realise that it will be to his personal advantage to learn to do, and do well, it is your job to teach him. The trainee will improve his ability to do a job, his ability to make a living. He will be able to do his work more easily and more effectively. That means progress and success for him. The greater the trainee’s interest, the easier your job of training will be.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 19 STEP 2: PRESENT THE JOB – TELL AND SHOW HIM (a) Use job breakdowns Select from a job description the tasks to be learned. Whenever you attempt to train a person in a new task, identify the various key points of the given task from the beginning to the end. This will keep you on track and ensure economical and efficient instruction as you teach each point in its proper order. It also gives a natural flow to the events which makes the task easier to learn. (b) Explain and demonstrate one step at a time Do not throw the book at the trainee. Take him along one step at a time and he will learn the job much more quickly and satisfactorily. (c) Stress key points People must be told what the job is, how it is to be done, and why it is to be done that specific way. In doing this, stick to key points. Do not waste time on unimportant details. A person’s capacity to absorb and retain is limited. If your teaching is cluttered with a lot of unimportant facts, you will make it harder for the trainee to get and hold the important points. (d) Do not tell too much at one time Telling too much at one time is teaching too fast. If you do that you will not teach at all. Tell him only what he can absorb. Stick to facts – anything else is misleading and time consuming. (e) Use simple language The purpose of language is to make yourself understood. Big or unusual words, or technical terms, may make some people think you are smart, but they will not help get over your ideas. Plain talk is best for that. (f) Do not do all the talking People learn more from a discussion than they do from a lecture – and a discussion is a two way affair. People do more thinking during a discussion and they learn better when they think. Make the trainee think by giving him problems to solve and questions to answer. Do that and you will not be able to do all the talking. (g) Set a high standard When a trainee watches you do something, he regards your performance not only as a demonstration of how to do it, but also as an example of how well to do it. You cannot expect a trainee to do a first-class job after you have given a second class demonstration. Your work always sets the standard and that standard will govern the quality of the trainee’s work after you leave him. This applies to everything you do, to your attitude toward your work, to the hour you get on the job, the time you take for lunch and the time you quit. (h) Give reasons for methods or procedures The more a person understands about why a thing is done or why it is done a certain way, the quicker they will learn to do it. Things that have meaning are always learned more easily and remembered longer. This applies to the “telling” as well as the “showing” part of training. (i) Show one thing at the time In the “showing” part of training as well as in all other parts, concentrate as much as possible on one point until the trainee has learned to do it well. If, for instance, you are teaching a person to sell a product, or teaching a clerk to make out specific forms, make that your principle objective until the trainee has learned how to do it. Do not try to teach everything in the book at one time. It cannot be done. (j) Give everything you will want back, but no more Do not tell the trainee everything you know about the job. Give him just those points the needs to do the job right. Any more than that will result in confusion and additional instruction which, in turn, means wasted time and effort.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 20 Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 STEP 3: TRYOUT PERFORMANCE (a) Have the trainee do the job We learn, not from listening or from watching, but from doing – hence, the importance of having a trainee actually perform the job. Furthermore, by doing the job right the trainee builds his self-confidence, and self-confidence is necessary for successful performance. One way to be sure that the trainee will succeed is to start him on simple, easy things, and gradually work toward the more difficult jobs. (b) Have the trainee tell you the why and the how and make sure that he can stress the key points Make sure that the trainee clearly understands how the job is to be done and the reason for doing it your way. You test his understanding by having him stress the key points when performing the job for you. (c) Correct errors and omissions as he makes them, keeping the following points in mind: 1. Avoid criticism Nobody likes to be criticised, but most people want to learn. Therefore, avoid criticism in the sense of “bawling out” a person for having done something wrong. Instead, show the trainee how he could have done it better. When you do that, correction becomes instruction. Done that way, it is a friendly, helpful act, and not the belittling and irritating thing that criticism usually is. 2. Compliment before you correct Always find something on which to compliment the trainee before you correct him. It will make him more receptive to your correction. Make sure, however, that the compliment is sincere. 3. Let the trainee correct himself This is the best of all correcting techniques. A criticism or correction is never a pleasant experience. Instinctively we do not like it, even though we know it will do us good. By proper handling, the unpleasantness of a correction can be reduced to a very low point. When, however, the trainee is induced to correct himself, the factor of unpleasantness is almost entirely eliminated. Therefore, make it a rule, first, to compliment, and then to ask the trainee if he can think of anything he could have done that would have made his performance better. If he cannot think of anything, you will, of course, have to make a suggestion. 4. Do not overdo correcting Correction is like seasoning. A little goes a long way and too much spoils the dish. Good trainers exercise restraint in the correcting step of their work. They know that if they correct every little thing a trainee does not do quite right, they will make him nervous, they will damage his self-confidence, and instead of being a help, their corrections will be annoying and harmful. It is easy to overdo correcting, so watch yourself carefully in this respect. 5. Do not correct in front of others This is the worst kind of criticism. It is embarrassing and demoralising. It must never be done. 6. Do not be too quick to blame the trainee If he does not do something right, the fault may lie in your method of teaching. Bear in mind the saying, “If the employee hasn’t learned, the instructor hasn’t taught”.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 21 (d) Encourage the trainee Compliments are an essential part of teaching. They encourage learning. A sincere compliment gives the learner the experience of success. This builds self-confidence and self-confidence is necessary if a man is to persist in his effort to learn. Therefore, compliment freely, but do not overdo it. Use judgement. Space compliments so they will serve as a steady support of the trainee’s morale, so that he will maintain his self-confidence. There must be, however, good basis all for all compliments. A compliment without good reason cannot be sincere. It will be flattery, and flattery fools very few people. A man does not have to do a perfect job to deserve a compliment. Improvement or progress, even though slight, is a basis for a sincere compliment. An employee can be complimented also for having tried hard even though he may have made little or no progress. Be prompt with your compliments (or corrections). Make them immediately following the trainee’s performance. Do not do it an hour later or the next day. Do it while it is “hot”. It is especially important to compliment a person at the end of the day, it sends him home with the feeling of success. It makes him feel also, that you were of help and that working with you is worthwhile. When appropriate, compliment a man in front of his boss. This does a lot to build a spirit of mutual confidence and team work. (e) Get back everything you gave him in STEP 2 Make sure when the trainer repeats your instructions that he does so completely and accurately. He must perform the job exactly as you did in order for you to know that he knows and understands. (f) Continue until YOU know HE knows You must find out whether the trainee really knows how to do the job. You do not find this out by asking him whether he understands how to do it, but by having him do the job over and over until you are sure that he can do it your way and that he understands why he is doing it in that manner. When you feel the employee has completed his initial training on a specific station and has grasped all of the major points of instructions, utilise the corresponding employee qualification test.

STEP 4: FOLLOW THROUGH (a) Put the trainee on his own to do the job. After you are satisfied that the trainee can do the job, put him on his own. In this way he continues to build confidence in his own ability to do the job. (b) Encourage questions from the trainee and be sympathetic to all his questions. Make clear to him that it is not a sign of weakness to ask for help. No matter how simple the question may appear to you, treat it seriously and with respect. (c) Check frequently Check the trainee’s performance as often as you deem necessary, but gradually taper off the coaching as his ability increases. (d) Let the trainer know how he is doing If the trainee is doing the job the way you want it done, tell him so for this will add to his self- confidence. If he goes of the mark, tell him so. The time to correct an error is when it is made. Do not make the mistake of assuming that after he has had some experience with a job the error will eliminate itself. In other words, it is your responsibility to let the trainee know when he is doing the job correctly and to let him know on what phases he needs to improve.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 22 Staff Training / Issue 1-2017 TRAINING

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Training / Issue 1-2017 1 TRAINING OBJECTIVES

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 2 Training / Issue 1-2017 The structure of the store’s management, personnel, company’s HR policy, Job description

Organisation with stores can vary significantly from store to store and even more so from country to country. Please see below.


For large restaurants the recommended management structure is shown opposite. The restaurant manager has over all responsibility for the operation of the unit including: • Sales • Profitability • Operating standards including Quality, Service and Cleanliness and Value • Health and Safety • Recruitment and training Shift supervisors are responsible for the running of a shift and the delivery of Quality, Service and Cleanliness to the customer whilst on shift. Their role is to organise the staff, equipment and raw product available to them to ensure a smooth flow of correctly prepared food to the customer at all times. This will be achieved by them training staff in their roles, delegating task and actively following up. Assistant supervisors will assist the supervisor in their role and may be responsible for an area of the restaurant during the shift. Assistant supervisors are staff who show ability and commitment and deserve the opportunity to progress. The supervisor role is an active hands on role.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Training / Issue 1-2017 3 STAFF LEVELS Staffing levels will vary with the sales volume of the restaurant. As staff is the second highest operating cost restaurant management must lean to schedule sufficient staff to provide quick service but keep within the staff budget of 20% of net sales. During a busy shift there should be sufficient staff to have: - • 1 Manager • 1 Supervisor (Tills) • 1 Assistant supervisor (Kitchen) • 3 Till people • 3 Runners • 1 Fry person • 4 Kitchen staff

STAFF PROFILE For best operation a restaurant should have a mix of age and sex. Full time staff below the age of 18 should be avoided as the work calls for a level of maturity that people below this age do not have. Staff should be literate and numerate and able to speak easily and confidently with customers. Staff should meet the following requirements:

 Aged 18 Upwards

 Physically fit

 Well spoken

 Of smart appearance

 Clean and hygienic. Pay particular attention to their hands, face and hair.

 Literate and numerate. Able to complete the application form.

 During the interview process a candidate should demonstrate listening skills, make appropriate eye contact with the interviewer and ask questions.

 Outgoing and confident and lively.

 Able to work under pressure.

 Able to work with a team.

 Flexibility.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 4 Training / Issue 1-2017 JOB ROTATION All staff should be trained on all jobs in the restaurant to allow flexibility and develop team work. Key staff should be put on their best points during busy periods but quiet periods are an opportunity to train staff on weaker points.

ACCOUNTING POLICY USING OF R-KEEPER Accounting policy and use of accounts software is the responsibility of the franchisee.

ACCOUNT SYSTEM Accounting system is the responsibility of the franchisee.

INTERNAL REGULATIONS, WORKING HOURS, SHIFTS ROATION This is controlled by the franchisee. Please see manual section 5 page 2 to 11

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Training / Issue 1-2017 5 SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN TRAINING PROGRAMME

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 6 Training / Issue 1-2017 Contents

WELCOME TO THE SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN TEAM!...... 8 SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH...... 9 USE OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH...... 9 COMPANY POLICY USED IN SFC...... 9 LEARNING STATION PROCEDURES...... 10 INITIAL TRAINING ...... 10 TRAINING PROCEDURE...... 11 Introduction...... 11 Restaurant Tour...... 11 Cutting and Marinating Chicken...... 12 Preparing Potato Wedges...... 12 Preparing the Broaster and Showcase / Pass Thru...... 12 Breading the Chicken...... 13 Using the Broaster and Showcase / Pass Thru...... 13 Filtering the Broaster...... 14 Daily Close...... 14 Production and Holding of Chicken...... 14 Filter Broaster Unaided...... 14 Fresh Burger Production...... 15 Prepare the Burger Prep Area for Service...... 15 Preparing Chicken Fillet Sandwiches...... 16 Use of Vizu Clam Griddle...... 16 Preparing the SFC Burger Menu...... 17 Preparing the Salad Bar...... 17 Service discussion...... 18 Product Presentation...... 18 8 Step Methods...... 18 Customer Complaint Handling...... 18 Service Role-Play...... 19 Shift Management and Floor Control...... 19 Family / Friends Day...... 19 Food Safety and Hygiene Training...... 19 COLOUR CODING...... 20

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Training / Issue 1-2017 7 WELCOME TO THE SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN TEAM!

We’re glad you have joined the winning team. Whether it is a part-time job or career, we want you to enjoy working here. All Southern Fried Chicken restaurants are independently owned. This means you are working in a privately owned restaurant that has the added advantage of operating as part of the Southern Fried Chicken organisation. Policies are necessary for our business. It helps us to function in an efficient and orderly manner. We can all benefit when we work together as a team, but if we are to work together, there must be rules to protect and benefit us all. Most people want to work together co-operatively, courteously, efficiently and honestly. Therefore, we feel that after you have completed the training programme it will help you to achieve these objectives in your new store and impress your employer. We hope you find your stay with Southern Fried Chicken a mutually rewarding and happy experience. This chapter will begin by acquainting you with Southern Fried Chicken and its objectives. Our main objective is simply to provide our customer with hot, fresh and tasty food, fast and friendly service in a spotlessly clean environment. Throughout your training programme you will be working alongside a Trained Southern Fried Chicken employee. When you are working you must remember that you are becoming part of a winning team that strives for perfection and quality every second of the day. However, we do not expect you to pick up and know everything within a short period. Therefore, be patient with yourself. The first day with our team at Southern Fried Chicken you may feel nervous. This is a good sign because it shows that you care. When it comes to the first time when you step onto our serving counter or kitchen you will probably feel as if you are the only person who does not know how to do the job. You may even think you are the only person in the world with butterflies in the stomach! These nerves are not exclusively yours. Try to remember that the person next to you, doing everything so fast and easily, was in the same boat once. The skill and co-ordination required to do the job right can be learned. Be patient - if you try to go too fast at first, you may develop bad habits. In a short time, with training and practise, you too can be proficient. We are selling 3.5 million pieces of chicken a month but they were sold one at a time. If you are not clear about what you have been taught, do not be nervous to ask questions. The objective of this training is to assist and train you so that you will be proficient when you return to your store for its busy grand opening and thereafter. The first (three) months are the most important part that will make your restaurant and your future a success with Southern Fried Chicken organisation - but it must be done right. At the end of each training session there will be a written test in order for us to monitor and evaluate your progress whilst you are with us at Southern Fried Chicken. The performance record will kept by your employer.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 8 Training / Issue 1-2017 SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH All the cleaning chemicals used in a Southern Fried Chicken restaurant must be purchased from nominated suppliers This is to ensure that no damage can be done to the equipment and the most important factor is that the correct substance is used on all the specified food equipment. We do not want to poison our customer. All future Southern Fried Chicken employees will be given training on their first day to ensure that they are given enough information and knowledge and awareness of such substances when asked to clean any of the equipment.

USE OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH All employees will be given instructions on handling of any hazardous substances before they are permitted to work within an area that requires the use of such substances. Please listen and follow any instructions given.

COMPANY POLICY USED IN SFC All substances must be handled and used according to the directions. They must be kept safely away from any food products. Any containers must be properly closed and sealed so that no accident or injury can occur. Under no circumstances must you transfer any chemical from its original container to a different container. It may be accidentally confused and used by other fellow employees who believe that it is the stated chemical showing on the container. You must use all protective clothing provided for you whilst at Southern Fried Chicken when you are using any of Southern Fried Chicken cleaning substances. Some chemicals are known to have an irreversible effect and others can cause skin reaction if exposed to the undiluted chemical. Southern Fried Chicken has therefore provided protective heavy-duty rubber gloves. These gloves must be stored away safely with the chemical and must not be used with any other substances and especially preparing any food product. It is very important never to use alternative chemicals unless specifically instructed to do so by either the manufacturer or your supervisor. When you are in the middle of cleaning or using any chemical and are asked to do another task you must first wash your hands whether you have worn protective rubber gloves or not. Get to know who your First Aider in your restaurant is. Ask your manager or employer who is your qualified First Aider in your restaurant.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Training / Issue 1-2017 9 LEARNING STATION PROCEDURES This chapter will take you step by step through the procedures of each working station. From time to time your employer may vary the procedure. But we at Southern Fried Chicken prefer to follow the set standard of FFS Brands Ltd for they were the first to introduce the concept and have succeeded in producing rewarding results. You must wash your hands before working on each station to avoid mixing spices and ingredients with the quantity of meals that Southern Fried Chicken sells.

INITIAL TRAINING If you are lucky enough to be working in a new restaurant you and your colleagues will be working closely with a trainer from Southern Fried Chicken head office Reading UK. The trainer will work with you over a period of up to two, very busy weeks to prepare the restaurant for opening. During this time you will learn all the tasks required to run a Southern Fried Chicken Restaurant.

To help you understand the full process the trainer will follow a programme which fills the next few pages.

Training has one simple objective - to give you all the knowledge you need so that your Southern Fried Chicken restaurant can deliver quality service and cleanliness.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 10 Training / Issue 1-2017 TRAINING PROCEDURE

Preparation This will require 3 or 4 staff/managers. This is an ideal opportunity to put all the packaging, and food items away. This may take up to 4 hours to complete and should best be done on the first day.

Session 1 Introduction Objective: To introduce the trainer to the staff and staff to trainer. To introduce the brand and its menu and history and explain the training programme and the importance of Quality, Service and Cleanliness. Review of the food safety manual Resources: All staff to have name badges in English and local language if appropriate. Location: Seating Area Duration: 30 Minutes

Session 2 Restaurant Tour Objective: To familiarise staff with all the items of equipment. Staff to be shown all the restaurant equipment with attention to switching equipment on, off and safety features and setting up. Resources: All equipment to be working and tested. Electricity supplies on: Oil, filter paper and filter powder. Location: Kitchen Duration: 45 Minutes Key points: Awareness of safety procedures

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Training / Issue 1-2017 11 Session 3 Cutting and Marinating Chicken Objective: To demonstrate the safe and correct method, of cutting SFC 9 piece chicken, fillets, nuggets and strips. To demonstrate the correct method of marinating with Chickite. To demonstrate the safe method of knife handling. Resources: Aprons Red handled knife Red chopping board Food safety gloves SFC white chicken bins and lids Sufficient 1.35Kg defrosted chicken for 1 each per staff and trainer Rubbish bin Chickite (or concentrate and salt) Scales Whisk Food storage tub Location: Kitchen Duration: 1 to 2 hours Key points: Dating and draining of marinade after 6 hours to prevent pinking

Session 3A Preparing Potato Wedges Objective: To familiarise staff with safe and correct method of cutting potato wedges Resources: Scrubbed potatoes, Brown chopping board, Wedge cutter, White tub Location: Kitchen Duration: 15 minutes.

Session 4 Preparing the Broaster and Showcase / Pass Thru Objective: To prepare the Broaster for use, to include setting up filtration system and correct oil level, an explanation of safety features. To leave switched on. To switch on the Pass-Thru Resources: Broaster, powered on. Oil, filter paper, filter powder, measuring cup. Jug, warm water Location: Kitchen. Duration: 20 Minutes

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 12 Training / Issue 1-2017 Session 5 Breading the Chicken Objective: To familiarise staff with process for breading SFC Chicken, fillets, nuggets, strips, wings and afterburners. To make staff aware of the15 minute rule. Resources: SFC A3 Manual Vizu Breader But-Mil Dip in labelled container Measuring jug Curved side bowl Whisk Premier plus (or concentrate and flour) Scales 9 pc chicken Fillets, nuggets, strips, wings Hot and flaky in labelled container GN Pans and wires Location: Kitchen Duration: 45 Minutes

Session 6 Using the Broaster and Showcase / Pass Thru Objective: Staff to be fully aware of the procedure for cooking chicken including correct use of colour coded tongs. The importance of temp checks. Resources: Broaster (Ready to use) Breaded Chicken products Red and yellow tongs Temp probe Probe wipes Clean GN pans and wires Chinograph pencil Location: Kitchen Duration 1 Hour Key points: Prevention of cross contamination and HACCP

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Training / Issue 1-2017 13 Session 7 Filtering the Broaster Objective: Staff to be familiar with safe method of filtering the Broaster, with special attention to PPE Resources: Correctly prepared filter pan Safety gloves White brush Roding stick Crumb catcher GN pan Location: Kitchen Duration 1hr

Session 8 Daily Close Objective: To familiarise staff with importance of daily close procedure Resources: Cleaning materials Location: Restaurant Duration: About 1hr

Session 9 Production and Holding of Chicken Objective: Staff to produce and cook chicken following full SFC procedures unaided including fillets and after burners. Resources: As required above Location: Kitchen Duration: about 90 minutes.

Session 10 Filter Broaster Unaided Objective: Staff to filter the Broaster following full SFC Procedure unaided: Resources: As required above: Location: Kitchen Duration: 30 Minutes: Key points: Safe procedure and use of PPE

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 14 Training / Issue 1-2017 Session 11 Fresh Burger Production Objective: To familiarise staff with the SFC procedure for producing 100mm diameter and 130mm diameter burger patties from fresh meat: Resources: Beef forequarter (800g) and beef flank (1200g) Mincing machine Scales Mixing machine (optional but recommended) Burger presses (100mmand 130mm) Burger cellophanes Burger trays Location: Kitchen Duration: 45 Minutes Key points: Food safety

Session 12 Prepare the Burger Prep Area for Service Objective: To familiarise staff with organisation of burger prep area and method of preparing dressings. To familiarise staff with assembly of Sauce Boss and layout of dressing Resources: Sauce boss (2) Wraps and Burger boxes Green handled Knife and chopping boards Food surface sanitizer Paper towel Dressings (Mayo, Iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheese slices) Buns 100mm diameter Buns 130 mm diameter Tortilla 250 mm diameter Location: Kitchen Duration: 45 Minutes Key points: Knife drill and food safety

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Training / Issue 1-2017 15 Session 13 Preparing Chicken Fillet Sandwiches Objective: To familiarise staff with correct procedures for producing all SFC Chicken sandwich products Resources: As above: Toaster Chicken fillets/ strips/Dressing/ Dressing Charts Packaging items Temp probe Probe wipes Chinograph pencil Location: Kitchen Duration: 1 hour Key points: Product presentations, discard times

Session 14 Use of Vizu Clam Griddle Objective: To Familiarise staff with the Clamatic, its use and cleaning. Resources: Vizu Clam Griddle PC Burger Spatula Cleaning Tools GN Pan Burgers Temp probe and Probe wipes Location: Kitchen Duration: 1hr Key points: Safety and food hygiene

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 16 Training / Issue 1-2017 Session 15 Preparing the SFC Burger Menu Objective: To familiarise staff with correct procedures for producing all SFC Burger products Resources: As above: Toaster Chicken fillets/ strips/Dressing/ Dressing Charts Packaging items Temp probe Probe wipes Pencil Location: Kitchen Duration: 1 hour Key points: Product presentations, discard times

Session 16 Preparing the Salad Bar Objective: To familiarise staff with correct procedures for producing all SFC Salad Bar products Resources: Salad wash Black gastronorm pans: All salad ladles, tongs, spoon. All salad ingredients

Pencil Location: Kitchen Duration: 1 hour Key points: Product presentations, discard timeS

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Training / Issue 1-2017 17 Session 17 Service discussion Objective: A discussion session, with focus on staff experience of good and bad service. To include Body language, non-verbal communication, smiling, eye contact. Resources: Manual, pen paper staff Location: Seating area Duration: 1hr Key points: Non-verbal communication. Uniform standards

Session 18 Product Presentation Objective: To achieve the correct method of presenting the menu items during service: Resources: 1 of each time of packaging material, 1 tray, cups etc. Menu breakdown Location: Seating area: Duration: 30 Minutes Key points:

Session 19 8 Step Methods Objective: To familiarise staff with SFC 8 Step service method Resources: Manual, 8 Step posters Location: Seating area Duration: 30 Minutes

Session19A Customer Complaint Handling Objective: To familiarise staff with the correct, method of handling simple customer complaints. Reason to handle complaints correctly Resources: SFC Operations Manual Location: Seating Area: Duration 30 minutes Key points: Listen, apologise, solution and thanks.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 18 Training / Issue 1-2017 Session 20 Service Role-Play Objective: To role-play customer service using correct SFC Procedures Resources: Full menu range, full packaging range. Tills in training mode (optional) Location: Front service counter Duration: Minimum 2 hours (open ended)

Session 21 Shift Management and Floor Control Objective: To discuss managers role and shift organisation in fast food environment. Resources: Managers, manual section on shift planning and management Location: Seating area Duration 1 hr Key points: Discussion of floor control, delegating and following up. Achievement not activity, work smart not hard.

Session 22 Family / Friends Day Objective: To open the store to friends and invited non-paying guests. To allow the staff and managers to practise in a non-judgemental environment. Resources: All resources as above Location: Restaurant Duration: about 2 hours Key points: To ensure that all SFC procedures are correctly followed

Session 23 Food Safety and Hygiene Training Objective: To increase awareness of risk associated with poor food hygiene Resources: Food safety manual Bacteria Bites Video Location: Seating area Duration: 2 hours Key points: The training session as outlined above takes 1 week to complete. Once the store is open the trainer works with team leaders, supervisors and managers to ensure a smooth operation of the restaurant.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Training / Issue 1-2017 19 COLOUR CODING

We at Southern Fried Chicken have a strict code of practice when it comes to food. All food, which is removed from the walk-in freezer into the restaurant fridge, must be colour coded to ensure that we will be able to tell when the product is over the stated time limit. Please learn these codes and abide by them at all times.

MONDAY : blue

TUESDAY : yellow


THURSDAY : brown

FRIDAY : green

SATURDAY : orange

SUNDAY : black

Please make sure that each time you take a new batch of chicken from the walk-in freezer that you replace the colour sticker onto the white tray container. Chicken can only be kept for THREE whole days in the fridge. Any chicken kept after the three days must be disposed off. NO EXCEPTION Please pay attention to this serious matter.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 20 Training / Issue 1-2017 TRAINING RECORD CARD Name...... FORMAL TRAIING RECORD INTRODUCTION AND ORIENTATION COUNTER OPERATIONS Introduction to store o Menu knowledge o Introduction to store personnel o Opening procedures o Introduction to Management o Cash register operation o Tour of store o Equipment operation o Goals and objectives of training o Portioning and packaging o Employment terms and conditions o Order taking o Health & Safety policy o Order make-up o Fire training o Closing procedures o Employee policies o Personal appearance o

KITCHEN OPERATIONS Conduct at work o Opening procedures o Job description o Use of equipment o Menu item production and control o Food handling o

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES Observing store at work o Cleaning of equipment o Observing opening procedures o Closing procedures o Observing trading procedures o Observing closing procedures o

CUSTOMER SERVICE Review opening/closing check list o Courtesy o Food hygiene training o Service procedures o Introduction to kitchen equipment o Complaint policy o Introduction to counter equipment o Attitude o Cleaning procedures o

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Training / Issue 1-2017 21 TRAINING RECORD CARD - Part II


No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 22 Training / Issue 1-2017 EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 1 Contents




YOUR NEW JOB...... 5










PAY...... 9



TRAINING...... 9

UNIFORM...... 10





Appendices Training Certificate Application Form Time Sheet Employees Contract of Employment

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 2 Employment / Issue 1-2017 WELCOME TO THE SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN TEAM!

We are glad you have joined the winning team. Whether it is a part-time job or career, we want you to enjoy working here. This is an independently owned restaurant. This means you are working in a privately owned restaurant that has the added advantage of operating as part of the SFC organisation. This handbook will explain the terms and conditions that govern the employment of all hourly paid staff. It has been designed to give you necessary information and to make you feel more at home. Please read it carefully. Reviewing it from time to time will help you make the best of your SFC experience. Policies are necessary for our business. It helps us to function in an efficient and orderly manner. We can all benefit when we work together as a team, but if we are to work together, there must be rules to protect and benefit us all. Most people want to work together co-operatively, courteously, efficiently and honestly; therefore we feel that this handbook will help you to achieve these objectives. As you read this handbook, you will discover the reasons for our success. But the most important formula is the dedication and effort of our SFC employees. Our competitors can copy many of our secrets, but they cannot duplicate our pride, our enthusiasm and our dedication for the business. The SFC spirit is exclusively ours and yours. This restaurant can be a real success only through the effort of us, the winning team. We hope you find your stay with us a happy and rewarding experience.


No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 3 THE TEN COMMANDMENTS

Our customers: 1. Are the most important people in our business. 2. Are not dependent on us - we are dependent on them. 3. Are not an interruption to our work - they are the purpose of it 4. Do us an honour when they call - we are not doing them a favour 5. Are part of our business - not outsiders 6. Are not cold statistics - they are flesh and blood humans beings with feelings and emotions like our own 7. Are not people to argue or match wits with 8. Are people who bring in their needs - it is our job to fill those needs 9. Are deserving of the most courteous and attentive treatment we can give them 10. Have the right to expect an employee to present a neat, clean appearance

QUALITY, SERVICE, CLEANLINESS - QSC Q. Southern Fried Chicken’s reputation for quality is internationally known. It is especially unique because the highest quality standards are maintained at very reasonable prices. We use the finest available products and carefully developed formulae. But all this can be lost without your help. Always check the products you prepare or serve. If they are not right, do not serve them and tell your Manager. One of the keys to quality is Tender Loving Care ATLC. All our efforts can be lost if you crush or drop food. Handle the products with ATLC.

S. Quality and cleanliness are wasted without quick, courteous service. A smile does as much to bring a customer back as the best food in the world. And remember the customer is the most important single factor in our business. Courtesy is always easier of we remember the Golden Rules. Treat everyone, especially the customer, the way you would want to be treated yourself. The customer appreciates courtesy, and he/she also appreciates speed. Sometimes it is hard to give them both at the same time, but that is our job.

C. Cleanliness is like a magnet drawing customers to Southern Fried Chicken. Our restaurant must be spotless at ALL times, both inside and out. Only through the best efforts of everyone will this happen.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 4 Employment / Issue 1-2017 YOUR NEW JOB On the first day with our team at Southern Fried Chicken you may feel nervous. This shows that you care. On your first shift, you will probably feel as if you are the only person who does not know how to do the job. You may even think you are the only person in the world with butterflies in the stomach! These nerves are not exclusively yours. Try to remember that the person next to you, doing everything so fast and easily, was in the sale boat once. The skill and co-ordination required to do the job right can be learned. Be patient, if you try to go too fast at first you may develop bad habits. In a short time, with training and practise, you too can be proficient.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYMENT POLICY Southern Fried Chicken is an equal opportunity employer. The policy is to ensure that all employees and job applicants are selected, trained, promoted and treated on their relevant skills, talents and performance and without reference to race, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, sex or marital status.

THE HANDBOOK To make you more at home and your first experience at Southern Fried Chicken more rewarding and less confusing, we have out together this handbook and have designed it so that it is easily read and to help you find information which you may need. Your Restaurant Manger will explain additional policies or procedures that may apply to your restaurant. Sometimes it may be necessary to amend or improve our policies and procedures. Should these policies and procedures take place the amended version will be posted on the staff notice board and incorporated in this handbook as soon as possible.

CREW FOOD POLICY A free food policy operates within this restaurant. However, you should check with your Restaurant Manager as there is a food allowance that operates within this store. It is your responsibility to record your meals for checking and verification by a Manager. Food/Beverage consumption - free food and beverages are only for your own consumption and cannot be given to either friends, family or relatives. The food is to be consumed in a designated area on the premises - not in the kitchen area.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 5 WORKING HOURS The work schedule for the following week will be posted on the staff time board no later than 5.00pm Friday. You must work to the schedule and cannot swap or change the schedule without the Manager’s approval. If for any reason you are going to be late or absent, your are required to call the restaurant and inform the Manager at least two hours before you are scheduled to start work. Time clocks/cards are used in this restaurant to help us record an accurate time that you have worked and also for payroll purposes. Before you report to work on the restaurant floor you are expected to be neat with a clean uniform and to clock in. You must clock out when you take a meal break and clock in afterwards. Meal breaks are unpaid. If, and when, you are required to attend training sessions or staff meetings you will be paid for that time. Please ensure you follow the proper time card procedure, otherwise you will not be credited for the hours attended. You must not allow anyone to clock in or out on your behalf or alter any time clocking entry on the card or that of anyone else. During busy periods you may be asked to work past your normal finishing time and released as soon as possible. You will be paid for all the time you have worked.

BREAKS Meal Breaks Hours Worked Breaks Upto 4 hours Nil 4 to 5 hours 15 minutes 5 to 6 hours 30 minutes 6 to 10 hours 45 minutes Over 10 hours 1 x 45 minutes 1 x 15 minutes Drinks Breaks You may be permitted to take short drink breaks during your shift. However, you should consult the Duty Shift Manager. You are not required to clock out for these short drink breaks.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 6 Employment / Issue 1-2017 PROBATIONARY PERIOD Your first 3 months on the job are your Probationary Period. You will be evaluated during that time, and if, when you receive your Probationary Performance Review, and you are doing well at your job, good attendance record, and have no discipline problems, you will be taken off your probationary status. However, if you do not meet the required standards of performance and/or conduct, your contract of employment can be terminated at any time during this period.

PERFORMANCE Outstanding: Performance of extraordinary nature. Consistently exceeding established job standards. Makes substantial contributions to the success of the restaurant. Excellent: Performance that frequently exceeds established job standards. Makes definite contributions to the success of the restaurant. Good: Performance that consistently meets job standards. There is no evidence of any major deficiency. Needs Improvement: May meet established job standard, but lacks consistency. Evidence of deficiencies on specific areas, but shows willingness and ability to overcome them. Constructive help from management team and fellow staff members required. Unsatisfactory: Performance that is frequently below established job standards. Evidence of major deficiencies. Improvement is required to meet job requirement. If performance is consistently unsatisfactory, staff member will be subject to disciplinary action.

PROMOTION Southern Fried Chicken’s aim is to actively promote from within. If you do well as a crew member the Manager of the restaurant may consider you for the next available promotion vacancy. These jobs are offered to employees who show initiative and a desire to advance. Higher rates of pay are given for these extra responsibilities.

JOB DESCRIPTION The job description includes the people who prepare our food, serve our customers and carry out tasks necessary for the smooth running of our restaurant, not forgetting our high standard of cleanliness. Sometimes you may be required to work in other areas to cover operational requirements.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 7 BASIC GUIDELINE The following are guidelines that you cannot be expected to know unless it is brought to your attention. The guidelines are as follows:

1. Staff members may date one another as long as it does not interfere with restaurant operations. 2. Because your time card is your personal work record, you must only clock in/out using your own card. You must never clock in/out using another employee’s time card. 3. All injury or accident must be reported immediately to the Manager on duty at the time. 4. You should immediately report any chronic ailments or communicable diseases, particularly gastric disorders, to the Manager on duty at the time. 5. The staff notice board is an information point and updates. Do not post or alter any notices on the bulletin board. 6. We do not cash personal cheques in the restaurant. 7. The telephone is for business purposes, however, if you need to make a personal call, Manager’s approval is required. Keep your family informed of your restaurant telephone number - for emergency use only. 8. At closing time, all unsold products or leftovers must NOT be consumed by employees or taken away from the restaurant. They must also NOT be given away. 9. In order to keep our records up to date, notify your Manager at once whenever there s a change in your address, telephone number, person to notify in case of accident or illness, change of name, marital status, bank details. 10. Off duty employees should not arrive at the restaurant earlier than 20 minutes before their scheduled shift, and should leave the store within 20 minutes after they have finished their shift. 11. Crew members cannot distribute literature in the restaurant for their own benefit. 12. You cannot use the restaurant for your external interest of commercial purposes.

PAY Southern Fried Chicken will pay your wages directly into your bank account every month. Therefore, a bank account is essential, but if you do not have one the Manager will tell you how to open an account at a nearby branch. Bank account details should be submitted to the Manager as follows: Bank sorting code Bank name and address Branch name Account number Name in which the account is held (i.e. your name) NB - we can only pay your wages into your own personal bank account or your joint account.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 8 Employment / Issue 1-2017 PERFORMANCE REVIEWS AND PAY INCREASES (HOURLY PAID) Once you have successfully completed your probationary period of 3 months, your Manager, or one of his assistants, will evaluate and review your job performance. After this, once every 6 months, one of the management team will sit down with you and discuss your performance. Every 6 months your performance will be reviewed in line with the table below. You will receive a copy of your performance review.

CRIMINAL ACTS OUTSIDE WORK Criminal acts that occur outside employment with the company, such as, shoplifting or fraud, etc... may result in dismissal such incidents that become known to the company will be investigated and the facts fully considered before a decision is taken as to when the employment can be continued.

TRAINING Southern Fried Chicken will follow the established programme used in all their restaurants, that is designed to develop the highest level of skill among employees. In your first weeks, you will start to learn the work station and assignments in the restaurant. Training classes will be held periodically and you must attend these classes. You will be paid for attendance. A training log is kept in the restaurant and is a record of your progress. Check with your Manager in order to be sure your progress is properly recorded and to remind yourself of stations that you have not worked. We believe in the practise of the job rotation. This will give you the experience in all aspects of our restaurant with a well-trained crew person who can be assigned to any of the several stations. Normally, during rush periods, you will be assigned to your best station so that the customer is always served well. During slower periods, you may expect to be asked to work other stations to gain greater familiarity and expertise.

UNIFORM Southern Fried Chicken will provide you with a uniform although you are responsible for the cleaning of your uniform. If your uniform is no longer presentable due to age or normal wear, please let your Manager know so that it can be replaced. Under certain circumstances, depending on your weekly work schedule, you may be given more than one uniform. If your work schedule is such that you need more than one uniform, please see your Manager. When you terminate your employment with Southern Fried Chicken you must return the uniform(s) before receiving your last payslip and P45 from the store. You are personally responsible for damages or loss of uniform, and you may have to pay towards the cost of replacement. The uniform must not be altered without the approval of the management.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 9 DISCIPLINE It is necessary for the efficient and safe running of your restaurant that you should comply with the provisions set out in this handbook as well as any rules and instructions that may be in force in your restaurant from time to time. You are expected to report for work on time, to perform your tasks diligently and to an acceptable standard, and to follow instructions of those in authority. You should not conduct yourself in a manner that is detrimental to the interests of Southern Fried Chicken. All employees have the right to be accompanied by a fellow employee of his/her choice, at any stage of the disciplinary proceedings. If any misconduct/negligence occurs in circumstances where dismissal may be the appropriate remedy, the Manager in charge of the restaurant will suspend the employee on full pay in order that a full investigation can be carried out. Dismissals can only be carried out by the Store Manager or the owner.

CASH POLICIES We realise that the possibility of cash shortages in our tills does exist. Therefore you will be instructed in the proper methods of handling cash prior to working on the counter. If you have a significant cash discrepancy you will be notified and you will be retrained in till procedures. If this problem repeats itself you could face disciplinary action.

DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE Poor performance or misconduct which does not result in summary dismissal can result in the following disciplinary procedure being invoked. Where appropriate a Manager may proceed to a final written warning stage without having given a formal verbal warning. 1. Formal Verbal Warning: will be given, and details of this will be noted on the employee’s personnel record. 2. Final Written Warning: where the Formal Verbal Warning has not been heeded and any misconduct occurs again, or poor performance continues, the employee will be given a Final Written Warning which will state that if any misconduct or poor performance continues dismissal can result. 3. Dismissal: where a Final Written Warning is not heeded and any misconduct occurs again, or poor performance continues, the employee will be liable to dismissal, with appropriate notice.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 10 Employment / Issue 1-2017 TERMINATION OF EMPLOYEMENT If you wish to terminate your employment with Southern Fried Chicken, you must immediately give at least 1 weeks notice in writing. You are entitled to receive the following periods of notice of termination of your employment except in cases where summary dismissal may be justified. Period of Continuous Employment Period of Notice Less than 4 weeks Nil 4 weeks to 2 years 2 weeks 2 years to 10 years 8 weeks 12 years or more 12 weeks

HOLIDAY ENTITLEMENT Fully flexible employees who work in excess of 33 hours per week receive holiday entitlement as per local employment regulations. The amount you receive as holiday pay will be based on your average earnings over the year or the period you have been working. Holidays which are not taken cannot be carried forward to the next year.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 11 SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN APPLICATION FORM



Southern Fried Chicken is an equal opportunity employer. In order to assist us to monitor the effectiveness of our policy, you are requested to place a tick in the appropriate box.




No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 12 Employment / Issue 1-2017 REFERENCES: This should not be a relative or anyone connected with your education.


EMPLOYMENT DETAILS: Please include details of any government training scheme/NVQ



MEDICAL HISTORY: Details to include any serious illness, skin allergies, operations or nervous illnesses.

Are you registered disabled? Yes/No Number (where applicable)

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 13 CRIMINAL OFFENCES: Have you been convicted of any criminal offence? (Including motoring offences)


DECLARATION: To be read and signed by the applicant.

I declare that the foregoing Application for Employment has been fully considered by me and that all the statements made by me are strictly true and complete. I understand that if any particulars I have given are found to be false, I may be regarded as ineligible for recruitment or dismissed after employment.

Signed...... Date......

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 14 Employment / Issue 1-2017 EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT

This agreement is made on [ ] between [ ] having its registered office at [ ] (hereinafter called A the company.) Of the one part and [ ] of: [ ] (hereinafter called A The employee) of the other part whereby it is agreed as follows:

1. DEFINITIONS In this agreement the following terms shall have the following meanings: 1.1 A Duties during the continuance of your employment as set out hereunder 1.2 A inventions All inventions, ideas creations subject to any contrary provisions of the Patent act 1977 where applicable, the Company shall be entitled free of charge to the sole ownership of such inventions or improvement. 1.3 A Confidential Information all written material shall during the continuance of employment hereunder and after remain / shall return the property to: [ ]

2. TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT The employee shall serve the Company as [ ] or in such other capacity of an equivalent status as the Company may reasonably require from the date hereof unless and until his / her employment hereunder shall determined in accordance with clause 9 hereof or by either party to the other not less than 2 weeks notice in writing.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 15 3. DUTIES ETC. During the continuance of employment hereunder the Employee shall: a. exercise such powers and perform such duties (being appropriate to his/her b. status, qualifications and experience) in relation to the business of the company or any associated company as may from time to time be vested or assigned to him/her by the board and shall comply with all reasonable directions from time to time given him/ her by the board and with all rules and regulations from time to time laid down by the Company concerning its employees PROVIDED THAT the Employee’s normal place of work (excluding business traveling) shall be at; [ ] c. during the normal working hours specified in the schedule hereto (unless prevented by ill health or accident and except during holidays permitted by this agreement) devote the whole of his /her time, attention and abilities to carry out his/ her duties hereunder; d. carry out his/ her duties in a proper loyal and efficient manner and shall use his/ her best endeavours to promote the interest and reputation of the company and its associated companies and not do anything that is to their detriment; e. travel to such places (whether within or outside the ) and in such manner and on such occasions as the company may from time to time reasonably require; f. not without prior written consent of the company undertake any other business or profession or become an employee or agent of any other company firm or person or assist or have any financial interest in any other business or profession but nothing in this sub clause shall preclude the employee from holding or acquiring less than 5 per cent of any issued shares from any other company or other securities of any other company which are quoted on any recognised Stock exchange by way only unless the Company shall require him/ her not to do so in any particular case on the grounds that such other is or my be caring on a business competing or tending to compete with the business of the company. g. from time to time to be available to cover employee(s) working schedule should any one become ill or absent at work.

4. INVENTIONS ETC a) It shall be part of normal duties of the Employee at all time to consider in what manner and in what new method or devices the products services processes equipment or systems of the company with which he/ she is concerned and responsible might be improved, and promptly to give to the company full details of any such inventions or improvements which he may from time to time make or discover in the course of his duties and to further the interests of the company with regards thereto. Subject to any contrary provisions of the Patents act 1977 where applicable, the Company shall be entitled free of charge to the sole ownership of any such inventions or improvements and so far as the law permits, to the exclusive use thereof.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 16 Employment / Issue 1-2017 5. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION a. The Employee shall during the continuance of her period of employment hereunder and after the termination thereof (however occasioned) observe strict secrecy as to the affairs dealing and concerns of the Company and shall not either during the continuance of his / her employment hereunder or at any time thereafter except in the proper course of his / her duties here under or with the prior written consent from the company divulge or communicate to any third party except to another employee of the Company authorised to receive the same information and shall use his/ her best endeavours to prevent the publication or disclosure of any trade secret or any other confidential information concerning the organisation business or finances of the company or any of its dealings transactions affairs customers or clients (representatives) which are within or may come to his / her knowledge during the course of his/ her engagement and shall not use or attempt to use any information which he/ she may acquire as foresaid in any manner which may injure or cause loss whether directly or indirectly to the Company or use his/ her personal knowledge of or influence over the customers, clients, suppliers or contractors of the Company so as to take advantage of the Company’s trade of business connections or utilise information confidentiality obtained by him/ her PROVIDED THAT the provisions of this clause cease to apply to information which enters the public domain other than directly or indirectly by reason of the default of the employee.

6. REMUNERATION The employee shall be paid by way of remuneration for his/her services during his/ her employment hereunder a salary at the rate of [ ] per annum. Such salary shall be paid by equal monthly instalments in arrears on the last day of every month and shall accrue from day to day. Such salary shall be reviewed on the [ ] and shall be increased provided that the performance of the Employee in the opinion of the board justifies such increase. a. in case the employee shall at any time be prevented by illness or other incapacity from properly performing his duties hereunder and shall if required furnish the Company with evidence of such incapacity he shall (subject as hereinafter provided) be entitled to receive: b. his full remuneration for the first consecutive period of three months and c. one-half of his remuneration for any further consecutive period not exceeding three months in aggregate during which such capacity shall continue and thereafter the Employee shall receive aggregate during which such capacity shall continue and thereafter the Employee shall receive no other payment PROVIDED THAT there shall be deducted from any payments made by the Company pursuant to this clause the aggregate amount of any Social Security sickness or industrial injury benefits recoverable by or payable to the Employee

7. EXPENSES The company shall reimburse the employee all reasonable travel expenses accommodation entertainment and other out of pocket expenses which he may from time to time properly incur in the exercise of his duties hereunder PROVIDED THAT the company shall be entitled to require such expenses to be duly vouched by written evidence.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 17 8. SUMMARY TERMINATION Without prejudice to any remedy that the company may have against the employee the Company may determine the employee’s employment hereunder summarily by notice in writing, if: a. he is convicted of an indictable offence (other than a motoring offence which does not result in the imposition of a sentence of imprisonment); or b. he becomes of unsound mind; or c. he is guilty of any gross misconduct negligence or default or serious breach or non-observance of any of the stipulations herein contained; or d. he becomes incapacitated by illness or injury for a continues period of [ ] months; or e. he becomes prohibited by law from being the director of a Company.

9. RESTRICTIONS AFTER TERMINATION The Employee agrees that for a period of [ ] after termination of his employment hereunder (howsoever caused) he shall not: a. either alone or jointly with as manager or agent for any person directly or indirectly carry on or be engaged or concerned in any business which competes with any aspect of the Business of the Company in which he shall have been personally concerned at the date of such termination and which is located less than [ ] miles away from an existing outlet of the Company; b. either on his own account or for any person directly or indirectly solicit interfere with or endeavour to entice from the Company any person who was then or was during the period of preceding the date of such termination a a) client b) customer c)employee of or d) otherwise in the habit of dealing with the Company provided that such restrictions shall only apply to clients customers or employees or other persons with whom the Employees shall have been personally concerned. and the Employee hereby agrees that all the circumstances such restrictions are reasonable for the protection of the Company separately and independently.

10. NOTICES Any notice in writing to be served hereunder may be give personally to the Employee or to the Company (as the case may be) or may be posted to the Company to the Employee, either at his address given above or at his last known address. Any such notice sent by post shall be deemed served twenty-four hours after it is posted and in providing such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the notice was properly addressed and put in the post.

11. THE SCHEDULE The provisions set out in the schedule hereto as from time to time amended shall apply as if incorporated in this Agreement.

12. GOVERNING LAW This agreement shall be governed by and constructed under English law and each of the Parties hereto submits to the jurisdiction of the English Courts as regards any claim or matter arising under this Agreement.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 18 Employment / Issue 1-2017 IN WITNESS whereof this agreement has been signed by or on behalf of the parties hereto the day and year first before written.

SCHEDULE a) Normal working hours Normal working hours are [ am] to [ pm] Monday to Friday inclusive with a lunch break from [ ] to [ ].

b) Work outside normal hours Where the Company considers it necessary the Employee will be required to work outside or beyond normal working hours or at weekends or on holidays and no extra payment will be made for such work.

c) Holidays In addition to bank and other public holidays the Employee will be entitled to [ ] weeks holiday in every calendar year to be taken at such time or times as may be approved by the Board. Unless and untilhis employment under this Agreement shall be determined salary shall continue to be payable during holidays. Holidays not taken in any calendar year or by the determination of his employment under this Agreement will be lost and upon determination of his employment the employee will not be entitled to any accrued holiday pay or to any pay in lieu of holiday.

d) Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure In the event of the Employee wishing to seek redress of any grievance relating to his employment or if he is dissatisfied with any disciplinary decision relating to him he should first apply in person to the Managing Director. The Employee must then promptly answer (in writing if required) such questions (if any) as any member of the Board wishes to put to him on the matter before the Board comes to a decision. The decision of the Board on such matter shall be final.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 19 SIGNED by ......

on behalf of the Company......

in the presence of:......

SIGNED by ......

the Employee......

in the Presence of:......

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 20 Employment / Issue 1-2017 MANAGERIAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW

Employee Name: Job Title: Department: Supervisor / Manager: Review Period: Date: Type of Review: Annual o 6 month o Other o


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) unsatisfactory improvement meets exceeds outstanding performance desired expectations expectations performance

REVIEW OF OBJECTIVES Record objectives from the previous review period in the space below and discuss the extent to which each objective was fulfilled. Also describe changes (if any) to original objectives.

Objective 1:

Objective 2:

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 21 EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE Use this section to describe employee performance in specific work areas.

ADAPTABILITY : Rating ( ) Comments:

COMMUNICATION : Rating ( ) Comments:

DECISION MAKING : Rating ( ) Comments:

HIRING : Rating ( ) Comments:

LEADERSHIP : Rating ( ) Comments:

MANAGING PERFORMANCE : Rating ( ) Comments:

MEETING MANAGEMENT : Rating ( ) Comments:

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 22 Employment / Issue 1-2017 PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT : Rating ( ) Comments:

PEOPLE MANAGEMENT : Rating ( ) Comments:

PLANNING : Rating ( ) Comments:

PROBLEM SOLVING : Rating ( ) Comments:

RESULT FOCUS : Rating ( ) Comments:


SUMMARY : Overall Performance Rating ( ) Comments:

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 23 EMPLOYEE COMMENTS Comments:


Objective 2:

EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PLAN This section should be completed after employee and manager have agreed upon desired areas of improvement and development needs related to upcoming goals. It should include development objectives, corresponding development activities (on the job, formal training, etc..), and measurements and time frames for completion. Development Objective 1:

Development Objective 2:

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 24 Employment / Issue 1-2017 SIGNATURE SECTION

Employee’s Signature Date

Manager’s Signature Date

Second Level Review Signature Date

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 25 CUSTOMER SERVICE PERFORMANCE REVIEW

Employee Name: Job Title: Department: Supervisor / Manager: Review Period: Date: Type of Review: Annual o 6 month o Other o

INTRODUCTION Southern Fried Chicken are proud to be one of the many best leaders in the fast food business for customer service. In order for us to maintain the high quality of customer service each employee is evaluated every 6 months. This will enable us to help you improve in areas which you are not confident in. This information is confidential and will not be shown to any third party with the exception of the Store Manager and Franchisee. Let’s work together to build SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN into the world’s leader.

Rating guide:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) unsatisfactory improvement meets exceeds outstanding performance desired expectations expectations performance

REVIEW OF OBJECTIVES Record objectives from the previous review period in the space below and discuss the extent to which each objective was fulfilled. Also describe changes (if any) to original objectives. Objective 1:

Objective 2:

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 26 Employment / Issue 1-2017 EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE Use this section to describe employee performance in specific work areas.

ADAPTABILITY: Adapts to change, is open to new ideas, takes on new responsibilities, Rating ( ) handles pressure, adjusts plans to meet changing needs. Comments:

COMMUNICATION: Communicates well both verbally and in writing, creates accurate and Rating ( ) punctual reports, delivers presentations, shares information and ideas with others, has good listening skills. Comments:

CUSTOMER FOCUS: Ensures customer satisfaction, sets realistic customer expectations, Rating ( ) solves customer problems, meets commitments to customers, seeks out customer input, responds to internal customers. Comments:

COMMUNICATION: Tackles problems and takes independent action, seeks out new Rating ( ) responsibilities, acts on opportunities, generates new ideas, practices self-development. Comments:

INTERPERSONAL SKILLS: Has good listening skills, builds strong relationships, is flexible/open Rating ( ) minded, negotiates effectively, solicits performance feedback and handles constructive criticism. Comments:

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 27 JOB KNOWLEDGE: Understand duties and responsibilities, has necessary job knowledge, Rating ( ) has necessary technical skills, understands company mission/values, keeps job knowledge current, is in command of critical issues. Comments:

PROBLEM SOLVING: Anticipates and prevents problems, defines problems, overcomes Rating ( ) obstacles, generates alternative solutions, helps solve team problems. Comments:

QUALITY: Is attentive to detail and accuracy, is committed to excellence, looks Rating ( ) for improvements continuously, monitors quality levels, finds root cause of quality problems, owns/acts on quality problems. Comments:

RESULT FOCUS: Targets and achieves results, sets challenging goals, prioritises tasks, Rating ( ) overcomes obstacles, accepts accountability, sets team standards and responsibilities, provides leadership/motivation. Comments:

TEAMWORK : Works well in groups, helps resolve conflicts, facilitates meetings, Rating ( ) works well with other Comments:

PERFORMANCE SUMMARY Use this section to summarise the employee’s performance in the last review period, and to provide an overall rating if applicable. When providing comments, consider the employee’s performance against objectives, key issues from the Employee Performance section above, and strengths/potential improvements.

SUMMARY : Rating ( ) Comments:

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 28 Employment / Issue 1-2017 EMPLOYEE COMMENTS Use the space below to make comments regarding your performance evaluation or attach a separate comment sheet or self-appraisal document. Comments:

OBJECTIVES FOR NEXT REVIEW PERIOD Use the following section to record objectives for the next review period. Objective 1:

Objective 2:

EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PLAN This section should be completed after employee and manager have agreed upon desired areas of improvement and development needs related to upcoming goals. It should include development objectives, corresponding development activities (on the job, formal training, etc..), and measurements and time frames for completion. Development Objective 1:

Development Objective 2:

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 29 SIGNATURE SECTION

Employee’s Signature Date

Manager’s Signature Date

Second Level Review Signature Date

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 30 Employment / Issue 1-2017 SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN TIME SHEET

Week Commencing: Full Name: Clock No:

Hours Worked (Excluding meal breaks)

Days In Out In Out Total Monday







Total hours worked: Breakdown of Overtime

Normal Hours 1/2 2 Other

I confirm that the hours shown above are correct. Employees signature...... Manager’s signature……………………………......

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Employment / Issue 1-2017 31


No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Job Descrption / Issue 1-2017 1 JOB DESCRIPTION

Based at: SFC Restaurant

Post of: Restaurant Manager Responsible to: Area Manager Responsible for: Assistant Manager. Supervisors, Catering Assistants.

JOB DESCRIPTION To lead colleagues in the provision of Quality Service and Cleanliness in the operation of the Southern Fried Chicken Restaurant. To ensure that, at all times assistant managers, supervisors and catering assistants present our facilities in the in accordance with the laid down standards in the operation manual.

MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Quality. To ensure that all products are produced according to the laid down procedures as detailed in the operation manual. 2. To maintain staff levels as appropriate to the business level to ensure that customers are served promptly and as per the procedures laid down in the operations manual. 3. To ensure an excellent level of cleanliness throughout the business by acting upon and maintaining a written cleaning schedule. Ensure Supervisors maintain adequate stocks of cleaning materials and equipment. Ensure COSHH regulations are up to date and guidelines in the use of PPE are accurate. 4. To maintain the operations manual and act on and promptly insert amendments and addition as issued. 5. Monitor expenditure and retain efficient budget control in the key impact areas of Food cost, Staff cost, utilities, equipment maintenance, operating supplies. Review staff shifts to ensure an effective and economic match for our customer usage patterns. 6. To hold regular minuted management meetings to provide managers with the information required for them to perform their roles. Agenda to include sales targets, spend targets, margin control, staff budgets and levels, marketing. 7. To establish and maintain a system of performance reviews for assistant managers, supervisors and catering assistants. 8. To establish and maintain systems to train new staff and managers in the performance of their roles. 9. To establish and maintain training records for all staff and managers. 10. To establish and maintain such systems as may be required by environmental health regulations. To maintain written records in accordance with the recommendations of the operations manual and requirements of “due diligence.” 11. To ensure all staff receive food hygiene training before being placed in a food-handling role. 12. To perform unscheduled surprise visits outside normal hours to check the operating standards. 13. Always be available to deal with any concerns that customers may have and seek a solution to every issue that goes beyond what might ordinarily be expected. Respond to ‘Customer Comments Cards’ & communicate details to all colleagues. Reassure customers by projecting a smart and authoritative image.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 2 Job Descrption / Issue 1-2017 14. Ensure the health and safety of customers and colleagues by assisting staff to adhere to appropriate legislation. 15. Advise on any necessary changes or cost saving initiatives. Follow agreed procedures to order stock or equipment and act as an authorised signatory. Maintain an up to date inventory. Liaise with our senior management to present regular expenditure reviews. 16. Promote a positive attitude towards work and always lead by example. Direct the team to exceed the needs of our customers. Deliver staff training, lead inductions and accurately maintain our Staff Handbook, ensuring all our statutory requirements for staff training are fulfilled. Be available to deal with any staff welfare issues and if necessary, handle grievance, disciplinary or capability issues. Conduct staff appraisals to promote the delivery of ‘excellence’. Monitor and approve holiday applications and document sickness absence in accordance with agreed procedures. 17. Ensure all our equipment is in good working order for staff to use safely and check that equipment inspections are documented accurately. 18. Attend during evenings and weekends and act as a ‘key holder’ to deal with ‘out of hours’ emergencies. Cover for the Supervisor, if required. Retain a valid 1st aid certificate. 19. Seek original and innovative ways to promote our themes of ‘continuous improvement’ and ‘excellence’. 20. Undertake any other reasonable duties that may be required and deputise for the Manager in his absence.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Job Descrption / Issue 1-2017 3 JOB DESCRIPTION

Based at: SFC Restaurant Post of: Assistant Restaurant Manager Responsible to: Restaurant Manager Responsible for: Supervisors - Catering Assistants

JOB PURPOSE To lead colleagues in the provision of Quality Service and Cleanliness in the operation of the Southern Fried Chicken Restaurant. To ensure that, at all times, supervisors and catering assistants present our facilities in the in accordance with the laid down standards in the operation manual. To assist the Restaurant Manager in the execution of his duties.

MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES QUALITY 1. To ensure that all products are produced according to the laid down procedures as detailed in the operation manual. 2. To maintain staff levels as appropriate to the business level to ensure that customers are served promptly and as per the procedures laid down in the operations manual. 3. To ensure an excellent level of cleanliness throughout the business by acting upon and maintaining a written cleaning schedule. Ensure Supervisors maintain adequate stocks of cleaning materials and equipment. Ensure COSHH regulations are up to date and guidelines in the use of PPE are accurate. 4. To maintain the operations manual and act on and promptly insert amendments and addition as issued. 5. Monitor expenditure and retain efficient budget control in the key impact areas of Food cost, Staff cost, utilities, equipment maintenance, operating supplies. Review staff shifts to ensure an effective and economic match for our customer usage patterns. 6. To hold regular minuted management meetings to provide managers with the information required for them to perform their roles. Agenda to include sales targets spend targets, margin control, staff budgets and levels, marketing. 7. To establish and maintain a system of performance reviews for assistant managers, supervisors and catering assistants. 8. To establish and maintain systems to train new staff and managers in the performance of their roles. 9. To establish and maintain training records for all staff and managers. 10. To establish and maintain such systems as may be required by environmental health regulations. To maintain written records in accordance with the recommendations of the operations manual and requirements of “due diligence.” 11. To ensure all staff receive food hygiene training before being placed in a food-handling role.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 4 Job Descrption / Issue 1-2017 12. To perform unscheduled surprise visits outside normal hours to check the operating standards. 13. Always be available to deal with any concerns that customers may have and seek a solution to every issue that goes beyond what might ordinarily be expected. Respond to ‘Customer Comments Cards’ & communicate details to all colleagues. Reassure customers by projecting a smart and authoritative image. 14. Ensure the health and safety of customers and colleagues by assisting staff to adhere to appropriate legislation, 15. Advise on any necessary changes or cost saving initiatives. Follow agreed procedures to order stock or equipment and act as an authorised signatory. Maintain an up to date inventory. Liaise with our senior management to present regular expenditure reviews. 16. Promote a positive attitude towards work and always lead by example. Direct the team to exceed the needs of our customers. Deliver staff training, lead inductions and accurately maintain our Staff Handbook, ensuring all our statutory requirements for staff training are fulfilled. Be available to deal with any staff welfare issues and if necessary, handle grievance, disciplinary or capability issues. Conduct staff appraisals to promote the delivery of ‘excellence’. Monitor and approve holiday applications and document sickness absence in accordance with agreed procedures. 17. Ensure all our equipment is in good working order for staff to use safely and check that equipment inspections are documented accurately. 18. Attend during evenings and weekends and act as a ‘key holder’ to deal with ‘out of hours’ emergencies. Cover for the Supervisor, if required. Retain a valid 1st aid certificate. 19. Seek original and innovative ways to promote our themes of ‘continuous improvement’ and ‘excellence’. 20. Undertake any other reasonable duties that may be required and deputise for the Manager in his absence.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Job Descrption / Issue 1-2017 5 JOB DESCRIPTION


Post of: SUPERVISOR Responsible to: Shift Manager, Assistant Manager, Restaurant Manager

MAIN FUNCTION To lead colleagues in the provision of Quality Service and Cleanliness in the operation of the Southern Fried Chicken Restaurant. To ensure that, at all times crew members present our facilities in the in accordance with the laid down standards in the operation manual.

TYPICAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Leadership To manage staff in an area of the restaurant or to act as shift manager for a full or part shift, to deliver Quality, Service and Cleanliness by managing the available resources in terms of staff, product and equipment. To ensure that staff follows the laid down procedures as stated in the operations manual. Deliver on the job staff training. Promote a positive attitude towards work and always lead by example. Direct the team to exceed the needs of our customers.

Customer Service To provide 100% customer satisfaction through friendly, courteous and helpful behaviour, timely and accurate counter service, delivering a consistently high quality product and showing sensitivity to individual customer’s needs. This will involve the use of a cash register, various drinks dispensers and the ability to understand and act upon Southern Fried Chicken’s methods of quality control. To be familiar with the service method as described in the Operations manual and to comply with its requirements in all its aspects. Staff Members must be confident in approaching and dealing with diverse groups of people. To smile!

Food Preparation To prepare and cook all menu items in line with demand and to a high standard using a variety of equipment and tools in a busy kitchen environment. An ability to understand and act upon Southern Fried Chicken methods of production and quality control is essential. To be familiar with the preparation and cooking methods of all menu items as described in the Operations manual and to comply with its requirements in all its aspects. Moving various stock items (some heavy) from main stock areas to kitchen storage will be required.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 6 Job Descrption / Issue 1-2017 Cleanliness and Food Hygiene To maintain levels of cleanliness and hygiene which exceed the standards required by law and fulfil the standards expected from our customers. This will involve the use of a variety of cleaning utensils and equipment and a range of chemical cleaning products. Where necessary, protective equipment will be provided. A full understanding of hygiene requirements and wholehearted commitment to these responsibilities is essential.

Personal standards To maintain the highest level of personal hygiene and to comply with uniform standards as stated in the operations manual or staff handbook. To be, at all times, a credit to the brand.

JOB RELATIONSHIPS Will work closely with: • All managers to assist them with their responsibilities in the operation of the restaurant. • Supervisors to develop the staff member’s skills and to assist in the operation of the restaurant. • All staff members to work as a team to achieve the tasks allocated in an efficient and productive manner.

ACCOUNTABILITY • To adhere to all operational procedures as laid down in the operations manual and local restaurant rules • To account for all monies received from customers when operating a cash register. • To act on all requirements stated in the Operations manual and as as dictated by the franchise owner. • To comply with any reasonable request issued by immediate or more senior management

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Job Descrption / Issue 1-2017 7 JOB DESCRIPTION

Based at: SFC Restaurant

Post of: CREW MEMBER Responsible to: Supervisor, Assistant Restaurant Manager, Restaurant Manager

MAIN FUNCTION To work under the direction of all managers to maintain and improve Southern Fried Chicken’s high levels of Quality, Service and Cleanliness and achieve the Company’s Mission of 100% Total Customer Satisfaction.

TYPICAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Customer Service To provide 100% customer satisfaction through friendly, courteous and helpful behaviour, timely and accurate counter service, delivering a consistently high quality product and showing sensitivity to individual customer’s needs. This will involve the use of a cash register, various drinks dispensers and the ability to understand and act upon Southern Fried Chicken’s methods of quality control. To be familiar with the service method as described in the Operations manual and to comply with its requirements in all its aspects. Staff Members must be confident in approaching and dealing with diverse groups of people. To smile!

Food Preparation To prepare and cook all menu items in line with demand and to a high standard using a variety of equipment and tools in a busy kitchen environment. An ability to understand and act upon Southern Fried Chicken methods of production and quality control is essential. To be familiar with the preparation and cooking methods of all menu items as described in the Operations manual and to comply with its requirements in all its aspects. Moving various stock items (some heavy) from main stock areas to kitchen storage will be required.

Cleanliness and Food Hygiene To maintain levels of cleanliness and hygiene which exceed the standards required by law and fulfil the standards expected from our customers. This will involve the use of a variety of cleaning utensils and equipment and a range of chemical cleaning products. Where necessary, protective equipment will be provided. A full understanding of hygiene requirements and wholehearted commitment to these responsibilities is essential.

Personal standards To maintain the highest level of personal hygiene and to comply with uniform standards as stated in the operations manual. To be at all times a credit to the brand.

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. 8 Job Descrption / Issue 1-2017 JOB RELATIONSHIPS Will work closely with: • All managers to assist them with their responsibilities in the operation of the restaurant. • Supervisors to develop the staff member’s skills and to assist in the operation of the restaurant. • All staff members to work as a team to achieve the tasks allocated in an efficient and productive manner.

ACCOUNTABILITY • To adhere to all operational procedures as laid down in the operations manual and local restaurant rules • To account for all monies received from customers when operating a cash register. • To act on all requirements stated in the Operations manual and as dictated by the franchise owner. • To comply with any reasonable request issued by immediate or more senior management

No part of this manual may be given to a customer, unless they have officially signed the Southern Fried Chicken Agreement. This format is a standard format that all potential operators must follow. Any alterations or requested alterations, must be approved by FFS BRANDS Limited or their Authorised Distributor. Job Descrption / Issue 1-2017 9