MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 18 JULY 2018 Attendees: Councillors: Tony Roche (Chair); Brian Cheadle; Richard Hall, Mike Oates and Alison Fowler.

Borough Councillor: Alison Field-Foster

Parish Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer: Trevor Roff

Public: There were no members of the public in attendance

Action 31/18 Public Question Time

There were no issues raised during public question time. Note

32/18 Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Nick Goodman. Note

33/18 Declaration of Interests

There were no disclosure of interests in relation to Parish Council business. Note

34/18 Approval of Minutes of Parish Council Meeting Held on 16 May 2018

The meeting considered the draft minutes of the last meeting.


The minutes of the meeting, held on 16 May 2018, were approved and signed as a correct record. Note

35/18 Reports

(a) Borough Councillor

Alison Field-Foster, Borough Councillor, provided a detailed update on the following key issues:

(i) Train Timetable Changes - Thameslink: The introduction of new train timetables from 20 May 2018 has caused widespread disruption around the country, including for commuters travelling to and from . The changes were implemented to accommodate the ‘Thameslink Programme’ which is designed to increase capacity on the lines travelling north and south through London, including the Bedford – Brighton Thameslink service. Compensation may be payable if a journey is cancelled or delayed and causes arrival at the destination more than 15 minutes behind schedule. More details are available at the link: https://www.thameslinkrailway.com/delayrepay. Note


(ii) East Midlands Trains: A separate issue to that of the Thameslink Programme is the future of the East Midlands Rail franchise. Bedford is served by the East Midlands Trains ‘Intercity’ service providing fast trains from London St Pancras to , Sheffield and amongst other destinations. This service has, however, been suspended for Bedford passengers in peak hours until 2020 to accommodate the implementation of the Thameslink Programme (as set out above). Note

It was announced in August 2018 that a consultation would be held on the specification for the East Midland Rail franchise contract when it is renewed in August 2019. The Department for Transport has now responded to the public consultation and confirmed that Bedford will no longer be served in peak hours by the Intercity service; the rationale being to reduce overcrowding and improve journey times. Bedford will instead be served by ‘two dedicated commuter trains per hour’ to and from Corby ‘providing capacity to prevent passengers from having to travel on busy Intercity trains’. In addition, there will be a requirement that ‘at least one Intercity service per hour will call at Kettering to retain connections with stations served by the Corby services’, and also a requirement for ‘peak time calls at stations between Leicester and Bedford in the counter-peak direction’. Note

Timetables have not yet to be produced and, as such, it is unclear how journey times will compare between the current Intercity service and the planned dedicated commuter trains. Note

(iii) Urgent Treatment Centre and "Walk In" Services: Bedford Hospital has announced more details of its proposed Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) which is scheduled to open at the beginning of October 2018. The UTC will be situated at the Cauldwell Medical Centre on the Bedford Hospital site; it will provide same-day appointments for minor illnesses over a 12 hour period, 7 days a week, via referrals from Accident & Emergency (A&E) and the 111 phone service, thus reducing pressure on the Hospital’s A&E function. Given that the UTC will provide same-day appointments, the Clinical Commissioning Group (BCCG) - which organises NHS services - announced plans earlier in the year to close the Walk-In Centre (the surgery itself will remain open) from October 2018. It is now understood that the BCCG is now exploring options for a temporary extension of walk-in services north of the river in Bedford until the end of March 2019. It is unclear, at this stage, whether the temporary extension will see the service continue at Putnoe or another location (Gilbert Hitchcock House on Kimbolton Road has been noted by the BCCG as a potential alternative). Note

(iv) NHS General Practitioner (GP) Services: Extended Access: In accordance with NHS ’s requirements, the BCCG has awarded a contract to BEDOC (‘Bedford on Call’) to provide extended GP services from 8am – 8pm, 7 days a week. It is understood that this would lead initially to an extra 550 appointments a week with GPs and practice nurses at two as yet undisclosed locations in Bedford. The appointments will be open to anyone in the Borough. Note


(v) Stroke Services: Since 2016, patients who have suffered a stroke in most areas of the Borough are taken to the Hyper Acute Stroke Unit (HASU) at & Hospital. This is where treatment is provided in the crucial 72 hour period following a stroke. Thereafter, patients are provided with aftercare and rehabilitation either at Bedford Hospital or in the community as appropriate. The BCCG has announced that it is now intending to provide a new 20 bed unit in Bedford for those in need of stroke rehabilitation services. A suitable property has been identified at John Bunyan House on Road, pending alternative premises being found for the current tenants, Headway (a charity providing support for patients with brain injuries). The BCCG has said that the new facility will be an improvement on the current unit at Bedford Hospital in that it will be more suited to providing rehabilitation, thus decreasing patients’ lengths of stay and reducing levels of disability arising from a stroke. Note

(vi) Speed Cameras: In 2017/2018, the Borough Council budgeted to deliver £7.8 million of efficiencies. In February 2018, Borough Council finance officers estimated an overall under-spend for the year of just under £1.8 million. Of this sum, Councillors chose to allocate £1 million for improvements to roads and pavements and £0.525 million for new average speed cameras. There are over 60 requests from local communities for average speed cameras on the waiting list. Following an audit of road safety, it has been established that cameras will be placed at the following sites; the income from fines goes directly to central government:

Needwood Road, Bedford Woburn Road, Putnoe Lane, Bedford Polhill Avenue, Bedford High Street, Clapham The Causeway, Carlton High Street, Note

The meeting noted, with disappointment, the proposed priority list of locations for average speed cameras and requested the Parish Clerk to remind Borough Highways that the Parish Council had resolved some time ago to support the provision of average speed cameras in the village due to the continued problem of speeding throughout the village (minute 6(d) of the meeting held on 17 November 2014 refers). In this regard, Borough Highways had arranged for the collection of vehicle and speed data in Spring 2015, and the Parish Council had been included by on their priority list for average speed cameras for consideration alongside other areas within the Borough for funding (minute 15/15(a) of the meeting held on 16 March 2015 and minute 25(15(a) of the meeting held on 18 May 2015 refer). Borough Highways would be further invited to confirm the likely timescale for the provision of average speed cameras in Odell. PC


(vii) Covanta: The campaign against the proposed ‘Energy Recovery Facility’ for is to be taken to the High Court. American waste processing business, Covanta, received a Development Consent Order from a joint committee of the Houses of Parliament in 2012 to develop the site. In January 2018, it was provided with an Environmental Permit from the Environment Agency to allow the development to proceed. The ‘Bedfordshire Against Covanta Incinerator’ (BACI) group has now requested a judicial review of the Environment Agency’s decision. Note

(b) Odell Village Hall

The report of the Portfolio Holder, Cllr. Oates, outlined that meetings of the Village Hall Committee are held monthly, the first Monday of each month, and that there has been further changes to the Committee, with one formal resignation from Kathryn Carson and the regular non-attendance of Francesca Serra. This means that the Committee is down to only four members. Cllr. Oates stressed that more members need to be identified as the work required to put on events is greater than the current Committee can manage. Note

In respect of events, the jazz band “One More Night” and barbeque event, held on 14 July 2018, achieved a very poor turn out with only 29 paying attendees, although the feedback from those who attended was excellent; there is no doubt that greater support is required for these events if they are to be viable. Currently there are events booked for later this year, including Melvis in September 2018, Quiz Night and 70/80’s discotheque in October 2018 and Alison Neil in December 2018. The Pilates classes, which run earlier in the year, have now ceased due to lack of attendees which made the classes unprofitable. A new Pilate’s class commenced in June 2018 and it is hoped that the number of regular attendees will be adequate for the class to continue. Note

In relation to maintenance needs, there are a number of broken heaters in the hall and, as the heaters are a mix of ages and qualities and cannot be repaired, the Committee have decided to replace all the heaters. Borough Councillor Alison Field-Foster requested the Parish Council to consider the potential use of Ward Funding (up to £1,000) for the provision of new heathers and priority investment in the facility. The meeting welcomed the funding opportunity and the Village Hall Committee would obtain competitive quotations for the work to enable Borough Councillor Foster to obtain the funding from this source. MO


That the proposed allocation of Borough Councillor Ward Funding of up to £1,000 for replacement heaters and other priority investment in the Village Hall facility be supported. Note

(c) Crime Statistics

The Parish Council considered the crime statistics that had been received for the period May 2018 and June 2018 which recorded one incident of theft from a motor vehicle in Odell Road, Odell on 16 May 2018. Note


36/18 Update on Current Issues

(a) Parish Council Vacancies

An advertisement for the vacancies on the Parish Council, arising from the resignation of Cllrs. Pat Asbery and Jon Hudson (minute 26/18(a) of the meeting held on 16 May 2018 refers), had been placed with a closing date of 8 June 2018 and, in response, two applications had been received from Alison Fowler and Callum Thomas. The meeting considered the applications and acknowledged that they both had valuable experience and good knowledge of the Parish and, as such, would be valuable members of the Parish Council. Note


That Alison Fowler and Callum Thomas be co-opted to the Parish Council. Note

(Proposed: Tony Roche, Seconded: Brian Cheadle, All in favour)

Alison Fowler and Callum Thomas, having now been elected as Co-opted Members of Odell Parish Council, would need to complete the declaration of acceptance that they will duly and faithfully fulfil the requirements of the role according to the best of their judgement and ability and observe the code as to the conduct that is expected of the role. The necessary Parish Councillor’ Interests Form had also been sent to Alison Fowler and Callum Thomas for completion and this would then be returned to Borough Hall. PC

(b) Parish Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer

Interviews for the post of Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer had been held on 4 July 2018 and, following evaluation, Diane Robins had been offered the position, effective from 1 August 2018, on the basis of a 208 hour per annum contract of employment (an average of 4 hours per week) at salary grade point 30 within the LC2 range set out in the National Agreement on Salaries and Conditions of Service of Local Council Clerks in England and Wales. Note

The commencing salary is £27,358 pro rata, equivalent to £2,957.62 per annum. In addition, the sum of £216 per annum home working allowance is payable and other expenses (such as postage, printing, stationery and mileage) are reimbursed. The appointment, and terms of the appointment, are subject to confirmation by the Parish Council at this meeting. Note

The meeting conveyed its thanks and best wishes to Trevor Roff who had decided to stand down as a Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer after valuable service to the Parish Council. Cllr. Roche conveyed, on behalf of the Parish Council, its significant thanks and appreciation for his contribution and commitment during his period of office, including the wise counsel given and superb delivery in dealing with the multitude of issues and procedures for which the Parish Council has sincerely appreciated. Note

The meeting considered the arrangements for an effective handover and the preparedness to retain the services of Trevor Roff until 31 August 2018. Note



(1) That the appointment of Diane Robins to the post of Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer effective from 1 August 2018, and terms of her appointment outlined at the meeting, be confirmed; PC

(2) That the resignation of Trevor Roff be accepted, effective from 31 August 2018 to enable an effective handover to the new incumbent to the post of Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer. PC

(Proposed: Tony Roche, Seconded: Brian Cheadle, All in favour)

(c) Meeting Dates

The Parish Council considered future meeting dates. This followed the consideration of the existing commitments of the newly appointed Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer as current meeting dates coincided with an existing Clerking role with another small Parish Council. Note


That future meetings take place on the third Tuesday of each alternate month, commencing on Tuesday 18 September 2018, and that the Council’s PC Standing Orders be updated accordingly.

(d) Bank Account – Authorised Signatories

The current authorised signatories for financial transactions on the Nat West bank account are the Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer and Cllrs. Goodman and Cheadle. The Parish Council, at its meeting on 15 March 2017, had resolved not to appoint an additional authorised signatory for the time being following the resignation of Cllr. Hinds (an existing signatory at that time). Following the recent resignation of Parish Councillors and co-option of new Parish Councillors at this meeting, and the resignation of the existing Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer, Trevor Roff, from the Parish Council, it is appropriate to review the authorised signatories for financial transactions. Note

The Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer reported that Nat West, in considering the application, require the Parish Council to pass a specific resolution in relation to the amendments to the authorised signatory mandate. Note


(1) That Cllrs. Roche, Goodman and Cheadle, together with the newly appointed Clerk/Responsible Finance Officer effective from 1 August 2018, be appointed as authorised signatories for financial transactions and the current bank mandate be updated accordingly. PC

(2) That financial transactions would continue to require two authorised signatories. PC


(3) That a banking relationship will be maintained with National Westminster Bank Plc in accordance with the bank mandate and that:

 The signing rules in the current mandate, for the Odell Parish Council Community Account and Odell Parish Council Parish Fields Account, be maintained in accordance with resolution (2) above;

 That the authorised signatories in the current mandate, for the Odell Parish Council Community Account and Odell Parish Council Parish Fields Account, be changed in accordance with resolution (1) above and the current mandate will continue as amended. PC

(Proposed: Tony Roche, Seconded: Richard Hall, All in favour)

(e) Highway/Traffic Issues

The Portfolio Holder, Cllr. Cheadle, provided the following updates in relation to highway and traffic issues:

(i) Borough Highways had previously identified the priority need for the resurfacing of the highway in the area adjacent to Mill Lane/The Bell Public House/Village Green (minute 26/17(b) of the meeting held on 10 May 2017 refers) and had intended to complete this work before summer 2018. With much disappointment, Borough Highways had now indicated that the work could not be scheduled as part of the current structural maintenance programme; the severe weather that had been experienced in the winter had required a programme of other priority work to be prepared to respond to the effect of the inclement weather across the entire road network. Borough Highways had, however, confirmed that they will be reviewing the whole network again prior to establishing future years’ programmes and that they will ensure Mill Lane, Odell is fully considered as part of the process. Note

(ii) In relation to the proposed installation of deflector lights in the new streetlighting in Mill Lane, given the resident concerns that the new bright white LED lights shine directly in peoples bedrooms (minute 16/18(a) of the meeting held on 21 March 2018 refers), this work remained outstanding. The Parish Clerk would, therefore, seek a further update on likely timescale for this work. PC

(iii) Given the poor condition of street lights in the village, Borough Highways had originally indicated that the refurbishment and repainting of streetlighting columns would be programmed in spring/summer 2018 (minute 46/17(a) of the meeting held on 20 September 2017 refers). Borough Highways had now confirmed that the repainting work would be completed before the end of September 2018. Note

(iv) A number of pot holes had now been filled, including areas of concern in Church Lane, Odell. There are, however, still some holes which have not been filled as they do not exceed the statutory depth for safe passage that would otherwise prompt attention. Note


The meeting also considered, with concern, the extent to which existing signage throughout the village was obscured by foliage and, therefore, not visible. Reference was also made to signage that needed to be repositioned as it had fallen into the hedge and was not fully visible (in the area between Little Odell and the former Mad dog Public House). Borough Highways would be made aware of these concerns and requested to resolve the issues. Note


(1) That the update in respect of Highway matters be acknowledged and the condition be kept under review. Note

(2) That Borough Highways be requested to review and attend to the signage in the village that was obscured by foliage or that needed repositioning to ensure visibility was maintained. PC

(3) That Garry Gardner, Highway Inspector, be invited to attend the next meeting of the Parish Council. PC

(f) Footpaths/Rights of Way

The Portfolio Holder, Cllr. Hall, reported that White Lane and part of Forty Foot BOATS (Byways Open to All Traffic), previously closed due to water logged conditions, are now open. Yelnow Lane, however, remains closed. Note

In terms of further updates:

(i) FP21 cross field route from BW5 south west towards Little Odell is now reinstated (minute 26/18(c) of the meeting held on 16 May 2018 refers). Note

(ii) The intrusion by Motorcycles into Odell Great Wood continues to be a problem according to the Estates Manager. Note

(iii) There has been no official development of the opening of the permissive route within Odell Great Wood. Note

(iv) There was a lack of grasscutting of Rights of Way in the current season. Yelnow Land had not been cut and is a hazard to walkers as the long grass obscures the deep ruts. FP22 to FP15 (beyond the Parish Field) has not been cut and is very difficult to access. A complaint was made by a walker who fell as a result of the long undergrowth. Note

The meeting considered the correspondence from the Borough of Bedford Local Access Forum (BoBLAF) which advises Bedford Borough Council on access, mainly rural, for recreational activities (e.g. walking, cycling, horse riding) for residents of the Borough. The BoBLAF is working with the Borough to highlight the opportunities to access the countryside via the Public Rights of Way (PRoW) network in the Borough. Note


The correspondence from BOBLAF identified the sections of Rights of Way that are planned to be cut in the Parish as part of the Borough’s Seasonal Vegetation Cut (SVC). There was an opportunity to make changes to the cutting regime by specifying an alternative, but equal, length of cut elsewhere. The meeting considered that the existing cut of FP28/FP29 should be varied as it was covered by the Parish Council grasscutting contractor. A preferred alternative would be to undertake the SVC of FP15 and FP22 near Odell Great Wood and Borough Highways would be notified accordingly. The meeting also requested that confirmation be sought from Borough Highways of the extent of their responsibility for footpaths, bridleways and rights of way. The Parish Clerk would also request a list of permissive routes that existed in the Parish. PC

BOBLAF had also requested details of the Parish Councillor who could champion the PRoW network and could be the Borough Council's principal point of contact in these matters. BOBLAF had, therefore, been advised that Cllr. Hall had been allocated the specific portfolio covering rights of way matters on the Parish Council and that he would be the relevant contact. Note

Appropriate liaison would continue to take place with the Rights of Way Team at the Borough Council to seek to resolve issues of concern. RH


(1) That the update in respect of Rights of Way be acknowledged and the condition of footpaths and bridleways be kept under review. Note

(2) That Borough Highways be requested to cut FP15 and FP22 as part of the Borough Council’s Seasonal Vegetation Cut (SVC) instead of the existing programmed cut of FP28 and FP29; PC

(3) That the Rights of Way Team be requested to confirm the extent of their responsibility for the Rights of Way network. PC

(g) Parish Assets

Matters of concern arising from the annual inspection of the play area, undertaken by the RoSPA Play Safety Team on 9 May 2018, had been referred to the original installer and original equipment manufacturer (minute 26/18(d) of the meeting held on 16 May 2018 refers). Note

Wicksteed, the equipment manufacturer, had responded and confirmed that, following investigation, the Parish Council would have to go back to the installer of the equipment as the order from Wicksteed was a supply only order and Wicksteed are only able to rectify issues if installed by them. The original installer, Playground Developments Limited (PDL), had been approached several times and had recently indicated the intention to visit the site and to determine the remedial action required. PDL had been advised that the Parish Council are now very keen to resolve the range of negative issues and risks that have been identified in the recent ROSPA report. The Chair of the Parish Council had also indicated a preparedness to meet on site in order to consider the remedial actions proposed; he would also be prepared to meet on-site with the ROSPA inspector to better understand his report. Note


(h) Grounds Maintenance

The meeting considered the following grounds maintenance issues:

(i) BPHA: BPHA continue to maintain the areas of land in the Village within their responsibility but, despite contact being made with the Home Agent at BPHA responsible for area matters, there is a continuing concern at the extent of double parking outside the BPHA flats. The Home Agent has confirmed that he is aware of the issue (having attempted to tackle it previously) and that, on his return from annual leave on 2 July 2018, he would make contact with the resident/block to work towards a resolution. Borough Councillor Foster also undertook to liaise with BPHA to progress a timely resolution to the issue. Note

(ii) Village Green: The meeting expressed concern at the extent of parking taking place on and around areas of the Village Green and considered, as a priority, the need to carefully position the “No Parking on the Village Green” signs to endeavour to resolve the problem. The tree on the Village Green also needed careful maintenance, including removal of the overgrown ivy that was impacting on its growth. BC

37/18 Planning Matters

(a) Planning Applications

The Parish Council considered the full planning application that had been submitted in respect of the proposed installation of 6 low energy security/floodlights over an existing Manège (2 currently in place) at Yelnow Farm, Church Lane, Odell, Bedford (Planning Application Number 18/01473/FUL) and had no objection, in principle, to the application. There was, however, concern at the extent of lighting proposed and a keenness to ensure that the quantum proposed was not excessive but adequate for the purpose, with appropriate time restrictions. Note


That the Parish Council has no objection, in principle, to the proposal in respect of Planning Application Number 18/01473/FUL but is concerned at the extent of lighting proposed and to ensure that the final provision is not excessive but adequate for the purpose, with appropriate time restrictions and that the Planning Authority be notified accordingly. PC

(b) Planning and Listed Building Applications: Odell Manor, High Street, Odell

The Parish Clerk reported that, since the last meeting and having regard to the deadline for responses, the Local Planning Authority had been advised that the Parish Council had no objection to the planning and listed building consent applications that had been submitted in respect of a single storey rear/side extension at Odell Manor, High Street, Odell, Bedford, MK43 7BB (Planning Application Number 18/01254/FUL and Listed Building Consent Application Number 18/01255/LBC). Note



That the decision to notify the Borough Council that the Parish Council has no objection to planning application reference 18/01254/FUL and listed PC building consent application reference 18/01255/LBC be ratified.

(c) Bedford Borough Local Plan

The Portfolio Holder, Cllr. Roche, updated the meeting on the recent correspondence from Bedford Borough Council in respect of the outcome of the consultation on the Local Plan 2035 ‘Plan for Submission’ organised during Spring 2018. In response to that consultation, ten new sites has been submitted for consideration; this included a site in the neighbourhood Parish of & Radwell. In addition, further information has been submitted in support of Site 608 – Land at Twinwoods, . Note

Details of the submitted information can be viewed on the ‘Call for Sites’ page of the Borough Council’s website www.bedford.gov.uk/localplan2035. The Borough Council had confirmed that the new sites and updated information would be taken into account in preparing a revised local plan for submission which is expected to be published for consultation in Autumn 2018. Note

38/18 Finance & General Administration

(a) Schedule of Receipts & Payments: 2018/2019

The schedule of receipts and payments, covering the period 1 May 2018 to 30 June 2018 and attached at Appendix A, was considered. Note


That the schedule of receipts and payments, attached at Appendix A to the minutes, be approved. PC

(b) Financial Position - Account Balances

The financial position of the Parish Council, as at 30 June 2018, was reported as follows:

Main Account £14,696.79 Charity Bond (Value at 31 March 2018) £3,973.12 Grazing Account Balance £3,533.71 TOTAL £22,203.62

This compares to a total balance, as at 30 April 2018, of £24,044.88. Note


That the financial position of the Parish Council, as at 30 June 2018, be acknowledged. Note


(c) Budget Monitoring Report – 2018/2019

The meeting considered and acknowledged the Budget Monitoring Report for the period to 30 June 2018 (circulated prior to the meeting). This identified expenditure incurred and income received against the approved 2018/2019 revenue budget with no specific areas of concern or significant variances at this stage. The meeting acknowledged the need to keep the financial position under review with regular budget monitoring reports. Note

The meeting considered that the sum of £25 should be allocated from the general contingency to Parish Council insurance to offset the higher costs incurred compared to the original approved budget. PC


(1) That the budget position statement, for the period to 30 June 2018, be acknowledged and that the financial position be kept under review. PC

(2) That the sum of £25 should be allocated from the contingency budget to the insurance budget and that, as a consequence, the contingency balance in the approved budget be reduced from £500 to £475. PC

39/18 Correspondence

Key items of correspondence received since the last meeting include:

(a) The weekly list from Bedford Borough Council of applications/notices received under the Licensing Act 2003 and Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act and the Gambling Act 2005. These can be found at: http://www.bedford.gov.uk/business/licences_and_street_trading/licensing _act_2003/applications.aspx. All

(b) Regular news updates from Bedford Community Voluntary Service with details of a range of events and courses organised by the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector. Note

(c) Regular press releases from Bedford Borough Council with details of local issues, service development proposals and organised events. Note

(d) Product and contact details from a number of suppliers of street furniture and play equipment. Note

(e) Correspondence from Seafarers UK, dated 14 May 2018, outlining British Merchant Navy Day on 3 September 2018 and inviting neighbourhoods to help raise public awareness of the nation's dependence on seafarers and shipping. Note

(f) Details of the "Bubble Rush 2018" event at Cranfield University, Bedford on Sunday 15 July 2018 in support of Keech Hospice Care. An advertisement poster has been displayed on the parish notice boards. Note

(g) Correspondence from Ringhouse Developments, dated 17 May 2018, in respect of the proposed Garden Village new settlement that had been submitted to Bedford Borough Council for consideration as part of the emerging 2035 Local Plan. Note


(h) Correspondence from Carlton & Parish Council, dated 24 May 2018, outlining that the draft Carlton and Chellington Neighbourhood Development Plan had been published for “pre-submission consultation” in accordance with Regulation 14 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. The statutory consultation ran from Friday 25 May 2018 to Friday 6 July 2018 and the Parish Council was invited to review and comment on the Pre-Submission Plan. Following this consultation, the Plan will be amended and then submitted to Bedford Borough Council, as required, for Regulation 16 consultation and independent examination. The Plan, if successful at examination, will then proceed to a local referendum. Note

(i) Crime statistics for May 2018 covering the north rural area, listed in "Beat Code" order. This identified one reported crime involving the theft from a motor vehicle in Odell Road, Odell on 16 May 2018. Note

(j) Correspondence and location plan from Borough Highways outlining the temporary road closure of Road, Poddington and Poddington Road, Wymington from Tuesday 26 June 2018 to Wednesday 27 June 2018 to facilitate a railway bridge examination. Note

(k) Correspondence from the Borough of Bedford Local Access Forum (BoBLAF) which advises Bedford Borough Council on access, mainly rural, for recreational activities (e.g. walking, cycling, horse riding) for residents of the Borough. The BoBLAF is working with the Borough to highlight the opportunities to access the countryside via the Public Rights of Way (PRoW) network in the Borough. Note

(l) Correspondence from Bedfordshire Association of Town & Parish Councils, dated 13 June 2018, in respect of the on the reform of data protection legislation and outlining the advice from the Information Commissioner that there is no longer a requirement, under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), for Parish and Town Councils to appoint a Data Protection Officer. There is, however, an on-going requirement to comply with GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018. Note

(m) Crime statistics for June 2018 covering the north rural area, listed in "Beat Code" order. There were no instances recorded in Odell during this period. Note

(n) Newsletter from the English Regional Transport Association, including details of the organisations Annual General Meeting of the on 10 July 2018. Note

(o) The July 2018 edition of the Bedfordshire Bugle had been received and had been circulated to all Parish Councillors for consideration. Note

(p) Correspondence from Bedford Borough Council, dated 10 July 2018, outlining that 10 additional Local Plan "call for site" submissions received during the most recent consultation had been published on the Borough Council’s website at www.bedford.gov.uk/localplan2035. Note

40/18 Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 18 September 2018 at 7.30pm. Note









02 MAY 2018 A R WORBOYS LTD – GRASS CUTTING: 18 APRIL 2018 189.00 31.50 08 MAY 2018 JULIE BETTS – INTERNAL AUDIT FEE 120.00 - 08 MAY 2018 HEWLETT PACKARD INSTANT INK: APRIL 2018 10.99 1.83 08 MAY 2018 PARISH CLERK – OFFICE EXPENSES: APRIL 2018 8.04 - 15 MAY 2018 ANGLIAN WATER – WATER SUPPLY 8.00 - 16 MAY 2018 PARISH CLERK PAYROLL – MAY 2018 226.48 - 16 MAY 2018 A R WORBOYS LTD – GRASS CUTTING: 2 MAY 2018 126.00 21.00 16 MAY 2018 PLAYSAFETY LIMITED - ANNUAL INSPECTION 84.00 14.00 16 MAY 2018 CAME & COMPANY – INSURANCE RENEWAL 424.15 - 21 MAY 2018 A R WORBOYS LTD – GRASS CUTTING: 17 MAY 2018 189.00 31.50 26 MAY 2018 PARISH CLERK – OFFICE EXPENSES: MAY 2017 3.96 0.66 26 MAY 2018 HEWLETT PACKARD INSTANT INK: MAY 2018 16.99 2.83 26 MAY 2018 VILLAGER MINIBUS LIMITED – GRANT AWARD 70.00 - 29 MAY 2018 ICO – DATA PROTECTION FEE 35.00 - 12 JUNE 2018 A R WORBOYS LTD – GRASS CUTTING: 31 MAY 2018 63.00 10.50 12 JUNE 2018 A R WORBOYS LTD – GRASS CUTTING: 30 MAY 2018 126.00 21.00 15 JUNE 2018 ANGLIAN WATER - WATER SUPPLY 8.00 - 18 JUNE 2018 PARISH CLERK PAYROLL – JUNE 2018 222.13 -

TOTAL PAYMENTS 1,930.74 134.82