Crown Office, 12th February, 1906. [ Bordesley Division. MEMBERS returned to serve in the PARLIA- ; The Right Honourable Jesse Collings. MENT summoned to be holden at Westminster South Division. the 13th day of February, 1906 :— Charles James Stanley Howard, Esq. (commonly AND WALES. called Viscount Morpeth). County o/Anglesea. Borough of Blackburn. Ellis Jones Griffith, Esq. Sir William Henry Hornby, Bart. Borough of A sit ton-under- Ly ne. Philip Snowden, Esq. Alfred Henry Scott, Esq. Borough of Bolton. Borough of Aston Manor. George Harwood, Esq. Alfred Henry Gill, Esq. Evelyn Cecil, Esq. Borough of Boston. Borough of Bar row-in-Furness. George Henry Faber, Esq. Charles Duncan, Esq. Borough of Bradford. Borough of Bath. West Division. Donald Maclean, Esq. George Peabody Gooch, Esq. Frederick William Jowett, Esq. Borough of Battfrsea and Clapham. Central Division. Sir George Scott Robertson, K.C.S.I. Batter&ea Division. The Right Honourable John Burns. East Division. Clapham Division. William Edwin Briggs Priestley, Esq. Percy Melville Thornton, Esq. County oj Brecknock. County of . Sidney Robinson, Esq. Northern or Biggleswode Division. Borouyh of Brighton. Arthur William Black, Esq. Ernest Am'herst Villiers, Esq. Edward Aurelian Ridsdale, Esq. Southern or Division. Thomas Gair Ashton, Esq. Borough of . West Division. Borough of Bedford. George Abraham Gibbs, Esq. Percy Barlow, Esq. County of Berks. North Division. Northern or Abingdon Division. The Right Honourable Augustine Birrell, K.C. Edward Anthony Strauss, Esq. East Division. Southern or Newbury Division. Charles Edward Henry Hobhouse, Esq. Frederic Coleridge Mackarness, Esq. South Division. Eastern or Wohingham Division. William Howell Davies, Esq. Ernest Gardner, Esq. County of Buckingham. Borough of Bethnal Green. Northern or Buckingham Division. North-East Division. Frederick William Verney, Esq. Sir Edwin Andrew . Mid or Aylesbury Divisio?t. South- West Division. Lionel Walter Rothschild, Esq. (commonly called Edward Hare Pickersgill, Esq. the Honourable Lionel Walter Rothschild). Borough of BirTcenhtad. Southern or Wycombe Division, Henry Harvey Vivian, Esq. j Thomas Arnold Herbert, Esq. Borough of Birmingham. Borough of Burnley. Edgbaston Division. Fred Maddison, Esq. Sir Francis William Lowe. Borough of Bury (Lancashire). West Division. George Toulmin, Esq. The Right Honourable Joseph Chamberlain. Borough of Bury St. Edmunds. Central Division. Captain Frederick William Fane Hervey. Ebenezer Parkes, Esq. Borough of Camberwell. North Division. North Division. John Throgmorton Middlemore, Esq. ! Thomas James Macnamara, Esq. East Division. | Peckham Division. Sir John Benjamin Stone. ' Charles Goddard Clarke, Esq.