LAFs Represented at the Conference

Number of delegates who attended

LAF reps and Regional Coordinators = 99 Natural /Defra staff = 15 Total = 114

Number of LAFs represented = 72 (88% of LAFs)


Barnsley LAF Birmingham LAF Borough of LAF LAF LAF Central and LAF LAF LAF LAF Cumbria LAF Dartmoor LAF and Derbyshire LAF Devon LAF Doncaster LAF Dorset LAF Dudley Borough LAF & LAF East Sussex LAF LAF Exmoor LAF Hampshire CAF LAF LAF LAF JLAF Lake District LAF Lancashire LAF Leeds LAF City LAF Leicestershire LAF LAF Merseyside inc Halton and LAF Mid and LAF Mid Lincolnshire LAF Milton Keynes LAF New Forest LAF LAF Manchester and Salford LAF North Moors LAF North Yorkshire LAF Northamptonshire LAF LAF Nottinghamshire LAF Peak District LAF LAF LAF LAF Rotherham LAF Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead LAF Sandwell LAF Sheffield LAF LAF Local Access Forum South Downs LAF South Lincs and LAF Staffordshire, Stoke-on-Trent and Wolverhampton LAF Stockport MBC LAF Surrey CAF LAF LAF LAF Tyne & Wear Joint LAF Wakefield LAF Warwickshire, Solihull & Coventry LAF West Sussex LAF Wigan LAF & Swindon LAF Worcestershire LAF Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority

Not Represented:

Bracknell Forest Local Access Forum Broads Local Access Forum Gloucestershire Local Access Forum Kent Local Access Forum Local Access Forum National Park & County LAF Oxfordshire Countryside Access Forum Somerset Local Access Forum Tees Valley Joint Local Access Forum Walsall Local Access Forum