Creativity Matters: the Arts and Aging Toolkit © 2007 by the National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts, 520 8Th Avenue, Suite 302, New York, NY 10018
NATionaL GUILD OF CommUniTY SchooLS OF The ARTS CREATIVITY NATionaL CenTer For CreaTIVE Aging NEW Jersey PerForming ARTS CenTer MATTERS THE ARTS AND AGING JOHANNA MISEY BOYER TOOLKIT CREATIVITY MATTERS THE ARTS AND AGING TOOLKIT Creativity Matters: The Arts and Aging Toolkit © 2007 by the National Guild of Community Schools of the Arts, 520 8th Avenue, Suite 302, New York, NY 10018 All rights reserved. Published 2007 Printed in the United States of America Evaluation: Performance Results, Inc., Laytonsville, Maryland Editing: Ellen Hirzy, Washington, DC Design: fuszion, Alexandria, Virginia Photo Credits: Cover (top) and 14: PARADIGM, Solomons Company/Dance, Inc., New York, NY; cover (center): detail of work by Hang Fong Zhang, Center for Elders and Youth in the Arts, Institute on Aging, San Francisco, CA, Jeff Chapline, artistic director; cover (bottom) and 184: Concord Community Music School, Concord, NH, National Guild member since 1984; xxii, 32, 174, 178: Stagebridge Senior Theatre Company, Oakland, CA; 44: Amatullah Saleem (storyteller), Pearls of Wisdom program, Elders Share the Arts, Brooklyn, NY; 24: Alzheimer’s Association Orange County, Irvine, CA; 70: detail of work by Celia Sacks, Center for Elders and Youth in the Arts, Institute on Aging, San Francisco, CA, Jeff Chapline, artistic director; 122: The Golden Tones, Wayland, MA; 146: Irv Williams and Carla Vogel (musician and dancer), Kairos Dance Theatre, Minneapolis, MN; 164: Jesse Neuman-Peterson and Moses Williams (dancers), Kairos Dance Theatre, Minneapolis, MN. The author would like to acknowledge the support of Neil A. Boyer and the inspiration of the ladies on the garden level and her own well elder, Edward G.
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