PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION FACT BOOK 57th Edition April 2006 published by American Public Transportation Association Howard Silver, Chair Michael S. Townes, First Vice Chair Paul P. Skoutelas, Secretary-Treasurer Richard A. White, Immediate Past Chair Vice Chairs Allen D. Biehler, P.E. Kim R. Green Gary W. McNeil Christopher P. Boylan John M. Inglish Jeffrey A. Nelson Mattie P. Carter Jeanne Krieg David L. Turney Michael P. DePallo William D. Lochte Kathryn D. Waters Fred M. Gilliam President William W. Millar Chief of Staff Karol J. Popkin Vice Presidents Pamela L. Boswell Daniel Duff C. Samuel Kerns Anthony M. Kouneski Rosemary Sheridan produced by Member Services Department Information Services Group Larry H. Pham, Ph.D. Chief Economist and Director - Information Services prepared by: Damian Danchenko Statistical Analyst/Programmer i American Public Transportation Association 1666 K Street, N.W., Suite 1100 Washington, DC 20006 TELEPHONE: (202) 496-4800 FAX: (202) 496-4326 EMAIL:
[email protected] WEBSITE: PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION FACT BOOK April 2006 International Standard Book Number: 1-931594-21-X About APTA APTA is a nonprofit international association of over 1,500 public and private member organizations including transit systems and commuter rail operators; planning, design, construction and finance firms; product and service providers; academic institutions, transit associations and state departments of transportation. APTA members serve the public interest by providing safe, efficient and economical transit services and products. Over ninety percent of persons using public transportation in the United States and Canada are served by APTA members. APTA Vision Statement Be the leading force in advancing public transportation.