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ON adïnčïg bark IN THE ORKHON INSCRIPTIONS Yong-Sŏng LI Abstract Orkhon Turkic is the oldest Turkic dialect whose written records have come down to us. It is known to us through the inscriptions found in Mongolia, mainly in the basin of the Orkhon River, thus being conveniently called ‘the Orkhon inscriptions’. Since the Danish scholar Vilhelm Thomsen succeeded in deciphering the old Turkic script used in the Orkhon and Yenisei inscriptions, many scholars tried to interpret the texts of the inscriptions. The sentences containing the phrase adïnčïg bark in KT S 12 and BK N 14 appear differently in the first copies of the Orkhon inscriptions of the Finnish expedition and the Russian expedition. Moreover, parts of these sentences were already damaged and unreadable at that time. The sentences in question have been almost always read as follows based on V. Thomsen’s reading in 1896: aŋar adïnčïg bark yaraturtum (KT S 12) aŋar adïnčïg bark yar[atït]dïm (BK N 14) “I got them to build an extraordinary mausoleum.” However, it is difficult to read the letters kr.ivmand ..i…d(IO 7) as adïnčïg bark. Moreover, there is no other occurrence of the phrase adïnčïg bark in the old Turkic inscriptions. By the way, the sentences in question may be read as follows based on W. Radloff’s edition in 1896 and his reading in 1897, although the editions by W. Radloff were changed several times: (a)ŋ(a)r : m[(ä)n : t(a)]š b(a)rk : y(a)r(a)turt(u)m : “I got them to build a stone mausoleum.” (KT S 12) * Dr., Seoul National University, [email protected] 2011 - 2 43 On adïnčïg bark in the Orkhon Inscriptions [m(ä)n] (a)ŋ(a)r t(a)š(ï)g : b(a)rk : y(a)r(a)[t(ït)]d(ï)m : “I got them to build a mausoleum out of stone.” (BK N 14) The phrase taš bark ‘stone mausoleum’ occurs three times more in the Orkhon inscriptions (KT S 13, NE; BK N 15). Key words: adïnčïg bark, Orkhon inscriptions, Orkhon Turkic, taš bark Orhon Yazıtlarındaki adınçıg bark Üzerine Özet Orhon Türkçesi, yazılı kayıtları bize kadar gelen en eski Türk diyalektidir. Moğolistan’da, başlıca Orhon Irmağı havzasında bulunan, dolayısıyla uygun olarak ‘Orhon Yazıtları’ diye adlandırılan yazıtlar vasıtasıyla bize biliniyor. Danimarkalı bilgin Vilhelm Thomsen Orhon ve Yenisey yazıtlarında kullanılan eski Türk yazısını deşifre etmeyi başardığından beri çok sayıda bilgin yazıtların metinlerini yorumlamaya çalışmıştır. KT G 12 ve BK K 14’deki adınçıg bark ibaresini içeren cümleler, Fin ve Rus keşif heyetlerinin ilk Orhon yazıtları kopyalarında farklı çıkıyor. Üstelik bu cümlelerin kısımları daha o zamanlarda tahrip olmuş ve okunaksız durumdaydı. Söz konusu cümleler 1896’daki V. Thomsen’in okuyuşuna dayanılarak hemen hemen her zaman şöyle okuna gelmiştir: aŋar adınçıg bark yaraturtum (KT G 12) aŋar adınçıg bark yar[atıt]dım (BK K 14) “Onlara olağanüstü bir anıt-mezar yaptırdım.” Halbuki kr.ivm ve ..i…d harflerini (IO 7) adïnčïg bark okumak zordur. Ayrıca, eski Türk yazıtlarında adïnčïg bark ibaresinin başka bir örneği de yoktur. Bu arada, Söz konusu cümleler 1896’daki W. Radloff’un baskısı ve 1897’deki onun okuyuşuna dayanılarak, onun baskıları birkaç kez değiştirilmişse de, şöyle okunabilir: (a)ŋ(a)r : m[(ä)n : t(a)]ş b(a)rk : y(a)r(a)turt(u)m : “Onlara b[en ta]ş anıt-mezar yaptırdım.” (KT G 12) [m(ä)n] (a)ŋ(a)r t(a)ş(ı)g : b(a)rk : y(a)r(a)[t(ıt)]d(ı)m : “[Ben] onlara taştan anıt- mezar yap[tır]dım.” (BK K 14) Taş bark ‘taş anıt-mezar’ ibaresi Orhon yazıtlarında üç kez (KT G 13, KD; BK K 15) daha geçiyor. Anahtar kelimeler: adınçıg bark, Orhon yazıtları, Orhon Türkçesi, taş bark I. Introduction Orkhon Turkic is the oldest Turkic dialect whose written records have come down to us.1 It is known to us through the inscriptions found in present- 1 Tekin 1968: 7. 44 2011 - 2 Yong-Sŏng LI day Outer Mongolia, mainly in the basin of the Orkhon River, thus being conveniently called ‘the Orkhon inscriptions’. These are the Kül Tigin, Bilgä Kagan, Tonyukuk, Išbara Tarkan (Ongi), and Küli Čor (Ikhe-Khushotu) inscriptions.2 Since the well-known Danish scholar Vilhelm Thomsen succeeded in deciphering the old Turkic script used in the Orkhon and Yenisei inscriptions of the ancient Turks,3 many scholars tried to interpret the texts of the inscriptions. Most parts of the inscriptions are already well read. II. Interpretation of the phrase adïnčïg bark by the scholars The phrase adïnčïg bark appears in KT S 12 and BK N 14. The sentences containing this phrase were interpreted as follows: (1) :mtro.Sj:kr.ivm:rL (IO 7) (KT S 12) :m..rj..i…drk (IO 21) (BK N 14) (2) :mtpot:j…:giBm:rh (Radloff 1892: XX) (KT S 12) :m.rj:SmOK:gndobz (Radloff 1892: XXV) (BK N 14) (3) :mtrotro:krbwt:Nmrh (Radloff 1894: 36) (KT S 12) аңар мӓн таш барk уртуртым (Radloff 1894: 37) “von diesen habe ich das Steinwerk herstellen lassen” (Radloff 1894: 36-37), “ich habe von ihnen das Steinwerk herstellen lassen” (Radloff 1894: 145b) :amgtrj….:(Nmrh) (Radloff 1894: 80) (BK N 14) аңар мӓн … јаратыҕма “von diesen habe ich ….. herrichten” (Radloff 1894: 81) барk ‘das Geräth, der Hausrath, die Herrichtung’ … таш барk ‘Steinwerk’ (Radloff 1894: 137a) јарат- ‘vorziehen, Wohlgefallen haben, einrichten, ausführen’ (Radloff 1894: 117a) таш ‘der Stein’ … таш барk ‘Steinwerk’ (Radloff 1894: 124a) уртур- ‘schlagen lassen, aufschreiben lassen’ (Radloff 1894: 103b) (4) “Von ihnen liess ich das Steinwerk herstellen” (Radloff 1895: 447) (KT S 12) “von ihnen habe ich ………….. verrichten” (Radloff 1895: 459) (BK N 14) 2 Tekin 1968: 9. 3 Tekin 1968: 12. 2011 - 2 45 On adïnčïg bark in the Orkhon Inscriptions (5) aṅar adyn͡ čyγ barq jaraturtym “Je leur ai fait ériger à part l’édifice (le temple, la sale)” (Thomsen 1896: 119)4 (KT S 12) aṅar adyn͡ čyγ barq jaratdym “Avec leur aide j’ai érigé à part l’édifice (le temple)” (Thomsen 1896: 133) (BK N 14) (6) :mtrotrj:krbw…mrh (Radloff 1896: XCIX) (KT S 12) :md.rj.krb:gwtrh.. (Radloff 1896: CI) (BK N 14) (7) Аңар м(ӓн т)аш барk јартуртум “Von diesen habe ich das Steinwerk behauen lassen” (Radloff 1897: 153) (KT S 12) аңар ташыҕ барk(ыҕ) јарттым “von diesen habe ich das Steinwerk behauen lassen” (Radloff 1897: 154) (BK N 14) барk ‘Gebäude’ (Radloff 1897: 179a) јартур (v) ‘behauen lassen’ (ein Verbum јаратур ist ganz unmöglich) (Radloff 1897: 172a) таш ‘Stein’ (Radloff 1897: 174b) (8) барk ‘1) (AT.) строеніе – das Bauwerk, das Werk; аңар мӓн таш барk јараттуртум “я приказалъ соорудить это каменное строеніе – ich habe dieses Steinwerk herrichten lassen”; … (Radloff 1911: 1483) (KT S 12) таш ‘камень, каменный – der Stein, steinern’; … таш барk ‘(AT.) каменныя строенія – steinerne Gebäude, das Steinwerk (Ka 12, 7); … (Radloff 1905: 931-932) (9) “Ich habe sie eine besondere (?ausgezeichnete?) Halle aufführen” (Thomsen 1924: 143) (KT S 12) “Ich habe sie eine besondere (?ausgezeichnete?) Halle aufführen lassen” (Thomsen 1924: 144) (BK N 14) (10) :mtrotrj:krb:givdrh (Orkun 1936: 29) (KT S 12) anar adın͡ čıg bark yaraturtım “Bunlara ayrı bir bark yaptırdım” (Orkun 1936: 28) :mDtrj….:Nmrh (Orkun 1936: 59)5 (BK N 14) anar adın͡ čıg bark yaratdım “Onlara ayrıca bark yaptırttım” (Orkun 1936: 58) 4 “…, le mot givd, que je lis adyn͜ čyγ et rattache à l’ouigour adynzyq, -zaq, autrement (adyn, autre, en outré, au contraire).” (Thomsen 1896: 42) “Sur adynčyγ voir p. 42. Le mot barq désigne évidemment ici, comme I N 13 et II N 14, II SW, le temple (la salle des ancêtres) élevé, sur l’ordre de l’empereur chinois, à côté du monument; voir p. 78, 80 et suiv. Je le traduis ici par «édifice».” (Thomsen 1896: 172) 5 It is impossible to read mDtrj….:Nmrh as anar adın͡ čıg bark yaratdım. mDtrj should be an editorial error for mdtrj. This error caused certainly the reading mDtrj of Malov 1959 and Ergin 1970, and the reading yaratid(d)im of Tekin 1968. 46 2011 - 2 Yong-Sŏng LI adïnçïγ ‘başka, diğer, ayrı’ (Orkun 1941: 4) añar ‘onu, orada, orada’ (Orkun 1941: 8) barq ‘bark, ev bark; büyük bina’ (Orkun 1941: 18) yarat- ‘yaratmak, tensik etmek, teşkil etmek’ (Orkun 1941: 133) yaratur- ‘yapdırmak, vücude getirtmek’ (Orkun 1941: 133) (11) :mtrotrj:krbgivdrh (Malov 1951: 20) (KT S 12) Аңар адынчыҕ барk јаратуртым (Malov 1951: 28) “Им я поручил устроить особое (специальное) здание” (Malov 1951: 35) adynčyq ‘особый, другой’ (Malov 1951: 354b) an̨ar ‘ему’ (Malov 1951: 359a) barq ‘(иранск. ?) здание, сооружение’ (Malov 1951: 368b) jaratur- ‘приказать строить’ (Malov 1951: 385b) (12) :mDtrj:krb:gvd:rh (Malov 1959: 15)6 (BK N 14) ан̨ар адынчыҕ ташыҕ барkыҕ јаратдым (Malov 1959: 19) “им я велел вытесать камень и (построить) надгробие (здание)” (Malov 1959: 24) адынчыҕ ‘различный’ (Malov 1959: 89b) ан̨ар ‘ему; им’ (Malov 1959: 90b) барk ‘дом; здание’ (Malov 1959: 92a) јарт- ‘поручить вытесать; разбить’ (Malov 1959: 95b) (13) Аңар адынчығ барқ йаратуртым “Им я поручил создать особое (adïnčïγ) здание” (Nasilov 1960: 19), “Их заставил (им поручил) создать особое здание” (Nasilov 1960: 23), “Им я поручил создать особое здание” (Nasilov 1960: 37) (KT S 12) адынчығ ‘особый’ (Nasilov 1960: 19) барқ ‘здание; постройка’ (Nasilov 1960: 15) (14) aŋar adïnč(č)ï̄ γ barq yaraturtum (Tekin 1968: 232) (KT S 12) “I got them to build an extraordinary mausoleum.” (Tekin 1968: 263) aŋar adïnč(č)ïγ barq yaratid(d)im (Tekin 1968: 247) (BK N 14) “I got them to build an extraordinary mausoleum.” (Tekin 1968: 281) adïnč(č)ïγ ‘extraordinary, wonderful’ (Tekin 1968: 299b) 6 It is impossible to read :mDtrj:krb:gvd:rh as ан̨ар адынчыҕ ташыҕ барkыҕ јаратдым.