SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit 17 May 2015 Die approbierte Originalversion dieser Diplom-/ Masterarbeit ist in der Hauptbibliothek der Tech- nischen Universität Wien aufgestellt und zugänglich.

The approved original version of this diploma or master thesis is available at the main library of the Vienna University of Technology.


Design of a passenger Unit for commercial suborbital point to point spacefights aboard the SpaceLiner SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit

1 | Concept of the SpaceLiner passenger Unit | AK

2 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit


Diese Diplomarbeit ist Teil meines Studiums der Architektur an der Technischen Universität Wien und stellt den ordentlichen Abschluss dieses Studiums dar.

Ich erkläre hiermit an Eides statt, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbstständig und ohne Benutzung Anderer als der angegebenen Hilfsmittel angefertigt habe. Die aus fremden Quellen direkt oder indirekt übernommenen Gedanken sind als solche kenntlich gemacht. Die Arbeit wurde bisher in gleicher oder ähnlicher Form keiner anderen Prüfungsbehörde vorgelegt und auch noch nicht veröfentlicht.

Ausgeführt zum Zwecke der Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Diplom-Ingenieurs unter der Leitung von Univ. Ass. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger.

Eingereicht an der Technischen Universität Wien - Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung, am Institut für Architektur und Entwerfen - Abteilung Hochbau 2 | Konstruktion und Entwerfen e253/5.

Unter der Leitung von Univ.Ass. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger Ao.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Helmut Schramm O.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. William Alsop

Verfasst von Amine Khouni, Matrikelnummer 0325545

Wien, am 18. Mai 2015 Stolzenthalergasse 20 /15 - 1080 Wien

Amine Khouni

3 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit

4 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit


My thanks go to Dr.-Ing. DI. Sandra Haeuplik-Meusburger for the lasting academic support. Your restless work as an architect for space exploration will continue to animate students to choose this fascinating path. During the research phase, you stood aside with helpful suggestions and throughout the years you brought exceptional professional opportunities to my reach. Thank you Sandra!

Thank you beloved Kathi for the admiration and faith you put in my dreams every morning, for this unconditional love we share. You are the closest to my heart.

Thank you parents for the gift of being. To my sister and brothers, Aladin for your positivity and many shared laughs, Aziz for your encouragements and Mohammed for your determination and focus. You are all equally inspiring and enriching to me.

Thanks to my dear friends for the successful distraction during my studies and my university colleagues for the intellectual stimulation and interest in my thesis topic.

Thank you to all unmentioned but always remembered for your support in times of struggle, and for this joyful life you contribute to.

Vienna, January 18th 2015

Amine Khouni

5 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit


Ever since I was a little boy I have been fascinated by the limitless and still unexplored space surrounding the planet Earth. I imagined traveling in spaceships to explore distant galaxies. But becoming an astronaut was out of reach, A congenital sight deficiency would not allow me to become an astronaut. Instead I learned to wear the architect’s glasses and study in depth everything related to human activities. From confined spaces as in cells, rooms, buildings and cities to outposts as on the poles, lunar bases and outer-space.

Space tourism is en vogue and Space agencies will soon rely on private companies to shuttle astronauts to orbital space stations, to the moon and soon to Mars. Hypersonic thrust technologies have come within reach to facilitate the development of suborbital fights. Connecting high transit points of the fve continents in less than 90 min fight-time is the goal set by DLR for which the SpaceLiner is conceived. This is exciting since it will transform the way we travel and work in networks in the future.

As an architect I’m interested in what has to be considered when designing the interior habitat. How can a passenger seat fulfill the safety and technical requirements and satisfy with its comfort, entertainment and take individual needs into account? Will the layout of a commercial DLR SpaceLiner look like an aircraft interior? Or will it have to submit radical changes as much as to the traveling experience itself. For which passenger is it within reach? How will it transform and shape our future social interactions during travel time?

After designing a living and research base for the extreme conditions of the lunar surface, I find it exciting to tackle the interior of this transportation mean of the future. To study the process from check in to check out, from exit to reentry.

Welcome aboard!

6 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit


Space tourism is en vogue again. Hypersonic fights have come within reach to facilitate the development of commercial point to point suborbital fights. Connecting high density poles on the continents in less than 90 min fight-time is the goal set for the SpaceLiner which is under investigation since 2005 by DLR the German Aerospace Agency.

No stewards, no windows, , up to 10G loads at launch and microgravity at the edge of space. These are the conditions in which the task is to setup the interior layout, design the passenger seating Unit and analyze the process from check in to check out to fulfll the extreme infight requirements, passenger safety and comfort and transcend air travel as known today. A long and tedious astronaut’s training is not required to take a seat on board and take off.

The goal is to present the evolution of commercial hypersonic suborbital point to point spacefights, under development and to design an ergonomic passenger Unit as a futuristic yet feasible adaptation of airborne seatings.

After studying the benchmark in the commercial suborbital tourism industry, analyzing the safety requirements and focusing on the passenger as fortunate early adopter, designs suggestions for confned spaces with high density of technology, and use of new composite materials can be expected for designing and manufacturing of the Unit which will welcome, secure and entertain the passenger during fights on the SpaceLiner.

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1 | The Cosmos seen by Hubble

12 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 1. INTRODUCTION




The way we view space now is much diferent from the way we saw it a decade or even 30 years ago. Furthermore due to ventures like Virgin In the early and late 20th century space was this far of Galactic and XCor a lot of us actually have this and mysterious place which only a few people could somewhat remote possibility that we could actually experience or interact with. It was more a novelty that visit space in our lifetime. The current interest in space sparked curiosity and imagination, a wild place which reaches a wider class of people than the original was yet to be conquered. Much like the great polar or extravaganza of the early 20th century and this is why mountain climbing expeditions of the 18th and 19th I believe that the real space age begins now, in the century. dawn of the 21st century.

This desire to explore was also exaggerated by Many excellent books have been written in the the space race, which was more a showcase of who last years about space tourism. After all of the diferent could build the best rocket than a genuine desire to conquests of Humanity, there is no doubt that this one, develop space faring technology. rather in close reach, is the one probably most alive in the imagination and aspiration of the general public. The public interest in space started to dwindle right after the frst moon landings because much of the Flights of frst space tourist such as Dennis novelty and mystery of space was gone. There was no Tito have indeed shown to the public that at least it is life on the hidden side of the moon nor on mars, no technically feasible to realize such dream. The high cost aliens fying around. Only void was found dark, cold and is no doubt a major obstacle, but it has to be strongly silent void. For many, became this dead emphasized that also the frst air-tickets were far out thing that was just outside our reach. The only way of of reach for the general public. exploring it was through these expensive robots sent to far of places. The following Milestones showcase why the interest in Spaceplanes for Spacefights is not a Today the revival of interest in space temporary trend but ended an evolutionary step and exploration comes with a practical dimension to it. It the will for developing the necessary infrastructure a makes the rise of private spacefight providers possible. logical step to make that evolution possible.

!13 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 1. INTRODUCTION


1900 - 1950 : The beginning of Air travel In 1903, the Wright Brothers invent the frst Airplane, a revolution takes place. From the Zeppelin to the DLR SpaceLiner, let’s review the key episodes of manned aviation fueling the imagination for Space tourism.

1910 - First rigid airships - The Zeppelin Named after Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin who pioneered the development of rigid airships in the 20th century, Zeppelin’s idea was expressed in 1874 and

developed during the following twenty years.1‑ They were patented in Germany

in 1895 and in the US in 1899.2‑ Zeppelins were frst fown commercially in 1910 by the Deutsche Luftschifahrts AG, the world's frst airline in service. 2 | Zeppelin |

1919 - First nonstop transatlantic fight British aviators Alcock and Brown made the frst non-stop transatlantic fight in June 1919. They few a modifed World War I Vickers Vimy bomber from St. John's, Newfoundland, to Clifden, Connemara in Ireland. The Secretary of State for Air, Winston Churchill, presented them with the Daily Mail prize for the frst crossing of the Atlantic Ocean in less than 72 consecutive hours.

3 | Wickers Vimy |

1929 - First Space Hotels concepts Since the frst dreams of space activities onwards, public access to space has been in the mind of space pioneers. An example is Konstantin Tsiolkovski space habitat, a 3000 meter long cylindrical habitat in space with a diameter of 3 meter and providing place for 300 families. The visionary scientist even calculated the artifcial gravity via rotation and ‘gardens’ in the middle serving a closed loop life support system. 3

1944 - First hypersonic object The V-2 Rocket, frst used in World War II by the Germans was the frst manufactured object to achieve Mach 2 on hypersonic fights. In February 1949, its upper stage crossed the Kármán line and reached a top velocity of 8,288 k/h more than fve times the speed of sound.

4 | Tsiolkovski space hotel 5 | V2 Rocket

!14 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 1. INTRODUCTION

6 | The De Havilland DH 106 Comet 1

1950 - 1970 : The Space Age

1952 - First transatlantic commercial jet airliner The De Havilland DH 106 Comet was the frst commercial jet airliner. Developed and manufactured by de Havilland in the United Kingdom. The Comet 1 prototype frst few on 27 July 1949. It featured an aerodynamically clean design with four engines buried in the wings and large square windows. For the era, it ofered a relatively quiet, comfortable cabin for up to 60 passengers. It showed signs of being a commercial success at its 1952 debut.4

In the same year Wernher von Braun proposed his own vision of a space hotel to promote tourism. Early space projects were focusing on very large scale Space Hotels, like this circular space habitat. There was very little discussion on suborbital spacefight. 7 | Von Braun Space hotel

1957 - First artifcial 8 | Satellite Sputnik Sputnik 1 was the frst artifcial Earth satellite. A polished metal sphere of half a meter diameter, with four external radio antennas to broadcast radio pulses. The Soviet Union launched it on 4th October 1957. The launch ushered in new political, military, technological, and scientifc developments. The success triggered the race to the Moon during the Cold War.

1961 - First manned hypersonic rocket / spacefight On 12 April 1961, Russian Major Yuri Gagarin onboard of the Vostok 1, became the frst human to travel at hypersonic speed and the frst man to fy in space. In May 1961, Alan Shepard became the frst American and second person to achieve hypersonic fight during re-entry procedure at a speed above Mach 5 over the Atlantic Ocean.

9 | Yuri Gagarin

1961 - First hypersonic airplane In June, Air Force Major Robert White few the experimental rocket research airplane Boeing X-15 at speeds over Mach 5.

1963 - First suborbital The Boeing X-15 was the pioneer of hypersonic fights setting a speed record of Mach 6.7 and a record 10 | The X15 hypersonic rocketplane altitude of 107,8 km above Earth5.

!15 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 1. INTRODUCTION

1970 - 1990 : Exploring the limits

1972 - Last manned mission to the Moon Since Apollo 17, manned aerospace exploration plateaued at the height of MIR and later ISS. No humans walked on the lunar surface ever since. The public and governmental interest moved to suborbital spacefights

11 | The frst men on the Moon

1976 - Concorde enters service for AirFrance and British Airways. The Aérospatiale & BAC aircraft is the frst turbojet-powered supersonic airliner of its kind. It remained in service for 27 years. It is one of only two supersonic transports to have entered commercial service; the other was the Russian Tupolev Tu-144.

12 | The Concorde breaking the sound wave

1989 - Shimizu Corporation proposes Space Hotel The space tourism design, which is most often found in literature, is the concept of the Shimizu Corporation. It is a circular design In the outer ring, 64 guest rooms were foreseen of 7 m in length and 4 m diameter.

The corporation was targeting to put the hotel in operation around 2020. Taking into account a forecasted mass of 7,500 tonnes, this put a high challenge on available upload capacities and made also the target date rather optimistic. The present launch capacity and launch prizes make such projects unfeasible at this point in time.6

13 | Space hotel concept by Shimizu

!16 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 1. INTRODUCTION

1090 - 2015 : The next leap

2004 - First private suborbital Spaceplane & licensed Spaceline. The frst privately built and privately funded suborbital spaceplane was Scaled Composites SpaceShipOne for , which frst few above the Kármán line in 2004.

14 | SpaceShipOne

2005 - DLR starts developing the SpaceLiner

2007 - DLR frst presentation of the SpaceLiner concept

2025 - First prototype of the SpaceLiner completed

2035 - The SpaceLiner frst test-fight completed successfully

2050 - The SpaceLiner enters service The frst commercial hypersonic point to point suborbital SpaceLiner in history carries the frst lucky passengers from London to Shanghai in less than 90 min fight time. Several records will be broken, A new travel experience is 15 | The DLR SpaceLiner born and put to service to the public.

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Trajectory to the Moon Suborbit




1 | Diferentiation of spacefights

!18 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 2. DEFINITION


Suborbital spacefight over an Point-to-Point sub-orbital spacefight, or intercontinental distance require a vehicle with enough P2P/SOS is the category of spacefight in which a boost that is only a little lower than the velocity spaceplane uses a sub-orbital fight for passenger required to reach low earth orbit.7 to reach orbit transportation. This can provide a two-hour trip from altitude rockets are used, their size relation to the London to Sydney, which is a great improvement over payload is almost 1/10, which explains the small what is currently over a twenty-hour fight. Today, no passenger cabin compared to the overall size of many company ofers this type of spacefight for Spaceplanes. On top of the challenging launch transportation. However, Virgin Galactic has plans for a procedure spacefights will have to surmount problems spaceplane called SpaceShipThree, which would ofer of heating during atmosphere re-entry. this service in the future.8 The DLR SpaceLiner concept will be dedicated solely to this type of person transportation. Suborbital Space Tourism in a specially designed and developed vehicle will bring passengers to a height where they can for a few minutes experience microgravity and then come back to the same location from which they started their journey. As a general rule (originated by the X-Prize competition), such vehicles will fy at a height just over 100 Km above the Earth, ofering 4 to 6 minutes of microgravity before smoothly returning, most of them as a glider.

Orbital Space Tourism as noted in the historical overview chapter, this was in fact the frst dream of visionary developers, starting from Tsiolkovski all the way to von Braun. In a second phase, existing vehicles, such as the Russian Soyuz spacecraft, were used to bring tourists to stations in Low Earth Orbit like the MIR station and the International Space Station (ISS).

One of the fights used for this purpose were the so-called taxi-fights, whereby a Russian crew brought up a new Soyuz capsule and returned with the old one, which had been attached to the ISS. Some groups are still trying to develop such orbital space stations on their own, among which the Bigelow group is certainly the most well know as a result of their infatable Genesis concept. !19 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 2. DEFINITION

700 Exosphere +70 The Kármán line

This line represents the boundary between the Earth's atmosphere and outer space.9 It is more an area than a line and lies within the greater thermosphere at an altitude of 100 km above sea level. This defnition is accepted by the Fédération Aéronautique ISS 160 Low Earth Orbit Internationale FAI.

The line is named after Theodore von Kármán (1881–1963), a Hungarian-American engineer and physicist.10 He was the frst to calculate that around this altitude, the atmosphere becomes too thin to support aeronautical fight. A vehicle at this altitude has to travel faster than orbital velocity to derive sufcient aerodynamic lift to support itself.11

It is commonly accepted that the Kármán line draws the start to space. Crossing this edge of space makes one eligible to the title of Astronaut.

100 Kármán Line SpaceLiner

73 Thermosphere -90


50 ±0

Weather balloon

10 Stratosphere Airbus A380 -50 Troposphere

±0 Mount Everest +20 °C +20 Altitude Temperature km °C

2 | Section of Earth’s atmosphere !20 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 2. DEFINITION

3 | The Kármán Line seen from the ISS

!21 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 2. DEFINITION

Mach number & hypersonic speed

In Aerodynamics, the speed of sound refers to the distance/time Unit a sound wave travels in dry air at 20°C. it is expressed in c for celerity and is equal to Subsonic 343,2 m/s or 1.236 km/h.12 Mach <0,8 <980 km/h The speed of an object divided by the speed of sound is called the . When physical objects move at speeds greater than Mach 1, their speed is called supersonic.

Hypersonic speed commonly refers to speeds of Mach 5 or higher13 or 6.125 km/h. The top speed of Transonic the Airbus A380 being 1.020 km/h. Mach 1 980 - 1.470 km/h = The DLR SpaceLiner will reach speeds of Mach 6. Shock wave


Mach 5 - 10 6.150 - 12.300 km/h

4 | The shock wave blast

!22 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 2. DEFINITION

Vestibular system Body dysfunction Disorientation

Cardiovascular system Performance decrement Drop in blood circulation volume

G-Force & Microgravity efects

The human body is surprisingly resilient in many situations, but rapid acceleration is not one of them. Applied acceleration relative to gravity is quantifed in G, a nomenclature most commonly used in aviation. G-Force (G as gravitational) is a measurement of the type of acceleration that indirectly causes weight.14 1 G is the equivalent to the pressure applied to the human body by the gravitational constant 9.80665 m/s2 at sea level. G-forces higher than this cannot be produced by gravity alone; there has to be a mechanical force in efect as well.

When moving, G's are classifed as either positive or negative. Positive G's (+Gx) push the passenger back into the seat or cause all the blood to rush to the feet, negative G's (-Gx) pull into the harness and puts your stomach into your throat as the blood rushes to your head.

! Under normal conditions, the body must maintain 22 millimeters of mercury blood pressure to get blood from the heart to the brain. Each additional +G that a passenger experiences multiplies that requirement: The body has to muster double that at 2G, triple that at 3G, and so on until around 5 G's, at which point most persons will pass out due to oxygen starvation because most of the blood stays in their feet. This condition is known as G-LOC (G-induced loss of consciousness). Musculoskeletal system Atrophy of some muscle groups = Wearing fight suits packed with air bladders Dysfunction of coordinate system Loss of bone tissue calcium that force blood out of the lower body extremities helps avoiding G-LOC conditions.15

Vascular system Headrush Dehydration

5 | G loads infuence on human body systems

!23 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit

!24 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY


A fight is typically planned to follow a direct route wherever possible to minimize fight length. For long-haul fights, the most direct route follows a great circle16 along the diameter of the earth. For example, aircraft traveling westward between continents in the northern hemisphere often follow paths extending northward near or into the arctic region. When shown on a conventional projection of a world map, the resulting route looks curved and appears longer than it really is. The great-circle distance between airports may therefore give a better indication of the shortest fight length.

In aviation, the fight length is defned as the time airborne during a fight. This defnition is independent of absolute distance covered, although the categorization as short, medium, or long-haul can be afected by whether the fight is domestic or international.17

Short-haul fghts Long-haul fights

Short-haul fight have a fight duration under Ultra long-haul fights cover distances of at 1,5 hour to complete. This roughly correlates to an least 12.100 km without any intermediate stops. The absolute distance of no more than 800 km. longest fight-route in distance is from Dallas, USA to

Sydney, Australia.18‑ Ground-distance of 13.804 km. The By this defnition, all domestic fights record for shortest fight time for the DFW>SYD fight (departure and arrival airport are located in the same is held by the Australian airline Qantas since September country) within relatively small countries like most of 29th 2014 on the Airbus A380. This non-stop fight european countries are short-haul fights. lasted 15 hours 30 minutes from Dallas to Sydney. but only 14 hours 50 minutes to fy back.

Airline routes between San Francisco and Tokyo following the most direct great circle westward, and following a longer-distance jet stream route when heading eastward.

However, a fight route must also take into account weather conditions, air currents, and fuel economy. A long-haul fight in an easterly direction often takes a longer more southerly route than the great circle in order to take advantage of the jet stream, a high-altitude wind that can allow an aircraft to cover a longer absolute distance using less fuel than on a more direct route.

1 | The great circle path

!25 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY


A spacefight on the DLR SpaceLiner will is a mature market. Since the termination of Concorde travel ultra long-haul fight distances and take less time operation, intercontinental travel is restricted to low- than some short-haul domestic fights. As much as in speed, subsonic, multi-hour fights. the beginnings of commercial civil aviation It will challenge humans and the perception of travel-time Preliminary destinations of the expected travel over very long distances as much as the relation time for a SpaceLiner passenger shows approximately between space travelled and time spent. 5–6 hours for ultra-long haul distances.

Ultra long-haul distances like the fight route = The results correspond to a reduction in the Europe >< Australia could be fown in less than 90 actual time needed for traveling between at least 75% minutes. Travel times between other interesting and 80% compared to conventional subsonic airliner intercontinental destinations are even shorter. operation: About 23 hours for non-stop service and typically about 30 hours for single stop Europe– Ultra long distance travel from one major Australia fights. 19 business center to another agglomeration of the planet

Examples of ultra long-haul fights by fight duration with the Airbus A380 and the DLR SpaceLiner Departure city Destination city Air distance Flight time Flight time Region Region km Airplane SpaceLiner Sydney Paris 16.800 22h 40min 90min Australia Europe Dubai Denver 12.500 14h 30min 60min Dubai USA Seoul Washington 11.200 13h 00min 50min South Korea USA California Seoul 9.100 12h 20min 50min USA South Korea London California 8.800 11h 10min 50min Europe USA Seoul Paris 9.000 10h 40min 50min South Korea Europe Dubai London 5.300 7h 40min 30min Dubai Europe

!26 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

2 | Potential P2P trajectories and involved regions

!27 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

3 | The view over the Thermosphere

!28 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

The perception of time while traveling

Ricardo Scofdio argues in an architecture Suborbital fights at hypersonic speed will let review that today space and time are tangled more generations of passenger just wonder at those than ever before. By changing the means of incredible forces applied to the lying body during take transportation we change the perception of time of and weightlessness at the edge of space. Seeing therefore the perception of distance, altitude and the curvature of the planet and all those glowing stars, fight-time. A distant goal on Earth is no longer defned by the parameter time, the measurement reference for Time will seem an irrational measurement, a long journey. It is defned by an unprecedented level when it takes less time to reach a metropole on the of high tech, substitutes inside a virtual emulated other side of the planet than to drive home after work surrounding. in a congested city.

« I’m still struggling with the idea of what Making use of once time during a journey, as space is. At the moment I can’t think of space in terms we understand it in 2015 may become obsolete in a of feet and inches. At one time the Earth was fat with future where personal transportation is pushed to the heaven above and hell below, and if you went too far limits of the untrained human body and nothing else you fell of the edge. Then with the industrial other than relaxing and enjoying is left to do to avoid revolution, space became about the transportation of loosing consciousness. goods from one place to another. […] My personal understanding of space is no longer feet, inches, or Space, time, extreme long distances and very meters, but time. I don’t say a place is 500 meters short timespans might be reconfgured and our away, it’s fve minutes away by foot – or if it’s in Los understanding of their interrelation could be felt anew. Angeles, it’s fve hours away by plane » .20

Time passing seems to be disconnected from space traveled, or at least the use of it during air travel. Since the speed is hardly perceived as passenger during fight, buildings on the surface far away look tiny, humans disappear and cars seem to move very slowly, waves on the sea look like in a frozen state.

!29 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

4 | America, New Mexico 5 | Spaceport Sweden, Kiruna


The challenges faced by airports around the world are becoming ever more complex. With a greater volume of people traveling by air each year, there is a constant pressure to increase capacity and efciency at the same time new aircrafts are coming on stream presenting new operational and planing issues.

With regard to spaceports for commercial private human access to space, specifcally for suborbital space tourism and later for Point to Point , currently only one has so far demonstrated its operational capability, and that is Mojave Spaceport in the USA. All of the others summarized below are either conceptual, or are still in process of construction in order to become operational, although Spaceport America in New Mexico, USA is very close to completion for frst fights.

Mojave Spaceport in California, USA 35.0° N. Spaceport Sweden – Kiruna, 68.0° N

This desert facility was used in 2004 for the Kiruna Spaceport is anticipating growing spacefights of SpaceShipOne, and is currently being spacefight demand starting in 2018. used for development testing of SpaceShipTwo and the XCOR Lynx spacecraft. Located 200 km above the Arctic circle, the existing ESA sounding rocket facility in Kiruna already ofers a portfolio of adventures ranging from iron Spaceport America – New Mexico, USA, 32.8° N mining tours deep in the ground to northern lights nocturne fights. It is expecting a signifcant growth in 2011 - First spaceport for commercial demand of space tourism and is presenting plans to spacefights located in the desert basin of New Mexico extend the facilities to attract more visitors by ofering int the US, 32 km southeast of Truth or Consequences. spacefights. Spaceport America was ofcially declared open on October 18, 2011. It is the frst Spaceport of its kind. Virgin Galactic is considering this outpost as a This remote facility has been designed and built as an possible site for European operations. inland spaceport specifcally for the anchor tenant Virgin Galactic operations. Almost complete. Spaceport Malacca - Malacca, Malaysia, 2.26°N Organized into an efcient and rational plan, the Spaceport has been designed to relate to the 2012 the site in Malaysia houses Malacca dimensions of the spacecraft. There is also a careful Space Center and Malacca Airport. The space center balance between accessibility and privacy. The comprises a university slated to have a zero gravity astronauts’ areas and visitor spaces are fully integrated laboratory, a space theme park, a space-resort hotel, a with the rest of the building to convey the thrill of space camp, a museum, and a space themed shopping space travel. The more sensitive zones - such as the mall. A spacefight terminal will be added to the control room - are visible, but have limited access. 21 Malacca Airport.22‑

!30 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

6 | Spaceport Caribbean, Curacao 7 | Spaceport Middle East,

Spaceport Caribbean - Curacao, 12.1° N

In early 2015, the Lynx rocket plane is expected to be fying suborbital space tourism fights and scientifc research missions from a new spaceport on the Dutch Island Curaçao in the southern Caribbean sea.23 This sustainable space port facilitates a hotel, airport and visitors center. Travelers can prepare themselves for the journey out of space whereas visitors can support them. 24

Middle & Far East Spaceports - UAE, 24.0° N

The program called for a mixed-use 8 | Spaceport Europe development comprising of a conference center, exhibition center, hotels and retail spaces. 25 It is considered by Virgin Galactic as possible sites for operations include facilities in Singapore at 1° N and in Japan at latitudes between 30 -37° N.

Spaceport Europe - UK, conceptual

First European Spaceport for commercial fights. The UK government announced plans in early 2014 to select a site and build a commercial spaceport, and have it in operation by 2018.26

« Scotland, with six of the eight proposed spaceport sites, mainly on old RAF bases, believes it is the frontrunner because vertical rockets or 9 | Spaceport Ellington, US experimental space planes taking of from Kinloss or Lossiemouth, over the Moray Firth, or from Stornoway the government's consultation. He adds: « Issues of or Prestwick would be able to fy due north over the noise, air quality and impact on the local area are likely 27 ocean from large airfelds with good infrastructure in to be of signifcant public interest. » remote locations. »

However, some opponents to the project Spaceport Ellington - Houston, USA, 41.9° N argue that space tourists paying so much will not want to have to wait for days at a remote Scottish airport for The site will provide accommodation for the clouds to disperse or the rain to stop. "Being able reusable launch vehicles, facilities to build upgraded to see the Earth from space is a key attraction of a space vehicles, training facilities for astronauts, and the 28 space fight experience, so if cloud cover restricts that, ability to launch micro-. planed for 2024. the experience may not live up to expectations," says

!31 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

Spaceports requirements

Spaceports are primarily rocket launch sites. Sputnik 1, the frst satellite to orbit Earth was launched from Baikonur in Kazakhstan, the world’s frst spaceport for human launches. The frst Rocket to cross the line to Space, the German V2 was launched from Peenemünde in Germany, making it the very frst spaceport by strict defnition. Most spaceports today are suited for launching carriers vertically but not all of them qualify for the horizontal landing procedure of the DLR SpaceLiner. The location of Spaceports for Commercial Point to Point Spacefights should be in reach of cities to facilitate transit.

Some progress has been made in the provision of ground infrastructures for private human access to space, although much of it, at least outside of the USA, remains in the conceptual stage. To some degree, there need not be much diference between a spaceport and an airport, but the diferences that do exist are signifcant. It is worth describing the main functions of a spaceport, and perhaps underlining the diferences with regard to both a standard airport and also to a traditional launch site.

Comparison with Airports Comparison with Launch Sites

Spaceports will unlikely handle as much trafc There are about 35 operational traditional as a traditional airport. Spacecraft will not be taking of launch sites globally, and they are generally all and landing every few minutes. While a typical airport government or even military facilities. A spaceport runway may be able to handle some kinds of space designed specifcally for commercial private human tourism vehicle, in some cases spaceports will also access to space will need to be much more inviting to need to be able to handle vertical launches and the general public, in order to generate revenues from landings. terrestrial tourism.

= Customs facilities will not be needed at Visitors will need to be encouraged, not spaceports, at least initially, and probably a less discouraged. Most of the traditional launch sites have intrusive baggage security system at Check In and been located to enable orbital launches to take place, Check out could be employed. Unlike airports, a they are therefore often located at a coastline. For spaceport will need to allocate space to signifcantly suborbital private human access to space, the more general public than the relatively few space trajectory is generally straight up above the spaceport travelers and tourists who will be fying from the with a return to the same spaceport, this can take location. This was also the case in the early years of place from an inland spaceport. airline travel.

! Refueling at a spaceport will need to take ! After re-entry, at an altitude of ~10 km place more remotely than currently takes place at an Spaceplanes landing horizontal must be considered as airport, because of the nature of the fuel and oxidizers Airplanes and follow the same procedures to cross the used. fight corridor to reach the destination Spaceport. This represents a great challenge for control towers around = For Point to Point suborbital space the world. transportation it may be necessary to reconsider the location of the spaceport because of safety requirements below the fight corridor. !32 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

Spaceports Selection Criteria

There are a number of technical and business factors, listed below, to be considered in deciding whether a potential site is suitable for a commercial spaceport for suborbital space tourism, and at this early stage of the growth of the industry it is not entirely certain how much weight should be given to each of them. Tax incentives and liability limitation regimes are provided by some states as additional factors.

Accessibility vs. Remoteness Meteorological Constraints

There is an inherent confict in determining the For a Business meeting at the other end of the location of a commercial spaceport between, on the Planet or for a space tourist to pay $200,000 to go into one hand, having a location near to large population space and look at the view from above the centers which source of terrestrial tourism revenues atmosphere, only to fnd that the entire Earth within and, on the other hand, needing to be remote enough 1000 km in each direction is covered in clouds might be to satisfy the regulatory safety requirements which are a matter for some concern. Perhaps even more concerned about low populations under the fight important from the point of view of the commercial corridors at various azimuths. viability of the spaceport is the need to choose a location where on most days in the year fying is = A solution may be to have a remote site but possible. with efcient access methods such as shuttles or high speed trains. They would include training facilities, ! Frequent heavy winds, rain, thunder and visitors centers and accommodations to bring visitors lightning are meteorological constraints to a successful to the spaceport or transfer the meetings closer to the commercial spaceport venture. Locating a spaceport in spaceport. regions with these meteorological conditions would alter the venture deeply.

Altitude and Geographic / Scenic Values Safety onsite

It is helpful to site a spaceport at a high There is another confict between the wish to elevation, even though this does not infuence the encourage the public to enjoy all aspects of the active thrust fuel consumption to reach the Kármán line, it spaceport, whilst having to recognize the need to keep can help to obtain a clear view. From a competitive them safe. The spaceport design should ideally reach a perspective it is important to ensure that from apogee compromise whereby the public can see almost the private space travelers have an interesting view in everything that is happening, whilst being kept in a all directions. safe area. 29 = Coastlines and islands are particularly good in this regard.

!33 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

Main Facilities of a Commercial Spaceport

= Each spaceport will have a diferent combination of features that will be the means whereby the spaceport management can diferentiate their venue in a competitive environment. However, most spaceports will require a combination of the facilities and functions listed below.

Runway Weather forecast services.

Launch and landing of spacecraft. This is This will be needed as with aircrews at a obviously the main purpose of the spaceport, so it will normal airport, with the additional needs to be able to be essential for the public visitors to have good viewing include high altitude wind data and space weather arrangements for these phases of the fights, probably information. including large fat screen television screens and viewing platforms behind the control room. TeleCommunications

Maintenance facilities This will be important between the spacecraft pilots and the ground, but possibly also between the For this industry to be commercially viable, it is space tourists and their families back at the spaceport. essential that the spacecraft are truly reusable and It will be very important to have a good public address engineers will need to be able to refurbish the engine system to keep the public day- visitors aware of the and turn the craft around within an hour or so. spaceport activities. In addition there will be the normal communications of a civilian airport involving trafc movements, security, emergency and other required services. Payload processing facilities.

An area will be required in cases where the Training facilities suborbital space fights are being used by academic researchers who have special equipment for These may include simulators for use of the conducting zero-g experiments. potential space tourists, which might also be used by the general public as revenue generators for the spaceport operators. Medical facilities

These will include the ability to conduct health Emergency response teams screening for space tourist candidates, but also emergency facilities. A keep ft gym may be part of this This will be similar to the teams available at area. regular airports, excepting that they will require additional training to handle the fuel and oxidizers used by the spacecraft operators.

!34 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

Payoad facility


Observation & Operation center Weather station

Administration Tracking station

Visitors center Viewing Deck

Fuel storage and engine maintenance stands. Mission Depending on the design of the spacecraft Control using the spaceport as their base, a spaceport will need to have facilities for handling all or some of the following: solid propellants, liquid propellants, hybrid ~ 4 km propellants, cryogenic propellants and oxidizers. Control Center

Hangars Terminal This will be required for the spacecraft and Gateway to space mother planes. Check in / out

Booster integration

Water storage facility Vertical Launch pad Fuel Depot

Preparation building


Fuel Depot

Landing runway

10 | Siteplan Spaceport main facilities

!35 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

Most of the traditional launch sites have been ! If it ever becomes economically viable to located to enable orbital launches to take place, they provide point-to-point suborbital space transportation are often located at a coastline. For suborbital private from one spaceport to another, then it may be human access to space, the trajectory is generally necessary to reconsider the location of the spaceport straight up above the spaceport with a return to the because of safety requirements below the fight same spaceport, and so this can take place from an corridor. inland spaceport.

List of spaceports which have successfully launched a rocket into space. Most of them qualify for commercial point to point spacefight if a landing feld is added or prolonged to at least 3.000m for all current systems landing horizontally.

Asia America

• Xichang Satellite Launch Center, China • Midland International Air and Spaceport • Wenchang Satellite Launch Center, China • Mojave Air and Spaceport • Jiluquan Satellite Launch Center, China • Mid-Atlantic regional Spaceport • Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, China

Construction of the fourth and the largest Middle East spaceport in China in the country's southern city of Wenchang located in the island province of Hainanhas The Ras Al Khaymah spaceport will be located been completed in 2014 and is ready for launching in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaymah in the United Arab satellites and in future spacecrafts for sub orbital Emirates. It is a joint venture between Prodea and spacefights. Opportunities allow the spaceport to Space Adventures, and will be used to launch suborbital conduct 10 to 12 launches a year. The starting date of tourist fights in the Space Adventures Explorer the spaceport operation was not disclosed yet. spaceplane

Three other spaceports exist in China the Xichang, Taiyuan and Jiuquan launching facilities.

According to plans of the China National Space Administration (CNSA), a permanent Chinese space station and crewed expeditions to the Moon and Mars are expected by 2020.

The development of a Space-line for commercial hypersonic air travel was not confrmed but seams to be an interest of the Space community in Asia30

!36 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY





11 | Active launch sites and spaceports

!37 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

12 | Houston area airspace map


As the commercial industry future Space and Air Trafc Management System continues to grow, plans for new spaceports from (SATMS). This space and air trafc framework calls for which to base launch and reentry operations continue the assured separation of spacecraft and aircraft.32 to take shape. Many of these operations are planned to While the defnition of “assured separation” may evolve take place from spaceports located well inland of the over time as spacecraft begin to demonstrate higher coastal sites that have traditionally supported such levels of reliability, its current manifestation requires activities will not be located within special use airspace signifcant lateral spacing and absolute vertical spacing that is routinely cleared of air trafc, creating potential between aircraft and spacecraft to contain these risks. conficts and impacts in an airspace system that is itself continuing to grow. = In other words, spacecraft will operate in and above sterilized airspace as they transition through Processes for designing space vehicle fight the NAS on their way to and from space. corridors that maximize the utility of a spaceport while minimizing the impact on existing air trafc are under While spacecraft proposing operations from development in order to provide safe and efcient areas near or within existing special use airspace may access to Space-lines be able to take advantage of the extent of that airspace to protect aircraft and minimize impacts, other The Federal Aviation Administration’s Ofce of locations will have to rely on the use of temporary Commercial Space Transportation is exploring one such airspace closures to prevent aircraft from entering process, examining existing air trafc patterns relative potentially hazarded airspace. The airspace would be to spaceplanes requirements to identify potential air strategically sized to maximize safety and the closure space for Space-lines operations. Legislations and would be dynamically issued and withdrawn to minimize tools capable of performing this and other space and impacts. air trafc management functions in the near future are under development. = For example, the trajectory of a suborbital space fight originating and ending at the same As is the case with any space launch or Spaceport could be entirely contained within a corridor reentry vehicle, there is a potential for the vehicles of airspace that would be sufciently large to contain utilizing this spaceport to fail in fight in such a way that the entire trajectory of the vehicle and any debris from generates falling debris. In addition to the obvious risks a potential failure during the fight. The vertical extent such failures may pose to people on the ground, there of this space transition corridor would span all altitudes, could be considerable risk posed to aircraft fying below while the lateral sizing would be determined using the failing spacecraft. Aircraft vulnerability standards specifc characteristics of the space vehicle and the have been developed based on research that has way in which it is to be operated, combined with indicated that a fragment of steel weighing less than predicted weather conditions. one pound and falling at terminal velocity can puncture the cabin or wing of a cruising aircraft, inficting Although advisories and planning documents potentially catastrophic damage31 would be issued further in advance, the designated airspace would be established shortly before the launch To protect aircraft from the hazards and withdrawn once it had landed safely. During the associated with such accidents occurring in the future, fight, air trafc controllers would monitor its progress the FAA has developed a concept of operations for a against actual weather and air trafc conditions, !38 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

13 | Instrument aided fight corridor management

standing at the ready to to any accident by quickly identifying the extent of the afected airspace and maintaining its closure until the area is free of hazardous debris.

As vehicle technology progresses and experience is gained, there may be opportunities for spacecraft to begin to share airspace with aircraft. For example, hybrid vehicles, having characteristics of both aircraft and spacecraft, may be able to operate in a mode similar to aircraft while in the NAS and as a spacecraft while above it.

Depending on the circumstances, there may be opportunities for these vehicles to be controlled like any other air trafc when operating in their aircraft mode. In this sense, a launch vehicle could be routed along existing air trafc routes in the presence of other air trafc to or from a designated corridor that would be free of air trafc prior to or following the undertaking of its launch and reentry operations. 33

= This might allow for spaceport operations to take place from a larger number of existing airports, especially those located in heavier air trafc regions and surrounded by denser populations.

A potential Space-line operator should consider locating its spaceport within or near special- use assigned airspace, such as military operations areas, restricted airspace, and air trafc control assigned airspace. While these areas ofer the beneft of being routinely cleared of air trafc to support special operations, their use may require coordination with multiple entities, presenting a potential for scheduling conficts.

! The locations of military training routes should be considered as well.34

!39 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

14 | Countries with space launch capability

!40 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY


In 2015, only a limited selection of countries the European consortium Arianespace, therefore losing possess the ability to launch something into orbit this ability. around the Earth. To date there are 9 countries that have orbital launch capability: Russia, the United A few other countries have inherited States, France, Japan, China, India, Israel, Iran and technology allowing them to make orbital fights. These North Korea. These nine countries have the ability to include Ukraine and South Korea, and nine other build and launch an orbit capable vehicle. Great Britain European countries who have access through the developed launch capacity in the 1970’s but did not join combined efort of ESA and Ariane Space.35

In Total 20 Countries are actively exploring space. From the building of rockets, designing experiments to going on board and even providing and training the astronauts who go into space. In Alphabetical order, highlighted if currently (2015) preparing for commercial P2P Spacefights:

Australia France Japan South Korea Austria Germany Luxembourg Spain Belgium Greece Netherlands Sweden Canada Russia North Korea Switzerland China India Norway Ukraine Czech Republic Iran Poland United Kingdom Danemark Israel Portugal United States Finland Italy Romania

The International Commercial Space Industry displays an incredible regulatory challenge from almost every perspective. The diversity of technical and safety approaches in the diferent regions of the world make this task very difcult to predict the evolution and therefore the need for regulations. Three main barriers are being considered to underline the complexity for the regulation process to even start.

1. Technical approach clearly made no sense to have in Europe a structured regulatory process aimed toward safety certifcation Currently various types of approaches for related to winged vehicles but not to have a parallel developing future Spacefights exist but are radically approach to rocket based launches. Currently there is a diferent in many points. Efective regulation may be more common approach, both in Europe and the US, of difcult until there is more coherence in the various using experimental case-by-case licensing of all types systems. What is now seen as a chaotic development of commercial launches whether the vehicles are environment reminds of the very frst days of aviation. winged or involve rocket systems. Clearly the great diversity of technical and operation approach remains a Initially the European and U.S. approaches problem for efective and consistent regulation around were quite diferent as to how to proceed to develop the world. 36 regulatory approaches for commercial Spacefights. It !41 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

2. Safety concerns = The Tauri Group market study of the suborbital Space Tourism industry suggest that the At this point of time, the approaches true major market may be commercial supersonic and associated with commercial suborbital fights for space hypersonic transportation-of which space tourism tourism suborbital parabolic fights are dramatically might be considered on the long term only a minor diferent from those associated with development of subset. It seems that the prime objective for commercial systems seeking to deliver cargo and international discussions with regard of commercial humans to low earth orbit or for the combination of space fight must be the long-term regulation of both serving commercial P2P Spacefights. commercial supersonic and hypersonic fights. It also needs to be considered that this will involve not only the upper altitudes but also the area between commercial air space and outer space, referred to as 3. Technology and R&D cost “Protospace”. 38

There is no certainty that this industry will This regulatory process will not only involve prove economically viable even if appropriate longer- safety, technical and the regulatorion domain usually term safety and environmental regulations are associated with the International Civil Aviation developed. In fact in the US. nearly $3 billion were Organization, but also focus on the increasingly invested in the various aspects of the suborbital space complex air and Spacefight interface in terms of tourism business, but the total amount of revenues and safety, collision avoidance, environmental pollution reservation fees reaches only about $600 million. This concerns and even space debris and sustainability of largely includes the fights to the International Space space issues. in accordance with the World Station booked by Space Adventures, bookings by Meteorological Organization as well as the UN Space Virgin Galactic and contracts with XCOR. and Environmental Program. 39

! This is far of being adequate but resembles much the early years of similar great enterprises in the transportation industry such as railway and aviation.

4. Space Trafc Management

The development of commercial space transportation systems by US manufactures also suggests that the issue of Space Trafc Management. In particular should be addressed by the regulators who will frst need to consider which national, regional and international bodies will address this subject and play a foreground role. 37

!42 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 3. SPACEFLIGHT TYPOLOGY

= It is time for detailed and even urgent international consultation on a number of key issues related to commercial space transportation systems. These issues, among others include:

1. Future safety standards and processes that might be used beyond the interim system of case-by-case experimental licensing of commercial spaceplane fights.

2. Consideration of possible international standards and certifcation for subsystems for commercial space planes.

3. Standards and technical certifcation procedures for new forms of supersonic and hypersonic transportation now under development.

4. Environmental impact and certifcation of sustainability for space related issues.

5. International inspection and certifcation procedures for spaceport safety standards and inspections.

6. Coordination of international approaches related to space trafc management and control.

7. Coordination of licensing procedures to support private human spacefight enterprises.

= Focused International discussions and evolving levels of understanding and agreement such as those done by the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space will move things forward in the near term. In the longer term international agreements and assignment of functions to international agencies with regulatory authority and enforcement powers will be needed.

!43 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit

1 | The concept suborbital spaceplane



Advanced Launcher System for Europe independent from the . The frst stage would use air-breathing rocket engines (which had not yet been developed) to reach speeds of Mach 6 and an altitude of 30 km, at which 2 | TWA Spaceplane| Tsien Hsue-Shen the upper stage would separate and use rocket engines to reach orbit. The piloted versions of the upper-stage have been designed to carry up to 44 passengers. The second stage had dimensions of 31 m × 12 m and would have been capable of carrying two astronauts 41 In 1994 it was concluded that development 1949 - Tsiens’s propasal for TWA would have been very costly, while the design would reduce costs only 10 to 30% below that of the Ariane 5 Tsien Hsue-shen, a Chinese protege of the expendable vehicle. Accordingly the project was 42 Theodor von Karman, was the leading theoretician in cancelled. rocket and high-speed fight theory in the United States in the frst half of the twentieth century. In 1949 he proposed the design of a intercontinental rocket transport, later commissioned by the commercial airline TWA. A 5.000 km single stage winged rocket derived from V-2 aerodynamics. This spaceplane would carry ten passengers from New York to Los Angeles in 45 minutes. 40 It would take of vertically, with the rocket burning out after 60 seconds at 14,740 k/h at 160 km altitude. After a coast to 500 km, it would re-enter the atmosphere and enter a long glide at 43 km altitude to land at a speed of 240 k/h. Tsiens fundamental theoretical work on this concept lead to him being 3 | The Space Shuttle as passenger carrier called the Father of the Dyna-, a late 1950s delta winged spaceplane: the ancestor of the Space Shuttle. 1979 - Recycling of the Space Shuttle by NASA

At the end of the Space Age, several Space 1961 - Sänger II by Junkers, the European option Shuttles were retired, an interesting yet less known project was to transform the Shuttle cargo bay to carry This design for a 2-stage horizontal launch and landing 74 passengers without windows and with very limited vehicle produced initially by the german company possibilities to move, The estimated ticket prize in the Junkers and the designer Eugen Sänger to ensure an late 70’s was 3.4 Million dollar per seat. This option never evolved outside the drawing board. 43 45 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 4. SUBORBITAL SPACEPLANES

4 | The Skylon concept 5 | The Ascender concept 6 | The Rocketplane concept

development costs. And though new air-breathing 1989 - Skylon by Reaction Engines Ltd rocket engines might be more efcient, they're not

SKYLON developed, is an pilot-free fully needed initially. And going high with the frst stage reusable aircraft-like vehicle capable of transporting 12 makes separation easy as it's in thin air, so hypersonic tonnes of cargo into space. The vehicle will be fown loads are kept small. remotely, but will also be certifed to carry passengers. It is intended as a replacement for expensive The Spacecab is a scaled-down version of the expendable launchers in the commercial market. Spacebus designed to carry 6 passengers. It's The vehicle design is for a hydrogen-fuelled attractive as a frst step to launch services since it uses aircraft that would take of from a conventional runway, only existing technology, and could start passenger and accelerate to Mach 5.4 at 26 kilometers altitude operations much earlier than a vehicle requiring new using the atmosphere's oxygen before switching the engines to be developed. The company envisions the engines to use the internal supply to take start of operation in 2021. 45 it into orbit.44 The relatively light vehicle would then reenter the atmosphere and land on a runway, being protected 2005 - Rocketplane XP by Rocketplane Kistler from the conditions of reentry by a ceramic composite skin. When on the ground it would undergo inspection The Rocketplane XP was a suborbital and necessary maintenance. If the design goal is spaceplane design that was under development circa achieved, it should be ready to fy again within two 2005 by Rocketplane Kistler. The vehicle was to be days. powered by two jet engines and a rocket engine, intended to enable it to reach suborbital space. The XP would have operated from existing spaceports in a 1991 - The Ascender by Bristol Spaceplane manner consistent with established commercial aviation practices. The Ascender is a sub-orbital spaceplane Commercial fights were projected to begin in carrying two crew and two passengers intended to 2009. Rocketplane Global declared bankruptcy in mid- provide proof-of-concept for the development of the June 2010 and the project was canceled Spacecab and Spacebus spaceplane, and should be capable of reaching the Kármán Line. The British company is responsible for the design of both the Ascender and the Spacebus and the Spacecab duo as a follow up development. The Spacebus is a two-stage passenger- carrying horizontal takeof and landing spaceplane using for its frst stage jet engines for take-of, followed by rocket engines to climb to high altitude for separation, after which the upper stage uses rocket engines to reach orbit. Using existing jet and rocket engines is very attractive in reducing initial



NASA retired its iconic Space Shuttle feet in The successful fights of SpaceShipOne in 2011. In the US, legislations allowing national spaceports 2004, ultimately leading to winning the X-Prize, set a to expand their activities and commercial space-lines to precedent for a privately funded vehicle capable to go ofer spacefights have triggered a new race to fll out to space. Despite its proven capabilities, SpaceShipOne the missing link between Earth and Space-Stations. had never been intended to become a commercially The development of the Space tourism industry is a operated vehicle; yet its design has served as a key component to enable technological research and blueprint for subsequent concepts intended for routine improvements which will serve the DLR SpaceLiner as operations. The most advanced so far is the soon as it is entering the prototype phase. SpaceShipTwo, likely to go commercial in 2015. 47

Spaceplanes will be even required to correct But there are also other companies pursuing the mistakes of their users: the majority of fatal such projects, enabling diversity in design and layout, accidents can be traced back to human error. which makes it very diferent from commercial aviation Designers therefore aim to improve the interaction of today. man and machine at every level, from the programming of the navigation components to the ergonomics in the onboard systems, future spaceplanes could carry equipment or passengers without the need of crew- members. This is a challenge for engineers to come up with integrated solutions such as morphing and adaptive seats, automated procedures and reliable pilot replacement.

A new generation of private spaceships is on the horizon, with their sights set on both orbital and suborbital space. The following list is a summary of the most promising crew-carrying commercial craft in development today. Focus is set on the manufacturer’s origin, passenger capacity and cost per person carried.

But for P2P spacefights in the suborbital regime, there is the need to employ newly developed vehicles. Other than in orbital space tourism, where commercial ofers so far have been relying on the proven Soyuz spacecraft from the Russian space program. There is no equivalent today for suborbital use. The last government-sponsored, crewed vehicles that few to suborbital space in the past were the Mercury-Redstone rocket (last fown in 1961) and the X-15 experimental rocket plane (last fown in 1968), both from the US. 46


7 | SpaceShipTwo during ascent fight after release from WhiteKnightTwo 8 | The concept


SpaceShipTwo Dream Chaser

Manufactured by Scaled Composites for Virgin Manufactured by SpaceDev for Benson Space Galactic. The six-passenger spacecraft is Virgin Company. Sierra Nevada's Dream Chaser is a small Galactic's main in the suborbital spacefight feld. space plane designed to carry seven passengers to and It is designed to ferry tourists primary, later researchers from low-Earth orbit. The spacecraft, is based on a and their experiments. above the Karman line. First it NASA concept vehicle from the 1980s the DinoSaur. It will be carried to an altitude of about 15 km by its should be ready to begin operations by 2017 according mothership WhiteKnightTwo. At that point, the to company ofcials. spacecraft's rocket will kick on, boosting SpaceShipTwo up to the Kármán Line at 100 km above No price mentioned since no tourist or Earth's surface. commercial fight is planned. It is conceived as an astronaut’s taxi. Virgin Galactic has already collected deposits from more than 500 customers, the total price for a seat onboard is $200,000. Commercial operations are scheduled for 2018.

Vehicle Region Manufacturer Provider System Fuel

SpaceShipTwo US Scaled Composite Virgin Galactic TSTO - HTOL Thermoplastic polyamide

Dream Chaser US Sierra Nevada NASA TSTO - VTHL N02 + Corporation Neoprene Lynx Mark III US XCOR Aerospace RocketShip Tours SSTO - HTHL LOX + Isopropyl alcohol Astrium EU EADS - SSTO - HTOL LOX + Kerosene


9 | The Lynx Mark III 10 | The EADS Astrium concept

Lynx Mark III EADS Astrium

Announced in 2008 and manufactured by The Airbus Space and Defence SpacePlane, XCOR for RocketShip Tours. XCOR Aerospace's Lynx is also called EADS Astrium TBN is a suborbital a two-person suborbital space plane designed to take spaceplane concept for carrying four passengers or of and land on a conventional airport runway. In space tourists, they will experience three minutes or addition to fights with paying passengers, the rocket- more of weightlessness during the 90 minute trip. The powered vehicle is being designed to carry scientifc project is the frst space tourism entry by a major experiments on brief research fights. aerospace contractor. It is a rocket plane with a large The company plans to charge $95,000 per wingspan, straight rearwards wing and a pair of seat when the space plane is up and running. canards. A full-size mockup was ofcially unveiled in 2007. The dimensions and looks are somewhat similar to those of a business jet.

The Astrium space jet will take of and land conventionally from a standard airport using its jet engines. At about 12 km altitude, a rocket engine takes over to boost the vehicle's altitude to approximately 100 km. After atmospheric re-entry, the jet engines are again restarted for landing. In March 2009 EADS Astrium confrmed that the program had been placed on hold indefnitely 48

Cost Spaceplane Cabin Flight Purpose Crew Passenger Altitude Start / seat L x W x H m Ø x L m duration Tourism $200.000 18.3 x 8.2 x 5.5 2,7 x 3,7 2 6 210 min 110 km > 2018

Cargo to LEO - 9.0 x 7.0 x ~ 4.0 2 7 - 160 km > 2017

Tourism + Scientifc $95.000 - 1 1 - 107 km > 2016 experiments in 0g Tourism $200.000 - 1 4 90 min 100 km -

49 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit

1 | The SpaceLiner in ascent fight

50 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 5. THE DLR SPACELINER



Over 100 years of design evolution have matured into the modern jet airliner. Diferences between products of the remaining manufacturers Airbus and Boeing equal only nuances and most passengers do not choose their ticket according to the aircraft but according to the air fare and on-board

service or corporate travel regulations . 49‑

On the contrary, suborbital personal, and as a further evolution, P2P spacefight are just emerging felds. There is no track record, neither experience nor comparable design evolution. Due to this lack of precedents, except the aforementioned SpaceShipOne or the long-defunct X-15, manufacturers of future commercial vehicles seem to enjoy a high degree of freedom when designing future rocket ships and spaceplanes.

51 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 5. THE DLR SPACELINER

58 m





12 m 73 m

Wing 2 | The DLR SpaceLiner - Sideview | source fle adapted by AK

WINGSPAN BOOSTER SPEED RANGE 34 m Reusable Hypersonic 20.000 km


Since 2005 the Space Launcher System It is a reusable vehicle lifting-of vertically with Analysis section of the or a booster, fying at hypersonic speed, gliding over the DLR-SART, is investigating this suborbital spacefight Kármán Line, reentering the atmosphere and landing concept50 making fast intercontinental winged horizontally like a common airplane. passenger transport possible by 2050. Thus connecting two points on the Earth’s surface in 60 to 90 minutes. A 6 times record for transcontinental DLR-SART is actively involved in the defnition fights. since the Concorde and in preliminary design studies of advanced supersonic and hypersonic transport. An important goal The booster is a large unmanned tank is the critical assessment of the suitability of such structure providing thrust and propellant cross-feed to vehicles and their propulsion technology as frst stages the orbiter up to staging. in future space transportation systems. DLR researchers suggest that suborbital In the 90’s a large supersonic carrier plane has tourism launch systems could be applied to the been investigated under the project name DSL as a intercontinental transport market. The liquid oxygen/ potential frst stage. This research is now on hold.51 The liquid hydrogen-propelled concept vehicle could DLR SpaceLiner shall be the next leap for hypersonic operate a daily return service to Australia and have a civil aviation since the Concorde. reusable life of 150 trips, with new engines every 25 fights..52 The development of the DLR SpaceLiner concept is funded by DLR's internal resources, as well The ‘‘frst generation’’ design of 2005 has as in the context of the EU-FP7 funded projects such been used for more detailed studies, especially in the as Fast 20XX and CHATT. In addition to DLR, several felds of trajectory simulations, aero-thermodynamics, partners from the European aerospace sector are and for defning the requirements for the active cooling involved. system. One of the most important results is a frst engineering estimation on the amount of cooling fuid The DLR SpaceLiner is the most advanced required during skip and glide reentry phase concept for a sub-orbital spaceplane, designed the ambitious goal of a passenger rocket is to specifcally for a sub-orbital spacefight. It will fy 50 considerably enhance reliability and reusability of the passengers and 2 crew members (a second study for engines beyond the current state of the art. 100 passengers is also under investigation).

52 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 5. THE DLR SPACELINER

Booster SpaceLiner Biconic Capsule LOx Tank LH² Tank

Thermo Protective Shield

3 | The DLR SpaceLiner - Section | source fle adapted by AK

CREW CAPACITY FUEL WEIGHT 2 Pilots 50 Pax + Luggage = 6.4Tons LOx + LH² 377.6 T

An optimum confguration of minimum total size and The commissioning of a frst operational mass has been iterated based on preliminary subsystem system of the DLR SpaceLiner should be possible sizing and trajectory analyses of the ambitious around 2050 according to DLR reports Australia–Europe reference design mission. The booster is a large unmanned tank structure providing thrust and propellant cross-feed to the = Nevertheless, in the end the design of a orbiter up to staging. Its total propellant loading commercial vehicle must serve the ultimate cause of including residuals reaches 760Mg, 105% of the space any commercial enterprise, that is: a proftable shuttle external tank. business. Therefore, designing a craft for suborbital personal spacefight must meet a number of high-level The orbiter, designed to transport 50 design criteria. Without having to go down to actual passengers with their luggage, accommodates design requirements, those criteria will help to compare propellant in the aft section which is designed as an the current vehicles under development. aeroshell-like concept. Aerodynamic considerations and severe thermal conditions in the atmospheric skipping 1. Technical phase exclude any integral tank structure. • Maturity • Vehicle Confguration • Safety and Reliability ! The Australia–Europe mission is one of the • Propellants and Emissions technically most challenging distances with signifcant passenger volume. However, several northern 2. Operational hemisphere fights like trans-Pacifc or trans-Atlantic • Maintainability and Turnaround are less challenging but ofer a larger market potential. • Durability and Lifetime Thus, the fight from Europe to the west coast of • Crew Training North America, with a minimum fight distance around • Productivity 9000 km, has been investigated for its suitability with the SpaceLiner2 confguration As has been found an 3. Passenger elongated orbiter derivative could transport 100 • Mission Duration passengers about 9000 km in 1 h. • Maximum Acceleration • Cabin Accommodation

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It is known in marketing that demand is very hard to measure when it comes to new products or services. This is mainly due to the lack of statistical data or absence of market historical antecedents and references.

To analyze the demand for Hypersonic P2P Suborbital Spacefights, one cannot add up the diferent demands. Demand for hypersonic fights, the former Concorde market + Demand for spacefight, which is oriented to space-tourists with a very diferent set of requirements and expectations + Demand for transcontinental super long haul Business fights.53

It is therefore important to defne the market-size and clientele in a realistic way. In this case only will the ofer from Space-Lines thrive, the future competition lower the price and propose alternatives in terms of passenger experience or efciency and the commercial P2P suborbital spacefight market fourish.

In 1994, Patrick Collins conducted a study on In 2002 Derek Webber conducted a study the « Commercial Implications of Market Research on « Space Tourism Market Study » for Fultron Space Tourism » to investigate the potential demand Corporation, a consulting frm for the Aerospace for orbital space tourism. 54Around 3.000 Industry. 57 His approach was logical and the goals questionnaires were flled out by Japan living more tangible. The considered sample included only candidates from all age groups indicating how many High-Net-Worth-Individuals who regularly spent 1.5% months of salary they would be willing to spend on a of their free capital on one single trip. Based upon a suborbital space trip. The study was repeated in $100.000 ticket price, only persons with a net wealth of Germany, UK and USA and several other countries.55 more than $7 million were considered. 450 persons The results indicated that nearly 10% of the within this group were then asked about their interest respondents were willing to pay a year’s salary for such in Spacefights (short suborbital fights as well as orbital a trip. This research was heavily criticized since neither touristic fights). The results showed that 86% of the the physical aptitude nor the fnancial capacity was persons were physically ft enough to undergo a seriously considered when choosing the target training and enjoy the fight and 26% were interested in population. The desire to go to space was measured such adventure. therefore no real commitment from the participants was relevant, This market analysis, frst of its kind at In October 2005 a comparative study for high the time showed the interest of the general public for speed intercontinental passenger transport was individual space exploration and use for leisure and later undertaken by the SpaceLiner concept research team for work purposes. at DLR headquarters in Bremen. The main points of the market analysis are summarized and extended in the In 2001 tourism expert Geofrey Crouch’s used following chapter. the income of people worldwide and assumed that only 0.56% of them are interested in a space trip. The main « With the SpaceLiner, DLR has proposed a selection criteria being statistics on physical ftness and visionary concept for hypersonic passenger transport the interest for adventure tourism. The results of this over extremely long distances.58 Connecting large study 56 showed a market potential of over 40,000 business centers located on diferent continents could people willing and able to pay a $100,000 ticket price. ofer a considerable market potential for high speed passenger transport, especially because of the gap left 54 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 5. THE DLR SPACELINER

in the civil supersonic passenger transport sector by • More than 30% of them live in Asia. the decommissioning of the Concorde, in October • Asia has a higher acceptance, dedicated use and 2003. 59 push efect on Hi-Tech at every societal infrastructure level. Of course the very high-speed travel option of • The Space industry is being rediscovered by a new the SpaceLiner seems most attractive for ultra-long generation considering it as a demystifed and natural haul distances, where the total travel time could be step in the evolution of personal transportation not reduced by up to 80% when compared to today’s far from levitating trains and electric cars common long distance fights60. According to the Tauri Group in its 2012 « With the unique combination of business annual report the market for P2P suborbital spacefight travel and space tourism, the SpaceLiner has the has to be considered in a wider variety of potential potential to enable sustainable low-cost transportation markets including: to orbit by drastically increasing the number of launches per year and thus decreasing the • Commercial Human Spacefight manufacturing and operating costs of the launcher • Basic and Applied Research systems ».61 • Aerospace and Technology Test and Demonstration • Media and Public Relations Despite the delay of operational activities and • Education an updated ticket price of $200.000, the Futon revised • Satellite Deployment study of 2008 foresaw the same result, indicating that • Remote Sensing 117 of the 450 potential participants are willing and able • Point-to-Point Transportation to go to space. The diference was therefore made between early birds or amateur space pioneers and The P2P transport in this report refers to a customers of the third year when prices will progressive character of the global spacefight market. considerably drop to around $20.000 due to a lack of It is to expect that many of the technologies tested pioneers and emergence of competition. and validated during the operational phases of suborbital fights (fying tourists and experiments to Estimates from this analysis are indicating a space) will beneft the development of future P2P potential market of some 13.000 passengers yearly. vehicles such as the SpaceLiner. a next generation EADS confrms these numbers based on their own spacecraft with cutting edge booster, reentry and studies that also estimate the market at steady state thermal protection technologies, just to mention a few conditions at 15,000 passengers yearly. aspects.

In 2014 Forbes listed some facts which need = Benefting from the positive result of the to be added to correct and adjust the presented global market performance and passenger experience, market analysis: the SpaceLiner could become a very welcomed add-on to the spacefight industry and should beneft from lower ticket pricing comparable with current • There is a considerable shift of wealth towards Asia. commercial airline business tickets at around € 5.000 • More than 10 million people worldwide have more that $1 million free capital, beyond real estate,… 55 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 5. THE DLR SPACELINER

Business vs. Economy airline ticket price

On commercial fights the airline ticket price How is the high price of 3.000 - 6.000€ of range depends dramatically on the following variables Business tickets justifed and is it worth it? listed in order of importance: Business and First class tickets are expensive • Fuel prices because of supply and demand, and because often • Flight distance they are tax deductible as business expenses to large • Competition on trajectory corporate or governmental entities for whom €12.000 • Seat supply vs. demand for travel expenses is a rounding error.

The commercial airline ticket price is typically Having said that, "is it worth it?" is a tough split in half. The lower portion known as “leisure” ticket question. I would not be able to aford to spend the prices and the upper portion are the “business” tickets. many thousands of euros frst class tickets cost on Business travelers typically are far less price conscious most international routes. But for the entities and more prone to buy expensive, last- minute tickets (companies and people and government agencies) who than leisure travelers. Leisure travelers are the ones are paying, they have obviously made a calculation that who are ultra-price conscious and more fexible on it is worth it to them. Many of them also have travel dates and destinations. Theses two variables negotiated fares with one or more favored airlines, and already exclude the « tourist » a the type of traveller pay signifcantly less for those tickets than you or I would. Many passengers fy Business class because someone else is paying for it: the entertainment league, The SpaceLiner passenger is in my opinion, actors, athletes, and VIP’s who are traveling in order to considering the various market evaluations a future do their work for a sponsor or employer who will often version of the current business passenger have contracts specifying that they travel business class. In addition, many companies pay for business Who can aford it? class travel on international routes for employees above Frequent fyers, business travelers, rich and a certain hierarchy level. adventurous

There are also so-called frequent fyers using miles credits to upgrade from business class on international trips.

When rating the airlines according to highest comfort level during long haul fights passengers indicate that fying Business class presents the adequate seat layout, extras like lie-fat bed with a built-in desk and in-fight entertainment, very good privacy, and overall a more tranquil travel experience despite a very high price compared to the rest of the passengers ticket price.

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The extent to which special infrastructure is needed depends on the fnal design and technical specifcations of the SpaceLiner . It will require special hangars, maintenance tools, facilities; longer runways, and adapters for existing airport infrastructure, training facilities, safety equipment and more.

! In the best case the SpaceLiner operations will function like common commercial airliner and can smoothly be integrated into an existing feet of commercial air transports.Ideally, it can even be parked in the same hangars and uses the same runways for landing as all the other aircraft. Before launch It will need a special crane and derricks and, hoisting rigs , or other specialized handling equipment 62

Maintainability and Turnaround

Low maintenance requirements is a design feature that insures short time intervals between two Spacefights of one and the same vehicle and helps to minimize hardware cost for spares.

Longer intervals for scheduled maintenance shall be preferred. Vehicle concepts that are designed in accord with this objective deserve a high rating 63

Durability and Lifetime

The higher the expected life of key components, the better is the vehicle’s cost performance. That certainly helps the economic wellbeing of a future space tourism business. Key components with a high impact on the life-cycle cost are the vehicle structure (fuselage, tanks, wings, landing gear...), the engines and the electronics.64

In several earlier studies, the engines were identifed as the single most important cost driver. Consequently, the sensitivity analysis of fnancial performance against the (expected) engine lifetime and recurring engine costs has become good business practice in the writing of business plans for space tourism 65 57 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 5. THE DLR SPACELINER

Spaceports Reusable Launch systems Air Trafc Managment

8 | Technical challenges


Despite all of its historical-cultural, sociological and economic aspects, Aviation is frst and foremost a technical challenge. The centuries old system of trial and error, used by Icarus trough to the Wright brothers and their pioneers colleagues, has long been superseded by scientifc investigation and precise calculation. As a result the maiden voyage of a new model is no longer the event it once was, as the makers know well beforehand that the aircraft can fy. Nevertheless, all systems have to be thoroughly tested and improved upon.

Spaceports signifcant increase in cost efectiveness compared to the space transportation systems of the early 2000s. A For current airports to qualify for Spacefight major challenge lies in improving the security and operations and make horizontal landing for the reliability of space components such as rocket engines, SpaceLiner or similar spacecrafts possible an extensive heat shields… so that they will become suitable for the portfolio of adjustments and add-ons as listed below daily operation of a passenger transport. need to be set in place and achieved: The two-stage, vertical-takeof confguration • A larger range of safety areas. concept consists of a large unmanned booster and a • Long main runways with even longer pre and post manned stage designed for 50 passengers and 2 crew runway runof areas. members. The fully reusable vehicle is accelerated by a • Unlimited altitude to space fight corridors for total of eleven liquid rocket engines, 9 for the booster, suborbital spacefights. 2 for the passenger stage, which are to be operated • Horizontal supersonic fight corridors. using cryogenic liquid oxygen (LOX) and hydrogen • Logistics support (LH2) After engine cut-of, the orbiter stage is to enter • The ability to "make noise" 24 / 7 (typical of a high-speed gliding fight phase and be capable of military fghter aircraft and rocket engine based traveling long intercontinental distances within a very fights that would exceed normal airport short time. Altitudes of 80 kilometers and Mach standards) numbers beyond 20 are projected, depending on the • Governmental fight approval for long periods of mission. time. Flight times of the DLR SpaceLiner from Given the competitive commercial nature of Australia to Europe should take just 90 minutes or no the point to point suborbital spacefight industry served more than 60 minutes on the Europe-US east-coast by the SpaceLiner, 24/7 access is essential to a test route. range and its supporting runway and airport infrastructure.66 Air Trafc management

Reusable launch systems Most of the fight trajectory of the SpaceLiner will be at a much higher altitude than for the air- A key aspect of the concept of the DLR breathing vehicles considerably reducing the noise SpaceLiner is its full reusability and vehicle mass- impact on ground. Nevertheless, the launch has to production which closely resembles that of the aviation most likely be performed of-shore because usually no industry. Consequently, it is expected to deliver a remote, unpopulated areas are found close to the 58 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 5. THE DLR SPACELINER


Greenhouse efect Environmental impact Noise disturbance

business centers of the world. Consequently producing over 150 dB at take-of.68 The Airbus A380 decoupling of the launch and landing site will create reaches 94 dB. To reduce noise pollution to close cities some logistical challenges. 67 the DLR SpaceLiner will land at Spaceports distant from cities between 20-50 km away. Airspace is being managed more holistically across the regions and there is a strong focus from regulators and the general public on environmental Environmental performances performances. Reducing fuel burn and carbon emissions is a key priority Fuel costs are usually of minor importance as in space travel carriers. The most important is that the fuel is eco-friendly produced, for example, by solar CO2 reduction hydrogen-oxygen economy.

A rocket powered concept like the SpaceLiner ! The frst generation of the SpaceLiner is is very attractive. Because its fight durations would be designed for 150 reuses , which seems achievable in two to three times lower than of air-breathing systems the foreseeable future of aerospace technology. with a high CO2 footprint . A substantial advantage in Whereas further developments and upgrades will focus travel times and hence improved business case can be on a more frequent reusability in order to signifcantly expected. reduce the operational and maintenance cost as well.69 Ultimately those considerations will have an impact on The negative environmental impact of the the spacecraft’s environmental performances LOX-LH2 propelled SpaceLiner seems to be much less critical than for air-breathing concepts. In fact the engines do not pollute the atmosphere with nitrogen Environmental considerations oxides because they do not use the air. However, the greenhouse gas efect of the unavoidable water vapor Rockets as a class are not inherently grossly at high altitudes is to be evaluated in future analyses polluting. However, some rockets use toxic propellants, with suitable climate models. and most vehicles use propellants that are not carbon neutral. Many solid rockets have chlorine in the form of perchlorate or other chemicals, and this can cause Environmental Noise reduction temporary local holes in the ozone layer. Re-entering spacecraft generate nitrates which also can temporarily Current designs provide impact the ozone layer. Most rockets are made of passengers and cargo with reduced fight times, but at metals that can have an environmental impact during the cost of the noise produced by sonic booms. Due to their construction. adverse public perception of the noise associated with sonic booms, civil regulations currently prohibit In addition to the atmospheric efects there overland supersonic fights over continental states. As are efects on the near-Earth space environment. a result, successful business and commercial air- and There is the possibility that orbit could become spacecraft development has generally been limited to inaccessible for generations due to exponentially subsonic designs. increasing space debris caused by spalling of satellites

and vehicles also known as Kessler syndrome70‑ . Many ! The DLR SpaceLiner is currently conceived launched vehicles today are therefore designed to be to take of with the Ariane rocket launch system re-entered after use.71

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Comfort has been a complicated topic since it is very subjective. People have so many diferent ideas and opinions of what makes them comfortable. Some parameters such as the seat pitch and number of other passengers inside the total volume of the cabin are more tangible and have a clear efect on the passenger comfort.

Cabin Volume Similarly, Vink and Brauer (2011) found that The amount of usable cabin volume per legroom and having a good seat were highly correlated passenger as well as the number of seats is a very with comfort as was cleanliness. Studies75 have also important factor for the subjective comfort level of shown that comfort of seating is closely related to the passengers. 72 A large cabin volume reduces the danger appearance of the seat. of passengers getting claustrophobic. Numerous windows which should be as large as possible and face in many diferent directions guarantee that passengers = The SpaceLiner could host around 50 get what they seek the most (according to market passengers or more depending on the chosen research): an uninhibited view of our home planet confguration with a volume per passenger ranging against the blackness of space 73 from ~1,7 to ~2,5 m3

= To extend the interior volume of the Personal leg-space SpaceLiner and to compensate on the lack of windows for safety reasons, the interior surface or a portion of it The amount of personal space available to such as the sides could be used for projections of the each passenger infuences their general comfort scenery on the outside and reduce the feeling of being feeling. Reports show that invasion of personal space stuck inside a hermetic tube with no relationship to the by unknown others when social interaction is not outside. desired, increases psychological stress. People often feel stuck on a plane: there is usually no option to move seats, and they are less likely to be able to easily leave Seat layout their seats during the fight.76

Within the feld of transport some researchers have investigated aircraft seats, examining factors such = Some of the proposed seating layout as legroom, seat width, shape, seat pitch, adjustment, confgurations take the personal space very seriously frmness, stability, and the fabrics used.74 Richards, and ofer solutions to avoid contact with fellow Jacobson and Kuhlthau (1978) found that passengers passengers. The cluster confguration on the opposite ranked seat comfort as the most important in puts an emphasis on groups and provides spaces for determining their experience of comfort, followed by collective and communication during the spacefight. noise and ambient temperature.

The authors reported that people who found their seats insufciently wide or with unsatisfactory legroom, found their fights more uncomfortable.

61 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 5. THE DLR SPACELINER

Requirements for Unit « relax » mode Selection leisure activities of crew members

• Communications with friends or family • Communicating with friends and relatives on Earth • Entertainment material: books, audio and video • Space observation via onboard windows entertainment • Looking out the window at Earth and space • Adjustable lighting • Listening to music • Window scenery • Watching movies • Ventilation and temperature control • Writing • Restraints for 0g

Unit options Requirements for Unit « sleep » mode • adaptable shell seats • Minimal noise • glare free interior • Privacy • lighting designed to reduce the effects of jet-lag • Dimmed lighting • Visual contact to other passengers • Bedding • window scenery • Legs and arms restraints • soundwall • Ventilation and temperature control • odor neutrality • Minimal vibration • aroma therapy, vitamins and anti oxydant air • soft / hard polyethylene and composite materials and textiles

62 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 5. THE DLR SPACELINER


Privacy could be used more wisely, to relax and enjoy this unique fight. The Unit should ofer communication Privacy is probably the most valued channels and wireless connectivity for gadgets of the convenience on a commercial fight, not hearing any next decennia, as know today on commercial fights in ongoing conversations of other passengers and more business but also in economy class. importantly, the beneft of privacy ensures that the passenger can carry on the own personal or business conversation - without needing to worry that the Crew attention and service details of the conversation will be overheard by other passengers. The SpaceLiner is conceived to operate without crew. Even if this option is unlikely to fnd For business discussions in particular, privacy popularity the further design proposals are based on comes with security and peace of mind. A cabin and this particularity. No stewards during fights also means passenger seat providingg noise and acoustic insulation there is no possibility for care taking can be invaluable, especially when discussing confdential or insider details. Food & drinks = The cabin noise insulation of the SpaceLiner will be a challenging task for engineers On long haul fights, passengers can expect up since it will fy at hypersonic speed and reenter the to two full in fight meals. Breakfast, lunch and dinner atmosphere, two very loud fight phases. Ensuring accompanied with water and hot drinks. A range of privacy during the fight might not be possible, the snacks and beverages is also available most of the time focus should be set on minimizing vibrations, noise canceling close to the ears through a helmet or cap ! But the absence of a crew makes food and direct communication over microphone and serving or drinks serving as standard convenience earplugs, systems known from cockpits of aircrafts or known in todays fights not possible. It cannot be the helicopters. pilot’s role nor any other passenger for obvious safety reasons. ! The main reason yet being the Connectivity weightlessness fight phase during which objects with not restrains pose a high risk for passengers. Neither Today’s modern aircrafts make it possible for food nor cutlery should fy around, covering ventilation business travelers to work during the fight and never openings or blocking the Backbone’s mechanism. leave the ofce behind. In-fight satellite phones are not very common but Wif is now standard on most fights. = This explains why the passenger Unit will need to help the passenger in a case of emergency, = A trip on the SpaceLiner is probably to provide a compartment for a quick medical kit, special short to start a new ofce task or even fnish a containers with valves for water and other liquids presentation, the vibrations, the noise and the efect of should also be considered into the design weightlessness as well as the view over the Earth surface might be more interesting if not a welcomed distraction to enjoy than ofce tasks to fnish. The time 63 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 5. THE DLR SPACELINER


The viewing options must be considered, the absence of real windows on the fuselage must be justifed, an alternative in form of screenings or augmented reality in a helmet or projection should be considered.

Not taking this seriously will alter the experience and comfort of passengers during the fight and the memory of it after the fight, leading to a possible long term non acceptance of this transportation method.

Human perception of height and speed is amplified by the senses and the higher the degree of “I think there will certainly be a demand for clarity of the signal, the less obstruction there is and ‘super-luxe’ travel. I think fying luxury in the future the higher the comfort.It is possible to send to the could be like a cruise.* […] Maybe you fy from New body a set of information to distract and feel less York to Los Angeles and that’s a holiday experience in stressed and therefore more comfortable. The main itself. The next leap for luxury travel could * […] be senses available during a flight are sight and hearing. about tailoring the experience to the passenger. We A similar situation to an office environment or a don’t know what technology will be available in ten passive leisure activity like watching TV at home on years from now, but aircraft being bought right now the sofa. It is the reason why IFE systems (In-flight have to be able to accommodate them.“ entertainment) rely mainly on screens in commercial airlines. Connection with information is key. All the way from information on the ground, to the information The next step in touchscreen on the back of that fight attendants can recall to the information the front seat would be projection on common that the passenger get in their hands. It needs to be surfaces or in a private helmet. seamless. From the car they drove to the airport to the check-in at the airport. It should carry on to the fight. For therapeutical purposes, in a hypnotic sense, images from outside or chosen escape Technology in 2015 is still disconnected when themes like the beach, tropical woods or snowy it comes to Flight transportation.78 mountains can help the passenger to keep calm and experience the flight as a positive journey experience.

Timothy Miller, Senior Design Strategist at Teague77 says about the current flight experience and the evolution inspired by commercial touristic spaceflights:

64 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 5. THE DLR SPACELINER

9 | Aircraft interior mapping

Superseding the window

The DLR SpaceLiner passenger cabin is = Passengers will be able to dim or turn down planed as a closed capsule inside the plane’s the screens if they dislike the speed or brightness of fuselage, ready to unlock and separate from the the view by turning on the « private mode ». booster, similar to a fighter jet pilot seat in case of an emergency. = An upgrade of the current fight experience From an engineering perspective adding is to record the fight route, creating an imagery openings or windows on the fuselage of any collection similar to « google’s street view » on earth. pressurized vessel causes signifcant challenges in The « space view ». Collecting and recording images, designing and constructing the body. Openings are also fight trajectories can also help avoid incidents in future likely to increase the weight of the spacecraft and spacefights. hence operating costs and can weaken the structural support at very high speed. Since removing windows from the spacecraft can also reduce drag, vibrations and therefore cabin noise, it is very realistic to see the SpaceLiner take of with no windows except of the pilots front view protective glazing.

? How will passengers be able to look out? One of the most exciting experience when taking the DLR SpaceLiner is to fly very high above the clouds and see unobstructed sunrises and the clearest star nights possible, or see the curvature of the earth? The experience of being in an aircraft without windows could be an unusual one, it will be like being in a tunnel with no natural light. The orientation for escape in case of emergency will have to be clear

= One option is to use the previous surface- displays technique and to map the cloud landscape outside the aircraft on the inside surface of the cabin.

= Micro-cameras on the fuselage will record the surrounding view, the footage will be displayed on the inside wall surface and on the passenger Unit screen.

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10 | The wall becomes window

Mapping geotainment

One of the most popular sections of the IFE or use free roaming mode to investigate the world they system today is the moving map. Compared with the are fying over. two-dimensional maps that are found on the IFE systems of many airlines today, the FlightPath3D = The geotainment app would be available on system ofers the option to deviate from the fight path all the high-defnition Unit gesture driven screens. to look at specifc 3D landmarks and zoom into ever Passengers can also use their own device as video greater detail similar to functionality of Apple Maps or handheld – either as a remote control of the main Google Earth. screen, or as second screen to use the application in broadcast mode, sharing the content with friends on This location-triggered content displays the ground. geographical and historical information relevant to the location of an aircraft on, or around, its fight path. The online geotainment databases are already Boris Veksler, CEO of Betria Interactive – which has including many locations across the world, in almost all developed the FlightPath3D geotainment app says: widely used languages accessible over several internet services and specialized companies. “Travel is exploration. Delivering informative destination ‘geotainment’ services gives the passenger = The SpaceLiner « City Destination Guide » a form of discovery in anticipation of their arrival. It is a would initially cover informations on how to get to the natural and engaging extension of the moving map.” nearest city, transportation possibilities but also invite the passenger to stay and explore the region. The deployment of geotainment-based fight maps is still in it's early stages. Since 2014 passengers It could expand over time to cover many more of the Delta Airline on fights over North America can destination cities with detailed, street level city maps use their own device to view the ground below via and rich, multi-media point-of-interest information over maps enriched with interesting information on various the landscape, resources and any other thinkable layer points of interest near the route. Passengers do have of information. Calculating routes, and miles traveled, to be connected to the onboard Wi-Fi network though. the personal carbon footprint… Keeping a fying journal could be the future of personal information sharing Air France and KLM have also become early platforms, one of many uses of this seamlessly adopters of the geotainment trend. The airlines have embedded technology. selected FlightPath3D to deliver their next generation moving map and geotainment service. 79

= Passengers of the SpaceLiner will be able to follow the fight path as their trip progresses and learn more about points-of-interest during their journey via projected or holographic displays text and images. They can also choose from several interactive 3D views

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11 | the future of in-fight geotainment

Sensing the transition

The “Sense of Transitions” IFE / geotainment = The option of a projected overhead screen concept by Students at the TU Delft shows an is more suited since the image will follow head audiovisual projection onto the backrest of the front orientation and stay focussed in front of the passenger seat row. The projection shows panoramic shots, eyes excluding the possibility of motion sickness climatic information, historical events, or the culture of the people inhabiting the environment of the area overfown. Interactive pop-up menus guide the passenger through available options, to review visited sites, share the content, zoom on landmarks, explain infographics or deepen the search by comparison. A fexible OLED touch-screen display can also be integrated to add depth to the experience.

This concept is on an aircraft anytime soon as it will no doubt be too costly to implement for the airline sector’s liking, but we welcome this category to provide a platform for the next generation of industry thought leaders who will shape tomorrow’s passenger experience.

The particularity of this IFE is its independent system. By simplifying the network and without being intrusive ensuring the access on demand to audio and video during the entire fight as well as the possibility of sharing the content with other passengers and friends on the ground. This way, the failure of one IFE’s system won’t afect the other seats.

= These technologies are being used on commercial airlines, it is very realistic that the technology developed for the SpaceLiner will keep up with this trend.

Even though the use of a gesture driven screen with a shaky arm due to fight vibrations at speeds around Mach 5 is neither easy, comfortable nor recommended for safety reasons, some elements will have a positive infuence on the overall experience and could be proftable to many passengers.

67 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 5. THE DLR SPACELINER

12 | Adaptive entertainment content

Virtual Reality for Spacefights

? Can Virtual Reality be used on hypersonic « it has been a real challenge but very flights to improve in-flight comfort by illusions? interesting to see what you can do in terms of changing people's environments to increase their The VR Hyperspace project has been comfort. » exploring this idea. Dr Mirabelle D'Cruz and her team at the University of Nottingham. This maturing One approach has involved using head- projection technology, mapping and virtual reality in mounted displays. They block the whole world out and head-mounted displays. only allow the perception of a preselected virtual environment. It is great because it shows people’s « I've always been absolutely fascinated by reaction in that « extended space », their comfortable the fact that you could enter into this computer world space. and be anywhere you want to be. Industry very much uses virtual reality where you couldn't have people in « We’ve been using head-mounted displays to the real environment, so you can understand why the look at how you would embody yourself in that space, space industry used virtual reality, because obviously how you would feel like if you were in a specifc place. If you cannot send loads of people up in space. So much you believed that you were that in that virtual of the research is being about creating accuracy in a environment, would it make you feel more virtual environment » comfortable? »

Can we use the narrow environment to make The second approach is putting surface- the space bigger? So in an aircraft when you're in a displays around the passenger. They looked at how to really confned space, can we use this technology to extend that space when all the seats are invisible or extend that space? This is where the research has mapping the plane « away » and measure if people are been for the last three years. comfortable or fear the loss of direct contact and feel lost in space There will always be problems when using technology to respond to a human feeling like comfort. The biggest « Creating positive illusion, creating problem that virtual-reality encounters is when dealing environments to enable passengers to see themselves with « stereo vision ». Having two diferent images in a more comfortable position then they are in their shown to the left and right eye in order to make the cabin space which is much more comfortable and stereo happen and a feeling of space can cause that's what allows them to interact with other people, nausea. people they want to interact with. Some people experience this when looking at 3-D movies. When you get the glasses, you're trying to You can imagine that on the plane you might work out and make the stereo happen. Some people be with other people you don’t know or don’t want to with the head-mounted display with the stereo and know or don’t want to be sharing this experience with. with motion can actually experience sickness. This is a You may want to interact with people from home, so real issue because obviously we wouldn't want people they can be brought into your shared space, maybe wearing head mounted displays to feel sick or wearing you want to read your children a bedtime story while them for too long time and getting eye strains. on the plane you can still physically but actually virtually be in the same place. »

68 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit I. CONTEXT 5. THE DLR SPACELINER

13 | The concept of virtual reality headsets

Some people say they want to be in the mountains, others at the sea, in a big space or crowded place to feel safe. Some people, especially those afraid of fying also like to be in a confned, cosy space they know, to be back in their home that is calming to them. It’s not right to have this assumption that everyone wants to be in this big open space over the clouds.

14 | inside the Samsung + Oculus virtual reality headset

= The SpaceLiner IFE system should automatically resume and launch emergency protocol for the passenger to understand the situation and help avoid panicking.

69 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit

Body-centered 24° Vertical reference

90° Body-centered horizontal reference

1g Sight-line 10° Øg Sight-line

15° 122°



1,48 - 1,94 m

Neutral Body Posture in Øg 12°

200° 133°


0,65 - 0,90 m 0,38 - 0,66 m

1 | Body-centered horizontal reference





In the word space tourism, « tourism » is SpaceLiner, manning more and more customer would related to the experience of such a fight. An individual book a fight ticket if the experience meets their and collective memory is created, belonging to a select expectations of an adventure fight. few, being certifed the title of astronauts are just a few of the side efects of the experience. The word The importance of the « adventure » « space » on the other hand reminds of the technical component lays in the risk appraisal aspect. It certainly challenges, the high risks and safety measures that cannot be ignored and should be a theme guiding the need to be followed. The challenge for designers is to design process of the SpaceLiner interior subsystems keep these simple yet very efective, seamless yet such as the Unit and the Unit arrangement. The risk reassuring at any time. intuitive to use and self factor of such an adventure-like commercial fight explaining since no crew is present during the fight. experience is equally present in other adventure The word « space » also emphases on the extreme, tourism disciplines such as extreme hiking, extreme adventurous, highly efcient type of a fight inside the sailing, of free-fall jumping. In fact when asked about SpaceLiner. the perceived risks, space tourism was not considered as one of the most risky disciplines. Three questions Design criteria often tend to be dominated by were asked: the component « space » to make sure the passengers and the Spacecraft are safe. But ignoring the 1. What is your motivation to book a spacefight? passenger satisfaction has very often led to 2. Which are the constraints, making you commercial failures. In the last decade the aviation hesitate? sector has become increasingly aware of the necessity 3. How would you compare a spacefight to other of elevating the comfort level for passengers, the activities in terms of risk? space travel industry recognizes the need to meet these expectations and hold on to the image of a 32% of the target group answered Pioneering as the futuristic industry at the edge of material and software strongest motivation, followed by the accomplishment technology. of a Lifelong Dream in 18% of the cases, the wish to sea the Earth from space for 16% and space Under the impulse from some very customer enthusiasm for 8% of the asked group. oriented companies such as Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic, we note increased emphasis in the object The level of risk-avoiding measures, the high esthetics and overall experience of a spacefight during economic stakes and professionally of the feld plays a the design phase of commercial oriented spacecraft. most reassuring role. This is a key advantage of this industry. The emphasis on the passenger requirements has often led to business success of commercial airlines. The same rule could be applied to the 71 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit II. DESIGN PARAMETERS 1. PASSENGER TYPOLOGY

Potential passengers, when asked about what acceleration experience tangible without afecting is making them hesitate before booking a space fight the health and comfort level of passengers. answered: the fact of being strapped in their seat during the fight, not experiencing weightlessness or • Experiencing zero gravity in a safe way should be the long lasting training of one week before the fight made possible without leaving the passenger Unit. would be a nuisance to their choice. The limits of the personal activity radius should be clearly marked during this phase by an adapted When comparing the risk related to interior design. Enough space to allow legs and arms spacefights the target group mentioned skydiving, to foat freely should be allocated to each passenger. mountain climbing, piloting or skying as risk similar. 80 The Space-suit plays an important role in this phase, monitoring systems should keep transmitting data to The size of public space travel market will the Unit, magnetic hold must be activated to depend, in part, upon the attractive features that restraint the passenger in case of emergency or designers of spacefight experiences incorporate into panic, yet allowing a high level of mobility. their spacecraft and related activities. • The onboard safety must be guaranteed without the help of a crew, the passenger Unit must contain a ? What do passengers require and how medical kit for each passenger, magnetic strappings should the SpaceLiner meet these essentials? Several holding the passenger in his suit to the Unit to market surveys have been undertaken and several compensate vibrations. opinions presented. 81 In general, the expectations of future space passengers include: • Wearing the Space-helmet to minimizing potential injuries during reentry phase and receive visual • Experiencing astronaut training content such safety measures, warning messages • Experiencing accelerations and body data monitoring. • Experiencing weightlessness and being able to foat freely in zero gravity, • Communication and documentation on board by • Viewing Space and the Earth, cameras and sensors on the passenger Unit, Space- • Communicating from Space, cap and fuselage, to capture unique fight moments • Having astronaut-like documentation and as souvenirs and also feed the follow-up medical memorabilia. folder for each passenger to facilitate the check-in procedure of future fights and continuous training schedule. = Passenger expectations leads to a number of technical design requirements for the capsule Unit layout, the Unit and its functionalities as well as operational requirements having an impact on the pre and post fight phase duration .

• The propulsion system of the SpaceLiner and therefor the admissible G-loads during vertical take of, separation from Booster as well as during re- entry and pull of phase must be chosen to make the



The analysis is based on the extensive The DLR SpaceLiner when compared to research on airplane passengers conducted by the current and future commercial airplanes, even though team of VR Hyperspace from the university of much faster, will have to make use of the newest Nottingham in the UK.82 It is possible to a certain onboard technology and be outftted in the most extend to select fragments of the analysis to efcient, high tech yet comfortable way to suit the extrapolate on who the DLR SpaceLiner passenger will wishes of the passenger. The interior will also have to be and how he/she will experience the fight. allow a possible productivity during the short fight. The ability to continue working undisturbed can be as valuablee as a relaxing fight. Who needs to fy these route on a regular basis? Towards the second half of the 21st century Since the beginnings of civil aviation, fying has when the hype of space-tourism will fade out and appealed to people’s sense of adventure. in the 1920’s become an extreme leisure activity like skying or base and 1930s, travel by air became synonymous with the jumping, we can expect Commercial P2P Spacefight to lifestyle of the rich and famous. The airline companies be considered as a pragmatic solution to the shipment attempted to ofer their edit passengers the same of goods or very fast transportation of people. When it standard of services the they were accustomed to on answers the question: « How do I get from A to Be the the ground. in the well equipped cabins those traveling quickest possible » because time is valuable to whom by air could enjoy drinks and cigarettes while they needs to make value of time enjoyed a unique view from the windows of the plane.

X ↗ X X ↗ ↗ ↗ X ↗

Bulky Business Pregnancy Expedition Rich Army Super Physically Frequent Luggage Trip Star unft Flyer

2 | Passenger typology


A - Total height G - Sitting height C A’ - Acromial height H - Eye height B - Trochanteric height i - Shoulder-elbow length C - Bideltoid breadth D D - Chest breadth J - Buttock-knee length E - Hip breadth K - Popliteal height L - Knee height, sitting F - Knee height

A E i H G




3 | Commonly provided Anthropometric Dimensions



Medical considerations for passengers of the Emphasizing on safety aspects such as escape under SpaceLiner are particularly important. The selection of diferent emergency conditions should happen before passengers should follow the strictness of the the fight during check-in and repeatedly presented to traditional astronaut-selection. This « select-in » the passenger in the informative head mounted screen. approach will need adjustments and shift to a « select- Moreover this period may be used for medical out » philosophy to allow a broader range of potential examinations and observation as well as the necessary passengers. 83 Narrowing the selection and avoiding familiarization with the SpaceLiner interior (responding extremes is necessary because the implications are to the requirement of candidates to be well informed relevant to the design of the passenger Unit and the passengers) general safety requirements onboard. NASA’s « Human Integration Design • The pre-medical check must follow select-out Handbook » (HIDH), NASA/SP-2010-3407, provides criteria, resulting in a limited range of potential useful design factors and guidance for the crew health, SpaceLiner passengers, age, height, weight and habitability, environment, and human interaction of all physical ability being the most basic criteria, NASA human space fight programs and projects. • The medical kit and very few variations onboard must be applicable to all passengers, = I will use this manual to select parameters to • The space Overall must be possibly worn by a great be considered when choosing operations for amount of candidates, passenger's interactions, their technical specifcations • The continuous monitoring of the passenger health and when developing designs of the passenger Unit during the fight should be considered overall design and the capsule seating confgurations. • The relatively short fight will reduce the need for extensive medical aid on board, but for injuries and emergency situations, a small medical kit should Age efects remain available by the co-pilot, trained to handle medical emergencies. The age of a person often afects anthropometry in individuals through changes in ! In the case of a pre-fight training, the stature, weight, and mass distribution. Increases in technical aspects of the training are not the only stature and weight occur until maturity is reached, and consideration. The Connector on each passenger Unit then decreases in stature occur in elderly adults. and their respective use must be designed in a way Fluctuations in weight and mass distribution occur as that reminds of the daily use of digital tools and well, with age playing an important role in these gadgets commanded by voice and touch gestures, changes. intuitive and simple to use in each fight phase. SpaceLiner passengers will also need to be fully informed. The educational dimensions of the Gender efects experience will therefore be important as well. A clear and substantial introduction is key to ensure safety during fight. The body size and strength of males and females follow a bivariate normal distribution and thus The repetition of a positive experience will cannot be represented as a single population curve. create a comfort feeling associated with spacefights. However, some general observations may be made. 75 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit II. DESIGN PARAMETERS 1. PASSENGER TYPOLOGY

Female measurements are typically smaller than male in design are the suit’s impact on dimensions such as measurements, and female weight is typically less than sitting height and thigh clearance. This information is male weight. The major exception to this generalization not available in standard anthropometric databases, so is hip breadth. The average female hip breadth, both it is often necessary to derive values for the efects of sitting and standing, exceeds the average male hip clothing on anthropometry. breadth.84 The SpaceLiner passenger must be able to ! These generalizations should not be used for meet additional requirements related to the physical design purposes where the safety and comfort of each condition and body structure: individual is the prime concern. Because the distribution of data is separate, it is necessary to derive • Un-/ Dress the space Overall without assistance male and female data separately and not use any • Enter / exit the passenger Unit generalized relationships to represent a population of • Unlock the Connector both males and females. In other words, any given male 85 is not necessarily larger than any given female, because Taking into account the largest: 95%ile American the two normal curves do overlap. male “Sven”: 190.1 cm and the smallest: 5%ile Japanese female “Keiko”: 78.3 cm

The SpaceLiner passenger, to be able to wear the suit Clothing Efects and seat in appropriate posture in the Unit should be:

Safety concerns require passengers to wear a • min height: 1.50 m | max height: 2.05 m fight suit. The previous NASA design of such • min weight: 55 kg | max weight: 130 kg equipment consists of an undergarment to maintain • min age: 23y | max age: 68y and control temperature, a single-piece coverall, an oxygen mask or a helmet with a visor, and a parachute backpack.

The efects of clothing can be very important, especially for diferences between shirtsleeve and suited operations. Clothing will afect size, sometimes very signifcantly. Diferent suits will afect anthropometry diferently. For instance, a lighter launch/re-entry suit might be much less bulky than a hard-upper-torso planetary suit. In addition to afecting size, clothing can afect the postures that subjects select, which in turn has an impact on hardware design.

= Based on the minimal physical and medical requirements and expectations of passengers during long haul transcontinental fights, some design recommendations can be listed for the interior of the DLR SpaceLiner. Considerations that must be included


4 | Body morphology


? In this not so distant future ho will choose this transportation method? According to the Tauri report the potential Point to point spacefight passenger 86 would be:

Average age 53 years Gender 72% Male / 28% Female Fitness 46% have above ftness average or better Vacations 48% spend a month or more vacation annually Employment 41% work full time / 23% retired

Eventually the current trend of healthy living, ftness and sports of the 25-45 years old population category in the northern hemisphere as well as the body health monitoring trend facilitated by miniaturized electronics and interconnected devices could eventually change the passenger characteristics listed above.

The average age could easily drop to 40 years if P2P Spacefights become available for adventurer passenger to start an ambitious journey right at the national spaceport.

In several market analysis documents, the business passenger seems to be the current target group, because the pricing for P2P spacefights is still to high for an individual or couple of tourists.

At this point it is important to say that who ever the passenger will be, safety during fight must be guaranteed despite the absence of a crew. The passenger should ft in an elastic suit comparable with a Neoprene suit for divers composed of an overall and a helmet.

5 | Maximum envelope 77 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit


100 km Kármán Line

73 km Booster separation

>30.740 km/h

Vertical Take of Horizontal landing

Booster recovery


Check in Launch Ascent Apogee Re-entry + Pullout Glide + Approach Check out

1 | SpaceLiner fight phases from check in to check out



With system innovations such as online registrations, luggage automatic scans and smartphone integrated ID cards and boarding passes arriving faster than expected, passengers about to board the DLR SpaceLiner should fnd life even easier than in future airports. From self-check-ins to portered baggage drops to quicker and more efcient body scans, the industry has advanced more in the past fve years than in the 20 that preceded.

There has been a noticeable recent trend from airlines improving and reworking their travel experience starting on the ground, This trend should inspire the early stage set up for commercial Spaceports. The following chapter describes the steps a SpaceLiner passenger would go through from check in to check out and the requirements to the Space Overall and passenger Unit.

Ideally the passenger arrives by shuttle us, train or by shared car services to the local International Spaceport. In some cases a fight from the closest city has to be taken into consideration. Spaceports will be located remote from cities but still close to infrastructure



1. Passenger ID attached on the Space Overall. Pills can can also be stored in the personal pouch. The Passenger is identifed. Cameras with face recognition systems are already reality in many After this health protocol check / frst scan, situations of daily life. At Spaceports the passengers the system updates the data and the Passenger is are already « announced » and need to accept those granted permission to enter the next secured level of measures for their own safety. RFID chips in clothing, the Spaceport smartphones, laptops, watches or passports will make this step quick and non intrusive with less waiting in line. At this stage, personal luggage volume and 3. Spacefight Overall content is checked on a preliminary basis without giving it up yet. At this stage, Passengers get their Spacefight Overall. It is called the Overall because it is intended to For Passengers not familiar with any of these be worn on top of any clothing. Of course a passenger systems, tools, gadgets or carrying nothing but the vital should not appear in a tuxedo or evening dress but necessary, some document need to certify the identity rather a comfortable personal clothing. It is important and need to be checked and cross checked by ground for hygiene and safety issues that the personal clothing welcome-crew. reach the extremities of arms and legs and do not cover the neck. It consists of a one size fts all piece of mesh with added shell-like rubber elements on the 2. Passenger medical history elbows, shoulders, sides of legs, buttocks and knees

The personal health history is checked These rubber parts have a surface magnet beforehand thanks to a continuos monitoring that connects to the Unit as well as induction surfaces established long before by civil societies. New fyers are on the back and buttock to transmit electricity, health checked quickly by a system then by a medical monitoring data, communication through sensors and personnel who at this stage has an authority to deny stimulus when needed. the fight if hypertension is detected, fu or acute discomfort, if fear of fying is detected or inadequate The Overall is intended to smoothen the behavior such as under infuence of drugs, alcohol or contact to the passenger Unit, lessen the efect of other substances. This is a common exclusion criteria vibrations on the body and keep track of the passenger at international airports around the globe. Safety at any time since no fight crew is present on board. measures in Spaceports have to meet the minimum The monitoring is continuously monitored by ground criteria already existing in Airports. control on the departure and destination Spaceport to ensure passenger safety. If the passenger needs to take medication during the fight, exceptions must be allowed without When the passenger is dressed up (one excluding the passenger from the fight, fuids such as physical condition for Spacefights is the ability to dress water will be available for each passenger through the and undress by themselves) personal belongings are Gravity Connector, An additional pouch of 200ml will be stored inside their luggage and made ready for drop of. available to be flled by the specialist team and


4. Luggage drop of The physical data monitoring program is launched, The Unit is communicating comfort related Luggage drop of is done diferently in data, heart rates, skin humidity from the Space Spaceports. The size and volume has already been Overall sensors. checked at the entrance, to ensure it fts inside the individual space aboard the SpaceLiner. At this second stage the weight of the passenger wearing the Space Overall, carrying the Space Helmet and personal luggage is checked. The passenger selects individual items to attach to the Spacesuit. The allowed items could be glasses, notepads… Nothing dangerous when fying around

This may be an appropriate moment to ask, what does one pack for space travel? The luggage is then collected and stored in the luggage compartment inside the SpaceLiner by a dedicated team. Freed from luggage, the Passenger can continue to the helmet station.

5. The Space Cap

The padded protective hat is a fexible one size fts all helmet. It is connected to the suit to ensure the data collection by the embedded sensors on the inside skin. A green light on the front and back of the head signals optimal functioning.

6. The Gravity Connector

The passenger can step into the dedicated Unit. The Gravity Connector is unlocked, rotated upwards to facilitate seating, The leg part is deployed, the Passenger is frst standing inside the complying shell. The Unit is equipped with seating sensors, measuring weight and checking constantly that the passenger is seating in the phase appropriate position.



Once the passenger is seated, the leg part To make sure the passenger stays conscious folds up into seating position, the Gravity Connector is despite the high acceleration the Unit switches to lay- shifted down and digitally locked. As of this moment for down mode, this allows the legs and arms to keep on safety reasons the passenger is not permitted to leave feeding the physiological data monitoring and adjust the Unit until the SpaceLiner commander unlocks it the angle according to heart rates and optimal fuid digitally after landing. In case of emergency and distribution inside the passenger body. Every Unit is malfunctioning systems, the Connector can be programmed for its passenger but they function as a manually unlocked and with a handgrip shifted up to swarm and avoid collision of each other. release the passenger.

The Unit is rotated downwards, the passenger is oriented to an ascension angle of 85° during which the SpaceLiner is pulled to vertical position and attached to the booster

The passenger is fed with the selected informations on the heads up display. The communication protocol is tested before the launch sequence is started.



In less than 10 minutes the SpaceLiner reaches Interaction & communication the Kármán line and the passenger can feel the efect of weightlessness, the most expected moment but not The individual IFE interface would show an attraction in itself as in space tourism fights. information added to the projected spectacle on the capsule interior skin, foor, wall or ceiling depending on the chosen Unit holding system. Safety The passenger can choose to rotate the Unit The Gravity connector is holding the to neighboring passenger thus creating a cluster passenger inside the Unit but will loosen its frmness to formation, rotate 180° rearward and interact with allow movement inside and the sensation of passenger behind, share geotainment screens or have weightlessness. In case the passenger is asleep (very a face to face conversation. The head’s up display also unlikely) the activated magnets on the leg and shoulder allows communication with passengers out of sight at pads will restrain to avoid fotation. Since no helping another end of the Capsule. Another feature would crew is present the passengers are expected to stay allow communication with friends or family on earth, seated and locked for the entire fight, walking around sharing the experience. is unfortunately not permitted. The liquid compartment is sealed to prevent release or uncontrolled damage. The implementation of online streams on social Ventilators are activated to guarantee proper air platforms to share this unique point of view is also a circulation. Monitored data can be switched of to allow possibility, view of natural events with no efect on the privacy. fight such as cloud formations, tornados, sunrises over the Kármán line and the deep black of the universe on the other side.



The spacefight is in its second half. The The Unit will retract into descent position, SpaceLiner will now reenter the Earth atmosphere at tighten the passenger into a comfortable position. This hypersonic speed. It’s the most critical fight phase, the means the passenger will face the foor of the capsule, spacecraft skin temperature will reach up to 2200°C the personal display will show safety measures, added on the wings edges, the capsule will endure high levels to the mapped surface vents will provide cooling air of vibrations. 87 before the SpaceLiner reaches speeds up to Mach 5.

Safety Communication with the exterior will be interrupted during this phase, no group or cluster The Backbone’s function is to compensate this formation of the Units can be chosen, all the units will efect and stabilize the Unit at a constant hight at face the front to make sure the g loads will afect the nominal position. body in a frontal direction. The angle of the Unit will adapt to the fight behavior of the SpaceLiner and The passenger is expected to hold on to the connector if the magnets are not activated and restraining automatically arms, legs and the helmet.



The last fight phase is initiated after leaving the glowing atmosphere the SpaceLiner is on a glide fight to approach the destination spaceport. This maneuver is a challenger for the pilot team since the Spacecraft is entering commercial aviation airspace and needs to switch on the communication system to be guided in one of the fight corridors. Especially if the fight route is above land, the SpaceLiner will use a corridor high above the airspace.

This phase is similar to the end of a fight aboard an airplane, the IFE system is turned on to enjoy a close view above the surface, geo-tainment is useful and most interesting now since the passenger may see or recognize the points on the surface being described.

The Unit can be rotated again towards the neighbors. The last confguration before reentry could also be saved and resumed as soon as fight conditions allow it. In a sense it would help, after a most shaky fight phase to look at fellow passengers in the eyes and get a sense of relieve.

As on airplanes approach and landing will be announced by the pilots or through the IFE system, the Unit will resume the cluster confguration and rotate towards fight direction, The IFE system can stay on until touch down.

Landing will be softer than on airplanes since the Backbone will again compensate vibrations due to the rolling of the tires. The fight experience could be tremendously improved thanks to this robotic arm.



The SpaceLiner is on the ground, being taxied glasses or pads have been forgotten and walking out to the bridge at the destination Spaceport. As soon as through the ladder to exit the SpaceLiner and enter the pilot switches the lights to green, the passenger the Spaceport are the last actions of passenger. may unlock the Connector and leave the Unit. The Passengers are now directed to the safe The magnets are switched of and repulse the haven. Here they fnd a welcoming helping hand to get passenger, the liquid compartment is locked to avoid out of the Space hat and choose to store it or to keep spilling. The IFE system is turned of, the screen is it, or return it if rented and no return spacefight is stored inside the Connector. scheduled. In exchange the personal belongings such as clothes are being restored for the passenger to No passengers rushing out or standing on way undress. to early is expected since the no hand luggage has to be collected. Checking that no personal items such as The Passenger then moves to private rooms where the Space overall can be undressed. One could imagine that future clothes resembling the fight overall might become the trend, the evolution of wearables inside casual gear might even make this undressing step obsolete.

During this time the passenger can expect the luggage to arrive, no need to wait in front of the rolling carpet. The luggage RFID chip and the passenger overall could communicate locations, this makes the scary airport audio messages about luggages left alone obsolete.

The personal data monitored data is being handed to the passenger, the personal data storage could be an optional service which one would apply personally for after checking with persons concerned.

Depending on the destination spaceport a second ID check would be necessary since Point to point spacefights are per se transcontinental fights.

The passenger is now in the exit area of the spaceport, several options are provided to reach the next city or airport terminal to continue the journey. It is realistic to assume that Point to point spacefights will only bring the passenger close to their destination but not necessarily to the city itself, or even country of destination. 86 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit



This section deals with possible sources of problems and known efects of spacefights on the untrained human body encountered during short spacefights in the past and reports from long haul passengers of commercial fights. The syntheses of the analysis should help optimize the design of the SpaceLiner passenger Unit.

Crew qualifcations requires the help and/or support from a crew member (one of two pilots) or another capable passenger. Crew members must complete training on how Everyone is buckled, therefore it is recommended to to carry out their role on board or on the ground so avoid this situation by all means. In further sections, that the vehicle will not harm the public; train for abort some of the possible counter-actions are listed to make scenarios and emergency operations. sure that the subjective feeling of insecurity won’t take over at during the fight

Passenger training Restraints Each member of a fight must demonstrate an ability to withstand the stresses of space fight, which The locking and unlocking of the seat-belts is may include high acceleration or deceleration, a key topic when it comes to infight passenger microgravity, and vibration, in sufcient condition. security. If it is done manually as in common airplanes Prospective passengers of Virgin Galactic Spacefights the crew check before take of and landing will have to have to go through three days of training and pass a be replaced by an automatic system. This option is physical exam before their fight. unlikely to be chosen, it is not possible neither safe to delay the longest phase of the fight, the gliding landing As of January 2008, about 80 people had phase of the spaceplane because passengers are still started training, which includes spinning in a centrifuge foating in weightlessness or are hurt from falling or at 3 to 4 Gs. Further training will involve zero-gravity colliding with each other. fights aboard WK2 to get acquainted with the weightlessness experience. 88 Vibrations Emergency scenario It is safe to assume that the efects of The concept study foresees the DLR vibration on the body and mind are similar on the SpaceLiner passenger cabin to function as an ground, in a car, bus or plane. The source might be a autonomous rescue capsule which can be separated diferent one, the discomfort is experienced in a similar from the booster in case of an emergency, this will way. Studies on vibration found that « fying style » has allow the passengers to return safely to Earth. an impact on airplane passenger comfort; it is likely that the pilot’s ability to take-of, climb, descend and If more than one listed item fails to function, land smoothly could afect comfort, indeed many insecurity of an untrained passenger might result in people experience discomfort during these phases of panic; a state of discomfort or unconsciousness that fight. Passengers do not see their pilot, nor the efects


1 | Hands free throat microphone from Sanwa of the surroundings and adjust expectations of their passengers, as well as afect crew performance. The ride accordingly, To be able to observe and understand efect of acceleration depends on three parameters: the airborne trafc situation also helps feeling more secure even after a shaky maneuver. In a plane, not • Type linear / rotational understanding, not seeing, neither apprehending the • Duration sustained ≥ 0,5 s or transient < 0,5 s forces shaking the fuselage can lead to extended • Direction with respect to the crew member head, discomfort, long duration of vibration may also lead to chest, or shoulders panic attacks. Spacefights can create signifcant changes in the cardiovascular system. These changes begin on the Infight communication launch pad and continue during the hypersonic phase but are usually of most concern during entry and pull- A secure fow of information from ground- out, when passengers are reintroduced to gravity and control or cockpit to the passengers as a group and to acceleration. each individual to ensure calm and safety must be ensured at all times of the spacefight. General The 0g environment causes cardiovascular information onscreen, audio comments from a deconditioning, because the heart does not need to responsible authority can help passengers to feel safe pump blood against gravity. In addition, a headward in an agitated part of the spacefight. fuid shift occurs in 0g, which the body perceives as an increase in fuid pressure and mitigates by eliminating fuid from the vasculature. This results in an overall Free fotation decrease in blood plasma volume in 0g. Since foating during weightlessness is not Although the body’s adaptation is appropriate desired for security reasons It is more likely that seat- for the 0g environment, it is maladapted for reexposure belts will be buckled before launch by the ground crew to gravity and acceleration. During entry in upright and stay locked for the hole duration of the fight to be seated position, the body’s fuid is pulled downward unbuckled by ground crew at the destination toward the legs, but with reduced blood volume and spaceport. In case of an emergency or during a rescue diminished cardiovascular capacity, hypotension can operation the seat-belt will be centrally digitally occur, which is the primary cause for gravity-induced unlocked, opened or cut. It is a real issue when seat loss of consciousness (G-LOC) which is often belts do not let go, it creates panic and tremendous preceded by visual symptoms progressing from tunnel stress. Manually unbuckling means a mechanical vision to grey-out before complete blackout, and is system which is sensible to shocks and unreachability. accompanied by defcits in motor and cognitive function. If not mitigated, these problems can create a = A combination of digital and manual dangerous situation during fight, reducing the ability of unbuckling should be chosen. the crew to perform piloting tasks. 89

While it has not been an issue for space fight Maximum acceleration to this point, the potential for G-LOC should still be considered. The passenger Unit should adapt to theses The acceleration experienced during a space changing situations and rotate in the lateral axis to fight have the potential to cause illness and injury to reduce the duration and cancel the directional efect of acceleration on the passenger body. Acceleration loads 89 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit II. DESIGN PARAMETERS 2. PASSENGER SAFETY

for the passengers on these Spacefights are designed Noise to remain below those of the Space Shuttle astronauts with a maximum of 2.5 g being experienced during the Despite great advances in aviation, when the propelled section of the fight.90 engines are whirring, the wind is whizzing and the air conditioning is pumping, cabin noise inside the = Today, it is more or less a general SpaceLiner is more likely to be a pain than a source of consensus in aerospace medicine that average, inspiration for passengers. How can technology help untrained humans should not be subjected to make the experience more enjoyable? accelerations that are signifcantly higher than 5g The noise during a typical plane journey can vary signifcantly. Take-of and landing are the loudest Motion Sickness moments, when noise levels inside the cabin can reach 105 decibels (dB). At cruising altitudes, noise drops to Sitting down means that sudden movements around 85 dB. Long exposure to 85 dB can cause by the plane will afect less the passenger. As a result, temporary hearing problems. Many people notice less confusing messages will be sent to the brain, tinnitus following a long transcontinental fight, an early because the body will not notice as much motion symptom of noise damage. If noise goes higher than 90 dB for eight or more hours per day, it may lead to Aviation medicals involve a number of health permanent hearing loss91. A fight on the SpaceLiner is checks designed to ensure a pilot is ft and well and can far under that time threshold and needs the same carry out their job safely. Tests include ones for eye- attention in the design phase. sight, hearing and screenings for illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and asthma. Pilots who do fall ill Spacecraft manufacturers and engineers know are assessed and monitored by Aviation Medical the issue, and plan to reduce the noise drastically inside Examiners who then help them return to work as soon the passenger’s cabin. For example, the Innovative as it's safe to do so. Technology Applications Company in Missouri is using arrays of microphones on the landing stipe to identify and help eliminate sources of noise on the skin of the Airsickness fuselage at take of and landing of commercial aircrafts.92 The expertise gained can be used in the Eating a light meal before going on a fight SpaceLiner « Updates & Retrofts » phase to achieve a helps against airsickness in general. Crackers, a piece of more quite horizontal landing. fruit, olives, or sucking on a lemon for example. anything that won't afect the stomach as much. Engines are also a major source of noise during vertical launch. Using chevrons (scalloped Medicines before take of and landing to edges) on the engine exhaust nozzle to help mufe prevent travel sickness work by preventing the engine noise at the source will be of great help confusing signals about the body equilibrium being sent Trying to quieten the air conditioning is also a to the brain. Ginger pills are also known to signifcantly challenge.By designing the contours of the cabin so reduce motion sickness and nausea. Chew on fresh that it doesn’t interfere with the air fow, allowing it to mint gum will help forget the feeling of sickness and circulate freely there need to force the air into the help concentrate on the taste and chewing. Chewing cabin so hard, the velocity is lower and there’s less gum also helps to release pressure on ears and the noise head.


Other solutions are straightforward such as reducing or eliminating noise. This is what the adding vibration-absorbing materials and to the cabin automotive industry went through about 20 years ago walls to damp the noise. Thick Insulation materials – it began to look at not only the noise level but also absorb the airborne sound energy, and sound barriers the noise spectrum. redirect it away from the cabin. With more glass on the windows, sound-absorbent materials perforated ceiling = Compact insulation technology might help panels and redesigned air conditioning systems. Such designing spacecrafts that « sound » better that may customization can bring the decibel level down below not necessarily be quieter. 50 db, much quieter than on passenger planes. The added weight for passenger comfort increases fuel consumption and might be an issue. Mis-mapping

One of the main sources of noise is wind. So Mis-mapping occurs when motion is not during the design phase of the SpaceLiner, translated accurately. It is the next source of computational tools model the aerodynamics of the discomfort when using virtual reality. When the head spaceplane to highlight areas of high airfow that are moves but the image is not or when walking straight likely to increase cabin noise. The sounds made by but the environment projected is turning around is prototype aircraft is then recorded to inform redesigns. when most of the people get sick. This should be corrected and extensively tested before put to usage Some of the listed techniques were used for on the DLR SpaceLiner.95 the design of the double-decker Airbus A380. The company has worked hand-in-hand with engine manufacturers on low-noise designs, acoustic Health Monitoring treatment and low engine noise technologies, resulting in a remarkably quiet aircraft, which delivers In past NASA missions, the physical condition unprecedented certifed noise levels standard, and of astronauts was monitored in real-time, either on satisfes the noise requirements of international board or from Earth ground-control. The collected data airports.93 It led to be awarded in 2011 as the quietest then had to be analyzed and interpreted. jet airliner on the market by the UK Noise Abatement Society.94 In-fight sensors for SpaceLiner passenger healthcare monitoring should be near-real time, = All these measures allow engineers to minimally invasive, highly sensitive, and easily repairable reshape the design of the fuselage and will hopefully or replaceable. The system used should also set to have result in a clam and sound neutral interior for the a gravity-independent functionality, compact size, low SpaceLiner fight passenger. Noises which cannot be power consumption, minimal human interaction, and avoided will be « over-sounded » by the Space efcient temperature control. connector sound interface There has been research done to design an On the other hand, all this could lead the automated system for onboard use to monitor the SpaceLiner to becoming too quiet for passengers. crew's physiological signals. Using Ultra-wideband Some may argue that “white noise” is better than the (UWB) wireless bio-detectors, placed on or underneath amplifed sound of people chatting or awing at the the astronauts' suits, eliminating the need for sensor- efect of microgravity for the frst time. Engineers may to-skin contact to collect data about respiration and start to focus on the quality of sound instead of just heart rate. This is more comfortable for the astronauts


because they do not have to wear a specifc garment the seat. A seat which would allow rotation, diferent or connect to another recording device for a long time relaxation modes, mimicking microgravity, monitor the to have their vital signs monitored. passenger during the spacefight in a seamless and safe way and ideally free the inner surface of the Measuring respiration, heart rate, and passenger cabin for additional entertainment features metabolic rates that would include such feedback as pH and oxygen levels in the blood, the system would transfer the data to an onboard ‘smart’ integrated = To ensure safety during the spacefight and circuit for analysis and further action. A smart circuit in emergency cases, an Oxygen enriched breathing air can automatically perform and control monitoring using mixture with output valve should be placed in reach to a cognitive system that acts like a healthcare expert. If the passenger face. The passenger Unit or the it detects an abnormality, the system will run a Connector could be equipped with a side pouch diagnostic procedure and suggest preliminary medical containing the mask or a tube to connect to the treatments to be administered by a fellow crew helmet. The seating layout confgurations take the member. placement of the pouch into consideration.

= This list of possible problem sources has to be extensively researched and adapted. For a preliminary design process the majority of the listed points have to be taken into consideration. It becomes clear that there is a need for every passenger to wear a Space-suit, a Space-helmet and be frmly connected to

92 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 2. PASSENGER SAFETY

2 | Felix Baumgartner pressure-suit 3 | Virgin Galactic body-suit 4 | The XCor pressure-suit 5 | Dava Newman’s bio-suit


Remarks on spacesuit and helmet

A space suit is a garment worn to keep a human alive in the harsh environment of outer space, vacuum and temperature extremes. The bulky, gas-pressurized outfts give astronauts a bubble of protection, but their signifcant mass and the pressure itself severely limit mobility. Space suits are also worn inside spacecraft as a safety precaution in case of loss of cabin pressure.

The history of space travel has shown that Professor Newman anticipates the BioSuit to wearing a space suit simplifes life support for be ready by the time humans are ready to launch an astronauts and enhances safety in case of emergency. expedition to Mars, possibly in about 10 years. Current Yet, if given the choice, most passengers will skin-spacesuits could not handle the challenges of undoubtedly prefer to fy inside an environmentally such an exploratory mission. 97 controlled cabin that provides a casual dressing environment instead of being required to wear a = For the passenger traveling aboard the somewhat clumsy pressure suit that restricts body SpaceLiner, the suit would be tailored long before the movements and will inhibit the experience of freely initial fight. An online order system fed with the foating in microgravity. Mainly, it is a trade-of between physiological data such as body height, weight and safety and comfort (and fnally, cost), as to which other measurements would optimize the development solution for a life support system is best. 96 and updates for each passenger.

= A body scan as known today for security A professor of aeronautics and astronautics purposes could enhance the body data and help create and engineering systems at MIT, Dava Newman is a more personal garment with body contours high working on a sleek, advanced suit designed to allow fdelity. Personal needs such as prothesis and other superior mobility when humans eventually start to fy to handicap issues could be compensated by the suit space and back. She developed a spandex and nylon BioSuit arguing that traditional bulky spacesuits « do = The manufactured and thoroughly tested not aford the mobility and locomotion capability that suit would be available at the selected spaceport. The astronauts [as much as space tourists and travelers] suit does not necessarily need to be purchased, it could need for partial gravity exploration missions [or a one be reproduced since the data would be stored and hour experience on the SpaceLiner]. We really must shared by all spaceports the passenger already used. design for greater mobility and enhanced human and robotic capability, » = Subsequently attested shops for spacefight gear could also ofer more afordable and customized Newman, her colleague Jef Hofman, her suits and helmets with respect to standards and students and a US design frm, Trotti and Associates, systems compatibility. have been working on the Biosuit project for about seven years. Their prototypes are not yet ready for = The passenger could have a ft-in session space travel, but demonstrate what they're trying to with trained personal explaining the steps to dress and achieve--a lightweight, skintight suit that will allow undress if necessary, and explain how to connect the astronauts to become truly mobile lunar and Mars overall and the helmet to the passenger Unit by explorers. induction 93 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 2. PASSENGER SAFETY

The XCor Lynx spacesuit - IS3

The IS³ is a suit developed by Orbital Safety Outftters. It is an emergency pressure suit for suborbital fights. Known in the feld as a “get me • Life support functions for ≥ 30 min down” or “Launch Entry Suit”, its function is to provide • Available as full pressure single gas O2 or dual gas suit protection in the event of a loss of pressure inside the • Independent 15 min backup pressurization Lynx Mark III spaceplane. • Integrated into a parachute harness

Since spacefights on the Lynx are proposed to scientists rather than tourists the IS3 design has a ! The helmet provides a limited visibility radius focus on safety and useability of the hands for since it is connected to the suit and does not rotate adjustments on experiments racks onboard. according to the head. Yet remarkable features It ofers very few extras for a memorable user including an Integrated audio system with noise experience such as recordings or visual content. cancellation for onboard communications put th


The suit provides fexibility while maintaining cost efective one fts all sizing and is qualifed as comfortable for the wearer taking the fight type into consideration.

The suit is also equipped with an integrated cooling technology and the company promotes its intuitive operability. The helmet comprises an integrated audio system with noise cancellation for communication on board and with mission control. The Suit torso is equipped with integrated sensors to record real-time biometric information. 98

= This suit provides a high level of comfort even though it is a rigid shell. The focus is set on safety in case of depressurization. The communication features are interesting for the SpaceLiner garment.

6 | The XCor Lynx spacesuit - IS3 94 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 2. PASSENGER SAFETY

7 | The Virgin Galactic spacesuit fexibility 8 | The Virgin Galactic spacesuit timer feature

The Virgin Galactic Spacesuit

The design requirements for the development Safety of the Virgin Galactic spacesuit are quite opposite to the previous example. This suit is intended to promote • A helmet with a locking neck piece is provided in this journey as a unique lifetime experience, focus is standard helmet sizes seat on comfort and the use of smooth materials. One • Knees and elbows are be protected additionally with can easily imagine foating inside this superhero outft. cushion pads The following list shows the holistic but basic approach to the suit design, without being superfcial. Comfort

The frst example is a 2007 design proposal by • The comfort level in 1g on earth and 0g must be high Philippe Starck, the French designer who is consulting inside the skin suit. as art director for Richard Branson’s development of • The opening and closing of the suit must be possible Virgin Galactic spacecraft, who said that one of his by the passenger himself, the zip should be on a original proposals was for future space explorers to reachable location and side of the body travel naked! 99 In fact one could argue that bulky clothes would be an unnecessary encumbrance to the Materials dream of space travel. • The materials used must be fexible (Nylon or In 2011 the London based design studio of Spandex) meaning no hard shells except of the Seymour Powell proposed what would become the helmet. defnition of a space tourist, explorer and later point to • The movement of all body parts must be possible and point traveler evident expectation of a space suit. Again not compromised the skin tight idea is explored with embedded • The materials used must be lightweight to make sure electronics on the gloves showing a timer and signal no extra weight is transported and the space tourist buttons. is not handicapped when walking inside the spaceport. Gloves and boots let one think the suit is a • The suit should be afordable (in this case the tourist closed envelope around the body. A helmet is also part can keep the suit as a souvenir and use it the next of the safety precautions. We can expect to see a time a fight is programmed. The exact term is: heads-up display with geotainment, communication « fairly inexpensive ». The cost for the design, channels and recording cameras on the forehead. production and distribution of the space suit and There is a emphasis on comfort and unprecedented helmet is included in the 200.000$ boarding ticket user experience without any neglecting of the safety price. components, = This list of requirements is tangible, Some The following is a list of requirements met by the Virgin requirements will be used as a benchmark and serve as Galactic skin suit. reference in terms of materials used and extra functionality such as the timer piece and heads up display information for the SpaceLiner Overall

95 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 2. PASSENGER SAFETY


The goal is to design a suit for the SpaceLiner The Space Overall passenger. The design takes into account the safety and comfort requirements set by the previously studied is composed of adaptive or morphing materials examples and is inspired by innovations in the feld of capable of giving in under weight and tension but wearables, a niche of the clothing industry focussed on regain nominal strength after use, The Overall is creating the clothes of the future by combining composed of a one piece neoprene mesh intelligent materials and digital resources such as sensors . The vision of the SpaceLiner Overall is extended to what could be achieved in thirty years from now in the concerned technological, material and connectivity felds.

The Space Cap

It’s essential function is to avoid bumps on the Unit’s surface and protect the passenger head with rest pads on the back and side. It is equipped with magnets which can be activated to hold the head frmly while sleeping or during shaky fight phases.

= The Space Cap is connected to the Space Overall by induction, to transmit data from sensors on the skull providing a continuous scan of the passenger vestibular system, analyzing stress situations.

During the fight, it counters disorientation by adjusting the position and sharpness of the geotainment information, according to the insecurity, discomfort or engagement level of the passenger and in accordance with the Unit seating angle and fight phase.

Body dysfunctions can be measured and saved for pharmacological and special training recommendations after landing.

96 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 2. PASSENGER SAFETY

The Chest Mesh The data would be transferred to the Unit display, stored for further analysis, a smart circuit can It has a built-in monitoring system which automatically perform monitoring using a cognitive makes continuous monitoring of the wearer possible. it system that acts like a healthcare expert. If it detects measures respiration, heart and metabolic rates that an abnormality, the system will run a diagnostic would include feedback such as pH and oxygen levels procedure and trigger the Backbone to rotate to help in the blood, For early signs of dehydration, the passenger avoid loss of consciousness or suggest disorientation, efects of gravity on the body such as a preliminary medical treatments to be administered once drop in blood circulation. landed and checked-out.

Single use vs. adaptive

During the design phase of the Virgin Galactic space suit studies have taken into account the opinion of potential passengers. When asked most people preferred a ftted suit, the chance to purchase it and the possibility to leave it for service purposes at the destination Spaceport.

A single use version of the spacesuit with a low price for a purchasing option with a common fbers and cheap material choice was regarded as inefective, the general impression was negative and the future passenger stated, « I would keep it as a souvenir, but probably not for a long time.


A program for cleaning, stowage and re-use in the local spaceport should be available as well as adjustments, software and sensors updates or retrofts of the Overall size.

97 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 2. PASSENGER SAFETY

12 | Airline seat row with shoulder belt patent drawing


To defne the design parameters to be considered when designing the SpaceLiner passenger Unit I will sum up the technical and comfort related parameters considered for commercial airline passenger seats and the Commander and Specialist seat on the Space Shuttle. At last I will look at the Virgin Galactic Space Ship Two space tourist seat

The airline passenger seat

On the oldest of planes, seats were armchairs • Seat pitch is the space between two identical points which stood loosely in the cabin, but moving furniture on seats on two consecutive rows. on aircrafts is a safety hazard, Today airline seats are • Seat width is the lateral distance from armrest to usually arranged in rows running across the airplane's armrest. fuselage and are fastened to the foor. However, airlines usually want the fexibility to move seats around or The seat pitch on low cost carriers is typically remove them, so the seats are attached to rails around 70 cm. For standard carriers economy class, underneath the foor which run along the aircraft seats pitch ranges from 76 to 81 cm. More seat pitch fuselage. 100 means more legroom if the seat thickness is reduced. Business class seats in Boeing 767-200s have a seat pitch of 160 cm, Flatbed seats in the Airbus A330 have Safety a seat pitch of 240 cm allowing the sats to lay fat for sleeping. The most efective safety measure during taxiing, take-of and landing, passengers are expected Seat width on Economy class is typically to respect is to remain seated with the seatbelt around 45 cm, the minimum distance of a corridor to fastened. A glowing sign in front will inform the walk trough with a service tray or roll the hand luggage. passengers if turbulences are expected. The crew members play an important role, they need to check before take of and landing that each passenger is = Reducing the thickness by using compact restrained properly. but soft materials is key to design the SpaceLiner passenger Unit. Depending on the seat layout ! The check conducted by the board crew confguration laying fat during the fight is not always will not be possible on the SpaceLiner since there will possible, falling asleep during a hypersonic fight with be no crew other than the pilots which argues in favor high g-loads is less probable. focus will be set on a of a mechanical system and a torso restraint method higher comfort defusing vibrations. Materials such as instead of belts foam and gel could help adapt to various body shapes.

Size = A Spacefight on the SpaceLiner will difer in many points as much as the established check-in The terms used to evaluate airline passenger procedures. Hand luggage will not be carried by the seat are pitch and width. passenger but will be stored by a crew before the figh. Since there will be no food nor drinks served during the 98 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 2. PASSENGER SAFETY

fight nor service ofered by the crew using the ! The passenger Unit inclination angle is an corridor, the seat width will only be defned by the important role of the Backbone since up to six diferent rotation radius of the passenger Unit to allow seat-in, confguration will be needed to help the passenger optimal position during vertical launch, reentry and if resist high g-loads on the body, high speeds and avoid the seat layout confguration permits it the rotation to loss of consciousness. Therefore a system to make it neighbor and cluster formation. The minimum width to incline automatically in accordance to the fight angle ofer privacy would be very useful. In the most dangerous case position angle and brackets must « capture » and tighten the passenger to ensure grip during free-fall of Amenities capsule

Trays for eating and reading, either in the seat- back to fold down to a small table or inside the armrest. Entertainment Most airline seats also feature a pocket which may contain an in-fight magazine and safety instructions. Some airlines put a lot of efort to reach high passenger satisfaction. The economy seats may be equipped with power ports or USB sockets to recharge = The SpaceLiner passenger will have no phones and connect electronic devices to be used on access to the front row seat-back, pockets for personal the screen as well as audio ports for headphones when. items should be reduced to the minimum and placed on Some airlines also place TV-screens in the back of each the spacesuit instead of the seat. the Gravity seat as part of the IFE In-fight Entertainment system Connector could be equipped with clips and brackets (IFE ) on long-haul aircraft. Surveys show that the on the outside to avoid injuries with foating body parts. higher the level of IFE available the more overall satisfaction is registered by the passenger. Weightlessness makes the lecture of magazines or tablets questionable, all these foating objects represent a danger when they drop down on ! IFE should play a considerable role for the the foor, break or injure passengers as soon as gravity SpaceLiner passenger, the absence of windows on the is restored fuselage could be very disturbing. The spectacle of the view on the Earth seen from the Kármán line should be considered and integrated in the fight experience. Comfort

To increase passenger comfort airlines choose to equip their seats with amenities such as a reclining mechanism, manually adjustable headrests and lumbar support or foldable feet rest on the front seat. Some seats are even equipped with a built in massage function.

99 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 2. PASSENGER SAFETY

9 | EADS Astrium Interior view 10 | EADS Astrium passenger seat


The EADS Astrium Seat

Aboard the concept spaceplane of EADS Safety Astrium, the four passengers seat in front of many windows to contemplate the spectacle. The seat pairs A helmet is provided to secure the head but are facing a lateral bridge for walking in and taking a sensible parts such as the face and the hands are not seat. Once seated the passenger will face each other cushioned. sidewise. ! Many gaps, corners and overlooking parts as well as sharp edges on the seat shell make this Seat anchorage concept relatively dangerous in free foating environment for inexperienced tourists when compared A gyroscopic system and a two point to the smooth design of the Spaceship two interior. anchorage mechanism allows the seat to balance during the fight phases. During ascension and reentry passengers will face the fight direction to minimize the efects of acceleration. When the engines are turned of at the highest altitude, the seats rotate to ofer more space for the passengers to foat around in weightlessness.

Materials & comfort

The seat are made compact, there is no manual adjustment of the seating angle or width. The passenger dimensions are dictated by the seat proportions.

The materials used seem to be a polycarbonate chosen for its lightness and rigidity. It could also be a fberglass composite. It is a thin skin with sharp edges which could be hurting if collisions cannot be avoided. Vibrations can hardly be compensated or avoided since the seat is connected at two extremities and is frmly connected to the cabin and fuselage.

The inside of the seat is cushioned, with a relatively thin layer of some foam. Armrests are 11 | EADS Astrium passenger seat in ascent fight phase provided

100 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 2. PASSENGER SAFETY

12 | SpaceShipTwo interior view 13 | SpaceShipTwo passenger seat reclining

The Space Ship Two seat

Future passengers aboard Virgin Galactic Comfort Space Ships will take place in on of six seats of the hermetic pressurized passenger cabin. The seats are Soft cushions are integrated on some edges of arranged on the sides in rows of two separated by a the seats and on the element framing the seats. The corridor for simple access. design is continuous and ergonomic, no sharp edges are There are no handles or extra restraints visible in The seats are made of a polymer hard shell, a the drawings, promotional videos or shown mock ups. of uniform sizing, and no moving parts such as arm or There is an apparent focus on head rest. They are anchored to the foor inside a continuous seat holding element. Entertainment

Anchorage mechanism The entertainment on this spacefight is reduced to a minimum of informations displayed on the Apparently a hydraulic system will incline and helmet display, it includes the altitude and a timer to reclining according to the fight phase. Two states are inform the passenger of the remaining time in programmed, frst the launch and reentry, the second weightlessness. Nothing should distract from the main state is during weightlessness. attraction which is the view over the Earth through the windows. During horizontal launch the passenger is seating upright, in a forward oriented position. Restrained with a manual activated hip belt. The hydraulic system is extended. This system could eventually compensate vibrations and increase comfort. The position and angle of the seat will not vary until the apogee altitude is reached.

At this point the seats is reclined backwards and the passenger lays almost fat. When the belt turns green the passenger can release the restraining belt 14 | SpaceShipTwo capsule side view blueprint and foat around for a couple of minutes. The belts will hang loose if not sucked by a mechanism alongside the = The design of the Space Ship Two interior seat. is inspiring in many ways, the mechanical parts are hidden visually and from any collision course. The Dangerous gaps under the seats are closed SpaceLiner passenger will not behave in the same and an undulated landscape from the foor to the manner, no fying around is permitted during the fight windows helps avoiding injuries such as extremities therefore no cushions on the outer shell of the Unit is squeezed in some gaps.After the free foating phase necessary, the smooth ergonomic shape is not a trend the passenger reaches a seat and fastens the seatbelt. or design scheme but defnitely a prerequisite for a long The hydraulic system will recline the seats into reentry duration fight exposed to vibrations. The Backbone will position and angle to make sure the passenger is not play an important role in compensating them and gliding away from the seat making the fight as comfortable as possible. 101 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 2. PASSENGER SAFETY


Many interrelated requirements have been analyzed in the previous sections, they need to be summarize and priorities for the design process. Seat Components play an important role in both safety and cost, as well as a person’s comfort during the fight, The most recurring and important parameter in this venture will always be safety.

When the mechanical and technical parameters are set the material requirements can be analyzed. According to the allowed maximum weight, fexibility, resistance to fammability, stifness and frmness of the component, a preliminary choice can be made to be tested afterwards. Focus will be set on materials ofern a high degree of comfort for the passenger yet extremely light and fexible.


? What is the baseline function of the = To fulfll these roles three distinct elements passenger Unit depending on the fight phase it will with particular functions such as rotation, heavy lifting require to adopt diferent shapes or angles. How will it and sensing the passenger and adapting to the infuence the overall design? The passenger Unit will morphology will compose the SpaceLiner passenger have three baseline roles: Unit:

1. Help the passenger’s body to adapt to high G 1. Maximum angles of rotation and inclination in loads during take-of and reentry by inclining the X and Y axis to avoid collision with and positioning of the passenger in fight neighboring passengers. A dedicated element of direction and load direction when the two the Unit should take care of it: The Backbone. diverge 2. Restraints during the entire fight over the 2. Allow movement of legs and arms in upper part of the body to hold the passenger in weightlessness but restrain the body of the place during all phases of the fight: the Gravity passenger without tightening to frmly and. Connector will be folded down on the passenger and will restrain like a belt and will 3. Secure and shield the passenger in case of serve as holding front bar. emergency free fall by 3. The Unit should enclose the entire body of the passenger including the feet and head and serve as a cocoon in case of emergency or abort.

102 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 2. PASSENGER SAFETY

Lightweight materials

Passenger seats can be reduced in weight by The following list is intended to defne in implementing seat cushions manufactured from generic terms the materials to be used to manufacture advanced materials. the passenger Unit. Focus is set on durability, cost efectiveness and robustness. The hard materials to be used for the passenger Unit must have a high deformation Plastics coefcient, not only to hold the occupant in place safely and comfortably, but also to be able to absorb all • Polypropylene (PP) + coating to obtain the strict the energy from constant and long-lasting acceleration. fammability specifcations • Expanded polystyrene (EPS) ! Materials used for structural and load- • Nylon (PA); + fberglass and elastomers bearing applications shall be tested against stress in • Polycarbonate (PC) environments exposed to high vibrations. • Polyoxymethylene (POM)

The "apparent fimsiness » of some materials ! Material properties shall be compatible with becomes useful energy absorption, and the passenger the thermal environment to which they are exposed. In inside the Unit will sufers the fewest possible injuries. the case of the SpaceLiner, the interior of the capsule These requirements are applicable to most space should have a room temperature of 18 - 21°C. related seats on spaceplanes since the frst tests in the sixties. Metals The combination of hard shell made of carbon fber on the exterior and soft cushions or morphing gel • High strength steel alloys for seating and leaning surfaces inside the Unit is • Aluminium alloys crucial to resist real dynamic conditions and • Titanium turbulences. • Magnesium

The role of the Backbone is to absorb and compensate on those forces during launch and reentry Metals will be used to a greater extent for the phase, therefore the more the structure can be structural concept. The electrical transmission and deformed, the less shaking to the passenger. material strength will allow the connection of the sensors and magnets and serve as a nerve system of The materials with the highest specifc the Unit. strengths are typically fbers such as carbon fber, glass fber and various polymers, and these are frequently The same is true of aluminum. Alloyed metals used to make composite materials (e.g. carbon fber- are also used for the joint systems; screws, nuts, bolts, epoxy). These materials are widely used in aerospace rivets, etc. and other applications where weight savings are worth the higher material cost. 101

103 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 2. PASSENGER SAFETY

Titan Aluminium mesh Morphing gel Magnetized zip Sensors mesh

Sensors mesh Steel alloy Sculptured foam Fabric Carbon fber

Backbone & Structure Unit Airbag Connector 15 | Unit material layers decomposition

Fibers, fabrics and foams Comfort

Fabrics covering Polyester, Foams, Cellulose One of the Unit’s comfort feature is the are the basic materials used for manufacturing seats. In rotation on its Y axis to allow eye contact with fellow all cases materials must strictly comply with the EU passengers and facilitate direct communication standards applied to all consumables, which require that they are free of hazardous materials that may The Unit morphing gel should adapt to the harm both the passenger and the environment. passenger’s weight and morphology. The general dimensions (based on body dimensions in chapter II.2) Graphite composite fre-hard foams constitute of the passenger Unit should ofer enough space for the latest development in fre-resisting polyurethane changing passenger morphologies over time and world foam systems, including special fame-resistant region. substances. Fire resistance applies to the entire foam, not only the outer surface. These fame-resistant cushions help protect passengers in the case of a cabin fre or other problem. The cushions are produced either by the injection of foam into molds or by cutting foam blocks into the appropriate shapes. Either way, the Passenger safety is a serious topic. The cushions serve as a key safety barrier in emergency diferent phases of the fight require that the passenger situations. lies horizontally during launch, less constraint during the short weightlessness phase and oriented to the ! Outgassing tests shall be carried out on all « ground » during reentry. The connector has several textiles and foam used inside the capsule. other functions, it is the passenger personal IFE system, it holds the O2 tank and a valve close to the ! The materials fammability resistance shall face in case of emergency. A water container is also be evaluated for the most hazardous environment implemented on the side. Holding grips are available on envisaged for their use. the lower part. It can be unlocked manually in the case of an emergency.

104 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit

105 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit

1 | The SpaceLiner passenger Unit frontview

106 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT




The following design proposal of a passenger Unit is a conceptual approach for a complying shell carrying a morphing responsive gel for the SpaceLiner passenger comfort throughout the entire spacefight.

Most of the processes needed to manufacture the SpaceLiner Unit exist today and are combined with features expected to become an ordinary part of the future point to point suborbital spacefight experience.

The idea is to simulate what it actually means to fy, the feeling of it, to celebrate the magic of it down to the passenger seat. There’s so much to fight, spacecrafts are amazing pieces of engineering, the passenger Unit should embody that genuine level of engineering and technology.

The Backbone, the Shell and the Connector need to keep a soft and welcoming appearance yet function in a reassuring and safe way.

The Unit will help create a most comfortable travel condition during high acceleration, enriching spacefight data and unique interaction possibilities approaching your destination. Take a Unit and enjoy!

107 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT


General Dimensions in cm

Back: 61 ±15 in length, 65 ±10 in width Bottom: 48 ±15 in length, 53 ±15 in width Arm rests: 40 ±10 in length 56 ±15 in apart Base: 40 ±1 to bottom using single/double Backbone approach

108 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT


Cushion pads: 7 on back and 8 on bottom 4 on shoulder and knees Restraints: Magnets on shoulders and knees pads Stowage: 50 of usable space underfront of chair Helmet securing mechanism: magnet Gyroscope featured Backbone

109 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT

6 | The SpaceLiner passenger Unit attached to the Backbone in ground anchorage confguration top view

7 | The SpaceLiner passenger Unit front view

110 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT

8 | Back view of the Unit Spine with the deployed pressurized airbag 9 | Back view of the Unit with the Backbone foor anchorage system

10 | Back view of the Unit with the deployed airbag and highlighted Spine

111 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT


The SpaceLiner passenger Unit is attached to the cabin and kept in constant position according to other Units by a robotic arm, the Backbone.


The Unit structural frame is built from lightweight metal composite, Titanium is used for structures heavy to lift, steel and aluminum are used for joints.

A secondary structure layer covers the back of the Unit like a net covering the armrests on the sides, the leg piece at the bottom end to the top of the headrest. It is adapting to the passenger weight and shoulder width by extension and retraction of end- tubes,

The structural frame is flled with a thin foam layer containing the sensors mesh. It will also hold in shape the morphing gel contained

112 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT

113 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT

13 | Structure skeleton underneath the morphing gel

14 | Fabric mesh woven over the structure skeleton 15 | Fabric mesh flled with the morphing gel enveloping the skeleton

114 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT

16 | Node Backbone, Spine, Connector

17 | Section view showing the Backbone in ceiling attachment confguration 18 | Back view with the Backbone Spine

19 | Morphing gel feet restraint laying on complying shell

115 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT


The passenger Unit inclination and rotation angle is regulated by the Backbone. It is programmed for six diferent confguration which will help the passenger resist the high g-loads on the body and high speeds to avoid loss of consciousness. it inclines automatically in accordance to the fight angle. In dangerous situations position angle and brackets will « capture » and tighten the passenger to ensure grip during free-fall of capsule and recovery

The Backbone connects the SpaceLiner capsule with the passenger. It is holding the unit on a a gyroscopic sphere. It is sensing the gravity center as well as the inclination according to the fight phase. It transmits and process data on the connector screen.

116 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT

25 | Backbone system in foor anchorage confguration

26 | Backbone system in ceiling anchorage confguration

117 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT

28 | Amusement park safety belt with metal hand grip rail 29 | Amusement park safety belt allowing arms and legs movement


The passenger seat restraint is the Connector. It ensures that at any time the passenger is kept inside the Unit.

Short before launch phase, the passenger will step into the Unit, the Connector is unlocked, rotated upwards to facilitate seat in. It automatically rotates down while the Unit is shifted upwards and rotated.

The unit is equipped with seating sensors, measuring pressure and checking that the passenger is seating in the phase appropriate position. The passenger will be informed when the side magnets will be activated to hold back arms and legs in place.

In case of emergency and malfunctioning systems, the Connector can be manually unlocked and with a handgrip shifted up to release the passenger.

Complying shell & soft gel

The Connector reminds of the belt system in some attraction of amusement parks. The lower part is the belt. It is cushioned on all inner sides to avoid injuries in case of collision with the head or arms during high g-loads or unexpected turbulences. Grips are provided on the upper and low part.

118 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT

31 | Amusement park safety belt with lateral attachment 32 | Amusement park safety belt with axial neck attachment

The personal IFE system

The upper part of the Connector is 1. The Safety screen shows remaining O2 level commanded by voice and intuitive hand swiping indicator a countdown until the next fight gestures. A clear and simple user-interface will guide phase and pilot informations or emergency the passenger through each fight phase and keep him notices, fully informed. A clear and substantial introduction before the launch is key to ensure safety during fight 2. The Comfort display informs on the remaining and proper use of the system. It is equipped with a set fuid level inside the compartment. From this of holographic screens displaying informations. The screen the Unit inclination, interaction or relax passenger can switch between three sets of mode can be chosen, adjusting manually angle information packages or setup a personal dashboard deviation or the color spectrum of the reading light as well as using the switch

3. The Entertainment screen, when switched on will allow infight communication over several channels. A direct link can also be setup to Earth over the Mission control base. With directional speakers in addition to the earplugs, the passenger can dive into a chosen virtual world of relaxing landscapes or busy streets or get informed with local Geotainment informations.

119 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT

35 | Gravity belt & Connector top view

36 | Headrest, Gravity belt & Connector front view

120 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT

37 | Gravity belt in locked position & Connector side view

38 | Fabric mesh woven over the structure skeleton 39 | Fabric mesh flled with the morphing gel enveloping the skeleton

121 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT

40 | Gravity Connector reclining before launch

41 | Gravity Connector locked during fight

122 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT

42 | Connector Display arrangement

43 | Gravity Connector locked in use by passenger

123 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT

44 | Pressurized Airbag top view


Even if the passenger Capsule is pressurized seat side and by magnetism the zip closes the two and no helmet is needed to embark, the possibility of halves and a pressure of 1 bar is injected inside. It can cabin pressure drop is given. To make sure passengers about one minute to close the airbag manually stay conscious a last resort is provided. Pressurization becomes necessary at altitudes Cabin pressurization is the process in which above 3.800 m to 4,300 m above sea level to protect conditioned air is pumped into the cabin of an aircraft crew and passengers from the risk of a number of or spacecraft, in order to create a safe and comfortable physiological problems caused by the low outside air environment for passengers and crew fying at high pressure above that altitude. It also serves to generally altitudes. increase passenger comfort.

As in airplanes where masks come out of the ceiling, a thin protective membrane is ejected from the

45 | Pressurized Airbag front view

124 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 1. THE PASSENGER UNIT

46 | Pressurized airbag deployment axis backview 47 | Pressurized airbag deployed

48 | Pressurized airbag deployed section 49 | Pressurized airbag deployed for frmness test on the ground

125 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit


1 | The SpaceLiner & the winged stage escape capsule

20 - 30°C


90°C Fibre

180°C Steel

Degradded 1600°C Charged SPACELINER 2200°C Gas

2 | The Thermal proection shield components

126 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 2. THE BASELINE CAPSULE



The baseline capsule is a hybrid capsule ? How could the baseline capsule, securing fulflling two main functions. It is the cabin environment the passengers be released from the rest of the for the passengers and pilots during the spacefight SpaceLiner in case of a mission abort and fall back to and the rescue capsule or escape vehicle in case of a earth? lift-of abort, fight abort or any other emergency case. Two concepts are under investigation, yet in The preliminary requirements102 for the the early phase of research but very distinct in the baseline capsule as passenger cabin are: approach. The chosen escape confguration should not impact the interior layout but will allow a diferent • Boarding and de-boarding procedures on the placement of airlocks on the fuselage and provide more ground in horizontal mode stowage volume since the capsule would adopt another shape than the nominally proposed cone. • Enough space for 50 passengers and 2 pilots In case of emergency the baseline capsule • Adequate and comfortable environment for the must be meet the following requirements: 103 target group of passengers • Autonomous ejection and fight back (or down • Seating only possibility (no standing or walking fall) to Earth's surface during any phase of the during spacefight) spacefight

• Quick and reliable integration / connection to the • Allow a quick and unaided passenger evacuation Orbiter Module • Landing capability on land, see, ice…

• Minimizing injuries and loss of conscience or life of passengers and pilots

• Maximum acceleration of 12g for maximum 2 sec Baseline capsule during separation from Orbiter Module

127 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 2. THE BASELINE CAPSULE

13.6 10.5 1.2 Pilot Cabin Passenger Area Life Support System Parachute 0.8 0.8 0.8

3.1 1.8 4.1 5.3

Stowage Subsystems 3 | Baseline capsule - structure dimensions 4 | Baseline capsule section - function diagram


The baseline capsule is an integrated part in + The advantage of the baseline capsule is the front section of the Orbiter Module, followed by hence if a separation is needed due to Thermal tanks containing liquid oxygen (LOX) followed by liquid protective shielding (TPS) failure on the lower side of hydrogen (LH2) serving escape motors to push the the orbiter, the baseline capsule has an additional TPS capsule as far as possible from the Orbiter Module in which will continue to protect the capsule. case of disfunction. Furthermore, the integration and the separation process of the baseline capsule as sole Escape module are signifcantly more complex. Due to the project requirements, the integration process shall be less than 10 minutes and the separation process Escape capsule must be less than 2.5 s. For both confgurations this results in short but high g forces up to 10g on the passenger body. 1. In case of an emergency the capsule would be rotated upwards and jettisoned. Rockets ignite In conclusion, the fnal decision which capsule and distance the capsule from the system will be used, requires more analysis and data. malfunctioning and therefore highly explosive Both concepts need to be further studied to come to a orbiter into a safe distance , then follows a free fnal conclusion. fall with parachutes to the Earth's surface. + Since this option allows a bigger volume for the interior, distinct airlocks for exits on the shell and a safer solution for the passengers during the separation from the Orbiter Module and a simplifed seating adjustment for the return phase after an emergency Winged stage = The following interior layout study and the passenger Unit design will be based on the alternative 2. The alternative rescue concept is that the rescue concept using a winged upper stage as escape vehicle makes up the entire front benchmark. section of the orbiter. This capsule concept has the same requirements as the baseline capsule. The major geometrical diference to the baseline capsule is the wing section. […]The advantage of having a wing is that lift is provided increasing the cross range of the capsule, allowing it to glide in a fat orientation to its destination, rather then free falling to the ground.

128 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 3. ACCESSING THE CAPSULE

13.6 10.5 1.2 Pilot Cabin Passenger Area Life Support System Parachute 0.8 0.8 0.8

3.1 1.8 4.1 5.3

Stowage Subsystems 3 | Baseline capsule - structure dimensions 4 | Baseline capsule section - function diagram



Lateral doors vs. vertical airlocks

For fight passengers the usual way to enter The system used on comparable spacecrafts an aircraft is by walking straight in. This means the such as the NASA Space Shuttle behaving in a similar doors (in the case of a spacecraft they are called way in exit and reentry fight phases uses a dorsal airlocks) would be placed on the sidewalls of the airlock situated on the upper side of the spacecraft. fuselage. = The baseline capsule and the passenger For safety reasons redundancy of entrance cabin should be accessed from the top, the passenger and exit airlocks should be applied to avoid being will climb down with a ladder to access the capsule trapped behind a single exit option. At least two exists, foor and take a seat onto the dedicated passenger one in the nose and a second in the tail section of the Unit. fuselage will help evacuate quickly all passengers in case of emergency. = The Airlock would be closed and sealed from the outside by the ground crew as soon as Several options on how to enter the boarding is completed. When deboarding, the sequence SpaceLiner capsule are under examination at the DLR will be inverted. In case of emergency the second back center and according to project engineers, the rear of airlock should be manually opened by one of the pilot or the capsule is not suited for placing an airlock since this a passenger as in commercial airliners, safety area is packed with structural elements, LOX and LH2 instructions will be provided before launch to the tanks and additional ignition to push the capsule from passengers concerning the opening mechanism. The the rest of the Orbiter Module in case of emergency. unlocking of the airlock must be easy to use and intuitive. ! Placing the airlocks on the lateral skin of the fuselage could be a non viable option since the sides of = As a additional safety measure, two exits the SpaceLiner are exposed to high temperature during can be added on the sides at half length of the cabin the reentry phase. The thermal protection shield on the for the SpaceLiner confguration carrying 100 opening mechanism as well as joints could be damaged passengers. This will lead to some changes in the by the heat resulting in hazardous gazes infltrating the seating layout, a reduction in units carried and the capsule, deadly for the passengers closest to the design of the passenger Unit itself. airlocks.

129 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 3. ACCESSING THE CAPSULE


Stowage of personal luggage will be done by a crew and not by the passenger himself. For safety The luggage will be transported into the cabin reasons, the luggage will be stored in sealed through the airlock and stowed in place, stowage compartments before the fight while the passenger is would not exceed 1 m3 / passenger in volume. getting ready for the fight, dressing up the suit and fnishing the medical check. The luggage will be handed back after landing.

Therefore no distinction is made between bulky and hand luggage. The maximum size and weight of the luggage will be checked before the fight and reduced if necessary. The luggage size should not exceed the dimensions of the airlock in total width. to facilitate the stowing and reduce chances of delay due to passenger packing according to the regulations, a dedicated luggage recipient could be provided to the passengers, a sort of rack with a certain volume as in

The zoning of stowage compartment should be easy to access by the ground team. The compartments would be located right under the capsule foor. The passenger Units would be lifted in an upright position to facilitate the stowing then released to nominal position just before seat-in phase. 1m³ of luggage per passenger

130 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit

131 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT



Aircraft body width the advantage of being able to leave the seat without having to clamber over the other passengers, and Airline cabins are classifed as narrow-body if having an aisle they can stretch their legs into. there is a single aisle with seats on either side of a corridor to reach each row or wide-body if there are two aisles with a block of seats between them in addition to the seats on the side of two corridors.

6 | Airbus A340 cabin section 2+4+2 seat abreast 7 | Boeing cabin section 3+4+3 seat abreast

The number of seats abreast is afected by the If a seat block has three or more seats, there aircraft width. Narrow body aircraft such as the Airbus will also be middle seats which are unpopular because A320 family and Boeing 737 aircraft have six abreast the passenger is sandwiched between two other seating in a 3+3 layout. Asymmetrical layouts also exist, passengers without advantages of either window or with 1+2 or 2+3 seat layout. aisle seats. On wide body-aircraft the center block of seats between the aisles can have as many as 5 seats. Rearward seats Very wide planes such as the Boeing 747 or the Airbus A380 have ten seats abreast, typically in a 3+4+3 While there are some exceptions, most layout, although this layout is also sometimes used as a commercial aircraft seats are forward facing. high density layout on aircraft normally seating nine Rearward-facing seats are also common on business abreast. jets, to provide a "conference" type layout. It has been argued that rearward-facing seats are safer because in the event of a crash, the sudden deceleration will Preferred seats propel the passenger into a rearward-facing seat instead of out of it, meaning the force is distributed Window seats are preferred by passengers over the entire seat back, instead of the straps of the who want to have a view, or a wall which they can lean against. Passengers in seats adjacent to the aisle have 132 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT

seat belt. The argument against such seats has been fy forward in the cabin, quite possibly into the based on passenger comfort, safety and cost. passengers in rearward-facing seats. On the cost aspect, rearward-facing seats need additional On the safety aspect, the argument has been strengthening which adds extra weight and therefore that during a plane crash, debris, such as luggage, will higher operating costs. 104

= Inside the SpaceLiner passenger capsule, enough space should be allocated to the corridor to facilitate passenger boarding, access to the units far from the airlock and the seat-in phase. The Unit should be movable to this position if a seating layout varying in pitch and width is chosen. The following proposed confgurations take this into account. the corridor area will not be used used during the rest of the fight since no crew will be walking back and forth and passengers are restrained in their units. The free surface will be used as Geo-tainment mapping surface.

= Enough space should be available for the Unit rotating function, to make sure collisions are avoided during the fight or eventual turbulences. The Backbone arms should be confgured as a network or swarm and transmit each other’s angle and degree of extension as well as its particular position in X and Y to avoid over-crossing, collision or sight blocking.


133 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT

8 | Seven Units in lateral confguration

134 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT


This interior seat layout is similar to common aircraft benchmark arrangement. It is using a known confguration helps to lessen the requirements on the technical infrastructure for safety and the IFE system, maintenance program. Resulting in fewer crew trainings and introduction to new passengers.

Safety Privacy

The future SpaceLiner passengers have seen For this confguration, the passenger comfort this confguration before and will be accustomed to the level is high when the privacy level is high. In this case safety measures and emergency procedures in case of it is hard to create a private bubble since the units are a mission abort resulting in a free fall of the capsule or very close to each other. As in airplanes, the neighbor gliding down to the nearest rescue point. passenger is seated very closely, even if the Unit provides an enclosing shell, the information on the The units will use the free space of the screen should not be too sensible or confdential. corridor and use the free area to distance from each other during turbulences and vibrations. The passenger Entertainment will remain seated inside the Unit until the Connector is lifted. From the passenger point of view, this confguration ofers a very stripped of fight Two dorsal exits are provided, in the front experience. Indeed the space to rotate the Unit is not behind the cockpit and another in the rear section of given, therefore no other constellation is possible than the capsule. redundancy will ensure that at least one of looking onto the next passenger back. Since the side the exists can be used by the passengers or helping walls will be mainly used for holding the Backbone crew. system and the foor is always covered by the seats, no surface mapping is possible other than on the Unit front screen similar to commercial airlines long haul fights.

135 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT

136 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT

137 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT

13 | Hanging Units lateral confguration

138 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT


This confguration is similar to the Business class seating confguration of some commercial airlines where seats are placed in half distances to each other. It is characterized by a more spacious feeling, taking full advantage of the maximum height of the capsule to reach a high seat pitch on the side seats with more legroom


Since more space is available in the back of the Unit, the Backbone can be used to compensate the g-loads on the passenger by inclining and reclining fully according to the fight phase.


This confguration ofers two types of seatings, the middle seats are preferred by aisle passengers who can travel in pairs, communicate directly and keep eye contact during the entire spacefight.

The Units hanging on the sidewalls can rotate up to 180° and face the passenger on the other end of the section or the passenger in the back.


Large parts of the sidewalls can be used for geotainment mapping for the side Units. The ceiling can be used in its totality as mapping surface.

The view is unobstructed towards the projected area and Unit rotation options are possible for all passengers in almost 180°.

139 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT

140 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT

141 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT

18 | Inclined Units cluster confguration

142 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT


This egg shaped passenger cabin maximizes the height of the capsule to accommodate ffteen more passengers than the required number.

The subsystems are located behind the sidewalls to narrow the cabin and bring the facing passengers closer during the cruise fight phase.


This confguration is the attempt to create a feeling of security inside the SpaceLiner for newbies or groups of travelers. By enabling the eye contact between the passengers during the cruise fight phase.


This confguration could be a secondary state of a simplifed airplane confguration with 2+2 abreast seats. With an automatic rotation the Units would face the corridor and the opposite passengers behind a projection curtain in the middle of the capsule, providing informations on the fight, the destination and the outside scenery.

Focus is set on passengers collective experience, group communication and interaction between fight attendants onboard and remote passenger on the ground.

143 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT


144 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT

145 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT

23 | Standing Units cluster confguration

146 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT


The Cluster mode depicts a redefnition of the business class environment. If the cabin environment can stimulate the interaction and mimic a working-space, than the passenger will have an incentive to use it. This could change the relationship to travel and blurry the boundaries between activities and the precise context they fnd place in.

Safety This confguration ofers a high level of fexibility in terms of the units arrangement. It explores In case of emergency all units incline in fight the most valuable thing during travel which is the direction and thus provide the same safety to the sharing of the experience. passenger than the previous other confgurations. The units are anchored at the bottom as well as the ceiling In future versions, ofering to an even broader with an inverted Backbone depending on its position passenger target group including children, The inside the section SpaceLiner could transport families and groups

The bubble could enclose up to four units to provide a


This confguration focusses on creating communication platforms and productivity features to enable teams of passengers to continue their task or preparations of business meetings where they left it at work.

A bubble enclosing pairs or groups of six passenger inside a noise shelter and projection skin, opaque from outside create a perfect environment for conversations, brainstorming or discussion of sensitive topics

147 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT

148 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT

149 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT


The proposed maps of seating confgurations are summarized in the following table. The parameters for an efective comparison should help to choose from the diferent typologies in accordance with the experience to be ofered to passengers.

Capsule Exit Confguration Total Dimensions Volume Position Distance Unit passenger L x W x H m m3 m fxation Airline Benchmark 55 10.5 x 4.3 x 2.2 99.3 front + back 5 foor

Alternate Position 55 10.5 x 4.3 x 2.8 126,4 front + back 5 foor + sidewall

Sidewall Use 64 12.5 x 4.3 x 3.8 156,8 back roof 12 sidewall

Magnetic Cluster 51 10.5 x 4.5 x 2.2 103.9 central roof 4 / 8 foor + roof


The Airline benchmark confguration uses the least expensive solution for the Backbone system since The Alternate confguration is similar in its functionality is reduced. A simplifed, single angle numbers to the Airline benchmark confguration arm with pneumatic mobility from lie fat to redressed although there is more volume per passenger thanks to position as seen on the Virgin Galactic Space Ship Two the positioning on the side walls which ofers a high mock-up could replace the robotic arm needed for diferentiation in the seating options and experience. extension and turning function. This confguration allows a reduced radius of action and turning of the Unit to connect with other passengers. This is compensated by the rows confguration where two, three or four passengers could seat together.

150 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit III. DESIGN 4. THE SEAT PLAN LAYOUT

Unit IFE Validation Abreast Pitch Width Volume Screen Safety Comfort Space IFE m m m3 Area

3 + 2 ≥ 0.9 0.6 ~ 1.7 side +++ + + + 3 + 3 screens 1 + 2 + 1 ≥ 0.7 0.5 ~ 2.3 Unit back ++ + ++ + 1 + 3 + 1 1 + 1 ≤ 2.2 0.6 ~ 2.5 foor + ++ +++ +++ 2 + 2 2 + 2 - - ~ 2.0 inside ++ +++ ++ +++ 2 + 2 + 2 privacy bubble

The third confguration is subject to much area on the foor to project the scene recorded criticism. The sideward seating position is absolutely underneath the fuselage not recommended during fights, the Backbone turning mechanism could end up malfunctioning due to the very high stress and loads it is subjected to. The possibility to look at fellow passengers is not seen as an alternative to the usual frontward orientation. Yet this option ofers a bigger volume per passenger a Unit pitch over two meters and optimal surface mapping

151 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit

152 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit VI. HORIZON 1. FUTURE STEPS



One important goal of this work is to present By arrowing the target group, a market an overview of currently known general challenges demand, including for potential payload for research related to future commercial suborbital Point to Point purposes has been presented to complete the big Spacefights. picture of this emerging business feld

The historical context was summarized to These steps help propose a design for the show the rapid evolution of this industry and related capsule confguration and the passenger Unit based on ones such as computer aided vehicle design and today’s knowledge of materials, user experience and application of new composite super light materials, space activities with a futuristic approach to anticipate augmented reality and surface mapping technologies, new technologies, habits and future expectations of encouraging to think about the future of this enterprise the selected target group. in an optimistic way. But there is still much to accomplish to bring Still some main technical challenges have to be these concepts to reality and implement them in a overcome such as Thermo-protective-shielding viable market. The legal side, as this new enterprise systems, cooling systems and the reusability of the seeks to identify the appropriate legal framework in booster stage. Some elements such as the vehicle which to operate is still undefned, breaking down the design, erection of international spaceports, speed to innovate and incentives for research and administrative clearance on an intra-state level have development from various felds to make the dream of been addressed and should be subject to further P2P space travel become reality. political discussions. The following recommendations are derived Assessing people’s general motivation and from this exploration of the topic of space tourism with detailing the requested physical ability, and minimum focus on commercial suborbital P2P travel and are now medical requirements have also been studied and presented as equally important at this stage. First, represent the main part of the design parameters to be some general recommendations are made, followed by considered. recommendations for which specifc actions can be identifed and listed.

153 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit VI. HORIZON 1. FUTURE STEPS


1. Create diversion from delay of expected opinion trough media to ensure quick recovery for the start of operation industry, its image and credibility.

Current space adventures providers such as 3. Collection of feedback from future Virgin Galactic have recently sufered from a crash passengers delaying the commercial start of their business. Even though the next pioneers space tourists already payed The current design of the interior, check in/out for their ticket, such events do create a loss of procedures and of the overall experience inside credibility for the entire space sector and delays in Spaceports is oriented to a customer base willing and operation starts. The SpaceLiner feet could have an able to pay a high price for P2P fights. This clientele introduction to the Space tourism and travel landscape will fight with a set of high expectations even-though similar to the A380 in the aviation landscape with a many fight situations and their appraisal by the media coverage allowing no mistakes during its career . untrained passenger have never been tested. Free and public, open-air gathering, concerts It is necessary to fnd out more about them by and shows on the sites of existing Spaceports could ofering fight simulations and conditioning parks. This is make the public opinion shift to a more positive one crucial to ensure a positive adaptation of the service until the Time To Market estimation is fnally tangible ofered, an adequate adaptation of Spaceports, and realistic for the general public to hold on to. Spaceplane interior equipment and fight memorabilia as well as digital memories for the connected and 2. Universal response strategy in the event of interactive world. When this infrastructure is setup, deathly mischance future potential passengers can also provide a valuable feedback, schools can help educating, informing and Each Space line, similar to airlines, will have its shaping the responsibility feeling and create the wish own communication strategy according to its from early age to travel this way, collect hopes and philosophy, image and sense of commitment. But the visions completely freed of any necessity. coverage of events of failure such as crashes, loss of passengers or crew-members, incidents on the ground 4. Strong emphasis on related markets or inside restricted or military airspaces need to be dealt by a large board of providers. For the loss of As mentioned in the overview on the market Spaceships and crews such as the Space Shuttle analysis for P2P transportation, the Tauri report Challenger in 1986 or Columbia in 2003 which had deep suggests to embed this specifc niche into a wider impact on people’s opinion on spacefight safety, range of markets. The space tourism being the current National Space Agencies held this role but a diferent market under development, followed by the ofer of coordination mechanism will be necessary when the short microgravity scientifc experiments and payload providers become privately owned companies. transportation to LEO. Commercial airlines still have a considerable recovery To increase acceptability more markets such program to roll out after every crash. as education, the flm and advertisement industry, the A universal response to the market and to the digital consumer market and the cargo shipment authorities is key for the efect on regulatory industry should be approached. Yet requiring diferent frameworks, insurance questions for families and strategies and distribution channels, the long run relatives of injured or lost passengers, for the public positive infuence on the rise of the Commercial Suborbital P2P Spacefights market could be ensured. 154 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit VI. HORIZON 1. FUTURE STEPS

5. Create synergies between the traditional 6. Expand scientifc experiments related sector and new space entrepreneurs vehicles

It is clear that technically there is possibility for Develop the demand for scientifc related synergies. The traditional space sector, via the suborbital fights, The DLR SpaceLiner ofers an exploration and human fight programs, has excellent environment a larger capsule, over ffty times considerable experience with spacefight, safety the volume compared to the current feet of requirements and escape and emergency landing spacefight vehicles, with a fight duration of 60 to 90 systems having higher demands than suborbital ones. min it should encourage frequent and fast repetition of New Space entrepreneurs are therefor aware and the experimentation in microgravity as soon as entering prone to respect environmental issues along side with service by initiating a study to determine what class of commercial interests. From this perspective they experiments could be successfully executed using experiment with greener propellants that may be of suborbital vehicles in full coordination with the interest to National Space Agencies. An exchange of designers, the space agencies, and interested industry technologies and experience will no doubt be benefcial partners. for both communities. Allowing Space Agencies to propose technologies to New Space Entrepreneurs and vice 7. Test and verifcation at ESTEC versa, could reduce the risk of duplication of efort and development. 8. Updates, Retrofts & Sustainability Check


It seems clear that many topics still need thorough research, extensive tests, modifcations and adaptations. I am optimistic that this will stay the focus and work of excellence driven institution like the International Academy of Astronautics where Encouraging international scientifc cooperation through symposia and meetings in the area of space sciences, technology & system development, operations and utilization, with regards on space policy, law & economy, society, culture & education will help and keep up the work leading to the further and continuous exploration of Space and the development of the DLR SpaceLiner in my lifetime.

155 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit V. CREDITS & REFERENCES 1. IMAGE


1. IMAGE A. ILLUSTRATIONS & INFOGRAPHICS CREDITS Reference number | Title, description | Source| Author | Credit | Retrieval date


1. SpaceLiner passenger Unit concept | AK


1. The Cosmos seen by Hubble | - Documentary « When will humans live on Mars » | Accessed 2015. 01. 16 2. Zeppelin | | Retrieved 2015. 01. 16 3. Vickers Vimy, british bomber in WWI 1918 | | UK Government | Accessed 2015. 05. 16 4. Tsiolkovski space hotel concept | 5. V2 Rocket | 6. The Comet 1 7. W v. Braun space hotel concept 8. Sputnik 1 Satellite 9. Yuri Gagarin | 10. Boeing X-15 | | Retrieved 2014. 11. 06 11. Apollo 17 on lunar soil | 12. Concorde at supersonic speed | 13. Shimizu space hotel | 14. SpaceShipOne | Courtesy of Virgin Galactic 15. The DLR SpaceLiner | Courtesy of DLR SART


1. Point to point suborbital fight | drawing by AK | 2. Altitude diagram | adapted by AK |ármán_line | Retrieved 2015. 02. 06 3. The Kármán line | | Retrieved 2015. 05. 06 4. Mach speed diagram | AK 5. Efects of g-loads on the human body | adapted by AK 6. The great circle | adapted by AK 7. Comparison fight distance and duration 8. Point to Point suborbital routes | adapted by AK | 9. The Moon over the Kármán line |


1. The great circle | AK 2. Potential P2P trajectories and involved regions 3. The view over the Thermosphere | NASA Earth Observatory | 4. Spaceport America, New Mexico | | Retrieved 2015. 05. 06 156 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit V. CREDITS & REFERENCES 1. IMAGE

5. Spaceport Sweden, Kiruna | | Retrieved 2015. 05. 06 6. Spaceport Caribbean | © 2007-2010 7. Spaceport Ras Al Khaimah | | Retrieved 2015. 04. 16 8. Spaceport Europe | UK Department for Business Innovation and Skills. 9. Spaceport Ellington, USA | | Retrieved 2015. 04. 16 10. Spaceport facilities | AK 11. Map of active Launch Sites and Spaceports worldwide | AK 12. Houston area airspace digital map | NATS 13. Screenshot Angels of the Sky | NATS promotion flm « Angels of the Sky » 14. Countries with space launch capability | adapted by AK |


1. Sänger 2 spaceplane concept | | Retrieved 2015. 04. 16 2. Tsien Hsue-Shen commercial spaceplane concept | | Retrieved 2015. 04. 16 3. Space Shuttle version | 4. Skylon, Reaction Engines LTD spaceplane concept | Courtesy of Reaction Engines LTD | 5. The Ascender, Bristol Spaceplanes concept | | Courtesy of Bristol Spaceplanes 6. Rocketplane XP spaceplane concept | Courtesy of Reaction Engines LTD | | Retrieved 2015. 04. 16 7. SpaceShipTwo during ascent fight after release from WhiteKnightTwo | Virgin Galactic ® 8. Dream Chaser | Sierra Nevada | 9. Lynx Mark III | XCor | 10. EADS Astrium Spaceplane | Marc Newson |


1. The DLR SpaceLiner concept view | | Retrieved 2015. 02 26 2. The DLR SpaceLiner sideview | adapted by AK 3. The DLR SpaceLiner section | adapted by AK 4. Plot of Futron forecast studies | Space Tourism Market Study | S. Suzette Beard Janice Starzyk © Futron Corporation 5. Plot of digressive ticket price due to pioneering efect | Space Tourism Market Study | S. Suzette Beard Janice Starzyk © Futron Corporation 6. Worldwide number of launches annually | Space Tourism Market Study | S. Suzette Beard Janice Starzyk © Futron Corporation 7. Price comparison economy, business class & SL | Space Tourism Market Study | S. Suzette Beard Janice Starzyk © Futron Corporation 8. Technical challenges icons | AK 9. Aircraft Interior Mapping, CPI | 10. The wall becomes window, CPI | 11. The future of inFlight geotainment , CPI | 12. Adaptive geotainment | FlightPath 3D | 13. The concept of virtual reality headsets | 14. Inside the Samsung + Oculus VR headset | | Retrieved 2015. 05. 06

157 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit V. CREDITS & REFERENCES 1. IMAGE


1. Neutral body posture in 0g | adapted by AK | NASA Design Handbook 2. Tourist vs Business passenger | AK 3. Anthropometric dimensions | adapted by AK | NASA Design Handbook 4. Human body typology | AK


1. SpaceLiner fight phases from check in to check out | AK 2. Check-in steps for P2P Spacefights | AK 3. Flight variables infuencing the Unit design | AK 4. Unit requirement for Seat-in phase | AK 5. Launch phase variables | AK 6. Unit requirement for launch sequence | AK 7. Unit requirement for ascent fight phase | AK 8. Cruise phase variables | AK 9. Unit requirement in microgravity | AK 10. Unit requirement for cruise fight phase | AK 11. Reentry phase variables | AK 12. Unit requirement for reentry | AK 13. Unit requirement during pull out | AK 14. Glide phase variables | AK 15. Unit requirement for approach fight phase | AK 16. Landing phase variables | AK 17. Unit requirement for landing | AK 18. Check out steps | AK


1. Hands free throat microphone | | Retrieved 2015. 05. 06 2. Felix Baumgartner Space jump pressure suit | | © Red Bull GmbH 3. The Virgin Galactic Spacesuit in action during weightlessness | | Courtesy of Virgin Galactic 4. The XCor IS3 spacesuit | | Retrieved 2015. 04. 13 5. Professor Newman in the Bio-suit developed at MIT 6. The XCor IS3 spacesuit | | Retrieved 2015. 04. 22 7. The Virgin Galactic spacesuit | Courtesy of Virgin Galactic 8. The Virgin Galactic spacesuit feature | Courtesy of Virgin Galactic 9. The SpaceLiner passenger Cap concept and implemented features | AK 10. The SpaceLiner passenger Overall, Frontview | AK 11. The SpaceLiner passenger Overall, Backview | AK 12. Airline seat row with shoulder belt patent drawing | | Retrieved 2015. 03. 2 13. EADS Astrium interior view | Marc Newson | 14. EADS Astrium passenger seat | Marc Newson | 15. EADS Astrium passenger seat in ascent fight position | Courtesy of Marc Newson 16. SpaceshipTwo interior view 17. SpaceshipTwo passenger seat reclining 18. SpaceshipTwo sideview blueprint | adapted by AK | | Retrieved 2015. 05. 06 19. Unit material Layer decomposition

158 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit V. CREDITS & REFERENCES 1. IMAGE


1. The passenger Unit frontview | Rendering| AK 2. The passenger Unit front view | Drawing | AK 3. The passenger Unit back view | Drawing | AK 4. The passenger Unit top view | Drawing | AK 5. The passenger Unit side view | Drawing | AK 6. The SpaceLiner passenger Unit attached to the Backbone in ground anchorage confguration top view | Rendering| AK 7. The SpaceLiner passenger Unit front view | Rendering| AK 8. Back view of the Unit Spine with the deployed pressurized airbag | Rendering| AK 9. Back view of the Unit with the Backbone foor anchorage system | Rendering| AK 10. Back view of the Unit with the deployed airbag and highlighted Spine | Rendering | AK 11. Section of the structural elements | Drawing | AK 12. Explosion of the structural elements | Drawing | AK 13. Structure skeleton underneath the morphing gel | Rendering | AK 14. Fabric mesh woven over the structure skeleton | Rendering | AK 15. Fabric mesh flled with the morphing gel enveloping the skeleton | Rendering | AK 16. Node Backbone, Spine, Connector | Rendering | AK 17. Section view showing the Backbone in ceiling attachment confguration | Rendering | AK 18. Back view with the Backbone Spine | Rendering | AK 19. Morphing gel feet restraint laying on complying shell | Rendering | AK 20. Unit anchorage rail trail embedded in cabin ceiling | Drawing | AK 21. Unit anchorage rail trail embedded in cabin foor | Drawing | AK 22. Front view dual arm ceiling anchorage | Drawing | AK 23. Front view single arm foor anchorage | Drawing | AK 24. Side view single arm foor anchorage| Drawing | AK 25. Backbone system in foor anchorage confguration | Rendering | AK 26. Backbone system in ceiling anchorage confguration | Rendering | AK 27. Side view dual arm foor anchorage| Drawing | AK 28. Amusement park safety belt with metal hand grip rail | AK @ Wiener Prater 29. Amusement park safety belt allowing arms and legs movement | http:// 30. Connector locking procedure | Drawing | AK 31. Amusement park safety belt with lateral attachment | AK @ Wiener Prater 32. Amusement park safety belt with axial neck attachment | http:// 33. Connector interface and side features | Drawing | AK 34. Connector interface front view | Drawing | AK 35. Gravity belt & Connector top view | Rendering | AK 36. Headrest, Gravity belt & Connector front view | Rendering | AK 37. Gravity belt in locked position & Connector side view | Rendering | AK 38. Fabric mesh woven over the structure skeleton | Rendering | AK 39. Fabric mesh flled with the morphing gel enveloping the skeleton | Rendering | AK 40. Gravity Connector reclining before launch | Rendering | AK 41. Gravity Connector locked during fight | Rendering | AK 42. Connector Display arrangement | Rendering | AK 43. Gravity Connector locked in use by passenger | Rendering | AK 44. Pressurized Airbag top view | Rendering | AK 45. Pressurized Airbag front view | Rendering | AK 46. Pressurized airbag deployment axis backview | Rendering | AK 47. Pressurized airbag deployed | Rendering | AK 48. Pressurized airbag deployed section | Rendering | AK 49. Pressurized airbag deployed for frmness test on the ground | Rendering | AK

159 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit V. CREDITS & REFERENCES 1. IMAGE


1. The SpaceLiner & the winged stage escape capsule | adapted by AK | Passenger Capsule for the SpaceLiner by DLR 2. The Thermal protection shield components | adapted by AK | Passenger Capsule for the SpaceLiner by DLR 3. Baseline capsule - structure dimensions | adapted by AK | Passenger Capsule for the SpaceLiner by DLR 4. Baseline capsule section - function diagram | adapted by AK | Passenger Capsule for the SpaceLiner by DLR 5. Airbus A340 cabin section 2+4+2 seat abreast | googleimage/airbus-section 6. Boeing cabin section 3+4+3 seat abreast | googleimage/boeing-section 7. Passenger luggage volume per passenger | Drawing | AK 8. Seven Units in lateral confguration | Rendering | AK 9. Section Nose | Drawing | AK 10. Section Tail | Drawing | AK 11. Layout confguration plan | Drawing | AK 12. Layout confguration section | Drawing | AK 13. Hanging Units confguration | Rendering | AK 14. Section Nose | Drawing | AK 15. Section Tail | Drawing | AK 16. Layout confguration plan | Drawing | AK 17. Layout confguration section | Drawing | AK 18. Inclined Units cluster confguration | Rendering | AK 19. Section Nose | Drawing | AK 20. Section Tail | Drawing | AK 21. Layout confguration plan | Drawing | AK 22. Layout confguration section | Drawing | AK 23. Standing Units cluster confguration | Rendering | AK 24. Section Nose | Drawing | AK 25. Section Tail | Drawing | AK 26. Layout confguration plan | Drawing | AK 27. Layout confguration section | Drawing | AK 28.



1. Airline benchmark confguration | AK 2. Maximum seats confguration | AK 3. Mobility confguration | AK 4. Cluster confguration | AK


1. The Milky way | adapted by AK

Copyright notice for illustrations and renderings. All rights reserved by the copyright holder and no reproduction rights are granted. For all enquiries relating to reproduction rights please contact Amine Khouni. [email protected]

160 SL PU - DLR SpaceLiner Passenger Unit V. CREDITS & REFERENCES 2. TEXT

2. TEXT A. INTERNET SOURCES Abbreviation used in thesis | Full name | internet page shortened

CSF Commercial Spacefight Federation DLR Deutsche Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt ESA European Space Agency FAA Federal Aviation Administration FAI Fédération Aéronautique Internationale NASA The National Aeronautics and Space Administration NATS National Air Trafc Services OSIDA Oklahoma Space Industry Development Authority SART Abteilung Systemanalyse Raumtransport - DLR Raumfahrtsysteme Virgin Galactic Scaled Composites Airbus Group IDS Hamburg Architecture & Vision Futron Corporation The Tauri Group Bristol Spaceplanes The Space Medicine Association

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« Space Tourism Market Study 2002 » | S. Suzette Beard, J. Starzyk, Futron Corporation | 2002 « The Tauri Group Annual Report 2013 » | The Tauri Group | 2013 « The Journal Of Travel Research » | 2001 Volume 40, p 213 « Private Human Access To Space Volume 1: Suborbital Flights » A. Bukley, W. Peeters | IAA | 2014 « Your Spacefight Manual: How You Could Be A Tourist In Space Within Twenty Years » D. Ashford « Space Exploration: All That Matters » D. Ashford, Hodder « Promising roadmap alternatives for the SpaceLiner » M. Sippel | Acta Astronautica | 2010 « Suborbital Industry at the Edge of Space » | Seedhouse | Springer | 2014 « Human Integration Design Handbook (HIDH) » | NASA | 2010 « The launch of a new era in space travel » EADS Astrium | ESA | 2007 « Shuttle variations that Never Happened » C F. Ehrlich, Jr., J. A. Martin | The Boeing Company « Air Trafc Considerations For Future Spaceports » D. P. Murray, R. E. Ellis | 2007 « Progress of SpaceLiner Rocket-Powered High-Speed Concept » M.Sippel, T. Schwanekamp, O. Trivailo | 2013 « Canadian Aerospace Flight Test Area and Runway Needs for Spacecraft Development » | B. Feeney « Space product assurance - Determination of ofgassing products from materials » | ECSS | 2008 « International Space Cooperation: Economy As Main Driver » | W. Peeters | ISU | 2001 « Commercial Implications Of Market Research On Space Tourism » P. Collins, Y Iwasaki, H Kanayama, & M Ohnuki « The Future of Human Spacefight » Space, Policy, and Society Research Group | MIT | 2008 « Safety Approval Guide for Applicants » | FAA | 2009

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