INSTITUT MEDICAL CHRETIEN DU KASAI !1 OFINSTITUT MEDICAL!5 CHRETIEN DU KASAI B.P. 205 KANANGA B.P. 205 KANANGA INSTITUT MEDICAL CHRETIENREPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU DUKASAI CONGO REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO Christian Medical Institute Hôpitalof – theEcole d’infirmiers Kasai – Ecole de laborantins - Serving – Service de santé communautairein Central - Service d’ophtalmologie Congo Service dentaire – Centre d’études et de recyclage Hôpital – Ecole d’infirmiers – Ecole de laborantins – Service de santé communautaire - Service d’ophtalmologie E-mail :
[email protected] Service dentaire – Centre d’études et de recyclage B. P. 205 Kananga, Republic Democratic du Congo ; Email:
[email protected] E-mail :
[email protected] 2. Find a way to channel a greater percentage of donations back into that unpopular category 2. Find a way to channel a greater percentage of donations back into that unpopular category of “undesignated” gifts so that we can have the flexibility to apply them where A Periodic Newsletter operational needs are Issuethe most desperate. No. 41 But ifJanuary you cannot (and - thatMarch is understandable, 2017 of “undesignated” gifts so that we can have the flexibility to apply them whereA considering all the news stories one sees about mismanaged funds), then consider operational needs are the most desperate. But if you cannot (and that is understandable, designating gifts carefully to those things that are at the core of IMCK’s operational considering all the news stories one sees about mismanaged funds), then consider The current conflict in the Kasai has needs.I askedFor example the new: Specify IMCK money Administrator, for medicines and Kastin medical Katawa, supplies; Specifyto describe money designating gifts carefully to those things that are at the core of IMCK’s operational added new suffering and danger.