Mobilising Design

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Mobilising Design Mobilising Design This book brings together research working at the boundary between design knowledges and mobilities, offering a novel collection for both theorists and prac- titioners. Drawing upon detailed case studies, it demonstrates the diverse roles of design in shaping mobility at different spaces and scales: across cities; within different types of buildings and infrastructures; and through commuting, work and leisure activities. A range of international scholars illustrate the designed mobilities of car parks, traffic lights, street benches, pedestrian wayfinding systems and accessible design in the urban environment; they examine spaces within hospitals, airports and train stations and investigate design practices for bicycles, future urban vehicles and MotoGP motorcycle racing. Other contributions explore overlooked mobile artefacts such as television and video game remote controls, 3D printing and the types of packaging which enable objects themselves to move around. This book demonstrates how the tools, assumptions and processes of design shape spaces of mobility, and also illuminates how shifts in the fluidity and circulation of people, practices and materials in turn reconfigure practices of design. Mobilising Design develops multi-disciplinary understandings of design, draw- ing upon diverse literatures including design history, product design, architecture and cultural geography. By highlighting often invisible artefacts and associated knowledges and controversies, the book foregrounds the taken-for-granted ways in which everyday mobility is designed. It will be of interest to scholars in geography, sociology, economic history, architecture, design and urban theory. Justin Spinney is Lecturer in Human Geography at Cardiff University. Suzanne Reimer is Associate Professor in Human Geography at the University of Southampton. Philip Pinch is Senior Lecturer in the Division of Urban, Environment and Leisure Studies, London South Bank University. Routledge Studies in Human Geography This series provides a forum for innovative, vibrant, and critical debate within Human Geography. Titles will reflect the wealth of research which is taking place in this diverse and ever-expanding field. Contributions will be drawn from the main sub-disciplines and from innovative areas of work which have no particular sub-disciplinary allegiances. For a full list of titles in this series, please visit 62 The Geography of Names Indigenous to Post-Foundational Gwilym Lucas Eades 63 Migration Borders Freedom Harald Bauder 64 Communications/Media/Geographies Paul C. Adams, Julie Cupples, Kevin Glynn, André Jansson and Shaun Moores 65 Public Urban Space, Gender and Segregation Women-Only Urban Parks in Iran Reza Arjmand 66 Island Geographies Essays and Conversations Edited by Elaine Stratford 67 Participatory Research in More-than-Human Worlds Edited by Michelle Bastian, Owain Jones, Niamh Moore and Emma Roe 68 Carceral Mobilities Interrogating Movement in Incarceration Edited by Jennifer Turner and Kimberley Peters 69 Mobilising Design Edited by Justin Spinney, Suzanne Reimer and Philip Pinch Mobilising Design Edited by Justin Spinney, Suzanne Reimer and Philip Pinch First published 2017 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business © 2017 selection and editorial matter, Justin Spinney, Suzanne Reimer and Philip Pinch; individual chapters, the contributors The right of the editors to be identified as the authors of the editorial material, and of the authors for their individual chapters, has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. Trademark notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Names: Spinney, Justin, 1973– editor. | Reimer, Suzanne, editor. | Pinch, Philip, 1962– editor. Title: Mobilising design / edited by Justin Spinney, Suzanne Reimer and Philip Pinch. Description: Abingdon, Oxon, ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2017. | Series: Routledge studies in human geography ; 69 | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN 2016038442 | ISBN 9781138676374 (hardback) | ISBN 9781315560113 (ebook) Subjects: LCSH: Spatial behavior. | Design—Social aspects. | Industrial design. | Architecture and society. | Movement (Philosophy) | Cultural geography. Classification: LCC GF95 .M63 2017 | DDC 711—dc23 LC record available at ISBN: 978-1-138-67637-4 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-56011-3 (ebk) Typeset in Times New Roman by Book Now Ltd, London To John Urry, whose intellectual legacy and inspiration continues to motivate our work This page intentionally left blank Contents List of illustrations ix List of contributors xi Acknowledgements xvii Introduction 1 JUSTIN SPINNEY, SUZANNE REIMER AND PHILIP PINCH PART I Designing mobility: mobile subjects and practices 11 1 From the movement of things to movement in things: object-environments and the neoliberal sensorium 13 GUY JULIER 2 “Spoiled”, “bored”, “irritated” and “nervous”: the transformations of a mobile subject in airport design discourse 24 ANNA NIKOLAEVA 3 Legible London: mobilising the pedestrian 35 SPENCER CLARK, PHILIP PINCH AND SUZANNE REIMER 4 Bicycle design history and systems of mobility 48 PETER COX 5 Rushing, dashing, scrambling: the role of the train station in producing the reluctant runner 62 SIMON COOK 6 Design mobilities via 3D printing 76 THOMAS BIRTCHNELL, JOHN URRY AND JUSTIN WESTGATE viii Contents PART II Mobilising design: the mobility of design knowledge and practice 87 7 Why ship air? Packaging design, mobilities and the materiality of void fillers 89 CRAIG MARTIN 8 Designing signals, mediating mobility: traffic management and mobility practices in interwar Stockholm 103 MARTIN EMANUEL 9 MotoGP and heterogeneous design 117 PHILIP PINCH AND SUZANNE REIMER 10 Universalising and particularising design with Professor Kawauchi 130 KIM KULLMAN 11 Artefacts, affordances and the design of mobilities 143 OLE B. JENSEN, DITTE BENDIX LANNG AND SIMON WIND PART III Design knowledges: making connections 155 12 Towards a new discipline: the design of urban vehicles 157 LINO VITAL GARCÍA-VERDUGO 13 Being wheeled through the hospital: designing for hospital patients’ spatial experience in motion 169 MARGO ANNEMANS, CHANTAL VAN AUDENHOVE, HILDE VERMOLEN AND ANN HEYLIGHEN 14 Border crossings: exploring artefacts of mobility with blind and visually impaired users 186 JAYNE JEFFRIES AND PETER WRIGHT 15 Feeling the commute: affect, emotion and communities in motion 200 EMILY FALCONER 16 Drawing mobile shared spaces: Brighton bench study 211 LESLEY MURRAY AND SUSAN ROBERTSON Conclusion 225 JUSTIN SPINNEY, SUZANNE REIMER AND PHILIP PINCH Index 229 Illustrations Figures 3.1 Legible London ‘monolith’, Oxford Street 36 3.2 South Bank 5-minute ‘finder’ map 42 3.3 Catering for different user tasks, reading strategies and physical distance from the sign 43 4.1 Torpedo Werke advertising leaflet, Germany, 1938 55 4.2 Moulton bicycle advertising leaflet, UK, 1963 57 5.1 Station plan showing observation sites 66 5.2 Plan of the ticket hall (not to scale) 66 5.3 Plan of the underpass (not to scale) 67 7.1 Flat-pack IKEA Svenerik stool 90 7.2 Moulded paper pulp packaging 96 7.3 Paper void-fill product 99 8.1 Stockholm’s first traffic signal 104 9.1 Valentino Rossi and the pit crew, Losail International Circuit, Qatar, 2015 124 9.2 MotoGP riders Marc Marquez and Bradley Smith at the Laguna Seca Raceway, California, USA, 2013 126 10.1 Kawauchi working at his desk 130 10.2 Kawauchi in the Tokyo transport system 135 10.3 Kawauchi and his associates at Haneda 137 10.4 Kawauchi on a visit to Queen Elizabeth Park 139 11.1 The staging mobilities framework (Jensen 2013a, 6) 144 11.2 The parking lot, November 2011 148 11.3 Crossing the parking lot 149 12.1 The vehicle as a contextualised space for interaction 166 13.1 Patient’s route from ward to operating room 173 13.2 Design brief team 176 13.3 Video team 178 13.4 Patient team 179 14.1 Body mapping, ‘in place’ activity, 2015 193 x Illustrations 16.1 The bench in New Road 217 16.2 Sketch of New Road bench during 24-hour study 219 16.3 Plan drawings of movements in New Road 220 16.4 Drawing the space and time of the bench 221 16.5 Intersecting spatial and temporal rhythms 222 Tables 6.1 Phase two—vox-pop interviewees 77 13.1 Written design brief 171 Contributors Margo Annemans is a postdoctoral researcher in architecture at the University of Leuven/KU Leuven. Her doctoral research, conducted in collaboration with osar architects, focused on the spatial experiences of patients on their journey through the hospital and emphasised the potential for this work to provide insights into the architectural design process. Recent publications have high- lighted the importance of the patient experience
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