Twenty Years of Austrian Development Cooperation in Albania
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Equality and Strengthening Instruments Sound social inclusion institutions of cooperation partnerships Prerequisites for a stable democracy Strengthening public administration at The Austrian Development Agency (ADA), ADC would like to thank the following central, regional and local level is an essential the operational unit of ADC, finances: institutions for their fruitful cooperation: As part of Albania’s convergence with EU stan- requirement for a country to join the EU. ■ Regional projects in education, economic dards, special attention is paid to the protection development and governance, ■ Government counterparts: The Prime of human rights. Austria’s focus has been on All programmes funded and implemented by ■ Business partnerships between Albanian Minister’s Office (Department for Strategy & gender equality, women’s empowerment and ADC include capacity development measures, and Austrian or European enterprises in Donor Coordination), Ministry of Transport and social inclusion, resulting in the following: such as: cooperation with Oesterreichische Public Works, Ministry of Environment, Mini- ■ Over 1,000 civil servants have become ■ Increasing skills and capacities of public Entwicklungsbank (OeEB) and stry of Labour, Social Affairs and Equal Oppor- gender sensitive. administration staff ■ NGO cooperation. tunities, Ministry of Education and Sciences, ■ 31 professional gender trainers have been ■ Recommending organisational adjustments Ministry of European Integration and Ministry qualified. ■ Introducing modern technologies and new The Federal Ministry for European and Inter- of Finance along with associated government ■ Gender-responsive budgeting has been working techniques national Affairs funds multilateral organisations, institutions, such as the Training Institute of institutionalised at central level and in ■ Sharing EU models of best practice such as the UN, OSCE and EU initiatives in Alba- Public Administration, the National Agency for Twenty years of 5 municipalities. ■ Introducing transparency and accountability nia and/or regionally. Vocational Education and Training, prefectures, ■ Child protection units to be established in all mechanisms regions and over 50 municipalities Austrian Development local government units ■ Establishing links with networks of EU The Federal Ministry of Finance supports Alba- ■ 70 trained school psychologists have taken experts and potential partner institutions nia through IFIs (World Bank, EBRD, EIB) and ■ Non-governmental counterparts: Albanian Cooperation care of up to 4,830 children in need of soft loans. OeEB provides tailor-made financing Parliament, civil-society organisations, human protection. In addition, ADC has contributed to Albania’s arrangements for diverse long-term investments. rights activists, the Media Institute, research insti- in Albania ■ 664 schoolmasters and 20 regional EU accession by supporting public finance tutes in Tirana and Shkodra and Polis University coordinators have been trained. management, IPA programming, an integrated The Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, ■ 1,609 children in need and 508 families have planning system and regional development. Environment and Water Management, the ■ Development partners: All multilateral New Ways of Partnership received various types of assistance. Environment Agency Austria and the Federal donors for successfully implementing Austrian ■ Roma have been helped to register for social Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer funded projects, the Swiss and German assistance. Protection provide expertise through EU and Governments for joint programming, the Dele- bilateral funded projects with a focus on EU legal gation of the European Union, the sectoral approximation and law enforcement. donor focal points/EU lead donors for facilita- ting donor policy dialogue and cooperation As well as providing support to the IT Vocational Education School in Shkodra, the Federal Ministry ■ Private sector: Enterprises that have been for Education, the Arts, and Culture promotes successfully engaged in ADA/OeEB-funded educational exchanges and know-how transfer. business partnerships © Jutta Benzenberger Jutta © Development Safe water Environmental Vocational Contact and cooperation for everyone protection & education information renewable energies Building on strong historical ties, Austria has Based on the EU Water Framework Directive, Austria has a long standing cooperation with Building professional skills for economic growth Coordination Office continued to support Albania’s sustainable the human right to water and sanitation, Millen- Albania in the energy sector that dates back to for Technical Cooperation development and EU integration efforts in nium Development Goals, and national policies the early 1990s with support for the rehabilitation ADC has supported the establishment of a Austrian Embassy areas such as good governance, regional and strategies, ADC activities have focused on of the Drin River Cascade. ADC has undertaken modern and professional vocational education Rruga Mustafa Matohiti, Pallati ABAU 1/7 development, social inclusion and protection, the rehabilitation and expansion of water infra- additional environmental activities to help and training (VET) system that meets the Tirana, Albania gender equality, environment and renewable structure in North Albania, strengthening the Albania comply with EU standards in this sector. requirements of the Albanian labour market phone: +355 (0)4 2235 717 energy, vocational education, water and capacities of water utilities and local government and the needs of the private sector. fax: +355 (0)4 2234 546 sanitation. units and improving water governance through ADC supported the following: [email protected] consumer involvement. ADC has also acted as the ■ Capacity development and drafting Activities included developing teaching skills and The programme of Austrian Development EU lead donor for enhancing donor coordination legislation for the nationwide Clean curricula, improving school management, linking Cooperation (ADC) focuses on: in this sector. Development Mechanism VET schools with the private sector and promoting ■ Technical assistance to Albanian institutions ■ Training in and technical improvement internships, contributing to policy reforms and le- Austrian Embassy by strengthening capacities Achievements: of solar thermal energy systems gal amendments, improving access of marginalised Rruga Frederik Shiroka 3 ■ Supporting the development and ■ Around 100,000 residents have 24/7 access to ■ Rehabilitation of the Vau i Dejës, Ulza and groups to vocational training and networking with Tirana, Albania implementation of national strategies, safe drinking water in Shkodra. Shkopet hydropower plants regional, international and Austrian experts. phone: +355 (0)4 2274 855 or 2274 856 policies and legal frameworks ■ Residents of Bushat, Barbullush, Ana e Malit, ■ Identification of 14 and rehabilitation of fax: +355 (0)4 2233 140 ■ Introducing European standards and Rranxa, Laç, Kastrat and Koplik now also have 2 environmental hot spots Achievements: [email protected] modern technologies access to safe water, some through pipelines ■ Supporting solid waste management schemes ■ 460 training activities in 20 VET schools ■ Investments in infrastructure for the very first time. ■ Promoting environmental education in schools ■ Establishment of the first 3 tourism schools ■ Support for civil-society organisations ■ Complementary wastewater management ■ Setting up a network of 29 virtual training measures have been conducted. firms along with a national training firm centre © KulturKontakt © Imprint Published by: Austrian Development Agency – the operational Unit of the Austrian Development Cooperation, Zelinkagasse 2, 1010 Vienna, Austria; Photos: © ADA/Stefan Pleger Layout: design:ag, Alice Gutlederer Printed by: Glanzlicht, 1050 Vienna Vienna/Tirana, October 2012.