t" ~{ffli·r.~ ~ . Foot · operated Parking ·Brake THE· DAILY NEWS ~6~ • Vol. 6~. No.30 ST. JQHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, FEBR-UARY 7, 1958 lPrlce 7 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons


1------~------·' cer Team And 1 R~ssian .Early Mor.ning Fire D~stroys Local Business ~~ . , • :Aircraft \ Gander wsmen Kllled'At ·.... I GANDER, Nlld. ICP1 - A Rus­ I'.Ut~iCH, Germany (CP) - A British air· 1sian TU-tp4 carrying the new So· l'iet ambassador to the United wi1:1 44 persons a board including states tandQII here al 12:15 p.m. 's ':i nmpion Manchester United Soccer i'\ST Thursda~· fot· r~rueling en route lo Baltimore. 1\ld, I hc-meward bound from Yugoslavia- 1 The plane cnrr~·ins Mikhail A. • h d ll\lcn~bikov was expected to takr c111 d b urne d Th urs day a f ter It a Ioff lor the United states at 1:15 r ,,,~ third time to take off in a snow· p.m. NST. RAF personnel aboard _. ______... ·-- ·-· ___ . Ihe olane from 1\lo~cow here II'Pre . Ireplaced by three llSAF men who . ,.,., 00 ~ wt•rr rr- q•tlrkly '' 011' 11 11lrd hy flame~. 11\'ili art a~ interprrtcr~ and lnii· ·· ,.,,,.h po:i,·r ~~irl The airlin~r had ~topped In ~In· :~on officer~ during tho remainder ,; tridt lor rdurllin!: rn route to. of the fli~hl. 1 . : 11 rrt' •rn·n nl l.ondnn from Rel~rndr whrrr The Tll-10-1 lrll ~losrow Wed· >:t~ I' 1 )' r r ~. ~lanrllr,trr pla)·ed Yugoslnl'ia·~ nrsda)' and ~topped o1·~r Wedn~s­ • ,, ri'•Ts ;mrl a fir:•t·l'ia'' Rrd ~tar tram ton 3-3: dn)' night in, London. It will rrnch .. plant,., l'rt'll'. tit• \\'t•dnermi·linals of the f;uropean; ~lr. )!cnshikol' s;1id in a hl'irl .:r•,· H a ho 11 ,,, C:n> nwh·hrs. inlerl'iew that h~ has been in the .·.j . Elt•n•n 'ports writer,-man)' of ·ttnited Slates three times pt•el'i· 1 ·.. h!u 11 . 111 llt'it- tht•m lradrt·~ in their li<·lrl-wrre onsiy :mel in Canada Olll'C, in 10l4. ; :-:.L'o'l'l'l" {'pp rill• wilh tllr cluh. Peter Howard and' He was Sol'iet 11111hassador to t: ..\. l ·~· !nUl' ll10'11l,~ I·:Jh·arcl of lh~ )lnn•·hest~r India hrlore goin~ to Washin~ton. I '\'•'!!' 1"n1· whit'h ILtil~· )!ail w~rr 'nmon~ th~ sur- 1 \l'ith him on the plane nrc his l'ii'Ot'.'· will' and sel'cral Sol'iet ollidnls. : ,l't·•l :1111n\l~ tht· nat Ft'm1k S11ift of tlw !.om 1on . ----.____ , "''"' ot the \\'nrld. a fnrmrt' ~:oat- -'] N d · k,·,·pinc ,,n,· 11ho l'lay~d 19_timcs 1 f\. v arne '.' ;,dl,·d '~ ('1'(' rnr End:uld hdor(l lh<' SPronitlrs Swift thr oth~t· nrwidrr.Pd a rrhnlf ln~r ycnr SUmmersl wht•n Ins lather. thr lntr A~n ! 1\han. bl'll~~srd him in rm·or of · p F 1 ICI'•- :\1 ·A 1·thur huihlin~. Wlwn lirP.·' his _20·~·~al'·old son .. ~arim. in ~r­ . · ·• ·. •· ·. - '· a( r·11.nd tlte ,,.,,·ole •ide o! the 11~t'lm~ thr new Stltrthtal head of , . •or~l 11rt 111 more; men ar < ,, " 1. 1- .1 . h rl t th. . b 'I linn wa~ afire ,.0.000.1100 smn 1 Mos em~. 1 , ··r• ,urnr °t11l . u·r · 111t1l ~ ot·c·,, ,, , ·of this huil

,.... ,,,. ,~:~t€nl in thr' i~t 11r ..r. A. ~ln•·"unlo. orlptoltnr-; ~·~~:: .:tpt~~;~n" i~ ~~~~~~ .j'\~ I riPstruction. At the time of going to pres!! It WR!I not possible to a~certain the cause of the blaze or th11 estimated Io~s to the :· i ,.. ,,, I'· t~t·l!'ll ; t '•t Dr II G. Coh·m an aw·l . · · . ' 1111 · · :. ;·~, .11~ ; h th~ , ,:~;. \,·~tsnn MncN u~ht, for· , rl11·orc·rd hrr •n. l~l~ t~ mmT)' prr.prietors of the husinr.s~. The ~to.:k In trade consisted mostly of paints Anrl l'arnishes. 10 1 1 11 '''· ' ~ I' '·. · 1 p ]'. ~~~·~ lla•·worlh m A lnn~h cere-.--·-·--·------·-· ,. ;:.~ · .,,.,, .. · 1'<•111""""''" . ltMrl· . 111nr,- !.thrrnl mrmher o ar ta !· mnnym ' 1 j ' ., ·• ·'' ouan~P of detailed:\o~t his Queens-Lunenburg, N.S., . '"'"' ''orr'. !11 r ul· with

Manoeuvres sTuDENT FEDERATION: , IEskimo Couple j • l . · lr.tiunc;ialroops under IReutersl'l'"ant com· I ist lroops, to atlack let Ihem.'' us with Commun-I1 Urg'es' Specl.,al' co·. mm·ISSI·on A •t B b "Young Col· I lie said the re\•olutionar~· group I wat a y will bold war consists of a coalition of al~ P.arl·j , 1 · >'Jnc.ar--tne eve or Iies from l\loslems td C~mhans ' t ' .; ! proclamation of a !"excepting only Commumsts and I s dy can d. 'Ed at• I By CAROLYN WIJ.LETT at Queen Elizabeth's coronation. (~l'trnment for In· leftists. "They plan. to ~ct ~10 a . ' u . a Ian uc I0 n I Canadian Press Staff Writer ''A leader in the Frobisher com· federal ~tale of lndonesta wtth a, I O'ITAWA !CPJ-A young Esk- niunity, he speaks E:nglish with here from the large degree o! autonomy for : I imo couple from . Ballin Island ease and often acts as an interp· · lies close to each island. OTTAWA rcPl-The National entrance requiremenlsm" Iity.'' higher educalion. the brief said· are having a holiday in southern reterm troops already GOVT CLAIMS COSTROL Federation of Canadian Univer· NFCUS represents about 15,000 Such awards. based on high it is apparent that educational! Canada. FIRST LOOK AT SOUTH , ...... "'" operations, It is thou ght here that . the sity, Students has called lor BP· students In 26 unlvcrsitiesm The merit and financial need, would wants are not entitled to priority Simonee a~d his wife Martha For Martha, 26n it's a first look . with gunfire and soulhern part of Sumatra m1ght polntment of a sp~c!al federal- fed~rali~n rcpresenls .students on cost. II governments about $.1:500·· In the redistribution o~ public! have a ~p.ecml r~ason f?~ their at the country south of Goose with flares. side with the central government provincial commissiOn to study national and lnternnhonal levels 000 a year and could beneftl 13 wea th and that general aware· I Otlnwa vtstt. They re awmtmg the Bay, Labrador. of the in Java If the showdown comes. Thursday was named Pakistan's and promotes general student per cent· of the studenl popu a- ness of the imporlance of univers· 1birth of their third child and hop· I Marlhan however isn't as un- said the~· 11re A foreign ll)lnlstry spokesman, all aspects of Canadian education. we)lare. lion, the brlcf said. · ity services 'is lacking. . ing lor a son to complemQnt a familiar with mode~o households necessary to es· quoted by the PIA news agency, The recommendation -•one o! The brief urged establishment It was essential lhat increased "The Jack o! national planning family of two girls. · 1as one might expect. ~·otutionarv regime in said the central government "has three-was Included In a NFCS ofa national bursary and sehol· student assistance have federal and co-ordination may be partly But !heres no name chosen ye t . \-< , republic. everything under· control." ' delegation Is to present the brief arshlp program a~d a new look government financial support and: responsible for the state of af- lor the newcomer, Simonee said I . ,· ~· RF.TURS Sukarno's government began \o Prill\e Minister Dlefenbaker att~o lcderal-provmcial bursary that such a program be based on fairs in higher education," the ln an interview Thursday. His ex . ·...... ;. CK 1ltnlatll··es have tried losing run coptrol of outlying Is· later this month. A copy of the plan n~w cha~~elled through the approp ri il t e. arrangcmenls be- brief said. 1 peeled son--or daughter - proJ>.•/ ~rac:1tlortin2 President- lands In December 1956. Although brief had been sent to the prime vocational trammg co · ordinatlng tween the federal and provincial However, the J:Onstitutional de· ably will .be the first Eskimo Weather ~ll:e:::~~~-n~~~ from .lava has 50.000,000 of the repub· minister. act. . . · , • governmenls. · jlemma, which defines education baby born in the capital. Cloudy, with scattered l~ Sukarno. lie's 113.000,000 population, the The brief said "loo little" is 'fhe ledet•alion tecommended Universily graduates often do· as .a provincial matter, "should· The couple live at Frobisher light snow flurries. Higr 32. on a hPnlth tour. bulk of the nationolwN1lth Is con· known about pt•ohlems concerning 10,000 annual burs. aries und sehol- nol'remain iu their own provin~s I be. settled outside th~ realm of Ba~· where Simonee. 25. i; a car. bis lrlp and !ly tained In the outlyin!l'islands. es· education at all levels across arships each worlh a minimum of and il would be in~quitable if pro- tparty politics." pentet··loreman in the mushroom· TEMPERATURES • pecially Sumatra. Canada. $.i50 as a "first step" towat·c in· 1·inccs alone had to bear costs of · A· consliltllion shnu d sm·e and ing easlert' At· c t i c community _Spokesman said thal Leaders of Ihe outlying islands SUGHEST COMMISSION STUDY creased assistance. increased student assislancc, the .be :adapted to meet the needs of about 200 miles soutq of thr Arc· I Toronlo ...... 22 32 I 11 lorcrd on us we ha1•e claimed that central gov· A royal coJllmission on educn· l\IINIMUl\1 DIFFJ;!:RENCF. brief said. -~ nation. tic circle. .• loncton ...... 5 Z! ~tk." Rebel spokes· crnment has milked them lor the lion could study problems and 'fhe brief said $550 is the "min· The federation said financial ~ "IJ'he conlrn1·crsy co~cems a The tall, handsome young man, ...... 91! 18 Pantouw, a Celebes benefit of Java. Anti·Communlsls recommend "objective and errcct· imum difference belwcen average status now is one prerequisite for/ lun~amenlal instrument m the fa- who said he left a crew of 12 c~r­ Halifax ·······. 19 30 , . ·declared that "we are fearful o! the reported grow- lve proposals in order to estab- savings, possible assist· uni1•ersity entrance. It was an of culture. Canada's well-be- oentcrs busy at work in Frob­ Sydney ...... 27 31 ' stvnm~r \bri~ St. John's ...... 30 C our minds to fbi· Iing innuence of Communists in !ish equality of opportunity lor ance from the family and the av· "unjust". barrier. · I in~: and fulure prosperity,'' the isher, has visiled ottawa before. l 33 llllununists. II they the young republic. every youth satisfying unh•ersity erage cost of one year al un;ven· In a list of conclusions aboDt l.~ri~f said. 1 He also reoresenlcd his people 1 ..

•', I '2

I ' I ST. JOHN· ' ;'II: : ,I ; I , }. t ' 'll·I . •'.; ; Browne_ DiscusseS Bell Island F err , : I. ' I; I :: In 1 ' .. I I' ' i I!: Explains Future !': j I ( I ; ,,.,. rangE ' jli· ' '' I I : Of Franchise 1I f'' " 'l h: W.M • \ l,t.'• I . . .I I' : ,I I' :· • ' l'. ,,I I.' Praise~ ' ' Mainten~ I, .. ' L. strange. Port •le ('~ in the debate on the Reply Thumlay. HP he was concernrd "'"".n••" announcemrn fNm thr Th the Crown Zcllrr J third paprr mill 111m and the act to bounty for ship huil

road!'. )fr. Sir the Hi~h his new mrthr lb\J!IOUlg and maintcn summer thr start earlior ' LIEUTENANT GOV~RNOR, The HonouraMe Campbell l'rlacpherwn, l~ presenting 1 more of the \'ita\ 1 A~d Award to one of the 3UO recipients during ceremonies held at the !\lemorial Colle:!!' Annex in better conrl had man~ r night.-(Daily News Photo), intercstrBri~u< ,. Ill Clarke's Be.1rh. ric. :. I ,aid he woulrl h:," when he lr(l I that thr rr•>r\, i .I than I Presents First Aid Awar £1d ht'('(i'!·t' r.! t"l.,, arlrhtwn:d r.r''''"H''f tl-(11 !' I rrmlrr•· I In ro.n:.:···~~·,,,;•,r:~ th~ :! rnt; of prof1mnc' I : I anr\ spew\ a·,arrl• His ti rP·PtnphJ. ~Lirr•hr·r<>·r. ar.d who a;;·q~tf>r! th~m '). 3.' hy Dr. A. S l.e111!. ''""'.'''' ...... ,..... ~ ...... endorser. h,· al: conc!uswn ni adl'anced h . ' St. ,Jnhn in lhe way •lf 'I ' Dirision 14~a:nct~tg the cau;e o I : pher;nn would be monr.'· i/,; flower;

:II !' I : Strange sni•l hr being cau~ht 11~ ~' AN1VUAL 1\!fEETii\'G: ba~k of Bell l·lanrl ·• frozen in 1hr lonat . Wo1uen' Young Stran~e c'r 1il1J1t Ill~:! hl( . .. ·. rredit to 'lr '!onr• I,. '' .lnhn'c: t n:;.P'" .:. ·: .. II thr fln>rrl ""' ',· •/,. r••rlor t roth• \. ..

1.1twn at the ,,nn 1.~~ . thr Y. \\'.C.A. tn ',, Summer camp . ' prond~d many lui·> cker, pJpa,ure !or chil I , ; 1·1 'I t! I ' 'I 'i

Mrs. Whit~11;ay with regret the :'\Irs. J. Bo~·d Baird as represent.1th·e o! thr C':111ad~. •rid lh• i ~~r~. \I. ,I, Pr

7 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1958 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND The Dltily News --~------

t" ...... · '· 111 Reply: I.' I .. ' . l .... ' • ,; -~· : :. : ; . :· . ' • ange lauds i' l W. Moores Ltd. r· Praises New Highways Maintenance System


,. 'I Calls ' Order


cker, Granger eral Candidates It was reported last mght that Councillor Tucker will be the Liberal candidate for F~rlcral Riding of Trinity-Conception, in lt~ ni Captain Stick, who is stepping down ri::ht years in Parliament. Anut hrr newcomer to the Fedel'ltl Election ;, ~:tid to he i\1r. Charles Granger, Deputy r nf Highways, who is reported to have In rontest the f'cderal Riding of Grand l':tdor in place of l\lr. Ashbourne, who rrpn·~l'ntrd the Riding since Confederation 11 ho1 i~ ~aid 111 be retiring from public life. 11ference '! ;,~, h~rn ~n Pn· r~r•ir•tl ~~ lhi.~ \lr. f'lil!~~rtl An· •!t~ rorontlS TPIUrnptJ


,:1.---..------TH.:.:.::.E..:D;.:;A;::,:IL:.:.Y..:.N~E~W~S,,.ST. JOHN'S, NFL_D·~- FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, ,.Get on ~y$ide-6fthe-·Fence -·and You'll See Daily i '' 'i '• • DAILY NEWS THE Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper .I ~ ·: l The DAILY NEWS Is 1 morning paper In The News I , Of 1 I, .·. established In 1094, and published at tbe By WAYFARER News Bullnlng, 355-359 Duckworth Street, J)ay!ight avin.g Bill was .: 1,. St. John's, Newfoundland, by Robinson & NOTES AND COlUMENT handling at the new piers and in the House ~f Asfsem- I\' 7, and came mto orce , Company, Limited. During the w~>r we wonder· first·class highways leading out of the town, the volume une lOth, of the same ' ''' ed wh~· the Navy, which I ' MEl\JBERS OF THE CANADIAS PRESS . of inw~>rd freight should in· late' Hon. John Ander- · II . I made such extensive use of c was the "father" 1 Tho Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled crease. The only cost !actor I ~ ~ j this port, had not thought it L. - Sal'ing Bill in I .. we seem unable to overcome to the use for republication of all news wise to undertake extensive There was a :·1 i despatches In this paper credited to It or to harbour improvements. But is the fact that ships with ,. : inward cargoes must leave the deal of opposiVon to the the Associated Press or Reuters and also the since this had not been con­ the ttme, especially from sidered necessary at the time, port in ballast. If we could local news published therein. only develop some export in­ "'"''nt''"" and farmers, and we little thought that the tbe more de\'out on rclig­ prospect of a modern port dustries in the St. John's are&, YEARL \' SUBSCRIPTION R,\ TES All Press service and feature . articles In the economy would be nicely rounds. The latter labelled . fhis paper are copyright and their reproduction would ever agr..in arise except 'ew time as the "De1·iJ's in the case of some great in­ rounded off. Canada ...... $12.00 per annum is rohlblted. • • •• ~.The Hon. John Ander,on United Kingdom and all P tcmational emergency. But · preamble tb the Bill sair! the unexpected has happened. Mr. Diefcnbaker has salcl Foreign Countsies . . .S1·l.OO per annum Member Audit Bureau Of This harbour which was hard­ that the port development will create a new Water 8th. 1917: Every d~y Authorized as second class mail Post Offlcea •.1 ly changed its w<.o~erfront nimal and l'ege!ahl~ king- ' I I Circulations. appearance for many cen· Street. We assume that the Depnrtment, Ottawa. . • truck road ~Jlong the water­ 1 ·ent to sleep at d~rk and turies is at last to become ~work anew with th•· a modern port with a truck front will ultimately have a name but historical tradition there was no reason why --·------FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1958 road and rt·ilway line and new not do the sww. warehouses stretching all the would be an insuperable ob­ stacle to r. re-naming of the hal'e solar time from llu· way from Job's Cove to the sidereal time frow lhe dock. At the western piers present Water Street. That name, however, is relatively toea! time from the mcri­ Facts About Fish ANew Deal For St. John's carg~ will be discharged with E1·ery observatory in lhe the latest mechanical equip· new. For the first 350 years To the credit of the l\linister of This ancient harbour, the oldest of its history, the present has three times. You ment and :1 clifference o! )'OUr time t~rce tim{·> Fisheries stands the most informative haven for European shipping in North scv~'l dollars a ton in handl­ Water Street was the Lower the contmcnt. )·r•u ing co~ts of cargo is expected Path. Not much more than & I j and effccth·e speech that has been America, is at last to realize a dream time four tin;~~ to result when the new port century ago, parts of it were 1 to Vancoul'cr. You made during the present scs:;ion ol which not too many years ago must facilities are in operation. so narrow that a horse 1nd time daily in cro;s­ have seemed fantastically improbable. • • • cart could barely traverse the House of Assembly. It b. in fact, them. But R wise governor, ..,...._,..,._ the Atlantic or l'a· R model for !'ome of his cabinet col­ St. John's is destined to become a It may take three years or Time is only what you impressed after the fire of it. There is no such lime ' modern port. mol'C to complete the pro· 1646 hy the need of fire­ ': l leagues to con~ider since C\'Cry de­ Th f' gmmmc and once it has got right time. We fake it. e trst mO\'e towards the practical under wa~·. it may be found breal;s, saw to it that Water what the clock partmental head could nmke a useful Street became a rele.til·ely realization of this hope was made. a that further extension will be WIICUICI )'OU pUt il !Jack 0[ contribution to the sum total of public wide thoroughfar~ for all of few years ago by the Board of Trade needed. But enough mane)· is you put it on. or whH knowledge b~· dealing as freely and to be allocated out of the its length. fOU throw it inlo the .'~a as frankly with the work of his de- and helped to prompt the Federal ~pecial public works fund to • • • ~' ... iisherman and the farme1 Go\'ernment of the da~· to commission meet lhc full estimated cost But the street i5 desJinM tn carr)' out his oprratwn• <.1 . partment. the Foundation Company to make an of the r.ppro1•cd plans. Thb chan~e in conformity with the ------the same lime a, hE Mr. Ch~e~rman ha~ gi\'en the prov­ will provide a great dcr·l of new port. Hea\'Y truck traf· THE COMING 'SLMMIT' There will be m Ince a strnigbtforwnrd account of the engineering sun·ey of the harbour and work. In fact. the town is in fie will be diverted for the To The Editor · for refusing t'o con its requirements. for lhc greatest construclion moot part to the waterfront problems of the fisheries. He has By BRUCE BIOS SAT to the scheme, but thost The Foundation Company's report boom ~incc the fir~t founda- road. There ma.y follow in IIOLIDAY QUESTION In many kno\dedgeable diplom;,: :(' refu~e. if the Bill becr.1r.e rited as the source of difficulties in h tion' of Fort Peppcrrell were time a complete facc·liftin!(, Editor Dailr News, . ~::·c!es will lind a self impn,e< the frozen fish industry the exces­ set fort a plan of pori impt·O\·ement. loid. parlicularly for the norlh Dear ~ir:-A recPnl adver· conviction s growin~ that a summit rr•:"tle:·ence ' of losing !he lram n This was to cover the waterfront on • • • .ide of the street where many tisement in your newspaper be held in 1958. The feeling i~ th''' t;..e the steamer. The !;;her ~i\'c expansion of plant capacity. too the north side of the harbour from ThN'e was a time not too old buildings still stand. In inserted b)' the Newfoundland and farmers will in no wh• little attention to production facilities J b' C t h d k Th long ago when there were time the;c may give way to Board of Trade with respect probably will agree to the lower le\·el but the rest nf us wit and insufficient worlting policy. he said. will reward brought agair.;t th plan should have included the whole fol' Public Utilities, we db- Xewfoundland Is under the We woutd appreciate !'our peclancy m·er the proposed parle~·. Hepons bo:h O!JeratOr$ and fishermen. of the north side of the harbour to its cussed the need of a hons· control of a mercantile trr·nn~· printin!l of this letter to in· Sal'ings Bill i< on He \\'~s less confident about the in~ programme. lie was known collectively as "Water dicate that this office did not abroad indicate that all too man'· are raises what might h eastern limits. Thi!; appears to ha\'e agamst it. He wanted to know Street" will ever disappear is present nor does it intend to asstm1ing in ad\'ance that a spectac-.J:a~ the religious queslio: future of the salt fish business. One been rejected for the time being. But what. reason we had to sup- a nice question. That epithetic present briefs on this ques- a man break the S;,hhat · re. old-time culler and the lack of separate meetings with the daylight sa••ing ~eh~m is expected to be of the order of S250 . continues, ma~· have a popu- new port may give R new termed a middle of the road prat:tical experience in the federal lotion of 100,000 before . an- impulse to town planning and approach to this thorny ques· there was the Austrian peace treat::. rnr1rllltie1 ns ever inwntrd. Th million. other decade has passed. ~tHt n trend tow~rds total long last in 1955 after eight years a:.d 40 a di~tributing cen· for St. John's seems about to the sixth ho11r. an r would include the months often than r.ot use the "conference teC"h;;ique'' hour. lln the 21st ~ I pn\- fnr th 'd t bl b d 1 Ire. With low-east freight begin, I' . onl~· the quality they w ,1,., spring or early summer. It may be • On those rem~ OlTasions when the method now-a-dat·,, it wcoul man )J<15 dted an expel'iment of his :\OTJU:o\G IS 'FREE' homb, On their own, thry ing the holiday period. During possible to make an earlier beginning London Frre Press have had to de1•elop and test the whole year, New Year's do in fact want to reach some sort of llfl'os.o~,. to get l;'atc~r, :h: own \\'ith the production of wet salted gain a little Pier:· iwt on the southside roadway. When someone tells ~-ou both atomic and hydrogen day. Good Frida~-. Christmas it is ob\'iously their intent to seek the bh for Italy to pro\'e his point. But dn from Chmtm:.< The effect of this undertaking. the highwa)·s are free ~·au weapons. They ha\'e made day and Boxing day and a few benefit for their :cide b~· trying to \\-ear us \', e h::,·e not to supply the tremendous strides toward others woul be work free days J!lUm1m' PT dal' and \n ~ :i 1 1 · the,Minister prepared to accept with volume of freight to be handled. Few The Gre"' county connc1f gave 1t to a gue st · and fem· dock arc scheduled to the kind of paralyzing insta bilit'·' which so II ~_I · complacency the criticism of some of things of more importance to the -endorsed a resolution rorr. That was too m_ueh for tlle be compieted by the fall of 1959. - the Weiland county council !'o~.ng.stcr, who p1ped up: Initial cost is $7.250.000. mars French politics. IU his own colleagues on the government capital have occurred in its long and · ca'lling for a central place of . Its no usc, Dad. . Th,~ The airport may figure In trade Lurking in the background. a\raitlllg GENTS' STEEL· li 1 ,,' • execution. It was urged that p1eces are all the same s1zc. wilh Asia when commerclal re- chance, were the Nazis under Hitler. ln the side of the House. He challenged the varied history. TOE OXFORDS II 1 l._ :: persons convicted to die lations with Communist China and re I 'i . . accusation that fishery policy lacked slwuld be removed to the Russia are fullr re-established. electio:Q they had suffered reverses, and we I ., \!' : dynamic and that certain fishery . STRIEN(!TH FOR THE DAY central location as soon as HARTLAND COVERED BIG UNDERTAKING from a majority. But Hitler still was an (Samples) ; operations were paying too much RENUNCIATION they were convicted and that BRIDGE Transport Minister Hees terms factor. ASSORT€0 STYLE I ·: i . there is one thing which makes thef/ should remain there un- Saint John Telegraph lt the most costly airport in Can- ' I : money to their directors. If til their execution. Journal ada. Franz \"On Papen. leading German . SLACK OR BROW .. ·I .. many people shy away from religion, I··, • It may be possible to quarrel with - A provincial bridge depart· . ~ome\\:here i~ the .background- the time, later told the world that President ~:I ~· it is th~ fact that religion involves re- CARS ment statement has allayccl It ls behel'ed m Prmce Rupert- Hindenberg was inauced to ele\·ate Hitler to some of Mr. Cheeseman's opinions. S~IALLER ·. . t f. nunciation. ' · Kitchenell'-Waterloo Record· t he anxiety felt by many lest m.u s t b e pi. ans .f or a huge Indus - · chancello"'s post 011 the theor~.' that he woul d ,. ',.\! ·'',. . He may be wrong, for example, in Main reasons why an tn· the construction ·of span to tnal emp1re Wllh power proJects • " . I I Sometimes we overemphasize this 3 : \• .. assuminz the ultimate extinction of creasng number of, car buy- carry the traffic of the Trans and other pla_nts to ~·arrant the a quick failure and the Nazi mo\·ement aspect of religion so that it appears ers prefer orelgn-made pro-· Canada highway acros sthe st. to 8 therefore be crushed forever. Hitler was the salt fish trade by the end of the h~a,·y expendltu~e a~Jacent that religion is nothing but renuncia­ ducts I~ that t'hi!Y cost less, .Tohn River, three-quarters of c_tty whose destmy Is yet unful- ered an I-ncompetent clown. present century. But arguments on tion. Religion involves renunciation, are much clleaper to operate, 8 mile abo lih 1 b t d f1lled. · such matters have only academic are easier to handle In heavy d ve e ce e ra e Prince Rupert has always been This was the miscalculation. but religion is vastly more than re­ traffic and in the event of eovcre bridge at Hartl~nd. the closest North American port h If . value at the moment. a smash-up a person doesn't ~ho~l~ lead to the scrappmg to Asia, a full two days closer for e was o nthe way to making himse ,.nr•seQUe nunciation. However, all true relig­ have to refinance the mort· f h latter. Continued use ships than any other port on the one needs to be reminded of the What is of immediate importance ion begins 'when a person makes cer· gage on his home to effect . of the longest covered bridge Pacifle coast . Hailed. as "the which flower, and are still flowing, from that - is greater unity in all phases of .fish­ tain definite decisions regarding the In .t~e world seems to. ~ gateway to the orient" since its -----· rer:~~~uld be that a retreat pOslhVely assured. by Offl,Cial incorporation , in 1910, ,it has a population of only 10,400. road and acre~ of m•cbUirl, ery activity. The federal 'services religious life. This always involves is just around the corner from sources. It Wlll contmue waited since for its grand10se fu- Yet a !O·minutc boat ride away which the heal'test SIZE 8 • are not geared closely enough to the turning one's back on some things, fac­ . d re to carry loads to !rom 12 to lure to materialize. on Digby Island across the to be moved hal·e Regular Value $11.9 . ing unpleasant problems, and acting t.hedblgtger, swandkler an fmothe 15 tons. In the last five years it has world's third bigge~t natural har- cessive challenges. practical requirements of operations past.l!a ged -equ d 1ppe car o seen 1ts· dry doc k an d sh' 1pyar d bor-R1o - de Janelro· and S)•dney, GOOD PROGRESS . and show an excessive tendency to­ with decision. eca e._ The secret or havin a closet dismantled and sold. The ~ederal Australia, are the first ~nd sec- The ferry dock bas beta NOW wards bureaucratic faults. And there The temptations of our Lord con­ full of clothes th g government snag boat _v. as re- ond - men and machmes are . pleted and fuel storage · is nee·d also for a much closer under­ stitute a. sttldy in renunciation. Even BRITAIN AND BOMBS wear is constant at are r;~?Y _to moved to the Fras~r River. Its building an ail·port of the highest in place. The access Milwaukee Journal volves both time c~et bllS ~nt grain elel•ator Is striCtlY for stor. modern standards. drawing near the standing between exporters and fish· the Son of God had to renounce cer­ The British came out of is worth lt. It an r~u d u age. . . ; ' It has bee~ a battle since the which is 12,500 feet s5.ss 1 . ermcn. But all this has a familiar tain things. Particularly he had to re­ World War II with their in sending cloth m~n~h 0 e ay Hopes that Klt\mat ~ould prove contractors f1rst Iande~. Norman dock. It! d ld f i . es . e c1 eancr a boon to the clty waned. Daily H. McClary, resident a1rways en- , sound. Some of it has been said again nounl:e ambition and the· inclination· wea 1 an wor 1n lue~ce or n r1 nsl~g out lmgerie. It train service to Kitimat from gineer for the department of The airfield. free of .and agl!in and again through the last tllat all people of decided character reduced, bu.t not their pride means makmg small repairs at Prince Rupert was discontinued. transport and Kenneth Winters- structlon. will accotnlnodlltl PARKER & or scientific talent. onc.e. It means keepln: shoes Only the fishing industry and gill, project manager for General· of the world's biggest fifty years. There are some lessons, have to do things their way. God made They have felt that pro· poltshed a~d neat. It also means the Columbia Cellulose Co. pulp Kiewit c 0 n s \ruction Company, Passengers will go by we fear, that we are excessively slo~ it very plain that in matters pertain­ per credit wa~ never forth· ne~er ,havmg to turn down an mllt remain. have overcome monumental prob- or bus to Fair\•iew. aboUt Lt1 to learn in Newfoundland and the cost ing to the kingdom of heaven things coqtlng for thelr •wartime con· lnvltahon for lack of something Forty-seven years after It got !ems. miles from Prince Rupert. trlbutions toward the atomic to wear. Its start Prince Rupert still has Lack of rock for the access by ferry to DiibY Island· · ·of indifference has been ;high. would be done His way. ' 5 I oAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NPLD., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 19!1 r ~m ~aily ~e~s fil~sl••••••••••••••m••u~~···~M~-~---~~--~~-n~~~--~--~~~~~~·n•m~~.

"''",, ...... ,., .... m.. " e en or an" ·. , . :n •he House,,~q~ of As.~~m· !~!?. . wit hthc sun·dial. '1'1\e aun-dial~... l . '. :917. and came into force ' tells the real time, being faster ; . Jl!. une lOth. of the same! than the clock one part of the + :· ::"· latr non. John Ander· ; year, and slower at other times, ~, .. · , · w~s the "(ather". I remember my grandfather ex· ~ ...· p .. ~ !tdll Sal'ing nill in plaining tills to me when I was .!. · ,,,,:;:.::•1. ThNc was a :a small boy. He made his own resses ':t- · ;, .. : ••t orposilion to the sun-dial and made the neces· ~: · .. :':e nnll'. especially from 'sary correctionl so as to keep There is something new under the Sun! You'll agree when you ~·., , .·.c ,,. ,·n and farmers. and his watch correct according to see the charming prints and colors in The Royal Stores' display ~ ·.· ... ,. :•·,·r~ del'out on rclig· "clock time". Sailors are con· ~;.;,· :·. _,,,,,. Tlw latter labelled · stnntly altering their clocks of beautiful casual Cotton Dresses. They are 'smart, comfortable ~·: · .··. ·' : :nc as the "llc1·i1's and watches. Sometimes the and washable, all adding up to the fact that you'll need several ~.~. ·: ... il·•n. John :\n.dl·r•on cl3~·s nrc twenty three and a half ,.-, ,...... ,.,.;···· .. : ,, . ·:.hit• t!\ the Btll sa11l clock hours long, nnd sometimes to see you smartly through Winter and on into Spring. . .. ; ·1:. ·twenty four and a half on board \ I ,: ,-;·" l!H i: E1wy 1h1y the ocean grel'hounds. Now is the time to do your pickin' i. .. . tnd l'e~e!Hhh• kin~· BILl, RECEI\'ED WITfl f; ... when The Royal Stares' can help ,1': '· :. · ·., ,\,•ep at d:u·k :md LtWGHTER ,j ;i. . .o~ww wtth !lw Jt::'t:E lsi, 1917: The Speaker • you with hundreds and hundreds of : , r'" :. .. ,. '"'' no reason why re~d a message from the Legis· the fine "Helen Morgc::n" casual ) :(" - '"'1 '''' tht· samr. l:otil'c Council announcing that · ...... ,,,J;;r tim~ fwm tlw thcr had pa$sed the Da)·llght Cotton Dresses as illustrated. 1 ·. : .• , ,: time from the S~1·ins~ Bill and asked concur· .·. : ·· · · , . : :tnt• from thr meri· n•ncc which e1·oked a roar or ~_. · :. .. , :. ,,l»cn·;;ton in th<• h•u~hter. The Lords were so 1' . ··: . ." 1hi'Cr titm:•. You anxious to get the Bill passed , :~ linll' lht·rr time> thilt the)' ~uspended the rules ·.,.::; 1hc continent, you and railroaded It through . .. , ,, .1r time four timrs A CASl'AL INTERl'IEW ·.",:,.": ' .•.x to \'ancoul'cr. You' At the time when the !>a)'• :, "'·"· t1111c dail)' in cross· li::ht Sa1·in~ Bill was being dis· i' ·; ·•, · thr Atlantic or Pa· · cus~ed in the House, and every· .. ·.: , ,, only what ~·ou bony outside was discussing It ·. · : :·.-rr is no sudt time with everyboay else, a citizen · i ., ::.:·:. ::me. We fake it. was tal;ing a stroll along Water· ..... , :· what the clock ford Bt·idge Road. By the side •. · , : you put it back or . of the road was a stranger &It· . : put it on. or whN· tin~ on a rock. The stroller sat I I · ..,,. it IIllO thr ~ra, down too for a chat on the cur·

. :: nnd thr t;mner rrnt topic. The conversation 1 .:· hb opcr~ti<•ll> nt wrnt likr this: : ,. >arne time a, he CITIZE:oi: llal'e you read the ~ , Th~rr will be no intcrl'irw of Hon. ohn Ander· lT' ' . • . rdusin~ t'o ron·· ~on in th~ ~torning Ad1·ocate? i , ,c!lctm•. hut those STRA;';GER: No life i1 too ; .,: ... :i thr Bill becomrs short. ! : :·.i a self impmt•cl C'ITIZE:oi: Plea~e gil'c me your :.·•in~ the train ur l'icws of Mr. Anderson's Da~··1 . , "';~mer. Thr fisher· li1:~11 Sa':ing Bill? · . :-:: : . ,,·,cr; will in no wise STRA!IIGER: A pure fad ..1 . . : hr rot uf n> will There are 24 hours in the day. · , •• , ·. · ., •:nur nt be;nttiful Andcr>on's Bill can't make it , .:. : · ,. .,cuwgs. . 2!1. I fthr sun rises at 6 and ho"·cver . . st'ts nt 6. ·' ndcr$on can't make . ,,;;:.H;IOl'S SlfJf. ·it risr an hour earlier. ' ~r.. ples ., ·;··>:Hicnt writes thus:· CITIZF.X: What in your opin· I g:·eat . :.. ::: ..· argument~ which ion makes 1\lr. Ander~on so In· !i '" :. cMtght again.t the ~istent on Daylhtht Sal'ing? .. : · ~, ·.tr,~;; Bill is one · STRANGEFI: Because he hales · ::: " ... what mi~ht be · the limeli~ht. ! ' • :: :.cc rt•li~ious question. Thr citiz~n enjo~·ed the eon· 1 . ; , :.... :: br••ak thr S;ohhath l'ersation. It showed, he thought : , .. . . \\ilrk at 1~.15 a.m., sis;n5 of a general intelligence,. ~m"'":.;. ::·:·~ 1111 ~londa)'. which ~nd or wit and humour in par· i . :1 ~ ·::. Sunda)· by ordin· , ticular, far abol'e the a\·erage · :.:.r i and he looked forward with :: "e ~;o back to the rleasant anticipation of contact· the Founder of ing him again on ~orne future ...:.:·:. walked the earth,' stroll. '· t.:;,J that His Sabbath In the meantime he had learnt 1 f.• ~ ... •\ day of the week, 'that his conl'ersationalist was i ': ~~nri~e. not at mid· ~an Inmate of a nearby public All cotton~ are tcstetl for wa;hahility ::. His timP men used institution. and are pre-shrunk. ·::,, li~ht ~a,·ing st•hcme, , .. ,. c'rer inl'ented. The i FROM AN OFTPOR'r 1;,,,: · , rlil'idc the da)·light i • BUSINESS MAN r. :· ·m ~unrisc to sun·, AUG. 7th, 1917: 1t aeema by .. F.= : ~ periods. There 1~as ' l(eneral ~pinto~ that Hon. 1\lr. 1 ~!:·;"".uur of the day hegm. I Anderson s Da~Jight Bill Is not I · ·Jnri~e. We read of the 'so beneficial to the country's ·:·:~. the sixth hour, ancl good. as the old l(entle'!lan in ... lwur On the 21st of all Ius sincerity wished 11. The ~~ ~ . . l;.; the· 21st o! Sept em·: co~~ton ex~ression is, "it is a I ~ ~ . ... ,,, hours were equal to· posthl'e nutsance In ~he out·' '' ~=---ana''. · : .:· -that is the hour ports. to th~ great maJorit~· of 1 U . ,,. our clocks and . the populahon of the country, I ::!! , conflicting In el'ery way to the I :.,~ to obser\'e the Jew· fishermen. and l.abourers o~ I .. · ,,.; now·a-dnn. it wnuld ~hor,, and the bus mess people. · i •. tn get ,;·atchcs that A fi;herman's time is regulated i id a little el'cry hour not by tho!c who lh•e and mo1•e i e<: ~r~m Christma~ to ·on flowery beds or eas.e but 1 . ·', r da,·. and lose a solely by movements of f1sh and ; on resses · I'. . ,._, ,, hour each for • b.ait, weather and other local I' 0 da~· :, .. . : th~ vear. ·circumstances. You will love the elver styling . , • expensive looking details : ' ;,Jicrini: tinte n' The business firm that closes . I· . ,. ,.,, rt.,. the Dal'light its doors at Hon. John's time,: ••. the tub talented Cotton Dresses that will give a lilt to your · .,. ;:~· tr."k~ us get up an: 5 o'clock tea time. sending their I spirits, and make cheery news for your budget. Choose several "·: ,,, than we used to dot attendants of£ picnicing In eom· of these "Juliana" cotton casuals while size range is complete ·· , . , :· We thus get nearer ' parison with the other who ~::' '·\\"r, timepiece, the keeps ~is doors. open for the '''!)Mfe,u" in the particular model you prefer. 7'·.' '.·h•·rmen of this coun· conl'emence of fishermen, mean nm r t,. ·~.r sun. The~· keep: th.e one a Jnughlng stock for .... ~;~ :.::·.r. The Daylight , WISe men, and the other for 111.;.11\t :.<;' ,.. hHs to get nearer . fools. ::· ·>, · : We pit~· the Hon. gentleman '' ~;:. ,. · hr ·n ~ used to ' for his enthusiasm to put on rec· 1 0 It doesn't matter your size, you can ! . · 1;.r: ,, •tches that we for· 1 ord that which for a few min· . :c··~~ are modern In·: utes consultation with practical be fitted with smart cotton casuals, . i h~ nearest things ! men would have saved him much as they come in all sizes up to 52 • : ,, .. had was a water abuse as well as the Legislature . h~1· often had an that made the Act. ' ; . THREE MONTHS ' EXPERIMENT SEPT. 29th, 1917: At 10 :o'clock tomorrow, Sunday night. 1 citizens wlll put the hands of I their clocks back an hour, and ! Ionce again be governed by norm· i . IAU , at time. During the past three ' months the Colony has been ex· GENTS' STEEL· perimenting with a Daylight TOE OXFORDS ISa1·ing measure designed to 1 add an extra hour of sunshine I Samples) · to our days, and between now 1 • and the meetln~ of the Legis· 1 ASSORTED •• "'"•: la11ve must make up !1s mind ~lACK OR IIDI"\\Ait.~~~ · whether It has been of any 1·nlue or benefit, for the Bill must be re-enacted If ltl pro· 1 l'isions are to be applied again : next year, From the view of a : larg'e number of the citizens of ! St. John's, the business men, ' office hands, clerks, fActory [ workers etc., there can be llltlo i doubt that the change has been an unqualified success. The Ion~ Ievenings have been enjoyed, I particularly as the past summer has been more than unusually fine. The mechanic and labour· er who at the beginning were disposed to oppose it, have also found the change not an UJlo pleasant one. The farmer, how· Value $11.95 ever, who has had to market his milk an hour earlier, has, not NOW taken kindly to lt. As to how the change has worked In the out· st . ~ ~~ ports we cannot speak with any -~· L definiteness. We have heard of f ._.__ .:i:_.... s5.as rumblings and discontent, and __ we have heard otherwise. We 1 0_ presume an endea\'OUf Will be -11 ex made to obtain some l)fflclal ~ lnformaUon on this point with .i Ltd magistrates, clergymen and • ~··••••1111 b!~~e!~~o~~~~~:e ·~e.:~!!."\~ •••••••••··~~~~-·~,,.,.,""'"'"""~'""-""""'""'"''D'''''''~'~~•'- "'''-·-----' '•'-''"-"""'"'""'•""~·---' -!..~------,._;T:.:.;H:.:.E..:D~A::.:IL~Y ..:,N.:,:E~W.:::.S~, .:::.;ST~. .::.J~OH~?· __ N~L~:·_ FRIDAY, FEFIRUARY 7, 1 I------_.----~------~------For Friday, February 7 I \·' i':, • I Chit-Chat .' I Personal Present-For You and AT· ST. CL.\Rt·:'S sr~·l'icc was held. conducted b) Yours ••• A bleak outlook de· .I The many ll'irnd~ of :\Irs. )]. lh~ IICI', w. n. Langille, tu ¥ FOR THE LADIES * noted in a.m. Don't he, unduly i MichaeL ol lh1Wiell Al'enur, dedicate a )OI'cly picture en·: I will~ ~ITY to INrn tl1at ~cititl~. hT~ Good S~ph•r! ~~\~~--~~~~~~-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- influenced by the opinions of others. If conscience is clear, iI . St. Cl;·.rc's hospital re· .b)' a fl·om, ~ntcrcd 1purcha~ed b~quest chances are you're on the right centh· lor treatment. the late Mt~s Amue Pike. who~· !: • -- : had been a dc1•oted member of track. Don't get discouraged. RI,Tilllo\ \' GREET!:'\(:S ·the Church lor many years. . Tomorrow is another day ar.tl Friends send birthrhl)' greet· The lleetlng closed with an I' ,. · you can try again. lng's to Grc~or)' Derereaux of enjoyable Soci;,l Hour. when ; 1 A1·C.ndale who will celt•brate tea and cookies were served to . . ~- his (iflh hirthday on Sunda)',: the members. 1 I Past ... Samuel Pl1illips was Future ... '!h: ;;'"'.!:;r.~r i February 9th. I born on Febiu~ry 7, 17 5!. He in del( for 1958 rr.ay Greeting> are srnl ho ~Irs. BORN IN ENGLAND :\lar,· O'Brien of i9 lJr.yward : :\Jr. and Mrs.· John \\'oodnut was the founder of Phillips An· from one to t11o p<:r cent • I dover Academy, one of Amcri· the 1957 le,·el. Lillie A1•enue. who celebrates her 1 are the proud parents of a birthda1·. The ~rectings come . daughter, Rachel Elizabeth, ca's pioneer preparatory schools. from la1.t )'car i1 in from h'er grand children and i born in England on January . : for the wholesale price great grand child. Tommy llllls ·29th. Their fourth child. John ' I of Alexander ·street. i \\'oorlnut and his wife, Roma : Hayco~k were in St. John's for I ,•' The Da'( Under Your Sign COfURASt: STJII:ET \\', ,\, . two ~er<"ons with the London AP.IES llor• March 2r lo April 201 LIBRA ISepl. 2llo Q,l, 2:1 The Felll'uar)' n1ret in~ ot the Theatre cnm11an)', and left here ru: 01•i•k :'1 n·.1r.il ~ri.L1~:·t 1l P" T.• r.~: .. ·n, t.·.u, rq::t~t ··l . Cochrane Strc~t \\'omr·n·~ A~- in the ~prinq nf 1g35 to return ~ .. lio ~o ~ •t'hfJ·;t ali~o:~:t:g '.lt11tr5. :'lr.•l l ..,:,td;. ~oriatiun ""~ hdrl nn Turs· to thrit· lwmr in F.n;:lanrl. >.',,:. ,: .. ~COP.F!O lOot. :1 lo th l!l ,· riil)', Frhru:tr)· 4th in tl>r Lea· Their two youn~; ~ons wrrc at· ,I '"'l I,( .I 0: I" . ~ 1 d.n t _;:1t ; .:. . .• }:•· ., .~·-. ~nc nonm nf thr r'hnrch. ll'ith trnclin~ ~chool in . F.n~lanrl thr rrr,idrnt. )ln. n. ~lillry while ,fohn anrl ~om;) wrre· ·. "·· INI fll.•y ll lo J,,. 21) ~ACITlA!UIJ~· {~!., .. 2! •., Ot~. :I , 111dl,. \Ctr tmc: .,.,t!h u·r-eb.:;t m thr Chair. hr1·c. Since thrir rrturn to En2· \\"r.r:..: a::nt, ;;.,_:; :~:t,· ~~·-~~·./ •... ~~:.~·.: ,: -~~ :\ftrr a >illll't hthlllr» r>· till')' harr hnth hrrn in the .... ·. c... NCER IJu't 22 lo J)y ll] CAPRICO~tl IO•:. 1l h J ... 111 ~inn. a rrpnrt on till' rrcrnt thratre. but non,a ha• hren }ll'n·t JC '' .. , ... \'.;'ll i ·: : r··"· t: f! ' ' '. ' •' ~:e 1: .. ~ 1 Ill l•. y. •, ·' t;( ~:-l·:c Hp:u·;~n. (,, .. ~,e ~:.·. ~~J'i l'hmt1.111 Edurr·:inn l'ontrr· lnt>)' nlll•t of the time looking I . '.· FJ t:.1r,., t.· .•. ~. rncc wa• ail'rn h)· :.lr>. l'.: nltrr her lamil)', I ~·":)'. LEO IJ,ly 21 to Au9. 22) . /I?UA~!U; lJo•. ll '' F·b. II! :\ewell who said that thr Ctm· ,\·\,oil 1'·~ l.l'',;'a~ I:·, [ r•:•h 1r.•.) '.. I I',': ' , • 1 ' .',, f:·, ~o:-nl!th.rl~;; th .. t m"Y I·~,,,:'"· 1:.1•.. • n" ... ,: ~ 1 ,~ ; ; :. feren~r h:1rl hrrn a 1-(rcat ~ur- D u w• with 50·ll0 ~ue,.t.: attrnd· ~etween s VIRGO jAu9. 21 to Sept. lll PilC~S {~eb. 11 to Mer~~ i~l ' . 0~1 ") , .• :1'' • l•".. . '1 • ·-' . .. JA-:-.'1 ~~:~ '.: ;un:tr.-.1 }-.-,me. t,;ct cthen ,,;·,! :•/J ''". .... in~. :anJ u•e frifn!•l r:::~o A ~olo wa• thrn gil·rn h)' :Women ~!r;. W. Oakl~)·, r..nrl thi; wa~ :!' nmrh rnio)'rrl !11' tl1t' mrmhrr•. :0 ~!r;. !I '.1. n.wr thrn g.wr TRr TO TAKE INTEREST IS I 11 ~ht"'t t:"ll\ r:,t;r!r.-1 •· \ frw \'Ol'R TF.'F:N·AGER'S WORJ.D . ! I l·,l··•t.:l~t-=. fn~· f11f• '\r\\' Yi~~lr''. Still Cri r inll You ran nnrro1·· lhe distance .. .::: : ~ . :· '·,. :I l 1ht·. ,,:, i1 ,,... ~ tnlrl'f'-"!llt:: hl'lll't'l'll )'0\1 and )'our tren·age 1 ·r···. ~~·d :.:-~• .. ti1,. nH'~'~!~~·r; d1i:.:n•n if ~·uu ar~ willing to SEA TTU: ·-- .\ 1' -·- \lr­ h ~;,i,,\ ... , .... : 1~111'! 1 1.,; lip• Ht'tty ~ladJon:.ld. 11·ho-c hr··r~·· mnkr 1hP rfrorl to get acquaint· . ' . rr'll'' .('! r~l t :·(I .' t'.: !'. ~tory or lifr on il h;:d:'.nnd ... . I t•cl ll'tlh tlwir worlrl. jq11 ,l ·,J, thf' ''!'< ,,f lhr r\·rn· llrre a lew sug::eslions that chirkrn farm w;;s ~ ]t,.,, ~ell· .. • . ,.· I '!1:..: ' ='· .. q hnt \'1'!'\' hr·Jqlirnl will ~et ~·ou of! to a good start. er 1a yr11r~ a~o. Thur"r!ct.\ Wil.• I' If )'OU can't learn to like !hP '.:· : , repo:·trd in "r~r,l' t•ritiral" ron '...... :·~: music the)' like. at lrast be tol­ i rlition in A ~rattle ho.-pita' i •.:' .... · : :·. ' rrnnt of it. .lu~t learning lh~ · Sh~ h." ran Qu eerr I; arounrl with a certain crowd or I WEI.COME w .I indh·idual. sa)' so and ~tate ~·our I.O:\DO:'\ -· neuters -- Sal·. rea~ons. But don't maRe a 'tiles were ftrrd and flags tlcw HOSTESS habit of finding flawa in el'ery- , · 1 from pubtk buildings Thurs Will Knock on Vo1Jr one )'our child brings home. . i< ·day to mark th~ •ixlh anni- · with Gifts ond l'ersar~· of Quern Elizabct:1·, II the biggest thing In the .• • 1 1 J at·ression to 1he throne. Tnc from Fnendly Bcsin ... wol'ld at the moment to him i~ . " · :his shrool'$ football or basketball~ Dougie Tipton. Dartmouth Plnce. a pupil at St. Bona1·enture's College, ts all set to put his tooth to . Queen. who had no otiriJI en·· Neighbours and '. ~a~emrnls, w~1s ,:-;t~'. ;nu.'~ at San· (' , team. go to ~ome of the games. 1 ·k '1' 1 l t t 1 d D · lh · · · t b · · ) · ) · · , tvic o nd Social :You'll be surprised at how much i wot ·. o 1e J.> pre\'en oot 1 ecay ougte knows at t\ ts tmportanl o rusn Iret 1 ng 1t after cat mg. drin~ham. the Hoyal re;idcnce 11 it gim ~·ou to talk about. I 'l'ooth·brushing. good, plain foods ai'ld regular \'isits to the dentist all help to pre\'cnt tooth deca~·. in :-.:nrtolk. We ore Leaders 1 ------·-·----·---·------·------· ------·--- On the occo510n cf: tiller ·, DOS'T WORRY OUT J.OtTD Sew-Very-Easy . The eomhination of rhint·· The Birth of 0 1 u are slm using the stom•,; and lresh wntt•r prarls " ~·ou For Year 'Round a pretty onr. Treat yuur~rll to Arrivals of :"Do 1t b!'l'ause I SD)' so" tech· PRINTED PATTERN pin or ranin~~ or both. City. call 2503. i nigque. s~e If your t~en ager do ·-··..:.. - ecan : not re~ent authoritl' less II it Isn't Dr. jordan Answers .• quite so high-hanri~d. Tr~· talk· 1ing thing ol'er with him lnstrad \of gil'ing him orders. TREATMENT .0~ .SPOTS .ON' should be checked for glasses SKIN DUE TO PIGMENT 'after the acute illness is ovet'. i Make his !l'icnds welcome In ABSENCE IS DOUBTFUL I Q-A friend of mine ha~ had ,·our home. The more teen-agers ·trouble with 11 hurning mouth lor 1~·ou know. nnd the better you B\' EDWIS P. JORDAN, M. D. more than six months. She i~ , l:now them. the ea~ircr It will he Toriay's first question. a com·: lakin~ l'itamin pill~ hut ~cttinJ: unrlcr~land ~·on ·to own. , ~taint about the ~kin. i~ ft par· 'no bct!rr. Shr. rannot krrp her Don't krr.r harpin~ nn how . PLYV~O llcularl~· fl'rqu.ent one. . ·denture~ ln. l'an )'OU suJ:~cst * lhitlC~ 1\'~l·~ whrn )'011 1\'CI'C )'OUII : Q-Pica!e 1:1\'e me ~orne mlnr· an)·thinJ:?-~Ir~. X . . ..\ tctn-n:r,·~ rr~ct ion ln th~t . mat ion about while ~pot~ nn my, A-Syn!ptom~ ~urh R• fhPse kino of t:~Jk i~ rurP horrdom. ' 1 ~an~s and wri~t~. There I~ no . are annoying ancl frequent!~· dif· j-; GYPSUI I Don't "' fnrri'H worr)·in~ oo1t : ttchmg and there are no ~)·mp· . ficult to treat. Sometimes 11gc ln11!1. /\ tren·a~er's tlrfrn~~ ~oms except the s~ots do not tan . appears to he at least partly rr- ~in•t ~ ron•tantl)' fearful par· 1 111 the sumnu ·.-1\. 0. Isponsihle. In thi~ case one wnn· e11t i• to not tell lhe p~rcnt any· i A-Thi~ i~ almost unrloubtedl~· i ders whether the dentures nre thin~ that might start him worry·: a conditi~n. ~nown a~ leukoder· not the Irritating in some man· ma. or nllhgo. It Is the ~b· ner. If vitamin~ ha1·e not help· 1 im;. sence of pigment in the skm. ed, then an attempt should be -·-I The e~act cause Is u~known: made to .explore other possihili­ though tt frequently runs m fam• ties, including dentures, allergy BEST I hes. Some attempts have been Ito certain foods and l'arious ANNUAL FOOTWEAR I made to bring about replgmen· kind~ of mouth washe!. tation but they have been of ' doubtful value or safet~·. About the only thlnR which can be clone Th M is to try staining the spots with e ature walnut juice or to cover them with a commercial preparation which can be matched to the I color of the normal surrounding Parent I skin. One must. of course, be i sure belore using any such met­ CniLD'S FEAR OF 'WERE· I: ' hods that some skin disease Is WOLF' 1\lr\ Y BE FEAR OF I• . 256 Prs. Ladies Flatties Light slippers for any , and not present which requires treat· HIMSELF, TOO I . ! ' e1•ery season. They are so easy ment. • d SIZES t I I I to make of quilted material. Q:-l have been dta~n~se ~s , by" MRS .. MUR IEI. T.A WRENCE ~· I • SAMPLES IG-18 e Sew some to match each house· havmg ~ebster - Chrlsh.an dl~· 1 Our stx-year-old hoy has de· , I: I, coat. ease. It •~ rare and smcc •t . 1•eloped fear of werewolves." . 't' l I e ASSORTED ~TYLE:S t,./I,H6 -//JAmS :II.. I Pattern 7349: (2 pieces I: direc· isn't !~tal the doc!o~s ~a1•e \~ken! w~~tes a moth~r . I • I lion. pattern small. med!uin, no fur,her Interest ~n 11. \\ot~l~ I A new baby sitter we had ·I e All COLOR ltargc, extra large included. 1 you tell me somethmg about lt. I saw some mo1·ie about one and I It E. . . ! ' ·~. ~ 1 Send THIRT\"·FI\'E .CENTS~-Mr~. ~L. Ide~cribed it to him. Now tho~1gh \\'ant a n~w dres~ in a hurry:' SIZES 4 ond 4 S rtn lor this pattern A7'fh1s 11 pecu!a•r mflam· he s been to school by hlm· t' "1 1 coin~l 1~ ~tnin~t 1\'hi)l Up this 5CII'·\'Cr)'·Clll'.\' \\'On· . ' I •I' CLEARING AT r stamps cannot he accepted l to 1m~t10n of th.e latt~· \Issue u~1der·! self. he insists on my takinghim dcr in A ria)'. J,.ook at the dia­ : I ST. .JOliN'S .DAIT.\' .NEWS, ,ly.mg the skm usually associated.: in case a werewolf jumps out. of gram-no wai~t srams. no com­ Household Arts Dtpl, 80 FRONT 1 w1th crops .nr humps or nodt~les ! the . husheq a! him. l'd ap­ plirations. ('hoo•• S{'OOp·n•rk or sr., WEST. TORONTO, ONT. and recurr!ng bouts nl lcl~r. i prec1a!r any l1elp you could 1 >land-up rollar for thi~ now.into· IPrint plainlv NAME. ADDRESS, . It~ cause 1s unknown. and 1ts i give-" .

Flagstoned, It Goes From Front To Rear Terrace BY JOliN O.R. WALLACE FRESHLY DESIGNED for the New Year. this modified one· ~tory Colonial home is high sty· led for 1958 lil'ing. Ri~:ht off the drawing board of an eminent Amcricnn arch· ltect, and created exclush·cly fm· The Uouse of The Wrck as HW­ OR, thi~ flrst-of·thP·)'ear house de­ sign oCfrrs ~n interestingly rlif· fcrrnt ldra In home planninl!. It has n unique On::~tonrd foyer J:aller~· which leads dirrctl\' from 1 the rol'ered front porl'11 throuch 1 •• the hou•c to the open rt•ar ter­ rarr. \\'lJITE l:rough ~ny room~ of. !he hous~. . . lually a~ do~c ns thr nP.xt room. A cmwcd rrm· porch adjoins r------:Stallstir~ thr family trrrarr. ·1\ot including the garage There l~ an rxtrrior door In tHI porches, the habitable our bathroom which makes thr 1rra of llouer of The 1\'cek hath ciircdl~· accc~siblc from th~ 1111'·86 lws 1.9Ri square h•et. outdoor patio. Add 4~11 square feet fm· the The three bedroom~ and two ~ar;;~l'. Tlw niHall dimrn- balhs nr~ In ouc front-to·rem· !.ion~ of thr house arr Fo!l ft. win:: nt the ldl of tho housr. l inth<'s by 49 fl. 9 inclws. Thr four othrr· rooms nnd the \\'it h tlw ;:ar)gr door.< ut the rlinrltc arc in n l'nmpacllr· rttd. thr hmtsc i>: dl•si~r.r.'. Jl'"'1hh: fr~lll the intrrior i•lll< and ~lml\rn r~mily room. 20 lo tnr outwlr Ill tho"'' nrc as ft. h\' 12 ft. r. ind:e~. wh<·n· tlw grratp-t trn!ftr t< mo>t Tit;• fmnilv l'onm is down two likt·l)·. Thl' rxtf·rinr family li• :n~ st•.•ps from thr dini1:~ room and tr!Tm·c b t•onnt·:·!Pt~ din•cti1· to is St'tt3ratrd ft'lll!l lhr• tli•:'n~ lhuSt· :~:·•·~~> on wluvh dt1ldn•n ·FIRST FLOOR PLAN• run~n h\· a \\Tm·~IJI iron r~i~lnt:. iH'{' ill\ nlu·d." '-!------~- j~:;=:flli~r'~.l 'rtkl't1 are duo:·~ from ll;r f~tlll· ''II n• 111\l.Jul'· (l'ti!' wing at lhe lc·ft, >Cparated from fAGO' ·~· til~ Oll~lfnul' lt'l'l':l('l' ltl~tl \ht•rt• I'd fl)\'t'l' _callc·n·. "'!'iti" 1'11~Ihll'~ lhr four ~''""" tighl wing by a opacious flagst "ned {o)·~:· gr.:lcry. Also in the right wiug are arr sl:n~·· from thr fannl1· ro11tll l!:l<'.'l; to Pl;D \\'OOD shingles Bu~ioeu po~;ibl~ the u;e of a ha1hroum an· U>ctl for cxtorior walls. and from lht outside. thus mal;in~ white u,ph3ll ~hinglcs arc re­ 1d Your it unnPcfssary to go I hruugh 'any t'Uilllltcnded tor the roof. Tl11i iociol part of the house. 'hiuglt•s nlJ)' be either hant! split, cders "The dinette are~ i; allrad· with m~dinm thick butts. Ol' h·eh· donP with 'an imc·riot· !Jar· .,traight shingles. Random wid!h of: hec;1e grille in the brick wail of hoards ami baltens are usc~ _on o Baby, the main chinme,·. The built·in the gablrrl front of the lll'lng_ ·comers.to ~ --, o1·cn is located on' one end of tid; room. s· - brick wall atl.iacent to a counter .lu;l in,id~ tht• forer there is top space for com·enicnt place· an amoll' coat dose! and at the ~; ~ :r e . 'iOCl(: -· ment o! utensils. far end of the foyer ~:aller)·. !iX· "Another leaturr is thr slitlinJ: foot-widr ,lidin::: _!!la"~ doors s:lus door wall from the rear op~n onto the torracc. ThPre is a 5 b~droom to the terraer. 1f thi.' wE·allh of ad. Tilr1· in..tmk: F~nS.I GRA.OES Of LUMBER will Jll'OI'ide read)' arcrs' without ' .. disfurhin): other a•·eas." A huil1-ill chin;' •·alti•trt in one Optional trcalmrnt d the tar· cornrr oi the clinin~ room. 1 age area is pro,·ided in \'ork' .\ dt·c ,. '"" alt-o' r ;mrl 1;nit;· I * PLYWOOD * W·ALLBOARD plan. M sht!wn. the ~arag~ clonrs in the 1:; it. h;· 16 ft. master arr at the rtght s1dr of rhr ho11s~. bedroom. 1 ·'" ·-· ...... ---· ___ -· ··- __ ~ ..•• __ . Thus. thq front wall Htf gar- ~ --··-"--···--·-----L--.... -__ ,,_.;., -··--··· ...... ····-··· ...... or -~>- age bceomes ' part of an rx· An exhau;t fan dircrll)' orer r'\ GYPSUM BOA.RO * INSULATION T!IlS Hll!ll'~·P.Yr: \'lEI\' tak~.• in 1·irtually the entire rirht ll'!n~ or thfl home. showing parts terior 11nbrohn except for win· the hurner> in the kitchen and. or alL of the Co; fr gallrry, li1·in!! n,:11n. dining 1'00111, 1-..:------1 clt·cs; on t!te co:1pnn on th•~ ;:et rongl! e~limate~ on tltc co;t I plan of Tht Hollst of iht we,k, Delign HW-88 I pa~e and !ending it 11 ith 35 or construction in this area, as 'i'. cent; to tllis ne11·,;papcr. wrU a; an idea of the cost in I I rdatcion to your budget. Ti1is ~tully pl;m ~1:<111'• ~ach With this ioformatcioc you I I fhor of the l:ou•c togl'thrr with will know wheth~r you wilJ each of the totll' eiHOttion,, want to procrcd with construc­ : :: ~ "'"'· ~~~~ 1. C:·o~t. rrar and ;ides of the tion by orrlcring workin;!' hlue. !1ous(•, It ~' .-.,_.~drd at 1... -!nch prints rlirrct fmm the architect I C~y Slot! lj P'-'r {t)nt. It ;:H'hHir_.; H ;!\lidr on and a~king for bida tor the l ______..,... _ _Ji ''lfo'P; tv <>ct Your Huu~c H,lill" work.

I I I ! i WHY WAIT UNTIL SPRING ? ! ' .: DO IT NOW - FIX UP YOUR HOME AND TAKE THREE YEARS TO PAY. We have a Special Credit Plan covering the sal a of materia Is for homa improvements which allows you to obtain up to $3,000 worth of materials now and then ta~e up to three year$ to pay. Easy payment terms are available on all amounts from $30.00 tq $3,000.00.

HERE'S All YOU DO . • . I ;. I • 1. Look around your home ancl d~cide upon what improvements you wish to make. ! ' 2. Visit our Building Department and decide what mflt,rials you require. . . 3. Ask if you can make your p~rchase under th, HOME !MPR0VEMENT PLAN. 4. Fill in a simple application form - sele~t your Paym!!nt Plan. ' lflllrlft• 5. Use the materials purchased to effect your improvem~tnts. di•mondl 6. Make a monthly payment on your ac~ount for the qgrJed period. i-wrouJbt ACT NOW- WHILE SKILLED LABOUR IS AVAILABLE. YQU ~1-N H~LP TO ~ASE THE l)NEMPLQYf(IENT PROB.LEM AND DO YOURSELF A FAVOU~ AT THE ~AME TIME. DQN'T Pl)T IT OFF ANY LOti(iER.


. ~-.- '·

~UMIIR YA.flD OFFICE & $TOR.~ W~t'r St. East Duckworth St. Dial 691l Oi4l $577 3229


News·.. toe epor Of

ll' 124 14 14 I tun OiJ l•HUO 42~. 4t~ .. I t ... G:,p ,l•ll1ur~r Rto\0 1~ 11 11 02'' ~too 100 Sfi41.ot IW4 6~14-'• l•anl" (o 'jtl(l :?'i"• 271 ] 1il I ~ RutJhf'l Jol cl 1.~•'~~1 3n ,!'t - 1 TORONTO OILS JllontrPul l"J.fM1 :!00 t20 I~H"J. 2ft + lo, Cnmn 1.1"11 180() .jjb. ,; 4i • '~ \\ I niCill Tarmllu ]Ji.nes Jon~ nHh ,;•',){\ 111'. 1•1 1 1 lUlU 1 ' l 1 17 • NOSTHJ.:\1. ('J,I)ii:JSG 5TOrtUI (lJrhu \\1 II >till .! ,s ~ ,, ,., 1 71.. 7'•- '• . •., I ~ st,p•l ~~~~ ~(11){1 l(l ~n .. ~ 11 ~ rrtt.t. Jl'l\1 s.t~ S71l 111 7n -4 JS1 Thr ( •a•dlaa Prtll .u... n. llCtMI :JO'l• ]I) I H,. Tbr CJnacll:Jn ~li '• .. \ .n.-dm•n :l'Jj ~~­ II a 111 [From ThE !\err \lid 1 ... 231 ~ Orl Rud 21'~· •• TORO~TO Cl O•ISG •TIICKS lo.1\ l' !l ~btOibl 171" Frll!\11'1 6011 ) I I \\ !h ~ h~rr J~fl-t )oi .... , Iiiii I ,, :.!or • \\r •! ... p :r o 100 l!YJ 10<1 2' . l ;!. ' ft'ir10 fQunt~lil'ns. In ('en•, tnh.•u n1:.1 ).;.t"d s '' lrmbc ·hhf!'lffll 291 ~ Hn"' Smtth lb:. Uum,. 111\11 II • II • ' I ' 1\IJt' 11 I f! \":J<) 10 ·o I ::!11 'I 1--0::Jd tot xd-t:·. dl\ 'dcnd, xr-E:-. I-\c;htdM :!91·• Uu\\ Suuth 1u' ~ UoUdll<~~ l'\~1 h4 1 l I)J~ll Zll 1 ·,' . ' t7n 1 ••,,, riJhts. xu -1:::\ \\arr.:11t' 1 K.t" '1tn . ' MISfM 8ii.nk 'lunl 41".. llud Jhr.\ Mm 441 4 llll\1 IIH•UI ih Ill ,, . ~-; ~)til. Rl, I. abrad~·, If• lh ... 1' )It ••• 4 I ~., fhtnk ;".;S :i1 Imp tJ1I 41 Uu J'vnt '" ' 1110 '• Dail, •ll) The 1... ' r- f•n 1 3 10\1 ton w J! 22 22 -1 7 ';'.JI ~ fo .. ..,llnAn !1 l 1~00 ~85 :! .. 0 2lO -ll 8nqu .. t: ~at :'l't 1 lnt :'li1ck "' It·~· • I ~ t l'lll 1!1 tn tn mlnra I,J\ l.1m: .. ~ilthur!l.t 41 \Ia""• lhlr 1')3 11 J. atun \IfII rllll l~ 2P ·~ "- .. 011 .tiWl lq I~ tS :w 1 Ad,ocat• t:no =::s l. 30 23 10 H 811'11 41 1,\f1Co\l ~1 4 I'l \Utn I \lUll '• 4 :. ' '. iO 4• 'i 4n"• 1 L ..,. r1e .u;·, 5R ~~~ Sf\ l7 ti'1 \ur,nda JAI • t-'1 J'<~•U ,(, 1'1 011 ~u , \tl • A;nrrn " 1'1 t T\Oh I!RDLS Hl7' 81.wl \I ' .... u. \ (ll 1111":! ~-. l•.. rl t "'R • rt II I" 4.11 lol'll t-.tr• '• ' I • I I' '"1 111 + '~ t nttt~ Pn.. ' . ' " .~ .~ An; Rouvn ·o~ • >; I", ! n ,J ( ( ll"ml"rU "~7a4 UIH\Ik jpl 1\ (,,.u ~ 11o1l' I I' . H \ II 1 ' I ' ~,o If'!\ JQ; 1 ' 6 ' 1 ~~~ ' J!)~ 1 ~lti 1 \ l. t ' lOll t11.. 48 .. ~11 lorn \1111'1 ,, Ans1l I I'"., 1 I l l f (til\ Pill pr "~ ;t Rout Rank ' . K:,z II"' ~ M hll .. !"' '" ·'l't".: I r.•ou'o ~ ~!i 2.2i 2J~ 1 ~ ~tht,. c: .. l ,,Ill 2t14 II I " '• [• I Rf1. ln"o , tf'lll ,, ,, ' In H C Sl•am•l'l•p 1Pi Rn\ n. loL II H • ,,''" t:LECTIO!'i OF 1913 21 21 11 Gl!th!~"n 'Ill I \rc~d l'l t"tM ~· ' t r r 1 ''' "iO , 2R St 1 Corp 11· .. I " ~, (I ' 11 II dn ""'" " . 11 1'"11 1~ 2.:11 J .,3 ~ 2 c I !II was • historu~ \uon:.chn 1!:'11\ 1:1 11 • 1""\h d t dn 2~ Sha\\11!. c,n~.~h , h "' '' 'l ., Hrr" pr t "'" \P !11 1 11' lH~ lfi4 lfi4 Slll"tl (:nc~h., •r , U 1 o:JJ4 • l ' Aumartur : '"" ' r.'' ,,~ :II" ( I'R :.!4~. I 11 'I 11 . . histon· of St ~, I , •ti 1~'~\, ;t l 17 li 10 lo:t ,,,., I I ~ ' t '' ... ""'l ,,, p .. \u:tor :n Zl i :Ill ,I' l m:lahult R' 4 1n ~1,,.1 I' .. ,.. nankrno ~...,:1 ., ':111 1n tu 10 ~l)\1 I ~. tl • \, ' in that 1t .;aw lht ·" I• "l.rl '" ' •';. s.,;u:ramc 2'" \\ ttlkl"r GT \1r ti' I'" •II n . ~, ,. 1 •(; 1';1 " .jiJI) rr:ill fl:t'~~oo til ,. ... u 141~ 14 l1 t..\::"'i\Ul\'t . f' f 'Ul R\ l n.. :. 1,. II' -n\ ,. ~ ,. ll Rrld,lfl ,, ...... l o I for many years Th• •t 1 I r' ' iii~ 09~ 711'• 10 (,u\f Oil \)lfi,.el u \Ill~, \l\0'! T.3 ~ ~1ctah : "'" :~ 0 lfl) , llnm 1'A1 11 c nn- r.tlp '1 c I j ( I' f ol Ra•k.l ' :'1.1 1"' I' lh "''IW • Ill 111 lO 2 ;6 Hum" .tk ,, ' combination of Kent ,. ,. • ' .,. 1 1 f'oundahnn 1~ rnrrl " lit f•.,J 'I t l'l 1~ 4tl 41:1 49 J ,.ro~ . R tlUL"J :;M •• ''II • 0 • ,, ., 1 •o H11t1 R ' ' . II • ,.. I 'P Dwyer, "ho hrd re At'A\ I ~d 1".,'1 t" 'I tnl\ r 11'1"1 ~-~ S.l:1 1:. H '. •t • I" 11 1 In'"' .,1 to ,,,. f I Mu 1d ' ' Rr r~t'r t~l.'l 11n ~, m J\ :\lt\1 ~11n ~~n -+ !ft the d1str1ct co~ I' ,. ' '' h I !1 10 In! P,u" • f( I Rr•.!'lm l'l"~" '"' r .,, 1 1 "'VI I' •I' 1•1 tnt llat\ r 1 ~~ K 1904. broke Ul R rrr.ft ~- .. 4; ,.,., "'1 'II' '· l ,,, :u:r.' :\:m' :l-4:<. -1 In! ...,,, k . ' . . , 21i 71'\ ,.;' -1 New York fo I I d " when George She R~rnfl "''' :! ~'~\ In: f'~tll '• P.Mdt:IOJr 101' .. \\ 'JO Sl:l 111 1:'\~, 13"<~ ,... 1, •' " lnl l•l '·"Htll r . na, '• '' :-.on ',, ''·,, 11ho v;as makm~ i11 l''t(l ~­ "'11'"lll1 I '• ,,1111 I"Il' I 11' r-~•-· ''"' " " ' \\I I ; \m ~m~lt 1~no ~01~ 41l ~ .u11~ '~ '\111 p,r ( :~.~·- !I :\"'\('1 t'l '' ,,' t)k,•l1:\ r .u,, Jt .. 1 ~ btd for po\1 er 1' 'I ' , l t" .. \1 \n1 Trl 2fl'iOO t7z1 , 101 1 4 1~1·• OhiO Otl f>- Ill ht!r" 1:'~'1 • I ' ' f",lr .. PIt r·tr ., ~a,., ift -~ •, Outh \bt 1!1}1)) popular1t~ ot Btl h H1 t-1\!1 .. ,, Toh UOII '' l"'wt _r ,,, " •• l'" l , ' 1 ' r , \' ""t 'R n 1 I"' I'' 10 .;roo 472, 4f;5 4 41 l'arl.t ll t '. ( 1\.,I'T' ~, r~u~l'l l)f nr o\tn r~ "" '\llol m all part~ or Sl .lohn I "rm~tt rl4: 11'1041 l4'LJ !41 • !-i'" 1' ('"'ln RR l.H':' .. I C'1t'l ~. " "r •t!, l'rt \' 0 \' W" l R\Ool 191, 1"~'4 t!P• •, r,.tr~ ~i)ll! '. "it¥. ,URI\ fiU•I'\G rrom Catter s lltll loJ B•· 1 ...., ~ ,~0.1 'I ' 'lrh •r ~~ n l 'RK 1 • 0 l'N"r.1 ' 1 11! ~,, ,, ,, 'Rahri)C: k ~Inti ~2'• 17 ,.2 • + '• T'h1h~' \t••r "' 111• r 11114ln ~a 1 r lum -~rmul ph< fi:J~ I t: . ' 1'1•!11 ,, .. I ' r' 26,. ~f.!ll• 11)~. I. Ptll P\~lf> t'lln Rf'lh ..,,,., ' J. •~·•~ot.r ,, \ , • .., 1 ~-r l\~lt Oh1n ~•oo ( !\, .... !\ !l rr(l\n (,:\~ " 1 \b[ltl t, "I""' • I I I' 11 R,.th ~lf'f"l 2:l"', Sp,.11' R 1') r ( -:' ... .. ; ' 1\i~.., ,, 1R(II'I lS ?-I • 1.p • 'ilil Kr u1il• l> ' Qu" Cltl Henr~ Bartl•tt ronlra•·t~ r r .... ~ ,.. "~~'='-. •1 1• ti"l1 CPR { 1 - .. 1 ' ~"'~"' 1 , r 1 .. ,on'" "• Ql,fo SmPlt •• , f ' •, ( our f T \1(1() '" ~ 1' • 1~ ~ t I.O'd Uti t nl .. ' n...... ~,, ... . . ' ' "C~U' 1 l 1' ., ' ,," . ' ' [l Wadl<·nd \1 a< rrtnr l n• .. n• ,, ~~ Ca• .. r Tur 13111\ lio·~ g,,·~ Mi '· ~td 011 tnt! \i 00 • Jhrl ' r••t ·or. I 11 1 !"I t r1 , ))'! 1 ) '' " 1' ' .. oll'1 'r'l '' " .n ' R•,.,'~lil (' \.•t>., '\ I ., ~~~ "' ' ' r,.llnf'cl!' ltoo 14 ' t l • 1.l • , "'1d Otl \I '" r ' 4'~·· ,, 4 I ~'l\ nr c)(1 , . ., rr~n· < ·"" , 0\:JI :1 ,, '1 • "'IUd c PiH'k .. 1'. ~lJ1n1f'Ut'il ·~ 1" I <1u ~ flhlel 'Mil 1 Crol" G t~ • "l !Pl ' ;~·. 1 r ~11· T •n 1 .. ,) ,., ~~ I Ch"\ ~lr1 Rlllll :r.~t,. \4 , •,'\11::.11 '• T ..\11"~ t n "''~"I"P R t•r .I c u~ 'I • r11 " . ' I ,\ II I '10 .. Bolli~). Htggm< anrl Rortlc .' :'1 • {II 1 1~un ! • 111 )... Jl I .,, ,., 1'0 'I C1h('• ""-\r 1100 JIB.. ~n ~ ·.n • • T'"" "<~l"r , ' Ciiull" .11'1 (":1 tlr I.'\ ~,. 1\'111 r11' l \ •• ,, I '· 111 Cnl Br1l J. •on .,a,, 2~ "R • lun1.. .. ,, l·l!lfl fa h" ,. their Bell ll being so follull I ~hie, J \1 lllehut Put Brood Jump, J \{ lfl\~, J<; S ~~el1CCI, ,, R Jackman The Do Relay team, II !'\oonar Greene and R Burnt the Relay. Football I also won hy the Do against Scoha •-H :-; R. Burnham. S. Pear~• and R. Wal


;; . DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, F!:BRUAR.Y 7, 1959 { ------f more of them, but we al!:o ex· I' further thrombotic com plica· ISt A d ' .1 R. A. Templeton, who for man; ! You've just bought a ne" • i ercise less: We are congregat·, I lions. Sometimes they may be • n rew 8 I years was Session Clerk. His . dress but haven't had time 1£ i ing in greater numbers in the: continued tor months or years !' ' . long ~xperience and .wise coun· ha1·e it properly fitted? Don't cilles. riding to and from II'Ol'k. i aftrr tbe event. J!owe1•cr, (ttf.'l Presbyterian ;sel w1ll be g~eatly m1ssed.. : gi1·e into the temptation to wear Newspaper History lmoving about less at our ,iJhs. ficultics of one sort or another i Mr. J. K. Clouston, Chairman :it before alterations have been ' laking nn Increasing interc>l 111 make it impossible to p1·escribe Ch h .of the Board of Managers, pre· ! marl~. It will spoil both your . 1 spectator rather than pal,'lieipal· them for long periods of time! -" sen.ted the. Managers Report : ~eciing ~bout the dress and the nrc 11 jlng sports. These habits all tent! to everyone who has had a heart 1 , , : Inch. outhned. the work ~c j 1mpress1on you make on others. ·to fucrease· our wei"hl, reduce attack. : ANNUAL Mf-EIT/NG . rom~hshed durmg the year m· 1 11 ff' · f ~ · I .. . , The- annual Congregatwnal cludmg an "Every Person Can· I Of Bell Islaizd l 1 1 I a~e ~ lclency o our ml!s.e .es,: Someone. wn~mg about tu~ • ~leeting of the Kirk was heir! l'as." The result of this can. ; Fashions that belong in every .. II d ay contribute to. the rlst~g I p~oblem five ~ears from n?w January 28, 1958, in the Pres· cass was most ~ratifying and I wardrobe: the bulky white ·,;.; ~;' [F Th F"l I ' ncldetlce or .artenosc~erom.l wtll lu; able to ah~ll and A. V3n· . drll. R. L. Templeton and Doc· • : 1: ·!~ ·.. , ::. :· 11·as • historic in O'Grady Orchestra. 1on Dec. 10, and the 32 mcm· and drugs of this type ar~ used behalf of the !';tnadian Heart , for his faithful srrl'icc> ol'er ·. non were elected Honorar~· lor F. Walsh . .' 'u."'- .•1 ,,~:,·.•1 history of St. The Dominion Volunteer Fi~e i bers ,or the fraternil)' from St. I widely in the first few weeks Fund. rontrihutio~s may be thP pnsl year. Refe~enre was, Auditors.. ~Jr. C. C. Oke wa~ elected to ,; ; !=t .''. F: .: in that it saw the Brigade wr.-s then newl~·o()r· Johns who came ol'er for the II after a heart attack lo prcl'ent · made at your local Bank.) also ma.!e to the pas~mg of ~lr. Those elected to the Board 1the Board of Trustees. :'.: •~-··...... ,.,tor many years. The ganized and a :~umber of fire· event were among the llrst ------' ------.. ------

, ';,,.' -'1lll :.:: ~t· .. :.·d ,.,.,mhination of Kent, men's competitions were held passenger~ carried over the ·• :, 1~;! ...... : illl'~·er, ~·ho_ hr.o.i re· at the Championship Sports. Tramway. They journeyed by • ,., ~. ,•• ,.. ~ thl' dtstml con· Officials In charge of the. train to Kelligrews and crossed .... :; : ·'·;. · ... ,.,. 1!10~. broke up Sports were:-Judges. A. R.lto the Island· on the l!ary. The • • • ~ " \,. 11hPn Grorge Shea ~lc:\lillan, J. B. Petrie.· J. K. opening ceremony was · con· 1 '·~ ,'· 1t!41~.,. :·.·.-;lll•r tlf illness. His Butler. Timekeepers, J. T. Law· Iducted by Dist. Grand ~laster "'• • Liberal ticket. ton, F. Jr,rdine. Referee, W. J. A. Clift for whom the Lodge ~ 1 :h~ r. , II.• '. 'h'' hy t'has. W. Ryr.n. J. Higgins. Field Committee, J .. wa; n~me'd. The founders and • 2. • .... h't~ated by W. J. A. Hur.hes. C. F. Ta)·lor, R. chtorter ~embers. were:-John ,~,: ~1 ·.·.~· Proudfoot, L. C. ~lurphy, R. T.. r. MacKenzie, \\ m. N. Butler, ;:;· Iii: ·r. f. ·' \lorri> part)', t~e Pine. c. B. Archibald, J. Kav· Jacob E. Cox, G. S. Haydon, Al· 111 · ;~.; ~::r • ··.,n)·. was opposed annt:h. D.. 1. Jackman. R.• r. 1 fred Rees, John H. Bennett. • ''• : 1·., :. •n bv a combination Costi~an. :-.:. Sheppard, D.J Geo. L. Dickson, Thos Black· · ',;' · ~::;,. , IPct b)' Sir Robert Steele. ~!. Dunne', S. Lodg~. wood, A. R. Proudfooi. C. r:. J • ;:.' • :: :. 1 \\·m. F. roaker. head R. Bennett. T. A. Conway, N. Taylor, Geo. Stewart. Dr. ! ·1 , ,; , 1 ~ .. , ; :-lwrmrn's Protcctire· Lod~c. 1A. Ames ..T. f'. Stewart. \\'. •. ~- ~: . was makin~ hi> Oit S~pt. !l ;, dinner was ~il'· iII. Pike. A. ~lacDonalct. J ..1. · ,' .:; :if :: · •r P,tcss. . llro. \\. ::-;. Butler, .r. \\. 810 . . ,. him .• rrnnd (ll:ll'C An Amr•IPUr IWamatic troupe • J. B. Cox; Tref•'· Bro ..1. .I, i · t lwtll'<'<'ll .1. ~I. II'R~ (ormed that f'all and they! ~Iiiier; Srrt~· .. Bro. R. l'rnud·! "'hn 11\ryrr. hut ht• pn•;rnt~d their first play in: foot; S. D. Bro. G. L. Dirk· : ,, t•• lm rt•l· ..ltl't'Ph's llall t•n :\tll', II. It 1,on: D. Bri1 ..1. anee l'~t·:·~ ~t .r. r . .!itew~rt:. ,, h11n at tlnt unw. wa< a cnnwd)' in thr~e arts en·! I. G. Bro. G. S. Ha)·don; Tylel',; ·. •>~I th~ tirket ll'ith litlr:l "~laidens All Forlorn."' Bro. A. Rees. 11 H. Hn·.l!r1·. K.r .. Ho;t' \1. 1:rrcne. r\ellie .lack· I The Sah·ation Arm~ pre,•nt· · • , ~. 11. · , BartiPtt. ro1itra<·tor. man. Tt•<,tt> !'ow~r and ~linn it' rrl an rntrrtainmrnt in thrir 1 ~' ' •. II'~•IJ:.;ul w~s rrtnrn· ~iurphy harl the ~tar rnlr>. It I Citadel on l'hri;tma~ Da~·. con· .~· :' ~ .. , . · was dll't>rted h)' :'lliss J.uc~· sistin!l of sonJ:~. I'Ccilr·linn> . .., •• < \\'aly held i'ellie Jarkman, R. D. Walsh. I named Pr.trick Connors and ~:.ii: on the 2Sth. two R. Burnham and 1.. c. :'llur·j Frank Donahue were drow1!cd, WE ARE '··~·''~' Polling Day, in phy. . , hi the Dominion dam b~· falhng . . . ' Thratre at the \\'a· The first trial run over the through the ice, and K~thlcen ,. R:c< wherl' !500 peoplr new 'J'ram\\'3\' at the Beach' Billingsley, two·.rcar old daugh· ' to her.r them. :hat took pl!'ce on Nol'. 29 and i tcr of )lr. r.nd :\Irs. W. F. Bill· I Clearing Our Entire Stock Of <~as rha1red b)' Nath·. e 1•er~·thing worked satisfac·' ingsley, died of burns ~f~er 1 torilv. falling' into a pan of bothng , polling stations w~re Clift Lodge No. 3694 of the water. The date was Dec. 27. I ·:~ on the Island as fol· English Constitution o( the 1 (SEXT-The Brigade Era! I -: .las. Hiscock. Lance _ .- - ·­ 11 - :! : J ,,;rph Pr.rsons, Fresh·~ "1: l <)ll't>n Kelly. Front; y H t ':··::-.!~ Rrnnett. East ~lines; Know our ear , 1 11 Brien, the Green: !J:!' Rutlrr. w~st !\line~; L------J ,... ,.~ t'itz~erald, E I ·' ... · as WII.\T TO EXPECT AFTER A . interests nurtured ann cnltvated ' . ol tht balloting wu COROSARY over t.he years has brought •· ;... -Kent. 2835; Hig· B\' H. Garfield Kelly. !II.D .• 1 about ~ 1 unh~piness, fr1.1.1tr~tion. · :V•l: Dwyer. 2609; R)·an, F Rc p lCl Associate Profes· and a degree of emot1ona nn· ~.nle)', 2443; Bartlett, ~r · ~f · !liediclne Queen'• Unl· i rest, which taxe1 the heart.n,tnre . 5 versity, Kingston, Ont.) than the pleasurable actiVIties! '· r~, Pra11 r~sult of tht P.lec-: ARTICLE No. 8 that have been discarded. · ' I ;-: , lie If a heart attack 'tn1ck you Your coronary may have 1 1 !llorri~ ~o1·ernment to power with a ma· do1rn in the prime of your life. been the ~irst !ndlcation th~t n: 21 to 1~. Sir Edward when )'OUr rr•pcmsibllitle~ wer1J' your arter1~s, hke everyon~ s. of Burgeo. r.t their t would hardenm.g and becom1ng , ·~· rli~trirts he~ht, ~UCl'i)' 1 a~e , •rhontar, Ferryland. alter 1·our perspective about the . d1seased as ~ou grow older. 1 ' :-;:• 'l<·rhour Grare. HH· future. And if it developed 1 What factors cau~e this · . '= :· , ~. Placentia. St. quickll· and unexpected!)•, as I~ Iehan~e ln our arterle~. and , ",~1 St. .John's West. >o ofien the case, you would • why IS it becoming m,ore fr.e· ~:••::!'\! of Bona1·ista, suddenly be confronted with all quent In recent years. As 111 !;t B he '· orts' of decisions about your!, most diseases, Inheritance ~as r···• tl~·Gral't', . . ar , I I I y t . ):·., Twillingate went to job your fa mil~· Mtd your other Ia ro e o p a)·. our ar er1es ·~~ l ~--.a ker. Bay·de·Verde obligations. mirror, to some ~xlent the state ;. .r,•~·· EMt were the It helps a good deal in planning I of your ancestors vessels. To be I 1 1 . ~·· :'lat split. . your future to understandh pr~ ~ht~:0 bl!~o t~~ ~;.~~e~re~!~~ .. ,, ,·., 15 m~mher~ elect·· eist'ly \'OUr problem. You s ou 1 d s th th .1 i .!1: ~. l.ib~ral party. eleven know 'for Instance that the fgree an e oppos1 e sex. '·1 ;af:H candidate>. Sir coron'ary arteries' are vital If you are afflicted ':"ith other Bor.rl did not remain arteries which nourish your diseases, such as diabetes or ,, ~uhlir life afl~r his heart and that these arteries high blood pressure •. arterlos· . C.·''•:,t. He re>isned his hard~n and roughen with ad· cleroslt Is likely to progres~ In · 1 t Jan ,·~ncing years, often to become your arteries to a more ser1ous · :~ : .-.• I.~gls a ure on · w d gr e part! ularly If you be- :;:4 .;'!o•r rcpre>enting the. pluggP.d with blood clot. f e e ~v rw lcgbt . Twillingate ron· It is this plugging o an eome e e · · .. ~ : .... m 1895 to 11114. artery that is called coronary 1 ~!~t~~:~ h=~~ toy:U~ce~~:o:~ n ..... ••.... • 1·, 'll!lionship Sports for thrombosis. When It occur•, a n ,,.,.. h~ld on p11 wer's patch of heart muscle Is dam· Inborn .:haract1uristlcs, but you I d d th •n must heal by al can reduce I you are over· ' ,: :. ,. end of August, t 14! ag~ • Jill I ·"arrir•g that takes) weight, and see to It that your! .,.. 111 ~ a~ follow!!:·- process o liC • h t 1 1 & I> ut •ix 1veck• or slay. Foothall fives heart, and II facilltle• permit,; become greatly concerned about: Up To 30 .Months To Pay *HIGHESTJ :1 1i"' -~·un by the Domin·· he wlll want you In hospital to I thla question and are trying to i

lll!""l Scotias-H. Noon· 1 rece\'e drugs wheh prevent fur· find out why It Is that artert-1 R R11mham. S. Pearce. J. lher blood clottng, and to guide osclerotlc vessel~ contain fat In [ ~~~ 11 1\'al>h. The prize~ you carefull~· throu~h ~ period their walls, why patients with· pr•·~nte



FOR· BIGGER• COWS i . f il f '•: ' ' :: '. l .. FEED· YOUR CALVES t I , I . ' ' . PURINA NURSING

,.'·.. I ' CHOW !"- ; ' PURINA CALF • •• STARTER Research in clubrool di~ea~e is being carried out at the Government Experimental Far~ at :'.iount by Mr. On·il Olsen ( abo\·e) pathologist \\'ith the Science Service of ~an~da. ~lr: Olsen ts ~_een _~xammin PURINA· DRY I some specimens with whkh he is doing the resrarch work. Clubroot ts a fatrl~ common dJ:t \'.'hrrr thr '''OOi

i grubs will remain in the sub· l'!'gl'lation stick~ ann •tones in ~nd this irritation may Jast for 1 that they Iookrr! h~e ! ~oil where they tran;form into moring w~ler onh·. 'The newly sHeral da,·s. 'ho~nds''. II wa• ?'11QOJ • • ·the ,.rlult sta;:e. The her II~.' _ -·--·· -----·- .. -·------· ____..... · ·--- : ammals that hone hmkagt rI . I I • i will nr. on the wine in lO!i~ : founn. and il ""-' · II· I to slarl thP nrxt while eyrie. llt~rrfntc. thai t:''' 'rra not ll f t usetl for summrr ~··mnl. I' Ul 10 1\ ---·------, Con ·lnemen A map outlin111.: n'lar)\.ct Studv ~I'C~S for summrr ·I ' 1.. J '>:razing has been rl•·;,·'n up. :p;;rt of lh• wintH caw Made hurned in 1954. Exannn•tton AT AYRE'S STORE DEPT. Versus ~ange ~ pori inn of the burnrd Th~ markrt for h"P•h ln111~ · rH~aled thai the hi"''\ AIR FORCE B.-' and l·rgetablcs in th• !'rainr . wrrP mo.,tlY clear\. anrl of transporta; :P:: Pt'ol·incPs has h~en the snb.irr·l · Tho Hpnim~nt will he enn· lichen and' moss ~ronno Ai:· h>,, J of R slnrl)· h)' eronomisl'. nf. rlurlrd ~t tile @nd o.f two Ia)··: to~elher with murh nf th• at Clark 1 the lleparlmcnt of Agm~ul- · RParlll£ 1 ·rpl~rP111Pnl pullrt> lit£ pPriorls ( approxtmately 2~ ·humus, har\ heen hurn'~ a dead 1·okan<~. · ·~ lnt·e. £Jnri11g l~e. t•rov . )eat'. in ronf•n~m~nl i~ now a com·, months) to assess the. full pf., Shrub• had bern killr~ ~ack 1056-57 Ihe prames ronsum~d mon practice amon.~ poultry· teet of these two reann~ met·; .r;t·ound lel'el. hut wrcr ROOFING· 1 DRESSED 1approximr·lrly 120 m i IIi on men. Recent work at the Ex· :1ods. io;:. Some mo~se.< ~n1 ASBESTOS SHINGLES : poun~s of fresh fruit~. exrlusi:r . perimrntal Farm, St. John'• . -- : ~~tl rcappeare_d h;Ji odr I j ~f cttrus, and ahout 600 mtl·: We~ I. Kewfountlland. shows that· 0 1hchen. a ~prm• . '"' I : I Blue, Red, Green I hon of vege_lahles. lm· this is a sound procedure, says: eaten by the rrmrim. t ; : pound~ Bl mes BreedtnO'; "JUMBO", 36 in., 108 squ.are feet. I Iports from the Untied State~. Supel'inte~r\ent H.. w. R. Chan:! a t 'noted, l' ' l LUMBER ''RUBEROIO". 18 In!, 36 ln., Iaccounted for 17 and 30 pet err Tn thts expenment pullet'· B d T k I ------· ·- · and 55 lbs. • cent of these totals rc~pectil·e·: .. r~~ed in confinement produced: On a ur eys ·r· th . A11 (J 4.5 ly. Cahha~e. carrots r·~d. cucum· 1more eggs on less feed per dozen .· I liD 0 \' . ~~ I PLOUGI1ED and TONGUED TARRED FELT, 36in., 15 lbt. lber supphes from wtlhtn !he • Pj!gs than pullets rearerl on 1 . N S k ICPl L I • 'j: I 0 ... ; SLATE SURFACf~ Rtd GI'Mft Prarie Prol'incfs accounted fnr i grass r.:nge. I \ ORK! • ' as - ou 'i 0 ·I I r r·a~o;~:~ I . I 181n., and about 45 per cent of the (Oil[ '1 , . , ! Hluch_amuk s~ys J~ck of a proper rc laf( \7 ''' ' ' 2 )C 3 2 X 4 PLASTIC CEMENT disappearance of these product, In a laymg lrtal col'mng a breedm~ program ts to blame for I I 1 ENGLISH TAR, 5s, -401 in 1956.57 while locallv P"n· , period of fourteen months 360 1 Jow-quahty turkeys. Tested 2 X 5 2 X 6 ducerl onions &ecount~d io,· ! in-cross hybrid hens reared in ! The 37·year-o!d hat~bery oper- ROOF COATING, 1-~ g~llon tina a bout 30 per cent. Iconfinement were compared ; alor won four. ftrst. pmes and the __ with 360 hens from the same I grand champiOnship of the poul-, OTT·\\\'!\ t"•h • "an [hatch reared on gr~ss range. 1try show at the Royal Winter Fair i tests ~r tln;olh)· ;HHI Canadl Al'erage egg. produ~uon of t.he m Toronto last fall. · gra~s seeded side b1 •idr at ' birds reared tn confmeme~t II as S' h t I d h'. l atchery F.xperimcntal ~·~rm CJnada 1 65 t om pared wtlh 6~ mce e s ar e ts t • . MaI till!! ' per ce~ .c birds reared 0 ~ :IIr. Hluchaniuk has been promo· partmen_t of ,~gneulwrr. , L' I per cent e ~irds reared in con· ting the Barlocker strain. .a !rton •. ~.B .. tn 1956 and I ,r~nge. Th I . I I f ed large turke\'. He prefers thts I tt cl.tltn~ 'tJ" 4' X 8' · were completed to grow in Can· Tl would appear from this ex· I wan, 110 miles northea~t of Re· i !he best or~hard ~rm DOOR CASIN~ MASONITE. BLACK ada the malting barley tests con· periment blat in areas where gina. and a hatchery, now con- Im two cuttmgs .. Th~or~ II)" J,' X 8' due ted by l~e European Brew· range Is at a premium, confine- sidered among the largest in Can· orch~r~ gras~ 11 rre , o! I ery Convention. This organiz· ment rearing of pullets is not ada. I)' diVIded than thode ra!! WINDOW STOOL PLYWOOD d!on, the E.B.C .. with repre· only practical but may also be The project grew from a small Mh)·, but the orcha~ ~ % ln., %in., % in., % in., % ln., ;;entatlpn from all European · advantageou~. beginning in 1949 at Canora. to ~e cut aho~t 1 ree P at ' countnes except Spain coorrlin·j Sask. where he was emplo,•ed as I carher to ohtmn fnrag_ . 4' X 8' ates basic research 0~ malting an agricultural rep r e sentatil·e similar stage or ntaturtt):. and brewing problems and as· with the pro\·incial agriculture Each variety of each ~ra» surnes ,the responsibility for • I _ department. fUt as it, rcache~ full evaluating new 'hybrids and var· PONT~'PRIQD, Wales

;,: . ro-day's Weather Eat .(lOUDY AND COOL , fair weather when you with The Daily News WALSH'S INSURANCE AGENCI~S (· HOM~ MADE . BRI'AD J LIMITED .. Dial 80027 St. Jolm': THE D~ILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1958 ·-·- ·-· -·- ·-~------'

1 !Jr ~: ··· .. :.:. l':liif.--Vircm<'n pla~· ho'c~ on th.e wrecl\al'(e or a big mililar,\· transport plane which erashecl P.ARIS, France-It's Apri~ In Pai·is, no matter \\'li~t the t:a1endar rem'rd>. With the tempet aturl! toom . . :(' \tial o"L'dinn of :\ot wnlk after l·olliclin,g \\'ith a ,1a\',\' "j\;eplune'' bomber ret:entl;-·. The air ing into the mid-fifties, Parisians are flotking to tb e zoo in large numbers atld the animals and L;!·(!~ ,j:: clr;~th to ~;· pcr~ons. The t\\'o plan cs-A Mats Skymaslcr cnrr;-·ing :J5 pa~scnger:; and ha\'e quit winter quarters to bH:'k in the :crm a bit cr.:··: · ~c\ 01l:ll:l,(': It..,. : 'h or tilt.. .,.·. ;1~1d thr :\cptune t:1W2Cr J::c:n!l:rr:; d :·;eJ pia~· ll. lJcar tTJL'k h

. '··,\, '·

.~ ,

_. ...

DOCGI.AS. Wyo.-Charles Stark\\'eather. 19 was ~hot and captured recent)~· a,; 111~ 11·as being hunteci .'·. :R FORCE BASE. P.I.- A Filipino fatmer's carabao and (:art stand out in stJ·iking· contra'[ in along \\'ith his girl friend. Caril Fugate. I.'i. 1 both ohown 1 in four ~lportation to the L'.S, Air J<'ort:e's. F-86 Super-Sabre jet fl,ving m·erhear!. 11 is a familiar lngs in t\\'O days, Stark\\'cathcr \\'as reported!;-' shot ;md \\'OUnded in a l'llll:lin;.: Aun o,;t; :e ll'i:iJ e ... :•!l' ;: ' ark Air Force ba~e. In background, rising out o[ the Pamp;mga Plains is a \'iew of Nit Sheriff William Romer. It \\'ilsn't determined ,,·hethcr Caril \\'as in the c:ar with him at the time ol: th~ ; ''cad 'olt-ano.-1 J.N. Photo·!. l'apture.--(1.:-1. Photo 1.

And Grass

CLJ04 AUTOMATIC WASHER Reg. $309 ...... NOW $249. ------···.. -·-. CD J04 AUTOMATIC DRYER Reg. $229 ...... NOW $199.

CL 102 AUTOMATIC WASHER !t '-'.!;··.;& ,j •.~ .Reg. $369 ...... NOW $299...... :.... , ... _,_,

CDJ02 AUTOMATIC 'DRYER - PKJOO Reg. $279 ...... NOW $219. WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR CLJOO AUTOMATIC WASHER 10 cu. ft. model with Push­ Reg. $399 ...... NOW $329. BuHon Automati'c Defrosting. • Reg. $339. CDJOO AUTOMATIC DRYER NOW $269. Reg. $309 ...... NOW $249. RK30 Westinghouse REFRIGERATOR, DK-80 $269 ...... NOW $219. Ranges WASHER • Reg. $289. WITH PUMP WESTINGHOUSE RANGE, DK40 NOW. $369 ...... NOW $289. SPECIAL WATE!t S'fRI·:t;T JlllJINil'llRI·>AI'PI,IAl':CE STOllE ' Sl'EEII'·: I,Til. $209. .. DIAL 80021 ST. JJ!IK'S ' ' 1 ' :tl:l I l ~ I -'-- ·------·------T~~,DAILY. NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY '· l ;I . ' r_.I :o I . ·1 1, I, QOTJ.IUP JOU ,~ ·~ ~ ., \ n. gltld.41Ut WAll THI I i. :. ;

: ~ I. All Forms of Proteciion F.. A Bi-Weekly Feature I;' BELL ISLAND NEWS I; . •· _.. ... ______, ______,; 'I ______' i ~~ r: I~ ~ Annual Report lmmacu~ate APRON ALLEY :, ; Conception I,• .. . BELL ISLA:\D - Oatmeal· hoke in a lllllt}e .. 1 . h f . . 1a 1 r 1 i r oo kws ave or generatiOns· of 3i5 de"rees F 1· d heen one of those basic goodies miuute• " · or I I Director Of Boys' .Club ~Academy Bell ~s. 1,1,,, ,that ho1.nemakers make a~ain · .llOl'/1.4 COOI\!F. T A \'ear ago the theme for my ln it. We bave boy ·member&! TRINITY COLLEGE and ag;nn, and seT\'e to apprecl· 24 oatmeal c"r • . I· . f .,. Th ., '•le, ·' I. • pnnual rrport was "The Da~er .1wio are participatinJ in the! THEORY EXAMINATION Dt .tve . am11es. ey j:O n1·er •, cup bulf••r 01. lt \. ! I Hours". seems fitting that r ~ projilrami!TA! well, but adulta are First Strps In::: wllh youngsters and aduh> I >~tuare 11 01 l ma ' : use a theme this year }nd ,the 'I not giving them the ~eader&hip Agnes Kennedy, 100%, Hon· alike. However, we only recent- choco!;.tl' .. theme 1s "Opportunity • \~hat !I they need. The majonty of !!Ur: our1; Eddie Cherwonlak, 100%, ly discovered a recipe for a 2 hps. Cilln>tarch has the Wabana Boys' Club ::people work an elaht hour day Honours; Catherine Flemming, really glamorous dessert fca· o.~ CUll ~Iron·• c· tl . I k' ., ·• C! j!oue for the .boys of Bell Island :!1herefore there Is aufflelent time I97%, Honours; Allee Leonard, turmg. oatmea cno .Irs a, lit~ 1 l'~'i hrolrn s community durin~ the year 1957, i left for eaung, sleeping and~ 97%, Honours: Catherine Ros­ mam m~rerhcnt. Lets make thr· ~lelt hun .. ,· ann , )'OU rna)' ask? The Boys' Club' one's own recratlon. And atlll alter, 9~%·, Honours: Naomi cookws flrst. Then v:e 11'111 ;zn a double hoilr .. c·o. b. 1 I . ·· •.. n 1 g~ves i~ members ~he oppor-1 there Is time fo~ a few hours Icox\\·orth)', 92%, Honours, I Ofl ,t~ t.l~1 (~{'SSC,rt L'PClf:P, • ;1~rl ('IJJ'l:qi!r('h ~r.•J tunity to de\·elop sktlls. person· . of volunteer .serVIce per week. Preparat01'11 ! J,L T1 f.R50TCII 0.11 ;\IL·\1. cnncolatP . .-\rid ('"!.!~ ality. and good habiu. and m.any; The Bo)'s' ~lub program'!le 1 Geraldine Dyer, 99%. Hon· ' COOKIES l'n1·l:i!:'" :.nd ''" ... 11 • ·. ho)'S will undoubtedly grow mto ; will he effectrvc because of 1t.~ 1oura; Molly Metcalfe 99%; Hon· 11•·· l'llP'- .sil·t~d'" .·lll·!'tii'P•'''c- 11 'ct• t(T, ur.tl 1 n;:~·.lllrr" • good citizens. because the)''Ve · ronllnuil)'. Boys are Influenced: ours; Mary McLean,' 98%, Hon· tlc:ur ,\tid :• lo!t:e .,! lh• been a"ociated with the club. · t.y the elub from January to 'I ours; Sheila Kent, 98%, Ho. 1 1:-:p. bakin~ ~·~~la ture tu ht-<•t··~l ,. • · You see. the Bo)·~· Club gl"ts. llec~mber. The elub is open from. ours: Patsy Murphy, 92%, Hon· 1:ip. tft I·•, 1 salt this• rr·!l\;,illl!~'~... • It boys in their lei~ure hours. We ~londay to Saturday, When the Iours; Barbara Bown, 90%, Hon· I cup brown .-.w1ar · 111 rlouh!r bo1kr 1 · get t~em. not under the watcbr indoor programme closes In i ours; Bl'igld Conway, 89%, Hon· 12 1:111' f!:'c\nul.llt•ri .. u·..:;,r ing and ~!1rr::,~ ~ tn fat eye of a srhool tl'acher. nor. June. we run an outdoor pro· I ours; Patsy Ballard, 85':'o, Hon· eup ~oft :,hurtt'Jlll:g lo:,t:f'l'. Hrmn\•· !:· 11 m the eye~ of a parent, nor of theo jlramme. The only purpose of a. ours; Anne Somerton;· 80%, 2 P'!;.!S ch1!!. police force. but at a time when\ boys' club Is to 11erve youth, It: Merit; Patrick ~\leary, 78%, I t·p. \'anilla Sp.-r•;,r! 1'(·,:::, ·1 1, I he:( are free. We ~ct them. hn~ no other purpose.· We try 1Merit; Pe~tY Leonard, 89%, . :1 3 cups rolled o:-~1:-:. un In[! hrt\\f'~·n t'i•li:.::r·~ whit! they ·show their trul' · fll lick speetatorltls which has I' Pas1. BELL ISLAND-Walter Davis, Region nl Co-ordinator of Re-habilitation and eooked ra~hton, m:.ktn..;, 4 ;el\'e~. Sometimes they come to becom all too prevalent. Govern· ------Secretary-Superintendent Nfld. T.B. Soc:lety · accepts cheque for !:i:!.:l50. Sift logrlh1•r !lour. '"'Ia and cnokir, •1·•·11 T ,, .. , , :: i us with resentment. because ments In our part of the world ~lltlltllt1141ltiU~IltP >all into a mixing howl. .\dcnllllion at ~m~ar, ~hortcnin~ and \an1lla. r;tnl.:P ~tlil'k' ~ 1!:" h·.• 1 : ~ i l'nt. teaoill'r or the buddy down siclfl condition of our youth. In pie an1 " ..,,,,r.or. 2 'I tl'sentment in a manner that is in blll.~ketball, btdminlon, roller i headed the campaign. Shape ir.to ion>! bm·, 2 x "~ x 10 llllxtu•·p tn r•·trl irt•h not the pa~iest for staff or vol·. skatin'g, floor hockey, tumbling, The News :inches. \\'rap in waxrd paper. 'irlr of ::.r:r r :·:io · llnteers. and others become sui·· boxing·, rope elimblng, etc. Our ·Chill O\Wllight. • D<·rora:e ·· :':; : ~ I len and quiet while othl'rs be· Iibrar\' Is open for boys who ·~ ...... , ~'"' Cut :n 14 inch ~lic.·P~. pl~tl't' if d(• .. lrrd. ;:.~·~! ~::~~r ., <"ome boisterous. What is im· want ·to do their homework on grr:""d baking >h~rl~ and ~•·n•·. :portant. hoWt'\'l'r. is that staff there. or read a ·book. The elub ··BELL ISLAND-Mrs. W. J, FOR ·nnd voluntl•l'r~ understand what ~oom is opfn for smaller groups Kent crossP.d O\'er to St. John's .1;; behinrl the \'at·ious kinds of ~urh as tadio, art, photograph~· 111ondav afternoon, where sl\e !l.inns (]uh :tleha1·iour. Too many adults are and thP liloe. The games room entered St. Clare's Mercy Hok· ready to sa~· "youth is going to is used exlmsively hy our mem· pita! for a check·up, Mrs. Kent · BELL 1SLA\'H-Four rr.'i· Tite ·r'', .,. ·:t:ci· :j the do~s", and n~l'er lift a h~nrl bers to pia}' .!(ames of all sort!, was accompanied to the city by Iri£-nt:-; of B~ll J.;lunrl wrrf' lll· f"onf'('P'ilni ' ·:r. 1·:l 1 ittaiNI into tile Lions Club K. ol <. Ho·;' 1-lanl.. , I to prerent them from dom~ and on sperial occasions parties her husbnnd and daughter, ~Irs. ju~t that. Hower~r. I am one are held there. In the crafts Edward Kennedy. I Tur>day night loy Pa't Presi· on Sur.· I..:. ~'··nnoa;". I I :who belie1·es that ~·outh i~ not room boys do woodwork. elec·i • -- · . , rlrnt Blair K••nned1·. The nell' S.OO p.m. :• ,. :,~,;:, flililititi :i j:oing to the dogs .. and I also b~· trical and mecbanleal .l!roups, Mr. K~n Da~·· .repres:ntauve I m<'mhers are L~o c':ole. James The w,.,., .. , .,h·rh lic1·e that sometimes .routh ts. model planes and the hke. All, Geo.r.ge Neal. L1m1te~. \las_Jlere 1 F~rre\1, Sam Jiang and Lee >ided <•I•·' ·,.: \i·~ 11 'h 1: :wron~l~· blames. I .hPhevc that . this is ~cared to meet the needs durm~ t~~ \leek domg busmess 1Son~. Knight. 1\':o 'i hrn: ..,;,! :•:andalism is sometimes blamed. rnd interests of hundreds of for hts fum. Proll->>or Bill Htlssey an· record r_, :,,:· ,,, ,, 1•r. GE nounceol that a L~oolies :'\ight ;.nrt Ihe II:• :; :•r:, :re on the wron~ .-e ~roup, ~nd ho)'S of \'arious 11ge groups. Mrs. J. King went to St. Q 1 111111' I :I there arc other problems facmg • ·During the past yean groups will be held in the Legion dub gratulatrt! ,,,. thm ., John's Monday on a brief busl· !looms, February 18. and arl- ing of inl••r••:. r· zo11 ~<'riety which call f~r a second : met in the club. on the sparta nes• trip. hook b~fore pin.pomtmg the , f!pld, at camp, on eighteen hun· ri>ed members to pick up their sarin" lh:.: w. IN·•~•·; trnuhlc spots. drcd and lortv eight ~cRSions tickets as early as po>sihll'. Dis· ~I or othP:"·''~f. c~~·· ~Cf\'ICP Clnhs acrn o! America. In 195~ members of our board, and m)•1 from St. John • Tuud&)' after· BEE.L ISLAND-Lieut.-Governor Kiwanis District 2 visiting Be1J Island charge of the Christmas Seal or she m· .• · i,~ a · thr OptimlsB Cl.u~s co.ntacted ·special thank1 to our retlr~R I noon. Campal!(n on the Island. mrmhrr of th~ K. ol 0 .iu~t under one mllhon different. members. We know that your I --:- . Ki~·anis Club last week on an unofficial \'bit. :\lr. Da,·is was -presented to or she mu,· •hrm tjJt ______...______. __ .. _ ---- . ho·~, and >pent over. S2,000,000 'Interest in the Boys' Club will, t .~rs .. Jam;a Kanna~h. Qu,lg· the club by St~ve ;>;ear;·. His lend ·to !:::·:hrr their 1111 ~omr t )'pe of servtces to and not les~en. ~ tiP) a Lme 11 as a huslntaa \1Si· ''!Pic wa~ 1h~ Hi>tor:r OJ! 'f.~. in !ion. t It"' 'hrm. . MT. Southey ·becamt a !nl'm·l tor to the Capital Tuesday. IF } L t !R.B.P. Elects Legion Bow ling :'\rw!oundland. lie also outlined The sch•o;mhtps 1h\1 Rtllr.~;T TOO Sl!M.L . her of our board during the 1 -:-- , . 1 unera a e how the rehabilitation program as follow~· ·~·ee McKi1 Th~> rrpurt thus far has tried \'ear and has assisted us great.. 1\lr. Ray Littlejohn "ho us 1 i~ heing carrifd out. A \'Ole of lara (5300 • '·'r By STRIKE tit >hull the \'alue of youth iv h~ has helped me Pl\rtlcularly j at Grand Falls and C?rner i De • Dobbi"n :officers thank< \\'as proposed by Lion hundrerl rl •. :•.;· '· H';·1 ing • organizati~ns, whic.h; in' ·various areas of the work Brook on lnsurancr b~smess. 1 n1~ · BELL ISL\:\D- \\'1•!1 loll,~. ,Tack K~nt. :Grade X. _, .. , fl''r lfads us to the pomt, what 1s ~nd has been most generous. returned home Tuesda~ after·t _ Round Unc fnr Section, C and i for Grmlf> :\ · 1 Eell Island doin~ .rnr its Boys: • Mr. H. S. Haslam, general sup- noon. I BELL ISLAND-The funl'ral BELL ISLA:"!. To honour the orrAsion The rr.n•n•:"Pr trrpri;p ~·onstrurtion ~nd srV· thanks. • J cently. underwent ~ucceuful; of Rideout's Funeral Home with· Fin. Secty.-Sr. Kt. Herb . F. Kitchen ..... , 15~.2 being a thl'. ~chn:,.· ·i••r'. thPn .. tral outwl~ hrms. \\ r. ha1·.r. 'rhrrp i~ on~ I l'ilUM not lor· 1operahon. Hil many friends will i Mr. Bert Rideout as undertaker. Hammond . R. Bun;cy ...... 152.P l'~ry capable and ef!ici~nt s~n- ·lis :Jttaini:;: thr I . I however. t'i'l't·ll 1·d rlun:llluns m ~1rt. for he i~ on!' of the line~!.; bt pleased to learn that Hughie· The following acted as pall· 1st. Lecturer-Sr. Kt. Jos~ph f. !'balk ...... 151.4 man. and 11 ih and mmol !rum ll.rms '' 1~ 1 ~ 1 rP!PI' t<• ~ur P~t·ellent care· 1K now m~tch bet.ter, and. hopes b11arers, Wm. Power, B. Burke, Cuomhs. 1 10 ~1. Heath .•.• l4!l.!l nlon• happy rrturns. a1•·:ml. lnrllnd•.l<•l' un t!o-11 l•l.~nd. \\ 1 taker ~lr. ~!Ike lltbhs. Pat Ham··'." be, !Jack •t. hll dt~k the Ray (ius• e. Fred Squires, John 2nd. Lr<'lurer.-Sr. Kt. Lloyd 14BH I ; 811 B. Pitt, ...... Tilt' fir>l ofli<'Pl' a!,ol t~urlt>n•d \\'or:lil f,·o du tho»e 11huhr·h•· ilton de•Prves a special t'tt Hlldt In Younes and Leonard Metcalfe. ;>;oseworthy. 1 apprt•o·~:·l~ ~II ~bo ~~t 1 d~P~'\mPnt B. B:trll<'ll . . • • . . J.IB.5 In!:' ttHJgri.ful:ltiOII" iu a n·n· ~·h~drm:.l! ,.f ... , rd us in an~· 1\J)', hut Ill'1 1act thank ·uu. 1 ~ not 00 ~ !5 an 11 !'.re. , •• 'Standard lkarer-Sr. Kt. Char 1 A. Ht•t·.~ . . . . l·W.4 lltlill~! rJlidUll't". This \t"ll~rahl~~ t•umJnJII· •' :!.• ··.::.·f~ is. that uur hud~o·l l> too sm~ll Our thanks must go to the . ~Jr .. Hruce Iucker ol.lurker,• , lo•s Vok"Y· ht·t·u on ttw \\ill bt• ,.,,, t· .• ll P.ii'":Uil~ ..•.• 0 .. 14:Ui ;·t:ntlt·m;~n Jw." -::~t·d l<•r a duh till' '"e. ol .till' \\a· Ill· II l•l:md !.ions Cluh and its \\ u In St. John I l st Sr. Kt. J.eon;.rd Sup~lmarket ~Irs Ja cknta 11 'cen~or- 141 ~ >~Kip:.\\ u" tur 3 yt·~1! ~ priur tu ~h" f,dlu~· '· -~ .• ·"·· s1 .1. \\ :ll'd ...... hana l'lub wh11•h llillllussey. They have on a 51 tnp. 1 • Go,,e, Bn~s· ~~. tr;:m~ pr~~idl'lol lll1Shl~ ~ .1. Hutk•· t\,;ot lu· II<•' ull the "\l;;n•·ru" :•II' lUll. 1 ,. . tn run !1\'f and the !loy• Club in many, . . - . · 2nd. Ceu,ur--Sr., Kl. r; ' . df•Jiartm~nts h~lped p A . H~n t:t·, l tur l ~ ! 1•;u·~. 8 .II. ~uiviant --Sr. Kt. Hrid \. ,,,•!ly ...... l:H ~ !lll'11!'r:ou< frio•nd' ,.nd admiro•r< It costs many clubs o~et' thirty partmrnt of Public Welfare of Cana .... Toronto, pal a bu~l· - \\'arford. ~1. Bon lo•r ...... dollars per member per' year to Newfoundland read, in part, ness trip to the Island Tuesday. She is not dead. lht is juKt Initiation and the Brown UP-. ~1. l'::·l'•llll> • • • • • • 1:1:t in P~.tt•ntlin'..: cnngl'atulation~ nn in~ :~1 H~~~; tlo Ho•<'s .. l:HI. ras ... in~ auotht1I' mii('Stonr. and !o tlH . .,,. \ ·,:·.! ,,,l:t • j run an Pffecth·e programme: "There is evidence to support away." gree 11 ·n b o k d M 1 1 t I 12!1. 11'11.'1 thm he hal'r the he ll'":n· ,..,..,·•:• 1 al v.·hile wr • nre running at the the contention that the services Mr. John S~vage .of Heap and ~ELL ISLAN_D - A very; All m;~ber~ ~·r~· aesk;d ~~~~a~~. R. Bah!> ...... ure of celehl'illing many lurati1111> tlu•·'d:""' lhP 125.6 more. . ThPse po,,,.,., 11111 J. [Z7.Ptt •• I •• ' •• member. . . C:luh ha\'P been Instrumental in: land ruesday. 1of Mrs. Sussanah Jackman pass· I 125.1 : \'aluahle prim "·hirh We ha,•e a good b~ard of dt· a large degree In the decline! ., . . : ed peacefully to her eternal! I. Harvey . . • • , • rector~. but we need e1ther more of delinquency during the past I Otl.1er busmess vl<ora Tues· i reward Sunday morning, Feb·· Birthdays G. Swcrney .•..•• 12~.2 Rri"(Ia] S.llO"'er offered at the ~anlfl. H. Parsley 11~.8 b n Bro. Simnn "o . 29th. . Ada. Two pri1el tn , good comes again and Jlialn-to Messrs Cuellar and Rately of Mrs. Jackman's happy pler.s· !pme. eha;1table and kind. she During the earl)' part of the! No party i! ~ re~l Tailoring .. 'BlB REDUCTJQNS bless the good work of volun· Price Waterhouse and Company ant manner and the sincerity u:as alwa~s. ready to help the' Ievening cards were the main at·; out a sing !ong. \It BeHer Styl . II leers who work for others-with are presently here from Halifax ot her long and useful life held stck and d1stressed. Her home I traction. First prize \\'ent to i ed the railers. All the 1 Clothes Valu ·.·.. /N Tftll TIIQR/ST no other pay than just the on unofficial bu~lneas. for her the admiration of many was always a home !o. anybody \Section ·c 1 ~!rs. George Cantwell, second to· were sung, not to IIIH I U "kick" they got out of it." warm friends she shared fully wh? . had the . pTIV~Iegc of I .6 1~Irs. Wm. Somerton and 'Bobby' j harmo~iz!n~. ~lr~. J. rf th life f lier church and cla1mmg her fnendsh1p and a Cosmos • . • • • . • • . . vice. These ..--- S H d 1 0 Pomts I to Mrs. Jack Kent. 1the p1~mst. and ~ht ·~llRES' l' n e h strllnger was always welcome. I . 1 offer our ( 'Uild a'r services . po oun up was laways a!ert for t e p,ro· Surviving her are five sons·! Rainbow .. 16 After a delicious ·buffet work m fme lt)l! 1...1 • ' - motion of !n\' worthv en er- Jame p 1 h 'I llari"old 13 i luncheon, the gifts were packed . Eerybody had a grand "Fashion-Crc • _ _ : RELL J.SLAND-Hockfy roach! --- -·-· ·- -· ---- - ·- .-- · s, e er, T omas, ~rthu;. • ~ s • • • • • • 12 :into a hu.ne white unhrella. cept the man of the .loP RvrnP. i · drillinlt the local anrl and .los: ph Island,, .1110 Popp1es .•• , • • • • ;-:· • I 5 [~r ~everal year~ ~uppm·ter~. B~ll 12 1They \''Pre ~open~rl hy the bridr 11·~~ rca If~· likP O'!lr·~n. are proud h A:'. BnrlP. I h·"· lln.-r> · · ••• • ~xpechnd ~Irs. 12 In hP •nrl lhr mP""~" wr1r no plaro lo "" (s 1 s 1 ·) p avm·~ ar t rse a) s o J:~ ~ ... · 1i\l · . . p . to own. Con . '~xa~es .ma ' IIlii a~ the'm ·n rontiition fnr lbP All· t.l'inl! home another junior dtam· ~nllln~, Sarah at hnmc. I· nrty a~l~lrs • · • • II St. < )'prtan s-Reclor, RrV·t,. f 1 rll rl Ch . h. four r,nd rlrrcn llnl.

1 p.m .•. ,v~n~on~. tr.am here, feel certain that i(. the cm·line finals for top New· by Rev. Fr. J. L. O'Dw~·er, anrl MONTREAL ,St. ~la~Y ~ - R.31J a.m., llnly jlhe aenlara ean get into lop eon·! loundland ,curling honours at Rev .. Fr. G. Purcell. Interment The secret of !taring a ciw• I( ommu111on, 1 I a.m., Mntllns; dltlon In time for the series, St. John'•· was m the R.C. Cemetery. '!full o[ clothes that are ready t Sold I 7 p.m., Evensong. they will be making 1 1trong In senior eurllng the Clarke Her ea~thly career has end· wear is constant care. This i:· UNITED CHURCH bid for another championship brothera Bill, Dick, Harvey and ed and hke all other faithful Nolves both time and trouble ht. . in the "B" dlv.illon. J,I!Icoe won out In the local ~n_d true Christians she hos 1is worth it. It menns to deb

s63.oo 1 . Mlmster, Rever~nd N. B.. Hod· The Junior All·Siars are con· curling rink competition and en· JOined the Noble Army of those. in sending clothes to \h~ cl~ay< ONf·WA\' ~er, 1 a.m., Dlv1~e ~Vo'rs.htp; sldered tttoqer this year than 1tered the finals for the .prov~n· who, .a~~:r a lifetime. or good !or in rinsir~g out lin~,ri~. It 2.30 p.~n:·. Su~da~. Sthool, 71 :· .. ··-·. _ .•... -- •... eta! . curling champJOnshlp.:works •. lest from the1r laboursimcans maklllg small rr~a1r' :11 ~Ret COYH',.'!tH"''~' ~f.Al\ p.m., DIVIne Worship. . \mess ~leetmg; 2.30 p.m .. Sun· which was played at St. ohn:S. · anrlthetr works. do ~ol~ow them"! onr.e. It means keepin; shoes H~tti~ING S£A1S 1 1 - day School; B p.m.. Young The local rink skipped by B1ll And so nunc dlmmltlls. but not. pohshed and neat. It also means .... (~ NO 11••rtlC • t~O EXlRAS i SALV;\TION ARMY People's Meetlnc; 7 p.m., Sal·. Clarke made a ~ood showing, farewell. 'ne1•er !laving to turn rlown an ., ~ Seninr Majdr Wal!aee and i vatlon Meetlnc. i but was noi 5ur.eessful In gain-' DPepr~t sympathy i~ extrnd·im·itatinn for lark of. ~omcthinl! 1 Mrs. Pike, C.O.'s. 11 a.m., Hoi· Come· and Worship. 1 ing top honours. ed ,to the herea\'ed family. to wear. .

; 13 . , 41LY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7. . '------. ----··----~------~------.DAILY NEWS SILHOUETTE CONTEST THE '

~- ... -...... ~y ...... ··-...... ;ttrl) hot o· . for 10. to '· .


nanr · ~~rnda Winter Air Conditioning •tin~ wu NEW ON THE ROAD ip lor thP The h•r •: Tlze Littlest Rambler At Its Finest ON DISPLAY SOON AT 1 The Silhouette Contest ls simple and Pasy to HERE'S COMPLETE WINTER work. 11 consists of 60 silhouette drawings of widely known persons and 120 pictures. All you AIR CONDITIONING have to do is identify the silhouettes. not by name .• l4cKinlay Motors Ltd. but by pairing them with pictures of thi! people ~·ou think are portrayed in the silhouette. Each e WARMS e DISTRIBUTES LeMARCHANT ROAD person ~hown in ~ilhouette will be shown by picture but not necessnrib• on the same da~·. In addition CLEANS e HUMIDiFIES !herr will he 60 piclltt"<:'5 of other per;ons who will e not he ~hown in . should bear ,·our name. of an,· similar unit of its <17~-with 25'c to :' .- . .... 3. The Daih· :\ell'< wtll awar·: $500 In ra•h pr!ze1 50'o ·greater heat capacity. tSJ {;.-"i::;'Ji::\ to the winnc'rs. There are no entry fees. The The air stream from house to unit 't' ...... ~ SEE prizrs are: hratin~ .?'l '""·· .... ;,: 1. ~250 is cleanrd. refre,hed. warmed and redistri· 2. SJ:,o lll!tcd lo lhe house in a S)'>tcm of lntly :1. $100 a i~n. IT 4. Th~ ••onlt•,l [, u!H'Il tu all n•,idt•llts or \!~"· fou!Hll:t!Hi with lht• t'X<'t·plillll nf rntplm·t•t•; or The f)~il\' Nt·ll'• ant! mt·mht•t's ur llu•ir !:tlnilit·<. Not mu1·~ lit~ll '"''' priJc wilt h~ ~llltl'llt·tl in HIIV one S·OON lnune i.el IIIIi DIAl 4183 llJlflt':ll' ~ ll!J:.lt•l' "'"l'e silt'el un wlurh ~uti wu't WATER ST. enh-1' the nmuht•l'~ ,,( your ,.ilhtH!I·Itc·lllt'llllt' t·um· I )Jinatlon~. llu nul ~rud h1 )'UIII' eutrlc< until "II I i Kilhou~ttes "111! plt·lurc$ lull'e bet'R tmbll~hrd, ' . 6, 'l'he ~~unh•,lant gcttiu~ the gr~:tlc;t lll!!lli.Jt'f / of the HO rl!gulat· ~ilhouelt<·s rurrcdh'. ~~~~~·etl l! automatical1t1 thr winner of the first pr1zr. Second THE highe~t ~rore )!els ~ceonrl prizr, nnd ~o on. 7. A Silhnu~tlo Smm1hlr will hr puhlishP•l with WORLD'S YOU ARE ALWAYS (!'~ Silhoufttr ~n. 60. This will rn11sirrl.hY th~ .111rl~r~ POCKET MEN! ~ ... :: ·. . . ,, 0:-..'LY in ra~~ of ti~~. J1 lir. rxi~t In lhr rrgula~ RADIO ron!rst. th~n lho~e rnntr~uot~ m~~~n~ In~ hr' 't ~f'·, /W· ~co;·r~ in thr ~illwurtte Srramhlr 11'11\ he rir.r.larlrl t· Wnrlll'• finl ! ' winnr1·~. l'nntrsl;mt~ ~hnttltl ~~~~mil. Wllh _the,~ Tr~nmt~r Pt:t(:.lo:~t Ul . ·-~~ · 0 S complrlerl tnlt·ir.< a ~tatrmrnl.of ,tO 11nrrl~ ,1 I.e·;. Tl~~in. Fashion· Craft on "Th~ Fralurc 1 Like Jlr~l 1n The Dati) ~r\\<~~ ' f'ric<>tl ~~ t~!! lh~~ Thrsr ~talrmrnl~ ll'ill hr ron~1nrrrd h)' 11~~ .JIIrll: 1 ~ tran~i~tor r~t\i~~- onlv in ra~r th~rr still arr. llr' altrr the S1~hourt e ,. rup. You gel Seller Fabrics • , • Better '5u;. :::icramhlr~ hare hrrn jud~rtl. \\11111rr~ w1il thrn 1. ~is: sil~ ~flt~kPr · ·zps in one he tleterminrtl by the aptness and ongmahty of Toiloring .•• Beller Cut Clothes .• , 3' '! ••• a real their commenh ng. \\'! 4. l'rol'ision for undr.r /' Batier Styled Clothe~ • • • Beller R. Address ~nlrics to Silhouette Conl~st, The pillow and personal '· All the Clothe~ Value ••• Better Clothes Ser­ Daily News Box 1172 St. ,John's. All entr1es rl!'u~t listening attachment ot to be postmarked not iatcl' tha~ Sa~urda{:, ;\p '1 • J. s. Uses 4 penlil!hl eell Mrs. vice. These are the inducements we 1958. Entries must be sent w1th !trst c ass p~s ~~e available and she fully raid, The Daily News ben r e J,~tterics ~inrr cann~t spa~~ an,·whrre. 1e style offf!r our Customers when we offer lor .nrla)·rct of tmi:/ ~ihlc rntrir~ hrcau~e ~ther Pro,·ision for 1 a grand or in nue time. ~. u~e ''Fashion-Craft" Suits. They are suits we drc~r. ln~llf(ICIPOt pMfn~r '[~r~,to~5 ll'ith recltangeabl~ 1 of the rra~on not rrrrircrl a! The Dal l ·'"" . · t a ""CC~ hattrr~· kit • pro· ~ O'!lri@n. ore proud to sell and you'll be proud !I Jl,· rnlrrin~ thr rontr,t. thr P~ rtlrlpan "' · to arr.rpl lhe nrrision of the jud!!r~ as final. l'itlr~ for tn,ooo to own. Come in soon , •• for a· try-on. __....----~ hour~ t~la~·ins: time. ;. A'·ailable in ~' r------I soarklinl! cnlour~ · I CLIP THIS COUPON TO ORDER I ;Ill at ~arne co~t. QUITE MODERATELY 69' I . THE DAILy NEWS I R Tri·nnsition handl~ door' · acts. !IS· easel ~tand PRICED AT...... 00 I Clreulatlnn Dr!tl., I anr\ cam·ing handle. s New~ John'~. !Jail)' St ~. TriPle·filtered sound I Please enter my suhseripUon tor I I The Daily News. 1 Sold Exclusively By I Name ...... I Baine, ~~ CslttryeP:\ ...... ~...... Jl ...... Job.nston Stem.L AND CO:, LTD. (Clip and ntail or give coupon to I I News Carrier Roy) . I _____ .______..,.. __ _ WATER ST. AGENCY DEPARTMENT DIAL 2101

.~--" ~f. DAILY NEW~, .I THE DAILY NWS, ST. JOHN'S,_NFLD.,_ FRID~Y, __ FESRUARY 7, 195l .... 14 1 City Inter-Club Inter-Club ! ~~ Lo:ke 19a 254 tos OR BA. :F. LeBlanc 232 222 202 Capitol ~w lin Le B IJ. Everard 204 225 219 CJOX-TV CJON·TV B g ague owling Leae:ucu J. Robe:·ls 157 245 234 Radio Programmes ARGENTIA-CBANNEL 10 8T. JOHN'S-CHANNEL 6 Now Playing LAST NIGHT'S GAMES Willla ms 156 202 172 Pat's E~ High Three Frame: WEDNESDAY NIGHT'S 947 1148 99S FRIDAY, February 7th. 7.0o-Varlety Playohuse. The resnons for singing rage I D. Old ford · · · · · · · · · · 803 GAI\IES - 8.00-CBC News and Weather, 2.S!J-Open llouse, 7.30-The Early Show. Elvis Presley's position atop lllgb Single Frame: • SCORES Feildians-3 ' 8. 15-Muslcal Clock. . 8.00-Last of the 1\lohlcans. 314 1 3.00-lllatlnce. the world of show business are D. Oldford · · ·' • ·' · · · Holy Cross-2 IR. Murphy 217 258 9.00-~lornlng Devotions. 4.30-llowdy Doody, 8.30-Thc Plouffe Family, strikingly obvious in "Loving I J. Crr.nshnw """ ·"' 313 J. Wadden 287 200 234 817 W. May 284 212 rds Lo VOCM 9. 15-Programme Preview. 9.00-To lie Announced. You.' the drama-and music· G. Noftell · · • • • • • • • ·' • 309 i Fitzgerald. 180 375 291 846 ·E. Payne 233 215 cross and St. Pat's h 5.00-llldden Pages. 308 9.!!0-0rgan Stylings. 5.311-Chlldren's Program. !1.30-Country Hoedown. packed Hr.l Wallis production F. Andrews " .. " .... I' D Sorensen 174 238 191 603 I n. Harvey 220 269 253 victories over Gua 305 FRIDAY, FebL·uary 7th. 9.30-Rccords at Random. 6.00-Ranse Rider. 11.00-News. that opens tomorrow at the 1 J. Carey '' · ·'' · ·'''' W O'Reilly 256 270 191 603 : R. !\forgan 200 246 138 at the Crusad 10.00-Crcam of the West. 6.30-News. I11.10-The Late Show. Capitol Theatre. The dynamic High Team B·Prlme: I G. Wadden 253 206 300 759 : 1154 1200 1071 the Senior Bt-s~:ett 2982 15 UB-Sign On. I 10.10.-Iris Power. youngster has a way with a Holy Cross ''' • • · · · · · J . 1150 1385 1223 3758j Cnrtl!i-0 opened i t s sec< ------1 6.30-Brcakfast Club. 10.20-Ruth Harding. 12.20-Juke Club Continued. song- a range of voc11l tones. High Team Single: ' Guarda-1 . t'' Kirby 141 234 St. Pat's edged CUI 6.35-:0:cws. 10.25-CBC News. 7.00-Newl and Sports. 1027 12.3Q.-Hii!biiiy Matinee. and expression, and a vigor- I · Holy Cross """"" l R Cullmore 204 261 186 651 · t'. Wight 241 279 a contest that saw I 7.00-Brco:l:last Club. 10.30-Atlantic School Broad· 7.05-Local Weather, - 1.00-Bchind the Story. ous and uninhibited manner of 'D. Fisher 322 193 215 730:1 P. Winsor 255 227 while Holy Cro~s j 7.30-Ncws. cast. 7.15-What's Conkin'. 1 3 1 1.15-0ne Mr.n's Family. keeping time-that Is quite un· Imperial TC- 682 • R McKinlc!y 245 259 250 754 N'oseworth)' 122 231 172 Guards 5049 in 7.35-Brcnld~st Club. 11.00-l'rcd Waring Show. 7.20-Bob Lewis Show. 1.30-Strike It Rich. m~t~hc by any enterta Iner J.E MGosse h 221 204 257 'A. Andrews 232 213 158 603. R· Lanc 294 217 212 caP· Hoi)' Cross mo• 9.00-A Date \\'ilh Denys. ; 11.15-Paradc of Stars. 7.30-Round the World News. · d 230 218 214 662 1.45-Weekdny Theatre. Witlun memory · urp Y 614 ~ G. Fuller 153 367 202 722 ~ 1053 I 188 1026 n 8 point-first place \I 10.00-Ncws, · 11.3Q.-Showcasc. 7.35-Weather Summary. 1.55--Ncw Yorkers. Wh&t's more.'the VistaVision- J. Dooley 183 271 160 1 1156 1293 1011 3460. ·-- •victorY while St. P: 10.05-A Date 1\'ith Denys. : 1l.o!5-Rcgina McBride. 7.45-What's Cookln. 314 272 217 803 2.10-Sports Page. 1 Technicolor film, Prtsley's first D. Old!ord i ~ CI.R-2 into a last spot tie \1 10.30-Burton's of Banne1 12.co...:..Announcer's Choice. 8.00-Nfld. News. . . I k "t 1 th I 948 965 848 2761 '' D . ~ 4 2.15-Mnrch of Everits. 1g muSLca ma es 1 c car at , Horwood's TC-O · Patrlrlans-3 : '-· ommer ~0 192 both have a single ' Street. 112.15-Dinncr Bell Breakdown. I 8.05-Prov. Weather. Ib ' 2.30-Music Room, I he is far' more than just a! 239 225 186 850 1J. O'Brien 24!1 216 245 710 ·A. Rees 128 24Q Guards are scc1 ' 10.45-A !late with Denys. 112.'!5-~li~ D&y Sc~cnadc. 8.15-Shlpplng Report. 3.00-News. terrific song stylist. Magnetic: B. Jackman . ~{. Martin 218 215 261 fi94 G Chancey 248 2il .. 1 197 125 219 541 10.55-~cws. 1.0~-Dil)'ic Bn!!r.:i~. ' 8.25-Kiddles Corner. 1 3.05-lllusie Room (~on!.). 1 vs. ST. P.\1"S ' I Ipersonality, classic good looks l ~· ~\'::C~nt 141 198 135 474 P. French 167 252 177 596 .r. Rice 264 29:i 2f 2 11.00-Jullc Box Jamboree. 1.15-~lw'··' 8.30-Nfld. News. 3.30-News. I and fresh downright good act· I • • H. Hea!e 242 162 224 fl28 C. Andrews l!JO 234 220 pat's were out fronl. 11.55-:"\cws. 1.30-CBC News and Weath~r. 0.35-Weather Forecast. 199 173 161 533 3.35-Stewr.rt Foster Show: Iing around performer who Is' J,. Colbert 776 721 701 2198 • E. Kearsey 203 312 180 695 1•;3~ 1232 1098 the half wr·Y mark of 12.00-Bat•gain Hour. 1.45-,11usi~a• • . • 8.40-Bob Lewis Show. 4.00-News. here to star. i 1079 1157 1087 3323 .\llandale-1 but Curtis came b: 12.15-Rnmblin with Rrcords. 2.~0-Words and ~lus:c. 8.45-1\fornlng Merry-go.round. 1 4.05-Grand Ole Opry. In addition to being a show· i : Canadian Leglon-0 : T. Carroll 25fi 1~8 the em,ountcr 12.30-i'\cws. 2.15-:'Wd. School Broadcast. 9.05-lllusic for Millions. 4.30-Pulse. case for the highly indil•idual: Vics-S : L. Delacey 203 151 171 525 II. ~1m·phy 146 iB2 end of a rl'gulat 12.45-l'isht•rm~n's Forecast. 2,30-Atlan!ic School Broad· ; 9.30-News In a Minute. 178 186 200 564 7.15-Bob and Ray. i talents of young Presle)', the :H. Dawe : w. Austin 217 207 169 593, J: ~.ngh~h 199 1C2 two three minute o• 1.15-Spurlscnst. c;:st. 9.31-Westward to ~luslc. 226 254 176 656 7.3o.-Books and Voices. : P:;ramount picture is an excit· \ J. Power .: ~.·. Power 161 168 268 597. <•. Ta,·lor 214 2Z:l 11'ere pl~~oyed before 1.30-:-:ews. . 2.45-The Hnppy Gang. 9.45-Laura Chilton. 220 166 210 596 1 8.00-X Minus One. ing blend of music and strong F. Furlan~ ' J D 1 2"" HB took the close contest 3. story, enacted by a top·flight i E. Churchill · 263 240 225 708 • F. O'Reilly 207 219 175 601 · a Y 1.45-)!usic Stars of the Ccn· 15-For the l'inno. 10.00-News In a Minute. 8.20-Spotlight Story. 687 846 811 2628 ' A. Joy 260 195 273 72R 10t;fl~~ pr,:l tur)·. 3.:!0-Trnns ('anada ~latinee. 10.01-lllartin's Corner. 8.30-People r.re Funny. Dalton had 11 point> cast consisting of stars Presley, A h t-0 1 '1048 940 1056 3044 2.00-Rambling with Records. 4.30-CBC News. 10.15-Golden Madonna. 9.00-Could this be You. Lizabeth Scott and Wendell I, m en l.aurler-Z St. pat's in the first '''' s. 1 4.33-Timcly Tunes. 10.30-News in a Minute. 2.55-~cll 9.3Q.-Bandstand USA. Corey and supporting plavers 1. LeGrow 21:1 239 221 67!. - 24~ I"' Gladney had 6, a nrl 1 ;c 3.00-Dollm on Parade. 4.45-Childrcn's Story. 10.31-Startlme. 10.00-Final Edition. James Gelason, Ralph Dumke. IL. Churchlll 136 181 171 488 I Postal-:! 1.. ~~~~:Y 206 ~~~ 2JO 7. Ed Dcnicf ha1 4.00-:0:ews. 5.15-Fishcries Broadcast. 10.45-Eleven for the Mone1 10.30-Robert Q, Lewis. Paul Smith, Ken Becker and I A. Parso~s, 162 214 184 560 1F. Crader 212 237 211 660 i\.1 I.aile 22'l c::4 267 Quigley rcgistcre< 4.05-Wcstcrnaircs. 5.45-1\indnrgarten of the Air · 10.55-Juke Box Review. 11.00-llu31c Till Midnite, alluring Jana Lund. Miss Scott, L. Holloua) 229 195 217 641 L. Whitt::e 163 164 223 r.5u · · Laite w c:n 245 other Irish points. 4.55-:0:cw>. ti.oJ-lntcrmczzo. U.OO-News In a Minute. ·uaalqliJa .•d 1)1) restored the Chica~o 6.25-Ncws. ful who opposes\ "Grand Ole Opry's" . L. Andrews 'R4 203 140 527 :M. :valsh 120 188 232 540 i Thomas campbell. 23, [' Fill the Blanks busine~sman Jord~~tnaire3 i 199 241 636 i~ at 2-1m 6.30-Top Tunes Of Our divorced wife, :Miss Fickett, quartet. · · , 703 945 700 2351\· H. Norns 196 · knife·slaying o! lu1 a ,'I ' Ihi~ I 7 2 77 ~1fe Bruins could haw p11 Times. ACROSS 3-nnd n a courtroom battle for the 1Woolworth s-U 685 80 885 3 ! ago, has he en Cllmmuttd v.ith New York in ~ec tomorrow 7.00-News. custody of ther boy, with Miss • E. O'Keefe 129 128 137 394: - I it wa• :i'. 1-and Gill 7.01-Right To Happiness. imprisonm~nt If they had won. 'I ' 4-o! Steven seen a~ a member of: Ne .4 r b d I Ill!. Breen 140 172 178 490: Central TC-1 . ccd 1'bur,day. CampbtU, Vezina Trophy winnc! 4 Sharpen hnbeus corpus '1.15-Passlng Parade. 'I the legal staff representing i lV ~-:~..n fl.,SSU .or i L. :llacNelll 226 219 194 639. N. McLeod 156 257 198 611 vict~d of the mu~der of hi! in the !~ague last a-~nd 5 \l'hetstonc : . 7.30-News, the husband. I KA A . i 645 .519 509 1723. E. Escott 149 1~7 193 529 at Sault St~ :.Jarie. lut · turn


loll ~y[QR BASKETBALL: CIVIL SERVICE- St Bon's Defeat 202 219 A r A d r . HR. GRACE: 234 •. , 1 '· 0 005 Pat's Edge Curtis In 2 Overtinles; · •e wo WmS ::~o!Yc!n~ge IJ~. "Caps" Hold

3~7195 ~·I·· ·u~rds 1.:1 Lose To Ho·ly Cross 50 - 49 In• Last Night's Games legtatepo~;t ~~~; hockey ~ovs~~~~~~toln~e~~~r.i as they defeated I' G uar d s T0 2 2 T.Ie 158 • . P , , . MENTAL. BUCKMASTER'S TIE· HEALTH DOWN Bishop Feild 5·1 &t the Arena· • 2~3 ,.,ta . ,·r..., .wd St. at ~ look · I\ nil Dalton and Ed Denier re· regiatered 28 points In the sec· ' yesterday afternoon Th · I ' 138 t·..... ,.r.t lll't<1rtes orcr Gua~ds c;i1•ed 4 with Gerry Maher get· ond atanza to give Crusaders a C.N.R. 7 • 4; C.N.T. DROP COUNCIL 7 • 3. gives the Bluegold~ 10 ~ 0 ;~~~~ I Conception Bay ho~key [ansi The Guards held the lead 1071 im :;rn· at the Cru~aders ' tl~g 2. Ted Quigley scored the :Kl-f9 win, The Civil Service Ho k . . and the regular series play to were trcat.e~ . lust noght to· a, and. put up a atrong defensive ~ l' t''< ~rnH~r Bt-s~etball wmn_l.ng bas~et. For Curtis Jim MacDon!Wd was tops for League held Its weekly se~i~~ I ~al~~Y w~~\ire?thW~rwell !1~- spot. Prince of Wales have ~;hockey cxlubt~IOn ga.me betll:een agamst Howie Meeker and hi.s, 222 ,llfi .. :·•'","'! • t s s~con.•~ :llamwe Martin picked up 11, Holy Cross in the opening of games last ni ht at the. ~~g at . . wt torcw ge points but only have a single' the St. Johns Jumo~ Capt!als boys, Coach Meek~r was In um· 222 ··lt.t.e·· ~ 1 .ot > edged l urlts Joe Rogers had 8. Henley frame with 11 points George Arena. Mental tifs ita! and Iling the ns_stst. In the second contest left and therefore can ' and the Guards semor 'qu:nl form and took his turn with 198 '"!"' ··' ·~:".t:'' 1 th.at_ ~a~~· ~wo ~loo~s h~ 8, Clayton Collins Sorensen had 6, Robin Short Buckmasters battled pto a 5.5 Galway regtstercd from ,Walsh Ionly .come up with 8 points. whtch ••nded in a two·~oal tie th_e Capitals defence. It was 172 ~ ·'.'' ·.u:\ llol~ lr~~s Jllsl antll_harhe C~aytor had 4, ~lor- came up with 4, Cee Joy reg!- tic, National H~ulth defeated and March at 7.0? and \\ hltt~~ Bishop Feild ;,re in the cellar before over flltcen hundr~d wt!b. less than four minute_s ~12 · ·rt' ;.:1.or ·~ 50·49 111 IIH ·ley t or1!'. l'ro>s mo~ytl Graham Snow had 1. 1.' For Guards George Taylor Itheir first win with a 7-3 v~:. f?r Health. Carew from Wor·! teams, St. Bon'~ md PWC, will' The ~a me was the. fir.,t ap-, tais. got the tyin~ goal 1\'lten . , • ' •'' ... t·~trst place ~Ht.~ Joe Rogers of the !osers was potted II, George Crewe netted 1 tory over City Council. \\ell got the CNR marker at meet ln a best 0f three games' pear:m:e nf St. ,John: ho.ckey agmn Do~ny La~·Jor and Rossi­ -'· •. ·' .:•"' , 11 htlc St: I <·t · top scorer with 24 w1th Wjtlter 5, Don Winsor and Frank •MENTAL vs. BUCKMASTERS 3.47· . 1 series for the championship. . t~leht m t~c. modern hr. c.race t~r combme~ wtth Lawlor hlt- 2~8 lir ·•, ' ,;,,t ~pot. 11 ~ with Dalton of the Irish fietting 15. Skiffington had 4 with Jim I Mental Hospital Ia in with· In th~ !mal frame Health got! Five members of the winners Ccnt~.r hem:; mana~cd by for-, tmg the twmes. ' 167 ( ..• ' :· h~l:r .a sm]:!e 11'10 Henle)' Moores of Curtis had Browne getting 2. Iout coach Ralph 80\:se\~ re I· th;·ce With ~awr~nce from Gal: I got In on the scoring as Tony I mer St. ~Jim~ Stadtum ~tanager: The game w~s cleanly fought 263 !'Iii;·".· ,.,,atd, are ,econd 13 and Ted Quigley of St. Pat'• The final half had both Istered a final frame tall ~o w~y at 2.22, Whttten f~om Dal I Manning and Eric St. George Lorne \\akehn. 'thor?ughly wtth both teams 34 \ 202 i,'IIJ 1 :· .. '· • , got, 12., Isquads with 23. Guards got hold Buckmt.sters to / 5.5 , ton and Ivany at 3· • Thorne 1 both had a go&l and an a~sist, Don Lawlor of the Juni~r playmg the rubber all the I 220' ,lRll' ''· ST. P.\T S LI~EtPS: theirs on 11 by George T!lylor Ideadlock. Mental were t [ I on a pass from. Walsh and IBob Marshall, Leo Lannon and C~ps lias the h•:: hoy for hl,; way. R~ferees Ted Withers and ! 1098.:: :.·. ,,, .... out front 33· ST. PAT'S-Waltcr Dalton, 17 by George Crewe, 4 by Len 2·1 at the end of the ~rrst r~~t Lawrr~~e unasstted at 14.32.; Bern Myrick registered ~Ingle s~.wd ash~ conr.cctcct fm· both Joe Smtth called only one pen· ;, . ~-· · ·: ": y mark of thr 1~: Ted Quigley. 12; Gerry !Walsh and 2 b)' Jim Browne,!' Bucks came back with fot;r I F?r !:N R Cl)rew scoretl frol!l tallles and Brian Wakelin drew t.~th.es whtle Ed V~tcher and 1 alty In the contest and that was B 18R ;: i· .. ,. ' .: l urtB canw llnc~ ~li\hrr, 9; Ed Denlef, 9; John I and Don Winsor. ~·or Crusad· middle stanza markerH to take \\orwell at 0.28 and Pike ~egt- an r.ssist. Bob Vallis got the \\ ~ll'~n ~ngl?nd r~gt~tcrrd for' to Doug w.oolgar of the Guards ~ 188 . ., , '!\<• CIH'Oilntrr ,5ij- l'hnlc. 8: Krv 1\!cGrath, 6;! ers Robin Short had 3 points, a 5·4 r.dl'antage going into the stercd on a pass from Bemtster lone msrker for r'eildians with '~h\(,umls. fhe !:apilals held who ":as. g~ven two minutes for 1 10 0 ~ 177 '· ' ,,f a .n•,ul.lllo.t D!ln t.lldney, 6; Frank Dolton, IGeorge Sorensen registered 6. 1 nnal frnme. ~!ental got the only at ·~i>USCII CNT Rhodie Mercer picking up the first f lend ~J th~ e•;<~ of 11!hr lnghstlckme. 3 ~12 II\_. three nHnutc Ol'er- Doug Clancc~·. Jim M1cDonald got 4 and John score in the third lor the ti!•. , ' ' v~. . 1 assist. It was a 2-0 encounter m~e ~1 ten aw ~r Ia ted B 163 'I'•'. ,•l~·.rcd before the Cl'RTIS-Joe Rogers, !4; i Gr.Iway picked up 3. i ~toore from Rogers got the .. CNT came up wtth thetr flr~t Iafter the opening frame, 3-1. ~'tl~co•mllhl~) mark lltth To.m· I.lNl':T!l'S :l 929 '.'1' dMC contest 65· Henley 13; Maurice George Taylor of Guards had I tnlly lor Bucks at 4.03 of the after the second and St. Bon's rcdli \ll:h GUARDS-Thistle, B. Gooble, In~ ~loorel, I ~\~n ~~ \~e~ d~fe~te: ~~~~o~nctll th~ a~·::;~r g·~·~m~ 0 011 111 ~lnrlin. 11: Morley Ford, 4: 19 points for top spot In the I first but Ted Smith from Coa!ll' · · ar te ~IllS ·a ree added & brace of tallies In the hatllc ~; 11• ih (' e c '~ ~ lt · Howell, C. Jvany, D. Chaulk, :' . , h.1cl 11 points to l'layton l'ollins.4: Charlie Chay. scoring column. Robin Short o! I at 14.00 and Peddle from Ru;. rf the I fi.nal frame to account for their thr .. R. Skin•ing, L. Crocker, D. 1 C~u~~l ~~rk~rs. Ho~: 1 ~ ~idrlrc 'i,~;:~I: \~.~~h~~k !' .• ·nth~ first >tnn1.a tt.r. ~: Graham Snow, 1. 'Holy Cros• was next with li,. scli and F!lrdy at 14.55 had oser~ p a~e WI ou . h 'ftl•e goals. e ualizer lth n Erl V c \\'oolgar, W, England, D. Lock· ·~ l· ' had 6. aurl t.;crry IIOI,Y CROSS 1'8. GUARDS Jim MacDonald of the winners IMental out front after the fir~t ~lec.i.cr S~h~ h a;co;pan;ed Htare I Both goalies played well. Bill aqpa« from rRal~h ~ trhrrl ton~ hart, R. Rowsell, F. North, J. ; .. t:,l Dcnicf harl 5 Defending chr.mps, HoI y had 15. I Ducks got four goals in th~ bumorG . o n s aps o 'I Sullh·an, the winning nctmind- beat "l'hnJJman 'for • ;"'e 11 atn' Peters, E. Vatcher. · ~ •, .. ,if)' l n·~i~tcrcd 4 l'ro•s:· • J'u•t• edged Guard s "co · LINEUPS : 1' second. Kmg· unassisted at 1.00, our race. 1 er ' had . n0 c. h ancc 0 f ~ Pr-y 1 on The Gua1rls' '

·' 'h <·umr,tf or ~I. Cro.~ hr.il a 24-23 edge In the 6; Frank Skiffington, 4; Len: the second finish at 5·4 for picked np thrPe markers. Con- 1 but had no chance of a play on ,. : 1\f' 'lcGr::th got 6. opcnm~ half and both teams I Walsh, 4; Jim Browne, 4. : Bucks. ~!ental got the tie at. nors from Clarke at 3.50; Con· i any ~f the oth?r fm!r. He kit'k· Dunlops Register ·---- 19.07 of the third with A. Smith: way unassisted at 5.16 and i e~ 2a St. Bon s .drtl'e~ to one • 1 getting his second from Peddle. , Dug~an on passe from Barron' stele a.nd had qutte a few fine !Ill Cur IIng Ne\\'S There were three penalties' and Clr.rl!e at 11.19, J.ewh was i cl~se In stop~. . Secotld called to each team. 1 back a~ain for Council at 7.421 rhe gam~ wa~ slow 1nth both ! lu -v-ictory HEt\J,TH vs. CNR of the third with an unassisted I teams trymg to m;:.ke ev~ry TOlo.'IGHT National lfer,lth downed CNR goal. For CNT Art Murphy regi-, score a pictur.e pia)'. St. Bon's , i-4. It was a 1·1 tie after the; stered at 4.40 on a pen,,Ity shot had the edge m play but ~eem- . , . . . . 1 . • . ks Down Boston; lllftrtotcll ElimillationJ 1 i first; 3·2 for Health at the end, and at B.42 on a pass from Dug-, eel to hal'c trouble in getting'. ~!11t~l!IO:\. f:ng •CP• -· C'an·' Bn~h~on s reststance crumb_led -7.00-9.00- of the second. I gan. The final goal for the win· the pllck to the Bi;hop Fetid ad~rt' IIOr!d l~?ckl') 1 ~1111 dctc~\'''~ 1~loll'ly ~~ the 'econd f~ame. 1.wo •t M t Iy• 1 Baine• VI. Wylie, j Bill March !(RI'e Health ;, 1·0 ners came &t 14.17 whit Power' goal mouth. They were >topped n.n~hton T~.,ers 8·-' Thur;d~~ , ~o~ls h) Jack McKenz•e. the first • I. Lush va. LeGrow. lead t 4 35 f 1 tt', th f Cl k I on manv plan at the Fciln"l. 111 , no;:ht for lhcor Sl'Cond s.raoghl I'IC· ..lh1le a home nlaver sen·ed a p~n- a .. on a pass rom ; ge mg e ~core rom ar c. . · '· · ' · · • • R .· · ·J ,. 1 1 . · · • : tro I 0n rea Ie Stentalord va, Hall. ' _____ blueline. The lo>crs g;.\'c th<· 1llll olcr a 1111,1 :>atlona at) for mterrerence. anOno .. Strd 1 'I' -Chic:1~o up~et .Jrrry Toppnzzlnl got tht. lone Hermanson \'S, Hickman. I Bluegolrls most trouble on one Hockey Lca-;u.e cluh. hy Harry Sinden put the garne :. · ··•r a ~hare or ,.c. Ro~tonscoreona40·footalapahot Norrl1 n. Goudey. BANT' AM LEAGUE• and two man breaks and dis· Rut ll•r 1\htthy. Ont .. •:ontend-.out of reach. :,· '· I 1 rhumlay night on in the middle period. -9.00·11.00- .t'1 • played a fine back checki!tg cx- cr> for the w~rtd hockey tttle hnd Jean-Pat.tl Lamirandr, ~agnon • .. • "'goals an!l 5cn~a· DETROIT lCP> - Both goals Tiller \'1, Buller. hihition. They had the act1·ant· to hu~tlr ~~amst a ft~htt~g ~lub and Gord•el\lyles scoed m the ~.,····,rtn~ h)' Glenn Hall. catnc early·~ the Detroit Redj Bell Island Eliminations 1·a~:e in play in the later .ltages tl~a~ lt:rd only w men a~:amst,ll~al penod befor~ Fred Dennr Wl·ngs Take Opener 1 ··r .~.' llocke~· Lea~m· Wings took sole pcsae5slon of -9.00·11.00- of the ~rcond period but were '\\ Iuthy s 16 and never stopped po_cked up second coal for •;• ·.nnr~~ed b~· 11.1Bi third place in the National Winsor va. Go11dey, ! out passed and out skated in tr,·in~. Ttgers .. . 'a•:• Hockey League by holding Mon· Thompson Yl, McDonald. the rest of the contest. The C'anadian•. "ho looked The T1~er~. who app.eared to ' ·~r Black Hnwk~ n treat to a 1·1 tie before 13,437 Baines vs, Weir. 1 Leo Lnnnon started the goal mud~ more comfortable beating k~ow everz mch of thetr under- :~ :~e first period and Thursda)' night. Hermanson va. Rockwell. B Edgl M getting at 1 40 of the first llarrml!ay Racers 6-2 Tuesdar stzed Ice surface, pepptrated ,.reencd drh·e in thel Dickielltoore,thelcalue'slead· MIXED BONSPIEL, y lng ercury •he took a b.iuehne pas f as night. had the worst of the play Whltbr's defence regularly m~orrd the Chica~o ad· ingscorer, cot his 30th goal on a SATURDAY, FEB. 8th ITony 1\J:.nning and bla~te~o~ in thr first period. . . . throughout the . game but Ed· • :·lm 'first-period power play to give 10.30 hard low shot into the t They reached the ftr winners oubhot Bishop • Hmy Lumley had 1R. of the way and Detroit built a 1\lrs. B. Cannon Mrs. Wills f?r the hon~urs for the third ' 3 to 3. Mcrcu~ys. started to Feild 8-3 in the first. • , , I rom 8 scramble in, Hlim rnarsln, 32 to 30 In th' 1hool· lime, by noamg out the Mer-' press for the wmmng goal and! Hob \'alii.~ go! Feildians clo.,r F "I T N PI \;.23 of t.o8ing per·: ing. On!}• in the final period did c. Roel!well c. Hall cury~ 4 to 3. . ! were near!~' successful on sel'·' at 2·1 at 2.30 of the middle aI 0 ame ayer iu~ Morison·~ lonv shot \both ~ides play cautiously. F. Hue T. Dunne Wmgs, under the GUidance of era! occastons except for the 1 period as he took a pass from · jabs b~· Eddie etitzen· 1 Referee Red Storey call~d only Ill. Camell I. Carnell coach lllikc Murphy ex-player 1 head ups goal tending of Er:~ i Rhodie ~lercer and fooled Bill Ted l.indsa)' had been . se\'en penalties, 'ell minors. Only D. Breen T. Griffiths of the Wings for the past two! t;regory who fouled several, Sulliv;on with ~ high rorner h II f I a week ago these same clubs seasons, picked up an early I good scoring chances during the' shot. Eric St. George was •N ' f 1 T T H 0 IE• .md period blast was' slagecl R pitched baltle In Mon· W, Hermanson . '!. Hiscock lle.ad as they look I 1 to 0 lead I last period. Pat De Burke wrap- up by Brian \\"akelin at 12.55 0 e a ame ·~ ,econd~ later, by a 'tre3! with R. M. French J. Burgesa With just twent)' seconds gone' up the game for the Wing~ with: of the ~econd to ~ive St. Bon's 1 o!' the stick of defence· i Goalie 'I'erry Sawch~k \\'ftS De· C. J. Memer W. Sheely· fn the fir~t period. Roland Bar· 1 just under two minutes left In' !Jack thrir two gor,t erige with ROSTO:\ Al'' - The Ea;ebali each drew 00 1·otes. 1 . T:.omson. It was onl>'! trolt's standout, pnrttoularly In !lin. Bartlett Mrs. Smith 1 rett taped in Aubrey Boncll's i the game as he banged fn' St. George getting the third \\'ritcrs Association of Atncri.ca · Th~re are 8.1 former p. a)'crs .,,. ',1r ~cason tally in 13 the first neriod when he made 17 M HI k M B d j pass. llercury~ 11fter getting off 1Heath's pass to end the scoring 1 Bluegolrl tally. f:uicd to elel'l ll former .nu]or I now m the Hall of Fame. In Ute :1~;. :nf. ! stop~ including several brilliant Mn, P' scoeh J r;i· ~Y to 1 slow start came to life at in the ,c:ame with the Wings 0111 R1shop Fetid J(a\·e 8 fine di•- league player to the Hall of Faml', last election in 1956, conduct~J by ·''· who had two as· on~s against the line of Henri RrsB Jte~~ M. ~~~n~~'the 2.30 mark ns Bill :-lose· top4to3. :play of passing 111 the second for the lim timP since 19<0, it[thebaseballwriters,HankGreen- 1~!!: A t41, ·lt ~· · ·:·'s Junior Capi·l appear In uniform wltb tbe M M the .he but play1~g a tight de-! League IS scheduled for Tues-1 five seconds remaining in the I number of I'Oies wilh lOG. He was, and 1943 Hurwitz said. 1 · · ,,. •: : ht Guards to a Juniors. Mrs, Luter w'· •oyse fens1ve game, Wmgs received i day'afternoon when at 4.30 p.m. I contest as Bern Myrick sl<:p· 1 roll01rrd by Ed Roush. o~e11rr.r l'nder the rules, a player must 1 ... ' •. : llr. Grace last Tonight's game l1 10heduled ;r, PariOnl M · ;'atson the best chance of the game at! Reds and )1aple Leafs of the 1 ped a low shot from the Feild· ::-.~cw York Giant otnrielder '''i 1h, have played in a period SO Y£111~ I' a· ·' '·abition game will I for eight o'clock 1harp. Mrs. Levlll rs. ;r arso~~ :the two minute mark of the A Section will meet. ians blueline and It slipped be· 112. ; before the voting ll!ld stopped •~ }'rildian senior R. F. Martfll ' Gre period as Mercurys were hand- PEE WEE PRACTICE tween Summers pads at 14.55 ! Charlry Red Rulfinl!. former ;playing fil•e years be!ort the '· • '' :ng at the St. 1St p ' F i}d M M B tl 'cd a penalty as :\Iarsh went off SCHEDULE John BuckiQ. of the Bluegoltl:: Xcw York Yankee pitclwr, re-: election. . .ltc .. ,,, ~I Stadium. I • at S· e ~rs. ~!:.on M • ~··N u er' for two minutes for tripping but I 4 00 p.m. :'tit. Cas he! and Spit· got the only penalty of th~ ceh·ed ~9 votes. llnck '''tl5on. . ThP;r~fore In thl~ year'• ·.'Oltng ! •r , apitals under the 1A H G A. Dunne rsM. ~!riTa~! were unable to capitilize. fit·es. lt~atch ~t _7.15 of the third for ,one:l~~e C~icngo, Cubs .. ~~·. . ~n ehgtble player mustltave been I d M MD ld Wings went ahead again with 5.00 p.m. Infantry and Sap- htgh stlckmg but Bob lllurphy Ktkl Cu)ler .. 11h~ sta ... d f01 1tn the ma.1?r league~ afU>r 192~ o: . '! ~II)' paid coach ' t r. r ace IMlu Gar Ill n. c on a just forty-five seeond gone in ! pers. /8nd Bern Myrick turned in ~orne . man)' YP?I'S ~1'1\h PlttsburJ!h, a.nrl i an.d couldn t have played aft,r . 1: ... , •r pla,·ed their j Ifine defensive hockev. and Bill formrr \\ ashmgton star Snm Rtcr 19.,~. ' i . . " ~ame. last ni ht . Another exhibition lloelley Goe. Horwood Mn. Conroy _ __ _ ------up with ~ _ 11tie /l!ame is scheduled lor Harbour Mr~. Wylie H. Wylie Sullivan made twn nire 8aves ,, . 22 Grace on Saturday night wltlt Yrl. Dunne W. Urlwln TED WJLLJA JL{S• Ito hold Bishop Feild from scor· BAS'DBALL ,, !entor squad. St. )'at's and Feildlanl ol the H. Buckhlaham ~ill King 1YlJ • ing. The winners out•hot Feild- .J!.J : -- · lnnior Caps will St. John'a senior league facing Sparu: A. Crane, Mn. Wake· • !~~~E~~E~ the final frame. I· 'loln SPnlors and o!!. All Irish playen lrl re· lin, Ml'J, lleld, A. lloyd, w.l Stgns Noel Vinicombe and Joe Sf q Baseball's Best : ''' a night at Hr., quested to meet at the Stadium Whuor, H. :Roberti, ·Mra. D. , s · , .., ' .;,riJ ~leeker will! not later than 3:00 p.m. 8atur· Clouston, Mn. Stoneman, K. , L~~~UPS: • Louis Handling '-- · - ·-·---- day afternoon. Clltlven, Fred Snow, llfrs. S'r. BON'S-Bill Sullivan The Felldian lineup Till not Sparlrel. Bern Myrick, Bob 1\lurphy, :'llik~' released up to pres• time but Play Contract Wt.th Sox G"lway, Hugh McGettigan, Tony 0 ut Increases St. Pat'l will have Bob Volaey lllanning, Brian Wake lin, Bob, Pay Iin goal with Stone, Kenny, Ch h S • BOSTON IAPl _Ted Williams "I don'l feel any different than lllarshail, Bob Godden, Leo' ST. LOt: IS !AP•-The St. Loui~ ;l'ine said with a smile. H~OKES : Pltel~n and Greene on defence. UfC efVICe Thursday signed what undonbt· 1 did 10 years ago. No, I didn't Lannon, Eric St. George, Bruce Cardinals. handing out pay raises IMUSIAL TOPS LIST IOn the forward line wlll be edly Is baseball's best playing ~ay that I think 1 can go on In- MacDonald, non Butler, John' that put at least a slight dent in I Xearly one-fifth of the Cardinal t :J\NADIAN Jackie Wlthen, Joe Murphy, B }"n LeaJnJe contract, his 18th agreement to definitely. I wouldn't set a date IBuckle. Icoffers of· the brewery owners,! payroll will go to S7 • yer ... old PERSONNEL Jim Byrne, Frank ll!urphr, Lloyd OW 1 g l'l- play for Boston Red Sox. Estim· when I might quit playing. I say BISHOP FEILD-Henry Sum-, Wednesday became the ftrst n:a·l Stan l\lusial, who was r a a Kelly, Charlie Walsh, Gordon JfONDAY, FEB. 10 ates of his 1958 salary range to 1 feel wonderful and feel I can do 1m~rs, Bob Noseworthy, John. jor league club to sign all tis I$20,000 boost to a repor!P.•I ~100,· Breen, Tom Rossiter and Mau· SECTION A $135,000. anvthlng I could do five year~, Wm!er, Lou Miller, Bill Win· players for 1958. , . ooo, making him the highest paid rice Colbert. 1.JS p.m.: Williams, amiable 85 your best ago. I'll play just as long as I ; s~r, Nev. ~Iiller, ~an Tulk, Fred The Cardinals. a mon_e>:-~akmg) player in National League history. Alleya 1 and J-Gower Street friend and appearing severe! can. Rtche, Bob Valhs, John Dow- club last season. m hmshmg il An estimated 40 per cent Ill it 'S Srs. ve. St. Marta: years younger than the 40 mark "Yes, I'm happy about my ncr, Roger Pope, Kev Spencer, close second to )hlwaukee for the i will be dividecl among Akin SL Bon Alleya II and II - Salvation he'll reach in August, chatted contract." Rhodie ~tercer. National League pennant, wtlll Dnrk and Del Ennis who will re· ArmY YJ, Coehrane Street. with reporters for mpre than an About first base? SHOTS ON GOAL: have a pnyroll of more than~· ccil·c ncar!~· $40 ooO each Wally . p.m, hour. "J don't know about first base- . 11st 2nd 3rd Ttl. $500,ook o. th , • d th Moon: who will· be paid a 're· .Ce Tom" ght 8 30 1 1 s 11 3 1 Practl Alleya 8 and 4-ltlrk l'l. Ill. Williams had spent that much it wouldn't look good n left field. u IVan · · • · · !l 3 l5 "I . now at 5 a rccor or e 1ported $23,000 and Stan th M The St. Bon'• aenlor hoekey Thoma~'. time In conference with .Toe If five years a~o I knew l'_d still Summer~ ..... 8 6 11 25 last f~ve yea~s and. ~es, probably! Manager Fr~d Hutehinso~ Is:~: 9 45 p m • Cronin, Boston general manager, be around I mtght have trted it. , the ~tghe~~ m ~he h~story of ,the liel'ed likely to draw more titan team will hold a workout' this 'All • "1 and 1-George St. before his signing was announced. But . a lot of goo~ players haver ., Cardmals, smd Bmg De\ me, $35.000. evening atlrt.lng at til o'cloek 1 el: Michael'• Sald Cronin: trie~ it and haven t been able to ISBC-PWC who succeeded Fran~ Lar.e as Dick !\Ieyer, executive \'ice at tht St. John'• Memorial Sta. lileya' 11 and e:...wtsley vs. "It gives me pleasure to all· do tt, general manager dunng the off· president of the Redbirds and an dium. Cathedral. nounce Ted has signed with a "My strength Ito the elub,l Is J • C II season. . I official of Anheuser • Bu h I Team manager Jim Vinleomba SECTION B raise which Is deserved .... It's offensive. I admit I don't make UDIOr 0 eue .The club .also was the hr~t to which 011'05 the club, h~s ~f~: requests all playera to make a 7.7! p.m.: easier to deal with a ~88 hitter some plays In the field but I b stgn all of tts players last ~ear, closed the Cardinals sh ed . apeclal effort to attend. Alleys 1 and 4-Gower st. ITed's 1957 averagel 'ihnn any don't think I let In too many St. Bon's ploy Bishop Feild under the general managershi~ of profit of$! 085 000 ber : 0 0( · , 1, Salvation Army. other kind of a ball pia ·er If you runs." in Junior Intercollegiate hock· Lane, who now holds a similar $2iO ()(){) las't s~ason ore uo p.m.: fellows were as good~ fin'ar.ciers Just .to set the writers straight, ey at the . Arena this after- ]1ost with the C\el'eland _Innians. ' · Aile 1 and t - Cochrane as he Is you'd all be better base· he qmpped: noon. The Blucgolds have al· , The last of the Cardmals ~ 0 Mrs. Swachuk Stre~t1 VI cathedral. ball writers." "I'm looking forward to a ready taken the championship· come to terms was catcher Hobte, IJAMILTON ICPl - Ra)'lftopd Alle 1 11 ' and 6-St. Mary's pleasant summer. I'll be as fair while the Feildie.ns are in the iLandrith, w~o was given a mod· I Buckley, approached for aid sat. Fil es FOr Di VOrce vs §t. DIVId'a , BIGGEST DEAL EVER? as I can with you guys. If I don't cellar tied with PWC. Game est raise to an estimated S12,00?·1 urda)' by two strangers, bouJbt 9 45 · p m • ' Asked whether the contract was hustle get on me. But just be- time is 4.30. Landrith, who hpd sent back hts them meals and later poured PONTIAC, Mleh. (AP)-The · Alleya "a-4-St Thomu' vs. the biggest ever In baseball, cause I might hit .280 in Mav first contract offer, agreed to Idrinks and bedded them down at wlfe of soelle Terry Sawchuck Wt1ley ' Cronin gave the customary: "We don't sav I should he benched. By TilE CANADIAN PRESS terms ln a phone talk with De· his apartment. Sunday, he told of Detroit lled Wings filed anJt ' never divulge figures." "The first ~uy who writes some National League \'IM. police, he found his new friends for dlvoree. Jolllph r. l:01llr, cou11ael for WIIUams, who has onen clashed detrimental thing. something un- Montreal 1 I?etroit 1 "Hobie is selling cars in De· gonP. and with them one left se The sail, with aJ1 lle~l11 Mrs. Pat Sawehuek, Circuit verbally wlth reporters, delivered falr, that hurts the team, don't Chicago 4 Boston 1 troit and said he was set to com· n $80 record player and a disc ;;;::::::~====~~" supprea~~ed, waa flied In Oak· Ju4re Fnnk L. Dot1 liped the theae opinions In a gracious man· come around me - and that's Qusf!ec League plete a package deal for somejlabelled Why Not Take AD of llllcl co1111ty dreult court II)' 1uppresslon order, ner: · no-- -." Chicoutimi 1 Shawinigan Falls 2new cars when 1 called him," De· me?.


't ..ow.·

. j. li H;: •JACOBY !. 1, i j ': Gro1 ' ' ON BRIDGE I i :: ROGERS I ·,• tll!ri.ICATI\ rt.,\ Y The [ 'I liAS UII'FERt;NCE '1, • ~oRK (APl-The P ' '• : \I: ; R\' OSWALD JACORY . once the hall01 ' I 1 . I ... TOUA Y'S hand taken Irom i the NeW York hasel il j lite recent N;,tional Champion· I will gu to the dogs-: .. , ships ;how~ the difference hr.· i Ariz .• race track OJ ' ~ ' MAJESTIC , twrcn rubber bridge anti dupli·~· his wa)·. . I'· catr pia)·. funk. who hca~ls 1 • All South pla)·rrs cho;r. to · Racing Inc .. dtsclu :' II' ' I oprn one no·li'Ump rather than II for converting It. I·'· one •padr. ~nd all North pi~Y· baseball stadium inl er~ r~iml to thi'Cf. · : . ,AW, (.i.o.ON,JIJ~JE! enclosed track ,I ' 1': ' VU-M.ATIC T.V •. FOR '58 \\'r~l wnuld oprn hi~ lourlh ; ONE LITTlE KISS ·J DC\'J'r J.1AVE L~ I ·' bcsl hc~rt and South would t A 1-lEAI'ER IN WILJ.... BE OI!:AY! ' ,·. ~:ather in the trirk with lhc : IMV C~- OP. .., . Enjoy the finest in sight and . ten. AI lhis point rorrcrt ruh· : • L WOULDN'T .... . her bridge tactics would he to I ' ASK.' ' I ~o right afler lhc fil•e rard ..... sound with ROGERS MAJESTIC spade suit and lhosc dcclar· '. ers who did that would wind · up m<·king , four no-trump. ; """'"'' ... a dr:.l f11r rr TFLEVISION. When you choose Those who wanted hettcr things : of the par!'. r, 1;, dati~ i' lktTHl simply led a diamond at trick : ta " 1 . . two :and finessed dummy's ten.l funk saH 1 111 " p:·• ·: Rogers Majestic Radio or T.V. "o~l , The way the cards lay this 1 ..'\alurall,· ·,u· · forced East's ace but it didn't fi ·huihlilll! pl:.t:- ' you are assured of every · rer.lly matter too much if it . :~ppron•rl 11111 '"" lost to th~ jack. The point is 1 • th'."' i that East invariably led back : . dog 1r;:cl;; i" I his iourth best spade. South and > hor'<' I modern feature made possible 1 AVAILABLE ON Orr. llr i.• al.-11 NORTII %7 lor grr,dwund r:1 by advanced electronic engin­ 4193 \l'rst Palm ll<·a~h EASY TERMS ., K n; Jlraclt, fla . t K 10 7 6 Au,;lin. a Brool;)l eering, brought to you at t!tA9~3 in\ruclucf'd a hi WF.ST E,\ST • ,J ~ 8 ;,cmhly '"'' n: "'QB11 prnnil pan >Pt 'IQ.I4.1~ ¥ R r, budget prices. on dn~~ a~ 'rt·:l ,,_. oil ·' ,; ~ +A Pi ."''~ ;n olo.lR.\2 hor:-.t' L1t"t'•. '·'· liOlTII I Ill Till' hill i .11 · "" .. •t\KIOfil - ¥ A 10 6 + QR3 o1o K 10 \a~:-itll 1 1 ~

1 : Portable Radio Q-The bidding has been: 'South West North East i • 1 + Double Redbl. Pass 2 + 2 • 4 + Pass You, South. hold: .6 'lA 6 5 +K Q 8 7 8 4 I' I I Here at last is a "tubeless" Portable. The latest in electronic .K 6 4, I : What do you do? I ' . · A-Bid four no·trump, If your I• I . achievement, seven powerful transistors replace the bulky, partner holds one ace onh' yo:t I II: If A compi• :.· ,;.,r o will be safe at five diamonds. 1 ' ' he holds two aces you want to At:TO ACIT'''';:;i fragile conventional tubes, giving you amaxing range and be In a slam. West'5 double h always 111 -•· .: ob1·ioush· either distributional Ill AI. !Ill I 11 or pure· bluff. BUG5 BUNNY power in a set no larger than an ordinary portable. Perhaps TODA\''S QUESTJOS Your pal'tn~r respond~ Iii·~ ~pz.rle~. thereby ~howin~ thr~r. '·i EUlER ! I'M HEllE T' PICK UP its greatest advantage is the economy of operation-from 500 ace~. What do you do now? I I. 'IER CLEANIN' ~ I ' Answer Tomorrow I ··' I ' .i to 1000 hours on an ordinary $1.35 lantern battery. ,j... I I' I I SEE AND HEAR IT TO-DAY AT OUR SHOWROQMS I I •BARBS .I ' I I' ' I j BY HAL COCHRAN I I I RECENTLY we saw an anti· : :I I ' que horehair stuffed chair and ' I' I now know why great • grandma E~D BAKERY I I wore six petticoats. ·I' ' I THE Fl~EST RRI' ·r ' I I • • • CAKES nnd PAST! ' ROGERS Some men are smart enough Made in !\ewfound . ~ : ' ' . ,; ...d lo look at a women and tell Hill O'flll PS I : ,,. ;. her age but don't, if they're DIAL %6G~ ' •,, ~mart. ' {! I •I • • • t The rnMI of the hour or two MATER • 11 MAJESTIC ia the father who waits for his . I il ST. and TOI'S.-1 I 'I' I For al! your Bu'l• (i Requirement~ ,., , I 80161 - SOliS I ,I ELECTRIC I youn-g3ters-ta· ·get diessed -ror j I BUILDISfi .j Sunday school. I ltEQUIREMF:S1 I • • • DIAL 7166 .I Too many pedestrian~ .tan~l · · IIP·tO·da P up for their right~ right in the · RADIOS Merr,-meelint It• middle of the street. I DIAJ, 716~ ,...... ;.~~=---.! A variety of models in a wide FROM range of Radios for any room in Sketches STA'l!O the home. bJ s29.os uP BEN BURROUGHS

Superb tonal quality, advanced electronic engineering and . "GUU ~1UVJo.:S THE PI>!\" ! With God's help t will try j ! to write ••• the dear thin~~ the added advantage of eye pleasing cabinet. Colours ancl of the hParl ..• in ~o ef!ort I' In ~ii'P. thnFP pcrplexrd ... a no.w a.nd Flronger start ... He. LT designs to blend with any decor. mn\'P.S thP pen whPn I rompo~~ I>USTBAI'E · .•• a ver~e on faith and hopP "'::lo~n·dlar!d' < Cl ... I ~ay thd th~e who, -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ll'ord, Obtalnahl chance tn read , .. are washed : - J, COLE!\1.\S with healing soa.p ... when I i • !41 I>UCK\1'0 write tender lines or ln\'P .... c· I G .d I ] I 'Aitenrling thi~ nlPPtin!! w~re "r~. R. ~loulanrl. 3rt!. Jll•nal·i A • . .Captain F. Sw<:>rtland ~ the Bon~\·i~ta Brownie~ . . , · .. and ~how ,'he ~i~hlemr SSOCiahon Hold :1~1. Ronavista ~'ompan)·. Mr•.. Aft., 1• reports werr rr>rl awl \ ·: · The Great Eastern Oil \\a) ... perhap• )OU thmk 11h"t I • \loor~ actm~ ( aplaln of 3rd. · arrPptcrl, the n[ftcrrs of th~ · ·1 · • : l'\·e declared • ~ r- • is just a A }M. • Bonavista Company. ILocal Association were elected ent was given the_ . lofty dream •.. Mid that I fifilla eetlng as follows· • fo,·iJtion, t.~r all thrl.r strive to make this life •.. a Mrs. Cyril Th?mas consued Preside~! elected-Mrs, P. Iassbt~nce given dunng

peaceful happy stream ... this 1 The annual meeting of the to act as Captam of the e2nd.l Hale . I ling Company, Limited may be true, but somehow I ! local Association of Bonavista I Bonnista Company w_l!lch Dis· l · : Aller the mce or , ... believe God moves the . Girl Guides, was hrld latrr part trict C'o~mis~ionpr ~nn hnrl Vicr·Prrsicl~nl N!-<'leclPd - ''err nir~ <·up ~i~~:jon~l 1 1 pen , . , for how rise cnulrl a 1f .J·nuaw at thr homr or ~~r~., hrrn dom~ ~inre CaJ.tam E.. ~Jr.<. B. Hopktn~. ·was .~rnrd h~ nrl "'" man like I , .. send 'beauty 1.1. \\'. HrRih, the Oil·isional .Jenkins lefl in ~rplrnittt•·. );rrl·ctar)' Trea

1 '·" 1, i11 !'hot• rl'l ail t•lirnt~ will usr th~ !i1·e·: ends 011 \Vednesday .-Photo hy Royal Photo Ser\'ice. : l'idual team~. 1 in2 the season. • ., ,, hor>t' tral'k ''"~"'')" huihlinl! on 1\ing su·rct. i . __ --·······------··-·· ______. - .. ---- ... - \ In return, the pla)·ers agreed to· Plal'er rcpresenlattl·es at the . lit- " al•n 1,.. ··tt"s modcll~tl on thr mct·chan· -·---···--- · ·------·-- Uhe mrellng of the lTnlon was withdraw all pendinl! litigation mreting were Fern Flaman .and . , . ,1.,unrl r 01 riu~ ~!i,in~. ~nar~l'~S !!t Cl~icu;~o. nan~:'· HR GRA C'E UNJQN..· held on the night of .January anrl lawsuits against the owner~ .. Don McKenney of Boston Brum~: .. .".II 11 ,.,, •. 11 and .nul ""' \mi•. ~h. I ~pe sa~s., , t .1 :!5th. the request or the Stad-~This included a $3,000.000 ant•·:Ted Linrlsay, Jim Thomson and Fl I 1 ""II s a "hnlcsalr ~hopjllllil pla1.a ium for the loan ol the benches tru~t sui~ . and la~or • re_la~ion.s Gus Mort son •or Chicago ~lac• ' llht·r•· n·tail mrrdtanls can 1·iew M• d d" • i\·~~ approl"ed. board neuhons ftlrd m ~ell \ ork. Haw~<: Rr.d Kelt): and Ale~ Del.· 1 ... ~~~.··':'\1 ,'1 ~ ·~;; all lhrir ~OIIIWS of !I!Jlply undcor Clai·InS ISl' n ei.. s·t all Ing 'l'o fun her pron that the IMassachusetts and Toron:o. ,·ecr·hio of D~trott Red "in!!~. '·''" ' lllll' rwf ~~ onr tunr.' ~ l'nion in qurtsion has faith In ARGCF.D OS' J,!,\V POT:"T . Don~ Han·r~· and Dollard, St. 1 111 .", •• • ·' mnnt h I" om ntrd lo showrooms at a the st~dium, we have a rerhfi· Thr Players Assodalion had m· J.a11rrnt or ~Iontreal C'an~dirns: 1 111 1 ·· p;ll"l a"' " •·o.•t nf ~~OtUll~l. thr fir~t building F s d• rate tn prol"e that our rnion stitutrd legal action art:~ the Rill Garish)' and Red Sulh1·an o! .• .:J '" 1111 :.' .. t \Iii' O(lt'IWO in .lnnuar~·. A ~rr- As To Request I,.Olll ta llliD owns fifty Kharel In the Slad· owners had refused reco~nti.IOn to :'>lew York naMcr~: 'J'od Sloal ·• '-""'''· wlu•·h nud. atl.ioiuin~ building i~ tllldPr ium t[) the nine of $!100 00. not, il on the ground~ thai ritssimtlar ~ncl Dirk Dull or Toronto Maph · .r1 1"' 1111111il· n:n1 t•rsiou Md rxprrlrd In oppn I to rnrntion the indil"iduai taw~ in thr t"nitcd ~tate:< And 1Leaf~. h1· 'inll'llllwr. Spol"l$ E•htor, rt's t"nion. l11r brnl'ltr~ ir· thr lll'llt"ht·~ _to the Stadmm. •hare; held hi' member5 of our, r·anada made such actwn 1mpos- • -- "\II I.\\\" . ··r11~ furniturr pt•uplr in ran· lla"iJ 1• :\rw~ ''"'·-~rnu ,,,.,.,. wnntrrl fn1· 11~1· :\uw Slo", 11 apJl!'ars to me as t·nion. ! sihlr. Eo• · / 1 Jlv THE ("A:\,\JliA!'i I' R ""' , ·~ I"J•""I~ in ;ula h:•ll' hP!'Il lryin~ for yt•ar~ D~nr Srr,- -l'lt•ot;.e aliuw mr 1n \lu• 11 rw llr. c;lk'"r Sla(lium 1! thcr~ i; some per.on or per· :\ow Sir. wh.l" anyone \\OUid: The new •·ounri! ;ril 1 JnPrl ~ · .\mrrlcan l.casue ! . . '"''"'' ~~~ In llm·r a n•1t1rr put up," ~11'. spat·e in ,.11111• l"nluahle (HijlN hy 1!1 H'dorl; Saturday nuwn· ,w·•~ O\rr"·<•nxwus to di~lort tltr. WISh 10 minimiiP 011 r commu· re~IIIM"i)" ~chrdule~lmtP.n·~l· and fl ff •hry ~ : 1 1 1 11 . -I·•I'IH"Ii ;,ht•it i'iiJll' ~ar> '"Plan~ w~rf first 10 h·~· to ;larily, i! 1 ma~ sa~·. in~ . .'tanu~r~ ~:,r1. In my 1·ap· t.·u:h. _ht·l·:m'e .w_tlrn I. went i nit~· ~pir·it i~ beyond mr 1111 . 'on request of either the playrrs 5~ ri~g~iclrl ;r.Clelcland 1 ., .1 lh;1 t tl!rrr •lra1•n in 1937 and in 19H w~ pur· 1 misundrrstanrlin~ pt•e;.cntly ;n·ll.l n• p1e;.Jdrnt of the ~a1t1 tlml!tlollll ~aturrla~ mo1ntng o( :derstanding. _ .. ~ ~-··-- ~--. .. .. Quebec 1-ta~e :. till' i;"' for ··h~-.·d th•· ;.ilr." ·cin·ulalin In llarl;nttl" fol'r,rc. t·niun. I lll)"or.H could nut grant .lanuar;· 2~1h. I heard ~ol1lt>·l . . • ·~iontreal 2 Trois-Ril"ierrs T . tXI'o\!\;SIOS l'I..,S!I · g thi 5 I'NJIII';I, but 1 rlic\ !a~: a\ tnin~ thai gal"e me qmle I. llupang that tht• lrllrr "lnil uahlr ~part. Ontario Stnlor A Thr fir.•l building ha~ ft!I.OOO I On tliP night of .lnnuary 24th· .under. I remain. ... · : n .-\ ll•• "' T 1 1 h 1 " : Pewbrnke 4 Kingston 8

CONFECTIONERY ELECTRICAL FRUIT STORES HARDWARE STORES MATCHES REAL ESTATE STOVES APPLIANCES TIRE E~IPIRE FRUIT STORES RF.ID'S CONio'F.CTIONERY H.\HHI~ & HISCOCK LTD BRYMAY SAFETY NOTICE ITIO~ For the Freshest Fruit In GESERAL HARDI\':\RE MATCHES R. W. bl1R:'IIES Cigarettes. F'rult. let Crtam B:\T~E JOHNSTON Town call f'or Appntl~als ot Rtal E~tatt IN STOCK ! "mpll'lr llnr nf ar·' Drinks. Di,lrihutors for Sunb~am Dislributrcl b.Y 1: r·. lt"CI·:sson u-:s COMI'ANY, LTD. Tmi'IRE FRUIT STORF. Elertrit•al Appliances. FRA!'o;K Me NAM:\R.~ I.Til. and Auctions in pri1 ate BOSTOS BREEZ& Wr Gin Good l!rnltt. lH Patrick Strrrt, Dial !852 homes. ! .,. ' irt stock Agrncy Departmrnl ~por1111g Goods and Sports. Qnr~n St. Ilia! 514~. H OIL BURNERS Ill \I. !lOIII Rowan Strfft. Dl•t 110'4 376 Duckworth St., Dlnl 3911 OIAL 9031' 14~ Watrr St. mat flO% \I"!'DI' fot· 1111 occ·at.nns. ltnmediale Deliary I."OlJR Fill f. IDA !HI:: ! T.nr11tlnn~: ___,_~L-·\1_. :._n1_6 __ Mf.AT MARKETS JOHS D. O'DRII!iCOJ.I, CONTRACTORS DJ·:ALT-:R l'\o. I Bideford Placf DIAL 12711 ------·----- FIRE INSURANCE HEATING JIM .. HIELDS THASI- FOUNDRi LID. ~------IIAI\OLH S:'

meeting Designed For Our Readers' Convenience P 0 tea or ,. Dil'isional ~th ~nil was

! ST.

I ' ' ~---- In thr mattrr or lhr I,,•·t. : Efcn'c ~hip B:•n:omhc is ~hn\\'n fH~I on the rocks on I IS I ~ \ thr inlw:•pit".blr- l't•a.'l or the J,!r. of :'o.lnll. \\'cdnc~dil:· ..f;~nuar~· J:i. The ~hip. 11·ith a en:ll' of :1:1 aboRi'CI. r.;n acrnund in;~ he:'\"' fo(!. Her hull 11·a~ ripper! h1· ih~ rn('ks httt the en lire new 11 ;~:; re;;cttr.rl. most of I '"' ' 2G , :I them --.hip had bct•tJ !he object {l[ a wide 'eat·ch [or :22. hour~ he fore :-he 1 21 :I' ,,,.,~ fnund.·-··' 1>:. Ph•'~\0 •. ---·------··--·------c--·-·---. :'I ------·---·-···------. -·------·-···----

:~ I . --· _, ...... , ...... Datwe At I [ tl~;,-~.-l'o Behave ·Trinity Guides ' ~ .: •I ·OM Colonv ,, . j. In Le2:islature ,Hold Annual v 'll'l .. ,., Thr Pt'D~re<.'i''e 1 nn.

1 ~c>>ion. thr Speaker, Hon ..1. R. of Trinity, held thrir annual • Prinrp'; Orrhr ... t HELP Kl" · .;tand the rules, he declared. On Captain, ~lr~. William Sul!il'an .U I ~ I two ocrllsions recent I)' aftt•r H '~nd Brown 0\\';, ~lr~. Rup.:rt I. motion for adjournnwnt had ~lorri~. 'howed the fol!ol\lng 1.0\'ll!J'\ __ ,·p --· Briti,h in· • "\n Ht•~t·,'.t·: ;r; ~;,:- · dn.;tri:tli.:t.: hart ~twwn in· • c•~)!ol!dl'.'" l"U•t It~ . I' 'bt•t•n made th~ decorum of tlw ~informal ion: trt';.!'>t-tf inlt•re:-:t in t 'anadian ~utmd !n "'•tl chamlll'r had hern brokrn. The B~[J~per~ i~ ~nrl da'. llo •11· satd l'anada 1lo11s~ HUMBERMOUT IJr Jllt•IJlhci'S of lhr ltuus~ or allairs. ~sper.:ill)· llle 111,11'1<'1 rt't't"irt'd 1m~ hu:o-in~:.:~ iJu,uirit>!rt•onrl dass. four t•nHI h• nor< h,,.~ In a.m.-~.\11\TfO\ f':\~H~.:rflt.o\ ...\u~trnli:J--Ill'itbh l't'lllll' '!11iublrr H:m1ltl ;\l:trl•till:m is ~hnwn nrl1lrrssinl!· lh!' ~Ill· n•>l Hk lhr T\Yf;'l1f~··PiR:ht n1P4'1it;,a.~~: l'\'11-l'P Thnnrlt~.'' ;:h~ P\JH"rloc a h;;hy • l(n i.~a p.1n.-rrr wu, dr11t horl~· 'lfHI f'lrlllh :~ftpr lu• 11 a' Jll'l'~<'lllrrl \l'ilh 1111 htmnnH·~· rl••crrr nf rlurto1· of lAW\ h~· tl11• fit"•krr hut •~n •h~arl anrl hP.lcl, ''"' ((lmpan)· and thr•• ,,.,, :\1!211'1. Th• 2~·;·ri11'·~:·1 rl•i!l II'Jih • riJb.' h•• four 1 r.rn.-1:\lll~iTtn' Notional !mployment !1' .. tn~iniA!n An nrrl~rl)' Ho•J!!.'' th• in \Ia~·. · , 011 ~ r.,· h~< marri~~t Jo form~r IHH 1\1'1' II . Sp~akPr rnnrlurl~~. · .,. 11 ·p•~ IJixiP !.<>•. who rl1orl .lu":nr Comr I I - .. ___ Onr r~~io hro~rkalt · 11:~·(;~ fi1·o )·r~r• ago 'i Green r~rlio ~~~linn r.BS \\il~ SA TURD A'f, F~brucr 1 Jo.cloy. I Ra,r .in ,January. T\\'O snrial fun•·· TOKYO . - Ar ·- Th• hp·. 1 1.m.-~r. r \T'I .: tion~ wer~ helci rlm·ing the ,.,~r anr:v- Antarr!ir rxperlilion •hlp .. ~0!001. I\ I Continued from Page 3l One dance in Deremher and a So~·a- rarlioecl that ~hr bro~r in· I' 10 a.m.-f~!:\l.R.\1 woorl. The people seem to roncert, 'l'l'ith the Brownies in :to th~ opt'n ~Pa Thnr>da!· from SK.-\Tl:o."(; II hal'e a misunder~tandlng of the )fay. • I an ice pavk that trapped her ~ p.m.--f~E'iER.\t TTENTI plan. ~lany ~ople think they . The annu~l ChrJ_stmu u~~~- · or 46 da~·~. Tile l:. S. ice­ 6 p.m.-ST. r.\T'S ! are enlttled to ~ssistance slm· hng was agam earned out, wt h , breaker Burtf,n Island, ~tt'am· PR.\l'TIC£. ply because thC!I decide to, the Brownies at .homes ?r.. ing to the rescue, had !~e So~·a·~ II p.m.-SF.SHIR GENERAL move from one set!lement to I fifW!en "Shut-ins • ~n Tnn.Jtl · been expected to reach her : St. Bon's 11. anccthlr. This centralization I when uch was earned a gt!t i Saturdar. 10 p.m.-Cmt\lt:RCf.\L Estimating Service o! 1 schf'!lle ha~ not been fully of fruit and candy. . . , ~;;-;,-;;;-i·-;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;,;-;;-;;;1 · HOCKf.l' anical and Civil En 'i worked out as yet, It must he The Company was. vmted by ' accomr;!i~hed only after verv Divisional Commlss10n~r Mrs GREAT EASTERN SUNDAY. Fcb~uor; General Contractors. I' I I careful planning and on • r~· J. W. Heath of Bonavista manr OIL & IMPORT 8 a.m.-1101.\' CROSS Service to include a llinh ~ .. hool ~tricted scale. The whole times during the. year, as well 1 from initiation to con \ ' i ' ! scheme must be under &trict as !Jo:: Camp Tramer Mrs. Jen- CO., LTO. II a.m.-ST. 1'.\T'~ ~upet'l'ision and in an orderly i kins. Radio, Television Washer~. PRMllfJ:. C01npleted bills of mnnn~r. Tht go\'emment, he: The Jlrownie Paclt has n?w • Refrigerators. Deep Freezers. 10 a.m.-.11'\HIR .\1.1. sources of supply or undeN:tood, had nppointed ' £i!tten Bro"nies f'nntlled, w1th El~ctric Ra!l~er~. u p.m.-~T. r;n'\'S i i' 1 tnglneering problem ' I !I ' I cnnmlittee to look into th~ · Brown Owl Rupert Morns and t loor Poh~hers. rnAnl< r. ' ' r • 1 f · .,. o ·l• \lr• i!o T Gramnphonrs ages offered. . :i ·' : qur.• 1011. anu Je Pit sure thnt two awny 11 • • • · · • · '· ruhlir. Adrlrr;~ s~·~tPms, J.~O Jl.m.-f'lf;I'Rt' I I . mo~t nwmhrrs of the llouS~• Cullnwre and ~lr,, Pho•be \luR· Tape Rrrorden. ~1\ \TI\f. For further infc ' ; would appreriatt! more details ford. ·n•• part he!~ twPnl)'·~!x Rt:I'AIRS ASP st:RYICF. 1.30 p.m.--rtT 1\'H BOX 22 co I i nf lhf plan hefot't thi~ !P< BrowniPs .iointol with tho WATER ST. ~" nt\r.. In st.' H~i·ht•i Fowlow. • .. - '}f ;~~ Jtlilll'• thai the lun~ distance 'l're:.~ur~r Mr•. EIIJ•h But ·. LfG.Hil •· PO'.uuiWf-Jt ' ' 1 . tcJtophun~ line fl'ulll Hatlgrr tu oo1" • CL< 'j: • 1'h!:' suiJ:drlldttt'(' the hridtre nt -:\'lai'\'SI0\\'11, \\'hh·h \\'as buill ln· Grant Mills Spl'ill!(ti:·t~ Wtillhl ~- ""''n fm· ~:qnlplllt>llt oflicrl'· Mn R.' co ... ,..,.y---...,.,-~ ~ or • • , , ) . , ,.. I I :-:'7:-.:;,:;.::..i:....., __...J\o!'~'"'I.!':.!T:J&:.!! . . ,. s79.oo HISIIIt"~·Joi Ju a Wt-f.'l;- ur tWo, lit- ~1. P~tl'~'ms. ·. ,. .. , •• ,,. u. 1o .... ·, ,..,._ ' ..., ;··~··· ONE·WAY l:1sl year, is noll' rcml.1· fur the steel top and the people In the area are looking hoper! that lhi~ line would be. ublic Rrlatlon&- Mr~. F:ric · . , . . Pxt~nrled this year as br as Young, ' i Cheap, Reliable (0',11'111.-lfiJTJ..f.i M[At~ Pioneer Dry : J f ; ~ . :'orward to the bridge being completed so that the people of the two sections 'King's Point and in future • F.xecuih·e Conunitlee -.'Mrs. WM IICIINitlG II All Electricity In and ' : ...1· '. . ; !'Pat'~ down ihr north shore of : Alon7.A Hayttr, MN. A. J. Cull- ~0 TIPPING • NO !XIIAS J ;\;:i of Marystown m11y more e11si1y come together for business and pleasure. Green Bay to Shoe Cove. , more, Mr~. Phoebe Mugford. Around St. John's . ~ .,, .~·,, .. ' , . I DAllY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY }._1958 ·r ,

d'fl' Model Planes Model Ships WANTED : Send lS cents postage or coin for employment with tht KINSMEN T 0 ·DAY ; for the newest catalogue. Beaut!· f,ederal 'Government at

: ful action and colour pietures \i ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., j Newsp~per BINGO CLUB OPEN j All orders sent promptly all j over Newfoundland. \ Auditors,·...... P.•do-d(' AT I O'O.OCK. 1 Write . II\ inc · I UNEMPLOYMENT I PI WhJl• SERIES No. 1N DlAL 90069 Macy's Limited I INSURANCE ;,d no1·. 17 ROWA:"J STRimT, Salary: •hn':-. l · TO-DAY'S NUMBERS \ ! .\.11 I. AUCTION I ST ..JOliN'S : $285.00 · $335.00 a month • ianl4,2m,eod f __ _ I N G 0 -... ·' B MONDAY WANTED 1 Draftsmen . 1.6 lO 12 51 61 I Salary: .«) J8 75 l 18 Newfoundland .S312.5o- $362,5a a montb 15 22 S1 5.4 66 Februa·ry 1Oth I : · Apply to: 1, 26 S8 15 67 .. Pup · c1v1t sERVICE 6 16 , 59 71 1.30 p.m. 1.&. I COMMISSION OF 18 47 69 M J A • l-4 42 10 73 1 rs. . . murray • CANADA " 432 BARRINGTON ST., ' 123 Water Street, 9 H ~~ 52 62 ;25 HEAD '., 65 HALIFAX l St. John's, Nlld. 21 1 I ~' DID1 Dio Dinkii-Ni"Jr. , feh4,5.7 , ltuk1 lpeelaH,.. CHOICE I ------·-·------:111M. to let. I p.m.-1•.•· I ... BrOCJitfleld Jd, ~el. 110018 43 · BUTCHERS 9 I ~~~··~~~~·~b~~~~~~~ ~~ ;-;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;o;:;;;:;;:;;;;;;.***** 1 Cli roa SALE-One 1952 \ N' I JU':'ERS Vanguard sedan, equipped SALESM~ FOR CATTLE! with hntv, detroste.r. Ait NEWFOUNDLAND I Velvet Horn good· tlra Including two wlth headquarters In st. ·~,:,,. ·,': ''· ·. . ;~.- . New battery, John's, by Toronto hou~B· . . . snow tiree. !" ,, ', • hody and motor In good wares company ah·carly well. .. ~ ~ . ' Club . ' . eo~~dU.ion. Price $235.00 established ln Newfound· .. : · , . ~' ' . ' . AUCTION((~~ CLUB OPIN aub. Dial &534-H for In· land. Salary expenses, and ot • • I ~ ~ .I • SWEEPSTAKE ~tlon. commission. Successful ap· In Aid of the lions Club Swimming Pool TO·DA Y WANTED-A general maid, plieant must ha,·e !(ood re· PRIZE S1,000.00 cord as travelling salesman 2 - 1958 METEOR SEDANS 9 to 11 one who understands plain and be hard wol'ker under fln HllP KIN HELP OTHERS a.m. p.m. cooking; two adulu. For forty ~·eara old. Submit ONE TO BUYER - ONE TO SELLER FOOD AT ITS liST appointment 'Phone 2480·A. full particulars In first lrt- in beautiful two-ton-:- fi:1i~h II~ ~·;. f feli7,8 ter. All replies will be I'!:=~~~~~:C:::!!:~IYOUNG DRIVER!! are a)wayl acknowledged and· satl§fac- 50c. a ticket- 3 for. S1.00 ·- ~.S.C:O book of 15 welcome In my Office~ and lory applicants will be in- (One prize per pN~on) " ST. JOHN'S applications fa\'ourably re- terviewed local!)' during 1.50 ' WANTED eelved, based on merit, eover· February by company firld Tickets available at Clerk~ Stn~lln;hip Office '. 18, . I' • FOR ST. MATTHEW AND ST. MARK CLINICAL SOCIETY lng Public Liability, Pro- manager. Box c/o D;1iiy f or prospecllve S"! .• ?r$. (Loeal Branch. Newfoundland perty Damage Hazards. Don't News. feb31.7i CHURCH OF ENGLAND SCHOOL, "I. Division of CMadlan Medical turn the wheel of your car HUMBERMOUTH, CORNER BROOK• Auoalatlon) unless you have this 3rd Wllb to advise that If 7011 are party aaverqe.-W. F. Cald· · +l'vll-tlmt MUSIC TEACHER. Dutlta to begin unable to obtain )'our own well, Fire lr Casualty Jneur· Garbage '-Pttmber ht, 1958. Apply to thee • doctor during an emer1enC7 ill ance Agent, Temple Build· the night, eall Jng, Duckworth Sh ~et, St. Disposal IWRMAN, HUMBER BOARD OF EDUCATION, BIDGOOD'S ANSWER TELIPHONI Jolm'•, 'Phone 2465. Licensed Garbage Trnc·k~ CORNER 8ROOK SEllVICE ----·---· --- and Operators in and out DIAL net or 'l'UI Wall Washing of City Limits. Conmwr· (MISSES BIDGOOD, Props.) . -·------who will inform the cia! establishm~nts an d Em~rgeney Doetor WALL WASHING - Walls business offices Psp~cinli)'. ------. -----J cleaned by ;1ew maehine. C.t Retulll perfecl: savee • LAND ... . John's Most Moder~ ·~rovide A Job Now I WANTED palnt.-Ne" Method Rug Dial 7575 and Wall Clean on, Fresh· jan21,1 m blo• walt until 5pring to do that repairing, SURVEYS Two Girl's =~~ !oad, 'Phone 91033. i. _ ·-- _·--· _. Catering House ill\'' 1 .. {IIOratlrig, 1 overhauhng. Do it NOW, Call ttour to work In --~------~·-[ 8 WHITE 11 r. NEW METHOD RUG CLEAN· : Jl\11 lf'l\ \VEDDINGS Our S.peciaay Kn · Nt!ional !mployment Office of the Unemploy· Candy Factory. ERS. Rugs and Carpet made ·Change Of PR,NTS . Apply to to look !Ike new. ·Von We are fully equipped to toke C£1re of 'lllltll! lnauranct Commission or your Contractor Schrader proeeu adds yean Telephone tl' life of rugs. Cleaned in . , G€HY .Halley your every need. CASE BROS. home or at our plant. Numbers 'Phone 91033. New Method '1 Surveys Ltd. ALSO CATERING TO DINNERS 379 HAMILTON AVE. Rug Cleaners, Freshwater 90 ALLANDALE RD. B I D G 0 0 D'S and PRIVATE PARTI'ES EXT. Road. 'PHONE 90876

-----···----- 1 ~ TTENTION: Sparkling Waterford Br:dqe RoM -- FOR ALL YOUR SPARKUSG FOR. SALE Change of Telephon'! DiAl •1 PENETANGUISHENE and Painting needs. Spark- l GENERAL CONTRA.CTORS Number. Here Is a good bnrgaln at Sli?OO. ling e spedality. Dial 6013L, ·--. ·• .. ------btimoting Service of qualified Electrical, Mtch· A large two bedroom Insulated __G_. _cr_a_n•______OUR NEW NUW1ER IS ' ,.f.:~::;:::~.~· home situated on a lot 75 x 250, ~eo~.l·l~~f "'t. ·-'I r·.1 .r.j·;l''.. mm;t·tee ,t: -~ :'!( a~icol and Civil Engineers now available for II .\ .,.. ' .., ). '\ .. ,. .'I . , . . with excellent view. Full base­ Barber St. Jchn' s .. ~ Gtnerol Contractors. : B-:Ec::R­ 6967 ment with large windows making -,8-E--C-EN_T_R_A_L--BA_R__ ' . to include analysis of all size contracts It desirable for extra roams II • The annual me~:inq of icbDnl wanted. Split level noor plan SHOP. We are now opcrnt· feb3.4.5,6,7 I initiation to completioh. with elevated !Mng roOII" 14 x lnB six chairs. You can be held at City Hall en V/:r:J~ 1 ~~:DAY, February ~.\T'S . 1 '9 5 6 ncr.. ~ompleted bills of material, labour estimates, 2S. 011 furnace heated. Large usured of the best possible i~~--=·· ::- ... -::---::~~====·: i; lOR ,\1.1. ._.,,,,,., of supply and the solution of associated garage. Shown by appointment aervlce pltil the least pos· WILLY'S JEEP 12th, 1958, at 8.15 p.m. on)\•. tlble "altlng. 24 Ncw Gower • PI.UMBING & fJE,\TISG ROS'!i lllgineering problems among the many advant· I ! street, opp. Adelaide ~Io· 00 Business: P:esentation of Reports. nn:. : 'Phone 91580 • H ton. If,you prefer appomt· $1650· IGl'Rf e;~ offered. i -- ..• • ment service 'Phone 5367. · I Election of Officers. \.\TJSG For further Information write 1 P. M. Donn~lly ; G. ANGEL, Hon. Secrelary' , t EF 1\'H BOX 22 cart The Daily News Beautician nt:mst!liG anti llf..\TING ,q\11"· TO RENT j . l 1 CONTRAt''l'UU ·Baird Motors ltd. a;R.\1. BEAlT\'LAND, 129 (luern's ------· --- -~ f. I Furnished or unhll'nlshed. Road. SPECIAL - St5.00 installation and H.:pairs I I ;HISii. J on second floor, tu ali types SI'Stelns. MERRYMEETING ROAD i THE ST. PATRICI<'S PARISH ; I Cold WavP $10.00: 512.00 ... ,. FOR SALE Cold Wave SB.OO: Sto.OO D!AL 80378-9 1~ . I se~en room HOUSE, containing four bed· i One Apartment Permanent Wal'l~ s;;.ou. 'P~one 5518r mntnlning large living room. din· Open evenings. Dial 6534. FORESl ROAD bathroom, living room and kitchen. 48 I ! r lng room. two bedrooms. bath· jan2B,lm. i Neu·f owuilmul FAIR SOCIAL i W : r101C1nOble offer accepted. :oom and kitchenette, healed and! --.. -; ·------·- : inn2.t.t~· : . .... !.._- Will be held at B~DGOOD'S on For furhter information apply to supplied with hot water. MONA RY~!Ii. UPauty Salon, _-.=::..-=..-_·----·--·-·~.-.~-· .-.- I I For further particular~ please T. A. J'u,Jdmg Du ~kworth ! Street, apecializing in all WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, methode permanent waving, For Fast Ta~xi H. W. NOSEWORTHY 'Phone 6827L tinting and cutting. Open PASSENGER NOTICES ·1 at 7.30 p.m. CUPIDS ~·-· ------·--· .... Tuesday and Thursday - Service CO!\':-:ECTIOS WEST Rt:S Tickets can be obtai:1~c (rom L. B. Stead in care · · IReo~on for selling owner leaving country) ni~hts, six operators, Dial I • 5477 for appointmt•nl · PL\C'ESTL\ BAY of the Stead Lumber· Company. ~·:-~ ~ FOR RENT Re~ular R a.m. train lra1·ing I ...· .. ----·--·· .. -··-·---- HOTEl TAJO ---· ···~·-- . . -----· A Bedsitting Room and: \'ISITING_B_i\imcAN -­ Sl. John's ~londay. Fchruary tO. I Kitchen In the Housing ; Why leave the rom!ort of QUEEN'S ROAD II': II nll lw at, ------···-·- --··------·------·· -··-··------floor Apartment. Lucrative rental from. . REP AlliS 'fO .\1.1, ~1.\1\E!' tht• Tlnck t ·oastal Shrrl nnl ialrr I building. For further pcuticulars apply • of Washin~ ~nrhinrs. Flo1r for than ~ p.m. Thursolher~. \'a<·uu:n CiPallrl'>. ~ry Jath. . NE, RENOUF & MERCER, Solicitors etc. f'nr prornpt · ~rl"l'ictl 2000 Sacks· Dial 6fll:).J., G. ('ranr. I ~bipr••rs are r••mindcd that 24 QUEEN'S ROAD ··tNVES'i""iN- REST:;, · ·Sleep SEEDS peri>hable traffic is accepted at comfortably. We specialize owners risk in accordance with in repairing and recondition· Gaze Seed Co. clause 23 of Bill of Lading. CLOTHES make tht man If CHAR ing all· types Springs and Mattresses. ··Guaranteed rnakes the clothes wllfk. Mattresses for back 410 WATER ST. ! CANAD~Att-d I ailrqenls a speciulty. 'Phonr f>44!1 or 3361, Standard WM. l. CHAFE, Tailor t -43-28 ·. BPdding Company. Ltd. ,__ o'A..... _.;·NATIONAL] .C HOLD WORlH ST. 1 Flower H1ll. . feb20,ti. THE DAILY ST. JOHN' NFLD., FRIDAY FEBRUARY 7 l . St. George's- ~o. ·'AT THE . I . I. 'l i1 • · Celebrates ~ ·siGN I t.. ~; I : 1 An American c I1 :;· 1 MILLEY'S 1~ I l '! ; ' Fourth Birthdav : Pioneer Feeds ·Are Pr.ofit Proven styled Car wil ·\ I. } . • ~~ T':B. . I:. . On WedneRday, Januar)' 29th, gineering and I I :: Petty Harbour Compan!l of the ~~ OOK I;: Oburch Lads' Brigade celebrat- , I I:' 'I. ed Its fourth birthday by attend· I . ~ ' t ' l lnR Divine Service at st. ! How to Have A Dairy and poultry owners can find Pioneer Feeds lhe highest George's Church. The Com· ! Better House I I~ !i pang, which consists of a Naval 1 • : ; ~ ;. Company and a unit o the Paul T. Haagen .. .$3.50 • . i' ,' i quality obtainable producing amazing results when u•ed . I j·' Junior Training Corps, paraded · How to Plan a House I ' I ,.... under the command of Lieut. d · d i : . enent Harry Dalton from tht'!1 Townsen on . · consistently. Our Stocks are always "At Peak" and available : ' Parish Hall to the ·Church, i Dalzell ...... $8.7 5 ·j !t: where the service was condurt· 1 How to Choose I I~ I ' JUST OPENED ed bv the· Rector Re1•. W. 1'. . r for immediate delivery ex our Warehouse. .. ; II : Ralph, Company Chaplain. Thr: Decorate and Repair I , ' • 1 , sin~ing was led by the choir , y H nno :I>·':. . ' under the direction of the . our ouse "EVERYTHING IN THE POULTRY AND DAIRY LINE" . or~anist, Miss Pearce. Visiting ,. Stephenson and Variety of · oriicers !rom Ava.lon Battali.on Lowrie ...... $1.29 , Headquur1ers consisted of ~la.tor, B f y B I Ralph J. M. Noel, Battalion Ad·, e ore OU uy 12-Mi : .iutant. Licutcnlint Harold C A House 1 ~losdcll, Oftlcer Comma!Hiing 1 II $ : l'\a1·at Compan~· and Ca'llain John H. Ca ender 1.98 i '''illiam n. caiming, Battalion How to Remodel 1 Corrcspondcn.t. r The !rrYicc oprned wilh Your Home FEATHER CliPS · h~·mn ".'\ll'Proplc thastel i 12. Aftet• ~ymn "Youth of the. ourse • I Wot~d, Arise" the Chanlain 1 Lockwood and 'PHONES 5143. 5144 QUEEN STREET i .~al'e a l'er,• inspiring adclrrs~,' · Shnton ...... $4.00 . 1lakin~: hi• text from St .•IQ!lll ' 1 Gospel Chapter 12, Vm~ 21. ·The Complete Book and Other Lovely Shades "Sir, w.e would see J~·u~··. God Of Built-ins ------··---·--- · 1works m a small begnmmg. Hr $ · ll Wolter I. Fischman $1.98 : \1-~·lir Kin;, R;.l;!!. ll•r.• •·!1. Brigade also started in a small lim: r;r;mrb \\';,.,. 11:::or;. : beginninj! througll the ener~ics. Complete Book of I cnmplctcr! the ,,, ;• ... o{(. :of one man, .mtt oth~r m~n d ~I•Jorr, 1\rJW•·::. ; . · Jollo"·ed hi.~ example and work· Heme Repair an . Bl' t,;DWI~ P. JORDAN. M. 0 c;ullifoi·rl. l!·•'", ':. ;·, TO-DAY : ed t-hrough thick and thin to Improvements 1 .c;~L\I,I,POX. LO!'il: A DEAD!.).' pox e1·rn whrn almo;t all othr•r; J.:m~~r. ~1dn•· 1:: . ·1· , bring the Bri.gade its · 'P M I . ) PLAGUE STIJ.I, liAS HA!\'GER in thr tommunity l'ame do11'n c;ill)('rl. Frt·d li .. :-•. '. T; ,I t~ presr~t I 3 95 1 • lc1•eJ. Obedtence ts natures· t opu ar ec JaniCS · -- •1nth the disea>e. Thomas Fl•·""' . .\ . 11' . ' ; first law and this is carried out, 1001 Ways to Repair RY •:nwr:.; P .•IIIRIJA!'i, ~1. ll. · He pondered thi' !act. ohsr,., .. row, f.rl '":-, .,., :in the C.L.B. The Brigade mmt' d ip~ that most of the milkmaids Burry. T:•,f:··:· '·; '"'. '.i:• 'be run in teamwork and the An Improve A!'mrdin~ to a World Health had . lalcr .Jenner mnc.·u. . ' .. F~ghh\i, 1'\Th~ ~tl'c~h rlosrr: · F( S O t with tra 1·elers to mnintain a hi~h laird young .James with pns Hide L 1 • 'l ' ':tt e. ationa n ~m. a?c ' '' ' .trrel of immunity a~ainst amall· from a patient with ~mallpm: the hlessmg pronounced b~ In~ The Booksellers pn lw rrpeated l'accination. ln and sat down to wait. The \'llC· ~Pet or. : · the ~our>e or tltesP epidcmk;;. 1cination "took" and later th~ of The fort!:·lwo laus of the, Spin 4425 or 2008 or 3191 some doctors treating tourists i hor prn~·ed resistant to sma11- rompam· then a~semhled and : '~an"hl thr infection and died. . pox. It was in this way that marche? back to the hall, where I - -- -:-· ------i f~r hLtmlreds ol year~ stnall· 'modern 1·accina1ion was horn. tht Br1gade was Inspected by I wa• a scour"e o! mankind RAINBOW TEA p 1 t' D . 110 wiTHMai Major .L .•T. M. Noe!. At ~he· /'-(]( ll f..'i .UJ

, • ronch1s1on of the msppcllon 1 At one time it was mQr~ com· , . ~lajor Noel addressed the Com·· 0.T fAWAd -;-. CP - ~1olnr mnn than measles. · 1 1 2 fee Cream Co. pany congratulating them on I'P ue e pro uc IOn was per , Durinn the 18th centur;· near· Heari ! ' their excellent appearance and cent lowe,· last .month than a II' e ·er~onc contracted smallno~ I' ONIONS 1 , Rculer.<~-Th~ Rw : ' 'wishing them a very happy year ago but stall was almost '!)rrore ~rachin~ maturit)'. ::\lorr Workers Get J' ' ! birthday. During the course of: 11 bcr rent above. output two . than hall a million pcron, Dr. r.. Fitz~eralrl and Dr Virgin Mary. Th•· r al•alled of the opportunit~ to; GUARANTEED WORK had _,malip~x. ~lm produced T. \\'. Williams of the st:•!! of candle~. marlr Jrc 111 offel' congra~ulations to Lieut. i 'P H 0 N E 7313 the d~>ra~c lhe mnc·~lalcd pr~, the St. John's r.cneral Hospi wax, wer~ prr