
t" ~{ffli·r.~ ~ . Foot · operated Parking ·Brake THE· DAILY NEWS ~6~ • Vol. 6~. No.30 ST. JQHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, FEBR-UARY 7, 1958 lPrlce 7 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons e • 1----------------------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------·' cer Team And 1 R~ssian .Early Mor.ning Fire D~stroys Local Business ~~ . , • :Aircraft \ Gander wsmen Kllled'At ·.... I GANDER, Nlld. ICP1 - A Rus­ I'.Ut~iCH, Germany (CP) - A British air· 1sian TU-tp4 carrying the new So· l'iet ambassador to the United wi1:1 44 persons a board including states tandQII here al 12:15 p.m. 's ':i nmpion Manchester United Soccer i'\ST Thursda~· fot· r~rueling en route lo Baltimore. 1\ld, I hc-meward bound from Yugoslavia- 1 The plane cnrr~·ins Mikhail A. • h d ll\lcn~bikov was expected to takr c111 d b urne d Th urs day a f ter It a Ioff lor the United states at 1:15 r ,,,~ third time to take off in a snow· p.m. NST. RAF personnel aboard _. ________ ... ·-- ·-· ___ . Ihe olane from 1\lo~cow here II'Pre . Ireplaced by three llSAF men who . ,.,., 00 ~ wt•rr rr- q•tlrkly '' 011' 11 11lrd hy flame~. 11\'ili art a~ interprrtcr~ and lnii· ·· ,.,,,.h po:i,·r ~~irl The airlin~r had ~topped In ~In· :~on officer~ during tho remainder ,; tridt lor rdurllin!: rn route to. of the fli~hl. 1 . : 11 rrt' •rn·n nl l.ondnn from Rel~rndr whrrr The Tll-10-1 lrll ~losrow Wed· >:t~ I' 1 )' r r ~. ~lanrllr,trr pla)·ed Yugoslnl'ia·~ nrsda)' and ~topped o1·~r Wedn~s­ • ,, ri'•Ts ;mrl a fir:•t·l'ia'' Rrd ~tar tram ton 3-3: dn)' night in, London. It will rrnch .. plant,., l'rt'll'. tit• \\'t•dne<rlal' and arll'nnred lo i Paltimore later todnl'. ,;enn;tn, IIW<' the >rmi·linals of the f;uropean; ~lr. )!cnshikol' s;1id in a hl'irl .:r•,· H a ho 11 ,,, C:n> nwh·hrs. inlerl'iew that h~ has been in the .·.j . Elt•n•n 'ports writer,-man)' of ·ttnited Slates three times pt•el'i· 1 ·.. h!u 11 . 111 llt'it- tht•m lradrt·~ in their li<·lrl-wrre onsiy :mel in Canada Olll'C, in 10l4. ; :-:.L'o'l'l'l" {'pp rill• wilh tllr cluh. Peter Howard and' He was Sol'iet 11111hassador to t: ..\. l ·~· !nUl' ll10'11l,~ I·:Jh·arcl of lh~ )lnn•·hest~r India hrlore goin~ to Washin~ton. I '\'•'!!' 1"n1· whit'h ILtil~· )!ail w~rr 'nmon~ th~ sur- 1 \l'ith him on the plane nrc his l'ii'Ot'.'· will' and sel'cral Sol'iet ollidnls. : ,l't·•l :1111n\l~ tht· nat Ft'm1k S11ift of tlw !.om 1on . ----.____ , "''"' ot the \\'nrld. a fnrmrt' ~:oat- -'] N d · k,·,·pinc ,,n,· 11ho l'lay~d 19_timcs 1 f\. v arne '.' ;,dl,·d '~ ('1'(' rnr End:uld hdor(l lh<' SPron<l, .. ' '''"'<"~"''''''··, 1\'nrld lbt' and !ll!'n hrc;unr a· A h d ...d. tr:nll (';\I'· -pori< ll'l'il~r. dird 011 an orerat·, m assa or hall had; Frl· iw: lahl~. ' K~R \CIIl p k' 1 I' t · '"!' halt ~l;tl'~ Fran!: Tartur .,r thr L<•IVion. .·. I . '. il IS an , .ru ors.' BS n . ,.. , imidr ri:ht ,,.,._., 1 'hn 1 nirl~ wa.< ;mwn~ thr Ptll~rr .'\1)' ~han, l!te rlm·r-clrnl ' . · .. · ., 'lttnirh ho<pital. , pin) ho) nl mlrrnnllonnl ~ortel)', .. .. ,, .. P:11·id Pr;~ sm' 11 01.• 111 • ·' , Thttr<~ • . A p k' · ' · ·; Rrnl. Rr>itlrs Swift thr oth~t· nrw<f\11·: , ·" 11 ~ lias name" II 'l,:t~n < ,, n killed wrre Tom .lm·k· · ".<'". ambn~sador to the l nlled ;·'l'-_.. t':lt:t'rc. \\PI'(' r. r nw 1'\~non• ~(':1\ hrlt~ t:t~ liH' "'"· .\r<"hir Lrrlhrookr. 11. ll. lla•·· i · • • · . irs Ft·ir Thomp<nn. Gror~r ~t IS th~ l1rst rltplomattc ap- ·:~bc·lh~n ol thr F'rl-, :. ·11 1. Rose and ,.\. ('Iarke. JlO!nlment lor lh~ 46 • year . old .-.. , ilirwn)·~ wa• 1011 '· enr. · rnncr. former hnshand of llol- 1)'\l'ood actrrs• nita llm·worth anrl run • lol'ing rst·ort 'or the world's most henntiful women. The oost will nrnl'ide •·il·iri con­ trast to Aly's enrlier adl'cntnt·ous • tln)'s ~~~ a !!rntlrman jockr)', n rlril·rt' or hi!:h • <nrrtl ~rorts t•m·~ ·ous Fire anrl a ciORk-nud-da~~er olfircr wil h the· Brit i~h arm.1'. .de . AI~.· Mllfrred whnt ~0111~ prr<on~ t·on>idrr.Pd a rrhnlf ln~r ycnr SUmmersl wht•n Ins lather. thr lntr A~n ! 1\han. bl'll~~srd him in rm·or of · p F 1 ICI'•- :\1 ·A 1·thur huihlin~. Wlwn lirP.·' his _20·~·~al'·old son .. ~arim. in ~r­ . · ·• ·. •· ·. - '· a( r·11.nd tlte ,,.,,·ole •ide o! the 11~t'lm~ thr new Stltrthtal head of , . •or~l 11rt 111 more; men ar < ,, " 1. 1- .1 . h rl t th. b 'I linn wa~ afire ,.0.000.1100 smn 1 Mos em~. 1 , ··r• ,urnr °t11l . u·r · 111t1l ~ ot·c·,, ,, , ·of this huil<l·, In hi.< will. the A~n said It~ fr.lt · Onl' o( the mo~f spectacular fires In many yean early thl!! n1ornfng com!Jletely destroyed the premist's occupied J)y Canad· •.. , ,Nut o1 1r 1'll~l· 1 0 1r 1 1" 111 · · AI · II I · • I . · · · · thn 1 and !-\ childr~n't · )' ~ sun wou 1 ll'lll~ 11101 '~ 1110"' i1111 lnc\us!ril'~ Limiled ancl located at tha rear of th~ Ne\vfoundlatttl Hotel t'n tlte bttt'ldm' g formerly ocCll"'•t'ed , :''"~'"a)'.1 c:all.,lll~ Ill~ "rrr ' , . .' : I S , rrn i<lt•H< to lhr joh Pillsbm"h, " "' '' by · :·.;. ''" h)' the ownrt·s '~rr:ll' ~torr. n. f· .. l·.~hs lafnr : ""f I - ,\11· ha~ hern mnrrlr•l twirr. In Trna Nova Motor" Limited. The fire started at approximately 4 A,l\1, 11nd within a few minutes was completely out of control ' 11Ntrmw4' olhc r. an" " tees o ' • . , . · - ('I ·t 11 1,,,.n Cnm·dtan dent· l.t1fi hr mntrtrri ~Its, l.ocl !.um·l. with flatne!i reaching hundreds o[ feet into the sky. Firemen did '··'(!Oman work and saved the nearby Governm"nt but'ldt'ng!l from "·'' n m•la 11 111~ 011 t 1tr 1a1 ~ r' ' ' ' ' rJ It f B ·r h l ri " ,.... ,,,. ,~:~t€nl in thr' i~t 11r ..r. A. ~ln•·"unlo. orlptoltnr-; ~·~~:: .:tpt~~;~n" i~ ~~~~~~ .j'\~ I riPstruction. At the time of going to pres!! It WR!I not possible to a~certain the cause of the blaze or th11 estimated Io~s to the :· i ,.. ,,, I'· t~t·l!'ll ; t '•t Dr II G. Coh·m an aw·l . · · . ' 1111 · · :. ;·~, .11~ ; h th~ , ,:~;. \,·~tsnn MncN u~ht, for· , rl11·orc·rd hrr •n. l~l~ t~ mmT)' prr.prietors of the husinr.s~. The ~to.:k In trade consisted mostly of paints Anrl l'arnishes. 10 1 1 11 '''· ' ~ I' '·. · 1 p ]'. ~~~·~ lla•·worlh m A lnn~h cere-.--·-·--·-------·-· ,. ;:.~ · .,,.,, .. · 1'<•111""""''" . ltMrl· . 111nr,- !.thrrnl mrmher o ar ta !· mnnym ' 1 j ' ., ·• ·'' <tn~•·. nnP of . mrnt. rl h h· I TI;P. mnrrin~~ rnrl~rl in rlh·nrrr . QO£D W'E£ L, h•adquarl~r• w~s working on llll , ,.•lnpment !lrogr~m fnr St. Jollll'1 A • 1 •· ·. ·- •··· ··· htttl<ltn"<•· · · Tl1n·- hutl<ltn~· :tbo hnn.<r'rl cct h, two I'Pnr~ IMrr anrl Ah· ha~ not. I . • ~-tt'nt PTa!')' Inr •''I r. p enr~on, ,.~.,,Nnrt .. "'!~r.n.,.,.,• .... ~ It as .........ouo W'-m· 11 · ., • :. '~ 10 the ~nntr; rnnm.< nl th• Stnnu~•r~• P • · rrntarricd, allhonch hi~ 'nanl~ hn< · pPrtr.d to be mad• public in a lcr~· plan.'' .,., ··' ntli~inin~ ~~~ ... , nn~l ~~tr;t.lohr~ ·'~on~mou~. 1 hrrn Jlnkcrl ro 111 n1ilically will, ar-: riay or two. He was due hack 'in· ~Tr. \\'inter< wR~ Libl!ral work~ 1 k I I · "' '"''"'anun~ ~torr<. 11\-.A\ IF.ST ·?SER~ Ires~ Grne Tierney and Frrnrh s ( w thr capital Sunday. mini~ter up to ,June 10, when ho. p p A '· 1' Brat•r ~kKuy ~nd CompRnYI d 1 B tt' ays or s an Pending i>ouan~P of detailed:\o~t his Queens-Lunenburg, N.S., . '"'"' ''orr'. !11 r ul· with <lama~e e~li~~atcd at $30~i: I~<\~/ hade ~~=·other ~on hr~id~~ ·. itinerary, Mr. ?Parson's office. scat. :·• '' d•throom~ II'NC 01111, wrre th~ heal le~t loser~. d l!arim. horn of his marriagr to · • • has annouriced that he will de- . ~,·, '1" wall.• of the most all th~ir st~rk. tn ~tore Atn I Mr.~. Gul'nness, and a riaun,hter. ,. , iil'er his keynote speech at Ham-, Mr; PtckersgtU ~atd the St. rl h 1 ~ani to be a lo a " 1.John s plan has been under con- :•c! 'tan mg. ware ouse s · • Ya~mln, by his marriage to Mis5 ilion Friday, Feb. 14. , \\1 lf.~.o . los~. om Ha)'Worth. I A EI t• CRITICIZES E\'ERYOJ'\E : stderatton _£or 21: _years. I· .. M nr·,< Pstahltsh· l·:wlodmg. ammiiLllh_on .! r ws When the Second World Wnr s n ec I0 n ove I ~!r. Col~wel! took aim at all . There ~as n.othmg new ·~ut •. , .•lre~t sulfererl lhetr store shot hole~ m llmdo broke out, Aly joined the French :other parttes m a press confer·/ el~h~r t~ts ,proJect or the prlmt .. ·, broken windows of n hank across the ~treet.
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