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Vol. 1 No. 12 Lifestyles Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Tired of being tired. Page 17 Jesus and Nanabush in the Lecture Theatre Page 10 Sports Mm 7 N ; " — 2 Nov, 25 1993 Humberelc jBSiWSiSKi*^; ««««•-« rt-«¥j> T^SR^^IW^f^W^^^^ Humber campus closes down by Andrew Panonm eral arts and science courses in York. Number two: there Is a time, student learning, in Lack of government money demand, world wide, for depth program enhancement may be crippling Humber's English Immersion program- and cost savings," scdd Hook. smaller campuses but they will ming and we are actively Keelesdale is set well back foce the future with or without recruiting students in Mexico ofif main roads and surrounded the province's help, according and South America. Thirdly. by large industrial complexes to Richard Hook, the Vice- York will be part of short term, but despite the location, he President of Instruction for strong progFEuns, in computer said that geography is not Humber College.. business applications." important There is a need for Humber College's Aberfoyle Major renovations, paid by Humber in the city of York. campus will be closing its the college, rebuilt the main As for the closing of doors in December because office but the school will con- Aberfo^e, located at the Bloor- to the IsUngton subway. Hook simply government funding Just isn't tinue upgrade campus Clothes Make The Man— Harry Rosen spoke with as strong as it once was. The and make facilities better for said, "That relied on provincial shutdown of the York-Egllnton the adult students who are and federal funding that are students about his quality clothing chain campus and its merger with now facing seven per cent cut- not there." Humber's Keelesdale In the city backs to their provincial In the end, the students and Entrepreneur sells of York was cited as being more Ontario Basic Skills funding. not the buildings are what economical for the college. "There is a strong interest in matters to the college and its "Keelesdale will play a role the transformation of the plans. personality In important priorities," said llbraiy into a learning resource "Let's not get hung up on Hook. "Number one: there is a centre that will facilitate enroll- facilities," said Hook. "But get by lAesH Orattan-King company is part of Dylex Ltd. need for 'post-secondary' gen- ment growth, flexibility of study hung up on students." - a retajl conglomerate which The strongest tools entre- operates over 1300 stores Mock NAMy^Ncbufse offered preneurs have are their per- such as Bl-way. Club Monaco sonality ability to and Fairweather. egate team may be asked to and their communicate. menswear Rosen told the students ilplbate the issues of Somalia retailer Harry Rosen told that communication with cus- |i|||d the ibnner Yugoslavia if iliiMi;|iiiiiiiiiiiiii^ iliiiliiiiiliiifc-i^ii^^ Humber business students tomers and advertising was lillllliliKiiliii^ J^si*» <jpii<i«riiliig c urr^iit ||i| country they are assigned last week. Important to business. "I'd ?|i!-odel--:'-'''^IJn |jii||i|il|§|il^ ;:;ii Is on the Security Council. The chairman and execu- write letters or phone these pAMtJN) , H u nibe r Gdllegti Ill The simulation lasts a ; tell what I V tive officer of Harry Rosen Inc. people and them ; structure week, starting Feb. 1 6 with |||i|ii|||iilng: : a ; delegatil iipliliiliitisd;- on doing," he said. "I found if the opening ceremonies and a — a 23-store clothing chain was said he has promoted his I could communicate in this :;islrriixiatl<?i!iS;ii^^^ |;iliies review. There are more clothes strength of his respect, people would come." official on the :. than 25 hours of com- 1; ; The' ii«!iiii|pi!iiiiiii;iii: ||||ji||ii|-;:ipin^ personality. During his first year in retail, Ijiiiliiiisii^ must take a mittee time during the five- "I prosel3rtized." Rosen told he asked customers for names :;inniate!S appn»irn ftjur A'li^e^^ hour) course on day event about 70 students at North of people they thought could ::|fo|i:||.Amerlcan,.:-y 1|je jy^^ The class Students who are interest- campus. "Whether they were be potential customers. :||i|ij:;;:!||idents wi|||il|||i||^ llliiliilllpedited the sstme; as ed in attending the simulation customers or not, no one A few years later. Rosen ;iiig::;i|p:^Simulali<> illliiiiliitiilt : CGurse.^^ Human miist have a background in walked out of the store with- said he began printing "inter- |;^ Richardi;;' :Hq<!>|||||||||« liiiijillli;; profess or Adrian political science, political out knowing what we were esting, provocative advertise- ::presideht;:;::df vlii^stii^ iiiiisintson created the course geography or international about and how they could ments" which prompted cus- : .;ibelleyes ; ::thi s, .wii|iiiii|i;i|||i^ order -tO: give -Humber stu- marfetihg. Students must fill : benefit from owning our tomers to "Just ask Harry" a j^nrfching: opportal|i||;:^^ sblid basebf knowl- out an application and vrrite a clothes. series of questions about the ;|[erits arid said tKai--i|:p^^i||i>j^^^^^ on; the: U*N, letter stating why they would "1 converted everyone I met clothes he sold. time Humber was recognized *'It will make the experience like to participate in order to - neighbours, delivery men, "It wasn't about the product jlbritsitiertt^l::;:^ UN be considered to be part of postmen - into recognizing we but about the customer and |- "H umbel;-;;Js|ii||i||i^ than if you the delegate team. were unique," he said. questions he didn't have the many things; "^ said Ho^ went and^^^^d^^ kriow what it The deadline for the school "I sold them on me - on my nerve to ask." he said. ;;ijitink it is^ r to submit the application is dedication to quality prod- Rosen said the ads got him :;|ii||||||||p||ip||i|^ Dec. 1 . If you are interested in ;ptimb^i^*^ attending the simulation, ucts," Rosen said during a 70 national recognition. minute speech. "Many didn't "One thing it taught me was :|: -. The ; Simulati0!ii:iiS|iiii^^^^^ applications are available buy. but they walked out to never be filghtened of run- :;|>e ing he Id; 'at the- ';SIi|r-^Llne;;;-';tf';^y the from Adamson. Impressed and In time became ning provocative ads so long ;|iQteI in Toron to, will cost stUr 1^^ Students should have good — customers and referred us to as behind it all is an honest jdeiits $75 perf-p^on;;to regis^;;||i|i|i||iii:i!e^^ marks in their program in others." attempt to communicate." he order to attend the simulas Rosen came to Humber on told the students. ;^ip:|||||ii|liii:;|^ tion, acwirdlng to Hook. Nov. 18 to share his experi- Roseji said that building i|i||;||||;::pip-;il^ "You should reHiember that ence of working for 39 years in Harry Rosen Inc. around his ^i^i?lii^iR?i::;!^?;:;i?i^:;:l^ the; \m, the students attending (the the retail Industry. The event personality puts him In a posi- |||::ii;||||!i||||«^ seminar) are people who are was organized by Humber's tion of having to act out a role. lilliiliiliipliiiiip^^^^ This interested in world issues;" retail management program. "But at least it gives us a llillllpllll^ from Hook said. T^eople wajfiting i|; Harry Rosen Inc. has 22 more animate quality than if pl;^^©-;:;!"^'-®!!)!^^ ;ij|i:;||||i|#^ attend should ensure that stores in Canada and one we were called Studio 99 or iujcitty for our students tppa^ lliiiild elegate ; te am is they are doing well in their store in Buffalo. N.Y. The something like that" he said. ii||$j|ate in; ;debatingi||||i||^ ;;;i?or exaunple, a del- program and enjoy debating, Professors battle NAFTA merits by lAeal Grattan-KU^f "When we 're not competing out there, and a common slaiiuaixi loi piodiicts." we're competing against each other." The debate in the SAC conference NAFTA is a framework of rules out- Hours before the U.S. Congress "Mexico has had free trade with room was organized by the lining Investment and trade activity passed the North American Free TVade America for decades." Adamson said. International marketing and Latin among Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, Agreement (NAFTA) on November 17, "There's no more money left in Mexico American club. The president of the effective from Jan. 1, 1994 upon two Humber professors pitched their — it has been saturated by exports. club. Chris Colluccl. acted as modera- approval of the governments of each pro and antl-NAFTA aiguments to stu- So don't think we are going to tap into tor. country. dents at the North campus. a 80 million person market — we On the issue of Jobs Adamson Students who listened to the debate The 45-mlnute debate pitted inter- already have the market." pointed out that Canadian may lose said it didn't change their opinion on national marketing instructor Hermes Adamson said that the trade agree- Jobs as Canadian companies take their NAFTA. Martinez and Human Studies Instruc- ment between Canada. Mexico and the business to the U.S. while Hernandez "I wanted to hear something that tor Adrian Adamson against each U.S. "Isn't about free trade, exports or argued that "every country in the would make me feel 100 per cent cer- other in front of an audience of 1 equality." agreement his this fear of losing Jobs tain one way or the other." said Tim students. 'It is the freedom of business from to the other. TEdabJee, a first-semester International Pro-NAFTA Martinez argued that the interference of government It lim- "Canadians are twice as likely to marketing student NAFTA is necessaiy to "counterattack" its the power of government viien you invest in the U.S.