Volume 31, No. 2 THE Spring 2013 Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame Panthéon de l’Aviation du Canada Dodds Finland Curtis Fraser Christensen Greenaway Burke Hitchins Boffa Floyd Fullerton Davoud Dowling Bazalgette Clarke Grossmith Capreol Hobbs Baker, A.W. Boggs Garneau Forester Deluce Collishaw Beaudoin Hadfield Agar Dunlap Carr Hollick-Kenyon Baker, R.F. Bradford Garratt Fowler, R. Bell Halton Archibald Hopson Baker, R.J. Brintnell Gilbert Fowler, W. Berry Hamilton Armstrong Balchen Hornell Bristol Dyment Godfrey Cavadias Fox Beurling Hartman Audette Dickins Baldwin Cooke Hotson Brown Graham Edwards Caywood Foy Birchall Hayter Austin Dilworth Bannock Cooper-Slipper Howe Buller Grandy Fallow Franks Chamberlin Bishop Heaslip Bjornson Dobbin Barker Crichton Hutt Burbidge Gray Fauquier Fraser-Harris Blakey Chmela Hiscocks Bain 1 Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame Panthéon de l’Aviation du Canada CONTACT INFORMATION: OFFICE HOURS: STAFF: Tuesday - Friday: 9 am - 4:30 pm Executive Director - Rosella Bjornson Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame Closed Mondays Administrator - Dawn Lindgren * NEW - PO Box 6090 Wetaskiwin AB Acting Curator - Robert Porter * NEW - T9A 2E8 CAHF DISPLAYS (HANGAR) HOURS: Phone: 780.361.1351 Tuesday to Sunday: 10 am - 5 pm Fax: 780.361.1239 Closed Mondays BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Website: www.cahf.ca Winter Hours: 1 pm - 4 pm Email:
[email protected] Please call to confirm opening times. Tom Appleton, ON, Chairman James Morrison, ON, Secretary, Treasurer Barry Marsden, BC, Vice-Chairman Denis Chagnon, QC