Today on the Radio Saturday, Dec

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Today on the Radio Saturday, Dec TODAY ON THE RADIO SATURDAY, DEC. 28, 1935_ OUTSTANDING EVENTS ON ALL STATIONS. 10:00-11:30 A. M.Norman Thomas, Socialist Leader, and Others, at Annual Meeting American Statistical Association, Hotel Commo- doreWHN. (Again, 3:00-4:00 P. M.John G. Winant of Social Security Board; Glenn A. Bowers, New York State Director Un- employment Insurance, and Others.) 1:55-4:30 P. M.Metropolitan Opera, "Rigoletto"WEAF, WJZ. 4:30-4:45 P. M."Townsend Old-Age Pension Plan," Representative- Elect Verner M. Main of MichiganWABC. 4:45-5:00 P. M."Opposition to the Townsend Plan," Representative Emanuel Celler of New YorkWABC. 8:00-9:00 P. M.Hit Parade: Goodman Orchestra; SoloistsWEAF. 8:15-9:15 P. M.Boston Symphony Orchestra ConcertWJZ. 8:30-9:15 P. M.Senator W. W. Barbour of New Jersey, Dr. Ralph W. Aigler of University of Michigan and Others, at American Asso- ciation of Football Coaches Dinner, Hotel PennsylvaniaWOR. 9:00-9:30 P. M.Rubinoff Orchestra; Virginia Rea, Soprano, Jan Peerce, TenorWEAF. 9:00-9:30 P. M.Nino Martini, Tenor; Concert OrchestraWABC. 9:15-11:15 P. M.Chicago Symphony Orchestra ConcertWOR. 10:30-10:45 P. M."Wage Earners and the New Deal," Representative Hamilton Fish Jr. of New YorkWABC. Where there is no listing for a station, its preceding program is on the air. WMCA 570WRAF. :660 WOR 710- WJZ.. 760 WNYC .. 810 WABC.. 860 WHN . 1,010WLWL.. 1,100 -WEVD .. 1,300 MORNING. 6:45-WOEMusical Gym Clock 9:45-WEAFVass Family, Songs 7:00-WMCAmorning CheerRev. George WOEStory-Teller's House A. Palmer; Music WABCMale Quartet WNYCHealth Club; New York 9:55-WABCPress-Radio News Today 10:00-WEAF-r-Press-Radio News WEVDEarly BirdPerry Charles WOEMarilyn Duke, Contralto; WE17DTalks and Music Walter Ahrens, Baritone 7:30-WEAFIolly Bill and Jane WJZPress-Radio News WORSorey Orchestra WABCBill and Ginger, Songs WJZPollock and Lawnhurst. Piano WMCAEdith Pear, Songs WABCOrgan Reveille VVNYCPress-Radio News WNYCHealth Exercises. WHNNorman Thomas, Socialist 7:45-WEA.FYoichi Hiroaka, Xylophone Leader,andOthers,at Annual WJZDance Orchestra Meeting, American Statistical Asso- WNYCViewing the News ciation, Hotel Commodore WEVDReligious NewsRachel K. WEVDItalian Varieties McDowell 10:05-WEAFVaughn be Leath, Contralto 7:55-WJZNews; Morning Devotions WJZMinnie and MaudSketch 8:00-WEAFSpareribsSketch WNYCChildren's Program WOENews; Bird Talk; Music 10:15-WEAFAlice Ehlers, Harpsichord WABCSalon Orchestra WJZEdward McHugh, Songs WMCAStudio Program WABCClyde Barrie, Baritone WNYCMorning Serenade WMCADance Music MINLaymen's Fellowship 10:30-WEAFMathay Orchestra WEVDTalkJacob List; Music WORElinor 3herry, Contralto 8:15-WEAFNews; Happy Jack, Songs WJZMarie De Ville. songs WJZWalter Cassel, Baritone WABCChildren's Program 8:20-WENNews; Organ Recital MICAUncle Nick's Kindergarten 8:25-WOECarroll Club Reporter WN'YCFacts in ArtHelen Eames .8:30-WEAFCheerio Musicale 10 :45-MEJack Owens, Tenor WOEStudio Mtiole WNYCHyman Krongard, Piano WABCUncle Tom and Betty, Songs11:00-WRAPOur American SchoolsFlor- WMCANalda Nardi, Songs ence Hale WEVDItalian Music (Off to 10) WOEWhat to EatC. E. Goudiss 8:45-WORDogs' TalesRichard Meaney WJZGrace and Eddie, Songs WJZLandt Trio and White WABCCincinnati Conservatory or YVABCChapel Singers Music Symphony Orchestra WMCATommy Sullivan, Songs WNYCWard Eggleston, Songs WENJungle JimSketch WEVD/talian Drama 9:00-WEAFRichard Leibert, Organ 11:15-WEAFNorsemen Quartet WOEEmerson Choir WJZWendell Hall, Songs WJZDance Orchestra WNYCDramaHelen O'Connor WABCVariety Musicale 11:30-WRAPMexican Marimba Band WMCAPhyllis Howe Trio WOEDon D'Arey, Tenor WNYCSymphonic Music WJZWhitney Ensemble WHNNancy Clancy, Songs WMCAChildrenDr. Elaine Elmore 9:15-WORGlrl Scout News WNYCStudio Musicale MICADance Music WENDramatic Sketch WHNSongs; Movie News VVE'VDGianni Fumo, Tenor; Amelia 9:30-WEAFFields and Hall, Songs Branca, Soprano (Off to 3) WOEOrgan Recital 1.1:45-WORMarthe Deane's Program MICATalkVictor H. Lindlahr WMCAViews of the News AFTERNOON. 12:00-WEAFAbram ChasMs, Piano 3:00-WORDancingTom Parsons WJZSimpson BoysSketch WABCMilwaukee Musicale WABCSt. John's Lutheran Choir WMCATalkHelen Leighton WMCAHousehold Hints WNYCBronx Symphony Orchestra WNYCChildren's Stories WPINJohn G. Winant of Social Se- WENModern Mother Talks curity Board;GlennA.Bowers, 12:15-WJZGenia Fonariova, Soprano New York State Director of Unem- WABCFettis Orchestra ployment Insurance, and Others. at WMCAMidday Message Annual Meeting, American Statisti- WNYCLionel Sinclair, Piano cal Association, Hotel Commodore MINAlice Breeze, Songs WEVDHungarian Orchestra 12:25-WJZNews; Farmers Union Program3:15-WORHawatian Music WMCADot and Jack Reid, Songs 12:30-WEAFCloutler Orchestra 3:30-WORFrenchDr. Thatcher Clark WOENews; Painted DreamsSketch WABCVoriety Musicale WABCHall Orchestra MICAClaire Dillon and David WMCARange Singer Larry, Songs WNYCFolklore Program WEVDStudio Program WENStock Quotations 4:00-WOEVariety Musicale 12 :42-WMCAWard Eggleston, Baritone WABCDetroit Musicale 1:00-WEAFNews; Lewis Orchestra WMCASportsBob Carter; Music WORTex Fletcher, Songs WHNStudio Recitals WABCJack Shannon. Tenor WEVDPolish Orchestra WMcAThe Balladeers, Songs 4:15-WNYCThe Surgeon and Tubercu- WNYCMissing Persons Bulletins losisDr. D. A. Mulvihill WENStudio Recitals 4:30-WEAFChildren's Program 1:05-WNYc Whistling Barrister wJZNewman Orchestra 1 :15-WOEStudio Orchestra WABCThe Townsend Old-Age Pen- WABCJack and Gill, Songs sion PlanRepresentative-Elect Ver- WMCALa Porte Orchestra ner M. Main of Michigan WNYCDmitry Dobkin Musicale WNYCCarl, Greta Priester, Songs 1:30-WEAFGordon Orchestra WJZOld Skipper's Gang WEVDTalkArturo Giovanetti WABCBuffalo Musicale 4 :45-VVABCOppositIon to the Townsend WMCAFurman Orchestra PlanRepresentative Emanuel Cel- WNYCSchool of the Air ler of New York 1:45-WORCharloteers Quartet WNYCAnita Browne, Poetry WNYCLelah Chapin, Piano WEVDItalian Musicale WENWhat Would You Do?Sketch5:00-WEAFVariety Musicale 1:55-WEAF-WJZMetroPolitan Opera-- WORNews; Braggiotti Orch. Rigoletto. With Lily Pons, Soprano; WJZAlma Schirmer, Piano Charles Kullmaln, Tenor; Lawrence WABCTerry and TedSketch Tibbett, Baritone; Ettore Panizza,' WMCA.Una Mae Carlisle, Songs Conductor WNYCHassell Musicale 2:00-WOETheatre ClubBide Dudley WHNStudio Musicale WABCRoth Orchestra WEVDMinciotti PlayersDrama VVMCAPrior Orchestra 5:15-WJZJackie Heller, Tenor WNYCMarjorie Norman, Songs WABCDailey Orchestra MINSymphonic Music WMCABarnacle Bill, Songs 2:12-WOERambles in Erin WNYCDance Music (Off at 5:30) WNYCSafety Research Education5:20-WMCAOrgan Recital E. J. McLaughlin 5 :30-WEAFKaltenmeyer Kindergarten 2:30-WABCOleanders Male Quartet WOEDick TracySketch WMCAMusic and Poetry WJZString Ensemble WNYCElsie Vecsey, Songs WABCLopez Orchestra 2:45-WORPetsSteve Severn WMCAJungle JimSketch WABCGeography and PoliticsDr. WEVDItalian Comedy C. E. Cooper of Ohio University 5:45-WORTalkJoe Bolton WMCABobby 'Worth. Songs 1,VJZGabriel Heatter, Commentator WNYCEdward Leahy, Poetry WMCAHawaiian Music EVENING. 6:00-WEAFHunter Orchestra WHNMarimba Band WOEUncle Don WEVDStudio Musicale WJZNews; a Cappella Choir 8:15-WJZBoston Symphony Orchestra, WABCPolitical Situation in Wash- Serge Koussevitzky, Conductor ingtonF. V7. Wile MICAInterview, Rosemary Andree, VVMCAstreet Forum British Beauty Contest Winner WLWLIrish Entertainers WEVDVera RosankaSketch WEVDJewish Events of the Week 8:30-WOEAmerican Association of Foot- 6:15sWEAFNews; Hunter Orchestra ball Coaches Dinner. Hotel Pennsyl- WABCParade of YouthJuvenile vania; Speakers, Senator W. War- News Dramatizations ren Barbour of New Jersey;Dr. WMCAPolice Safety Talk Ralph W. Aigler of University of WEEAmateur Photographers Club Michigan and Others WABCBlock Orchestra; Jerry WIAVLConcert Orchestra Cooper and Sally Singer, Songs 6 :20-1,VAICAPress-Radio News : Songs WMCAMusical Moments 6:30-WEAFPress-Radio News WEVDMoral NecessityforBirth WOENews; Talks and Music ControlDr. Sidney Goldstein, WJZPress-Radio News Chairman. Commission on Social WABCPress-Radio News Justice, Central Conference of WMCAClaire Carroll, Songs American Rabbis WLWLKathryn Dalldorf, Soprano 8:45-WMCAMale Quartet WEVDAnnie and BennySketch WENEdna Brevard, Songs 6:35-WEAFAlma Kitchell, Songs WEVDA Story of EuropeDavid A. (VJZMorin Sisters, Songs Brown, National Chairman, Ort WABCGirls' Trio Campaign (Off to 10) 6:45-(VEAFReligion in the NewsDr. 9:00-WEAFRubinoff Orchestra; Virginia Walter van Kirk Rea, Soprano; Jan Pearce, Tenor VVJZVariety Musicale WABCNino Martini, Tenor; Kos- WABCGogo Delys, Songs telanetz Orchestra WMCAFront PageDrama WNICABenci Orchestra WHNFrank Orchestra WENStudio Program VSLWLSportsAndy Burke 9 :15-WORChicago Symphony Orchestra, WEVDJennie MoscowitzSketch Dr. Frederick Stock, Conductor 7 :00-WEAFSportsThornton Fisher WJZRussian Symphony Choir WOESports ResumeStan Lomax 9:30-WEAFYoung Orchestra; Scene From WABCFamily on TourMusical the Champ, With Wallace Beery Sketch. With Frank Parker, Tenor; and JackieCooper;AllenJones, Bob Hope, Comedian; Irene Beasley. Songs; Tim Ryan and Irene No- Songs blette,Comedy;InterviewWith WMCASportsDick Fishell Mettle Bell, Coach Southern Metho- WLWLCatholic War Veterans dist Football 'Team WEVDNiusic and Sketches WJZNational Barn Dance 7:15-WEAFPopeye the SailorSketch WABCVariety Musicale WOEDenny Orchestra WMCAVariety Musicale WJZMaster BuilderTalk WENBarn Dance WMCADrama ReviewD. F. Marcus10 :00-WABC,California Melodies WHNRevising theCity Charter WMCAGilberto Orchestra Mrs.HarryWhitney,Chairman, WEVDOperaFaust Leagueof Women Voters;Mrs.10:30-WRAPCorn Cob Pipe
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